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Deltares Capability Statement Water and Energy

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Deltares can play a significant role in the development of knowledge, in developing and improving renewable energy technologies and in assessing impacts of these technologies on the environment. This Capability Statement shows you in which fields we can contribute.

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Page 1: Deltares Capability Statement Water and Energy

Statement of CapabilitiesWater & Energy

Deltares is a Dutch independent research institute for water, soil and subsurface issues. Our advanced expertise enables safe, clean and sustainable living in deltas, coastal areas and river basins throughout the world. With this goal in mind, we develop knowledge, innovative products and services, pool our knowledge with others, and make the results available. We advise governments and private sector, and use our expertise to make sound and independent assessments of the physical conditions of deltas, coastal areas and river basins.

Concerning energy, Deltares can play a significant role in the development of knowledge, in developing and improving technologies and in assessing impacts of these technologies on the environment. Below, a short number of topics is listed on which Deltares can perform adequate assessments and research.

Sustainable energy production from water and subsoil • Tidal Energy and Energy from Rivers - Energy from free water flow (i.e. tidal or river currents) - Energy from water level differences (i.e. energy production at check structures) - Energy from waves (wind waves, reflection waves and breaking waves) • Blue Energy (i.e. energy production using the salinity gradient in water) • Energy from Aquatic Biomass (e.g. from algae and quatic weeds) • Thermal Energy from water and subsoil - Geothermal power (heat and electricity) - ATES, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (i.e. seasonal storage of thermal energy) - Thermal Energy from temperature gradient (i.e. for cooling or heating)

Deltares specializes in assessing, testing and improving concepts

Page 2: Deltares Capability Statement Water and Energy

P.O. Box 1772600 MH Delft, The [email protected]

Spatial integration problems • Foundation of off shore wind turbines (e.g. suitability of and impact on specific location) • 3D Modeling of fresh or saline water flows (e.g. for determining changes in water quality) • Hydrodynamic, morphological and ecological impact assessments and modeling • Measures to reduce effects of thermal discharges (cooling water) • Institutional and political barriers (e.g. innovative concepts and integrated approaches) • Managing innovation and realization processes and processes with private-public interaction • Integrated spatial planning or design, maintaining environmental qualities

Deltares specializes in reducing or eliminating barriers and assessing environmental aspects

Integrated and area-based planning and management • Combining ATES with (sub)surface water to improve the performance of ATES, whilst managing water quantity • Usage of process (cooling) water for ATES, whilst rehabilitating polluted subsoil • Extracting surplus of thermal energy from surface water for heating/cooling buildings, whilst improving water quality

Deltares specializes in linking (thermal) energy flows with area-based planning

Preservation and Sustainability • Energetic optimization of rural and urban water systems (e.g. smart control of pumps, using knowledge of system behavior) • Reduction of energy losses due to cavitation bubbles in transport pipe lines • Early warning system for water temperature (e.g. in case of exceeding limitations on water temperature rise) • Energy and CO2- payback times (e.g. criteria for sustainability) • Self-sufficiency on energy / decentralized energy production • Cradle to cradle; closing cycles (e.g. energy and materials) • Integrated approach and multi-functional usage of space • Safety and ecology

Deltares specializes in supporting the transition path to sustainability

More information [email protected]