January 2015 PUBLICATION LIST Conny Aerts 08 Fall Conny Aerts, Marie Popelinlaan 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts

Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

January 2015




C o n n y A e r t s , M a r i e P o p e l i n l a a n 1 0 , 3 0 0 1 H e v e r l e e , B e l g i u m

Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts

Page 2: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the


1 Personalia 3

2 Studies 32.1 PhD Studies: 1/10/1988-30/9/1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2 Bachelor and Master Studies: October 1984 – July 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 Job Positions 43.1 Current Positions and Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2 Past Permanent Positions: 1/10/2001 – 30/9/2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.3 Temporary Positions as of 1/10/1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4 Membership of scientific organizations 4

5 Scientific Prizes and Awards 5

6 Research Topics 5

7 Ten most important publications with leading role by C. Aerts 6

8 International Peer-Reviewed Funding ID 88.1 Ongoing international peer-reviewed funding ID as prime investigator . . . . . . . . . . . . 88.2 Past international peer-reviewed funding ID as prime investigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

9 Membership of Scientific Bodies or Committees 99.1 International functions and responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.2 Supervision of PhD Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.3 Membership of PhD or Habilitation committees, not as supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

10 Scientific Work Visits Abroad 14

11 Invited Review Talks and Invited Seminars 15

12 Participation in International Conferences and Workshops 19

13 Organization of International Symposia 23

14 Mentoring and Equal Opportunity Initiatives 24

15 Teaching duties 2515.1 Teaching assistance and courses at Leuven University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2515.2 Supervision of master thesis work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2515.3 Additional Teaching Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

16 Outreach Activities and Service to the Community 26


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17 Publication list 3017.1 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

17.1.1 As author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3017.1.2 As editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3017.1.3 As chapter author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

17.2 Peer-reviewed papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3117.3 Publications in Conference Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


Page 4: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

1 PersonaliaName: Conny Clara Aerts

Date and place of birth: 26/01/1966, Brasschaat (Belgium)

Home Address: Marie Popelinlaan 10B – 3001 HeverleeBelgium

Phone +32/16/35.56.05

Work Address: Celestijnenlaan 200DOffice 200D03.29B – 3001 LeuvenBelgium

Phone +32/16/32.70.28Fax +32/16/32.79.99

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: https://fys.kuleuven.be/ster/staff/conny-aerts

Marital Status: Married

Spouse: Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs

Date of marriage: 29/09/1990

Children: An Molenberghs, 12/07/1994, Borgerhout (Belgium)Jasper Molenberghs, 20/2/1998, Leuven (Belgium)

2 Studies

2.1 PhD Studies: 1/10/1988-30/9/1994

• 6-year University Research Assistantship (including a task of 6 hours teaching assistance/week) at theUniversity of Leuven, Belgium.

• Title of PhD thesis: ”Line-Profile Variations in B stars. Mode Identification with the Moment Method”.Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C. Waelkens.

• Public Defence on 11/10/1993 (i.e. almost one year ahead of schedule)

2.2 Bachelor and Master Studies: October 1984 – July 1988

• July 1988: Master in Mathematics, University of Antwerp, Belgium

• July 1988: Teacher Diploma for secondary school, Mathematics, University of Antwerp, Belgium

• July 1986: Bachelor in Mathematics, University of Antwerp, Belgium


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3 Job Positions

3.1 Current Positions and Duties

• Since 1/8/2014: Vice-Dean Communication & Outreach, Faculty of Science, University of Leuven,Belgium

• Since 1/8/2011: Director, Institute of Astronomy, University of Leuven, Belgium (some 50 FTEs)

• Since 1/10/2001: Head of Research Unit “Asteroseismology and Variable Stars”, University of Leu-ven (some 15 FTEs: PhD students, postdocs, engineers)

• Since 1/10/2007: 100% Full Professor at the University of Leuven, Belgium

• Since 1/4/2004: 20% Professor by special appointment, leading the Chair “Asteroseismology”, at theRadboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

3.2 Past Permanent Positions: 1/10/2001 – 30/9/2007

• 1/10/2004-30/9/2007: Associate Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium

• 1/10/2001-30/9/2004: Lecturer, University of Leuven, Belgium

3.3 Temporary Positions as of 1/10/1994

• From 2/2011 – 1/2014: 5% Professor Astrophysics at Hasselt University, Belgium

• 1/10/1994 – 30/9/2001: Postdoctoral Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research of Flanders (FWO)(pregnancy and parental leave during 10 months)

• January – February 2001: “Julius” Guest Lecturer, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

4 Membership of scientific organizations

• Member of the Royal (Flemish) Academy for Sciences and the Arts of Belgium (elected in 2011)

• Honorary Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society, UK (elected in 2010)

• Member of the Belgian National Committee of Astronomy (elected in 2004)

• Belgian member of Division G: “Stars and Stellar Physics” of the International Astronomical Union(elected in 2000)

• Member of the European Astronomical Society

• Member of the Dutch Astronomical Society (NAC)

• Member of the Astronomical Society of Flanders, Belgium

• Member of the Astronomical Society of the Netherlands


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• Member of Amateur Observatory URANIA, Hove, Belgium

• Member of the Society of Academic Personnel of Leuven University, Belgium

5 Scientific Prizes and Awards

• 2012 recipient of the Francqui Prize (also termed “Belgian Nobel Prize”) handed over by His MajestyThe King of Belgium Albert II on 13 June 2012http://www.francquifoundation.be/ang/laureat�en.htm

• 2010: Honorary Fellowship, Royal Astronomical Society, UK

• Main actor, 40-min. scientific documentary “De Sprekende Ster”/“Paroles d’etoile” broadcasted byoverLeven, CANVAS/VRT and Matieres Grises, RTBF (these are the Belgian national TV stations,Flemish and Walloon Branch), 2004-2005. The movie presents the results of Aerts et al., 2003,Science, Vol. 300, 1926.

The documentary was Award Winner, Scinema Festival, Sydney, Australia, 08/2006. It also won theBronze Medal, Beijing, China, Scientific Film Festival, 02/2007.

• 26 ieme Prix biennale Paul & Marie Stroobants, Academie Royale des Sciences, des lettres & desbeaux-arts, Royal Academy of Belgium, French-speaking branch, 2003. The award text reads: “Forher ensemble of work in asteroseismology, and in particular for her recent study of the star HD 129929published in the prestigious journal Science”.

• 1998 Kiwanis Club Award: best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the Universityof Leuven. This is a yearly contest among the post-doctoral researchers with less than 5 year postdocexperience judged by the Research Council of the University of Leuven.

• 1995 Biennial prize “Henry Van der Linden”, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letterenen Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Royal Academy of Belgium, Flemish branch.

6 Research Topics

Stellar Physics, stellar structure and evolution, astrostatistics, space science, asteroseismology, variablestars, non-radial oscillations, time-series analysis, supervised classification methods, clustering, close bi-nary stars, tidal oscillations, high-resolution spectroscopy, multicolour photometry, high-precision spacephotometry, spectroscopic line-profile variations, pulsation mode identification methods.

Detailed studies of � Cep stars, slowly pulsating B stars, � Scuti stars, � Doradus stars, Be stars, B su-pergiants, subdwarf B stars, magnetic stars, rotational variables, etc.

The reader is referred to the full publication list for the achievements in these various research fields.


Page 7: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

7 Ten most important publications with leading role by C. Aerts

For the full publication list, we refer to Section 17.This information was deduced from Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.be/ on 13 January 2015

1. Aerts, C., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Kurtz, D.W., 2010, Monograph “Asteroseismology”, Series:Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5178-4, 866 pages (251 citations, refereed book)

First monograph fully dedicated to the recent research field of asteroseismology.

2. Aerts C., Thoul A., Daszynska J., Scuflaire R., Waelkens C., Dupret M. A., Niemczura E., Noels A.,2003, “Asteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid Rotation”, Science, 300,1926 – 1928 (169 citations, SCI impact factor 31.027)

This paper reports the first detection of nonrigid rotation in a star different from the Sun, based on 21years of data gathering.

3. Aerts C., de Pauw M., Waelkens C., 1992, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line profilevariations with the moment method. an example - The Beta Cephei star Delta Ceti”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 266, 294 – 306 (209 citations, SCI impact factor 5.084)

This paper describes new methodology for the identification of pulsation modes from high-resolutionspectroscopy developed in the framework of the PhD thesis of C. Aerts.

4. Degroote P., Aerts C., Baglin A., Miglio A., Briquet M., Noels A., Niemczura E., Montalban J.,Bloemen S., Oreiro R., Vuckovic M., Smolders K., Auvergne M., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E.,2010, “Deviations from a uniform period spacing of gravity modes in a massive star”, Nature, 464,259 – 261 (57 citations, SCI impact factor 38.597)

First observational proof of inhomogeneous mixing in the near-core region of a massive star; PieterDegroote was PhD student of C. Aerts at the time of publication.

5. Beck P. G., Montalban J., Kallinger T., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Garcıa R. A., Hekker S., Dupret M.-A.,Mosser B., Eggenberger P., Stello D., Elsworth Y., Frandsen S., Carrier F., Hillen M., GruberbauerM., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Miglio A., Valentini M., Bedding T. R., Kjeldsen H., Girouard F. R.,Hall J. R., Ibrahim K. A., 2012, “Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominatedmixed modes”, Nature, 481, 55 – 57 (133 citations, SCI impact factor 38.597)

First detection of nonrigid rotation inside red giant stars; Paul Beck was PhD student of C. Aerts atthe time of publication.

6. Cunha M. S., Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Baglin A., Bigot L., Brown T. M., Catala C.,Creevey O. L., Domiciano de Souza A., Eggenberger P., Garcia P. J. V., Grundahl F., Kervella P., KurtzD. W., Mathias P., Miglio A., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Perrin G., Pijpers F. P., Pourbaix D., QuirrenbachA., Rousselet-Perraut K., Teixeira T. C., Thevenin F., Thompson M. J., 2007, “Asteroseismology andinterferometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 14, 217 – 360 (79 citations, SCI impact factor9.500)

Extensive invited review paper describing how the research fields of asteroseismology and interfer-ometry can be meaningfully bridged.


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7. Aerts C., Puls J., Godart M., Dupret M.-A., 2009, “Collective pulsational velocity broadening dueto gravity modes as a physical explanation for macroturbulence in hot massive stars”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 508, 409 – 419 (62 citations, SCI impact factor 5.084)

This paper provides a physical interpretation of the observed phenomenon of macroturbulence inmassive stars.

8. Aerts C., Molenberghs G., Kenward M. G., Neiner C., 2014, “The Surface Nitrogen Abundanceof a Massive Star in Relation to its Oscillations, Rotation, and Magnetic Field”, The AstrophysicalJournal, 781, 88 (9 citations, SCI impact factor 6.733)

This paper bridges astrophysics and statistics by presenting the development and application of mul-tivariate linear mixed modelling to a multitude of high-precision data in a carefully selected sampleof massive stars with the purpose to evaluate stellar evolution computations.

9. Aerts C., De Cat P., Peeters E., Decin L., De Ridder J., Kolenberg K., Meeus G., Van Winckel H.,Cuypers J., Waelkens C., 1999, “Selection of a sample of bright southern Slowly Pulsating B Starsfor long-term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 343, 872 –882 (82 citations, SCI impact factor 5.084)

This work formed the basis of new competitive observing campaigns which laid the foundations of thefuture PhD thesis work of P. De Cat and M. Briquet, under the supervision of C. Aerts.

10. Aerts C., 1996, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line-profile variations with the momentmethod: a more accurate discriminant.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 314, 115 – 122 (108 citations,SCI impact factor 5.084)

Further development of the moment method for pulsation mode identification from high-precisionspectroscopy, meanwhile extensively used by the international community.


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8 International Peer-Reviewed Funding ID

8.1 Ongoing international peer-reviewed funding ID as prime investigator

• PI of the ESA/PRODEX grant: “Belgian contribution to the ESA M3 mission PLATO, Payload”1/1/2015 – 31/12/2016 (1.5 FTEs)

• Promotor, FP7, Marie Curie International Incoming Grant FP7-PEOPLE-2013-623303: “ASAMBA:Asteroseismic approach towards understanding blue supergiants” with beneficiary Dr. Ehsan Moravveiji,2 years at KU Leuven, 1/7/2015 – 30/6/2017

• Promotor, Postdoctoral Scholarship of the Federal Government of Belgium with beneficiary Dr. EhsanMoravveiji, 18 months at KU Leuven, 1/1/2014 – 30/6/2015

• PI of the Research Grant: “Deviations from uniform period spacings of gravity modes as probes ofrotational mixing near stellar cores”, Fund for Scientific Research of Flanders, 1/1/2013 – 31/12/2016(1 FTE)

• Chairwoman of the work package “Asteroseismology” of the EU FP7-SPACE-2012-1/CP-FP project“SpaceInn: Exploitation of Space Data for Innovative Helio- and Asteroseismology”, 2013 – 2016(1 FTE)

• Promotor, FP7, Marie Curie Re-integration grant FP7-PIOF-GA-2009-25526: “Space AsterSeismol-ogy – RR Lyrae stars” with beneficiary Dr. Katrien Kolenberg, 2 years at Harvard University, USA –1 year at Leuven University, 2011 – 2015

• PI of the ESA/PRODEX grant: “Software Development for Gaia-DPAC: Variability (CU7)”, 1/1/2007– 31/12/2015 (2 FTEs).

• PI of Research Grant: “Asteroseismology of red giant stars with the satellites Kepler and CoRoT”,Fund for Scientific Research of Flanders, 1/1/2011 – 31/12/2015 (1 FTE)

8.2 Past international peer-reviewed funding ID as prime investigator

• Advanced Investigator grant holder, “PROSPERITY: Probing Stellar Physics and Testing Stellar Evo-lution through Asteroseismology”, European Research Council, 1/1/2009 – 31/12/2013 (7 FTEs).

• PI of the ESA/PRODEX grant: “Data exploitation of the CoRoT space mission”, 1/1/2003 – 31/12/2013(2 FTEs).

• PI of the Research Grant: “Asteroseismology of hot subdwarfs with the Mercator Advanced Imagerfor Asteroseismology”, Fund for Scientific Research of Flanders, 1/1/2009 – 31/12/2012 (1 PhDposition + equipment).

• PI of the Concerted Research Action: “High-Precision Probing of Stellar Interiors and Stellar Envi-ronments”, Research Council, University of Leuven, 1/1/2008 – 31/12/2012 (5 FTEs).

• Belgian PI of the ESA/PRODEX grant: “PLATO Science Development”, 1/5/2010 – 31/12/2012(1 FTE).

• Chairwoman of the work package Asteroseismology of the EU FP6 Coordination Action: Helio- andAsteroseismology (HELAS, 1/4/2006 – 31/3/2010, 1 FTE).


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• PI of the Research Grant: “Study of the internal and circumstellar structure of stars”, Fund for Scien-tific Research of Flanders, 1/1/2006 – 31/12/2009 (2 PhD positions).

• PI of the Concerted Research Action: “Asteroseismology of massive stars with the space missionsMONS and CoRoT”, Research Council, University of Leuven, 1/1/2003 – 31/12/2007 (5 FTEs).

• PI of the Research Grant: “Observational study of stars in stellar systems”, Fund for Scientific Re-search of Flanders, 1/1/2002 – 31/12/2005 (4 PhD positions).

• PI of the ESA/PRODEX grant: “Belgian participation in the MONS satellite”, 1/1/2001 – 30/9/2003(1 FTE).

9 Membership of Scientific Bodies or Committees

9.1 International functions and responsibilities

• 2014: Chairwoman, Consolidator Grants Panel, PE9: Universe Sciences, Horizon2020, EuropeanResearch Council.

• 2014 – present: Member of the PLATO Science Advisory Team, European Space Agency

• 2013 – present: Member of the Scientific Board of the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

• 2013 – present: Member of the Board of Directors, the Netherlands Organisation for Space ScienceResearch (SRON).

• 2013 – present: Member of the Division G (“Stars and Stellar Physics”) Steering Committee, Inter-national Astronomical Union.

• 2012 – present: annual jury member, Scientific Prizes in Astronomy and Astrophysics, “AcademieRoyale des Sciences, des lettres & des beaux-arts de Belgique”, Royal Academy of Belgium, French-speaking Branch.

• 2011 – present: Member of the “Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Wetenschappen, Letteren enKunsten”, Royal Academy of Belgium, Flemish Branch.

• 2010 – present: Member of the ESPRESSO Science Team, European Southern Observatory.

• 2009 – present: Belgian PI of the ESA M3 space mission PLATO.

• 2007 – present: Member of the Steering Committee of the NASA Kepler missions AsteroseismologyScience Consortium (KASC).

• 2009 – 2014: Member of the Science Advisory Committee, Las Cumbres Observatory Group ofTelescopes, Goleta, USA.

• 2013: Starting Grants Panel Member, PE9: Universe Sciences, European Research Council.

• 2013: Chairwoman of the Observing Programme Committee of the European Southern Observatory,P92 and P93 (leading 75 panel members distributed over 13 sub-panels).

• 2009 – 2013: Member of the Astronomy Board of the Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.2010 – 2013: President of the board.


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• 2002 – 2013: Belgian co-Investigator of the space mission CoRoT, with responsibility for targetselection and data exploitation of OB-type stars, as well as the N3 exoplanet data product delivery tothe community.

• 2005 – 2012: Member of the committee for research actions at the Federal Services, Section Space,Belgium.

• 26/9/2011 – 16/12/2011: Coordinator of the advanced research programme “Asteroseismology in theSpace Age”, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA.Other coordinators: profs Sarbani Basu, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, and Steven Kawaler.

• 2008 (Nov.) – 2011 (Oct.): Member of the Space Science Advisory Committee of the European SpaceAgency.

• 2009 – 2011: Member of “la Commission scientifique/Sciences Exactes et Naturelles”, of the Fondsde la Recherche National (F.R.S.- FNRS).

• 1/8/2006 – 1/8/2009: Secretary of Division V: Variable Stars, of the International Astronomical Union.

• 2007 – 2008: Expert panel member of the European Southern Observatory for the Observing Pro-gramme Committee (OPC) periods P81 and P82.

• 2007 – 2008: Member of the PLATO Science Study Team, European Space Agency.

• 2007 – 2008: Member of the Gaia Science Team, European Space Agency.

• 2006 – 2008: Member of the Committee Open Competition, Dutch Organisation for Scientific Re-search (NWO), the Netherlands.

• 2005 – 2008: Secretary of the Belgian National Committee of Astronomy.

• 2003 (Dec.) – 2004 (June): Member of the Eddington Science Team, Data-analysis Scientist, Euro-pean Space Agency.

• 1/8/2003 – 1/8/2006: President of Commission 27: “Variable Stars” of the Internationale Astronomi-cal Union (this commission consists of some 500 staff astronomers worldwide).

• 2002 – 2009: Member of the Evaluation Committee Physics and Astronomy of the Fund for ScientificResearch of Flanders (FWO), Belgium.

• 2002 (Nov.) – 2005 (Feb.): Member of the Astronomy Working Group, European Space Agency.

• 2002-2007: Member of the Commission E7: Physics and Astronomy of the Fund for Scientific Re-search of Flanders.

• 1/8/2000 – 1/8/2003: Vice-president of Commission 27: “Variable Stars” of the Internationale Astro-nomical Union (this commission consists of some 500 staff astronomers worldwide).

• 1/5 – 1/9/2000 & 1/11/2003 – 1/4/2004: Member of the Eddington Science Team, European SpaceAgency.


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9.2 Supervision of PhD Research

• Ongoing PhD Research:

1. 2014 – 2017: PhD research of Bram Buysschaert on Asteroseismology and polarimetry of mas-sive magnetic stars; Co-tutelle with Paris-Meudon under co-supervision of Coralie Neiner.

2. 2013 – 2016: PhD research of Timothy Van Reeth on asteroseismology of a sample of � Doraduspulsators with the Kepler space mission and HERMES spectrograph.

3. 2013 – 2016: PhD research of Sara Alejandra Sans on Variability and Galactic Structure withthe Gaia satellite.

4. 2013 – 2016: PhD research of Valentina Schmid on asteroseismology of close binary stars.

• Finished PhD Theses:

1. 15/7/2014: PhD of Pablo Marcos Arenal. Title of the thesis: “Simulations and software al-gorithms for space missions: developing an astronomical multi-mission instrument simulator”.University of Leuven, Belgium.

2. 6/12/2013: PhD of Paul Beck. Title of the thesis: “Asteroseismology of Red-Giant Stars: MixedModes, Differential Rotation, and Eccentric Binaries”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Joris De Ridder.University of Leuven, Belgium.

3. 31/5/2013: PhD of Peter Papics. Title of the thesis: “Observational asteroseismology of B-typestars on the main sequence with the CoRoT and Kepler satellites”. Co-supervisor: Dr. MarylineBriquet. University of Leuven Belgium.

4. 3/5/2013: PhD of Steven Bloemen. Title of the thesis: “High-precision studies of compactvariable stars”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Roy Østensen. University of Leuven, Belgium.

5. 4/9/2012: PhD of Jeroen Vandersteen. Title of the thesis: “Observation and estimation for spaceapplications: software algorithms and hardware design”. Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jan Swevers.University of Leuven, Belgium.

6. 10/7/2012: PhD of Jonas Blomme. Title of the thesis: “Variable star data mining techniques fortime-resolved databases”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Joris De Ridder. University of Leuven, Belgium.

7. 25/11/2010: PhD of Pieter Degroote. Title of the thesis: “Asteroseismology of OB stars withthe CoRoT Space mission”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

8. 22/12/2009: PhD of Maarten Desmet. Title of the thesis: “Case studies of variable B-stars: 12(DD) Lacertae, AU Monocerotis and ↵ (67) Vir (Spica)”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Maryline Briquet.University of Leuven, Belgium.

9. 14/12/2009: PhD of Sofie Saesen. Title of the thesis: “Towards asteroseismology of the youngopen stellar cluster � Persei (NGC 884)”. Co-supervisors: Dr. Fabien Carrier, Dr. Joris De Rid-der. University of Leuven, Belgium.

10. 6/10/2009: PhD of Haili Hu. Title of the thesis: “Backtracking the evolution of subdwarf B starswith asteroseismology”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Gijs Nelemans. University of Leuven, Belgium/University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

11. 8/10/2009: PhD of Maja Vuckovic. Title of the thesis: “An observational study of selectedV361 Hya stars: EK Piscium, NY Virginis and EO Ceti”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Roy Østensen.University of Leuven, Belgium.


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12. 24/3/2009: PhD of Jonas Debosscher. Title of the thesis: “Automated Classification of variablestars: Application to the OGLE and CoRoT databases”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

13. 18/12/2007: PhD of Rachel Drummond. Title of the thesis: “Calibration of the CoRoT spacemission: correction of the photometry for pointing jitter and background changes”. Co-supervisor:Dr. Bart Vandenbussche. University of Leuven, Belgium.

14. 26/10/2007: PhD of Karolien Lefever. Title of the thesis: “Fundamental Parameters of B-typeStars: Application to a HIPPARCOS sample of B supergiants and a CoRoT sample of B dwarfs”.Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Puls. University of Leuven, Belgium.

15. 18/9/2007: PhD of Saskia Hekker. Title of the thesis: “Radial velocity variations in red giantstars: pulsations, spots and planets”. Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Quirrenbach. University ofLeiden, the Netherlands.

16. 14/06/2006: PhD of Kadri Yakut. Title of the thesis: “An Observational Study of UnevolvedClose Binary Stars”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

17. 08/07/2005: PhD of Mario Ausseloos. Title of the thesis: “Seismic Studies of selected BetaCephei stars: Beta Centauri, Nu Eridani and 12 Lacertae”, University of Leuven, Belgium.

18. 29/9/2004: PhD of Katrien Uytterhoeven. Title of the thesis: “An observational study of line-profile variable B stars in multiple systems”. Co-supervisor: Dr. John Telting (La Palma Obser-vatory, Canary Islands). University of Leuven, Belgium.

19. 12/3/2003: PhD of Maryline Briquet. Title of the thesis: “An observational study of line-profilevariable B stars”. Co-supervisor: Dr. Richard Scuflaire. University of Liege, Belgium.

20. 25/6/2002: PhD of Katrien Kolenberg. Title of the thesis: “A Spectroscopy Study of the BlazhkoEffect in RR Lyrae”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

21. 17/12/2001: PhD of Joris De Ridder. Title of the thesis: “Contributions to the interpretation ofline-profile variations of pulsating B stars”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

22. 23/5/2001: PhD of Peter De Cat. Title of the thesis: “An observational study of bright southernSlowly Pulsating B Stars”. University of Leuven, Belgium.

9.3 Membership of PhD or Habilitation committees, not as supervisor

1. 18/12/2014: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Nicola Clementel. Title of thethesis: “Casting light on the ⌘ Carinae puzzle”. Supervisor: Prof. Vincent Icke, Leiden University, theNetherlands.

2. 25/6/2014: Member of the PhD committee of Katrien Bonte. Title of the thesis: “Automated detectionmethods for characterising dynamic events in solar coronal images”. Supervisor: Prof. Stefaan Poedts.University of Leuven, Belgium.

3. 23/5/2014: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Sebastien Salmon. Title of thethesis: “Impact of micro- and macro-physics on the seismic properties of main sequence B-typestars”. Supervisor: Dr. Josefina Montalban, University of Liege, Belgium.

4. August 2013: External expert of the PhD committee of Markus Hareter. Title of the thesis: “Inves-tigation of � Dor – � Sct hybrid stars based on high-precision space photometry and complementaryground-based spectroscopy”. Supervisor: Prof. Werner Weiss. Vienna University, Austria.


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5. 29/4/2013: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Rasmus Handberg. Title of thethesis: “Asteroseismology of Solar-like Stars”. Supervisor: Prof. Hans Kjeldsen. Arhus University,Denmark.

6. April 2013: External expert of the Habilitation application of Dr. Markus Roth, University of Freiburg,Germany.

7. 4/7/2012: Member of the PhD committee of Sara Regibo. Title of the thesis: “Data Reduction andAnalysis Algorithms for the Herschel Space Observatory”. Supervisor: Dr. Bart Vandenbussche.University of Leuven, Belgium.

8. 27/11/2007: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Andrea Miglio. Title of the thesis:“Asteroseismic probing of the internal structure of main-sequence stars”. Supervisor: Dr. JosefinaMontalban. University of Liege, Belgium.

9. 28/11/2007: Member of the PhD committee of Else van den Besselaar. Title of the thesis: “WhiteDwarf - Red Dwarf Binaries in the Galaxy”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Groot. Radboud UniversityNijmegen, the Netherlands.

10. 24/10/2007: Member (secretary) of the PhD committee of Nele Veldeman. Title of the thesis: “TheInfluence of Doping on the Physicochemical Properties of Coinage Metal Clusters: Enhanced Stabil-ities and Modified Chemical Activities”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Lievens. University of Leuven,Belgium.

11. 16/4/2007: Member of the PhD committee of Gijs Roelofs. Title of the thesis: “The AM CanumVenaticorum Stars”. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Paul Groot and Dr. Gijs Nelemans. Radboud UniversityNijmegen, the Netherlands.

12. 30/3/2007: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Pierre-Olivier Bourge. Title of thethesis: “Asteroseismology of � Cephei stars: effects of microscopic diffusion”. Supervisor: Dr. AnneThoul. University of Liege, Belgium.

13. 24/10/2006: Member of the PhD committee of Roy Smits. Title of the thesis: “Properties and Geom-etry of Radio Pulsar Emission”. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jan Kuijpers (Radboud University Nijmegen)and Dr. Ben Stappers (University of Amsterdam). Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

14. 17/12/2003: External expert and jury member of the Habilitation defence of Dr. Philippe Mathias,Observatoire de la Cote dAzur: “Pulsations stellaires: de l’asterosismologie a la perte de masse”.University of Nice, France.

15. 12/11/2003: Member of the PhD committee of Greet Decin. Title of the thesis: “A study of the oc-currence and time evolution of circumstellar debris disks and their relation with planetary systems”.Supervisors: Prof. Christoffel Waelkens and Dr. Carsten Dominik (University of Amsterdam). Uni-versity of Leuven, Belgium.

16. 10/11/2003: Member of the PhD committee of Thomas Maas. Title of the thesis: “A study of post-AGB stars with a dusty disc”. Supervisor: Prof. Hans Van Winckel. University of Leuven, Belgium.

17. 22/5/2003: External expert and jury Member of the PhD thesis of Ziv Shkedy. Title of the thesis:“Flexible Statistical Modeling: Application to Infectious Diseases and Astronomical Data”. Supervi-sors: Profs Marc Aerts and Geert Molenberghs. University of Hasselt, Belgium.


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18. 16/12/2002: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Marc-Antoine Dupret. Title of thethesis: “Non-radial non-adiabatic oscillations of near main sequence variable stars”. Supervisor: Dr.Richard Scuflaire. University of Liege, Belgium.

19. 4/10/2002: Member of the PhD committee of Kristin Reyniers. Title of the thesis: “Tidal pertur-bations of linear, isentropic oscillations in components of circular-orbit close binaries”. Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Paul Smeyers. University of Leuven, Belgium.

20. 3/10/2002: Member of the PhD committee of Bart Vandenbussche. Title of the thesis: “The ISOShort-Wavelength Spectrometer calibration and the ISO-SWS post-helium atlas of near-infrared stel-lar spectra”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoffel Waelkens. University of Leuven, Belgium.

21. 27/6/2002: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Fabien Carrier. Title of the thesis:“Variabilite, sismologie et parametres physique stellaires”. Supervisor: Prof. Gilbert Burki. Observa-toire de Geneve, Switzerland.

22. 6/6/2002: Member of the PhD committee of Caroline Van Kerckhoven. Title of the thesis: “PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons and Diamonds around Young Stellar Objects”. Supervisors: Profs ChristoffelWaelkens and Xander Thielens (Groningen University). University of Leuven, Belgium.

23. 29/5/2001: Member (secretary) of the PhD committee of Gwendolyn Meeus. Title of the thesis: “Amulti-wavelength study of the circumstellar environment of isolated Herbig Ae/Be stars”. Supervi-sors: Profs Christoffel Waelkens and Rens Waters. University of Leuven, Belgium.

24. 30/5/2000: Member (secretary) of the PhD committee of Leen Decin. Title of the thesis: “Syntheticspectra of cool stars observed with the ISO Short-Wavelength Spectrometer: improving the modelsand the calibration of the instrument”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoffel Waelkens. University ofLeuven, Belgium.

25. 17/5/2000: Member of the PhD committee of Bart Willems. Title of the thesis: “Contribution to thetheory of dynamic tides and orbital evolution in close binaries”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Smeyers.University of Leuven, Belgium.

26. 16/12/1999: Member (secretary) of the PhD committee of Goedele Ruymaekers. Title of the thesis:“Error Assessment of Orbits and Masses of Visual Double Stars by means of Bootstrap”. Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Christoffel Waelkens. University of Leuven, Belgium.

27. 16/11/1999: External expert and jury member of the PhD thesis of Coen Schrijvers. Title of the thesis:“Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Pulsation in Rotating Stars”. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jan van Paradijsand Dr. Huib Henrichs. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

10 Scientific Work Visits Abroad

• Scientific visits abroad with a duration of one month or longer:

– Participant in the advanced research programme: “Galactic Archeology and High-precision As-trophysics”.


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Period: 31/1/2015 until 8/3/2015.Institute: Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara (USA)

– Coordinator of the advanced research programme: “Asteroseismology in the Space Age”.Period: 20/10/2011 until 20/11/2011.Institute: Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara (USA)

– Scientific visit: The Aarhus pulsation code/Kepler Target selection.Period: 20/5/2010 until 20/6/2010.Danish AsteroSeismology Center, Aarhus University, Denmark

– Scientific work visit: The Garching Stellar Evolution code and massive star asteroseismology.Period: from 1/3/2010 until 15/5/2010 during 3 days/week.Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany

– Scientific work visit: Introduction into the theory of radiation-driven winds of massive stars.Period: from 08/11/1993 until 21/12/1993.Institute: University of Delaware (USA)

– Observing run with the Swiss Telescope and long stay at La Silla Observatory.Period: from 01/11/1990 until 30/11/1990.Institute: European Southern Observatory (Chile)

– Observing run with the Swiss Telescope and long stay at La Silla Observatory.Period: from 08/03/1989 until 11/05/1989.Institute: European Southern Observatory (Chile)

• Some 80 scientific work visits to foreign institutes and international observatories, ranging from twodays up to three weeks each, in different European countries, the USA and Chile.

11 Invited Review Talks and Invited Seminars

1. Aerts, C., 2014, “A natural scientist to bear witness”, Invited talk presented at Symposium “FlandersFuture as a Knowledge Society-F2KS”, Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts of Belgium,Brussels, Belgium, 28/11/2014

2. Aerts, C., 2014, “Asteroseismology: the revolution in stellar physics”, inaugural seminar of the newPhysics Colloquium Series, Antwerp University, 27/11/2014https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z�0ILK4GI8&feature=youtu.be

3. Aerts, C., 2014, “Starquakes and Exoplanets in our Milky Way Galaxy”, invited lecture, 26th SOLVAYConference in Physics “Astrophysics and Cosmology”, Brussels, Belgium, 9 – 12/10/2014

4. Aerts, C., 2014, “Asteroseismology”, invited review talk presented during “The variable Sky: fromtiny variations to big explosions”, Annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society, Bamberg,Germany, 22 – 26/9/2014.

5. Aerts, C., 2014, “Asteroseismology: the study of stellar oscillations and its impact on astrophysics”,invited lecture presented during the “Kavli Prize Symposium on Astrophysics”, Oslo, Norway, 11/9/2014.

6. Aerts, C., 2014, “Results from asteroseismology on massive stars”, invited talk presented during “NewWindows on Massive Stars : Asteroseismology, Interferometry, Spectropolarimetry”, IAU Sympo-sium 307, Geneva, Switzerland, 22 – 27/6/2014.


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7. Aerts, C., 2013, “Highlights of PROSPERITY and of the meeting”, closing lecture, InternationalFrancqui Symposium “What Asteroseismology has to offer the Astrophysics”, Brussels, Belgium, 2– 4/12/2013.

8. Aerts, C., 2013, “Asteroseismology of Stellar Clusters”, invited talk presented during the Gaia/GREAT/ESFworkshop “The World of Clusters”, Padova, Italy, 23 – 25/9/2013.

9. Aerts, C., 2013, “Asteroseismology of close binary stars”, invited talk presented during “Setting anew standard in the analysis of binary stars”, Leuven, Belgium, 16 – 19/9/2013.

10. Aerts, C., 2013, “Probing Stellar Physics and Testing Stellar Evolution through Asteroseismology”,Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, 12/7/2013.

11. Aerts, C., 2013, “Constraints on Stellar Models from Asteroseismology”, invited review presentedduring the Lorentz Center workshop “Towards a new generation of stellar models”, Leiden, theNetherlands, 1 – 5/7/2013.

12. Aerts, C., 2012, SOLVAY Colloquim “Probing Stellar Physics and Testing Stellar Evolution throughAsteroseismology”, Solvay Institutes in Physics and Chemistry, Brussels, Belgium, 4/12/2012.

13. Aerts, C., 2012, Invited Physics Colloquium “Probing Stellar Physics through Asteroseismology”,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 8/11/2012.

14. Aerts, C. & Bloemen, S., 2012, Invited duo-talk “Master and Pupil: Asteroseismology in the SpaceAge”, Opening event, Snellius@Lorentz Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands, 4/10/2012.

15. Aerts, C., 2012, Invited talk “Asteroseismology: from single stars to large ensembles”, Gaia/GREATworkshop, Leuven, Belgium, 19 – 21/9/2012.

16. Aerts, C., 2012, Work visit including Invited Seminar “The Power of Gravity-Mode oscillations toProbe the Physics of Stellar Cores”, Joint Astrophysics Colloquium MPA/ESO/MPE/Munich Univer-sity, 2/2/2012.

17. Aerts, C., 2012, Work visit including Invited Seminar “Sounding Stellar Heartbeats from Asteroseis-mology and the Daily Struggle of an Astromama”, Vienna, 10/1/2012.

18. Aerts, C., 2011, “Tuning stellar cores from gravity modes detected in CoRoT and Kepler data ofvarious types of stars”, Invited Seminar, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University, 1/12/2011.

19. Aerts, C., 2011, “Pulsations in Binaries”, Invited talk, KASC IV workshop, Boulder, 11-15/7/2011.

20. Aerts C., 2011, invited talk “Asteroseismology across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram”, presentedduring the AAAS meeting “Science without borders”, during seminar: “Kepler: looking for otherEarths”, Washington, USA, 17-21/2/2011.

21. Aerts, C., 2010, “Asteroseismology in the era of the CoRoT and Kepler space mission”, invited semi-nar, SETI, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, USA, 17/2/2010.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmXreCryOjE

22. Aerts, C., 2009, “Probing Stellar Physics and testing stellar evolution through asteroseismology”,Invited talk, 64th Dutch Astronomy Conference, Rolduc, the Netherlands, 13/5/2009.


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23. Aerts, C., 2009, “Asteroseismology in the era of the CoRoT space mission”, invited plenary talk,European Week of Astronomy and Space Studies, Hertfordshire, UK, 23/4/2009.

24. Aerts, C., 2009, “Asteroseismology in the era of the CoRoT space mission”, Invited seminar, Univer-sity of Heidelberg , Germany, 13/1/2009.

25. Aerts, C., 2009, “Asteroseismology in the era of the CoRoT space mission”, Invited seminar, Univer-sity of Gottingen, Germany, 12/1/2009.

26. Aerts, C., 2008, “The current status of asteroseismology”, invited seminar, Max-Planck Institute furSonnephysik, Lindau, Germany, 26/2/2008.

27. Aerts, C., 2008, “The current status of asteroseismology”, invited seminar, Joint Astrophysics Collo-quium MPA/ESO/MPE/Munich University, 10/1/2008.

28. Aerts C., Hekker S., Desmet M., Carrier F., Zima W., Briquet M., Ridder J., 2008, “High-PrecisionSpectroscopy of Pulsating Stars, Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics”, review talk of 30 minutes,ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Aveiro, Portugal.

29. Aerts C., 2007, “Asteroseismology of Close Binary Stars”, review talk of 45 minutes, IAU Sympo-sium, General Assembly of the IAU, Prague, Czech Republic.

30. Aerts C., 2006, “The pulsations and potential for seismology of B stars”, review talk of 45 minutes,ESA SP-624: Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun, Sheffield,UK.

31. Aerts, C.,2006, “Highlights in Asteroseismology: a biased selection”, Invited seminar, the Universityof Central Lancashire, UK, 20/5/2006.

32. Aerts, C.,2006, “Asteroseismology: current status”, Invited seminar, the University of Leiden, TheNetherlands, 20/3/2006.

33. Aerts, C., 2005, “Asteroseismology: from dream to reality”, Invited seminar, University of Groningen,The Netherlands, 18/4/2005.

34. Aerts, C., 2004, “Asteroseismology of � Cep stars: current status”, Invited seminar, Iowa State Uni-versity, USA, 5/11/2004.

35. Aerts C., Harmanec P., 2004, “Pulsating components in close binaries”, review talk of 40 minutes,ASP Conf. Ser. 318: Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of the Close BinaryStars, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.

36. Aerts, C., 2003, “Asteroseismology: from the Sun to stars”, Invited seminar, the Universitatsstern-warte Munchen, Germany, 5/2/2003.

37. Aerts, C., 2002, “Asteroseismology: from the Sun to stars”, review talk of 50 minutes, 12th meeting ofthe European Physical Society: Trends in Physics / parallel symposium: Physics in Space, Budapest,Hungary.

38. Aerts C., 2000, “Multimode Detections from Surveys”, review talk of 30 minutes, IAU Colloq. 175:The Be-Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars, Alicante, Spain.


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39. Aerts, C., 2000, “Asteroseismology with future space missions”, review talk of 30 minutes, 55thDutch Astronomer’s Conference, Dalfsen, the Netherlands.

40. Aerts, C., 1999, “Line-profile variables along the main sequence”, invited seminar, the Center forAstrophysics, Harvard University, Boston, USA, 29/11/1999.

41. Aerts, C., 1999, “Line-profile variables along the main sequence”, invited seminar, Department ofPhysics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, 21/10/1999.

42. Aerts, C., 1999, “Long-term monitoring of slowly pulsating B stars”, invited seminar, the Observatoirede la Cote dAzur, Nice, France, 6/4/1999.

43. Aerts C., Waelkens C., De Cat P., 1998, “Slowly pulsating B stars - new insights from HIPPARCOS”,review talk of 25 minutes, IAU Symposium 185: New Eyes to See Inside the Sun and Stars, GeneralAssembly of the IAU, Kyoto, Japan.

44. Aerts, C., Waelkens, C., De Cat, P., Kolenberg, K., Kestens, E.,Grenon, M., Eyer, L., 1997, “Pulsat-ing B stars discovered by HIPPARCOS”, review talk of 45 minutes, 86th American Association ofVariable Star Observers Spring meeting, Sion, Switzerland.

45. Aerts, C., 1995, “Analysis of line-profile variations of pulsating stars”, invited seminar, the KonkolyObservatory, Budapest, Hongary, 21/9/1995.

46. Aerts C., 1993, “Mode Identification in Pulsating Stars”, review talk of 50 minutes, IAU Symposium162: Pulsation, Rotation, and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars, Juan-les-Pins, France, 5-8/10/1993.

47. Aerts, C., 1993, “Nonradial Pulsations in Early-Type Stars: Mode Identification with the MomentMethod”, invited seminar, the Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, USA,18/11/1993.

48. Aerts, C., 1993, “Line profile variations in non-radially pulsating stars”, invited seminar, the InstituutAnton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18/6/1993.


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12 Participation in International Conferences and Workshops

1. 26th SOLVAY Conference in Physics: “Astrophysics and Cosmology”, 9 – 12/10/2014, Brussels,Belgium.

2. Annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society: “The variable Sky: from tiny variations to bigexplosions”, 22 – 26/9/2014, Bamberg, Germany.

3. The “Kavli Prize Symposium on Astrophysics”, 7 – 11/9/2014, Oslo, Norway.

4. IAU Symposium 307: “New Windows on Massive Stars : Asteroseismology, Interferometry, Spec-tropolarimetry”, 22 – 27/6/2014, Geneva, Switzerland.

5. International Francqui Symposium “What Asteroseismology has to offer to Astrophysics”,2 – 5/12/2013, Brussels, Belgium.

6. Gaia/GREAT/ESF workshop “The World of Clusters”, 23 – 25/9/2013, Padova, Italy.

7. “Setting a new standard in the analysis of binary stars”, 16 – 19/9/2013, Leuven, Belgium.

8. “The 2nd MESA school”, 12 – 16/8/2013, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Cali-fornia at Santa Barbara, USA.

9. “Advances in Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Observational and Experimental Data”, 12 –13/7/2013, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA.

10. Lorentz Center workshop “Towards a new generation of stellar models”, 1 – 5/7/2013, Leiden, theNetherlands.

11. Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Sixth Workshop (KASC VI), 24 – 28/6/2013, Sydney, Aus-tralia.

12. General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing, 25 – 31/8/2012, organiser andattendance of Special Session 13: High-precision tests of stellar physics from high-precision photom-etry as well as National Delegate of Belgium

13. Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Fifth Workshop (KASC V), 18 – 22/6/2012, Balatonalmadi,Hungary.

14. First PlaVi Workshop, 3 – 4/5/2012, Madrid, Spain.

15. International Conference: The impact of Asteroseismology across Stellar Astrophysics, 24 – 28/10/2011,Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA.

16. Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Fourth Workshop (KASC IV), 11 – 15/7/2011, Boulder,USA.

17. AAAS meeting “Science without borders”, 17 – 21/2/2011, Washington, USA.

18. Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Third Workshop (KASC III), 14 – 18/6/2010, Aarhus, Den-mark.

19. HELAS IV International Conference: Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure, 1 – 5/2/2010,Lanzarote, Spain


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20. International HELAS Workshop: “Synergies between solar and stellar modeling”, 22 – 26/6/2009,Rome, Italy.

21. 64th Dutch Astronomy Conference, 13 – 15/5/2009, Rolduc, the Netherlands.

22. European Week of Astronomy and Space Studies, 20 – 23/4/2009, Hertfordshire, UK.

23. GONG 2008/SOHO 21 International meeting: “Solar-stellar dynamos as revealed by helio- and aster-oseismology”, 11 – 15/8/2008, Boulder, USA.

24. International HELAS Workshop: “Interpretation of Asteroseismic Data”, 22 – 25/6/2008, Wroclaw,Poland.

25. HELAS III: “First CoRoT International Symposium”, 2 – 5/2/2008, Paris, France.

26. Symposium 250 of the International Astronomical Union: “Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines”, 8 –17/12/2007, Hawaii, USA.

27. First Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium workshop, 29 – 31/10/2007, Orsay, France.

28. HELAS II International Symposium: “Helioseismology, Asteroseismology and MHD connections”,20 – 24/8/2007, Gottingen, Germany.

29. International colloquium: “Stellar Pulsation & Cycles of Discovery: new tools, new variables, newastrophysics”, 23 – 27/7/2007, Vancouver, Canada.

30. Meeting of the Data Analysis Team of the CoRoT space mission, 25 – 26/6/2007, Paris, France.

31. HELAS Board meeting, 27 – 29/3/2007, Rome, Italy.

32. Gaia CU5+CU7 meeting, 21 – 23/3/2007, Bologna, Italy.

33. HELAS International Workshop: “The Future of Asteroseismology”, 20 – 22/9/2006, Vienna, Austria.

34. International Workshop “High-precision spectroscopy in astrophysics”, 11 – 15/9/2006, Aveiro, Por-tugal.

35. 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, 14 – 28/8/2006, Prague, CzechRepublic.

36. SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I International Conference: “Beyond the Spherical Sun: a new era ofhelio- and asteroseismology”, 7 – 11/8/2006, Sheffield, UK.

37. The “10th CoRoT Science Week”, 6 – 9/6/2006, Nice, France.

38. The “9th CoRoT Science Week”, 6 – 9/12/2005, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

39. The “Second Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects”, 6 – 10 June 2005, La Palma,Canary Islands.

40. The “7th CoRoT Science Week”, 14 – 17/12/2004, Granada, Spain.

41. The “6th CoRoT Science Week”, 17 – 19/5/2004, Orsay, France.

42. The “5th CoRoT Science Week”, 10 – 12/12/2003, Berlin, Germany.


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43. International Workshop “Spectroscopically and spatially resolving the components of close binarystars”, 20 – 24/10/2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

44. 25th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, 14 – 26/7/2003, Sydney, Australia.

45. IAU Colloquium 193: “Variable stars in the Local Group”, 7 – 11/07/2003, Christchurch, NewZealand.

46. The “4th CoRoT Science Week”, 3 – 6/06/2003, Marseille, France.

47. The 2nd Eddington Workshop “Stellar-structure and habitable planet finding”, 9 – 11/04/2003, Palermo,Italy.

48. The “3rd CoRoT Science Week”, 4 – 6/12/2002, Liege, Belgium.

49. IAU Symposium 215: “Stellar Rotation”, 11 – 15/11/2002, Cancun, Mexico.

50. 12th meeting of the European Physical Society: “Trends in Physics”, 26 – 30/09/2002, Budapest,Hungary.

51. International Workshop “Asteroseismology across the HR diagram”, 1 – 5/07/2002, Porto, Portugal.

52. The “2nd CoRoT Science Week”, 13 – 16/05/2002, Paris, France.

53. The “1st CoRoT Science Week”, 17 – 21/09/2001, Vienna, Austria.

54. IAU Colloquium 185: “Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics”, 26 – 31/07/2001,Leuven, Belgium.

55. The 1st Eddington Workshop “Stellar-structure and habitable planet finding”, 11 – 15/06/2001, Cor-doba, Spain.

56. 24th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, 7 – 18/8/2000, Manchester, UK.

57. The MOST Science Workshop, 20 – 22/05/2000, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

58. The Third MONS Workshop: “MONS Science Preparation and Target Selection”, 24 – 26/1/2000,Arhus University, Denmark.

59. IAU Colloquium 176: “The impact of large scale structures on variable star research”, 8 – 12/8/1999,Budapest, Hungary.

60. The 6th Vienna Workshop in Astrophysics: “� Scuti and related stars”, 4 – 6/8/1999, Vienna, Austria.

61. IAU Colloquium 175: “The Be phenomenon in Early-Type Stars”, 28/5 – 2/6/1999, Alicante, Spain.

62. 23rd General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, 18 – 30/8/1997, Kyoto, Japan.

63. International Colloquium: “A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations: a Tribute to Arthur N.Cox”, 16 – 20/6/1997, Los Alamos, USA.

64. 86th American Association of Variable Star Observers Spring meeting: “Variable Stars: New Fron-tiers”, 26 – 31/5/1997, Sion, Switzerland.


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65. IAU Colloquium 155: “Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation”, 6 – 10/02/1995, Cape Town,South Africa.

66. IAU Symposium 162: “Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars”, 5 – 8/10/1993, Juan-les-Pins, France.

67. IAU Colloquium 139: “New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation & Pulsating Variable Stars”, 14 –18/7/1992, Victoria, Canada.

68. International Workshop: “The Atmospheres of Early-type Stars”, 18 – 20/9/1991, Kiel, Germany.

69. International Colloquium: “Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution”, 28 – 31/5/1990,Bologna, Italy.

70. International Colloquium: “From Miras to planetary nebulae: Which path for stellar evolution?”, 4 –7/9/1989, Montpellier, France.

71. 1989-present, quasi-yearly: Dutch Astronomer’s Conference which takes place in the Netherlands orin Flanders in the month of May during three days.


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13 Organization of International Symposia

• Organizer of the International Tutorial for Postdocs: “How to write and successfully defend a large(ERC) grant proposal?”, 5/12/2013, Brussels, Belgium

• Convener and Organizer of the International Francqui Symposium: “What Asteroseismology has tooffer to Astrophysics”, 2 – 4/12/2013, Brussels, Belgium.

• Member of the scientific organizing committee of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium SixthWorkshop (KASC6), 23 – 28/6/2013, Sydney, Australia

• Member of the scientific organizing committee of the International Conference: “Progress in physicsof the sun and stars: a new era in helio- and asteroseismology”, 25 – 30/11/2012, Hakone, Japan.

• Member of the scientific organizing committee of Special Session 13: “High-Precision Tests of StellarPhysics from High-Precision Photometry”, IAU XXVIII General Assembly, 20 – 31/8/2012, Beijing,China.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium FifthWorkshop (KASC5), 18 – 22/6/2012, Balatonalmadi, Hungary.

• Chairwoman of the KASC/WG9 workshop: “Asteroseismology of eclipsing binaries”, 26 – 29/4/2011,Leuven, Belgium.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the 3rd KASC workshop: “Kepler Asteroseismol-ogy in Action”, 14 – 18/6/2010, Aarhus, Denmark.

• Member of the scientific organising committee and participant of HELAS IV International sympo-sium: “Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure”, 1 – 5/2/2010, Lanzarote, Spain.

• Member of the scientific organizing committee of the HELAS International Workshop: “Synergiesbetween solar and stellar modeling”, 22-26/6/2009, Rome, Italy.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the first International CoRoT symposium/HELAS III,2 – 5/2/2009, Paris, France.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the JENAM 2008 Symposium No.4 “Asteroseis-mology and stellar evolution”, 8 – 12 /12/2008, Vienna, Austria.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the HELAS II International Symposium: “Helio-seismology, Asteroseismology and MHD connections”, 20 – 24/8/2007, Gottingen, Germany.

• Chairwoman of the “3rd CU7: Gaia - Variability” meeting, 9 – 10/11/2006, Leuven, Belgium.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the HELAS International Workshop: “The Futureof Asteroseismology”, 20 – 22/9/2006, Vienna, Austria.

• Chairwoman of the first Board Meeting of the European Coordination Action “Helio- and Asteroseis-mology” (HELAS), 20 – 21/4/2006, Leuven, Belgium.

• Chairwoman of the scientific organising committee of the international PhD school: “Astrophysics ofVariable Stars”, 5 – 10/9/2005, Pecs, Hungary (60 participating PhD students).


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• Member of the scientific organising committee of the international meeting “Active OB stars: Labo-ratories for stellar and circumstellar physics”, 29/8 – 2/9/2005, Sapparo, Japan.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the international meeting “Stellar Pulsation andEvolution”, 19 – 24/6/2005, Rome, Italy.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of Colloquium 193 of the International AstronomicalUnion entitled “Variable stars in the Local Group”, 6 – 11/7/2003 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the Flanders-Chile international workshop in theframework of a bilateral agreement, “Periodic, Cyclic and Stochastic Variability in Selected Areas ofthe H-R diagram”, 22 – 24/7/2002, Brussels, Belgium.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the international workshop “Asteroseismologyacross the HR diagram”, 1 – 5/7/2002, Porto, Portugal.

• Member of the scientific organising committee of the Flanders-South-Africa international workshopin the framework of a bilateral agreement, “Observational Aspects of Pulsating B- and A Stars”, 24 –25/7/2001, Brussels, Belgium.

• Chairwoman of the MONS Field Monitor Kick-Off meeting held on 22/10/2001 at Leuven University,Belgium.

• Chairwoman of the local organising committee and member of the scientific organising committee ofColloquium 185 of the International Astronomical Union “Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probesof Stellar Physics”, 26 – 31/7/2001, Leuven, Belgium.

• Chairwoman of both the LOC and SOC of the 53rd Dutch Astronomical Conference held in Flanderson request of the Dutch Astronomical Society, 6 – 8/5/1998, Houthalen, Belgium.

14 Mentoring and Equal Opportunity Initiatives

• 2006 – present: member of the Organising Committee of the Working Group “Women in Astronomy”of the International Astronomical Union.

• 2002 – present: mentor of female mentees at PhD, postdoc, and assistant professor level, both withinthe University of Leuven and elsewhere in the world.

• 27/8/2012: Co-organiser of the event “Meet-a-Mentor”, General Assembly of the International Astro-nomical Union, Beijing, China.

• 1998 – 2002: member of the Interfacultary Board “Woman-Man-University” of the University ofLeuven, Belgium.

• Co-founder (1996) and coordinator (1997 to 2001) of the Working Group Women and University atthe University of Leuven. More than 100 members joined that group during this period. It laid to thefoundation of the Centre of Equal Opportunities, inaugurated at KU Leuven in 2001. C. Aerts is stillan active member of that group.

• Chairperson of the one-day colloquium “Dehasting: fashionable or possible?”, organized by the work-ing group “Women and University” in Leuven on 9/11/2001 (60 participants).


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• 2000: Participant in the 1-day course “Women in Academiae”, University of Hasselt, Belgium.

• Participation in the International Seminar on the “Integration of equal opportunities dimension intothe personnel policy of the public sector” (European Commission’s 4th Action programme on EqualOpportunities for Men and Women), 28/01/1999 in Brussels & 21/06/1999 in Leuven, Belgium.

• Chairperson of the one-day colloquium “The gender of science”, organized by the working group“Women and University” in Leuven on 1/12/1998 (120 participants).

15 Teaching duties

15.1 Teaching assistance and courses at Leuven University

• 1999 – present: yearly (until 2011) and biennial (as of 2012) 6 ECTS course entitled: “Asteroseismol-ogy”, Master in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

• 1999 – present: yearly 5 ECTS course entitled: “Stellar Structure and Evolution”, Bachelor in Physicsand Master in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

• 2007 – present: coordinator of the 3 ECTS master course Research Projects I.

• 2007 – 2009: yearly 6 ECTS course entitled “Binary Stars”, Master in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

• 1999 – 2006: yearly course entitled: “Advanced Stellar Astrophysics”, 30 hours, 4rd year studentsmathematics and physics.

• 1996 – 2006: 20 hours of the yearly course “Practical Astronomy”, 3rd year students in mathematics.

• 1990 – 2000: full coordination of all the teaching duties at the Institute of Astronomy, Leuven Uni-versity.

• 1993 – 1998: 2 hours/week TA of the basic course in astronomy to second year students in mathemat-ics.

• 1988 – 1994: 6 hours/week TA of the basic course in mathematics to first year students bio-engineeringor sales engineering.

15.2 Supervision of master thesis work

2012: 2 Master theses2008: 1 Master thesis2007: 1 Master thesis2005: 2 undergraduate theses2003: 2 undergraduate theses2002: 2 undergraduate theses2001: 4 undergraduate theses2000: 1 undergraduate thesis1999: 8 undergraduate theses1998: 3 undergraduate theses1997: 3 undergraduate theses1996: 4 undergraduate theses, 1 master thesis


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1993: 1 undergraduate thesis1992: 1 undergraduate thesis1991: 3 undergraduate theses

Each undergraduate (in Dutch) or master (in English) thesis represents research carried out by last-yearsstudents during 9 months.

15.3 Additional Teaching Elsewhere

• 2004 – present: yearly (until 2011) and biennial (as of 2012) 6 ECTS course entitled: “Asteroseismol-ogy”, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

• 2011 – 2013: annual 5 ECTS course “Astrophysics”, Hasselt University, Belgium.

• 11 – 12/4/2002: Two-day tutorial on “Spectroscopic Mode Identification”, Belgian AsteroseismologyGroup (8 hours theory + 8 hours computer applications), Leuven, Belgium.

• 15 – 18/10/2001: guest lecture (3 hours) at the 3ieme Ecole d’Automne (in French): “Comprendre lapulsation et lhydrodynamique stellaire”, Observatoire de Haute Provence, France.

• January – February 2001: Guest Lecturer, Julius Institute, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.First-year’s course “Introduction to Astronomy. Part I: Stars”. (30 hours course + 15 hours practicalexercises).

16 Outreach Activities and Service to the Community

• 11/1/2015: Children’s lecture: “The Search for Earth2.0 and Extra-terrestrial Life” (in Dutch, 130children of age 8 to 12), Technopolis, Mechelen, Belgium

• 25/11/2014: UTOPIA lecture: “The Ideal Exoplanet” (in Dutch), Organisation Metaforum, Universityof Leuven, Belgium

• 12/10/2014: Public Event connected to the 2014 International SOLVAY Conference on Cosmologyand Astrophysics. Lecture entitled “Starquakes and Exoplanets in our Milky Way Galaxy”, Brussels,Belgium

• 11/4/2014: BBVA Public Lecture in the series Science of the Cosmos, Science in the Cosmos: “As-teroseismology: the study of starquakes and its impact on astrophysics”, Madrid, Spain. Lecture isavailable on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-pt�WpvUyU

• 9/1/2014: “De Vensters Open op het Heelal” (in Dutch), Lecture (2 hours) for 150 secondary schoolstudents (12-13 years old), University of Leuven, Belgium

• 2013: Contribution (Opiniestuk “Vrije Hand”, in Dutch): “Postdocs Coachen”, in Karakter: Journalof Science, Vol. 44

• 22/10/2013: Chapter (in Dutch) “Waarom fascineert de Kosmos?”, contribution to the Book “Mee metMorgen: 75 jaar Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten”,Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium


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• 21/10/2013: Lecture (2 hours, alternating in Dutch and French), Belgian Senate ProLege: “Echografievan Sterren Dankzij Asteroseismology/Echographie des etoiles grace a l’asterosismologie”, Brussels,Belgium

• 14/10/2013: Lecture Event (3 hours), University of Hasselt, (in Dutch: Universiteit 3de leeftijd):“Doorbraken in Ster- en Exoplaneetonderzoek dankzij de ruimtemissies CoRoT en Kepler”, Hasselt,Belgium

• Jubilee lecture “Echografie van Sterren dankzij Asteroseismologie” (in Dutch), University of Hasselt,Belgium, 22/11/2012

• Professor’s lunch, Soeterbeeck Programme: “Seismologie van sterren: een samenspel van technolo-gie, fysica, statistiek en modelleren” (in Dutch), Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 15/11/2012

• Invited duo talk Conny Aerts – Steven Bloemen: “Doorbraken in ster- en exoplaneetonderzoek dankzijCoRoT en Kepler” (in Dutch), Annual Weekend of the Society of Amateur Astronomers of Flanders,6/10/2012, Deinze, Belgium

• May 2012 – July 2012: Series of outreach activities connected with the 2012 Francqui prize, includingspeech during the award ceremony, live interviews on the national TV (Villa Van Tilt, 10/5/2012) andradio (Babel, 15/6/2012) stations, see also http://www.francquifoundation.be/ang/Rapport%20Aerts%20Angl.htm

• Lecture “Echografie van Sterkernen dankzij Asteroseismologie” (in Dutch), Amateur organizationArmand Pien, 21/4/2012, Gent, Belgium

• Lecture “De impact van de ruimtemissies CoRoT en Kepler op het onderzoek naar variabele sterren”(in Dutch), Working Group Variable Stars, Society of Amateur Astronomers of Flanders, 28/5/2011,Grimbergen, Belgium

• Paper entitled “Asteroseismologie in het tijdperk van de ruimtemissies CoRoT en Kepler”, Authors:Conny Aerts and Pieter Degroote, journal Zenit, December 2010, p.543 – 548, the Netherlands

• Lecture “Een blik op het inwendige van sterren via asteroseismologische waarnemingen” (in Dutch),Amateur organisation, 4/12/2010, Grimbergen, Belgium

• Lecture series “Stellar Evolution”, vacation course for 25 High School students, 24 – 27/8/2009,Leuven, Belgium

• 2004 – 2009: Contributor to the Production “Sternenrest” by musical artist Willem Boogman, basedon the Inaugural lecture, “Kosmische Symfonieen”. Producer Roland Spekle and the Spectra Ensem-ble (http://www.sternenrest.nl/files/colofon.html). Performances in the Netherlands, Belgium, Ger-many, UK

• 2002 – 2007: member of the editorial board of the journal “Karakter: tijdschrift van wetenschap” (inDutch) published by Academische Stichting Leuven, Belgium

• 20/4/2007: 2-hour lecture “The sound of the Sun and stars”, Library Zeeland, Middelburg, the Nether-lands

• 21/12/2006: 30-min lecture “Cosmic Symphonies”, Art Academy of ’s Hertogenbosch, the Nether-lands


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• 12/3/2006: 1-hour Theater Paradiso Lecture: “Cosmic Symphonies”, Amsterdam, the Netherlands(recorded and available as internet lecture; published as book chapter)

• 5/2/2006: discussion afternoon, organisation Electron, series “Commonalities between Art and Sci-ence”, Breda, the Netherlands. Other speaker: sound artist Jan de Dobbelaer

• 24/10/2005: 1-hour lecture “Cosmic Symphonies” for students of primary school, LERU-kids (Leagueof European Research Universities), University of Leuven

• 22/10/2005: 45-minutes lecture “Astronomy” in the framework of Kids-University, University ofLeuven

• 29/4/2005: Live radio interview of 20 minutes broadcasted by Radio 1, series VPRO/Noorderlicht,the Netherlands

• 5/4/2005: Inaugural lecture, Leerstoel Asteroseismologie, entitled: “Kosmische Symfonieen” (inDutch), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, the Netherlands

• 2004–2005: Main actor in the 40-minutes scientific documentary “De Sprekende Ster”/“Parolesd’etoile” broadcasted by the series overLeven, CANVAS (Flemish National TV), 24/2/2005 and theseries Matieres Grises, RTBF1 (French-speaking National TV), 11/10/2005 and RTBF2 17/10/2005

• 8/6/2004: half-day outreach activities in collaboration with amateur astronomers within the Facultyof Science of the University of Leuven to show and explain the Venus transit

• 19/11/2003: seminar “Windows of the Universe” taught for the Discussion Group “’t Pelterke”, Over-pelt, Belgium

• 2002: seminar series “Asteroseismology” (3x2 hours) taught at Amateur Observatory URANIA,Hove, Belgium

• 15/6/2002: invited lecture “The Universe” presented at the “Westels Atelier”, Westerlo, Belgium

• 9/11/2001: invited lecture “Asteroseismology with future space missions”, presented for the DutchSociety of Metreology and Astronomy, branch Eindhoven, the Netherlands

• 26-28/10/2001: representative at the information desk of the University of Leuven at the FlemishSpace Science days, Ostend, Belgium

• 31/5/2000: Founder and president of the Belgian Asteroseismology Group (BAG), a scientific pole inBelgium consisting of some 30 scientists from four different institutes (Universities of Leuven, Liege,Brussels and Royal Observatory). Chairperson of the BAG workshops held in Leuven in 2001, 2003,2004, 2006, 2012 (http://www.asteroseismology.be)

• 14/10/2000: invited review talk entitled “The role of amateur astronomers in current research of vari-able stars”, presented during the Symposium: 50 years of Dutch Society of Metreology and Astron-omy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Accompanying publication in the scientific journal Zenit, May2001, p.226 – 229

• 12/2/2000: invited lecture “The satellite HIPPARCOS”, presented for the Dutch Society of Metreol-ogy and Astronomy, branch South-Limburg, Heerlen, the Netherlands


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• 1999: seminar series “The impact of the HIPPARCOS mission on variable star research” (4x2 hours)taught at Amateur Observatory URANIA, Hove, Belgium

• 23/10/1997: invited lecture “Be stars among the B-type stars”, presented for the Dutch Society ofMetreology and Astronomy, branch Eindhoven, the Netherlands

• 11/1/1997: invited lecture “Luminous Blue Variables: astrophysical geysers”, presented for Wega,the Leuven branch of the Society of Amateur Astronomers, Flanders. Accompanying series of paperspublished in the monthly journal Heelal of the Society of Amateur Astronomers, FlandersVol. 42, number 5, 130 – 132Vol. 42, number 6, 152 – 154Vol. 42, number 7, 178 – 180

• 1996 – present: one week full-time teaching of the lecture “Windows open on the Universe”, as wellas several different workshops at the Institute of Astronomy in the framework of the biennial FlemischScience Weeks for secundary school students, Belgium

• 1995: seminar series “Study of variable stars by means of professional techniques” (3x2 hours) taughtat Amateur Observatory URANIA, Hove, Belgium

• 1995: invited lecture “Be stars” presented during the weekend of the Society of Amateur Astronomers,7–8 October 1995, Neerpelt, Belgium

• 1994: seminar series “Non-radial oscillations of stars” (4x2 hours) taught at Amateur ObservatoryURANIA, Hove, Belgium

• 1992–1993: supervisor of 4 working groups of the project “Dinomail” organised by Focus Research,Flanders, Belgium

• 1990: paper entitled “Where do planets form?”, published in the monthly journal Heelal of the Societyof Amateur Astronomers, Flanders, Volume 35, number 5, p.117 – 118

• 1990: seminar series “Stellar Photometry” (4x2 hours) taught at Amateur Observatory URANIA,Hove, Belgium

• 1989: paper “From a different perspective...” published in the monthly journal Heelal of the Societyof Amateur Astronomers, Flanders, Volume 34, number 10, p.267 – 268


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17 Publication list

Since January 1990, Conny Aerts was author of

• 262 publications in international peer-reviewed journals

• 150 publications of talks or posters in proceedings of symposia

• 1 monograph

• 5 edited proceedings volumes

• 1 bookchapter

• Cited 8650 times (date: 13/1/2015)

• H-index of 51, H-index of 1st-author publications of 25

• Normalized H-index of 2.3 (corrected for two children, 1.5 year per child according to the EU/ERCregulations)

• i10-index: 180

This information was deduced from Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.be/ on 13 January 2015

17.1 Books

17.1.1 As author

• Aerts, C., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Kurtz, D.W., 2010, Monograph “Asteroseismology”, Series:Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5178-4, 866 pages

17.1.2 As editor

• Aerts, C., T.R. Bedding, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, editors, 2002, “Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsas Probes of Stellar Physics”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 259,695 pages (publisher: Astronomical Society of the Pacific - San Francisco).

• Sterken, C., Aerts, C., editors, 2006, “Astrophysics of Variable Stars”, Astronomical Society of thePacific Conference Series, Volume 349, 480 pages (publisher: Astronomical Society of the Pacific -San Francisco).

• Noels, A., Aerts, C., editors, 2006, “JENAM 2006: Distant Worlds: Proceedings of the Asteroseis-mology Session”, Special Volume, Journal Communications in Asteroseismology, Volume 147, 133pages (publisher: Austrian Academy of Sciences).

• Noels, A., Aerts, C., Montalban, J.,Miglio, A., Briquet, M., editors, 2008, Proceedings of the 38thLIAC/HELAS-ESTA/BAG “Evolution and pulsation of massive stars on the main sequence and closeto it”, Special Volume, Journal Communications in Asteroseismology, Volume 158, 364 pages (pub-lisher: Austrian Academy of Sciences).

• Baglin, A., Aerts, C., Guillot, T., guest editors, 2009, “The CoRoT space mission: early results”,Special Volume, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573 pages (publisher: EDP Sciences), ISBN: 978-2-7598-0489-4.


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17.1.3 As chapter author

• Aerts, C., “Modelling Approaches: Asteroseismology”, 2015, in Extraterrestrial Seismology, Eds. V.C. H. Trong, R. A. Garcıa (publisher: Cambridge University Press), in press

17.2 Peer-reviewed papers

ISI Impact factors of the journals listed below

Journal Impact factor 2012

Nature 38.597Science 31.027Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 16.238Astronomy & Astrophysics Review 9.500The Astrophysical Journal 6.733Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 5.521Space Science Reviews 5.519Astronomy and Astrophysics 5.084Astronomical Journal 4.965Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3.690Solar Physics 3.256Astrophysics and Space Science 2.064Astronomische Nachrichten 1.399

1. Van Reeth T., Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Papics P. I., Degroote P., Debosscher J., Zwintz K., BloemenS., De Smedt K., Hrudkova M., Raskin G., Van Winckel H., 2014, “Detecting non-uniform periodspacings in the Kepler photometry of gamma Doradus stars: methodology and case studies”, Astron-omy and Astrophysics, in press (arXiv:1410.8178)

2. Beck P. G., Kambe E., Hillen M., Corsaro E., Van Winckel H., Moravveji E., De Ridder J., BloemenS., Saesen S., Mathias P., Degroote P., Kallinger T., Verhoelst T., Ando H., Carrier F., Acke B., OreiroR., Miglio A., Eggenberger P., Sato B., Zwintz K., Papics P. I., Marcos-Arenal P., Sans Fuentes S. A.,Schmid V. S., Waelkens C., Østensen R., Matthews J. M., Yoshida M., Izumiura H., Koyano H., Na-gayama S., Shimizu Y., Okada N., Okita K., Sakamoto A., Yamamuro T., Aerts C., 2014, “Detectionof solar-like oscillations in the bright red giant stars � Psc and ✓1 Tau from a 190-day high-precisionspectroscopic multisite campaign”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press (arXiv:1407.6352)

3. Telting J. H., Baran A. S., Nemeth P., Ostensen R. H., Kupfer T., Macfarlane S., Heber U., AertsC., Geier S., 2014, “KIC7668647: a 14 day beaming sdB+WD binary with a pulsating subdwarf”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570, A129

4. Rauer H., Catala C., Aerts C., Appourchaux T., Benz W., Brandeker A., Christensen-Dalsgaard J.,Deleuil M., Gizon L., Gudel M., Janot-Pacheco E., Mas-Hesse M., Pagano I., Piotto G., Pollacco D.,Santos N. C., Smith A., -C. J., Suarez, Szabo R., Udry S., Adibekyan V., Alibert Y., Almenara J.-M.,Amaro-Seoane P., Ammler-von Eiff M., Antonello E., Ball W., Barnes S., Baudin F., Belkacem K.,Bergemann M., Birch A., Boisse I., Bonomo A. S., Borsa F., Brandao I. M., Brocato E., Brun S.,Burleigh M., Burston R., Cabrera J., Cassisi S., Chaplin W., Charpinet S., Chiappini C., Csizmadia


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S., Cunha M., Damasso M., Davies M. B., Deeg H. J., de Oliveira Fialho F., Dıaz R. F., Dreizler S.,Dreyer C., Eggenberger P., Ehrenreich D., Eigmuller P., Erikson A., Farmer R., Feltzing S., FigueiraP., Forveille T., Fridlund M., Garcıa R., Giuffrida G., Godolt M., Gomes da Silva J., Goupil M.-J., Granzer T., Grenfell J. L., Grotsch-Noels A., Gunther E., Haswell C. A., Hatzes A. P., HebrardG., Hekker S., Helled R., Heng K., Jenkins J. M., Khodachenko M. L., Kislyakova K. G., Kley W.,Kolb U., Krivova N., Kupka F., Lammer H., Lanza A. F., Lebreton Y., Magrin D., Marcos-Arenal P.,Marrese P. M., Marques J. P., Martins J., Mathis S., Mathur S., Messina S., Miglio A., Montalban J.,Montalto M., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Moradi H., Moravveji E., Mordasini C., Morel T., Mortier A.,Nascimbeni V., Nielsen M. B., Noack L., Norton A. J., Ofir A., Oshagh M., Ouazzani R.-M., PapicsP., Parro V. C., Petit P., Plez B., Poretti E., Quirrenbach A., Ragazzoni R., Raimondo G., RainerM., Reese D. R., Redmer R., Reffert S., Rojas-Ayala B., Roxburgh I. W., Solanki S. K., Salmon S.,Santerne A., Schneider J., Schou J., Schuh S., Schunker H., Silva-Valio A., Silvotti R., Skillen I.,Snellen I., Sohl F., Sousa A. S., Sozzetti A., Stello D., Strassmeier K. G., Svanda M., Szabo G. M.,Tkachenko A., Valencia D., van Grootel V., Vauclair S. D., Ventura P., Wagner F. W., Walton N. A.,Weingrill J., Werner S. C., Wheatley P. J., Zwintz K., 2014, “The PLATO 2.0 Mission”, ExperimentalAstronomy, 38, 249 – 330

5. Schmid V. S., Themeßl N., Breger M., Degroote P., Aerts C., Beck P. G., Tkachenko A., Van ReethT., Bloemen S., Debosscher J., Castanheira B. G., McArthur B. E., Papics P. I., Fritz V., Falcon R. E.,2014, “Discovery of binarity, spectroscopic frequency analysis, and mode identification of the � Scutistar 4 CVn”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570, A33

6. Papics P. I., Moravveji E., Aerts C., Tkachenko A., Triana S. A., Bloemen S., Southworth J., 2014,“KIC 10526294: a slowly rotating B star with rotationally split, quasi-equally spaced gravity modes”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570, A8

7. Bloemen S., Hu H., Aerts C., Dupret M. A., Østensen R. H., Degroote P., Muller-Ringat E., RauchT., 2014, “The blue-edge problem of the V1093 Herculis instability strip revisited using evolutionarymodels with atomic diffusion”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 569, A123

8. Aerts C., Simon-Dıaz S., Groot P. J., Degroote P., 2014, “On the use of the Fourier transform to deter-mine the projected rotational velocity of line-profile variable B stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,569, A118

9. Zwintz K., Fossati L., Ryabchikova T., Guenther D., Aerts C., Barnes T. G., Themeßl N., Lorenz D.,Cameron C., Kuschnig R., Pollack-Drs S., Moravveji E., Baglin A., Matthews J. M., Moffat A. F. J.,Poretti E., Rainer M., Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., 2014, “Echography of young starsreveals their evolution”, Science, 345, 550 – 553

10. Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Pavlovski K., Degroote P., Papics P. I., Moravveji E., Lehmann H., KolbasV., Clemer K., 2014, “Modelling of Sigma Scorpii, a high-mass binary with a Beta Cep variableprimary component”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442, 616 – 628

11. Marcos-Arenal P., Zima W., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Huygen R., Samadi R., Green J., Piotto G.,Salmon S., Catala C., Rauer H., 2014, “The PLATO Simulator: modelling of high-precision high-cadence space-based imaging”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, A92

12. Beck P. G., Hambleton K., Vos J., Kallinger T., Bloemen S., Tkachenko A., Garcıa R. A., ØstensenR. H., Aerts C., Kurtz D. W., De Ridder J., Hekker S., Pavlovski K., Mathur S., De Smedt K.,Derekas A., Corsaro E., Mosser B., Van Winckel H., Huber D., Degroote P., Davies G. R., Prsa


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A., Debosscher J., Elsworth Y., Nemeth P., Siess L., Schmid V. S., Papics P. I., de Vries B. L., vanMarle A. J., Marcos-Arenal P., Lobel A., 2014, “Pulsating red giant stars in eccentric binary systemsdiscovered from Kepler space-based photometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 564, A36

13. Tkachenko A., Degroote P., Aerts C., Pavlovski K., Southworth J., Papics P. I., Moravveji E., KolbasV., Tsymbal V., Debosscher J., Clemer K., 2014, “The eccentric massive binary V380 Cyg: revisedorbital elements and interpretation of the intrinsic variability of the primary component”, MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438, 3093 – 3110

14. Van Eylen V., Lund M. N., Silva Aguirre V., Arentoft T., Kjeldsen H., Albrecht S., Chaplin W. J.,Isaacson H., Pedersen M. G., Jessen-Hansen J., Tingley B. W., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Aerts C.,Campante T. L., Bryson S. T., 2014, “What asteroseismology can do for exoplanets: Kepler-410Ab is a Small Neptune around a bright star, in an eccentric orbit consistent with low obliquity”, TheAstrophysical Journal, 782, id.14

15. Aerts C., Molenberghs G., Kenward M. G., Neiner C., 2014, “The Surface Nitrogen Abundanceof a Massive Star in Relation to its Oscillations, Rotation, and Magnetic Field”, The AstrophysicalJournal, 781, id.88

16. Tkachenko A., Van Reeth T., Tsymbal V., Aerts C., Kochukhov O., Debosscher J., 2013, “Denoisingspectroscopic data by means of the improved least-squares deconvolution method”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 560, A37

17. Østensen R. H., Geier S., Schaffenroth V., Telting J. H., Bloemen S., Nemeth P., Beck P. G., LombaertR., Papics P. I., Tillich A., Ziegerer E., Fox Machado L., Littlefair S., Dhillon V., Aerts C., Heber U.,Maxted P. F. L., Gansicke B. T., Marsh T. R., 2013, “Binaries discovered by the MUCHFUSS project.FBS 0117+396: An sdB+dM binary with a pulsating primary”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559,A35

18. Raskin G., Bloemen S., Morren J., Perez Padilla J., Prins S., Pessemier W., Vandersteen J., Merges F.,Østensen R., Van Winckel H., Aerts C., 2013, “MAIA, a three-channel imager for asteroseismology:instrument design”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A26

19. Saesen S., Briquet M., Aerts C., Miglio A., Carrier F., 2013, “Pulsating B-type Stars in the Open Clus-ter NGC 884: Frequencies, Mode Identification, and Asteroseismology”, The Astronomical Journal,146, 102 – 118

20. Aerts C., Simon-Dıaz S., Catala C., Neiner C., Briquet M., Castro N., Schmid V. S., Scardia M.,Rainer M., Poretti E., Papics P. I., Degroote P., Bloemen S., Østensen R. H., Auvergne M., Baglin A.,Baudin F., Michel E., Samadi R., 2013, “Low-amplitude rotational modulation rather than pulsationsin the CoRoT B-type supergiant HD 46769”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A114

21. Debosscher J., Aerts C., Tkachenko A., Pavlovski K., Maceroni C., Kurtz D., Beck P. G., Bloemen S.,Degroote P., Lombaert R., Southworth J., 2013, “KIC 11285625: A double-lined spectroscopic binarywith a � Doradus pulsator discovered from Kepler space photometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,556, A56

22. Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Yakushechkin A., Debosscher J., Degroote P., Bloemen S., Papics P. I., deVries B. L., Lombaert R., Hrudkova M., Fremat Y., Raskin G., Van Winckel H., 2013, “Detection ofa large sample of � Doradus stars from Kepler space photometry and high-resolution ground-basedspectroscopy”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556, A52


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23. Papics P. I., Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Briquet M., Marcos-Arenal P., Beck P. G., Uytterhoeven K.,Trivino Hage A., Southworth J., Clubb K. I., Bloemen S., Degroote P., Jackiewicz J., McKeever J.,Van Winckel H., Niemczura E., Gameiro J. F., Debosscher J., 2013, “Two new SB2 binaries withmain sequence B-type pulsators in the Kepler field”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, A127

24. Thoul A., Degroote P., Catala C., Aerts C., Morel T., Briquet M., Hillen M., Raskin G., Van WinckelH., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Baudin F., Michel E., 2013, “High-precision CoRoT space photometryand fundamental parameter determination of the B2.5V star HD 48977”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,551, A12

25. Sarro L. M., Debosscher J., Neiner C., Bello-Garcıa A., Gonzalez-Marcos A., Prendes-Gero B., Or-dieres J., Leon G., Aerts C., de Batz B., 2013, “Improved variability classification of CoRoT targetswith Giraffe spectra”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A120

26. Lampens P., Tkachenko A., Lehmann H., Debosscher J., Aerts C., Beck P. G., Bloemen S., Kochi-ashvili N., Derekas A., Smith J. C., Tenenbaum P., Twicken J. D., 2013, “Low-frequency variations ofunknown origin in the Kepler � Scuti star KIC 5988140 = HD 188774”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,549, A104

27. Van Eylen V., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Aerts C., 2012, “Properties of extrasolar planetsand their host stars: A case study of HAT-P-7”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 1088

28. Schmid V. S., Themessl N., Breger M., Aerts C., Beck P. G., Castanheira B. G., Fritz V., PapicsP. I., Debosscher J., Falcon R. E., 2012, “Spectroscopic frequencies of 4 CVn in 2010 and 2011”,Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 1080

29. Rainer M., Poretti E., Mathias P., Aerts C., Amado P. J., Uytterhoeven K., the CoRoT SWG Ground-based Observations Working Group, 2012, “The CoRoT ground-based asteroseismological programme”,Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 1061

30. Lampens P., Tkachenko A., Lehmann H., Debosscher J., Aerts C., Beck P. G., Bloemen S., Kochi-ashvili N., Derekas A., 2012, “Do we see the simultaneous occurrence of stellar rotational effects andshort-period pulsations in some A-type Kepler stars?”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 975 – 977

31. Beck P. G., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Kallinger T., Hekker S., Garcıa R. A., Mosser B., Davies G. R.,2012, “Constraining the core-rotation rate in red-giant stars from Kepler space photometry”, As-tronomische Nachrichten, 333, 967

32. Briquet M., Neiner C., Aerts C., Morel T., Mathis S., Reese D. R., Lehmann H., Costero R., Echevar-ria J., Handler G., Kambe E., Hirata R., Masuda S., Wright D., Yang S., Pintado O., Mkrtichian D.,Lee B. C., Han I., Bruch A., De Cat P., Uytterhoeven K., Lefever K., Vanautgaerden J., de Batz B.,Fremat Y., Henrichs H., Geers V. C., Martayan C., Hubert A. M., Thizy O., Tijani A., 2012, “Multisitespectroscopic seismic study of the � Cep star V2052 Ophiuchi: inhibition of mixing by its magneticfield”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427, 483 – 493

33. Handler G., Jerzykiewicz M., Rodrıguez E., Uytterhoeven K., Amado P. J., Dorokhova T. N., DorokhovN. I., Poretti E., Sareyan J.-P., Parrao L., Lorenz D., Zsuffa D., Drummond R., Daszynska-DaszkiewiczJ., Verhoelst T., De Ridder J., Acke B., Bourge P.-O., Movchan A. I., Garrido R., Paparo M., SahinT., Antoci V., Udovichenko S. N., Csorba K., Crowe R., Berkey B., Stewart S., Terry D., Mkrtichian


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D. E., Aerts C., 2012, “Erratum: Asteroseismology of the � Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae: photo-metric observations, pulsational frequency analysis and mode identification”, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 426, 2600 – 2600

34. Handler G., Shobbrook R. R., Uytterhoeven K., Briquet M., Neiner C., Tshenye T., Ngwato B.,van Winckel H., Guggenberger E., Raskin G., Rodrıguez E., Mazumdar A., Barban C., Lorenz D.,Vandenbussche B., Sahin T., Medupe R., Aerts C., 2012, “A multisite photometric study of twounusual � Cep stars: the magnetic V2052 Oph and the massive rapid rotator V986 Oph”, MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, 2380 – 2391

35. Telting J. H., Østensen R. H., Baran A. S., Bloemen S., Reed M. D., Oreiro R., Farris L., OttosenT. A., Aerts C., Kawaler S. D., Heber U., Prins S., Green E. M., Kalomeni B., O’Toole S. J., MullallyF., Sanderfer D. T., Smith J. C., Kjeldsen H., 2012, “Three ways to solve the orbit of KIC 11 558 725:a 10-day beaming sdB+WD binary with a pulsating subdwarf”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 544,A1

36. Tkachenko A., Aerts C., Pavlovski K., Southworth J., Degroote P., Debosscher J., Still M., Bryson S.,Molenberghs G., Bloemen S., de Vries B. L., Hrudkova M., Lombaert R., Neyskens P., Papics P. I.,Raskin G., Van Winckel H., Morris R. L., Sanderfer D. T., Seader S. E., 2012, “Detection of gravitymodes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler space-based photometry and high-resolutionspectroscopy”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, L21 – L25

37. Østensen R. H., Degroote P., Telting J. H., Vos J., Aerts C., Jeffery C. S., Green E. M., Reed M. D.,Heber U., 2012, “KIC 1718290: A Helium-rich V1093-Her-like Pulsator on the Blue HorizontalBranch”, The Astrophysical Journal, 753, L17

38. Tkachenko A., Lehmann H., Smalley B., Debosscher J., Aerts C., 2012, “Spectrum analysis of brightKepler � Doradus candidate stars”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 2960 –2968

39. Degroote P., Aerts C., Michel E., Briquet M., Papics P. I., Amado P., Mathias P., Poretti E., RainerM., Lombaert R., Hillen M., Morel T., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Baudin F., Catala C., Samadi R.,2012, “The CoRoT B-type binary HD 50230: a prototypical hybrid pulsator with g-mode period andp-mode frequency spacings”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, A88

40. Papics P. I., Briquet M., Baglin A., Poretti E., Aerts C., Degroote P., Tkachenko A., Morel T., ZimaW., Niemczura E., Rainer M., Hareter M., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E., Samadi R., AuvergneM., 2012, “Gravito-inertial and pressure modes detected in the B3 IV CoRoT target HD 43317”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, A55

41. Bloemen S., Marsh T. R., Degroote P., Østensen R. H., Papics P. I., Aerts C., Koester D., GansickeB. T., Breedt E., Lombaert R., Pyrzas S., Copperwheat C. M., Exter K., Raskin G., Van WinckelH., Prins S., Pessemier W., Fremat Y., Hensberge H., Jorissen A., Van Eck S., 2012, “Mass ratiofrom Doppler beaming and Rømer delay versus ellipsoidal modulation in the Kepler data of KOI-74”,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 2600 – 2608

42. Beck P. G., Montalban J., Kallinger T., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Garcıa R. A., Hekker S., Dupret M.-A.,Mosser B., Eggenberger P., Stello D., Elsworth Y., Frandsen S., Carrier F., Hillen M., GruberbauerM., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Miglio A., Valentini M., Bedding T. R., Kjeldsen H., Girouard F. R.,Hall J. R., Ibrahim K. A., 2012, “Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominatedmixed modes”, Nature, 481, 55 – 57


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43. Degroote P., Acke B., Samadi R., Aerts C., Kurtz D. W., Noels A., Miglio A., Montalban J., BloemenS., Baglin A., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E., Auvergne M., 2011, “CoRoT’s view on variable B8/9stars: spots versus pulsations. Evidence for differential rotation in HD 174648”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 536, A82

44. Blomme J., Sarro L. M., O’Donovan F. T., Debosscher J., Brown T., Lopez M., Dubath P., RimoldiniL., Charbonneau D., Dunham E., Mandushev G., Ciardi D. R., De Ridder J., Aerts C., 2011, “Im-proved methodology for the automated classification of periodic variable stars”, Monthly Notices ofthe Royal Astronomical Society, 418, 96 – 106

45. Welsh W. F., Orosz J. A., Aerts C., Brown T. M., Brugamyer E., Cochran W. D., Gilliland R. L.,Guzik J. A., Kurtz D. W., Latham D. W., Marcy G. W., Quinn S. N., Zima W., Allen C., BatalhaN. M., Bryson S., Buchhave L. A., Caldwell D. A., Gautier T. N., III, Howell S. B., KinemuchiK., Ibrahim K. A., Isaacson H., Jenkins J. M., Prsa A., Still M., Street R., Wohler B., Koch D. G.,Borucki W. J., 2011, “KOI-54: The Kepler Discovery of Tidally Excited Pulsations and Brighteningsin a Highly Eccentric Binary”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 197, 4

46. Aerts C., Briquet M., Degroote P., Thoul A., van Hoolst T., 2011, “Seismic modelling of the � Cepheistar HD 180642 (V1449 Aquilae)”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 534, A98

47. Blomme R., Mahy L., Catala C., Cuypers J., Gosset E., Godart M., Montalban J., Ventura P., RauwG., Morel T., Degroote P., Aerts C., Noels A., Michel E., Baudin F., Baglin A., Auvergne M., SamadiR., 2011, “Variability in the CoRoT photometry of three hot O-type stars. HD 46223, HD 46150, andHD 46966”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 533, A4

48. Østensen R. H., Bloemen S., Vuckovic M., Aerts C., Oreiro R., Kinemuchi K., Still M., Koester D.,2011, “At Last: A V777 Her Pulsator in the Kepler Field”, The Astrophysical Journal, 736, L39

49. Østensen R. H., Silvotti R., Charpinet S., Oreiro R., Bloemen S., Baran A. S., Reed M. D., KawalerS. D., Telting J. H., Green E. M., O’Toole S. J., Aerts C., Gansicke B. T., Marsh T. R., Breedt E.,Heber U., Koester D., Quint A. C., Kurtz D. W., Rodrıguez-Lopez C., Vuckovic M., Ottosen T. A.,Frimann S., Somero A., Wilson P. A., Thygesen A. O., Lindberg J. E., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Allen C., McCauliff S., Middour C. K., 2011, “First Kepler results on compact pulsators- VI. Targets in the final half of the survey phase”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,414, 2860 – 2870

50. Southworth J., Zima W., Aerts C., Bruntt H., Lehmann H., Kim S.-L., Kurtz D. W., Pavlovski K., PrsaA., Smalley B., Gilliland R. L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kawaler S. D., Kjeldsen H., Cote M. T.,Tenenbaum P., Twicken J. D., 2011, “Kepler photometry of KIC 10661783: a binary star with totaleclipses and � Scuti pulsations”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, 2413 –2423

51. Debosscher J., Blomme J., Aerts C., De Ridder J., 2011, “Global stellar variability study in the field-of-view of the Kepler satellite”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, A89

52. Derekas A., Kiss L. L., Borkovits T., Huber D., Lehmann H., Southworth J., Bedding T. R., BalamD., Hartmann M., Hrudkova M., Ireland M. J., Kovacs J., Mezo G., Moor A., Niemczura E., SartyG. E., Szabo G. M., Szabo R., Telting J. H., Tkachenko A., Uytterhoeven K., Benko J. M., BrysonS. T., Maestro V., Simon A. E., Stello D., Schaefer G., Aerts C., ten Brummelaar T. A., De Cat P.,McAlister H. A., Maceroni C., Merand A., Still M., Sturmann J., Sturmann L., Turner N., Tuthill


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P. G., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R. L., Kjeldsen H., Quintana E. V., Tenenbaum P., TwickenJ. D., 2011, “HD 181068: A Red Giant in a Triply Eclipsing Compact Hierarchical Triple System”,Science, 332, 216

53. Beck P. G., Bedding T. R., Mosser B., Stello D., Garcia R. A., Kallinger T., Hekker S., Elsworth Y.,Frandsen S., Carrier F., De Ridder J., Aerts C., White T. R., Huber D., Dupret M.-A., Montalban J.,Miglio A., Noels A., Chaplin W. J., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gilliland R. L., BrownT. M., Kawaler S. D., Mathur S., Jenkins J. M., 2011, “Kepler Detected Gravity-Mode Period Spacingsin a Red Giant Star”, Science, 332, 205

54. Papics P. I., Briquet M., Auvergne M., Aerts C., Degroote P., Niemczura E., Vuckovic M., SmoldersK., Poretti E., Rainer M., Hareter M., Baglin A., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E., Samadi R., 2011,“CoRoT high-precision photometry of the B0.5 IV star HD 51756”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,528, A123

55. Bedding T. R., Mosser B., Huber D., Montalban J., Beck P., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., ElsworthY. P., Garcıa R. A., Miglio A., Stello D., White T. R., De Ridder J., Hekker S., Aerts C., BarbanC., Belkacem K., Broomhall A.-M., Brown T. M., Buzasi D. L., Carrier F., Chaplin W. J., di MauroM. P., Dupret M.-A., Frandsen S., Gilliland R. L., Goupil M.-J., Jenkins J. M., Kallinger T., KawalerS., Kjeldsen H., Mathur S., Noels A., Aguirre S. V., Ventura P., 2011, “Gravity modes as a way todistinguish between hydrogen- and helium-burning red giant stars”, Nature, 471, 608 – 611

56. Briquet M., Aerts C., Baglin A., Nieva M. F., Degroote P., Przybilla N., Noels A., Schiller F.,Vuckovic M., Oreiro R., Smolders K., Auvergne M., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E., Samadi R.,2011, “An asteroseismic study of the O9V star HD 46202 from CoRoT space-based photometry”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 527, A112

57. Bloemen S., Marsh T. R., Østensen R. H., Charpinet S., Fontaine G., Degroote P., Heber U., KawalerS. D., Aerts C., Green E. M., Telting J., Brassard P., Gansicke B. T., Handler G., Kurtz D. W., SilvottiR., Van Grootel V., Lindberg J. E., Pursimo T., Wilson P. A., Gilliland R. L., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Borucki W. J., Koch D., Jenkins J. M., Klaus T. C., 2011, “Kepler observations of thebeaming binary KPD 1946+4340”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, 1787 –1796

58. Fontaine G., Brassard P., Green E. M., Charpinet S., Dufour P., Hubeny I., Steeghs D., Aerts C.,Randall S. K., Bergeron P., Guvenen B., O’Malley C. J., Van Grootel V., Østensen R. H., Bloemen S.,Silvotti R., Howell S. B., Baran A., Kepler S. O., Marsh T. R., Montgomery M. H., Oreiro R., Proven-cal J., Telting J., Winget D. E., Zima W., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kjeldsen H., 2011, “Discovery ofa New AM CVn System with the Kepler Satellite”, The Astrophysical Journal, 726, 92

59. Mahy L., Gosset E., Baudin F., Rauw G., Godart M., Morel T., Degroote P., Aerts C., Blomme R.,Cuypers J., Noels A., Michel E., Baglin A., Auvergne M., Catala C., Samadi R., 2011, “Plaskett’sstar: analysis of the CoRoT photometric data”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 525, A101

60. Kawaler S. D., Reed M. D., Østensen R. H., Bloemen S., Kurtz D. W., Quint A. C., Silvotti R., BaranA. S., Green E. M., Charpinet S., Telting J., Aerts C., Handler G., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-DalsgaardJ., Borucki W. J., Koch D. G., 2010, “First Kepler results on compact pulsators - V. Slowly pulsatingsubdwarf B stars in short-period binaries”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409,1509 – 1517


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61. Østensen R. H., Silvotti R., Charpinet S., Oreiro R., Handler G., Green E. M., Bloemen S., HeberU., Gansicke B. T., Marsh T. R., Kurtz D. W., Telting J. H., Reed M. D., Kawaler S. D., Aerts C.,Rodrıguez-Lopez C., Vuckovic M., Ottosen T. A., Liimets T., Quint A. C., Van Grootel V., RandallS. K., Gilliland R. L., Kjeldsen H., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Borucki W. J., Koch D., Quintana E. V.,2010, “First Kepler results on compact pulsators - I. Survey target selection and the first pulsators”,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409, 1470 – 1486

62. Roth M., Luhe O. v. d., Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Corbard T., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J.,Di Mauro M. P., Gizon L., Jimenez-Reyes S., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Palle P. L., Thompson M. J.,2010, “Four years of HELAS”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1084

63. Saesen S., Pigulski A., Carrier F., Michalska G., Aerts C., De Ridder J., Briquet M., Handler G.,Kołaczkowski Z., Acke B., Bauwens E., Beck P. G., Blom Y., Blommaert J., Broeders E., Cherix M.,Davignon G., Debosscher J., Degroote P., Decin L., Dehaes S., De Meester W., Deroo P., DesmetM., Drummond R., Eggen J. R., Fu J., Gazeas K., Gelven G. A., Gielen C., Huygen R., Jiang X.,Kalomeni B., Kim S.-L., Kim D. H., Kopacki G., Kwon J.-H., Ladjal D., Lee C.-U., Lee Y.-J., LefeverK., Leitner A., Lenz P., Liakos A., Lorenz D., Narwid A., Niarchos P., Østensen R., Poretti E., PrinsS., Provencal J., Puga Antolın E., Puschnig J., Raskin G., Reed M. D., Reyniers M., Schmidt E.,Schmitzberger L., Spano M., Steininger B., Steslicki M., Uytterhoeven K., Vanautgaerden J., Van-denbussche B., Van Helshoecht V., Vanhollebeke E., Van Winckel H., Verhoelst T., Vuckovic M.,Waelkens C., Wolf G. W., Yakut K., Zhang C., Zima W., 2010, “Towards ensemble asteroseismologyof the young open clusters � Persei and NGC 6910”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1080 – 1083

64. Degroote P., Aerts C., Samadi R., Miglio A., Briquet M., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Baudin F., CatalaC., Michel E., 2010, “Asteroseismology of OB stars with CoRoT”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 331,1065

65. Østensen R. H., Green E. M., Bloemen S., Marsh T. R., Laird J. B., Morris M., Moriyama E., Or-eiro R., Reed M. D., Kawaler S. D., Aerts C., Vuckovic M., Degroote P., Telting J. H., Kjeldsen H.,Gilliland R. L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Borucki W. J., Koch D., 2010, “2M1938+4603: a rich, mul-timode pulsating sdB star with an eclipsing dM companion observed with Kepler”, Monthly Noticesof the Royal Astronomical Society, 408, L51 – L55

66. Oreiro R., Telting J. H., Østensen R. H., Briquet M., Aerts C., Heber U., Vuckovic M., 2010, “Syn-thetic pulsational line profile variations”, Astrophysics and Space Science, 329, 211 – 216

67. Vuckovic M., Østensen R. H., Aerts C., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., 2010, “Multicolour photometryof EO Ceti (PB 8783)”, Astrophysics and Space Science, 329, 183 – 187

68. Simon-Dıaz S., Herrero A., Uytterhoeven K., Castro N., Aerts C., Puls J., 2010, “ObservationalEvidence for a Correlation Between Macroturbulent Broadening and Line-profile Variations in OBSupergiants”, The Astrophysical Journal, 720, L174 – L178

69. Harmanec P., Aerts C., Prsa A., Verhoelst T., Kolenberg K., 2010, “V945 Centauri = HD 112409: abright hot short-period binary in a triple system?”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, A73

70. Degroote P., Briquet M., Auvergne M., Simon-Dıaz S., Aerts C., Noels A., Rainer M., Hareter M.,Poretti E., Mahy L., Oreiro R., Vuckovic M., Smolders K., Baglin A., Baudin F., Catala C., MichelE., Samadi R., 2010, “Detection of frequency spacings in the young O-type binary HD 46149 fromCoRoT photometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 519, A38


Page 40: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

71. Lefever K., Puls J., Morel T., Aerts C., Decin L., Briquet M., 2010, “Spectroscopic determination ofthe fundamental parameters of 66 B-type stars in the field-of-view of the CoRoT satellite”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 515, A74

72. Hekker S., Aerts C., 2010, “Line-profile variations of stochastically excited oscillations in fourevolved stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 515, A43

73. Saesen S., Carrier F., Pigulski A., Aerts C., Handler G., Narwid A., Fu J. N., Zhang C., Jiang X. J.,Vanautgaerden J., Kopacki G., Steslicki M., Acke B., Poretti E., Uytterhoeven K., Gielen C., ØstensenR., De Meester W., Reed M. D., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Schmidt E., Yakut K., Leitner A.,Kalomeni B., Cherix M., Spano M., Prins S., van Helshoecht V., Zima W., Huygen R., VandenbusscheB., Lenz P., Ladjal D., Puga Antolın E., Verhoelst T., De Ridder J., Niarchos P., Liakos A., Lorenz D.,Dehaes S., Reyniers M., Davignon G., Kim S.-L., Kim D. H., Lee Y.-J., Lee C.-U., Kwon J.-H., Broed-ers E., van Winckel H., Vanhollebeke E., Waelkens C., Raskin G., Blom Y., Eggen J. R., Degroote P.,Beck P., Puschnig J., Schmitzberger L., Gelven G. A., Steininger B., Blommaert J., Drummond R.,Briquet M., Debosscher J., 2010, “Photometric multi-site campaign on the open cluster NGC 884. I.Detection of the variable stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 515, A16

74. Blomme J., Debosscher J., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Gilliland R. L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., KjeldsenH., Brown T. M., Borucki W. J., Koch D., Jenkins J. M., Kurtz D. W., Stello D., Stevens I. R.,Suran M. D., Derekas A., 2010, “Automated Classification of Variable Stars in the AsteroseismologyProgram of the Kepler Space Mission”, The Astrophysical Journal, 713, L204 – L207

75. Hekker S., Debosscher J., Huber D., Hidas M. G., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Stello D., Bedding T. R.,Gilliland R. L., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Brown T. M., Kjeldsen H., Borucki W. J., Koch D., JenkinsJ. M., Van Winckel H., Beck P. G., Blomme J., Southworth J., Pigulski A., Chaplin W. J., ElsworthY. P., Stevens I. R., Dreizler S., Kurtz D. W., Maceroni C., Cardini D., Derekas A., Suran M. D., 2010,“Discovery of a Red Giant with Solar-like Oscillations in an Eclipsing Binary System from KeplerSpace-based Photometry”, The Astrophysical Journal, 713, L187 – L191

76. Aerts C., Lefever K., Baglin A., Degroote P., Oreiro R., Vuckovic M., Smolders K., Acke B., Ver-hoelst T., Desmet M., Godart M., Noels A., Dupret M.-A., Auvergne M., Baudin F., Catala C., MichelE., Samadi R., 2010, “Periodic mass-loss episodes due to an oscillation mode with variable amplitudein the hot supergiant HD 50064”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 513, L11

77. Degroote P., Aerts C., Baglin A., Miglio A., Briquet M., Noels A., Niemczura E., Montalban J.,Bloemen S., Oreiro R., Vuckovic M., Smolders K., Auvergne M., Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E.,2010, “Deviations from a uniform period spacing of gravity modes in a massive star”, Nature, 464,259 – 261

78. Gilliland R. L., Brown T. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kjeldsen H., Aerts C., Appourchaux T.,Basu S., Bedding T. R., Chaplin W. J., Cunha M. S., De Cat P., De Ridder J., Guzik J. A., HandlerG., Kawaler S., Kiss L., Kolenberg K., Kurtz D. W., Metcalfe T. S., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Szabo R.,Arentoft T., Balona L., Debosscher J., Elsworth Y. P., Quirion P.-O., Stello D., Suarez J. C., BoruckiW. J., Jenkins J. M., Koch D., Kondo Y., Latham D. W., Rowe J. F., Steffen J. H., 2010, “KeplerAsteroseismology Program: Introduction and First Results”, Publications of the Astronomical Societyof the Pacific, 122, 131 – 143 (137

79. Hu H., Glebbeek E., Thoul A. A., Dupret M.-A., Stancliffe R. J., Nelemans G., Aerts C., 2010, “Grav-itational settling in pulsating subdwarf B stars and their progenitors”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,511, A87


Page 41: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

80. Desmet M., Fremat Y., Baudin F., Harmanec P., Lampens P., Pacheco E. J., Briquet M., DegrooteP., Neiner C., Mathias P., Poretti E., Rainer M., Uytterhoeven K., Amado P. J., Valtier J.-C., Prsa A.,Maceroni C., Aerts C., 2010, “CoRoT photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the interactingeclipsing binary AU Monocerotis”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401, 418 –432

81. Maceroni C., Montalban J., Michel E., Harmanec P., Prsa A., Briquet M., Niemczura E., Morel T.,Ladjal D., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Baudin F., Catala C., Samadi R., Aerts C., 2009, “HD 174884:a strongly eccentric, short-period early-type binary system discovered by CoRoT”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 508, 1375 – 1389

82. Hu H., Nelemans G., Aerts C., Dupret M.-A., 2009, “Impact of helium diffusion and helium-flash-induced carbon production on gravity-mode pulsations in subdwarf B stars”, Astronomy and Astro-physics, 508, 869 – 876

83. Aerts C., Puls J., Godart M., Dupret M.-A., 2009, “Collective pulsational velocity broadening dueto gravity modes as a physical explanation for macroturbulence in hot massive stars”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 508, 409 – 419

84. Sarro L. M., Debosscher J., Aerts C., Lopez M., 2009, “Comparative clustering analysis of variablestars in the Hipparcos, OGLE Large Magellanic Cloud, and CoRoT exoplanet databases”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 506, 535 – 568

85. Debosscher J., Sarro L. M., Lopez M., Deleuil M., Aerts C., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Baudin F.,Chadid M., Charpinet S., Cuypers J., De Ridder J., Garrido R., Hubert A. M., Janot-Pacheco E., JordaL., Kaiser A., Kallinger T., Kollath Z., Maceroni C., Mathias P., Michel E., Moutou C., Neiner C.,Ollivier M., Samadi R., Solano E., Surace C., Vandenbussche B., Weiss W. W., 2009, “Automatedsupervised classification of variable stars in the CoRoT programme. Method and application to thefirst four exoplanet fields”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 519 – 534

86. Degroote P., Aerts C., Ollivier M., Miglio A., Debosscher J., Cuypers J., Briquet M., Montalban J.,Thoul A., Noels A., De Cat P., Balaguer-Nunez L., Maceroni C., Ribas I., Auvergne M., Baglin A.,Deleuil M., Weiss W. W., Jorda L., Baudin F., Samadi R., 2009, “CoRoT’s view of newly discoveredB-star pulsators: results for 358 candidate B pulsators from the initial run’s exoplanet field data”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 471 – 489

87. Briquet M., Uytterhoeven K., Morel T., Aerts C., De Cat P., Mathias P., Lefever K., Miglio A., PorettiE., Martın-Ruiz S., Paparo M., Rainer M., Carrier F., Gutierrez-Soto J., Valtier J. C., Benko J. M.,Bognar Z., Niemczura E., Amado P. J., Suarez J. C., Moya A., Rodrıguez-Lopez C., Garrido R., 2009,“Ground-based observations of the � Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180 642: abundance analysisand mode identification”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 269 – 280

88. Niemczura E., Morel T., Aerts C., 2009, “Abundance analysis of prime B-type targets for asteroseis-mology. II. B6-B9.5 stars in the field of view of the CoRoT satellite”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,506, 213 – 233

89. Degroote P., Briquet M., Catala C., Uytterhoeven K., Lefever K., Morel T., Aerts C., Carrier F.,Auvergne M., Baglin A., Michel E., 2009, “Evidence for nonlinear resonant mode coupling in the� Cephei star HD 180642 (V1449 Aquilae) from CoRoT photometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,506, 111 – 123


Page 42: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

90. Vuckovic M., Østensen R. H., Aerts C., Telting J. H., Heber U., Oreiro R., 2009, “Interpreting theline-profile variations of subdwarf B pulsators: the case of PG 1336-018 (NY Virginis)”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 505, 239 – 248

91. Yakut K., Zima W., Kalomeni B., van Winckel H., Waelkens C., De Cat P., Bauwens E., VuckovicM., Saesen S., Le Guillou L., Parmaksızoglu M., Uluc K., Khamitov I., Raskin G., Aerts C., 2009,“Close binary and other variable stars in the solar-age Galactic open cluster M 67”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 503, 165 – 176

92. Desmet M., Briquet M., Thoul A., Zima W., De Cat P., Handler G., Ilyin I., Kambe E., KrzesinskiJ., Lehmann H., Masuda S., Mathias P., Mkrtichian D. E., Telting J., Uytterhoeven K., Yang S. L. S.,Aerts C., 2009, “An asteroseismic study of the � Cephei star 12 Lacertae: multisite spectroscopicobservations, mode identification and seismic modelling”, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 396, 1460 – 1472

93. Desmet M., Walker G., Yang S., Bohlender D., Briquet M., Østensen R. H., Cameron C., MatthewsJ., Aerts C., 2009, “Simultaneous MOST photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of Spica, abinary system with a massive beta Cephei star component”, Communications in Asteroseismology,158, 303

94. Briquet M., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., Morel T., De Cat P., Miglio A., Mathias P., Lefever K., PorettiE., Martın-Ruiz S., Paparo M., Rainer M., Carrier F., Gutierrez-Soto J., Valtier J. C., Benko J. M.,Bognar Z., Amado P. J., Suarez J. C., Rodriguez-Lopez C., Garrido R., 2009, “Ground-based obser-vations of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642”, Communications in Asteroseismology,158, 292

95. Lefevre L., Michel E., Aerts C., Kaiser A., Neiner C., Poretti E., Garrido R., Baglin A., AuvergneM., Catala C., Weiss W., Balaguer-Nunez L., Maceroni C., Ribas I., 2009, “Instability domains of �Scuti and Slowly Pulsating B stars : How will the CoRoT satellite help to determine the limits ?”,Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 189

96. Saesen S., Carrier F., Pigulski A., Aerts C., Handler G., Narwid A., Fu J. N., Zhang C., Jiang X. J.,Kopacki G., Vanautgaerden J., Steslicki M., Acke B., Poretti E., Uytterhoeven K., De Meester W.,Reed M. D., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Schmidt E., Ostensen R., Gielen C., Yakut K., LeitnerA., Kalomeni B., Prins S., van Helshoecht V., Zima W., Huygen R., Vandenbussche B., Lenz P., LadjalE., Puga Antolın E., Verhoelst T., De Ridder J., Niarchos P., Liakos A., Lorenz D., Dehaes S., ReyniersM., Davignon G., Kim S.-L., Kim D. H., Lee Y.-J., Lee C.-U., Kwon J.-H., Broeders E., van WinckelH., Vanhollebeke E., Raskin G., Blom Y., Eggen J. R., Beck P. G., Puschnig J., Schmitzberger L.,Gelven G. A., Steininger B., Drummond R., 2009, “Asteroseismology of massive stars in the youngopen cluster NGC 884: a status report”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 179

97. Degroote P., Miglio A., Debosscher J., Montalban J., Cuypers J., Briquet M., De Cat P., Thoul A.,Morel T., Niemczura E., Balaguer-Nunez L., Maceroni C., Ribas I., Noels A., Aerts C., AuvergneM., Baglin A., Catala C., Deleuil M., Michel E., Ollivier M., Jorda L., Samadi R., 2009, “Spaceobservations of B stars with CoRoT”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 167

98. Aerts C., Puls J., Godart M., Dupret M.-A., 2009, “On the origin of macroturbulence in hot stars”,Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 66


Page 43: Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts - KU Leuven€¦ · Curriculum Vitae Conny Aerts. Contents 1 Personalia 3 2 Studies 3 ... best post-doctoral researcher in Science & Technology of the

99. Cuypers J., Aerts C., De Cat P., De Ridder J., Goossens K., Schoenaers C., Uytterhoeven K., AckeB., Davignon G., Debosscher J., Decin L., De Meester W., Deroo P., Drummond R., Kolenberg K.,Lefever K., Raskin G., Reyniers M., Saesen S., Vandenbussche B., van Malderen R., Verhoelst T., vanWinckel H., Waelkens C., 2009, “Long-term photometric monitoring with the Mercator telescope.Frequencies and multicolour amplitudes of � Doradus stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 499, 967– 982

100. Sarro L. M., Debosscher J., Lopez M., Aerts C., 2009, “Automated supervised classification of vari-able stars. II. Application to the OGLE database”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 494, 739 – 768

101. Vuckovic M., Ostensen R., Telting J. H., Oreiro R., Aerts C., 2008, “Detection of line-profile varia-tions in high-resolution VLT/UVES spectroscopy of the subdwarf B pulsator PG 1336018 (NY Vir-ginis)”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 381 – 382

102. Oreiro R., Telting J., Aerts C., Ostensen R., 2008, “Line profile variations in the bright subdwarf Bstar Balloon 090100001”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 353 – 354

103. Handler G., Tuvikene T., Lorenz D., Shobbrook R. R., Saesen S., Provencal J. L., Pagani M., QuintB., Desmet M., Sterken C., Kanaan A., Aerts C., 2008, “Asteroseismology in the young open clusterNGC 3293”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 315 – 316

104. Aerts C., ESA Science Study Team Of Plato, 2008, “PLATO: PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations ofstars”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 272

105. Michel E., Baglin A., Weiss W. W., Auvergne M., Catala C., Aerts C., Appourchaux T., Barban C.,Baudin F., Briquet M.-L., Carrier F., Debosher J., De Ridder J., Garcia R. A., Garrido R., GutierrezJ., Kallinger T., Lefevre L., Neiner C., Poretti E., Samadi R., Sarro L., COROT Team, 2008, “Firstasteroseismic results from CoRoT”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 69

106. Aerts C., Briquet M., Carrier F., Desmet M., Zima W., 2008, “Spectroscopic observations of pulsatingstars”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 29 – 34

107. Michel E., Baglin A., Weiss W. W., Auvergne M., Catala C., Aerts C., Appourchaux T., Barban C.,Baudin F., Briquet M., Carrier F., Degroote P., De Ridder J., Garcia R. A., Garrido R., Gutierrez-SotoJ., Kallinger T., Lefevre L., Neiner C., Poretti E., Samadi R., Sarro L., Alecian G., Andrade L., BallotJ., Benomar O., Berthomieu G., Boumier P., Charpinet S., de Batz B., Deheuvels S., Dupret M.-A.,Emilio M., Fabregat J., Facanha W., Floquet M., Fremat Y., Fridlund M., Goupil M.-J., Grotsch-Noels A., Handler G., Huat A.-L., Hubert A.-M., Janot-Pacheco E., Kjeldsen H., Lebreton Y., LeroyB., Martayan C., Mathias P., Miglio A., Montalban J., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Mosser B., Provost J,Regulo C., Renan de Medeiros J., Ribas I., Roca Cortes T., Roxburgh I., Suso J., Thoul A., Toutain T.,Tiphene D., Turck-Chieze S., Vauclair S., Vauclair G., Zwintz K., 2008, “First asteroseismic resultsfrom CoRoT”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 156, 73 – 87

108. Aerts C., 2008, “Announcement of HELAS III”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 156, 90

109. van Spaandonk L., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Aerts C., 2008, “Modeling the Pulsating sdB Star PG1605+072”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 156, 35 – 47

110. Michel E., Baglin A., Auvergne M., Catala C., Samadi R., Baudin F., Appourchaux T., Barban C.,Weiss W. W., Berthomieu G., Boumier P., Dupret M.-A., Garcia R. A., Fridlund M., Garrido R.,Goupil M.-J., Kjeldsen H., Lebreton Y., Mosser B., Grotsch-Noels A., Janot-Pacheco E., Provost


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J., Roxburgh I. W., Thoul A., Toutain T., Tiphene D., Turck-Chieze S., Vauclair S. D., VauclairG. P., Aerts C., Alecian G., Ballot J., Charpinet S., Hubert A.-M., Lignieres F., Mathias P., MonteiroM. J. P. F. G., Neiner C., Poretti E., Renan de Medeiros J., Ribas I., Rieutord M. L., Cortes T. R.,Zwintz K., 2008, “CoRoT Measures Solar-Like Oscillations and Granulation in Stars Hotter Than theSun”, Science, 322, 558

111. Uytterhoeven K., Poretti E., Rainer M., Mantegazza L., Zima W., Aerts C., Morel T., Miglio A.,Lefever K., Amado P. J., Martın-Ruiz S., Mathias P., Valtier J. C., Paparo M., Benko J. M., CoRoT/SWGGround-based Observations Working Group, 2008, “Close-up of primary and secondary asteroseis-mic CoRoT targets and the ground-based follow-up observations”, Journal of Physics ConferenceSeries, 118, 012077

112. Saesen S., Pigulski A., Carrier F., DeRidder J., Aerts C., Handler G., Narwid A., Fu J. N., ZhangC., Jiang X. J., Kopacki G., Vanautgaerden J., Steslicki M., Acke B., Poretti E., Uytterhoeven K.,DeMeester W., Reed M. D., Kołaczkowski Z., Michalska G., Schmidt E., Østensen R., Gielen C.,Yakut K., Leitner A., Kalomeni B., Prins S., Van Helshoecht V., Zima W., Huygen R., VandenbusscheB., Lenz P., Ladjal D., Puga Antolın E., Verhoelst T., Niarchos P., Liakos A., Lorenz D., Dehaes S.,Reyniers M., Davignon G., Kim S.-L., Kim D. H., Lee Y.-J., Lee C.-U., Kwon J.-H., Broeders E.,Van Winckel H., Vanhollebeke E., Raskin G., Blom Y., Eggen J. R., Beck P. G., Puschnig J., SchmittL., Gelven G. A., Steiniger B., Drummond R., 2008, “Photometric multi-site campaign on massive Bstars in the open cluster � Persei (NGC 884)”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 118, 012071

113. Hekker S., Snellen I. A. G., Aerts C., Quirrenbach A., Reffert S., Mitchell D. S., 2008, “Radialvelocities of giant stars: an investigation of line profile variations”, Journal of Physics ConferenceSeries, 118, 012058

114. Hu H., Dupret M.-A., Aerts C., Nelemans G., Kawaler S. D., Miglio A., Montalban J., Scuflaire R.,2008, “A seismic approach to testing different formation channels of subdwarf B stars”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 490, 243 – 252

115. Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Cunha M., Kurtz D. W., 2008, “The Current Status of Asteroseis-mology”, Solar Physics, 251, 3 – 20

116. Drummond R., Lapeyrere V., Auvergne M., Vandenbussche B., Aerts C., Samadi R., Costa J. E. S.,2008, “Correcting for background changes in CoRoT exoplanet data”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,487, 1209 – 1220

117. Rauw G., De Becker M., van Winckel H., Aerts C., Eenens P., Lefever K., Vandenbussche B., LinderN., Naze Y., Gosset E., 2008, “Spectroscopic and photometric variability of the O9.5 Vp star HD93521”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 487, 659 – 670

118. Aerts C., 2008, “The new liaison CoAst — HELAS”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 153,104 – 105

119. Hekker S., Snellen I. A. G., Aerts C., Quirrenbach A., Reffert S., Mitchell D. S., 2008, “Precise radialvelocities of giant stars. IV. A correlation between surface gravity and radial velocity variation and astatistical investigation of companion properties”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 480, 215 – 222

120. Bruntt H., De Cat P., Aerts C., 2008, “A spectroscopic study of southern (candidate) � Doradus stars.II. Detailed abundance analysis and fundamental parameters”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 478, 487– 496


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121. Debosscher J., Sarro L. M., Aerts C., Cuypers J., Vandenbussche B., Garrido R., Solano E., 2007,“Automated supervised classification of variable stars. I. Methodology”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,475, 1159 – 1183

122. Briquet M., Morel T., Thoul A., Scuflaire R., Miglio A., Montalban J., Dupret M.-A., Aerts C., 2007,“An asteroseismic study of the � Cephei star ✓ Ophiuchi: constraints on global stellar parameters andcore overshooting”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381, 1482 – 1488

123. Cunha M. S., Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Baglin A., Bigot L., Brown T. M., Catala C.,Creevey O. L., Domiciano de Souza A., Eggenberger P., Garcia P. J. V., Grundahl F., Kervella P., KurtzD. W., Mathias P., Miglio A., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Perrin G., Pijpers F. P., Pourbaix D., QuirrenbachA., Rousselet-Perraut K., Teixeira T. C., Thevenin F., Thompson M. J., 2007, “Asteroseismology andinterferometry”, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 14, 217 – 360

124. Hu H., Nelemans G., Østensen R., Aerts C., Vuckovic M., Groot P. J., 2007, “An evolutionary studyof the pulsating subdwarf B eclipsing binary PG 1336-018¡/ASTROBJ¿ (NY Virginis)”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 473, 569 – 577

125. Vuckovic M., Aerts C., Ostensen R., Nelemans G., Hu H., Jeffery C. S., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R.,2007, “The binary properties of the pulsating subdwarf B eclipsing binary PG 1336-018 (NY Virgi-nis)”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 471, 605 – 615

126. Vuckovic M., Aerts C., Østensen R., Nelemans G., Hu H., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Jeffery C. S.,2007, “An old puzzle in a new light: PG 1336-018”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 257

127. Aerts C., 2007, “Discussion on � Cephei and SPB stars”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150,217

128. Morel T., Aerts C., 2007, “An abundance study of the B-type targets for the asteroseismology pro-gramme of the CoRoT mission”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 201

129. Morel T., Butler K., Aerts C., Neiner C., Briquet M., 2007, “Nitrogen excess in slowly-rotating �Cephei stars: deep mixing or diffusion?”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 199

130. Desmet M., Briquet M., De Cat P., Aerts C., Handler G., Krzesinski J., Lehmann H., Masuda S.,Mathias P., Mkrtichian D. E., Telting J. H., Uytterhoeven K., Yang S. L. S., 2007, “A spectroscopicstudy of the � Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 195

131. Handler G., Tuvikene T., Lorenz D., Saesen S., Provencal J. L., Shobbrook R. R., Pagani M., QuintB., Desmet M., Sterken C., Kanaan A., Aerts C., 2007, “Pulsating variables in NGC 3293, the opencluster with the most � Cephei stars known”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 193

132. Pigulski A., Handler G., Michalska G., Kołaczkowski Z., Kopacki G., Narwid A., Vanhollebeke E.,Steslicki M., Lefever K., Gazeas K., De Meester W., Vanautgaerden J., Leitner A., De Ridder J., vanHelshoecht V., Gielen C., Vandenbussche B., Saesen S., Reed M. D., Eggen J. R., Gelven G. A.,Desmet M., Puga Antolın E., Aerts C., Schmidt E., Huygen R., Lorenz D., Vuckovic M., BroedersE., Bauwens E., Verhoelst T., Deroo P., Lenz P., Dehaes S., Ladjal D., Steininger B., Davignon G.,Beck P. G., Yakut K., Drummond R., Fu J.-N., Jiang X.-J., Zhang C., Provencal J., Decin L., 2007,“The ongoing 2005 – 2006 campaign on � Cephei stars in NGC 6910 and � Persei (NGC 884)”,Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 191


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133. Zima W., De Cat P., Aerts C., 2007, “Mode identification of multi-periodic Slowly Pulsating B-stars:results and problems”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 189

134. Briquet M., Hubrig S., De Cat P., Aerts C., North P., Scholler M., 2007, “A comparative study of B-type pulsators and non-pulsating chemically peculiar Bp stars”, Communications in Asteroseismology,150, 187

135. Ahmad A., Jeffery C. S., Aerts C., Fontaine G., Charpinet S., 2007, “Photometry of balloon 090100001with the Himalayan Chandra Telescope”, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 35, 67 – 75

136. Shkedy Z., Decin L., Molenberghs G., Aerts C., 2007, “Estimating stellar parameters from spectrausing a hierarchical Bayesian approach”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 377,120 – 132

137. Yakut K., Aerts C., Morel T., 2007, “The early-type close binary CV Velorum revisited”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 467, 647 – 655

138. Briquet M., Hubrig S., De Cat P., Aerts C., North P., Scholler M., 2007, “On the co-existence ofchemically peculiar Bp stars, slowly pulsating B stars and constant B stars in the same part of the HRdiagram”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 466, 269 – 276

139. De Oliveira Fialho F., Lapeyrere V., Auvergne M., Drummond R., Vandenbussche B., Aerts C.,Kuschnig R., Matthews J. M., 2007, “Jitter Correction Algorithms for the COROT Satellite Mission:Validation with Test Bench Data and MOST On-Orbit Photometry”, Publications of the AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific, 119, 337 – 346

140. Lefever K., Puls J., Aerts C., 2007, “Statistical properties of a sample of periodically variable B-typesupergiants. Evidence for opacity-driven gravity-mode oscillations”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,463, 1093 – 1109

141. De Cat P., Briquet M., Aerts C., Goossens K., Saesen S., Cuypers J., Yakut K., Scuflaire R., DupretM.-A., Uytterhoeven K., van Winckel H., Raskin G., Davignon G., Le Guillou L., van Malderen R.,Reyniers M., Acke B., De Meester W., Vanautgaerden J., Vandenbussche B., Verhoelst T., WaelkensC., Deroo P., Reyniers K., Ausseloos M., Broeders E., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Debosscher J.,De Ruyter S., Lefever K., Decin G., Kolenberg K., Mazumdar A., van Kerckhoven C., De RidderJ., Drummond R., Barban C., Vanhollebeke E., Maas T., Decin L., 2007, “Long term photometricmonitoring with the Mercator telescope. Frequencies and mode identification of variable O-B stars”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 463, 243 – 249

142. Mazumdar A., Briquet M., Desmet M., Aerts C., 2006, “An asteroseismic study of the � Cephei star� Canis Majoris”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 459, 589 – 596

143. Hekker S., Aerts C., De Ridder J., Carrier F., 2006, “Pulsations detected in the line profile variationsof red giants. Modelling of line moments, line bisector and line shape”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,458, 931 – 940

144. Morel T., Butler K., Aerts C., Neiner C., Briquet M., 2006, “Abundance analysis of prime B-typetargets for asteroseismology. I. Nitrogen excess in slowly-rotating � Cephei stars”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 457, 651 – 663


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145. Tango W. J., Davis J., Ireland M. J., Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K., Jacob A. P., Mendez A., NorthJ. R., Seneta E. B., Tuthill P. G., 2006, “Orbital elements, masses and distance of � Scorpii A andB determined with the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer and high-resolution spectroscopy”,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370, 884 – 890

146. Ausseloos M., Aerts C., Lefever K., Davis J., Harmanec P., 2006, “High-precision elements ofdouble-lined spectroscopic binaries from combined interferometry and spectroscopy. Applicationto the � Cephei star � Centauri”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 455, 259 – 269

147. Drummond R., de Oliveira Fialho F., Vandenbussche B., Auvergne M., Aerts C., 2006, “Correctionfor small satellite motion on the COROT asteroseismology channel”, Acta Astronautica, 59, 358 –366

148. Drummond R., Vandenbussche B., Aerts C., De Oliveira Fialho F., Auvergne M., 2006, “Jitter Cor-rection Algorithms for the COROT Satellite Mission”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of thePacific, 118, 874 – 884

149. Hubrig S., Briquet M., Scholler M., De Cat P., Mathys G., Aerts C., 2006, “Discovery of magneticfields in the �Cephei star ⇠1 CMa and in several slowly pulsating B stars⇤”, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 369, L61 – L65

150. Aerts C., Waelkens C., De Cat P., Kolenberg K., Kestens E., Grenon M., Eyer L., 2006, “Pulsating BStars Discovered by HIPPARCOS”, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers(JAAVSO), 35, 58

151. Telting J. H., Schrijvers C., Ilyin I. V., Uytterhoeven K., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Henrichs H. F.,2006, “A high-resolution spectroscopy survey of � Cephei pulsations in bright stars”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 452, 945 – 953

152. Aerts C., De Cat P., Kuschnig R., Matthews J. M., Guenther D. B., Moffat A. F. J., Rucinski S. M.,Sasselov D., Walker G. A. H., Weiss W. W., 2006, “Discovery of the New Slowly Pulsating B Star HD163830 (B5 II/III) from MOST Space-based Photometry”, The Astrophysical Journal, 642, L165 –L168

153. Aerts C., Marchenko S. V., Matthews J. M., Kuschnig R., Guenther D. B., Moffat A. F. J., RucinskiS. M., Sasselov D., Walker G. A. H., Weiss W. W., 2006, “� Ceti Is Not Monoperiodic: SeismicModeling of a � Cephei Star from MOST Space-based Photometry”, The Astrophysical Journal,642, 470 – 477

154. Aerts C., Jeffery C. S., Fontaine G., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Groot P., 2006, “High-speedcolourimetry of the subdwarf B star SDSSJ171722.08+58055.8 with ULTRACAM⇤”, Monthly No-tices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367, 1317 – 1322

155. Aerts C., De Cat P., De Ridder J., van Winckel H., Raskin G., Davignon G., Uytterhoeven K., 2006,“Multiperiodicity in the large-amplitude rapidly-rotating � Cephei star HD 203664”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 449, 305 – 311

156. De Cat P., Eyer L., Cuypers J., Aerts C., Vandenbussche B., Uytterhoeven K., Reyniers K., Kolen-berg K., Groenewegen M., Raskin G., Maas T., Jankov S., 2006, “A spectroscopic study of southern(candidate) � Doradus stars. I. Time series analysis”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 449, 281 – 292


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157. De Ridder J., Barban C., Carrier F., Mazumdar A., Eggenberger P., Aerts C., Deruyter S., Vanautgaer-den J., 2006, “Discovery of solar-like oscillations in the red giant \varepsilon Ophiuchi”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 448, 689 – 695

158. Libich J., Harmanec P., Vondrak J., Yang S., Hadrava P., Aerts C., De Cat P., Koubsky P., Skoda P.,Slechta M., Uytterhoeven K., Mathias P., 2006, “The new orbital elements and properties of ✏ Persei”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 446, 583 – 589

159. Handler G., Jerzykiewicz M., Rodrıguez E., Uytterhoeven K., Amado P. J., Dorokhova T. N., DorokhovN. I., Poretti E., Sareyan J.-P., Parrao L., Lorenz D., Zsuffa D., Drummond R., Daszynska-DaszkiewiczJ., Verhoelst T., De Ridder J., Acke B., Bourge P.-O., Movchan A. I., Garrido R., Paparo M., SahinT., Antoci V., Udovichenko S. N., Csorba K., Crowe R., Berkey B., Stewart S., Terry D., MkrtichianD. E., Aerts C., 2006, “Asteroseismology of the � Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae: photometric ob-servations, pulsational frequency analysis and mode identification”, Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 365, 327 – 338

160. Desmet M., Briquet M., Mazumdar A., Aerts C., 2006, “An asteroseismic study of the beta Cepheistar beta Canis Majoris”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 113 – 116

161. Saesen S., Briquet M., Aerts C., 2006, “A line-profile analysis of the large-amplitude beta Cephei starxi1 Canis Majoris”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 109 – 112

162. Cuypers J., Goossens K., Schoenaers C., De Cat P., Aerts C., 2006, “Analysis of MERCATOR data -Part II: variable A & F stars”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 52 – 55

163. De Cat P., Briquet M., Aerts C., Goossens K., Saesen S., Cuypers J., Yakut K., Scuflaire R., DupretM.-A., 2006, “Analysis of MERCATOR data - Part I: variable B stars”, Communications in Astero-seismology, 147, 48 – 51

164. Aerts C., Jeffery C. S., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Groot P., 2006, “High-Speed Ultracam Colorimetryof the Subdwarf B Star SDSS J171722.08+58055.8”, Baltic Astronomy, 15, 275 – 278

165. Jeffery C. S., Aerts C., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., 2006, “Ultracam Photometry of Pulsating SubdwarfB Stars”, Baltic Astronomy, 15, 259 – 268

166. Briquet M., Lefever K., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., 2005, “An asteroseismic study of the � Cepheistar ✓ Ophiuchi: spectroscopic results”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 362, 619– 625

167. Jeffery C. S., Aerts C., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Gansicke B. T., 2005, “Multicolour high-speedphotometry of the subdwarf B star PG 0014+067 with ULTRACAM⇤”, Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 362, 66 – 78

168. Uytterhoeven K., Harmanec P., Telting J. H., Aerts C., 2005, “The orbit of the close spectroscopicbinary \varepsilon Lup and the intrinsic variability of its early B-type components”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 440, 249 – 260

169. Poretti E., Alonso R., Amado P. J., Belmonte J. A., Garrido R., Martın-Ruiz S., Uytterhoeven K.,Catala C., Lebreton Y., Michel E., Suarez J. C., Aerts C., Creevey O., Goupil M. J., Mantegazza L.,Mathias P., Rainer M., Weiss W. W., 2005, “Preparing the COROT Space Mission: New VariableStars in the Galactic Anticenter Direction”, The Astronomical Journal, 129, 2461 – 2468


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170. De Cat P., Briquet M., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Dupret M. A., De Ridder J., Scuflaire R., Aerts C.,2005, “A study of bright southern slowly pulsating B stars. III. Mode identification for singly-periodictargets in spectroscopy”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 1013 – 1024

171. Uytterhoeven K., Briquet M., Aerts C., Telting J. H., Harmanec P., Lefever K., Cuypers J., 2005,“Disentangling component spectra of Scorpii, a spectroscopic binary with a pulsating primary. II.Interpretation of the line-profile variability”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 955 – 967

172. Davis J., Mendez A., Seneta E. B., Tango W. J., Booth A. J., O’Byrne J. W., Thorvaldson E. D.,Ausseloos M., Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K., 2005, “Orbital parameters, masses and distance to � Cen-tauri determined with the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer and high-resolution spectroscopy”,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 356, 1362 – 1370

173. Aerts C., Kolenberg K., 2005, “HD 121190: A cool multiperiodic slowly pulsating B star with mod-erate rotation”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 431, 615 – 622

174. Solano E., Catala C., Garrido R., Poretti E., Janot-Pacheco E., Gutierrez R., Gonzalez R., MantegazzaL., Neiner C., Fremat Y., Charpinet S., Weiss W., Amado P. J., Rainer M., Tsymbal V., LyashkoD., Ballereau D., Bouret J. C., Hua T., Katz D., Lignieres F., Luftinger T., Mittermayer P., NesvacilN., Soubiran C., van’t Veer-Menneret C., Goupil M. J., Costa V., Rolland A., Antonello E., Bossi M.,Buzzoni A., Rodrigo C., Aerts C., Butler C. J., Guenther E., Hatzes A., 2005, “GAUDI: A PreparatoryArchive for the COROT Mission”, The Astronomical Journal, 129, 547 – 553

175. Ausseloos M., Scuflaire R., Thoul A., Aerts C., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the � Cephei star ⌫Eridani: massive exploration of standard and non-standard stellar models to fit the oscillation data”,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 355, 352 – 358

176. Uytterhoeven K., Telting J. H., Aerts C., Willems B., 2004, “Interpretation of the variability of the �Cephei star � Scorpii. II. The line-profile diagnostics”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 427, 593 – 605

177. Uytterhoeven K., Willems B., Lefever K., Aerts C., Telting J. H., Kolb U., 2004, “Interpretation ofthe variability of the � Cephei star � Scorpii. I. The multiple character”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,427, 581 – 592

178. Harmanec P., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., 2004, “Disentangling component spectra of Sco, a spec-troscopic binary with a pulsating primary. I. Improved physical elements and analysis of periodicrapid variations of scalar quantities”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 422, 1013 – 1021

179. Decin L., Shkedy Z., Molenberghs G., Aerts M., Aerts C., 2004, “Estimating stellar parameters fromspectra. I. Goodness-of-fit parameters and lack-of-fit test”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 421, 281 –294

180. De Ridder J., Telting J. H., Balona L. A., Handler G., Briquet M., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., LefeverK., Korn A. J., Heiter U., Aerts C., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the � Cephei star ⌫ Eridani - III.Extended frequency analysis and mode identification”, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 351, 324 – 332

181. Thoul A., Scuflaire R., Ausseloos M., Aerts C., Noels A., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the BetaCephei star HD 129929. Effects of a change in the metal mixture”, Communications in Asteroseis-mology, 144, 35 – 40


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182. Aerts C., Lamers H. J. G. L. M., Molenberghs G., 2004, “Maximum mass-loss rates of line-drivenwinds of massive stars: The effect of rotation and an application to ⌘ Carinae”, Astronomy and Astro-physics, 418, 639 – 648

183. Stello D., Kjeldsen H., Bedding T. R., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Carrier F., Frandsen S., 2004, “Sim-ulating stochastically excited oscillations The mode lifetime of ⇠ Hya”, Solar Physics, 220, 207 –228

184. Mathias P., Le Contel J.-M., Chapellier E., Jankov S., Sareyan J.-P., Poretti E., Garrido R., RodrıguezE., Arellano Ferro A., Alvarez M., Parrao L., Pena J., Eyer L., Aerts C., De Cat P., Weiss W. W.,Zhou A., 2004, “Multi-site, multi-technique survey of � Doradus candidates. I. Spectroscopic resultsfor 59 stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 417, 189 – 199

185. Schrijvers C., Telting J. H., Aerts C., 2004, “Line-profile variability in the � Cephei star ✏ Centauri”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 416, 1069 – 1079

186. Aerts C., Cuypers J., De Cat P., Dupret M. A., De Ridder J., Eyer L., Scuflaire R., Waelkens C., 2004,“Long-term multicolour photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the two � Doradus stars HD12901 and HD 48501”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 1079 – 1088

187. Dupret M.-A., Thoul A., Scuflaire R., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Aerts C., Bourge P.-O., WaelkensC., Noels A., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the � Cep star HD 129929. II. Seismic constraints on coreovershooting, internal rotation and stellar parameters”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 251 – 257

188. Aerts C., Waelkens C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Dupret M.-A., Thoul A., Scuflaire R., Uytter-hoeven K., Niemczura E., Noels A., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the � Cep star HD 129929. I.Observations, oscillation frequencies and stellar parameters”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 241– 249

189. Aerts C., De Cat P., Handler G., Heiter U., Balona L. A., Krzesinski J., Mathias P., Lehmann H., IlyinI., De Ridder J., Dreizler S., Bruch A., Traulsen I., Hoffmann A., James D., Romero-Colmenero E.,Maas T., Groenewegen M. A. T., Telting J. H., Uytterhoeven K., Koen C., Cottrell P. L., Bentley J.,Wright D. J., Cuypers J., 2004, “Asteroseismology of the � Cephei star ⌫ Eridani - II. Spectroscopicobservations and pulsational frequency analysis”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,347, 463 – 470

190. Briquet M., Aerts C., Luftinger T., De Cat P., Piskunov N. E., Scuflaire R., 2004, “He and Si surfaceinhomogeneities of four Bp variable stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 413, 273 – 283

191. Thoul A., Ausseloos M., Barban C., Briquet M., Bourge P.-O., Cuypers J., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J.,De Cat P., De Ridder J., Dupret M.-A., Montalban J., Noels A., Scuflaire R., Uytterhoeven K., AertsC., 2003, “A Hare and Hound in a BAG: Asteroseismology of Beta Cephei stars”, Communicationsin Asteroseismology, 143, 25 – 28

192. Aerts C., 2003, “ENEAS: the European Network of Excellence in AsteroSeismology”, Communica-tions in Asteroseismology, 143, 5 – 8

193. Thoul A., Aerts C., Dupret M. A., Scuflaire R., Korotin S. A., Egorova I. A., Andrievsky S. M.,Lehmann H., Briquet M., De Ridder J., Noels A., 2003, “Seismic modelling of the beta Cep star EN(16) Lacertae”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 406, 287 – 292


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194. Poretti E., Garrido R., Amado P. J., Uytterhoeven K., Handler G., Alonso R., Martın S., Aerts C.,Catala C., Goupil M. J., Michel E., Mantegazza L., Mathias P., Pretorius M. L., Belmonte J. A., ClaretA., Rodrıguez E., Suarez J. C., Vuthela F. F., Weiss W. W., Ballereau D., Bouret J. C., CharpinetS., Hua T., Luftinger T., Nesvacil N., Van’t Veer-Menneret C., 2003, “Preparing the COROT spacemission: Incidence and characterisation of pulsation in the lower instability strip”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 406, 203 – 211

195. Aerts C., Thoul A., Daszynska J., Scuflaire R., Waelkens C., Dupret M. A., Niemczura E., Noels A.,2003, “Asteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid Rotation”, Science, 300,1926 – 1928

196. Aerts C., Lamers H. J. G. L. M., 2003, “Maximum mass-loss rates of line-driven winds of massivestars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 403, 625 – 635

197. Briquet M., Aerts C., Mathias P., Scuflaire R., Noels A., 2003, “Spectroscopic mode identificationfor the slowly pulsating B star HD 147394”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 401, 281 – 288

198. Aerts C., Lehmann H., Briquet M., Scuflaire R., Dupret M. A., De Ridder J., Thoul A., 2003, “Spec-troscopic mode identification for the beta Cephei star EN (16) Lacertae”, Astronomy and Astrophysics,399, 639 – 645

199. Briquet M., Aerts C., 2003, “A new version of the moment method, optimized for mode identificationin multiperiodic stars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 398, 687 – 696

200. Dupret M.-A., De Ridder J., De Cat P., Aerts C., Scuflaire R., Noels A., Thoul A., 2003, “A photomet-ric mode identification method, including an improved non-adiabatic treatment of the atmosphere”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 398, 677 – 685

201. Aerts C., De Cat P., 2003, “� Cep stars from a spectroscopic point of view”, Space Science Reviews,105, 453 – 492

202. Teixeira T. C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Carrier F., Aerts C., Frandsen S., Stello D., Maas T., BurnetM., Bruntt H., de Medeiros J. R., Bouchy F., Kjeldsen H., Pijpers F., 2003, “Giant Vibrations in Dip”,Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 233 – 236

203. Dupret M.-A., Scuflaire R., Noels A., Thoul A., Garrido R., Moya A., De Ridder J., De Cat P.,Aerts C., 2003, “An Improved Method of Photometric Mode Identification: Applications to SlowlyPulsating B, � Cephei, � Scuti and � Doradus Stars”, Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 129 –132

204. De Ridder J., Molenberghs G., Aerts C., 2003, “Statistical Revision of the Moment Method”, Astro-physics and Space Science, 284, 125 – 128

205. Handler G., Aerts C., 2002, “A five-month multitechnique, multisite campaign on the Beta Cepheistar Nu Eridani”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 142, 20 – 24

206. Frandsen S., Carrier F., Aerts C., Stello D., Maas T., Burnet M., Bruntt H., Teixeira T. C., de MedeirosJ. R., Bouchy F., Kjeldsen H., Pijpers F., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., 2002, “Detection of Solar-likeoscillations in the G7 giant star xi Hya”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 394, L5 – L8

207. De Cat P., Aerts C., 2002, “A study of bright southern slowly pulsating B stars. II. The intrinsicfrequencies”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 393, 965 – 981


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208. Cuypers J., Aerts C., Buzasi D., Catanzarite J., Conrow T., Laher R., 2002, “Multiperiodicity in thelight variations of the beta Cephei star beta Crucis”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 392, 599 – 603

209. Aerts C., Handler G., Arentoft T., Vandenbussche B., Medupe R., Sterken C., 2002, “The� Scuti starXX Pyx is an ellipsoidal variable”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333, L35 –L39

210. De Ridder J., Dupret M.-A., Neuforge C., Aerts C., 2002, “Influence of non-adiabatic temperaturevariations on line profile variations of slowly rotating beta Cephei stars and SPBs. II. Simulations ofline profile time series”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 385, 572 – 584

211. Dupret M.-A., De Ridder J., Neuforge C., Aerts C., Scuflaire R., 2002, “Influence of non-adiabatictemperature variations on line profile variations of slowly rotating beta Cep stars and SPBs. I. Non-adiabatic eigenfunctions in the atmosphere of a pulsating star”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 385,563 – 571

212. Willems B., Aerts C., 2002, “Tidally induced radial-velocity variations in close binaries”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 384, 441 – 451

213. Ausseloos M., Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K., Schrijvers C., Waelkens C., Cuypers J., 2002, “beta Cen-tauri: An eccentric binary with two beta Cep-type components”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 384,209 – 214

214. Aerts C., 2002, “The study of pulsating stars from the COROT exoplanet field data”, Communicationsin Asteroseismology, 141, 20 – 25

215. Aerts C., et al., 2001, “Ground support with the MERCATOR telescope”, Journal of AstronomicalData, 7, 8

216. Briquet M., De Cat P., Aerts C., Scuflaire R., 2001, “The B-type variable HD 131120 modelled byrotational modulation”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 380, 177 – 185

217. Mathias P., Aerts C., Briquet M., De Cat P., Cuypers J., Van Winckel H., Le Contel J. M., 2001,“Spectroscopic monitoring of 10 new northern slowly pulsating B star candidates discovered from theHIPPARCOS mission”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 379, 905 – 916

218. Balona L. A., Aerts C., Bozic H., Guinan E. F., Handler G., James D. J., Kaye A. B., ShobbrookR. R., 2001, “Short period line profile and light variations in the Be star ! Orionis”, Monthly Noticesof the Royal Astronomical Society, 327, 1288 – 1296

219. Chadid M., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Mathias P., 2001, “20 CVn: A monoperiodic radially pulsatingdelta Scuti star”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 375, 113 – 121

220. Aerts C., Kaye A. B., 2001, “A Spectroscopic Analysis of the � Doradus Star HD 207223 = HR8330”, The Astrophysical Journal, 553, 814 – 822

221. Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., De Cat P., De Mey K., Telting J. H., Schrijvers C., De Ridder J., DaemsK., Meeus G., Waelkens C., 2001, “Line-profile variations of the double-lined spectroscopic binarykappa Scorpii”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 371, 1035 – 1047

222. Lehmann H., Harmanec P., Aerts C., Bozic H., Eenens P., Hildebrandt G., Holmgren D., Mathias P.,Scholz G., Slechta M., Yang S., 2001, “A new analysis of the radial velocity variations of the eclipsingand spectroscopic binary EN Lacertae”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 367, 236 – 249


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223. Briquet M., Aerts C., De Cat P., 2001, “Optical variability of the B-type star HD 105382: Pulsationor rotation?”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 366, 121 – 128

224. Aerts C., 2000, “Follow-up photometry of six new beta Cephei stars discovered from the HIPPAR-COS mission”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 361, 245 – 257

225. Eyer L., Aerts C., 2000, “A search for new gamma Doradus stars in the Geneva photometric database”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 361, 201 – 206

226. De Cat P., Telting J., Aerts C., Mathias P., 2000, “A detailed spectroscopic analysis of varepsilon Per.I. Determination of the orbital parameters and of the frequencies”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 359,539 – 551

227. Shibahashi H., Aerts C., 2000, “Asteroseismology and Oblique Pulsator Model of � Cephei”, TheAstrophysical Journal, 531, L143 – L146

228. De Cat P., Aerts C., De Ridder J., Kolenberg K., Meeus G., Decin L., 2000, “A study of brightsouthern slowly pulsating B stars. I. Determination of the orbital parameters and of the main frequencyof the spectroscopic binaries”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 355, 1015 – 1030

229. Stefl S., Balona L. A., Aerts C., 2000, “Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the Be star 28(omega) CMa III. Original data”, Journal of Astronomical Data, 6, 3

230. Chadid M., Kolenberg K., Aerts C., Gillet D., 1999, “First detection of a frequency multiplet in theline-profile variations of RR Lyrae: towards an understanding of the Blazhko effect”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 352, 201 – 210

231. Aerts C., De Boeck I., Malfait K., De Cat P., 1999, “HD 42927 and HD 126341: two pulsating Bstars surrounded by circumstellar dust”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 347, 524 – 531

232. Balona L. A., Aerts C., Stefl S., 1999, “Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the Be star 28(omega) CMa - II. Line profile modelling”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305,519 – 526

233. Stefl S., Aerts C., Balona L. A., 1999, “Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the Be star 28(omega) CMa - I. Observational evidence of the periodic components of rapid variability”, MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305, 505 – 518

234. Molenberghs G., Aerts C., De Cat P., 1999, “An improved method for the determination of the orbitalparameters of a binary system that contains a pulsating component”, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSupplement Series, 135, 383 – 390

235. Aerts C., De Cat P., Peeters E., Decin L., De Ridder J., Kolenberg K., Meeus G., Van Winckel H.,Cuypers J., Waelkens C., 1999, “Selection of a sample of bright southern Slowly Pulsating B Starsfor long-term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 343, 872 –882

236. Robertson J. G., Bedding T. R., Aerts C., Waelkens C., Marson R. G., Barton J. R., 1999, “Interfer-ometry and spectroscopy of beta Cen: a beta Cephei star in a binary systemˆ*”, Monthly Notices ofthe Royal Astronomical Society, 302, 245 – 252


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237. De Ridder J., Gordon K. D., Mulliss C. L., Aerts C., 1999, “New observations of 53 Persei”, Astron-omy and Astrophysics, 341, 574 – 578

238. Aerts C., Eyer L., Kestens E., 1998, “The discovery of new gamma Doradus stars from the HIPPAR-COS mission”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 337, 790 – 796

239. Lamers H. J. G. L. M., Bastiaanse M. V., Aerts C., Spoon H. W. W., 1998, “Periods, period changesand the nature of the microvariations of Luminous Blue Variables”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 335,605 – 621

240. Waelkens C., Aerts C., Kestens E., Grenon M., Eyer L., 1998, “Study of an unbiased sample of Bstars observed with Hipparcos: the discovery of a large amount of new slowly pulsating B stars”,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 330, 215 – 221

241. Aerts C., De Cat P., Cuypers J., Becker S. R., Mathias P., De Mey K., Gillet D., Waelkens C.,1998, “Evidence for binarity and multiperiodicity in the beta Cephei star beta Crucis”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 329, 137 – 146

242. Mathias P., Gillet D., Aerts C., Breitfellner M. G., 1997, “A spectroscopic study of the delta Scutistar rho Puppis”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 327, 1077 – 1086

243. De Mey K., Aerts C., Waelkens C., Cranmer S. R., Schrijvers C., Telting J. H., Daems K., MeeusG., 1997, “The line-profile variable � Scorpii is a spectroscopic triple system.”, Astronomy and Astro-physics, 324, 1096 – 1104

244. Telting J. H., Aerts C., Mathias P., 1997, “A period analysis of the optical line variability of � Cephei:evidence for multi-mode pulsation and rotational modulation.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 322,493 – 506

245. Schrijvers C., Telting J. H., Aerts C., Ruymaekers E., Henrichs H. F., 1997, “Line-profile variationsdue to adiabatic non-radial pulsations in rotating stars. I. Observable characteristics of spheroidalmodes”, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 121, 343 – 368

246. Aerts C., 1996, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line-profile variations with the momentmethod: a more accurate discriminant.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 314, 115 – 122

247. Mathias P., Aerts C., 1996, “A spectroscopic study of the �Scuti star 20 Canum Venaticorum.”, As-tronomy and Astrophysics, 312, 905 – 911

248. De Mey K., Aerts C., Waelkens C., Van Winckel H., 1996, “The early-type multiple system ⌘ Orionis.II. Line profile variations in component Ab.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 310, 164 – 172

249. Aerts C., Krisciunas K., 1996, “Mode identification of the slowly pulsating F0V star V398 Aurigae(9 Aur).”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 278, 877 – 882

250. Aerts C., Mathias P., Van Hoolst T., De Mey K., Sterken C., Gillet D., 1995, “Mode identification ofthe �Cephei star BW Vulpeculae.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 301, 781

251. Aerts C., Waelkens C., 1995, “(Erratum) Line profile variations of rotating, pulsating stars.”, Astron-omy and Astrophysics, 293, 978 – 978

252. Aerts C., Molenberghs G., 1995, “Constraints on Be star geometry derived from combined photo-metric, IR excess, and optical polarimetry data.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, 828 – 832


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253. Mathias P., Aerts C., Gillet D., Waelkens C., 1994, “A spectroscopic analysis of the beta Cephei star12 Lacertae”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 289, 875 – 884

254. Aerts C., Waelkens C., de Pauw M., 1994, “Mode identification with the moment method in fourmultiperiodic � Cephei stars: KK Velorum, ⌫ Eri, � CMa, and V348 Normae”, Astronomy and Astro-physics, 286, 136 – 148

255. Aerts C., Mathias P., Gillet D., Waelkens C., 1994, “Multiperiodicity and pulsation characteristics of� Cephei”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 286, 109 – 120

256. Mathias P., Aerts C., de Pauw M., Gillet D., Waelkens C., 1994, “A Spectroscopic Analysis of theBeta-Cephei Star Alpha-Lupi”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 283, 813

257. de Pauw M., Aerts C., Waelkens C., 1993, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line profilevariations with the moment method. A theoretical study of the accuracy of the method”, Astronomyand Astrophysics, 280, 493 – 507

258. Reid A. H. N., Aerts C., 1993, “Limits on mode identifications in rotating, non-radially pulsatingstars”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 279, L25 – L28

259. Aerts C., Waelkens C., 1993, “Line Profile Variations of Rotating Pulsating Stars”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 273, 135

260. Aerts C., de Pauw M., Waelkens C., 1992, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line profilevariations with the moment method. an example - The Beta Cephei star Delta Ceti”, Astronomy andAstrophysics, 266, 294 – 306

261. Aerts C., 1992, “Mode identification of pulsating stars from line profile variations with the momentmethod”, The Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics 401, 163

262. Waelkens C., Aerts C., 1992, “Analysis of line profile variations in pulsating B stars”, The Atmo-spheres of Early-Type Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics 401, 159

17.3 Publications in Conference Proceedings

1. Van Eylen V., Lund M. N., Silva Aguirre V., Arentoft T., Kjeldsen H., Albrecht S., Chaplin W. J.,Isaacson H., Pedersen M. G., Jessen-Hansen J., Tingley B., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Aerts C., Cam-pante T. L., Bryson S. T., 2014, “What asteroseismology can do for exoplanets”, in The Space Pho-tometry Revolution, Proceedings of the CoRoT Symposium 3 / Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting, EPJWeb of Conferences, in press (arXiv:1412.4848)

2. Zwintz K., Fossati L., Ryabchikova T., Guenther D., Aerts C., 2014, “Tracing early stellar evolutionwith asteroseismology: pre-main sequence stars in NGC 2264”, in The Space Photometry Revolution,Proceedings of the CoRoT Symposium 3 / Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting, EPJ Web of Conferences,in press (arXiv:1411.0637)

3. Aerts C., 2014, “Massive Star Asteroseismology in Action”, in New windows on massive stars:asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, Eds G. Meynet, C. Georgy, J.H. Groh &Ph. Stee, Proceedings of the International Asstronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 307, in press(arXiv:1407.6479)


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4. Saesen S., Briquet M., Aerts C., Miglio A., Carrier F., 2014, “An observational asteroseismic study ofthe pulsating B-stars in the open cluster NGC 884”, in High-precision Asteroseismology, Proceedingsof the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 301, 479 – 480

5. Aerts C., 2013, “Asteroseismology of binary stars and a compilation of core overshoot and rotationalfrequency values of OB stars”, in Setting a New Standard in the Analysis of Binary Stars, Eds K.Pavlovski, A. Tkachenko, and G. Torres, EAS Publications Series, 64, 323 – 330

6. Schmid V. S., Debosscher J., Degroote P., Aerts C., 2013, “Asteroseismology of eclipsing binary starsusing Kepler and the HERMES spectrograph”, in Setting a New Standard in the Analysis of BinaryStars, Eds K. Pavlovski, A. Tkachenko, and G. Torres, EAS Publications Series 64, 421 – 422

7. Marcos-Arenal P., Zima W., De Ridder J., Huygen R., Aerts C., 2013, “The ASTROID SimulatorSoftware Package: Realistic Modelling of High-Precision High-Cadence Space-Based Imaging”, inBAASP 2013 Conference papers, Vol. 2, Space Research Review pages, 19 – 25 (arXiv:1402.2582)

8. Schmid V., Aerts C., Debosscher J., 2013, “Asteroseismology of Binary Stars”, Massive Stars: Fromalpha to Omega, id.98

9. Simon-Diaz S., Castro N., Herrero A., Aerts C., Puls J., Markova N., 2013, “Macroturbulent broaden-ing and its consequences on the study of rotational velocities and pulsations in massive stars”, MassiveStars: From alpha to Omega, id.28

10. Lampens P., Tkachenko A., Lehmann H., Debosscher J., Aerts C., Beck P. G., Bloemen S., Kochi-ashvili N., Derekas A., Smith J., Tenenbaum P., Twicken J., 2013, “Puzzling Low-Frequency Varia-tions in the � Scuti-type Kepler Star KIC 5988140 (HD 188774)”, Astronomical Society of the PacificConference Series, 479, 99

11. Hambleton K., Beck P., Bloemen S., Vos J., Prsa A., Kurtz D., Aerts C., 2013, “Panoramix: The RedGiant Heartbeat Star”, In Giants of Eclipse, 40301

12. Aerts C., Hussain G., Patat F., 2013, “Normal Programme Applications for HARPS are Most Wel-come”, The Messenger, 153, 5

13. Poretti E., Rainer M., Mantegazza L., Floquet M., Mathias P., Amado P., Aerts C., UytterhoevenK., 2013, “The Spectroscopic Observations of CoRoT Asteroseismic Targets with HARPS”, StellarPulsations: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, 31, 39

14. Simon-Dıaz S., Castro N., Herrero A., Aerts C., Puls J., Markova N., 2013, “Macroturbulent Broaden-ing: A Single Snap-Shot Approach to Investigate Pulsations in Massive Stars?”, Astronomical Societyof the Pacific Conference Series, 465, 19

15. Blomme R., Briquet M., Degroote P., Mahy L., Aerts C., Cuypers J., Godart M., Gosset E., HareterM., Montalban J., Morel T., Nieva M. F., Noels A., Oreiro R., Poretti E., Przybilla N., Rainer M.,Rauw G., Schiller F., Simon-Diaz S., Smolders K., Ventura P., Vuckovic M., Auvergne M., Baglin A.,Baudin F., Catala C., Michel E., Samadi R., 2013, “CoRoT Observations of O Stars: Diverse Originsof Variability”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 465, 13

16. Poretti E., Rainer M., Mantegazza L., Floquet M., Mathias P., Amado P., Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K.,2013, “The Spectroscopic Observations of CoRoT Asteroseismic Targets with HARPS”, Advances inSolid State Physics, 31, 39


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17. Merges F., Prins S., Pessemier W., Raskin G., Perez Padilla J., Van Winckel H., Aerts C., 2012,“MESA: Mercator scheduler and archive system”, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engi-neers (SPIE) Conference Series, 8451,

18. Aerts C., Dupret M.-A., 2012, “On the Seismic Modelling of Rotating B-type Pulsators in the Tra-ditional Approximation”, Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology, 462,103

19. Maceroni C., Gandolfi D., Montalban J., Aerts C., 2012, “The Impact of CoRoT and Kepler onEclipsing Binary Science”, IAU Symposium, 282, 41 – 46

20. Telting J., Ostensen R., Oreiro R., Reed M., Farris L., O’Toole S., Aerts C., 2012, “Orbits of HotSubdwarf Binaries in the Kepler Field”, Fifth Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects,452, 147

21. Simon-Dıaz S., Herrero A., Uytterhoeven K., Castro N., Aerts C., Puls J., 2011, “Is macroturbulencein OB Sgs related to pulsations?”, IAU Symposium, 272, 549 – 550

22. Godart M., Dupret M.-A., Noels A., Aerts C., Simon-Dıaz S., Lefever K., Puls J., Montalban J., Ven-tura P., 2011, “Pulsations in massive stars: effect of the atmosphere on the strange mode pulsations”,IAU Symposium, 272, 503 – 504

23. Welsh W. F., Orosz J. A., Gilliland R. L., Aerts C., Brown T. M., Brugamyer E., Cochran W. D.,Guzik J. A., Kurtz D. W., Latham D. W., Marcy G. W., Quinn S. A., Zima W., Koch D. G., BoruckiW. J., Kepler Science Team, 2011, “KOI-54: The Remarkable Pulsating, Periastron-Pumped BinaryStar”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 43, #103.07

24. Vandersteen J., Raskin G., Agocs T., Morren J., Østensen R. H., Pessemier W., Prins S., SweversJ., Tulloch S. M., van Winckel H., Aerts C., 2010, “MAIA: a rapid three-channel photometry CCDinstrument for asteroseismology observations”, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, 7735

25. Kawaler S. D., Handler G., Aerts C., Bedding T., Catelan M., Cunha M., Eyer L., Jeffery S., MartinezP., Olah K., Pollard K., Somasundaram S., 2010, “Commission 27: Variable Stars”, Transactions ofthe International Astronomical Union, Series B, 27, 209 – 210

26. Guinan E. F., Wasatonic R., Engle S., Aerts C., Morajjevi E., Eaton J., Fekel F., Coughlin J., StewartH., 2010, “MOST Ultra-High Precision Photometry of the Luminous Blue Supergiant Rigel - Probingthe Interior of a Future Type II Supernova”, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #216,2164, #423.05

27. Aerts C., Debosscher J., Sarro L., Degroote P., Neiner C., Maceroni C., Ribas I., Auvergne M.,Deleuil M., Ollivier M., Jorda L., Samadi R., 2009, “Discovery of New Hot Pulsators in the CoRoTExoplanet Database and Their Potential for Asteroseismology”, Solar-Stellar Dynamos as Revealedby Helio- and Asteroseismology: GONG 2008/SOHO 21, 416, 401

28. Briquet M., Uytterhoeven K., Morel T., Aerts C., De Cat P., Mathias P., Lefever K., Miglio A.,Poretti E., Martın-Ruiz S., Paparo M., Rainer M., Carrier F., Gutierrez-Soto J., Valtier J. C., BenkoJ. M., Bognar Z., Niemczura E., Amado P. J., Suarez J. C., Moya A., Rodrıguez-Lopez C., GarridoR., 2009, “An asteroseismic study of the � Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642: results from theground-based campaign”, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1170, 394 – 396


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29. Semaan T., Neiner C., Martayan C., Debosscher J., Sarro L. M., Fremat Y., Aerts C., 2009, “Charac-terization and parameter determination of CoRoT variable stars with FLAMES”, American Instituteof Physics Conference Series, 1170, 391 – 393

30. Desmet M., Aerts C., Matthews J. M., Cameron C., Kuschnig R., Walker G. A. H., Yang S., Bohlen-der D., Østensen R., Briquet M., Guenther D. B., Moffat A. F. J., Rucinski S., Sasselov D., WeissW. W., 2009, “MOST reveals Spica as an Eclipsing Binary”, American Institute of Physics Confer-ence Series, 1170, 376 – 378

31. Alvarez M., Sareyan J. P., Parrao L., Pena J. H., Fox-Machado L., Poretti E., Martin S., Amado P.,Garrido R., Aerts C., Csurby Z., Paparo M., 2009, “On the variability of HD 170699 - a possibleCOROT Target”, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, 35, 148 – 149

32. Prusti T., Aerts C., Grebel E. K., Jordi C., Klioner S. A., Lindegren L., Mignard F., Randich S.,Walton N. A., 2009, “A Roadmap for Delivering the Promise of Gaia”, IAU Symposium, 254, 483 –486

33. Kawaler S. D., Handler G., Aerts C., Bedding T. R., Catelan M., Cunha M., Eyer L., Jeffery C. S.,Martinez P., Olah K., Pollard K., Somasundaram S., 2009, “Commission 27: Variable Stars”, Trans-actions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 27, 254 – 259

34. Gimenez A., Kawaler S. D., Aerts C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Breger M., Guinan E. F., Kurtz D. W.,Rucinski S. M., 2009, “Division V: Vaviable Stars”, Transactions of the International AstronomicalUnion, Series A, 27, 251 – 253

35. Giampapa M. S., Aerts C., Bedding T., Bonanno A., Brown T. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., DominikM., Ge J., Gilliland R. L., Harvey J. W., Hill F., Kawaler S. D., Kjeldsen H., Kurtz D. W., Marcy G. W.,Matthews J. M., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Schou J., 2009, “Asteroseismology: The Next Frontier inStellar Astrophysics”, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010, 91

36. Debosscher J., Sarro L. M., Lopez M., Aerts C., 2008, “Methodology for Automated SupervisedClassification of Light Curves in the CoRoT Exoplanet Database”, American Institute of PhysicsConference Series, 1082, 245 – 251

37. Lefevre L., Michel E., Aerts C., Kaiser A., Neiner C., Poretti E., Garrido R., Baglin A., AuvergneM., Catala C., Weiss W., Balaguer-Nunez L., Maceroni C., Ribas I., 2008, “Blue edge of the � Scutistars versus red edge of the SPB stars. How will CoRoT data help ?”, SF2A-2008, 489

38. Aerts C., 2008, “Preface”, Communications in Asteroseismology, 155, 6 – 15

39. Aerts C., 2008, “Core Overshoot and Nonrigid Internal Rotation of Massive Stars: Current Statusfrom Asteroseismology”, IAU Symposium, 250, 237 – 244

40. Lefever K., Puls J., Aerts C., 2008, “Periodically Variable B-type Supergiants: Empirical Evidencefor Non-Radial Gravity-Mode Oscillations”, Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clus-ters, 388, 193

41. Moffat A. F. J., Marchenko S. V., Lefevre L., Chene A.-N., St-Louis N., Zhilyaev B. E., Aerts C.,Saio H., Walker G. A. H., Matthews J. M., Kuschnig R., Cameron C., Rowe J. F., Guenther D. B.,Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., 2008, “Pulsations Beneath the Winds: Unique PrecisePhotometry from MOST”, Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, 388, 29


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42. Morel T., Briquet M., Aerts C., 2008, “The Chemical Composition of B-type Pulsators: Some Unex-pected Results”, Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, 301 – 302

43. Aerts C., Hekker S., Desmet M., Carrier F., Zima W., Briquet M., De Ridder J., 2008, “High-PrecisionSpectroscopy of Pulsating Stars”, Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, 161 – 164

44. van Spaandonk L., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Aerts C., 2008, “Modeling the Pulsating sdB Star PG1605+072”, Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, 392, 387

45. Pereira C., Jeffery C. S., Fontaine G., Charpinet S., Aerts C., Ahmad A., Connolly E., Vuckovic M.,Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., 2008, “Multisite Multicolour Photometric Observations of the NonradiallyPulsating SdB Star Balloon 090100001: A White Light Frequency Analysis”, Hot Subdwarf Stars andRelated Objects, 392, 293

46. Vuckovic M., Østensen R., Bloemen S., Decoster I., Aerts C., 2008, “Orbital Effects in VLT–UVESSpectra of AA Dor and NY Vir”, Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, 392, 199

47. Hu H., Vuckovic M., Østensen R., Nelemans G., Aerts C., Groot P. J., 2008, “Evolutionary andObservational Constraints on PG 1336-018 (NY Vir)”, Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, 392,117

48. Aerts C., Kawaler S. D., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Bedding T. R., Cacciari C., Cottrell P. L., CunhaM., Handler G., Martinez P., Sasselov D. D., Somasundaram S., Welch D. L., 2007, “Commission 27:Variable Stars”, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B, 26, 168 – 170

49. Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gimenez A., Guinan E. F., Aerts C., Balona L. A., Sahade J., 2007, “Divi-sion v: Variable Stars”, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B, 26, 165 –167

50. Owocki S. P., Stefl S., Aerts C., Barbuy B., Fabregat J., Gies D. R., Guinan E. F., Henrichs H. F.,Peters G. J., Porter J. M., Rivinius T., Stefl S., 2007, “Division Iv-V / Wg: Active B-Type Stars”,Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B, 26, 151 – 153

51. Aerts C., 2007, “Asteroseismology of Close Binary Stars”, IAU Symposium, 240, 432 – 441

52. Hu H., Nelemans G., Groot P., Aerts C., 2007, “Binary Evolution Channels explaining the subdwarfB star PG1336-018”, IAU Symposium, 240, 384

53. Buzasi D. L., Bruntt H., Aerts C., Preston H. L., 2007, “Variability Among B Stars Observed withWIRE”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 38, 111

54. Lefever K., Puls J., Aerts C., 2007, “A Grid of FASTWIND NLTE Model Atmospheres of MassiveStars”, The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization, 364, 545

55. Aerts C., Kawaler S., Bedding T., Cacciari C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Cottrell P., Cunha M., Han-dler G., Martinez P., Sasselov D., Seetha S., Welch D., 2007, “Commission C27: Variable Stars”,Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 26, 247 – 258

56. Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Aerts C., Gimenez A., Guinan E. F., Balona L. A., Sahade J., 2007, “Divi-sion V: Variable Stars”, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 26, 245 –245


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57. Owocki S., Aerts C., Fabregat J., Gies D., Henrichs H., McDavid D., Porter J., Rivinius T., PetersG., Stefl S., 2007, “Inter-Division IV/V WG on Active OB Stars”, Transactions of the InternationalAstronomical Union, Series A, 26, 241 – 242

58. Telting J., Schrijvers C., Ilyin I., Uytterhoeven K., De Ridder J., Aerts C., Henrichs H., 2007, “AHigh-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of � Cephei Pulsations in Bright Stars”, Active OB-Stars:Laboratories for Stellare and Circumstellar Physics, 361, 64 –

59. Sarro L. M., Debosscher J., Aerts C., 2006, “Classification of CoRoT Exoplanet Light Curves”, ESASpecial Publication, 1306, 385

60. Appourchaux T., Berthomieu G., Michel E., Aerts C., Ballot J., Barban C., Baudin F., Boumier P.,De Ridder J., Floquet M., Garcia R. A., Garrido R., Goupil M.-J., Lambert P., Lochard J., NeinerC., Poretti E., Provost J., Roxburgh I., Samadi R., Toutain T., 2006, “Data Analysis Tools for theSeismology Programme”, ESA Special Publication, 1306, 377

61. Catala C., Poretti E., Garrido R., Solano E., Cutispoto G., Pagano I., Distefano E., Romano P., AlonsoR., Amado P. J., Martin-Ruiz S., Rainer M., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., Antonello E., BelmonteJ. A., Bossi M., Handler G., Hubert A.-M., Janot-Pachecho E., Lebreton Y., Mantegazza L., MathiasP., Michel E., Neiner C., Suarez J. C., Weiss W. W., 36 Co-Authors, 2006, “The Ground-BasedObservations in Preparation and Support of the Seismology Programme”, ESA Special Publication,1306, 329

62. Noels A., Aerts C., Plesseria J. Y., 2006, “The Belgian Contribution”, ESA Special Publication, 1306,115

63. Michel E., Baglin A., Auvergne M., Catala C., Aerts C., Alecian G., Amado P., Appourchaux T.,Ausseloos M., Ballot J., Barban C., Baudin F., Berthomieu G., Boumier P., Bohm T., Briquet M.,Charpinet S., Cunha M. S., De Cat P., Dupret M. A., Fabregat J., Floquet M., Fremat Y., Garrido R.,Garcia R. A., Goupil M.-J., Handler G., Hubert A.-M., Janot-Pacheco E., Lambert P., Lebreton Y.,Lignieres F., Lochard J., Martin-Ruiz S., Mathias P., Mazumdar A., Mittermayer P., Montalban J.,Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Morel P., Mosser B., Moya A., Neiner C., Nghiem P., Noels A., Oehlinger J.,Poretti E., Provost J., Renan de Medeiros J., De Ridder J., Rieutord M., Roca-Cortes T., Roxburgh I.,Samadi R., Scuflaire R., Suarez J. C., Theado S., Thoul A., Toutain T., Turck-Chieze S., UytterhoevenK., Vauclair G., Vauclair S., Weiss W. W., Zwintz K., 2006, “The Seismology Programme of CoRoT”,ESA Special Publication, 1306, 39

64. Aerts C., 2006, “The pulsations and potential for seismology of B stars”, Proceedings of SOHO18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun, 624,

65. Roth M., Luhe O. v. d., Palle P., Thompson M. J., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G.,Gizon L., Di Mauro M. P., Aerts C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Corbard T., 2006, “European helio-and asteroseismology network HELAS”, Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyondthe spherical Sun, 624,

66. Hekker S., Aerts C., De Ridder J., Carrier F., 2006, “A line profile analysis of the pulsating red giantstar Ophiuchi (G9.5III)”, Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun,624,


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67. Roth M., Luhe O. v. d., Palle P., Thompson M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G,Gizon L., Di Mauro M. P., Aerts C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Corbard T., 2006, “Helas-EuropeanHelio- and Asteroseismology Network”, SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, 617,

68. Yakut K., Aerts C., 2006, “Physical Parameters of the Overcontact Binary AH Cnc in the Old OpenCluster M 67”, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, 349, 375

69. Lefever K., Puls J., Aerts C., 2006, “Fundamental Parameters of Massive OBA Stars: Studying theGAUDI Sample in Preparation of COROT”, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, 349, 277

70. Debosscher J., Aerts C., Vandenbussche B., 2006, “Classification of COROT Exoplanet Light Curves”,Astrophysics of Variable Stars, 349, 219

71. Freyhammer L. M., Hensberge H., Sterken C., De Cat P., Aerts C., 2006, “The oscillation modes ofthe beta Cephei star in HD 92024 in the open cluster NGC 3293 .”, Memorie della Societa AstronomicaItaliana, 77, 334

72. De Cat P., Goossens K., Bouckaert F., Eyer L., Cuypers J., De Ridder J., Flanders}, Aerts C., DupretM.-A., Grigahcene A., Many Observers, 2006, “Observational results for northern and southern (can-didate) gamma Doradus stars .”, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 313

73. Lefever K., Puls J., Aerts C., 2006, “Study of a sample of periodically variable B-type supergiants”,Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 135

74. Aerts C., Sterken C., 2006, “Astrophysics of variable stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Pecs,Hungary, 5-10 September 2005”, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, 349,

75. Catala C., Aerts C., Aigrain S., Antonello E., Appourchaux T., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Barge P.,Barstow M. A., Baudin F., Boumier P., Collier Cameron A., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Cutispoto G.,Deeg H., Deleuil M., Desidera S., Donati J.-F., Favata F., Foing B. H., Gameiro J. F., Garcia R.,Garrido F., Horne K., Lanza A. F., Lanzafame A. C., Lecavelier Des Etangs A., Leger A., Mas-HesseM., Messina S., Micela G., Michel E., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Mosser B., Noels A., Pagano I.,Piotto G., Poretti E., Rauer H., Roca-Cortes T., Rodono M., Rouan D., Roxburgh I., Schneider J.,Strassmeier K., Turck-Chieze S., Vauclair S., Vidal-Madjar A., Weiss W. W., Wheatley P., 2005, “Thelife of stars and their planets”, 39TH ESLAB Symposium on Trends in Space Science and CosmicVision 2020, 588, 99 – 104

76. Turon C., Done C., Quirrenbach A., et al., 2005, “Trends in space astronomy and Cosmic Vision2015-2025”, 39TH ESLAB Symposium on Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020, 588,53

77. Saesen S., Briquet M., Aerts C., 2005, “A line-profile analysis of the large-amplitude Beta Cepheistar Xi1 Canis Majoris”, ”Distant Worlds”, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting, held4-7 July, 2005 in Liege, Belgium.

78. Desmet M., Briquet M., Mazumdar A., Aerts C., 2005, “An asteroseismic study of the Beta Cepheistar Beta Canis Majoris”, ”Distant Worlds”, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting, held4-7 July, 2005 in Liege, Belgium.

79. De Cat P., Briquet M., Aerts C., Goossens K., Saesen S., Cuypers J., Yakut K., Scuflaire R., DupretM.-A., Observers M., 2005, “Analysis of Mercator data Part I: variable B stars”, ”Distant Worlds”,Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting, held 4-7 July, 2005 in Liege, Belgium.


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80. Cuypers H. J., Goossens K., Schoenaers C., De Cat P., Aerts C., Observers M., 2005, “Analysis ofMercator data Part II: variable AF stars”, ”Distant Worlds”, Joint European and National AstronomyMeeting, held 4-7 July, 2005 in Liege, Belgium.

81. Barban C., De Ridder J., Mazumdar A., Carrier F., Eggenberger P., De Ruyter S., Vanautgaerden J.,Bouchy F., Aerts C., 2004, “New observations of solar-like oscillations in red giant stars”, SF2A-2004: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise, 203

82. Aerts C., Harmanec P., 2004, “Pulsating components in close binaries”, Spectroscopically and Spa-tially Resolving the Components of the Close Binary Stars, 318, 325 – 333

83. Barban C., De Ridder J., Mazumdar A., Carrier F., Eggenberger P., De Ruyter S., Vanautgaerden J.,Bouchy F., Aerts C., 2004, “Detection of Solar-Like Oscillations in Two Red Giant Stars”, SOHO 14Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, 559, 113

84. Aerts C., Scuflaire R., Thoul A., 2004, “Derivation of the Rotational Frequency of Massive Starsfrom Seismic Studies”, Stellar Rotation, 215, 199

85. De Ridder J., Aerts C., Dupret M.-A., 2004, “Mode identification using photometry and spectroscopy”,IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group, 310, 466

86. De Ridder J., Cuypers J., De Cat P., Uytterhoeven K., Schoenaers C., Davignon G., Raskin G., Vanaut-gaerden J., Broeders E., De Meester W., van Malderen R., De Ruyter S., Vandenbussche B., Maas T.,Kolenberg K., Reyniers M., Decin G., Acke B., Ausseloos M., Aerts C., van Winckel H., WaelkensC., 2004, “First results of Mercator observations of variable A and F stars”, IAU Colloq. 193: VariableStars in the Local Group, 310, 263

87. De Cat P., De Ridder J., Uytterhoeven K., Davignon G., Raskin G., Cuypers J., Schoenaers C.,Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Aerts C., van Winckel H., Ausseloos M., Broeders E., De Meester W.,Vanautgaerden J., van Malderen R., Vandenbussche B., Acke B., Decin G., Decin L., Kolenberg K.,Maas T., De Ruyter S., Reyniers M., Reyniers T., van Kerckhoven C., Waelkens C., 2004, “Firstresults of Mercator observations of variable B stars”, IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the LocalGroup, 310, 238

88. Handler G., Aerts C., An International Team Of 50 Astronomers, 2004, “Asteroseismology of the �Cep star ⌫ Eri: initial results”, IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group, 310, 221

89. Jankov S., Mathias P., Domiciano de Souza A., Jr., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., 2004, “Latitude dis-tribution of nonradial pulsations in rapidly rotating B stars”, IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in theLocal Group, 310, 204

90. De Cat P., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Briquet M., Dupret M.-A., Scuflaire R., De Ridder J., Niem-czura E., Aerts C., 2004, “g-mode pulsations in slowly pulsating B stars”, IAU Colloq. 193: VariableStars in the Local Group, 310, 195

91. Weiss W. W., Aerts C., Aigrain S., Alecian G., Antonello E., Baglin A., Bazot M., Collier-CameronA., Charpinet S., Gamarova A., Handler G., Hatzes A., Hubert A.-M., Lammer H., Lebzelter T.,Maceroni C., Marconi M., de Martino D., Janot-Pacheco E., Pagano I., Paunzen E., Pinheiro F. J. G.,Poretti E., Ribas I., Ripepi V., Roques F., Silvotti R., Surdej J., Vauclair G., Vauclair S., Zwintz K.,2004, “Additional science potential for COROT”, Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding,538, 435 – 444


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92. Mathias P., Chapellier E., Le Contel J.-M., Jankov S., Sareyan J.-P., Garrido R., Rodriguez E., PorettiE., Alvarez M., Arellano Ferro A., Parrao L., Pena J., Eyer L., Aerts C., De Cat P., Weiss W. W.,Zhou A., 2004, “� Doradus stars as Eddington targets: a spectroscopic study”, Stellar Structure andHabitable Planet Finding, 538, 355 – 358

93. Aerts C., Baglin A., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Goupil M. J., Houdek G., Kjeldsen H., Kollath Z.,Kurtz D., Lebreton Y., Maceroni C., Noels A., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Skoda P., Solano E.,Thompson M. J., 2004, “ENEAS: the European Network of Excellence in AsteroSeismology”, StellarStructure and Habitable Planet Finding, 538, 247 – 250

94. Deeg H. J., Horne K., Favata F., The Eddington Science Team, Aerts C., Antonello E., Badiali M.,Catala C., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Gimenez A., Grenon M., Penny A., Rauer H., Roxburgh I. W.,Schneider J., Waltham N. R., 2004, “Planet Detection Capabilities of the Eddington Mission”, Plan-etary Systems in the Universe, 202, 448

95. Mathias P., Chadid M., Chapellier E., Le Contel J.-M., Sareyan J.-P., Garrido R., Rodriguez E., PorettiE., Alvarez M., Parrao L., Arellano Ferro A., Eyer L., Aerts C., De Cat P., Weiss W. W., Zhou A.,2003, “Multisite Multitechnique Monitoring of a Large Sample of Doradus Candidates”, Asteroseis-mology Across the HR Diagram, 359 – 362

96. Jankov S., Mathias P., Aerts C., De Cat P., Domiciano de Souza A., 2003, “Time Variability of NRPModes along Orbital Phase in Per”, Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, 327 – 330

97. Briquet M., Aerts C., 2003, “A new version of the moment method, optimized for mode identificationin multiperiodic stars”, Interplay of Periodic, Cyclic and Stochastic Variability in Selected Areas ofthe H-R Diagram, 292, 365

98. Kolenberg K., Aerts C., Fokin A., Dziembowski W., Chadid M., Gillet D., 2003, “An interpretationof the line profile variations of RR Lyrae”, Interplay of Periodic, Cyclic and Stochastic Variability inSelected Areas of the H-R Diagram, 292, 171

99. Stello D., Carrier F., Aerts C., Frandsen S., Bouchy F., Kjeldsen H., Teixeira T., Pijpers F., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., 2003, “Solar-Like Oscillations in the Giant Star XI Hydrae”, IAU Joint Discussion, 12

100. Briquet M., Luftinger T., Aerts C., De Cat P., 2003, “Surface Mapping of the he SI Distribution ofFour B Stars”, IAU Joint Discussion, 9

101. Kolenberg K., Aerts C., Chadid M., Gillet D., 2003, “Can the Presence of a Magnetic Field explainthe Blazhko Effect in RR Lyrae?”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 305, 167

102. Aerts C., Lehmann H., Scuflaire R., Dupret M. A., Briquet M., De Ridder J., Thoul A., 2003, “ModeIdentification and Seismic Modelling of the Cep Star EN(16)Lac”, Asteroseismology Across the HRDiagram, 493 – 496

103. Briquet M., Aerts C., 2003, “A New Version of the Moment Method, Optimized for Mode Identifica-tion in Multiperiodic Stars”, Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, 469 – 472

104. Aerts C., Cuypers J., Dupret M.-A., De Ridder J., Scuflaire R., Eyer L., 2003, “Photometric ModeIdentification in the Two Doradus Stars HD 12901 and HD 48501”, Asteroseismology Across the HRDiagram, 461 – 464


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105. Uytterhoeven K., Telting J. H., Aerts C., 2003, “Analysis of the Frequency Spectrum of the Spectro-scopic Binary Cephei Star Scorpii”, Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, 409 – 412

106. Turcotte S., Aerts C., Knoglinger P., 2003, “Searching for Line Profile Variability in HgMn Stars”,Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, 405 – 408

107. Eyer L., Aerts C., van Loon M., Bouckaert F., Cuypers J., 2002, “The gamma Doradus stars cam-paign”, Observational Aspects of Pulsating B- and A Stars, 256, 203

108. Balona L. A., Handler G., Aerts C., Bozic H., Guinan E. F., James D. J., Kaye A. B., ShobbrookR. R., 2002, “Omega Orionis and the Be stars”, Observational Aspects of Pulsating B- and A Stars,256, 9

109. De Cat P., Aerts C., 2002, “Slowly pulsating B stars as asteroseismic targets for Eddington”, StellarStructure and Habitable Planet Finding, 485, 257 – 260

110. Cuypers J., Aerts C., Buzasi D., Catanzarite J., Conrow T., Laher R., 2002, “Asteroseismology ”on aWIRE””, Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding, 485, 41 – 47

111. Cuypers J., Aerts C., Buzasi D., Catanzarite J., Conrow T., Laher R., 2002, “A Flower on a WIRE:Asteroseismology of a Massive Star”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probesof Stellar Physics, 259, 620

112. Kolenberg K., Aerts C., Chadid M., Gillet D., 2002, “The Blazhko Effect Unravelled?”, IAU Col-loq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 414

113. Chadid M., Mathias P., De Ridder J., Aerts C., 2002, “Mode Identification in the � Scuti Star 20CVn”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 334

114. Briquet M., Scuflaire R., Aerts C., De Cat P., 2002, “Detailed Line-Profile Modeling of B Stars withChemical Inhomogeneities”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of StellarPhysics, 259, 266

115. Briquet M., Noels A., Aerts C., Mathias P., 2002, “The Slowly Pulsating B Star HD 147394”, IAUColloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 234

116. Mathias P., Le Contel J.-M., Aerts C., De Cat P., van Winckel H., Robbrecht E., Briquet M., CuypersJ., 2002, “Spectroscopic Monitoring of 10 Northern SPB Candidates”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial andNonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 232

117. De Ridder J., Aerts C., Dupret M.-A., Neuforge C., 2002, “Do Temperature Variations at the Surfaceof a Hot Non-Radial Pulsator Change Significantly the Line-Profile Variations?”, IAU Colloq. 185:Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 218

118. Ausseloos M., Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K., 2002, “A Study of the Orbital and Intrinsic Variabilityof the Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binary � Centauri”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and NonradialPulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 86

119. Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., 2002, “Multiperiodicity in the Line-Profile Variations of the SpectroscopicBinary � Cep Star � Scorpii”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes ofStellar Physics, 259, 84


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120. Willems B., Aerts C., 2002, “Tidally Induced Oscillations in Close Binaries”, IAU Colloq. 185:Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics, 259, 76

121. Aerts C., Bedding T. R., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., 2002, “Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probesof Stellar Physics”, IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics,259,

122. Aerts C., et al., 2001, “Ground support with the MERCATOR telescope”, First COROT/MONS/MOSTGround Support Workshop, 95 – 95

123. Aerts C., 2000, “A group of interesting periodically variable B-type supergiants”, The Third MONSWorkshop: Science Preparation and Target Selection, 131

124. Zerbi F. M., Aerts C., Handler G., Kaye A. B., Poretti E., 2000, “Understanding the � DoradusPhenomenon using MONS”, The Third MONS Workshop: Science Preparation and Target Selection,91

125. Aerts C., Uytterhoeven K., De Ridder J., De Cat P., 2000, “Observing B-type pulsators with MONS”,The Third MONS Workshop: Science Preparation and Target Selection, 59

126. Aerts C., 2000, “Multimode Detections from Surveys”, IAU Colloq. 175: The Be Phenomenon inEarly-Type Stars, 214, 192

127. Aerts C., Eyer L., 2000, “Mode Identification from Line-Profile Variations”, Delta Scuti and RelatedStars, 210, 113

128. Eyer L., Aerts C., 2000, “New Gamma Doradus Stars from the Hipparcos Mission and Geneva Pho-tometry”, IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203,449 – 450

129. Briquet M., Aerts C., De Cat P., 2000, “Optical Variability of the Lambda Eri Star HD 105382:Pulsation or Rotation?”, IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating StarResearch, 203, 437

130. De Cat P., Aerts C., 2000, “Binary Slowly Pulsating B Stars”, IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact ofLarge-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203, 436

131. De Ridder J., Aerts C., 2000, “The Origin and Interpretation of Line Profile Variations of Pulsating BStars”, IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203, 432 –433

132. Aerts C., De Cat P., De Ridder J., Kolenberg K., Waelkens C., Mathias P., Briquet M., 2000, “Long-Term Photometric and Spectroscopic Monitoring of Slowly Pulsating B Stars”, IAU Colloq. 176: TheImpact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203, 395 – 400

133. Chadid M., Gillet D., Kolenberg K., Aerts C., 2000, “Blazhko Effect and Magnetic Field in RRLyrae”, IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203, 318– 319

134. Kolenberg K., Aerts C., Chadid M., Gillet D., 2000, “First Detection of a Frequency Multiplet inthe Line Profile Variations of RR Lyrae: Towards an Understanding of the Blazhko Effect”, IAUColloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, 203, 286 – 290


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135. Aerts C., De Cat P., Eyer L., 1999, “Long-term spectroscopic monitoring of pulsating B stars: atribute to the CAT.”, The Messenger, 96, 23 – 25

136. Aerts C., Eyer L., 1998, “The discovery of new Gamma Doradus stars”, Delta Scuti Star Newsletter,12, 24 – 25

137. Shibahashi H., Aerts C., 1998, “Asteroseismology of beta Cephei”, New Eyes to See Inside the Sunand Stars, 185, 395

138. Aerts C., Waelkens C., De Cat P., 1998, “Slowly pulsating B stars - new insights from HIPPARCOS”,New Eyes to See Inside the Sun and Stars, 185, 295

139. Aerts C., De Mey C., De Cat P., Waelkens C., 1998, “Pulsations in Early-Type Binaries”, A HalfCentury of Stellar Pulsation Interpretation, 135, 380

140. Waelkens C., Aerts C., Grenon M., Eyer L., 1998, “Pulsating B Stars Discovered by HIPPARCOS”,A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretation, 135, 375

141. Lamers H. J. G. L. M., Bastiaanse M. V., Aerts C., 1998, “The Nature of the Microvariations ofLuminous Blue Variables”, A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretation, 135, 159

142. Balona L. A., Stefl S., Aerts C., 1998, “Modeling of Rapid HeI 667.8 Line Profile Variations in theBe Star 28 CMa”, A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretation, 135, 147

143. Mathias P., Aerts C., 1995, “First results with Elodie for the � Scuti star 14 Aur.”, Lett. OHP, No. 14,p. 5 - 6, 14, 5 – 6

144. De Mey K., Aerts C., Van Winckel H., Waelkens C., 1995, “Eta Orionis”, IAU Colloq. 155: Astro-physical Applications of Stellar Pulsation, 83, 311

145. Telting J., Aerts C., Mathias P., 1995, “A Period Analysis of the Optical Line Variability of BetaCephei”, IAU Colloq. 155: Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation, 83, 297

146. Aerts C., Van Hoolst T., Mathias P., 1995, “Mode Identification of the BetaCephei star BW Vulpecu-lae”, IAU Colloq. 155: Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation, 83, 56

147. Denoyelle J., Aerts C., Waelkens C., 1994, “Main-sequence broadening; Be stars; and stellar rotationin H and Chi Persei”, Pulsation; Rotation; and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars, 162, 151

148. Aerts C., 1994, “Mode Identification in Pulsating Stars”, Pulsation; Rotation; and Mass Loss inEarly-Type Stars, 162, 75

149. Aerts C., de Pauw M., 1993, “Line-Profile Variations of Rotating Pulsating Stars”, IAU Colloq. 139:New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars, 182

150. Aerts C., Balona L. A., Waelkens C., 1990, “Line Profile Variations in � Cephei Stars”, ConfrontationBetween Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, 11, 290