Africa On the Move! Youth voicesfrom the 17 th Ordinary Session of the African Union Youth and the AUC In This Issue y y y Youth and the AUC High Level Media Colloquium on Youth Employment A Grande Debate Quote of the Day "...what we need is a little more action and a little less strategising." ± MelesZenawi Issue 2 June 30, 2011

Daily Bulletin-June 30

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Africa On the Move!

Youth voicesfrom the 17th Ordinary

Session of the African Union 

Youth and the AUC

In This Issue

Youth and the AUC

High Level Media

Colloquium on Youth


A Grande Debate

Quote of the Day

"...what we need is a little more action and a little lessstrategising." ± MelesZenawi

Issue 2 June 30, 2011

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High Level Media Colloquium onYouth Employment

Mr. Ezin, in his welcomingspeech praised theentrepreneurial effort that someyouth are doing in an effort toemploy not only themselves butalso others. He said that it is hightime for the youth toinnovaterather than to simplyseek employment.

Ms. MosunUmoru in her speech

said that African youth have thecapability to employ themselves but they face several problemssuch as access to land and accessto capital.

She added that most youthentrepreneurs are still dependenton micro financing but thechallenge is that these institutionsusually have high interestrates.

Furthermore, she statedthat the currenteducational system inAfrica does not prepareyoung people for globalemploymentmarket. 

BerukMengistu and Eden Yohannes

Seventeen members of the African UnionYouth Volunteer Corps trainees took parton a high-level media colloquium onyouth employment. The colloquium took place at the Sipopo Conference Centre onJune 29th 2011.

The panel for the colloquium includedMr. Charles Dan, Assistant Director General of the International Labour Organization; MsMosunUmoru, a

Young Agro Entrepreneur from Nigeria;MrKariukiGathitu, a Young Innovator from Kenya; Mr. AndyNziendguiNziendgui representing thepan African Youth Union; Ms.JanahNcube, Executive Director of theCentre for Citizen·s Participation in theAfrica Union; and Ms RosemaryMuseminali, representative of UNAIDSto the African Union and UNECA.

The first half of the colloquium waschaired by His Excellency Mr. Jean

Pierre Ezin, the AU Commissioner Department for Human Resource,Science and Technology. Dr.RaymondeAgossou facilitating thediscussion offered a word of welcome tothe youth represented, the media and thepanelists.

Mr. KariukiGathitu, a younginnovator, insisted that theyouth have passion andvigourrequired and that theyonly need support. He urged thepublic to look beyond age andsee the capabilities that liewithin.

All panelists were given achance to express their opinions

on the issue. UNFPArepresentative and four other young people from the audiencegave their comments before theclosing remarks were given bythe Director of the AU HRST.

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T e ranDebate

IntergenerationaDialogue between Heads of State an

Government Youth Representatives o

Accelerating Youth Empowermenfor Sustainable DevelopmenYemisrachGebruWolde

The 17th Ordinary Session of the African

Union has been officially opened today, 30


 June 2011.

The theme of this Summit is  ́Accelerating 

Youth Empowerment for Sustainable 

 Development µ. As such, it is anticipated that

the decisions made at this Heads of State

and Government gathering is to highly

reflect on youth participation. In addition to

that the importance of inclusion in realising

sustainable development and enacting the

Plan of Action for the Decade of Youth

(2009-2018) was dubbed paramount.

Following the official opening ceremony of 

the event, a discussion on the theme is

expected to commence with presentations

 by the Commissioner for HRST, Mr. Jean-

Pierre Ezin and the Prime Minister of 

Ethiopia H.E. Ato. MelesZenawi.

According to the programme, interventions

and responses will ensue by other speakers.

The main aim of this interactive session is tostructure the session that comes after it - a

Grand Debate. This panel will be an

intergenerational dialogue between selected

Heads of State and Government and eight

youth representative; Ms.ClotildeAbeso, the

Assistant Chair of Equatorial Guinean of 

the National Youth Council; Mr.AmrAwad,

a Public Health Officer from Egypt; Mr.

Mehdi Ben Youssef, a lawyer from


Mr.KariukiGathuti, a young

innovator from Kenya,Ms.MosunUmoru; an Agro-

Entrepreneur from Nigeria; Mr.

Ben Duntoye, Ms.TendaiWenyika

and Mr. Andy Roland

NziendguiNziendgui representing

the Pan-African Youth Union.

TheDebate is expected to

provideanewapproachtoguide the


ofconcrete andtangible It is

anticipated that an emphasis will

given to employment and

innovation as a means of 

achieving sustainabledevelopment

for the African continent.

Further, the African Youth

Charter and the Plan of Action

for the Decade of the Youth will

 be prioritised in the discussions.

This is expected to direct and

identify the key actions that the

Heads of State and Government

must commit themselves to.

Most importantly, it is

imperative for the Heads of 

State and Government to decideand take concrete actions in

their respective countries to

achieve the goals related to

youth development in Africa.

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