Michael Ku(Sejin Ku) July 17 This myth is based on the story ‘Call Of Cthulhu’. The book was written by H.P Lovecraft at 1920s and it was published at horror magazine at 1928. The reason why this fictional story got famous is just because people thought the story was based on the real creatures, and in this essay I’m going to talk about the Cthulhu myth. So the myth starts with a giant explosion called ‘Big Bang’. When big bang happened it created a planet 'Earth' but at the same time, it creates a disturbing creature named 'Azathoth'. Anazoth was chaos, it kept on destroying other planets. Anazoth couldn't stop, so he thought that he needs other creatures to help him settle down, so Azathoth creates 3 great old ones(sons) named 'Nyarlathotep', 'The Nameless Mist' and 'The Darkness', later they became Cthulhu's ancestor but first they created many minions and made them sing to settle down Azathoth's destruction and chaos. After Azathoth went to sleep, minions starts to make another chaos so Azathoth's 3 sons made the strongest creature(even themselves) named 'Cthulhu', it was enormous, it looked like dragon but it's head was an octopus. After Cthulhu was made, it started to control and settle down the minions by ripping them apart. 4.5 billion years ago, after earth was cooled a bit, the elemental fireball named 'Cthugha' landed on earth. Cthugha started to create the fire vampires. They lived happily ever after...TIL 1 billion years ago, Elder things landed on Antarctic Ocean on earth but it wasn't the best place to live for the elder things so they created a thing called ubbo-sathla. It provided them food and other stuff that they need. Everything was alright till ubbo sathla creates an life on accident. 900 million years ago, by this time Elder things's city spread across all over the ocean and it was perfect for them. One day, flying polyps came down to earth and started to build building and tried to take

Cthulhu Myth

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Cthulhu Myth that I wrote in 6th grade, I hope you enjoyed it!

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Michael Ku(Sejin Ku) July 17This myth is based on the story Call Of Cthulhu. The book was written by H.P Lovecraft at 1920s and it was published at horror magazine at 1928. The reason why this fictional story got famous is just because people thought the story was based on the real creatures, and in this essay Im going to talk about the Cthulhu myth.

So the myth starts with a giant explosion called Big Bang. When big bang happened it created a planet 'Earth' but at the same time, it creates a disturbing creature named 'Azathoth'. Anazoth was chaos, it kept on destroying other planets. Anazoth couldn't stop, so he thought that he needs other creatures to help him settle down, so Azathoth creates 3 great old ones(sons) named 'Nyarlathotep', 'The Nameless Mist' and 'The Darkness', later they became Cthulhu's ancestor but first they created many minions and made them sing to settle down Azathoth's destruction and chaos.

After Azathoth went to sleep, minions starts to make another chaos so Azathoth's 3 sons made the strongest creature(even themselves) named 'Cthulhu', it was enormous, it looked like dragon but it's head was an octopus. After Cthulhu was made, it started to control and settle down the minions by ripping them apart.

4.5 billion years ago, after earth was cooled a bit, the elemental fireball named 'Cthugha' landed on earth. Cthugha started to create the fire vampires. They lived happily ever after...TIL 1 billion years ago, Elder things landed on Antarctic Ocean on earth but it wasn't the best place to live for the elder things so they created a thing called ubbo-sathla. It provided them food and other stuff that they need. Everything was alright till ubbo sathla creates an life on accident.

900 million years ago, by this time Elder things's city spread across all over the ocean and it was perfect for them. One day, flying polyps came down to earth and started to build building and tried to take over the elder things's place but obviously elder things were victorious and elder things forced them to leave.

400 million years ago, elder things created fishes, and later cone shaped creature came down to earth, who had power to swap minds with any creature in the galaxy. It controlled elder things and other great ones to gather information and the coned shaped creature created a very intelligent creature shaped like an elephant. The elephant shaped creature was able to create reptiles endlessly and later the reptiles evolves into horrible creature named Tocho Tocho, it shaped like a human. And they built a city called phoconess(Australia now), the coned shaped creature was unstoppable until Cthulhu came down to earth.

Cthulhu told his servants to create a little building for him. Cthulhu and the cone shaped creature had a war, during that war most of the minions and great old ones died, and when Cthulhu was about to win, the meteorite came down from above and Cthulhu hid inside his building. After all the chaos and deaths of every single minions and the cone shaped creature,etc.. And ones who survived was Azathoth, Tocho Tocho, Cthulhu, plants and other reptiles. And later Tocho Tocho became humans and Cthulhu is still waiting a call to be awoken in a deep dark sea.


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