2020 2021 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER FEBRUARY MON 1 Inter House Taekwondo Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 17 and 19 15 FINAL EXAMS COMMENCE - (11th) School Reopens for staff MON TUE 2 Visit to Burzhama (6th) First Invitational Inter-school Badminton (Open) 1 POST MID TERM STARTS - (9th) 1 16 TUE WED 1 3 Visit to Botanical Garden (3rd) Visit to Kral Sangri (4th) 1 2 2 17 School Reopens for Students (1st-12th) WED THU 2 Autism Day (LRC Dept.) Medical Camp (5th) Visit to Meeras Mahal, Sopore (Kashmiri Students, 10th) 4 Medical Camp (7th) First Invitational Inter-school Girls Basket Ball (Open) 2 3 POST MID TERM STARTS - (1st - 8th) 1 3 18 THU FRI 3 Cross Country Run (5th - 8th & LRC Dept. ) 1 5 3 4 DEAR Activity (LKG - 12th) 2 Gandhi Jayanti 4 19 FRI SAT 1 4 Medical Camp (5th) Parent Orientation (11th) Vist to Badamwari (3rd & 4th) 2 Visit to Mental Health Hospital (12th) English Activity - Poetry (LKG - 10th) 6 Visit to Mughal Gardens (5th) 4 1 Eid-ul-Azha 5 Teacher’s Day 3 Visit to Gofkral by Fine Arts Department (11th) Singing Competition for attending Staff 5 PRE BOARD ENDS (12th) 20 SAT SUN 2 1 5 3 7 5 2 6 TechKnow (6th & 7th Sep) 4 1 6 21 SUN MON 3 2 School re-opens (UKG) 6 Medical Camp (6th) Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 4 PRE MID ENDS - (9th - 10th) 8 Inter House Football Competition Under-14 (8th to 10th June) Medical Camp (7th) 6 3 Medical Camp (9th) Inter House Cricket Compt. (3rd - 5th Aug) - Under 14 7 Inter House Swimming Competition Boys (under -11 & under 14) 5 Sports Day (LKG to 5th) 2 Inter House Kabadi Competition Under 14 & Under 17 7 FINAL EXAMS ENDS - (1st - 3rd) 22 MON TUE 4 3 7 Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 Visit to Badamwari (5th & 6th) 5 9 Industrial Tour Commerce Dept. (12th) 7 4 Medical Camp (9th) | Friendship Day (LRC Dept.) Summer Camp Girls -(4th - 6th August) - (3rd - 6th) 8 Class Picnic (LKG - 2nd) 6 Sports Day (6th to 12th) 3 Inter House Kabadi Competition Under 14 & Under 17 8 23 Parent Orientation (9th) TUE WED 5 4 Display board activity (3rd - 10th) 8 Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 6 Prefects Investiture Ceremony 10 Father’s Day (1st) Visit to Parihaspora(7th) 8 5 9 Visit to Sopore Museum by Fine Arts Department (11th & 12th) 7 4 Surbahar Season 3 9 FINAL EXAMS ENDS - (4th - 9th) PRE BOARD ENDS (10th) 24 WED THU 6 5 9 PRE MID STARTS - (1st - 8th) Medical Camp (6th) English Activity (I Too Can Speak) - LKG to 10th 7 11 Inter House Football Comp. - Under-17 (11th to 13th & 15th June) 9 MID TERM ENDS (1st -3rd & 9th-10th) Principal Conference and School Leaders Workshop 6 Inter House Cricket Competition (6th - 8th Aug) - Under 17 10 Inter House Swimming Competition Boys (under -17 & under-19) 8 5 10 25 Parent Orientation (1st & 3rd) THU FRI 7 6 10 Cross Country Run (9th - 12th) Baisakhi Celebrations (LRC Dept.) 8 Mother s Day Celebrations (LRC Dept.) 12 10 7 Overnight Camp (2nd) Inter House Painting & Calligraphy Competition (1st-12th) 11 Commercial Art Activity (LKG-12th) POST MID TERM ENDS - (9th) 9 Mental Health Awareness Day 6 Inter House Quiz Class (6th-9th) 11 26 FRI SAT 8 7 Parent Orientation (LKG), Holi Activities (LRC Dept) 11 PTM (LKG - 8th) 9 PRE MID STARTS - (11th - 12th) Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 13 PTM (LKG - 8th) Picnic (9th - 12th) 11 MID TERM ENDS (4th -8th & 11th -12th) 8 Result declaration (3rd - 10th) 12 Class Picnic (3rd - 12th) 10 Bookaroo - 10th & 11th Oct (1st - 12th) 7 PTM (LKG - 8th) 12 27 FINAL EXAMINATION ENDS - (11th) Parent Orientation (5th & 7th) SAT SUN 9 8 12 10 14 12 Summer Camp Girls (12th - 14th July) - (11th & 12th) 9 Summer Camp Boys (9th - 11th July) - (3rd & 6th) 13 11 8 13 28 SUN MON 10 9 School opens (LKG) 13 Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 11 Visit to Aachar Lake (Urdu Students-10th) Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 15 Medical Camp (8th) Visit to Meeras Mahal, Sopore (Kashmiri Students -9th) 13 Summer Break (LKG - 12th) 10 Medical Camp (10th) | Sociology Department Tour (11th) | Independence Day Activities (LRC Dept.) Inter House Cricket Competition (10th - 12th Aug) - Under 19 14 Inter House Swimming Competition Girls (under -11 & under 14) 12 9 Inter House Kabadi Competition (Under 19) 14 MON TUE 11 10 Holi 14 Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 12 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 16 Medical Camp (8th) Inter House Football Competition Under-19 (11th to 16th & 18th June) 14 11 Medical Camp (10th) 15 Visit to Rehabalitation Centre by Psychology Department (12th) 13 10 15 TUE WED 12 School Reopens for staff Staff Meeting at 10:00 11 15 Visit to Badamwari (7th & 8th) 13 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 17 Inter School Ghazal & Instrumental Competition - (6th - 12th) 15 12 Work Experience (11th & 12th Aug) - 12th class 16 CITH visit (8th) Inter House Swimming Competition Girls (under -17 & under 19) 14 Inter House Solo Singing Music Competition Open 11 Annual Art Exhibition 16 Promotion Meeting (1st - 4th) WED THU 13 Workshop with Dr Muzaffar Khan on Drug Abuse (Staff) 12 16 Music Workshop - (16th - 19th April) PRE MID TERM STARTS - (9th - 10th) 14 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 18 Newspaper Art Activity (1st - 12th) 16 Summer Camp Boys (16th - 18th July) - (11th & 12th) 13 English Activity -Movie Magic (1st -12th) 17 15 White Cane Day Group (LRC Dept.) POST MID TERM ENDS - (1st - 3rd) 12 17 Promotion Meeting (5th - 9th) THU FRI 14 Workshop with Dr Muzaffar Khan on Drug Abuse (Staff) 13 17 Cross Country Run (Ist - 4th & LRC) 15 Inter House Urdu Elocution (5th - 10th) 19 17 14 18 16 Food Festival (LRC Dept.) 13 Deewali 18 FRI SAT 15 FINAL EXAMS COMMENCE (11th) 14 18 Jashn e Bahar (2nd) Visit to Badamwari (9th & 10th) 16 PTM (9th - 10th) 20 18 15 19 Cultural Day (LKG & UKG) Inter House Robotics Competition (6th - 12th) 17 POST MID TERM STARTS (10th - 12th) 14 Children’s Day Celebrations (LRC Dept.) 19 Result Declaration (LKG - 2nd) Farewell (12th) SAT SUN 16 Workshop with Mr Arun Wakhlu (16th to 18th Feb) 15 19 17 21 19 Summer Camp Girls (19th - 21st July) -(7th - 10th) 16 20 18 15 20 MARCH SUN MON 17 School Reopens for students (1st - 10th) 16 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -14 20 Visit to Badamwari (11th & 12th) Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 18 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 22 20 17 21 Visit to State Treasury by Commerce Department (11th) 19 16 PTM (9th & 12th) 21 Result Declaration (3rd - 8th) 1 School reopens (UKG ) MON TUE 18 17 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -14 21 Visit to Badamwari (LKG & UKG) Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 19 Harvesting Day (1st & 2nd) Inter House Wushu Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 11 23 DEAR Activity (LKG-12th) 21 18 Visit to Chrar e Sharief Shrine(6th) 2nd Edition CHINAR CUP FOOTBALL Cup Tourna- ment for Boys & Girls under (under flood lights) 22 Visit to Sericulture Department (7th) 20 Visit to Saffron & Paddy fields (8th) 17 22 Result Declaration (10th & 12th) 2 TUE WED 19 18 Graduation Day (3rd) Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -17 22 International Earth Day(LRC Dept.) | Visit to Badam- wari(1st & 2nd) | Inter School Art Competition Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 20 Harvesting Day (LKG & UKG) | PRE MID ENDS - (11th - 12th) | Inter House Wushu Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 14 24 22 School reopens Cross Checking (3rd - 8th) 19 Visit to Religious Places (1st) 23 Inter House Hindi/Kashmiri Elocution (5th - 10th) 21 18 Inter House 3D Printing Competition (8th-12th) 23 School closes for Winter Vacations 3 WED THU 20 19 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -17 23 Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 21 PRE MID ENDS - (1st - 3rd) | Eid Activities (LRC Dept.) Inter House Wushu Competition (Boys & Girls)- under 17 & 19 25 Staff Picnic 23 Cross Checking (3rd - 8th) 20 Inter House English Debate Competition (5th - 12th) 24 22 POST MID TERM ENDS - (4th -8th) 19 24 4 THU FRI 21 20 Science Exhibition (1st - 10th) 24 22 26 MID TERM STARTS - (1st - 8th) 24 Summer Camp Boys (24th - 26th July) - (7th - 10th) 21 Overnight Camp (UKG) 25 23 English Activity - Secret Revealed (LKG-10th) 20 25 5 FRI SAT 22 Workshop for teachers of Tiny Tots and LRC from 22nd - 26 Feb 21 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -19 25 Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 23 27 MID TERM STARTS (9th - 12th) 25 22 Summer Camp (22nd - 23rd Aug) - LRC Dept. 26 DPS Variety Entertainment Programme (7th - 12th) 24 21 PRE BOARD STARTS (12th) 26 6 SAT SUN 23 22 26 24 28 26 23 27 25 22 27 7 SUN MON 24 23 School reopens (11th) Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -19 27 Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 25 Eid-ul-Fitr 29 27 Cross Checking (9th & 10th) 24 Sociology Department Tour (12th) 28 General Assembly for Gandhi Jayanti (LRC Dept.) 26 23 28 8 School opens (LKG ) MON TUE 25 Parent Orientation (9th) 24 Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14 Visit to Farm House(LKG & UKG) 28 Inter House Tang Tha Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 14 & 17 26 30 28 Result Declaration (Tiny Tots) 25 Visit to Church and Chatti Padshahi (5th) 29 27 24 29 TUE WED 26 Parent Orientation (1st) 25 Visit to Farm House (1st & 2nd) Medical Camp (3rd) 29 Pop Up Art Activity (1st - 12th) Inter House Tang Tha Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 19 27 29 26 Visit to Orphanage (3rd) Visit to SPS Museum (4th) 30 Grand Parents Day (LKG - 6th) 28 25 World Disability Day (LRC Dept.) FINAL EXAMS COMMENCE - (1st -8th) 30 WED THU 27 Parent Orientation (5th) 26 Medical Camp (3rd) | English Activity Book Wizardry (1st to 10th) I Inter House Badmin- ton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 30 28 Mask Making Activity (1st -12th) First Invitational Inter-school Volley Ball (Open) PRE MID ENDS - (4th - 8th) 30 27 Inter House Spellathon (1st - 4th) Industrial Tour -Commerce Department (11th) 29 Interhouse Seminar (5th-10th) POST MID TERM ENDS - (10th - 12th) 26 31 THU FRI 28 27 Graduation Day (6th) Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 29 Visit to Martand Temple (8th) 31 28 30 27 FRI SAT 29 Parent Orientation (3rd & 7th) 28 Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 30 Visit to SPS Museum (1st & 2nd) | PTM (11th - 12th) | Picnic (LRC Dept.) | Inter House Taekwondo Competition (Boys & Girls) - under 14 29 31 28 FINAL EXAMS COMMENCE (9th) PRE BOARD STARTS( 10th) SAT SUN 29 31 30 29 SUN MON 30 Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 Medical Camp (4th) 31 30 MON TUE 31 Paper Mosaic Activity (1st - 12th) Medical Camp (4th) TUE Delhi Public School, Srinagar School Planner 2020 – 2021

Delhi Public School, Srinagarmedia.dpssrinagar.com/v2/media/2020/02/DPS-Planner-2020-21.pdf · Inter House Robotics Competition (6th - 12th) 17 POST MID TERM STARTS (10th - 12th

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Page 1: Delhi Public School, Srinagarmedia.dpssrinagar.com/v2/media/2020/02/DPS-Planner-2020-21.pdf · Inter House Robotics Competition (6th - 12th) 17 POST MID TERM STARTS (10th - 12th


MON 1 Inter House Taekwondo Competition(Boys & Girls) -under 17 and 19 15 FINAL EXAMS COMMENCE - (11th)

School Reopens for sta� MON

TUE 2 Visit to Burzhama (6th)First Invitational Inter-school Badminton (Open)


WED 1 3 Visit to Botanical Garden (3rd)Visit to Kral Sangri (4th) 1 2 2 17 School Reopens for Students

(1st-12th) WED

THU 2Autism Day (LRC Dept.)

Medical Camp (5th)Visit to Meeras Mahal, Sopore (Kashmiri Students, 10th)

4 Medical Camp (7th)First Invitational Inter-school Girls Basket Ball (Open) 2 3 POST MID TERM STARTS - (1st - 8th) 1 3 18 THU

FRI 3 Cross Country Run (5th - 8th & LRC Dept. ) 1 5 3 4 DEAR Activity (LKG - 12th) 2 Gandhi Jayanti 4 19 FRI

SAT 1 4Medical Camp (5th)

Parent Orientation (11th)Vist to Badamwari (3rd & 4th)

2Visit to Mental Health Hospital (12th)English Activity - Poetry (LKG - 10th) 6 Visit to Mughal Gardens (5th) 4 1 Eid-ul-Azha 5 Teacher’s Day 3 Visit to Gofkral by Fine Arts Department (11th)

Singing Competition for attending Sta� 5 PRE BOARD ENDS (12th) 20 SAT

SUN 2 1 5 3 7 5 2 6 TechKnow (6th & 7th Sep) 4 1 6 21 SUN

MON 3 2 School re-opens (UKG) 6

Medical Camp (6th)Inter House Volley ball Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-144 PRE MID ENDS - (9th - 10th) 8

Inter House Football CompetitionUnder-14 (8th to 10th June)

Medical Camp (7th)6 3 Medical Camp (9th)

Inter House Cricket Compt. (3rd - 5th Aug) - Under 14 7 Inter House Swimming Competition Boys (under -11 & under 14) 5 Sports Day (LKG to 5th) 2 Inter House Kabadi Competition

Under 14 & Under 17 7 FINAL EXAMS ENDS - (1st - 3rd) 22 MON

TUE 4 3 7Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open)

Boys & Girls under-14Visit to Badamwari (5th & 6th)

5 9 Industrial Tour Commerce Dept.(12th) 7 4 Medical Camp (9th) | Friendship Day (LRC Dept.)

Summer Camp Girls -(4th - 6th August) - (3rd - 6th) 8 Class Picnic (LKG - 2nd) 6 Sports Day (6th to 12th) 3 Inter House Kabadi Competition Under 14 & Under 17 8 23 Parent Orientation (9th) TUE

WED 5 4 Display board activity (3rd - 10th) 8 Inter House Volley ball Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-17 6 Prefects Investiture Ceremony 10 Father’s Day (1st)Visit to Parihaspora(7th) 8 5 9 Visit to Sopore Museum by Fine

Arts Department (11th & 12th) 7 4 Surbahar Season 3 9FINAL EXAMS ENDS - (4th - 9th)


THU 6 5 9PRE MID STARTS - (1st - 8th)

Medical Camp (6th)English Activity (I Too Can Speak) - LKG to 10th

7 11 Inter House Football Comp. - Under-17 (11th to 13th & 15th June) 9 MID TERM ENDS (1st -3rd & 9th-10th)

Principal Conference and School Leaders Workshop 6 Inter House Cricket Competition (6th - 8th Aug) - Under 17 10 Inter House Swimming Competition

Boys (under -17 & under-19) 8 5 10 25 Parent Orientation (1st & 3rd) THU

FRI 7 6 10 Cross Country Run (9th - 12th)Baisakhi Celebrations (LRC Dept.) 8 Mother�s Day Celebrations

(LRC Dept.) 12 10 7Overnight Camp (2nd)

Inter House Painting & Calligraphy Competition (1st-12th)

11 Commercial Art Activity (LKG-12th)POST MID TERM ENDS - (9th) 9 Mental Health Awareness Day 6 Inter House Quiz Class

(6th-9th) 11 26 FRI

SAT 8 7 Parent Orientation (LKG), Holi Activities (LRC Dept) 11 PTM (LKG - 8th) 9

PRE MID STARTS - (11th - 12th)Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys &

Girls under-1413 PTM (LKG - 8th)

Picnic (9th - 12th) 11 MID TERM ENDS (4th -8th & 11th -12th) 8 Result declaration (3rd - 10th) 12 Class Picnic (3rd - 12th) 10 Bookaroo - 10th & 11th Oct

(1st - 12th) 7 PTM(LKG - 8th) 12 27 FINAL EXAMINATION ENDS - (11th)

Parent Orientation (5th & 7th) SAT

SUN 9 8 12 10 14 12 Summer Camp Girls (12th - 14th July) - (11th & 12th) 9 Summer Camp Boys

(9th - 11th July) - (3rd & 6th) 13 11 8 13 28 SUN

MON 10 9 School opens(LKG) 13 Inter House Volley ball Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-17 11Visit to Aachar Lake (Urdu Students-10th)

Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14

15Medical Camp (8th)

Visit to Meeras Mahal, Sopore (Kashmiri Students -9th)

13 Summer Break(LKG - 12th) 10

Medical Camp (10th) | Sociology Department Tour (11th) | Independence Day Activities (LRC Dept.)

Inter House Cricket Competition (10th - 12th Aug) - Under 1914 Inter House Swimming Competition

Girls (under -11 & under 14) 12 9 Inter House Kabadi Competition (Under 19) 14 MON

TUE 11 10 Holi 14 Inter House Volley ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 12 Inter House Hockey Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-17 16Medical Camp (8th)

Inter House Football Competition Under-19 (11th to 16th & 18th June)

14 11 Medical Camp (10th) 15 Visit to Rehabalitation Centre by Psychology Department (12th) 13 10 15 TUE

WED 12 School Reopens for sta� Sta� Meeting at 10:00 11 15 Visit to Badamwari

(7th & 8th) 13 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17 17 Inter School Ghazal & Instrumental

Competition - (6th - 12th) 15 12 Work Experience (11th & 12th Aug) - 12th class 16

CITH visit (8th)Inter House Swimming Competition Girls

(under -17 & under 19) 14 Inter House Solo Singing Music

Competition Open 11 Annual Art Exhibition 16 Promotion Meeting (1st - 4th) WED

THU 13 Workshop with Dr Muza� ar Khan on Drug Abuse (Sta� ) 12 16

Music Workshop - (16th - 19th April)

PRE MID TERM STARTS - (9th - 10th)14 Inter House Hockey Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-19 18 Newspaper Art Activity (1st - 12th) 16

Summer Camp Boys(16th - 18th July) - (11th & 12th) 13 English Activity -Movie Magic

(1st -12th) 17 15White Cane Day Group (LRC Dept.)

POST MID TERM ENDS - (1st - 3rd) 12 17 Promotion Meeting (5th - 9th) THU

FRI 14 Workshop with Dr Muza� ar Khan on Drug Abuse (Sta� ) 13 17 Cross Country Run (Ist - 4th & LRC) 15 Inter House Urdu Elocution

(5th - 10th) 19 17 14 18 16 Food Festival(LRC Dept.) 13 Deewali 18 FRI


(11th) 14 18 Jashn e Bahar (2nd)Visit to Badamwari (9th & 10th) 16 PTM (9th - 10th) 20 18 15 19

Cultural Day (LKG & UKG)Inter House Robotics Competition

(6th - 12th)17 POST MID TERM STARTS

(10th - 12th) 14 Children’s Day Celebrations (LRC Dept.) 19 Result Declaration (LKG - 2nd)

Farewell (12th) SAT

SUN 16 Workshop with Mr Arun Wakhlu(16th to 18th Feb) 15 19 17 21 19

Summer Camp Girls (19th - 21st July) -(7th - 10th) 16 20 18 15 20 MARCH SUN

MON 17 School Reopens for students(1st - 10th) 16 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under -14 20Visit to Badamwari (11th & 12th)

Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-14

18 Inter House Hockey Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 22 20 17 21 Visit to State Treasury by Commerce

Department (11th) 19 16 PTM (9th & 12th) 21 Result Declaration (3rd - 8th) 1 School reopens (UKG ) MON

TUE 18 17 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -14 21

Visit to Badamwari (LKG & UKG)Inter House Basket ball Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-1419 Harvesting Day (1st & 2nd)

Inter House Wushu Competition (Boys & Girls) -under 11 23 DEAR Activity (LKG-12th) 21 18Visit to Chrar e Sharief Shrine(6th)

2nd Edition CHINAR CUP FOOTBALL Cup Tourna-ment for Boys & Girls under (under fl ood lights)

22 Visit to Sericulture Department (7th) 20 Visit to Sa� ron & Paddy fi elds

(8th) 17 22 Result Declaration (10th & 12th) 2 TUE

WED 19 18Graduation Day (3rd)

Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -17

22International Earth Day(LRC Dept.) | Visit to Badam-

wari(1st & 2nd) | Inter School Art CompetitionInter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17

20Harvesting Day (LKG & UKG) | PRE MID ENDS - (11th - 12th) | Inter House Wushu Competition

(Boys & Girls) -under 1424 22

School reopensCross Checking (3rd - 8th) 19 Visit to Religious Places

(1st) 23 Inter House Hindi/Kashmiri Elocution (5th - 10th) 21 18 Inter House 3D Printing

Competition (8th-12th) 23 School closes for Winter Vacations 3 WED

THU 20 19 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -17 23 Inter House Basket ball Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under-17 21PRE MID ENDS - (1st - 3rd) | Eid Activities (LRC Dept.)

Inter House Wushu Competition (Boys & Girls)- under 17 & 19

25 Sta� Picnic 23 Cross Checking (3rd - 8th) 20 Inter House English Debate Competition (5th - 12th) 24 22 POST MID TERM ENDS - (4th -8th) 19 24 4 THU

FRI 21 20 Science Exhibition (1st - 10th) 24 22 26 MID TERM STARTS - (1st - 8th) 24 Summer Camp Boys(24th - 26th July) - (7th - 10th) 21 Overnight Camp

(UKG) 25 23 English Activity - Secret Revealed (LKG-10th) 20 25 5 FRI

SAT 22 Workshop for teachers of Tiny Tots and LRC from 22nd - 26 Feb 21 Interhouse Table Tennis Competition

(Open) Boys & Girls under -19 25 Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 23 27

MID TERM STARTS (9th - 12th) 25 22 Summer Camp

(22nd - 23rd Aug) - LRC Dept. 26 DPS Variety Entertainment Programme (7th - 12th) 24 21


SUN 23 22 26 24 28 26 23 27 25 22 27 7 SUN

MON 24 23School reopens (11th)

Interhouse Table Tennis Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under -19

27 Inter House Basket ball Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-19 25 Eid-ul-Fitr 29 27 Cross Checking (9th & 10th) 24 Sociology Department Tour (12th) 28 General Assembly for Gandhi

Jayanti (LRC Dept.) 26 23 28 8 School opens (LKG ) MON

TUE 25 Parent Orientation (9th) 24Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys

& Girls under-14Visit to Farm House(LKG & UKG)

28 Inter House Tang Tha Competition(Boys & Girls) -under 14 & 17 26 30 28 Result Declaration (Tiny Tots) 25

Visit to Church and Chatti Padshahi(5th) 29 27 24 29 TUE

WED 26 Parent Orientation (1st) 25 Visit to Farm House (1st & 2nd)Medical Camp (3rd) 29

Pop Up Art Activity (1st - 12th)Inter House Tang Tha Competition

(Boys & Girls) -under 1927 29 26

Visit to Orphanage (3rd)Visit to SPS Museum (4th) 30 Grand Parents Day

(LKG - 6th) 28 25World Disability Day (LRC Dept.)


THU 27 Parent Orientation (5th) 26Medical Camp (3rd) | English Activity Book

Wizardry (1st to 10th) I Inter House Badmin-ton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17

30 28Mask Making Activity (1st -12th)

First Invitational Inter-school Volley Ball (Open)

PRE MID ENDS - (4th - 8th)30 27 Inter House Spellathon (1st - 4th)

Industrial Tour -Commerce Department (11th)29 Interhouse Seminar (5th-10th)

POST MID TERM ENDS - (10th - 12th) 26 31 THU

FRI 28 27Graduation Day (6th)

Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys & Girls under-17

29 Visit to Martand Temple (8th) 31 28 30 27 FRI

SAT 29 Parent Orientation (3rd & 7th) 28 Inter House Badminton Competition (Open) Boys

& Girls under-19 30Visit to SPS Museum (1st & 2nd) | PTM (11th - 12th) |

Picnic (LRC Dept.) | Inter House Taekwondo Competition(Boys & Girls) - under 14



SUN 29 31 30 29 SUN

MON 30Inter House Badminton Competition (Open)

Boys & Girls under-19Medical Camp (4th)

31 30 MON

TUE 31 Paper Mosaic Activity (1st - 12th)Medical Camp (4th) TUE

Delhi Public School, SrinagarSchool Planner 2020 – 2021