De La Salle University S.Y. 2014-2015 (1st Term) GLOBDE !e"le#ti$n %a&er  'ennet %a&a *1  11125*+1 ,r. i$ /l"$ns$ %$n  How does globalization promote or limit labor migration in the sending and receiving countries? De t$ l$3aliati$n te#n$l$y e#$n$my an #ltre as #ane sini"i#antly $ver te re#ent years. On te $ter an la3$r mirati$n is m$vin la3$rers "r$m $ne estinati$n t$ an$ter. /##$rinly it is als$ $ne $" te #$ntri3ti$ns $" l $3aliati$n. 6t is 3e#ase 3$rers an 3arriers ave 3e# $me me ani nl ess as l $3a li ati $n &r $m$t es m$3ili ty $" &e$&le. G$vernm ents are n$7 7$rin t$eter t$7ars lenient la7s tat all$7 &e$&le t$ travel "aster easier an im&$sin reater la7s t$7ars mirati$n. Ts l$3aliati$n is a ey "a#t$r in  &r$m$tin la3$r mirati$n. ,$re$ver l$3aliati$n #$$rinates te eman $" evel$&e #$ntries "$r la3$rers 7it s&&ly "r$m evel$&in nati$ns. /s is#sse in #lass instrialie #$ntries ave i #a&ital tat #an a"" $r 7$rers "r$m im&$verise nati$ns tat ave l$7 #a&ital. Gl$3aliati$n el&s 3rie te e#$n$mi# is&arity 3et7een i""erent #$ntries an la3$r mirati$n is $ne "a#t$r $n its &$ssi3ility. 6n#$me istri3ti$n is elevate in a 3etter &$siti$n as in reality tere are 7ae i""eren#es t$ 3e #$nsiere. Te in"l8 $" la3$rers as sini"i#antly ev$lve tr$$t te years. Senin #$ntries are trans"er in #ivilians t$ i""erent #$ntries e t$ vari$s reas$ns lie em&l$yment se#rity  3etter livin #$niti$ns $r m$re &ers$nal reas$ns. Te senin #$ntries 3ene"it "r$m te remittan#es investment $" $verseas 7$rers 7en tey retrn an n$7lee atere "r$m "$rein #$ntries. 9$r instan#e in %il i&&ines 7ere tere is i nem&l$yment an &$verty senin &e$&le 7$l &r$vie reater $&&$rtnities "ar "r$m a tir 7$rl #$ntry an invest teir m$ney 3a# t$ te #$ntry a"ter 7$rin a3r$a. :$7ever senin t$$ m# &e$&le a3r$a 7$l #ase 3rain rain an 7$l 3e etrimental "$r evel$&ment in te l$n rn. ,$st es&e#ially i" te &e$&le sent a3r$a are &e$&le 7$ ave sills tat #an el& te #$ntry 3etter. 6t 7$l 3e s# a 7aste tat a "$rein #$ntry 3ene"its "r$m te #a&a3ilities $" an $verseas 7$rer rater tan its $7n $mesti# lan. ,$vin $n te re#eivin #$ntries 3ene"it als$ "r$m te sitati$n as te la3$rers #$l el& in teir instries. ,$re$ver 3y attainin em&l$yees #$m&anies #$l l$7er $7n e8&enses $r in#rease revene &r$viin reater &r$"ita3le marin.  ;everteless s$me $" te "$reiners 7ill ave less <$3 $&&$rtnities an 3a#las $n 7$rers #$min "r$m i""erent nati$ns similar t$ 7at is a&&enin in Sina&$re :$n '$n an $ter #$ntries $n &er#e&ti$ns a3$t 9ili&in$s. Gl$3aliati$n maes it easier t$ travel int$ i""erent estinati$ns e t$ m$re lenient "$r ein la7s rearin immir ants. /# #$r in ly te eman $" evel$&e #$n tri es "$r 

De La Salle University

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De La Salle UniversityS.Y. 2014-2015 (1st Term)GLOBDEV Reflection Paper Kenneth Papa C31 11125381 Mr. Jikko Alfonso Puzon

How does globalization promote or limit labor migration in the sending and receiving countries? Due to globalization, technology, economy and culture has changed significantly over the recent years. On the other hand, labour migration is moving labourers from one destination to another. Accordingly, it is also one of the contributions of globalization. It is because borders and barriers have become meaningless as globalization promotes mobility of people. Governments are now working together towards lenient laws that allow people to travel faster, easier and imposing greater laws towards migration. Thus, globalization is a key factor in promoting labour migration.Moreover, globalization coordinates the demand of developed countries for labourers with supply from developing nations. As discussed in class, industrialized countries have high capital that can afford workers from impoverished nations that have low capital. Globalization helps bridge the economic disparity between different countries and labor migration is one factor on its possibility. Income distribution is elevated in a better position as in reality there are wage differences to be considered. The influx of labourers has significantly evolved throughout the years. Sending countries are transfer in civilians to different countries due to various reasons like employment, security, better living conditions or more personal reasons. The sending countries benefit from the remittances, investment of overseas workers when they return and knowledge gathered from foreign countries. For instance, in Philippines where there is high unemployment and poverty, sending people would provide greater opportunities far from a third world country and invest their money back to the country after working abroad. However, sending too much people abroad would cause brain drain and would be detrimental for development in the long run. Most especially, if the people sent abroad are people who have skills that can help the country better. It would be such a waste that a foreign country benefits from the capabilities of an overseas worker rather than its own domestic land. Moving on, the receiving countries benefit also from the situation as the labourers could help in their industries. Moreover, by attaining employees, companies could lower down expenses or increase revenue providing greater profitable margin. Nevertheless, some of the foreigners will have less job opportunities and backlash on workers coming from different nations similar to what is happening in Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries on perceptions about Filipinos. Globalization makes it easier to travel into different destinations due to more lenient foreign laws regarding immigrants. Accordingly, the demand of developed countries for labourers is being addressed by developing nations by supplying people for the demand which is a great match of supply and demand. Most especially, the immigrants who come from developing countries are low skilled and uneducated workers that could work on menial and odd jobs which have a high vacancy. The promise of a better life is truly enticing for the migrants and globalization captures that opportunity to support labor migration. Globalization also limits migration by outsourcing. In the sense that, companies that move into different locations and improve their competitive advantage. Less people are moving from different destinations as they could do their task locally. Moreover, resources like raw materials, machineries and others can now be brought at different destinations rather than the people travelling to gather the resources. Hence, globalization can also limit labour migration. Labour migration is a controversial issue until today. Throughout the years, more people are venturing into different lands and globalization takes a huge part on why it can be done. Globalization can truly be a leverage or hindrance to development depending on how it will be truly used. The impact on receiving and sending countries would vary but one thing is sure. Labour migration signifies the search of man for better lives in other pastures which their own government could not specifically provide.