Density of states and Fermi energy. Rohlf Ch. 12 Sec.12.6

Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

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Page 1: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Density of states and Fermi energy. Rohlf Ch. 12 Sec.12.6

Page 2: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Number of states up to E : N =V

6π 22m2



3/2E3/2 .

Density of states:            dNdE


2π 23 E1/2

Fermi energy:                     EF =(3 /π )




Page 3: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Application of zero point energy

to astrophysics.

Some aspects of the structure of a star may be understood by considering the opposing forces of gravitational energy, which makes the star become smaller and the Fermi energy, which makes the star become larger.

Page 4: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Ee =340


4π 2( )2/3h2

meR2Ne5/3 = CNe


R2EG = − 3

5GM 2

R= − 3


2 NN2

R= − BNN



Use the following data to find B and C for the Sun.

mN = 1.67 ×10−27 kg me = 9.1×1031 kg G = 6.67 ×10−11 m3kg-1s−2

M = 2 ×1030 kg NN = 1.2 ×1057 Ne = 0.6 ×1057     h = 6.63×10−34 J-s

C = 1.36 ×10−38                  B = 1.12 ×10−64

Page 5: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

E = Ee + EG = CNe5/3

R2 − BNN2



= − 2CNe5/3

R3 + BNN2

R2 = 0

  R = 2CNe5/3

BNN2 = 7.2 ×103 km

Ee = CN 5/3

R2EG = − BNN



Find the equilibrium radius by mimimizing the energy with respect to R.

Page 6: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf

ρ MV


EG = − BNN2


Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons:

Ee = CNe5/3


EF = 53EeN e

Data: R = 7.2 ×106 m M = 2 ×1030 kg NN = 1.2 ×1057 Ne = NN / 2     


Page 7: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

R = 7.2 ×106 m M = 2 ×1030 kg Ne = NN / 2 = 0.6 ×1057

Density of white dwarf

ρ 2 ×1030 kg 43π 7.2 ×106( )3 m3

= 1.28 ×109 kg-m-3 = 1.28 ×106 gm-cm-3

Fermi Energy of electrons:

EF = 53EeN e

Ee =CNe


R2 = 3.5×1042 J = 2.2 ×1061 eV

EF = 53CNe


R2 = 53

1.36 ×10−38( ) 0.6 ×1057( )2/3

7.2 ×106( )2= 3.1×10−14 J = .194 ×106 eV

⇒non relativistic kinematics is becoming invalid.

Page 8: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

R = Ne5/3

N 2N

R = Ne5/3

N 2N

N 2nWNeW5/3 RW = 10


102RW = 10−1/3RW = 0.46RW

Ee = CNe5/3

R2        Ee =   Ne



EeW   =105/3

0.4622.2 ×1061 = 4.8 ×1063  eV

EF = 53EeN e

= 5 4.8 ×1063( )3 6 ×1057( ) = 1.3×106  eV   3mec


What about more massive stars: assume M = 10M

Page 9: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Volume up to k vk =π6k3.     Volume per state vs=π 3

L3 .

Number of states up to k : N= vkvs

= L3

6π 2 k3.

Number of states up to E :

k2 =p2

2 =E2 − me


c22                NV


6π 2 =1

6π 2E2 − me

2c4( )3/2


At T=0, electrons fill all states, 2 per state, to the Fermi energy



2 − m2c4( )3/2

3π 2c33

Relativistic number of states up to k. Fermi energy.!

Page 10: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Density of states:



=8πE2 − m2c4( )1/2


c3h3     E >> m    8π

3c3h3 E2


=   8πc3h3 E


Relativistic number of states up to k. Fermi energy.!

Page 11: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Total energy = Ne E = Ne

E dNe



E f




E f

∫= Ne

E3 dE0

E f



E f

∫= Ne


Total zero point electron energy:

Page 12: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Repeat of previous analysis for relativistic electrons.

Homework: Verify the following. Read lecture notes to be posted and compare with text for photons – p343-4.




EF = 3π 2( )1/3 c Ne



Total energy = Ne E = Ne34EF

Page 13: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Total zero point energy Ee = Ne34EeF

EeF = 3π 2( )1/3c Ne



= 9.75 ×10−26 NeV



Ee = Ne34

9.75 ×10−26( ) NeV




9.75 ×10−26( )43πR3⎛


1/3 Ne4/3

= 4.54 ×10−26 Ne4/3

R= α Ne



=(6.24)(.466)(6.6 ×10−34 )(3×108 )




Ee = 4.5 ×10−26 Ne4/3


Compare Fermi and gravitational energies.

Page 14: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Gravitational energy

EG = −35GM 2

R= −


2 NN2


= −35



6.67 ×10−11( ) 1.67 ×10−27( )2 NN2

R= −1.1×10−64 NN


R= −


Page 15: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Ee =Ne


R= α Ne


R EG = −1.1×10−64 NN


R= −β NN



E = Ee + EG = α Ne4/3

R− β NN



αNe4/3 − βNN



Minimize the energy:


= −αNe


R2 +βNN


R2 =1R2 −αNe

4/3 + βNN2( ) = 0.

There is no stable minimum!

Page 16: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=


=1R2 −αNe

4/3 + βNN2( ) = 0.

IF βNN2 >αNe

4/3 the energy always decreases R becomes small.

Gravity always wins out over the Fermi energy and the star collapses.

−1.1×10−64 NN2 >4.5 ×10−26Ne

4/3            Ne =12NN

NN2/3 > 1.6 ×1038      NN > 2.1×1057. 

N ≈ 1.2 ×1057 M 1.7 MFor a more accurate measure, should not assume E >> mc2 .A more careful calculation gives the Chandrasekhar mass M 1.4 M

Page 17: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Compare a white dwarf’s energy with a neutron star.

β decay: n→ p + e+ν mn −mp −me ≈ 0.8 MeV

Inverse β decay (electron capture) e+ p→ n +ν requires minumum electron energy.In a nucleus it may be energetically favorable for an inner atomic electron to be captured by aproton and turn into a neutron, emitting a neutrino. Then, the number of electrons in the star maybegin to reduce, and this speeds up the process as the Fermi energy increases, until all the electronshave been used up. With the reduction in electron Fermi pressure the star collapses under gravityuntil balanced by the increasing Fermi pressure of the nucleons.

Page 18: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

En =3h2





2/3NN5/3 = 3h2


94π 2







EG = − 35GM 2

R= − 3


2 NN2




Use the following data to find Bn and Cn for the neutron star.

mN = 1.67 ×10−27 kg me = 9.1×1031 kg G = 6.67 ×10−11 m3kg-1s−2

M = 2 ×1030 kg NN = 1.2 ×1057 h = 6.63×10−34 J-s

Cn = 7.3×10−42                  Bn = 1.12 ×10−64

 R = 2CNNN5/3

BNNN2 = 12.3×103 m = 12.3 km

Energetics of neutron star.

Exercise Verify this result

Page 19: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Schwartzschild solution to Einstein's gravitational field equation.

ds2 = c2 1− 2GMc2r


⎞⎠⎟dt2 − 1− 2GM


⎞⎠⎟−1dr2 − r2dθ2 − r2 sin2 θdφ2

For M → 0,

ds2 = c2dt2 − dr2 − r2dθ2 − r2 sin2 θdφ2

= c2dt2 − dx2 − dy2 − dz2     →       flat spacetime.

Page 20: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Radial motion: ds2 = c2 1− 2GMc2r


⎞⎠⎟dt2 − 1− 2GM



Light: ds2 = 0,

dr = c 1− 2GMc2r


⎞⎠⎟dt dr

dt= c 1− RS



RS =2GMc2

RS = Schwartzschild radius.

When r = RS drdt

= 0     When r < RS drdt

is always negative. → Black hole.

RS =2GMc2 =

2 × 6.7 ×10−11 × 2 ×1030

3×108( )2≈ 3×103 = 3km

For several solar masses, RS crosses neutron star RN .

Page 21: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

cdt = ± dr

1− 2GMc2r

= ±dr

1− RSr

Schwartzschild radius: r = 2GMc2

(event horizon)

World line of object falling toward large mass. (Eddington-Finkelstein coords.)

Page 22: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

Radial motion: ds2 = c2 1− 2GMc2r


⎞⎠⎟dt2 − 1− 2GM



c2dt2 = ds2 1− 2GMc2r



+ 1− 2GMc2r



Page 23: Density of states and Fermi energy....Density and gravitational energy of white dwarf ρ M V E G=− BN N 2 R Fermi energy and zero-point energy of electrons: E e= CN e 5/3 R2 EF=

cdt = ± dr

1− 2GMc2r

= ±dr

1− RSr

cdt =t0


∫ t − t0 = ±dr

1− RSr



∫ ± r − r0 + RS lnr − RSr0 − RS



ct = ± r + RS ln r − RS + Const( )