Lovely Professional University,Punjab Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures TutorialPractical Credits CSE340 LABORATORY IN OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE 14623 :: Pushpendra Kumar Petriya 0 0 4 2 Sr. No. (Web adress) ( only i f r elevant to the courses) Salient F eatures 10 ht tp://en.wikipedi a.org/wiki /List_of _operati ng_systems Li st of Oper at ing Systems 11 http://www.catch22.net/tuts/neatpad Design and I mplementation of a Win32 Text Editor Sr No Joura nls atr icles a s comp ulsar y readi ngs (sp ecifi c artic les, Co mplet e refer ence) 6 http://www.linuxjournal.com/arti cle/3326 7 http://anale-informatica.tibiscus. ro/download/lucrari/8-2-02-Opeye mi.pdf 8 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func= searchArticles&uiLanguage=e n&q1=system+call&f1=all& b1=and&q2=&f2=all 9 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func= abstract&id=695328&q1=sy stem%20call&f1=all&b1=and &q2=&f2=all&recNo=2&ui Language=en Neil Matthew, Richard Stones, "Beginning Linux Programming", 4th Edition, Wrox press 1 Text Book: Other Specific Book: A.S. Tanenbaum , "Operating Systems: Design and Implementation", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India 2 D. M. Dhamdhere, "Systems Programming and Operating Systems", Second Revised Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 3 Charles Patrick Crowley, "Operating Systems: A Design Oriented Approach", Tata McGraw Hill 4 Achyut S. Godbole, "Operating Systems", Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 5 Relevant Websites Other Reading Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Labs 1 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

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  • Lovely Professional University,Punjab

    Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorial Practical CreditsCSE340 LABORATORY IN OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SYSTEM

    SOFTWARE14623 :: Pushpendra Kumar Petriya

    0 0 4 2

    Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features10 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_operating_systems List of Operating Systems11 http://www.catch22.net/tuts/neatpad Design and Implementation of a Win32 Text Editor

    Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)6 http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/33267 http://anale-informatica.tibiscus.ro/download/lucrari/8-2-02-Opeyemi.pdf8 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=searchArticles&uiLanguage=en&q1=system+call&f1=all&b1=and&q2=&f2=all9 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=abstract&id=695328&q1=system%20call&f1=all&b1=and&q2=&f2=all&recNo=2&uiLanguage=en

    Neil Matthew, Richard Stones, "Beginning Linux Programming", 4th Edition, Wrox press1Text Book:

    Other Specific Book:A.S. Tanenbaum , "Operating Systems: Design and Implementation", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India2

    D. M. Dhamdhere, "Systems Programming and Operating Systems", Second Revised Edition, Tata McGraw Hill3

    Charles Patrick Crowley, "Operating Systems: A Design Oriented Approach", Tata McGraw Hill4

    Achyut S. Godbole, "Operating Systems", Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill5

    Relevant Websites

    Other Reading

    Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Labs

    1 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

  • 12 http://embedded.centurysoftware.com/docs/nx/fltk-editor.html Designing a Simple Text Editor13 http://freevideolectures.com/Course/2479/Operating-Systems-

    and-System-Programming-Spring-2010Operating Systems and System Programming Course at Berkeley

    14 linuxreviews.org/beginner/ Basic Information on LINUX and Shell15 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_call Basic Understanding of System Calls

    *Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:Component % of MarksJ/E 50WR 20VIVA 30

    List of experiments :-Lecture Number

    Lecture Topic Pedagogical Tools Or Equipment Planned lab Manual

    Individual 1 Installation of different Linux flavors. PC and Linux CD/DVD Not ApplicableIndividual 2 Demonstration of Moving around the desktop

    KDE/GNOME Panel, Workspace, Main Menu, RunningApplications etc, Terminal emulator & runningprograms(/Commands) from terminal emulator

    Linux platform Not Applicable

    Individual 3 Using KDE/Gnome for copying, moving, creatingdirectories/files.

    Linux platform Not Applicable

    Individual 4 Working with Command Line Interface in Linux: UsingShell. Shell commands: ls, touch, rm, mv, cp, mkdir,rmdir, pwd, touch, etc

    Linux platform Not Applicable

    Individual 5 Shell commands:ps, cat, fg, bg, Piping & Redirection.Using help man, info etc

    Linux platform Not Applicable

    Individual 6 File types like directory files, block special files etc.,FilePermissions and ownership: Understanding andchanging the permissions and ownership

    Linux Platform Not Applicable

    Individual 7 File attributes,Mounting disks and creating links Linux Platform Not Applicable

    2 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

  • Individual 8 Write Programs using System calls of Linux for thefollowing:File Handling (open, read)

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 9 Write Programs using System calls of Linux for thefollowing:(write, close, ioctl)

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 10 Write Programs using System calls of Linux for thefollowing:Changing the modes and ownership of files usingchmod(),chown(),Changing the attributes of files using chgrp(),touch()

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 11 Write Programs using System calls of Linux for thefollowing:Creating links using ln command,Directory maintenance using link(),symlink(),unlink(),chdir()

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 12 Write a program using fork() to duplicate process Linux Platform/GCC Not ApplicableIndividual 13 Write programs using exec() to invoke new processes. Linux Platform/GCC Not ApplicableIndividual 14 Write programs using kill(), wait() and exit() system

    callsof Linux

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 15 Write programs using getpid() and getppid() systemcalls

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 16 Write programs using following system calls of LinuxOS: stat, opendir(), readdir()

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 17 Write C programs to simulate Linux commands like ls,touch,cat,mv

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 18 Write C programs to simulate Linux commands like rm,cp,mkdir, rmdir

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 19 Write C programs to simulate Linux commands likepwd, chmod, chown, grep etc.

    Linux Platform/GCC Not Applicable

    Individual 20 Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms:FCFSand by writing aprogram and print the average waiting time andaverage turnaround time

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 21 Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms:Shortest Job Firstand by writing aprogram and print the average waiting time andaverage turnaround time

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    3 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

  • Individual 22 Simulate the following CPU schedulingalgorithms:Priorityand print the average waiting time and averageturnaround time

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 23 Simulate the following CPU schedulingalgorithms:Round Robin and print the average waitingtime and average turnaround time

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 24 Write a program of creating threads. C/C++ Not Applicable

    Mid TermIndividual 25 Write a program of manage threads by using different

    statements like yield(), sleep()C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 26 Write a program of cancelling a thread C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 27 Write a program to Implement the semaphores C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 28 Implement some memory management schemes -

    (malloc,alloc,calloc,free)C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 29 Programs to simulate page replacement algorithms likeFIFO

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 30 Programs to simulate page replacement algorithms likeOptimal .

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 31 Programs to simulate page replacement algorithms likeLRU

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 32 Programs to simulate deadlock detection C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 33 Low level programming in C.i.Pointers to functions and

    their applicationsC/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 34 Low level programming in C:Self modifying code andapplications

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 35 Binary files of various types: structure and processing:Objectand executable files (demonstrated through ELF files).ELF layout and tools

    Linux Platform Not Applicable

    Individual 36 Binary files of various types Maintaining data structuresin files (e.g. b-tree, Linux directories)

    Linux Platform Not Applicable

    Individual 37 Binary files of various types:structure andprocessing:Linking and Loading, Dynamic Loading

    Linux Platform Not Applicable

    Individual 38 Use C graphics to build a text editor:File menu, edit menu

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Individual 39 Use C graphics to build a text editor:Format menu

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    4 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

  • Individual 40 Use C graphics to build a text editor:View and Help menu.

    C/C++ Not Applicable

    Spill OverIndividual 41 Issues in program development:Memory Leaks C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 42 Issues in program development:Compiler Bugs C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 43 Issues in program development:Debugging programs C/C++ Not ApplicableIndividual 44 Revision of Linux shell commands Linux Platform Not Applicable

    5 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12