Volunteer Newsletter August 2019 Hello Everyone It’s summer time and the weather is fine? Well it is when it’s not raining or thunder and lightning? Hope you are all enjoying some down time at both home and abroad with friends and family. If anyone wants to write about a summer adventure for the next newsletter please let me know. Otherwise you will have to hear about my visit to four race courses in six days or three days in Blackpool with two thirteen year olds. (If I survive that is!) Obviously I didn’t win the Jackpot at the races as I came back to write this instead of going on another world cruise, (only kidding Glenda!) Hope to see you all soon. Sorry there are a few pictures with me in them. Please send me some of you taking part in activities for the next edition. Remember the volunteer website is: darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk If you need any help with access to it please let us know. Heather Carter, Volunteer Co-ordinator What have we been doing? Moonrock at the Head of Steam Saturday 15th June to Monday 26th August 2019 20th July 1969 – wow did you know we were covering the exhibition on the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing? Fifty four people came through the door that day. I know there have been some quiet days but there have also been days when in excess of 150 came to find out more about the moon landing. By the end of the event we will have given 216 hours of volunteer time. The sky’s the limit!! As a thank you the Head of Steam are going to invite all our volunteers who supported the exhibition to their Volunteer Thank You event in December 2019 so watch this space. HC110819 1 Comments from the Visitors Book include: ‘I wish the moon exhibition was here forever’ ‘What an awesome exhibition’ ‘Moon Exhibition – a bit disappointing’

Darlington Culture Volunteers Home€¦ · Web viewOctober 2019 It’s that time of year again and the Festival Organising Committee are meeting in early September so we’ll soon

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Page 1: Darlington Culture Volunteers Home€¦ · Web viewOctober 2019 It’s that time of year again and the Festival Organising Committee are meeting in early September so we’ll soon

Volunteer Newsletter August 2019Hello EveryoneIt’s summer time and the weather is fine? Well it is when it’s not raining or thunder and lightning? Hope you are all enjoying some down time at both home and abroad with friends and family. If anyone wants to write about a summer adventure for the next newsletter please let me know. Otherwise you will have to hear about my visit to four race courses in six days or three days in Blackpool with two thirteen year olds. (If I survive that is!) Obviously I didn’t win the Jackpot at the races as I came back to write this instead of going on another world cruise, (only kidding Glenda!) Hope to see you all soon. Sorry there are a few pictures with me in them. Please send me some of you taking part in activities for the next edition. Remember the volunteer website is: darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk If you need any help with access to it please let us know. Heather Carter, Volunteer Co-ordinator

What have we been doing? Moonrock at the Head of Steam Saturday 15th June to Monday 26th August 2019

20th July 1969 – wow did you know we were covering the exhibition on the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing? Fifty four people came through the door that day. I know there have been some quiet days but there have also been days when in excess of 150 came to find out more about the moon landing. By the end of the event we will have given 216 hours of volunteer time. The sky’s the limit!! As a thank you the Head of Steam are going to invite all our volunteers who supported the exhibition to their Volunteer Thank You event in December 2019 so watch this space.

Darlington Carnival Saturday 29th June 2019

The carnival procession as usual came up from the town to Stanhope Park where we had the Darlington for Culture Information Stand. We don’t do Teddy Tombola any more so the stand was purely Information,

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Comments from the Visitors Book include:

‘I wish the moon exhibition was here forever’ ‘What an awesome exhibition’ ‘Moon Exhibition – a bit disappointing’

Page 2: Darlington Culture Volunteers Home€¦ · Web viewOctober 2019 It’s that time of year again and the Festival Organising Committee are meeting in early September so we’ll soon

advertising Darlington for Culture and the benefits of membership and the weekly newsletter. And of course we spoke to prospective new volunteers and gave out lots of information on forthcoming events.

We did staff the Hippodrome Information Stand as well that day but we reaped the benefits from that. In exchange for adding contact details to the Hippodrome Mailing List the public got the chance to go in the lucky dip for theatre tickets. At the same time we were also able to get people to sign up to receive the Darlington for Culture Weekly Newsletter. We managed to get 158 new contacts so job well done! Thanks to everyone who helped out on the day.

Darlington Orchestra Concert Saturday 6th July 2019

One of our favourite events is the twice yearly orchestral concert. There is never any problem getting five volunteers to help out on the door at this event, especially as you get to stay for the performance as well. I know many of you also attend the event with your friends and family and the tickets are very reasonable at £7 with £5 for concessions. Here is a photo of Hazel, Jill and I posing with David Plews the brilliant conductor. Did I get this safari tee shirt in Africa? No in fact I bought it from the Edinburgh Woollen Mill on my return. Oh dear is that Jill with her name badge turned the wrong way? I’m sure she’s not doing it on purpose!!!!

The Bridge Summer Fair Saturday 13th July 2019

What a good day this was and £382 was raised to support the work at the Bridge who run their services on a shoestring. They are an organisational member of Darlington for Culture so able to request volunteer support for their events. The sun shone most of the time – there were a few spots of rain but by the time we had put the tombola prizes and cakes under cover it stopped again. Lesley Mc, Jean, Sue, Valerie and I HC110819 2

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had a lovely time enjoying chatting to the visitors, exhibitors and staff and of course eating cake. I don’t think Hook a Duck did much business but at least there was a seat for the volunteer underneath the tree. Bonnie from the Bridge says: ‘Thank you so much for all your help. Darlington Culture Volunteers are amazing’. Well we are aren’t we? Here’s Jean and I with the tombola.

Creative Spaces Cornmill Centre

Remember we have been asked for volunteer support to these shop spaces in the Cornmill, where artists display their work, hold exhibitions and teach. Well both Luke and Sue have been to try this out and Sue has told us: ‘I visited Creative Spaces, two shops in the Cornmill Centre on a Friday and stayed a couple of hours. It is run by Michelle Douglas, the jewellery lady. I was happily occupied in the creative environment that aims to provide local artists and crafters with a venue to exhibit their work and a space for meeting and creating at a variety of workshops.  It is sponsored by East Street Arts Temporary Spaces Programme and artists are encouraged to display their work and run workshops. Passers-by are welcome to drop in and have a chat, work on a project and learn something new. The works displayed are a variety of artworks, paintings, textiles, photography, woodwork, sculpture, jewellery so it’s a great place to find original treasures. For further information about Creative Spaces call Michelle on 07710218354. If you would like to give it a go just let us know and we’ll make the necessary arrangements. You are always welcome to pop in and check it out.

Volunteer Looking Forward Event Thursday 17th July 2019

Thinking how we support and could maybe better support our volunteers we decided to have a meeting, open to all, to share what we do and engage with you to see what we could do better. This took place in the John Wade Lounge in the Hippodrome and twenty four volunteers came. Everyone enjoyed looking back at events with photos like these of Audrey and Sue at the Orchestra.

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This event took place instead of the July third Wednesday drop in. Remember the regular drop-ins resume in September with the Forum Drop in on 4th September 6 – 8pm and the Hippodrome Drop In on Wednesday 18th September 2 – 4pm.

At the Looking Forward Event Volunteers shared some of their experiences which were both funny and thought provoking. So what might we do differently in the future? It was suggested that we set up a What’s App Group to encourage volunteers to ‘give it a go’ and share topical tips. It was thought to be a good idea to make you feel more connected to other volunteers and the organisation as a whole.

Julie Vickerman has kindly agreed to be an administrator along with Glenda and she is working closely with the Darlington Culture Volunteer Executive Team to set up the group. So far 41 of you have expressed an interest in joining the group. A written agreement has been drawn up outlining do’s and don’ts and what it means to be part of the group and the fact that your name and mobile number will be visible to other volunteers. The agreement will be e mailed out to you and a hard copy should be signed and returned to us at future events or left at the Hippodrome stage door addressed to Julie Vickerman. Once this has been received you will be added to the group. The Go Live date is planned for the first week of September.

The event seemed to be enjoyed by all and following further discussions it was agreed to send out a reminder to everyone about Safeguarding and to have a volunteer refresher event every two years on our policies and procedures so watch this space for your invitation.

Friendsical, Darlington Hippodrome, Wednesday 24th July 2019

Thanks to the Hippodrome for the free ticket offer to Volunteers. Glenda sat down with some trepidation to write this review. ‘Heather seemed to think I’d be an ideal theatre critic and she knew I had been to see Friendsical at the Hippodrome. Write a review she said for the volunteer newsletter, be diplomatic she said. I think she thought I might not get back into the theatre again if I wasn’t. So here I am sitting at my laptop, a frustrated journalist. I knew what I thought of the show, but was I the only one. I decided that just to be sure I should check out the views of the professional critics, just in case. The majority of this review is in my own words, though I have been greatly encouraged by the review I read on line when the show was in Edinburgh.

The purpose of the show was really difficult to work out. It had a thinly veiled storyline which basically just gave the cast an excuse to resurrect a number of the more memorable episodes of Friends along with regular interruption of very forgettable songs. The three actors playing Rachel, Phoebe and Monica should in my opinion have been miked (I’m not a lover of actors being miked, but in this case it would have been HC110819 4

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preferable to their high pitched screeching). And that was just when they were talking, don’t get me started on when they were singing. On a positive note, the guys all made a pretty good stab at Joey, Ross and Chandler.

I’ll leave the last comment to the Edinburgh critic, I hope I don’t get sued for plagiarism. ‘It’s sort of extraordinary how devoid of, well, anything it is: structure, content, humour, point. With Friends like this, who needs enemies?’ I rest my case. (I’ll not be getting this job again!!!)’ Glenda.

BigLittleGigs – Saturday 27th July 2019 – The Forum Music Centre

Another great day with BLG on Saturday 27th July at the Forum Music Centre. This time it was a Ska Band which was fine except that I had to look up what a Ska Band was? But of course as soon as someone mentioned the group Madness I knew what to expect. Was I disappointed? No it was brilliant, lively and exciting and thoroughly enjoyed by all four children I went with! Their dancing was fabulous and mine mediocre but yes I did get up and dance and go on stage with the group!!!

It wasn’t a short straw as we had a really good time. Could the child’s drawing below done during the event, become the next advertising campaign for BigLittleGigs? Well the music was rather loud which the friends and family enjoyed but some of the children escaped to the serenity of the bar to get on with drawing and colouring. Thanks to Jackie and Helen for helping out at this event. Nice dancing Jackie!

Hippodrome Tour for the Town Criers – Friday 2nd August 2019

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Many thanks to Julie and Jill for stepping up to support the theatre tour for the Town Criers who were in town for their competition. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience as you can see from Julie’s photo!

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What’s coming up?

GOLD Tea Dance Darlington Market Place Thursday 15th August 2019 – Darlington for Culture Information Stand

No teddy tombola this year but lots of information to share with the public and encourage their participation in local arts. Thanks to Lesley C, Lesley Mc, Julie and Derek who have volunteered to help Glenda and me out on the day. Are the cream teas the main attraction? Well they certainly are for me!!!

Drumming Festival Friday 16th August 2019 - Darlington Town Centre

Some of you have already offered to support this event taking place at four venues across the town i.e. Pease Place, Market Square, Northgate (outside Boots) and outside Hatch. The role includes giving out leaflets, directing the public and supporting an event manager, one of whom will be at each of the four venues. Still a couple of spaces if you fancy it?

Hippodrome Touch Tour Educating Rita Saturday 17th August 2019 1pm

Thanks to Margaret who has kindly volunteered to support this but if there is anyone else out there who would like to help we’d be really grateful. Please get in touch.

Free Heritage Lottery Tour Wednesday 9th October 2019 10am

Here’s one you won’t want to miss. Some of our volunteers have been working as Tour Guide Assistants and now they want to practice their skills on a ‘real tour’. This means there are 30 free places for volunteers and family to play the role of ‘the public’ on this simulated tour which will be an exact copy of the public tours. What’s not to like? I’ll be there. Check it out on the Forward Programme and let me know how many places you want. First come first served.

Darlington Festival of Performing Arts Dance Festival Longfield School 5th/6th October 2019

It’s that time of year again and the Festival Organising Committee are meeting in early September so we’ll soon have the final details to share with you. Volunteer roles include public support and direction for the shows, corridor duties during the day with the young performers and help with the refreshments. Volunteers evaluated this experience well at the previous events so one for your diary?


Lynda Winstanley, the Director of Darlington Hippodrome, has retired from her role and Heather Tarran-Jones takes over the leadership at the theatre. Glenda and I and Jo Potter, Darlington for Culture Chair, were lucky enough to be invited to Lynda’s retirement event at the Hippodrome on

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Monday 22nd July which included a ‘This Is Your Life’ tribute to Lynda. Lynda said she ‘has been very fortunate to have a job where she has loved coming to work every day.’ Lynda will undoubtedly be remembered the most for overseeing the £13m restoration and transformation of the Civic to the Hippodrome in 2015. She said ‘it would be fair to say I was really sad when the Arts Centre closed, however from that grew some wonderful things that would not have happened. So without that there would not have been Creative Darlington, The Hullabaloo or Darlington for Culture, which became a fantastic partner in the aftermath’. We wish Lynda all the very best in her retirement.

Training and Development The Hippodrome are bringing in some Autism Awareness Training for their staff in November/December to which the volunteers will be invited. We are looking at the possibility of a two hour Safeguarding update session but will most probably now include that in the new required volunteer two year refresher training, with the first session to be set up before the end of the year.British Sign Language was an area which volunteers expressed an interest in further training and the options are currently being investigated.

Want to volunteer for an event?Please read this in conjunction with the latest version of the Volunteer Forward Programme which you will have received via e mail and is available on the website darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk

If you have seen anything you want to know more about and/or are interested in volunteering at an event then please let me know. Some volunteers are very keen and get their names down straight away for future events but even if it appears there are no vacant slots it is often possible to accommodate willing volunteers, in addition to or in other roles or for the next similar event. Remember new volunteers can do ‘taster’ sessions. Your enthusiasm is all that is required. Thanks for reading the newsletter to the end. If you have any suggestions for improvement or indeed want to write a piece or be a guest editor for a future edition please let me know.

Keep in Touch

E mail - [email protected]

Twitter - @DtonCultureVols

Facebook - DarlingtonCultureVolunteers

Instagram - darlingtonculturevolunteers

Website – www.darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk

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The best things happen unexpectedly

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