DAFTAR PUSTAKA RUBELLA (DARI INTERNET) : 1. Anonym. Rubella: Questions & Answers. Information about the diseases and vaccines. Available at: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4218.pdf . Accessed on: 6 April 2014. 2. Anmonym. Rubella (German Measles) Public Health Fact Sheet. Available at: http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/cdc/factsheets/rubella.pdf . Accessed on: 7 April 2014. 3. Anonym. Rubella, acute and postnatal. Available at: http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/procs/b73/DiseaseChap ters/B73Rubellaacute.pdf . Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 4. Anonym. Rubella (German Measles). Available at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/factsheets/pdf/rubel la.pdf . Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 5. R. Nasiri, J. Yoseffi, M. Khajedaloe, M. Sarafraz Yazdi and F Delgoshaei. Congenital Rubella Syndrome after Rubella Vaccination in 1-4 weeks Periconceptional Period. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 76—March, 2009. Availlable at: http://medind.nic.in/icb/t09/i3/icbt09i3p279.pdf . Accessed on: 5 April 2014. 6. Kadek, S Darmadi. GEJALA RUBELA BAWAAN (KONGENITAL) BERDASARKAN PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGIS DAN RNA VIRUS. Available at: http://journal.unair.ac.id/filerPDF/PDF%20Vol.%2013-02-06.pdf . Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 7. Plotkin SA. The History of Rubella and Rubella Vaccination Leading to Elimination. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2006; 43:S164–8. 8. Mayo clinic staff. Rubella. Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rubella/basics/s ymptoms/con-20020067 . Accessed on: 12 April 2014. 9. Ezike E. Russell WS. Pediatric Rubella. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/968523-overview . Accessed on: 12 April 2014. Dari buku :

Daftar Pustaka Rubella

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DAFTAR PUSTAKA RUBELLA (DARI INTERNET) : 1. Anonym. Rubella: Questions & Answers. Information about the diseases and vaccines. Available at: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4218.pdf. Accessed on: 6 April 2014. 2. Anmonym. Rubella (German Measles) Public Health Fact Sheet. Available at: http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/cdc/factsheets/rubella.pdf. Accessed on: 7 April 2014. 3. Anonym. Rubella, acute and postnatal. Available at: http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/procs/b73/DiseaseChapters/B73Rubellaacute.pdf. Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 4. Anonym. Rubella (German Measles). Available at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/factsheets/pdf/rubella.pdf. Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 5. R. Nasiri, J. Yoseffi, M. Khajedaloe, M. Sarafraz Yazdi and F Delgoshaei. Congenital Rubella Syndrome after Rubella Vaccination in 1-4 weeks Periconceptional Period. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 76March, 2009. Availlable at: http://medind.nic.in/icb/t09/i3/icbt09i3p279.pdf. Accessed on: 5 April 2014. 6. Kadek, S Darmadi. GEJALA RUBELA BAWAAN (KONGENITAL) BERDASARKAN PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGIS DAN RNA VIRUS. Available at: http://journal.unair.ac.id/filerPDF/PDF%20Vol.%2013-02-06.pdf. Accessed on: 8 April 2014. 7. Plotkin SA. The History of Rubella and Rubella Vaccination Leading to Elimination. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2006; 43:S1648. 8. Mayo clinic staff. Rubella. Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rubella/basics/symptoms/con-20020067. Accessed on: 12 April 2014.9. Ezike E. Russell WS. Pediatric Rubella. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/968523-overview. Accessed on: 12 April 2014.

Dari buku : 1. Paul DP. Togaviruses: Rubella Virus. In: Baron S, ed. Medical Microbiology. 4th edition. Galveston (TX): University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; 1996.p. 145-1502.