La Salle University La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons La Salle University Digital Commons Faculty Bulletins University Publications 3-16-1962 Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/faculty_bulletins Recommended Citation Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962" (1962). Faculty Bulletins. 146. https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/faculty_bulletins/146 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Bulletins by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962

La Salle University

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962" (1962). Faculty Bulletins. 146. https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/faculty_bulletins/146

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Page 2: Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 - La Salle University


"Continuing Education" Lecture (8:30 P.M.).................. March 16Masque One-Act Play Contest (8:30 P.M.).................. March 16-18"You & Marriage" Lecture #1 (7:30 P.M.).................... March 18President's Day (Holiday).................................. March 19Mid-Semester Examinations........................... .....March 20-23Dr. Kirk Lecture (12:30 P.M.)............................... March 22"Continuing Education" Lecture (8:30 P.M.).................. March 23"Nickeloden Night" Films ( 8 P.M.)....................... March 23-24"You & Marriage" Lecture #2 (7:30 P.M.).................... March 25Dr. Riley Hughes Lecture ( 8 P.M.) ......................... March 29Mid-Semester Grades Due............ .........................March 30"Continuing Education" (8:30 P.M.)......................... March 30Varsity Baseball at Temple................................. March 31"You & Marriage" Lecture #3 ................................ April 1Glee Club Concert (8:30 P.M.).............................. April 4Varsity Baseball vs. West Chester (Home)................... April 4Dorothy Day Lecture (12:30 P.M.)........................... April 5"Continuing Education" Lecture (8:30 P.M.)................. April 6Glee Club Concerts (8:30 P.M.).......................... April 6-7-8Varsity Baseball vs. P.M.C. (Home)......................... April 7Open House (1-5 P.M.).......................................April 8"You & Marriage" Lecture #4 ......................... .......April 8Phila. Intercollegiate Indiv. Chess Championships.......... April 8-9Varsity Baseball at Delaware................................April 9Varsity Baseball vs. Lafayette (Home).......................April 10Day Faculty Meeting.............. ...........................April 11Edna Bockstein Concert (12:30 P.M.)................. ....... April 12Varsity Baseball at Villanova...............................April 12"Continuing Education" Lecture (8:30 P.M.).................. April 13Deadline, April Faculty Bulletin............................ April 13Varsity Baseball at Rutgers (S. J.)....... ..................April 14Student Retreat........... ...............................April 16-18Varsity Baseball at Drexel.................................. April 16Publication, April Faculty Bulletin......................... April 17Easter Recess............................................ April 19-22

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Faculty Bulletin - cont'd Page Two

V.P., ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: Calendar Revision

Opinions received by the office covering calendar revisions pro­posed at the last faculty meeting and further discussion with the Deans have suggested the advis­ability of continuing our tradi­tional arrangements next year.

* * *

Centennial LecturesPlans are currently being made

for lectures and other special academic events for next year, the Centenary Year of the College. The academic vice president would be happy to receive any sug­gestions from individual faculty members or from departments con­cerning such exercises and will be anxious to assist any depart­mental planning along these lines.

* * *

Ford College SeminarsThe Ford Motor Company wishes

to invite interested faculty mem­bers to a "Dinner and Seminar" to be held at the University ofPennsylvania on Tuesday, April 10.After dinner(at 5:45 PM) and a

brief film, individual seminars will consider problems in the areas of Industrial Relations, Marketing, Labor Relations, auto­motive economics, scientific re­search, product planning, and community and industrial relations of the corporation. Additional

information is available in C 106. Faculty members interested in attending the seminars, should leave their names with Miss Casey before March 21.

DEANS' OFFICE:Mid-Term Exams

Mid-term Examinations for the 1962 Spring Semester are sched­uled for next week - March 20-23.Mid-term grade sheets will be

distributed this week and grades are due in your Dean's Office by Friday, March 30, 1962.

If any of your courses happen to be of such a nature that they do not yield grades at this particu­lar time, indicate at least satis­factory or unsatisfactory perform­ance on the grade sheets for these courses.


Several faculty members have recently had works published in a variety of publications, accord­ing to Brother Edward Patrick, F.S.C., chairman of the English department.The writers,their works and re­

spective publications are: Claude F. Koch, associate professor of English,45 pages of his new novel in Sewanee Review;Eugene J. Fitz­gerald, assistant professor of Philosophy,John J. Kennan, assist­

Page 4: Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 - La Salle University

Faculty Bulletin - cont'd Page Threeant professor of English, and Richard E. Fitzgerald, assistant professor of English, all with contributions in the current issue of four quarters.

Brother Edward Patrick's article "Who Should Teach,"appears in the March issue of The Catholic Educa­tor.

* * *

Dr. App SpeakerDr. Austin J. App, associate

professor of English,is scheduled to speak Apr. 7 at Springfield, Mo.

Dr. App, who will address the annual conference of the Catholic Library Association's St. Louis unit, will discuss "How to Judge A Novel Ethically."

INDUSTRY s'Thinking' Conclave

Dr. B. B. Goldner will hold a seminar in Creative Thinking for about 75 Ph.D. Chemists of Dupont Corporation at their Carothers Experimental Lab., outsideWilmington on Friday March 16th.

Characteristics of the Creative Scientist,and advanced techniques of Creative Thinking will be dis­cussed.

* * *

MASQUE:Play Contest

Six diocesan high schools will compete in La Salle College's third annual Invitational One- Act Play Contest this Friday and Sunday (Mar. 16 and 18)at 8:30 PM in the College Union Theater.Open to the public, tickets may

be obtained from the participating schools,at the door on the evening of the performances, or from the Masque, which is sponsoring the contest.The top individual award is a

$600 grant-in-aid to attend La­Salle. It is given the student judged best in the competition after submission of his academic qualifications and a personal in­terview by the college. The winning high school and the school best cooperating in ticket sales each receive a trophy.The participating schools and

their respective date and presen­tations ares (Mar. 16) Msgr. Bonner,"Cain Mutiny Court Martial St. Joseph's Prep,"Dress Reversal Bishop Shanahan,"A Sunny Morning" (Mar. 18) West Phila. Catholic"Footfalls"; La Salle High,"Gold Feathers," and Card. Dougherty, "The Leprechaun."Contest Judges will be Bernard

Coyne, of Villanova University's graduate drama department, Dennis Cunningham, of La Salle's English department, and Bro. M. Fideliah, F.S.C., vice president for academ­ic affairs.

Page 5: Faculty Bulletin: March 16, 1962 - La Salle University

Faculty Bulletin - cont'd Page FourSUMMER SESSIONS:

Summer RegistrationIt is suggested that the Faculty in their contacts with the stu­dents in various departments, ac­quaint the students with the Col­lege Summer Session,stressing its value as an opportunity to advance academically.Although students may make up

academic deficiencies in the Summer Session, this should not be considered the primary reason for the Summer program.Registration for Summer Day

Sessions will be held March 20th through March 30th. Registration forms will be available in all de­partmental offices, the College Union Lobby, and the Summer Ses­sions Office, College Hall, Room 220.

Pre-Registration for Simmer Evening Sessions is currently being conducted through the Evening Division Office.

SOCIOLOGY:$ 4,000 Grant

During the first semester, a plan for studying a changing neighborhood near LaSalle College was submitted to one of the Foun­dations. Last Friday (March 9), Brother Augustine received word that the grant had been approved by the Philadelphia Foundation. Preliminary work on this study has begun.

Twelve majors in sociology will participate in the project receiv­ing remuneration as requested in the application to the Foundation. The study is under the direction of Bro. Augustine, who has been assigned to report on the method-ology of the study at the national convention of the American Cath­olic sociological society in Washington D.C. next September.

* * *"You & Marriage"

La Salle's eighth annual Lenten lecture series,"You and Marriage" opens this Sunday (March 18) at 8 PM in the College Union Lounge.Open to the public, the theme

of this year's series is "The Names of A Man." Brother G. Henry F.S.C.,vocational director of the Baltimore Province of the Chris­tian Brothers,will be the speaker Mar. 18, the first of four Sunday lectures. His topic will be, "In Courtship:Seeker After Happiness" Admission to all four talks is $1.

Intended to assist and inform young couples who are either en­gaged or contemplating marriage, the lectures include a formal talk, a discussion period, and a social.Subsequent talks in the series

will treat man's relations to his wife, his children, and God. Top­ics and speakers will be; "In Marriage; Head of His Wife," William E. Cashin, of La Salle's counseling center (Mar.25); "In the Family; Teacher of His Chil­dren, " Robert J. Rowland,instruc-

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Page Fivetor in Education (Apr.l); and "In the Church: Member of Christ's Body," by the Rev. Clement Burns, O.P., of La Salle's Theology de­partment and Joseph Kane of the Economics Department,and Mrs. Kane (Apr. 8).

* * *

NFCCS Conclave"Catholic Social Principles in

the Catholic College Curriculum" is the topic for discussion on April 14, according to Brother D. Augustine, Regional Moderator of the NFCCS. Administrators, De­partment Chairmen (all discipli­nes), Presidents of student gov­ernment and selected seniors are to be invited.This intercollegiate conference

is scheduled for Villanova Univ. The topic is vital for every Cath­olic College in the area, the year 1962 having been designated as "Encyclical Year" with partic­ular emphasis on Mater et Magistra.The problem of integrating the

social teachings of the Church in the various departments has by no means been solved. This confer­ence could go a long way in clar­ifying the issues. Administrators and Heads of Departments are re­quested to mark the calendar for April 14, the Saturday before Palm Sunday. The Conference is slated to begin at 1:15 P.M. with adjournment at 4:30 P.M.

Faculty Bulletin - cont'dWEBER SOCIETY:

Dr. Hughes SpeaksThe Weber-English Society pre­

sents another program in its literary lecture series next Thurs­day (Mar.29) at eight PM -in the College Union Theater.Dr. Riley Hughes,author,ciritic,

Professor of English at George­town University, and head of the Georgetown Writers Conference, will discuss "Fact and Fiction: Some Problems and Solutions." Dr. Hughes will illustrate his lectures with excerpts from his own short story series, "Brother Juniper."Questions from the audience will

conclude the lecture. A coffee hour will follow. Admission is free. Faculty and Students are cordially invited to attend.

GENERAL:Music Theatre Auditions

MUSIC THEATRE '62 will conduct open auditions in La Salle's Union Theatre on Sunday, March 25th, at 1:30 P.M., and on March 26th, 27th, and 28th, at 7:30 P.M.Dan Rodden,Managing Director of

MUSIC THEATRE '62, the area's first college-sponsored summer stock operation, indicates a num­ber of openings for local actors and actresses,particularly those with singing or dancing ability; qualified pit musicians;and teach- nical and administrative personnel

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Faculty Bulletin - cont'd Page SixAll members of the company and staff will be paid a uniform sal­ary, and should be available for daytime rehearsals during June and July.The eight-week season will open

July 4th and close on August 26th. A paid-apprentice program, for local high school and college students, will also be announced shortly.

* * *

Dr. Gallagher Speaker"Is the Role of the American

Husband and Father Deteriorat­ing?" will be the topic for the fifth in a series of "Continuing Education" lectures, at 8:30 P.M. this Friday (Mar.16)in the Col­lege Union Lounge.Dr. Donald A. Gallagher, vice­

chairman of Villanova Universi­ty's Philosophy department, will be the principal speaker. A dis­cussion period follows each talk.Sponsored by the College's alum­

ni association, the Cross Keys fraternity, and the Philosophy department, the series is open to the public and tickets may be purchased on the evening of each lecture.Next Friday (Mar. 23), Dr. E.

Russell Naughton, chairman of the College's Philosophy department, make his second appearance in the series. He will discuss the ques­tion, "May Federal Aid Be Given to Private and Parochial Schools"

Subsequent speakers and their topics ares John J. Malloy, lect­urer in Cultural Anthropology, on "Is American Culture Morally Bankrupt?" (Mar. 30); Paul A. Lockrey,attorney-at-law, on "Does the State Have the Right to Pun­ish By Death?" (Apr. 6); Dr. Frederick A. Patka, chairman of Holy Family College's Philosophy department, on "What are the Cau­ses of Juvenile Delinquincey?" (Apr. 13),and Mr. Eugene J. Fitz­gerald, assistant professor of Philosophy at La Salle, on "Is Censorship Morally Good or An Authoritarian Evil.?"

* * *

Dr. Kirk, Miss Day SpeakersTwo leaders in their respective

social philosophies, conservatism and liberalism, will address the students and faculty in the near future.Dr. Russell Kirk, author and

professor of Politics at Long Is­land University, will speak next Thursday (Mar. 22) at 12:30 P.M. in the College Union Theater.Dr. Kirk, often called "the

philosopher of American Conserva­tism, is making his second visit to the campus. He spoke here during the 1957-58 academic year.Miss Dorothy Day, of The Cath­

olic Worker editorial staff, will speak on Apr. 5.Miss Day,also making her second

visit to the La Salle campus,will

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Faculty Bulletin - cont'd Page sevenpresent the liberal view of the relationship of the state and the individual.

* * *

Spring is HereLa Salle's 1962 baseball team

will open its 21 game schedule at Temple, Saturday March 31, it was announced this week by Athletic Director James J.Henry.Coach Gene McDonnell's Explor­

ers, who will be trying to improve last year's 12-4-1 record, will play 16 games in the Middle Atlan­tic Conference, and seven against Philadelphia Big Five Opponents.The Schedule:March 31, at Temple.April 4, West Chester; 7, Penna

Military; 9, at Delaware; 10, Lafayette? 12, at Villanova;14 at Rutgers(SJ); 16,at Drexel; 19, at St. Joseph's; 23,at West Chester? 24, Georgetown? 25, at Haverford; 28, Temple.May 1, Albright; 7, Muhlenberg;

9, Ursinus; 11, Villanova; 14 at Gettysburg? 15, St. Joseph's; 17, Pennsylvania; 19, at Swarthmore.

"On Other Campuses"(Ed. Note: This feature each

month presents news from other college campuses. Edited from material prepared by the Inter­collegiate Press Service, it is as lenghty as space limitations permit.)

Notre Dame,Ind. - (I.P.)-student Council's proposal for a "tricoun­cil" of administration, faculty, and student representatives was released here recently, follow­ing its acceptance by Sister Maria Renata, president of St. Mary's College.Observing that often students

misinterpret or misrepresent fac­ulty or administration views, fac­ulty are unable to clarify admin­istration policy for students,and students have difficutly making their views understood by faculty; Council proposed a nine-member council of the three groups.Tentative plans call for the

council to sit as a conference rather than a decision-making body, whenever one of the group submits an agenda that warrants meeting. Chairman would be the President of the College or the Vice-President in her absence.The proposal also designates the Pres­ident or Vice-President, Dean of Studies, and Dean of Students as administration representatives; representatives of the liberal arts, and sciences as faculty mem­bers; and the Student Council Pres­ident, Academic Commissioner, and Treasurer(first semester)or past Council President(second semester) as student representatives. The proposal also calls for a Student Council faculty moderator, chosen by the student Council from admin­istration nominees, who would serve as Tri-Council permanent secretary.

* * *