CVEN 345 -- Lecture 1 Introduction Welcome to the page on lecture 1, which I am setting up as an outline of the material in lecture 1 on January 18, 2000. The information will help you to focus on what is important. If you have questions, email me ! Course Introduction The general breakdown of the course, webpage listing, homework is 30 % of the grade, two exams and a final. The syllabus is located on the web and you can get a look at the class outline. First assignment is to email me your email address so that I can put together a mailing list. Examples of Structural Engineering The examples are from Why Buildings Fall Down . C.W. Post College Dome (Long Island University) Kemper Arena (Kansas City) Hyatt Regency Hotel (Kansas City) Basic tools of the entire course This is a list of the main three principles of solving the structural problems. Equilibrium of Forces Geometry of Deformation Force-Deformation Relationship Theorem Virtual Work The theorem of virtual work was developed to approximate the forces and displacements using energy methods. This technique is the foundation for finite elements. Virtual Displacements Virtual Force Type of Structures The different types of structures that we will encounter during our engineering careers. 1-D Structures (cables, bars, beams, columns, arches,and complex structures such as frames and trusses.) 2-D Structures (membranes, cylinders, 2-D arches, spheres) Lecture 1 http://stommel.tamu.edu/~esandt/Teach/Spring00/CVEN345/Lecture/lectu... 1 of 2 8/21/2010 11:05 AM

CVEN 345 -- Lecture 1

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CVEN 345 -- Lecture 1


Welcome to the page on lecture 1, which I am setting up as an outline of the material in lecture1 on January 18, 2000. The information will help you to focus on what is important. If you havequestions, email me!

Course Introduction

The general breakdown of the course, webpage listing, homework is 30 % of the grade,two exams and a final. The syllabus is located on the web and you can get a look at theclass outline. First assignment is to email me your email address so that I can puttogether a mailing list.

Examples of Structural Engineering

The examples are from Why Buildings Fall Down.C.W. Post College Dome (Long Island University)Kemper Arena (Kansas City)Hyatt Regency Hotel (Kansas City)

Basic tools of the entire course

This is a list of the main three principles of solving the structural problems.Equilibrium of ForcesGeometry of DeformationForce-Deformation Relationship

Theorem Virtual Work

The theorem of virtual work was developed to approximate the forces anddisplacements using energy methods. This technique is the foundation for finiteelements.

Virtual DisplacementsVirtual Force

Type of Structures

The different types of structures that we will encounter during our engineering careers.1-D Structures (cables, bars, beams, columns, arches,and complex structuressuch as frames and trusses.)2-D Structures (membranes, cylinders, 2-D arches, spheres)

Lecture 1 http://stommel.tamu.edu/~esandt/Teach/Spring00/CVEN345/Lecture/lectu...

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3-D Structures (large bodies mostly analyzed with finite elements)


This is a list of forces and stresses that we can possibly encounter in our career.External loadsFluid-structureStatic and dynamic loadsMoving loadsInertial loadingSupport settlementsResidual and thermal stresses

Factor of safety is used to calculate design stresses. Load factors are developed in ACIcodes and LRFD codes for steel and concrete.

Material Properties

The class will be working in the areas of:Elastic propertiesInelastic propertiesNonlinear material properties

The class will emphasize the area of linearly elastic materials, because we can usesuperposition.

Last modified: 11:45 January 18, 2000

Eric W. SandtCivil Engineering DepartmentTexas A&M [email protected]

Lecture 1 http://stommel.tamu.edu/~esandt/Teach/Spring00/CVEN345/Lecture/lectu...

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