West Exe Technology College has won the Regional finals of the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Robotics competition which is run by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). FLL is a global STEM competition for teams of students, to encourage an interest in real world issues and develop key skills that are crucial for their future careers. The students work together as a team and explore a given scientific topic and plan, programme and test an autonomous robot to solve several missions. This year’s challenge is 'Senior Solutions' - encouraging students to explore the topic of ageing; how it may affect a person’s ability and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For the competition ‘project’ element, our students (the West Exe Engineers) developed a solution to simplify the taking of medication for senior citizens and designing an automated pill dispenser. In the ‘table challenge’ our robot performed extremely well on the missions set, improving each time over the four rounds, gaining a total of 895 points and winning in the final! First place: West Exe Technology College, Second place: the Maynard School, Third place: Exmouth Community College As winners of the Regional Tournaments, we go forward to the UK and Ireland final at Loughborough University in January 2013. The winner of the UK and Ireland National final will then compete in the World FLL Festival in St. Louis, USA! Good luck to the West Exe Engineers! Paul Wigmore and Kevin Hadley, Technology Department INSIDE THIS ISSUE The winning team after the presentation at Callington—Max, Danny, Harvey, Tom, Ben, Jake, Trafford

December 2012 newsletter

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West Exe Technology College's December 2012 newsletter

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Page 1: December 2012 newsletter

West Exe Technology College has won the Regional finals of the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Robotics competition which is run by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). FLL is a global STEM competition for teams of students, to encourage an interest in real world issues and develop key skills that are crucial for their future careers. The students work together as a team and explore a given scientific topic and plan, programme and test an autonomous robot to solve several missions. This year’s challenge is 'Senior Solutions' - encouraging students to explore the topic of ageing; how it may affect a person’s ability and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For the competition ‘project’ element, our students (the West Exe Engineers) developed a solution to simplify the taking of medication for senior citizens and designing an automated pill dispenser. In the ‘table challenge’ our robot performed extremely well on the missions set, improving each time over the four rounds, gaining a total of 895 points and winning in the final! First place: West Exe Technology College, Second place: the Maynard School, Third place: Exmouth Community College As winners of the Regional Tournaments, we go forward to the UK and Ireland final at Loughborough University in January 2013. The winner of the UK and Ireland National final will then compete in the World FLL Festival in St. Louis, USA! Good luck to the West Exe Engineers!

Paul Wigmore and Kevin Hadley, Technology Department



The winning team after the presentation at Callington—Max, Danny, Harvey, Tom,

Ben, Jake, Trafford

Page 2: December 2012 newsletter

As part of our Primary Liaison work and to assist our primary feeder schools with STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) we have this term been working with students from Montgomery Primary School with our Lego Robots. As part of the project, students are required to work as part of a team, follow instructions and build a robot that looks something like ‘WALL-E’ from the Disney film. Once the robot is built, they then programme it to move and perform simple tasks using computer software. It also requires concentration – with over 400 pieces to be assembled! We hope that this work will help to inspire the next generation of regional winners and maintain our proud tradition of robotics at West Exe! Paul Wigmore, Technology Department

Two young Montgomery roboteers work

with their creations

Some of our engineering students took part in a Young Engineers event at Exeter University and Flybe this Term. The event started at Exeter University, where the students took part in various engineering challenges. The students tried to build the most aerodynamic car that they could design, out of Lego. This vehicle was then placed into a wind tunnel where it was tested to its limit. The next task involved building the strongest bridge that they could design out of wooden sticks, again the bridge was tested until it collapsed and we were amazed at the weight that the bridges could take. Perhaps the most exciting part was after lunch, visiting the Flybe Training Academy. We were taken on a tour of their facilities and hangers and were introduced to some of the apprentice aircraft engineers. We also went in an army helicopter, before taking part in some more challenges which included trying to land our own balsa wood plane on an aircraft carrier.

Paul Wigmore, Technology Department

Page 3: December 2012 newsletter

Dear Parents and Friends

As a very long and busy term comes to an end and everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved break, it is good to look back on the events and achievements and look forward to challenges ahead. Whilst the term has been long and hard, we have lots of reasons to be very pleased with our continued progress in many areas.

Within the school, students have demonstrated their learning abilities to achieve an amazing 42681 Behaviour for Learning points and this is an indication of real progress for many students. You may well have received a postcard congratulating your child on their performance and I do hope you have been able to discuss with them the range of skills and abilities demonstrated to earn this reward. We have also been delighted throughout the term by students’ attendance; with just one week until the end of an extremely long term attendance sits at 95.16% across the school. Particular congratulations to Y7 with an amazing attendance of 97.66% and Y11 who, at this crucial stage in their education are on a record 94.54%. A particular well done to the 314 students (26.3%) who are still on 100% attendance! Please do keep on encouraging your children to attend whenever possible. Good attendance really does make a difference to students’ achievement.

There have been so many highlights that it is difficult to pick out individual ones for mention. Many of them are celebrated in more detail in this newsletter but our Christmas Village was a first for West Exe Technology College and completely exceeded our high expectations. It was a really memorable community evening with a fantastic atmosphere. Thankyou to all the students and staff involved in the organisation, to performers, waiters and waitresses and to everyone who attended and helped make it a really special occasion.

We were delighted to win Runner Up at the Excellence in Exeter Awards for our charity work for Muscular Dystrophy last year. The award was collected by Adam Smale and Xueyang Yu on the school’s behalf in recognition of their hard work as last year’s senior students but thanks are due to everyone who helped us exceed our target of £6,000 and raise over £8,000. We are now beginning to raise money for The Moldova Project which was chosen by students from a shortlist of four charities which were presented by Student Council members in assembly. Our target for this year is to raise £8,000. We got off to a great start with the Christmas Village raising £361 and are very optimistic about raising lots of money for this cause which moved many of us when Alisha told us about it.

We were honoured to host a visit from Baroness Butler-Sloss a few weeks ago. You can read about the detail of her visit elsewhere but we were extremely proud of our Student and Year Councillors who impressed her enormously with their questions and discussion with her – well done all of you! Further afield, we were very pleased to hear that our Value Added score for last year was 1007.6. This is the official data analysis outcome for the Class of 2012 which is used to inform Ofsted and indicates that last year’s outcomes were better than those our students would have gained in most other schools across the country. This is the first time we have been over the 1000 mark which means we performed really well as a school. This is important for West Exe and more importantly, means those students have set out on the next stage of their lives as well-qualified young people. There are lots of challenges left in this area but this represents good progress.

We are looking forward to developing our links with Esjberg, Denmark. You can read about our first links in this newsletter but we are delighted to have won this significant EU funding and are excited about the development of Handball for the southwest region. Do get involved if you can!

This term sees a number of staff leave. We say goodbye to Chris Ingram, our Finance officer, who is looking forward to a well-earned retirement after many years of outstanding service to the school. She will be missed for her patience and sense of humour as well as her excellent financial acumen and we wish her all the very best for the future. Simon Gibbs has been here for a shorter time but will also be sorely missed. He has been Head of KS4 Maths for the last two years and a Staff Governor for two and a half years as well as an excellent tutor to 11SCG since they started in Year 7. We wish him all the very best as he moves away from Devon with his family.

We are welcoming new staff to the school too. Sarah Fisher joins us from South Dartmoor as Head of English and Patricia Brown as Head of Music. We look forward to working with them both. Thank you for all your support over the last term. It is very much valued by us. Best wishes for a really Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at West Exe Technology College. We look forward to seeing all the students refreshed and ready for the Spring Term 2013 on Monday 7th January.

Vicki Carah, Acting Headteacher

Page 4: December 2012 newsletter

Of the eighteen students who enrolled on last year’s Bronze Award, eleven have now completed and one has already started work towards the Silver Award through Exeter College. The following students from West Exe have recently attended awards ceremonies: Ashley C

Olivia DMB

Bethany C

Abby C

Elle M

Nadine O

Eve R

Lara S

Emma M has also just completed her award but hasn’t received her certificate yet. Well done to everyone! The other six students have nearly completed all the sections and we hope they will be able to receive their awards after Christmas. Nearly all the thirty-five Year 10 students enrolled in this year’s group have made a good start in working towards the various sections of the award which are volunteering, physical, a skill and completing a two day expedition. They have already started to learn map skills through attending orienteering events, and will be going out on their first practice navigation walks in March.

Jill Green, D of E programme co-ordinator

West Exe is delighted to have been successful in gaining EU funding for a joint project working with a school in Esbjerg, Denmark. Over the next two years we will represent Devon in partnership with Esbjerg, working with the Vestervangsskole to develop handball coaching skills for our teachers and specialist sports students, and with the English Handball Association and local sports clubs to set up handball clubs and a local league. Exeter College also hope to be involved in developing this exciting Olympic sport as our students move on to their post-16 studies. We will also be working on developing student leadership within sport contexts, and devising a sports curriculum which leads to sustained engagement by young people. Members of staff Colin Green, who will lead the project, and Stephen Berridge have already visited Denmark to initiate the links, and we will receive our Danish colleagues in Exeter in February. More exchange visits are planned for this school year and next as we strengthen our knowledge of handball, so look out for further news and opportunities for both adults and young people to take up this game and build an Olympic handball legacy in the South West.

Rick Jolley, Deputy Headteacher

Olivia, Abby, Nadine, Elle,

Bethany, and Lara collect their

certificates from Peter Scott,

Chair of Governors.


Vestervangsskole in December

Page 5: December 2012 newsletter

On Friday 23rd November West Exe Technology College was very privileged to welcome Baroness Butler-Sloss to Exeter to work with our students. Baroness Butler-Sloss was the first female Lord Justice of Appeal. Until her retirement in 2005, she was the highest-ranking female judge in the United Kingdom, and is one of the most eminent legal minds in the country. The Baroness conducted a fascinating session on law and politics in the morning for students from Years 8-11, and worked with a group of Year 9 students in the afternoon. She also met with West Exe senior students, staff, and governors, who very much appreciated discussing a variety of topical issues with her. All involved greatly enjoyed the day and the experience of being able to meet the Baroness. Maria K, Year 11, said, “I knew of her career already from my sister, who has just completed a law degree. I also have an interest in family law after being invited to attend a presentation at Exeter

University by Baroness Scotland. Baroness Butler-Sloss was an incredibly friendly, practical and inspiring

person, covering a wide variety of topics of interest to young people. She stunned many of us and

surpassed the high expectations of those of us who were already fans”. Elle M, also Year 11, agreed, “I found the talk very insightful into the working of national politics and the House of Lords”. At the end of her session, the Baroness told her audience, “May I say that you are the best group of 14-16 year olds I’ve ever met? I generally talk to 16-18 year olds, but you’re brilliant, so I’ve very much enjoyed

talking to you”. Congratulations to all the students who represented West Exe and the city of Exeter so brilliantly and thanks to Baroness Butler-Sloss for giving us her time and for leading such an illuminating session for our students.

Top, Baroness Butler-Sloss with RE Co-ordinator

Ben Lias, Head boy Ryan H, Parent Governor

Debbie Andrew, Head Girl Rachel N, Parent

Governor Jo Barker, Acting Headteacher Vicki

Carah, and Assistant Year 10 head Paul Fidler;

centre, working with Year 9 students; bottom,

students listening to the Baroness’s talk

Page 6: December 2012 newsletter

The annual ‘Exeter in Excellence’ awards took place on the evening of Thursday, November 15th at The University’s Great Hall. It was a fitting venue for a thoroughly inspirational evening. Awards were presented to students from all five city secondary schools, as well as those from Exeter College and Southbrook School. Winners received awards for academic, artistic or sporting excellence, as well as Service in Your Community. It was no easy task to select the winning students from West Exe. However, after much deliberation, those shown below were invited to attend and accept awards. All of our students did themselves proud and played their part in the proceedings. Special mention must go to Charlotte W in Year 10, who took to the stage to perform a wonderful rendition of ‘Without A Word’ treating the hundreds of people present to some moving singing and piano playing. Her deafening applause from an audience of teachers, fellow students, parents and VIP guests was wholly deserved. The evening ended with the presentation of the Community Award. It was a very pleasant surprise to see last Year’s Year 11 students, Adam Smale and Xue Yang Yu invited back onto the stage to collect the runners-up certificate in recognition of all of the positive charity work that took place in 2011-12 in aid of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. Congratulations to all of the award winners. For students currently in Years 9 and 11, keep aiming high. We look forward to seeing you receiving your awards next November.

Damian Bartholomew, Assistant Headteacher

Photos, from top, Year 7 award

winners, Year 10 award winners,

Year 11 leavers Class of 2012

award winners

Page 7: December 2012 newsletter

Mumble pins! Year 8 were in for a real treat indeed! “I never thought that I could learn so much in the space of one day!” exclaimed Shania, as she reflected on a busy ALD that she and 240 like-minded year 8s had participated in. From meeting the witch finder in the morning, to quill writing and food tasting by break time, the prospect of being diagnosed by a barber surgeon circa 1650 was all rather a lot to take on board. “I found it fascinating” said Karris. Year 8 were involved in a series of workshops across the day, which involved working with actors, developing new skills, and finding out about what life was like 500 years ago. Firstly, they met with Barber Surgeon who was able to demonstrate and perform many of the surgical procedures of the time. He specialised in dealing with problems in the mumblepins. “The amputation made me queasy” said Keeley, as I saw her excuse herself from this workshop. “Worms in their teeth!” Tom shouted.. “What could be worse than that?” Well after listening to the treatments and remedies, I think we all realised that there was a LOT of things worse than a worm in the tooth! Master Tom discussed the benefits of witchcraft , and the manner in which the witches would be discovered and put on trial . The instruments of torture made us shudder. This informed us about the ideas and superstitions that people had from this time. “Put it this way, “ said Paige, “as a left handed girl with a pet , freckles, who doesn’t believe in spirits….I am glad I did not live in the 17th Century!” Yet Master Tom was reflective, reminding us that even today, there are societies that believe in witch craft, with terrible consequences. The treasure hunt was really enjoyed, as students were encouraged to hunt for the leisure activities of the 17th Century. Crikey, bear baiting and goose pulling…all seemed a bit grim really! Yet the point was certainly hit home, as many felt thoroughly glad that they lived in a tolerant and more democratic age. Phew. I felt that the day went really well, with the students gaining an enormous sense of period through the different sessions. The TAs were fantastic, even if a little alarmed at times by the horrors of the 17th Century. Also huge thanks to the Humanities department for leading this workshop and making the day such an exciting educational day.

Sheila Baker, Head of History

Top, the Master Surgeon prepares

to operate

Centre, trying out the costumes;

Bottom, Master Tom tries to

discover a witch

Page 8: December 2012 newsletter

On 7th December BT’s futuristic and technology packed articulated truck known as the Vehicle for Change (VFC) visited West Exe Technology College in Exeter. The event was part of an employer engagement initiative arranged and facilitated by Interserve in partnership with the Exeter and Heart of Devon (EHOD) Employment and Skills Board. Groups of lucky students had access to the VFC as well as representatives from BT and Interserve to see first hand and sample the latest communication and collaboration tools BT can offer. Broadband, satellite, telecommunications and social media technologies used by businesses and organisations from across the globe for day-to-day business applications as well as high-profile events such as this year’s Olympics were demonstrated. Richard Ellis, South West Director of Interserve Construction and Chair of the Preparing for Employment Working Group within the EHOD Employment and Skills Board said “direct employer engagement with students and young people is extremely important and has very positive tangible outcomes, however

more employers are needed to step forward to actively engage. Raising students’ awareness of key

requirements such as employability skills, enterprise skills and the relevance of Science, Technology,

Engineering and Maths (STEM) related qualifications within associated careers is crucial”. Interserve Construction’s South West head office is based in Exeter with land mark projects ongoing in the

City and at the Growth Point. Interserve is delighted to be working in partnership with our colleagues from

BT today actively playing our part to maximise the exposure and benefit of this high profile and

worthwhile employer engagement day for the students of West Exe Technology College and the wider

EHOD community”.

The recently published Heseltine Review clearly supports the need for greater employer engagement and can be summarised by “increase the employability of young people by educating and enthusing them about the world of work, and demonstrating to them the applicability of what they learn in the classroom.” Kevin Hadley, College Leader for STEM & Careers Guidance at West Exe said “This was a fantastic opportunity for students to see just what the world of work has to offer. They received excellent guidance

as to the skills required by employers and had their minds opened to the future opportunities available to

them, particularly within the area of STEM. Students were simply amazed by the range of new

technologies on show!” Students were clearly impressed with the event with quotes including: “Very interesting and intuitive - 10 out of 10!”

“I learnt how apprenticeships can make a big


“I learnt how you could communicate from all over

the globe in any situation”

“I was inspired by future jobs and interesting

possible future careers”

“The technology was interesting and I loved the

'goodie bag'!”

“The people explained things well”

“The staff giving us their thoughts on their personal


“Not my favourite subject, but it changed my mind!”

“I liked it a lot and have learnt a lot as well, it was

very fun!”

Page 9: December 2012 newsletter

On Tuesday December 11th, from 6-9 pm, West Exe Technology College hosted our first ever Christmas Village and concert. Our assembly and dining hall areas were overflowing with people as parents, members of the local community, students, stallholders and staff celebrated the forthcoming festive season together. Inside twenty-seven stalls saw local businesses and craftspeople offering their wares, including gifts, seasonal foods, jewellery, jams, sweets, crafts, books, Shabby Chick chic, clothing, cosmetics and beauty products. Much present buying was done, and many culinary delicacies bought and sampled. Our students had done a brilliant job planning and preparing the event, and they were kept busy throughout the evening serving food and drink at our café, selling raffle tickets, running the fete games for the youngsters (and the not so young!), and collecting donations on behalf of our 2012-13 school charity, the Moldova Project. Huge thanks to Lucy and Khaleel from the Moldova Project who supported us this evening and provided masses of information about the charity. Entertainment was provided by the West Exe Brass group, the superb Year 7 choir, led by Mr Walter, the Jazz band and Junior band, the West Exe staff band, staff choir, the Year 10 music group, and our outstanding Year 9 dancers who started the evening’s performances. Everyone to whom we spoke agreed that it was a fantastic event, and one which we hope to repeat in future years. Thanks to all who attended and supported the Christmas Village, whether as guest or stall holder, to lightFX who provided the lighting, and huge congratulations to the Year 10 Business students on everything running so smoothly. The best news of all is that we raised lots of money for the Moldova Project. The total sum so far raised is £316.71. A great start to our fundraising year, thanks to everyone who attended and supported us. Please continue to support our students in their fundraising throughout the year for this charity. To learn more about the charity, please visit its website http://www.themoldovaproject.com and follow it on Twitter @moldovaproject. Many more photos are available in our website Photo Gallery.

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Year 9 had their wits about them as they roamed the corridors, the wings, even the Anderson shelter of this exquisite Victorian building (dedicated to Prince Albert and his societal contributions). Voted the best museum of the year, we decided to view, with critical minds, whether or not it was a true and honest reflection of Exeter’s wealth of History, and deserving of such a title. We were not disappointed! From Tudor garderobes (toilet seats, to me and you) to the skulls of Captain Scott’s dogs, the museum offered a marvellous mixture of artefacts that encouraged interaction and further detective work.

Whilst the favourite artefact was the mummified body in the sarcophagus room, students are still very fond of Gerald. Alice was surprised at “the huge number of artefacts here. . . and only .1% are on show!” The costume and helmet area was suitable busy with Hannah and friends rocking the Roman look. On reflection , Year 9 feel that the museum is worthy of being voted the best. Ben said that “There were so many collections, from stuffed birds to bottles to starfish… that

you almost feel that you should start collecting. Maybe

not the stuffed birds though..”

Star rating 10/10 for revealing such a varied view of Exeter’s many identities. Isca Dumnoniorum, we salute you!

Sheila Baker, Head of History

Claire and Hannah in their office

The English as an Additional Language team has changed a lot this year. They now have a new teaching and office space, and two new members of staff. They are, Hannah Cawthorne, the new Senior Teaching Assistant for EAL, and Claire Hoinville, a long term member of West Exe staff who is returning to the job of EAL Teaching Assistant. Hannah is a qualified primary school teacher, and has also worked as an English language teacher in Hungary, a youth worker and in a home for children in care. Claire is a qualified secondary school teacher of English, has worked at West Exe since 2005 in learning support, and is also a private tutor in English Language and Literacy. Together they provide support, with their studies and with their wellbeing, for all West Exe students who have English as an additional language. One of the things they do is run an EAL homework club on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. They also arrange language exams for any students who wish to take GCSEs in an additional language. If you have a child who speaks another language fluently, the EAL Team can arrange for them to prepare and take that exam. They are also here to help EAL parents. Let them know if you want help with: • Getting information from school and

talking to teachers. • Letters and other documents sent home

in your first language. • Interpreters for meetings with staff. So, please contact them if they can help you in any way. Their emails are: [email protected] and [email protected]

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Launched at the start of this term, our new B4L initiative, rewarding students for doing the right thing every day in every lesson, has been a phenomenal success! Teachers have been awarding points for being in lessons on time, properly equipped, and ready to learn, for participating and showing consideration for others in lessons, for effort and concentration, and for reflecting and improving work to higher standards. It’s getting these basics right that provides the foundation for effective learning and for exam success, and we want to be sure that all learners at West Exe understand this and are able to progress. Fifty points gets a postcard, then a special certificate, and then a £5 or £10 voucher to recognise consistent effort and getting things right. Over 42000 points have been awarded so far, and 1140 students have five points or more. Ask your child how many points he/she has, or log in using your SIMS Learning Gateway access (Years 8-11 parents/carers who were issued with their login details last year – new Year 7 will be issued with this information later in the year) and check for yourself. By the end of term, 15 students have received £10 vouchers, 20 students have received £5 vouchers, 55 students have received a certificate, and 200 students have received a postcard. The full list is below. Congratulations to all who have already reached these levels, and to the many who are not far below and will reach them next term. Remember, it’s getting the basics right that will allow achievement to soar!

Ivan Schmidt, Year 10 leader

£10 vouchers Laura Parsons 09JWH; Alice Pells 09JWH; Mark Dunne 07JUP; Enas Alzwiy 09JWH; Lewis Graham 07SC; Jordan Hooper 09JWH; Max Barwick 09JWH; Kyle Mead 09JWH; Rachel Sanders 09JWH; Charlotte Searle 09JWH; Emily Brewster 09JWH; Hannah Charchafchi 09JWH; Nikita Simpson 08RJW; Emily Staddon 09JWH; £5 vouchers Jade Semple-Ennion 09JWH; Tegan Gulliver 07JCT; Amani Ridd 09JWH; Katie Collier 09JWH; Abbie Hayes-Powlesland 07JUP; Kayleigh Clarke 07JUP; Tys Saunders 07JUP; Sophie Brown 07MJS; Amy Finch 10NR; Becky Stone 09KKP; Joshua Smith 07KLB; Xanthe Smithson 08IP; Laila Walker 09JWH; Camille Murray 07KLB; Keely White 08SEQ; Elle Morris 11LMC; Hannah Bennett 10PJT; Travis Martin 09SAB; Chloe Nethercott 07JUP; Reece Scorer 07KJB; Certificate Katie Hardman 09KKP; Thomas Troth 08KA; Emma Wakeham 07JUP; Chloe Cockayne 07MJS; Nithya Sebastian 09DMC; Paige Beattie 07SC; William Bentley 09DMC; Shannon Walsh 11CLG; Olive Simpson 08PIW; Ellen Taylor 09KKP; Adam Coombe 07KJB; Sophie Dimond 07KJB; Sarah Greer-Janes 10OWH; Emily Barker 07JCT; Ethan Gibson 07KJB; Millie-Mae Down Mcguinness 09JWH; Jasmine Braid 07JUP; Emma Coomber 08WGR; Sophie Smith 08KA; Eliza Szymkowiak 07KLB; Bella Campaigne 09KKP; James Harris 09SAB; Rosie Kenyon 07JUP; Joe Warman 07KJB; Matthew Mangan 09DMC; Jack Parnell 07SC; Michael Bruce 09KKP; Elliot Luxton 10PJT; Charlie Roast 07MJS; Georgia Wellings 08SEQ; Yasmin Western 07JCT; Lucy Bricknell 07JUP; Tommy Coles 08PIW; Taya Pells 07JCT; Konnor Weston 09JWH; Keri Yankova 10DPS; Leighton Richards 07JCT; Jonathan Wall 08PIW; Hollie Fitch 07MJS; Jason Gorman 07JUP; Tiegan Hawker 07JCT; Ciara Berry 07JUP; Alana Carpenter 09BL; Jessie Liu 09SAB; Amy Pavey 10TJL; Jodie Price 08IP; Lucie Ball 07MJS; James Furzer 09RJC; Faye Horn 07KLB; Catherine Stone 07MJS; Massimo Vece 09BL; Adam Horwill 07JUP; Tamsin Johns 07JUP; Ben Shear 07KJB; Postcard Ross Jennings 11MRW; Nia Jones 08IP; Zoe Miles-Gallin 08SEQ; Sasha Ousley 08KA; Catherine Cronin 07KLB; Oisin Wellesley-Miller 07KJB; Amy Copland 08KA; Mattie Cram 10TJL; Courtney Gallin 08WGR; Luke Herbert 07JCT; Harry Jenkins 09BL; Ryan Page 09RJC; Mahri Park 10OWH; Christopher Raddon 07SC; Richard Bentley 07KJB; Jasper Campbell-Crocker 07SC; Ethan Holder 07JUP; Nicole Kerr 09KKP; April Middleton 09DMC; Tatum Gorman 07JUP; Ben Macnab 08PIW; Katie Scott 10OWH; Emily Dyer 09DMC; Max Godfrey 09DMC; Eugenia Leung 08PIW; Eleanor Lucas-Gidley 07CER; Tran Nguyen 09SAB; Rowan Pascoe 07SC; Oliver Barefoot 07SC; Dan Griffiths 09JWH; Poppy Levers 11NJL; Joshua Bedford 07KLB; Megan Goodwin 07KJB; Tom Harbor 11NAL; Dayna

Keegan 07JCT; Chloe Murch 09BL; Sophie Tapper 09BL; Bethany Isaac 07KJB; Libby Sanford 07JCT; Daniel Smith 10RMB; Lauren Soanes 08APG; Patrick Hagley 07KLB; Harriet Oliver 07SC; Tegan Saunders 09LC; Esme Smithson Swain 07SC; Molly Sobey 10PJT; Harrison Stock 07SC; Naomi Bowman 07KLB; Molly Gent 07JCT; Lucy Gordon-Colebrooke 08KA; Katie Greer-Janes 07KJB; Mason Handel 07KJB; James Hebborn 11SCG; Jake Isaac 09SAB; Millie Isaac 08WGR; Molly Johnson 07JCT; Jack Jones 07KJB; Courtney Powell 10PJT; Finley Sampson 09RJC; Pebbles Summers 07JCT; Tyler Vaughan-Ryall 07KLB; Tom Wetherell 08APG; Toni Davis 09KKP; Grace Fedrick 07JCT; Abbie Lowton 09LC; Molly Miles 07SC; Olivia Mitchell 07KLB; Frankie Rufolo 08KA; Mollie Sanders 07SC; Paige White 10SCS; Tj Bennett 08RJW; Jack Carpenter 08IP; Georgia Cornish 07KJB; Connor Hebborn 11SCG; Lewis Jarman 07SC; Beatrice Knights 08APG; Jona Metcalf 08SEQ; Brandon Milford 08PIW; Megan O'Neill 11LMC; Danielle Scrivens 08KA; Emily Sellick 07KLB; Hannah Smith 07KJB; George Tucker 07KJB; Victoria Wakeham 09KKP; Daniel White 08APG; Theo Atkins 07JUP; Kelsey Bradley 09RJC; Chloe Howard 10CJB; Callum Irwin 08APG; Daniel Prout 09DMC; Harvey Richards 07KJB; Julia Stawowczyk 09LC; Rose Tregedeon 07JCT; Ashleigh Vaughan-Ryall 10PF; Nadia Baker 08IP; Reniel Bituin 09MAW; Bethany Clark 11LMC; Carl-Michael Hammond 08PIW; Callum Lewis 07SC; Charley Melton 07KLB; Kirsty Rae 09LC; Lechu Raveendran Kunissery 07CER; Willow Searle 07KJB; Eloise Wood 07MJS; Kelsey Wreford 10RMB; Lucy Banham 11CLG; Hannah Cronin 09DMC; Keren Higgins 11MRW; Jack Tarling 07SC; Lucie Watts 07JUP; Cameron Burrows 08WGR; Grace Evans 07MJS; Benjamin Fodor 09SAB; Ling Lu Yan 08PIW; Sadie Boyce 07CER; Erin Causley 08APG; Ruan Ellis 07JUP; Gemma Hastings 07KLB; Ali Hawley 09BL; Sophie May 08SEQ; Susan Ye 07KLB; Chelsea Aggett 10TJL; Naia Brabyn 08WGR; Courtney Churchward 09SAB; Mark Gibson 09DMC; Casey Gloyn 07KJB; Rachael Martin 11MS; Abby Mines 08SEQ; Aiden Partridge 07MJS; Robbie Raddon 07JCT; Hannah Sharpe 07JUP; Charlie Smout 07MJS; Joseph Soper 07JUP; Elizabeth St Ledger 07KLB; Samuel Strong 08KA; Philip Taylor 08IP; Laura Trout 07JCT; Sam Andrew 09BL; Kain Bull 07SC; Nathaniel Dunbabin 08SEQ; Harry Gill 07JCT; Luke Hawkes 08KA; Harry Lewis 09LC; Sophie Marks 07CER; Lauren McCarthy 07SC; Ruby Norona 07CER; Sam Probert 07JUP; Amelia Sealey 07KJB; Daniel Smith 11MRW; George Voysey 07KLB; Chelsea Wakeham 07JUP; Thomas Wilson 11NJL; Kyle Allen 08SEQ; Thomas Earl 08KA; Chloe Easterbrook 11KMM; Allar Galin 08IP; Reece O'Reilly 07JCT; Becca Quick 09MAW; Ellie Scarrott 07JUP; Ben Stamp 07KJB; Cameron Steel 07JCT; Hannah Sussex 08APG; Connor Garmendia 10TJL; Billy Gray 07JCT; Georgina Hawkins 08IP; Sian Holdsworth 10TJL; Alicia Howes 08RJW; Harry Jones 08WGR; James Pearce 09LC; Marcel Reczek 11KMM; Charlie Shipley 08PIW; Isaac Taylor 08KA; Cally Way 08APG; Harry Eaton 11NJL; Lily Hooper 07KJB; Kayleigh Melluish 07KJB; Thomas Prout 07KJB; Laurie Spoerer 08APG; Livia Takacova 08RJW; Thomas Ashfield 07KJB; Robert Barrett 07KLB; Joe Carnell 09DMC; Luke Carr 07KLB; James Dodd 07SC; Jack Harbor 11NAL; Joe Miller 07MJS; Megan Pillinger-Brown 10PF; Niamh Tapper 11TKG; Sara Wardle 10CJB; Alec White 07CER; Niall Barefoot 09LC; Sophie Gardner 08IP; Amber Grew 08APG; May Lawrence 08PIW; Tori Matthews 07MJS; Lucy Milton 11CLG; Alexander Owens 07JUP; Daniel Shannon 11KMM; Tania Smith 09KKP; Kate Soper 07MJS; Max Squires 07SC; Zak Taylor 11NAL; Nathan Thurgood 08SEQ; Lina Ye 08PIW;

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West Exe Technology College’s record-breaking Class of 2012 celebrated their success at Graduation Evening on Wednesday 28th November in the Corn Exchange, Exeter. Nearly 120 students and their proud parents attended in a packed hall. School staff and governors presented students with their exam certificates, many collecting envelopes containing a thick wad of high grade certificates. Individual awards were then made for particular achievement or effort across a range of different subjects, and special awards for service. An interval saw a brief musical performance on the piano by the very talented Emma Furzer. The final awards of the evening were for exceptional attainment, recognising the highest achievers who all received ten or more A/A* grades, and for exceptional achievement, recognising those who exceeded their target grades across all their subjects. The full list of individual award winners is available on our website. The evening ended with the opportunity to have a chat and remember five happy years. Yearbooks were collected, DVDs of the July Leavers’ evening at Reed Hall bought, and we all departed into the frost with a warm glow and considerable pride. We look forward to hearing of your further successes at college, university, and in your future careers, and we hope that you will keep in touch with us and continue to provide inspiration for our current students. A large gallery of photos is available in our website Photo Gallery.

Photos from top :


Armillotta, English

language award;

Alfie Gibbons,

Business award;

Lucy Kelly, French

award; the high

attainers awards;

the high achievers


Page 13: December 2012 newsletter

After a week's worth of assemblies with students presenting their chosen charities and a vote involving the entire school, the West Exe Technology College charity for 2012-13 has been chosen. This year we will be raising funds for the Moldova Project, presented by Alisha A of Year 9 in assemblies. To see her presentation and a video about the work of the charity please visit our website and the Charities page and blog. The Moldova Project was set up in 2008 with the aim of helping some of the most vulnerable people in Moldova. The people it supports include the many children living in orphanages, as well as people living in extreme poverty in Moldova's remote villages. It is trying to support these people by providing financial help, such as by arranging sponsors for deprived families and funding projects in the orphanages. It also provides more practical support by arranging for children to go to school and for damaged houses to be repaired. To learn more about the charity, please visit its website http://www.themoldovaproject.com and follow it on Twitter @moldovaproject. You can also find out more and view a video made by the charity by visiting the Charities page of the West Exe website. Our fundraising target for this year is £8000, and we will be announcing some of our activities early next term and starting to plan our charity day for the end of the term.

Ivan Schmidt, Charity Co-ordinator

From left :

Khaleel and Lucy of the Moldova

Project at the West Exe

Christmas Village; One of the

charity’s projects in Moldova; a

volunteer working at an

orphanage in Moldova. (Last two photos © Moldova Project)

Moldova is situated in

Eastern Europe, between

Romania and Ukraine. It is

the poorest country in

Europe in GDP per capita.

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In the second of our series of features, we shine a spotlight on the work and the staff of the

Library at West Exe.

Our Aims The newly renamed Library is a hub for learning resources, a refuge for staff and students looking for a place to work quietly or chill out in their spare time and a meeting place for clubs and events. We are here to spread the joy of reading to all, and to encourage a love of books and learning in our students. We aim to supplement students’ learning by teaching study skills and providing resources for revision. We are stocked with around twelve thousand fiction and non-fiction books, newspapers, magazines and graphic novels. We have eight computers for student use and a class set of Kindles that can be used in the college.

Our Team Our recently appointed team consists of Library Manager Ann Draisey and Library Assistant Emma Coombes. I have taken over (after a year as Library Assistant here) from Leah Shaw who left for pastures new in September. I worked in the public library and Exeter university library before being seduced by the challenging but ever rewarding world of school libraries. Emma was in fact a student at West Exe herself, and has come back to begin her career at her old school after completing her library studies at Aberystwyth university. Borrowing Books

Students are allowed to borrow four books at a time, for up to two weeks (with the option to renew their books to keep them for a longer period). We charge no fines, but rely on students and staff to bring their books back. We hold a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books including a very popular graphic novel (comic) section. We regularly update our stock with trips to the Devon School Library Service and by buying in books – these are mostly book requests from students, and we choose our non-fiction resources with subject modules in mind. We also have a staff library which is especially valuable for the trainee teachers on-site.

Clubs and Activities Many different activities are run by or in conjunction with the Library. We have a regular book club which meets on Fridays as well as a newly set up Reading Group. The college journalists create West Express, the college newspaper, here. We also have a legion of twenty Student Librarians, who help us run the Library. They work one day a week behind the desk, issuing and returning books and aiding us in the day-to-day management of a busy library. They work towards Student Librarian awards created by the School Library Association, which can be included on their CVs. These positions are keenly sought and hotly contested – we recently received seventeen applications for one available position!

From top, Ann and Emma; some of the student

librarians; ‘Meet the author’ winners in Bath

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From top, Spiderman relaxes in the library with a good book on World Book Day 2012; reading for pleasure in

the library at lunchtime; author Mal Peet at West Exe for the Carnegie Medal award 2012; our 2012 Carnegie

group perform their drama for the audience

Library Events

We regularly hold events in the Library, including author visits and competitions. Last year Alex Scarrow regaled the year nines with tales of his transformation from computer games designer to teen author, and we are hoping to have a visit from ‘The Two Steves’ (authors Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore) later in the academic year. We held whole-college activities on World Book Day in March, including a treasure hunt where every staff member was designated a book character and a University Challenge-style quiz with teachers versus students. Competition winners were rewarded with a trip to the Bath Kids’ Literature Festival in October, where we heard and met authors including Anthony Horowitz. Our current writing competition will be judged by the chair of Exeter Writers, Cathie Hartigan.

Reading for Pleasure One of our greatest aims in the Library is to get children reading. Both Emma and I love books and wish for everybody to be infected with our enthusiasm! Reading for pleasure is not just a good way to spend time, but it adds significantly to children’s intellectual and emotional development. When we read about other people and other lives we learn new words which increase our vocabulary; our spelling and our own writing improves; our comprehension improves; we gain knowledge about other cultures, genders and experiences; we learn how to be empathetic. These skills span across the whole curriculum and across the whole of life. A study carried out by the Department for Education in 2012 found that:

“Children who say they enjoy reading for pleasure are more likely to score well on reading

assessments compared to pupils who said they enjoyed reading less.”

Reading for pleasure and enjoyment is reported as a “more important determinant of children’s

educational success than their family’s socio-economic background.”

Furthermore, it has a positive impact on pupils’ emotional and social behaviour, as well as text

comprehension and grammar.


The latest news about the Library can be found on the college website, along with photographs of our adventures. You can also follow our library blog (also on the website) which has updates, as well as recommendations and the Book of the Week.

Ann Draisey, Library Manager

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She was defending her right to go to school, and yet 14-year old Malala Yousufzai was targeted for assassination by extremists as if she were a political activist . Those who carried out this brutal crime had no regard for the fact that she was a child. The fact that a young girl was targeted viciously and treated as an adult rather than as the child she is, has shocked the world, and in particular, West Exe Historians in Mrs Baker's Year 8 class. These are some of the responses Year 8 students have given : Leah : I think that Malala is very brave and a fantastically good role model due to her perseverance. She

has spoken out for all those people who are not treated equally. I think more countries should do more to

encourage this equality. I don’t think that she should go back to the danger, but in so doing, she will

change what people think” Sarah : I think she is very brave,

and she has shown an amazing spirit

for a girl of 14 to try to protest about

her human rights. On balance, I just

don’t think that I could go back Chris : It was wrong what the Taliban

did to Malala , and so she is raising an

important point about girls education

globally. Finlay and James : Maybe if she

stayed here in Britain and had a

better schooling, she could return

educated to help her family and

friends Tamara : I think she is an amazing person. The Taliban were horrible

bullies to pick on a child. Respect is

about equality first. By visiting our website and the Humanities blog you can find links to BBC radio programmes about Malala’s story. Sheila Baker, Head of History

Photo © Reuters

Your Governing Body has been working hard to support students and staff in their aim of making West Exe Technology College an even better place to learn and work. On Monday 3rd December we held a joint conference with governors and leaders of primary schools in the West Exe Learning Community. During the course of a very interesting and productive evening we discussed strategies and shared ideas and information about what we already do well, and what we can improve together. We remain strongly committed to improving collaboration between us and the primary schools, and will continue to support such events and maintain our outreach programmes with partner schools. On Thursday 13th December a panel of seven governors met with local authority advisors and considered the applications for the post of permanent Headteacher. We received twenty-five completed applications, and have now drawn up a shortlist of six candidates. We will be requesting references for these candidates and they will be invited for interview on 22nd-24th January 2013. Members of the Governing Body and representatives from Devon LA will be involved in the interview process, and other students and staff will be invited to play a part in the interview days, meeting candidates and talking to them about West Exe. If we are successful in making an appointment, the new Headteacher will take up his/her post at West Exe for summer term 2013. On Tuesday 18th December six governors visited West Exe for the afternoon, had a tour of the school and spent time with a subject department. These governors will have a link with that department and will take a special interest in supporting the work of the staff of that department. We hope that these closer links will help governors to understand better day-to-day life at West Exe, and will allow departments to understand that the Governing Body is not a remote decision-making committee, but is involved in their routine work and is there to support them. We will continue to keep you informed about the work of the Board of Governors as we move the new era forward at West Exe Technology College, and information will be posted on our website when available. If you have any questions about the work of the Board of Governors please contact Marie Gane, Clerk to the Governors, email [email protected], or telephone Exeter 660100.

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On Monday 3rd December West Exe Technology College Year 10 Health and Social Care students hosted a Christmas party for local old folks. They planned the menu, the entertainment and the logistics of getting their guests to West Exe. On the afternoon their work proved a triumph – all the guests had a wonderful time, and were delighted to spend time in the company of such dedicated and energetic young people. In their reflections afterwards, Year 10 thought about what they had learned from the event. Sophia A and Leah A commented that, “When planning the food and entertainment we had to think

about the medical and health

conditions of the guests, such as

diabetes, mobility, and access.”

Sophie CC said that, “I enjoyed having the opportunity to speak to

older people whom I would not

normally meet. It was a very lively

and friendly atmosphere. You had

to think about how to speak to

them—with respect, even making

sure that we were at a level to be

able to make eye contact with


Beth C said that, “After the party my friend Ashton and I met up

with the wife of one of our guests,

and she told us all about this life

story and how he lost his voice

and developed Alzheimer’s. We

learned how to keep the

conversation going. I was quite

nervous at first, but once we sat

down with them they were really

friendly and we found it easy. I

learned about the importance of

barriers to communication, such

as background noise, for old

people.” Our feedback indicates that everyone enjoyed the afternoon, and that they would like to be invited again next year! Congratulations to all the Year 10 students involved on behalf of their teachers, Kellie White and Imogen O’Callaghan, and we look forward to next year and welcoming even more guests.

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West Exe dominated their first round matches in the first round of the Centre Parcs Badminton competition held at St Luke’s. The event involved five game matches in both singles and doubles. Years 7/8/9 squad

Kieran E

Niall B

James P

George H

Results – the team won both their Matches against St James (four games to one) and a well-deserved win over our old rivals Clyst Vale (three games to two) This team contained county level players! A similar level of success was experienced by the Year 10/11 team: Years 10-11 squad

Sam C

Stephen M

Ethan C

James O

Jordan H

Results – the team were on fire beating both Tiverton (four games to one) and St James (winning all five games) I would like to congratulate both teams for all the efforts they have put in to progress so dramatically and start to compete against the best players in the county.

Roger Hutchinson, Head of PE

Left, the Y7/8/9 squad; right, the Y10/11 squad

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Last month, Year 11 BTEC drama were given the opportunity to work with the theatre company Rhum and Clay. Across three weeks we took part in several workshops to develop our techniques. We also watched the company’s own piece “Shutterland” at the Bikeshed Theatre, which was a complex and gripping piece of physical theatre that we thoroughly enjoyed. The end result of this project was the opportunity to perform our own devised pieces at the theatre, inspired by the topic of discovery. From this experience we gained a greater understanding of physical theatre and, as a class, ended up producing three performances that we could be proud of. Elle M & Ryan H, Year 11

On November 29th, a group of hardy theatre goers went to the Northcott Theatre to see the acclaimed version of Medea, originally written by Euripides in 431 bc. This version was adapted and greatly reduced by Mike Bartlett, in 2012, and updated to be set in the present day. The plot revolves around a spurned wife who determines to seek revenge on her husband and his new partner, with devastating consequences. Even knowing that the play was a Greek Tragedy, we were still shocked by the power of the tragic ending and the stunning performances from the main actors, especially Rachael Stirling as a 2012 Medea, a part famously played by her mother, Diana Rigg, exactly 20 years ago. The script was superb, and fizzed along, and even though we were in the 21st century suburbs, the notion of the Greek Chorus,

and a Messenger delivering the awful news of the tragedies was still used. All of the play was greatly enhanced by a suberb set, that opened and shut on two levels, to show the interior of Medea's house. The set came into its own when it lowered, so that we had a view of Medea on the roof as she came to her own tragic end. A fabulous evening’s drama, but not one for the fainthearted. Dave Salter, Head of Expressive Arts

On 28th November 2012, the West Exe girls’ soccer squad, including members from Years 9,10 and 11, played Holsworthy in a cup match on the astro. West Exe went three goals up in just under nine minutes, all scored by the captain Beth R of Year 11. At half time it was 3-1 to West Exe. The second half kicked off and Holsworthy started to attack more. They had a few shots on target saved by the goalkeeper Maxine W. West Exe managed to maintain the lead and even score eight(!) more goals. The end result was West Exe 11-1 Holsworthy. Many thanks to Dan S and Matt R for managing the team! Also many thanks to Ethan C and Harry S for being the referees! Also thanks to Reece S and Dan S for being the linesmen! A big thank you to Miss Waters for arranging the fixture and Mr Barrett for providing the kit! Keep it up girls! We look forward to the next round of the cup!

Maxine W, Year 11

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Students from West Exe Technology College who came in the top 2 in the schools Cross Country Week went on to represent West Exe Technology College at the Exeter & District Schools Cross Country at Tiverton on Tuesday 27th November 2012. The course at Tiverton is not the easiest of courses at the best of times, with steep off road hills and uneven terrain. However, as a result of the severe weather conditions this added to the difficulty of the course with the ground being very wet, muddy and slippery. Students competed in the appropriate age categories against other Exeter and District Schools : • Year 7 boys/girls • Junior (8&9) boys/girls • Intermediate (10&11) Well done to all the competitors for braving the cold and wet conditions, in particular to James D 7SC, Chloe H 10CJB, Regan I 10RMB and Lucy D 11TKG, who were successful in qualifying for round 2, Exeter versus East Devon at Killerton.

Nicola Lewis, PE Department

All school monitoring cards are now asking teachers to make a single ‘Attitude To Learning’ judgement at the end of a lesson. This brings the cards in line with the whole-school tracking process and adds greater clarity and consistency to the system. When possible, teachers are asked to take the time to discuss this grade with students at the end of a lesson. We expect all students on cards to be scoring at least a ‘3’ (good) in every lesson. The levels on the new cards and the focus points in lessons are shown below. These are the criteria on which students will be assessed.

Damian Bartholomew, Assistant Headteacher

The squad

prior to


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For the first time, West Exe is offering a Spanish study visit to Barcelona in May 2013. This visit is offered to students currently in Years 9 and 10, and offers a fantastic opportunity to experience life in Catalunya, to improve your Spanish, and to enjoy a short stay in this exciting area of Spain. For full details please view the short video on our website, and collect a letter with full information about the visit at the start of next term. Deposits will need to be paid by Monday 14th January, so save some of your Christmas money! This will be the best and most enjoyable way to improve your Spanish in 2013 – we look forward to you joining us!

Following trials for Devon U15 girls rugby, Mollie S of Year 10 has been selected for the county squad. Mollie, who plays her club rugby at Exeter Saracens, made the twenty-three strong county squad for the second year running. Two county games then followed – away at Newquay versus Cornwall for the Tamar Cup – winning 14-46, and then home at North Tawton versus Berkshire winning 34-20. Mollie plays scrum half for both club and county. Since its conception the Devon U15 girls team remains unbeaten. Huge congratulations to Mollie, and we look forward to hearing of her continued success.

Mollie, and right, in action

against Berkshire

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Moved house? New mobile no.? New email Please let us know whenever any of your contact details change. This can be done by email to [email protected], or via the contact page on the school website. Please state your child’s name, year and tutor group. If you don’t have an email account, can you please advise any changes to me in writing, and ask your child to hand the note in to the Student Services Reception.

Sherilyn Rawlinson, Director of Information Services

Autumn 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013

Year 7 Subject Evening Tues 23 April

Year 8 Subject Evening Thur 13 December

Subject Evening Tues 26 March

Year 9 Subject Evening Tues 4 December

Options evening 29 January

Subject Evening Thur 14 March

Year 10 Exams week 25 February

Subject Evening Thur 2 May

Year 11 Subject Evening Tues 13 November

Mock exams week 3 December

Subject Evening Thur 7 March

Subject Evening Thur 24 January

Exams week 28 January

Exams week 14 January

Subject Evening Tues 15 January

Wednesday 9th January GCSE Biology 1 & Science exams Week of Monday 14th January Year 9 internal exams Monday 14th January GCSE Chemistry 1 exam Tuesday 15th January Year 10 subject evening 4.00-7.00 Thursday 17th January GCSE Physics 1 exam Tuesday 22nd January GCSE Biology 2 and Additional Science exams Thursday 24th January GCSE Chemistry 2 exam Thursday 24th January Year 7 subject evening 4.00-7.00 Friday 25th January GCSE Physics 2 exam Week of Monday 28th January Year 8 internal exams Week of Monday 28th January Year 11 tracking 2 Tuesday 29th January Year 9 Options information evening 6.45-8.30 Week of Monday 4th February Year 9 tracking 2 Thursday 7th February Intermediate Maths Challenge Y9-11

TERM DATES 2012-13

Spring Term

Term commences: Monday 7th January 2013 Half Term: Friday 15th – Friday 22nd February 2013 Last day of term: Thursday 28th March 2013

Summer Term

Term commences: Monday 15th April 2013 May Day Holiday: Monday 6th May 2013 Half Term: Monday 27th– Friday 31st May inclusive End of Term: Tuesday 23rd July 2013

TERM DATES 2013-14

Autumn Term

Term commences: Monday 9th September 2013 Half Term: Monday 28th October– Friday 1st November inclusive Thursday 28th & Friday 29th November 2013 Staff training days Last day of term: Friday 20th December 2013

Spring Term

Term commences: Thursday 2nd January 2014 Half Term: Friday 14th – Friday 21st February 2014 Last day of term: Friday 4th April 2014

Summer Term

Term commences: Tuesday 22nd April 2014 May Day Holiday: Monday 5th May 2014 Half Term: Monday 26th– Friday 30th May inclusive End of Term: Wednesday 23rd July 2014

Friday 8th February Joint Jazz Concert with Exeter College 7.00 Tuesday 12th February Applied Learning Day Friday 15th February Non-pupil day Week of Monday 25th February Year 8 tracking 2 Week of Monday 25th February Year 10 internal exams Thursday 7th March Year 11 subject evening 4.00-7.00 Week of Monday 11th March Year 7 tracking 2 Thursday 14th March Year 9 subject evening 4.00-7.00 Week of Monday 18th March Charity Week Week of Monday 18th March Year 10 tracking 2 Thursday 21st March Community charity quiz 7.00-9.00 Friday 22nd March Charity day Tuesday 26th March Year 8 subject evening 4.00-7.00