<> -J a DAILY PRESS ii i fc J*r OT0XJIKCM7S. PLATXSMXEGa NEW YOKE, MONDAY. MAltCU 2, 189G. FRIGE THREE CENTS. m BUSINESS CARDS. r BWc*, BsMtburgaK.Y^ RILEY A HEACEY, , OtttfKTS ana" Oonn»elo»*t-I*W<. 0»V» fMarioi.nioei;cSSttaB™ HattsbMgn, PRANK fl.HAGAR. ~~ TOORKEY a n d &ronaeior;-a*-iaw ""•""gUiJi", *•« ~jr ' ______ 4MW N, ff. H E W I T T . ..dBBBJc ana<X>unselorat'I*Wi Office^ *Hms H. _& BARNARD, *n4C<w»Woc*tri)»w. Qfflceta K*tttb<trgn,N.X 'DDEN * ItELLOdte. -+- ^^^ruoWBaioltfl^^ achan.ctarl.tlo speech CHAS. H-McNElL - k*3a£&>««4^*«3. *S*f * , " _ ,000* Piatt* ' -M' V. A. JONES, MARTIN*. O'BRIEN. m WEEDS. SMITH * CONWAY. WMVw.CANTWELL. CHARLES HALSCY MOORE, Jg ftjjjU8», WINSL^W C. WATSON. T H O M A S B . COfTtR. IT, i n*-** E G B E R T C EVEREST. 5S rmstciAHS. DR.J. &MtKUfNEY. P R . W . C T H Q M P M N , , IMtrRANptMAfiWCR. k/fl|*#_#«#a«* a. **.--P*>-l*"*F^ _?..•__ _c~ __i*i_. ,- t nr.—•-! » >DR>E.tVLARB*^» , '-_ iBTWBX&'-iaarWmt&m ~0a*a*T tyBlfrE? E.CLOV.M.D-, ,».*, T^l ife DR.C.W. T. B, NICHOLS, M.IX. Prt Wt *. aJtEBAW, awnpssao/to V ^IjBl^UtNEb^y CUBA'S INDEPENDENCE. J* M- The Stirling Themf^ in, JEJofch ? ^ r a n c h e s of Coitgf«ssfc<^" recognition of tho Cuban belllgorents were "pBbsiKtcil 'Amid'a nconeref-great oHttmv siasm. Inioot, the-demonstr^tion-of-ap- provril VIMT*O spontaneous nnd seemingly to unanimous that just bofdro tho houso adjourned Mr, Hltfc, Who had Intended to postpone calling thorn up idntU noactMon dfty, hskod uiiauliaous cousont for tholr fottiedtoto cOBsldorntlou BjriSJillP^fln_ It wilt A 1 Hon mt l»Jjlt*r«pt»—Ko* 2* the Time tdJttcli* the Stru«lln»*«trlot»-8ttoiiK KeioitttiqU Jfie»entea f l3» thfe !Honi«, '•• f2t»t)h by Mr^Teet In bohal^of Cuba whs the ^yefcti «l tho pesslgn 1R ifce «onat« k tt cani* un«3tpocMllyt »• M* 1 ' Vejt aoldoiU •ttno«)ae« S}fr»p«eoh««pif »mke» prepo*^ tl«in«. ^fb« •enate h«*4 ngrtcd tbst tho final voW of iUeCubonf pssolation voaia Wtnkeai^*p W ^todft^ «nd thodobato VA» ptoceedlttg, Mr \?Wte 'of California sn'dMi.'Grajfof BelaWiite"«intenaing«s HieealpropoMtlan that thfe XTnltea States oquldlttotat thU time recognize Cuba's indeDendence, 4»ChU aroiisttl iit. "Vest, who d?U^ted a. tibaracterhrtiio speech Hl« word* oarab with «mch fin and siiohbo^rity of diction that the tenate chamber waa qnlcklf orowS«- f to be*p--ht»)-"Wh«fft- would the TJnttoil Statwbe today, aalwd Mr. Ve|fe U thl« polloy urged by the Call- fornlaiawiator had been followed? Inttoa4 of a«i»»»Wing„ hate as p, oongreM ih\», Would tie another Britlih «jlonj-< auothor app»nag«.ot tha^Brlttsb crown. France Tec6gul»ed the independcnoBotthffTjnited gtotea ami tent hor arrhit^ and fleet* *nd plabtd on MI a debt of undylDg gratltnde. In ringing tone* Mr. Veat declared that it w*a« the great Wpnblip of tlw world propo»Bato*tand>y ihete poopla In theW u ttrnggla, akin ic our o^n, then iMmmt belli ««^l^ywlr%lbi« of Mei Atajf armletv-for nooneaxueutwdttwi, —th^nailewtlt tho«l«i.be bjr«t»tlngto th* whole world what the aenator believed betora Qod to be "ftra& thai Spain opttld oerer again eekbliih n«r doinlnton «Ver that laland, Mr, V « t drew a rlvkl picture of plpain'a bioooVmle qyer ihe old, Span* ifh'AmarleaU dependen^loe. Then he added? '• " W f » Threagtt Bl»o4 a»A W f . '*Qt all thoaeSrart-dominion*won by blood, won tbjfongh tortnre and flre, tbere remain* May to thl* toothlew old wolf the «l|»gW laland of Onba. J.nd Spain to- 4Mfr pjtMb»a*»»J)att>al^lBSlWWoa«*^ (at pkteeof Bunyon,almo«thelplea«, alt* attaatooiof the dark oate of deapptiam. and gilt* with Impatient rag* at th?fro- Meeton-of aplendW repobllot thatruarob on la the p*o#rea* toward elyltttatton and liberty. That wolf can never retain that •ingle eub. Neterean Spain hold; the i»- land of duba after ihabaa been unable to hold one foot of w>U jouih nf u» in all the wJd* area of the aouTihern naif of *M« ooa- Mneni 1 ' , Mr, 13ray lntermpied to aak If, at a rdattet of exlatlng fact, Onba had now e»- tabUabedaoondlWeiiirf exlatenoe, With another buna of eloquence Mr,. yattreanonded Ibatlt wag not for n« to detarmlae that the Cafaabahad oompletely •etabltabed tbamatltea. 'The qneatUm for nato determine waa.'Can Spain re>e»tab- llah aer aoweaan* domlnlo* ot*r Cwbaf The Onhana detnonftratad that thejr had 4**vqtmje-*>~*<*f*~&P*hx.~± yw* «a« tbatrtrprialngwaaamare ementa How •reryCnben la a patWofc- They hart abab- doned bomai and famUie* for the oauae of fraadotn. Spain anay «tarail»a.tft. theib "Bot," aatd Mr. Vee^ wHaTlmpSlaMd tonee, "%aln will nerer, neter, barer again, »wtkfrthem the unwilling anbiaeta ofhacnower'-' ' * _ JTha eeaatot jpoke with Uontampfci* tna etatementa-that the Cnbana ware negroea WR. E. A* BARNES. ^ _ iHTMOli* »nrgeo*-aB« OeaJUt, • Ofr* ^«d mnla*toa*^t^mnali the mora ahovjid a^^A^p •Bteaaaaattt.-^. .sssgsa'wjiL 1 ^ yssFiaSSES* powerfol. It threbato.thabra*»to( the aagwd'wa-jmdhaa goawwltfc mar^rwto the atakrand hi*a«dth«a ftwrnKglfprii the aplrit Winged Ite iUght to God. Idber- tyoannoabe extingubdiMwhen afceonle areQnanhnona in-defenea of^tbarlghta Whleb God ha* gb*n,theiiv" ^ - , A s aanreamlon of, aympathy war a faiwe, <wn%nne41hea»nator, J3e denied and WH pndlated the dpcWne that Orery -reatlgt <d Spanlah powwf suttt diaappear from the laland before wh oould xaoogftlMCnbaw ^e^endent. ^^ k . i ^ telle (Bep ) of Mnmo, who, it wilt be re membercd, interposed nn objection to the conrfdoratlon'of tho yeneauBtan «joinm1*« lion bill, called an emphatic halt by an abjection^ He doolnred that the; passago e! tho Resolutions might pwoipitato'war wjtlv-^lpaln ana oharactorljiod. a« "nm*K- Ing!' a proposition to pass without dabato Resolutions otsubh "jnprnohteusgravity." So nag appealed to to withdraw; his ob< jocfcibD. but ha indignantly dodlinod. Ihe^ Yan^ Horn-Itirsney contested otec tlon ease was further considered. A vote was taken flrst-on tho resolution of tho minority of the committee to recommit tho case, with instructions to tho commit- te.e to. reopen the v testimony, pu*g^ the fraudulent prcolncts r .and recount tho bpn» est ballots- ' ThsrfeHOhltlon was defeated—l(ii to lid —and the ^rmt.iorltrrcs61ntioh doolarlnfl Mr; "Varn^orn, thaconte,stabt, oritltlodto hW lwatr waa adopted wtth6U^ divUion. Mr Van Hor,n <;arne forward amid ap plitise and^Jk"t&« ftatb atxitHeef—*" * v - Tho following named Bepubllcans voted with the JDemparatsion tho "motion to rth commit «nd reopen the o#so: Arnold, Bishop, Brown, 3nrTtonf JPw\di»)g, Daren, er, Bhutan, Hilling; Hyde. "Knlp, Lelghty, Barker, Pltnoy, Powetti Southwipk, $& lor, Wellington and Wright , ( BfQ STRIKE PeNDfNG, , ., i _ (MS**** Jtatlway £ai»Tay«e« WiaHave *h»tt*> |lonw or trie Up the Bead*. LjE»»-W»B*Bt-A t i febr' SS^^ha-ss^reAtaaj «il^Plr^|1^ma*oa"deru»nd t JeVa^n nonr day at SPs oonta an -botiri and in the evetitof tharefuial of the employers to grant the concession* asked it if said 'a general strike will occur. This d«cl«lo^ waa reached at a meeting of the-exeou^re opmmltteeot the Amalga- mated Association of Street Railway Xm^ ployeeiqf America held *eoentlyat the beadoiuarte** of the organisation lb De- troit Every membe* Of the committee, including Prealdent Mabdn, was present at the meeting, and the trab^t was thoroughly discussed- Mr Mahpn stated, hi* position as being In favor of making 'V^IT damaiffd at ^rittatt^ added that if -nan*. esaary he would recommend that means betnken.to backup the reqi full attrength of-tbe organlwn eonelKslon of the meeting tha executive oommlttee voted nnanlmously to adopt ll*I««eide«t'rps>!>oiitloa' i. The olties sawed are NeWTork, Chle* go, Philadelphia, Beaton, Detroit, Wor- cester and Milwaukee. , President Mahon, who i* in this cltft •aid? < "We are goto* to make a demand for ten hours' Work for IS pay, and We art going to make that demand at once, an4 it Jt la hot granted a ttrlka will certainly result > . *"1fa ara^irad of being feoled.^and wa intend from today to «saTFfti this city dl " W**»a determined th*t< third parties •ball bakapt «nt of oar affslra, aqd as We a n oapabl* erattendfng tot>Ur nwn. Inter- ests w* mnat Insist on nor right to go di* not to the employari Our aMoclatlon mustber*eognti»d T h i s i s final, lean not say when k strike wilt Occur. Jt may oeonr la a weak, and it may not occur for Mr** WetflU or -even Jonger, hut if one right* an not reeognisedltoertsinly will i Stinging Resolution Adopted Excarlat- ltig the Irlslt Lord—tho \ otc Stood 30 to 1—Clubmen -Applaud, the Oqtoonie of the International Wrangle. NEW YOBK, Peb 88 —Tho New 'Sork Yacht olnb, at a .mooting held last ovon- lng to taka flurtl action on tlio charges* made by tho.Eart of Dunrnvon against tho JMonder syndlcnto nud on tho report pi the epeclnl committee ot the club which investigated those charges, \otod to drop tho earl from momborahip in tho olub. Up to tho tlmo of meeting n«l direct apology or notification of Intended resig- nation had boon received by any club offlcct from XiOtd Dunrnvnn It was ratnorecl that a letter ombodylng a. rcilgnntlnn *wna on ifti^ttay from lLj ' the doubly defeated owner of VaJkyrlo, but At was not In evidence When tho mooting was called to order by Comihodoro Brown, ''"TFhtTanly member tit the board of invest tigatlon, which, carefully considered lord Bunravon's charges Of fraudulorlt J>rno- tiooa dn thanart Of the owners of 'tho vic- torious Yankee oraf tDcfendor proafint, wa« far anything to arbitration. _ "WoanX attended the meeting ot the executive oommlttee. at Detroit, X mid Jhat the time had-now" fa> **>»H*ft **>& demand general and favored Vigorous ac? tlon t I would ba willing fe either mako or break the organisation in a battlo for a Wn*a<»dofrtlast'«howift^giviw t ' tot with-' out oompelling na^atk for it. ^twll(beaa«ifp:akOV«m*ntao(l witf v gor into effeot irrt*th»* eltle* In ffew York themen.a*e5»a*kl»»^rfj|!mr*A day, in Chicago, it, Uiftasafa w*»o»seton B;b MUwau>#V#ft»*ttSfe*)<,and ih&leoVfc-^ > "*•/» general thing wo wilt demand a mtattfium rate of 90 oentsf an hour, nl- *h<JHgh in Boston an increase will m ask- WromJlO to,83Ji^andi.in MliwaukooJho en want ^i'eents an nonr Instead of Id, DUNRflVEN IS DROPPED. The Earl "fexpelled From the New York Yacht Club. BESOUNCBB AS "M GENKBMAH." «LTK SAW, oy nvmiAVttfc Gmifftz Rite* The^n^ti«bw1»#tb*' olubhousewa* cb(*ed up with the mem- ber* who were anxious to join tb* yaoht- ownew, who could decide th* issue, in •ending the Ir'fh Jtarl to ooveptry. f A* *oon a* the meeting waa gilhtd, to order, by Commodore B, MTBrowni Cap* talnXewia Cass Dedyard iteqneettd that h|* motion forth* expuisienotLotd Pun* xa^en irom.the UewYork Ifaoht club,' which he proposed two w**k« ago, ahould rwv<ithdra>n Th* r*djd*at Wa* grahted unanimously. ,•. _^ lAdyafdV Beselatlea. | , Captain Iiedyard then offered tb| fol- lowing preambla and Msolntlon: "The. Sari of Dnnraven, an hou—,_,, member of thl* club, hat nublidir Ijharged •foaVylay en, tea part of-^wtWeawBr- In the recent race* for the Amerlca'a cup of aucb a nature a* neoessarlly Implloate the managing Owners ot the veesel. •• .- '>The charge has been Investigated by a commission of the highest character," which has proceeded judicially and bafore whichDord Dunrnvcnjias appeared and given hi* own 4t>d qthpr testimony and .ha* been Jieard in person and. by counsel. The commission lias unanimously decided that the charge w»f false; that it waanot oceue, PjiriM^ttaBiUrt not ateJdejtaj»} nierejyjmprgved^Jiui_vfajLaJBrmaUyiily. disproved by oompefcent and nnoontradltf- tory evidence, leaving no" possibility ot doubTt ' "Tho oommlaslon has: also fonnd that tho lacts upon whlph Ijord DunraVeh Act6l7 accordlnBtohk^own statement, furnished noln^flMfpyfaa) making such a charge, __ - ieJarton1iith»--nncitais^ tloned" rajffijMK xegulntctbe Bourse of •gcnttcipjiMHBlhsn one find* that ha ha* rj*ea*BBKplstako to cAttrunJust'im.i pu^tior^p*Mii».Oharactor6f another he should nfiawpny nba.k'e such reparation as remising la his ptlwer by acknowledging bis error, withdrawing the imputations and expre**ing hUfcegret Suoh reparation - to Mr. Isellnand hjle assoolnte* tho Barl of Dnriraven, after |a full opportunity, has failed to make, „j**n iaa*»*na>n«*' . . . . . . . . . . - »V.t*» >r«nt.o» wa* * * ^ ^ & & j » f f i £ ? S £ gj*.f m bwmtiful. . "flball wa." he *aldV 4 'ib* g r « t - pur of republicanlnstitationstbrdugh/tjit the world, not declare that in ou> «plfclon tb*peopl*^f Cuba are able to nialCtain A n wotp wa|* nntll that island i*E&£ f&W 1 &*Zg f*^" Aw . W0 «ycbrUi, silent and dnmb While ih»* Spanfih gov- >trndr, called a general, declares/that he bufiJhVr thejp' into subiugatiofc t0 th 0 Bpaalah ttttajaa, Sir, if/wo do Itf ^ ^m * — ,untH afdeeerfha* neon m*d e of that ,lld.i»kr^,youjr^%jr l cft:ta ln that ^ w ffi2^iKaTw«» there will be ^ bn JB|BqnTi* a*-*ipeople Be6au*» heap true to the task assigned 'Providenee, becabsa we - have not ied th* Imvr of *elf govar»m?nt a* thed te>uj by oto f*f jien '' g u^!!^^* , fSlf^<d.'S£.>' l# £-i ing word* Inat uttered wobld set her Bui be WW ** tin* question from •pajadoute standtwlnt, and heioould ieeiS.W Ooba had astabllshed an it stat* of-iftuapfndwca warrantinga —*"^o«^««*|f»kt*^»jrthe tTB^tod „** . our ^ndition. mora I xa, miu IU nvw AV<» Wf "-"* ^"* *"^ "" Instead of 17. lletrolt 1* now paying 21, and Toledo and Worcester are, paying SO c(5nt# an hourv Them will benoarbltra tlon, It will be aflghttothe nntsh." \2 m *W• , 9^ w f* w •* ,iWST ! .^thatfloJiandiibd DMj^ind*|>*nd«poe ^•-mmct , Pasperata JPlght In ^AOrgfa. ROMS, Ga »JE"ep 88 —A desperate street nght oooumd new between "V. T» 6(anford and Policeman Hulkey, the latter being killed, ex-jSjaeriff Matthew* orlMcally and Ijerhap* fatally wounded, and several stray shot* took effect In other innocent spectators, One of tbesliotshlt * young lady and inflicted a flcah wound. ^The al- tercation began- between -the tWo-prlnol- pala because Policeman Mulkey clubbed a trlendotSanford's "»- j.' Alleged iiardenr froa6abc*d J*saae. »S!KHfjfllirr»rowjr, K . Y . , F e b . 88 ~$m* ty-siXjWitnesae* have been examined in the Pop Davl* murder trial, and the trial wlU'probaRly continue for some days yet. Davl* has beeh examined by a numbor ot specialist* op insanity, and at tho hearing Gou\« ItM " I t furl Including BIOUB, tbnt«t intentionally .„,_., charge fonnflly or- ^required by t b a possibl&iofehjyn howosunwllHri... ty of entertaining i "It is not open gentlemen ara enga, ono sunpooja anotn bound to make aha Uy the Charges. _, from thoovldebce, inraven r s own admia-' |ne of the cup races ha led from making the iaklng any protest, as because itwnslra- wlfy the-oharge, and :o the rosponalblil-' Isouaslon that -when in any sport and of foul play ho is hargo then and in eompanled by n ruU, ample antl oomploto apology and, arafecaetlttn af bis ahoegsfi.'.' When Mr, Lodyard had done spnafrlng, lie was greeted with wHd ol«iers atid. dries of "Brnuol Bravo!" As soon as quiet waa rostorcd Coiiimcdiire Brown put tho resolution to tho to yaehtowners present, ill of whom, but one, answered In tho affirmative, Tho only dissenting vote waa aasfcbyehostor 1& Mqnroo; owner of thw sloop yacht Orlva. When thp result was announced,- tho yells of tho olub mem bars could ho board blocks away, and when It was understood that Dunravon's name was) no longer on tho roll of tho olub ovory member, with tho ono noted exception, expressed him- self ns being perfectly sntlsilod that the rule of tho majority was In every way right and deserved. The vote was 30 to t In favor of Captain Letlyard r 8 resolution dropping Dunrnvon from tho roll. DOUBLE MURDER. A Jersey City Man Kill* HI* Wife antl , Mother-in-law. JERSEY C m , Pob. 88 —John Mnokln, a shiftless follow, shot and killed his wlfo, Ltalo Maekln, and bis mothur-lti-InwT Bridget Connors, und fatally wounded bU frtthcr-ln-law, Morris Counors, at tholr homo at 110 Phillips street Maokin was arrestca soon afterward and siiid tliatho did l tlio shooting bccuuao tboyWutod to allow .him to suo his children. He 1ms; been married several years, but recently hjt- w)fo loft him, and he ha* spout most ot hi* tlmo in drinking. Maok- in went to -hi*, fother^n-iaiW'* home, where his wlfovwna reading, nnd wa^qian. o l f o i r t o i l o a ' h i a o h l l a r ^ i i j b*ft.t, h o , * « y » , h e w««a i a[eriiled.^ Ijfe went awny and ptt^ chased a revolver. Hu» returned later, and entered tho house, Hi* fat)ie>in*!nw was, standing near the door/ Without a word ^ J^a^aJ^Ai»Jte^fe!^^ " bnH*fe*trno*rtheord maWinrthq^ihroat. orango to bis Wife. Who waa just behind him, When tho bullet struck him, he pitched forward. J Mr*,. Connors stooped to throw her arm* about htm and thus «*!• oaped, the aoaoud bullet- Mra Maokin, the murderer'* wife, who was behind the, others, received the bullet in the breast.' Maokin then flreyi Another *bot at hi* wife, which struck hor on the chin. She died instantly A* the old yroriian bent ortfhax huaband Mafikltl Jiufned then-^ voire* on her and ffml two more shot*. Mr*.'Connor* fell dead beside her husband. The shot itruckher over the heart, ~ Wben DM bloody wnrtwa* done, Mftckln' iWrtk^sioWlyai^^IIe^wenTto CneTgb" boring saloon, and, calling for a drink, laid the revolver on' the bar and aatdt "Band for ih* polio*. Pva^wit kllWi torn* onet" lis, and many sudden daatnfc an-npe*t*d from*varydl«tri<*ta*r*. TaWj*Mi«a**«*> Uruinadi which to a lavtthla nto* t»ttu grangen, *«•<»> tk« •trangt* °* **** •**»• nlQeent prospsot* «h*f had )natRr *»ort- gaged their fans*. At Bur** m «**•> wontewt raaohed 1*0, Tl* «1M* l a ***** *< theistore* and ti«w«*> Bat atuk,**) hy-*a> \ M a Biea*a*raa B«vol»U«*. < MAKAOUa, Sicaragua, JTeb. 88,—The goverrtment force* have'coWmeneed an idvanoe upon th* department* fn nvoll against President 8*l«ya without stand- ing on the defensive and waiting for th* axpscfed *ttack of ta*X»o»4«ta, Thitojvfn of Nagar6taw**attaoh*d and taken by storm by th* goveraasant troop*. The moral efftet ot it* captun M bound to b> gnat, arid iti* regarded *a a mopl' ln*< _,_,_ r ..„ ..,._, VUilSedja Peatlea C*>>ia«at», - - . - - - . BOOMSTBB/ V»h S8,—tEnlted "atan* Deputy Manhai Soholl arrested Georg* X. 'Messmer. h**lUi board registrar^ upon th* ehargoof making oroaatlng tobemad> a falit aflldavlt to procure a pension, Th* sp*clflocharge •gainit-tbe.-bealth board' clerk Was that he altered a ..physician's oertlfloateatatlngthe oanse of death to. bo cancer ot th* stomach to rhwroattim of thestomaeh, Meamor 1* at libtrty pend« ing' his examination. suob form and m*ontr as to assume full Responsibility thtfefo^ or thereafter to.re toainsilom* ^ s , - "It furtherappearrthat Irj print and in public spcoeh Lord I^unravon hass'ought to justify th*- maklnf of tho charge by numorous m|srepredentations of fact. Ho has boon foroed him**lt to admit the un- truth of most Of these yot ho stubbornly refuses to rstoacttb* Injurious inforencos drawn fromNuMtn, | "Tho ropreeentative* of this olub on- gagcd.JLn ^ft4nt*CTptlonal-yaohti ranna one of the *peolall*t*, who was on tho wit- ness stand nveral hour*, pronounced, De- Vl* suffering from 'uhronio delusive in- sanity. « ' . . T. % i < Killed »I* AnUtant, 4 •> ^ftr'XOOW, 3?eb. si—Dr. JEdwjird A. Dill, a dentlrt at SiKorth Broadway, «hot and*killed hi* aatlstant, J. J, Seaman, who, before ho expired, *hot' 'Mt-thrOagh the right lung, Dr, D(1I waa removed to the olty hospital.' Hi* WQUnd probably will i>rove fatal The aoootlng wa* the result of K a quarrel. A Shot Himielf A«*ldeatally, . BnrooxtoJ^'N. ff.} Fejfct.^sl—rVhilo How- ard Garrison wa* on bis boat' retunilng from-a^urmi»g^riiMtl*<uurwhi8tf^rT«r lying on the deck, wa* nocldonully d!» ohargod, fatally Wounding him. Hi««roln waatomjo jpleoea, ami-Ji«4l«d from-Ua* oH)Ipod. whilr W*^brotRer wa*-«rjriglng him to his, homo her*. He was SO year* old and n waterman. _' -" - -Weyler orMrtfContlMatlori. MADRID, Feb. SS^A dispatch from ^avanaT5yl"toKS r '0Sptain"Gonrirhl Weylor .has ordered tho confiscation of the proper, ty ot all person* absent from their homes without reasonable oxouso, Those return- ing within a fortnight ot the Issuance of the order shall bo pardoned, Crlvate lam* Dead, BALTOIOHE, Sob 38.—William H, lams, who gained unfortunato notoriety as fl> member of the Pennsylvania militia during tho Homestead labor riots in 1803, died In the Maryland hospital from tho effect* of IT pistol WoQnd Inflicted by Charles Atsdt several days ago. Train Wrecker Bristol Dead. HOME, N. Y., Feb. S&— Frederick Bris- tol, ono of the four Borne boy train wreck- ers who derailed the fast'moil on tho Now York Central on Nov. 19, tSDfi, died in the jailor's residence adjoining tho jail at Utloa. The cause of doath was consump- tion. For Second CHaas Cltlcfl. AlBAJJV, Fob. 28.—Tho assembly com- mittee on cities baa appointed ..Motum. O'Grady of Rochester, Wells of Syraouao and Finn of New York a subcommittee to consider the obartor drafted for cities of the second olusa , lolttlo*,»ld Mr.Vatt, ^ I f ^ t l m a * h r o u l M »f , >|g»| propo|lt»(p KeonId%oty#treoCg- : , „ J eertain sha|4h)ronv Oa* »{pl«ale« caa*e« Three Death*, KvWtWt, 3. Df teb l?8,—A «**oll«0 *tov*expfe*lott cauaed the" destruction, Of ft, H, Pueketta house aridtbelcwrof three llye*. TM dead *r* Mr* Frank Puckett, ! ^a*fial4t»W*av*d the baby, Mr. P u * waaawr 1 ^ J S - ^ • ~ HIIIM *y a>WMt Ifhota Train. , B#JfH«8»aV lT*b. 118,-nthOni**; B*ofl*r, flwrnan oi^,W*»*,Phorej^iroad; while stendlngbsm* hla-engine atClydowa* struek and |WatntiysklH*d-by faat passen- 'gertrain Ncfil, B**flw ll»«d In Newark J s^d,j*ay*a *lfif« and two children., , ~'V,.,s-"'-,ii 1 ii, .me 1 '"'• •* ' ^^ebfjfeV-An *x«utlon ^ t ^ t ^ L i S ^ *h*n»»w4 ot any . _ s ? and. farm wan «f»J«f» tlont) y j^a j> M * With Lord Dun»yatt u ciio representative of Kngllsh yaeh**m^n upon the footing of mutual confidage* and^iionor 1 He has re-' quited their -*»-*=-- ' —«•» •-- distrust, 8u«i v tions ot fraud* "Lord Dunr felted tho higl election as an club, thorofon "Jtesolved orarymombori thO Barl oi drawn, and tl from tho list of olub." i A KxpUlert M In introdnoinj Captain Lofi)i> ' **At tlio last ary membership atihat time—mi members of th. method of doallii) log him to roslg summary action In accordance w] had been dealing that time It see: with the courtcsii XnJUt«xla45fWpl) treated by tho N donot thlDktiiat ami confidence by Unfounded Imputa- _ isalof reparation. 'Ijis course has for- "wlilah led to his member of this Jrl\ llogos of bin-. L ~foro oxtended to Wo hereby wltb- tiio bo removod niombors of tho. Sanlmoaaly. *bo\o resolution the glub I in- •SlgT (ill I thought "jn sreat runny Qglit—that that situation—n»k: Of takiug more ilni—was more Iky In which w e [ matter Up to tioru consistent Dlilmi and pare- 4 DEADLY TORRID WAVE Sweeps Over A u s t r a l i a W i t h a TeffiBle Blight. Unequal to Famiiy Duties- AppBtHa' No IHE THKRWOMSTER RISES. TO 13a llun«lre,t« Sncoftutb to the l » t e n « e If<»at. ICIgtity Hurlals In a HiuRle Day- Hos- pitals Owmvon-tled - No Escape From the Frightful .SCJHTKC. Mood's Sarsaparllla Gav« 8tron»tft a n d C o u r a g a t o W o r k . "I was in such eondltlon I could not wtalB even about the house to attend to house- hold duties and eare to* ray cM« area emafantfly. f did not have th» »treagt!iof*ebiEi$. I _wa«' treated by several phy»ioian* ? who prorjioaa*** i»y troubli*ge«6f> «i* and Carnal* Weakn***. IdouM •atoniya sltcaaf b**tda-n'tSd|la*# eujuof t#*%tian*- trrr^ad*y»fW«i*-, tlro*fclcouid*t«*« av-aOf>' pofltrtagg: VisPorvKi?, B C, Fob. 3H.—Pnsson- 'gti% i who havo arrived here by tho Carta- ;liti-Australia" steamer front Australia aro tnll.lng »f Uttlo but tho terrible brain tloatroying, liorro destroying, life destroy ing hint in tho antipodes Ico it soiling by tho ovincs at fabulous prleea, and to illustrate tho ItiteiiHity of tho heat the- Sydney Cltteoii recently stated that fruJiptt butter tm'tis to IttiuW in lta piuwngo from tho lcecbost to tho table. Crops uro burning up, cttttte* am dyluif tor? want of food und wtitor, and lnrimto rtnd old ncraons or& amjcnmblhg' by nttftdtada la tho thlokJ? popttlntcd section*, Tho hospltalB ivro crtiwdott, Jutd temporary, £Xn«iT"rf'liI''Th*w"n«*"?«r«Sw r "3* ACriuturc* aod viwant llouse* ate *eingt g^nVhVho^*«»»ltea-Todrb»KB^ tdtitad by the ifntitttiry faMcta tor t ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 - modnto tbo consfajitly swelling army of thoaa who have fallen lr> their trucks tW* dor tlta withering rays ot thesun. I n m a n y scotlotm fever o^Itlenilo* pre* vfttt, undj 6wing t» |ho fawt«'t«*t tt »um:*- bot ot doctors, lives are eaorlllwid throti«(h waul of propeb medical a(t«r)d!at)c>. Death* in many towns QCSCHIP front brain ffivor, brought* on by viant ot *!ecp, a*, wltbthir thcrmtriaeter rahglng two* 1SU to ISO degree* in the »h*de, Weep i* Impoa- ilble, simj at night the entire; population jmr*.jr«iia;H**e OflU»»Si.t» fey dinner. "' ' i «to»j'towJ*j« r^iha^irtr^fcoBttHhr J ^ ' ^ ' S ^ ' ^ . ^ ^ r s^"»S^ICh^ifioW*TtW ujatlrtaay retreat iuto- the night audi ihe b)e**»tl dsrknoa*. Kaeh night group*! *«U»*r in tbeatreetand tail ot >nanyo4 thalrnorn- berk who have either dropped d**d, have beon orasod by *le»pi«**xie#« o> a n Jrarw>g in fatal fever, Xtghty B«vl«4 fa Ojaa Day. ~ In Ksw Bouttr Wale* the Baatit rata ha* amurnod alarming" proportion*, and d«r* Ing the WMk in Wh(«h wart taa hetts** day* a greater numbfr of dteta* oenrrnd In Sydney aloaa than H J **y otBty w**lr toth* history ot thai city, ^tybosliw w*»*>-l«wl*d o t J * ^ & ^ietteaaor a«a7 when th«~tb»imwn*tsi""vaaeB#d JIBF *t th* mortuary in t*4 e«*WjWry th* M«M wa* moet dlstnastag. All day ttsda* drapod with blaek and ov*nWwd#d with wournan and bodl** won wrtvingv A Iarg*ootp*ot gnv4^f|a^*r*wa* *a«*»t*Uy engaged.and.hav* boss *ept owgniay a*4 aifht, IkiiiAtm.mmt'""^' " aaMln^*maSj |U*WOttxf5atSa> 1 Busineas w** *u#p*Bdad, ta* Iwaprtal* Wirt ovsWrowded, and then wa* * o t*M* to t*k* th* *I«k of.ta* dbrtrlefc. Wneiwa ay iB^vtaat «y*taaa*T rurth*r Inland th* «*ttao?#iaary «H> mstiooondltlon* taaatbAfMrnof al»wtrls cyclone*, dettroylBB oraoajd* and KM*,. killing cattle, Wowing dew* btitlalaB* and fusing telegraph U***. Ta«a* •**> frtoftl dlrtUrDanjjnowairntf at night, an* rtsny partofl* weta'strtwk nyUgM»i»f a* theyjttt-ln^helrjhonisj^. JtB'SHlABfe. tralra.a'whola fnmlly w** klUedv Two ball* ot tlra *nt*r*d the wiadowaiMt hwat, Anetectrlcala»»m btimt ov*» Oiavat ^lurorundLjaliey. on Jan, M, and I w**in«t*^b>*tatewlH«to*»t»«i ..... , havii^ nottoad adt«^l**ina»ti>t;B*«l*l' Hood's ***** c iamapMiai** »#g-f * npoa ta* w ffllt it %f*B*f* ^Bfe^lrWB •^•^••••jj Ho*r»PM# •' jWlJ*liiM*TWB«B*jBBj*ftW aPBBBMJ •rOTKVSANatl .., __ aeU^YTBAJMfiT >•<? 4'^ *• >- W* rv* ff^BiW 'Oaraat: %t _ z _.^ sv in mi ii.nwmsmw* •."MT"-*• if"-"* <• - TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Six prisoners awaiting trial for burglary and similar offenses escaped from jull at Soutb Bond, Ind. Thomas P. Morgan, ox-bommissionor of the District ot Columbia, died at hla resl- deneo in Washington. Charles Keating Tuckorman, formerly United States minister to Greoco, died at his residence in Florence, ThlovcB enterod -tbo mansion of Jacob Dottmor, at 87 Prospect park, west, Brook- lyn, and stole 14,000 in diamonds. B'our thousand of tho 6,000 gnrment workers of Baltimore who are members of tho Amerloan Federation of Labor wont out on strike. Ore which Is reported as assaying $500 to tho ton gotdj^id *40 In stfjw tn Ute yon, within tho olty limits of Suit Ijike City. Mall advices recoivod at Vancouver, B. C„ from Sydney report tho total loss of tbo steamer Glouworth, which was driven on tbo rooba off Gladstone, Queonsland, during a terrible storm. Laura and Bertha .11 Joa and Martin and R. Dunbar of Stoitou, N. J., wore return- ing from a reception In a buggy. When wltnoMessay that, looking from th* hill into the.valley, It **tm«a M though mil* lion* of fiery spirit* had b**n m lotM* from nadefcf"TJ»r»waa»o raltf, b«H»r/ rIfm^!rwa~d*Hi0ltih*1t"ar^^ life and did inwtleulabl* Injury to th* crop*, Bu*Ino*#wa* abandoned.**Swat Stook! country, Denll|quln, .Qutenslafldj Where the thermometer* r»gHter«d.,ll|. Report* frpra all Other atook *«tlon**hovt thosameunvfeloomacondltlonr The*d***h rate 1* excessive and arlaa* from heat apo- plexy, InthrfTnlning dlitf|ot*th*WaMr supply Is giving out, and if rata doe* not fall soon the mortality will iw appalling. At Morco, Westralfaj thsret la nn out* break of scarlet fover. A dispatch from the city of Melbourne said that. With one single exception, .Tan. 63 waa tho hottest' day for SO year*. A n«ry northwest wind, like a blast from a furnace, blow all day, breaking every thing la it* path, »Jid "tho thormomctor reoohed 180. people dl«oard- ed almost every vo«tlge> ofTclQihes, AT night tho wind *f<$pej, said t(«s tte?. momoter fell go d*fr«eC.t|tf. ten nilnute*,- Tho ehango wa* so sttddon that popple were chilled to tho bono, though the ther- mometer registered 100. A m e r t e a a «5hajrg«d-" W l t l j H a r d e r . PANAMA, F O U » 8 . — A dlspateh from Call Cnuca \t printed here to tho effect that the man giving hi# jjamo a* Charles Dndford is none other th'sin Proud* C, Bandolph, on absconding judge of Mont- gomery, Ala., who is wonted for ombest- slomont. Badford recently murdered Charles Slmmontls, a highly respeeted and wealthy merohont of Coiica, an* ho Is now in prison charged with the crtmo. ..ra^|w*Wji_ *>S5yor*»i. . •&3R8fav>> : *la'M*Jav^ ^*^B¥ lam atMiiBB^B^BU*Jb*^*Hl ^i! CUMBOOA; TTRSttki irrnn Will Not Take Big Trunks. CHIOAOo, Feb. 88.—At a mooting of tho Wcstorn Association of General Baggage Agents a resolution waa adopted, provid- ing that no single piece of baggugo exceed- ing 40 eubio foot In measurement or 230 pounds lu weight will hereafter be ao- copted for transportation in baggage cars. This Is a very radical action. it»i**-ft*ti-4itj £ « . Dtjrrti |T*». n&uaai B riim'ifsi*ji|T ' ^lUbUng wsa*c<K«m«iMl*aBart»a* CENTRAL HODSEs . • (Fbrme*)y4!ii^eifoBw*>S JOHN D&Vm Pa%(WMC4rV Ref«faislC(t litf l«|Itt«* Ttf.*«B*«t. . rina^affl jfcjsfrdirig l_™_ Oir. i^t«cti«j^v».asdllaTiOBl PLATTSBURCH. N,Y- >tj} J H E DELMONICO. Hotel and RcstMrant. J.G.BURPEe,Pr*a> Protection avenue* A PLArrailUBOH,B. T. THE ARCADE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT* A. P. Y6« aO ^ef1a»^a1d to »4 0 »^ Elattaborgh N. y" 1 "™ •"* ****** "SfS"* ijoctiitttr-bectr- ^TOSSil^lOT^'mTrrsylVinrftrrTlTrfBaur EraSES futht clul>. I near Stolton, the buggy was struck by an over been in east bound freight train. Laura J Ilea wa* ', tho olub, sir, instantly killed, the two men wero dan- ; nny resigno- gorously hurt, BUS Bertha, JUe*. iniracu- ilets It was uc- lously escaped without Injury. Uolglun. Will Mahe War. I.ONDOS. Feb. Btt.—A Homo dispatch to The Daily News says: "The king of the Belgians has decided to make war on the dorvis^ios throughput tho Congo Htato. It Is reported that all the available vvssols oo the Congo have already been chartered." llov. Thomas IJ race's Appolnluient. KOMK, Feb. as.-^jlov. Thomas Grace, aft3»n4-'Wjtiii«w»i»»tu, ha».poea-ap»- pnintod bishop ""Jt/fhe diocese of Saeru- mento in »uc«i<asfen to Htght Hev. P. Manogue, I). D. yHE COUGH HOUSE,. T . P . r i F l E L N BWHODSB, uwlyfujm«>ed, Allmodwa. njeotfj Hoed stabuna tor uomws, t r a n S ^ i or, Fir« In Omaha. OMAHA, Feb. 28.—Flro In tho lumber district dostruyed tho Cody planing mill and the plant ot the Santa Clara Manu- facturing company. Loss, 160,000; par- tially lnsored._ _ tU-Comi»UMlott»r Alorgao Bead. WASKINGTOS, Feb. 88.— Thomas P. Mor- gan, ex-commissioner of tho District ot Columbia, died at hla residence, la this city. T.P.rtPIELO.Pr«B Ajmod|rav u^uasa w " r^ardtog.' ChifiSte ^Ourt&b*tS5ftX1i ^rm FOUSX/HN »«»§£ -$---'• s. V. OJWTHtERrrrgpr'* Mos. t l M d 13 R i m Street. (Old Andrew Horde Piar&> contatas all modern coqveatencea. _ rates for traveling comcaatea aad conum men, - Meals at all boars I\ USL XL S S S t AURftGLTe- "•IN LOWER PART OF DEPOT- PLATtSBOBOB. S Y. J . t t . T A R P L E Y . . Open for all Trains, l.^g; ; £ Open for all Tralna. 1-- eats served at reason mi ftrst-'lass. Prop> d warm m •M^ m **•» OX.* a-

DAILY PRESS - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1896-03-02/ed... · 2009-06-16 · NEW YOBK, Peb 88 —Tho New 'Sork Yacht olnb, at a .mooting held

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Page 1: DAILY PRESS - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1896-03-02/ed... · 2009-06-16 · NEW YOBK, Peb 88 —Tho New 'Sork Yacht olnb, at a .mooting held

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r BWc*, B s M t b u r g a K . Y ^

R I L E Y A H E A C E Y , ,

OtttfKTS ana" Oonn»elo»*t-I*W<. 0»V» fMarioi .n ioe i ;cSSttaB™ HattsbMgn,

P R A N K fl.HAGAR. ~~ TOORKEY and &ronaeior;-a*-iaw

""•""gUiJi", *•« ~jr ' _ _ _ _ _ _ 4MW

N , ff. H E W I T T . ..dBBBJc ana<X>unselorat'I*Wi Office^


H . _& B A R N A R D , *n4C<w»Woc*tri)»w. Qfflceta


' D D E N * I t E L L O d t e . -+-^ ^ ^ r u o W B a i o l t f l ^ ^ achan.c tar l . t lo speech

C H A S . H - M c N E l L -

k*3a£&>««4^*«3. *S*f W» * , " _

, 0 0 0 * Piatt*

' -M' V . A . J O N E S ,

M A R T I N * . O ' B R I E N .

m W E E D S . S M I T H * C O N W A Y .

W M V w . C A N T W E L L .

C H A R L E S H A L S C Y M O O R E ,


W I N S L ^ W C. W A T S O N .

T H O M A S B . C O f T t R .

I T , i n*-** E G B E R T C E V E R E S T .

5S rmstc iAHS.

D R . J . & M t K U f N E Y .

P R . W . C T H Q M P M N , ,

I M t r R A N p t M A f i W C R .

k / f l | * # _ # « # a « *

a. **.--P*>-l*"*F^ _ ? . . • _ _ _c~ __ i* i_ .

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> D R > E . t V L A R B * ^ » , '-_ iBTWBX&'-iaarWmt&m ~0a*a*T tyBlfrE?

E . C L O V . M . D - ,

,» . * , T ^ l ife DR.C.W.

T . B , NICHOLS, M . I X .

P r t W t * . a J t E B A W , awnpssao/to

V ^ I j B l ^ U t N E b ^ y


T h e St i r l ing T h e m f ^ i n , JEJofch ? ^ r a n c h e s of Coitgf«ssfc<^"

recognition of t h o Cuban belllgorents were "pBbsiKtcil ' A m i d ' a nconeref-great oHttmv s iasm. I n i o o t , the-demonstr^tion-of-ap-provril VIMT*O spontaneous nnd seemingly to unanimous t h a t j u s t bofdro tho houso adjourned Mr, Hltfc, Who had Intended to postpone ca l l ing thorn up idntU noactMon dfty, hskod ui iaul iaous cousont for tholr fottiedtoto cOBsldorntlou BjriSJillP^fln_

It w i l t A 1

Hon mt l »J j l t*r«pt»—Ko* 2* t h e Time tdJttcli* t h e S t r u « l l n » * « t r l o t » - 8 t t o i i K Keio i t t t iqU Jfie»entea fl3» thfe !Honi«, '••

f2t»t)h by Mr^Teet In bohal^of Cuba w h s the ^yefcti « l t h o pesslgn 1 R ifce «onat«k tt cani* un«3tpocMllyt » • M*1' V e j t aoldoiU •ttno«)ae« S}fr»p«eoh««pif »mke» prepo*^ tl«in«. ^fb« •enate h«*4 ngr tcd t b s t tho final voW of iUeCubonf pssolation v o a i a W t n k e a i ^ * p W ^todft^ «nd thodobato V A » ptoceedlttg, Mr \?Wte 'of California sn 'dMi . 'Grajfof BelaWii te"«intenaing«s HieealpropoMtlan that thfe XTnltea States oquldlttotat thU t ime recognize Cuba's indeDendence, 4»ChU aroiisttl iit. "Vest, who d ? U ^ t e d a. tibaracterhrtiio speech Hl« word* oarab w i t h «mch fin and siiohbo^rity of dict ion that the tenate chamber waa qn lck l f o r o w S « - f t o be*p--ht»)-"Wh«fft-would the TJnttoil S t a t w b e today, aalwd Mr. Ve | fe U thl« polloy urged by the Call-fornlaiawiator had been followed? Int toa4 of a«i»»»Wing„ hate a s p, oongreM ih\», Would tie another B r i t l i h «jlonj-< auothor app»nag«.ot tha^Brlttsb crown. France Tec6gul»ed the independcnoBotthffTjnited gtotea ami t e n t hor arrhit^ and fleet* * n d plabtd on MI a debt of undylDg gratltnde.

I n ringing tone* Mr. V e a t declared t h a t it w * a « the great Wpnblip of t lw world propo»Bato*tand>y ihete poopla In t h e W u

ttrnggla, akin i c our o ^ n , then i M m m t belli « « ^ l ^ y w l r % l b i « of M e i Atajf

armletv-for nooneaxueutwdttwi, — t h ^ n a i l e w t l t tho«l«i.be b jr«t» t lngto t h * w h o l e world w h a t the aenator believed betora Qod to be "ftra& t h a i Spain opttld oerer aga in e e k b l i i h n«r doinlnton « V e r that laland, Mr, V « t drew a rlvkl picture of plpain'a b ioooVmle qyer i h e o ld , Span* ifh'AmarleaU dependen^loe. Then h e added? ' • "

Wf» Threagtt Bl»o4 a»A W f . '*Qt a l l thoaeSrart-dominion*won b y

blood, w o n tbjfongh tortnre a n d flre, tbere remain* M a y to thl* toothlew old wo l f the «l|»gW laland o f Onba. J . n d Spain to-

4Mfr p j t M b » a * » » J ) a t t > a l ^ l B S l W W o a « * ^ (at p k t e e o f Bunyon,almo«thelplea«, alt* a t t a a t o o i o f the d a r k o a t e of deapptiam. and gilt* w i t h Impatient rag* a t t h ? f r o -Meeton-of aplendW repobllot thatruarob on l a the p*o#rea* toward elyltttatton a n d liberty. That wol f can never retain that • ing le eub. N e t e r e a n Spain hold; the i»-land of d u b a after i h a b a a been u n a b l e to ho ld one foot of w>U jouih n f u» i n al l the wJd* area of t h e aouTihern nai f of *M« ooa-M n e n i 1 ' ,

Mr, 13ray ln termpied t o aak If, a t a rdattet of exlatlng fact, Onba had n o w e»-tabUabedaoondlWeiiirf exlatenoe, „ „

With another b u n a of eloquence Mr,. ya t t reanonded I b a t l t wag not for n« to detarmlae that the Cafaabahad oompletely •etabltabed tbamatltea. 'The qneatUm for n a t o determine waa.'Can Spain re>e»tab-llah a e r a o w e a a n * d o m l n l o * ot*r Cwbaf

T h e Onhana detnonftratad that thejr had 4**vqtmje-*>~*<*f*~&P*hx.~± y w * « a « t b a t r t r p r i a l n g w a a a m a r e e m e n t a H o w • r e r y C n b e n la a patWofc- T h e y h a r t abab-doned b o m a i and famUie* for the oauae of fraadotn. Spain anay «tarail»a.tft. theib " B o t , " aatd Mr. V e e ^ w H a T l m p S l a M d tonee, " % a l n wi l l nerer , neter , barer again, »wtkfr t h e m the u n w i l l i n g anbiaeta o f h a c n o w e r ' - ' ' * _ JTha eeaatot j p o k e w i t h Uontampfci* t n a etatementa-that t h e Cnbana ware negroea WR. E . A* B A R N E S . ^ _

i H T M O l i * »nrgeo*-aB« OeaJUt, • O f r * ^ « d m n l a * t o a * ^ t ^ m n a l i the mora ahovjid

a ^ ^ A ^ p •Bteaaaaattt.-^. .sssgsa'wjiL1 ^ y s s F i a S S E S *

powerfol. I t t h r e b a t o . t h a b r a * » t o ( the aagwd'wa- jmdhaa goawwltfc mar^rwto the a t a k r a n d h i*a«dth«a ftwrnKglfprii the aplrit Winged Ite iUght t o God. Idber-t y o a n n o a b e e x t i n g u b d i M w h e n afceonle areQnanhnona in-defenea o f ^ t b a r l g h t a Whleb God ha* g b * n , t h e i i v " ^ - ,

A s aanreamlon of, aympathy w a r a faiwe, <wn%nne41hea»nator, J3e denied and WH pndlated t h e dpcWne t h a t Orery -reatlgt <d Spanlah powwf s u t t t diaappear from the laland before w h oould x a o o g f t l M C n b a w ^ e ^ e n d e n t . ^^k .

i ^

tel le ( B e p ) of Mnmo, who, i t w i l t be re membercd, interposed nn objection to the conrfdoratlon'of tho yeneauBtan «joinm1*« l ion bil l , called an emphatic ha l t b y an abjection^ H e doolnred that the; passago e ! tho Resolut ions m i g h t pwoipitato'war wjtlv-^lpaln a n a oharactorljiod. a« "nm*K-Ing!' a proposition to pass w i t h o u t dabato Resolutions o t subh "jnprnohteusgravity."

So nag appealed to to withdraw; his ob< jocfcibD. b u t ha ind ignant ly dodlinod.

Ihe^ Yan^ Horn-It irsney contested otec t lon ease was further considered. A vote was taken flrst-on tho resolution of tho minority of the committee t o recommit tho case, wi th instruct ions to tho commit-te.e to . reopen thev testimony, pu*g^ the fraudulent prcolnctsr.and recount tho bpn» est b a l l o t s -' ThsrfeHOhltlon w a s defeated—l(ii to l i d — a n d the ^rmt.iorltrrcs61ntioh doolarlnfl Mr; "Varn^orn, thaconte,stabt, oritltlodto hW lwatr waa adopted w t t h 6 U ^ divUion. Mr V a n Hor,n <;arne forward amid a p p l i t i se and^Jk"t&« ftatb atxitHeef—*" *v-

Tho fo l lowing named Bepubl lcans voted w i t h the JDemparatsion tho "motion to rth c o m m i t « n d reopen the o#so: Arnold, B ishop, Brown, 3nrTtonf JPw\di»)g, Daren , er, Bhutan, Hi l l ing; Hyde. "Knlp, Lelghty, Barker, P l tnoy , Powet t i Southwipk, $& lor, Well ington and Wright , (

BfQ STRIKE PeNDfNG, , ., i _

(MS**** Jtatlway £ai»Tay«e« W i a H a v e *h»tt*> | l o n w or trie Up t h e Bead*.

L j E » » - W » B * B t - A ti f e b r ' S S ^ ^ h a - s s ^ r e A t a a j

« i l ^ P l r ^ | 1 ^ m a * o a " d e r u » n d t J e V a ^ n nonr day a t SPs oonta a n -botiri a n d in the eve t i to f thare fu ia l of the employers to grant the concession* asked i t i f sa id 'a general strike w i l l occur.

T h i s d«cl«lo^ waa reached a t a meet ing of the-exeou^re opmmltteeot t h e Amalga­mated Associat ion of Street R a i l w a y Xm^ ployee iqf America held * e o e n t l y a t the beadoiuarte** of t h e organisation l b D e ­t r o i t Every m e m b e * Of the commit t ee , inc luding Prealdent Mabdn, w a s present a t t h e m e e t i n g , a n d the t r a b ^ t w a s thoroughly discussed- Mr Mahpn stated, hi* posit ion a s b e i n g In favor of m a k i n g

'V^IT damaiffd a t ^rit tatt^ added that i f -nan*. esaary he would recommend t h a t means b e t n k e n . t o b a c k u p the reqi ful l attrength of - tbe organlwn eonelKslon of t h e m e e t i n g tha executive oommlttee voted nnanlmous ly t o adopt l l*I««eide«t 'rps>!>oi i t loa' i.

T h e olties s a w e d are N e W T o r k , Chle* go, Phi lade lphia , Beaton, Detroit, Wor­cester and Milwaukee. ,

President Mahon, who i* i n t h i s c l tft •aid? <

"We are g o t o * to m a k e a demand for ten hours ' Work f o r IS pay, a n d We art go ing to m a k e t h a t demand a t once, a n 4 i t Jt la h o t granted a ttrlka w i l l certainly r e s u l t > . * " 1 f a ara^irad of be ing feoled.^and w a

intend from today t o «saTFfti t h i s city dl

" W**»a determined th*t< third parties •bal l b a k a p t « n t of oar affslra, aqd as We a n oapabl* e r a t t e n d f n g tot>Ur nwn. Inter­ests w * mnat Insist o n nor r ight t o go di* n o t t o t h e employar i Our aMoclatlon m u s t b e r * e o g n t i » d T h i s i s final, l e a n no t s a y w h e n k s tr ike w i l t Occur. Jt m a y oeonr l a a weak, a n d i t m a y n o t occur for Mr** WetflU o r -even Jonger, hut if one r ight* a n no t r e e o g n i s e d l t o e r t s i n l y w i l l

i St inging Resolution Adopted Excarlat-ltig the Irlslt Lord—tho \ otc Stood 30 to 1—Clubmen -Applaud, the Oqtoonie of the International Wrangle.

N E W Y O B K , P e b 88 —Tho New 'Sork Y a c h t olnb, a t a .mooting held last ovon-lng to taka flurtl action on tlio charges* made by tho.Eart of Dunrnvon against tho

J M o n d e r syndlcnto nud on tho report p i the epeclnl committee ot the club which invest igated those charges, \o tod to drop tho earl from momborahip in tho o lub.

U p t o tho t l m o of meet ing n«l direct apology or notification o f Intended resig­nat ion had boon received by any c lub offlcct from XiOtd Dunrnvnn

I t w a s ratnorecl tha t a letter ombodylng a. rci lgnntlnn *wna on ifti^ttay from l L j ' the doubly defeated owner of VaJkyrlo, b u t At w a s n o t In evidence When tho mooting was called to order b y Comihodoro Brown,

''"TFhtTanly member tit the board of i n v e s t t igat lon, which, carefully considered l o r d Bunravon's charges Of fraudulorlt J>rno-tiooa dn t h a n a r t Of the owners of 'tho vic­torious Y a n k e e oraf tDcfendor proafint, wa«

far a n y t h i n g t o arbitration. _ " W o a n X attended the meet ing ot the

execut ive o o m m l t t e e . a t Detroit , X mid J h a t t h e t i m e h a d - n o w " fa> **>»H*ft **>& demand general a n d favored Vigorous ac? t l o n t I would b a w i l l i n g fe either mako or break the organisat ion in a battlo for a Wn*a<»dofrt last '«howift^giviw t ' tot with-' ou t oompel l ing n a ^ a t k for i t .

^ t w l l ( b e a a « i f p : a k O V « m * n t a o ( l witf vgor i n t o effeot irrt*th»* e l t l e * I n ffew York themen.a*e5»a*kl»»^rfj |!mr*A day , i n Chicago, i t , U i f t a s a f a w * » o » s e t o n B ; b M U w a u > # V # f t » * t t S f e * ) < , a n d i h & l e o V f c - ^ >

" * • / » general t h i n g w o w i l t demand a mtattf ium r a t e o f 90 oents f an hour, nl-*h<JHgh in B o s t o n an increase w i l l m ask-

WromJlO to,83Ji^andi . in MliwaukooJho en w a n t ^ i ' eents a n nonr Instead of Id,

DUNRflVEN IS DROPPED. The Earl "fexpelled From the

New York Yacht Club.


«LTK SAW, oy nvmiAVttfc Gmifftz R i t e * T h e ^ n ^ t i « b w 1 » # t b * ' o l u b h o u s e w a * c b ( * e d u p w i t h the m e m ­ber* w h o were anx ious to jo in tb* yaoht-o w n e w , w h o could decide t h * issue, i n • e n d i n g t h e Ir'fh Jtarl to ooveptry. f

A * *oon a* t h e m e e t i n g waa g i l h t d , t o order, b y Commodore B, MTBrowni Cap* t a l n X e w i a Cass Dedyard iteqneettd t h a t h |* m o t i o n f o r t h * e x p u i s i e n o t L o t d Pun* xa^en i r o m . t h e U e w Y o r k Ifaoht c l u b , ' w h i c h h e proposed t w o w**k« ago, ahould rwv<ithdra>n T h * r*djd*at Wa* grahted unanimous ly . ,•.

_^ lAdyafdV Bese lat lea . | , Captain Iiedyard t h e n offered t b | fol­

l o w i n g preambla and Msolntlon: "The. S a r i of Dnnraven, a n h o u — , _ , ,

member of thl* c lub , hat nublidir Ijharged •foaVylay en, t ea part o f - ^ w t W e a w B r - In the recent race* f or the Amerlca'a cup of aucb a n a t u r e a* neoessarlly Implloate the m a n a g i n g Owners o t the veesel . •• . -

'>The charge has been Investigated by a commission of the highest character," w h i c h has proceeded judicial ly and bafore w h i c h D o r d D u n r n v c n j i a s appeared and g iven h i* o w n 4t>d qthpr t e s t imony and .ha* been Jieard i n person and. b y counsel . The commission l ias unanimous ly decided that the charge w»f fa l se ; t h a t i t w a a n o t

oceue, Pj ir iM^ttaBiUrt n o t a t e J d e j t a j » } nierejyjmprgved^Jiui_vfajLaJBrmaUyiily. disproved b y oompefcent and nnoontradltf-tory evidence, leaving no" possibil ity o t doubTt '

" T h o oommlaslon has: a lso fonnd that tho lac t s upon whlph Ijord DunraVeh Act6l7 accord lnBtohk^own statement, furnished n o l n ^ f l M f p y f a a ) m a k i n g such a charge,

__ - ieJarton1iith»--nncitais^ tloned" r a j f f i j M K xegulntc tbe Bourse o f • g c n t t c i p j i M H B l h s n one find* t h a t h a ha* r j * e a * B B K p l s t a k o to cAttrunJust'im.i p u ^ t i o r ^ p * M i i » . O h a r a c t o r 6 f another h e should nfiawpny nba.k'e such reparation a s remising l a h i s ptlwer by acknowledging b i s error, w i t h d r a w i n g the imputat ions and expre**ing hUfcegret Suoh reparation-

t o Mr. I s e l l n a n d hjle assoolnte* tho Barl of Dnriraven, after |a full opportunity, has fai led t o make,

„ j * * n iaa*»*na>n«*' . . . . . . . . . . „ -

» V . t * » > r « n t . o » wa* * * ^ ^ & & j » f f i £ ? S £

g j * . f


bwmtiful . . "flball w a . " he *aldV4 ' ib* g r « t -

p u r o f republ icanlnst i tat ionstbrdugh/tj i t the world, n o t declare t h a t i n ou> «plfclon tb*peop l*^f Cuba are able t o nialCtain

A n w o t p w a | * nnt l l t h a t i s land i*E&£

f&W1&*Zg f*^" Aw.W0«ycbrUi, si lent a n d d n m b While ih»* Spanf ih g o v -

>trndr, called a general, dec lares / that h e

bufiJhVr thejp' in to subiugatiofc t 0 t h 0

Bpaalah ttttajaa, Sir, i f / w o do I t f ^ ^ m

* — ,untH afdeeerfha* neon m * d e of t h a t , l l d . i » k r ^ , y o u j r ^ % j r l

c f t : t a l n that ^ w f f i 2 ^ i K a T w « » there wi l l be ^ b n JB|BqnTi* a* -* ipeop le Be6au*»

heap true t o t h e task assigned 'Providenee, becabsa w e - have not ied t h * Imvr of *elf govar»m?nt a* thed te>uj by o t o f*f j ien '' g u^! !^^* , fS l f^<d . 'S£ .> ' l # £- i

i n g word* Inat uttered wobld s e t her B u i be WW * * tin* question from

•pajadoute standtwlnt , and heioould i e e i S . W Ooba had astabllshed an i t stat* of-iftuapfndwca w a r r a n t i n g a — * " ^ o « ^ « « * | f » k t * ^ » j r t h e tTB^tod


. our ^ndition. mora

I xa, miu IU nvw AV<» Wf "-"* ^"* *"^ "" Instead of 17. l l e t r o l t 1* n o w paying 21, and Toledo and Worcester are, paying SO c(5nt# an hourv T h e m w i l l b e n o a r b l t r a t lon, I t w i l l b e a f l g h t t o t h e nntsh ."





. ^ t h a t f l o J i a n d i i b d D M j ^ i n d * | > * n d « p o e


, P a s p e r a t a JPlght I n ^AOrgfa. ROMS, Ga »JE"ep 88 — A desperate street

n g h t o o o u m d n e w between "V. T» 6(anford a n d Po l i ceman Hulkey , the latter be ing k i l l ed , ex-jSjaeriff Matthew* orlMcally and Ijerhap* fa ta l l y wounded, a n d several stray shot* took effect I n other i n n o c e n t spectators, O n e of t b e s l i o t s h l t * y o u n g lady and inflicted a flcah wound . ^The a l ­tercation began- between -the tWo-prlnol-pala because Po l i ceman M u l k e y clubbed a t r l e n d o t S a n f o r d ' s "»- j . '

A l l eged i i a r d e n r f r o a 6 a b c * d J*saae.

»S!KHfjfllirr»rowjr, K . Y . , F e b . 88 ~$m* ty-siXjWitnesae* have been examined i n the P o p D a v l * murder trial, a n d the trial wlU'probaRly cont inue for some days yet . D a v l * has beeh examined by a numbor ot specialist* op insanity , a n d a t tho hearing

Gou\« ItM " I t furl

Including BIOUB, t b n t « t intentionally .„ ,_ . , charge fonnf l ly or-^required by t b a possibl&iofehjyn h o w o s u n w l l H r i . . . ty of entertaining i

" I t is not open gentlemen ara enga, ono sunpooja anotn bound to make aha

Uy t h e Charges. _, from thoovldebce ,

inravenrs o w n admia-' |ne of the cup races ha led from making the iaklng any protest, a s

because i t w n s l r a -w l f y the-oharge, a n d

:o the rosponalblil-'

Isouaslon that -when i n any sport and

of foul play ho i s hargo then and i n

eompanled by n ruU, ample antl oomploto apology and, arafecaetlttn af bis ahoegsfi.'.'

When Mr, Lodyard had done spnafrlng, lie w a s greeted with wHd ol«iers atid. dries of "Brnuol Bravo!" As soon as quiet waa rostorcd Coiiimcdiire Brown put tho resolution to tho to yaehtowners present, i l l of whom, but one, answered In tho affirmative, Tho only dissenting vote waa aas fcbyehos tor 1& Mqnroo; owner of thw sloop yacht Orlva.

When thp result was announced,- tho yells of tho olub mem bars could ho board blocks away, and when It was understood that Dunravon's name was) no longer on tho roll of tho o lub ovory member, wi th tho ono noted exception, expressed h im­self ns being perfectly sntlsilod that the rule of tho majority was In every way right and deserved. The vote w a s 30 to t In favor of Captain Letlyardr8 resolution dropping Dunrnvon from tho roll.


A J e r s e y City Man Kill* HI* Wife antl , Mother-in-law. J E R S E Y C m , Pob. 88 —John Mnokln,

a shift less follow, shot and killed his wlfo, L t a l o Maekln, and bis mothur-lti-InwT Bridget Connors, und fatally wounded bU frtthcr-ln-law, Morris Counors, a t tholr homo a t 110 Phi l l ips s treet Maokin w a s arrestca soon afterward and siiid t l i a t h o did ltlio shoot ing bccuuao t b o y W u t o d t o a l low .him t o suo his children.

H e 1ms; been married several years, b u t recently hjt- w)fo loft h im, and h e ha* spout most o t hi* t lmo i n drinking. Maok­in w e n t t o -hi*, fother^n-iaiW'* home, where h i s wlfovwna r e a d i n g , nnd wa^qian. olfoirtoi loa'hiaohllar^iij b*ft.t, ho,*«y», h e w««a ia[eriiled.^ Ijfe w e n t awny a n d pt t^ chased a revolver. Hu» returned later, and entered tho house, H i * fat)ie>in*!nw was, s tanding near the d o o r / Without a word

^ J ^ a ^ a J ^ A i » J t e ^ f e ! ^ ^ " bnH*fe*trno*rtheord maWinrthq^ihroat .

orango to b i s Wife. Who w a a j u s t behind h i m , When tho bu l l e t s truck h i m , h e pitched forward. J Mr*,. Connors stooped to t h r o w her arm* a b o u t htm and t h u s «*!• oaped, the aoaoud bullet- M r a Maokin, the murderer'* wife , w h o w a s behind the, others, received t h e bul let i n the breast.' Maokin then flreyi Another *bot a t hi* wife, w h i c h struck hor on t h e chin. She died i n s t a n t l y A* the old yroriian bent o r t f h a x huaband Mafikltl Jiufned t h e n - ^ vo ire* o n her and f f m l two more shot*. Mr*.'Connor* fell dead beside her husband. T h e s h o t i t r u c k h e r over t h e heart, ~ Wben DM bloody w n r t w a * done, Mftckln' i W r t k ^ s i o W l y a i ^ ^ I I e ^ w e n T t o CneTgb" boring saloon, and , cal l ing for a drink, l a i d t h e revolver on' the bar and aatdt "Band for i h * polio*. P v a ^ w i t k l lWi torn* onet"

l i s , a n d many sudden daatnfc a n - n p e * t * d from*varydl«tr i<*ta*r* . TaWj*Mi«a**«*> Uru inad i which to a lavtthla n t o * t » t t u g r a n g e n , *«•<»> tk« • trangt* ° * * * * * •**»• nlQeent prospsot* «h*f had ) n a t R r *»ort-gaged the ir fans* . A t B u r * * m «**•> w o n t e w t raaohed 1*0, T l * « 1 M * l a ***** *< theistore* and ti«w«*> Bat atuk,**) hy-*a>

\ M a Biea*a*raa B«vol»U«*. < MAKAOUa, S icaragua , JTeb. 88,—The

goverrtment force* h a v e ' c o W m e n e e d an idvanoe upon t h * department* fn n v o l l aga inst Pres ident 8*l«ya w i t h o u t stand­ing on the defensive and w a i t i n g for t h * axpscfed *ttack of ta*X»o»4«ta, Thitojvfn of N a g a r 6 t a w * * a t t a o h * d and taken by s torm by t h * goveraasant troop*. T h e moral efftet ot i t* c a p t u n M bound t o b > g n a t , arid i t i * regarded *a a mopl' ln*< _,_,_ r . . „ .. , ._,

V U i l S e d j a P e a t l e a C*>>ia«at», - - • . - - - .

B O O M S T B B / V»h S8,—tEnlted "atan* D e p u t y M a n h a i Soholl arrested Georg* X. 'Messmer. h**lUi board registrar^ upon t h * ehargoof m a k i n g o r o a a t l n g t o b e m a d > a f a l i t aflldavlt t o procure a pension, Th* sp*clflocharge • g a i n i t - t b e . - b e a l t h board' clerk Was t h a t h e altered a ..physician's oert l f loateatat lngthe oanse of death to. bo cancer o t t h * stomach t o r h w r o a t t i m of t h e s t o m a e h , M e a m o r 1* a t l i b t r t y pend« ing' h i s examinat ion .

suob form and m * o n t r as to as sume ful l Responsibility tht fe fo^ or thereafter to .re toainsilom* ^ s ,

- " I t furtherappearrthat Irj print and i n public spcoeh Lord I^unravon hass 'ought to justify th*- m a k l n f of tho charge b y numorous m|srepredentations of fact. H o has boon foroed him**lt to admit the un­truth of most Of these yot ho stubbornly refuses to r s toact tb* Injurious inforencos drawn fromNuMtn, |

" T h o ropreeentative* of this olub on-gagcd.JLn ^ft4nt*CTptlonal-yaohti ranna

one of the *peolall*t*, w h o w a s on tho wit ­ness s tand n v e r a l hour*, pronounced, De-Vl* suffering from 'uhronio delusive in­sani ty . « ' . . T. % i < K i l l ed » I * A n U t a n t , 4 •>

^ftr'XOOW, 3?eb. s i — D r . JEdwjird A . D i l l , a dent lrt a t S i K o r t h Broadway, «hot and*ki l l ed hi* aatlstant, J . J, Seaman, who , before ho expired, *hot' 'Mt- thrOagh the r ight l u n g , D r , D(1I waa removed to the olty hospita l . ' Hi* WQUnd probably w i l l i>rove fata l T h e a o o o t l n g wa* the resu l t ofKa quarrel. A

Shot H i m i e l f A«*ldeatally, . BnrooxtoJ^'N. ff.} Fejfct.^sl—rVhilo H o w -ard Garrison wa* o n b i s boa t ' r e t u n i l n g f rom-a^urmi»g^r i iMt l*<uurwhi8 t f^rT«r ly ing on t h e deck, w a * nocldonul ly d!» ohargod, fatally Wounding h i m . Hi««ro ln w a a t o m j o jpleoea, a m i - J i « 4 l « d from-Ua* oH)Ipod. w h i l r W*^brotRer wa*-«rjr ig lng h i m t o his , homo her*. H e w a s SO year* old a n d n waterman. _'

-" - -Weyler orMrtfContlMatlori. M A D R I D , Feb. S S ^ A dispatch from

^avanaT5yl"toKSr'0Sptain"Gonrirhl Weylor .has ordered tho confiscation of the proper, ty o t a l l person* absent from their homes w i t h o u t reasonable oxouso, Those return­i n g wi th in a fortnight ot t h e Issuance of t h e order shall bo pardoned,

Crlvate l a m * Dead, B A L T O I O H E , Sob 38.—William H , l a m s ,

w h o gained unfortunato notoriety a s fl> member of the Pennsylvania mil i t ia during tho Homestead labor riots in 1803, died In the Maryland hospital from tho effect* of IT pistol WoQnd Inflicted by Charles A t s d t several days ago.

Train Wrecker Bristol Dead. H O M E , N. Y. , Feb. S&— Frederick Bris­

tol, ono of the four Borne boy train wreck­ers w h o derailed the fast'moil on tho Now York Central on Nov. 19, tSDfi, died in the jailor's residence adjoining tho jail at Utloa. The cause of doath was consump­tion.

For Second CHaas Cltlcfl. AlBAJJV, Fob. 28.—Tho assembly com­

mittee on cities baa appointed ..Motum. O'Grady of Rochester, Wells of Syraouao and F i n n of New York a subcommittee to consider the obartor drafted for cities of the second olusa

, l o l t t l o * , » l d M r . V a t t , ^ I f ^ t l m a * h r o u l M

» f , > | g » | propo|lt»(p KeonId%oty#treoCg- :

, „ J eertain sha |4h)ronv

Oa* » { p l « a l e « caa*e« T h r e e Death*, KvWtWt, 3 . Df teb l?8,—A «**oll«0

*tov*expfe*lott cauaed the" destruction, Of ft, H, P u e k e t t a house aridtbelcwrof three llye*. T M dead *r* M r * Frank Puckett ,

! ^ a * f i a l 4 t » W * a v * d the baby, Mr. P u * w a a a w r 1 ^ J S — - ^

• ~ HIIIM * y a>WMt Ifhota Train. , B#JfH«8»aV lT*b. 118,-nthOni**; B*ofl*r, flwrnan o i ^ , W * » * , P h o r e j ^ i r o a d ; w h i l e s t e n d l n g b s m * h la -eng ine a t C l y d o w a * struek and |WatntiysklH*d-by faat passen-

'ger t ra in N c f i l , B**flw ll»«d In N e w a r k Js^d,j*ay*a * l f i f « a n d t w o c h i l d r e n . , ,

~'V, . , s -" ' - , i i 1 i i , . m e 1 '"'• •* '

^^ebfjfeV-An *x«utlon ^ t ^ t ^ L i S ^ *h*n»»w4 o t any . _

s ? a n d . farm w a n « f » J « f » t l o n t ) y j ^ a j>M*

With Lord D u n » y a t t u ciio representative of Kngllsh yaeh**m^n upon the footing of mutual confidage* and^iionor1 He has re-' quited their -*»-*=-- ' — « • » •--distrust, 8u«i v

t ions ot fraud* "Lord D u n r

felted tho higl election as an c l u b , thorofon

"Jtesolved orarymombori thO Barl oi drawn, and tl f rom tho list of o l u b . " i A

KxpUlert M I n introdnoinj

Captain Lofi)i> ' **At tlio last

a r y membership a t i h a t time—mi members of th. m e t h o d of doallii) l o g h i m t o roslg summary action In accordance w] had been dealing that t ime I t see: w i t h the courtcsii XnJUt«xla45fWpl) treated by tho N d o n o t th lDkt i iat

ami confidence by Unfounded Imputa-_ isalof reparation. 'Ijis course has for-

"wlilah led to his member of this

J r l \ llogos of bin- . L~foro oxtended t o

Wo hereby wltb-tiio bo removod niombors of tho.

Sanlmoaaly. *bo\o resolution

the glub I in-

•SlgT (ill I thought "jn sreat runny

Qglit—that that s i tuat ion—n»k: Of takiug more i lni—was more Iky In which w e [ matter Up to tioru consistent Dlilmi and pare-

4 DEADLY TORRID WAVE S w e e p s O v e r A u s t r a l i a W i t h a

T e f f i B l e B l i g h t .

Unequal to Famiiy Duties-AppBtHa'



llun«lre,t« Sncoftutb to the l»ten«e If<»at. ICIgtity Hurlals In a HiuRle Day- Hos­pitals Owmvon-tled - No Escape From the Frightful .SCJHTKC.

M o o d ' s S a r s a p a r l l l a G a v « 8 t r o n » t f t a n d C o u r a g a t o W o r k .

"I was in such eondlt lon I could no t wtalB even about the house to attend to house­

hold dut ies a n d eare to* ray c M « area emafantfly. f did not have t h » »treagt!iof*ebiEi$. I _wa«' treated by several phy»ioian*?

w h o prorjioaa*** i » y troubli*ge«6f> « i * a n d C a r n a l * Weakn***. I d o u M • a t o n i y a s l t c a a f b**tda-n ' tSd | la*# eujuof t#*%tian*-trrr^ad*y»fW«i*-,

tlro*fclcouid*t«*« av-aOf>' pofltrtagg:

V i sPorvKi? , B C , Fob. 3H.—Pnsson-'gti% i w h o havo arrived here by tho Carta-; l i t i -Aus tra l ia" steamer front Australia aro tnll . lng »f Uttlo but tho terrible brain tloatroying, liorro destroying, life destroy ing hint in tho antipodes

Ico it soi l ing by tho ovincs at fabulous prleea, and to i l lustrate tho ItiteiiHity of tho heat the- Sydney Cltteoii recently stated that fruJiptt butter tm'tis to IttiuW in lta piuwngo from tho lcecbost t o tho table . Crops uro burning u p , cttttte* a m dyluif tor? w a n t of food und wtitor, and lnrimto rtnd old ncraons or& amjcnmblhg' by nttftdtada l a tho thlokJ? popttlntcd section*, Tho

hospltalB ivro crtiwdott, J u t d temporary, £ X n « i T " r f ' l i I ' ' T h * w " n « * " ? « r « S w r " 3 * ACriuturc* aod viwant llouse* a t e *eingt g ^ n V h V h o ^ * « » » l t e a - T o d r b » K B ^ tdtitad by the ifntitttiry faMcta tor t ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 -modnto tbo consfajitly swe l l ing army o f thoaa w h o have fal len lr> their trucks tW* dor tlta withering rays ot t h e s u n .

I n m a n y scotlotm fever o^Itlenilo* pre* vfttt, undj 6 w i n g t » | h o fawt«'t«*ttt »um:*-bot o t doctors, l ives are eaorlllwid throti«(h w a u l o f propeb medical a(t«r)d!at)c>. Death* in m a n y towns QCSCHIP front brain ffivor, brought* on by v iant o t *!ecp, a*, w l t b t h i r thcrmtriaeter r a h g l n g two* 1SU t o ISO degree* i n the »h*de, Weep i* Impoa-ilble, simj a t n i g h t the entire; population

jmr*.jr«iia;H**e OflU»»Si.t»

fey dinner. " '

'i«to»j'towJ*j« r ^ i h a ^ i r t r ^ f c o B t t H h r J ^ ' ^ ' S ^ ' ^ . ^ ^

r s ^ " » S ^ I C h ^ i f i o W * T t W ujatlrtaay retreat iu to - t h e n i g h t audi ihe b)e**»tl dsrknoa*. Kaeh n ight group*! *«U»*r i n t b e a t r e e t a n d tail o t >nanyo4 thalrnorn-berk w h o have e i ther dropped d**d, have beon orasod by *le»pi«**xie#« o> a n Jrarw>g i n fa ta l fever,

Xtghty B « v l « 4 f a Ojaa Day. ~ In K s w Bouttr Wale* t h e Baatit rata ha*

amurnod alarming" proportion*, and d«r* Ing t h e WMk i n Wh(«h w a r t taa het ts** day* a greater n u m b f r o f d t e t a * o e n r r n d In Sydney a loaa than HJ * * y otBty w**lr toth* history o t thai c i ty , ^ t y b o s l i w w*»*>-l«wl*d o t J * ^ & ^iet teaaor a « a 7 w h e n th«~tb»imwn*tsi""vaaeB#d JIBF * t t h * mortuary i n t * 4 e«*WjWry t h * M«M wa* moet d l s tnastag . A l l day ttsda* drapod w i t h blaek a n d ov*nWwd#d w i t h w o u r n a n and bodl** w o n wrtvingv A Iarg*ootp*ot gnv4^f |a^*r*wa* *a«*»t*Uy engaged.and.hav* bos s * e p t o w g n i a y a * 4 a i f h t ,

IkiiiAtm.mmt'""^' " a a M l n ^ * m a S j | U * W O t t x f 5 a t S a > 1

Busineas w** *u#p*Bdad, t a * Iwaprtal* Wirt ovsWrowded, and t h e n w a * * o t*M* t o t*k* t h * *I«k of . ta* dbrtrlefc.

W n e i w a a y i B ^ v t a a t «y*taaa*T r u r t h * r Inland t h * «*ttao?#iaary «H>

mst iooond l t lon* t a a a t b A f M r n o f al»wtrls cyclone*, dettroylBB oraoajd* a n d K M * , . k i l l i n g cattle, Wowing d e w * btitlalaB* and f u s i n g telegraph U***. Ta«a* •**> frtoftl dlrtUrDanjjnowairntf a t n ight , a n * rtsny partofl* w e t a ' s t r t w k n y U g M » i » f a* theyjt t t - ln^helrjhonisj^ . J t B ' S H l A B f e . t r a l r a . a ' w h o l a fnmlly w** klUedv T w o bal l* o t tlra *nt*r*d the wiadowaiMt h w a t ,

A n e t e c t r l c a l a » » m bt imt ov*» Oiavat ^ l u r o r u n d L j a l i e y . on Jan, M, and

I w * * i n « t * ^ b > * t a t e w l H « t o * » t » « i . . . . . , h a v i i ^ nottoad adt«^l**ina»ti>t;B*«l*l'

Hood's *****

c iamapMiai** »#g-f * npoa ta* w ffllt it % f * B * f * ^Bfe^lrWB • ^ • ^ • • • • j j

Ho*r»PM# • ' jWlJ*liiM*TWB«B*jBBj*ftW

aPBBBMJ •rOTKVSANatl .., _ _


> • < ?

4 '^ *• > -

W* rv* ff^BiW


%t _z_.^sv

in mi ii.nwmsmw*

•."MT"-*• if"-"* <• t£ -


Six prisoners awai t ing trial for burglary and similar offenses escaped from jull at Soutb Bond, Ind.

Thomas P . Morgan, ox-bommissionor of the District ot Columbia, died at hla resl-deneo in Washington.

Charles Keat ing Tuckorman, formerly United States minister to Greoco, died at his residence in Florence,

ThlovcB enterod -tbo mansion of Jacob Dottmor, at 87 Prospect park, west, Brook­lyn, and stole 14,000 in diamonds.

B'our thousand of tho 6,000 gnrment workers of Baltimore who are members of tho Amerloan Federation of Labor wont out on strike.

Ore which Is reported as assaying $500 to tho ton gotdj^id *40 In stfjw tn Ute

yon, w i th in tho olty l imits of Suit I j ike City.

Mall advices recoivod at Vancouver, B. C„ from Sydney report tho total loss of tbo steamer Glouworth, which was driven on tbo rooba off Gladstone, Queonsland, during a terrible storm.

Laura and Bertha .11 Joa and Martin and R. Dunbar of Stoitou, N. J. , wore return­ing from a reception In a buggy. When

wl tnoMessay that, l ook ing f rom th* h i l l i n t o the.valley, I t **tm«a M t h o u g h mi l* l i on* of fiery spirit* had b**n m lotM* from n a d e f c f " T J » r » w a a » o raltf, b « H » r / rIfm^!rwa~d*Hi0ltih*1t"ar^^ l i fe and d id inwtleulabl* Injury t o th* crop*, Bu*Ino*#wa* a b a n d o n e d . * * S w a t Stook! country, Denl l |quln , .Qutenslafldj Where the thermometer* r » g H t e r « d . , l l | . Report* frpra a l l Other atook * « t l o n * * h o v t thosameunvfe loomacondl t lonr The*d***h rate 1* excessive and arlaa* f r o m heat apo­plexy, InthrfTnln ing d l i t f | o t* th*WaMr supply Is g i v i n g out, a n d if r a t a doe* no t fall soon the mortality w i l l i w appal l ing.

A t Morco, Westralfaj thsret la nn out* break of scarlet fover. A dispatch from the c i ty of Melbourne sa id tha t . With o n e s ingle exception, .Tan. 63 waa tho hottest' day for SO year*. A n«ry northwest w i n d , l ike a blast from a furnace, b low al l day, breaking every t h i n g l a it* path , »Jid "tho thormomctor reoohed 180. people dl«oard-ed almost every vo«tlge> ofTclQihes, A T n ight tho w i n d *f<$pej , said t(«s tte?. momoter fell go d*fr«eC.t|tf. t en nilnute*,-Tho ehango wa* s o sttddon that popple were chilled to tho bono, though the ther­mometer registered 100.

Amerteaa «5hajrg«d-" Wlt l j Harder. P A N A M A , F O U » 8 . — A dlspateh from

Call Cnuca \t pr inted here to tho effect that the m a n g i v i n g h i# jjamo a* Charles Dndford i s none other th'sin P r o u d * C, Bandolph, on absconding judge of Mont­gomery, A la . , w h o is wonted for ombest-slomont. Badford recently murdered Charles Slmmontls, a highly respeeted and wealthy merohont of Coiica, a n * ho Is now in prison charged wi th the crtmo.


*>S5yor*»i. . •&3R8fav>>:

*la'M*Jav^ ^ * ^ B ¥ lam atMiiBB^B^BU*Jb*^*Hl ^ i !



Wil l Not Take Big Trunks. CHIOAOo, Feb. 88 .—At a mooting of tho

Wcstorn Association of General Baggage Agents a resolution waa adopted, provid­ing that no single piece of baggugo exceed­ing 40 eubio foot In measurement or 230 pounds lu weight wil l hereafter be ao-copted for transportation in baggage cars. This Is a very radical action.

it»i**-ft*ti-4itj £ « . Dtjrrti | T * » .

n&uaai B riim'ifsi*ji |T

' ^ l U b U n g wsa*c<K«m«iMl*aBart»a*

CENTRAL HODSEs . • (Fbrme*)y4! i i^e i foBw*>S

J O H N D&Vm Pa%(WMC4rV Ref«faislC(t litf l«|Itt«* Ttf.*«B*«t. . rina^affl jfcjsfrdirig l_™_

Oir. i ^ t « c t i « j ^ v » . a s d l l a T i O B l P L A T T S B U R C H . N , Y -


J H E DELMONICO. Hotel and RcstMrant.


Protection avenue* A PLArrailUBOH,B. T.


A. P.

Y6«aO^ef1a»^a1dto»40»^ Elattaborgh N. y " 1 " ™ • " * ****** " S f S " *

ijoctiitttr-bectr- ^TOSSil^lOT^'mTrrsylVinrftrrTlTrfBaur EraSES futht clul>. I near Stolton, the buggy was struck by an

over been i n east bound freight train. Laura J Ilea wa* ', tho olub, sir, instantly killed, the two men wero dan-; nny resigno- gorously hurt, BUS Bertha, JUe*. iniracu-

ilets It was uc- lously escaped wi thout Injury.

Uolglun. Wil l Mahe War. I.ONDOS. Feb. Btt.—A Homo dispatch to

The Daily News says: " T h e king of the Belgians has decided to make war on the dorvis^ios throughput tho Congo Htato. It Is reported that all the available vvssols oo the Congo have already been chartered."

llov. Thomas IJ race's Appolnluient. KOMK, Feb. as .-^jlov. Thomas Grace,

aft3»n4-'Wjtiii«w»i»»tu, ha».poea-ap»-pnintod bishop ""Jt/fhe diocese of Saeru-mento in »uc«i<asfen to Htght Hev. P. Manogue, I). D.

y H E COUGH H O U S E , . T . P . r i F l E L

NBWHODSB, u w l y f u j m « > e d , Allmodwa.

njeotfj Hoed stabuna tor uomws, t r a n S ^ i or,

Fir« In Omaha. O M A H A , Feb. 28.—Flro In tho lumber

district dostruyed tho Cody planing mi l l and the plant ot the Santa Clara Manu­facturing company. Loss, 160,000; par­tially lnsored._ _

tU-Comi»UMlott»r Alorgao Bead. W A S K I N G T O S , Feb. 88.— Thomas P. Mor­

gan, ex-commiss ioner of tho District o t Columbia, died a t hla residence, l a t h i s city.

T . P . r t P I E L O . P r « B Ajmod|rav

u^uasa w "

r^ardtog.' Chi f iS te ^ O u r t & b * t S 5 f t X 1 i

^rm FOUSX/HN »«»§£ -$---'• s . V. O J W T H t E R r r r g p r ' *

Mos. t l M d 13 R i m Street. (Old Andrew Horde Piar&>

contatas all modern coqveatencea. _ rates for traveling comcaatea aad conum men, -

Meals at all boars


PLATtSBOBOB. S Y. J . t t . T A R P L E Y . .

Open for all Trains, l.^g; ; £ Open for all Tralna. 1--eats served at reason mi


P r o p > d warm

m • M ^


**•» OX. *
