Developing and Registering a Forest Carbon Project Terrestrial  Carbon Sequestration and  Carbon Market  Workshop  Anderson, California  

Developing and Registering a Forest Carbon Project in Northern California

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Developing and




Forest Carbon Project 

Terrestrial  Carbon Sequestration and  Carbon Market  Workshop Anderson, California 

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 – Offset quality criteria

 – What does an offset “registry” do?

2. Develo in and re isterin a forest carbonproject

 – 3. Legislative and market update

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• r nh mi i n r i n r 

removal used to compensate formi i n h r l wh r 

• Project-based GHG reductions occurring,

entity for compliance

• .• Specific project type and vintage

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Voluntary and pre‐

compliance offsets


 – Value based onperceived quality

 – Value based on compliancerecognition

 – Buyers want “the story”behind the project

 – Marketin or re utational

 – Registered in approved earlyaction program

 – Meet ri orous set ofbenefit

 – Regulatory approval not


 – Independently verified

 – May not be verified,registered or retired

 – experience, hedge againstfuture requirements, help

 – Variable quality s ape regu a ons

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emissions – Government sets declining cap on emissions

 – Program administrator (EPA, CARB) creates allowances

and distributes via allocation or auction – ac year cappe ent t es must o a owances = pr or

year emissions


• Reduce GHG emissions at covered facilities

• Purchase allowances from other regulated entities

• urc ase a owances rom overnmen a auc on

• Purchase offsets

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Additional Reductions are beyond regulations, beyond common practice,- -

Real After-the-fact, measurable GHG reductions

ermanent tmosp er c ene t s permanent, or reversa r s s assesse anmitigated to make non-permanent offsets fungible with other offsets,

on-system reductions and allowances

Net ofleakage

Emission increases outside project boundary, due to project, aremitigated

 Rules complied with and GHG assertion is without materialdiscrepancy

 only once

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• Publish/approve standards, methodologies, tools

 – Public consultation and scientific peer review (ACR) – Stakeholder work groups (CAR)

• Act as gatekeeper on quality

 – Set standards and certify they have been met – e ers now w at s requ re , uyers ave con ence o set s

real/has compliance value, public has confidence in results

• Provide trans arent serialized trackin of issuancestransactions, retirements

• Make project documentation publicly accessible

• Oversee third-party verification

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• . .

 – Founded 1997 by Environmental DefenseFund and Environmental Resources Trust

 – 30 million tons issued

• Pioneered system of transparent on-linereporting and serialization of verifiedproject-based offsets – now the industry

s an ar• Joined Winrock International in 2007

 – Founded 1984 as a “public benefit

corporation” under Arkansas state law

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What does developing a forest 

carbon project




• in h r 

• Key players and their roles

protocols• Eligible activities

• Additionality

• Permanence and risk mitigation

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Methodology / 

protocoldevelopment oracceptance

Project designphase

Preparation and

submission ofProject Documents


screening orcertification

-Project registrationTransactions,

(early registration) 


project documentsposted

retirements etc.(off-registry)

Ongoingmonitoring and

periodicNew issuances

Blue: landowner and proponent oraggregator

Oran e: ro ram/re istrverification


Green: third-party involvement

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Party Basic roles

••May be required to sign long-term agreement•May have monitoring, verification, risk mitigation obligation

Proponent •Project design, interface with registry• a e o se e, ncur cos s, mar e o se s… many mo e s•May have monitoring, verification, risk mitigation obligation

Aggregator•Aggregate landowners to spread transaction costs and diversify risk•Educational and organizational role

RPF •Project design assistance

Offsetro ram or

•Publish/approve protocols•Gatekeeper on quality

registry •Transparent serialized tracking•Oversee verification

Verifier •Third-party auditing against requirements of program•O inion on whether GHG assertion is without material discre anc 

Offset buyer •Entity purchasing and using offsets for voluntary, pre-compliance, or

speculative purposes

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Scope Worldwide United States

Mexico, Canada in future

Land Private, all public, Tribal Private and public (non-federal)owners ps or re orestat on an ;

private for avoided conversion

Eligible •Afforestation/Reforestation •Reforestation••Reducing Emissions from

Deforestation (AvoidedConversion)

••Avoided Conversion

•Urban Forestry


40 years from start date 100 years after last creditsissued


 Insurance and other financial


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Proponent Landowner

ona y ree-prong es orperformance standard

er ormance s an ar approacAutomatic for reforestationBased on baseline stocks for IFM






Sustainable harvesting, “naturalforest management,” age classes,max. 40-acre clearcuts…

Verification By independent third-party verifiers accredited by ANSI forrelevant sectoral scope

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• Establishing, increasing and restoring vegetative

cover through the planting, sowing or human-assisted natural regeneration of woody vegetation

• Targets eventual establishment of forest

• Carried out on marginal agricultural or rangelands,rus e s, u er areas, w n rea s, e c.

• Not cleared of forest in last 10 years solely to

 – Exceptions for fire, natural disturbance, brush removal for

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• Activities to reduce GHG emissions and/or enhanceGHG removals, implemented on lands designated,sanctioned or approved for forest management


 – Increasing forest productivity by thinning diseased or

suppressed trees – Managing competing brush and short-lived forest species

 – Increasing buffers or other set-asides


 – Increasing carbon stocks in harvested wood products

 – Improving harvest or production efficiency

 – Shifting from shorter- to longer-term wood products

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would have occurred under current forestry lawsand regulations, current forest industry practices,and under a business-as-usual scenario

 – Regulatory surplus and exceeds performance standard – Three-prong test:

• Regulatory surplus

• Exceeds common ractice for area forest t e similar 


• Faces at least one implementation barrier: financial,technolo ical institutional

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• More subjective, open togaming


• Less subjective• Efficient to apply


• Rigorous tools available

• Heavy up-front datarequirements

• Potential for over-crediting• ess anger o over-cre t ng w t out un er-cre t ng to


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Permanence and risk 

mitigation (ACR)

• Minimum Pro ect Term of 40 ears

 – Ensure project activity maintained, monitored and verified overrelevant timeframe

 – Balance time commitment with broad landowner participation

 – Required of Project Proponent only

• s assessmen an m ga on ma es oresoffsets effectively permanent and fungible with



“made whole”

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• Pro ect-s ecific risk assessment

• Buffer contribution – From project itself

 – ERTs of any other type and vintage

• Unintentional reversal:  – roponen pays e uc e ; re res u er ons orremainder; “premium” goes up

• Intentional reversal “bu -out o tion” : – Proponent replaces all issued ERTs for that portion of project

• Alternate risk mitigation options accepted – Insurance or other financial assurances to replace losses

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Permanence and risk 

mitigation (CAR)

• PIA obligation of 100 years after last credits

 – Project monitoring, verification, reversal liability,harvest guidelines and “natural forest management”

 – Required of landowner (and successors, heirs,assigns, and new owners)

 – uper or to a ot er c a ms un ess a t ona u ercontribution made

• – Avoidable vs. unavoidable reversals

 – >1:1 penalty for any avoidable reversal before 50 yrs

• Focus on monitoring carbon stocks on site

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• Key for transaction cost efficiencies (inventory,

monitoring, verification) and risk diversification• Agreement is still with Proponent (here aggregator)

 – Proponent commits to reversal risk mitigation, including exit ofparticipating landowners

• For inventor and monitorin recision tar etsapplied at overall project level – ±10% of the mean at 90% confidence

 – se s ra ca on; oes no requ re p o s on every an o ng• Verification (reasonable assurance; ±5% materiality)

 – Risk-based approach and not all properties necessarily visited

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• “Aggregate” capped at 5,000 acres, 2 or more

Forest Owners• Each Forest Owner still has own PIA, liability for

reversa s, account, ase ne nventory, annuareports, etc.


• Goals: – Fewer plots to achieve ±5% at 90% confidence sampling error

 – Only half of properties verified each 6-year interval

• Constraints on leaving aggregate

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Legislative and regulatory 

landscape• No U.S. federal climate legislation

 – Scaling back








 power sector cap‐and‐trade, to RES, to offshore oil 

etc., to nothing

 – Bills generally






 containment and political value… but no bill

• EPA proceeds with regulation under Clean Air 

Act – Endangerment finding, mobile sources, stationary 


 – Offsets and





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Eligible offset types

• Projects that reduce, flare or use methane:

 –   ,  , 

  – Reduce fugitive emissions in oil & gas sector

  – Manure management,





• Projects that reduce CO2 emissions or increase sequestration in agriculture, livestock, 

orestry,  an   use:

  – Afforestation/reforestation, improved forest management, reduced deforestation, urban forestry

  – Agricultural, grassland, and rangeland sequestration and management

  – Avoided conversion



  – Management/restoration of  peatlands and wetlands

  – Conservation of  marine coastal habitats

 – N2O emission reduction (fertilizer production and/or use)

  – Biochar roduction and use

• Recycling and



• Carbon Capture & Storage (with or without enhanced oil recovery)

• Destruction of  ozone‐de letin   substances

• Small off ‐grid renewable electricity

• Projects reducing







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“Qualified Early Offset 

Programs”• Established before Januar 1, 2009

• Offset standards/methodologies/protocols must: – Be developed through public consultation or peer review

 – Require offsets be measurable, additional, verifiable,enforceable, permanent

 – Be made available to the public

• Require verification by accredited verifier

• Publicl accessible re istr , serialized tons

• Financial assurance requirements

• N r r m inv lv m n in r v l m n 

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Legislative and regulatory 

landscape• Focus shifts (back) to states and regional 

programs• ‐ ‐ 

 – Proposition 23

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 – Not all original members participating

• sets seen



 – No clarity yet on which protocols will be recognized

 – Forestry a safe bet

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• Marked decline in transaction volumes and 

prices – Voluntar  activit   down

 – Pre‐compliance demand awaiting more clarity

 – . . 

temporarily close U.S. 


 – Scandals in



 – Uncertaint   in  ost‐K oto 


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Still… forest carbon remains a 

relatively safe


• Protocols are well established

• Generally 








per ton

  – Large potential supply

  – Attractive to both voluntary and pre‐compliance buyers

• State and regional programs likely to recognize

  – Key to register on an established program

 – , 

poss y 

poss y 

o ers• Has become central to federal discussions

ro ec  eve opmen  me rame may  e a year, more 

or less…





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Nicholas Martin

Chief  Technical Officer, American Carbon Registry

[email protected]

. .

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Protocol development: ACR 

and CAR


Established 1997

(Merged with Winrock 2007)


(CCAR established 2001)Protocol •Both external (bottom up) •Top-down only

eve opmentprocess

an nterna•Public consultation•Scientific peer review•Final a roval and

• rotoco scop ng•Multi-stakeholder workgroup•Public comment•Board ado tion


•Transparently developed, regulatory-quality protocolsmeeting criteria of federal legislation

•State and regional approvals in process

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Protocols (existing and in 

progress)ACR CAR




•N2O from fertilizer

•Avoided conversion

•Urban forestry• ves oc me ane•Landfill methane•Fugitive methane in oil & gas

• an me ane•Livestock methane•Coal mine methane

sector•Improved grazing land

•Organic waste digestion•Ozone-depleting substances•

•Wetland restoration and

avoided loss

 under consideration