t 7 DAILY E"AS:HY ELLE . PATRIOT., : ' ' ... . ' - - ....... ' ' ' . , . " " " . ' v ' 1 - -- . - ' :.. ' - PUBLISHED DAILY, TRT.WEEELT.'AND WEEKLY, BY-CAM- A-- C & CO.. OJlfi DEADEKICK STEEET. 1 ; -- ; ! - t ! i i t - i . i Vt vol. xxn. NASHVILLE, TENN.. THURSDAY, APRIL II, 1861. NEW SERIES NO. 1643. TERMS: Daily, per UDum $ 8 00 perannum, 6 00 Weekly, per annum, 2 u One Weekly ior two J ears, or two Weeklies tor one year, tn advance...!... .........SCO When the Daily, ly or Weekly st to be dis- continued (paid ia advance at toe time subscribed tor), toe subscriber must order, otherwise it will be contin- ued, at our option, until paid for and stopped. If not paid, it most be paid at the tune of discontinuance, or at oar option If the party is good, it will be sent nntu paid. Remittances by mail, in "registered" letters, at oar rtsK. Steam Press Prmlins Concern! tig, en --a, s" A. S. CAMP & CO., Proprietors, No. 16 Deaderick Street, Is PuUisked Daily, Tri- - Weekly and Weekly. Tksxs. Daily ...... .$8 per annum. to per annum. Weekly $3 per annum. The Patriot is an earnest, active and indefatigable apporter of the Constitutional Union cause, and in the present canvass for the Presidency will use every hon- orable eflort to promote the election of Bell and Ever- ett To enable us to labor with increased efficiency we ask our party friends to aid us in extending its cir- culation. By the purchase of the printing establishment of the Newt, and recent additions of new materials from the loundries, the Jos Office of the Patriot has been made the largest and most complete in the South-Wes- t. It is also supplied with the most competent workmen. Steam has been applied. to our presses, which are of the best kinds. We are prepared to print, in the high- est style of the art, plain, in colors, or bronze, POPTER3, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, BILLS LADING, SHOW CARDS, SHOW BILLS, BILL HEADS, BALL TICKETS, RAILROAD WORK, STEAMBOAT WORK, DRAY TICKETS, DIPLOMAS, And, indeed, everything from the smallest Tip to the mammoth Poster, or the least Pamphlet to the largest o The large circulation of the Patriot, greatly augmen- ted by the addition thereto of the subscription lists of Rem, renders it an excellent advertising medium. Kona better in the city. 4T- J- We solicit orders, at our office, No. 16 Deader- - KX StBXKT. . A. S. CAMP &. CO. uly2S--tf 1861 FOR THE SPRING 1S61. We are receiving a full assortment of BOOTS, SnOES AND GAITERS, FOR Gentlemen, Ladles, Masts, and Children, Which we areoOemg at low prices at No. 16, Public Square, (CaLBOCS'S OLD 8TAXD ) MORGAN & WALLACE. Mir. 26-t- f. Brogaus. TTEGRO Brogans, Double and Single Sole, Kip and A.1 Grain Leather Boots. Afresh supply cheap fo cash bv JOHN RA MAGE, novii-t- f 42 College street. Sit Lux et Lux Fuit COAL OIL LAMPS " E have just received another supply of Coal Oil V I Lamps, among which are some very handsome patterns ior parlors, all fitted with the Collins burner which is the last improvement and is immeasurably upfcrior to any other Lamp now before the public for ofuiebs and steadiness of home, freedom from smoke, simjilicity in construction, beauty and elegance in nn-s- h, cleanliness and economy. One Lamp will give the light ol four candles and does not cost as much as one. The Oil we have imported to burn in these Lamps is a dear, beautiful article, free from any oflensive odor, leaves no grease spot when spilt upon carpet or cloth tas and will not explode RAINS, BROWS? k CO. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, No. 19 Public Square Nashville Tenn. mar. 16 if. COAL OIL. lit BARRELa COAL OIL, superior article, just r lUceived and for sale low by Bepl-- tf RAIN'S. BROWN k CJ Burning Fluid. ANNER'S OIL, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Coal Oil, Lin 1. seed Oil, ior sale at Ieb2a-- U RAINS, BROWN k CCS Coal Oil Lamps. DOZES Coal OU Lamps, of various styles, fitted 6 with the celebrated Collins Burner, for sale by teb5-- tf RAINS, BROWN k CO. CLARH, GREGORY & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS OF CLAKK. &. FULLER'S AMBROSIAL OIL, To whom all orders must be addressed. Agency oT ail the Standard Patent Medicine Ladies' Oil Xoilet Cream. Cocoaaut Walnut Candy. 1 K OX , 11 College Street, Opposite Sewance House. INa&hTille, Tenn. mar22-t- f feoutli iVaIiTille Bakety. I OW open anJ ready to furnish parties, kiivaie or public, at shortest notice. Every kind of Bread, take and Cuo lections constantly on nana, ana any ex Ira furnished at short notice. dVels-3- n- Trunks! Trunks!! Trunks or the Best Sole Leather FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EC-O- il FEOCil DSESS TEUXIS. ALSO, VALISES ASD TRAVELING BJGS JCT received and for sale, cheap for CASH. JOttS RAJtAGE, ' declt ' X CoIVe Street. At II EN TLE Y 'S, Fine Scotch Cape. At iJENTLEl'S, Fine Silk. Vel wet Cape. At 1$E TLEY'S, Fine Dress Caeliniere Data. AtBENTLEY' late style. Silk. Data. At BEN TLE Y'S, Fine Opera Hats. At 11 ENTLE V's, Boys Wool and Soft Hats. - ; At BENTLEY's, Fine Fur ' - :"V - Oloves. At BENTLEY'S, Corner Cedar and Cherry Street, City Bank, Georria and ol Carolina money taken at par for Goods, decft-- lf ' For Sale. comfortable dwelling, Ko. 165 South Summer THAT fbnuerly the residence of Buaaeii Houston, Enq. AJao, Ko. 14 North Summer street, the present resL denoa ul Jan. Correy , Esq. Aflply la - .. . afl--tf NASHVILLE - Electric Water Cure. THE undersigned has taken the large House on the in South Nashville, at the head of Front street, known as the Ru Hedge property, where he has established a comfortable home for invalids, and pro- vided ample means for their restoration to health. Patients from the country and strangers taken sick in the city can find gentlg nursing and appropriate medi- cal attendance.-- - Oar treatment in Chronio Diseases consists oT Water Electricity, and the most etfective medicine and Homcepathy in all Acute and Febrile Diseases, and in all cases our charges will be mode- rate and to suit the times. - The institution is located in a field of IT acres, con- taining fine shade trees and pleasant grounds for exer- cise lor convalescents. From the house, we have the finest prospective view of the city, Cumberland river, and surrounding country, afforded in any other part of the city. As far as regards our success in practice in the heal- ing art, we will only say we have now been in Nash- ville one year, and our register will shew the names of over 150 patients, treated fpr various diseases, most of them boplcss cases of Chronic Diseases, and 31 of whom were confirmed cases of Consumption, and out of the whole number of 150 odd cases treat- ed, only 6 have died, all of whum were given up as hopeless before I saw them, and ever j one of the rest have been cured, or at least greatly benefitted. For the protection of others, we can receive into this institution no patients having contagious diseases, but will attend to such at other places. Family prac- tice attended to as usual. P. A. WESTERVELT, M. D. Office Coionade Block, No. 63 Cherry Street. Office hours from 8 to 10 a'clock A. II., and from 1 to 3 o'clock P. M. . every day except Sunday. At all other times I can be found at the Electric Water Cure as above. Thoueh we are opposed to publishing certificates to show that we can control diseases supposed to be In curable, we will the following letter of a well-know- n citizen to tne editor oi ine epaoiican Banner, of Dec 30th, 1860 : Mb- - Editor : Having been afflicted for some months past, as is known by my many acquaintances, with an attack of paralysis, and having received a benefit so decided from the use of electrical baths, given me by Dr. Westervelt, I have thought it due to those simi larly situated with myself, to make this publication. I was decidedly convalescent when I began to use the baths, but the benent derived from mem has been so positive that there could be no mistaking the cause. I am now able to use my lingers and my arms, which were entirely helpless, almost, if not quite, as well as ever. I know this notice may inure to the benefit of Dr. W., at least with those who place confidence in my word, but to me it is a matter of much greater inpor-tanc- e that my friends should know where they can be relieved from tue state of helplessness I was in a short tune since. ' JOHN ADAMS. REFERENCES. R. H. Brockway , W. Freeman, R. Freeman, Joseph Wheles3, M. M. Bryant, Felix G. Mc- Kay, Capt. Bellsn yder, George C. Cooper, John Adams, (of firm of Adams s Eves; , and others too numerous to mention, who know how to appreciate my services. r. A. nuiuiiui. N. B. Letters from a distance, asking further in formation, enclosing a postage stamp, and addressed to f. A. westervelt, M. it., Nasnvule, xenn.,wiu oe promptly answered. janl8-3- m HELM BOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION JTELUBOLD'S BVCBXT tor the Bladder. UKLil BOLD'S BVCHU for the Kidneys, HELM HOLD'S BCCUU for the Gravel, UELMBOLVS BUCUU for the Dropsy, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Nervousness, U ELM BOLD'S BCCUU for Loss of Memory, HELMBOLD'S BUCUU for Dimness of Vision, HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Difficult Breathing, HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Weak Nerves, HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Universal Lassitude, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU Tor Horror of Disease, HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Night weats, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Wakefulness, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU fur iTyness of skin, HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Eruptions, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Pain in the Back. HELMBOLD'S BCCHU tor Heaviness of the Eye with temporary sutmsation and loss or sight, HELMBOLD'S BLVHU lor Mobility and Restless ness, with want of attention and horror of society, HELM bold s BLVtiu ior obstructions, HELMBOLD'S BCCHU lor Excesses arising from indiscretion, and all diseases of FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES FF V I.KAFKMA I.H1FEMA I.KS OLD OR YOUXG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR COS TEMfLAXLAU MA tttilA UE, - 1AKE NO MORE PILLS, 1AKB XO MORE FILLS, TUEr ARE Ot NO A VAIL. THEY ARE OF A O A FALL. HELMBOLD'S KT1RAC1 BCCHU IS THE VERY BES1 . . REMEDY LX THE WORL For all complaints incident to the sex, whether ari from indiscretion, habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE Of LIFE! SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE I NO FAMILY SUOCLD BE WITHOUT IT I JAKE NO MORE BALSAM, MERCCRY, OR C2t PLEASANT MEDICINES FOR UNFLEAS-AN- T AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU Caret ! Secret Diseases In all their stages, At little expense Little or no change in Diet; No inconvepwnce AND NO EXPOSURE Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRA CI B UCHU for cesse arising from habits indulged in BY YOUNG AND OLD, And for diseases arising from habits of dissipation. It removes all improper discharges; ana will restore the patient in a short tune to a state ot health and purity Use HdmboUi't Extract Bucku for diseases and aHec. tions of the most distressing character. Use Helmbold't Extract Buck for all affectio ; diseases of the Urinary Organs. Whether existing in MALE OR FtLMALIL. From whatever cause originating and no matter o HOW LONG STANDING All the above diseases ymptoms admit o the same treatment and may originate from the same caus READ1 READ1I READ 11 1. HELMBOLD'S BUBHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in action. - Personally appeared oeiore m an Alderman oi tne city of fhiiadeiphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn, does say tnat nis preparation con- tains no narcotic, mercury, cv injurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. it. . UX3LBULU, sole Manufacturer Sworn and subscribed beiore me, the 23d day of No vember, 1S64. wit. r. xxLDtJAKii, Aiaerman. Price SI per bottle, or six for $6, delivered to any addiMs. ONE THING CERTAIN, A Trial Costs bat a Dollar Trf it ! And be convinced of its efficacy. And it is accompan- ied by reliable and responsible certiheates from frofea sors ol Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others Prepared by '.. H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 104' South Tenth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia; NECESSARY CA C770. ohould unprincipled Deal ers try to palm off another article, which pays a better profit and is worthless, ask for HelmboM a, take othor. - CURES' 1UARAN1EED. RAINS BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Agents, Nashv'Re. Sold by aU DraggitU eoerywkere. augo-uaw- ly aoaaxr aooaa. matthxw addt. ROBERT MOORE & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 49 WALNUT STREET, Cincinnati. Ohio. OFFER for sale ia lots; . 1000 Barrels Flour, roper One to extra iamuy; TUO Bushels Clover Seed; too " Timothy " 300 " Herds Grass; MO ' Stripped and Clean Bloe Grass Seed; 1U0O boxes Wen tern Hesarve, English Dairy and atmrg Cheese; Cordage, Brooms, Bock (As, Tubs, fee. ' wt e UH uiH UKUiuni ana giva prvup. imtihwu to im pun iiw is jmti i ii.iniiii injunu uj mio miui ruwt rut tiw. Ml. p.. .nil Rlanan Iron. Dried Fruit, sad riodu generally. From TTSCHER, OWEN a: CO., General Advertising House, Appletoa Bunding, 340 Rjoadway New-Tur- LIGHT ! LIG IIT !! L1GI1T !! DIETZ & CO. ujrcTACrruxa or arwano ' . , tat, Camphe ct, Fluid, and Oil lid GAS FIXTURES, a VAKSOCS STT1X9 A3R) FUBB!, " C 11 A 1 D a Ia Ii 1S, ' BUDS TO OBOBX FOB CHURCHES, COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC BUILDING No. 133 William Street near Fulton, New York. febo-U- y UU.ittAYXESj aSii Co. ' AGENTS FOR THE -- . : v,- - '. Sa' e and P nil'.' Negroes. - . H -- ''' ': C - r Str at, I ; BetweeaPtibUo Tt M Commercial Hotel, J itx3a-- t' - ' Vaa&Tilla, leaaJJ v Agricultural and Seed Store. NO. 5 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. We have on hand and are constantly supplied with the most approved AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES Manufacured. Also a complete assortment of '' Pure and Selected Seeds. - Machines and . Implements. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, : REAPERS AND MOWERS, THRESHING MACHINES, - '. , - STRAW CUTTERS, . CORM SHELLERS, FIELD ROLLERS, , SEED SOWERS, WHEAT DRILLS, GRIST MILLS, CIDER MILLS, - .. ; - HAY PRESSES, - CLOVER HULLERS, ' " ' . HORSE HAY RAKES, . . SUGAR MILLS, . - .' ' FAN" MILLS, PLOWS, ''-- - CULTTVATOBS, ' HARROWS, - ' ' CHURNS, kn. SEEDS. CLOVER SEED, " TlMUTxlX !SttJ, CLEAN BLUE GRASS SEED, . STRIPEPD BLUE GRASS SEED, . ORCHARD GRASS SEED, .' HERDS GRASS SEED, MILLET SEED, HUNGARIAN SEED, " BUCKWHEAT SEED, LUCERNE " OSAGE ORANGE SEED, PERENNIAL RYE GRASS SEED, SaPRLN'G AND FALL BARLEY, ATS, - RYE- - . ' POTATOES. SUNDRIES. PLASTER PARIS, fcliiMiAUi-J- J tjir..i, LAND PLASTER, GUANOj AR31STROIVG & CO. dec29 tf OILS! OILS!! OILS!!! METCALFE BROTHERS & CO., NO. 25 BROAD STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN- - Wholesale and Wetail DEALERS IN CO.L OIL S PABAFFINE BURNING OIL, CARBON BURNING OIL, COTTON SPINDLE 0IL ENGINE OIL, CAR AXLE OIL, MACHINERY OIL, RUDE, Prepared and Refined, PETROLEUM OILS, CAR AND WAGON GREASE. ! PARAFFLVE WAX CANDLES; ALSO Exclusively at Wholesale EAGLE MILL COTTON YARN, ' - ' ' COTTON ROPE, OSNABURGS AND SHEETLVGS,. ' COTTON UODS AND STRIPES ! We refer by permission to GEN. G. P. SMITH, President Bank of Tennessee. JOHN A. FISHER, Cashier Bank of Tennessee. Also to the following Wholesale Merchants in this citv : ! Mkssrs. MORRIS k STRATTON, " STRATTON & SEYMOUR, " GARDNER CO.. , " FALL & CUNNINGHAM. ' TERMS CASH- - Marchl-l- y ' De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS luEIBCHANTS, 75, 77, 79,' 81, 83 and 85 Duane St., H. Y. i notify the Trade that they are opening WOULD in new and beautiful patterns, The-Wamsn- tta Prints, ... . ALSO : v . . - The Amoskeag-- , -- . A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colore. Our Prints are cheaper than any in the market and meeting with extensive sale. JW Orders promptly attended to. nuv24-deow- ly Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises New Stock just received by F. H. BLACKMANj OOBXBJt . or m inner STREKT AUD ., IBB SQBABX. - undersigned begs leave to call the attention of THE public to his handsome and comprehensive stock of Goods in the above line, comprising all styles of - --- - ..... j Ladies and Gentlemen1 "Wear, Negro Brogans, - , "i. And every variety of articles usually kept in similar establishments, allot whch will be sold as AtUmxiK-vtglyLm- Price. . , . F. H. BLACKMAN. oct22-- tf Premium.' Harness C. L. HO WE ETON. No'b. 9 and io Public Square, Nashville, Harness Manuraclurer. COACH and Buggy Harness ofevery style and quality on hand and manufactured to or- der. Also, Buggy Collars, Kip and Hug Skin Collars Bridles, Halters, and all other articles made by Har- ness Manufacturers all ot the best material and the finest workmanship, all of which will be sold as cheap as can be bought anywhere in the United States. - To C. L. HOWEKTON'3 Harness hss been awarded the Highest Prrmimm at the Tennessee State Fair, the Kentucky State Fair at Bowling Greea, at the Lime-ston-e County Fair, Alabama ; Agricultural Society at Athens, fcc bot13-- U Flouring Mill for Rent. THE City Flouring Mill, situated on the Cumberland Jost betow the city, is offered fur rent the remaincer uf the present year, with the privilege f next year Apply to Icaxza & Fours, Cherry street, or JAMES CORBITT, )une3fr-- U ... at the MiQ. ! Mm MANHOOD, ;H0W LOST, HOW 2XST02XD. Jutt PublUhcd, in Staled Envelope, ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF fiPKRMATOKKHO .V., or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, in- ducing Impotency, and Mental and Physical Debility. Br R6BT. 3. CULVER WELL, It, X. 7"" ' ' AuUarcfUu" Green Book," tc, r The worId renowned author, in this admirable Lec- ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abus- e may be effectually removed Withont medic in. and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mods of core at ones certain and eOectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri- vately and radically. This lecture will pray a boon to thousands and thousands. - - Sent under seal to any address, roar-PAi- a ths re- ceipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. j. C KLINE. 1ST New York, Post offlos Box MtT7 -- vT' JaaMUw UUtfrUatl Change of Time. Nashdlle and Decatur Railroad. 0 N and after Sunday, Feb. 17th, 1861, the Trains win leave xasnviiie at 6:3 O in Kb Bleriilns. 6:30 In th Evening, ARRIVE AT NASHVILLE ltl 5 In the morning, ' ' 1:15 tn theETenlng. The Morning Train going South will breakfast at Franklin. Both Trains make close connections at De- catur with the Memphis and Charleston R. R., to Huntsville, Memphis, New Orleans, Mobile, and all points South, East and West. At Nashville close connection is made with the Louisville and Nashville R. R., to Louis vilie, and all points North, Northwest, and East: - The Local Accommodation will run as heretofore-leav- ing Nashville at 3 P. M., and arriving at Nashville at 10 A.M. - - Freight Train leaves Nashville at 7 o'clock every morning, and arrives at 7 o'clock every evening. W. O'iV. PERKINS, feblS tf General Superintendent. J NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. , ' GkxkkalOotgrt Omcs, . Nashville k Decatur Railroad. J WE will receive Freights for all points on the Mem- phis and Charleston, Mobile and Ohio, and' Mis-sisp- pi Central Railroad. Pay charges and forward goods without delay. JOHN W. RATCLIFF, : General Agent. . feb22-l- m . . Police toSlilppers. Omen ScPPtpfrmumT, N. kC. R. R. "I Nashville, March 7 , 1861 . X I iMiii further notice, Freights for Memphis and KJ Charleston Railroad, and local stations on the Nashville and Chtttanooga Railroad, will be recived on Mondays and Fridays. . ;; . E. W. COLE, mar7-- tf . Superintendent. TO SHIPPERS. ScpSBurrxxDEKT's Omci, N. & C. R. R., 1 ... Nashville, Jan. 81,1861. J OWING to the unusual accumulation of Freights at as well as other transhipping points South of our Road, we are compelled to stop receiving Freights for a few days when further notice will be given. E. W. COLE, feb4--tf .' . Superintendent. Cross 'Vies Wanted Nashville and North-wester- n Railroad THE wish to contract for 40,000 CEDAR CROSS TIES, 9 feet long, 6 inches thick, well hewn, to face at narrowest place not less than 8 inches clear of bark ; timber to be sound ; to be delivered at the grade line of the road in Nashville. . The contractors want to contract for SO. 000 WHITE or POST-OA- TIES of the same sise as the above, to be delivered on the line or the road in pues irom section 14 to section 24, enough on each section to supply the same. Persons wishing to bid will direct to the President and Directors of the Nashville and North-wester- n Rail road Company, Nashville, Tennessee. juIyZl-t- f. SEVEN YE IR S! o The seven years of unrivalled success attending the "Cosmopolitan Art Association." have made it a household word throughout every quar- ter of the Country. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to appro ciate by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great bcuelils de- rived from becoming a subscriber. Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio with that ef any previous year. Terms of Subscription. Any person can become a member by subscribing three dollars, for which sum they will receive 1st. The large and superb steel engraving, 30x38 inches, entitled, . "FALSTATF MUSTER1XC HIS RECRUITS." 2d. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated magazine, ' 'THE COSMOPOLITAN AST J0TJSNAL." : 3d. Four admissions, during the season, to the ' "Gallery of Paintinss, 43 Broadway, . I." In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over ' - Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art. comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, out lines, sc., forming a truly national nenent. Thb Scpekb EsGRAVixa, which every subscriber will receive, entitled, "Falstafv Mfstekisg his Reckcits," is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and stiple, and is printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suit- able for the walls of either the library , parlor or office. Its subject ia the celebrated scene of Sir John FalstalT receiving, in Justice Shallow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for the "ragged regiment." It could not be furnished by the trade lor less than five dollars. The Art Journal is too well known to tho whole country to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, Ax., by the very best writers in America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, post, age prepaid. Subsciptions will be received until the evening of the 31st of January, 1861, at which time tho books will close and the premiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $15, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra Engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all Foreign Countries, must be $3 SO instead of $3, in or-d- to defray extra postage, etc. For further particulars send for a copy of the ele- gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hand, tamest magazine in America. It contains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Reg- ular price, W cents per number. Specimen copies, however, will be sent te those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of 18 cents, in stamps or coin. Address ' C. L.DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.. ' novl7-- tf 64o Broadway, New-Yor- SCOTT GOSS, Secretary rt Nashville, Tenn. ANDREW WIND'S ; ADVERTISING AGENCY, 133 Nassan St., next door to the Nassau Bank, N. Y., is the Agent for the NASHvnxa Paxbiot, and the best circulating Journals in the United States, Canadas and West Indies. ' He is authorized to receive advertisements for us at our published rates. ItIt AD VS . Publishing House NEW BOOKS. eta. CANONBURY HUSE, by G. W. M. Reynolds, price 60 ADA ARUNDEL, " " . 60 OLIVIA, or the Maid of Honor, " "60 CHARLEY FOX'S Ethiopian Song Book 13 GEORGE CHRISTY'S Joke Book, No. 2 13 THE PATRIOT CRUISER. bySylvanns Cobb, Jr.... 26 THE MANIAC'S SECRET, u w .... 25 THE MAID OF THE RAN CHE, by Dr. J. H. Robinson. 26 Stmt free of postage on receipt of price. . FREDERIC A. BRADY, No. 126 Nassau street, New York. ' Agents wanted. aug3-- tf w '. . TENNESSEE MaIRINE i .'- - andT ; Fire Insurance Company.' , AFTTAL $150,000 ALL PAH) IN. I OFFICE North-We- fCorner of the Public Square, risks against loss or damage by tire on Dwelling and other Houses, Goods in Store, Ac . . ' Also, Marine and River hazard to and from all ports - ALSO . .... Riski on' Xegroei against the Dangers of the Rirer. . i JOHN H. HILL, ' ; JOSEPH VAULX, ' JAMES OORKEY, THOMPSON ANDERSON. G. M. FOGG, JAMES ELLIS. ' ' ALEX. ALLISON, - N. E. ALLOWAY. i R. H. 6ARDNER, W. S. EAKIN. . . THUS. L. BRANSFORD. ... 1 " ' JOSEPH VATJLX, President, i A. W. BUTLER, Secretary. ' 2octS REMOVAL. - llowe Sewiiig Machine Office, iiemoved to - ' 34 UNION STREET First Floor, recently occupied by J. C. Harvey Co. In calling the attention of our numerous patrons and the public to our removal to more accessible quar ters, we deem it unnecessary to refer to the merits of the Howe Machine, as their good Qualities are already 'household words." ... - i A lull stock of Silk, Spool Cotton, sad Machine Find- ings always on hand. CONE BROS., Agents, i " " ' Knion Street, A J . J"?-- " . . - . ; ; ; Nashville, Ten a. ; JWE. C. BRUCE, ; Auction & Comialssion Merchant, Corner Cedar and Cherry t ' j iVS, I XTashville, Tenn,; ;f! T ESPECTFUIXY solicits consignments of Merchaa-X- V diss of all classes. Satisfaction given to consign- - ZfJfj??? P'We- - CoMignees goods to market WO. find my anetwa aoomiwsU fitted np, and the goods will be sold wiihoot ths acwypsid overforthwith. . , ZV-T'ii- . jH. B. jo goods boogbt or sold on say ownaecoant. Qiarg reaaciuails and Ubsral advances inade on . . - v i tu. idmarM - 5 :a .a j ' 49 Public Square, NasKvllle, 1MPORTKRS AD DEALERS IK - ' ' POEZIGN 2XD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. . - ARE NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING THEIR STOCK ' ' " OF - ' SPRING GOODS, MAKING THEIR ASSORTMENT COMPLETE. Nashville, March 0, 1861. lm. A. W. X'CALL. O. W. FALL A. B. MONTGOMERY, Special Partner M'CALL A FALL, ; Wholesale and Retail '. DEALER IN CDS, CUTLERY, EDGE TOOLS, Flows, Bakes, Cultivators,: ' ' AND BUILDING HABDWARE : KIRKMAN & ELLIS' OLD STAND 34, Public Square, , - NASHVILLE, TENN. HAVING added to our already large stock of HARD and CUTLERY, a fine assortment of FIRS1 QUALITY 11KTA1L. GOODS Embracing . FINE TABLE AND POCKET.KNIVES, EDGE TOOLS, : BUILDING HARDWARE, ' FARMERS, CARPENTERS, I "' ' COOPERS, SMITHS, and MACHINISTS' Tools, Implements, Jbc, &c. ' Ws reepectfully solicit a call from our friends, for mer patrons of "M'Call & Co." and the public gen. erally. i ; . ' . Kirkmant Ellis' Old Stand, 34 PUBLIC saiTASZ Nashviue, Aaaaeasos t21-d- U W. SFBINOEB & BB0. " MARKET STZEE1, NEAR 1HB SQUARE. FOREIGN A IV D DOMES! I C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i DEALERS IN : . Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Dyes, Pry Salts, Acids, Oils, Var- nishes, Spices, Patent Medicines, Instruments, Per fumerys and other articles for Druggists and Country Merchants. We have just received a large stock ot Garden Seeds We invite you to examine our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. Springer's Celebrated German Punch Essence used by all Saloons. Try it - . jana-6- Liquid Blue. THIS article, designed for Blueing Clothes, diners all other preparations hitherto in use Be tag entirely soluble in water, all danger of streaking goods is obviated, and being tree of acid or alkali, the most delicate fabric may-remai- for any length of time in the solution without sustaining injury Manufactured and sold by ' W. SPRINGER & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market street, near square, Nashville, lenn. Also for sale by all Druggists and Grocers in ths City. . . Price 10c ts. per bottle. jan25-3i- n j Season's Arrangement FOR" 1860-6- 1 Cincinnati and Nasville Pio- neer Line. ; The following Boats comprise a regular line, and will remain permanently in the trade during the entire , and in all cases shippers may rely on the punc- tual departure of these Boats as advertised : Steamer NASHVILLE, P. K. Babciat (Master Steamer GLEXWOOD, J. A. Frazikk, Master Steamer LAD IT PIKE, J. S. Hkkd, Master. Steamer IDA IH AIT, Reso, Master, j A. HAMILTON, dec21-6- m H. H. HARRISON, J Agenu. I1IP0HTANT TO PLANTERS. : THE' , .i iiMliilM 1?AIMY, RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA,' ' ; to manufacture WOOLEN CLOTH at CONTINUES per yard for Plain, and 16 cents for Twills tinding evsry material except the Wool. The extensive and constantly increasing patronage the laclory has enjoyed tor years past, assure the Propria tors that the article of Winter Clothing fur Negroes, made by them, has not beea surpassed by any Cloth made North or couth. .. Recent extensive improvements, and others now being erected, enable us to keep up the standard of the Goods, and secure an early delivery. - ' ,- - Pianters, or others, who may wish to send us Wool to be made into Cloth, can send it dirty or clean if washed, it should be done in cold water, and done thoroughly. If sent dirty, we charge half cent per yard for washing. . Hurry Wool is not objectionable the burrs are removed by machinery. THE NAME!' THE OWN EH SHOULD BE MAKKKf) UPON EVER PACKAGE SENT. Wool sent by Railroads in Georgia, Alabama, Tenne see, or South Carolina, to the Augusta Depot, wil OWNER'S NAME and "Richmond Factory" markc upon it, will be regularly and promptly- - received, sx the Cloth, when made, returned to the point directe-Eac- parcel is made up in the turn received. We would especially urge upon our patrons the gre necessity of sending in the Wool as soon as clippe If this rule is followed, the parties would always I ' sure of having the Cloth in ample time. v All instructions to Messrs. FLEMING k ROWLAN our Agents in Augusta, Ga. A. JOUNSuN, i ' ' . mart 2w . President Richmond Factory. : A SAFE AND SPEEDY UE11ED1 VELPEAU'S COMPOUND CUBEB3 AND C0PA1VA PILLS, FOB THE CURE OF GONNORRHOXA, GLEfJ,' FLUOR ALBUS, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Jkc. ' ' Price Fifty Cents a Bottle, These Poxs sra highly recommended by the princi- pal physicians of Europe and America. j Orders from the trade and others solicited, and relU anoa may be placed oa having punctual attention, from J. W; Fenthtwanger, Sole Ag;nt, -- 1 j ' 42 Cedar ftrect, I P.O. Box 616, , .. . .. ' , NEW T0RK4 mar2t dDia .... ; ; FOR RENT. 1 " HAVE four handsome Cottage Houses m Edgefield I that I would like to rent ta goad tenants for tha year, 1&6L . For inibnoaUoB. call at my festdenoem Edgefield- - or es Wm. Jloora. who is authorized to rent rselltben.. ." . " " K. A. HJERJIA5 j ill WHOL.ESAL.E ONtiY IRBf MORGAN & CO., Are now receiving their STOCK OP SPRING GOODS Consisting of a large and varied assortment o HEAVY STAPLES, ' f V ' SUCH AS,-"- " ". : J ' PRINTS, DOMESTICS ,: ' LAWKS, JACONETS, JEANS, FLANNELS, PANT STUFFS, Varieties Generally, &c, &c And in short comprising such variety of assortment, and in such quantities as justify us fully - "in saying that inj HEAVY, DESIRABLE, STAPLE AND Medium CostJ Dry Goods, we have never offered a . SUPERIOR STOCK. We will sell them to our old Friends and Customers on the usual Terms ; - i -- AND, TO CASH BUYERS We will offer . snch Iaduttmenti ai will i . Coiamandtheir Trade. ... j . IRB MORGAN & CO. feb22 dtwaw2m '' STOVE AND HOLLOW WABE : ' ' foundry; :. (Broad Street, beyond N. C. Railroad.) NasbTille, Tennessee. undersigned has purchased the above Foundry TIE Mr. H. P. Dorr is, and is prepared to .fill all or- ders for STOVES, HOLLOW, WaRE and ather CAST- INGS, at the shortest notice, and at prices which will make it an object for dealers to patronuxe him.-- His work will not only be executed in the rtest and most substantial manner, but cheaper than tie same arti. cles can be bought abroad and imported. manufac- tured here. He respectfully solicits ordeis. ' ; . aprS tf - J". 1AWELX. ' A GEN U1NE NOVEL TY. TDE PAPER NECK T IE. Manufactured entirely of Paper.' Patent ap1nlied 1st. merit of this Tie consivts not only in i ta close THE either to silk or cotton fabri. but also in the ease with which it may be adiusied, sad its exceeding cheapness. The prices are such that A NEV NECK TIE ; .! MAY BBWORX EVERY DAY, And the wearer not be charged with im provide' ac as his expenses for neck dress.- - Buy them and try theas. --. , CONE BHUd., Agents, , , marlS-- tf ; .. ,, . . - 84 Union street' ; niTCHELlVS SILVER O XL ; . ' For the Sewing Macnine. ! ' J - Price 25 centa per Bottle ; 1 1 iHIS is ar very . Superior . Article fc and is prepor4l msrlS-- tf S4 Union street. SMALL. POX? and Reliable Vaccine Matter for sale by ' IRESH - . . . - WMt J. SMITH, maris dtf. - - Cor. Cbnroh and Vina Streets : ICASH SYSTEIIi 0: N and' after Janaary 1st, 1861 our businesa wfi . . ' t s. J.i ntri i . EXCLUSIVELY CASH I . i W. know that by pursuing this course, wa snail ha able ta sell Goods much cheaper, thereby making si tha interest of tha buyer to give us their pa truest. ; ;. SNYDER k FRI2ZEIL,. , -- iant 21 PnblWSoBara. ' p r. r. "jH p ripso tl i 'wWO .')Cla?OTtf HAS ok head TACCCTX MATTER whlth be ha to be gaaulBS. . Frsoaa wishing Vaccina tion can find hinathJa offlcfr.etary . aAarnooa.betwaest . and 4 o'clock. tobla-t- tl .a..:; : r i FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY! OF GEORGIA! . CHARTERED BY THE STATE IX 1855. W C Dawson & Co., Managers, MACON, OR SAVANNAH, GA. . XOVELSCUEllE'.: ' ' , Policy Plan Lottery 2 . , By this scheme purchasers can select their own Numbers, and pay any amount for a ticket they may iesire. - - . Extra Class 2, Draws Oct., 1860. And on every succeeding day fSonday excepted) atS o'clock, P. M. ... O In this Scheme, there are TS Numbers Disced ia the Wheel from 1 np to 75 and twelve of these Numbers are drawn from the Wheel. If s person se- lects' one Number out of the 75, and that Number is among the Numbers drawn, he gets five times ths amount invested. If two selected numbers are drawn, he gets thirty for one : if three selected Numbers are drawn, he gets two hundred for one ; if four se- lected Numbers are drawn, he geta a thousand for one ; if fire selected Numbers are drawn, five thousand for one : if six selected Numbers are drawn ; fitteea uiousanu hi one. ssmramrs, u two, or more, selected Numbers are taken, and all those Numbers so selected are not drawn among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, ths Ticket is a Blank. ... Our Havana Plan Lotteries. Draw Fogs ( 4 Tikes a Month. ; And are the most liberal of any Scheme ever oflered. For particulars, address, W. U. uawson at CO., Managers, i Oct SI. Macon, and Savannah, Ua. 5 OQ T3 es cS a 3 ! ID a a q O as as a L as o a 33 S S m ton o JE 5 o a a -- J a o Ho o to H aa 8 t3 s a 03 O oro T IP T3 S - a el o Q Q . as aJ g 60 W r el o is 1 a o o o o. c. m Q a v . a sX S S p aO as O 3 0Q a ao c o 01 5 if fc. Ct H OJ O OSS o 35 a H If it ? tsi Al I" a. J Great Premium Attractions. Irring's Life of Washington . . AND THE Eclectic Magazine for 1861. Geckos P. PmrAjf , Esq., the Publisher oflRYTXG'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, in five large vols., the price of which is from 17 to $90 per set, according to the binding, has prepared a new and beautiful edition of this great National Work, in One Splendid Volume Of 821 pages, in double columns, in clear and readable type, with a full Appendix and copious Index, superb- ly illustrated with Twbstt rich and costly Engravings on steel. The Work is unabridged and complete as in the edi tion of A volumes. I. Ws oner this splendid book as a Pasmca, aa fol lows : - S. We will give one copy of this valuable edition of Washington Irvine's most important work, to any person, or any three persons, who will separately or unitedly send ns the names of three new Subscribers to the EcLBcnc, with the pay, in advance, for one year S&each. . 8. This is s rare chance, and aa easy mode of obtain ing one or the most valuable histories in our language. , 4. Any minister or person can thus obtain a rich ac cession to bis own private library. . can thus enjay the instructions of this great book of American History, by uniting to obtain the work, and sharing in its ownership.. 6. Competent testimony of high literary authority has pronounced Irving'B Life of Washington a leading work of the age in the department of history. 7. We have made the necessary arrangements with the Publisher for a supply of ths work far premiums. 8. The work will bo promptly sent by express, pre--. paid, to all convenient distances. In other cases, the work will be deposited in the principal cities South and West, with an order for its delivery. 9. intelligent men in every community will by glad to have this work, within reach of their sons and daughters. .... . . . 10. The attention of Postmasters ia especially invi- ted and their co-op- e ratios solicited. 11. The offer, and the easy manner of obtaining the work, in connection with the Eclectic, is unsurpassed. The works are both resdy. P. S-- A S90 set of this work was sent to the rooms of the Prince of Wales at Bostoa. GREAT PEEM1UM POETEIAT. , j 1. A new and surpassingly beautiful and accurate portrait of the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, engrave by John Sartain, is just published. It is exactly twenty times larger than the h portrait of Mr. Ever- ett, published in the Ecuono. It is the largest and the finest half-lengt- h portrait ever engraved in this country. rTiceaz. 2. We will send, postage paid, a copy of this very beautiful portrait to each new subscriber to the Ec LBCTJC, who pays Id in advance. PREMIUM PARLOR ENGRAVINGS. - Ws renew the offer of a choice of these Parlor En- gravings T he Return frvm Market, and Filial Affec- tion which already embellish se many parlors in all parts of the land. A copy of either, postage paid, will be sent to each sew subscriber to the Ecucnc, who pays one year in advance. - 4 if wide spread commendations of the Ecucnc, by the Press, in all parts of the land, that it is the best magazine published and the most richly embellished, then now is the time to subscribe, and obtain both the work and a valuable premiun besides. t " V 1 TERMS. . . The Ecucnc is issued on the first of every month. Each number contains 144 large octavo pages, on fine paper, neatly stitched, in green covers, with one or more beautiiul Steel Portraits, by Sartain. The twelve numbers comprise three volumes, of 600 pages each. with titles, indexes, and embellishments. Price FIVE DOLLARS. The postage is only three cents a number, prepaid at the oflloa of delivery. The January number tor 60 cents : any other for 42 cents sent in postage-atamp- s. - - W. H.BIDWELL, vutrJO-- tl No. a Beekman Street, New-Yor- k PH ON OCR A PHY. - DIR. DULBEAR . teach anew class in this useful Art, from 7 WI1L 8 at niehl. in Kirkman's Buildings, on Sum mer street. New Pupils will bs received in the class during the present week. The class will be taught by the use of such f ' panoramic illustra tions sa will lessen --- mn , the labor of the learner one half. OKH. X The present slow aid cumbersome Tel style of writing suited the age of iiut bai uui mule cart travelling; bus, the age of steamboats and railroads requires the Bamaot to waste seven eighths of the tune of the wri- ter. The DeoDle of Nashville have paid dearly for being grossly deceived in regard to the utility of this art, and the ease with which it can be learned, but for which deception the pupils of the Public Schools might have had ills advantages free of expense, instead of lusing.theaebools tne tneater ot private speculation nsKier tuesancuoa m "ins pisce-me- u oi euuewmn. syg-H- t. D. gixes lessons lit Penmanship aa usual. .. .r:. ' ,v ' ' DR. HERMAN, ; DENTIST. Sij-Off- ioe en Cberry itreet, opposite ,"bfir are building the New Hotel. - JeoZl 0m , , KAJQXToa NASHVILLE PLOW AYORKS. T i ATTNG rebuilt oar establishment, aad furnjahed XaI n taroogbout with tha latest and most approved fae Uities for manufacturing Pk-w- etc, we are now pn-r- ed te fill ordars for ail impiemeiita ia our line, maa ufaotared from the best quality of material, and inik i beat style of workmanship. With our long ex peri oca ia tha business, aad superior facilities for doing the work, we think we can guaranty a better ar- ticle, - thaa caa be obtained aiesewhere- - adapted ta the waaia of tha Southern planter and Farmer, and at less pt ices than a similar quality of work caa oa pur- - tase iiatneaiorta '.., . - - Ordt 3ts from merchants filled at a liberal disaoont from - card prices Send your address, sod get oar eircala r. . ., - :, . SHARP at HAMILTON. decai dAw3m k TCAIS & COIlNELiUS, ; JT CNKllil UflDEIlTAKEBSi 40.CBXRCH STREET x : - HTASBrtI.X.sX,rXKjrNES8MJS. - ar a - - i- - JSJLTCa Xal wM. RATES OF ADTERT1SING , (TEX LOTS OS UES TO COXSTTTCTS A SQCABZ.) One Square 1 day $1 00 each ad ditonal Insertion $ 4 a so 14 S 00 "l months 00' - " 8 00 " 2 " 9 00 U " 4 60 " 3 " 12 00 .. 0 " . " 18 OO U " - 8 OO " 12 " Si 0 U " It M ' amwAsra at ilxascbx. One sqnsre, one year. $30 each additional aqnara $10 Written notice must be given to take oat and stop advartisements of yearly advertisers before tha year expires, otherwise we shall charge tin done-- ?- " No contract of yearly advertisements will be discoa-tiay- ed without previous notice to as, nor will any cflorge be made for less than one year at the yearly rates. 4X- 0- Advertisers exceeding1 the apace eon-traet- ed far will be charged ior the tXea.& PHOTOGRAPHIC CARD. I TAKE pleasure is annooscmg to my oM friends sad customers that after aa absence of two years, I have again returned to resume ths practice of the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART in all its branches, bavin par-- . chased the interest of my brother in the old establish- ed Gallery in Union street, rod having spent, fear months m New York the past Sommer to obtain fully all the late improvements in the art. I have painted, renovated and enlarged the suite af Rooms throughout. That my facilities are now better to produce first- - class work than most Galleries can boast of, and con duce to the comfort ol our patrons. I trust not only to sustain the proud position the Gallery has hereto- fore sustained, but to elevate it to a still higher stand- ard. I have also engaged the services of Mr. COOK, one of the best Photographers in the world, who took the Picture which obtained tba first premium at tha world's Fair In lAmdon, in 1831, and I am determined not only to make this the leading Gallery la the State, but my work shall not be surpassed North or Sooth, . and now introduce to the public the following new styles: . . imperial rnotngraph, India Ink, Vigenette, plain or colored, Ivorytvpes, " : ' , Pastel Portal Pictures, life size, Photographs on Canvass, life sise, Visiting Cards, full length plain. Autograph Photographs, 18 taken at one Sitting. Stereoscopes, on glass or paper, I still continue to make the Mebunotvne and Am- - brotype as heretofore. The above styles are all en tirely new m tnia city, except the Autograph Card, when but one made at a sitting, til who are in want of anything in my line are politely invited to give my a call before visiting elsewhere, when I will Drove by occular demonstration the above facts. Respectfully, . F. N. HUGHES. oci20-- tf . a. o. j. v. a a. . , A Thousand Babies Wanted. CHILDREN of any age can now have their pictures as we have built a Room eXDresslr fur their use. Groups of Children also taken in a frac- tion of a second, in clear weather. Mothers need not now have the trouble to take them to a Gallery a dozen times, and at last put np with a caricature, if they . . will but go at once to febls--tf HUGHES' PREMIUM GALLERY. Southern Trunk Manufactory. amm J 'Hin i.J. ' limn saaaakavja J FAS SETT & CS0SSMA1?, NO. 51 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE . Mannfaetnrers and Wholesale and Retail ....... ' DBALnt9 tsJ jjjnjg LADIES' MD CMTS' TRATEL1XG TEUXIS, BONNET BOXES, r Valises, Carpet Bas, &C, &c, to call the attention of all those m want of DESIRE in our line, (wholesale or retail,) tu ex- amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, ss we are confident that we can sell as low as any ether Loose in the city. Our stock ia all of our own manulacuirs and is made of the best materials and by first-clas- s workmen. All must admit ths wisdom of baying; work made at home, in preference to buying that made at the East expressly for Jobbing. - - - - - .. We especially invite the attention of tha La lies ta oar PATEXT TRUXK FOR LADIES. It has compartments for Bonnets. Dresses. P.iraar.la Brushes, and a water-proo- f compartment for S.wagaa Oils, Ac All kinds of Trunks made to order, covered cs re paired, at short notice. Give as a call, at el Market street, two doors South of the Square. junezi-ai-y FASSETT k CROSSllAN. DR. JOHN W. MORTON, i Bee ' enee; Cor. Co eg-- e and Watkiojf Aveaue -- " - ' ; (vons9ou.YLixs srssBY,) OFFICE NO. SS NORTH CHERRY STREET. ' Jan27-- tf .. ... ,. ... ,... Shelton's Marble Works! Church street, next door to Cornelius's Cabinet shop . Aashville,Teiui., : - 4 1 'HE nndersiened would inform his friends A and the public generally that he will con-- V VES) tinue tne makki.k tsuhl tsa tn this city, at tus shop, next door to Cornelius's Cabinet shop, on Church street, and calls attention to the stock of 'i..-- , larbl : ITIonnmenti, Tombs, ate. Which -- ' has oa exhibition and for sale, embiwcing great variety, finished in the most superb manner. He is prepared to manufacture on the shortest notice Marble Han ties; and every description of Marble W0ra.ot urn imesi American ana luuan uar Die. tiia work will, ss heretofore, be waranted. and hat prices to suit the times. . :o M-- L. SHELTON. ianO tf ... NOTICE! E have this day sold oar entire interest m tha W Book. Stationary and Periodical Business. No. 6 Union street to Mr, John T. Hagan and John D W, Green, who will continue the easiness at tha same place, under the style of Green k Co JOHNSON at Tli&AXJH On retiring from the book business, wa return any Sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed opoa. as, and take pleasure in recommending our successors ss yoong men of experience in the business, and wor- thy in every way the confidence of ths people. . ' ' , A. W. JOHNSON. Ja,, octft-- tf 1 ' JOHN O. TREANOR, Important to House-Keepe- rs. E. 11. DURKEE & CO.'S . SELECT SPICES. Guaranteed not only - ... ABS0UJTELY, AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from Iresb Spices, selected and cleaned by as expressly for the purpose, without reference to cost. They are beautifully packed in lin-fui- (lined with paper,) tn prevent injury by keeping and are full weight, while the ordinary Spices are almost invariably short. We warrant them in foint of strength and richness of flavor, - ' - i . BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, ss a single trial win abundantly prova. Manufactured only by a. K DC KKfK at CO., feblS-daw- tf 2 .; . , 181 Pearl street, New York, H'EERRAN'S ' NORTH MARKET STRlvET. THE oadesigned begs lea va to tnfbrm his friends and pabiio that he has still on band a number af handsome vehicles of all kinds, and a splendid stod of buggy and saddle horses, for the ase of tut young gents oa COURTING EXI'EIUTIONS, or lor tha aooom- - moaatioa of Young America aad Yoong. America's Sweetheart. What man living, of any sort or progressive spirit, would be content to snail it behind a SlAiW HoRSE wbea be kno ws that aa ANIMAL OF SPIRIT eoald be Obtained i . - r , AT THE LETIAT01M STABLES. Parties desiring Coaches fbr"PrC-NICS.- and safe and careful Drivers, should not forget what the papers said about Tus Nsw Coach, from tha IxriAXBAa Livxrr meabubi, on North Market street. ' ' t '' anao-- tf ."; ' rTOprietor. COALI COAL! COAL! TTSTHi farther notice, will beseid at the Yard of U tha Raocooa Mountam Coal Conwany (formerly ktaa) at tha following prices: .................... . IMUljl WU. WI ww -- RouadCaai, " t M xnuoai, - ' : ..---.- --- . w Blacksmith's do. M " S aO Mr. Johji & Lam win in future attend to the bust- - aeea of tha Company ia this place ' -' SAMUEL J. AGNEW, ,, : . .. General SufMrintaadeat R. M. CL Oa. Nashville, August 16,1am ajar Orders caa be left ia Box o. W, Peat OSes, or at tha Yard, back ef the Nashville and teilraadBmM - i -- - v. , aV JLi, 1J- - vy ti J ft

DAILY EAS:HY ELLE ill - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · For all complaints incident to the sex, whether ari from indiscretion, habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE Of

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Page 1: DAILY EAS:HY ELLE ill - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · For all complaints incident to the sex, whether ari from indiscretion, habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE Of

t 7 DAILY E"AS:HY ELLE . PATRIOT., :' ' ... .

' - - .......'' '

. , .


" ".



'1 - -- . -' :.. ' - PUBLISHED DAILY, TRT.WEEELT.'AND WEEKLY, BY-CAM- A--C & CO.. OJlfi DEADEKICK STEEET. 1 ; -- ; ! - t

! ii

t -

i. i



TERMS:Daily, per UDum $ 8 00

perannum, 6 00Weekly, per annum, 2 uOne Weekly ior two J ears, or two Weeklies

tor one year, tn advance...!... .........SCOWhen the Daily, ly or Weekly st to be dis-

continued (paid ia advance at toe time subscribed tor),toe subscriber must order, otherwise it will be contin-ued, at our option, until paid for and stopped. Ifnot paid, it most be paid at the tune of discontinuance,or at oar option If the party is good, it will be sentnntu paid.

Remittances by mail, in "registered" letters, at oarrtsK.

Steam Press Prmlins Concern!

tig, en --a, s"

A. S. CAMP & CO., Proprietors,No. 16 Deaderick Street,

Is PuUisked Daily, Tri- - Weekly and Weekly.

Tksxs. Daily ...... .$8 per annum.to per annum.

Weekly $3 per annum.

The Patriot is an earnest, active and indefatigable

apporter of the Constitutional Union cause, and in thepresent canvass for the Presidency will use every hon-

orable eflort to promote the election of Bell and Ever-

ett To enable us to labor with increased efficiencywe ask our party friends to aid us in extending its cir-

culation.By the purchase of the printing establishment of the

Newt, and recent additions of new materials from theloundries, the Jos Office of the Patriot has been madethe largest and most complete in the South-Wes- t. It isalso supplied with the most competent workmen.Steam has been applied. to our presses, which are ofthe best kinds. We are prepared to print, in the high-

est style of the art, plain, in colors, or bronze,


And, indeed, everything from the smallest Tip to themammoth Poster, or the least Pamphlet to the largest

oThe large circulation of the Patriot, greatly augmen-

ted by the addition thereto of the subscription lists of

Rem, renders it an excellent advertising medium.Kona better in the city.

4T-J- We solicit orders, at our office, No. 16 Deader- -


A. S. CAMP &. CO.uly2S--tf


We are receiving a full assortment of



Gentlemen, Ladles, Masts, and Children,

Which we areoOemg at low prices at

No. 16, Public Square,


MORGAN & WALLACE.Mir. 26-t-f.

Brogaus.TTEGRO Brogans, Double and Single Sole, Kip andA.1 Grain Leather Boots. Afresh supply cheap focash bv JOHN RA MAGE,

novii-t-f 42 College street.

Sit Lux et Lux FuitCOAL OIL LAMPS

" E have just received another supply of Coal OilV I Lamps, among which are some very handsome

patterns ior parlors, all fitted with the Collins burnerwhich is the last improvement and is immeasurably

upfcrior to any other Lamp now before the public forofuiebs and steadiness of home, freedom from smoke,

simjilicity in construction, beauty and elegance in nn-s- h,

cleanliness and economy. One Lamp will give thelight ol four candles and does not cost as much as one.The Oil we have imported to burn in these Lamps is adear, beautiful article, free from any oflensive odor,leaves no grease spot when spilt upon carpet or clothtas and will not explode

RAINS, BROWS? k CO.Wholesale & Retail Druggists, No. 19 Public Square

Nashville Tenn. mar. 16 if.

COAL OIL.lit BARRELa COAL OIL, superior article, just rlUceived and for sale low by

Bepl-- tf RAIN'S. BROWN k CJ

Burning Fluid.ANNER'S OIL, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Coal Oil, Lin

1. seed Oil, ior sale atIeb2a-- U RAINS, BROWN k CCS

Coal Oil Lamps.DOZES Coal OU Lamps, of various styles, fitted6 with the celebrated Collins Burner, for sale by

teb5-- tf RAINS, BROWN k CO.




AMBROSIAL OIL,To whom all orders must be addressed.

Agency oT ail the Standard Patent MedicineLadies' Oil Xoilet Cream. Cocoaaut

Walnut Candy.

1 K O X ,11 College Street, Opposite Sewance House.

INa&hTille, Tenn.mar22-t- f

feoutli iVaIiTille Bakety.I OW open anJ ready to furnish parties, kiivaie or

public, at shortest notice. Every kind of Bread,take and Cuo lections constantly on nana, ana any exIra furnished at short notice.

dVels-3- n-

Trunks! Trunks!!Trunks or the Best Sole Leather





VALISES ASD TRAVELING BJGSJCT received and for sale, cheap for CASH.

JOttS RAJtAGE,' declt ' X CoIVe Street.

At IIEN TLE Y 'S, Fine ScotchCape.

At iJENTLEl'S, Fine Silk. Velwet Cape.

At 1$E TLEY'S, Fine DressCaeliniere Data.

AtBENTLEY' late style. Silk.Data.

At BEN TLEY'S, Fine OperaHats.

At 11 ENTLE V's, Boys Wool andSoft Hats. - ;

At BENTLEY's, Fine Fur' - :"V- Oloves.

At BENTLEY'S, Corner Cedarand Cherry Street, City Bank, Georria and olCarolina money taken at par for Goods, decft-- lf '

For Sale.comfortable dwelling, Ko. 165 South SummerTHAT fbnuerly the residence of Buaaeii Houston,

Enq.AJao, Ko. 14 North Summer street, the present resL

denoa ul Jan. Correy , Esq. Aflply la - .. .



Electric Water Cure.THE undersigned has taken the large House on the

in South Nashville, at the head of Frontstreet, known as the Ru Hedge property, where he hasestablished a comfortable home for invalids, and pro-vided ample means for their restoration to health.Patients from the country and strangers taken sick inthe city can find gentlg nursing and appropriate medi-cal attendance.-- - Oar treatment in Chronio Diseasesconsists oT Water Electricity, and the most etfectivemedicine and Homcepathy in all Acute and FebrileDiseases, and in all cases our charges will be mode-rate and to suit the times.

- The institution is located in a field of IT acres, con-

taining fine shade trees and pleasant grounds for exer-cise lor convalescents. From the house, we have thefinest prospective view of the city, Cumberland river,and surrounding country, afforded in any other partof the city.

As far as regards our success in practice in the heal-ing art, we will only say we have now been in Nash-ville one year, and our register will shew the namesof over 150 patients, treated fpr various diseases,most of them boplcss cases of Chronic Diseases, and31 of whom were confirmed cases of Consumption,and out of the whole number of 150 odd cases treat-ed, only 6 have died, all of whum were given up ashopeless before I saw them, and ever j one of the resthave been cured, or at least greatly benefitted.

For the protection of others, we can receive intothis institution no patients having contagious diseases,but will attend to such at other places. Family prac-tice attended to as usual.

P. A. WESTERVELT, M. D.Office Coionade Block, No. 63 Cherry Street.

Office hours from 8 to 10 a'clock A. II., and from 1to 3 o'clock P. M. . every day except Sunday. At allother times I can be found at the Electric Water Cureas above.

Thoueh we are opposed to publishing certificates toshow that we can control diseases supposed to be Incurable, we will the following letter of awell-know- n citizen to tne editor oi ine epaoiicanBanner, of Dec 30th, 1860 :

Mb- - Editor : Having been afflicted for some monthspast, as is known by my many acquaintances, withan attack of paralysis, and having received a benefitso decided from the use of electrical baths, given meby Dr. Westervelt, I have thought it due to those similarly situated with myself, to make this publication.I was decidedly convalescent when I began to use thebaths, but the benent derived from mem has been sopositive that there could be no mistaking the cause.I am now able to use my lingers and my arms, whichwere entirely helpless, almost, if not quite, as well asever.

I know this notice may inure to the benefit of Dr.W., at least with those who place confidence in myword, but to me it is a matter of much greater inpor-tanc-e

that my friends should know where they canbe relieved from tue state of helplessness I was in ashort tune since. ' JOHN ADAMS.

REFERENCES. R. H. Brockway , W. Freeman, R.Freeman, Joseph Wheles3, M. M. Bryant, Felix G. Mc-

Kay, Capt. Bellsnyder, George C. Cooper, John Adams,(of firm of Adams s Eves; , and others too numerousto mention, who know how to appreciate my services.

r. A. nuiuiiui.N. B. Letters from a distance, asking further information, enclosing a postage stamp, and addressedto f. A. westervelt, M. it., Nasnvule, xenn.,wiu oepromptly answered. janl8-3- m


JTELUBOLD'S BVCBXT tor the Bladder.UKLil BOLD'S BVCHU for the Kidneys,HELM HOLD'S BCCUU for the Gravel,UELMBOLVS BUCUU for the Dropsy,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Nervousness,UELM BOLD'S BCCUU for Loss of Memory,HELMBOLD'S BUCUU for Dimness of Vision,HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Difficult Breathing,HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Weak Nerves,HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Universal Lassitude,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU Tor Horror of Disease,HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Night weats,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Wakefulness,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU fur iTyness of skin,HELMBOLD'S BCCUU for Eruptions,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU for Pain in the Back.HELMBOLD'S BCCHU tor Heaviness of the Eye

with temporary sutmsation and loss or sight,HELMBOLD'S BLVHU lor Mobility and Restless

ness, with want of attention and horror of society,HELM bold s BLVtiu ior obstructions,HELMBOLD'S BCCHU lor Excesses arising from

indiscretion, and all diseases of






. . REMEDY LX THE WORLFor all complaints incident to the sex, whether arifrom indiscretion, habits of Dissipation, or in the






Secret DiseasesIn all their stages, At little expenseLittle or no change in Diet; No inconvepwnce


arising from habits indulged in


And for diseases arising from habits ofdissipation. Itremoves all improper discharges; ana will restore thepatient in a short tune to a state ot health and purity

Use HdmboUi't Extract Bucku for diseases and aHec.tions of the most distressing character.

Use Helmbold't Extract Buck for all affectio ;

diseases of the

Urinary Organs.

Whether existing inMALE OR FtLMALIL.

From whatever cause originating and no matter o


All the above diseases ymptoms admit o thesame treatment and may originate from the same caus


HELMBOLD'S BUBHU is safe and pleasant in tasteand odor, but immediate in action. -

Personally appeared oeiore m an Alderman oi tnecity of fhiiadeiphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, whobeing duly sworn, does say tnat nis preparation con-

tains no narcotic, mercury, cv injurious drugs, but ispurely vegetable.

it. . UX3LBULU, sole ManufacturerSworn and subscribed beiore me, the 23d day of No

vember, 1S64.wit. r. xxLDtJAKii, Aiaerman.

Price SI per bottle, or six for $6, delivered to anyaddiMs.


A Trial Costs bat a Dollar Trf it !

And be convinced of its efficacy. And it is accompan-ied by reliable and responsible certiheates from frofeasors ol Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others

Prepared by '..

H. T. HELMBOLD,Practical and Analytical Chemist,

104' South Tenth street, below Chestnut,Philadelphia;

NECESSARY CA C770. ohould unprincipled Dealers try to palm off another article, which pays a betterprofit and is worthless, ask for HelmboM a, takeothor. -


Wholesale and Retail Agents, Nashv'Re.Sold by aU DraggitU eoerywkere.

augo-uaw- ly

aoaaxr aooaa. matthxw addt.



Cincinnati. Ohio.OFFER for sale ia lots; .

1000 Barrels Flour, roperOne to extra iamuy;TUO Bushels Clover Seed;too " Timothy "300 " Herds Grass;MO ' Stripped and Clean Bloe Grass Seed;

1U0O boxes Wen tern Hesarve, English Dairy andatmrg Cheese;

Cordage, Brooms, Bock (As, Tubs, fee. 'wt e UH uiH UKUiuni ana giva prvup. imtihwu

to im pun iiw is jmti i ii.iniiii injunu uj mio miuiruwt rut tiw. Ml. p.. .nil RlananIron. Dried Fruit, sad riodu generally.

From TTSCHER, OWEN a: CO., General AdvertisingHouse, Appletoa Bunding, 340 Rjoadway


LIGHT ! LIG IIT ! ! L1GI1T ! !

DIETZ & CO.ujrcTACrruxa or arwano ' . ,

tat, Camphe ct, Fluid, and Oil lidGAS FIXTURES,a VAKSOCS STT1X9 A3R) FUBB!, "

C 11 A 1 D a Ia Ii 1S,'BUDS TO OBOBX FOB

CHURCHES, COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGNo. 133 William Street near Fulton, New York.

febo-U- y


. :v,- - '.Sa' e and P nil'.' Negroes.

- . H -- ''' ': C - r Str at, I ;

BetweeaPtibUo Tt M Commercial Hotel, J

itx3a--t'- ' Vaa&Tilla, leaaJJ


Agricultural and Seed Store.



We have on hand and are constantly supplied withthe most approved


Manufacured. Also a complete assortment of ''

Pure and Selected Seeds.

- Machines and . Implements.PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES,








' .



' HARROWS,- ' ' CHURNS, kn.












fcliiMiAUi-J- J tjir..i,LAND PLASTER,


AR31STROIVG & CO.dec29 tf





Wholesale and WetailDEALERS IN







RUDE, Prepared and Refined,





Exclusively at Wholesale





We refer by permission toGEN. G. P. SMITH, President Bank of Tennessee.JOHN A. FISHER, Cashier Bank of Tennessee.Also to the following Wholesale Merchants in this

citv : !




Marchl-l- y '

De Forest, Armstrong & Co.,

DRY GOODS luEIBCHANTS,75, 77, 79,' 81, 83 and 85 Duane St., H. Y. i

notify the Trade that they are openingWOULD in new and beautiful patterns,The-Wamsn-

tta Prints, ... .ALSO : v . .


The Amoskeag-- ,

- - .

A New Print, which excels every Print in the Countryfor perfection of execution and design in full MadderColore. Our Prints are cheaper than any in the marketand meeting with extensive sale.

JW Orders promptly attended to.nuv24-deow- ly

Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises

New Stock just received by


.or m inner STREKT AUD .,IBB SQBABX. -

undersigned begs leave to call the attention ofTHE public to his handsome and comprehensivestock of Goods in the above line, comprising all stylesof - --- - ..... j

Ladies and Gentlemen1 "Wear,Negro Brogans, - , "i.

And every variety of articles usually kept in similarestablishments, allot whch will be sold as AtUmxiK-vtglyLm-

Price. . , . F. H. BLACKMAN.oct22-- tf

Premium.' Harness

C. L. HO WE ETON.No'b. 9 and io Public Square, Nashville,

Harness Manuraclurer.COACH and Buggy Harness ofevery style and quality

on hand and manufactured to or-

der. Also, Buggy Collars, Kip and Hug Skin CollarsBridles, Halters, and all other articles made by Har-ness Manufacturers all ot the best material and thefinest workmanship, all of which will be sold as cheapas can be bought anywhere in the United States. -

To C. L. HOWEKTON'3 Harness hss been awardedthe Highest Prrmimm at the Tennessee State Fair, theKentucky State Fair at Bowling Greea, at the Lime-ston-e

County Fair, Alabama ; Agricultural Society atAthens, fcc bot13--U

Flouring Mill for Rent.THE City Flouring Mill, situated on the Cumberland

Jost betow the city, is offered fur rent theremaincer uf the present year, with the privilege fnext year Apply to Icaxza & Fours, Cherry street,or JAMES CORBITT,

)une3fr-- U ... at the MiQ. !


Jutt PublUhcd, in Staled Envelope,ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CUREOF fiPKRMATOKKHO .V., or Seminal Weakness, SexualDebility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, in-

ducing Impotency, and Mental and Physical Debility.

Br R6BT. 3. CULVER WELL, It, X. 7"" '

' AuUarcfUu" Green Book," tc, rThe worId renowned author, in this admirable Lec-

ture, clearly proves from his own experience that theawful consequences of Self-abus- e may be effectuallyremoved Withont medic in. and without dangeroussurgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings orcordials, pointing out a mods of core at ones certainand eOectual, by which every sufferer, no matter whathis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri-vately and radically. This lecture will pray a boonto thousands and thousands. - -

Sent under seal to any address, roar-PAi- a ths re-ceipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. j.C KLINE. 1ST New York, Post offlos BoxMtT7 -- vT' JaaMUw UUtfrUatl

Change of Time.

Nashdlle and Decatur Railroad.0N and after Sunday, Feb. 17th, 1861, the Trains

win leave xasnviiie at6:3 O in Kb Bleriilns.6:30 In th Evening,


ltl 5 In the morning, '' 1:15 tn theETenlng.

The Morning Train going South will breakfast atFranklin. Both Trains make close connections at De-catur with the Memphis and Charleston R. R., toHuntsville, Memphis, New Orleans, Mobile, and allpoints South, East and West.

At Nashville close connection is made with theLouisville and Nashville R. R., to Louis vilie, and allpoints North, Northwest, and East:- The Local Accommodation will run as heretofore-leav- ing

Nashville at 3 P. M., and arriving at Nashvilleat 10 A.M. - -

Freight Train leaves Nashville at 7 o'clock everymorning, and arrives at 7 o'clock every evening.

W. O'iV. PERKINS,feblS tf General Superintendent. J

NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. , 'GkxkkalOotgrt Omcs,

. Nashville k Decatur Railroad. J

WE will receive Freights for all points on the Mem-phis and Charleston, Mobile and Ohio, and' Mis-sisp- pi

Central Railroad. Pay charges and forwardgoods without delay. JOHN W. RATCLIFF,

: General Agent. .

feb22-l- m .

. Police toSlilppers.Omen ScPPtpfrmumT, N. kC. R. R. "I

Nashville, March 7 , 1861 .X I iMiii further notice, Freights for Memphis andKJ Charleston Railroad, and local stations on the

Nashville and Chtttanooga Railroad, will be recivedon Mondays and Fridays. . ; ; . E. W. COLE,

mar7-- tf . Superintendent.

TO SHIPPERS.ScpSBurrxxDEKT's Omci, N. & C. R. R., 1... Nashville, Jan. 81,1861. J

OWING to the unusual accumulation of Freights atas well as other transhipping points

South of our Road, we are compelled to stop receivingFreights for a few days when further notice will begiven. E. W. COLE,

feb4--tf .' . Superintendent.

Cross 'Vies WantedNashville and North-wester- n RailroadTHE wish to contract for 40,000 CEDAR CROSS

TIES, 9 feet long, 6 inches thick, well hewn, to face atnarrowest place not less than 8 inches clear of bark ;timber to be sound ; to be delivered at the grade lineof the road in Nashville. .

The contractors want to contract for SO. 000 WHITEor POST-OA- TIES of the same sise as the above, to bedelivered on the line or the road in pues irom section14 to section 24, enough on each section to supply thesame.

Persons wishing to bid will direct to the Presidentand Directors of the Nashville and North-wester- n Railroad Company, Nashville, Tennessee.

juIyZl-t- f.


The seven years of unrivalled success attending the

"Cosmopolitan Art Association."have made it a household word throughout every quar-ter of the Country.

Under the auspices of this popular Institution, overthree hundred thousand homes have learned to approciate by beautiful works of art on their walls, andchoice literature on their tables, the great bcuelils de-rived from becoming a subscriber.

Subscriptions are now being received in a ratiowith that ef any previous year.

Terms of Subscription.Any person can become a member by subscribing

three dollars, for which sum they will receive1st. The large and superb steel engraving, 30x38

inches, entitled, .

"FALSTATF MUSTER1XC HIS RECRUITS."2d. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated

magazine, '


3d. Four admissions, during the season, to the '

"Gallery of Paintinss, 43 Broadway, . I."In addition to the above benefits, there will be given

to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over ' -

Five Hundred Beautiful Works ofArt.

comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, outlines, sc., forming a truly national nenent.

Thb Scpekb EsGRAVixa, which every subscriber willreceive, entitled, "Falstafv Mfstekisg his Reckcits,"is one of the most beautiful and popular engravingsever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fineline and stiple, and is printed on heavy plate paper,30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suit-able for the walls of either the library , parlor or office.Its subject ia the celebrated scene of Sir John FalstalTreceiving, in Justice Shallow's office, the recruitswhich have been gathered for the "ragged regiment."It could not be furnished by the trade lor less thanfive dollars.

The Art Journal is too well known to tho wholecountry to need commendation. It is a magnificentlyillustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories,Poems, Gossip, Ax., by the very best writers inAmerica.

The Engraving is sent to any part of the countryby mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, post,age prepaid.

Subsciptions will be received until the evening ofthe 31st of January, 1861, at which time tho bookswill close and the premiums be given to subscribers.

No person is restricted to a single subscription.Those remitting $15, are entitled to five membershipsand to one extra Engraving for their trouble.

Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and allForeign Countries, must be $3 SO instead of $3, in or-d-

to defray extra postage, etc.For further particulars send for a copy of the ele-

gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hand,tamest magazine in America. It contains a Catalogueof Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Reg-ular price, W cents per number. Specimen copies,however, will be sent te those wishing to subscribe, onreceipt of 18 cents, in stamps or coin. Address

' C. L.DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.. 'novl7-- tf 64o Broadway, New-Yor-

SCOTT GOSS, Secretary rt Nashville, Tenn.


ADVERTISING AGENCY,133 Nassan St., next door to the Nassau Bank, N. Y.,is the Agent for the NASHvnxa Paxbiot, and the bestcirculating Journals in the United States, Canadas andWest Indies. '

He is authorized to receive advertisements for us atour published rates.

It ItAD VS .

Publishing HouseNEW BOOKS.

eta.CANONBURY HUSE, by G. W. M. Reynolds, price 60ADA ARUNDEL, " " . 60OLIVIA, or the Maid of Honor, " "60CHARLEY FOX'S Ethiopian Song Book 13GEORGE CHRISTY'S Joke Book, No. 2 13THE PATRIOT CRUISER. bySylvanns Cobb, Jr.... 26THE MANIAC'S SECRET, u w .... 25THE MAID OF THE RAN CHE, by Dr. J. H. Robinson. 26

Stmt free of postage on receipt of price. .

FREDERIC A. BRADY,No. 126 Nassau street, New York. '

Agents wanted. aug3-- tf w '.


.'- - andT ;

Fire Insurance Company.', AFTTAL $150,000 ALL PAH) IN. I

OFFICENorth-We- fCorner of the Public Square,

risks against loss or damage by tire onDwelling and other Houses, Goods in Store, Ac . . '

Also, Marine and River hazard to and from all ports- ALSO . ....

Riski on' Xegroei against the Dangers ofthe Rirer. .




. . THUS. L. BRANSFORD. ... 1

" ' JOSEPH VATJLX, President, i

A. W. BUTLER, Secretary. ' 2octS


llowe Sewiiig Machine Office,iiemoved to - '

34 UNION STREETFirst Floor, recently occupied by J. C. Harvey Co.

In calling the attention of our numerous patronsand the public to our removal to more accessible quarters, we deem it unnecessary to refer to the merits ofthe Howe Machine, as their good Qualities are already'household words." ... - i

A lull stock of Silk, Spool Cotton, sad Machine Find-ings always on hand. CONE BROS., Agents, i

" " ' Knion Street, A J.

J"?-- " . . - . ; ; ; Nashville, Ten a. ;


Auction & Comialssion Merchant,Corner Cedar and Cherry t ' j

iVS, I XTashville, Tenn,; ;f!T ESPECTFUIXY solicits consignments of Merchaa-X-V

diss of all classes. Satisfaction given to consign- -ZfJfj??? P'We-- CoMigneesgoods to market WO. find my anetwa aoomiwsUfitted np, and the goods will be sold wiihootths acwypsid overforthwith. . , ZV-T'ii- .

jH. B. jo goods boogbt or sold on say ownaecoant.Qiarg reaaciuails and Ubsral advances inade on. .- v i tu. idmarM- 5 :a .a j


49 Public Square, NasKvllle,1MPORTKRS AD DEALERS IK - '





Nashville, March 0, 1861. lm.

A. W. X'CALL. O. W. FALLA. B. MONTGOMERY, Special Partner

M'CALL A FALL,; Wholesale and Retail



Flows, Bakes, Cultivators,:'' AND



34, Public Square,, - NASHVILLE, TENN.

HAVING added to our already large stock of HARDand CUTLERY, a fine assortment of FIRS1


11KTA1L. GOODSEmbracing .




MACHINISTS' Tools, Implements, Jbc, &c.' Ws reepectfully solicit a call from our friends, for

mer patrons of "M'Call & Co." and the public gen.erally. i ; .

'. Kirkmant Ellis' Old Stand,

34 PUBLIC saiTASZNashviue, Aaaaeasos

t21-d- U





Drugs and Medicines,Chemicals, Paints, Dyes, Pry Salts, Acids, Oils, Var-nishes, Spices, Patent Medicines, Instruments, Perfumerys and other articles for Druggists and CountryMerchants.

We have just received a large stock ot Garden SeedsWe invite you to examine our stock before purchas-

ing elsewhere.Springer's Celebrated German Punch Essence used

by all Saloons. Try it - . jana-6-

Liquid Blue.THIS article, designed for Blueing Clothes, diners

all other preparations hitherto in use Betag entirely soluble in water, all danger of streakinggoods is obviated, and being tree of acid or alkali, themost delicate fabric may-remai- for any length oftime in the solution without sustaining injury

Manufactured and sold by 'W. SPRINGER & BRO.,

Wholesale and Retail Druggists,Market street, near square,

Nashville, lenn.Also for sale by all Druggists and Grocers in ths

City. . .

Price 10c ts. per bottle. jan25-3i- n j

Season's ArrangementFOR"

1860-6- 1

Cincinnati and Nasville Pio-neer Line. ;

The following Boats comprise a regular line, and willremain permanently in the trade during the entire

, and in all cases shippers may rely on the punc-tual departure of these Boats as advertised :

Steamer NASHVILLE, P. K. Babciat (Master

Steamer GLEXWOOD, J. A. Frazikk, Master

Steamer LAD IT PIKE, J. S. Hkkd, Master.

Steamer IDA IH AIT, Reso, Master, j

A. HAMILTON,dec21-6- m H. H. HARRISON, J Agenu.


: THE' , .i



to manufacture WOOLEN CLOTH atCONTINUES per yard for Plain, and 16 cents forTwills tinding evsry material except the Wool. Theextensive and constantly increasing patronage thelaclory has enjoyed tor years past, assure the Propriators that the article of Winter Clothing fur Negroes,made by them, has not beea surpassed by any Clothmade North or couth. ..

Recent extensive improvements, and others nowbeing erected, enable us to keep up the standard of theGoods, and secure an early delivery. - ' ,- -

Pianters, or others, who may wish to send us Woolto be made into Cloth, can send it dirty or clean ifwashed, it should be done in cold water, and donethoroughly. If sent dirty, we charge half cent peryard for washing. . Hurry Wool is not objectionablethe burrs are removed by machinery. THE NAME!'THE OWN EH SHOULD BE MAKKKf) UPON EVERPACKAGE SENT.

Wool sent by Railroads in Georgia, Alabama, Tennesee, or South Carolina, to the Augusta Depot, wilOWNER'S NAME and "Richmond Factory" markcupon it, will be regularly and promptly- - received, sxthe Cloth, when made, returned to the point directe-Eac-

parcel is made up in the turn received.We would especially urge upon our patrons the gre

necessity of sending in the Wool as soon as clippeIf this rule is followed, the parties would always I


sure of having the Cloth in ample time. vAll instructions to Messrs. FLEMING k ROWLAN

our Agents in Augusta, Ga. A. JOUNSuN, i ' '. mart 2w . President Richmond Factory. :




Price Fifty Cents a Bottle,

These Poxs sra highly recommended by the princi-pal physicians of Europe and America. j

Orders from the trade and others solicited, and relUanoa may be placed oa having punctual attention, from

J. W; Fenthtwanger, Sole Ag;nt, -- 1 j '

42 Cedar ftrect, I

P.O. Box 616, , .. . .. ' , NEW T0RK4mar2t dDia ....

; ; FOR RENT. 1 "HAVE four handsome Cottage Houses m EdgefieldI that I would like to rent ta goad tenants for tha

year, 1&6L . For inibnoaUoB. call at my festdenoemEdgefield- - or es Wm. Jloora. who is authorized to rentrselltben.. ." .

" " K. A. HJERJIA5 j



Are now receiving their



Consisting of a large and varied assortment o


' f V '

SUCH AS,-"- " ".

: J '








Varieties Generally, &c, &c

And in short comprising such variety of assortment,and in such quantities as justify us fully

- "in saying that inj



Medium CostJ Dry Goods, we

have never offered a .


We will sell them to our old Friends and

Customers on the usual Terms ; - i


We will offer . snch Iaduttmenti ai will

i . Coiamandtheir Trade.... j .

IRB MORGAN & CO.feb22 dtwaw2m ''

STOVE AND HOLLOW WABE: ' 'foundry; :.

(Broad Street, beyond N. C. Railroad.)

NasbTille, Tennessee.undersigned has purchased the above FoundryTIE Mr. H. P. Dorr is, and is prepared to .fill all or-

ders for STOVES, HOLLOW, WaRE and ather CAST-

INGS, at the shortest notice, and at prices which willmake it an object for dealers to patronuxe him.-- Hiswork will not only be executed in the rtest and mostsubstantial manner, but cheaper than tie same arti.cles can be bought abroad and imported. manufac-tured here. He respectfully solicits ordeis. '

; .

aprS tf - J". 1AWELX. '


TDE PAPER NECK T IE.Manufactured entirely of Paper.' Patent ap1nlied 1st.

merit of this Tie consivts not only in i ta closeTHE either to silk or cotton fabri. butalso in the ease with which it may be adiusied, sad itsexceeding cheapness. The prices are such that


And the wearer not be charged with im provide' ac ashis expenses for neck dress.- - Buy them and try theas.

--. , CONE BHUd., Agents, , ,

marlS-- tf ; .. , , . . - 84 Union street' ;


.' For the Sewing Macnine. ! ' J

- Price 25 centa per Bottle ;

1 1 iHIS is ar very . Superior . Article fc and is prepor4l

msrlS-- tf S4 Union street.

SMALL. POX?and Reliable Vaccine Matter for sale by 'IRESH - . . . - WMt J. SMITH,

maris dtf. - - Cor. Cbnroh and Vina Streets :

ICASH SYSTEIIi0:N and' after Janaary 1st, 1861 our businesa wfi

. . ' t s. J.i ntri i .EXCLUSIVELY CASH I

. i

W. know that by pursuing this course, wa snail haable ta sell Goods much cheaper, thereby making si thainterest of tha buyer to give us their pa truest. ;

;. SNYDER k FRI2ZEIL,. ,-- iant 21 PnblWSoBara. '

pr. r. "jHpripso tl i'wWO .')Cla?OTtf

HAS ok head TACCCTX MATTER whlth be hato be gaaulBS. . Frsoaa wishing Vaccina

tion can find hinathJa offlcfr.etary. aAarnooa.betwaest.and 4 o'clock. tobla-t- tl.a..:; : r




W C Dawson & Co., Managers,MACON, OR SAVANNAH, GA. .


, Policy Plan Lottery 2 . ,

By this scheme purchasers can select their ownNumbers, and pay any amount for a ticket they mayiesire. - - .

Extra Class 2, Draws Oct., 1860.And on every succeeding day fSonday excepted) atS

o'clock, P. M. ...O In this Scheme, there are TS Numbers Disced iathe Wheel from 1 np to 75 and twelve of theseNumbers are drawn from the Wheel. If s person se-lects' one Number out of the 75, and that Number isamong the Numbers drawn, he gets five times thsamount invested. If two selected numbers are drawn,he gets thirty for one : if three selected Numbersare drawn, he gets two hundred for one ; if four se-lected Numbers are drawn, he geta a thousand forone ; if fire selected Numbers are drawn, five thousandfor one : if six selected Numbers are drawn ; fitteeauiousanu hi one. ssmramrs, u two, or more, selectedNumbers are taken, and all those Numbers so selectedare not drawn among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, thsTicket is a Blank. ...

Our Havana Plan Lotteries.Draw Fogs ( 4 Tikes a Month. ;

And are the most liberal of any Scheme ever oflered.For particulars, address,

W. U. uawson at CO., Managers, iOct SI. Macon, and Savannah, Ua.


T3 escS a3 !ID a aq O

as as aL

as o a 33S S mtono JE 5o a a --Ja o

Ho o to Ha a

8 t3 s a 03O oro


S - aeloQ

Q . as aJg 60

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.asX S Sp a O as

O 30Q a

ao co 01 5 if fc. CtH

OJ OOSS o35 a

H If it ?tsi

Al I"a. J

Great Premium Attractions.

Irring's Life of Washington. . AND THE

Eclectic Magazine for 1861.Geckos P. PmrAjf , Esq., the Publisher oflRYTXG'S

LIFE OF WASHINGTON, in five large vols., the priceof which is from 17 to $90 per set, according to thebinding, has prepared a new and beautiful edition ofthis great National Work, in One Splendid Volume Of821 pages, in double columns, in clear and readabletype, with a full Appendix and copious Index, superb-ly illustrated with Twbstt rich and costly Engravingson steel.

The Work is unabridged and complete as in the edition of A volumes.

I. Ws oner this splendid book as a Pasmca, aa follows : -

S. We will give one copy of this valuable edition ofWashington Irvine's most important work, to anyperson, or any three persons, who will separately orunitedly send ns the names of three new Subscribersto the EcLBcnc, with the pay, in advance, for oneyear S&each.. 8. This is s rare chance, and aa easy mode ofobtaining one or the most valuable histories in our language.

, 4. Any minister or person can thus obtain a rich accession to bis own private library. .

can thus enjay the instructions of this great book ofAmerican History, by uniting to obtain the work, andsharing in its ownership..

6. Competent testimony of high literary authorityhas pronounced Irving'B Life of Washington a leadingwork of the age in the department of history.

7. We have made the necessary arrangements withthe Publisher for a supply of ths work far premiums.

8. The work will bo promptly sent by express, pre--.paid, to all convenient distances. In other cases, thework will be deposited in the principal cities South andWest, with an order for its delivery.

9. intelligent men in every community will by gladto have this work, within reach of their sons anddaughters. .... . . .

10. The attention of Postmasters ia especially invi-ted and their co-op-e ratios solicited.

11. The offer, and the easy manner of obtaining thework, in connection with the Eclectic, is unsurpassed.The works are both resdy.

P. S-- A S90 set of this work was sent to the roomsof the Prince of Wales at Bostoa.


1. A new and surpassingly beautiful and accurateportrait of the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, engrave byJohn Sartain, is just published. It is exactly twentytimes larger than the h portrait of Mr. Ever-ett, published in the Ecuono. It is the largest andthe finest half-lengt- h portrait ever engraved in thiscountry. rTiceaz.

2. We will send, postage paid, a copy of this verybeautiful portrait to each new subscriber to the EcLBCTJC, who pays Id in advance.

PREMIUM PARLOR ENGRAVINGS. -Ws renew the offer of a choice of these Parlor En-

gravings T he Return frvm Market, and Filial Affec-tion which already embellish se many parlors in allparts of the land. A copy of either, postage paid,will be sent to each sew subscriber to the Ecucnc,who pays one year in advance. -

4 if wide spread commendations of the Ecucnc,by the Press, in all parts of the land, that it is the bestmagazine published and the most richly embellished,then now is the time to subscribe, and obtain both thework and a valuable premiun besides. t"

V 1 TERMS. . .

The Ecucnc is issued on the first of every month.Each number contains 144 large octavo pages, on finepaper, neatly stitched, in green covers, with one ormore beautiiul Steel Portraits, by Sartain. The twelvenumbers comprise three volumes, of 600 pages each.with titles, indexes, and embellishments. Price FIVEDOLLARS. The postage is only three cents a number,prepaid at the oflloa of delivery. The January numbertor 60 cents : any other for 42 cents sent in postage-atamp- s.

- - W. H.BIDWELL,vutrJO-- tl No. a Beekman Street, New-Yor- k

PH ON OCR A PHY.- DIR. DULBEAR .teach anew class in this useful Art, from 7WI1L 8 at niehl. in Kirkman's Buildings, on Sum

mer street. New Pupils will bs received in the classduring the present week. The class will be taught bythe use of such f ' panoramic illustrations sa will lessen --- mn , the labor of thelearner one half. OKH. X The present slowaid cumbersome Tel style of writingsuited the age of iiut bai uui mule cart travelling;bus, the age of steamboats and railroads requires theBamaot to waste seven eighths of the tune of the wri-ter. The DeoDle of Nashville have paid dearly forbeing grossly deceived in regard to the utility of thisart, and the ease with which it can be learned, but forwhich deception the pupils of the Public Schools mighthave had ills advantages free of expense, instead oflusing.theaebools tne tneater ot private speculationnsKier tuesancuoa m "ins pisce-me- u oi euuewmn.

syg-H-t. D. gixes lessons lit Penmanship aa usual... .r:. ' ,v ' '


DENTIST.Sij-Off- ioe en Cberry itreet, opposite ,"bfir

are building the New Hotel. - JeoZl 0m

, , KAJQXToa

NASHVILLE PLOW AYORKS.T i ATTNG rebuilt oar establishment, aad furnjahedXaI n taroogbout with tha latest and most approvedfae Uities for manufacturing Pk-w- etc, we are nowpn-r- ed te fill ordars for ail impiemeiita ia our line,maa ufaotared from the best quality of material, andinik i beat style of workmanship. With our long experi oca ia tha business, aad superior facilities fordoing the work, we think we can guaranty a better ar-ticle, - thaa caa be obtained aiesewhere- - adapted ta thewaaia of tha Southern planter and Farmer, and atless pt ices than a similar quality of work caa oa pur- -

tase iiatneaiorta '.., . - -

Ordt 3ts from merchants filled at a liberal disaoontfrom - card prices Send your address, sod get oareircala r. . ., - :, . SHARP at HAMILTON.

decai dAw3m



HTASBrtI.X.sX,rXKjrNES8MJS.- ar a - - i- -




One Square 1 day $1 00 each additonal Insertion $

4 a so 14 S 00" l months 00' -

" 8 00" 2 " 9 00 U " 4 60" 3 " 12 00 .. 0" . " 18 OO U " - 8 OO

" 12 " Si 0 U " It M' amwAsra at ilxascbx.

One sqnsre, one year. $30 each additional aqnara $10Written notice must be given to take oat and stop

advartisements of yearly advertisers before tha yearexpires, otherwise we shall charge tin done-- ?- "

No contract of yearly advertisements will be discoa-tiay- ed

without previous notice to as, nor will anycflorge be made for less than one year at the yearlyrates.

4X- 0- Advertisers exceeding1 the apace eon-traet- ed

far will be charged ior the tXea.&


I TAKE pleasure is annooscmg to my oM friends sadcustomers that after aa absence of two years, I

have again returned to resume ths practice of thePHOTOGRAPHIC ART in all its branches, bavin par-- .chased the interest of my brother in the old establish-ed Gallery in Union street, rod having spent, fearmonths m New York the past Sommer to obtain fullyall the late improvements in the art. I have painted,renovated and enlarged the suite af Rooms throughout.That my facilities are now better to produce first- -class work than most Galleries can boast of, and conduce to the comfort ol our patrons. I trust not onlyto sustain the proud position the Gallery has hereto-fore sustained, but to elevate it to a still higher stand-ard. I have also engaged the services of Mr. COOK,one of the best Photographers in the world, who tookthe Picture which obtained tba first premium at thaworld's Fair In lAmdon, in 1831, and I am determinednot only to make this the leading Gallery la the State,but my work shall not be surpassed North or Sooth, .and now introduce to the public the following newstyles: . .

imperial rnotngraph, India Ink,Vigenette, plain or colored,Ivorytvpes, " : ' ,

Pastel Portal Pictures, life size,Photographs on Canvass, life sise,Visiting Cards, full length plain.Autograph Photographs, 18 taken at one Sitting.Stereoscopes, on glass or paper,I still continue to make the Mebunotvne and Am- -

brotype as heretofore. The above styles are all entirely new m tnia city, except the Autograph Card,when but one made at a sitting, til who are in want ofanything in my line are politely invited to give my acall before visiting elsewhere, when I will Drove byoccular demonstration the above facts.

Respectfully, . F. N. HUGHES.oci20-- tf . a. o. j. v. a a. . ,

A Thousand Babies Wanted.CHILDREN of any age can now have their pictures

as we have built a Room eXDresslrfur their use. Groups of Children also taken in a frac-tion of a second, in clear weather. Mothers need notnow have the trouble to take them to a Gallery a dozentimes, and at last put np with a caricature, if they

. .will but go at once tofebls--tf HUGHES' PREMIUM GALLERY.

Southern Trunk Manufactory.

amm J 'Hin i.J. ' limn saaaakavja J


. Mannfaetnrers and Wholesale and Retail....... 'DBALnt9 tsJ jjjnjg



Valises, Carpet Bas, &C, &c,to call the attention of all those m want ofDESIRE in our line, (wholesale or retail,) tu ex-

amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, ss weare confident that we can sell as low as any ether Loosein the city. Our stock ia all of our own manulacuirsand is made of the best materials and by first-clas- sworkmen. All must admit ths wisdom of baying; workmade at home, in preference to buying that made atthe East expressly for Jobbing. - - - - -

.. We especially invite the attention of tha La lies taoar


It has compartments for Bonnets. Dresses. P.iraar.laBrushes, and a water-proo- f compartment for S.wagaaOils, Ac

All kinds of Trunks made to order, covered cs repaired, at short notice. Give as a call, at el Marketstreet, two doors South of the Square.

junezi-ai-y FASSETT k CROSSllAN.


Bee ' enee; Cor. Co eg--e and Watkiojf Aveaue-- " - ' ; (vons9ou.YLixs srssBY,)

OFFICE NO. SS NORTH CHERRY STREET. 'Jan27-- tf .. ... ,. ... ,...Shelton's Marble Works!

Church street, next door to Cornelius's Cabinet shop

. Aashville,Teiui., : - 4

1 'HE nndersiened would inform his friendsA and the public generally that he will con-- V VES)

tinue tne makki.k tsuhl tsa tn this city, attus shop, next door to Cornelius's Cabinetshop, on Church street, and calls attention tothe stock of 'i..-- ,

larbl : ITIonnmenti, Tombs, ate.Which -- ' has oa exhibition and for sale, embiwcinggreat variety, finished in the most superb manner.He is prepared to manufacture on the shortest noticeMarble Han ties; and every description of MarbleW0ra.ot urn imesi American ana luuan uarDie. tiiawork will, ss heretofore, be waranted. and hat pricesto suit the times. . :o M-- L. SHELTON.

ianO tf ...NOTICE!

E have this day sold oar entire interest m thaW Book. Stationary and Periodical Business.No. 6 Union street to Mr, John T. Hagan and John DW, Green, who will continue the easiness at tha sameplace, under the style of Green k Co


On retiring from the book business, wa return anySincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed opoa.as, and take pleasure in recommending our successorsss yoong men of experience in the business, and wor-thy in every way the confidence of ths people. .

' ' , A. W. JOHNSON. Ja,,octft-- tf


Important to House-Keepe- rs.

E. 11. DURKEE & CO.'S .

SELECT SPICES.Guaranteed not only - ...

ABS0UJTELY, AND PERFECTLY PURE,but ground from Iresb Spices, selected and cleaned byas expressly for the purpose, without reference tocost. They are beautifully packed in lin-fui- (linedwith paper,) tn prevent injury by keeping and are fullweight, while theordinary Spices are almost invariablyshort. We warrant them in foint of strength andrichness of flavor, - ' - i .

BEYOND ALL COMPARISON,ss a single trial win abundantly prova.

Manufactured only by a. K DC KKfK at CO.,feblS-daw- tf 2 .; . , 181 Pearl street, New York,



THE oadesigned begs lea va to tnfbrm his friends andpabiio that he has still on band a number af

handsome vehicles of all kinds, and a splendid stod ofbuggy and saddle horses, for the ase of tut younggents oa COURTING EXI'EIUTIONS, or lor tha aooom- -moaatioa of Young America aad Yoong. America'sSweetheart.

What man living, of any sort or progressive spirit,would be content to snail it behind a SlAiW HoRSEwbea be kno ws that aa ANIMAL OF SPIRIT eoald beObtained i . - r ,

AT THE LETIAT01M STABLES.Parties desiring Coaches fbr"PrC-NICS.- and safe

and careful Drivers, should not forget what the paperssaid about Tus Nsw Coach, from tha IxriAXBAa Livxrrmeabubi, on North Market street. '

' t''

anao-- tf ."; ' rTOprietor.

COALI COAL! COAL!TTSTHi farther notice, will beseid at the Yard ofU tha Raocooa Mountam Coal Conwany (formerlyktaa) at tha following prices:.................... .IMUljl WU. WI ww

-- RouadCaai, " t Mxnuoai, - ' : ..---.- --- . wBlacksmith's do. M " S aOMr. Johji & Lam win in future attend to the bust- -

aeea of tha Company ia this place ' -'

SAMUEL J. AGNEW,,, : . .. General SufMrintaadeat R. M. CL Oa.Nashville, August 16,1amajar Orders caa be left ia Box o. W, Peat OSes, or

at tha Yard, back ef the Nashville andteilraadBmM - i -- - v. , aV JLi,1J- - vy ti
