~ PANCAK E BOOKLE T FO R CHILDREN ~ My favourite Pancakes Recipes Cooking tips Fun in the kitchen

Delimano Pancakes 2

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Booklet for children with recipes, kitchen tips and riddles

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Page 1: Delimano Pancakes 2



Where all great cooking starts.

~ PAN C A K E B O O K L E T FO R C H I L D R E N ~

My favourite PancakesPancake pan

SPECIAL OFFERBuy now a Delimano Ceramica Prima+ Pancake pan and get another Delimano

Pancake pan for FREE!

Recipes Cooking tips Fun in the kitchen

1 price

Page 2: Delimano Pancakes 2

hand beater

mixing bowl

~ Frying your pancakes one by one ~

Mix the eggs with the sugar and salt in a bigger mixing bowl with a hand beater. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture in the following order: half of the flour, half of the milk, remaining flour, remaining milk. After adding each ingredient, mix well until smooth.Gradually add the sparkling water and the oil, then mix it well. Leave it rest for 30 minutes in the fridge before cooking.

1. Heat a lightly oiled pancake pan over medium high heat, then swirl to coat the bottom of the pan evenly. When using a Delimano Pancake Pan you just have to do this process for the first pancake, after you do not need oil.2. Pour about half a soup ladle into the center of the pancake pan and quickly spread it all over the surface. 3. When edges of the batter start to become dry and brown turn it over. Brown the other side of the pan-cake as well, then slip it to a plate and start all over again until you run out of batter.

2 eggs 200 g flour

pinch of salt

4 table-spoonsof oil

300 ml milk

200 ml sparkling water



How to make my favourite pancake?

1-2 tablespoonsof sugar

Ingredients: The Pancake Machine

for 10-12 pancakes

Page 3: Delimano Pancakes 2

hand beater

mixing bowl

~ Frying your pancakes one by one ~

Mix the eggs with the sugar and salt in a bigger mixing bowl with a hand beater. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture in the following order: half of the flour, half of the milk, remaining flour, remaining milk. After adding each ingredient, mix well until smooth.Gradually add the sparkling water and the oil, then mix it well. Leave it rest for 30 minutes in the fridge before cooking.

1. Heat a lightly oiled pancake pan over medium high heat, then swirl to coat the bottom of the pan evenly. When using a Delimano Pancake Pan you just have to do this process for the first pancake, after you do not need oil.2. Pour about half a soup ladle into the center of the pancake pan and quickly spread it all over the surface. 3. When edges of the batter start to become dry and brown turn it over. Brown the other side of the pan-cake as well, then slip it to a plate and start all over again until you run out of batter.

2 eggs 200 g flour

pinch of salt

4 table-spoonsof oil

300 ml milk

200 ml sparkling water



How to make my favourite pancake?

1-2 tablespoonsof sugar

Ingredients: The Pancake Machine

for 10-12 pancakes

Page 4: Delimano Pancakes 2

Mascarpone - coconut fill

Sour cherry chocolate fill

For this filling, open a 250 ml carton of whipping cream and ask an adult to whip it in a mixing bowl with an electric beater, together with 8-10 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Watch the whipping process: the cream is ready when it hardens and forms stiff peaks, like snowy mountaintops, when the beaters are removed. In an other mixing bowl mix the mascarpone with 2-3 handfuls of grated, dried coconut with a spoon, then add and mix in the whipped cream carefully. Fill your pancakes and sprinkle the rolls with grated coconut, like it is snowing on them.

1. The first step is to separate the eggs to whites and yolks. For this, carefully break the egg’s shell above a mixing bowl in its middle, so you have two egg shells around the same size. As soon as you break the egg, the white will start to pour into the mixing bowl. Your job is to keep the yolk in one of the shells, and remove as many whites as you can by pouring the yolk from one shell to the other.2. Separate the 3 eggs to two differ-ent mixing bowls, and ask an adult to beat the egg whites with an electric beater until it becomes as hard as your dad’s shaving foam.3. In the other mixing bowl mix the egg yolks with the caster sugar with the same beater, until you see that it whitens a bit. Add the milk and beat until combined, then gradually add the flour, until a thick mixture forms.4. Finally add the half amount of your favorite berries (blueberries,

Break a whole bar of dark chocolate (100 g) into small pieces, then put them into a metal mixing bowl. Ask an adult to bring 100 ml whipping cream boil in a small saucepan, then pour over the chocolate with the cream. Count to 30, then grab a spatula, and stir until the white cream turns dark brown. Chop 35 g butter to small cubes, add them to the chocolate mixture and continue stirring until the butter melts too. When ready, put the cream into the fridge for 20 minutes. Until the chocolate cream hardens in the fridge, organize a competition of sour-cherry deseeding, and deseed as many as you can! The winner can fill the pancakes with the chocolate cream, top them with some sour-cherries, then they are ready to roll.

3 eggs, 100 g golden caster sugar, 150 g plain flour, 200 ml milk, 100 g fresh berries

red or black currant…etc.), and carefully stir in the egg whites too with a spatula. 5. For frying, heat up the Deli-mano Pancake Pan, and without any oil, ladle a palm size portion of the mixture to the pan, count to 10, then turn it around. The other side will also need 10-15 seconds to get cooked. 6. Build your own tower from the pancakes and decorate each floor with the remaining half of fresh berries!

How to do?~ American Style Pancakes ~


Page 5: Delimano Pancakes 2

Mascarpone - coconut fill

Sour cherry chocolate fill

For this filling, open a 250 ml carton of whipping cream and ask an adult to whip it in a mixing bowl with an electric beater, together with 8-10 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Watch the whipping process: the cream is ready when it hardens and forms stiff peaks, like snowy mountaintops, when the beaters are removed. In an other mixing bowl mix the mascarpone with 2-3 handfuls of grated, dried coconut with a spoon, then add and mix in the whipped cream carefully. Fill your pancakes and sprinkle the rolls with grated coconut, like it is snowing on them.

1. The first step is to separate the eggs to whites and yolks. For this, carefully break the egg’s shell above a mixing bowl in its middle, so you have two egg shells around the same size. As soon as you break the egg, the white will start to pour into the mixing bowl. Your job is to keep the yolk in one of the shells, and remove as many whites as you can by pouring the yolk from one shell to the other.2. Separate the 3 eggs to two differ-ent mixing bowls, and ask an adult to beat the egg whites with an electric beater until it becomes as hard as your dad’s shaving foam.3. In the other mixing bowl mix the egg yolks with the caster sugar with the same beater, until you see that it whitens a bit. Add the milk and beat until combined, then gradually add the flour, until a thick mixture forms.4. Finally add the half amount of your favorite berries (blueberries,

Break a whole bar of dark chocolate (100 g) into small pieces, then put them into a metal mixing bowl. Ask an adult to bring 100 ml whipping cream boil in a small saucepan, then pour over the chocolate with the cream. Count to 30, then grab a spatula, and stir until the white cream turns dark brown. Chop 35 g butter to small cubes, add them to the chocolate mixture and continue stirring until the butter melts too. When ready, put the cream into the fridge for 20 minutes. Until the chocolate cream hardens in the fridge, organize a competition of sour-cherry deseeding, and deseed as many as you can! The winner can fill the pancakes with the chocolate cream, top them with some sour-cherries, then they are ready to roll.

3 eggs, 100 g golden caster sugar, 150 g plain flour, 200 ml milk, 100 g fresh berries

red or black currant…etc.), and carefully stir in the egg whites too with a spatula. 5. For frying, heat up the Deli-mano Pancake Pan, and without any oil, ladle a palm size portion of the mixture to the pan, count to 10, then turn it around. The other side will also need 10-15 seconds to get cooked. 6. Build your own tower from the pancakes and decorate each floor with the remaining half of fresh berries!

How to do?~ American Style Pancakes ~


Page 6: Delimano Pancakes 2

Color the picture!

~ Birthday cake ~from American style pancakes

Surprise your mom and dad or any of your family members with a birthday pancake on their birthday! Fry the American pancakes according to the recipe on page 5, stack the pancakes as high as you can, decorate with fresh berries, or any kind of fruit you can find at home, then stick in some candles on the top of it, and serve the birthday pancake for the celebrated for breakfast!

How to decoratemy favourite


~ Pyramid ~

To make a fan, fry your pancakes, fill them with your favourite filling and instead of rolling, fold them into quarter part. Put the pancake onto a plate with its tip pointing to the middle, and do the same with further 4-5 pancakes to form a beautiful fan. Decorate your fan with your drawing from chocolate sauce and fresh fruit!

Do you know the pyramids in Egypt? Prepare your own from pancakes! Roll 15 pancakes with your favourite filling, then make the pancakes with your favourite filling, roll 15 pieces, then arrange them on a plate to form your own pancake-pyramid! For the first layer lay 5 pancakes to the plate next to each other, then put 4 pancakes on the top of them as the second layer, 3 for the third layer, 2 for the fourth, and finally one on the top! After the hard building process you deserve to finally eat the pancake!

~ Fan ~

Page 7: Delimano Pancakes 2

Color the picture!

~ Birthday cake ~from American style pancakes

Surprise your mom and dad or any of your family members with a birthday pancake on their birthday! Fry the American pancakes according to the recipe on page 5, stack the pancakes as high as you can, decorate with fresh berries, or any kind of fruit you can find at home, then stick in some candles on the top of it, and serve the birthday pancake for the celebrated for breakfast!

How to decoratemy favourite


~ Pyramid ~

To make a fan, fry your pancakes, fill them with your favourite filling and instead of rolling, fold them into quarter part. Put the pancake onto a plate with its tip pointing to the middle, and do the same with further 4-5 pancakes to form a beautiful fan. Decorate your fan with your drawing from chocolate sauce and fresh fruit!

Do you know the pyramids in Egypt? Prepare your own from pancakes! Roll 15 pancakes with your favourite filling, then make the pancakes with your favourite filling, roll 15 pieces, then arrange them on a plate to form your own pancake-pyramid! For the first layer lay 5 pancakes to the plate next to each other, then put 4 pancakes on the top of them as the second layer, 3 for the third layer, 2 for the fourth, and finally one on the top! After the hard building process you deserve to finally eat the pancake!

~ Fan ~

Page 8: Delimano Pancakes 2


2. 3.

a. b.

c. d.



Link the fruits and vegetables to their label!

Can you find the way to the crown?

Find the right shadow !

Page 9: Delimano Pancakes 2


2. 3.

a. b.

c. d.



Link the fruits and vegetables to their label!

Can you find the way to the crown?

Find the right shadow !

Page 10: Delimano Pancakes 2

What are these characters made of?Strike through the exceptions!

Snail Sam is made of:

cucumber, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, beans

Pumbo & Jongleur Jack are made of:

pumpkin, beans, sweet corn, strawberry, chestnut, onion, banana, cucumber, raspberry, orange, lemon, green peas, olives, pineapple, watermelone

Dancing Couple is made of:

carrot, green peas, lemon, apple, beans,onion, eggplant, nut, almond, tomato, cherry, walnut, pear

This is a place for your creature

Doggy is made of:

pear, green peas, beans, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn,raspberry, cucumber

Nandoo is made of:

banana, beans, raddish, almond, pumpkin, plum, green onion, broccoli, chestnut

Page 11: Delimano Pancakes 2

What are these characters made of?Strike through the exceptions!

Snail Sam is made of:

cucumber, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, beans

Pumbo & Jongleur Jack are made of:

pumpkin, beans, sweet corn, strawberry, chestnut, onion, banana, cucumber, raspberry, orange, lemon, green peas, olives, pineapple, watermelone

Dancing Couple is made of:

carrot, green peas, lemon, apple, beans,onion, eggplant, nut, almond, tomato, cherry, walnut, pear

This is a place for your creature

Doggy is made of:

pear, green peas, beans, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn,raspberry, cucumber

Nandoo is made of:

banana, beans, raddish, almond, pumpkin, plum, green onion, broccoli, chestnut

Page 12: Delimano Pancakes 2



Where all great cooking starts.

~ PAN C A K E B O O K L E T FO R C H I L D R E N ~

My favourite PancakesPancake pan

SPECIAL OFFERBuy now a Delimano Ceramica Prima+ Pancake pan and get another Delimano

Pancake pan for FREE!

Recipes Cooking tips Fun in the kitchen

1 price