Library Services for Academic Staff Dublin Business School 2011/2012

DBS Academic Staff Library Handbook 2010-2011

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Everythnig you wanted to know about DBS library - staff version

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Library Services for Academic Staff

Dublin Business School 2011/2012

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Library, Aungier Street

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Table of contents Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5

About the Library .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Library locations ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Contacting the Library ............................................................................................................................... 6

Library opening hours ............................................................................................................................... 7

Term-time ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Summer-time ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Library use ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Setting up your Library account ................................................................................................................ 8

Accessing your Library account online ...................................................................................................... 8

.................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Locating books in the Library .................................................................................................................... 8

Audiovisual collection ............................................................................................................................. 10

Access to Library materials ..................................................................................................................... 10

Borrowing/returning Library materials ................................................................................................... 10

Renewing books ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Library Fines ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Library online resources .............................................................................................................................. 12

Computing facilities in the Library .......................................................................................................... 12

Library online resources: access via EBSCOHost ..................................................................................... 12

Athens account ....................................................................................................................................... 12

E-Book collection .................................................................................................................................... 13

Electronic resources on your smartphone .............................................................................................. 13

Journal/Database alerts .......................................................................................................................... 13

Other useful Library services ...................................................................................................................... 14

Reading Lists ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Information Skills Librarian ..................................................................................................................... 14

Esource: DBS Institutional Repository .................................................................................................... 15

Staff material on Esource .................................................................................................................... 15

Student theses on Esource.................................................................................................................. 15

Subject Portals ........................................................................................................................................ 15

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Past Exam Papers .................................................................................................................................... 15

Inter-Library Loans .................................................................................................................................. 15

Library Guides ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Information Points .................................................................................................................................. 16

Library Resources for Students with disabilities ..................................................................................... 16

IT Facilities in the Library ............................................................................................................................ 17

Connecting to the Wireless Network ...................................................................................................... 17

Logging onto PCs/Printing ....................................................................................................................... 17

Printing facilities in the Library ............................................................................................................... 17

Photocopying .......................................................................................................................................... 17

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

List of Database Subscriptions ................................................................................................................ 18

Free Databases ........................................................................................................................................ 18

Reference Management Resources ........................................................................................................ 18

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Introduction Welcome to DBS Library! Library staff, services and resources are here to assist you with your teaching, research and professional development information needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any enquiries that you have. The following guide provides an outline of the key Library services and resources available to you as a DBS academic staff member. DBS Library service comprises a library at Aungier Street and a library at Dame Street. The Library at Aungier Street is mainly used by undergraduate students whilst the Library at Dame Street is mainly used by postgraduate students but also undergraduate students in law, and counselling & psychotherapy students. The Library collections encompass the arts, business and law and include more than 50,000 books; more than 1,450 DVDs; 196 print journals; a teaching resources & DVD/video collection; a rapidly expanding e-book collection (more than 900 to date); 45,000 e-journals and an extensive portfolio of online databases. The Library employs a staff of 20 of which half are professionally qualified Library staff. DBS Library is part of the Library, Careers and Student Services (LCSS) department. This department groups together all support services offered by the College to students but also staff. Every year before the beginning of the new academic year in September, we have an Open Day for staff in order to update all DBS staff, teaching and administrative, with all the developments and plans the LCSS department puts in place for the coming year.

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About the Library

Library locations

The Library services at DBS are available in DBS Aungier Street building where the undergraduate Library is located on the second floor, and in DBS Dame Street building where the Postgraduate/Law Library is located on the third floor.

Contacting the Library

You can contact the Library by: - Phone:

o Aungier Street Library: 01-417 7572 o Dame Street Library: 01-417 8745 o Jane Buggle (Acting Head of Library, Careers and Student Services): 01 -4177571 o Marie O’Dwyer (Acquisition Librarian at AS Library): 01-417 7508 o Joan Colvin (Acting Postgraduate Librarian and in charge of Acquisitions in DS

Library): 01-417 7582 o Maria Rogers (Information Skills Librarian): 01-417 0611 o Alex Kouker (Assistant Librarian in charge of DBS Esource): 01-417 0612

- Email: [email protected] - Using the Library’s instant messaging service ‘Ask a Librarian’ available on

the Library website (see image). The ‘Ask a Librarian’ instant messaging enables you to chat live with Library staff via the Library Website. Simply type in your message in the chat box and a Library staff member will reply back to you. It is not necessary to register for this service, you can start chatting with us straight away.

You can also follow the Library developments via: - the Library Blog: http://dbslibrary.blogspot.com/ - Facebook: Library, Dublin Business School - Twitter: @DBSLibraryTwits

Links to these three services are also provided directly on the Library Website. A Library, Careers and Student Services (LCSS) newsletter is also circulated by email once a month, and current and archived newsletters are also available on the Library Website by clicking on the ‘Library News’ icon.

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Library opening hours


Aungier Street Monday 9.00am*-10.00pm Tuesday 9.00am*-10.00pm Wednesday 9.00am*-10.00pm Thursday 9.00am*-10.00pm Friday 9.00am*-9.00pm Saturday 9.30am-5.00pm Sunday closed* *the Library opens 11.00am-5.00pm on Sundays and bank holidays in the run up to exams. **AS Library desk opens at 9.30am

Dame Street Monday 9.30am-10.00pm Tuesday 9.30am-10.00pm Wednesday 9.30am-10.00pm Thursday 9.30am-10.00pm Friday 9.30am-9.00pm Saturday 9.30am-5.00pm Sunday closed* *the Library opens 11.00am-5.00pm on Sundays and bank holidays in the run up to exams.


Aungier Street Monday 9.30am-5.15pm Tuesday 9.30am-10.00pm Wednesday 9.30am-5.15pm Thursday 9.30am-10.00pm Friday 9.30am-5.15pm Saturday 9.30am-5.00pm Sunday closed

Dame Street Monday 9.30am-10.00pm Tuesday 9.30am-5.00pm Wednesday 9.30am-10.00pm Thursday 9.30am-5.00pm Friday 9.30am-5.00pm Saturday 9.30am-5.00pm Sunday closed

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Library use

Setting up your Library account

The first time you come to the Library, you will be asked to fill in a registration form to be fully set up on the Library system and then you can use your DBS staff card (also your Library card) to borrow items. Academic Staff can borrow up to 15 items and renew them up to 12 times.

Accessing your Library account online

You can access your Library account via Heritage, the Library Catalogue online, where you will be prompted for your ‘student’ number, which in this instance is your staff number (e.g. 85641) and your password (which is your staff number +000 eg. 85641000)

Locating books in the Library

Books in the Library are arranged following the Dewey classification. All the information needed to locate an item in the Library can be found on the Library Catalogue (Heritage) that is searchable directly on the homepage of the Library Website, by selecting the ‘catalogue option’.

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The Library catalogue (Heritage) is also available via the ‘Electronic Resources’ tab, ‘Library Catalogue’ option.

Or directly at: http://www.heritage.dbs.ie/ Here is a sample of a book record on the Library catalogue and the useful information it gives you:

When using the catalogue, take note of the:

- Location: the library site at which the item is located, e.g. Dame Street - Shelved at number: where you will find the item on the Library shelves - Status - Quick Response Code (QR Code): the QR Code on each book record contains the author, title

and shelfmark ( = class number) of the book and this information can then be stored directly on your smartphone to help you locate the book on the shelf when next in the Library

NB: Instructions for using quick response codes are available on the Library catalogue and from the Library guides in the Library and under the Research Skills section on the website.

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Audiovisual collection

The Library at Aungier Street has a very large collection of DVDs, as well as some videos, that may be borrowed for up to 3 days, or viewed in the Library. A Teaching Resource Collection is also available for lecturers to borrow to use in class, but students who wish to view resources from this collection may also do so at the 2 viewing stations in Aungier Street Library or on their laptops in the Library. To retrieve any of these materials, search the Library Catalogue using the following keywords:

- DVD COLLECTION to see a list of all DVDs. - VIDEO COLLECTION to see a list of all videos. - TEACHING RESOURCE to see a list of teaching resource titles.

Access to Library materials

To ensure that all Library users can access Library materials in a timely fashion: - One core text book is acquired by the Library for every ten students. This is an extremely

high textbook to student ratio. - Textbooks are placed across a variety of lending periods such as reference only, 3 day

loan, 1 week loan and 2 week loan to allow fast access to resources to all students. - The Library also acquires an e-book version of recommended textbooks if available.

Dawsonera.com, the Library’s e-book platform, provides off campus unlimited access to textbooks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- Students and staff can reserve 1 week loan and 2 week loan materials that are out on loan directly via your online Library account.

- To ensure the prompt return of Library materials so that they can be accessed by as many users as possible, fines are levied on overdue items.

- In the run up to exams fines are doubled for students to prevent retention of key Library materials by students and students’ exam results are withheld until all outstanding fines are paid and Library materials are returned.

- A book return box is available outside of each Library site to help users return books outside of Library hours.

- Final year and postgraduate students as well as staff can also access materials not available locally by requesting them via our inter-library loan service from the British Library or the Library of Trinity College Library. Final year and postgraduate students are also permitted to access the Library of Trinity College and DIT Aungier Street for research purposes. For further information on these two services please enquire at any information point at any Library site.

Borrowing/returning Library materials

Using your staff, you can borrow and return Library material yourself by using the self-issue stations. Instructions on how to use these stations are provided directly on the touch-screens of the self-issue stations and Library staff can also show you how to use them.

Renewing books

You can renew your library items:

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- Yourself online via the Library Catalogue using your student number and password (details on how to login to your Library account available in the next pages)

- At the self-issue stations - At the information desk in the Library - By phone with your staff number

Library Fines

To ensure the prompt return of Library materials, Library fines are charged on all users’ accounts (student and staff) at the following rates: - €0.60 per day for main lending items (2 week and 1 week loans) - €1.20 per day for short loan items (3 day loans) - €1.50 per day for DVDs (3 day loans)

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Library online resources

Computing facilities in the Library

There are 25 PCs at Aungier Street Library and 14 PCs at Dame Street Library. All computers are connected to the Internet. These computers are also equipped with software such as Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Access and Power Point), SPSS 17.0 (quantitative research software), QSRNvivo7 (qualitative research software), SniffyLite – the virtual rat (software program that gives students a virtual laboratory experience), Sage Accounts 2007 (business accounting management system), TASBook2 (business accounting management system) and more.

Library online resources: access via EBSCOHost

Access to all the Library online resources is via EBSCOHost through our ‘Search electronic resources’ tool on the Library homepage or via the link to EBSCOHost on the e-Library page (please see the appendices for the full list of online resources)

When using the ‘Search electronic resources’ search box with the College’s PCs you do not need to login: you have direct access to the databases. On the other hand, from your laptop, from home or from your office, you need first to login with the following login details:

- Username: staff number (e.g. 88654) - Password: staff number +000 (e.g. 88654000)

Athens account

To access online resources, you also have the opportunity to be set up with an Athens account. Contact the Library at [email protected] to ask for your own login details to your Athens account and an email will be sent out to you providing you with your personal login details for your Athens account (a guide detailing how to login and use your Athens account is available from the Library both in print and online).

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E-Book collection

The Library e-book collection is available via the e-Library page or via your Athens account (use the link to ‘Dawson Books’ when logged in to your Athens account) You can also access it directly at www.dawsonera.com. You login details for the Library e-book collection are again:

- Username: staff number (e.g. 88654) - Password: staff number +000 (e.g. 88654000)

Electronic resources on your smartphone

You can search the Library Catalogue, e-books and EBSCO databases on your mobile phone. Please consult the Library Website or consult the Library guides on how to access to access resources via your mobile (guides are available both in print and online via the Library website) The login details to EBSCO mobile are:

- Username: staff number (e.g. 88654) - Password: staff number +000 (e.g. 88654000)

Journal/Database alerts

It is possible to set up subject and journal alerts from our various online databases which can be sent to you directly by email. Please ask Library staff for further information.

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Other useful Library services

Reading Lists

It is essential that you submit the reading lists for the modules you will be teaching to the Library as soon as possible so that texts can be acquired in time to support students with their assignments and examinations. Please note that it can take up to six weeks to receive books from publishers. Unless the Library is provided with reading lists, it cannot guarantee items will be available to students. It is possible to load up reading lists along with details of class size via the Library Website. Alternatively you can email your reading list to [email protected] (undergraduate reading lists) or [email protected] (postgraduate reading lists and undergraduate law, counselling and psychotherapy reading lists). The Library also welcomes suggestions from staff of new items to purchase. The Library also produces electronic reading lists which can be retrieved by typing the module code into the Library Catalogue. The Library acquires one core text book for every ten students. To ensure that students can retrieve books with ease, these are then placed across a variety of lending categories: reference only, 3 day, 1 week and 2 week loan. E-books for materials recommended on reading lists are also acquired where available; up to 400 concurrent users can then view the e-book at one time.

Information Skills Librarian

The Library employs a dedicated information skills librarian who conducts Library tours, Library inductions, Library classes and integrated classes into the academic timetable. To book a tour, induction, or class within the academic timetable for your students please email [email protected]. The Information Skills Librarian also conducts Library tours and inductions with academic staff. In collaboration with DBS Disablity co-ordinator, the Information Skills librarian also affer one to one session with students with disabilities. Topics that the Information Skills Librarian provides instructions on include:

Searching Library resources

Evaluating information

Writing essays

Writing reports

Avoiding plagiarism

Referencing (APA, Harvard and OSCOLA)

Using referencing software: Zotero Specific classes for Springboard students are also held. All information skills materials are available in print in the Library as well as online via the Library Website, under the ‘Research Skills’ section. The Information Skills Librarian is also currently developing online tutorials on the subjects she covers in classes to widen access to research skills instructions.

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Esource: DBS Institutional Repository

Alexander Kouker, Assistant Librarian, has developed Esource – DBS Institutional Repository, which was launched in September 2011 – and showcases research conducted both by DBS students and staff. For further information on this, please contact Alex Kouker, Assistant Librarian at: [email protected].

Staff material on Esource

Staff are welcome to submit any research material, course material, etc. they would like to be added to Esource. For further information on how to submit materials, please check the ‘Library support’ section on Moodle where the submission process is detailed or contact Alex Kouker at: [email protected].

Student theses on Esource

Master, Higher Diploma and third year theses/dissertations marked 2.1 and above are available for reference only in print in the 2 libraries as far as summer 2010. From 2011 onwards, all theses marked 2.1 and above will be made available full-text online via DBS Esource, DBS Institutional Repository. When students submit their thesis for marking, they must submit a soft copy as well as a hard copy to their lecturers. Students must also complete a consent form which enables them to opt in or out of displaying their thesis on the Institutional Repository. Student theses which have attained a mark of 2.1 upwards must be submitted by academic staff to the Digitization Librarian ([email protected]) with the accompanying consent form. If you would also like to contribute to the institutional repository as an academic staff member, please contact [email protected]. Currently student theses with a mark of 2.1 upwards are available in print in the Library.

Subject Portals

The Library Website offers a variety of subject portals which collate together the key resources and databases for each subject area (Law, Business, Psychology, Journalism, Marketing, etc.) If you would like any resources added to the portals for your subject area, please contact the Library and we will add it for you.

Past Exam Papers

Past exam papers are all available online via Moodle. Reference copies of past exam papers can also be found in print at the information desk at each Library site and these may be photocopied in the photocopy room.

Inter-Library Loans

Materials not available in the Library can be sourced from the British Library or Trinity College Library. It is possible to make inter-library loan requests via the Library Website or by emailing: [email protected].

Library Guides

Guides to Library resources and services are available in print and online on the Library website.

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Information Points

Each library has an information point that is manned by professional staff who are there to help you get the most from the Library resources and facilities. Please feel free to approach the desk with any Library query… big or small. Alternatively you can phone, email or instant message the Library.

Library Resources for Students with disabilities

There are a variety of software applications available on the Library PCs and Library resources to assist students with disabilities. In addition to the software supplied with Windows XP, each Library has PCs offering assistive technology software such as:

Freemind mind-mapping tool, which could be useful for those with learning difficulties such as dyslexia as well as those who like to visualize their thoughts

Virtual Magnifier a screen magnification tool designed for the visually impaired and others who need to magnify part of the screen.

Read Please all purpose text-to-speech software that reads out loud any text you can see on screen.

Web Anyware, reads webpages to you. Library catalogue (Heritage) allows you to adjust the font size Dawsonera eBook collection has an audio functionality using the Adobe Reader 'Read

Out Loud' function. Ebsco databases have a read aloud function.

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IT Facilities in the Library

There are 25 PCs at Aungier Street Library and 8 PCs at Dame Street. All computers are connected to the Internet. These computers also have software such as Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Access and Power Point), SPSS 15.0 (quantitative research software), QSRNvivo7 (qualitative research software), SniffyLite – the virtual rat (software program that gives students a virtual laboratory experience), Sage Accounts 2007 (business accounting management system), TASBook2 (business accounting management system) and more.

Connecting to the Wireless Network

You can connect your laptop to the DBS wireless network from any DBS Library site. You don’t need a connection code or password. Just select the wireless network called ‘DBS’ and connect. It is also possible to print directly from your laptop. Please pick up a ‘wireless printing’ guide in the Library or ask Library staff for further information.

Logging onto PCs/Printing

To login to PCs in the Library, use the same login details as for PCs in classrooms.

Printing facilities in the Library

Each computer in the Library is connected to a printer. There are three printers in Aungier Street and one in Dame St Street. Printers in Aungier Street and Dame Street libraries provide high quality colour and/or black and white prints. If you wish to print from a PC, please ask to a member of staff to log you in to the staff printing account; if you wish to print form your laptop, please ask for the wireless printing guide to setup the wireless printing system on your laptop.


There is no charge for academic staff for photocopying in the Library, just ask Library staff to log you in to one of the photocopy machines with the staff login details. The Library offers colour as well as black and white photocopying.

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List of Database Subscriptions

(a full description of each database is provided on the Library Website) Academic Search Complete A-Z journal software Business Source Complete Computer and Applied Sciences Abstracts Emerald Encyclopaedia Britannica Dawsonera (E-books) Firstlaw FT.com Film and Television Literature Index Greenfile Hospitality and Tourism Complete JSTOR

Justis Lexis Nexis Lexis Library (Law) Lexis Nexis Nexis UK (News) LISTA (full-text), Marketline Mintel, Pep Archive PsycArticles PsycInfo Regional Business News SOCIndex WARC Westlaw

Free Databases

(a full description of each database is provided on the Library Website) Alcohol Studies Database Cogprints Directory of Open Access Journals Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC)

Intute Labordoc Project Gutenberg Pubmed PSearch

Reference Management Resources

(a full description of each reference management resources is provided on the Library Website) Connotea Mendeley Zotero