WARDEPARTMENT. SIGNAL SER- VICE, U. S. ARMY. DlvUlon of Telayrams »nd Report, for the ben fitof Commerce eJid Affrlc-ulture. Report of oli- Mrrotloiis takon »t I.O* Anfele*. Cel. Aug. 4, 1883: LOCAL BREVITIES. The roller skating mania is still raging. Telephone number of the American Bakery is No. 150. Don't forget the excursion to Santa Monica next Sunday. The thirty-first week of the year 1893, commences to-day. By sending telephone to No. 153 you can secure a hack in teu minutes. Dablin stout, Bass ft Co., aud Ten- nenls ale, in pints, at Woollacott's. The sales of real estate ou Saturday amounted to $32,141, ami the mortgages to $4,554. The sales of real estate on Friday amounted te $42,917, and the mortgages to but The prices of the City Hack Co. are lower than others. Charley Thomas, of San Diego, has arrived at the Cosmopolitan, lookiug iv tine condition. Mr. J. F. Berry, of Gospel Swamp, has struck a good flowing well at a depth of only 113 feet. Thermometer for the 24 hours ending at 8:15 last evening: maximum, 81 de- grees; minimum, 58.7 degrees. If you wish a fine hack or carriage send to the City Hack Co.'s office, Grand Central Hotel. Telephone No. 153. Mr. Henry Stuhr will celebrate his tin wedding this evening at the old Keller hume.ttiid ou Alameda street. Dressed poultry, fresh vegetables, eggs, milk aud butter ou ice at GofFs market und milkdepot) corner Aliso aud Alameda. Three Santa Uarbarans have gone up into the .Santa Ynez mouutains iv search of grizzlies. Wonder if they will find that they have lost auy. The military fair at Santa Barbara, for the purpose of buying suitable uniforms for the Santa Barbara Guard, N. G. C, netted a little over I*2oo. Aspecial conclave of Ctssttr de Lion Commandery, No. 0, K. T., well be held on Monday evening for work iv K. T. Degree. See notice. H J. Woollucott has just received a lot of patent box demijohns which he is prepared to fill un stiort notice with choice wines and liquors. C. F. Allen, J. Robertson and J. C. La Due tiled for record iv the County Recorder's office yesterday notice of lo- cation of the Allen quartz mine, Cedar Mining District, Mr. Sidney Lacy his retained from Sau Diego, w here he has been engaged in fitting nut the Horton House with carpets nud furniture. He made a suc- cess, as he alwaysrriakei,of his business. The usual tlaucc at the S»uita Monica Pavilion Dtutt Sunday. Fun and enjoy- ment for all. Mi. K. J.Baldwin, in onr New To- Day, gives notice that J. F. Falvey, SapWfetebrW of the Santa Anita ranch, is tbe only person in Los Angeles county to Uansact business on his nx-count. There will be a special can vocation of Los Angeles Chapter, No. 33, ft. A. M., at llaassVlc Hall, Spring street, on Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, for the i urpose ot conferring the R. A. degree. See notice. Marriage licenses issued to A. G. God- frey and Cora Dunton, Allen C'ann and Manuela Noriega, John T. Brayant and Sara Redonu and R. L Shaw and B. L. Groover, were tiled fur record m the County Recorder's officer yesterday. Hacks aud carnages, day or night, at City Hack Co.'s office. Telephone No. 153. Office, Grand Central Hotel. A large wrtgnn-load of watermelons came into town from the Cahiiengu dis trict yesterday that were rained wirbout irrigation. Tho melons weighed from fifty-three to seventy-five pounds each. This is what Our dry brush-land will raise. Deputy Sheriffs Hnber und Gard leave for tlie north this evening with Joaquin Padillo and James Harrington, sentenced to .State's Prison, respectively, for one year and five years. They will also take three insane persons com- mitted to the State Asylum at Stockton. In the case of The People vs. Mayes, the jury at 9:25 p. m. retired to deliber- ate on their veidict. and at 9:30 p. m. returned with a verdict of gaily of rape, as charged in the information. The time for sentence is set far Tnesday Aug. Ilth, at 10 a. m Mr. Davenport, of San Francisco, while driving along Main street last evening, stopped his horse sud, boi Iv, but the animal started again as quickly, throwing ont the driver, and breaking hie right arm seriously. was con- veyed to the United States Hotel, uli n he Is being treated by Dr. Lasher. The special train for the second Sun- day excursion to Santa Catalina Island, our favorite health resort, will leave the old depot at 7:30 o'clock this morning, and return in tbe evening. This will be an exceedingly enjoyable trip. Wange- man s orchestra will furnish sweet strains of melody to the voyagers. The attractions at both new BaqM Monica aud the canon to-day are many and varied, and the largest excur- sions of the season will doubtless take place. All the available passenger cars in the railway yard will be utili/.d for the benefit of those who desire to spend Sunday by tbe "sad sea waves," Pure California wines, put up in cases ready for shipping to all parts of the couu try, at H. J. Woollacott's. Ten more bars of bullion from the King mine went to San Francisco yes- terday. Their value is about $18,000, the result of six days' ran of the little Oro Grande mill. A mill of ten stamps that cau turn out $3,000 a day must hare very rich ore. Our Southern Cal- ifornia mines seem to grow richer as they go deeper. It Is stated that about twenty Knights Templar will be represented in the Tri- ennial Conclave from Ventura connty. Both San Luis Obispo and Santa Bar- bara counties are under the jurisdiction of Ventura Temple, which has elected Mr. John Hollister, of San Luis Obispo courity, as the Conclave representative of the three counties. An excursion from Canada, the former home of the ChafTey Brothers, will leave Kingston on tho 17th prox. for Ontario, It will be under the management of J. F. Lee. of the C. R. T. ft P. R. K.,%nd will consist of two car-loads of immi- grants. Members of the excursion who purchase twenty acres of land at Ontario will receive a rebate of tha price of their ticket here. This is a liberal otTer. Mr. %, V. Jewett hM returned from a trip to tbe east In fine health aad spirit". He ia the chief engineer of the proposed narrow gauge railway that la to be built from Loa Angelas to Pasadena, and then skirt the high mesa from the Arroyo Scco to San Bernardino, through the orchards aud vineyards at the base of the Sierra Madre mountains. The pros- pects of the rond seems to be bright and cheering. The delegates from New Mexico to the recent grand encampment of the G. A. R., nt Denver, were each presented with a handsome silver medal denoting the rays of the sun, by tbe State of Colo- rado, and inscribed, "A tribute to the Veterans." It was a graceful gift. Remember thu splondld exoursion to Santa Catalina will take place to-day. The trajn starts from Los Angeles at 7:30 a. m., San Francisco timo, or 7:45 Loa Angeles time, and returning will leave San Pedro at 5:30 p.m. The fino steamer Amelia will Bklp over the waves like a thing of life. At the regular monthly meeting of Vigilance Hook and Ladder Company No. I, held on Friday eveniug, the fol- lowing officers were elected for the en- suing year: President, C. F. Norton: Secretary, H. J, Pfieur (re-elected); Treasurer, V. Hernandez; Foreman, F. 11. Steele (re elected); First Assistant Foreman, J. M. Rivara; Second Assist- ant Foreman, J. Beeaora. The celebration of the sixteenth of September, "Xl Dia Glorioso," the Mex- ican National Independence Day, will occur this year on Monday, the 17th, which is tho Chilean*' anniversary of a similar eharfccter. As there are not enough Chileans in the city aud vicinity ,to have a separate Jolitica'tion, by their joining with the Mexicans, the oelebra tion willbe more interesting. It seems that Fresno oounty, with all its rich land aud vast canals, is not ex- empt from a serious insect pest which attacks young vineyards. It is a kind of army worm, aud has appeared in overwhelming numbers, so that with the utmost effort it is doubtful ifany part of the grape crop cau be saved. One man has fifteen men st work picking the worms from the vines, and euch man will average ten gallous of worms per day. We observe that Messrs. Ifnmmnl ft Denker have purchased the interest of Mr, Rem) Nadenu in the Rancho Rodeo dc las Aguaß, 3300 acres of fine form- ing land, for $22,800. It is considered a good bargain. Messrs. Hammcl & Denker have now one of the ttxtm pro- ductive ranchos in the couutry, from which they supply both their hotels, besides having large crops for sale to shippers. Mr. R. Porter Ashe aud wife, who so narrowly escaped a horridle death in tho Tehacbepi diets*.ter in January, who are rusticating at present at Idle- wild, on Lake Taboo, came near drown- ing last week, while a few day-, later he had a lively encounter with a Mack liear, wh oh got him down and nearly favUksKl him, but wM finally killed, and was found to weigh 250 pounds. Mr. Ashe was evidently "born uuder a lucky star.'* Am. J. F. d ank and Dr. 0. H. Con- gar were in the city yesterday from I'.imi ii iia. The Doctor was at work systeaial /. ng the rui in industry and getting uniformityof product aud unity of action iv establishing the character and value of raisins ia the San G ibriel Valley. He is engaged in a laudable work that deseives success. The rasiu industry i*destined to be va«t aud lu- crative, aud needs systematizing and placing nn a practicable basis. We were favored with a call yester- day from Mr. John C. McCoy, of Dallas, Texas, R E O. Commander of the R. K. Grand Commandery of Texas, whostopped over ivour city for a couple of days en route to attend tbe Triennial Conclave at San Francisco. Mr Mi( un- expressed himself highly pleased with our city, and regretted that be was not able to spend a longer time with us in order to take in more of tho beauties of our section, flu was accompanied by the ladies of his family, and left last evening for San Francisco. We dUI the attention of our readers to the ad vert isement of Messrs. A. Charvoz & Co., which appears elsewhere in this morning's f(rralu. These gen- tlemen, who are thorough experts inthe business, have opened a house for the sale of California wines and hrandies and the best brands of French ehtrets nnd other foreign wines and liqueura.aml arc agents for the celebrated Washing- ton whiskey. Persons desiring any- thing in their line will lim! Cieir gooil.s all they are represented to be, and should not fail to call and examine their Istock. The Santa Ana Sicnxhir.l U warming np on the question oi highways, and asks: "Where arc our Road Ovem-ers? Have we any Road OverseeAtMl W here are oar roads? Have we any roads? .Are our Road Overseers rusticating at the summer resort ?; snr are they hauling gravel to till up the chuck holes that | make our county roads almost imposfta ble* Is there no money with which to do the work? Are tbe road taxes due? Are hundreds of farmers ready to work out their road tax when called upon? Is Santo Ana to be cut off from the Cnited States on aeoonut of bad roads? Messrs. Dillon k Kenealy announce their semi-annual clearance sale, in a double-column notice in thi*issue of the Hkrald. In order to make room for their Fall und H'mtor goods Mewrr. Dillon & Keneuly will hold a clearance sale of their elegant stock of Spring and Summer goods dnrmg the next four weeks. TfktM gentlemen have made dry and thi* manufacture of the same, a life study, and stand at the head of their piofeshion as judges of the arti- cles in which they deal. They select the btjjd g'.>ds direct from manufac- turers, and purchase the best that are made, and anon us are ndapted to tbe climate of IjOs Angeles, and the wants of all our population. Their stock is large and complete, of tho best qualities of European and American manufac- tures, which they will sell without re- gard to cost until the arrival of their Fall stock. The Next Railroad. The next railroad will probably be a mining railway to connect a lino of min- ing claims that are strung ..long at short distances for 230 miles, and will Open up a vast field to the business of this part of the country. The road will start ina five timbered region, aud will pass through vast distriots of copper, silver, salt, soda, magnetio iron, borax and gold. It will be an independent narrow-gauge road, aud easily built through a mineral country that will fur- nish bnainess in abnn lance. A survey has been made, and tbe line found prac- ticable. Suoh a road would be in a continuous mining country, such as no other road possesses in the whole coun- try, and would pay handsome dividends. Abundant capital lias be.en offered to build tho line, and strong men are its backers, among tbtm the largest mine owner in California. We are not at liberty to give names and route, or the termini of the road, except one of the termini will be in Nevada. Thia road is a rival to none, and will be an astonish- ment to the people of Ix>s Angelea. It will continue the building boom in our city and mako a largo anil near market for our grain, hay, fruits and vegetables All these elements conepire to make Los Angelea a great and important oity. Call atC. F. Helnaeman'a Drugstore for West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, Yon Bnlow's German Dyspasia Cure, and Slaven'a California Fruit Salt; the only agent in Los Angeles county. ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. Harry Sealer Drown* while Bath- ing" at the Toraa- The Coroner** Inquest. A Coroner s Inquest wns held at 8 o'clock last evening at the Morgue, on the body of a man found drowned in the toma, above the railroad bridge. The first witness examined was CARLOS o. CRPZ, Who testified that he found the body iv the zanja at the head of tho small reser- voir at the dam; was with his father; Nietoa told him; we went to the place and fonntl him bending over in the pond; his head was in the water. We covered him with shirts. We didn't have to go' Into the water to get him out. He was dead. His clothes were in the bushes near by. Mr. Meachel gave the infor- mation to the police. Saw no stones in the pond. Thought bo struck the plat- form with hie nose. HiHbody was cold when found. His feet and head were under water, but bis back and the hair on the back of his head were ont. V4ILMAMKLOCRF.NBRINK, Clerk at the United Slates Hotel, identified the body. He was registered as Harry Sealer, and was from On* land. He came on Wednesday to tho hotel. I saw himbetween eleven o'clock nnd noon tv day. The chamber- raaldsaid that he fit iv bed all the morn- ing, and she could not gut in to clean the room. He left his pocket book and purse at the hotel. His wife went through to Downey, and he stayed over. His wife's relatives live there. He left a valise ivhis room. He was formerly in Arizona. Never siw him drink. KKQIVALUONIKTOS Testified that the man was drowned when he first saw him, at two o'clock p. M. I found himalone, and went tofind another man. W r eut to Cruz' house, about 300 to 400 yards distant. Saw no one puss. Don't think any one could puss without seeing them. He was doubled up with his mouth in the water. He was in the zanja. Don't know the depth of the water 1 was on tho other side, aud didn't see his clothes. I was there when the police eaine. Meachel was present wheu Cruz looked at tbe clothes, also, another man. c. 1. CRUZ, , Testified that he aaw the body about two o'clock. He was dead. The water in not deep. I reached in and took his head from the wa- ter and brought him to shore (The position of Sealer was the same as sworn to by the other witnesses.) I told my son to run. He helped me take him out. I tried to bring him to by turning himover. He had a white a«d a woollen shirt. Then Meachel came. I told him that a man was drowned. Found a watch, without a chain, in bis pocket. I put it back. He had 53.12 In Ui other pocket. Witness identified the watch. The pocket book was examined, and found to contain several receipts and notes, and a bottle of balsam of fir. Also, a letter to his wife at Downey, not yet mailed, stating that he felt bad, bad cold chills, and a pain iv the head, 1" side gvneral weakness, hut didn't want to take medicine. He also asked her to omu in. and they would go to Santa Monica. He also had a certificate from J. Pollensbee, Superintendent of the car shops at Tucson, that he had worked a year at Deming, and was n steady and capable workman. Aletter .0 his wife at Oakland was also read. Tho deceased was 48 years old, a native of Virginia, and a member of the Masonic lodge at Downey, a delegation from which will arrive this morning to assist in his inter- ment. The jury returned a verdict of "acci- dental drowning " Henry Lecroq, K. Melleu, Gustavus Mingrao, Thomas Stiglig, C. W. Beard, H. G. Sweeny. An Enterprise and an Application. The moat gigantic irrigation enterprise evat inaugural*dia fbi State of Cali- fornia, has been commenced iv Fresno connty. the canal for which will be the largest in tbe State, and fed by King* river. The water tsintended to irrigate 30,000,000 acres of rich hud, at present barren through the lack of water. The source of supply of this canal will be higher than any other debouching from the same stream. Its dimensions are: One hundred feet in width at the bot- tom; levees an average of fifteen feet in height nnd eight feet wide at tbe top, broad enongh for a wagon road. The depth of the water is expected to be five feet, with a fall of eighteen laches to the mile. The dam in the mountain canon whence the water is taken, will be a wouderful and permanent one. It ts twenty-five feet high, eight hundred feet long, one hundred and forty feet wide at the base and twenty-five feet wide on the top. It is riprapped on the inside with heavy rock, and every precaution taken to make it suffi- ciently strong to securely hold the great weight of water that must bo supported. The water is let into the canal from a large headgatc, constructed of heavy timber, one hundred feet in width, aud eighteen feet high. It is planked over a > as to make a bridge for heavy wagons feud has wings to protect it from the floods. Tho canal is expected to carry 1,300 cubic feet of water per second. It is only within a few years past, since Fresno county attempted irriga- tion on a largo scale, but it now savea water far hotter than many settle- ments in our owu county, bar ring those new ones which have adopted pipes, or cement or stone conduits. The project recently men- tioned in the Ih i: vi i rcgurdiug a grand tunnel to be bored in the Sierra Madre mountains would be to Loa Angeles county in proportion to the water sup- ply what the grand oauals of Kern, Fresno and Tulare counties are to them. It must also be remembered that one- qnarfmr of the water necessary for irri- gation i.vtbe counties named would be ample for our county, and that quantity could undoubtedly be obtained at a less expense than $280,000, which is the coat of the new Fresno canal. There is coin in it. Foundling. About half-past 9 o'clock last night Mr. Kilield, who resides at 117 Hunker Hilt avenue, found a female child, apparently about three weeks old, ina basket on his porch, snd a bottle of warm milk standing beside it. Mr. Fifleld has no children of his own, and that ih tbe reaaou. he thinks, some of his neighbors are laying their sins at his door, to which he objects. Chief Cuddy will this morning take the child to the Orphan Asylum. Council Proceedings Council met in rcpulur session last evening, Councilman Kuhrta in the chair: The minutes of the previous meeting were road and approved. RKPORTB OF OFFICERS. The Auditor presented his usnal re- port, showing the condition of the vari- ous funds in the City Treasury. Re- ferred to Finance Committee. The City Clerk reported that, In ac- cordance with the ordinance, he, on thu 3d Instant, sold at public auction the city's interest in the jail property, to Louis Phillips, for the sum of 814,400. Same reference. Mr. Ryan rnovod that tho Mayor be requested not to sign a deed for the city property on Spring street, known as the jail property, until further actiou of tho Council. Adopted. The City Clerk reported the issuance of 822 licenses, amounting to $.'IOO6, for the month of July, ofwhich 63, amount- ing to $250, were returned uncollected. Referred to Finance Committee. The City Tax Col lector reported the col- lecting of $3410 city licenses, and pre - sented City Treasurer's receipt for same, less 9170.50 commission. Same refer* euce. Monthly report of City 'treasurer. Same reference. Weekly report of Zaujero of work dove on the city ditches. Referred to appropria*e committees. The City Attorney presented an ordi- nance forbidding the obstruction nf the streets by building material without the OOUtSAt of the Council. Adopted. Also, an ordinance fixing the firo lim- its. Action postponed for one week. Report of tbe Chief of Police for the month of July. Referred to Finance Committee. The Secretary of tbe Board of Edu- cation presented a report as follows: Amount on hand July Ist, $15,500.17. Expenditures: Supplies, library, etc., $384.03; H. H.Powell, on account of building Eighth street School - house, $1500; A. M. fidelman, plan tor 12 room school building, #2">0; salary of Secre- tary, $50; total, $21*103, leaving bal- ance on hand, $13,322.14. Same refer- ence. Report of Superintendent of Streets: Recommends that Main street be rc- graded, or regravelled, from the Plaza to residence of O. W. Childs, and Spring street be regraded, or regravelled, from Temple street to Us junction with Main street. Also, in view of the approaching Ag- ricultural Fair, that Main street should be graded from 0. W. Childs to Jeffer- son street, Figueroa street from Wash- ington street to tho Agricultural Park, and Washington street from Main to Figneroa street. Referrod to tho Board of Public Works. The Health Officer reported 30 deaths, 22 males and eight females, for tbe month of July. Births during the same period, 21; males nine, females ten. During tho month 4.'t nuisances were abated. Filed. The regular monthly bills were read and referred to Finance Committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTERS. The Board of Public Works presented a report, as follows: Resolution of intention to improve and grade Fifth street, between Main and San Pedro streets. Adopted. Resolution of intention to improve and grade Olive street, between Sixth and Twelfth streets. Adopted. Recommend that tbe* City Surveyor be instructed to propose a grade for Pearl street, between Fifth and Temple streets. So ordered. Recommend that a warrant for $100 be drawn in favor of J. V. York on account of gradirfg Bunker Hill avenue. So ordered. The Finance Committee report as fol- lows: . Find report of the City Auditor and report of the City Treasurer on sub; of Main sSPwnr bonds, correct and recom- mend that tbe same be filed. Adopted. Recommend that the City Attorney he authorized to commence immediately another suit against the ft. P. R. R. Co. for the collection of license taxes. Adopted. Un pc tition of J. C. Zahn in relation to water rates charged by V. Beau dry, ask for further time. Granted. * The Committee on Sewers presented a report as follows: In matter of construction of Hill and Seventh street sewer and branches, rec- ommend that the following bids be accepted: Sections -1 and J, W. J. Neely; Sections 3 aud 4, Jos. H. Smith; Sections 5, 6 and 7, W. J, Neely?they being the lowest?and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare con- tracts therefor. Action postponed, and the matter referred back to the City Surveyor. Ivmatter of construction of Sim Fer- nando street sewer, recommend that contract be awarded to W. .). N.rlv. Same action. Believing that in the near future it will be necessary to make changes in t lie present method of discharging the sew* age of tho city, recommend: Ist. That tshe Conned provide fn its next tax levy for funds for extending tbe Sau Pedro street sewer lo the south- ern limits of the city, a distance of about 5000 feet. 2nd. That the Clerk of the Council be instructed to advertise for tendnys in tbe Los Angelos Daily Herald for pro- posals from farmers and irrigators to receive and take charge of said sewerage at the south boundary of the city. Adopted. Tho Committee on Fire aud Water recommend that the petition of R. Molony be granted. Approved. That the Committee has notified the Water Company to erect tiro hydrants as follows: At the corner ol Wilming- ton aud Reiiuena streets, Temple, Main and Spring streets. Franklin aud Spring streets, Fifth and Fort streets, Sixth and Spring streets and at San Fernando street aud Harmony Gardens. Ap- proved. On petition of H. Hazledine, recom- mend that the matter be left to the" Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Adopted. The Committee on Zanjos presented the following report: Tliat, on Thursday, August Und, the Committee visited the Tujunga Canon for the purpose of makiug a personal in- vestigation of the locality at which it had been reported that a submerged dam would be constructed; that as a re- sult of satd investigation they find, Ut?That the dam contemplated ap- pears to be a small surface dam to bs i constructed for the purpose of leading tbe water of the oreek iuto a ditch or , line of pipe, intended to .-over tils irrigable lands of the Raneho Tujunga; and that, therefore, there appears to be noimmediate menace to the water Inter- ests of the city by any works designed, to close up tho subterraneous channels through which tho Tujunga Creek may bo conducted to Los Angeles River. 2n.~That, In the opinon of your com- mittee, a submerged dam, constructed at any cross section of the Tujunga Cation, must cost many thousands of dollars, and that there is nothing iv sight which would induce a business man to invest iv so ehimerlcal # a speculation the large amount of money which would unques- tionably be required. Report received and tiled. Mr. Schieffelin moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for tho laying of an iron pipe of No. 14 iron, to bo laid across lhe Arroyo Seco. Re- ferred to (lie Zanja Committee. Mr. Mo ire moved that the ZanjaCom mil tee, in connection with the City Surveyor, be instructed to prepare plans for piping Zanja 8 R from Seventh street to Pico street. Lost. The Committee on Lands recommend that petition of A. Briswalter for a quit claim deed be grauted. Adopted. Mr. Scbeitriliu moved that the title of Mr. Baker to the property between Kuena Vista street and tho zanja be in- vestigated. Referred to the City At- torney and Committer on Lands, with power to employ a searcher of records. The Special Committee tv whom was referred the matter of codifying the city ordinances, reeommeiiA that City Clerk Robinson lw allowed 8200 for preparing said work, and that he be instructed to advertise fur bids for punting the same. Adopled. The Special Committee to whom was referred the matter of widening Main street, formerly Bath street, ask for one week's further time. Granted. The City Attorney reported that he has commenced suit to condemn prop- erty for widening Main street, and pre- sented bill of $10 from Gillette, Gibson & Woods for abstract. Referred to tbe r'iuance Committee. Mi . Ryan moved that the chamgnng be employed exclusively ivicpairiug the streets until all necessary repairs be made. Adopted. Mr. Steere moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids to do the city advertising. 8o ordered. Petition of Henry Gbso for. quit claim deed. Referred to Committee on Land. Petition of S. Slrohm aud others for change of grade of Olive street, between First and Second streets. Referred to Board of Public Works. IVliliou of Board of Trustees cf State rffornta] School in relation to water. Referred to Committee ou Zanjas. Petition of J. M. Frew and others. Referred to Board of Public Works. Petition of Mrs. R. Forthman and Mary Osterman, for permission to do grading in front of their property on Olive street. Same reference. Mr. Scbroeder moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to devise means by sale of city property or other- wise to pnrehnse tbe Court House prop- erty. Adopted. Petition of C. H. Allen to grade the alleyway near the Normal School, and that the City Surveyor be instructed to set tbe grade stakes. Referred to Board of Public Works. Petition of John o'Neil to connect his property with the Alameda street sewer. Referred to Sewer Committee. Petition of J. B. Lankerahim tc con- nect bis property with tha drain pijio in the Arroyo de las Reyes. Referred to Sewer Committee with power to act. Petition of W. D. Gould and others in relation to water on the hill. Re- ferred to tbe City Attorney. Petition of Main street and Agricul- tural Park R. R. Co. to lower zanja on Washington street- Referred to Board of Public Works with power to act. Petition of B. F. Coulter asking that the m.i -igate be replaoed in the Nichols dil- h. Referred to the Zunja Committee, wt k h power to act. Petition of E. M. Slaughter to under- mine under sidewalk in front of store of Helhnin, Haas ACo. and to put in an elevator. Referred to the Board of Public Wurks, with power to act. Communication from Hellnmn, Haas ACa., notifying Council that the rent of tbe Hook and Ladder Company w illI>e inereas, <i So sic. per month. Mr. Wolfskill moved that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Bernard to remove tho stones from in front of his place ou Alameda street. Adopted. Adjourned. An Evil and Its Remedy. We learn that quite a number of mir. row escapes from serious aeeidi-nts bavsl been made by pedestrians Who are nec- essarily out ou a foggy night after the store efootrie lights have been extin- guished, ou account of tho euortnouH piles of building material on our prin- cipal streets, which, when buildings are incourse of construction on both sides, as on Commercial and Spring streets, nearly block up the entire thoroughfare. As au example, a number of firemen running to the tiro on Fifth street about midnight on Thursday, took the side- walks of Spring street, as the uearest cut to ths place of their duty, and were subjected to the delay and pain of fall- ing over brick, mortar and lumber piles frequently. Luckily they were so agile as to be little hurl, but the air was made azure with Home bad words. The plac- ing of some lanterns on theso obstruc- tions, which we believe is required dur- ing the night, would do away with many contusions. Let the law be enforced, or the city or contractors be sued for dam- ages, wheu casualties occur, which cau not be guarded against on account of a lack of proper lights, or placing of building material in the streets. Official Errors. The Secretary of the State Board of Agrioulture, Edwin F. Smith, publishes the acreage of cereals in the titate, for 1883, as follows; Wheat, '2,034,700 acres; barley, 775,405 acres; corn, 05,000 Ms**) all of which he says are tho "actual fig- ures." In regard to these figures, the only objection to them is their utter un- reliability, Los Angeles oonnty alone has more acreage of corn thau the Secre- tary gives to the whole State. The amount of barley is put at 775,405 acres, and is perhaps about two-thirds of the actual aereago. It would probably bo well if these officials would read the newspapers of tho State and inform themselves about the business of tbe country. A perusa. of the Herald would have spared this official from sending abroad such erroneous state- ments. For health, strength and vigor drink Damiana Bitters. jaufily COURT REPORTS. Superior Court Hinea. J. Satordat, August 4, 1883. People vs. Mayee?Rapc-Vordictof guilty. Thomas Wm. Haddock, a native of ('anada, naturalized. Cuiol vs. Ling?As per stipulation on file, all proceedings stayed for five days from date. MKT |MB MONOVY. People vs. Bell -Criminal case. Itixby vs. Bent et al. Baker vs. Marquez. Leiss vs. Hcchtman ot al. now \Ri>, J. Pico vs. Con* ef al?Ten days further time allowed defendants to plead to amended complaint. Estate of. E. Leiss, deceased Return of salo of personal property approved. A. Briswalter vs. A. K. Sepulveda et al - On trial. i I FOR MONDAY. Fslnte of N T. Lucas. Rant oik ye, Plummer, First Comptroller William Lawrence is styled the autocrat of tbe Government He countersigns all warrants drawn ou tho Treasury or directing payment uf public moneys. His decision on balances is liiml, ami he cau reverse the decision of any member of tho Cabinet, or of the Presith ut himself. His pffii is older than the Constitution, Bavin been cre- ated iv l?7s. HOTEL ARRIVALS YESTERDAY cosmopolitan Hotel J M Itotcbild, S F II F Miller,UOBM, NV G p Clark, Pasadena J Taakcr, San Diego J W Itio.ded, Xl Monte J P Bumdi-li.wf Achild, l' M licrmtrd, eil\ Cedar Rapids 0 o s«e I. Ontario J II llaag. K.»en»i.«c Euuim, Kivct:*i'le O Thomas, -oi Dlt-go CTSerening, S F I. A Km NV W 111 iuHVv. Ontario UWCheyn. ..Tombstiic WRBucKfbv. do F B Sexton, do S Marshall, San Rmlo Mia* L SeMon, do T E Brown, lb dland* s Watson. Memphis 11 UShetland, Ohio CSTodd.T, * uUna 1(11 Arnold, do II Q Brook*. San Undo J I |< vim, S w Carrier, Boston C Hamill,Woodland ST. CHARLES. AT Effglestoa, B F EStanton Marengo A HSavage, lowa O Taylor, do J B Mcßnde, do G Grimes, Ventura PHardie, N V Mrs R Porter limbic .1 Eln.kcv *wr,S<!nb W BMctc.di sta Barb Jli Hail, v, St., Clara T C RooLlidr .c S LCity C Lewis, Xl Montu II Phillip-, Tucson E Mayes, do PICO HOUSE. S W Sheldon\- wf, S F p. II Efphum, Berkeley J If Temple. XlMonte SO Stewart, N V IIII Butler, S F ItWise, Oakland U Sin.ilb'v. C-.i'X.ido O M Idcerslde Mrs C Floyd' Chicago R W Farter, Pomona J P Hull, Mo C Burnmtm, Riverside Mrs J Taylor* eld, T . J Stoeeham, S F DCE-lwards, liradtord J Simons .V i, l.ea.h il!c 11 Nicolas, S F Si Ealon. * Itaington T D B.ckn.M, do KBColtor, do WL Hunt £ wf.S Bab UNTTKD STATES BOTE I. F O Slankcr, Pomona P Barr, Wilmington E Barnes, do A O Petto a.v wi.S Fado J J Reynolds.Rochester J S Butcher, do J 3 Harkey, Ventura S Bassett, do JG Hickey, XII Warren, do II T Walker, I'alico E B Callin >\u25a0 d.X Bluff AMcDonald, San Fndo AF Oatcr, Pasadena W Butrovich, W Stone, W il Mueller. Bel ma J S Mtchols, T P SibhA *t Undo s X Franu, Xl Monte 0Th-muO MDan.r-i.. A J ,T Reynold-, Colton JM Wadsworth, J P Boring, Orange AHa/poid. Calico Ed JT Prat in, San Kudo R HGreer, do J It McCulluugh, do PROPERTY TRANSFERS. RF.rOUTEI) BY GILLETTE,GIBSON £ WOOD, EXAMINERS OF TITLES. CONVKVANCPS-AUeCST 3, 1138. 0 W Wilcoxand 0 F Mantur, assignees of B F Seiner t, to .1 ACrane-Lot in Santa Ana; $450. Salvador R <!\u25a0 Hlguora to Ramon Domlngues Interest ut grantor, in citato of Dolores Lugo de Ruiz in Lo« Angeles; tl. Ramon Ooiniugucz to Joseph Musi.il-o -Lot7, blk 3a, Ord* survey; 226.55. Lewis Moore to Amos Eddy?W oa, res of El lot3, R 3, Temple £ Gibson tract; r_ . Lewis Moore to -MaryA Eddy?W } lot 3, R3, Temple <fc Gidson tract; $83. L«iwis Moore to Han Pedro School PUtri. t 1 acre In S E 1, lot B, Temple £ Gibson tract; $4.85. * Leonard Paik-r to Mrs Adella Brow(l slof N }of S\V i of SW i see 12, T » S, R m W; gift. JJ Ulvara,A Vignulo ami Margurit a \ bis uirY, to Jesse F Hail-Lots 17, 18 and 10, blkC, IH va- ra and VignoUtract; $7500, Rciui Niidt;:iu in Jhnrv Hummel u>A Andrew II Uuul.fi- -emu LnN t. it, 10, 2i,, :)i. and ;wi, und town loti 20, 27, Hi, 34 ami 10, and grantors Interest in Reservation tract, Bo Kodcodelaa Agues; #22,800. A Warn l\ .ui'l IIW M-iL-ve, tru-t. .-, io il Watts - 1-ion of thu Lake Vineyard I. £ W Asso essaaWs inU-rcai in waters of the AJroyo Seco; 9200. 0 C Lip*ami Mary Elizabeth, his wife, toEu- Xene G<-nualn ?Lot W aide Mainst, lut 2d and 3d sts; £400. Pomona L*W i'o to A X Cutiev E {lot 5, blk 189, Pomona; «M», FjtUteof Hunipbr. v iH-eree of di-tributi >!ea*h and acres in Spirt o!city, adjoining Flckett, to L vina Ann sn.oot. AH P Sin.-nt. Helena .M rimoot, >liene\ M.ty Snioot, 1.v.) Lniont, EuliiwSmith and Man \un Dwitz ler. Bank of Anaheim to F M L CoouiUctt 27,'JS acre* near SK n.nior of An»helui; $140". Estate of L.mU; Keliai . ineompcte-it, to F M L Covulllott -I ot 5\ blk 1), Uoiiuunn &George's addition io Ai..iheun;#looo. Sallic fScott and Hoht W, her busband, to Benjamin I'Go.jnmett -l.otHlU4ai.-l nr.; bit; fJ. H.aiimnu .t addition to Amdieini; $1411 Honrs VSpencer to J HYunnan bats 4 and ;.. bIU I. » li.ws tract; <sWO. John s Griffinto Fred Aockerblum W i lot 6. Orange Slope tract; SBOO. 1) AMaen'ul and .1 S Clausen to J I' Mi Namar and J M Gnian txit -1, blk X, and Lots 13,14, If,.ii.il I. I>i!. I . M'.rri-, \ im-jard ' i. M> .1 P McNatner and J M Guinnt» Charles J Field- Los 14and 10, blk F, Morn-. Vimiyard tract; 45H0. lUlphR'O-rH t . John W Mills l,"ts and tl, blk 7, Cliaiuz tract; #000. SATURDAY. August 4. Lewis Moore to J E McrConuu-E j lot I, range c, and W 4 Ut 4, mnge 7, Temple 4 GibsM tract; \u25a0176. Maryett Bab. o.:k lo Mr* Flora M I'add, n W j of NE iof NX iof NW isec 13, T 58, It 10W; S4UO. Flora McFad. lea to Miss NellieI! ibeock Same as laNt; 8490. Frank Potter to Mrs Carrie A I'otter- Lot &, (.IK I', San PnH.|Uttl tract; gift. ,te*M Hunter to M L Wicks- -80i> acres in Ho San Rafael; #9001). Lewis Moore to Oscar I»ckwood N 1 acre of W i lot Range 4, Tvuiplc AGilwon Ua. l;*l2f>. I W Lord i..John W llmrhes, Jr, and A E Point roy - Lot 'J, blk Z, Mott tract; (Mis). Anna I. l»«vir to GO Jobs*?-Lot Kills' sub division ot lot 1. Cells Vineyaru tract; KSOO. Liate to Peter W Mullor?Ccrtit' .i. 'd redemp- tion oftwo acres W of city from ta\ *ite; $17.47. David Uridum>tine to Jacob IIILgu -- Lots ft* aud 27, blk 73, Ord's slavey; $8000. C H WattH and M L Wicki U> M R llodgkins and ET Wright I'ndividwl Jof lots S5, S7 and 3h, Watts' »übdi\ision of part of Ho San Rafael; 97,132.50. J MKdington to J R Prosise -Lot i-'3) IweatjC Wdmington tract;*22oO. John H Grirlin to 1* Wilhehn Poulson?Lot 22, Grittln a addition to East Los Angeles: 91. AWakelyandH W Mngee, tru>t,ea, to Jehu Ellis?2-iV-«i of Lake Vineyard Interest In water* uf Arrovo aeeo; #4UO. State tn Mohr, Lowell & Graham CertilWte of redi'inptioii ot improv eineiits on R R laud from ta\ sale. #22.4!>. Thomas l> Mottand Ascension S d.- Moot to J M EtiiMgton-Agreement toconvoy grantors* in- ; t in (to S.intii:;.. Santa \i i < oi(-i t, ~f partition Hnest fti.uoo. Furmora St MtrcbanlN flank tbOsorn M 1., un- man -Agreement to com ey lot .'>, blk20, Han- oock s snrveJ; #100 emh and *250 * vr; a jwr cent per annum; ABSO. Dankd F Winner and Sarah R. his wife, to Anna R Van Alstync - 9.53 acres in i(o Santiiigo de Santa Ana;*22oo. Ainrnalda H Moore. Nmaela M Cook nnd Amu- liaC Maxwell to Walter S Maxwell Part or lot 2, blk 81, Ord's survey; 91. W IIMcDonald aud E O Leuntzcl to John Wise- Bond tor deed to lot 16, blk l(>3, Bellevue Turracn tru.t, in m.- : -1 " JW Woltskill Martha Brown W lot I. blk17, Hancock's survey, and SB I etc 23, T 1 tf, H 14 W;«6. Joslah McCoy and Matlie W, his »r?c. toW W ITlllllssaT B4of SH J sec 2, T6s,H 12 W; : l Francisco Ruiz do Ocana to Win II Griffin Part ot lot 10, blk 32, Ord's survey $5. Pio Pico to Tomas Alvarado -Grantor's Intirest as heir ofJavier Alvarado, Ygnacia Amador de ARaradtfand Maria YguacU AWaradn de Pico, In property in Los A?iaolt*county; $1. A Man Goes Over the Falls Anddisappears t>eiieath the foaming bil- lows, This afternoon about half-past 2 o'clock, a flue-looking, well-dressed gen- tleman was seen walking across the sus- pension bridgo with a cigar in his mouth, smoking iptite leisurely. There was nothing strange in his manner and tho people on the bridge thought of nothing wrong until they saw him hap from the bridge, over the railing, into the mighty waters beneath. The people on the bridge were awo-struek and power- Ism to render him any assistance, and with feelings of deep sorrow and tears in their eyes, they stood silently watch- ing him as he struggled with the rushing waters, and as he was carried into the roaring cataract, they noticed that he was still puffing away at one of those famous "TaMill's Punch" Cigais, Havana!) lilted, which ht* purchased at the Postotfice Cigar Store, tor only five cents. julyai-tf. | Wellington Coal. Attention of the oomtimera of coal is callod to the particularly excellent qual- ities of this coal for either eteani, heat- ing, or cooking purposes. One ton of it js fully equal to three cords of wood. As a household coal for cooking or heating purposes It has noequal, selling for sev- eral dollars more per ton in the San Ffanclsco market than any other coal imported for this particular nso. This coat is for salo hy all coal nnd wood ynrds. The undersigned is prepared to sell Wellington coal in carload lots of ten tons and upwards, from his coal hunkers or ships when discharging, at Wilming- ton, delivered ativwhere along the line of theS. P. H. R." Waltkr S. Maxwki.i., Importer and Wholesale Dealer, lOt'ourt street. Telephone No. S3, Mm jnlll The Mexican remedy for diseases of the kidneys nnd Madder is Damiana Hit ten. Damiana Bitters regulates the stomach. Michel Levy, wholesale liquor dealer, agent. Mrs. F, A. Logan, Magnetic Healer, is eminently successful ia rheumatism, neuralgia, weak lungs, etc. No. 17 North Main street, jy 10, 1-m. The feature of tho season. The Mas- rmerade Skating Carnival, to he held at the rink, 114 Spring street, Saturday evening, July 28ta, je27lm Damiana makes] the old young and the weak strong- and healthy. M. Levy, koOk, wholesale liquor dealers, agents. The largest stock of drugs, medicines, perfumeries and toilet articles in South- ern California, at ft t, llciuzeman>. Stoll 4YThayer, newsdealers and sta- tioners, have removed to their new and cleg nil store in th.> Nodoau Bloek.whero I hey uill be pleased to receive their cus- tomers, au.'l-l w Decorations ami wall papers, the finest and latest, and the greatest variety, at Raphael Bros., 141 Main street. Those suffering from rheumatism, liver and kidney diseases, indigestion, etc., should go to Fulton Wells. Im.je24 At the Kintrneht Saloon, ou Spring street, near the llri;\i.i> office, ice-cold lager, from the celebrated Anheuser- Busch Brewery, of St. Louis, is kept constantly on draft, car loads arrivim/ weekly. The finest brands of liquors and cigars a specialty. Lunches served to order. LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1883 jj i H 3 i A.M. I i P. H. | I iisTs II 61 | 58 ri Musical Entertainment, PAVILLION, SANTA MONICA, Saturday, August 4, 1883, for the benefit ot the M K. Church. PROGRAM ME. FIRST PART. 1. Instrumental tjuartotte March Hoimi-oi^e do Concert. Ran.dski. Ik h. T. Valentine, Mi«n M. K. Valentino, Mr. Will 11. Schilling, Mr. Wm. White. 2. Heading - Buck Fanahaw's Funeral. .Mark Twain. Mr. Edward A. Wood. 3. Vocal Solo -Midshli i Adam. Mi Win. While. 4. Violin Solo -Slltll AirVarie De Berlot. Mr. Will11. SchllHnir. ft. Rending -The Curfew Bell Rosa Porter. 6. Piano Solo?Rliroletto de Verdi Uszt. Mia. M. E. Valentine. HKUOSI) PART. 7. ViolinSolo?Fantaslo. .Lo llarhicrde Ml Sinirellc. Mr. Will 11. Schilling 8. Rcadinu; -Comic Noero Selections Mr. Edward A. Weed. 9. Piano.S-.io -Sehn«u, hl am Meer.. ..Rudolph Wlllniers. Mrs. 1,. T. Valentino. 10. Vocal Solo-Darin-and Joan Mias M. E. Valentine. 11. Rcadlnx The Ucßeon's Story Rosa Porter. tt raaticeio -Fortwo Pianos, Chime inyan ami Violin..Arranged tiy Mrs. 1,. T. Valentino. Mrs. L. T. Valeutlne, Miss M. E. Valentino, Mr. Wm. White, Mr. WW If. Schilling Concert commences at 8 o'clock r. H. prompt. Admission':r> .-.nts; reserved seats 00 cents. Re- sulted seats can be secured ut tlie Santa Monica Hotel. auStd 0 Bfcb, STOMACH 4pt *ITTEf. s HoflU-ttst's Stomach Hitters hy increasing vital power, an.l model in-: the physical fuiietioiii reg- ular and active, keeps the system in good work- ing order, and protects it igatasi dim-aae. Kor constipation, il\Hpeiniaand liv.-r complaint, n.-noiiMitjssi, ki'lin\ ami rh< nin.it ii ailm. UK il in imaluatdu, nnd itaffords ft suit- deft nmagainst iiuilarlal fevers, besides ISMlOllasj all traces of Mich disease from the irrsteni. Tor sale hv all druggists and dealers generally. DICKERSON & 00., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office Cor Spring & First Sts, IMCKERSON. HA MMKM, & ADAMS. Being tkoroughly posted inlands an.l prices in all parts nf tho City nnd County, we can guaran- tee satisfaction lo our customers. Have choice pi'.pcrty in Orange, Hants Ana, Amsa, San Hitl ri.tl :in.U'H»adena. Some ttnc stock ranges in Ventura Count,. Uouwri,'Lots and ltu«ine»i Propert, in all parts of tho city. Buy and sell and sell on comuii-wion all kinds of property. Take entire charge ofj.ropcrtv for absent owners. Otri'.'Mponifrnsi-o Nnlieitcil. Address IH4kKRSO\ & t 0.. LOS ANGELES. P. O. Box, SBB. jj-l-tt CANN & KING Billiard Parlor and Saloon, No. 20 MAfN STREET. HOUSE FIRST CLASS IN EVF.RY RESPECT. Most Improved latlenn of BilliardTables. THE FINEST LIQUORS & CIGARS Always on band, (lite us a tall. atlt Phineas Banning, FORWARDING & COMMISSION AGENT, WILMINOTON, Los Amreloa County, Cal. 1 Vessels towed, (roods lurhtered, luntb. and iftain storrsl, with AOCUBTOMEI> PROMPTNESS. MM NEW YORK BREWERY. LAUTH t% STECKER, PROP'S, (aucoeswrs to Chris. lleniM) The CLEAREST, PURKBT«hJ MOST BRILLIANT LAUER BEER South of stu > .incite > Orders tot DRftUOHT or BOTTLEU USSR rotnptlv attended to, Th* eolebn.t«.t Boer from lata Brewery defies NRW ADVERTISEMENTS. Peter. Peter, Pumpkin-eater, had a Wife and Couldn't Keep Hell Prudent Business Men Cannot afford to enrry stork from one season to another, and to furlh< i- this end we will, until further noflre, innwenrate a A COLOSSAL CLEARANCE ! j Wo understand the public wants, and enjoy the peo- ple's confidence, and they rely upon our word. We prom- ise an array of figures that will paralyze the old fogies that copy our advertisements and advance our original ideas as their own. This Colossal Clearance Will einbrnee nil lines, and onr centre tallies will teem with inducements heretofore unknown. During this sale packages will be delivered only at 12 M. and 6. P. M. GODFREY BEOS.' DRUG COMPANY, HAVE JU9T OrENED A NEW LOT OF DRUGS, TOILET SOAPS, Fancy Goods TP W .. _. perfumery, Etc. AT THEIR NEW DRUG STORE, IN THE NADEAUI BLOCK. ? Santa Monica Hotel, A SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT. A FirMl-l'ln«* Hotel ol 60 rooms on the bluff overlooking Die Ocean, 30 miles hy rail I from I.i.hAn-rli H. <:.,.,.l surf l.ntliinuevery month in the jear. Lino- Until Houses on the Hcach .11... U-. in 11--nf -'f Hi. Ilolvl.liinii.h Motor t'olil. Salt and Kn-.li Will, [ Hulls. Tom ids should £ i, i , .. ;i Hi,..1. li-liilnl resort. Trains le.ne Lew Angles af.l.:» A. St. an.l '.:00 P. St. I.eav. Santa Monies at 7 If. A. M. ami 3 I.M. J. W. SCOn PROPRIETOR S. M. HOTEL AND BATH HOUSES. dec!7tt Mechanics' Planing Mills, Corner First and Alameda Streets, X.OH /V r«tfC*m ------ 0-A.X.. _ i ? ALL KINDS OF SCROLL WORK AND MOULDINGS Furnished to the trade. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY 80LICITKI). mate* msde on demand. Our Work Unsurpassed in Quality and Design. THOMAS STOVELL. h*"n a R. W. PRIDHAM Bookbinder \ PAPER RULER, .^^^ Blank Book J Maniifactiirer. Paper Boxes ol all Sizes Manufactured tv Order. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC AND ILLUSTRATED WORKS BOUND ATBANFRANCISCO PRICES. Xos. JO and *9 North Spritm Street, Opposite franklin. mavStf Hew Tinware, Plumbing and Stove Emporium A,. PEASI.BT m llaa opened his new ~lace ot liusinesa, N0.314 NORTH MAIN STREET, Fourth house south of the Pico Horn*, where he will sell Mioses. Itanses. Tin. tiraiiite, tßate, Pressedwnre, I'tniips, Pipe. Hose. Hrnss l.oods. etc. etc. Also a lanto assortment ot useful inventions for household purposes. *-irM>.iitaryI'lmnMue und Übs Killingnlll receive hl» iierxonal mm a*rs lat? Jfla^Raafl PEKRY MOTT & CO.'S h. finney, SEARCHER OF RECORDS, I LUMBER YARDS! room t, \u25a0 \u25a0 mo«k n,..- AN.. mjAJtm mV» I iSIi.VKVIMI * KNUINtKHIMi ,'Hii X A JL NO. 76 COMMERCIAL STREET. T * mr ftHt Normal rs-ho-.1. 1" o. tfcvv 1."!,. ..lata.

Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1883-08-05 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042459/1883-08-05/ed-1/seq-3.… · WARDEPARTMENT. SIGNAL SER-VICE, U. S. ARMY. DlvUlon

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Page 1: Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1883-08-05 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042459/1883-08-05/ed-1/seq-3.… · WARDEPARTMENT. SIGNAL SER-VICE, U. S. ARMY. DlvUlon


DlvUlon of Telayrams »nd Report, for the benfitof Commerce eJid Affrlc-ulture. Report ofoli-Mrrotloiis takon »t I.O* Anfele*. Cel. Aug. 4,1883:


Theroller skating mania is stillraging.

Telephone number of the AmericanBakery isNo. 150.

Don't forget the excursion to SantaMonica next Sunday.

The thirty-first week of the year1893, commences to-day.

By sending telephone to No. 153 youcan secure a hack in teu minutes.

Dablin stout, Bass ft Co., aud Ten-nenls ale, in pints, at Woollacott's.

The sales of real estate ou Saturdayamounted to $32,141, ami the mortgagesto $4,554.

The sales of real estate on Fridayamounted te $42,917, and the mortgagesto but

The prices of the City Hack Co. arelower than others.

Charley Thomas, of San Diego, hasarrived at the Cosmopolitan, lookiug ivtine condition.

Mr. J. F. Berry, of Gospel Swamp,has struck a good flowing well at adepth of only 113 feet.

Thermometer for the 24 hours ending

at 8:15 last evening: maximum, 81 de-grees; minimum, 58.7 degrees.

If you wish a fine hack or carriage

send to the City Hack Co.'s office, GrandCentral Hotel. Telephone No. 153.

Mr. Henry Stuhr will celebrate histin wedding this evening at the oldKeller hume.ttiid ou Alameda street.

Dressed poultry, fresh vegetables,eggs, milk aud butter ou ice at GofFsmarket und milkdepot) corner Aliso audAlameda.

Three Santa Uarbarans have gone upinto the .Santa Ynez mouutains iv searchof grizzlies. Wonder if they will findthat they have lost auy.

The militaryfair atSanta Barbara, forthe purpose of buying suitable uniformsfor the Santa Barbara Guard, N. G. C,netted a littleover I*2oo.

Aspecial conclave of Ctssttr de LionCommandery, No. 0, K. T., well beheld on Monday evening for work ivK.T. Degree. See notice.

H J. Woollucott has just received alot of patent box demijohns which he isprepared to fill un stiort notice withchoice wines and liquors.

C. F. Allen, J. Robertson and J. C.La Due tiled for record iv the CountyRecorder's office yesterday notice of lo-cation of the Allen quartz mine, CedarMining District,

Mr. Sidney Lacy his retained fromSau Diego, w here he has been engagedin fitting nut the Horton House withcarpets nud furniture. He made a suc-cess, as he alwaysrriakei,of his business.

The usual tlaucc at the S»uita MonicaPavilion Dtutt Sunday. Fun and enjoy-ment for all.

Mi. K. J.Baldwin, in onr New To-Day, gives notice that J. F. Falvey,SapWfetebrW of the Santa Anitaranch, is tbe only person in Los Angelescounty to Uansact business on hisnx-count.

There will be a special can vocation ofLos Angeles Chapter, No. 33, ft. A. M.,at llaassVlc Hall, Spring street, onTuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, forthe iurpose ot conferring the R. A.degree. See notice.

Marriage licenses issued to A. G. God-frey and Cora Dunton, Allen C'ann andManuela Noriega, John T. Brayant andSara Redonu and R. L Shaw and B. L.Groover, were tiled fur record m theCounty Recorder's officer yesterday.

Hacks aud carnages, day or night, atCity Hack Co.'s office. Telephone No.153. Office, Grand Central Hotel.

A large wrtgnn-load of watermelonscame into town from the Cahiiengu district yesterday that were rained wirboutirrigation. Tho melons weighed fromfifty-three to seventy-five pounds each.This is what Our dry brush-land willraise.

Deputy Sheriffs Hnber und Gardleave for tlie north this evening withJoaquin Padillo and James Harrington,sentenced to .State's Prison, respectively,for one year and five years. They willalso take three insane persons com-mitted to the State Asylum at Stockton.

In the case of The People vs. Mayes,the jury at 9:25 p. m. retired to deliber-ate on their veidict. and at 9:30 p. m.returned with a verdict of gaily of rape,as charged in the information. Thetime for sentence is set far TnesdayAug. Ilth, at 10 a. m

Mr. Davenport, of San Francisco,while driving along Main street lastevening, stopped his horse sud, boiIv,

but the animal started again as quickly,throwing ont the driver, and breakinghie right arm seriously. was con-veyed to the United States Hotel, uli nhe Is being treated by Dr. Lasher.

The special train for the second Sun-day excursion to Santa Catalina Island,our favorite health resort, will leave theold depot at 7:30 o'clock this morning,and return in tbe evening. This will bean exceedingly enjoyable trip. Wange-man s orchestra will furnish sweetstrains of melody to the voyagers.

The attractions at both new BaqMMonica aud the canon to-day are manyand varied, and the largest excur-sions of the season will doubtless takeplace. All the available passenger carsin the railway yard will be utili/.d forthe benefit of those who desire to spendSunday by tbe "sad sea waves,"

Pure California wines, put up incasesready for shipping to all parts of thecouu try, at H. J. Woollacott's.

Ten more bars of bullion from theKing mine went to San Francisco yes-terday. Their value is about $18,000,the result of six days' ran of the littleOro Grande mill. A millof ten stampsthat cau turn out $3,000 a day musthare very rich ore. Our Southern Cal-ifornia mines seem to grow richer asthey go deeper.

It Is stated that about twenty KnightsTemplar will be represented in the Tri-ennial Conclave from Ventura connty.Both San Luis Obispo and Santa Bar-bara counties are under the jurisdictionof Ventura Temple, which has electedMr. John Hollister, of San Luis Obispocourity, as the Conclave representativeof the three counties.

An excursion from Canada, the formerhome of the ChafTey Brothers, willleaveKingston on tho 17th prox. for Ontario,

It will be under the management of J.F. Lee. of the C. R. T. ft P. R. K.,%ndwill consist of two car-loads of immi-grants. Members of the excursion whopurchase twenty acres of land at Ontariowillreceive a rebate of tha price of theirticket here. This is a liberal otTer.

Mr. %, V. Jewett hM returned from atrip to tbe east Infine health aad spirit".Heia the chief engineer of the proposednarrow gauge railway that la to be builtfrom Loa Angelas to Pasadena, and then

skirt the high mesa from the ArroyoScco to San Bernardino, through theorchards aud vineyards at the base ofthe Sierra Madre mountains. The pros-pects of the rond seems to be bright andcheering.

The delegates from New Mexico tothe recent grand encampment of the G.A.R., nt Denver, were each presentedwith a handsome silver medal denotingthe rays of the sun, by tbe State of Colo-rado, and inscribed, "A tribute to theVeterans." It was a graceful gift.

Remember thu splondld exoursion toSanta Catalina will take place to-day.The trajn starts from Los Angeles at7:30 a. m., San Francisco timo, or 7:45Loa Angeles time, and returning willleave San Pedro at 5:30 p.m. The finosteamer Amelia willBklp over the waveslike a thing of life.

At the regular monthly meeting ofVigilance Hook and Ladder CompanyNo. I, held on Friday eveniug, the fol-lowing officers were elected for the en-suing year: President, C. F. Norton:Secretary, H. J, Pfieur (re-elected);Treasurer, V. Hernandez; Foreman, F.11. Steele (re elected); First AssistantForeman, J. M. Rivara; Second Assist-ant Foreman, J. Beeaora.

The celebration of the sixteenth ofSeptember, "XlDia Glorioso," the Mex-ican National Independence Day, willoccur this year on Monday, the 17th,

which is tho Chilean*' anniversary of asimilar eharfccter. As there are notenough Chileans in the city aud vicinity,to have a separate Jolitica'tion, by theirjoiningwith the Mexicans, the oelebration willbe more interesting.

It seems that Fresno oounty, with allits rich land aud vast canals, is not ex-empt from a serious insect pest whichattacks young vineyards. It is a kindof army worm, aud has appeared inoverwhelming numbers, so that withtheutmost effort it isdoubtful ifany part ofthe grape crop cau be saved. One manhas fifteen men st work picking theworms from the vines, and euch man willaverage ten gallous of worms per day.

We observe that Messrs. Ifnmmnl ftDenker have purchased the interest ofMr, Rem) Nadenu in the Rancho Rodeodc las Aguaß, 3300 acres of fine form-ing land, for $22,800. It is considereda good bargain. Messrs. Hammcl &Denker have now one of the ttxtm pro-ductive ranchos in the couutry, fromwhich they supply both their hotels,besides having large crops for sale toshippers.

Mr. R. Porter Ashe aud wife, whoso narrowly escaped a horridle deathin tho Tehacbepi diets*.ter in January,who are rusticating at present at Idle-wild,on Lake Taboo, came near drown-ing last week, while a few day-, laterhe had a lively encounter with a Mackliear, wh oh got him down and nearlyfavUksKl him, but wM finally killed,and was found to weigh 250 pounds.Mr. Ashe was evidently "born uuder alucky star.'*

Am. J. F. d ank and Dr. 0. H. Con-gar were in the city yesterday fromI'.imiiiiia. The Doctor was at worksysteaial /. ng the rui in industry andgetting uniformityof product aud unityof action iv establishing the characterand value of raisins ia the San G ibrielValley. He is engaged in a laudablework that deseives success. The rasiuindustry i*destined to be va«t aud lu-crative, aud needs systematizing andplacing nn a practicable basis.

We were favored with a call yester-day from Mr. John C. McCoy, ofDallas, Texas, R E O. Commander ofthe R. K. Grand Commandery of Texas,whostopped over ivour cityfor a coupleof days en route to attend tbe TriennialConclave at San Francisco. Mr Mi( un-expressed himself highly pleased withour city, and regretted that be was notable to spend a longer time with us inorder to take in more of tho beauties ofour section, flu was accompanied bythe ladies of his family, and left lastevening for San Francisco.

We dUI the attention of our readersto the ad vert isement of Messrs. A.Charvoz & Co., which appears elsewherein this morning's f(rralu. These gen-tlemen, who are thorough experts inthe

business, have opened a house for thesale of California wines and hrandiesand the best brands of French ehtretsnnd other foreign wines and liqueura.amlarc agents for the celebrated Washing-ton whiskey. Persons desiring any-thing in their line willlim! Cieir gooil.sall they are represented to be, andshould not fail to call and examine their


The Santa Ana Sicnxhir.l U warmingnp on the question oi highways, and

asks: "Where arc our Road Ovem-ers?Have we any Road OverseeAtMl W hereare oar roads? Have we any roads?.Are our Road Overseers rusticating atthe summer resort ?; snr are they haulinggravel to till up the chuck holes that |make our county roads almost imposftable* Is there no money with which todo the work? Are tbe road taxes due?Are hundreds of farmers ready to workout their road tax when called upon?Is Santo Ana to be cut off from theCnited States on aeoonut of bad roads?

Messrs. Dillon k Kenealy announcetheir semi-annual clearance sale, in adouble-column notice in thi*issue of theHkrald. In order to make room fortheir Fall und H'mtor goods Mewrr.Dillon& Keneuly will hold a clearancesale of their elegant stock of Spring andSummer goods dnrmg the next fourweeks. TfktM gentlemen have madedry and thi* manufacture of thesame, a life study, and stand at the headof their piofeshion as judges of the arti-cles in which they deal. They selectthe btjjd g'.>ds direct from manufac-turers, and purchase the best that aremade, and anon us are ndapted to tbeclimate of IjOs Angeles, and the wants

of all our population. Their stock islarge and complete, of tho best qualitiesof European and American manufac-tures, which they will sell without re-gard to cost until the arrival of theirFallstock.

The Next Railroad.

The next railroad will probably be amining railway to connect a lino of min-ing claims that are strung ..long atshort distances for 230 miles, and willOpen up a vast field to the business ofthis part of the country. The road willstart ina five timbered region, aud willpass through vast distriots of copper,silver, salt, soda, magnetio iron, boraxand gold. It will be an independentnarrow-gauge road, aud easily builtthrough a mineral country that willfur-nish bnainess in abnn lance. A surveyhas been made, and tbe line found prac-ticable. Suoh a road would be in acontinuous mining country, such as noother road possesses in the whole coun-try, and would pay handsome dividends.Abundant capital lias be.en offered tobuild tho line, and strong men are itsbackers, among tbtm the largest mineowner in California. We are not atliberty to give names and route, or thetermini of the road, except one of thetermini will be in Nevada. Thia road isa rival to none, and willbe an astonish-ment to the people of Ix>s Angelea. Itwill continue the building boom in ourcity and mako a largoanil near marketfor our grain, hay, fruits and vegetablesAllthese elements conepire to make LosAngelea a great and important oity.

Call atC. F. Helnaeman'a Drugstorefor West's Nerve and Brain Treatment,Yon Bnlow's German Dyspasia Cure, andSlaven'a California Fruit Salt; the onlyagent in Los Angeles county.


Harry Sealer Drown* while Bath-ing" at the Toraa- The Coroner**Inquest.

A Coroner s Inquest wns held at 8o'clock last evening at the Morgue, onthe body of a man found drowned in thetoma, above the railroad bridge.

The first witness examined was


Who testified that he found the body ivthe zanja at the head of tho small reser-voir at the dam; was with his father;Nietoa told him; we went to the place andfonntl him bending over in the pond; hishead was in the water. We coveredhim with shirts. We didn't have to go'Into the water to get him out. He wasdead. His clothes were in the bushesnear by. Mr. Meachel gave the infor-mation to the police. Saw no stones inthe pond. Thought bo struck the plat-form with hie nose. HiHbody was coldwhen found. His feet and head wereunder water, but bis back and the hairon the back of his head were ont.


Clerk at the United Slates Hotel,identified the body. He was registered

as Harry Sealer, and was from On*land. He came on Wednesdayto tho hotel. I saw him between eleven

o'clock nnd noon tv day. The chamber-raaldsaid that he fitiv bed all the morn-ing, and she could not gut in to clean theroom. He left his pocket book andpurse at the hotel. His wife wentthrough to Downey, and he stayed over.His wife's relatives live there. He lefta valise ivhis room. He was formerlyin Arizona. Never siw him drink.


Testified that the man was drownedwhen he first saw him, at two o'clock p.M. I found him alone, and went tofindanother man. Wreut to Cruz' house,about 300 to 400 yards distant. Saw noone puss. Don't think any one could pusswithout seeing them. He was doubledup with his mouth in the water. Hewas in the zanja. Don't know thedepth of the water 1 was on tho otherside, aud didn't see his clothes. I wasthere when the police eaine. Meachelwas present wheu Cruz looked at tbeclothes, also, another man.

c. 1. CRUZ, ,Testified that he aaw the body abouttwo o'clock. He was dead. Thewater in not deep. I reached inand took his head from the wa-ter and brought him to shore(The position of Sealer was the same assworn to by the other witnesses.) Itold my son to run. He helped metake him out. I tried to bring him toby turning himover. He had a whitea«d a woollen shirt. Then Meachelcame. I told him that a man wasdrowned. Found a watch, without achain, in bis pocket. I put it back. Hehad 53.12 In Uiother pocket.

Witness identified the watch.The pocket book was examined, and

found to contain several receipts andnotes, and a bottle of balsam of fir.Also, a letter to his wife at Downey, notyet mailed, stating that he felt bad, badcold chills,and a pain iv the head, 1"side gvneral weakness, hut didn't wantto take medicine. He also asked her toomu in. and they would go to SantaMonica. He also had a certificate fromJ. Pollensbee, Superintendent of the carshops at Tucson, that he had worked ayear at Deming, and was n steady andcapable workman. Aletter .0 his wifeat Oakland was also read. Tho deceasedwas 48 years old, a native of Virginia,and a member of the Masonic lodge atDowney, a delegation from which willarrive this morning to assist in his inter-ment.

The juryreturned a verdict of "acci-dental drowning "

Henry Lecroq, K. Melleu, GustavusMingrao, Thomas Stiglig, C. W. Beard,H. G. Sweeny.

An Enterprise and an Application.

The moat gigantic irrigation enterpriseevat inaugural*dia fbi State of Cali-fornia, has been commenced iv Fresnoconnty. the canal for which will be thelargest in tbe State, and fed by King*river. The water tsintended to irrigate30,000,000 acres of rich hud, at presentbarren through the lack of water. Thesource of supply of this canal will behigher than any other debouching fromthe same stream. Its dimensions are:One hundred feet in width at the bot-tom; levees an average of fifteen feet inheight nnd eight feet wide at tbe top,broad enongh for a wagon road. Thedepth of the water is expected to befive feet, with a fall of eighteen lachesto the mile. The dam in the mountaincanon whence the water is taken, willbe a wouderful and permanent one. Itts twenty-five feet high, eight hundredfeet long, one hundred and forty feetwide at the base and twenty-five feetwide on the top. It is riprapped on theinside with heavy rock, and everyprecaution taken to make it suffi-ciently strong to securely hold the greatweight of water that must bo supported.The water is let into the canal from alarge headgatc, constructed of heavytimber, one hundred feet in width, audeighteen feet high. It is planked overa > as to make a bridge for heavy wagonsfeud has wings to protect it from thefloods. Tho canal is expected to carry1,300 cubic feet of water per second.

It is only within a few years past,since Fresno county attempted irriga-tion on a largo scale, but it now saveawater far hotter than many settle-ments in our owu county, barring those new ones which haveadopted pipes, or cement or stoneconduits. The project recently men-tioned in the Ih i: vi i rcgurdiug a grandtunnel to be bored in the Sierra Madremountains would be to Loa Angelescounty in proportion to the water sup-ply what the grand oauals of Kern,Fresno and Tulare counties are to them.It must also be remembered that one-qnarfmr of the water necessary for irri-gation i.vtbe counties named would beample for our county, and that quantitycould undoubtedly be obtained at a lessexpense than $280,000, which is the coatof the new Fresno canal. There is coininit.


About half-past 9 o'clock last nightMr. Kilield, who resides at 117 HunkerHilt avenue, found a female child,apparently about three weeks old, inabasket on his porch, snd a bottle ofwarm milk standing beside it. Mr.Fifleld has no children of his own, andthat ih tbe reaaou. he thinks, some ofhis neighbors are laying their sins at hisdoor, to which he objects. Chief Cuddywill this morning take the child to theOrphan Asylum.

Council Proceedings

Council met in rcpulur session last

evening, Councilman Kuhrta in thechair:

The minutes of the previous meetingwere road and approved.


The Auditor presented his usnal re-port, showing the condition of the vari-ous funds in the City Treasury. Re-ferred to Finance Committee.

The City Clerk reported that, In ac-cordance with the ordinance, he, on thu3d Instant, sold at public auction thecity's interest in the jail property, toLouis Phillips, for the sum of 814,400.Same reference.

Mr. Ryan rnovod that tho Mayor berequested not to sign a deed for the cityproperty on Spring street, known as thejailproperty, until further actiou of thoCouncil. Adopted.

The City Clerk reported the issuanceof 822 licenses, amounting to $.'IOO6, forthe month of July, ofwhich 63, amount-ing to $250, were returned uncollected.Referred to Finance Committee.

The City Tax Collector reported the col-lecting of $3410 city licenses, and pre -sented City Treasurer's receipt for same,less 9170.50 commission. Same refer*euce.

Monthly report of City 'treasurer.Same reference.

Weekly report of Zaujero of workdove on the city ditches. Referred toappropria*e committees.

The City Attorney presented an ordi-nance forbidding the obstruction nf thestreets by building material without theOOUtSAt of the Council. Adopted.

Also, an ordinance fixing the firo lim-its. Action postponed for one week.

Report of tbe Chief of Police for themonth of July. Referred to FinanceCommittee.

The Secretary of tbe Board of Edu-cation presented a report as follows:Amount on hand July Ist, $15,500.17.Expenditures: Supplies, library, etc.,$384.03; H. H.Powell, on account ofbuilding Eighth street School - house,$1500; A. M. fidelman, plan tor 12 roomschool building, #2">0; salary of Secre-tary, $50; total, $21*103, leaving bal-ance on hand, $13,322.14. Same refer-ence.

Report of Superintendent of Streets:Recommends that Main street be rc-graded, or regravelled, from the Plaza toresidence of O. W. Childs, and Springstreet be regraded, or regravelled, fromTemple street to Us junction with Mainstreet.

Also, in view of the approaching Ag-ricultural Fair, that Main street shouldbe graded from 0. W. Childs to Jeffer-son street, Figueroa street from Wash-ington street to tho Agricultural Park,and Washington street from Main toFigneroa street.

Referrod to tho Board of PublicWorks.

The Health Officer reported 30 deaths,22 males and eight females, for tbemonth of July. Births during the sameperiod, 21; males nine, females ten.During tho month 4.'t nuisances wereabated. Filed.

The regular monthly bills were readand referred to Finance Committee.


The Board of Public Works presenteda report, as follows:

Resolution of intention to improveand grade Fifth street, between Mainand San Pedro streets. Adopted.

Resolution of intention to improveand grade Olive street, between Sixthand Twelfth streets. Adopted.

Recommend that tbe* City Surveyorbe instructed to propose a grade forPearl street, between Fifth and Templestreets. So ordered.

Recommend that a warrant for $100

be drawn in favor of J. V. Yorkonaccount of gradirfg Bunker Hillavenue.So ordered.

The Finance Committee report as fol-lows:. Find report of the City Auditor andreport of the City Treasurer on sub; ofMain sSPwnr bonds, correct and recom-mend that tbe same be filed. Adopted.

Recommend that the City Attorneyhe authorized to commence immediatelyanother suit against the ft. P. R. R. Co.for the collection of license taxes.Adopted.

Un pc tition of J. C. Zahn in relationto water rates charged by V. Beau dry,ask for further time. Granted. *

The Committee on Sewers presented areport as follows:

In matter of construction of Hill andSeventh street sewer and branches, rec-ommend that the following bids beaccepted: Sections -1 and J, W. J.Neely; Sections 3 aud 4, Jos. H. Smith;Sections 5, 6 and 7, W. J, Neely?theybeing the lowest?and that the CityAttorney be instructed to prepare con-tracts therefor. Action postponed, andthe matter referred back to the CitySurveyor.

Ivmatter of construction of Sim Fer-nando street sewer, recommend thatcontract be awarded to W. .). N.rlv.Same action.

Believing that in the near future itwill be necessary to make changes in tliepresent method of discharging the sew*

age of tho city, recommend:Ist. That tshe Conned provide fn its

next tax levy for funds for extendingtbe Sau Pedro street sewer lo the south-ern limits of the city, a distance ofabout 5000 feet.

2nd. That the Clerk of the Councilbe instructed to advertise for tendnys intbe Los Angelos Daily Herald for pro-posals from farmers and irrigators toreceive and take charge of said sewerageat the south boundary of the city.Adopted.

Tho Committee on Fire aud Waterrecommend that the petition of R.Molony be granted. Approved.

That the Committee has notified theWater Company to erect tiro hydrantsas follows: At the corner ol Wilming-ton aud Reiiuena streets, Temple, Main

and Spring streets. Franklin aud Springstreets, Fifth and Fort streets, Sixthand Spring streets and at San Fernandostreet aud Harmony Gardens. Ap-proved.

On petition of H. Hazledine, recom-mend that the matter be left to the"Chief Engineer of the Fire Department.Adopted.

The Committee on Zanjos presentedthe followingreport:

Tliat, on Thursday, August Und, theCommittee visited the Tujunga Canonfor the purpose of makiug a personal in-vestigation of the locality at which ithad been reported that a submergeddam would be constructed; that as a re-sult of satd investigation they find,

Ut?That the dam contemplated ap-pears to be a small surface dam to bs

i constructed for the purpose of leadingtbe water of the oreek iuto a ditch or, line of pipe, intended to .-over tilsirrigable lands of the Raneho Tujunga;

and that, therefore, there appears to benoimmediate menace to the water Inter-ests of the city by any works designed,to close up tho subterraneous channelsthrough which tho Tujunga Creek maybo conducted to Los Angeles River.

2n.~That, In the opinon of your com-mittee, a submerged dam, constructed atany cross section of the Tujunga Cation,must cost many thousands of dollars,and that there is nothing ivsight whichwould induce a business man to investiv so ehimerlcal

#a speculation the large

amount of money which would unques-tionably be required.

Report received and tiled.Mr. Schieffelin moved that the Clerk

be instructed to advertise for bids fortho laying of an iron pipe of No. 14 iron,

to bo laid across lhe Arroyo Seco. Re-ferred to (lie Zanja Committee.

Mr. Mo iremoved that the ZanjaCommiltee, in connection with the CitySurveyor, be instructed to prepare plansfor piping Zanja8 R from Seventh streetto Pico street. Lost.

The Committee on Lands recommendthat petition of A. Briswalter for a quitclaim deed be grauted. Adopted.

Mr. Scbeitriliu moved that the titleof Mr. Baker to the property betweenKuena Vista street and tho zanja be in-vestigated. Referred to the City At-torney and Committer on Lands, withpower to employ a searcher of records.

The Special Committee tv whom wasreferred the matter of codifying the cityordinances, reeommeiiA that City ClerkRobinson lw allowed 8200 for preparingsaid work, and that he be instructed toadvertise fur bids for punting the same.Adopled.

The Special Committee to whom wasreferred the matter of widening Mainstreet, formerly Bath street, ask for oneweek's further time. Granted.

The City Attorney reported that hehas commenced suit to condemn prop-erty for widening Main street, and pre-sented bill of $10 from Gillette, Gibson& Woods for abstract. Referred to tber'iuance Committee.

Mi.Ryan moved that the chamgnngbe employed exclusively ivicpairiug thestreets until all necessary repairs bemade. Adopted.

Mr. Steere moved that the Clerk beinstructed to advertise for bids to do thecity advertising. 8o ordered.

Petition of Henry Gbso for. quit claimdeed. Referred to Committee on Land.

Petition of S. Slrohm aud others forchange of grade of Olive street, betweenFirst and Second streets. Referred toBoard of Public Works.

IVliliou of Board of Trustees cf Staterffornta] School in relation to water.Referred to Committee ou Zanjas.

Petition of J. M. Frew and others.Referred to Board of Public Works.

Petition of Mrs. R. Forthman andMary Osterman, for permission to dograding in front of their property onOlive street. Same reference.

Mr. Scbroeder moved that the FinanceCommittee be instructed to devisemeans by sale of city property or other-wise to pnrehnse tbe Court House prop-erty. Adopted.

Petition of C. H. Allen to grade thealleyway near the Normal School, andthat the City Surveyor be instructed toset tbe grade stakes. Referred to Boardof Public Works.

Petition of John o'Neil to connect hisproperty with the Alameda street sewer.Referred to Sewer Committee.

Petition of J. B. Lankerahim tc con-nect bis property with tha drain pijio inthe Arroyo de las Reyes. Referred toSewer Committee withpower to act.

Petition of W. D. Gould and othersin relation to water on the hill. Re-ferred to tbe City Attorney.

Petition of Main street and Agricul-tural Park R. R. Co. to lower zanja onWashington street- Referred to Boardof Public Works with power to act.

Petition of B. F. Coulter asking thatthe m.i -igate be replaoed in theNichols dil-h. Referred to the ZunjaCommittee, wtkh power to act.

Petition of E. M. Slaughter to under-mine under sidewalk in front of store ofHelhnin, Haas ACo. and to put inanelevator. Referred to the Board ofPublic Wurks, with power to act.

Communication from Hellnmn, HaasACa., notifying Council that the rent oftbe Hook and Ladder Company willI>einereas, <i So sic. per month.

Mr. Wolfskill moved that theClerk be instructed to notify Mr.Bernard to remove tho stones fromin front of his place ou Alameda street.Adopted.


An Evil and Its Remedy.

We learn that quite a number of mir.

row escapes from serious aeeidi-nts bavslbeen made by pedestrians Who are nec-essarily outou a foggy night after thestore efootrie lights have been extin-guished, ou account of tho euortnouHpiles of building material on our prin-cipal streets, which, when buildings areincourse of construction on both sides,as on Commercial and Spring streets,nearly block up the entire thoroughfare.As au example, a number of firemenrunning to the tiro on Fifth street aboutmidnight on Thursday, took the side-walks of Spring street, as the uearestcut to ths place of their duty, and weresubjected to the delay and pain of fall-ing over brick, mortar and lumber pilesfrequently. Luckily they were so agileas to be little hurl, but the air was madeazure with Home bad words. The plac-ing of some lanterns on theso obstruc-tions, which we believe is required dur-ing the night,would do away with manycontusions. Let the law be enforced, orthe city orcontractors be sued for dam-ages, wheu casualties occur, which caunotbe guarded against on account of alack of proper lights, or placing ofbuilding material in the streets.

Official Errors.

The Secretary of the State Board ofAgrioulture, Edwin F. Smith, publishestheacreage of cereals in the titate, for1883, as follows; Wheat, '2,034,700 acres;barley, 775,405 acres; corn, 05,000 Ms**)all of which he says are tho "actual fig-ures." In regard to these figures, theonly objection to them is their utter un-reliability, Los Angeles oonnty alonehas more acreage of corn thau the Secre-tary gives to the whole State. Theamount of barley is put at 775,405 acres,and is perhaps about two-thirds of theactual aereago. It would probably bowell if these officials would read thenewspapers of tho State and informthemselves about the business of tbecountry. A perusa. of the Heraldwould have spared this official fromsending abroad such erroneous state-ments.

For health, strength and vigor drinkDamiana Bitters. jaufily


Superior Court Hinea. J.Satordat, August 4, 1883.

People vs. Mayee?Rapc-Vordictofguilty.

Thomas Wm. Haddock, a native of('anada, naturalized.

Cuiol vs. Ling?As per stipulation onfile, all proceedings stayed for five daysfrom date.


People vs. Bell -Criminal case.Itixbyvs. Bent et al.

Baker vs. Marquez.Leiss vs. Hcchtman ot al.

now \Ri>, J.

Pico vs. Con* ef al?Ten days furthertime allowed defendants to plead toamended complaint.

Estate of. E. Leiss, deceased Returnof salo of personal property approved.

A. Briswalter vs. A. K. Sepulveda etal - On trial.i I FOR MONDAY.

Fslnte of N T. Lucas.Rant oik ye, Plummer,

First Comptroller William Lawrenceis styled the autocrat of tbe GovernmentHe countersigns all warrants drawn outho Treasury or directing payment ufpublic moneys. His decision on balancesis liiml,ami he cau reverse the decisionof any member of tho Cabinet, or of thePresith ut himself. His pffii is olderthan the Constitution, Bavin been cre-ated iv l?7s.


cosmopolitan HotelJ M Itotcbild,S F IIF Miller,UOBM, N VG p Clark, Pasadena J Taakcr, San DiegoJ W Itio.ded, XlMonte J P Bumdi-li.wf Achild,l'M licrmtrd, eil\ Cedar Rapids0 o s«e I.Ontario J IIllaag. K.»en»i.«c

Euuim, Kivct:*i'le O Thomas, -oi Dlt-goCTSerening, S F I. A Km NVW 111 iuHVv. Ontario UWCheyn. ..TombstiicWRBucKfbv. do F B Sexton, doS Marshall, San Rmlo Mia*L SeMon, doT E Brown, lbdland* s Watson. Memphis11 U Shetland, Ohio CSTodd.T, *uUna1(11 Arnold, do IIQ Brook*. San UndoJ I|< vim, S w Carrier, BostonC Hamill,Woodland

ST. CHA RLES.AT Effglestoa, B F EStanton MarengoA H Savage, lowa O Taylor, doJ B Mcßnde, do G Grimes, VenturaPHardie, N V Mrs R Porter limbic.1 Eln.kcv *wr,S<!nb W BMctc.di sta BarbJli Hail, v, St., Clara T C RooLlidr.c S LCityC Lewis, XlMontu IIPhillip-, TucsonE Mayes, do

PICO HOUSE.S W Sheldon\- wf,S F p. IIEfphum, BerkeleyJ IfTemple. XlMonte SO Stewart, N VIIIIButler, S F ItWise, OaklandU Sin.ilb'v. C-.i'X.ido O M IdcersldeMrs C Floyd' Chicago R W Farter, PomonaJ P Hull, Mo C Burnmtm, RiversideMrs J Taylor* eld, T .J Stoeeham, S FDCE-lwards, liradtord J Simons .V i, l.ea.h il!c11 Nicolas, S F Si Ealon. * ItaingtonTD B.ckn.M, do KBColtor, doWL Hunt £ wf.S Bab


F O Slankcr, Pomona P Barr, WilmingtonE Barnes, do AO Petto a.v wi.S FadoJ J Reynolds.Rochester J S Butcher, doJ 3 Harkey, Ventura S Bassett, doJ G Hickey, XIIWarren, doIIT Walker, I'alico E B Callin >\u25a0 d.X BluffAMcDonald, San Fndo AF Oatcr, PasadenaW Butrovich, W Stone,W il Mueller. Bel ma J S Mtchols,T P SibhA *t Undo s X Franu, XlMonte0Th-muO MDan.r-i..A J ,T Reynold-, ColtonJ M Wadsworth, J P Boring, OrangeAHa/poid. Calico Ed JT Prat in, San KudoR H Greer, do J ItMcCulluugh, do




CONVKVANCPS-AUeCST 3, 1138.0 W Wilcoxand 0 F Mantur, assignees of B F

Seinert, to .1 ACrane-Lot in Santa Ana; $450.Salvador R <!\u25a0 Hlguora toRamon Domlngues

Interest ut grantor, in citato of Dolores Lugo deRuiz inLo« Angeles; tl.

Ramon Ooiniugucz to Joseph Musi.il-o -Lot7,blk 3a, Ord* survey; 226.55.

Lewis Moore to Amos Eddy?W oa, res of Ellot3, R 3, Temple £ Gibson tract; r_ .

Lewis Moore to -MaryA Eddy?W } lot 3, R3,Temple <fc Gidson tract; $83.

L«iwis Moore to Han Pedro School PUtri. t 1acre In S E 1, lot B, Temple £ Gibson tract;$4.85. *

Leonard Paik-r toMrs Adella Brow(l slof N}ofS\V iof SW i see 12, T »S, R m W; gift.

JJ Ulvara,A Vignuloami Margurita \ bis uirY,toJesse F Hail-Lots 17, 18 and 10, blkC, IHva-ra and VignoU tract; $7500,

Rciui Niidt;:iu in Jhnrv Hummel u>A AndrewIIUuul.fi- -emu LnN t. it, 10, 2i,, :)i. and ;wi,und town loti20, 27, Hi, 34 ami 10, and grantorsInterest in Reservation tract, Bo KodcodelaaAgues; #22,800.

A Warn l\ .ui'l IIW M-iL-ve, tru-t. .-, io ilWatts - 1-ionof thu Lake Vineyard I. £ W AssoessaaWs inU-rcai in waters of the AJroyo Seco;9200.

0 C Lip*ami Mary Elizabeth, his wife, toEu-Xene G<-nualn ?Lot W aide Mainst, lut 2d and3d sts; £400.

Pomona L*W i'o to A X Cutiev E {lot 5,blk 189, Pomona; «M»,

FjtUteof Hunipbr. v iH-ereeofdi-tributi >!ea*h and acres in Spirt o!city,adjoining Flckett, to L vina Ann sn.oot. AH PSin.-nt. Helena .M rimoot, >liene\ M.ty Snioot,1.v.) Lniont, EuliiwSmith and Man \un Dwitz

ler.Bank of Anaheim to F M L CoouiUctt 27,'JS

acre* near SK n.nior of An»helui; $140".Estate of L.mU; Keliai .ineompcte-it, to F M L

Covulllott -I ot 5\ blk 1), Uoiiuunn & George'saddition io Ai..iheun;#looo.

Sallic fScott and Hoht W, her busband, toBenjamin I'Go.jnmett -l.otHlU4ai.-l nr.; bit; fJ.H.aiimnu .t addition to Amdieini; $1411

Honrs V Spencer to J H Yunnan bats 4 and;.. bIU I. » li.ws tract; <sWO.

John s Griffinto Fred Aockerblum W i lot6.Orange Slope tract; SBOO.

1) AMaen'ul and .1 S Clausen to J I'MiNamarand J M Gnian txit -1, blk X, and Lots 13,14,If,.ii.il I. I>i!. I . M'.rri-, \ im-jard ' i. M>

.1 P McNatner and J M Guinnt» Charles J

Field- Los 14and 10, blk F, Morn-. Vimiyardtract; 45H0.

lUlphR'O-rH t. John W Mills l,"ts I» and tl,blk 7, Cliaiuz tract; #000.

SATURDAY. August 4.

Lewis Moore to J E McrConuu-E j lotI,range

c, and W 4 Ut 4, mnge 7,Temple 4 GibsM tract;

\u25a0176.Maryett Bab. o.:k lo Mr* Flora M I'add, n W

jof NE iof NX iof NW isec 13, T 58, It 10W;S4UO.

Flora McFad. lea to Miss NellieI! ibeock Sameas laNt; 8490.

Frank Potter to Mrs Carrie A I'otter- Lot &,(.IK I', San PnH.|Uttl tract; gift.

,te*M Hunter to M L Wicks- -80i> acres in HoSan Rafael; #9001).

Lewis Moore to Oscar I»ckwood N 1 acre ofW i lot Range 4, Tvuiplc AGilwon Ua. l;*l2f>.IW Lord i..John W llmrhes, Jr, and AE Pointroy - Lot 'J, blk Z, Motttract; (Mis).

Anna I. l»«virto GO Jobs*?-Lot Kills' subdivision otlot 1. Cells Vineyaru tract; KSOO.

Liate to Peter WMullor?Ccrtit' .i. 'd redemp-tion oftwo acres W of city from ta\ *ite;$17.47.

David Uridum>tine to Jacob IIILgu- - Lots ft*aud 27, blk 73, Ord's slavey; $8000.

C H WattH and M L Wicki U> M R llodgkinsand ET Wright I'ndividwlJof lots S5, S7 and3h, Watts' ȟbdi\ision of part of Ho San Rafael;97,132.50.

J MKdington to J R Prosise -Loti-'3) IweatjCWdmington tract;*22oO.

John H Grirlin to 1* Wilhehn Poulson?Lot 22,Grittlna addition to East Los Angeles: 91.

AWakelyandH W Mngee, tru>t,ea, to JehuEllis?2-iV-«i of Lake Vineyard Interest In water*uf Arrovo aeeo; #4UO.

State tn Mohr, Lowell & Graham CertilWteofredi'inptioiiot improv eineiits on R R laud fromta\ sale. #22.4!>.

Thomas l> Mottand Ascension S d.- Moot to JM EtiiMgton-Agreement toconvoy grantors* in-; t in (to S.intii:;.. Santa \i i< oi(-i t, ~fpartition Hnest fti.uoo.

Furmora St MtrcbanlN flank tbOsorn M 1., un-man -Agreement to com ey lot .'>, blk20, Han-oock s snrveJ; #100 emh and *250 * vr;a jwrcentper annum; ABSO.

Dankd F Winner and Sarah R. his wife, toAnna R Van Alstync - 9.53 acres in i(o Santiiigode Santa Ana;*22oo.

Ainrnalda H Moore. Nmaela MCook nnd Amu-liaC Maxwellto Walter S Maxwell Part or lot2, blk 81, Ord's survey; 91.

W IIMcDonald aud E O Leuntzcl to JohnWise- Bond tordeed to lot 16, blk l(>3, BellevueTurracn tru.t, in m.-: -1

"JW Woltskill U» Martha Brown W lot I.blk17, Hancock's survey, and SB I etc 23, T 1 tf,H 14 W;«6.Joslah McCoy and Matlie W, his »r?c. toW WITlllllssaT B4of SH J sec 2, T6s,H 12 W; : l

Francisco Ruiz do Ocana to Win IIGriffinPart otlot 10, blk 32, Ord's survey $5.

Pio Pico to Tomas Alvarado -Grantor's Intirestas heir ofJavier Alvarado, Ygnacia Amador deARaradtfand Maria YguacU AWaradn de Pico,Inproperty inLos A?iaolt*county; $1.

A Man Goes Over the Falls

Anddisappears t>eiieath the foaming bil-lows, This afternoon about half-past 2o'clock, a flue-looking, well-dressed gen-tleman was seen walking across the sus-pension bridgo witha cigar inhis mouth,smoking iptite leisurely. There wasnothing strange in his manner and thopeople on the bridge thought of nothingwrong until they saw him hap fromthe bridge, over the railing, into themighty waters beneath. The people onthe bridge were awo-struek and power-Ism to render him any assistance, andwith feelings of deep sorrow and tearsin their eyes, they stood silently watch-ing him as he struggled with therushing waters, and as he was carriedinto the roaring cataract, they noticedthat he was stillpuffing away at one ofthose famous "TaMill's Punch" Cigais,Havana!) lilted, which ht* purchased atthe Postotfice Cigar Store, tor onlyfivecents. julyai-tf.|

Wellington Coal.

Attention of the oomtimera of coal iscallod to the particularly excellent qual-ities of this coal for either eteani, heat-ing, or cooking purposes. One ton of itjs fully equal to three cords of wood. Asa household coal for cooking or heatingpurposes It has noequal, selling for sev-eral dollars more per ton in the SanFfanclsco market than any other coalimported for this particular nso. Thiscoat is for salo hy all coal nnd woodynrds.

The undersigned is prepared to sellWellington coal incarload lots of tentons and upwards, from his coal hunkersor ships when discharging, at Wilming-ton, delivered ativwhere along the lineof theS. P. H. R."

Waltkr S. Maxwki.i.,Importer and Wholesale Dealer, lOt'ourt

street. Telephone No. S3, Mm jnlll

The Mexican remedy for diseases ofthe kidneys nnd Madder is Damiana Hitten.

Damiana Bitters regulates the stomach.Michel Levy, wholesale liquor dealer,agent.

Mrs. F, A. Logan, Magnetic Healer,is eminently successful ia rheumatism,neuralgia, weak lungs, etc. No. 17North Mainstreet, jy 10, 1-m.

The feature of tho season. The Mas-rmerade Skating Carnival, to he held atthe rink, 114 Spring street, Saturdayevening, July 28ta, je27lm

Damiana makes] the old young and theweak strong- and healthy. M. Levy, koOk,wholesale liquor dealers, agents.

The largest stock of drugs, medicines,perfumeries and toilet articles in South-ern California, at ft t, llciuzeman>.

Stoll 4YThayer, newsdealers and sta-tioners, have removed to their new andcleg nil store in th.> Nodoau Bloek.wheroIhey uillbe pleased to receive their cus-tomers, au.'l-lw

Decorations ami wall papers, the finestand latest, and the greatest variety, atRaphael Bros., 141 Main street.

Those suffering from rheumatism, liverand kidney diseases, indigestion, etc.,should go to Fulton Wells. Im.je24

At the Kintrneht Saloon, ou Springstreet, near the llri;\i.i>office, ice-coldlager, from the celebrated Anheuser-Busch Brewery, of St. Louis, is keptconstantly on draft, car loads arrivim/weekly. The finest brands of liquors

and cigars a specialty. Lunches servedto order.


jji H


iA.M. IiP.H. | I iisTs

II61 | 58 ri

Musical Entertainment,


Saturday, August 4, 1883,for the benefit ot the M K. Church.


1. Instrumental tjuartotte March Hoimi-oi^edo Concert. Ran.dski.

Ik h. T. Valentine, Mi«n M. K. Valentino, Mr.Will11. Schilling, Mr.Wm. White.

2. Heading -Buck Fanahaw's Funeral. .MarkTwain. Mr. Edward A. Wood.3. Vocal Solo -Midshli i Adam.

Mi Win. While.4. Violin Solo -SlltllAirVarie De Berlot.

Mr. Will11. SchllHnir.ft. Rending -The Curfew Bell

Rosa Porter.

6. Piano Solo?Rliroletto de Verdi Uszt.Mia.M. E. Valentine.


7. ViolinSolo?Fantaslo. .Lo llarhicrde MlSinirellc. Mr. Will 11. Schilling8. Rcadinu; -Comic Noero Selections

Mr. Edward A. Weed.9. Piano.S-.io -Sehn«u, hl am Meer.. ..Rudolph

Wlllniers. Mrs. 1,. T. Valentino.

10. Vocal Solo-Darin-and JoanMias M. E. Valentine.

11. Rcadlnx The Ucßeon's StoryRosa Porter.

tt raaticeio -Fortwo Pianos, Chime inyan amiViolin..Arranged tiy Mrs. 1,. T. Valentino.

Mrs. L. T. Valeutlne, Miss M. E. Valentino, Mr.Wm. White, Mr. WW If. Schilling

Concert commences at 8 o'clock r. H. prompt.Admission':r> .-.nts; reserved seats 00 cents. Re-sulted seats can be secured ut tlie Santa MonicaHotel. auStd


Bfcb, STOMACH 4pt*ITTEf.sHoflU-ttst's Stomach Hitters hy increasing vitalpower, an.l model in-: the physical fuiietioiii reg-ular and active, keeps the system in good work-ing order, and protects it igatasi dim-aae.Kor constipation, il\Hpeiniaand liv.-r complaint,n.-noiiMitjssi, ki'lin\ ami rh< nin.it ii ailm. UK il inimaluatdu, nnd itaffords ft suit- deft nmagainstiiuilarlal fevers, besides ISMlOllasj all traces ofMich disease from the irrsteni.

Tor sale hv all druggists and dealers generally.


Office Cor Spring & First Sts,

IMCKERSON. HAMMKM,& ADAMS.Being tkoroughly posted inlands an.l prices in

allparts nf tho City nnd County, we can guaran-tee satisfaction lo our customers. Have choicepi'.pcrty in Orange, Hants Ana, Amsa, SanHitlri.tl :in.U'H»adena. Some ttnc stock rangesin Ventura Count,. Uouwri,'Lots and ltu«ine»iPropert, in allparts of tho city. Buy and selland sell on comuii-wionall kinds of property.Take entire charge ofj.ropcrtv for absent owners.

Otri'.'Mponifrnsi-o Nnlieitcil.

AddressIH4kKRSO\ & t0..

LOS ANGELES.P. O. Box, SBB. jj-l-tt

CANN & KINGBilliard Parlor and Saloon,


Most Improved latlennof BilliardTables.

THE FINEST LIQUORS & CIGARSAlways on band, (lite us a tall.


Phineas Banning,


1 Vessels towed, (roods lurhtered, luntb.and iftain storrsl, with



(aucoeswrs to Chris. lleniM)


LAUER BEER South of stu > .incite >Orders tot DRftUOHT or BOTTLEU USSR

rotnptlv attended to,Th* eolebn.t«.t Boer from lata Brewery defies


Peter. Peter, Pumpkin-eater, had a Wife andCouldn't Keep Hell

Prudent Business MenCannot afford to enrry stork from one season to another,

and to furlh< i- this end we will, until furthernoflre, innwenrate a

A COLOSSAL CLEARANCE ! jWo understand the public wants, and enjoy the peo-

ple's confidence, and they rely upon our word. We prom-

ise an array of figures that will paralyze the old fogies

that copy our advertisements and advance our originalideas as their own.

This Colossal ClearanceWill einbrnee nil lines, and onr centre tallies will teem with

inducements heretofore unknown.

During this sale packages will be delivered

only at 12 M. and 6. P. M.



Fancy Goods TP W .. _.






A FirMl-l'ln«*Hotel ol 60 rooms on the bluff overlooking Die Ocean, 30 miles hy rail Ifrom I.i.hAn-rliH. <:.,.,.l surf l.ntliinuevery month in the jear. Lino- Until Houses on the Hcach

.11... U-. in 11--nf -'fHi. Ilolvl.liinii.hMotor t'olil. Salt and Kn-.li Will,[Hulls. Tom ids should £i, i, .. ;i Hi,..1. li-liilnlresort. Trains le.ne Lew Angles af.l.:» A. St. an.l '.:00 P. St. I.eav.Santa Monies at 7 If. A. M. ami 3 I.M.


Mechanics' Planing Mills,Corner First and Alameda Streets,

X.OH /V r«tfC*m ------ 0-A.X.._

i ?



mate* msde on demand.

Our Work Unsurpassed in Quality and Design.THOMAS STOVELL.

h*"n a


Bookbinder \PAPER RULER, .^^^

Blank Book JManiifactiirer.

Paper Boxes ol all Sizes Manufactured tv Order.


Xos. JO and *9 North Spritm Street, Opposite franklin.mavStf

Hew Tinware, Plumbing and Stove EmporiumA,. PEASI.BT m

llaa opened his new ~lace ot liusinesa,

N0.314 NORTH MAIN STREET,Fourth house south of the Pico Horn*,where he willsell

Mioses. Itanses. Tin. tiraiiite, tßate, Pressedwnre, I'tniips,Pipe. Hose. Hrnss l.oods. etc. etc.

Also a lanto assortment ot useful inventions for household purposes.

*-irM>.iitaryI'lmnMue und Übs Killingnlllreceive hl» iierxonalmm a*rs lat? Jfla^RaaflPEKRY MOTT & CO.'S h. finney,

SEARCHER OF RECORDS, ILUMBER YARDS! room t, \u25a0 \u25a0 mo«k n,..-

AN.. mjAJtm mV» IiSIi.VKVIMI* KNUINtKHIMi ,'Hii X A JLNO. 76 COMMERCIAL STREET. T *mrftHt Normal rs-ho-.1. 1" o. tfcvv 1."!,. ..lata.