CREEP BEHAVIOUR OF WOOD-PLASTIC COMPOSITES by Feng-Cheng Chang B.Sc., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2000 M.Sc., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2002 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in The Faculty of Graduate Studies (Forestry) THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Vancouver) October 2011 © Feng-Cheng Chang, 2011


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Feng-Cheng Chang

B.Sc., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2000

M.Sc., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2002





The Faculty of Graduate Studies




October 2011

© Feng-Cheng Chang, 2011




In this research, a series of experiments have been conducted, including mountain

pine beetle attacked wood/plastic composite (MPB-WPC) prototype product development,

dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), short-term creep tests for master curve

construction based on the time-temperature-stress superposition principle (TTSSP), and a

long-term creep test. Moreover, a newly established stress-temperature incorporated

creep (STIC) model, a modified Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation that incorporates

the variables of temperature and stress, and a newly developed temperature-induced

strain superposition (TISS) method were introduced.

The MPB-WPC products showed definite potential as a value-added product

option for MPB-attacked wood. The formulation affected the MPB-WPC products’

properties. The capacity of the products without a coupling agent was considerably

inferior to the product formulations that included a coupling agent. The surface condition

of the product was also influenced by the formulation.

The dynamic mechanical properties were studied. The mechanical and

viscoelastic behaviours of the MPB-WPC products were considerably influenced by the

formulation of wood and plastic and the presence of a coupling agent, which can be

attributed to modification of the interface property and the internal structure.

The new STIC model smoothly introduced the effect of temperature into a

conventional power law creep equation, and the model can be applied to predict the creep

strain in which the effect of temperature is involved. Moreover, the temperature-stress



hybrid shift factor and a modified WLF equation were studied; and, the parameters were

successfully calibrated.

Temperature-induced strain was observed in the results of the 220-day creep test.

For a temperature-sensitive material like WPCs, the information obtained from

conventional creep studies is not sufficient to predict long-term performance. The

comparison between the long-term creep data and the master curves showed that master

curves tended to overestimate the creep strain. Generally, the master curves constructed

based on TTSSP cannot precisely predict the long-term creep strain, but can provide

conservative estimations.

To deal with the effect of fluctuating temperatures on the creep strain, the STIC

model and the proposed temperature-induced strain superposition (TISS) method were

established and employed. The additional temperature-induced creep strain and overall

behaviour were successfully simulated.




A part of chapter 5 has been published. Chang, F.-C., Lam, F. and Englund, K.R.

(2010) Feasibility of using mountain pine beetle attacked wood to produce wood-plastic

composites. Wood and Fiber Science 42(3): 388-397. I organized and conducted all the

testing and wrote the manuscript.




ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... ii

PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... xiii

DEDICATION................................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1

1.1 Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic ................................................................................ 1

1.2 Potential Value-Added Products ............................................................................... 3

1.3 Research Motivation ................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 7

1.5 Organization of Dissertation ..................................................................................... 7

1.6 Summary ................................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND THEORY .................................................................... 9

2.1 Viscoelasticity ........................................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Linear Viscoelasticity ..................................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Creep ............................................................................................................................ 11

2.1.3 Analogous Models for Creep ........................................................................................ 13

2.1.4 Boltzmann Superposition Principle .............................................................................. 17

2.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Time-Temperature Dependence ..................... 18

2.2.1 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis ..................................................................................... 18

2.2.2 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition ...................................................................... 22

2.2.3 Master Curves ............................................................................................................... 27

2.3 Creep Modelling ...................................................................................................... 29

2.4 Summary ................................................................................................................. 32

CHAPTER 3. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................... 33

3.1 Wood-Plastic Composites ....................................................................................... 33

3.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Viscoelastic Properties ................................... 38

3.3 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition Principle for Creep Study....................... 41



3.4 Creep of Wood-Plastic Composites ........................................................................ 44

3.5 Summary ................................................................................................................. 49

CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN ................................................................. 51

4.1 Materials .................................................................................................................. 51

4.1.1 Raw Materials ............................................................................................................... 51

4.1.2 Product Processing ....................................................................................................... 53

4.2 Mechanical Property Tests ...................................................................................... 54

4.2.1 Experimental Design .................................................................................................... 54

4.2.2 Statistic Analysis .......................................................................................................... 56

4.3 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis................................................................................ 57

4.3.1 Temperature Sweep ...................................................................................................... 58

4.3.2 Deflection Temperature Under Load ............................................................................ 59

4.3.3 The Short-Term Creep Test using DMA ...................................................................... 60

4.3.4 Master Curve Construction ........................................................................................... 61

4.4 Long-Term Creep Test ............................................................................................ 63

4.4.1 Experiment Setup ......................................................................................................... 63

4.4.2 Stress-Strain Analysis ................................................................................................... 65

4.4.3 Corresponding Short-Term Creep Test and the Master Curve ..................................... 67

4.5 Summary ................................................................................................................. 67

CHAPTER 5. MPB-WPC PRODUCTS ....................................................................... 69

5.1 Products ................................................................................................................... 69

5.2 Properties ................................................................................................................. 71

5.2.1 Density .......................................................................................................................... 71

5.2.2 Mechanical Properties .................................................................................................. 71

5.2.3 Characteristic Load-Deformation Behaviours .............................................................. 73

5.2.4 Failure Mode ................................................................................................................ 76

5.2.5 Microscopic Observations ............................................................................................ 77

5.3 Statistical Analysis .................................................................................................. 80

5.3.1 ANOVA ........................................................................................................................ 80

5.3.2 Regression .................................................................................................................... 81

5.3.3 Characteristic Strength ................................................................................................. 83

5.4 Summary ................................................................................................................. 86



CHAPTER 6. VISCOELASTIC PROPERTIES OF WPCs ....................................... 88

6.1 The Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Spectra ........................................................... 88

6.2 The Effect of Formulation on Transition .............................................................. 100

6.3 Deflection Temperature Under Load .................................................................... 103

6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 105


MASTER CURVE ........................................................................................................ 107

7.1 Short-Term Creep Tests ........................................................................................ 108

7.1.1 Ten-Minute Creep Tests ............................................................................................. 108

7.1.2 Isochrones ................................................................................................................... 109

7.1.2 Stress-Temperature Incorporated Creep Model.......................................................... 113

7.2 Master Curves ....................................................................................................... 118

7.2.1 Time-Temperature Superposition ............................................................................... 118

7.2.2 Shift Factor ................................................................................................................. 122

7.2.3 Time-Stress Superposition .......................................................................................... 128

7.3 The Modified WLF Equation and the Temperature-Stress Hybrid Shift Factor... 132

7.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 136


8.1 Long-term Creep Test ........................................................................................... 139

8.2 Corresponding Master Curves ............................................................................... 143

8.3 Comparison Between the TTSP Master Curve and Long-Term Creep Tests ....... 148

8.4 Temperature-Induced Strain Superposition Method ............................................. 155

8.5 Summary ............................................................................................................... 165

CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS ....................................... 168

9.1 Mountain Pine Beetle Attacked Wood / Plastic Composite Products ................... 168

9.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis.............................................................................. 169

9.2.1 Viscoelasticity ............................................................................................................ 169

9.2.2 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition and Master Curves ..................................... 170

9.3 Creep Behaviour of Mountain Pine Beetle Attacked Wood / Plastic Composites 171

9.4 Recommendations for Future Research ................................................................ 172

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 176

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 186



APPENDIX A: SHIFT FACTORS.............................................................................. 186

A.1 Time-Temperature Superposition Shift Factors ................................................... 187

A.2 Time-Stress Superposition Shift Factors .............................................................. 207

APPENDIX B: THE WLF EQUATION FITTING ................................................... 212




Table 4-1. Formulations of MPB-WPC Products ............................................................. 53

Table 4-2. Temperature Profile for the Extrusion Process ............................................... 54

Table 4-3. Experimental Conditions for Mechanical Tests .............................................. 55

Table 4-4. Loading Conditions for the Long-Term Creep Test ........................................ 63

Table 5- 1 Properties of MPB-WPC Products .................................................................. 72

Table 5-2. Results of ANOVA for the Effect of Formulations on Product Properties ..... 80

Table 5-3. Results of Regression Analysis ....................................................................... 84

Table 5-4. Parsimonious Results of Regression Analysis ................................................ 85

Table 5-5. Statistical Model Parameters for Flexural MOR of MPB-WPCs .................... 86

Table 6-1. Transition Indices as marked in Figure 6-4 ..................................................... 96

Table 6-2. Comparison of DMA Complex Modulus, Storage Modulus and Traditional

Flexural Modulus .............................................................................................................. 99

Table 6-3. Regression Equations .................................................................................... 102

Table 6-4. Transition of Storage Modulus ...................................................................... 103

Table 6-5. DTUL of MPB-WPC Products and HDPE ................................................... 104

Table 7-1. Parameters for Temperature-Induced Creep Strain Fitting ........................... 116

Table 7- 2. Temperature-Dependent Modulus, ET, Obtained by DMA .......................... 117

Table 7- 3. Parameters for the STIC Model .................................................................... 118

Table 7-4. Horizontal Shift Factors at Various Reference Temperatures At 5 MPa (F2)

......................................................................................................................................... 126

Table 7-5. Coefficients of the WLF Equation for Horizontal Shift Factors (F2) ........... 127

Table 7-6. Shift Factors for the Master Curves in Figure 7-11 ....................................... 131

Table 7-7. Fitted Parameters for the Modified WLF Equation ....................................... 134

Table 8-1. Shift Factors Used to Construct Master Curves ............................................ 145

Table 8-2. The WLF Equation Parameters at Tr = 25°C ................................................ 145

Table 8-3. Standard Error of the Estimate of the STIC Model Prediction ..................... 147

Table 8-4. Parameters of the STIC Model ...................................................................... 148

Table 8-5. Parameters Used for TISS Method ................................................................ 159




Figure 2-1. Scheme of a spring and a dashpot .................................................................. 10

Figure 2-2. Diagram of creep depicting the strain-time relationship ................................ 12

Figure 2-3. Schematic diagram of strain during creep ...................................................... 13

Figure 2-4. Scheme of the Voigt-Kelvin model................................................................ 14

Figure 2-5. Scheme of the Zener model............................................................................ 15

Figure 2-6. Generalized Zener model ............................................................................... 16

Figure 2-7. Scheme of time-temperature shift .................................................................. 23

Figure 4-1. Particle size distribution of MPB wood and AWF pine flours ...................... 52

Figure 4-2. Extrusion processing ...................................................................................... 53

Figure 4-3. The assembly for various mechanical tests: a) flexure, b) compression, c)

hardness, d) nail withdrawal, e) screw withdrawal ........................................................... 55

Figure 4-4. DMA 3-point bending clamp ......................................................................... 58

Figure 4-5. Experimental scheme of the short-term creep test ......................................... 60

Figure 4-6. Loading configuration .................................................................................... 64

Figure 4-7. Long-term creep test fixture and assembly .................................................... 64

Figure 4-8. Scheme of a simply supported beam under a concentrated load ................... 65

Figure 4-9. Scheme of a simply supported beam under symmetric 4-point bending ....... 66

Figure 5-1. MPB-WPC product surfaces. a: mat surface (sharkskin); b: glossy surface.. 70

Figure 5-2. Typical load-deflection/displacement curves from various mechanical tests 74

Figure 5-3(cont). Typical load-deflection/displacement curves from various mechanical

tests ................................................................................................................................... 75

Figure 5-4. Typical failure of MPB-WPCS after mechanical tests .................................. 77

Figure 5-5. Wood encapsulated by HDPE ........................................................................ 78

Figure 5-6. Failure surface – wood not enscapsulated by HDPE ..................................... 78

Figure 5-7. Failure surface of F4, wood was pulled out due to weak bonding between

wood and HDPE ............................................................................................................... 79

Figure 5-8. Failure surface of F1, wood covered by HDPE and ductile failure of HDPE

was observed ..................................................................................................................... 79

Figure 6-1. Storage modulus of MPB-WPCs and HDPE ................................................. 90

Figure 6-2. Loss modulus of MPB-WPCs and HDPE ...................................................... 91



Figure 6-3. Tan δ of MPB-WPCs and HDPE ................................................................... 93

Figure 6-4. Scheme of transition ....................................................................................... 95

Figure 6-5. DMA spectra of MPB solid wood .................................................................. 97

Figure 6-6. Storage modulus retention.............................................................................. 98

Figure 6-7. Transition of storage modulus ...................................................................... 103

Figure 7-1. A representative result of the 10-minute creep test at various temperatures 109

Figure 7-2. Isochrones taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes from 10-minute creep tests with

respect to stress at -20, 20 and 45°C (F2) ....................................................................... 110

Figure 7-3. Isochrones taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes from 10-minutes creep tests with

respect to temperature at 5 MPa (F2) .............................................................................. 111

Figure 7-4. Compliance versus time and temperature (F2) ............................................ 112

Figure 7-5. Creep strain fitted with (a) the power law and (b) the exponential model ... 114

Figure 7-6. Plot of creep strain as a function of time and temperature (F2) ................... 115

Figure 7-7. Master curves at various reference temperatures at 5 MPa (F2) .................. 119

Figure 7-8. Master curves constructed with different temperature ranges (F2) ............. 120

Figure 7-9. Master curves constructed by time-temperature shifting under various stresses

at a reference temperature = 20°C (F2) .......................................................................... 122

Figure 7-10. Shift factor comparison at various stresses at Tr = 20°C (F2). Vertical lines

show the range of the value and boxes show the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile

(Q3) values, and (+) represent the mean value. .............................................................. 125

Figure 7-11. Comparison between WLF equation and Arrhenius equation fitting (F2 at

Tr= 20°C, under 5 MPa stress) ....................................................................................... 128

Figure 7-12. A master curve construction involving horizontal and vertical shifts........ 130

Figure 7-13. Master curves constructed with the time-stress superposition at 20°C (F2)

......................................................................................................................................... 131

Figure 7-14. The master curve constructed with the time-stress superposition at 20°C

without vertical shift (F2). .............................................................................................. 132

Figure 8-1. Results of the long-term creep test ............................................................... 141

Figure 8-2. The effect of temperature on the long-term creep ........................................ 142

Figure 8-3. Master curves at Tr = 25°C .......................................................................... 144

Figure 8-4. Shift factors used to construct master curves at Tr = 25°C .......................... 144



Figure 8-5. Comparison between the long-term creep test and the DMA master curve,

with a 95% confidence interval error bar (F4) ................................................................ 150

Figure 8-6. Comparison between the long-term creep test and the DMA master curve,

with a 95% confidence interval error bar (F6) ................................................................ 151

Figure 8-7. Concept scheme of the temperature-induced strain superposition (TISS) ... 158

Figure 8-8. Temperature profile for TISS use ................................................................ 160

Figure 8-9. Model simulation of the temperature-induced strain superposition (F4) ..... 161

Figure 8-10. Model simulation of the temperature-induced strain superposition (F6) ... 162

Figure 8-11. Temperature-induced strain superposition for DMA data ......................... 164




I would like to express my gratitude to my research supervisors; Dr. Frank Lam

and Dr. John Kadla, for their academic guidance and financial support through the past

years helped me to develop research skills and finish this dissertation.

Moreover, I would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Suezone Chow and Dr.

Greg Smith for their service as my research committee members and offering their advice

for my research and this dissertation. As well, a special thank goes to Mr. George Lee,

Mr. George Soong, Dr. Minghao Li, Dr. Far-Ching Lin, Dr. Liheng Chen, Dr. Yueh-Hsin

Lo, and Dr. Juan Blanco for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and offering help

when I need.

In addition, another special thank goes to Mr. Igor Zaturecky from CST

Innovation, New Wesminter, BC, for his offering the facility and collecting MPB fibres

for me. Furthermore, thank Dr. Michael Wolcott, Dr. Karl Englund, Mr. Brent Olsen, Mr.

Derek Tsai, Miss Fang Chen from Composite Materials and Engineering Center,

Washington State University, Pullman, WA, for their considerable helps in MPB-WPC

product manufacture and also for their friendly hospitality during my visiting.

I would also like to thank many previous and present members of Timber

Engineering and Applied Mechanics group and BioMaterials Chemistry Lab for their

friendship as well as assistance for my research and life. In addition, I also like to thank

my teammates in Woody Warriors softball team and fellow musicians in the Vancouver

Concert Band, as well as friends in Taiwanese Graduate Student Association. You made

my life colourful.

Finally, the most sincere appreciation is expressed to my parents; Shyh-Jen Chang

and Lu-Hua Lin, my sister; Yu-Chen Chang, and my dear wife; Xiaoqin Liu, for their

great encouragement and patience. I would have never made it this far without them.





My parents, Shyh-Jen Chang and Lu-Hua Lin

My wife, Xiaoqin Liu

My sister, Yu-Chen Chang

My daughter, Monica Yong-Han Chang




This chapter addresses the research background and motivation of this work,

including the issue of the mountain pine beetle (MPB) epidemic, possible value-added

products for the timber from trees attached by MPB, and the critical concern of this

product. Finally, the proposed method and problem statements are also described.

1.1 Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic

The recent mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) infestation

in British Columbia (B.C.) is the most destructive biotic agent of mature pine forests in

western North America [Safranyik and Carroll 2006]. Outbreaks have been observed in

all pine species; however, they have occurred principally in lodgepole pine (Pinus

contorta var. latifolia). At least 4 large-scale outbreaks have occurred in western Canada

in the past 120 years, as documented in forest survey records or detected in the growth

from tree rings [Safranyik and Carroll 2006; Taylor et al. 2006]. In B.C., lodgepole pine

stands constitute a major commercial resource, comprising 50% of the province’s annual

interior forest harvest [Woo et al. 2005].

During mass attack, MPBs inoculate the tree with blue-staining fungi, primarily

the Ceratocystis species and several species of Europhium [Woo et al. 2005]. The fungi

incursion weakens the trees’ defense mechanisms, interrupts water translocation and

lowers the wood moisture content, eventually leading to tree death [Byrne et al. 2006].

Trees attacked by MPB display distinct signs and symptoms. In the process of

infestation, the trees retain green needles during the first year of attack, which then turn



red in the following year. Generally, the trees become grey in colour after 3 years [Chow

and Obermajer 2007]. The stages of the damage to the trees are simply termed green, red

and grey. The red-attack stage occurs in the year following the initial attack (green-attack

stage). The beetles have left the tree and the needles have turned red, indicating that the

tree is dead: the fungi carried by the beetles have cut the tree off from its supply of water

and nutrients. In subsequent years, the needles fall off the trees (grey-attack stage).

The volume of blue stain increases as the time increases since the beetle attack,

indicating the need for specific drying schedules employing lower energy levels.

Moreover, the sapwood moisture content of trees drops about 100% from the healthy

stage, while the heartwood moisture drops about 10%, regardless of the stage [Chow and

Obermajer 2007]. The infested trees also develop splits and checks during drying, as

stress is relieved; and, the physical condition of wood is altered [Byrne et al. 2006].

The B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range estimates that the MPB has now killed a

cumulative total of 675 million cubic metres of timber, since the current infestation began;

and, the cumulative area affected is estimated at 16.3 million hectares [B.C. Ministry of

Forests and Range 2010]. According to a recent report [Hamilton 2009], the government

of British Columbia has declared that the MPB epidemic is largely over; however, it is

not because the beetles have been defeated, but because the beetles have run out of trees.

This, in itself, turns out to be another problem of wood supply, since the vast majority of

pine stands have been killed.

Due to MPB, lodgepole pine timber is affected by a blue stain, which occurs in

the sapwood of the attacked trees and appears in products made from stained logs. This



issue may limit the profit of its wood products [Byrne et al. 2006]. Therefore, several

important tasks need to be carefully considered: finding replacements for solid wood, and

developing value-added products for the low-grade MPB attacked wood.

In addition, processing dry MPB attacked trees can generate more fine material

and residues [Byrne et al. 2006; Watson 2006] compared to healthy, green logs. Thus,

there is a need to investigate alternative products that can make use of these processing


1.2 Potential Value-Added Products

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are being used to create products, such as

landscape timbers, railing, decking, fencing, window and door elements, panels,

moulding, roofing, siding, and even flooring, louvres, indoor furniture, railings in marinas

and bumpers for shipyards. Past research has shown that WPCs have experienced rapid

growth and become a major player in the North American decking market [Clemons 2002;

Winandy et al. 2004; Smith and Wolcott 2006]. This success is primarily attributed to

appropriate performance at a reasonable cost [Smith and Wolcott 2006]. Schneider and

Witt [2004] indicated that the advantages of WPCs can result in increased demands for

value-added WPC products and that the market will increase dramatically in the near

future and continue to grow in the long term.

In the construction community, there is a growing demand for high-performance,

low-maintenance, low-cost building products. Manufacturers of WPCs usually promote

their lower maintenance, lack of cracking or splintering, and high durability. The actual



lifetime of WPC lumber is currently being debated; however, most manufacturers offer a

10-year warranty. The growing commercial importance of these materials has expanded

efforts for an understanding of their structural properties and for investigation into new

methodologies for producing new materials.

Currently, WPCs are successfully used in non-structural applications [Clemens

2002] and have been recognized as potential choices for use in many light structural

applications [Tajvidi et al. 2010]. More and more research has been undertaken to

improve their mechanical properties for use in structural applications. Comparisons

between WPCs and conventional wood composites have been conducted and indicate that

wood fibre and plastic composite panels have lower bending moduli of elasticity and

rupture than conventional wood based panels; whereas, composite panels performed well

in thickness swell and moisture absorption [Falk et al. 1999; Clemons 2002]. Hence,

these composites are not currently being used in applications that require considerable

structural performance.

1.3 Research Motivation

WPCs can be used for various applications; however, widespread use in structural

applications has been restricted, due to an insufficient understanding of mechanical and

time-dependent behaviours [Kobbe 2005]. The viscoelastic property of WPCs is an

important concern, due to the constitution of the raw materials – plastic and wood.

Failure modes, such as fatigue, creep rupture, excessive deformation and environmental

aging, are all related to the viscoelastic properties of plastic materials [Sain et al. 2000].

Polymers are viscoelastic at all temperatures [McCrum et al. 1997], so that, in



considering the strains induced in service, not only the stress needs to be taken into

account, but also the time for which it is applied. Furthermore, the viscoelastic properties

are also highly temperature-dependent; therefore, the effect of temperature must also be

taken into consideration.

The examples of viscoelastic behaviours are creep, stress relaxation, fatigue and

dynamic mechanical properties [Deng and Uhrich 2010]. In particular, creep is one of the

most fundamental considerations of the long-term physical properties critical to product

acceptance in many engineering applications [Nkiwane and Mukhopadhyay 1999]. Creep

can lead to unpredicted excessive deformations over a long period of time, which may

cause rupture failures. Therefore, due to the nature of viscoelasticity, static mechanical

tests may not provide sufficient information to predict long-term behaviour.

Creep is not only an important phenomenon in viscoelasticity, but is also of great

significance in the design of plastic based products for load-carrying applications.

Evaluating creep behaviour of a product, however, takes a great deal of time and cost.

Therefore, in order to reduce the expense and time to generate long-term creep

information for design purposes, convenient methods for long-term prediction with

shorter-term experimental data are desired.

Various structural and environmental parameters influence creep behaviour;

however, temperature may be the most important variable, as most polymeric materials

show different behaviours under different temperatures. Consequently, the effect of

temperature is vital in material selection and design of WPCs. However, research

investigating environmental influences (e.g. service temperature) on the mechanical



performance of WPCs with the goal of assigning structural design values is limited

[Tajvidi et al. 2010].

The dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) method, which is an accelerated

characterization procedure, can provide a technique to forecast the response of material

and long-term performance. A master curve can be generated based on the time-

temperature superposition principle (TTSP) and can be used to develop a model to

describe long-term performance. This technique provides valuable and practical

information on the time- and temperature-dependent properties, which are essential for

the understanding of long-term behaviour. This knowledge will improve the application

of wood-plastic composites in various uses.

According to past research, the method of DMA and TTSP has certain limits and

some difficulties in its application. Factors, such as stresses, temperatures and types of

material must be taken into careful consideration, and the verification of the master curve

is needed.

Comparisons between the TTSP constructed master curve and the results of a full-

scale creep test have hardly been studied, especially for WPCs, of which formulations

and components may influence the final properties of products, as well as the creep

behaviour. The evaluation of this method was, therefore, investigated by conducting a

long-term creep test in this study, in order to develop an efficient and reasonable method

to study creep behaviour of WPCs. In addition, the viscoelastic properties of WPCs and

their influence on creep behaviours, particularly the effects of temperatures and stresses,

were also studied with the DMA technique.



1.4 Objectives

The main objectives are summarized as follows:

1. To develop prototypes of mountain pine beetle attacked wood-plastic

composites products and assess the physical and mechanical properties in

terms of formulations.

2. To investigate viscoelastic behaviours of WPCs by means of dynamic

mechanical analysis.

3. To generate the master curves under various stresses and temperatures based

on the time-temperature superposition principle for the prediction of long-term


4. To study the effects of stresses and temperatures on the creep behaviour of


5. To conduct a long-term creep experiment of WPCs to compare with the

results obtained from short-term DMA tests and study the relationship

between DMA results and long-term test results.

1.5 Organization of Dissertation

This dissertation consists of 9 chapters. In Chapter 1, the issue of the mountain

pine beetle epidemic and potential products for those low-grade materials are pointed out;

and, the major topic of this study is addressed. The fundamental theories of the

approaches adopted in this study are described in Chapter 2; and, the previous research

works that were surveyed are summarized in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes the

manufacture of MPB-WPC products and the experimental design. In Chapter 5, the



physical and mechanical properties of MPB-WPCs studied by observation and statistical

analysis are presented; and, in Chapter 6, the viscoelastic properties of WPCs are

investigated based on the results of temperature-sweep experiment.

Master curves of WPCs under various stresses and temperatures were generated

and are described in Chapter 7: the influence factors are also discussed. Chapter 8

presents the results from a long-term creep test and a discussion on the comparison

between long-term and short-term data. Conclusions are made in Chapter 9, based on the

overall study; and, future research is suggested.

1.6 Summary

Due to the recent serious MPB epidemic, value-added products for the resulting

low-grade materials are needed. The WPC product is a potential option; however, given

the nature of viscoelasticity, its long-term performance needs to be carefully and

efficiently studied.

In this study, therefore, MPB-WPC products were developed and the effect of the

formulation on properties was investigated. The viscoelastic behaviour, particularly creep,

of WPCs under different temperatures and stresses were studied by dynamic mechanical

analysis and verified with a long-term creep test. This work can improve the

understanding of the time-, temperature- and stress-dependent properties and the

efficiency of the prediction of long-term performance, thereby extending the applications

of wood-plastic composites.




Wood-plastic composite (WPC) is a type of polymer based composite with its

behaviour strongly controlled by the characteristics of the polymeric matrix, exhibiting

time-, temperature- and stress-dependent properties. These dependences play important

roles in WPC performance when used in load-bearing applications.

This chapter describes the related fundamental theory applied in this thesis,

including linear viscoelasticity, the dynamic mechanical properties of material, the time-

temperature-stress superposition principle, the behaviour of creep, and related models.

2.1 Viscoelasticity

2.1.1 Linear Viscoelasticity

Most classic materials exhibit either elastic or viscous behaviour in response to

applied stress. Under low stress level, elastic responses are typical in solid materials and

follow Hooke’s Law, which can be shown as an equation: σ = E*ε, where σ is the stress, ε

is the strain, and E is the modulus. This Hookean behaviour can also be observed in

different modes of stress. The response of an elastic system to applied stress is

instantaneous and completely recoverable. A spring can be used as the model for

materials governed by Hooke’ Law.

Viscous behaviour, however, is a characteristic of fluids, in which an applied

stress results in a strain that increases proportionally with time until the stress is removed.

This relationship can be shown in an equation defined by Newton: σ = η*(dε/dt), where σ



is the stress, η is the constant of viscosity, and (dε/dt) is the strain rate. In this case, the

strain is not recoverable. A dashpot is usually used as an analogy.

Due to their chain-like structure, the deformation of polymers is accompanied by

a complex series of long- and short-range co-operative molecular rearrangements;

therefore, polymers are not perfectly elastic bodies [Cowie 1973]. Polymers, because of

their viscoelastic nature at all temperatures, display behaviour during deformation that is

both temperature- and time- (frequency-) dependent; and, both time and temperature have

a similar effect on the linear viscoelastic properties, which is based on a

phenomenological theory. Furthermore, due to the viscoelastic properties of a polymeric

matrix, viscoelastic behaviour is dominant in the long-term mechanical behaviour of

polymeric matrix composites.

Figure 2-1. Scheme of a spring and a dashpot



2.1.2 Creep

Considering viscoelastic properties, polymer chains slowly rearrange in response

to an applied stress at the structural level. When a constant applied load is maintained, the

resulting strain is not constant, but continues to increase as a function of time. This is

referred to as creep in engineering terms, and it is a manifestation of viscous flow in the

solid polymer. A counterpart to creep is stress relaxation, in which the strain is held as the

constant, and the stress required to maintain the strain decreases as a function of time.

The modulus is defined as the ratio of stress to strain, and the calculation of

modulus in a viscoelastic system should incorporate a time function for both creep and

stress relaxation. If a constant stress is applied to a viscoelastic specimen, the strain is

observed to be time-dependent. To quantify the effect of strain on the material, creep is

normalized as creep compliance, J(t):

( ) ( )

( )

where σ represents a constant applied stress and ε(t) is the time-dependent strain.

For a material in its linear viscoelastic range, the creep compliance is independent

of stress; whereas, the creep compliance is dependent on the stress in the nonlinear range.

The linear viscoelastic range can be determined by an isochrone – plotting strain versus

stress at a specific time. Long-term creep compliance is one performance criteria

commonly used to evaluate composite materials [Lin et al. 2004].



By contrast, if a constant strain is maintained on a viscoelastic specimen, the

stress is observed to be time-dependent. To quantify the effect of stress on the material,

stress relaxation is normalized as the stress relaxation modulus:

( ) ( )

( )

A general illustration of elastic and viscous compound behaviour is shown in

Figure 2-2. The material initially responds in an elastic manner and then as a viscous

fluid. When stress is removed, the elastic portion recovers over an extended period of


Figure 2-2. Diagram of creep depicting the strain-time relationship

The general form of a creep curve is shown in Figure 2-3. The curve shows that,

when stress is applied to a material, there is an instantaneous extension followed by rapid

creep. This part is referred to as primary creep. After the primary creep, there is a steady

elongation, referred to as secondary creep, and then an accelerated creep leading to

rupture, known as tertiary creep [Nkiwane and Mukhopadhyay 1999].



Figure 2-3. Schematic diagram of strain during creep

To determine the proportion of the elastic and viscous components in a polymer

and the factors that cause the balance to change, it is crucial to understand how the

material will perform in a given application.

2.1.3 Analogous Models for Creep

Using phenomenological approaches to describe creep is very common. The

fundamental idea is the demonstration of behaviour with an analogous system. In this

case, the spring is used to analogize the elastic behaviour (Hookean behaviour), while the

dashpot analogizes the viscous behaviour (time-dependent behaviour). In order to

describe more complex viscoelastic behaviour, many models have been developed that

combine springs and dashpots in parallel, series or both.

One of the basic models is the Voigt-Kelvin model, as shown in Figure 2-4. A

spring and a dashpot are arranged in parallel; therefore, there is the same strain in both

elements, but different stresses. The total stress is equal to the stress in the spring plus the

stress in dashpot, and a differential equation can be made as:



( )

During the creep test, stress is constant, but strain is time-dependent; thus, the

time-dependent compliance can be obtained by solving the differential equation:

( ) [ (

)] ( )

Figure 2-4. Scheme of the Voigt-Kelvin model

This model explains the viscous strain well, but not the elastic strain. Thus, one

more spring element can be added for the elastic strain, which is presented as the Zener

model (Figure 2-5):

( ) { [ (

)]} ( )

where τσ is the relaxation time, equal to Jd*η. The first term on the right-hand side

represents the deflection of spring, and the second term is the time-dependent deflection

of the parallel spring-dashpot element. It can be used to fit the isothermal data with three

adjustable parameters, Ju, Jd and τσ, which are valid for creep, stress relaxation and



dynamic response [McCrum et al. 1997].

Figure 2-5. Scheme of the Zener model

The Zener model may fail when the observed relaxation times are broader than

the predictions. However, this problem can be fixed by assuming that the mechanism is a

set of relaxation processes with a band of relaxation times that are closely spaced. The

heterogeneity of the polymeric solid causes the relaxation times to occur in a distribution:

all relaxations in polymers are found to be described by distributed relaxation times

[McCrum et al. 1997]. This distribution of relaxation (or retardation) times can be related

to the distribution of molecular mobility, which may be very wide and account for the

protracted nature of the creep phenomenon in a qualitative way [Darlington and Turner


The generalization of the Zener model (Figure 2-6) to a distribution is a routine

extension with n parallel spring-dashpot elements.



( ) ∑ { [ ( ]} ( )

The i-th spring-dashpot element has compliance, Ji, and dashpot coefficient, ηi, and the

relaxation time, τi, and is equal to Ji* ηi. Each element is stressed by the stress, which also

acts on the instantaneous compliance, Ju. The strain in each element is added up to give

the total strain.

Figure 2-6. Generalized Zener model

Consequently, the behaviour of a viscoelastic material can be described in terms

of a distribution function of time constants, which is generally convenient and

informative; and, in principle, such a distribution function is enough to completely

characterize the material. This can be either the distribution of relaxation times

(relaxation spectrum) or, alternatively, the distribution of retardation times (retardation

spectrum) [Dutta et al. 2001].



2.1.4 Boltzmann Superposition Principle

The Boltzmann superposition principle (BSP) dates from 1876 and is of great

significant both theoretically and practically. Suppose the time-dependent compliance,

J(t), is known from t0 to tn, the strain, ε0(t), for t0< t< tn resulting from a constant stress, σ0,

applied at t0 = 0 would be:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

If there is an additional stress, σ1, applied at time, t1, the resulting strain, ε1(t), for only

itself, according to BSP is:

( ) ( ) ( )

Then, when σ0 and σ1 act together, the total strain at t is:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

If after time, t1, t2, t3…, the system is subjected to additional stresses, σ1, σ2, σ3…, then

BSP states that the creep response can be predicted simply by summing the individual

responses from each stress increment.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Thus, if the stress alters continually, the summation can be replaced by an integral, so that

at time u (0 < u < t), when the stress, σ(u), exists, the strain at time t is given by:

( ) ∫ ( ) ( )

( )



For creep loading, σ(t) = σ0H(t), where σ0 is the creep stress and H(t) is the Heaviside

step function. The principle has been successfully applied to the tensile creep of

amorphous and rubber-like polymers, but not when appreciable crystallinity exists in the

sample [Cowie 1973].

2.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Time-Temperature Dependence

2.2.1 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

The linear viscoelastic properties of polymers in nature are both time- and

temperature-dependent. Failure modes, such as fatigue, creep rupture, excessive

deformation and environmental aging, are all related to the viscoelastic properties of

plastic materials [Sain et al. 2000]. When considering material for an application, it is

sometimes important to know how the viscoelastic properties will change over a long

period of time and, often, what the viscoelastic properties are under very high-frequency

applications, such as high-speed impact strength.

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a method utilized to determine time-

temperature shift factors, by performing dynamic mechanical measurements on solid or

fluid specimens. It has emerged as one of the most powerful tools available for the study

of the behaviour of plastic materials. The understanding of viscoelastic properties

improves the material selection and optimizes the balance between cost and performance

in new and existing products.

The stress function, which is sinusoidal, in a perfectly elastic system results in in-

phase strain. However, in an ideal fluid, the stress leads the strain by 90° (π/2) out of



phase. Thus, with viscoelastic materials, the stress function is some hybrid of these two

responses. The stress and strain will be out of phase by some phase angle, δ. A small

phase angle indicates high elasticity, while a large phase angle is associated with high

viscous properties.

The complex response of the material is resolved into the elastic or storage

modulus (E’) and the viscous or loss modulus (E”) in tensile or flexural mode, or G’ and

G” in shear mode. The smaller the phase angle, the closer the elastic modulus is to the

complex modulus. For most conditions at which DMA measurements are made on solid

polymers, the complex modulus and the elastic modulus can be considered equivalent.

The loss modulus is the contribution of the viscous component in the material, i.e. that

portion which flows under stress.

When a specimen is subjected to an oscillatory shear strain of angular frequency,

ω, the strain is generated as:

( )

For a linear viscoelastic material, the stress response is sinusoidal, but out of

phase with the strain by a phase angle, δ:

( ) ( )

From Equation 2-13, σ can be expanded as:

( ) ( ) ( )



The stress consists of two components, one in phase with the strain and the other

90° out of phase. The relationship between stress and strain in this dynamic case can be

defined as:

( ) ( )

in which,

( ) = Storage modulus

( ) = Loss modulus

Thus, the component of the stress, E’*γ0, is in-phase with the oscillatory strain; and, the

component, E”* γ0, is 90° (π/2) out of phase.

This formulation is analogous to the relationship between current and voltage in

an electrical circuit, which suggests the use of complex representation [McCrum et al.

1997]. The complex shear modulus is:

( )

The tangent of phase angle is:

( )

For a pure elastic solid, tan δ equals zero, because E” is zero. Since it is

dimensionless, tan δ can be a convenient means for comparing materials, where storage



and loss modulus values may be subject to change, due to different formulations,

geometry or processing methods.

The most common graphical presentation of a DMA experiment involves plotting

the storage modulus (E’), the loss modulus (E”), and tan δ as a function of temperature.

The glass transition temperature (Tg) can be measured by the E’ onset point, by the E”

peak, or the peak of tan δ. The Tg may vary according to different indexes; however,

DMA plots provide a comparison of the elastic modulus at different temperatures and

also provide a picture of those temperature regions where material properties are very

stable with temperature and those regions where rapid change may occur.

DMA is widely applied in the characterization of developing material in

laboratory scale, because DMA allows for the use of small sizes of samples in different

forms and various testing functions, as well as various fixtures for different properties of

interests. Furthermore, DMA is a powerful technique that provides quantitative data

regarding the modulus of materials at any temperature of interest [Sepe 1998].

An important aspect of DMA is assurance that the analysis is conducted within

the linear viscoelastic region (LVR). Within the LVR, the response is directly

proportional to the mechanical input; polymer packing is not altered; and, the response

reflects the polymer structure and organization. When the stress/strain response becomes

nonlinear, the mechanical stimulus significantly alters polymer packing. The response

can then reflect other phenomena. However, the quality of the DMA signal is not

satisfactory at very low stresses and strains; consequently, DMA is typically conducted at



the highest possible stress/strain within the LVR to optimize the signal quality [Sun et al.


2.2.2 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition

A comprehensive creep test is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming;

therefore, it was necessary for methods of interpolation and extrapolation to be developed,

in order to make the most of limited data [Darlington and Turner 1978].

The time-temperature-stress superposition principle (TTSSP), which is an

empirical relationship between the time- and temperature- or stress-dependent properties

of viscoelastic materials, comes from the observation that the time scales of motions of

constituent molecules of a polymer are affected by temperature and stress.

The time-temperature superposition is based on the fact that the viscoelastic

behaviour at one temperature can be related to that at another temperature by a change in

the time or frequency scale only, assuming that the material behaviour is thermo-

rheologically simple [Ferry 1979] and that increasing test temperature accelerates all the

molecular relaxation processes [Darlington and Turner 1978]. This extends the range of

frequencies or times of viscoelastic properties beyond those that are measurable.

In viscoelastic materials, a relaxation process that occurs rapidly at elevated

temperatures (or stresses) occurs to the same degree over longer periods of time at lower

temperatures or stresses; and, the data from creep and stress relaxation experiments

performed at various isothermal temperatures can be superposed to a reference

temperature. These tests may be performed on solid polymer samples using DMA or



polymer melts using a rheometer. With creep TTSSP data, the resultant information can

be extended to months, and even years.

This principle is well established for thermoplastics in the LVR. It can provide

qualitative guidance for the extrapolation of creep data for both amorphous and semi-

crystalline thermoplastics, even in the nonlinear region [Darlington and Turner 1978].

Temperature effects are described by altering the time scale of the response (a

horizontal shift, as shown in Figure 2-7), according to:


) ( )

where aT is the temperature shift factor and is positive if the curve moves to left of the

reference and negative if the curve moves to right. The shift factor is a function of

temperature only and decreases with increasing temperature [Cowie 1973)]. The creep

compliance at two different temperatures can be related by:

( ) (

) ( )

Figure 2-7. Scheme of time-temperature shift



The basis of time-temperature superposition is the free volume theory and

Doolittle’s viscosity equation [Doolittle 1951; Ward 1983; Luo et al. 2001], which is in

the form of:


) ( )


) ( )

where η is the viscosity of material, A and B are material constants, and f is the free

volume fraction. A linear dependence of the free volume fraction on temperature

variation is:

( ) ( )

where f0 is the free volume fraction at T0, and αT is the thermal expansion coefficient of

free volume fraction.

The shift factor can be defined as:

( )

where η0 and t0 are material viscosity and relaxation time at T0, respectively, likewise for

η and t. Then, the following equation can be derived:

[ (

)] [ (



) ( )



Since 2.303 log(aT)=ln(aT), Eq.2-24 can be expressed as:


) ( )

Substitute Eq.2-22 into Eq.2-24, then yield:


) ( )

Define (B/2.303f0) =C1, (f0/αT) = C2, and T0 is the reference temperature, then the

well known Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation will yield:

( )

( ) ( )

where aT is the time shift factor, Tr is the reference temperature, and T is the temperature

(K) at which the shift factor is desired. The constants C1 and C2 are material dependent

and are based on the slope and intercept of the plot of (T-Tr)/Log(aT) versus (T-Tr). The

WLF equation is typically applied to amorphous polymers in the region from Tg to


A vertical shift factor, which has been evaluated in many research studies, can

also be used to describe the viscoelastic behaviour. Occasionally, a vertical shift is

applied to compensate for the density change of the polymer with temperature:

( )



where ρ is the density of the polymer at temperature T, and ρg is the density of the

polymer at the Tg.

The equation is based on the assumption that, above the glass transition

temperature, the fractional free volume increases linearly with respect to temperature

[Ferry 1980]. Banik and Mennig [2006] indicated that free volume plays an important

role in determining the creep behaviour of the semi-crystalline polymers and that a lower

free volume leads to reduced creep strain.

The other model that is commonly used to relate the shift factors with respect to

temperature is the Arrhenius relation:

( )


) ( )

where ΔH is the activation energy, R is the gas constant (R = 8.314 J/mole °C), T is the

measurement temperature, Tr is the reference temperature, and aT is the time-based shift


The Arrhenius equation is typically used to describe viscoelastic events for the

glass transitions associated with semi-crystalline polymers. Frequently, it is used to

obtain the activation energy associated with the glass transition event. However, both

WLF and Arrhenius equations are valid when there is a linear temperature shift in creep

strain due to a change in the temperature [Pramanick and Sain 2006b].

The time-stress superposition is analogous to the time-temperature superposition.

It assumed that the effect of a longer time at a low stress level can be simulated by tests



for shorter time at higher stress levels; however, it is on a less firm foundation than the

time-temperature superposition [Darlington and Turner 1978]. The shift factor can be

related to the applied stress by the following equation, which is similar to the WLF


( )

( ) ( )

where C1 and C2 are material dependent constants, and σr is the reference stress. The

relation between the creep compliance at two stresses can be expressed as:

( ) (

) ( )

where g and aσ are the vertical and horizontal shift factors, respectively.

The vertical shift factor, also called the modulus shift factor, shows the movement

in the vertical direction and depends on the modulus; whereas, the horizontal shift factor,

also called the time shift factor, shows the amount of horizontal movement and depends

on the restraint of viscosity.

2.2.3 Master Curves

As mentioned, the accurate measurement of long-term creep behaviour has always

been difficult. A commonly used test procedure is application of the time-temperature

superposition method, measurement of creep at a number of different elevated

temperatures for a relatively short period of time, and shifting of the results to a reference

temperature to form a master curve for a longer period of time [Gibson et al. 1990].



This is accomplished by translating small curves, obtained from creep / stress

relaxation at various temperatures, along the log(t) axis until they are all superimposed to

form a large composite curve. This curve of the modulus/compliance versus time and

temperature provides a useful description of polymer behaviour and allows one to

estimate, among other things, either the relaxation or retardation spectrum [Cowie 1973].

The master curve is of presumed value, since it can be used to calculate the

distribution of retardation or relaxation times and is also often used to predict the

properties of the polymeric material over long time periods beyond the laboratory scale

[Miyase et al. 1993].

A short-term experiment, therefore, can be run under constant or varying stresses

at a constant or increasing temperature. The higher temperature or stress data sets can be

shifted to longer times, until they completely overlap the curve of the reference

temperature or stress. This resulting plot represents the master curve that covers a wide

range of time; therefore, it can serve as a prediction of time-dependent behaviour for

long-term performance.

For a creep master curve, the apparent modulus versus time plot can be converted

into a strain versus time plot by selecting a specific stress. Any temperature and stress can

be used as a reference temperature and stress to construct a master curve. However, the

extent of the projection is limited by the number of tests run at temperatures and stresses

higher than the reference ones. The most reliable predictions can be made for interpolated

temperatures rather than long extrapolations [Cowie 1973]. The curve begins to lose

accuracy, if the selected stresses and strains fall outside the linear elastic region.



2.3 Creep Modelling

A number of empirical and theoretical methods have been developed to predict

the time-dependent creep strain. In addition to the above-mentioned creep models, several

commonly used models are summarized in this section.

Findley’s power law model is a simple and widely used model for creep

behaviour. The general form is given as:

( )

where εt is the time-dependent creep strain, ε0 is the instantaneous strain, t is the loading

time, a is the coefficient of the time-dependent strain, and m is the exponential material

constant. This model is simple and easily applied; however, it may not be applicable for

all the situations. The limitation of this approach is that it does not provide a general

representation for creep, recovery and behaviour under complicated loading programs

[Ward 1983].

Findley’s power law can be used to establish the model, which is generally

formed as:

( ) (

) ( )

where ε(t) is the time-dependent strain, ε0 is the instantaneous strain, m is the coefficient

of the time-dependent strain, which is an exponential material constant, t is time after

loading, and t0 is the unit time.



The power law equation describes the creep behaviour of a particular material at a

given stress and temperature. Furthermore, to describe the creep behaviour of material at

any stress level, the stress-dependent parameters in the model (ε0 and m) can be replaced

by hyperbolic functions [Findley 1960]:


) ( )


) ( )

where ε’0 is the instantaneous strain at the reference stress level, σε; σ is the applied stress;

and, m’ is the creep parameter, m, at the reference stress level σm. Equation 2-33 can be

modified with a hyperbolic expression as:

( ) (

) (

) (


( )

where constants ε’0, σε, m’ and σm are empirically determined from the data collected at

different stress levels. Values for σε and σm are determined by linearizing the curve for ε0

and m obtained in tests over a range of stresses. Values for ε’0 and m’ are taken as the

slope of the straight-line fit through the respective data with least square procedures. ε’0,

σε, m’ and n are all constants independent of stress, strain and time; however, they still

remain as functions of the material, temperature, humidity and other environmental


In addition to Findley’s model, many other creep prediction models are

validations of Schapery’s model or Kelvin-Maxwell’s model, where the composite is



treated as a single-phase material [Pramanick and Sain 2006a]. However, Martinez-

Guerrero [1998] concluded that wood-plastic lumber does not follow the Kelvin-Maxwell

model. Schapery’s study (1969) takes care of the stress related nonlinearity in creep and

calculates the creep constants for the particular constituents (composites or pure plastics).

Schapery’s single integral constitutive equation is one of the most commonly used

nonlinear viscoelastic models and is derived by using the principles of thermodynamics

of irreversible processes. The time-dependent properties, including the linear viscoelastic

properties and four stress-dependent material parameters, can be determined from

creep/recovery tests. The model is general and can be simplified to other models

[Falahatgar and Salehi 2009]. This model would be a good tool for the validation of any

proposed new creep model, if the material is considered a single-phase material. The

linear viscoelastic power law model is presented by Schapery as:

( ) ( ) ( )

where J0 and J1 are the instantaneous compliance and time-dependent compliance,

respectively, and n is an empirically determined parameter. Schapery also presents a

general form of the time-dependent nonlinear compliance as:

( ) (

) ( )

where J0 is the instantaneous compliance, and ΔJ(t) is the time-dependent compliance.

The equation is nonlinear, because parameters g0, g1, g2 and aσ are stress-dependent and

related to the stress-dependent free energy, but are not time-dependent. When g0 = g1 = g2

= aσ= 1, the model becomes linear and is not stress-dependent.



The Bailey-Norton equation is also a power law model that has been used to

describe the viscoelastic response of a material under a constant stress. The primary creep

can be characterized by a monotonic decrease in the rate of creep, and the creep strain can

be described with the Bailey-Norton equation:

( )

where ε is the creep strain, σ is the stress, a, n, and b are temperature-dependent constants

[Betten 2008].

2.4 Summary

In this chapter, previously developed fundamental theories of linear

viscoelasticity, creep behaviour and models, dynamic mechanical analysis, and the time-

temperature-stress superposition principle have been reviewed. This chapter provides the

background knowledge to study the creep behaviours of wood-plastic composites and

develop an efficient methodology for creep prediction based on dynamic mechanical

analysis and the time-temperature-stress superposition principle.




Previous researches related to this study are reviewed and summarized in this

chapter, including wood-plastic composites, dynamic mechanical analysis, creep of

wood-plastic composites, and the application of time-temperature-stress superposition

principle to the study of creep for wood-plastic composites.

3.1 Wood-Plastic Composites

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are typically made using 30% to 60% wood

filler. Wood flour can be used as a filler to reduce raw material costs and improve

stiffness and dimensional stability over a range of temperatures, with minimal weight

increase [English et al. 1997]. When appropriate coupling agents are added to increase

the fibre matrix compatibility and adhesion, the mechanical properties can be improved

[Lu et al. 2000; English et al. 1996].

Wood flour is made commercially by grinding post-industrial material, such as

planer shavings, chips and sawdust, into a fine, flour-like consistency [Stark 1997]. Wood

fibres are available from both virgin and recycled sources, including pallets, demolition

lumbers and old newsprint [Clemons 2002; Hwang 1997; English et al. 1996]. Wood

from small-diameter trees and underutilized species can also be used.

Various wood species have been used for the manufacture of WPCs; a few

common ones are, pine (Pinus spp.), maple (Acer spp.) and oak (Quercus spp.) [Stark and

Berger 1997; Clemons 2002]. In addition to wood, many particle and fibre types have

been investigated, such as wheat, kenaf, cornstalk, hemp and jute [Rowell 1996;



Youngquist et al. 1996; Caulfield et al. 1998; Chow et al. 1999; Bledzki et al. 2004].

English et al. [1997] studied the comparison between wood and mineral fillers in

composites and indicated that wood filler can reduce the specific gravity of composites,

which is an advantage in packaging and transportation applications.

The manufacturing of thermoplastic composites is usually a two-step process. The

raw materials are first mixed together (compounded), and the composite blend is then

formed into products. The combination of these steps is called in-line processing, and the

result is a single processing step that converts raw materials to end products. While still

in its molten state, the compounded material can be immediately pressed or shaped into

an end product or formed into small, regular pellets for future reheating and forming

[Clemons 2002].

Three common forming methods for WPCs are extrusion (forcing molten

composite through a die), injection moulding (forcing molten composite into a cold

mould), and compression moulding (pressing molten composite between mould halves)

Extrusion is, by far, the most common method [Clemons 2002]: the total poundage of

products produced with injection and compression moulding is much less than that

produced with extrusion [English et al. 1996].

Due to the limited thermal stability of wood, only thermoplastics that melt or can

be processed at temperatures below 200°C (392°F) are commonly used in WPCs. The

plastic is often selected based on its inherent properties, product need, availability, cost

and the manufacturer’s familiarity with the material [Clemons 2002]. Currently, most

WPCs are made with polyethylene (PE), low- or high-density, both recycled and virgin.



Based on the study of Selke and Wichman [2004], the performance of products made

from recycled high-density PE (HDPE) is at least as good as that from virgin HDPE.

Other thermoplastics have also been used as matrices, such as polypropylene (PP),

polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS) and acryloni-trile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)

[Clemons 2002], the choice of polymer depending on the intended use of the final

product. A type of biodegradable polymer, poly(lactic acid) (PLA), is getting more and

more attention for its eco-friendliness; therefore, research studies on the applying on PLA

to WPCs have also been done [Ibrahim et al. 2010].

Processing methods affect the performance of WPCs due to different temperatures,

pressures and flows found in the different methods. Clemons and Ibach [2004] indicate

that extruded composites absorb the most moisture, compression moulded composites

absorb less than the extruded composites, and injection moulded composites absorb the

least amount of moisture. The reason may be attributed to the high pressure during

processing used in injection moulding form a thin layer of polymer at the surface [Stark

et al. 2004], and this layer limit the moisture absorption. Stark et al. [2004] also indicated

that the processing method influence the durability of WPCs because of the different

surface conditions, and the retention of flexural properties after weathering is also

influenced. Injection-moulded samples retained higher flexural properties than extruded

samples did.

Wood particle sizes, geometry, and variety of species also influence WPC

properties [Stark and Rowlands 2003; Takatani at al. 2000; Stark 1997]. The affected

properties can include moisture absorption [Wang and Morrell 2004] and decay



resistance [Verhey and Laks 2002]. Typical particle sizes for WPCs are 10 to 80 mesh

[Clemons 2002], with smaller particle sizes yielding better material performance

[Takatani at al. 2000]. Based on experimental results, hardwood WPCs exhibit slightly

better tensile and flexural properties and heat deflection temperatures, compared to

softwood WPCs [Stark 1997 and Berger 1997].

The formulation, including the contents of wood, plastic and additives, can

significantly affect WPC properties [Hwang 1997; Stark and Berger 1997; Caulfield et al.

1998; Lu et al. 2000; Stark and Rowlands 2003; Wolcott 2003]. A higher filler content

results in better stiffness properties; however, the modulus of rupture (MOR) and

maximum deflection decrease with increasing wood content and decreasing resin content

of the wood particles [Hwang 1997].

With increasing wood flour content, flexural and tensile modulus, density, heat

deflection temperature, and notched impact energy increase, while flexural and tensile

strength, tensile elongation, mould shrinkage, melt flow index, unnotched impact energy

[Stark and Berger 1997] and heat release rate of WPCs [Stark et al. 1997] decrease. The

reduction is due to the stress concentration effect around the filler particles, which is

produced by weak interaction phenomena of the matrix with the filler, causing weak

adhesion [Crespo et al. 2009].

In fibre reinforced composites, the interaction and adhesion between the fibres

and matrix have a significant effect in determining the mechanical and physical

behaviours of fibre composites [Sanadi et al. 2000; Stark 1999; Caulfield et al. 1998;

Oksman and Clemons 1998; Clemons 1995]. As well, fibre fracture (or lack of it),



polymer ductility and fibre polymer bonding all play roles in impact performance

[Clemons 1995].

The key factor in the reinforcement of thermoplastic properties with natural fibre

is the creation of strong bonds that efficiently transfer stress from the matrix to the fibre.

Some maleated copolymers (e.g. maleated anhydride polypropylene/polyethylene) and

silane have been studied and proven useful as compatibilizers or coupling agents for

WPC manufacture [Lu et al. 2000; Herrera-Franco and Valadez-González 2004; Selke

and Wichman 2004; Bengtsson and Oksman 2006; Chowdhury and Wolcott 2007; Lee et

al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2008]. In addition, the effects of different lubricants on WPCs have

also been studied [Harper and Wolcott 2004]. The selection of additives should be

carefully considered for future manufacture, in order to improve the quality of the


WPCs’ decay resistance, due to weather, moisture, temperature, insects or fungi,

has been studied, including laboratory and field tests, [Morris and Cooper 1998; Chow et

al. 1999; Falk et al. 2000a; Falk et al. 2000b; Hwang and Hsiung 2000; Verhey et al.

2001; Clemons and Ibach 2002; Pendleton et al. 2002; Verhey et al. 2003; Lopez et al.

2005; Tajvidi et al. 2010]. WPCs have been shown to possess good dimension stability,

weather resistance, moisture absorption and fungi resistance.

The flexural and tensile properties of WPCs are, however, strongly affected by

temperature. As to freeze-thaw cycling resistance, the effect of cycles is confined to the

first cycle only, the repeated cycling did not exhibit significant effect on mechanical

properties [Tajvidi and Haghdan 2009]. Wang and Morrell (2005) indicate that moisture



absorption tends to increase with the number of wet/dry cycles. These composites are

also subject to photodegradation, resulting in a change in appearance and/or mechanical

properties [Stark et al. 2002].

3.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Viscoelastic Properties

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a very powerful technique that allows for

the determination of mechanical properties (modulus and damping), detection of

molecular motions (transitions), and development of morphology relationships [Turi

1997]. DMA has been applied extensively in the study of viscoelastic properties of WPC

materials [Wolcott et al. 2000; Son et al. 2003; Pooler and Smith 2004; Tajvidi et al.


During the glass transition, the storage modulus exhibits different values for

different heating rates at the same temperature; and, the peak of the curves of the loss

modulus and tan δ show a right shift with increased heating rate. The resulting glass

transition temperature (Tg) and the onset point of glass transition both increase with

increased heating rate. Furthermore, based on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA),

differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and DMA conducted at different heating rates, it

has been demonstrated that the thermo-physical and thermo-mechanical properties are not

only functions of temperature, but are also functions of time [Bai and Keller 2009].

Sun et al. [2007] used DMA to study the viscoelastic response of various species

(yellow poplar and southern yellow pine) of dry solid wood (moisture < 1%) and found

that the linear viscoelastic region was determined as a function of grain orientation and




Chartoff et al. (1994) summarized several factors involved with the establishment

of Tg from DMA, including:

1. Instrumental factors: temperature calibration, thermal gradient, sample size,

clamp effect, and sample geometry.

2. Test frequency: increasing the test frequency causes a shift of Tg to a higher


3. Material characteristics: the degree of crystallinity, the degree of cross-linking

in thermoset, the specific thermal and mechanical history of the materials, and

possible moisture effects.

4. Choice of Tg criterion: different viscoelastic functions may give different


Son et al. [2003] used DMA to analyze the effect of additives and nucleating

agents on the viscoelastic properties of various extruded wood/polypropylene composites.

The results showed that highly crystalline polypropylene (PP), treated with maleated

anhydride polypropylene (MAPP) as a coupling agent, had a higher storage modulus, but

a lower tan δ. As well, its activation energy for the relaxation process was also higher,

which implies better mechanical performances.

Wolcott et al. [2000] also mentioned that MAPP contributes to the formation of a

transcrystalline layer in the wood/plastic interphase, and this crystallization of

thermoplastics in the presence of wood can be monitored using DMA. Furthermore,

Sanadi and Caufield [2000] found a significant amount of defects in transcrystalline



zones in coupled composites using DMA, and suggested that longer molecular chains and

lower anhydride content may result in fewer defects.

Tajvidi et al. [2010] studied hemp-polypropylene composites with DMA and

found that the composite material containing higher hemp fibre content had higher

storage modulus values, indicating that composites with higher fibre content have better

mechanical performance at elevated temperatures. Moreover, the formulation did not

affect the onset of the glass transition.

Deng and Uhrich [2010] investigated ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene

(PE) using DMA and found that frequency, heating rate and load level affected the

dynamic mechanical properties. Furthermore, they also indicated that the procedure of

isothermal is important. A high storage modulus (E’) value was observed because the

initial response of the experimental specimens to the instant loading was strong. In

addition, it was mentioned that the composite behaved stiffer and more elastically as the

frequency was increased, which also suggests a decrease in toughness and an increase the

tendency of brittle failure.

Swaminathan and Shivakumar [2009] indicated that there are discrepancies in

measuring the storage modulus using DMA device, particularly for high modulus

materials. There was 50% difference between DMA and ASTM D790 results when

testing carbon/epoxy composites. They pointed out that factors that may impact DMA

testing include specimen preparation, geometry, aspect ratio and magnitude of load, were

pointed out; and, guidelines were proposed to accurately measure storage modulus and

tan δ, which were also presented in their study.



3.3 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition Principle for Creep Study

Ferry [1980] summarized several criteria in the application of the time-

temperature-stress superposition principle:

1. The shapes of the adjacent curves at different temperatures must match over a

substantial range of frequencies/time.

2. The same values of shift factors must superpose all the viscoelastic functions.

3. The temperature dependence of the shift factor must have a reasonable form

consistent with experience (e.g. Williams-Landel-Ferry or Arrhenius


Urzhumtsev and Maksimov (1968) mentioned that, within a reasonable limit of

stresses, the time-stress superposition can be successfully used with the Williams-Landel-

Ferry (WLF) equation. However, Miyase et al. [1993] remarked that the simple time-

temperature superposition principle is generally not applicable to crystalline polymers,

except at low degrees of crystallinity, since there are changes with temperature in the

microcrystalline structure and in the stress bearing mechanisms [Tobolsky and

McLoughlin 1955].

Pooler and Smith [2004] adopted DMA to find the temperature shift factor of

WPCs (58% wood flour) with small specimens. These were loaded in a dual cantilever

fixture. Shift factors were found every 2°C, from -30°C to 65°C, to relate its response to

that observed under ambient conditions. The shift factors were compared to the WLF

equation, and it was found that WLF closely followed the shift factors from -10°C to




Tajvidi et al. [2005] applied the time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP)

to study creep of a kenaf/HDPE composite; and, the results indicated that the composite

material was thermo-rheologically complex and that a single horizontal shift was not

adequate to predict long-term performance. Thus, they point out that the TTSP can be

applied only to natural fibre / thermoplastic composites with caution.

Dastoorian et al. [2010] studied the creep and stress relaxation for WPCs made

with fir, HDPE and maleated anhydride polyethylene (MAPE), adopting the time-stress

and -strain superposition principle. The results indicated that the studied composite

material was rheologically simple and that a single horizontal shifting along the time axis

was adequate to predict the long-term performance of the material. However, the shift

factors conformed to the Arrhenius equation instead of the WLF equation.

Samarasinghe et al. [1994] applied TTSP to study the creep of southern pine in

compression parallel to the grain and tried to validate the obtained master curves with a

10-month creep test. However, due to the fluctuating environmental conditions, the

geometry of specimens changed and affected the results. Therefore, the conclusion was

made that there was no good comparison between the master curve and long-term data.

Barpanda and Mantena [1998] employed DMA to study a pultruded hybrid

composite for accelerated creep and stress relaxation testing at elevated temperatures and

to also apply TTSP to generate master curves for the prediction of the creep and stress

relaxation properties of the hybrid composites.

Siengchin [2009] conducted a long-term creep test (of about one month) to verify

the DMA short-term creep tests (15 minutes) performed at various temperatures (-50°C to



80°C), in order to determine the tensile creep properties of a ternary composite,

consisting of polyoxymethylene, polyurethane and boehmite alumina. Master curves were

constructed by employing TTSP; and, the results showed a significant difference, about

20%, between the long-term data and the model prediction based on the short-term creep.

The results from the master curve were higher than the experimental data, which means

the TTSP method overestimated the practical creep strain. Barbero and Julius [2004] also

applied DMA and TTSP to construct master curves for polymer blends and felt-filled

plastics, and the obtained master curves also overestimated the long-term compliance of


One of the difficulties of using the DMA and TTSP method on polymer

composites, which was pointed out by Gibson et al. [1990], is that nonlinearities may be

introduced, because the polymer matrix changes the modulus with respect to the fibre at

the extreme temperatures of the accelerated testing program; and, the master curve may

not reflect the true isothermal linear viscoelastic behaviour of the material at the reference


In the study of Tajvidi et al. [2005], a 24-hour creep test was conducted to

validate master curves generated from frequency and temperature sweeps and found that

the actual creep curves and the master curves tended to deviate at longer times. This may

indicate that the effect of temperature on creep is more pronounced than the effect of time.

Barbero and Julius [2004] suggested that the individual TTSP curve must be momentary

to avoid aging effects. In addition, Knauss [2008] pointed out that variation around the

mean temperature may have a measurable effect on the time-temperature superposition

process and lead to imprecise data.



Based on Doolittle’s viscosity equation and free volume theory, Luo et al. [2001]

suggested a shift factor that combined temperature and stress, in order to study the time-

temperature-stress equivalence of HDPE. The hybrid shift factor is discussed and the

parameters are validated in Chapter 7.

3.4 Creep of Wood-Plastic Composites

Creep in thermoplastics is a complex phenomenon that depends on material

properties, such as molecular orientation, crystallinity and external factors, i.e. applied

stress, temperature and humidity. The presence of wood fibres introduces additional

variables, including the fibre volume fraction, the fibre aspect ratio, the orientation of

fibres, and the mechanical properties of the fibres, which affect the mechanical and creep

behaviour of the composites [Xu et al. 2001].

In composites, both fibres and matrices contribute to the creep under loads. All

plastic based materials and wood exhibit viscoelastic behaviour and creep under stress.

Tuttle et al. [1995] stated that the polymeric matrix is usually the principle source of the

time-dependent behaviour, although for composites in which fibres are used, the fibre

itself may also be a contributing factor.

It was noted in the study of Sain et al. [2000] that the addition of wood into a PE

matrix significantly retarded the time-dependent strain response, when compared to the

strain response of virgin PE. Wood flours act as discrete particles of high creep resistance

that, when embedded in the plastic matrix, partly retard both the elastic and viscous flow



of the polymeric chains under stress. The creep properties of wood flour filled PE are

significantly improved, even at a higher temperature of application.

In the formulation of WPCs, creep decreased slightly with increasing wood

content [Xu et al. 2001]. Likewise, Biswas et al. [2001] reported that, with an increase in

the fibre volume fraction, considerable changes in viscosity occurred; and, the composite

was able to withstand higher temperatures for a longer period of time.

Cyras et al. [2002] also suggested that the creep compliance of natural fibre /

polymer composites increases with decreases in the fibre content. In addition, the

addition of coupling agents or compatibilizers, such silane and MAPP, can improve the

long-term properties of WPCs [Sain et al. 2000; Bengtsson and Oksman 2006].

In regards to the creep test conditions for WPCs, Sain et al. [2000] mentioned that

the instantaneous strain was more dominant than the transient creep strain when lower

stress levels were applied; whereas, time-dependent creep became more significant with

increasing loading levels, which can be attributed to molecular slippage of the structure.

In addition, time-dependent creep was less influenced by temperature than instantaneous

creep. Under a given load, instantaneous creep was more sensitive than transient creep at

low operating temperatures; and, the transient creep strain became more pronounced with

increasing operating temperatures. Cyras et al. [2002] also suggested that the creep

compliance of natural fibre / polymer composites increases with increases in temperature.

Najafi and Najafi [2009] conducted short-term (30 minutes) flexural creep tests

for wood sawdust / HDPE composites with load levels of 10%-40% of maximum bending

load. The creep deflection increased with increasing load levels; and, with the same wood



content, composites with recycled HDPE had better creep resistance than did those with

virgin HDPE. Furthermore, at high levels of load, the behaviour of composites became

nonlinear in character.

Najafi et al. [2008] tested the creep properties of medium density fibreboard

(MDF) flour recycled HDPE composites under water immersion and found that water

absorption had a negative effect on creep behaviour and that the creep strain increased

with increasing immersion time. This result is believed to be attributable to the

cumulative effect of the debonding between fibre and matrix caused by the absorbed

water and easier relaxation of polymer molecules at higher moisture contents.

Furthermore, longer immersion resulted in greater irrecoverable creep deflection.

Findley [1987] adopted the power law form to predict tensile creep to 230,000

hours (26 years). Model parameters were determined from the first 1,900 hours of data,

and then were used to predict creep to 230,000 hours. The recovery of the specimen was

also successfully predicted by this equation, associated with the Boltzmann superposition

principle. However, Sain et al. [2000] pointed out that Findley’s power law model

oversimplified the practical situation, and the obtained values from this model cannot be

universally applied due to differences among materials.

In Kobbe’s research (2005), Findley’s power law model was used to describe

nonlinear creep, and it was found that Findley’ power law could accurately predict the

time-dependent creep deformation of polypropylene-based WPCs. Moreover, it was

indicated that this material behaved nonlinearly, even at stress levels as low as 10% of the

ultimate stress.



Findley’ power law has also been reported as an adequate model up to about 50%-

60% of the ultimate stress level [Sain et al. 2000; Choi and Yuan 2003]. Najafi and Najafi

[2009] also concluded that the creep behaviour of WPCs followed Findley’s power law.

However, Tajvidi et al. [2005] reported that the Bailey-Norton equation was successfully

used to predict long-term creep of natural fibre / thermoplastic composites.

Pooler and Smith [1999] suggested a modification of the Schapery model – the

Prony series, the general form of which is the same as the generalized Zener model,

which fits the creep behaviour of wood particle-filled plastics well – using 5 elements

over the temperature range of 23°C to 65°C. The Prony series model application calls for

numerical calculations and is very material specific [Pramanick and Sain 2006b].

Moreover, obtaining these data fits can be difficult when the data is spread over a

wide range of time [Chambers 1997].

Teoh et al. [1992] adopted a 3-element spring/dashpot model (i.e. Zener model) to

predict creep rupture and the lower stress level and the upper stress limit, both of which

depend only on the elastic constants and the resilience of the material.

In addition, temperature and moisture can induce nonlinearity [Tuttle et al. 1995].

An issue with temperature is its influence on stress, i.e. whether the combined stress-

temperature effect is additive or interactive [Pramanick and Sain 2006b]. Individual

moisture, temperature and stress related creep issues have been dealt with in the field of

thermosetting based composites [Woo 1994].

In many polymer based materials, creep is nonlinear with respect to stress, in the

sense that compliance is a function of stress. Rangaraj and Smith [1999] developed a



nonlinear viscoelastic model, based on the power law model, for wood/thermoplastic

composites and agreed with two-step creep-recovery tests. Walrath [1991] studied

composites containing two viscoelastic phases and found that the Schapery nonlinear

viscoelastic model adequately fit the response to uniaxially applied loads.

Pramanick and Sain [2006a] attempted to develop a generic creep prediction

model to describe the creep behaviour of composites based on the constituents’ creep

behaviours. In different studies that concentrated on creep prediction and characterization

of composites as a single-phase material, the theory of mixture for composites was

applied to describe the creep behaviour of two-phase materials. This is the first model to

describe creep for a two-phase, bio-based composite. The model is generic enough to

extend to varying environmental conditions, such as time and temperature. This study

[Pramanick and Sain 2006a] correlates Schapery’s single-phase model with a two-phase

model, where the same model is validated for step-loading situations.

Pramanick and Sain [2006b] studied the relationship between deformation, time,

temperature, relative humidity and stress. Rice husk / HDPE beams were subjected to

creep and recovery in the flexural mode; and, stress, time and temperature related creep

behaviour was studied. The combined effect of temperature and stress on creep strain was

accommodated in a single analytical function. This means that the stress equivalency of

temperature is possible. This constitutive equation can predict creep over long periods of




3.5 Summary

In previous studies, various properties of wood-plastic composite (WPC) products

have been investigated; and, many types of raw materials have been used in their

manufacture. Based on previous successful experiences, the mountain pine beetle

attacked wood may also be a potential raw material for WPC products.

To extend the application of WPC products, the viscoelastic properties,

particularly creep, should be carefully considered. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

is a powerful technique to study the response of material under different environmental

conditions, particularly temperatures and frequencies, and has been widely applied to

study the viscoelastic properties of a variety of polymer based composite materials.

Moreover, when DMA is accompanied with the time-temperature-stress superposition

principle (TTSSP), creep can be studied more efficiently by constructing a master curve

with short-term data at different temperatures/stresses. This method has also been

extensively applied in the field of material research.

However, since a temperature shift may interfere with a stress shift in creep, there

should be a predictive model that incorporates the relationship between these two shifts.

Furthermore, the master curves obtained in previous research investigations were rarely

validated with a full-scale long-term test; and, to date, the TTSSP and the master curve

have not successfully predicted creep deformation.

Power law models have been widely used in creep studies; however, they cannot

reflect the effect of temperature. Therefore, to extend the application of the power law

model, the effect of temperature needs to be introduced into the model.



These issues are studied in this work. The manufacture and mechanical properties

of a prototype mountain pine beetle attacked wood / plastic composite (MPB-WPC)

products are described in Chapters 4 and 5. The viscoelastic properties are covered in

Chapter 6; and, TTSSP and master curves, as well as shifter factors, are discussed in

Chapter 7. Chapter 7 also presents the development of a modified power law model that

introduces the effect of temperature and a modified WLF equation that incorporates the

effects of temperature and stress on the shift factor Furthermore, the validation of master

curves, and the comparison between shot-term and long-term creep data, and the

modelling of WPC products under fluctuating temperatures are studied in Chapter 8.




To study the creep behavior of wood-plastic composite (WPC) products,

particularly the effect of temperature and stress, a series of experiments were conducted.

In addition, a new prototype of a WPC product using mountain pine beetle (MPB)

attacked lodgepole pine and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was made and various

mechanical properties were tested.

This chapter describes the procedures of MPB-WPC product fabrication and the

experimental design and setups for various mechanical property tests, dynamic

mechanical behaviour analyses, and short- and long-term creep experiments. The results

obtained from the experiments are analyzed and discussed in further chapters.

4.1 Materials

4.1.1 Raw Materials

MPB-attacked lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm) lumber was

obtained from logs from the Vanderhoof area of British Columbia. The grade is #2 and

better, referring to NLGA standard. The lumber were chipped and refined into flours

using a hammermill (Bliss Industries SF 400HD), without specifically separating

sapwood and heartwood, which means the resultant flours are a mixture of sapwood and

heartwood of MPB-attacked lodgepole pine. A hammermill screen was selected to

provide a particle size distribution similar to commercial wood flour (Figure 4-1). Sixty

mesh pine flours (Pinus spp.), supplied by American Wood Fibers (AWF), were also



obtained for use as a reference. The wood flours were dried with a steam tube dryer to a

moisture content of approximately 2% before extrusion.

Figure 4-1. Particle size distribution of MPB wood and AWF pine flours

Specimens were produced with various formulations of wood content and

amounts of plastic by weight. Virgin HDPE (Equistar Petrothene® LB0100-00 with a

density of 950 kg/m3 and a melt index of 0.5 g/10 min) was selected as the plastic matrix

in this study. In addition, to improve the quality and processing capability of the products,

additives, maleated anhydride polypropylene (MAPP, Honeywell A-C® 950P) and a

lubricant (Honeywell OptiPak™ 100) were added in the formulations. The details of the

formulations, selected referring to the study of Slaughter [2004] for polypropylene-based

WPC deck products, are shown in Table 4-1.



Table 4-1. Formulations of MPB-WPC Products

Material Formulations (% by weight)

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

MPB Wood Flour 50.0 58.9 66.7 60.0 − 58.9

60 Mesh AWF Pine − − − − 58.9 −

HDPE 46.7 37.8 30.0 39.0 37.8 33.8

MAPP 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.0 2.3 2.3

Talc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0

Lubricant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

4.1.2 Product Processing

The constituents were dry mixed using a ribbon blender for 10 minutes and then

fed directly through a counter-rotating twin screw extruder (Cincinnati-Milacron TC86)

at a screw speed of 5 rpm, with the temperature profile shown in Table 4-2. MPB-WPC

solid deck boards were produced through a 25 x 140 mm solid profile die and then cooled

down in a water spray cooling system. The extrusion process of the products was

undertaken in the Composite Materials and Engineering Center (CMEC) at Washington

State University (WSU), Pullman, WA, U.S.

Figure 4-2. Extrusion processing



Table 4-2. Temperature Profile for the Extrusion Process

Temperature (°C)

Barrel Zone 1 171

2 171

3 171

4 171

Screw 171

Die Zone 1 177

2 177

3 177

4 193

4.2 Mechanical Property Tests

4.2.1 Experimental Design

A series of tests for the products’ properties were conducted, according to the

ASTM D7031 standard, particularly for the evaluation of mechanical and physical

properties of the WPC products and reference to the corresponding standards. The details

and assembly are summarized in Table 4-3 and shown in Figure 4-3. Before the tests

were conducted, the products were conditioned for at least 4 weeks in a constant climate

room with a temperature of 20±1°C and a relative humidity of 65±5%.

The density of the specimens was determined by ratio of the weight to the volume

of the specimen. The volume of the specimen was measured by the water immersion,

method of ASTM D2395 standard method B mode II. The MTS Sintech 30/D and MTS

810 test systems were used to conduct the tests at ambient conditions.



Table 4-3. Experimental Conditions for Mechanical Tests

Property ASTM

Sample Size Load



Replicates Length






Density D 2395* 50 50 22 — 10

Flexure D 4761 406 50 22 10 10

Compression D 4761 102 22 22 0.61 5

Hardness D 1037 150 75 22 6 10

Nail Withdrawal D 1037 150 75 22 1.5 5

Screw Withdrawal D 1037 100 75 22 15 5

* D 2395 was only referred to in order to measure the volume of specimen. The density was

determined by the weight/volume of the specimen.

Figure 4-3. The assembly for various mechanical tests: a) flexure, b) compression, c)

hardness, d) nail withdrawal, e) screw withdrawal



The fracture surfaces generated during the flexural tests were examined using an

optical microscope (Nikon Optiphot) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Hitachi

S-3000N). The samples for SEM were sputtered with palladium-gold prior to being

observed in order to prevent charging.

4.2.2 Statistic Analysis

To discuss the effect of the formulations on the properties of the products, an

analysis of variance and multiple comparison and multiple regression analyses for various

properties were conducted.

Comparisons of the different formulations were examined with the analysis of

variance (ANOVA, α = 0.05) to test for significant effects; and, the Tukey test

(confidence level 95%) was conducted to test for significant differences between groups.

Three main explanatory variables, including wood content (WC), HDPE content

(PC) and coupling agent (CA), were examined. CA was deemed a qualitative variable,

since there were only two options in this study – with or without the coupling agent. The

interactions between the variables were also investigated. They were removed, if no

significant effect existed.

Since the true function is unknown, this study adopted the polynomial response

surface method, which is usually approximated by a second-order regression model. The

second-order response function with 4 variables was set up as:

( )



where Y = the property of interest



β0 = interception

β1, β2, β3 and β4 = coefficient for WC, PC, CA and TA, respectively

β12, β13, β14, β23, β24 and β34 = the interaction effect coefficients for interaction

between pairs of variables

εi = error.

4.3 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

Prototypes of formulations F1-F4 were selected and machined as specimens to

conduct dynamic mechanical analyses (DMAs) with a 3-point bending clamp (Figure 4-

4). The commercial device, a TA Instrument Q 800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer

(DMA), was used to study the viscoelastic response of a specimen under constant loads in

creep tests and free resonant oscillatory loads in temperature ramp tests.

The rectangular sample, cut from extruded products, geometry measured

approximately 60 mm in length, 12 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness, and the span of

the test is 50 mm. In order to compare the differences between WPCs and neat HDPE,

and study the effect of the formulation on viscoelastic properties, similar HDPE

specimens were used as references for temperature ramp experiments, which were made



with a hot press at a temperature of 180°C. The specimens were conditioned for at least 4

weeks in a constant climate room with a temperature of 20±1°C and a relative humidity

of 65±5% prior to testing.

Figure 4-4. DMA 3-point bending clamp

4.3.1 Temperature Sweep

ASTM D 5023 and E 1640 were referred to in the measurement of the glass

transition region. The storage modulus (E’), loss modulus (E”) and the mechanical loss

factor (tan δ) were measured with a fixed frequency at 1 Hz, in accordance with the

standard. The temperature scan range was -50°C to +120°C, with a heating rate of

1°C/min. The controlled sinusoidal strain of 0.05% was selected for this work. The

specimen was equilibrated at -50°C for 5 minutes before starting the ramp. Five

specimens were tested for each formulation, and the average values of the properties were

utilized for the purpose of discussion.



The DMA spectra were assessed, in terms of the formulations, to describe the

behaviour of materials under various temperatures, and discuss the effect of the

formulation on the viscoelastic properties and transition behaviours.

4.3.2 Deflection Temperature Under Load

The deflection temperature under load (DTUL), heat distortion temperature (HDT)

or softening temperature usually denote the highest temperature at which a thermoplastic

polymer may be used as a rigid material. The test was conducted generally in accordance

with ASTM D648. The specimen was subjected to a constant flexural load of 0.455 MPa,

and heated at 2°C/min. The temperature at which a certain modulus, measured by a

deflection of 0.25 mm, is taken as the DTUL.

The DMA specimen was approximately 50 mm in length, 12 mm in width and 3

mm in thickness; however, the required dimensions of the ASTM standard specimen are

127 mm in length, 12 mm in thickness and any width from 3 mm to 13 mm. The

dimensions of the DMA specimens were small compared to the ASTM standard ones.

Transformation for the measured deflection from the DMA Q800 device was made in

order to fit ASTM requirements.

For the test to be valid under the ASTM conditions, this smaller DMA sample

must deform to the same strain induced in the sample at a load of 0.455 MPa as that in

the ASTM sample. Based on the dimensions of the ASTM specimen, 0.25 mm is

equivalent to a specific strain of 0.00121. The equivalent deflection of DMA specimens is

approximately 0.168 mm, which also results in a 0.00121 strain. Therefore, the



temperature at which the deflection of 0.168 mm under flexural load was measured was

taken as the DTUL.

4.3.3 The Short-Term Creep Test using DMA

In order to construct master curves for the prediction of long-term behaviours, a

series of 10-minute isothermal creep tests were conducted at various temperatures and

stresses, and the corresponding creep strains were measured. The range of selected

temperatures was from -45°C to +45°C with a 5°C increment. No load was applied

during temperature ramp, and the temperature-equilibrating time was 5 minutes for each

temperature. The schematic procedure is shown in Figure 4-5. Stresses of 1, 3, 5 and 8

MPa were selected for the tests. Three specimens were tested for each stress and

formulation. The mean would be calculated for further discussions.

Figure 4-5. Experimental scheme of the short-term creep test



During the tests, the strain of the specimen was recorded to construct the master

curve, and the shift factors were obtained for each temperature. Knauss (2008) indicated

that the environmental control equipment has variations due to the sensitivity of the

device and that the results of the shift factors may be influenced. However, it is

commonly assumed that the average temperature during the period of creep is sufficient

for this type of experiment; therefore, this issue was not considered in this study.

4.3.4 Master Curve Construction

The time-temperature-stress superposition principle was applied for analysis of

the results. The short-term creep test data was processed in the following steps:

1. Take a suitable temperature as the reference temperature and fix the

coordinates of the data curve at this reference temperature.

2. Take the reference temperature as the base and shift the other data curves of

all other temperatures horizontally along the log(t) axis to make one

overlapped smooth curve, using Rheology Advantage Data Analysis software

(TA Instrument)

3. Obtain the master curve by replacing the time, t, of each shifted curve by the

physical time, t’, at the reference temperature, Tr.

4. Investigate the relationship between the temperature and the shift quantity, aTr,

of each data curve while drawing the master curve, thereby calculating the

time-temperature shift factor of that material. The shift factors that were used

to construct the master curves were fitted with the Williams-Landel-Ferry

(WLF) equation, as shown in Equation 2-27:



( )

( ) ( )

where aT is the time shift factor, Tr is the reference temperature, and T is the temperature

(K) at which the shift factor is desired. The constants C1 and C2 are material-dependent

and are based on the slope and intercept of the plot of (T-Tr)/Log(aT) versus (T-Tr).

The same procedures were also applied when discussing the effect of stress levels.

The stress-adjusted WLF equation (Equation 2-30) was used to fit shift factors.

( )

( ) ( )

where C1 and C2 are the material-dependent constants, and σr is the reference stress.

In addition, the vertical shift may be adopted if needed, based on the following


( ) (

) ( )

where g and aσ are the vertical and horizontal shift factors, respectively. Consequently,

the time-dependent mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials at different

temperatures and stresses can be shifted along the time scale to construct a master curve

of a wider time scale at a given temperature and stress.



4.4 Long-Term Creep Test

4.4.1 Experiment Setup

A full-scale, long-term creep test was conducted to validate the master curves

derived from the DMA short-term creep tests. Two formulations, which had the highest

and lowest modulus of elasticity (MOE) values, were selected; and, load levels of 20, 30

and 40% of the maximum flexure load (from the results of flexural tests) were adopted.

The generated stress was calculated based on Equation 4-3 and are summarized in Table

4-4, where P is the load; L is the length of the support span; Li is the length of the inner

span; and, b and d are the width and the depth of the specimen, respectively. There were

6 groups (2 formulations × 3 load levels) in this test; and, 10 specimens, each measured

approximately 406 ×50 × 22 mm3, were tested for each group.

( )

( )

Table 4-4. Loading Conditions for the Long-Term Creep Test

Load levels (%) F4 F6

Load (N) Stress (MPa) Load (N) Stress (MPa)

20 249 1.88 414 3.07

30 373 2.81 618 4.58

40 498 3.75 823 6.10

A bending fixture was used to carry out the measurements (as shown in Figures 4-

6 and 4-7). The deflection of the beams was measured using a linear variable differential

transducer (LVDT) mounted on an aluminum frame and placed at mid-span; and, a data

acquisition system was used to scan and record the deflection, in accordance with the set



frequency. Specimens were placed in an ambient environment, and climate conditions

were monitored, particularly the temperature. The period of the test was 220 days.

Figure 4-6. Loading configuration

Figure 4-7. Long-term creep test fixture and assembly



In order to make a comparison between the DMA results and those of the long-

term creep test, the deflection obtained from each experiment needed to be converted into

strain. The following section describes the procedures adopted to obtain the strain.

4.4.2 Stress-Strain Analysis

The deflection of a simply supported beam, δ, under concentrated loading, as

shown in Figure 4-8, can be calculated according to Equation 4-4:


( ) ( ) ] ( )

where E is the Young’s modulus, and I is the moment of inertia and is equal to (bd3/12), a

is the distance between the left end and the load, x is the distance from the left end and b

= (L-a).

Figure 4-8. Scheme of a simply supported beam under a concentrated load

In this long-term creep study, the WPC specimen was loaded under symmetric

four-point bending, as shown in Figure 4-9; therefore, the deflection can be calculated by



superposing two such loads acting simultaneously, as shown in Equation 4-5:

( ) ( )


( )( ) ( ( ) ) ]


( ( )) ( ) ] ( )

Figure 4-9. Scheme of a simply supported beam under symmetric 4-point bending

The deflection at the mid-point of total span, x = L/2, can be calculated as:

( )

( )

Young’s Modulus can be obtained by rearranging Equation 4-7:

( )

( )

Strain, ε, can be calculated as:

( )



Therefore, using Equations 4-3 and 4-7 the strain of the midpoint can be obtained as:

( )

( ) ( )

4.4.3 Corresponding Short-Term Creep Test and the Master Curve

In order to make comparison between long-term creep results and master curves,

10-minute creep tests were conducted using DMA device to generate corresponding

master curves for the 6 groups (2 formulations × 3 load levels, as with the long-term test),

according to the procedure described in Sections 4.3.3 and 4.3.4.

The temperature range was set from 15°C to 70°C with a 5°C increment, and

three specimens were tested for each group. The applied stresses were the same as those

applied in the long-term creep tests (as Table 4-4), and the mid-span strain was recorded

for comparison with the long-term data and for further discussion.

4.5 Summary

The research goals of this study are the development of a new prototype wood-

plastic composite for value-added products for mountain pine beetle attacked wood and

the study of the critical issues that affect the long-term performance of the product.

Series of experiments were conducted in this study, including product

development, mechanical properties evaluation, dynamic mechanical analysis, short-term

creep tests of small specimens and full-scale long-term creep tests.



The new MPB-WPC products were manufactured, and various mechanical

properties were tested and discussed based on different formulations and the effect of

components. The dynamic mechanical analysis technique was adopted to study the

viscoelastic properties and perform the short-term creep tests under various temperatures

and stresses. Master curves for the prediction of long-term performance were constructed

based on the time-temperature-stress superposition principle, and comparison of these

master curves was made along with results from long-term test, in order to validate the

application of those master curves.




Mountain pine beetle (MPB) attacked lodgepole pine was used to produce wood-

plastic composite (WPC) products, in order to evaluate feasibility and the product

properties. This chapter discusses the properties of the MPB-WPC products and the effect

of formulations on the properties and behaviours through observation and statistical

analysis. These properties also become the references for the subsequent studies on creep

in Chapter 7 and 8.

5.1 Products

The appearance of MPB-WPC products are affected by their formulation. Jam and

Behravesh [2007; 2009] mentioned that a high content of wood may cause some

processing difficulties, owing to the uneven dispersion of wood flours and the low flow

mobility of the composites. In addition, the slip resistance between wood flours may

increase within the melt; thus, when there is an increase in the wood filler percentage, the

shear viscosity of the melt rises as well [Chastagner and Wolcott 2005]. Kumari et al.

[2007] also mentioned that the incorporation of rigid material to polymeric matrices

limits the free mobility and increases the apparent viscosity.

In this study, however, products with lower wood content (formulations F1 and

F2 in Table 4-1) and maleated anhydride polypropylene/polyethylene (MAPP) as the

coupling agent produced edge tearing and mat surfaces (i.e. sharkskin, as shown in Figure

5.1-a), which are caused by the stick-slip phenomenon; whereas, a higher wood content

formulation with MAPP (F3) and without MAPP (F4) (as shown in Figure 5.1-b) resulted

in a glossy surface.



Wood flour may deposit on the wall and die surfaces and allow for continuous

slip for the molten WPC mixture; thus, the appearance of sharkskin was decreased in F3

and F4. Li and Wolcott [2004] also mentioned that the addition of wood flours increases

the contribution of wall slip. Partial replacement of wood flour with talc or the addition of

talc to the WPC (as in F6) can decrease the melt viscosity of the WPCs and act as

lubricant to increase the volumetric output through the die [Klyosov 2007], as well

resulting in a smooth and glossy surface.

Other solutions to improve the surface quality may include the addition of a

lubricant, an additive or a processing aid, adjustment of the temperature profile for the die

lips, and modification of the die exit [Vlachopoulos and Strutt 2003].

Figure 5-1. MPB-WPC product surfaces. a: mat surface (sharkskin); b: glossy surface



5.2 Properties

5.2.1 Density

The densities of the MBP-WPC products were measured and are summarized in

Table 5-1. If the effect of the lubricant is neglected, a higher wood content resulted in a

slightly higher density. The density of MAPP is 930 kg/m3, close to the 950 kg/m

3 of

high-density polyethylene (HDPE); therefore, MAPP makes approximately the same

contribution as HDPE when product density is considered.

With a greater content of wood flour content, voids may develop, since they are

principally created from the cell lumens of wood and the voids between wood flours that

were not compressed or filled during processing, as well as free space in the polymeric

matrix. However, because the density of wood cell wall substance is approximately 1,500

kg/m3, which is higher than HDPE, assuming the wood structure was completely

compressed or if the polymer filled the lumen and voids in the wood flours during

processing, it is reasonable that the densities of the products became higher with

increasing wood content. In addition, the density of talc is about 2700-2900 kg/m3, much

higher than other components; thus, the F6 product has the highest density value.

5.2.2 Mechanical Properties

Table 5-1 also shows the results of mechanical tests. In general comparison with

the commonly used pine flours, there was no considerable difference between the MPB-

WPC products (F2) and the American Wood Fibers / WPC (AWF-WPC) products (F5)



on the basis of the same formulation. This implies that even beetle-infected wood can be

a good raw material for WPCs.

Furthermore, the low coefficients of variation imply that the properties of the

WPC products are consistent. In addition, it is noted that F6 (i.e. the formulation with talc)

turned out a higher modulus of elasticity (MOE) mean value than other groups.

Theoretically, the talc is chemically inert; however, as a filler, talc can improve the

stiffness and strength considerably, particularly stiffness (Klyosov 2007).

The WPC groups with the highest and the lowest MOE values, F6 and F4,

respectively, are selected for long-term creep test in subsequent studies Chapter 8.

Table 5- 1 Properties of MPB-WPC Products

Properties Formulations

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Density(kg/m3) 1110












MOE (GPa) 3.91












MOR (MPa) 38.26












Compression (MPa) 30.82












Hardness (kN) 12.55












Nail Withdrawal (N) 548.72












Screw Withdrawal (N) 3656












Numbers in parentheses are the coefficients of variation (%)

MOE – Modulus of elasticity, based on least square fit over a range of 10–30% of the peak load.

MOR – Modulus of rupture, based on the maximum load



5.2.3 Characteristic Load-Deformation Behaviours

Figure 5-2 shows the characteristic load-deformation curves of the WPC products

based on the mechanical tests. Since WPCs are polymer-based materials, all the products

showed a nonlinear load-displacement response and a more or less plastic deformation

during the tests; and, they sustained large elongation before fracture. The mechanical

properties of the uncoupled product (F4) were apparently inferior to the coupled products,

resulting in a lower yielding strength and lower stiffness. It is supposed that poor

interfacial adhesion between the wood and the HDPE may provide a weak area for crack

propagation, thus producing properties with less strength.

The deformation mechanism in heterogeneous polymer-fibre composites is

characterized by fibre pullout, debonding and cavitation of the matrix. Almost all

elongation occurs in the matrix of the composite if the filler is rigid [Hetzer et al. 2009].

The coupling agent may build the interfacial adhesion to improve the properties.

Furthermore, a greater wood content showed relatively less ductile behaviour and failure

at a smaller deformation. The products with a higher HDPE content showed better

strength in all aspects; however, relatively lower stiffness and larger deformation

appeared as well.

Oksman and Clemons [1998] also reported that the addition of a coupling agent in

the WPC formulations decreased the elongation at break. Consequently, depending on

specific formulations, WPCs can show very different responses. An important task when

formulating WPCs products is the consideration of the behaviour of the end product, so

that the formulation matches the application.



Figure 5-2. Typical load-deflection/displacement curves from various mechanical tests



Figure 5-3(cont). Typical load-deflection/displacement curves from various mechanical




5.2.4 Failure Mode

Typical failure modes after various mechanical tests are shown in Figure 5-3. In

the flexure test, brittle failures at the tension side were observed for all the formulations

(Figure 5-3a). A sudden complete split took place as soon as the product failed for all the

coupled groups; whereas, F4, which is the uncoupled group of products still remained

attached, even with a crack at the tension side.

For compression failure, the wedge splitting was identified by the Y shape of the

failure line (Figure 5-3b) for all the groups. However, the hardness test caused two

different types of residual appearances (Figure 5-3c). F1, F2 and F4 resulted in type 1,

which has a smooth apprearance, whereas, F3, F5 and F6 resulted in type 2, which has

splinters The difference may be attributed to formulations with higher wood content and a

coupling agent, which constrain the movement of the internal structure of the product to

reform the shape and remain intact under loading; therefore, splinters as type 2 were

found surrounding the penetration.

In addition, both the nail-penetration-through and screw-withdrawal tests led to

splinters (Figures 5-3d and 5-3e, respectively): these results were different from other

conventional wood composites. Moreover, the screw was still gripped by the WPCs after

withdrawal (Figure 5-3f), which implies that the screw-withdrawal failure occurred

within material instead of the interface between the screw and the material.



Figure 5-4. Typical failure of MPB-WPCS after mechanical tests

5.2.5 Microscopic Observations

The failure surface of the product caused by the flexural test was observed with an

optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The interfacial properties of

wood-HDPE were investigated. Ideally, wood flours are completely encapsulated in the

matrix to form the product (Figure 5-4); however, it was clearly observed that the

bonding between the wood and the HDPE was not strong. If no coupling agent was added,

the wood was pulled out during mechanical tests, which confirms the poor interfacial

adhesion between the wood and the HDPE.



The surface of wood appeared as shown in Figure 5-5, and hollow areas could be

observed as illustrated in Figure 5-6. However, if a coupling agent was added, the ductile

failure happened to the HDPE and the wood was still well encapsulated (Figure 5-7),

which is evidence of improved adhesion between the wood and the HDPE.

Figure 5-5. Wood encapsulated by HDPE

Figure 5-6. Failure surface – wood not enscapsulated by HDPE



Figure 5-7. Failure surface of F4, wood was pulled out due to weak bonding between

wood and HDPE

Figure 5-8. Failure surface of F1, wood covered by HDPE and ductile failure of HDPE

was observed



5.3 Statistical Analysis

5.3.1 ANOVA

According to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the formulation of the WPCs

significantly influenced the products’ properties (Table 5-2). The results of the

mechanical tests yielded a general trend that higher wood content has lower strength, but

a higher modulus. The same improvement in the modulus with increasing wood content

was also observed in other studies [Stark and Berger 1997; Selke and Wichman 2004;

Lee et al. 2008]. Moreover, Crespo et al. [2009] mentioned that, when the filler was

increased, the increase in stiffness in the composite material of PVC/sawdust particles

could also be transformed into an increase in hardness.

Table 5-2. Results of ANOVA for the Effect of Formulations on Product Properties

Properties ANOVA Tukey Test

F-value P-value F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Density 327.00 <0.01** a b c d d e

MOE 80.84 <0.01** a ab c d b e

MOR 128.75 <0.01** a b c d b b

Compression 81.36 <0.01** a b b c b b

Hardness 110.91 <0.01** a b c d e e

Nail Withdrawal 7.98 <0.01** a a a b a a

Screw Withdrawal 37.94 <0.01** a ab b c ab ab

** indicates significant effect

For each property, the same letter means no significant difference between groups.



There was no statistically significant difference between F2 and F5, except for

density and hardness. That also indicated that MPB wood can be a good raw material for

WPCs. In addition, the nail-withdrawal property was relatively unaffected by the

different formulations. The critical factor that affected the fastener properties was the

existence of the coupling agent. Falk et al. [2001] also indicated a similar result and

pointed out that the screw-withdrawal capacity of WPC panels was equal to or greater

than that of conventional wood panel products.

In summary, the determinative component is the usage of a coupling agent, with

which WPCs products’ properties can be significantly improved.

5.3.2 Regression

The results of the response function analysis are summarized in Table 5-3. The

interaction and quadratic effects were eliminated if they were found to be highly

correlated with the explanatory variables (i.e. wood content, HDPE content, coupling

agent and talc). The low P-values provide evidence of the existence of regression

relationships between the properties and the formulations. Generally, there was a strong

relationship between the formulation and each property, except nail withdrawal. This

observation agrees with Falk et al. [2001] who found that nail withdrawal was relatively

unaffected by formulation.

According to Table 5-3, for flexural MOE, MOR and hardness, the equations

showed curvilinear responses; and, the quadratic effect of the wood content (WC) may



have influenced the final properties. The interaction effect between the WC and the

HDPE content (PC) influenced compression and nail and screw withdrawal.

It should be noted that the estimate of the coefficient for some variables was not

significant (P > α = 0.05) in the presence of the other variables in the equation, i.e. the

interaction between the WC and the PC and the quadratic effect of the WC may appear,

although it is insignificant in the presence of the other 2 variables. Consequently, in

general, the combination and adjustment of wood flour and plastic contents relatively

affect the final properties but not always significant.

Moreover, eliminating the insignificant parameters, the parsimonious results were

summarized in Table 5-4. According to the reduced models, the final properties are

generally governed by the content of each component but not interaction between

components; however, those may also be affected by quadratic effect of the WC for

hardness and screw-withdrawal.

In the study of Zhang et al. [2008], the response surface strategy was adopted to

investigate the effect of the coupling agent content (0-3%), wood fibre content (0-40%)

and wood types on tensile strength, MOE and strain at break. In this study, more wood

content was used, and the matrix content was also taken into consideration. However, the

effect of the coupling agent from various percentages was not studied here (i.e. just with

or without 2.3% MAPP). Thus, different trends were found. Nevertheless, both studies’

results indicate the effect of the formulation on the WPC products’ properties.



5.3.3 Characteristic Strength

After estimating the ultimate strength of a group of test specimens, the flexural

strengths of products were fitted with normal, log-normal and 2-parameter Weibull

distribution models. The corresponding parameters and values of the fifth percentile

strength are summarized in Table 5-5. In general, this fifth percentile strength value was

close to the mean value, within differences of approximately 5-15%.

Moreover, the normal distribution model fit well for F1, F2 and F5; whereas, the

2-parameter Weibull model fit better for F3, F4 and F6. It is uncertain if the formulation

influenced the distribution of properties, since the sample size was small. More tests are

required for verification. Nevertheless, this probability fitting implies that the properties

of WPCs are generally uniform and easy to control when developing and using products.



Table 5-3. Results of Regression Analysis

Properties Regression Equation SEE* R

2 R

2-adj P






MOE (MPa) = 61668– 865x1 – 504x2 – 190x3+3.69 x12 381.70 0.887 0.877 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β2 <0.01

β3 0.419

β11 0.091

MOR (MPa) = 76.9– 0.58x1 – 0.34x2 + 11.1x3 – 0.0019x12 1.74 0.922 0.915 <0.01 β1 0.644

β2 0.089

β3 <0.01

β11 0.847

Compression (MPa) = 53.4– 0.87x1 – 0.03x2 + 8.93x3 + 0.0054x12 1.19 0.933 0.919 <0.01 β1 0.483

β2 0.871

β3 <0.01

β11 0.570

Hardness (N) = -44928+ 1324 x1+ 291x2+ 2899x3– 10.1x12 317.19 0.931 0.925 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β2 <0.01

β3 <0.01

β11 <0.01

Nail Withdrawal (N) = -2763+ 74.3x1+ 15.5 x2 + 203x3– 0.533 x12 49.76 0.659 0.590 <0.01 β1 0.159

β2 0.063

β3 <0.01

β11 0.190

Screw Withdrawal (N) = 3608+ 6.0x1– 9.4x2 + 1013x3– 0.33x12 144.85 0.921 0.906 <0.01 β1 0.968

β2 0.685

β3 <0.01

β11 0.776

*Standard error of the estimate, in the same units as each property.



Table 5-4. Parsimonious Results of Regression Analysis

Properties Regression Equation SEE* R

2 R

2-adj P






MOE (MPa) = 45875– 401.80x1 – 470.36x2 386.30 0.879 0.874 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β2 <0.01

MOR (MPa) = 85.38– 0.82x1 – 0.36x2 + 10.94x3 1.72 0.922 0.917 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β2 0.027

β3 <0.01

Compression (MPa) = 31.76– 0.21x1 + 9.20x3 1.14 0.931 0.925 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β3 <0.01

Hardness (N) = -44928+ 1323.60 x1+ 290.94x2+ 2898.60x3– 10.07x12 317.19 0.931 0.925 <0.01 β1 <0.01

β2 <0.01

β3 <0.01

β11 <0.01

Nail Withdrawal (N) = 226.95+ 3.83 x2 + 146.8x3 50.46 0.614 0.579 <0.01 β2 0.047

β3 <0.01

Screw Withdrawal (N) = 3125+ 1039.54x3– 0.20x12 139.34 0.920 0.913 <0.01 β3 <0.01

β11 <0.01

*Standard error of the estimate, in the same units as each property



Table 5-5. Statistical Model Parameters for Flexural MOR of MPB-WPCs

Distribution Mean








Shape Error





F1 Normal 38.26 1.81 — — 0.0004 35.34

Log-normal 38.27 1.81 — — 0.0004 35.41

2-p Weibull 38.19 1.83 39.00 26.06 0.0008 34.76

F2 Normal 34.25 1.13 — — 0.0003 32.40

Log-normal 34.25 1.13 — — 0.0003 32.49

2-p Weibull 34.20 1.16 34.71 37.23 0.0004 32.08

F3 Normal 30.39 2.63 — — 0.0161 26.12

Log-normal 30.42 2.62 — — 0.0168 26.35

2-p Weibull 30.32 2.67 31.47 13.90 0.0156 25.50

F4 Normal 21.87 1.43 — — 0.0052 19.55

Log-normal 21.87 1.41 — — 0.0057 19.67

2-p Weibull 21.82 1.48 22.47 18.23 0.0038 19.14

F5 Normal 33.91 0.43 — — 0.0001 33.20

Log-normal 33.91 0.43 — — 0.0001 33.20

2-p Weibull 33.89 0.24 34.11 87.95 0.0002 32.96

F6 Normal 35.60 1.56 — — 0.0010 33.06

Log-normal 35.60 1.55 — — 0.0011 33.15

2-p Weibull 35.54 1.62 36.26 27.45 0.0005 32.57

5.4 Summary

MPB-WPC products were manufactured with various formulations, and their

mechanical properties were evaluated and analyzed. The MPB-WPC products showed no

significant difference from WPC products that were made with healthy pine. This

indicates that WPCs are a great option for value-added products of MPB-killed wood,

since the fine processing residues can be utilized and drying costs would be lower due to

the low moisture content of MPB wood.



The test results showed that formulation affected the MPB-WPC products’

properties. A higher wood content resulted in a slightly higher density, lower strength,

but a higher modulus. The quadratic effect of the wood content influenced the flexural

MOE, MOR and hardness, while the interaction between the wood and the HDPE

impacted compression and nail and screw withdrawal. The capacity of the uncoupled

product was significantly inferior to the coupled products; therefore, properties can be

significantly improved when a coupling agent is added. The surface condition of the

product was also influenced by the formulation.

Depending on the formulation, WPCs can show very different behaviours and

appearances. Considering the formulation based on the use of final products is an

important task. Moreover, due to uniform quality, the fifth percentile strength values of

WPCs were close to the mean values, with differences of approximately 5-15%.




Currently, wood-plastic composite (WPC) products are widely used for outdoor

applications; and, good durability performance has been claimed and supported by many

research studies. It is well known that temperature can have adverse effects on the

performance of WPCs; however, detailed studies on the effect of temperature on the

creep performance of WPCs have rarely been considered. Due to their viscoelastic nature,

the effect of temperature is vital in the application of WPCs. In order to understand the

influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of WPCs, the performance of the

material at various temperatures needs to be studied.

This chapter describes the viscoelastic properties and the influence of the WPC

formulations, based on the spectra of dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), as a function

of temperature. The deflection temperature under load of WPCs is also discussed.

In order to avoid the influence of the additive talc, only F1 to F4 and neat high-

density polyethylene (HDPE) were considered in this study. In general, the presence of

fillers/fibres in the polymer modify the relaxation processes and produce a more complex

morphology of the composite system. The content of filler/fibres and the use of a

coupling agent can change the morphology of the bulk polymer phase and the interphase.

Thus, the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of the composites are affected.

6.1 The Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Spectra

Typically polymer is in a glassy state before the transition starts, and the modulus

slightly decreases with increasing temperature. However, after a rapid decrease in the



storage modulus and an increase in the loss modulus are then observed, corresponding to

the glass-rubber transition of the amorphous domains.

The representative results of DMA of mountain pine beetle (MPB) WPCs are

shown as Figures 6-1 to 6-3, which present the storage modulus, loss modulus and

mechanical loss factor, respectively; and, the dependence of the dynamic mechanical

properties on temperature can be perceived. Typically, the temperature influenced the

polymer behaviour in two ways [Deng and Uhrich 2010]:

1. As the temperature rose, more free volume was generated within the polymer;

thus, it took less time for the polymer chains to relax and thereby respond

quickly to the external load.

2. Higher temperatures softened the polymeric materials and resulted in

decreasing stiffness.

For a semi-crystalline polymer, such as HDPE, usually three relaxation processes

can be found with a decreasing temperature from the crystalline melting point, namely α-,

β- and γ-relaxations from the highest temperature. The α-relaxation is related to the

crystalline fraction; the β-relaxation is related to the amorphous phase and usually

represents the glass transition; and, the γ-relaxation is associated with short-range

motions in the amorphous phase.

For a highly crystalline polymer, the α-transition is the major relaxation below the

melting point [Tajvidi et al. 2003]; and, the glass transition in a highly crystalline

polymer is difficult to identify. Sirotkin et al. [2001] reported that, for HDPE, the β-



relaxation is usually absent. The β-relaxation is, therefore, generally attributed to

segmental motions in the non-crystalline phase.

According to Figures 6-1 to 6-3, with an increase in temperature, the storage

modulus (E’) decreased with the elevating temperature, and the loss modulus (E”)

increased up to a certain level and then decreased. However, the mechanical loss factor

(tan δ) increased, indicating an increase in the trend in the viscoelastic response of the

polymer at high temperatures. In addition, there was only an α-transition observed within

the scanned temperature interval.

The MPB-WPC formulations influenced the dynamic mechanical properties,

which were greatly affected by the wood flour content and the presence of a coupling

agent, maleated anhydride polypropylene/polyethylene (MAPP). With MAPP, the

anhydride groups of MAPP reacted chemically with the hydroxyl groups of the wood

flours to form ester bonds (covalent bonds), and the tail of the MAPP entangled with

HDPE, improving the interfacial adhesion between hydrophilic wood and hydrophobic


Figure 6-1. Storage modulus of MPB-WPCs and HDPE



In Figure 6-1, the storage moduli as a function of temperature among the various

MPB-WPC formulations and neat HDPE are compared; and, the neat HDPE shows a

considerably lower E’ in all temperature domains. The storage moduli of the WPCs

increased with a higher content of wood flour, indicating enhanced stiffness.

Furthermore, the result that the E’ of F4 was significantly lower than the other

formulations, indicating that the presence of MAPP improved the stiffness and enhances

the interaction between HDPE and wood flours. This is mainly attributable to the

reinforcing effect imparted by the combination of the wood compound / MAPP entangle /

HDPE, which allows for a greater degree of stress transfer from the HDPE to the wood.

In this case, above the onset point of the relaxation transition, no well-developed rubbery

plateau appeared in the course of E’ versus temperature. The decline of E’ associated

with temperature showed different degrees for different formulations.

Figure 6-2. Loss modulus of MPB-WPCs and HDPE



Figure 6-2, in which only one peak can be observed within the scanned

temperature range, reveals that the temperature at the peak value of E”, commonly

regarded as the α-transition, associated with the molecular motions of the unrestricted

amorphous polymer chains, shifted towards a higher temperature with the coupling agent

and additional wood flour content.

Since the phase transition is related to the relaxation of amorphous HDPE chains,

this shift indicates that the mobility of HDPE chains decreased with the addition of

MAPP and higher wood flour content. This may be attributed to the restricted motions of

the amorphous HDPE molecule chains at the wood / MAPP / HDPE interface, which is

caused by the covalent interaction between the MAPP and the wood and the

entanglement between the tail of the MAPP and the HDPE. This is an indication that the

formulation changed the morphology of the composite.

Samal et al. [2009] mentioned that the mobility of the macromolecular chains

located in the fibre surface interface is reduced with an increase in the fibre/matrix

interaction, resulting in a shift in the α-transition temperature towards a higher

temperature range. Santos et al. [2009] suggested that the E” increases in filled polymer,

indicating that the fibres turn the dissipation of energy easier, which is probably related to

the increased internal friction between the molecules of polymer and the filled particles.

Jam and Behravesh [2007; 2009] also mentioned that a high content of wood may cause a

low flow mobility of the composites.

In a composite system, tan δ is affected by the incorporation of fibres, due to the

elastic nature of fibres and the shear stress concentrations at the fibre ends, in association



with the additional viscoelastic energy dissipation in the matrix material [Samal et al.

2009]. According to Figure 6-3, there are no apparent peaks of tan δ for each formulation,

indicating that the β-transition is not the major relaxation process in neat HDPE or its

composites [Tajvidi et al. 2003].

Chartoff et al. [1994] mentioned that particulate fillers broaden the tan δ peak and

the peak position shifts to a higher temperature. Moreover, the strong adhesion created by

the coupling agent may cause the tan δ peak to narrow and the peak temperature to

decrease. However, this phenomenon was not clearly observed in this study.

Figure 6-3. Tan δ of MPB-WPCs and HDPE

Tan δ changed slowly at temperatures approximately below 15°C; however, it

increased rapidly above 15°C. Moreover, the curves started to deviate into two groups:

one contained F1-F3 and the other consisted of F4 and neat HDPE, which also

represented the coupled (with MAPP) and uncoupled (without MAPP) systems,



respectively. Referring to Figures 6-1 and 6-2, the onset of decreasing E’ and increasing

E” started at around the same point.

Since tan δ is equal to E”/E’, the fact that tan δ of F4 and HDPE are remarkably

higher than those of F1-F3 reflects that the addition of MAPP and a higher content of

wood flour changes the mobility of molecular chains at the wood/HDPE interface, as

mentioned above. Higher tan δ values indicate greater degree of molecular mobility. The

difference became even more pronounced at higher temperatures. Furthermore, based on

the lower value of tan δ, better interface adhesion was observed in the formulations that

contained MAPP. A higher tan δ value corresponds to higher impact strength, toughness

and energy dissipation.

When a flexural modulus is measured by traditional methods, it is actually the

complex modulus (E*) of the material, which is a hybrid of both E’ and E” and can be

defined as the slope of the stress-strain curve within the linear region. The DMA resolves

E* into two components. Theoretically, if the phase angle is small, the E’ should be very

close to E*. The tangent of the phase angle (tan δ) is rarely above 0.1 for a solid state

until the material approaches the softening point [Sepe 1998]. In this study, the point at

which tan δ = 0.1 was approximately 43°C for F1 to F3, and 28°C for F4 and HDPE.

The glass transition temperature, at which a material changes from a hard,

glasslike material to a softer, rubberlike material, can be determined from E’, E” or tan δ

curves. However, they may not necessarily give similar values. In this case, the peak of E”

appeared at a higher temperature than the onset point of the decline of E’ did.



High-density polyethylene is a type of semi-crystalline polymer with no specific

β-transition (glass transition) temperature; nevertheless, the movement of the amorphous

part, which is associated with the movement of small groups and chains of molecules in

the polymer structure, all of which are initially frozen, still causes a reduction of stiffness.

The transition of the material may be discussed in terms of several transition

points. For E’, the transition points can be taken as the extrapolated onset and endpoint to

the sigmoidal change by constructing tangent lines. The two intersects of three tangent

lines were marked as “onset” and “end”, and the inflection point of the sigmoidal change

was marked as “middle” (as Figure 6-4). For E’, the transition point can be recognized

when peaks were observed.

Figure 6-4. Scheme of transition

The onset of a declining E’ implies that the amorphous parts started to move with

elevated temperature; whereas, a rise of E” indicates an increase in the structural mobility

of the polymer. These circumstances may be explained by Table 6-1; the temperature at



which the peak of E” appeared was close to the temperature at which the end point of

relaxation for E’ was pointed

Table 6-1. Transition Indices as marked in Figure 6-4

Formulation Onset (°C) Middle (°C) End (°C) E” Peak (°C)

F1 10.1 (0.99) 20.6 (1.69) 54.0 (1.01) 51.3 (0.72)

F2 13.8 (0.84) 21.1 (0.72) 50.0 (2.89) 51.5 (0.95)

F3 11.0 (1.22) 21.1 (1.13) 54.7 (1.88) 50.4 (1.35)

F4 11.6 (1.00) 21.2 (1.16) 47.8 (3.53) 44.4 (5.22)

HDPE 12.1 (1.81) 20.0 (2.22) 50.5 (1.64) 42.8 (0.61)

Number in parentheses is the standard deviation.

The DMA spectrum of MPB lodgepole pine solid wood was also investigated as a

reference (Figure 6-5). As to E’, no major transition was detected; whereas, clear peaks of

E” and tan δ appeared at around 50°C. This may explain why the peak of E” for the

wood-HDPE composites was located at higher temperature (approximately 50°C) than

that of neat HDPE (42°C). However, it only works when coupling agent is involved.

Since the adhesion between wood and HDPE can be improved with the coupling agent

[Lu et al. 2000; Selke and Wichman 2004; Chowdhury and Wolcott 2007], the behaviour

can be accounted for with a composite instead of two individual components. This point

can be confirmed with the result of F4: without a coupling agent, the temperature at

which the peak of E” appeared was not significantly different from neat HDPE.



Figure 6-5. DMA spectra of MPB solid wood

From the viewpoint of mechanical properties and product applications, the change

of E’ with temperature is very important, because E’ directly refers to the stiffness of the

material. Chen and Gardner [2008] also suggest that the glass transition temperature (Tg)

should be determined from E’ for the same reason.

The resistance of WPC products to temperature can be evaluated based on the

storage modulus retention, as shown in Figure 6-6. The E’ at the initial point of the

scanned temperature range was set as 100%. It can clearly be seen that the retention

dramatically decreased with increasing temperature. The mobility of HDPE molecule

chains may be restrained by the presence of wood flours and the coupling agent. The

MAPP coupled products (F1-F3) had better retention, indicating better temperature

resistance than did the uncoupled products (F4). Moreover, the addition of flour also

improved the temperature resistance.



Figure 6-6. Storage modulus retention

As previously mentioned, the storage modulus should be very close to the

complex modulus when material is still in its solid state, as well as when tan δ < 0.1.

Moreover, the DMA complex modulus is supposed to be the same as the value from the

traditional method. The modulus of elasticity (MOE) obtained from the flexural test

(Chapter 5), which was conducted at the ambient temperature of approximately 25°C, and

the results of the DMA E* and E’ at various temperatures are summarized in Table 6-2.

Within the common room temperature range of 20-40°C, DMA E* and E’ were

almost the same, since tan δ was still below 0.1, except for F4 where tan δ= 0.1 was at

approximately 28°C. However, the flexural MOE obtained at around 25°C was lower

than the DMA results at the same temperature, but fell between 30 and 35°C for F1 and

F3, 35 and 40°C for F2 and 25 and 30°C for F4. This implied that the DMA may

overestimate the modulus compared to the traditional method.



Furthermore, loading frequency may also influence the results since the modulus

of material increase with loading frequency. When applying modulus values obtained by

DMA, this difference should be taken into consideration as the difference between

dynamic loading and static loading may also contribute to this discrepancy.

In addition, for the DMA test, the specimen was isothermally controlled; whereas,

the specimen in the traditional method was conditioned and tested in an ambient

environment. The results of the traditional flexural MOE may not be able to reflect the

real performance of the material at specific temperatures.

Table 6-2. Comparison of DMA Complex Modulus, Storage Modulus and Traditional

Flexural Modulus

F1 F2 F3 F4




(GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa)

20 4.70



(0.64) —




(0.93) —




(0.23) —




(0.41) —

25 4.38
























30 4.12



(0.58) —




(0.84) —




(0.24) —




(0.37) —

35 3.84



(0.55) —




(0.80) —




(0.23) —




(0.29) —

40 3.56



(0.52) —




(0.74) —




(0.22) —




(0.23) —

45 3.28



(0.49) —




(0.69) —




(0.20) —




(0.20) —

Numbers in parentheses are the standard deviation

Number of specimens for DMA test is 5 and for traditional flexural test is 10.



6.2 The Effect of Formulation on Transition

The effect of the formulation on the relaxation transition of WPCs can be

discussed according to the several pointers marked in Figure 6-4. Based on the average

value of 5 specimens for each formulation, the relation transition was affected by

formulations, but not considerably, as indicated in Table 6-1. This may be attributed to

wood flours not affecting the structure characteristics of HDPE. In the research of Tajvidi

et al. [2010], the results of DMA also revealed no change in the Tg when the fibre content

was increased in composites; however, the composite material did have better

temperature resistance at higher fibre content.

The storage modulus as a function of wood content at various temperatures was

plotted as shown in Figure 6-7. In order to eliminate the effect of the coupling agent, the

uncoupled group (F4) was not considered in this comparison. Mahieux and Reifsnider

[2002] suggested that filler can be expected to act similarly to the crystallites, which

impede molecular motion and broaden the distribution of secondary bond (Van-der-

Waals, hydrogen, etc.) strengths. Therefore, the mechanical properties can be enhanced

by the addition of fillers.

According to the results, a higher wood content resulted in a higher E’ value at all

temperatures; however, this effect declined with elevating temperatures. Furthermore, a

higher wood content also resulted in a higher E” value (Figure 6-8); however, this

consequence was more considerable at the temperature around which the α-transition

took place.



Figure 6-7. Storage modulus versus wood content at various temperatures

Figure 6-8. Loss modulus versus wood content at various temperatures



The predictions of pointers associated with formulations were studied with the

polynomial response surface method, and the results are presented in Table 6-3. As to the

mid-point of the transition, there were no significant differences among the formulations;

whereas, the peak of E” was highly associated and predicable with formulations.

Moreover, the end point of the E’ transition was not very well accounted for by the


In this study, unlike a typical semi-crystalline polymer, the E’ versus temperature

spectra did not appear as a clear rubbery plateau region after transition, which may cause

difficulty in determining the end point. However, the end point is close to the peak of E”;

therefore, we can still obtain rough information about the transition of the product with

the prediction of the onset point and the peak of E” with the formulation.

Table 6-3. Regression Equations

Variable Regression R2 Adj-R


Onset (°C) = -39 + 4.66 x1 + 1.27 x2 – 0.0499 x12 0.878 0.847 0.68 <0.01

Mid (°C) = 1.6 + 0.305 x1 – 0.165 x2 – 0.00129 x12 0.069 0 0.83 0.891

End (°C) = 331 – 9.23 x1 – 0.204 x2 + 0.0776 x12 0.679 0.598 2.19 <0.01

E" peak (°C) = 399 + 2.36 x1 – 4.08 x2 – 0.0156 x12 0.921 0.902 1.32 <0.01

x1 = wood content (%); x2 = HDPE content (%)

If the transition of E’ was considered as a straight line from onset to the end, the

influence of the formulation can be observed in Figure 6-7 and Table 6-4. The greater

slope in absolute value implies a more abrupt transition. The F3 formulation resulted in

the most abrupt transition; however, it still retained the highest E’ after transition.

Furthermore, compared to neat HDPE, the addition of MAPP and higher content of wood



flour simply increased the value of modulus, but did not significantly change the range of


Figure 6-7. Transition of storage modulus

Table 6-4. Transition of Storage Modulus

Formulation Regression R2

F1 y = -58.539x + 6125.2 0.9917

F2 y = -63.854x + 6855.8 0.7335

F3 y = -69.742x + 7376.8 0.9777

F4 y = -62.212x + 5160.8 0.9258

HDPE y= -28.072x + 2297.6 0.9526

6.3 Deflection Temperature Under Load

The deflection temperature under load (DTUL) is considered by many in the

industry to represent the upper limit of safe operating temperatures for products

fabricated from a given resin system. Up to this maximum temperature, a material is able

to support a load for some appreciable time. In the quest for reliable performance at



elevated temperatures, this single property is frequently the only criterion used in

determining the fitness for use of a given material.

DTUL is a single-point measurement, which represents a bulk property of the

material rather than one relating to its microscopic structure. For amorphous polymers,

the DTUL is close to the glass transition temperature; whereas, for semi-crystalline

polymers, the DTUL is in the vicinity of the melting temperature.

Table 6-5. DTUL of MPB-WPC Products and HDPE

Formulation DTUL


Std. Dev.


F1 105.67 2.31

F2 116.00 9.54

F3 108.33 1.15

F4 74.33 2.08

HDPE 58.00 8.19

Table 6-5 shows the DTUL results of the MPB-WPC products, and the neat

HDPE was also tested as a reference. The results reflect the above DMA spectra that the

coupled group and the group with higher wood content had higher DTULs, indicating

better temperature resistance.

Biswas et al. [2001] also reported that, with an increase in fibre volume fraction,

considerable changes in viscosity occurred; and, the composite was able to withstand

higher temperatures for a longer period of time.



6.4 Summary

To understand the performance of MPB-WPC products at various temperatures,

dynamic mechanical analysis was adopted to obtain the spectra of the storage modulus

(E’), loss modulus (E”) and mechanical loss factor (tan δ) within a temperature range

from -50 to 120°C. The results showed that the formulations and components have

influences on viscoelastic properties.

In summary, a higher content of wood flour resulted in a higher E’, indicating

better stiffness; whereas, tan δ became lower. Furthermore, the inclusion of a coupling

agent also significantly improved the E’, which is attributed to the enhancement of the

interface property between wood and HDPE, coupled by MAPP.

In addition, the addition of wood and MAPP pushed the transition toward a higher

temperature. The mobility of the macromolecular chains located in the fibre surface

interface reduced with an increase in the fibre/matrix interaction, which resulted in a shift

in the α-transition temperature towards a higher temperature range. This may also imply

that the resistance to temperature was improved. Moreover, based on the modulus

retention ability, the MAPP coupled products had better retention than did uncoupled

products. The results of the DTUL analysis also support this finding.

A higher wood content resulted in a higher E’ value at all temperatures; however,

this effect declined with elevating temperatures. A higher wood content also resulted in a

higher E” value; however, this consequence was more considerable at the temperature

around which the α-transition took place. Also, the addition of MAPP and a higher



content of wood flour simply increased the value of modulus, but did not significantly

change the range of transition.





Due to their viscoelastic nature, wood-plastic composite (WPC) products exhibit

characteristics of both an elastic solid and a viscous material. As a structural material,

WPCs may perform differently under various environmental conditions over a long

period of time. However, direct evaluation of the long-term performances of a product

takes a great deal of time and is costly. Therefore, in order to reduce the expense and time

to generate the long-term information for design purposes, alternative methods for long-

term prediction with shorter-term experimental data are needed.

In addition, whereas various structural and environmental parameters influence

creep behaviour, temperature and stress may be the most important variables in long-term

performance of WPCs, as most polymeric materials show signs of temperature-dependent

and stress-dependent behaviours. In particular, the thermoplastic matrix of WPCs is

susceptible to these two factors; thus, quantification of the long-term performance of a

WPC product is needed. Consequently, the effects of stress and temperature need to be

carefully studied and considered in the application of WPC products.

In Chapter 6, the fundamental viscoelastic properties were studied, based on the

dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) spectra at various temperatures. For this chapter,

the creep behaviour of mountain pine beetle (MPB) WPC products was studied by

employing the DMA method for accelerating creep strain and the application of the time-

temperature-stress superposition principle (TTSSP) to construct master curves, providing



essential information on material behaviour, greatly reducing the time for experiments

and effectively predicting creep strain outside of the available measurement of the device.

Due to the abundance of results, only a portion of them are shown in this chapter

for discussion; and, demonstrations are provided only with the F2 MPB-WPC product,

since the results of other formulations also showed similar trends in all aspects. The rests

of the data are tabulated in the Appendices.

7.1 Short-Term Creep Tests

7.1.1 Ten-Minute Creep Tests

Figure 7-1 shows a representative plot of the creep strain from a series of 10-

minute creep tests at various temperatures from -45 to 45°C with an increment of 5°C.

The effect of temperature can be observed in that the creep strain increased with elevating

temperatures, and the strain increment also increased nonlinearly with respect to

temperature. This may imply that, at a lower temperature, the effect of temperature was

linear; however, with increasing temperature, the effect became nonlinear.

At a lower temperature, the creep strain did not increase considerably; whereas,

the strain increased more and more significantly with elevating temperature. This can be

seen in the graph of the isochrones, in which the creep strains are marked at the same

time point; and, the effect of temperature can be clearly observed in the difference of

strains increasing with elevating temperatures from the same time point.



Figure 7-1. A representative result of the 10-minute creep test at various temperatures

7.1.2 Isochrones

Normally, the creep function has two independent variables, time and stress or

strain. The dependence on time can be determined from creep experiments. Isochrones

are useful for determining dependence on stress or strain [Wineman 2009]. If creep strain

is plotted against applied stress after a fixed time and the results are linear, the material

behaves in a linearly viscoelastic manner; on the other hand, isochronous plots of

nonlinear viscoelastic materials are not straight [Burgoyne and Alwis 2008].

Moreover, if temperature has a similar effect as stress does on the creep strain, the

concept of isochrones can be applied to observe the dependence of viscoelastic

behaviours of MPB-WPC products on stress and temperature, as shown in Figures 7-2



and 7-3, respectively. The linearity of the response of MPB-WPC products can be

determined based on these isochrones.

Figure 7-2. Isochrones taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes from 10-minute creep tests with

respect to stress at -20, 20 and 45°C (F2)



As to stress, at lower temperatures, the results showed that strain increased nearly

linearly with increasing stress. According to linear viscoelasticity, the results imply that

the product behaved linearly under the selected stresses. However, with increasing

temperature, higher stresses (greater than 5 MPa in this case) appeared to upturn; and,

this was more apparent at higher temperatures. This indicates the effect of temperature on

the viscoelastic behaviour, which may become nonlinear with elevating temperature.

Figure 7-3. Isochrones taken at 1, 5 and 10 minutes from 10-minutes creep tests with

respect to temperature at 5 MPa (F2)

In Figure 7-3, it can be observed that the creep strain increment from 1 minute to

5 minutes was greater than that from 5 to 10 minutes, with respect to temperature. This

observation agrees with Sain et al. [2000] who stated that the temperature influence was

more significant on the instantaneous creep than on the transient creep and that the

transient creep strain became more pronounced with increasing operating temperature.






-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45



Temperature (°C)

1 min5 min10 min



Furthermore, according to Figure 7-3, the material may have behaved nonlinearly when

the temperature was higher than a certain point.

The creep compliance of MPB-WPC as a function time and temperature is

illustrated in a three-dimensional plot in Figure 7-4. Based on the figure, the

instantaneous creep compliances increased with increasing temperatures and the time-

dependent deformations were more pronounced at higher temperatures at the same time

point. This phenomenon may also imply that the behaviours of the material were not

consistent at various temperatures. It should be noted that the knowledge obtained from a

creep test at a certain temperature, as with a conventional creep study, may not be

applicable at other temperatures.

Figure 7-4. Compliance versus time and temperature (F2)



7.1.2 Stress-Temperature Incorporated Creep Model

Due to temperature-dependent properties, the ordinary creep test under

conditioned environments may not be sufficient to provide practical information. In order

to introduce the effect of temperature for creep strain prediction, a new empirical model –

creep strain as a function of time, temperature and stress – was developed in this study,

based on the commonly used power law model and introducing the described relationship

between the time-dependent creep strain and the temperature according to isochrones.

First, the common power law model is applied to fit the typical creep strain:

( ) ( )

where t is the time; and, a, b and n are parameters. The representative results are shown

in Figure 7-5a. The graph indicates well-fitted results.

This power law model has been widely used in many previous studies; however,

this model can merely fit the creep curve under simple conditions. Also, the effect of

temperature has not yet been well defined; hence, the application of this power law model

is limited. Therefore, the effect of temperature should be introduced in this model to

extend its application.

Next, the effect of temperature on creep strain is defined by fitting isochrones

with the following exponential equation:

( ) (

) ( )



where T is the temperature; and, c, m and d are parameters. The representative results are

shown in Figure 7-5b.

Based on this figure, the effect of temperature can be explained well with this

exponential function; thus, the behaviour of the WPC product at different temperatures at

the same time point can be modeled. This effect can now be introduced into conventional

creep models.

Figure 7-5. Creep strain fitted with (a) the power law and (b) the exponential model



As both equations fit the data well; therefore, they can be adapted for building the

governing equation. Then, the effect of temperature is introduced to the creep strain by

multiplying Equations 7-1 and 7-2 as:

( ) ( ) ( (

)) ( )

The preliminary results show that parameters a and c were both statistically

insignificant to the resultant model; therefore, the model was condensed as:

( ) (

) ( )

where t is time; T is temperature; and, b, n, m and d are stress- and material-dependent

parameters. This model was used to fit on experimental data; and, the obtained results,

using F2 as the example, are presented in Figure 7-6. The overall results are summarized

in Table 7-1.

Figure 7-6. Plot of creep strain as a function of time and temperature (F2)



Table 7-1. Parameters for Temperature-Induced Creep Strain Fitting

Formulations Stress Parameters


b m n d


1 3.87E-05 29.9258 0.1519 0.0001 0.9985 3.72E-06

3 0.0001 25.2337 0.1491 0.0005 0.9945 2.93E-05

5 0.0002 27.9546 0.1442 0.0008 0.9984 2.54E-05

8 0.0004 26.5967 0.1486 0.0012 0.9989 3.85E-05


1 3.73E-05 33.7424 0.1345 0.0001 0.9985 2.82E-06

3 0.0001 32.5904 0.1333 0.0004 0.9987 8.89E-06

5 0.0002 23.3039 0.1472 0.0006 0.9986 1.53E-05

8 0.0003 28.9737 0.1338 0.0010 0.9980 2.81E-05


1 3.20E-05 30.4366 0.1546 0.0001 0.9982 3.38E-05

3 9.42E-05 28.9728 0.1405 0.0004 0.9983 9.79E-05

5 0.0002 27.9655 0.1408 0.0007 0.9982 1.87E-05

8 0.0003 26.0500 0.1460 0.0012 0.9985 3.70E-05


1 3.18E-05 23.9935 0.1849 0.0002 0.9982 5.75E-06

3 0.0001 22.3473 0.1686 0.0006 0.9984 1.99E-05

5 0.0001 21.2893 0.1753 0.0006 0.9985 2.27E-05

8 0.0002 16.0565 0.1897 0.0015 0.9977 9.51E-05


1 2.21E-05 29.7368 0.1530 0.0001 0.9964 3.39E-06

3 5.75E-05 27.4813 0.1423 0.0004 0.9962 9.79E-06

5 0.0001 24.7183 0.1522 0.0009 0.9960 2.85E-05

8 0.0002 23.1081 0.1503 0.0011 0.9963 3.86E-05 R

2: Coefficient of determination

SEE: Standard error of the estimate

Based on the results, Equation 7-4 successfully agreed with the experimental data,

indicating that the effect of temperature on WPC creep can be introduced in the

prediction of creep strain of WPC products.

In order to improve the convenience of the model and extend its application to

various stresses and temperatures, the effect of stress should be introduced in this

equation. Referring to the Bailey-Norton equation (Equation 2-39), the primary creep can

be characterized as a monotonic decrease in the rate of creep, which could introduce the

effect of stress to this model. The instantaneous strain and the effect of temperature on

the instantaneous strain should also be taken into account; therefore, the temperature-



dependent modulus, ET, which is obtained by the DMA temperature sweep, is included in

the model. Therefore, this new stress-temperature incorporated creep (STIC) model can

be represented as:

( )


) ( )

where σ is stress; t is time; T is temperature; ET is the temperature-dependent modulus

(storage modulus, E’) obtained by the DMA temperature sweep, as shown in Table 7- 2;

and, b, u, n and m are material parameters. The parameters were obtained by fitting the

models to experimental data using the Marquardt-Levenberg nonlinear algorithm.

Table 7- 2. Temperature-Dependent Modulus, ET, Obtained by DMA



Temperature-Dependent Modulus, ET (MPa)

F1 F2 F3 F4 F6

-45 6672 7578 8500 5607 9546

-40 6630 7521 8445 5572 9493

-35 6552 7423 8348 5507 9394

-30 6453 7299 8226 5429 9271

-25 6340 7158 8085 5343 9134

-20 6214 7004 7931 5250 8985

-15 6078 6838 7761 5151 8824

-10 5929 6662 7579 5042 8651

-5 5770 6479 7386 4922 8464

0 5600 6288 7181 4790 8262

5 5419 6086 6963 4639 8044

10 5227 5878 6731 4468 7807

15 5025 5661 6456 4270 7552

20 4703 5344 6080 3987 7186

25 4380 4948 5674 3557 6704

30 4123 4669 5342 3243 6352

35 3842 4359 4978 2898 5953

40 3562 4061 4619 2618 5549

45 3282 3754 4266 2365 5138



Based on the results that are presented in Table 7-3, this model fits very well with

the experimental data. It is also the first model that incorporates the effect of temperature

and stress on creep in one simple equation. However, the model was developed based on

the 10-minute short-term creep experiment: a long-term creep experiment is needed to

verify the application of the model. Moreover, the temperature range was limited, from -

45 to +45°C in this case; thus, the applicability of this model to temperatures outside of

this range also needs to be verified.

Table 7- 3. Parameters for the STIC Model

Formulations Parameters


b u m n

F1 1.78E-05 1.1882 28.6396 0.2172 0.9976 5.05E-05

F2 7.43E-06 0.8599 25.7969 0.3092 0.9946 4.82E-05

F3 8.48E-06 1.7418 35.5365 0.1770 0.9947 6.49E-05

F4 2.64E-08 3.7216 14.4137 0.2882 0.9727 0.0002

F6 3.66E-05 1.0388 45.7410 0.1511 0.9589 0.0001

R2: Coefficient of determination

SEE: Standard error of the estimate

7.2 Master Curves

7.2.1 Time-Temperature Superposition

The effect of time and temperature on a composite material can be determined

using the time-temperature superposition principle, the basis of which is the equivalency

of time and temperature [Ferry 1980]. According to this principle, the effect of a constant

temperature change on all time-dependent response functions, such as compliance and

modulus, is equivalent to a uniform shift in the logarithmic time scale.



In this case, the manifestation of the principle is the collection of viscoelastic data

at higher temperatures and their superimposition at a lower temperature by shifting the

data with respect to the time axis. Shifting the high temperature data to lower

temperatures has the effect of making the data appear to have been collected at a lower

temperature, thus increases the corresponding time scale [Barpanda and Mantena 1998].

One can obtain a series of strain versus time curves by conducting the 10-minute

short-term creep experiment at different temperatures. Applying the time-temperature

superposition in which only horizontal shifts were made and using various reference

temperatures, smooth master curves were obtained covering several decades of time, as

shown in Figure 7-7. In addition, the resultant master curves can still be shifted along the

time axis as typical horizontal shift processing.

Figure 7-7. Master curves at various reference temperatures at 5 MPa (F2)



This successful time-temperature superposition implies that WPCs may be a

thermo-rheologically simple material. The results, however, did not agree with Tajvidi et

al. [2005] who suggested that a single horizontal shift is not adequate and that a two-

dimensional superposition method is preferable for a similar composite.

A trend can be observed where a lower reference temperature resulted in a longer

extrapolation of time and where a longer time is needed to reach the same strain. This

may indicate that the WPC product can endure longer in a low-temperature environment.

It may also imply that the selection of the reference temperature and the testing

temperature range should be carefully considered.

Figure 7-8. Master curves constructed with different temperature ranges (F2)



Based on the previous observation, the temperature influenced the creep strain

nonlinearly; and, WPCs, which are a temperature sensitive material, may behave

unpredictably at higher temperature and result in different master curves at the same

reference temperature. Figure 7-8 shows comparisons between two master curves

constructed at a reference temperature of 35°C, but with different temperature ranges.

According to the figure, the curve of the 35-75°C range resulted in a higher strain

than the one of the -45-45°C range, indicating that the temperature range influenced the

resultant master curve. Moreover, for the same reference temperature, the master curve

constructed with higher temperatures tended to result in a higher strain than with lower


The master curve may lose accuracy when extrapolating the curve to a

temperature outside of the selected range. The selection of the reference temperature

close to the temperature of interest would be an appropriate choice. As well, a

temperature range that starts from the temperature of interest may ensure valid and longer

extrapolation of data.

In some cases, master curves can be made by using a vertical shift of the

experimental curves, in addition to or instead of a horizontal shift. However, in this study,

the application of a simple horizontal shift seems to be good enough to construct a

smooth master curve for the time-temperature superposition. Figure 7-9 shows the master

curves obtained from the time-temperature shifting process for various stresses at a

reference temperature of 20°C. Within the same period of time, greater stress caused

greater strain.



Figure 7-9. Master curves constructed by time-temperature shifting under various stresses

at a reference temperature = 20°C (F2)

7.2.2 Shift Factor

When generating a master curve, the data at higher temperatures is shifted and

superimposed at a lower temperature. This shifting of a curve can be horizontal, vertical

or both. Shifting a curve along the log time axis corresponds to multiplying every value

of its abscissa by a constant factor, called the horizontal shift factor; whereas, the

constant for the shifting of a curve along the log strain axis is called the vertical shift


The shift factors required to achieve master curves at various reference

temperatures for various stresses are summarized in Appendix I. Table 7-4 is an example

of the results, presenting the shift factors used to construct the master curves for the F2

MPB-WPC product under a stress of 5 MPa. (The numbers are shown in logarithm base.)

The leftmost column shows the temperatures at which the 10-minute creep tests were




Temperature effects are described by altering the time scale of the response (a

horizontal shift) according to the time-temperature superposition principle. The creep

strain at two different temperatures, similar to creep compliance at two different

temperatures, can be related by:

( ) (

( ) ) ( )

( ) ( )

where t* is referred to as the shifted time, and Ta (T) is the temperature shift factor at

temperature T, which is the leftmost column in Table 7-4.

For example, when T0 (reference temperature) is -35°C, the creep strain curves at

other temperatures can be shifted by using the shifted time, t*, which is obtained by

converting the original time using the numbers shown in the column under the reference

temperature of -35°C, to change their time scale, so that they overlap each other. A

master curve with a wider time range can then be formed as shown in previous sections.

Furthermore, the master curve can also be shifted to different temperatures based on the

shift factors.

It should be noted that the number in Table 7-4 is presented in logarithm base;

therefore, the actual shift factor should be 10 raised to the power of the tabular numbers.

If, in the log-scale time axis, the tabular number is the shift factor; and, a negative value

indicates a right shift, whereas a positive value indicates a left shift. Furthermore, the

shift factor would vary when different reference temperatures are selected.



The shift factors were also fitted with the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation,

and two parameters, C1 and C2, were obtained and are listed in Table 7-5. The WLF

equation can be represented as in Equation 2-27:

( )

( ) ( )

where aT is the time shift factor, Tr is the reference temperature, and T is the temperature

(K) at which the shift factor is desired.

The results showed that the WLF model provided a great fit in this study. The

parameters would vary with different reference temperatures, since the shift factors also

vary with different reference temperatures.

Stress, however, does not seem to significantly influence the horizontal shift

factor. According to Figure 7-10, which is a summary of shift factors under different

stresses and various reference temperatures, the logarithm values of the shift factors

decreased with an increasing reference temperature; however, no significant difference

was observed among the different stresses. This may imply that, within certain limits, the

horizontal shift factor is independent of stress.

Previous research has indicated that the WLF equation is typically applied to

amorphous polymers in the region from the glass transition temperature (Tg) to Tg+100°C,

and the Arrhenius equations is used outside of this range [Pooler and Smith 2004]. The Tg

of the MPB-WPC product, however, cannot be defined in this study (refer to the DMA

spectra in Chapter 6). Hence, this criterion is not applicable.



In other research, the Arrhenius equation was regarded as a better explanation for

the temperature dependence of the shift factors than the WLF equation for nature fibre /

thermoplastic composites [Tajvidi et al. 2005]. However, this statement is not confirmed

in this study. The results of fitting show that the WLF equation works better than

Arrhenius equation for MPB-WPC products. Figure 7-11 shows an example of


Figure 7-10. Shift factor comparison at various stresses at Tr = 20°C (F2). Vertical lines

show the range of the value and boxes show the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile

(Q3) values, and (+) represent the mean value.



Table 7-4. Horizontal Shift Factors at Various Reference Temperatures At 5 MPa (F2)

T (°C) Reference Temperature (°C)

-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.363 0.776 1.238 1.700 2.124 2.549 2.982 3.426 3.864 4.298 4.737 5.184 5.641 6.116 6.656 7.209 7.701 8.197

-40 -0.398 0 0.394 0.850 1.319 1.754 2.166 2.597 3.036 3.478 3.909 4.353 4.795 5.253 5.727 6.266 6.823 7.314 7.811

-35 -0.851 -0.439 0 0.424 0.899 1.344 1.766 2.191 2.643 3.073 3.504 3.956 4.395 4.855 5.330 5.871 6.429 6.916 7.405

-30 -1.294 -0.923 -0.465 0 0.450 0.889 1.317 1.758 2.189 2.628 3.055 3.496 3.940 4.397 4.876 5.414 5.973 6.458 6.963

-25 -1.787 -1.398 -0.955 -0.476 0 0.419 0.848 1.288 1.728 2.164 2.592 3.039 3.478 3.938 4.410 4.955 5.513 5.998 6.495

-20 -2.255 -1.860 -1.374 -0.954 -0.484 0 0.412 0.849 1.297 1.734 2.163 2.612 3.047 3.510 3.980 4.526 5.080 5.569 6.065

-15 -2.671 -2.282 -1.832 -1.409 -0.951 -0.481 0 0.422 0.866 1.317 1.750 2.189 2.624 3.091 3.568 4.107 4.665 5.150 5.650

-10 -3.104 -2.732 -2.241 -1.817 -1.358 -0.899 -0.462 0 0.429 0.879 1.327 1.772 2.206 2.655 3.143 3.675 4.237 4.726 5.223

-5 -3.545 -3.176 -2.688 -2.278 -1.811 -1.358 -0.869 -0.471 0 0.444 0.883 1.339 1.782 2.226 2.710 3.249 3.806 4.297 4.794

0 -3.978 -3.610 -3.155 -2.736 -2.246 -1.813 -1.348 -0.913 -0.467 0 0.437 0.890 1.344 1.801 2.270 2.811 3.367 3.855 4.353

5 -4.451 -4.079 -3.577 -3.194 -2.719 -2.278 -1.795 -1.351 -0.927 -0.448 0 0.445 0.898 1.360 1.838 2.376 2.941 3.426 3.928

10 -4.869 -4.535 -4.044 -3.634 -3.172 -2.733 -2.248 -1.803 -1.365 -0.923 -0.430 0 0.446 0.915 1.396 1.929 2.486 2.981 3.476

15 -5.335 -4.989 -4.499 -4.085 -3.638 -3.190 -2.676 -2.290 -1.792 -1.360 -0.892 -0.439 0 0.461 0.947 1.493 2.047 2.530 3.032

20 -5.808 -5.480 -4.956 -4.583 -4.095 -3.665 -3.143 -2.730 -2.277 -1.825 -1.368 -0.891 -0.488 0 0.481 1.030 1.601 2.083 2.572

25 -6.318 -5.941 -5.440 -5.047 -4.555 -4.142 -3.655 -3.244 -2.757 -2.318 -1.829 -1.372 -0.945 -0.450 0 0.545 1.124 1.613 2.103

30 -6.849 -6.548 -5.987 -5.589 -5.127 -4.679 -4.171 -3.756 -3.315 -2.847 -2.385 -1.934 -1.516 -1.007 -0.527 0 0.569 1.076 1.569

35 -7.418 -7.086 -6.531 -6.166 -5.710 -5.244 -4.726 -4.334 -3.894 -3.405 -2.955 -2.459 -2.067 -1.609 -1.136 -0.598 0 0.501 1.002

40 -7.937 -7.582 -7.030 -6.642 -6.224 -5.793 -5.242 -4.813 -4.382 -3.904 -3.428 -2.966 -2.552 -2.100 -1.618 -1.058 -0.498 0 0.488

45 -8.440 -8.133 -7.507 -7.148 -6.698 -6.253 -5.737 -5.342 -4.883 -4.411 -3.944 -3.499 -3.046 -2.608 -2.089 -1.537 -1.000 -0.486 0

The numbers in the table were presented as log(shift factor)



Table 7-5. Coefficients of the WLF Equation for Horizontal Shift Factors (F2)




1 MPa 3 MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa


-45 1.37E+08 1.619E9 0.238 1.25E+08 1.387E9 0.144 1.52E+08 1.665E9 0.112 7.39E+07 7.868E8 0.206

-40 1.41E+08 1.586E9 0.138 1.26E+08 1.380E9 0.104 4.14E+07 4.448E8 0.104 6.57E+07 6.623E8 0.142

-35 1.47E+08 1.610E9 0.127 1.37E+08 1.475E9 0.107 4.41E+08 4.797E9 0.089 6.16E+07 6.284E8 0.163

-30 8.92E+07 9.651E8 0.149 9.09E+07 9.706E8 0.110 4.78E+07 5.124E8 0.088 2.13E+08 2.109E9 0.163

-25 8.16E+06 8.788E7 0.165 1.69E+08 1.813E9 0.117 9.54E+07 1.022E9 0.098 9.35E+07 9.453E8 0.160

-20 1.39E+08 1.498E9 0.181 1.74E+08 1.853E9 0.133 8.78E+06 9.365E7 0.101 7.61E+07 7.689E8 0.157

-15 1.01E+08 1.084E9 0.220 9.78E+07 1.048E9 0.148 1.38E+08 1.491E9 0.107 1.42E+08 1.420E9 0.207

-10 1.67E+08 1.847E9 0.196 7.58E+07 8.120E8 0.147 7.96E+07 8.553E8 0.127 1.89E+06 1.921E7 0.181

-5 1.23E+08 1.366E9 0.209 1.08E+08 1.175E9 0.151 2.11E+08 2.274E9 0.142 2.57E+08 2.606E9 0.229

0 2.68E+07 3.000E8 0.225 1.53E+08 1.677E9 0.177 9.02E+07 9.854E8 0.145 1.38E+08 1.419E9 0.235

5 1.72E+08 1.939E9 0.218 9.62E+07 1.063E9 0.187 1.95E+08 2.156E9 0.149 5.31E+07 5.520E8 0.216

10 6.08E+07 6.969E8 0.209 1.50E+08 1.685E9 0.141 2.29E+08 2.561E9 0.146 1.12E+08 1.187E9 0.242

15 9.90E+07 1.138E9 0.187 9.16E+07 1.032E9 0.169 8.96E+07 1.006E9 0.158 1.98E+08 2.108E9 0.220

20 9.16E+07 1.045E9 0.155 1.06E+08 1.185E9 0.129 1.02E+08 1.148E9 0.149 7.93E+06 8.436E7 0.202

25 9.09E+07 1.042E9 0.149 7.10E+07 7.986E8 0.129 1.53E+08 1.715E9 0.128 6.78E+07 7.166E8 0.210

30 4.84E+07 5.446E8 0.148 1.01E+08 1.120E9 0.111 1.52E+08 1.674E9 0.106 5.40E+07 5.638E8 0.169

35 6.74E+06 7.510E7 0.158 7.89E+07 8.644E8 0.125 2.51E+08 2.715E9 0.131 1.54E+07 1.558E8 0.187

40 1.13E+08 1.246E9 0.177 8.83E+07 9.531E8 0.150 1.11E+08 1.195E9 0.140 4.24E+07 4.205E8 0.227

45 9.04E+07 9.919E8 0.184 9.28E+07 9.941E8 0.165 7.55E+07 8.055E8 0.142 8.05E+07 7.894E8 0.256



Figure 7-11. Comparison between WLF equation and Arrhenius equation fitting (F2 at

Tr= 20°C, under 5 MPa stress)

7.2.3 Time-Stress Superposition

In a previous study, the time-stress superposition has also been proven applicable

[Dastoorian et al. 2010]. Based on the graphs of the isochrones, the behaviour of the

product would be within the linear region at lower temperatures. Referring to mechanical

tests, the product strength of F2 is, on average, 34.25 MPa. This indicated that the MPB-

WPC product F2 behaves linearly at least up to approximately 25% of the ultimate stress

at lower temperatures and lessens with elevating temperatures.

Kobbe [2005] suggested that the wood-polypropylene composites behaved

nonlinearly at even 10% of the ultimate stress. The difference from this study may be

attributed to a different polymer matrix, since the molecule structures of semi-crystalline

polymer, particularly the amount of amorphous and crystalline phases, determine the

linear viscoelastic behaviour. Nevertheless, a similar wood-HDPE product in Dastoorian



et al. [2010] behaved linearly up to 50% of the ultimate stress, which may imply the

potential for this type of product.

In addition, during the shifting process, the horizontal shift was not adequate to

construct a master curve; therefore, a proper vertical shifting was needed as well to make

a smooth curve. This observation does not agree with that of Dastoorain et al. [2010].

Nevertheless, this vertical shifting for time-stress superposition has been mentioned in

other research [Tajvidi et al. 2005].

The horizontal shift factor for time-stress superposition can be related to the

applied stress as in Equation 2-30:

( )

( ) ( )

where C1 and C2 are parameters, and σr is the reference stress.

The typical horizontal shift may only be applicable to shifting short-term creep

curves to overlap at the time axis; however, the creep strain may not necessarily overlap

without vertical shifting. The vertical shifting process, therefore, may be needed in order

to obtain a smooth master curve in such a case.

The shift factors for horizontal shifts can conform to the WLF equation, Equation

2-30; and, the relation between the creep strains at two stresses can be expressed with

Equation 7-8:

( ) (

) ( )



where g and aσ are the vertical and horizontal shift factors, respectively. The graphical

demonstration of a time-stress superimposed master curve construction, involving both

horizontal and vertical shift processing, is shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-12. A master curve construction involving horizontal and vertical shifts



In this study, the generated master curves based on time-stress shifting at various

reference stresses are shown as Figure 7-12, at a temperature of 20°C. The horizontal and

vertical shift factors are summarized in Table 7-6.

Figure 7-13. Master curves constructed with the time-stress superposition at 20°C (F2)

Table 7-6. Shift Factors for the Master Curves in Figure 7-11

σr (MPa) Stress (Mpa) H Shift* V Shift*


1 0 0

3 -1.578 0.4024

5 -3.682 0.4106

8 -5.787 0.4755


1 1.039 -0.443

3 0 0

5 -2.104 0

8 -4.199 0.07237


1 2.898 -0.439

3 2.105 0

5 0 0

8 -2.071 0.06761


1 5.003 -0.5576

3 4.21 -0.08525

5 2.105 -0.06761

8 0 0

* The number is presented as log(shift factor), the

positive value means a shift left for a horizontal shift

and a shift up for a vertical shift.



If vertical shift was not considered time-stress superposition, the resultant master

curve may show some gap between those shifted short-term curves, shown as Figure 7-14

(the same series of short-term curves in Figure 7-12). In order to avoid the uncertainty

and make a continuously smooth master curve, the vertical shift is recommended for

time-stress superposition in this study.

Figure 7-14. The master curve constructed with the time-stress superposition at 20°C

without vertical shift (F2).

7.3 The Modified WLF Equation and the Temperature-Stress Hybrid Shift Factor

The data from short-term creep tests at various temperatures and stresses were

integrated as an interface between the temperature and the stress factor. The relationships

among temperature, stress and shift factor were developed based on the theory of free

volume, which is void space allowing for motion of the polymer chain, and on the

equivalence of time, temperature and stress.

Since temperature shift may interfere with stress shift in creep, there should be a

model that incorporates the relationship between these two shifts. Luo et al. [2001]



proposed that the free volume fraction can be expressed with temperature and stress

simultaneously in the form of:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

where ασ is the stress-induced expansion coefficient of the free volume fraction. Then,

assume that there is a temperature-stress hybrid shift factor, aTσ, which satisfies:

( )

( ) ( )

Take the natural logarithm for both sides:

( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Based on Doolittle’s equation as in Equation 2-21, Equation 7-10 can be

converted as:

[ (

( ) )] [ (

)] (

( )

) ( )

Since 2.303*log(aTσ) = ln(aTσ), Equation 7-12 can be transferred as:


( )

) ( )

Then, substitute f with Equation 7-8:


( ) ( )

) ( )



Equation 7-14 can be rearranged as:


( ) ( )

[ ( ) ( )]

) ( )

Define (B/2.303f0) = C1, (f0/αT) = C2 and (f0/ασ) = C3, and then Equation 7-15 can be

transferred as a modified WLF equation, which covers both effects of temperature and

stress as:

( ) [ ( ) ( )

( ) ( )] ( )

In this study, a series of experiments considering the stress and temperatures were

organized based on this model. The horizontal shift factors obtained from short-term

creep tests were employed to verify Equation 7-16, using the Marquardt-Levenberg

nonlinear algorithm, and the results are summarized in Table 7-7.

Based on the results, the modified WLF equation fitted the data very well. The

application of the conventional WLF model can be extended to incorporate 2 variables –

temperature and stress.

Table 7-7. Fitted Parameters for the Modified WLF Equation

Formulations Parameters


C1 C2 C3

F1 -347.5444 3775.1184 -497.8436 0.9878 0.3875

F2 -316.6602 3414.7100 -468.1292 0.9896 0.3588

F3 -410.1868 4247.9461 -638.7846 0.9838 0.4642

F4 -314.2968 3313.0659 -600.6259 0.9772 0.5372

F6 -235.5687 -2610.5140 -397.9588 0.9731 0.5621

*The unit for stress is MPa and for temperature is K, when deriving parameters



The relationship of creep compliance of materials at different conditions can be

expressed as:

( ) (

) (

) (

) ( )

where aσT is the stress shift factor at a constant temperature, and aT

σ is the temperature

shift factor at a constant stress, both of which can be shown, respectively, as:

( )

( )

[ ( )

( ) ( )] ( )

( )

( )

[ ( )

( ) ( )] ( )

Consequently, the time-dependent mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials

at different temperatures and stresses can be shifted along the time scale to construct a

master curve of a wider time scale at a given temperature and stress. The shift factor

under the conditions of interest can be described by the modified WLF model and applied

to original data to construct the desired master curve; and, the resultant master curve can

be shifted to the condition of interest.

If a vertical shift is necessary, the vertical shift factor, g, can be introduced in the


( ) (

) ( )



7.4 Summary

In this study, short-term creep tests were conducted at various temperatures; and,

the time-temperature-stress superposition principle was successfully applied to the

construction of smooth master curves for the prediction of long-term creep strain.

Based on the results, creep strain increased with elevating temperatures and

stresses at the same time point. At lower temperatures, the results showed that strain

increased linearly with increasing stress, but may become nonlinear with elevating

temperature. Moreover, the temperature had significantly more influence on

instantaneous creep than on transient creep. Isochrones were also discussed, and the

effect of temperature on creep was found to be an exponential increase with temperature.

A new creep model, STIC model, which incorporates the effects of temperature and

stress, was established.

As to master curve construction, the selection of a reference temperature and the

testing temperature range should be carefully considered. For the same reference

temperature, the master curve constructed with higher temperatures tended to result in

higher strain than with lower temperatures.

The WPC product is a rheologically simple material, only horizontal shifting is

needed for the time-temperature superposition; however, vertical shifting would be

needed for the time-stress superposition. Moreover, the shift factor is independent of the

stress for horizontal shift within certain limits. In addition, temperature- and stress-shift

factors used to construct master curves were fitted with the WLF equation. The results



showed that the WLF equation works better than the Arrhenius equation for MPB-WPC


To extend the application, a temperature-stress hybrid shift factor fitted a

modified WLF equation, which incorporates stress and temperature for fitting of the shift

factors, and was verified using short-term creep tests under various temperature and

stresses; and, the parameters were successfully calibrated. The application of the

conventional WLF model can be extended to incorporate 2 variables – temperature and

stress. The application of the time-temperature-stress superposition method can be

extended to various conditions.

Comparisons between master curves from short-term creep tests and full-scale

long-term creep data are made in Chapter 8.





To model the time-, temperature- and stress- dependent phenomena of

viscoelastic materials, there are two important aspects. The first is the development of a

constitutive equation that can accurately describe the mechanical response of the material;

and, the second is the development of methods for using constitutive equations in

conjunction with the governing equations of thermo-mechanics to determine stresses and

deformations in structures made of these materials [Wineman 2009].

In Chapter 7, the time-temperature-stress superposition principle was smoothly

applied for mountain pine beetle wood / plastic composites (MPB-WPCs) to generate

master curves under various temperature and stress conditions. However, the resultant

master curves need to be validated by a full-scale long-term creep experiment, since the

data obtained from the accelerated method may not reflect the real long-term behaviour

of the materials.

In many previous studies, creep tests were conducted to compare with master

curves obtained from short-term tests; however, the period of the creep experiments was

usually relatively short (about several hours to a week). Typically, the short-term creep

data was modeled and then extrapolation to a longer period of time. However, it is

unclear what the effectiveness and robustness of such extrapolation procedure as the

model may lose accuracy in actual long-term performance. Consequently, the validation

of the master curves is vital prior to the practical application.



Furthermore, the use of wood-plastic composites (WPC) for load bearing products

is continually increasing, particularly in outdoor applications. However, during the

service of products, the temperature or stress may change with elapsed time. The creep

data obtained from a conditioned environment may not reflect practical situations, since

the products are sensitive to stress and temperature. In most of the previous research

investigations, the creep tests were usually conducted in a conditioned climate; whereas

in this study, the creep test was performed in an unconditioned ambient room. The results

may reflect what might happen to the WPCs under ambient conditions.

8.1 Long-term Creep Test

To validate the application of master curves obtained from short-term creep tests,

a full-scale long-term creep test was conducted for 220 days, in an ambient environment

without temperature or relative humidity control, which should be able to reflect the

practical application of the product. Two formulations were selected, based on the lowest

and the highest average values for the modulus of elasticity (MOE). As such, F4 and F6

were chosen (refer to Table 5-1). Load levels of 20, 30 and 40% were selected based on

the maximum load obtained from the flexural test. The details of the experimental setup

are described in Chapter 4.

In order to eliminate differences in specimen sizes, the comparison between long-

term creep data of large specimens and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) master

curves of small specimens were based on stress and strain, instead of load and deflection.

The loading levels were converted to stress according to Equation 4-3 and are

summarized in Table 4-4. The data of mid-span deflection collected from the data



acquisition system for the long-term creep test were converted into strain, according to

Equation 4-9. The results of long-term creep test are presented in Figure 8-1, in which the

presented curves are the mean value of 10 replications for each group.

Under the same load level, F4, which is the uncoupled group of MPB-WPC

products, resulted in a higher strain than did F6, the coupled group. This indicates that the

improved stiffness enhanced the creep resistance for the MPB-WPC products. This result

agrees with previous findings.

Since the environmental conditions were not fixed during the period of testing,

the temperature changed with elapsed time. The temperature was recorded daily and

attached to the experimental creep curves, as shown Figure 8-2, in order to provide

evidence for the effect of temperature. A short period of a sudden temperature rising

caused an abrupt increment of strain on the roughly 50-55th day, which indicates the

effect of temperature on the MPB-WPC products and also implies that the change of

environmental conditions may cause unexpected deformation, even failure.

The conventional creep test usually under a conditioned environment, therefore,

may not provide sufficient information for practical use. This phenomenon was first

depicted in the creep study, since previous studies were usually conducted in a

conditioned environment; thus, this temperature-induced creep increment has not been

observed. For future use, a model applicable for a fluctuating environment will be needed.

A new superposition approach based on Boltzmann superposition and hereditary method

is proposed in this study and is discussed in Section 8.4.



Figure 8-1. Results of the long-term creep test



Figure 8-2. The effect of temperature on the long-term creep



8.2 Corresponding Master Curves

Based on the same stresses, the corresponding master curves were constructed by

superimposing creep curves obtained from a series of 10-minute creep tests at a

temperature range from 15-70°C, increasing at an increment of 5°C. The results are

presented in Figure 8-3, and the corresponding shift factors are presented in Figure 8-4.

The Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation was used to fit the shift factors, and the

obtained parameters are summarized in Table 8-1.

In this case, as previously mentioned, the MPB-WPC products are rheological

simple, and only a horizontal shift was needed for the time-temperature superposition.

The obtained master curves displayed different trends from the long-term creep test

results. Unlike the results of the long-term creep test, the master curves of all the groups

of F6 specimens resulted in a lower creep strain than the groups of the F4 specimens.

This phenomenon may be attributable to the inferior temperature resistance of the

uncoupled material.



Figure 8-3. Master curves at Tr = 25°C

Figure 8-4. Shift factors used to construct master curves at Tr = 25°C



Table 8-1. Shift Factors Used to Construct Master Curves



F4 F6

20% 30% 40% 20% 30% 40%

15 1.192(2.10) 1.180(2.59) 1.255(4.85) 1.042(5.30) 1.027(0.65) 1.061(2.72)

20 0.622(3.27) 0.611(2.13) 0.655(5.67) 0.576(8.89) 0.526(4.37) 0.558(2.09)

25 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 -0.684(5.83) -0.705(2.46) -0.726(1.26) -0.600(3.20) -0.644(2.52) -0.626(10.8)

35 -1.433(3.60) -1.484(2.50) -1.574(7.28) -1.259(3.38) -1.348(4.10) -1.313(1.42)

40 -2.042(2.15) -2.102(2.76) -2.267(0.22) -1.834(6.95) -2.031(3.77) -1.998(4.03)

45 -2.536(1.76) -2.695(2.21) -2.905(2.07) -2.440(7.07) -2.621(2.52) -2.652(1.69)

50 -2.978(1.84) -3.215(2.24) -3.402(1.68) -3.013(7.36) -3.187(2.25) -3.172(1.42)

55 -3.401(2.09) -3.664(2.47) -3.925(1.44) -3.472(6.97) -3.683(2.67) -3.689(1.64)

60 -3.784(1.70) -4.100(3.54) -4.420(2.01) -3.899(6.32) -4.110(1.80) -4.178(1.84)

65 -4.173(2.73) -4.544(2.67) -4.928(1.41) -4.270(5.92) -4.493(2.36) -4.612(0.93)

70 -4.555(2.92) -5.001(3.07) -5.433(0.79) -4.619(5.60) -4.876(3.51) -5.008(0.86)

*The numbers in the table are presented as log(shift factor)

** Numbers in parentheses are the |coefficients of variation| (%)

Table 8-2. The WLF Equation Parameters at Tr = 25°C





WLF Parameters

C1 C2 (K) SEE


20 18.87 138.20 0.0999

30 25.98 185.30 0.1051

40 30.75 206.80 0.1468


20 29.81 236.30 0.1277

30 32.01 240.50 0.1296

40 38.61 292.10 0.1421 SEE the standard error of the estimate

The right tails of the master curves (as shown in Figure 8-3) are comprised of the

short-term creep curves obtained at higher temperatures. The inferior temperature

resistance may cause additional strain to the original strain, which is caused by stress

only. Thus, at the same temperature, the uncoupled group (F4) produced higher strains

than the coupled groups (F6). Furthermore, a higher stress resulted in a higher strain. Due

to the inferior temperature resistance, as well as the simultaneous effect of stress and

temperature, the 40% group of F4 specimens produced a considerably higher strain than



other groups did in each short-term creep test, finally resulting in a master curve with a

considerably higher strain.

The concept of the time-temperature-stress superposition principle (TTSSP) is

that the viscoelastic behaviour at one temperature can be related to that at another

temperature by a change in the time scale only. However, as determined in Chapter 6, due

to their temperature-sensitive nature, the stiffness (storage modulus) of the MPB-WPC

products decreased with elevating temperature; and, the modulus retention was

influenced by the existence of a coupling agent. The uncoupled products resulted in

higher strains at each applied temperature under the same load level, eventually leading

to master curves with higher strains.

Moreover, as mentioned in Chapter 7, the effect of temperature on creep appeared

to be nonlinear, i.e. an exponential increase with elevating temperature instead of a linear

increase. This may imply that the effect of temperature on creep is more pronounced than

the effect of time. The higher the temperature, the more significant is the effect.

Therefore, if the higher end of the chosen temperature range for short-term creep tests is

too high, the master curve may lose its ability for accurate prediction at the tail of a

longer time scale.

One of the limitations of TTSSP is that the curve begins to lose accuracy if the

selected stresses fall outside the linear region. Likewise, the nonlinear behaviour caused

by temperature may also influence the application of the master curve. Consequently, the

selection of the temperature range in this method is important and should be considered




The short-term creep data were predicted with the newly developed stress-

temperature incorporated creep (STIC) model, as shown in Equation 7-5 and described in

Chapter 7, and were compared with the experimental data. The results of the standard

error of the estimate (SEE) are summarized in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3. Standard Error of the Estimate of the STIC Model Prediction

Temperature F4 F6

1.88 2.81 3.75 3.07 4.58 6.10

15 0.00045 0.00041 0.00042 0.00009 0.00027 0.00033

20 0.00053 0.00047 0.00050 0.00011 0.00031 0.00038

25 0.00062 0.00055 0.00059 0.00013 0.00036 0.00043

30 0.00078 0.00071 0.00068 0.00013 0.00038 0.00044

35 0.00105 0.00097 0.00101 0.00011 0.00037 0.00042

40 0.00130 0.00127 0.00134 0.00009 0.00034 0.00039

45 0.00157 0.00161 0.00173 0.00007 0.00031 0.00031

50 0.00183 0.00193 0.00209 0.00008 0.00026 0.00026

55 0.00209 0.00224 0.00247 0.00011 0.00024 0.00023

60 0.00237 0.00257 0.00284 0.00015 0.00024 0.00023

65 0.00265 0.00290 0.00316 0.00016 0.00025 0.00025

70 0.00295 0.00324 0.00341 0.00016 0.00027 0.00027

According to Table 8-4, the STIC model can smoothly explain the short-term

creep data. However, the STIC model was developed based on the temperature range of -

45 to 45°C; whereas, the data in this section were obtained for a temperature range of 15

to 70°C. The parameters are not universal for the data obtained from the two different

temperature ranges; and, SEE increased with increasing temperature, which also indicates

the effect of temperature. The reason may be attributed to the fact that an adjustment

needs to be made to compare the data from the different temperature ranges.

Consequently, the parameters need to be obtained based on experimental results and may

not be applied universally, in order to retain the accuracy.



Table 8-4. Parameters of the STIC Model

Formulations Parameters


b u m n

F615-70 1.28E-05 0.9461 29.3976 0.2334 0.9898 8.70E-05

F6-45-45 3.66E-05 1.0388 45.7410 0.1511 0.9589 0.0001

F415-70 5.02E-05 0.6563 26.0764 0.2179 0.9870 0.0002

F4-45-45 2.64E-08 3.7216 14.4137 0.2882 0.9727 0.0002

As well, since the size of the specimen for DMA is relatively small, compared to

the bulk product, the properties may not be uniform among specimens; and, variation

may also cause this difference. Hence, a set of universal parameters cannot be obtained.

However, according to the low SEE value in Table 8-3, the error of the model prediction

is very small, perhaps indicating that the new STIC model is applicable at temperatures

up to 70°C.

8.3 Comparison Between the TTSP Master Curve and Long-Term Creep Tests

Comparisons between the TTSP master curves and the long-term creep tests are

shown in Figures 8-5 and 8-6, in which the error bar represents a 95% confidence interval.

The results of 3 groups (3 load levels ) of F6 specimens showed good agreement between

the master curves and the long-term creep; whereas, the master curves overestimate the

long-term creep strain for F4 specimens, particularly at the 20% load level, showing a

considerably overestimation, and the deviation increased with time. This agrees with the

previous observation that the effect of temperature caused additional strain to the original

stress-induced strain, particularly for material of inferior temperature resistance; therefore,

the master curve tended to over predict the creep strain. However, for the stiffness-



enhanced product (i.e. coupled MPB-WPC products), the effect of temperature may not

be so substantial; thus, the prediction of the master curve agreed more reasonably with

the long-term data.

In previous studies, Tajvidi et al. [2005] also indicated that the effect of

temperature on the viscoelastic response of WPCs is much more significant than the

effect of time; and, so the conventional time-temperature superposition (TTS) method

would overestimate longer-term creep. In addition, Dastoorian et al. [2010] studied a fir-

HDPE composite using a power law to fit the creep test data and then extrapolated the

creep data to compare with the corresponding master curve; and, based on the difference

between the slope of the extrapolated data and the master curve, concluded that the

overestimation observed in the case of the master curve is statistically significant.

Moreover, Siengchin [2009] also found that the master curve constructed from

DMA short-term creep tests overestimated practical results and that the reason could be

attributed to the progressive decreasing of the material stiffness with time during long-

term loading, as well as physical aging.

In addition, the variation among master curves was great and resulted in a wider

confidence interval. The reason may be attributable to the selection of specimens. The

small-sized DMA specimens were cut and randomly selected from MPB-WPC products

of a larger size, and variation within the product may have caused the experimental

differences. However, this variation was still relatively small compared to that of solid

wood products.



Figure 8-5. Comparison between the long-term creep test and the DMA master curve,

with a 95% confidence interval error bar (F4)



Figure 8-6. Comparison between the long-term creep test and the DMA master curve,

with a 95% confidence interval error bar (F6)



Furthermore, the master curves consisted of several short-term creep curves at

various temperatures, and variation existed between samples at the same temperature;

therefore, the construction of the master curve may result in large variations. However,

this confidence interval overlapped and even covered the long-term creep result. Thus,

the master curves may be used to give a conservative estimate for the creep behaviour of

a product for which no other long-term test results are available.

AS to the tested formulated groups, F4 and F6, the material properties are fairly

different. As mentioned before, the formulation without coupling agent showed lower

modulus value, producing greater deformation in long-term behaviour; whereas, the

coupling agent improve the stiffness and showed better resistance on creep. That can be

discussed based on the ratio of modulus of elasticity (MOE) to modulus of rupture

(MOR). According to testing result (Table 5-1), the MOE/MOR is 154.87 for F4 inferior

to 176.69 for F6. These numbers showed that F4 is less stiff and tend to deform more

greatly under long-term loading under the same loading condition. In other words, the

properties of the testing materials may also affect the feasibility of experimental and

modeling methods. The results of comparison in this study implied that the TTSSP

method may not be suitable for materials of low MOE to MOR ratio since the resultant

strain may be greater than expectation.

Furthermore, the loading history in short-term creep tests under various

temperatures may affect the resultant master curves. Based on the testing program of

DMA device, the sequence of creep tests is continuous and merely stopped when

changing temperature. The time between tests may not be sufficient for the specimen to

recover; therefore, the overall strain may accumulate from each test because the results of



the sequential tests may be influenced by the previous conditions, and resulted in a

master curve of overestimation after superimposing all of those curves from short-term

creep tests. Particularly for F4, a less stiff material, since the non-recovered strain is

supposed to be greater than F6 if no sufficient recovery time, the accumulation of those

strains would produce a highly overestimated master curve as seen in Figure 8-5. As to

F6, this issue may be relatively less influential owing to better stiffness; therefore, the

master curve prediction and long-term test results were agreed more reasonably.

The different testing fixtures and configurations between the DMA and the long-

term creep test should also be discussed. For the long-term creep test, in order to obtain

the deflection from pure bending at the mid-span of the specimen, a 4-point bending

fixture was used; whereas, a 3-point bending fixture was used in the DMA, due to the

small size of the specimen. The volume of the specimen under maximum stress was

different for these 2 tests; the 4-point bending would have a greater stressed volume than

3-point bending, thereby resulting in a larger strain under the same stress. According to

the comparisons, F6 specimens at 30 and 40% load levels agreed with this suggestion. As

to F4, the overestimation of the DMA was caused by the temperature, resulting in a strain

greater than the expected original strain. Therefore, the application of DMA at high stress

levels and high temperatures simultaneously is not recommended.

As well, the different testing fixture between the 3-point and 4-point bending

resulted in different shear diagrams on the specimen. In the case of flexural test, the

deflection of specimen is caused by a combination of internal transverse shear force and

bending moment. For the 4-point bending, the center area between loading points is shear

free; whereas, the shear force may influence the overall deflection of 3-point bending.



Therefore, the DMA 3-point bending test may result in a greater creep strain than the

long-term test with 4-point bending due to shear force in this case. Moreover, the

transverse shear force may cause greater deformation when the bonding between wood

and matrix is not strong. The improvement on shear strength by the treating with

coupling agent has been mentioned in previous study [Herrera-Franco and Valadez-

González 2004]. The inferior property of shear resistance of F4 to that of F6 may be

assumed in this case. Consequently, due to the contribution of shear force, the master

curve may vastly over predict the overall strain particularly for F4 but not for F6.

However, a further investigation will be needed to find more evidences.

Another difficulty of using the DMA master curve is that the construction of the

master curve must be based on only one reference temperature; whereas, a real

environment is not consistent. The master curve cannot characterize the situation of an

initial high reference temperature with the real temperature decreasing afterward; instead,

the master curve would follow the initial trend, causing an overestimation.

Likewise, if the initial reference temperature was low and the real temperature

increased afterward, the master curve cannot characterize this situation either. Therefore,

the conventional single-phase master curve may mislead the prediction and cannot reflect

the real information. An approach that can deal with the effect of fluctuating temperatures

is required.



8.4 Temperature-Induced Strain Superposition Method

In this study, in order to model the effect of temperature directly applied on the

creep strain of a WPC product, a modified superposition approach – the temperature-

induced strain superposition (TISS) – is proposed in this thesis. Based on the concept of

the Boltzmann superposition principle, the additional stress causes the additional strain,

and the creep response can then be predicted simply by summing the individual responses

from each stress increment [McCrum et al. 1997]. This concept was employed in this

case, so that the increase of the temperature would also result in additional strain.

In conventional creep study, the experiment is usually conducted in a conditioned

environment; therefore, the typical curve of strain looks very similar in all related

research. In a practical situation, however, the temperature changes over time, and may

increase or decrease unpredictably. It was shown in the previous section that this change

of temperature may cause additional strain to the curve expected under original

conditions. In order to determine a more realistic behaviour, the TISS was developed to

simulate the additional strain caused by changing temperature and to attach the additional

strain to the base curve, which represents the expected creep strain.

The concept is similar to hereditary integral method and the difference is that

temperature changing instead of a multiple loading process was considered in this case,

which was illustrated in Figure 8-7. Based on the figure, the following steps describe the

development of the method.



1. Section t-t1: Assuming that there is a temperature function, T(t), that represents the

fluctuating temperature and that T(0) = T0 at t = 0, which is the initial temperature,

the resulting strain from the initial condition can be represented as:

( ) ( )

where σ0 is the applied stress, which remains constant during the period of the test;

T0 is the initial temperature; and, t is the global time. If the temperature remains

constant as T0, the result should be similar to the conventional creep strain curve,

such strain (1) in Figure 8-7. The additional temperature-induced strain is considered

based on this value.

2. Section t1-t2: Assuming the temperature increased from T0 to T1 at t1 (i.e. T(t1) = T1)

and the stress remained at σ0, the effect of T1 alone on the creep strain is:

( ) ( ) ( )

Like the conventional superposition principle, this increase in temperature caused an

additional strain; and, the total strain (2) in Figure 8-7 is equal to the strain under the

initial temperature plus the additional strain:

( ) ( ) [ ( ) ( )] ( )

The temperature-induced additional strain is:

( ) ( ) ( )



3. Section t2-t3: Assume that another temperature increment occurs at t = t2 (i.e.

T(t2)=T2). The effect of T2 alone on the creep strain is:

( ) ( ) ( )

However, not only should the second additional strain from the effect of changing

the temperature from T1 to T2 be considered, but the effect of the change from T2 to

T0 should be taken into account as well. Once the temperature increased, all the

additional strain should be accumulated; therefore, the total strain (3) in Figure 8-7 is:

( ) ( ) [ ( ) ( ] [ ( )

( )] ( )

This indicates that, after t2, the additional strain is:

[ ( ) ( ]

[ ( ) ( )] ( )

4. If there is a sequence of increases in temperature, the total strain is:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



Figure 8-7. Concept scheme of the temperature-induced strain superposition (TISS)

For the conventional superposition principle, removing stresses also cause

changes in the strain. In this case, however, the specimen was still under loading, even

when the temperatures decreased. Moreover, unlike removing stress, the effect of

decreasing temperature may not result in a prompt recovery, since the specimen is still

under loading; instead, the effect of decreasing temperature may merely change the creep

rate of the material. Therefore, the basic assumption of this method is that only the

increase of temperature is considered to cause change in the creep strain. In other words,

the effect of decreasing temperatures is neglected.

In summary, therefore, three basic assumptions were made when conducting this




1. There is a base curve at the initial temperature and under a constant load. The effect

of changing the temperature induces additional strains to this curve.

2. The effect of temperature is considered only when temperature is increased.

Decreasing temperature does not result in any increment or recovery.

3. Increasing temperature influences not only the last temperature, but also on the

previous temperature history. The effect of temperature should be considered for all

previous temperatures.

To verify the proposed method, the 40% load level groups of F4 and F6

specimens were used as examples. The developed STIC model (Equation 7-5) was

employed to fit the long-term creep strain of the first 50 days, with the corresponding

recorded temperatures to obtain the proper set of parameters using the Marquardt-

Levenberg nonlinear algorithm for further simulation, as shown in Table 8-5.

In addition, the temperature profile for TISS use, as shown in Figure 8-8,

considered only temperature increases. Following the proposed method, the sequent

additional strains were obtained and superimposed accordingly. The results of the

simulation are shown in Figures 8-9 and 8-10.

Table 8-5. Parameters Used for TISS Method

Formulations Parameters


b u m n

F4-20% 0.0692 -11.3729 13632.15 0.1965 0.9529 7.32E-05

F4-30% 1.70E-05 1.9955 785.45 0.1762 0.9591 0.0001

F4-40% 4.04E-05 1.1133 33654.85 0.1761 0.9644 0.0002

F6-20% 2.06E-05 1.4369 144.13 0.1349 0.9868 8.91E-05

F6-30% 8.93E-06 1.9131 124.77 0.1418 0.9547 9.96E-05

F6-40% 8.10E-06 1.9643 126.98 0.1316 0.9844 8.05E-05

R2: coefficient of determination



Figure 8-8. Temperature profile for TISS use

The effect of temperature can clearly be observed in Figures 8-9 and 8-10. If the

temperature remained at the initial temperature of 25°C, as it would in conventional creep

studies, there would be no unexpected increment of strain. These figures also verify that

the STIC model can be valid for relatively long-term creep prediction, particularly for

fitting fluctuating temperatures. The additional strain induced by increasing temperatures

can be successfully simulated with the TISS method. This approach can be applied to

other comparable studies. Moreover, the assumption for this method that only increases

in temperature should be considered is confirmed.

It should be noted that, in this case, the measurement of the daily temperature was

made only once a day. More details, such as the hourly temperature, were not available.

The acquisition of a sufficient temperature profile may be able to improve the accuracy of

this simulation.



Figure 8-9. Model simulation of the temperature-induced strain superposition (F4)



Figure 8-10. Model simulation of the temperature-induced strain superposition (F6)



In addition, this long-term creep test was conducted in an ambient indoor

environment; hence, the temperature range was relatively narrow and steady. Since

changes in an outdoor environment are more complicated, in order to extend this method

to an environment of wider temperature ranges and test the real capacity of WPC

products, a field experiment of creep for WPC products is recommended.

An attempt was made to apply TISS in the simulation of long-term behaviour

using the short-term data obtained from the DMA 10-minute creep tests. The short-term

creep strain in the temperature range of 15 to 35°C was fitted with the STIC model, and

the parameters were calibrated. The corresponding long-term creep curves were then

simulated and are shown in Figure 8-11.

As previously discussed, the DMA master curve tends to overestimate the real

creep strain. In this case, the base curve was also the result of overestimation; therefore,

the overall result of simulation also considerably overestimated the real strain.

Consequently, the TISS method is limited to practical data, instead of that from short-

term and accelerated tests like DMA.



Figure 8-11. Temperature-induced strain superposition for DMA data

In general, the nonlinear constitutive equation was for isothermal conditions and

independent of temperature. In principle those isothermal constitutive equation is

applicable for describing creep behaviour under all isothermal states, but the kernel

functions at each temperature are different [Findley at al. 1989]. In previous studies, the

reduced time with the temperature shift factor and the theory of activation energy were



employed to deal with issue of varying temperatures [Findley et al. 1989; Pramanick and

Sain 2006b]. Their methods may also be possible solutions for this issue. However, the

temperature may not be a direct variable but an indirect adjustment for time. In this study,

effect of temperature was regarded as a direct variable to account for creep stain. By

applying the newly developed empirical STIC model, which was discussed in Chapter 7,

the temperature can be introduced into the creep strain prediction without additional

adjustments for the time. The temperature issue may be processed more efficiently.

Another potential solution may be to apply temperature shift factor obtained from

short-term creep test and TTSSP to shift all the segments at various temperatures to the

selected reference temperature, treating it as an isothermal condition and then modeling it

using conventional creep models such as power law model or Prony series. This

suggestion was not covered in this study; however, the future investigation is


8.5 Summary

The validation of the master curves is a vital task prior to the practical application.

In this chapter, a 220-day creep experiment for the selected 6 groups of MPB-WPC

products, consisting of 2 formulations and 3 load levels, was conducted. The

corresponding master curves were constructed for comparison.

An unconditioned environment, particularly for temperature, caused unexpected

increases in strain. For temperature-sensitive material such as MPB-WPCs, the



information obtained from the conventional creep study method may be insufficient to

reflect practical applications.

The newly developed stress-temperature incorporated creep (STIC) model was

verified in this chapter with DMA creep tests at a temperature range of 15 to 70°C. The

equation was smoothly applied; however, the parameters obtained from different

temperature ranges cannot be universal.

The comparison between the long-term creep data and the DMA master curves

showed that DMA master curves tend to overestimate the real creep strain of a large

specimen. For the groups of the coupled MPC-WPC products (F6), the prediction of the

master curve agreed more reasonably with the long-term creep data; whereas, the master

curves showed considerable overestimation for the uncoupled products (F4). The testing

fixture and configuration and the properties of the material may affect the feasibility of

the TTSSP method and the prediction of master curves, and the loading history may also

influence the resultant master curves. Moreover, the TTSSP method using small

specimens resulted in relatively great variations; however, the confidence interval

overlapped with the long-term experimental data. Consequently, this method can be used

for a relatively conservative prediction.

To simulate the effect of fluctuating temperatures on the creep strain, the STIC

model and the proposed temperature-induced strain superposition (TISS) method were

employed in combination. The temperature-induced additional strain was successfully

simulated, indicating that the creep test under an ambient environment could successfully

simulate long-term creep, even with fluctuating temperatures. This approach and the



concept can be applied to comparable future studies. However, the TISS method is

limited to practical data, instead of that from short-term and accelerated tests like DMA.




In this research, a series of experiments have been conducted, including mountain

pine beetle attacked wood / plastic composite (MPB-WPC) prototype product

development, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), short-term creep tests for master

curve construction based on time-temperature-stress superposition principle (TTSSP),

and a long-term creep test. A newly established stress-temperature incorporated creep

(STIC) model, a modified Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation that incorporates the

variables of temperature and stress, and a newly developed temperature-induced strain

superposition (TISS) method have been introduced in this study.

The details of data analyses and discussions were presented in the previous

chapters. This chapter summarizes the important outcomes and findings of this research

and suggests potential future research works.

9.1 Mountain Pine Beetle Attacked Wood / Plastic Composite Products

MPB-WPC products were manufactured with various formulations, and their

mechanical properties were evaluated and analyzed. The MPB-WPC products showed

definite potential to be a value-added option for MPB-attacked wood.

The test results showed that the formulation affected the MPB-WPC products’

properties. A higher wood content resulted in a slightly higher density, lower strength,

but higher modulus. The performance of the uncoupled product was significantly inferior

to the coupled products; therefore, the properties of MPB-WPC products can be

significantly improved when a coupling agent, such as maleic anhydride polypropylene



(MAPP) is added. The surface condition of the product was also influenced by the

formulation. Moreover, depending on the formulation, WPCs can show very different

behaviours and appearances. Consideration of the formulation based on the use of the

final products is an important task.

9.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

9.2.1 Viscoelasticity

The dynamic mechanical properties, including the storage modulus (E’), loss

modulus (E”) and mechanical loss factor (tan δ), based on the dynamic mechanical

analysis (DMA) spectra as a function of temperature, were investigated. The presence of

fillers in the polymer produced a more complex morphology of the composite system.

The content of filler/fibres and the use of a coupling agent can change the morphology of

the bulk polymer phase and that of the interphase, thus influencing the mechanical and

viscoelastic properties of the composites.

In summary, a higher content of wood flour resulted in higher E’, indicating better

stiffness; whereas, tan δ became lower. Furthermore, the existence of a coupling agent

also significantly improved E’, which can be attributed to the enhancement of the

interface property between the wood and the high-density polyethylene (HDPE), coupled

with MAPP. Furthermore, the addition of MAPP and a higher content of wood caused the

point of the transition to move toward a higher temperature.



Based on the modulus retention ability, the MAPP coupled products had better

modulus retention at elevated temperatures than did uncoupled products. A higher

content of wood flour and the addition of MAPP simply increased the value of modulus,

but did not significantly change the range of transition.

9.2.2 Time-Temperature-Stress Superposition and Master Curves

A series of short-term creep tests were conducted at various temperatures, and the

TTTSP was successfully applied in the construction of smooth master curves for the

prediction of long-term creep strain.

Based on the isochronal graphs, the creep strain of MPB-WPCs increased with

elevating temperatures and stresses at the same time point; in particular, the effect of

temperature on creep strain can be modeled with an exponential function. At lower

temperatures, the results showed that the strain increased linearly with increasing stress,

but may become nonlinear with elevating temperature. Moreover, the temperature had a

more significant influence on instantaneous creep than on transient creep.

According to this finding, a new creep model – the stress-temperature

incorporated creep (STIC) model – was established. This model smoothly introduced the

effect of temperature into the conventional power law creep equation, and the model can

be applied to predict the creep strain in which the effect of temperature is involved.

The MPB-WPC products were rheologically simple materials, and merely a

horizontal shift was needed for the time-temperature superposition; however, vertical

shifting would be needed for the time-stress superposition. The shift factor was



independent of the stress for horizontal shifts. In addition, the temperature- and stress-

shift factors used to construct master curves were fitted with the Williams-Landel-Ferry

(WLF equation); and, the results showed that the WLF equation is more suitable than the

Arrhenius equation for MPB-WPC products.

A temperature-stress hybrid shift factor and a modified WLF equation, which

incorporated variables of stress and temperature for the shift factor fitting, were studied;

and, the parameters were successfully calibrated. The application of this method can be

extended to curve shifting that involves the effects of both temperature and stress


9.3 Creep Behaviour of Mountain Pine Beetle Attacked Wood / Plastic Composites

A 220-day long-term creep test was conducted under an unconditioned

environment. The results showed that the effect of elevating temperature caused

unexpected additional increases in creep strain. For temperature-sensitive materials such

as MPB-WPCs, the information obtained from the conventional creep study method may

be insufficient to reflect the practical application.

Comparisons between the long-term creep data and the DMA master curves

showed that the DMA master curves tended to overestimate the real creep strain of large

specimens and that the deviation increased with time. For the groups of coupled MPC-

WPC products, the prediction of the master curve agreed more reasonably with the long-

term data, whereas the master curves showed considerable overestimation for the

uncoupled products. The testing configuration and the properties of the material may



affect the feasibility of the TTSSP method and master curve prediction, and the loading

history may also influence the resultant master curves. In general, however, the master

curves constructed based on TTSSP cannot precisely predict the long-term creep strain,

but merely provide conservative under estimations.

To deal with the effect of fluctuating temperatures on the creep strain, the STIC

model and the proposed temperature-induced strain superposition (TISS) method were

established and employed. The additional temperature-induced strain and the overall

behaviour were successfully simulated with this combined methodology (STIC and TISS).

This indicates that, based on the TISS method, the creep test under an ambient

environment could successfully simulate the long-term creep strain, even under

fluctuating temperatures. This approach and concept may be applied to comparable future

studies. However, the TISS method is limited to practical data, instead of that from short-

term and accelerated tests like DMA.

9.4 Recommendations for Future Research

This work extended the research of creep behaviour from conventional constant

stress and temperature methods to introducing the effect of temperature into the creep

model and to dealing with the condition of fluctuating temperatures. However, there are

various potential topics that can be recommended for future research.

According to the fitting results, the newly developed STIC model can smoothly

predict creep strain under various stresses and temperatures. In this study, however, the

selected stresses were relatively small, in order to make sure that the products behaved



linearly. As well, the temperature range was chosen based on the practical environment

condition. Employing the model for higher load/stress levels and wider temperature

ranges would be an important task in the extension of the application of the model.

Furthermore, the nonlinear behaviour of the MPB-WPC products, which was not covered

in this study, also needs to be studied carefully in the future.

In order to limit the variables on creep behaviour, the effect of the formulation

was not considered in the model. It is suggested that incorporation of the effect of the

formulation into the model could improve the convenience and efficiency of product

development and evaluation.

It was found that master curves constructed using conventional DMA and TTSSP

tended to overestimate the creep strain. However, reasonable agreement was also

observed for the coupled WPC products, implying that there is the potential to apply this

method as long as an appropriate adjustment, such as multiplication by a factor of

correction, can be made. The accuracy of the master curve may be improved.

Furthermore, the application of temperature shift factor to make the environmental

condition of varying temperature as an isothermal one may be another possible solution

for the varying temperature issue, and then the master curve, in this case, may become a

comparable reference after a proper adjustment.

The STIC model was developed by incorporating the exponential effect of

temperature into a power law model. The power law model has been widely used in

various materials; however, the effect of temperature may be material dependent and may



have different influences on materials. Validation for the application of the STIC model

on other materials is needed, in order to extend its application.

Due to the nature of viscoelasticity and the sensitivity of WPCs to stress and

temperature, the combined effect of stress and temperature is a critical concern for the

application of WPC products, as was confirmed in this study. However, in practical

situations, instead of simple constant loading, cyclic loading and fluctuating temperatures

may influence the product simultaneously. This complex but vital topic has not yet been


Currently, there is no standard testing method to properly evaluate the creep

behaviour of WPC products. ASTM D7031 is the only available one, and it addresses the

testing method for the creep rupture for WPC products. It is not, however, sufficient to

deal with the temperature effect, since values obtained at one temperature cannot be

applied to other temperatures. It is important to establish an appropriate method to

evaluate this critical property.

In the TISS study, only the effect of increasing temperatures was considered;

therefore, the effect of decreasing temperatures could be a topic for future research.

Furthermore, the temperature was measured only once days; and, more details, such as

the hourly temperatures, were not available. More temperature details could be included

in future studies.

In addition, this long-term creep test was conducted under an ambient indoor

environment; hence, the fluctuation of temperatures was not severe and the range was

relatively narrow, which made it relatively simple to model and predict. Changes in an



outdoor environment are more complicated; and, in order to extend this method to an

environment with a wider temperature range and to test the real capacity of the WPC

product, a field experiment of creep is recommended. Knowledge from practical usage

will be invaluable in the verification of the models and methods established in this work.




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Shift factors, based on time-temperature-stress superposition, obtained from 10-min creep test for master curves constructing

introduced and discussed in Chapter 7, were summarized in this appendix. The numbers were presented as log (shift factor) in tables.

This appendix was divided into two parts:

A.1 Time-Temperature Superposition Shift Factors:

The first row presented the reference temperature, and the tabulated number presented the log (shift factor) for the

corresponding temperatures listed in the first column.

A.2 Time-Stress Superposition Shift Factors:

The time-stress superposition may require doubly shifts, horizontal and vertical. The first row presented the reference stress,

and the tabulated number presented the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) log (shift factor) for the corresponding stresses

listed in the second row and the corresponding temperatures listed in the first column.



A.1 Time-Temperature Superposition Shift Factors

F1- 1MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 -0.030 0.177 0.985 0.971 1.447 1.826 2.260 2.647 3.110 3.553 3.997 4.434 4.893 5.324 5.793 6.324 6.847 7.300

-40 0.021 0 0.193 0.976 0.980 1.433 1.832 2.230 2.630 3.120 3.579 3.976 4.459 4.903 5.349 5.821 6.310 6.877 7.330

-35 -0.223 -0.233 0 0.742 0.704 1.173 1.568 1.994 2.373 2.823 3.281 3.724 4.157 4.608 5.047 5.519 6.053 6.580 7.037

-30 -1.010 -1.053 -0.831 0 -0.003 0.459 0.890 1.313 1.723 2.180 2.640 3.092 3.518 3.967 4.405 4.879 5.413 5.942 6.394

-25 -1.021 -1.035 -0.811 -0.007 0 0.415 0.814 1.252 1.658 2.099 2.550 2.987 3.426 3.882 4.325 4.796 5.325 5.854 6.309

-20 -1.487 -1.494 -1.318 -0.494 -0.517 0 0.381 0.818 1.223 1.672 2.123 2.559 2.996 3.453 3.898 4.366 4.897 5.427 5.881

-15 -1.909 -1.896 -1.715 -0.927 -0.930 -0.431 0 0.428 0.823 1.277 1.736 2.166 2.599 3.056 3.502 3.974 4.503 5.029 5.487

-10 -2.333 -2.352 -2.174 -1.351 -1.332 -0.847 -0.472 0 0.379 0.830 1.282 1.720 2.148 2.604 3.051 3.520 4.055 4.579 5.035

-5 -2.753 -2.788 -2.588 -1.796 -1.803 -1.267 -0.897 -0.423 0 0.443 0.901 1.349 1.786 2.233 2.679 3.152 3.684 4.208 4.663

0 -3.206 -3.253 -3.056 -2.234 -2.265 -1.745 -1.327 -0.882 -0.492 0 0.447 0.898 1.342 1.800 2.239 2.705 3.242 3.771 4.224

5 -3.672 -3.724 -3.519 -2.682 -2.713 -2.189 -1.803 -1.331 -0.945 -0.468 0 0.443 0.887 1.350 1.796 2.261 2.798 3.325 3.779

10 -4.106 -4.141 -3.950 -3.136 -3.167 -2.619 -2.255 -1.777 -1.389 -0.913 -0.477 0 0.437 0.900 1.352 1.829 2.357 2.884 3.331

15 -4.577 -4.623 -4.382 -3.583 -3.631 -3.091 -2.722 -2.172 -1.829 -1.360 -0.901 -0.452 0 0.459 0.913 1.394 1.932 2.451 2.898

20 -5.014 -5.053 -4.822 -4.030 -4.081 -3.568 -3.141 -2.660 -2.272 -1.809 -1.376 -0.907 -0.460 0 0.450 0.935 1.479 2.003 2.448

25 -5.455 -5.524 -5.279 -4.456 -4.527 -3.994 -3.618 -3.133 -2.776 -2.306 -1.850 -1.356 -0.906 -0.469 0 0.480 1.026 1.554 2.010

30 -5.954 -5.983 -5.792 -4.946 -5.031 -4.490 -4.090 -3.622 -3.223 -2.795 -2.309 -1.843 -1.363 -0.961 -0.477 0 0.537 1.071 1.526

35 -6.520 -6.548 -6.354 -5.496 -5.567 -5.048 -4.655 -4.137 -3.775 -3.327 -2.867 -2.425 -1.918 -1.493 -1.016 -0.578 0 0.522 0.977

40 -7.053 -7.103 -6.896 -6.039 -6.149 -5.585 -5.200 -4.672 -4.339 -3.873 -3.419 -2.945 -2.459 -2.042 -1.594 -1.127 -0.563 0 0.444

45 -7.521 -7.534 -7.383 -6.493 -6.595 -6.075 -5.665 -5.140 -4.760 -4.355 -3.891 -3.444 -2.937 -2.506 -2.050 -1.593 -1.002 -0.493 0



F1- 3MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.256 0.582 1.015 1.465 1.908 2.323 2.788 3.190 3.650 4.087 4.554 4.995 5.464 5.949 6.455 6.953 7.460 7.961

-40 -0.314 0 0.306 0.717 1.161 1.614 2.033 2.479 2.900 3.360 3.803 4.268 4.712 5.182 5.665 6.165 6.667 7.174 7.679

-35 -0.657 -0.367 0 0.388 0.829 1.272 1.700 2.153 2.565 3.022 3.466 3.937 4.375 4.844 5.326 5.825 6.331 6.836 7.342

-30 -1.084 -0.774 -0.419 0 0.416 0.851 1.282 1.739 2.144 2.609 3.058 3.511 3.963 4.435 4.914 5.415 5.918 6.424 6.932

-25 -1.564 -1.242 -0.869 -0.526 0 0.418 0.837 1.301 1.720 2.174 2.621 3.084 3.530 4.004 4.482 4.977 5.483 5.991 6.498

-20 -2.021 -1.694 -1.371 -0.968 -0.488 0 0.399 0.856 1.286 1.753 2.191 2.652 3.094 3.569 4.050 4.549 5.052 5.560 6.067

-15 -2.476 -2.173 -1.813 -1.395 -0.917 -0.496 0 0.441 0.869 1.342 1.787 2.244 2.691 3.166 3.647 4.142 4.645 5.157 5.658

-10 -2.911 -2.599 -2.269 -1.858 -1.409 -0.952 -0.485 0 0.412 0.882 1.334 1.798 2.235 2.706 3.188 3.687 4.187 4.698 5.204

-5 -3.330 -3.012 -2.699 -2.269 -1.813 -1.361 -0.911 -0.470 0 0.457 0.912 1.379 1.832 2.297 2.782 3.274 3.780 4.290 4.795

0 -3.824 -3.492 -3.211 -2.770 -2.289 -1.853 -1.363 -0.912 -0.487 0 0.439 0.919 1.371 1.842 2.320 2.815 3.318 3.830 4.335

5 -4.323 -3.943 -3.626 -3.205 -2.735 -2.305 -1.813 -1.362 -0.959 -0.465 0 0.472 0.926 1.404 1.886 2.390 2.878 3.387 3.892

10 -4.811 -4.420 -4.088 -3.676 -3.246 -2.813 -2.288 -1.825 -1.400 -0.965 -0.487 0 0.445 0.925 1.413 1.900 2.408 2.923 3.429

15 -5.244 -4.894 -4.576 -4.117 -3.661 -3.247 -2.780 -2.298 -1.837 -1.423 -0.927 -0.465 0 0.475 0.971 1.461 1.969 2.484 2.989

20 -5.712 -5.369 -5.041 -4.590 -4.132 -3.724 -3.214 -2.772 -2.321 -1.891 -1.429 -0.931 -0.465 0 0.489 0.984 1.506 2.010 2.515

25 -6.219 -5.830 -5.516 -5.089 -4.642 -4.178 -3.713 -3.259 -2.835 -2.363 -1.902 -1.381 -0.954 -0.502 0 0.494 1.030 1.544 2.050

30 -6.687 -6.331 -6.017 -5.573 -5.149 -4.688 -4.191 -3.756 -3.277 -2.858 -2.378 -1.899 -1.430 -0.970 -0.479 0 0.526 1.041 1.548

35 -7.197 -6.848 -6.517 -6.081 -5.670 -5.198 -4.723 -4.252 -3.831 -3.398 -2.910 -2.399 -1.963 -1.502 -1.002 -0.534 0 0.514 1.022

40 -7.707 -7.357 -7.040 -6.604 -6.178 -5.716 -5.224 -4.802 -4.320 -3.911 -3.463 -2.926 -2.486 -1.990 -1.578 -1.016 -0.518 0 0.505

45 -8.215 -7.892 -7.566 -7.099 -6.691 -6.213 -5.733 -5.267 -4.832 -4.416 -3.953 -3.430 -2.997 -2.482 -2.037 -1.541 -1.003 -0.493 0



F1- 5MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.271 0.648 1.095 1.566 1.998 2.434 2.894 3.316 3.788 4.223 4.734 5.153 5.639 6.135 6.654 7.232 7.785 8.300

-40 -0.310 0 0.358 0.786 1.274 1.711 2.135 2.583 3.010 3.481 3.923 4.432 4.857 5.335 5.831 6.348 6.928 7.480 7.997

-35 -0.694 -0.451 0 0.415 0.894 1.330 1.758 2.206 2.640 3.112 3.552 4.052 4.485 4.958 5.454 5.970 6.551 7.104 7.620

-30 -1.178 -0.895 -0.463 0 0.457 0.888 1.323 1.781 2.204 2.669 3.114 3.613 4.051 4.520 5.021 5.537 6.118 6.671 7.187

-25 -1.700 -1.393 -0.945 -0.515 0 0.418 0.856 1.312 1.760 2.220 2.653 3.152 3.591 4.062 4.556 5.073 5.653 6.206 6.722

-20 -2.120 -1.810 -1.391 -0.995 -0.492 0 0.425 0.885 1.337 1.801 2.228 2.729 3.173 3.643 4.139 4.654 5.237 5.789 6.304

-15 -2.618 -2.281 -1.847 -1.410 -0.913 -0.448 0 0.451 0.894 1.365 1.810 2.304 2.740 3.213 3.710 4.226 4.807 5.360 5.877

-10 -3.046 -2.753 -2.313 -1.866 -1.410 -0.939 -0.509 0 0.437 0.905 1.359 1.857 2.292 2.756 3.258 3.775 4.354 4.906 5.424

-5 -3.525 -3.198 -2.778 -2.313 -1.859 -1.380 -0.947 -0.491 0 0.458 0.913 1.417 1.859 2.320 2.817 3.333 3.916 4.468 4.986

0 -3.978 -3.628 -3.246 -2.783 -2.332 -1.851 -1.393 -0.972 -0.458 0 0.449 0.955 1.407 1.877 2.373 2.890 3.470 4.022 4.539

5 -4.456 -4.104 -3.692 -3.252 -2.768 -2.300 -1.874 -1.441 -0.927 -0.470 0 0.496 0.949 1.423 1.914 2.432 3.010 3.562 4.081

10 -4.956 -4.580 -4.182 -3.737 -3.250 -2.799 -2.354 -1.951 -1.423 -0.982 -0.490 0 0.451 0.932 1.428 1.947 2.527 3.080 3.593

15 -5.412 -5.063 -4.658 -4.237 -3.724 -3.267 -2.834 -2.395 -1.848 -1.452 -0.966 -0.477 0 0.469 0.976 1.502 2.075 2.627 3.145

20 -5.877 -5.508 -5.144 -4.708 -4.232 -3.737 -3.318 -2.881 -2.348 -1.923 -1.443 -0.922 -0.482 0 0.495 1.030 1.609 2.158 2.675

25 -6.382 -6.031 -5.619 -5.214 -4.682 -4.224 -3.801 -3.394 -2.848 -2.423 -1.936 -1.430 -0.978 -0.487 0 0.528 1.115 1.670 2.187

30 -6.912 -6.524 -6.110 -5.740 -5.214 -4.738 -4.325 -3.908 -3.367 -2.958 -2.448 -1.961 -1.448 -1.029 -0.530 0 0.577 1.151 1.669

35 -7.491 -7.083 -6.742 -6.346 -5.821 -5.329 -4.901 -4.477 -3.937 -3.514 -3.066 -2.534 -2.045 -1.618 -1.116 -0.561 0 0.572 1.111

40 -8.047 -7.668 -7.336 -6.891 -6.355 -5.878 -5.480 -5.036 -4.495 -4.101 -3.639 -3.115 -2.597 -2.166 -1.687 -1.188 -0.526 0 0.534

45 -8.566 -8.207 -7.830 -7.457 -6.884 -6.394 -6.037 -5.584 -5.036 -4.615 -4.135 -3.653 -3.129 -2.734 -2.224 -1.700 -1.058 -0.548 0



F1- 8MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.292 0.708 1.174 1.643 2.096 2.543 3.003 3.481 3.958 4.437 4.906 5.400 5.892 6.398 6.960 7.554 8.117 8.648

-40 -0.354 0 0.393 0.840 1.305 1.764 2.225 2.683 3.164 3.630 4.128 4.578 5.082 5.566 6.081 6.633 7.231 7.789 8.332

-35 -0.781 -0.443 0 0.419 0.880 1.357 1.812 2.270 2.747 3.216 3.705 4.169 4.667 5.151 5.668 6.221 6.817 7.374 7.917

-30 -1.230 -0.909 -0.465 0 0.445 0.907 1.379 1.833 2.318 2.785 3.274 3.741 4.233 4.720 5.232 5.789 6.385 6.938 7.486

-25 -1.680 -1.407 -0.966 -0.508 0 0.447 0.918 1.383 1.852 2.320 2.806 3.280 3.775 4.256 4.773 5.330 5.925 6.480 7.025

-20 -2.139 -1.905 -1.415 -1.024 -0.492 0 0.455 0.917 1.401 1.863 2.346 2.819 3.311 3.800 4.314 4.871 5.463 6.021 6.566

-15 -2.640 -2.387 -1.891 -1.492 -0.941 -0.503 0 0.457 0.935 1.401 1.884 2.355 2.854 3.335 3.848 4.409 5.005 5.560 6.105

-10 -3.106 -2.858 -2.387 -1.971 -1.403 -0.979 -0.469 0 0.467 0.935 1.429 1.894 2.388 2.873 3.382 3.944 4.543 5.094 5.644

-5 -3.575 -3.328 -2.879 -2.434 -1.880 -1.459 -0.943 -0.485 0 0.462 0.957 1.430 1.925 2.402 2.919 3.481 4.076 4.631 5.176

0 -4.042 -3.826 -3.346 -2.939 -2.368 -1.924 -1.409 -0.944 -0.479 0 0.487 0.966 1.465 1.944 2.461 3.018 3.611 4.169 4.712

5 -4.529 -4.314 -3.826 -3.426 -2.875 -2.428 -1.903 -1.433 -0.967 -0.478 0 0.476 0.981 1.473 1.975 2.543 3.141 3.693 4.242

10 -5.021 -4.779 -4.321 -3.929 -3.355 -2.900 -2.399 -1.927 -1.450 -0.975 -0.480 0 0.495 0.987 1.508 2.061 2.652 3.208 3.752

15 -5.534 -5.291 -4.797 -4.419 -3.849 -3.397 -2.876 -2.405 -1.959 -1.477 -0.989 -0.488 0 0.491 1.013 1.575 2.165 2.719 3.260

20 -6.003 -5.792 -5.284 -4.919 -4.355 -3.898 -3.385 -2.907 -2.440 -1.949 -1.487 -0.967 -0.510 0 0.520 1.084 1.693 2.230 2.779

25 -6.530 -6.309 -5.798 -5.435 -4.862 -4.408 -3.861 -3.426 -2.967 -2.461 -1.975 -1.486 -1.006 -0.506 0 0.562 1.175 1.721 2.263

30 -7.065 -6.875 -6.372 -6.016 -5.427 -4.951 -4.450 -4.002 -3.518 -3.044 -2.525 -2.043 -1.554 -1.086 -0.520 0 0.609 1.173 1.722

35 -7.693 -7.482 -6.994 -6.598 -6.054 -5.560 -5.063 -4.605 -4.147 -3.628 -3.171 -2.645 -2.167 -1.721 -1.145 -0.608 0 0.563 1.116

40 -8.257 -8.048 -7.539 -7.150 -6.612 -6.143 -5.583 -5.183 -4.741 -4.209 -3.754 -3.246 -2.699 -2.266 -1.724 -1.180 -0.583 0 0.544

45 -8.781 -8.593 -8.119 -7.666 -7.116 -6.721 -6.152 -5.718 -5.263 -4.740 -4.270 -3.772 -3.236 -2.824 -2.271 -1.720 -1.108 -0.540 0



F2- 1MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.128 0.514 0.897 1.323 1.745 2.138 2.597 3.027 3.463 3.923 4.361 4.812 5.327 5.745 6.274 6.769 7.276 7.737

-40 -0.187 0 0.329 0.696 1.123 1.551 1.952 2.407 2.848 3.295 3.744 4.175 4.650 5.133 5.567 6.086 6.574 7.090 7.552

-35 -0.557 -0.426 0 0.314 0.731 1.168 1.577 2.025 2.462 2.901 3.367 3.795 4.256 4.754 5.175 5.709 6.195 6.710 7.172

-30 -0.952 -0.787 -0.403 0 0.393 0.816 1.229 1.693 2.116 2.567 3.036 3.460 3.917 4.421 4.846 5.378 5.863 6.377 6.839

-25 -1.397 -1.225 -0.883 -0.485 0 0.397 0.789 1.257 1.707 2.131 2.591 3.021 3.482 3.978 4.407 4.935 5.422 5.934 6.398

-20 -1.824 -1.693 -1.339 -0.963 -0.499 0 0.366 0.813 1.259 1.701 2.155 2.576 3.058 3.536 3.962 4.492 4.980 5.488 5.956

-15 -2.214 -2.128 -1.746 -1.350 -0.927 -0.496 0 0.417 0.862 1.307 1.782 2.206 2.663 3.161 3.585 4.114 4.601 5.119 5.577

-10 -2.696 -2.540 -2.197 -1.773 -1.382 -0.914 -0.501 0 0.434 0.877 1.357 1.789 2.241 2.733 3.154 3.691 4.177 4.688 5.159

-5 -3.192 -2.974 -2.646 -2.263 -1.837 -1.372 -0.953 -0.459 0 0.430 0.909 1.351 1.814 2.294 2.720 3.254 3.745 4.256 4.727

0 -3.601 -3.425 -3.101 -2.694 -2.278 -1.814 -1.383 -0.899 -0.441 0 0.469 0.913 1.386 1.865 2.294 2.828 3.320 3.834 4.303

5 -4.101 -3.913 -3.592 -3.171 -2.763 -2.300 -1.870 -1.400 -0.915 -0.497 0 0.430 0.898 1.397 1.820 2.349 2.839 3.345 3.814

10 -4.535 -4.340 -4.070 -3.649 -3.207 -2.757 -2.352 -1.819 -1.370 -0.935 -0.443 0 0.464 0.969 1.390 1.920 2.416 2.920 3.387

15 -4.988 -4.805 -4.514 -4.113 -3.672 -3.222 -2.784 -2.291 -1.833 -1.409 -0.937 -0.449 0 0.488 0.928 1.463 1.951 2.469 2.933

20 -5.476 -5.313 -4.998 -4.621 -4.173 -3.738 -3.281 -2.752 -2.329 -1.910 -1.434 -0.976 -0.503 0 0.436 0.976 1.469 1.980 2.461

25 -5.937 -5.753 -5.414 -5.046 -4.604 -4.205 -3.740 -3.181 -2.765 -2.326 -1.883 -1.445 -0.935 -0.444 0 0.529 1.026 1.546 2.014

30 -6.436 -6.289 -5.966 -5.602 -5.133 -4.690 -4.274 -3.737 -3.285 -2.909 -2.440 -1.975 -1.527 -0.956 -0.496 0 0.489 1.010 1.485

35 -6.960 -6.757 -6.483 -6.049 -5.642 -5.181 -4.789 -4.228 -3.767 -3.372 -2.932 -2.467 -1.974 -1.482 -1.018 -0.477 0 0.522 0.996

40 -7.465 -7.308 -6.961 -6.570 -6.150 -5.702 -5.294 -4.707 -4.320 -3.890 -3.446 -2.978 -2.504 -1.994 -1.557 -1.011 -0.510 0 0.475

45 -7.978 -7.793 -7.469 -7.063 -6.660 -6.207 -5.805 -5.223 -4.802 -4.386 -3.966 -3.489 -3.008 -2.495 -2.031 -1.492 -1.013 -0.488 0



F2- 3MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.258 0.642 1.083 1.522 1.958 2.382 2.853 3.300 3.704 4.146 4.611 5.044 5.546 5.973 6.491 7.007 7.540 8.040

-40 -0.322 0 0.362 0.787 1.228 1.671 2.087 2.579 3.015 3.416 3.869 4.325 4.760 5.266 5.701 6.212 6.731 7.263 7.765

-35 -0.726 -0.401 0 0.401 0.832 1.279 1.708 2.177 2.625 3.027 3.476 3.929 4.365 4.869 5.303 5.815 6.334 6.864 7.364

-30 -1.172 -0.825 -0.479 0 0.417 0.854 1.292 1.780 2.206 2.610 3.064 3.521 3.948 4.461 4.895 5.407 5.921 6.453 6.954

-25 -1.652 -1.331 -0.939 -0.469 0 0.422 0.855 1.341 1.783 2.182 2.634 3.085 3.520 4.029 4.465 4.975 5.498 6.030 6.531

-20 -2.136 -1.800 -1.403 -0.930 -0.457 0 0.419 0.904 1.352 1.761 2.200 2.656 3.090 3.594 4.026 4.539 5.061 5.593 6.094

-15 -2.567 -2.220 -1.820 -1.393 -0.897 -0.464 0 0.468 0.919 1.323 1.781 2.220 2.663 3.172 3.605 4.110 4.633 5.165 5.666

-10 -3.044 -2.675 -2.309 -1.857 -1.388 -0.959 -0.510 0 0.443 0.856 1.316 1.768 2.200 2.708 3.141 3.654 4.175 4.707 5.208

-5 -3.496 -3.127 -2.762 -2.318 -1.825 -1.415 -0.961 -0.510 0 0.407 0.867 1.329 1.762 2.262 2.700 3.209 3.731 4.265 4.764

0 -3.915 -3.558 -3.183 -2.766 -2.247 -1.845 -1.416 -0.910 -0.404 0 0.450 0.910 1.353 1.859 2.283 2.795 3.320 3.851 4.354

5 -4.389 -4.028 -3.611 -3.222 -2.729 -2.305 -1.840 -1.352 -0.888 -0.452 0 0.456 0.896 1.413 1.846 2.355 2.872 3.404 3.905

10 -4.871 -4.477 -4.103 -3.664 -3.189 -2.789 -2.297 -1.858 -1.351 -0.915 -0.478 0 0.444 0.958 1.405 1.914 2.433 2.965 3.465

15 -5.319 -4.929 -4.565 -4.142 -3.660 -3.192 -2.746 -2.297 -1.818 -1.365 -0.953 -0.465 0 0.509 0.951 1.465 1.988 2.523 3.027

20 -5.848 -5.438 -5.036 -4.635 -4.175 -3.728 -3.252 -2.812 -2.309 -1.864 -1.453 -0.929 -0.530 0 0.449 0.965 1.494 2.019 2.528

25 -6.276 -5.862 -5.519 -5.095 -4.645 -4.183 -3.726 -3.288 -2.786 -2.338 -1.935 -1.395 -0.963 -0.451 0 0.515 1.048 1.580 2.078

30 -6.813 -6.361 -6.043 -5.579 -5.124 -4.671 -4.214 -3.773 -3.304 -2.842 -2.424 -1.871 -1.480 -0.954 -0.504 0 0.535 1.070 1.578

35 -7.326 -6.955 -6.547 -6.141 -5.632 -5.266 -4.770 -4.315 -3.799 -3.386 -2.969 -2.423 -2.021 -1.493 -1.055 -0.513 0 0.524 1.045

40 -7.887 -7.428 -7.114 -6.697 -6.185 -5.764 -5.294 -4.844 -4.381 -3.912 -3.493 -2.929 -2.575 -2.030 -1.572 -1.045 -0.523 0 0.514

45 -8.385 -7.984 -7.632 -7.185 -6.699 -6.290 -5.809 -5.361 -4.886 -4.455 -3.993 -3.448 -3.063 -2.543 -2.098 -1.552 -1.033 -0.519 0



F2- 5MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.363 0.776 1.238 1.700 2.124 2.549 2.982 3.426 3.864 4.298 4.737 5.184 5.641 6.116 6.656 7.209 7.701 8.197

-40 -0.398 0 0.394 0.850 1.319 1.754 2.166 2.597 3.036 3.478 3.909 4.353 4.795 5.253 5.727 6.266 6.823 7.314 7.811

-35 -0.851 -0.439 0 0.424 0.899 1.344 1.766 2.191 2.643 3.073 3.504 3.956 4.395 4.855 5.330 5.871 6.429 6.916 7.405

-30 -1.294 -0.923 -0.465 0 0.450 0.889 1.317 1.758 2.189 2.628 3.055 3.496 3.940 4.397 4.876 5.414 5.973 6.458 6.963

-25 -1.787 -1.398 -0.955 -0.476 0 0.419 0.848 1.288 1.728 2.164 2.592 3.039 3.478 3.938 4.410 4.955 5.513 5.998 6.495

-20 -2.255 -1.860 -1.374 -0.954 -0.484 0 0.412 0.849 1.297 1.734 2.163 2.612 3.047 3.510 3.980 4.526 5.080 5.569 6.065

-15 -2.671 -2.282 -1.832 -1.409 -0.951 -0.481 0 0.422 0.866 1.317 1.750 2.189 2.624 3.091 3.568 4.107 4.665 5.150 5.650

-10 -3.104 -2.732 -2.241 -1.817 -1.358 -0.899 -0.462 0 0.429 0.879 1.327 1.772 2.206 2.655 3.143 3.675 4.237 4.726 5.223

-5 -3.545 -3.176 -2.688 -2.278 -1.811 -1.358 -0.869 -0.471 0 0.444 0.883 1.339 1.782 2.226 2.710 3.249 3.806 4.297 4.794

0 -3.978 -3.610 -3.155 -2.736 -2.246 -1.813 -1.348 -0.913 -0.467 0 0.437 0.890 1.344 1.801 2.270 2.811 3.367 3.855 4.353

5 -4.451 -4.079 -3.577 -3.194 -2.719 -2.278 -1.795 -1.351 -0.927 -0.448 0 0.445 0.898 1.360 1.838 2.376 2.941 3.426 3.928

10 -4.869 -4.535 -4.044 -3.634 -3.172 -2.733 -2.248 -1.803 -1.365 -0.923 -0.430 0 0.446 0.915 1.396 1.929 2.486 2.981 3.476

15 -5.335 -4.989 -4.499 -4.085 -3.638 -3.190 -2.676 -2.290 -1.792 -1.360 -0.892 -0.439 0 0.461 0.947 1.493 2.047 2.530 3.032

20 -5.808 -5.480 -4.956 -4.583 -4.095 -3.665 -3.143 -2.730 -2.277 -1.825 -1.368 -0.891 -0.488 0 0.481 1.030 1.601 2.083 2.572

25 -6.318 -5.941 -5.440 -5.047 -4.555 -4.142 -3.655 -3.244 -2.757 -2.318 -1.829 -1.372 -0.945 -0.450 0 0.545 1.124 1.613 2.103

30 -6.849 -6.548 -5.987 -5.589 -5.127 -4.679 -4.171 -3.756 -3.315 -2.847 -2.385 -1.934 -1.516 -1.007 -0.527 0 0.569 1.076 1.569

35 -7.418 -7.086 -6.531 -6.166 -5.710 -5.244 -4.726 -4.334 -3.894 -3.405 -2.955 -2.459 -2.067 -1.609 -1.136 -0.598 0 0.501 1.002

40 -7.937 -7.582 -7.030 -6.642 -6.224 -5.793 -5.242 -4.813 -4.382 -3.904 -3.428 -2.966 -2.552 -2.100 -1.618 -1.058 -0.498 0 0.488

45 -8.440 -8.133 -7.507 -7.148 -6.698 -6.253 -5.737 -5.342 -4.883 -4.411 -3.944 -3.499 -3.046 -2.608 -2.089 -1.537 -1.000 -0.486 0



F2- 8MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.172 0.677 1.056 1.574 2.058 2.441 2.978 3.377 3.839 4.360 4.767 5.273 5.764 6.280 6.836 7.470 8.082 8.662

-40 -0.235 0 0.486 0.872 1.390 1.871 2.236 2.783 3.187 3.647 4.169 4.574 5.080 5.576 6.090 6.644 7.278 7.886 8.469

-35 -0.789 -0.573 0 0.352 0.869 1.373 1.764 2.284 2.698 3.149 3.670 4.095 4.584 5.077 5.596 6.145 6.779 7.395 7.970

-30 -1.150 -0.969 -0.364 0 0.498 0.995 1.386 1.909 2.324 2.771 3.285 3.710 4.200 4.700 5.221 5.768 6.403 7.025 7.593

-25 -1.689 -1.477 -0.930 -0.555 0 0.482 0.874 1.418 1.829 2.276 2.798 3.215 3.713 4.209 4.725 5.275 5.907 6.523 7.098

-20 -2.235 -2.003 -1.435 -1.045 -0.544 0 0.380 0.925 1.351 1.802 2.318 2.739 3.222 3.727 4.245 4.792 5.425 6.041 6.615

-15 -2.613 -2.389 -1.842 -1.460 -0.925 -0.429 0 0.527 0.952 1.412 1.917 2.340 2.841 3.339 3.853 4.403 5.036 5.653 6.226

-10 -3.149 -2.948 -2.374 -2.008 -1.462 -0.964 -0.557 0 0.420 0.883 1.393 1.831 2.315 2.839 3.335 3.884 4.531 5.146 5.726

-5 -3.588 -3.373 -2.829 -2.456 -1.882 -1.411 -1.014 -0.467 0 0.456 0.968 1.417 1.904 2.394 2.915 3.460 4.088 4.706 5.283

0 -4.042 -3.857 -3.272 -2.919 -2.357 -1.888 -1.476 -0.914 -0.462 0 0.504 0.951 1.452 1.943 2.458 3.007 3.635 4.253 4.834

5 -4.523 -4.360 -3.786 -3.443 -2.891 -2.371 -1.954 -1.403 -0.998 -0.542 0 0.451 0.954 1.458 1.974 2.518 3.149 3.766 4.340

10 -4.986 -4.826 -4.285 -3.924 -3.370 -2.843 -2.451 -1.890 -1.472 -0.986 -0.429 0 0.502 1.004 1.527 2.058 2.689 3.305 3.881

15 -5.484 -5.310 -4.750 -4.436 -3.833 -3.359 -2.928 -2.383 -1.944 -1.459 -0.920 -0.497 0 0.498 1.026 1.581 2.198 2.812 3.391

20 -5.996 -5.826 -5.240 -4.933 -4.327 -3.846 -3.395 -2.872 -2.430 -1.942 -1.437 -0.995 -0.460 0 0.519 1.074 1.703 2.317 2.900

25 -6.511 -6.344 -5.774 -5.477 -4.825 -4.347 -3.942 -3.391 -2.975 -2.469 -1.958 -1.509 -0.977 -0.505 0 0.556 1.186 1.800 2.385

30 -7.040 -6.898 -6.317 -6.040 -5.353 -4.935 -4.518 -3.952 -3.517 -3.016 -2.500 -2.072 -1.571 -1.059 -0.535 0 0.632 1.258 1.826

35 -7.673 -7.534 -6.955 -6.649 -6.051 -5.519 -5.120 -4.537 -4.157 -3.644 -3.165 -2.670 -2.192 -1.707 -1.231 -0.637 0 0.618 1.212

40 -8.288 -8.118 -7.601 -7.290 -6.623 -6.118 -5.782 -5.196 -4.790 -4.266 -3.764 -3.331 -2.800 -2.284 -1.835 -1.218 -0.642 0 0.589

45 -8.879 -8.708 -8.180 -7.828 -7.236 -6.749 -6.343 -5.794 -5.360 -4.855 -4.357 -3.899 -3.388 -2.875 -2.454 -1.817 -1.201 -0.572 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.162 0.335 0.657 1.174 1.596 2.002 2.417 2.840 3.292 3.731 4.205 4.641 5.095 5.549 6.042 6.566 7.023 7.451

-40 -0.143 0 0.200 0.481 1.018 1.443 1.840 2.233 2.671 3.129 3.552 4.040 4.487 4.928 5.381 5.878 6.380 6.855 7.292

-35 -0.369 -0.237 0 0.239 0.725 1.160 1.561 1.961 2.384 2.862 3.317 3.770 4.205 4.662 5.111 5.607 6.141 6.584 7.032

-30 -0.744 -0.598 -0.403 0 0.415 0.818 1.248 1.683 2.094 2.528 2.969 3.455 3.900 4.345 4.793 5.290 5.807 6.266 6.707

-25 -1.235 -1.113 -0.885 -0.603 0 0.369 0.770 1.190 1.634 2.067 2.490 2.974 3.424 3.866 4.315 4.813 5.321 5.794 6.222

-20 -1.688 -1.523 -1.311 -1.012 -0.470 0 0.388 0.800 1.249 1.700 2.130 2.602 3.049 3.497 3.940 4.444 4.957 5.411 5.862

-15 -2.050 -1.932 -1.717 -1.386 -0.852 -0.457 0 0.387 0.842 1.293 1.742 2.189 2.641 3.096 3.539 4.036 4.557 5.012 5.462

-10 -2.451 -2.379 -2.162 -1.807 -1.275 -0.887 -0.479 0 0.432 0.885 1.339 1.800 2.241 2.690 3.145 3.637 4.157 4.610 5.061

-5 -2.923 -2.795 -2.618 -2.280 -1.728 -1.323 -0.917 -0.453 0 0.438 0.888 1.365 1.804 2.254 2.706 3.198 3.713 4.169 4.618

0 -3.368 -3.261 -3.059 -2.757 -2.188 -1.766 -1.353 -0.924 -0.477 0 0.446 0.915 1.371 1.823 2.264 2.757 3.274 3.730 4.179

5 -3.794 -3.697 -3.523 -3.191 -2.639 -2.231 -1.822 -1.354 -0.909 -0.466 0 0.456 0.914 1.373 1.822 2.313 2.831 3.282 3.737

10 -4.263 -4.192 -3.983 -3.677 -3.131 -2.707 -2.313 -1.840 -1.392 -0.965 -0.480 0 0.452 0.915 1.380 1.875 2.384 2.844 3.297

15 -4.712 -4.644 -4.414 -4.142 -3.584 -3.180 -2.765 -2.292 -1.819 -1.392 -0.941 -0.460 0 0.454 0.918 1.423 1.947 2.393 2.848

20 -5.210 -5.118 -4.895 -4.597 -4.040 -3.654 -3.218 -2.774 -2.286 -1.895 -1.420 -0.955 -0.455 0 0.457 0.963 1.495 1.949 2.399

25 -5.664 -5.558 -5.347 -5.106 -4.515 -4.092 -3.666 -3.228 -2.750 -2.342 -1.865 -1.406 -0.939 -0.462 0 0.508 1.037 1.505 1.951

30 -6.161 -6.036 -5.852 -5.570 -4.997 -4.606 -4.177 -3.708 -3.257 -2.837 -2.371 -1.899 -1.424 -0.960 -0.512 0 0.520 0.988 1.442

35 -6.652 -6.599 -6.425 -6.095 -5.539 -5.126 -4.725 -4.278 -3.773 -3.356 -2.920 -2.428 -1.964 -1.518 -1.012 -0.519 0 0.456 0.908

40 -7.137 -7.089 -6.884 -6.592 -6.016 -5.608 -5.207 -4.729 -4.270 -3.841 -3.414 -2.923 -2.441 -1.994 -1.498 -1.011 -0.504 0 0.436

45 -7.635 -7.516 -7.350 -7.039 -6.454 -6.080 -5.644 -5.202 -4.746 -4.319 -3.880 -3.362 -2.901 -2.448 -1.945 -1.462 -0.934 -0.485 0



F3- 3 MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.230 0.760 1.171 1.645 2.131 2.567 3.045 3.475 3.957 4.423 4.894 5.332 5.852 6.386 6.952 7.557 8.098 8.620

-40 -0.471 0 0.272 0.681 1.165 1.656 2.077 2.538 2.985 3.478 3.946 4.407 4.845 5.375 5.898 6.465 7.070 7.611 8.133

-35 -0.812 -0.291 0 0.380 0.855 1.340 1.790 2.257 2.685 3.178 3.655 4.116 4.554 5.085 5.608 6.174 6.778 7.320 7.842

-30 -1.269 -0.789 -0.441 0 0.444 0.934 1.375 1.858 2.281 2.756 3.232 3.698 4.136 4.664 5.187 5.750 6.356 6.899 7.419

-25 -1.727 -1.237 -0.924 -0.526 0 0.477 0.910 1.395 1.817 2.305 2.774 3.240 3.678 4.201 4.726 5.294 5.903 6.439 6.967

-20 -2.238 -1.773 -1.481 -1.064 -0.547 0 0.417 0.905 1.344 1.837 2.312 2.773 3.210 3.740 4.265 4.834 5.436 5.979 6.499

-15 -2.712 -2.214 -1.891 -1.444 -0.950 -0.450 0 0.472 0.911 1.410 1.890 2.350 2.788 3.320 3.841 4.408 5.011 5.554 6.075

-10 -3.193 -2.668 -2.364 -1.935 -1.408 -0.951 -0.503 0 0.432 0.933 1.416 1.884 2.316 2.847 3.369 3.931 4.539 5.081 5.602

-5 -3.631 -3.171 -2.790 -2.407 -1.903 -1.398 -0.925 -0.445 0 0.485 0.975 1.451 1.882 2.410 2.940 3.510 4.109 4.652 5.172

0 -4.109 -3.650 -3.312 -2.886 -2.382 -1.924 -1.423 -0.967 -0.522 0 0.479 0.957 1.405 1.933 2.458 3.028 3.628 4.171 4.692

5 -4.595 -4.181 -3.789 -3.390 -2.908 -2.421 -1.928 -1.436 -1.032 -0.491 0 0.467 0.917 1.453 1.971 2.534 3.146 3.689 4.205

10 -5.064 -4.640 -4.261 -3.876 -3.375 -2.920 -2.354 -1.906 -1.491 -0.995 -0.492 0 0.448 0.988 1.509 2.061 2.668 3.211 3.733

15 -5.530 -5.119 -4.726 -4.326 -3.821 -3.365 -2.817 -2.363 -1.921 -1.432 -0.929 -0.420 0 0.536 1.060 1.628 2.238 2.771 3.290

20 -6.075 -5.649 -5.247 -4.868 -4.387 -3.912 -3.364 -2.909 -2.447 -1.950 -1.489 -0.965 -0.552 0 0.516 1.091 1.693 2.234 2.754

25 -6.600 -6.168 -5.757 -5.372 -4.906 -4.406 -3.875 -3.422 -2.983 -2.493 -2.002 -1.447 -1.054 -0.514 0 0.573 1.177 1.725 2.244

30 -7.210 -6.710 -6.329 -5.973 -5.445 -5.010 -4.426 -3.973 -3.548 -3.053 -2.597 -2.031 -1.656 -1.061 -0.588 0 0.603 1.165 1.685

35 -7.841 -7.312 -6.920 -6.532 -6.077 -5.613 -5.050 -4.586 -4.187 -3.650 -3.223 -2.632 -2.273 -1.681 -1.194 -0.614 0 0.554 1.073

40 -8.354 -7.837 -7.494 -7.092 -6.617 -6.178 -5.583 -5.107 -4.729 -4.248 -3.740 -3.164 -2.810 -2.232 -1.802 -1.164 -0.530 0 0.526

45 -8.921 -8.405 -8.004 -7.609 -7.143 -6.690 -6.154 -5.651 -5.294 -4.733 -4.272 -3.699 -3.333 -2.767 -2.324 -1.677 -1.120 -0.513 0



F3- 5MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.289 0.732 1.197 1.666 2.110 2.581 3.060 3.517 3.980 4.424 4.923 5.437 5.904 6.542 7.098 7.694 8.287 8.806

-40 -0.340 0 0.401 0.866 1.347 1.801 2.257 2.722 3.188 3.650 4.108 4.593 5.110 5.566 6.202 6.758 7.364 7.947 8.478

-35 -0.786 -0.454 0 0.433 0.910 1.379 1.852 2.293 2.757 3.215 3.673 4.160 4.677 5.133 5.769 6.326 6.932 7.514 8.043

-30 -1.290 -0.942 -0.514 0 0.443 0.917 1.397 1.854 2.310 2.775 3.225 3.721 4.240 4.696 5.332 5.886 6.484 7.077 7.595

-25 -1.785 -1.420 -0.992 -0.513 0 0.453 0.928 1.398 1.862 2.319 2.777 3.265 3.795 4.251 4.888 5.446 6.042 6.633 7.154

-20 -2.293 -1.901 -1.478 -0.983 -0.513 0 0.459 0.929 1.400 1.867 2.322 2.804 3.320 3.773 4.409 4.976 5.583 6.163 6.694

-15 -2.744 -2.387 -1.956 -1.449 -0.945 -0.514 0 0.458 0.931 1.406 1.870 2.341 2.860 3.324 3.960 4.508 5.113 5.695 6.224

-10 -3.203 -2.879 -2.422 -1.942 -1.464 -0.978 -0.466 0 0.465 0.935 1.407 1.886 2.388 2.855 3.487 4.045 4.644 5.226 5.754

-5 -3.689 -3.341 -2.905 -2.395 -1.937 -1.478 -0.956 -0.501 0 0.468 0.941 1.427 1.916 2.376 3.010 3.566 4.171 4.753 5.282

0 -4.184 -3.829 -3.372 -2.891 -2.394 -1.936 -1.418 -0.965 -0.510 0 0.468 0.956 1.457 1.908 2.562 3.095 3.703 4.285 4.814

5 -4.671 -4.290 -3.869 -3.368 -2.871 -2.441 -1.916 -1.458 -0.961 -0.500 0 0.478 0.981 1.448 2.069 2.623 3.231 3.813 4.342

10 -5.169 -4.803 -4.367 -3.864 -3.325 -2.919 -2.418 -1.963 -1.426 -0.985 -0.481 0 0.494 0.961 1.597 2.143 2.753 3.335 3.864

15 -5.678 -5.297 -4.862 -4.361 -3.831 -3.431 -2.897 -2.481 -1.949 -1.475 -0.975 -0.480 0 0.462 1.098 1.660 2.262 2.844 3.373

20 -6.176 -5.760 -5.318 -4.841 -4.304 -3.874 -3.317 -2.948 -2.417 -1.970 -1.452 -0.970 -0.500 0 0.633 1.200 1.801 2.381 2.910

25 -6.765 -6.386 -5.965 -5.440 -4.902 -4.504 -3.950 -3.550 -3.019 -2.582 -2.049 -1.570 -1.110 -0.620 0 0.573 1.181 1.769 2.291

30 -7.325 -6.970 -6.526 -5.997 -5.475 -5.073 -4.511 -4.117 -3.644 -3.158 -2.625 -2.133 -1.714 -1.184 -0.536 0 0.621 1.212 1.731

35 -7.941 -7.598 -7.199 -6.630 -6.070 -5.683 -5.105 -4.734 -4.228 -3.779 -3.286 -2.757 -2.351 -1.772 -1.183 -0.586 0 0.580 1.123

40 -8.518 -8.149 -7.736 -7.260 -6.663 -6.268 -5.714 -5.361 -4.833 -4.368 -3.839 -3.347 -2.911 -2.385 -1.763 -1.170 -0.596 0 0.543

45 -9.058 -8.697 -8.286 -7.765 -7.196 -6.812 -6.244 -5.883 -5.375 -4.881 -4.372 -3.856 -3.453 -2.913 -2.320 -1.742 -1.106 -0.522 0



F3- 8MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.321 0.796 1.280 1.757 2.228 2.711 3.186 3.665 4.148 4.687 5.168 5.696 6.211 6.810 7.400 8.023 8.597 9.146

-40 -0.339 0 0.442 0.910 1.400 1.889 2.359 2.827 3.309 3.798 4.334 4.828 5.357 5.873 6.472 7.059 7.682 8.256 8.809

-35 -0.821 -0.503 0 0.453 0.939 1.430 1.909 2.363 2.855 3.337 3.888 4.364 4.890 5.407 6.009 6.592 7.216 7.790 8.342

-30 -1.308 -0.989 -0.520 0 0.458 0.949 1.434 1.899 2.381 2.869 3.403 3.897 4.411 4.921 5.530 6.109 6.729 7.304 7.864

-25 -1.820 -1.469 -1.011 -0.503 0 0.461 0.951 1.434 1.901 2.399 2.923 3.421 3.925 4.450 5.050 5.641 6.263 6.836 7.386

-20 -2.331 -1.955 -1.533 -0.977 -0.513 0 0.462 0.946 1.426 1.918 2.429 2.928 3.453 3.968 4.564 5.154 5.775 6.348 6.899

-15 -2.811 -2.432 -1.996 -1.468 -0.996 -0.516 0 0.467 0.955 1.447 1.938 2.437 2.963 3.481 4.084 4.664 5.287 5.860 6.408

-10 -3.316 -2.929 -2.509 -1.956 -1.453 -0.985 -0.509 0 0.472 0.972 1.471 1.955 2.484 3.002 3.612 4.183 4.806 5.380 5.927

-5 -3.789 -3.438 -2.970 -2.461 -1.944 -1.478 -1.010 -0.482 0 0.490 0.991 1.496 1.999 2.502 3.111 3.710 4.331 4.904 5.454

0 -4.268 -3.914 -3.492 -2.938 -2.418 -1.991 -1.504 -0.994 -0.519 0 0.491 1.000 1.520 2.021 2.625 3.225 3.844 4.418 4.970

5 -4.745 -4.393 -3.974 -3.435 -2.927 -2.488 -1.993 -1.497 -0.996 -0.507 0 0.505 1.028 1.545 2.132 2.735 3.355 3.927 4.479

10 -5.251 -4.936 -4.484 -3.940 -3.443 -2.996 -2.491 -1.988 -1.498 -0.979 -0.517 0 0.515 1.033 1.639 2.231 2.849 3.423 3.976

15 -5.754 -5.445 -4.987 -4.460 -3.951 -3.494 -2.997 -2.502 -2.022 -1.484 -1.035 -0.499 0 0.515 1.128 1.726 2.343 2.917 3.469

20 -6.251 -5.948 -5.494 -4.967 -4.477 -3.998 -3.505 -3.001 -2.497 -2.010 -1.521 -1.014 -0.522 0 0.614 1.223 1.839 2.411 2.962

25 -6.882 -6.557 -6.106 -5.581 -5.093 -4.613 -4.113 -3.617 -3.135 -2.651 -2.155 -1.655 -1.064 -0.580 0 0.603 1.244 1.813 2.364

30 -7.460 -7.203 -6.723 -6.198 -5.689 -5.220 -4.674 -4.201 -3.743 -3.253 -2.751 -2.227 -1.679 -1.208 -0.592 0 0.635 1.229 1.781

35 -8.168 -7.804 -7.353 -6.831 -6.328 -5.825 -5.298 -4.852 -4.382 -3.896 -3.365 -2.878 -2.326 -1.844 -1.240 -0.655 0 0.590 1.150

40 -8.700 -8.420 -7.922 -7.422 -6.922 -6.419 -5.900 -5.439 -4.973 -4.483 -3.976 -3.453 -2.901 -2.444 -1.817 -1.236 -0.628 0 0.556

45 -9.275 -8.987 -8.479 -7.968 -7.476 -7.019 -6.455 -6.014 -5.489 -5.068 -4.550 -3.992 -3.486 -3.002 -2.350 -1.793 -1.151 -0.547 0



F4- 1MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.212 0.266 0.703 1.039 1.469 1.748 2.190 2.576 2.985 3.530 3.903 4.395 4.838 5.327 5.836 6.436 6.931 7.378

-40 -0.178 0 0.106 0.523 0.854 1.291 1.571 2.017 2.397 2.807 3.343 3.733 4.215 4.661 5.136 5.657 6.262 6.754 7.191

-35 -0.343 -0.154 0 0.387 0.718 1.148 1.432 1.866 2.251 2.674 3.216 3.591 4.084 4.527 5.013 5.522 6.126 6.627 7.062

-30 -0.812 -0.591 -0.481 0 0.269 0.711 0.995 1.440 1.826 2.244 2.784 3.139 3.630 4.072 4.556 5.086 5.677 6.166 6.613

-25 -1.106 -0.958 -0.812 -0.404 0 0.397 0.676 1.121 1.500 1.932 2.474 2.838 3.316 3.758 4.253 4.785 5.362 5.857 6.298

-20 -1.588 -1.422 -1.295 -0.889 -0.497 0 0.271 0.716 1.084 1.531 2.074 2.428 2.912 3.357 3.852 4.380 4.963 5.455 5.896

-15 -1.856 -1.687 -1.553 -1.151 -0.790 -0.343 0 0.425 0.806 1.253 1.797 2.145 2.634 3.078 3.573 4.100 4.677 5.168 5.618

-10 -2.312 -2.143 -2.003 -1.572 -1.263 -0.771 -0.467 0 0.371 0.808 1.368 1.728 2.201 2.637 3.133 3.670 4.245 4.733 5.178

-5 -2.690 -2.560 -2.365 -1.965 -1.636 -1.160 -0.869 -0.400 0 0.432 0.979 1.346 1.823 2.263 2.759 3.295 3.859 4.352 4.803

0 -3.179 -3.014 -2.847 -2.400 -2.100 -1.609 -1.341 -0.868 -0.466 0 0.535 0.899 1.383 1.835 2.316 2.860 3.428 3.919 4.366

5 -3.716 -3.530 -3.390 -2.977 -2.642 -2.142 -1.913 -1.431 -1.013 -0.572 0 0.367 0.853 1.317 1.814 2.344 2.915 3.407 3.851

10 -4.107 -3.897 -3.760 -3.351 -3.032 -2.520 -2.233 -1.779 -1.415 -0.944 -0.374 0 0.478 0.932 1.436 1.967 2.546 3.037 3.480

15 -4.588 -4.409 -4.226 -3.836 -3.488 -3.006 -2.728 -2.274 -1.875 -1.442 -0.864 -0.485 0 0.454 0.957 1.502 2.070 2.562 3.006

20 -5.057 -4.855 -4.682 -4.322 -3.939 -3.457 -3.235 -2.747 -2.345 -1.896 -1.301 -0.929 -0.450 0 0.497 1.044 1.618 2.105 2.548

25 -5.541 -5.358 -5.203 -4.815 -4.458 -3.948 -3.713 -3.250 -2.844 -2.399 -1.805 -1.433 -0.962 -0.513 0 0.542 1.122 1.617 2.062

30 -6.049 -5.892 -5.711 -5.351 -5.001 -4.483 -4.261 -3.778 -3.376 -2.909 -2.351 -1.950 -1.499 -1.016 -0.539 0 0.574 1.071 1.523

35 -6.635 -6.470 -6.280 -5.934 -5.571 -5.077 -4.821 -4.351 -3.938 -3.510 -2.906 -2.539 -2.069 -1.623 -1.128 -0.547 0 0.488 0.936

40 -7.129 -6.978 -6.795 -6.425 -6.076 -5.564 -5.322 -4.855 -4.410 -3.995 -3.433 -3.045 -2.557 -2.100 -1.619 -1.045 -0.513 0 0.439

45 -7.597 -7.426 -7.253 -6.892 -6.516 -6.011 -5.792 -5.337 -4.875 -4.453 -3.885 -3.495 -3.009 -2.576 -2.086 -1.518 -0.983 -0.459 0



F4- 3MPa

°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.193 0.469 0.915 1.267 1.737 2.099 2.532 2.972 3.428 3.893 4.405 4.816 5.306 5.960 6.550 7.188 7.764 8.274

-40 -0.219 0 0.280 0.716 1.066 1.550 1.907 2.320 2.764 3.214 3.684 4.198 4.617 5.115 5.777 6.356 6.988 7.571 8.085

-35 -0.561 -0.351 0 0.402 0.752 1.221 1.585 2.024 2.443 2.895 3.362 3.878 4.312 4.805 5.469 6.049 6.688 7.262 7.776

-30 -0.962 -0.823 -0.509 0 0.326 0.792 1.165 1.606 2.031 2.485 2.951 3.470 3.893 4.379 5.042 5.623 6.265 6.843 7.349

-25 -1.331 -1.157 -0.857 -0.377 0 0.443 0.808 1.249 1.677 2.129 2.598 3.111 3.546 4.035 4.697 5.285 5.923 6.495 7.004

-20 -1.814 -1.650 -1.359 -0.888 -0.524 0 0.353 0.789 1.243 1.696 2.157 2.674 3.106 3.599 4.262 4.844 5.484 6.060 6.567

-15 -2.164 -2.011 -1.707 -1.229 -0.895 -0.420 0 0.425 0.868 1.328 1.800 2.303 2.738 3.228 3.892 4.470 5.112 5.689 6.198

-10 -2.659 -2.433 -2.137 -1.698 -1.340 -0.884 -0.466 0 0.433 0.899 1.372 1.880 2.307 2.802 3.466 4.048 4.682 5.266 5.772

-5 -3.066 -2.893 -2.610 -2.122 -1.777 -1.309 -0.942 -0.463 0 0.454 0.926 1.446 1.878 2.372 3.033 3.622 4.257 4.833 5.339

0 -3.538 -3.388 -3.062 -2.606 -2.262 -1.783 -1.397 -0.932 -0.489 0 0.466 0.990 1.423 1.914 2.576 3.163 3.803 4.377 4.883

5 -4.012 -3.841 -3.538 -3.091 -2.708 -2.251 -1.874 -1.402 -0.950 -0.474 0 0.516 0.953 1.449 2.106 2.691 3.332 3.904 4.413

10 -4.504 -4.362 -4.038 -3.595 -3.200 -2.776 -2.367 -1.908 -1.441 -0.990 -0.524 0 0.433 0.933 1.595 2.178 2.819 3.390 3.897

15 -4.962 -4.799 -4.471 -4.049 -3.666 -3.209 -2.796 -2.353 -1.861 -1.424 -0.964 -0.431 0 0.486 1.156 1.741 2.379 2.952 3.463

20 -5.452 -5.315 -4.969 -4.511 -4.161 -3.668 -3.298 -2.824 -2.362 -1.904 -1.437 -0.920 -0.498 0 0.671 1.263 1.896 2.468 2.973

25 -6.174 -5.956 -5.634 -5.220 -4.790 -4.360 -3.973 -3.493 -3.039 -2.601 -2.136 -1.606 -1.157 -0.693 0 0.601 1.254 1.826 2.331

30 -6.733 -6.535 -6.259 -5.770 -5.404 -4.958 -4.589 -4.062 -3.622 -3.185 -2.721 -2.183 -1.778 -1.292 -0.633 0 0.649 1.234 1.745

35 -7.423 -7.205 -6.891 -6.428 -6.045 -5.617 -5.272 -4.742 -4.277 -3.836 -3.407 -2.859 -2.434 -1.937 -1.255 -0.664 0 0.580 1.098

40 -7.994 -7.782 -7.461 -7.043 -6.649 -6.170 -5.834 -5.284 -4.897 -4.411 -4.000 -3.436 -3.017 -2.546 -1.834 -1.235 -0.569 0 0.516

45 -8.494 -8.308 -7.968 -7.561 -7.151 -6.733 -6.369 -5.811 -5.389 -4.935 -4.501 -3.959 -3.539 -3.068 -2.334 -1.773 -1.093 -0.515 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.190 0.503 0.915 1.283 1.689 2.126 2.440 2.858 3.285 3.749 4.192 4.708 5.241 5.779 6.365 7.001 7.571 8.104

-40 -0.216 0 0.303 0.690 1.066 1.474 1.924 2.245 2.646 3.075 3.556 3.984 4.513 5.016 5.574 6.168 6.798 7.375 7.902

-35 -0.550 -0.377 0 0.359 0.725 1.139 1.596 1.915 2.326 2.756 3.232 3.669 4.179 4.706 5.259 5.845 6.482 7.044 7.572

-30 -1.002 -0.799 -0.404 0 0.342 0.749 1.210 1.538 1.938 2.368 2.844 3.283 3.803 4.321 4.872 5.461 6.101 6.666 7.195

-25 -1.372 -1.149 -0.834 -0.398 0 0.379 0.834 1.163 1.582 2.004 2.486 2.923 3.439 3.951 4.511 5.095 5.733 6.296 6.825

-20 -1.774 -1.588 -1.218 -0.837 -0.449 0 0.432 0.760 1.186 1.614 2.087 2.524 3.034 3.553 4.103 4.700 5.336 5.899 6.427

-15 -2.256 -2.057 -1.725 -1.294 -0.931 -0.487 0 0.314 0.741 1.180 1.652 2.092 2.596 3.116 3.670 4.259 4.901 5.465 5.993

-10 -2.557 -2.374 -2.032 -1.631 -1.240 -0.831 -0.361 0 0.413 0.846 1.332 1.775 2.295 2.816 3.361 3.947 4.583 5.145 5.674

-5 -2.997 -2.787 -2.468 -2.083 -1.675 -1.229 -0.773 -0.430 0 0.425 0.910 1.359 1.858 2.377 2.937 3.529 4.178 4.736 5.265

0 -3.448 -3.199 -2.927 -2.495 -2.099 -1.668 -1.241 -0.865 -0.447 0 0.474 0.923 1.433 1.945 2.497 3.099 3.737 4.300 4.829

5 -3.942 -3.685 -3.383 -2.962 -2.591 -2.142 -1.685 -1.357 -0.912 -0.457 0 0.441 0.950 1.477 2.028 2.624 3.273 3.830 4.358

10 -4.379 -4.143 -3.848 -3.436 -3.018 -2.590 -2.162 -1.816 -1.371 -0.945 -0.469 0 0.495 1.028 1.590 2.175 2.821 3.380 3.908

15 -4.874 -4.635 -4.358 -3.940 -3.510 -3.085 -2.653 -2.305 -1.853 -1.408 -0.945 -0.513 0 0.528 1.093 1.683 2.327 2.885 3.413

20 -5.380 -5.152 -4.893 -4.459 -4.063 -3.573 -3.157 -2.888 -2.407 -1.964 -1.468 -1.049 -0.519 0 0.569 1.179 1.826 2.383 2.912

25 -5.944 -5.706 -5.453 -5.019 -4.606 -4.163 -3.753 -3.403 -2.962 -2.474 -2.046 -1.614 -1.096 -0.584 0 0.603 1.268 1.813 2.341

30 -6.566 -6.322 -6.087 -5.658 -5.195 -4.729 -4.322 -4.075 -3.563 -3.155 -2.677 -2.217 -1.682 -1.183 -0.586 0 0.651 1.219 1.748

35 -7.237 -6.980 -6.756 -6.315 -5.846 -5.443 -5.005 -4.708 -4.225 -3.778 -3.323 -2.908 -2.330 -1.869 -1.250 -0.608 0 0.567 1.096

40 -7.793 -7.574 -7.333 -6.876 -6.424 -6.005 -5.560 -5.275 -4.796 -4.370 -3.892 -3.444 -2.900 -2.426 -1.820 -1.221 -0.600 0 0.521

45 -8.332 -8.110 -7.872 -7.400 -6.952 -6.529 -6.126 -5.823 -5.344 -4.879 -4.447 -3.966 -3.465 -2.978 -2.336 -1.728 -1.114 -0.533 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 0.242 0.528 0.941 1.383 1.828 2.257 2.756 3.215 3.718 4.203 4.752 5.304 5.917 6.547 7.249 7.988 8.731 9.467

-40 -0.220 0 0.343 0.759 1.212 1.649 2.079 2.580 3.043 3.539 4.033 4.590 5.133 5.744 6.376 7.077 7.816 8.560 9.295

-35 -0.601 -0.362 0 0.395 0.835 1.286 1.734 2.191 2.679 3.174 3.656 4.213 4.756 5.363 5.995 6.696 7.433 8.182 8.917

-30 -1.029 -0.811 -0.457 0 0.417 0.854 1.308 1.799 2.255 2.770 3.252 3.806 4.353 4.951 5.587 6.287 7.026 7.777 8.514

-25 -1.498 -1.272 -0.937 -0.480 0 0.426 0.878 1.377 1.853 2.342 2.832 3.386 3.927 4.524 5.154 5.855 6.594 7.343 8.080

-20 -1.942 -1.720 -1.385 -0.950 -0.470 0 0.432 0.932 1.416 1.917 2.403 2.953 3.502 4.106 4.737 5.437 6.174 6.931 7.665

-15 -2.367 -2.191 -1.830 -1.376 -0.941 -0.444 0 0.484 0.966 1.481 1.953 2.511 3.058 3.662 4.295 4.996 5.735 6.484 7.221

-10 -2.864 -2.690 -2.324 -1.875 -1.415 -0.947 -0.467 0 0.473 0.989 1.472 2.020 2.563 3.161 3.798 4.499 5.235 5.981 6.716

-5 -3.382 -3.189 -2.820 -2.363 -1.918 -1.435 -0.975 -0.473 0 0.504 0.989 1.545 2.084 2.688 3.322 4.023 4.757 5.508 6.240

0 -3.853 -3.653 -3.318 -2.845 -2.398 -1.937 -1.459 -0.994 -0.500 0 0.486 1.045 1.598 2.187 2.831 3.532 4.266 5.020 5.752

5 -4.334 -4.164 -3.824 -3.369 -2.885 -2.424 -1.952 -1.487 -1.022 -0.472 0 0.545 1.099 1.706 2.337 3.037 3.777 4.527 5.265

10 -4.902 -4.706 -4.365 -3.922 -3.467 -2.970 -2.513 -2.030 -1.579 -1.059 -0.554 0 0.551 1.161 1.788 2.489 3.235 3.981 4.724

15 -5.452 -5.290 -4.940 -4.503 -3.994 -3.516 -3.044 -2.568 -2.124 -1.608 -1.102 -0.547 0 0.604 1.262 1.963 2.708 3.435 4.176

20 -6.043 -5.877 -5.512 -5.040 -4.618 -4.108 -3.672 -3.149 -2.724 -2.216 -1.703 -1.147 -0.594 0 0.661 1.378 2.104 2.853 3.593

25 -6.711 -6.564 -6.172 -5.729 -5.323 -4.762 -4.312 -3.847 -3.368 -2.896 -2.404 -1.812 -1.273 -0.645 0 0.721 1.479 2.201 2.946

30 -7.451 -7.264 -6.904 -6.434 -6.041 -5.467 -5.031 -4.592 -4.108 -3.644 -3.109 -2.570 -1.962 -1.409 -0.727 0 0.754 1.502 2.241

35 -8.204 -8.036 -7.672 -7.200 -6.811 -6.250 -5.791 -5.363 -4.864 -4.400 -3.861 -3.323 -2.735 -2.144 -1.478 -0.758 0 0.742 1.496

40 -8.966 -8.787 -8.393 -7.943 -7.568 -7.009 -6.523 -6.128 -5.610 -5.161 -4.641 -4.076 -3.483 -2.892 -2.250 -1.488 -0.766 0 0.753

45 -9.726 -9.562 -9.169 -8.713 -8.326 -7.761 -7.280 -6.911 -6.375 -5.936 -5.379 -4.854 -4.259 -3.661 -3.002 -2.271 -1.540 -0.763 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 -0.090 0.070 0.278 0.559 0.978 1.378 1.678 2.039 2.535 2.903 3.339 3.708 4.160 4.570 5.116 5.684 6.192 6.705

-40 -0.016 0 0.132 0.347 0.658 1.042 1.433 1.753 2.123 2.610 2.978 3.420 3.796 4.235 4.656 5.181 5.761 6.261 6.774

-35 -0.143 -0.156 0 0.202 0.461 0.844 1.237 1.559 1.936 2.461 2.815 3.256 3.605 4.038 4.466 4.990 5.563 6.069 6.582

-30 -0.370 -0.384 -0.259 0 0.185 0.568 0.957 1.258 1.674 2.123 2.492 2.930 3.335 3.766 4.195 4.719 5.291 5.802 6.314

-25 -0.701 -0.692 -0.585 -0.387 0 0.330 0.703 1.007 1.435 1.894 2.248 2.675 3.076 3.511 3.934 4.464 5.043 5.547 6.058

-20 -1.094 -1.136 -1.083 -0.776 -0.499 0 0.312 0.616 1.026 1.500 1.857 2.284 2.685 3.120 3.543 4.071 4.652 5.156 5.664

-15 -1.488 -1.496 -1.362 -1.137 -0.879 -0.493 0 0.269 0.671 1.147 1.514 1.956 2.344 2.772 3.203 3.726 4.304 4.810 5.319

-10 -1.818 -1.839 -1.687 -1.463 -1.208 -0.787 -0.382 0 0.391 0.851 1.226 1.674 2.080 2.501 2.931 3.461 4.036 4.543 5.049

-5 -2.130 -2.152 -2.081 -1.854 -1.536 -1.174 -0.774 -0.393 0 0.452 0.815 1.271 1.689 2.097 2.526 3.067 3.639 4.132 4.640

0 -2.640 -2.678 -2.539 -2.314 -2.030 -1.685 -1.281 -0.859 -0.516 0 0.342 0.794 1.216 1.651 2.080 2.607 3.178 3.687 4.195

5 -2.966 -3.044 -2.933 -2.642 -2.421 -2.045 -1.670 -1.252 -0.853 -0.386 0 0.448 0.870 1.304 1.733 2.253 2.829 3.338 3.846

10 -3.467 -3.530 -3.390 -3.098 -2.930 -2.557 -2.095 -1.712 -1.330 -0.896 -0.462 0 0.422 0.859 1.289 1.818 2.385 2.894 3.402

15 -3.862 -3.923 -3.851 -3.516 -3.309 -3.067 -2.540 -2.107 -1.759 -1.253 -0.919 -0.428 0 0.431 0.861 1.391 1.971 2.479 2.988

20 -4.320 -4.383 -4.238 -3.976 -3.775 -3.394 -2.992 -2.565 -2.269 -1.732 -1.309 -0.937 -0.516 0 0.421 0.956 1.535 2.043 2.552

25 -4.762 -4.758 -4.712 -4.400 -4.120 -3.919 -3.362 -2.960 -2.629 -2.169 -1.723 -1.330 -0.919 -0.462 0 0.526 1.106 1.616 2.124

30 -5.255 -5.350 -5.282 -4.987 -4.707 -4.428 -3.913 -3.483 -3.138 -2.673 -2.249 -1.849 -1.442 -1.002 -0.591 0 0.580 1.090 1.598

35 -5.814 -5.876 -5.838 -5.480 -5.233 -5.018 -4.505 -4.130 -3.770 -3.289 -2.868 -2.480 -2.015 -1.607 -1.229 -0.515 0 0.506 1.017

40 -6.340 -6.352 -6.360 -5.976 -5.759 -5.528 -5.031 -4.588 -4.288 -3.782 -3.319 -2.955 -2.541 -2.101 -1.689 -1.042 -0.526 0 0.500

45 -6.809 -6.850 -6.883 -6.451 -6.285 -6.042 -5.503 -5.077 -4.779 -4.290 -3.808 -3.481 -3.060 -2.624 -2.188 -1.533 -1.044 -0.475 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 -0.037 0.178 0.591 0.959 1.378 1.784 2.205 2.589 3.044 3.490 3.930 4.426 4.867 5.501 6.038 6.666 7.237 7.854

-40 -0.034 0 0.214 0.623 1.007 1.413 1.830 2.255 2.661 3.105 3.545 4.023 4.477 4.940 5.531 6.085 6.718 7.292 7.895

-35 -0.302 -0.272 0 0.362 0.744 1.133 1.567 1.984 2.400 2.825 3.279 3.761 4.214 4.670 5.300 5.814 6.455 7.028 7.632

-30 -0.702 -0.633 -0.391 0 0.358 0.763 1.164 1.606 1.997 2.422 2.917 3.349 3.803 4.316 4.902 5.395 6.045 6.649 7.222

-25 -1.086 -1.010 -0.884 -0.493 0 0.376 0.788 1.217 1.626 2.065 2.535 2.985 3.437 3.924 4.523 5.064 5.684 6.266 6.860

-20 -1.511 -1.498 -1.345 -0.850 -0.493 0 0.386 0.839 1.244 1.678 2.125 2.603 3.057 3.513 4.145 4.693 5.281 5.896 6.457

-15 -1.873 -1.831 -1.738 -1.278 -1.015 -0.516 0 0.430 0.833 1.291 1.744 2.217 2.671 3.131 3.759 4.270 4.893 5.477 6.071

-10 -2.383 -2.222 -2.253 -1.738 -1.344 -0.867 -0.505 0 0.378 0.830 1.292 1.767 2.218 2.675 3.303 3.825 4.432 5.049 5.610

-5 -2.806 -2.746 -2.711 -2.105 -1.765 -1.324 -0.900 -0.411 0 0.444 0.906 1.389 1.840 2.297 2.925 3.446 4.070 4.683 5.245

0 -3.299 -3.102 -3.104 -2.582 -2.268 -1.793 -1.363 -0.906 -0.507 0 0.453 0.937 1.392 1.856 2.487 3.035 3.643 4.257 4.818

5 -3.710 -3.624 -3.628 -3.058 -2.783 -2.287 -1.856 -1.367 -0.974 -0.460 0 0.468 0.940 1.396 2.018 2.573 3.149 3.763 4.324

10 -4.236 -4.117 -4.025 -3.566 -3.255 -2.698 -2.310 -1.870 -1.480 -0.921 -0.454 0 0.447 0.918 1.549 2.080 2.687 3.301 3.863

15 -4.759 -4.618 -4.484 -4.060 -3.742 -3.222 -2.787 -2.326 -1.940 -1.443 -0.908 -0.494 0 0.461 1.097 1.640 2.239 2.854 3.417

20 -5.221 -5.045 -5.010 -4.551 -4.252 -3.705 -3.277 -2.786 -2.450 -1.936 -1.356 -0.921 -0.458 0 0.629 1.184 1.783 2.396 2.957

25 -5.977 -5.713 -5.601 -5.185 -4.827 -4.457 -4.015 -3.449 -3.023 -2.563 -2.079 -1.610 -1.152 -0.657 0 0.526 1.155 1.768 2.328

30 -6.437 -6.177 -6.120 -5.709 -5.353 -4.904 -4.494 -3.948 -3.609 -3.089 -2.596 -2.131 -1.612 -1.159 -0.497 0 0.629 1.250 1.827

35 -7.124 -6.867 -6.720 -6.443 -5.977 -5.545 -5.161 -4.603 -4.328 -3.678 -3.345 -2.785 -2.270 -1.816 -1.148 -0.672 0 0.621 1.198

40 -7.754 -7.477 -7.361 -6.955 -6.627 -6.200 -5.817 -5.244 -4.917 -4.278 -3.931 -3.416 -2.807 -2.405 -1.792 -1.304 -0.556 0 0.574

45 -8.264 -8.084 -7.888 -7.53 -7.169 -6.786 -6.338 -5.762 -5.444 -4.927 -4.471 -3.879 -3.369 -3.001 -2.381 -1.820 -1.140 -0.592 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 -0.016 0.419 0.748 1.112 1.506 1.870 2.257 2.705 3.125 3.596 4.030 4.544 5.021 5.593 6.111 6.738 7.349 7.952

-40 -0.131 0 0.288 0.608 0.972 1.382 1.730 2.129 2.574 3.018 3.481 3.898 4.413 4.889 5.470 5.979 6.606 7.217 7.829

-35 -0.436 -0.339 0 0.304 0.672 1.077 1.430 1.833 2.253 2.689 3.152 3.600 4.117 4.589 5.141 5.681 6.308 6.921 7.500

-30 -0.821 -0.800 -0.296 0 0.343 0.734 1.101 1.504 1.949 2.344 2.815 3.269 3.756 4.240 4.812 5.350 5.977 6.560 7.171

-25 -1.206 -1.112 -0.672 -0.384 0 0.373 0.740 1.143 1.589 1.994 2.474 2.936 3.431 3.934 4.479 5.019 5.646 6.237 6.838

-20 -1.530 -1.505 -1.090 -0.844 -0.510 0 0.361 0.765 1.211 1.653 2.108 2.557 3.045 3.547 4.101 4.639 5.266 5.849 6.460

-15 -1.923 -1.896 -1.482 -1.221 -0.839 -0.438 0 0.386 0.835 1.283 1.731 2.171 2.658 3.161 3.723 4.252 4.880 5.462 6.082

-10 -2.351 -2.354 -1.941 -1.714 -1.295 -0.931 -0.510 0 0.424 0.871 1.343 1.803 2.288 2.774 3.324 3.887 4.514 5.099 5.685

-5 -2.808 -2.794 -2.399 -2.109 -1.689 -1.325 -0.890 -0.460 0 0.440 0.908 1.384 1.869 2.342 2.909 3.460 4.087 4.671 5.272

0 -3.269 -3.218 -2.827 -2.535 -2.180 -1.816 -1.287 -0.936 -0.483 0 0.458 0.935 1.425 1.929 2.489 3.039 3.663 4.244 4.853

5 -3.703 -3.736 -3.315 -3.041 -2.637 -2.243 -1.761 -1.404 -0.905 -0.409 0 0.467 0.956 1.469 1.996 2.545 3.178 3.767 4.359

10 -4.159 -4.208 -3.776 -3.501 -3.146 -2.759 -2.279 -1.904 -1.413 -0.933 -0.500 0 0.493 1.000 1.551 2.081 2.715 3.305 3.911

15 -4.685 -4.666 -4.260 -3.980 -3.607 -3.279 -2.723 -2.398 -1.898 -1.458 -1.011 -0.505 0 0.493 1.044 1.618 2.222 2.811 3.405

20 -5.145 -5.187 -4.744 -4.473 -4.098 -3.679 -3.249 -2.921 -2.424 -1.910 -1.521 -1.027 -0.526 0 0.551 1.125 1.729 2.302 2.936

25 -5.742 -5.773 -5.303 -4.975 -4.651 -4.320 -3.740 -3.446 -2.948 -2.434 -2.014 -1.561 -0.994 -0.499 0 0.551 1.203 1.776 2.364

30 -6.243 -6.279 -5.829 -5.561 -5.240 -4.844 -4.303 -3.972 -3.471 -2.952 -2.595 -2.077 -1.545 -1.031 -0.587 0 0.629 1.253 1.846

35 -6.967 -6.937 -6.574 -6.267 -5.826 -5.530 -4.964 -4.623 -4.090 -3.590 -3.349 -2.843 -2.232 -1.816 -1.179 -0.657 0 0.625 1.217

40 -7.587 -7.578 -7.068 -6.847 -6.451 -6.153 -5.597 -5.270 -4.748 -4.175 -3.941 -3.434 -2.857 -2.411 -1.899 -1.296 -0.625 0 0.588

45 -8.179 -8.167 -7.734 -7.489 -7.043 -6.712 -6.221 -5.830 -5.320 -4.816 -4.584 -4.059 -3.438 -3.036 -2.487 -1.918 -1.248 -0.592 0




°C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

-45 0 -0.034 0.285 0.700 1.209 1.629 2.064 2.486 2.960 3.418 3.872 4.383 4.814 5.444 5.946 6.621 7.320 7.972 8.604

-40 -0.099 0 0.304 0.711 1.127 1.562 1.973 2.354 2.861 3.286 3.740 4.251 4.732 5.362 5.867 6.521 7.219 7.872 8.503

-35 -0.491 -0.436 0 0.378 0.765 1.200 1.644 2.050 2.499 2.986 3.407 3.947 4.428 5.057 5.563 6.176 6.874 7.526 8.158

-30 -0.992 -0.827 -0.506 0 0.378 0.789 1.217 1.663 2.113 2.575 3.028 3.544 4.025 4.654 5.160 5.789 6.487 7.140 7.771

-25 -1.480 -1.187 -0.905 -0.510 0 0.411 0.851 1.298 1.747 2.205 2.630 3.158 3.639 4.268 4.773 5.403 6.101 6.753 7.385

-20 -1.873 -1.701 -1.399 -0.905 -0.458 0 0.427 0.871 1.336 1.788 2.234 2.759 3.240 3.869 4.375 4.999 5.697 6.350 6.981

-15 -2.378 -2.096 -1.857 -1.297 -0.853 -0.510 0 0.435 0.895 1.369 1.836 2.331 2.816 3.446 3.951 4.579 5.277 5.931 6.562

-10 -2.769 -2.585 -2.297 -1.789 -1.365 -0.970 -0.497 0 0.448 0.923 1.389 1.916 2.403 3.032 3.538 4.135 4.833 5.487 6.132

-5 -3.271 -2.982 -2.755 -2.272 -1.727 -1.477 -1.004 -0.498 0 0.462 0.937 1.461 1.943 2.572 3.078 3.707 4.405 5.058 5.689

0 -3.766 -3.508 -3.209 -2.732 -2.250 -1.888 -1.462 -0.956 -0.516 0 0.469 0.997 1.474 2.103 2.609 3.238 3.936 4.589 5.220

5 -4.224 -3.909 -3.732 -3.242 -2.775 -2.348 -1.968 -1.478 -1.021 -0.462 0 0.508 1.011 1.642 2.140 2.770 3.467 4.120 4.751

10 -4.750 -4.432 -4.188 -3.760 -3.286 -2.849 -2.494 -1.994 -1.534 -0.955 -0.521 0 0.493 1.130 1.641 2.264 2.962 3.615 4.237

15 -5.252 -4.954 -4.712 -4.229 -3.800 -3.375 -2.954 -2.510 -2.049 -1.482 -1.015 -0.524 0 0.629 1.139 1.773 2.470 3.123 3.769

20 -5.906 -5.604 -5.313 -4.822 -4.449 -4.023 -3.677 -3.129 -2.739 -2.136 -1.633 -1.113 -0.592 0 0.510 1.149 1.841 2.494 3.120

25 -6.364 -6.123 -5.823 -5.315 -4.843 -4.451 -4.170 -3.619 -3.195 -2.537 -2.154 -1.638 -1.107 -0.526 0 0.629 1.340 1.993 2.618

30 -7.087 -6.715 -6.477 -5.966 -5.534 -5.141 -4.820 -4.274 -3.857 -3.202 -2.808 -2.295 -1.773 -1.115 -0.564 0 0.711 1.369 1.994

35 -7.778 -7.483 -7.201 -6.686 -6.283 -5.837 -5.545 -5.030 -4.560 -3.968 -3.458 -2.987 -2.501 -1.888 -1.346 -0.754 0 0.658 1.295

40 -8.405 -8.154 -7.860 -7.467 -6.931 -6.561 -6.137 -5.681 -5.176 -4.573 -4.165 -3.704 -3.163 -2.542 -2.001 -1.407 -0.623 0 0.629

45 -9.043 -8.779 -8.512 -8.063 -7.588 -7.202 -6.811 -6.338 -5.798 -5.197 -4.787 -4.296 -3.920 -3.151 -2.646 -2.067 -1.289 -0.608 0



A.2 Time-Stress Superposition Shift Factors F1

T(°C) σr 1 3 5 8

σ 3 5 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 3 5

-45 H -0.279 -2.265 -3.588 0.067 -0.274 -2.369 0.534 0.468 -2.056 2.704 2.573 0.469

V 0.491 0.653 0.829 -0.507 0.202 0.354 -0.700 -0.193 0.161 -0.858 -0.358 -0.194

-40 H -0.279 -2.265 -3.843 0.066 -0.655 -2.562 0.535 0.468 -2.056 2.975 2.647 0.789

V 0.499 0.668 0.846 -0.492 0.201 0.363 -0.701 -0.193 0.161 -0.850 -0.347 -0.185

-35 H -0.551 -2.655 -4.233 0.067 -0.264 -0.253 0.856 0.789 -1.908 2.975 2.647 0.789

V 0.499 0.660 0.922 -0.507 0.201 0.411 -0.693 -0.185 0.161 -0.862 -0.354 -0.185

-30 H -0.551 -2.655 -4.237 0.066 -0.558 -2.663 0.859 0.793 -1.908 3.119 2.651 0.794

V 0.495 0.648 0.809 -0.499 0.193 0.330 -0.685 -0.185 0.145 -0.837 -0.346 -0.185

-25 H -0.647 -2.750 -4.821 0.067 -0.563 -2.668 1.512 1.216 -2.105 3.633 3.165 1.390

V 0.499 0.645 0.781 -0.523 0.193 0.330 -0.692 -0.177 0.137 -0.813 -0.315 -0.161

-20 H -0.645 -2.750 -4.821 0.140 -1.060 -3.036 2.498 1.972 -2.105 4.472 3.946 1.974

V 0.491 0.620 0.749 -0.507 0.177 0.306 -0.644 -0.145 0.121 -0.765 -0.266 -0.129

-15 H -1.036 -3.015 -5.000 0.296 7.32E-5 -2.172 2.515 1.989 -2.105 4.620 4.094 2.105

V 0.483 0.612 0.741 -0.507 0.2178 0.323 -0.620 -0.129 0.113 -0.733 -0.242 -0.112

-10 H -1.060 -3.122 -4.755 0.470 -2.068 -4.204 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.467 0.580 0.685 -0.499 0.113 0.218 -0.612 -0.113 0.104 -0.717 -0.218 -0.105

-5 H -1.060 -3.122 -4.755 0.470 -2.068 -4.204 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.467 0.572 0.700 -0.491 0.104 0.193 -0.580 -0.104 0.097 -0.668 -0.185 -0.089

0 H -1.317 -3.411 -5.472 0.794 -2.066 -3.974 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.451 0.548 0.636 -0.475 0.096 0.193 -0.563 -0.081 0.097 -0.668 -0.177 -0.089

5 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.873 -2.066 -3.924 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.435 0.524 0.596 -0.484 0.081 0.177 -0.548 -0.072 0.072 -0.628 -0.145 -0.065

10 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 1.044 -2.104 -3.917 2.897 2.104 -2.105 5.002 4.209 2.105

V 0.427 0.507 0.572 -0.459 0.077 0.165 -0.540 -0.064 0.064 -0.596 -0.120 -0.056

15 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 1.151 -2.054 -3.976 2.897 2.104 -2.105 5.002 4.209 2.105

V 0.435 0.499 0.556 -0.454 0.059 0.135 -0.540 -0.065 0.065 -0.612 -0.137 -0.064

20 H -1.585 -3.689 -5.794 1.102 -2.066 -4.213 2.975 2.104 -2.105 5.080 4.209 2.105

V 0.419 0.467 0.524 -0.451 0.064 0.112 -0.524 -0.056 0.056 -0.588 -0.120 -0.056

25 H -1.585 -3.689 -5.674 1.220 -2.084 -4.223 3.320 2.104 -2.105 5.425 4.209 2.105

V 0.419 0.476 0.532 -0.443 0.048 0.081 -0.483 -0.033 0.041 -0.540 -0.089 -0.032

30 H -1.976 -4.070 -6.165 1.572 -2.084 -4.230 3.494 2.105 -2.071 5.599 4.210 2.105

V 0.370 0.411 0.451 -0.411 0.049 0.081 -0.457 -0.034 0.034 -0.473 -0.050 -0.017

35 H -1.976 -4.070 -6.175 1.865 -2.104 -4.226 3.957 2.100 -2.071 6.062 4.205 2.105

V 0.363 0.386 0.419 -0.370 0.024 0.049 -0.371 0.000 0.034 -0.371 0.000 0.000

40 H -1.977 -3.916 -6.021 1.857 -1.973 -4.068 3.781 1.923 -2.105 5.887 4.029 2.105

V 0.379 0.378 0.394 -0.389 0.000 0.000 -0.402 0.000 0.016 -0.406 0.000 0.000

45 H -1.977 -3.850 -5.935 1.996 -1.989 -4.094 3.814 1.841 -2.105 5.901 3.929 2.087

V 0.386 0.394 0.402 -0.379 0.000 0.000 -0.378 0.000 0.000 -0.372 0.000 0.000




T(°C) σr 1 3 5 8

σ 3 5 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 3 5

-45 H -0.270 -2.265 -3.588 0.066 -0.558 -2.539 1.282 1.216 -1.661 2.640 2.574 0.469

V 0.475 0.572 0.781 -0.475 0.129 0.322 -0.588 -0.113 0.202 -0.801 -0.314 -0.220

-40 H -0.279 -2.265 -3.588 0.066 -0.558 -2.539 2.038 1.971 -1.055 2.574 2.574 0.469

V 0.484 0.572 0.772 -0.483 0.125 0.306 -0.580 -0.097 0.202 -0.794 -0.304 -0.220

-35 H -0.279 -2.265 -3.843 0.067 -0.655 -2.582 2.172 2.105 -1.238 2.894 2.894 0.789

V 0.476 0.563 0.758 -0.483 0.121 0.306 -0.558 -0.084 0.186 -0.795 -0.305 -0.220

-30 H -0.551 -2.655 -4.233 0.067 -0.563 -2.668 2.172 2.105 -1.499 2.894 2.894 0.789

V 0.471 0.551 0.729 -0.491 0.129 0.298 -0.564 -0.082 0.180 -0.772 -0.282 -0.200

-25 H -0.647 -2.750 -4.821 0.066 -0.641 -2.617 2.172 2.105 -1.710 2.965 2.898 0.793

V 0.471 0.542 0.695 -0.484 0.121 0.281 -0.558 -0.068 0.186 -0.760 -0.287 -0.203

-20 H -0.647 -2.750 -4.821 0.140 -1.060 -3.036 2.244 2.104 -2.105 3.461 3.321 1.217

V 0.459 0.531 0.683 -0.484 0.106 0.265 -0.548 -0.071 0.153 -0.731 -0.248 -0.177

-15 H -1.060 -3.164 -5.152 0.147 -1.315 -3.290 2.245 2.105 -1.971 3.963 3.963 1.858

V 0.448 0.507 0.648 -0.480 0.094 0.242 -0.547 -0.064 0.145 -0.692 -0.202 -0.145

-10 H -1.060 -3.164 -4.621 0.147 -2.104 -4.159 2.245 2.105 -1.971 4.218 4.078 1.973

V 0.454 0.506 0.666 -0.486 0.052 0.189 -0.541 -0.051 0.135 -0.659 -0.185 -0.135

-5 H -1.060 -3.164 -4.621 0.147 -2.104 -4.199 2.401 2.105 -1.971 4.276 4.210 2.105

V 0.442 0.489 0.648 -0.477 0.042 0.165 -0.523 -0.050 0.135 -0.659 -0.186 -0.135

0 H -1.060 -3.164 -4.876 0.470 -2.104 -4.199 2.574 2.105 1.4E-4 4.679 4.210 2.105

V 0.442 0.484 0.620 -0.465 0.035 0.142 -0.506 -0.033 0.220 -0.609 -0.135 -0.102

5 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.794 -2.066 -4.170 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.411 0.435 0.539 -0.459 0.040 0.137 -0.484 -0.033 0.105 -0.580 -0.129 -0.104

10 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.871 -2.104 -4.006 2.894 2.105 1.5E-4 4.679 4.210 2.105

V 0.403 0.427 0.515 -0.442 0.032 0.137 -0.457 0.000 0.236 -0.558 -0.085 -0.068

15 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.957 -2.062 -4.042 2.894 2.105 1.5E-4 4.999 4.210 2.105

V 0.402 0.419 0.499 -0.442 0.024 0.112 -0.439 0.000 0.220 -0.558 -0.101 -0.068

20 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 1.039 -2.104 -4.199 2.898 2.105 -2.071 5.003 4.210 2.105

V 0.402 0.411 0.476 -0.443 0.000 0.072 -0.439 0.000 0.068 -0.558 -0.085 -0.068

25 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 1.121 -2.104 -4.199 2.898 2.105 -2.071 5.003 4.210 2.105

V 0.403 0.411 0.475 -0.427 0.000 0.064 -0.439 0.000 0.068 -0.506 -0.051 -0.051

30 H -1.582 -3.656 -5.721 1.133 -2.084 -4.192 2.939 2.085 -2.105 5.046 4.191 2.105

V 0.394 0.411 0.451 -0.419 0.000 0.048 -0.443 0.000 0.040 -0.490 -0.051 -0.033

35 H -1.582 -3.656 -5.721 1.220 -2.098 -4.203 3.255 2.038 -2.105 5.361 4.144 2.105

V 0.394 0.402 0.435 -0.418 0.000 0.030 -0.418 0.000 0.030 -0.406 0.000 0.000

40 H -1.977 -3.965 -6.060 1.775 -1.995 -4.100 3.748 1.973 1.8E-4 5.854 4.079 2.105

V 0.342 0.348 0.371 -0.360 0.000 0.000 -0.355 0.000 0.220 -0.355 0.000 0.000

45 H -1.977 -3.916 -6.021 1.972 -1.973 -4.068 3.880 1.908 1.8E-4 5.952 3.979 2.072

V 0.336 0.342 0.342 -0.337 0.000 0.000 -0.338 0.000 0.254 -0.337 0.000 0.000




T(°C) σr 1 3 5 8

σ 3 5 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 3 5

-45 H -0.279 -2.270 -3.580 0.067 -0.278 -2.383 0.037 -6.4E-5 -0.286 0.333 0.296 0.296

V 0.471 0.671 0.884 -0.490 0.236 0.430 -0.725 -0.236 0.230 -0.948 -0.465 -0.230

-40 H -0.279 -2.270 -3.588 0.067 -0.278 -2.383 0.535 0.468 -2.056 3.033 2.573 0.469

V 0.489 0.672 0.884 -0.489 0.230 0.418 -0.719 -0.224 0.195 -0.896 -0.415 -0.233

-35 H -0.551 -2.527 -3.566 0.068 -0.279 -0.279 0.535 0.468 -2.056 3.041 2.573 0.469

V 0.477 0.672 0.896 -0.483 0.242 0.477 -0.716 -0.224 0.195 -0.896 -0.412 -0.230

-30 H -0.551 -2.527 -3.566 0.066 -0.655 -2.563 0.535 0.468 -2.056 3.115 2.647 0.789

V 0.474 0.660 0.878 -0.491 0.218 0.402 -0.717 -0.217 0.185 -0.878 -0.407 -0.224

-25 H -0.641 -2.680 -4.262 0.067 -0.658 -2.565 0.856 0.789 -1.908 3.115 2.647 0.789

V 0.467 0.645 0.846 -0.483 0.218 0.407 -0.693 -0.218 0.193 -0.885 -0.411 -0.225

-20 H -0.641 -2.680 -4.266 0.066 -0.655 -2.628 0.933 0.793 -1.908 3.119 2.651 0.794

V 0.467 0.637 0.829 -0.483 0.210 0.394 -0.693 -0.209 0.185 -0.854 -0.386 -0.217

-15 H -1.036 -3.020 -4.594 0.140 -1.046 -2.870 2.009 1.216 -1.908 3.683 2.894 1.217

V 0.451 0.620 0.821 -0.475 0.210 0.403 -0.652 -0.193 0.177 -0.846 -0.394 -0.210

-10 H -1.036 -3.020 -4.660 0.469 7.9E-5 -2.136 2.178 1.389 -2.105 3.954 3.165 1.390

V 0.443 0.604 0.789 -0.459 0.234 0.394 -0.645 -0.185 0.169 -0.822 -0.363 -0.193

-5 H -1.036 -3.015 -4.995 0.469 7.9E-5 -2.136 2.646 1.857 -2.105 4.503 3.714 1.858

V 0.443 0.604 0.773 -0.468 0.242 0.394 -0.611 -0.161 0.154 -0.781 -0.338 -0.169

0 H -1.317 -3.296 -5.391 0.469 7.8E-5 2.136 2.778 1.989 -2.105 4.767 3.978 1.990

V 0.419 0.563 0.724 -0.460 0.242 0.395 -0.588 -0.153 0.153 -0.757 -0.306 -0.161

5 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.657 0.789 3.5E-4 -1.907 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.402 0.539 0.693 -0.443 0.233 0.402 -0.572 -0.137 0.145 -0.708 -0.273 -0.145

10 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.789 3.5E-4 0.005 2.893 2.104 -2.105 4.998 4.209 2.105

V 0.394 0.524 0.668 -0.442 0.242 0.507 -0.555 -0.121 0.145 -0.693 -0.257 -0.136

15 H -1.578 -3.682 -5.787 0.793 3.5E-4 -1.905 2.897 2.104 -2.105 5.002 4.209 2.105

V 0.379 0.507 0.644 -0.435 0.242 0.394 -0.555 -0.121 0.137 -0.676 -0.250 -0.137

20 H -1.584 -3.650 -5.712 1.130 -2.104 -3.921 2.897 2.104 -2.105 5.002 4.209 2.105

V 0.386 0.499 0.637 -0.403 0.113 0.266 -0.532 -0.105 0.137 -0.668 -0.215 -0.129

25 H -1.584 -3.650 -5.712 1.220 -2.104 -4.199 2.859 2.070 -2.105 5.425 4.209 2.105

V 0.371 0.475 0.604 -0.386 0.105 0.225 -0.539 -0.105 0.129 -0.628 -0.234 -0.129

30 H -1.976 -4.070 -5.955 1.571 -2.084 -3.902 3.493 2.104 -2.105 5.598 4.209 2.105

V 0.330 0.4423 0.580 -0.354 0.097 0.242 -0.467 -0.097 0.121 -0.588 -0.201 -0.121

35 H -1.976 -4.070 -6.175 1.989 -2.104 -4.218 4.076 2.104 -2.105 6.181 4.209 2.105

V 0.315 0.394 0.492 -0.315 0.089 0.193 -0.394 -0.081 0.113 -0.507 -0.193 -0.112

40 H -1.964 -4.070 -6.165 2.000 -2.104 -4.161 4.093 2.104 -2.105 6.205 4.209 2.105

V 0.290 0.363 0.467 -0.298 0.064 0.161 -0.346 -0.056 0.089 -0.459 -0.177 -0.105

45 H -2.104 -4.172 -6.277 2.104 -2.034 -4.181 4.208 2.104 -2.105 6.313 4.209 2.105

V 0.236 0.322 0.411 -0.274 0.064 0.145 -0.322 -0.049 0.089 -0.402 -0.129 -0.081




T(°C) σr 1 3 5 8

σ 3 5 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 3 5

-45 H -0.279 -2.270 -3.383 0.067 -0.655 -2.461 2.170 2.104 -1.055 0.103 0.067 0.067

V 0.451 0.467 0.781 -0.459 0.041 0.330 -0.459 0.000 0.314 -0.829 -0.379 -0.330

-40 H -0.279 -2.270 -3.383 0.067 -0.655 -2.461 2.170 2.104 -1.055 0.103 0.067 0.067

V 0.451 0.475 0.789 -0.459 0.041 0.338 -0.451 0.000 0.306 -0.837 -0.394 -0.330

-35 H -0.551 -2.665 -2.918 0.066 -0.558 -2.441 2.170 2.104 -1.055 0.177 0.140 0.140

V 0.442 0.451 0.773 -0.459 0.0399 0.330 -0.459 0.000 0.314 -0.846 -0.379 -0.322

-30 H -0.641 -2.683 -3.736 0.066 -0.641 -2.615 2.038 1.972 -1.055 0.831 0.765 0.296

V 0.442 0.443 0.757 -0.455 0.040 0.322 -0.459 0.000 0.310 -0.821 -0.363 -0.314

-25 H -0.641 -2.580 -3.561 0.140 -1.060 -2.647 1.695 1.816 -1.055 2.574 2.507 0.469

V 0.437 0.436 0.742 -0.460 0.021 0.304 -0.468 0.000 0.300 -0.763 -0.303 -0.312

-20 H -0.641 -2.480 -3.534 2.104 -1.529 -2.116 1.645 1.578 -1.055 2.697 2.631 0.789

V 0.436 0.430 0.731 -0.389 0.000 0.312 -0.466 0.000 0.295 -0.754 -0.295 -0.306

-15 H -1.036 -2.640 -4.102 0.469 -2.088 -3.543 1.641 1.574 -1.521 2.762 2.631 0.789

V 0.425 0.419 0.695 -0.442 -0.024 0.253 -0.468 0.000 0.277 -0.742 -0.277 -0.295

-10 H -1.036 -2.610 -4.251 0.469 -2.088 -3.543 1.111 1.044 -1.661 2.766 2.635 0.794

V 0.424 0.407 0.678 -0.448 -0.036 0.248 -0.477 0.000 0.265 -0.725 -0.265 -0.300

-5 H -1.317 -2.896 -4.720 0.789 -1.841 -3.486 1.356 1.052 -1.727 2.992 2.795 1.217

V 0.407 0.389 0.642 -0.430 -0.030 0.230 -0.460 0.000 0.265 -0.725 -0.265 -0.283

0 H -1.578 -2.631 -4.674 0.789 -1.841 -3.815 1.430 0.970 -2.056 3.165 2.705 1.390

V 0.395 0.401 0.631 -0.436 -0.047 0.195 -0.454 0.000 0.230 -0.713 -0.259 -0.277

5 H -1.578 -2.645 -4.618 0.793 -1.841 -3.815 1.676 0.887 -2.105 3.534 2.745 1.858

V 0.383 0.371 0.595 -0.424 -0.059 0.165 -0.430 0.000 0.218 -0.654 -0.230 -0.230

10 H -1.582 -2.619 -4.674 0.793 -1.956 -4.051 1.534 0.745 -2.105 3.523 2.734 1.990

V 0.383 0.359 0.566 -0.436 -0.082 0.124 -0.430 0.000 0.212 -0.654 -0.212 -0.218

15 H -1.582 -2.619 -4.674 1.220 -1.578 -3.683 1.551 0.762 -2.105 3.651 2.862 2.105

V 0.371 0.354 0.566 -0.389 -0.064 0.142 -0.424 0.000 0.206 -0.625 -0.200 -0.200

20 H -1.645 -2.537 -4.642 1.568 -1.004 -3.109 1.683 0.763 -2.105 3.789 2.868 2.105

V 0.359 0.354 0.542 -0.359 -0.023 0.171 -0.418 0.000 0.189 -0.613 -0.197 -0.195

25 H -1.984 -2.602 -4.655 1.775 -0.744 -2.849 1.728 0.602 -2.105 3.833 2.707 2.105

V 0.330 0.324 0.513 -0.360 0.000 0.183 -0.418 0.000 0.183 -0.583 -0.183 -0.183

30 H -1.976 -2.609 -4.659 1.996 -0.597 -2.702 2.140 0.578 -2.105 4.244 2.683 2.105

V 0.318 0.312 0.495 -0.312 0.000 0.171 -0.359 0.000 0.177 -0.531 -0.177 -0.177

35 H -2.104 -2.655 -4.726 2.104 -0.542 -2.627 2.433 0.526 -2.105 4.550 2.643 2.105

V 0.283 0.277 0.466 -0.289 0.000 0.183 -0.312 0.000 0.183 -0.477 -0.176 -0.174

40 H -2.104 -2.655 -4.726 2.104 -0.528 -2.623 2.423 0.517 -2.105 4.538 2.631 2.105

V 0.271 0.271 0.466 -0.265 0.000 0.183 -0.301 0.000 0.177 -0.489 -0.189 -0.189

45 H -2.104 -2.655 -4.726 2.104 -0.542 -2.627 2.433 0.526 -2.105 4.545 2.638 2.105

V 0.247 0.212 0.415 -0.274 0.000 0.194 -0.292 0.000 0.203 -0.495 -0.195 -0.203




T(°C) σr 1 3 5 8

σ 3 5 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 3 5

-45 H -0.283 -0.846 -2.834 0.076 -0.279 -2.374 0.062 -0.023 -0.289 2.291 2.064 1.968

V 0.395 0.743 0.828 -0.390 0.367 0.442 -0.761 -0.357 0.113 -0.828 -0.442 -0.085

-40 H -0.283 -0.846 -2.834 0.067 -0.274 -2.369 0.067 0.000 -0.289 2.235 2.169 2.105

V 0.405 0.743 0.818 -0.395 0.358 0.433 -0.767 -0.367 0.108 -0.837 -0.433 -0.075

-35 H -0.284 -0.858 -2.813 0.067 -0.275 -2.370 0.066 0.000 -0.287 2.233 2.172 2.105

V 0.395 0.752 0.837 -0.405 0.358 0.433 -0.757 -0.367 0.113 -0.828 -0.423 -0.066

-30 H -0.587 -2.494 -4.378 0.067 -0.281 -2.385 0.067 0.000 -0.288 2.214 2.172 2.105

V 0.395 0.720 0.790 -0.395 0.366 0.433 -0.757 -0.358 0.113 -0.818 -0.423 -0.066

-25 H -0.669 -2.474 -4.579 0.067 -0.274 -2.369 0.067 0.000 -0.287 2.320 2.252 2.105

V 0.385 0.706 0.762 -0.405 0.358 0.405 -0.771 -0.367 0.103 -0.800 -0.414 -0.056

-20 H -0.647 -2.465 -4.570 0.067 -0.274 -2.369 0.067 0.000 -0.287 2.463 2.252 2.105

V 0.386 0.705 0.771 -0.405 0.358 0.423 -0.771 -0.376 0.094 -0.809 -0.405 -0.047

-15 H -1.044 -2.604 -4.664 0.146 -0.574 -2.679 0.067 0.000 -0.289 2.479 2.322 2.105

V 0.376 0.686 0.734 -0.395 0.348 0.395 -0.771 -0.367 0.103 -0.800 -0.405 -0.038

-10 H -1.044 -2.604 -4.664 0.147 -0.568 -2.663 2.574 0.470 -2.105 4.679 2.575 2.105

V 0.376 0.696 0.733 -0.405 0.348 0.386 -0.687 -0.348 0.038 -0.715 -0.386 -0.038

-5 H -1.063 -2.548 -4.653 0.389 -2.104 -4.199 2.574 0.470 -2.105 4.679 2.575 2.105

V 0.367 0.686 0.733 -0.395 0.282 0.311 -0.686 -0.358 0.038 -0.706 -0.386 -0.028

0 H -1.044 -2.604 -4.664 0.389 -2.104 -4.199 2.616 0.871 -2.105 4.671 2.976 2.105

V 0.367 0.668 0.687 -0.395 0.292 0.320 -0.677 -0.339 0.028 -0.687 -0.358 -0.019

5 H -1.412 -2.988 -5.093 0.794 -1.907 -4.002 2.600 1.036 -2.105 4.831 3.141 2.105

V 0.348 0.659 0.678 -0.376 0.292 0.306 -0.659 -0.329 0.019 -0.668 -0.329 0.000

10 H -1.582 -2.881 -4.986 0.871 -1.907 -4.012 2.607 1.044 -2.105 4.839 3.149 2.105

V 0.339 0.658 0.668 -0.367 0.282 0.292 -0.649 -0.320 0.019 -0.659 -0.320 0.009

15 H -1.584 -3.248 -5.344 0.957 -1.715 -3.800 2.697 1.128 -2.105 4.656 3.189 2.068

V 0.339 0.640 0.649 -0.358 0.301 0.301 -0.659 -0.329 0.000 -0.668 -0.329 -0.009

20 H -1.578 -3.223 -5.326 0.955 -1.907 -3.992 2.665 1.102 -2.104 4.577 3.189 2.072

V 0.329 0.640 0.649 -0.358 0.282 0.282 -0.659 -0.329 0.000 -0.678 -0.339 0.000

25 H -1.828 -3.802 -5.798 1.128 -1.974 -3.887 2.616 1.220 -1.921 4.479 3.085 1.866

V 0.329 0.611 0.602 -0.358 0.282 0.272 -0.668 -0.320 0.000 -0.665 -0.323 -0.007

30 H -1.585 -3.331 -5.222 1.125 -1.566 -3.527 2.702 1.570 -1.941 4.563 3.346 1.774

V 0.329 0.620 0.611 -0.348 0.292 0.282 -0.649 -0.292 -0.009 -0.659 -0.311 0.000

35 H -1.663 -3.724 -5.425 1.571 -1.827 -3.592 3.440 1.868 -1.739 4.933 3.544 1.572

V 0.310 0.574 0.583 -0.320 0.273 0.272 -0.583 -0.264 0.000 -0.593 -0.264 0.000

40 H -1.976 -3.958 -5.502 1.865 -1.948 -3.540 3.800 2.104 -1.618 5.533 3.668 1.564

V 0.272 0.517 0.518 -0.282 0.244 0.245 -0.527 -0.235 -0.009 -0.508 -0.226 0.000

45 H -1.976 -4.070 -5.561 1.995 -2.068 -3.535 4.100 2.104 -1.457 5.550 3.555 1.451

V 0.263 0.480 0.480 -0.254 0.225 0.226 -0.470 -0.217 0.000 -0.489 -0.225 0.000




The obtained shift factors from time-temperature superposition master curve constructing were fitted with the Williams-

Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation, and the results were summarized as the following tables.


Tr (°C) 1 MPa 3MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa

C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE

-45 3.38E07 4.343E08 0.361 1.41E08 1.589E09 0.168 2.83E07 3.082E08 0.168 5.32E07 5.670E08 0.184

-40 1.04E08 1.223E09 0.214 9.01E07 9.991E08 0.121 1.33E08 1.423E09 0.113 6.48E07 6.594E08 0.123

-35 7.96E07 8.898E08 0.229 1.47E08 1.588E09 0.113 8.10E07 8.518E08 0.128 9.22E07 9.378E08 0.129

-30 5.27E07 6.403E08 0.250 8.87E07 9.541E08 0.120 1.38E08 1.438E09 0.139 1.99E08 1.988E09 0.118

-25 2.30E08 2.520E09 0.271 8.76E07 9.384E08 0.132 1.02E08 1.069E09 0.126 7.37E07 7.455E08 0.138

-20 5.67E07 6.348E08 0.257 3.30E07 3.537E08 0.137 2.05E08 2.156E09 0.135 5.06E07 5.088E08 0.148

-15 1.76E08 1.960E09 0.285 1.95E08 2.115E09 0.153 6.87E07 7.151E08 0.166 1.60E08 1.629E09 0.154

-10 4.57E07 5.238E08 0.277 9.21E07 1.001E09 0.157 9.42E07 9.784E08 0.183 1.05E08 1.061E09 0.180

-5 2.12E08 2.436E09 0.315 1.40E08 1.531E09 0.180 3.59E07 3.823E08 0.185 3.46E08 3.513E09 0.195

0 7.67E07 8.943E08 0.297 8.02E07 8.830E08 0.188 2.09E08 2.219E09 0.204 2.18E08 2.246E09 0.192

5 2.27E08 2.688E09 0.275 8.72E07 9.734E08 0.183 1.01E08 1.097E09 0.210 1.38E08 1.431E09 0.195

10 7.47E07 8.940E08 0.257 1.22E07 1.376E08 0.149 1.34E08 1.460E09 0.179 2.03E08 2.133E09 0.189

15 7.80E07 9.388E08 0.225 6.71E07 7.600E08 0.150 4.35E06 4.787E07 0.164 2.05E08 2.166E09 0.166

20 6.92E07 8.287E08 0.222 1.23E08 1.392E09 0.131 1.39E08 1.531E09 0.174 9.21E07 9.711E08 0.180

25 2.90E07 3.468E08 0.215 5.93E07 6.650E08 0.132 1.88E08 2.059E09 0.158 1.00E08 1.054E09 0.149

30 3.55E07 4.192E08 0.214 1.76E08 1.950E09 0.124 3.04E07 3.294E08 0.146 8.97E07 9.285E08 0.142

35 1.24E08 1.432E09 0.224 2.11E08 2.319E09 0.134 1.44E08 1.523E09 0.151 1.75E08 1.778E09 0.160

40 6.11E07 6.930E08 0.249 1.29E08 1.405E09 0.153 3.71E07 3.866E08 0.182 6.77E07 6.789E08 0.177

45 6.58E07 7.427E08 0.252 4.93E07 5.314E08 0.170 7.06E07 7.310E08 0.196 6.09E07 6.060E08 0.197







1 MPa 3MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa

C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE

-45 1.37E08 1.619E09 0.238 1.25E08 1.387E09 0.144 1.52E08 1.665E09 0.112 7.39E07 7.868E08 0.206

-40 1.41E08 1.586E09 0.138 1.26E08 1.380E09 0.104 4.14E07 4.448E08 0.104 6.57E07 6.623E08 0.142

-35 1.47E08 1.610E09 0.127 1.37E08 1.475E09 0.107 4.41E08 4.797E09 0.089 6.16E07 6.284E08 0.163

-30 8.92E07 9.651E08 0.149 9.09E07 9.706E08 0.110 4.78E07 5.124E08 0.088 2.13E08 2.109E09 0.163

-25 8.16E06 8.788E07 0.165 1.69E08 1.813E09 0.117 9.54E07 1.022E09 0.098 9.35E07 9.453E08 0.160

-20 1.39E08 1.498E09 0.181 1.74E08 1.853E09 0.133 8.78E06 9.365E07 0.101 7.61E07 7.689E08 0.157

-15 1.01E08 1.084E09 0.220 9.78E07 1.048E09 0.148 1.38E08 1.491E09 0.107 1.42E08 1.420E09 0.207

-10 1.67E08 1.847E09 0.196 7.58E07 8.120E08 0.147 7.96E07 8.553E08 0.127 1.89E06 1.921E07 0.181

-5 1.23E08 1.366E09 0.209 1.08E08 1.175E09 0.151 2.11E08 2.274E09 0.142 2.57E08 2.606E09 0.229

0 2.68E07 3.000E08 0.225 1.53E08 1.677E09 0.177 9.02E07 9.854E08 0.145 1.38E08 1.419E09 0.235

5 1.72E08 1.939E09 0.218 9.62E07 1.063E09 0.187 1.95E08 2.156E09 0.149 5.31E07 5.520E08 0.216

10 6.08E07 6.969E08 0.209 1.50E08 1.685E09 0.141 2.29E08 2.561E09 0.146 1.12E08 1.187E09 0.242

15 9.90E07 1.138E09 0.187 9.16E07 1.032E09 0.169 8.96E07 1.006E09 0.158 1.98E08 2.108E09 0.220

20 9.16E07 1.045E09 0.155 1.06E08 1.185E09 0.129 1.02E08 1.148E09 0.149 7.93E06 8.436E07 0.202

25 9.09E07 1.042E09 0.149 7.10E07 7.986E08 0.129 1.53E08 1.715E09 0.128 6.78E07 7.166E08 0.210

30 4.84E07 5.446E08 0.148 1.01E08 1.120E09 0.111 1.52E08 1.674E09 0.106 5.40E07 5.638E08 0.169

35 6.74E06 7.510E07 0.158 7.89E07 8.644E08 0.125 2.51E08 2.715E09 0.131 1.54E07 1.558E08 0.187

40 1.13E08 1.246E09 0.177 8.83E07 9.531E08 0.150 1.11E08 1.195E09 0.140 4.24E07 4.205E08 0.227

45 9.04E07 9.919E08 0.184 9.28E07 9.941E08 0.165 7.55E07 8.055E08 0.142 8.05E07 7.894E08 0.256





Tr (°C) 1 MPa 3MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa

C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE

-45 7.43E07 9.266E08 0.301 3.63E07 3.807E08 0.181 1.46E08 1.504E09 0.184 4.97E07 5.023E08 0.199

-40 9.16E07 1.068E09 0.184 4.12E06 4.317E07 0.174 4.20E07 4.237E08 0.149 6.44E07 6.314E08 0.163

-35 3.01E08 3.346E09 0.171 1.12E08 1.152E09 0.131 7.09E07 7.061E08 0.150 7.65E07 7.426E08 0.137

-30 9.78E07 1.057E09 0.224 1.25E08 1.266E09 0.142 1.22E08 1.221E09 0.150 7.85E07 7.640E08 0.153

-25 1.20E08 1.327E09 0.193 1.21E08 1.220E09 0.153 7.28E07 7.330E08 0.144 1.23E08 1.194E09 0.159

-20 1.34E08 1.479E09 0.209 2.57E08 2.583E09 0.159 1.13E08 1.118E09 0.161 1.57E08 1.509E09 0.156

-15 1.20E08 1.324E09 0.236 2.29E08 2.343E09 0.172 1.11E08 1.117E09 0.164 8.66E07 8.381E08 0.157

-10 1.52E08 1.697E09 0.253 1.15E08 1.180E09 0.177 2.18E08 2.154E09 0.202 2.29E08 2.215E09 0.191

-5 3.53E07 4.011E08 0.252 6.62E06 6.752E07 0.229 1.11E08 1.114E09 0.218 6.44E07 6.251E08 0.213

0 3.38E08 3.865E09 0.253 9.74E07 1.008E09 0.216 2.61E07 2.642E08 0.239 1.80E08 1.756E09 0.239

5 8.91E07 1.034E09 0.245 1.55E08 1.618E09 0.223 2.17E06 2.236E07 0.241 1.51E08 1.484E09 0.227

10 1.49E08 1.740E09 0.210 1.03E08 1.101E09 0.185 4.00E07 4.170E08 0.229 1.21E08 1.203E09 0.225

15 4.09E07 4.796E08 0.193 1.50E08 1.607E09 0.236 1.92E08 2.001E09 0.247 9.66E06 9.690E07 0.200

20 4.71E07 5.517E08 0.184 1.62E08 1.735E09 0.179 1.98E08 2.089E09 0.220 1.34E08 1.345E09 0.208

25 1.41E08 1.654E09 0.167 1.63E08 1.723E09 0.186 1.20E08 1.227E09 0.168 2.61E08 2.584E09 0.157

30 5.25E07 6.055E08 0.171 1.21E08 1.256E09 0.155 5.87E07 5.957E08 0.157 1.30E08 1.267E09 0.159

35 8.27E07 9.363E08 0.190 7.75E07 7.896E08 0.182 8.07E07 8.027E08 0.183 1.16E08 1.112E09 0.179

40 6.14E07 6.926E08 0.192 4.35E07 4.391E08 0.200 6.47E07 6.335E08 0.210 4.11E07 3.897E08 0.196

45 1.12E08 1.259E09 0.199 1.44E08 1.448E09 0.208 6.87E07 6.703E08 0.217 1.28E08 1.209E09 0.205





Tr (°C) 1 MPa 3MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa

C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE

-45 3.15E08 4.010E09 0.364 2.12E08 2.427E09 0.390 1.44E08 1.689E09 0.366 5.81E07 5.997E08 0.505

-40 1.15E08 1.391E09 0.272 1.44E08 1.566E09 0.281 3.12E07 3.504E08 0.289 5.49E07 5.357E08 0.402

-35 9.56E07 1.096E09 0.230 7.71E07 8.131E08 0.253 7.23E07 7.821E08 0.278 6.83E07 6.478E08 0.358

-30 1.99E08 2.259E09 0.238 1.65E08 1.726E09 0.261 7.64E07 8.210E08 0.265 6.43E07 6.018E08 0.356

-25 5.53E06 6.166E07 0.259 2.35E08 2.423E09 0.269 7.37E07 7.870E08 0.263 1.59E08 1.460E09 0.380

-20 1.25E08 1.415E09 0.259 1.96E07 2.012E08 0.276 1.88E08 2.000E09 0.284 1.53E08 1.407E09 0.384

-15 1.10E08 1.208E09 0.358 1.97E08 1.990E09 0.339 1.69E08 1.791E09 0.295 1.79E08 1.635E09 0.420

-10 8.56E07 9.579E08 0.358 1.71E08 1.761E09 0.349 4.83E07 5.035E08 0.387 2.21E08 2.004E09 0.472

-5 1.29E08 1.468E09 0.390 4.47E08 4.659E09 0.386 4.78E07 5.102E08 0.412 9.29E07 8.546E08 0.508

0 4.62E08 5.408E09 0.395 6.57E06 6.970E07 0.401 9.97E07 1.089E09 0.434 9.41E07 8.791E08 0.552

5 2.12E08 2.524E09 0.297 1.07E08 1.155E09 0.413 1.02E08 1.132E09 0.423 1.41E08 1.353E09 0.563

10 1.04E08 1.262E09 0.317 3.18E06 3.475E07 0.362 9.42E07 1.071E09 0.424 1.62E08 1.589E09 0.539

15 1.06E08 1.279E09 0.278 1.71E08 1.903E09 0.382 6.17E07 7.047E08 0.363 6.89E07 6.840E08 0.493

20 2.00E08 2.421E09 0.264 1.91E08 2.125E09 0.364 1.38E08 1.560E09 0.337 1.88E08 1.851E09 0.444

25 1.82E08 2.167E09 0.251 1.16E08 1.249E09 0.281 1.24E07 1.386E08 0.282 6.34E07 6.156E08 0.393

30 1.66E06 1.937E07 0.252 7.61E07 8.007E08 0.284 2.07E08 2.244E09 0.279 1.55E08 1.463E09 0.366

35 1.12E08 1.270E09 0.284 7.68E07 7.837E08 0.321 1.87E06 1.958E07 0.329 7.76E07 7.068E08 0.402

40 2.99E08 3.337E09 0.298 7.27E07 7.291E08 0.350 4.99E07 5.139E08 0.353 8.03E07 7.084E08 0.460

45 9.51E07 1.061E09 0.298 2.73E07 2.732E08 0.352 4.00E07 4.082E08 0.367 1.41E08 1.210E09 0.525





Tr (°C) 1 MPa 3MPa 5 MPa 8 MPa

C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE C1 C2 (K) SEE

-45 6.50E07 9.640E08 0.485 5.46E07 6.573E08 0.498 3.78E06 4.638E07 0.448 7.23E07 7.877E08 0.414

-40 1.25E06 1.675E07 0.341 2.70E07 3.087E08 0.342 6.60E07 7.444E08 0.316 6.43E07 6.757E08 0.345

-35 2.74E07 3.418E08 0.306 1.32E08 1.404E09 0.258 1.69E08 1.897E09 0.307 1.48E08 1.498E09 0.308

-30 8.69E07 1.067E09 0.304 3.31E06 3.508E07 0.303 2.24E08 2.424E09 0.292 1.41E08 1.420E09 0.334

-25 6.55E07 7.748E08 0.356 8.41E07 8.710E08 0.311 4.35E07 4.647E08 0.297 7.40E06 7.409E07 0.331

-20 8.40E07 9.686E08 0.390 1.20E08 1.246E09 0.353 7.88E06 8.247E07 0.334 8.18E07 8.056E08 0.348

-15 5.23E07 6.200E08 0.388 1.58E08 1.625E09 0.387 1.85E08 1.983E09 0.369 4.94E07 4.768E08 0.387

-10 8.75E07 1.064E09 0.435 1.24E08 1.317E09 0.386 2.03E08 2.155E09 0.418 1.49E08 1.460E09 0.435

-5 1.36E08 1.666E09 0.476 1.61E08 1.700E09 0.460 9.96E07 1.087E09 0.415 1.36E08 1.351E09 0.451

0 1.77E08 2.228E09 0.409 2.65E08 2.915E09 0.430 2.58E08 2.915E09 0.402 2.02E08 2.097E09 0.429

5 4.15E07 5.414E08 0.395 1.61E08 1.805E09 0.442 1.83E08 2.060E09 0.461 1.53E08 1.619E09 0.456

10 1.84E08 2.411E09 0.387 5.61E07 6.424E08 0.400 4.49E07 5.180E08 0.431 1.27E08 1.349E09 0.438

15 1.47E08 1.949E09 0.373 7.06E07 8.196E08 0.351 7.41E07 8.624E08 0.355 1.36E06 1.471E07 0.446

20 6.58E07 8.708E08 0.345 1.79E08 2.078E09 0.364 1.77E07 2.106E08 0.410 1.52E08 1.657E09 0.402

25 1.05E08 1.381E09 0.339 7.36E07 8.409E08 0.321 8.38E07 9.728E08 0.357 8.67E07 9.364E08 0.367

30 8.91E06 1.140E08 0.295 3.52E07 3.939E08 0.314 1.26E08 1.424E09 0.328 1.08E08 1.127E09 0.340

35 1.09E08 1.337E09 0.339 1.08E08 1.160E09 0.322 7.66E07 8.240E08 0.353 5.44E07 5.404E08 0.366

40 8.92E07 1.068E09 0.370 3.26E07 3.406E08 0.388 8.82E07 9.220E08 0.390 1.24E08 1.195E09 0.425

45 1.30E08 1.522E09 0.401 5.95E07 6.140E08 0.420 1.50E08 1.532E09 0.437 4.33E07 4.085E08 0.469