Dynamic Relaonships Management Journal, November 2013 15 CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION IN LARGE ENTERPRISES - CASE OF SLOVENIAN ENTERPRISES Rudi Rozman University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana, Slovenia [email protected] Aleksandra Stjepanović Vračar [email protected] Abstract The focus of the endeavours of enterprises and other organisaons has shiſted from the producon and sales of stan- dardised products and services to tailor-made products according to individual customers’ requirements. Flexibility, creavity and innovaon have become of utmost importance. Although many authors have argued that large enter- prises are unable to adapt to the required changes, such predicons have not been realised. On the contrary, large corporaons have adapted to the changes, mainly by changing and developing their organisaon. Thus, changes in organisaonal structure, organisaonal culture and organisaonal processes have led to creavity and innovaon in large enterprises. In the first part of the arcle, we aempt to show these adaptaons briefly and systemacally. In the second part, we review research on this issue and its results in large Slovenian enterprises, in order to prove the hypothesis that large Slovenian enterprises have also changed their organisaon to adequately develop their creavity and innovaon. We also aempt to prove that creavity and innovaon have resulted in improvements of efficiency and effecveness. Keywords: creavity, innovaon, organisaon, organisaonal structure, organisaonal culture, organisaonal processes, efficiency, effecveness 1. INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the 20 th century and earlier, there was a lack of products and services, and they were quite expensive. Due to the technical division of labour and the standardisaon of products, en- terprises became able to increase quanes of products and decrease their costs. Products were generally standardised, and customers had to adapt to them. Costs decreases followed the experience or learning curves. The increase in efficiency was mainly due to technical efforts. Enterprises com- peted on the basis of cost/low price. Producon was simultaneously a boleneck and the most promi- nent business funcon, as it was not a problem to sell products. Producon has been developed, quanes increased, costs and selling prices were decreasing, while efficiency was increasing. Organ- isaons became increasingly larger. Therefore, it became easier for customers to obtain desired products and services at affordable prices. It became more difficult to find customers and to sell the quanes produced. Becoming aware of this, customers started to increase their re- quirements regarding quality, delivery mes, etc. Producon had to adapt to requirements of cus- tomers and deliver them more tailor-made, unique products and services. Sales (not producon) be-

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Rudi Rozman

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics

Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana, Slovenia

[email protected]

Aleksandra Stjepanović Vračar

[email protected]


The focus of the endeavours of enterprises and other organisations has shifted from the production and sales of stan-

dardised products and services to tailor-made products according to individual customers’ requirements. Flexibility,

creativity and innovation have become of utmost importance. Although many authors have argued that large enter-

prises are unable to adapt to the required changes, such predictions have not been realised. On the contrary, large

corporations have adapted to the changes, mainly by changing and developing their organisation. Thus, changes in

organisational structure, organisational culture and organisational processes have led to creativity and innovation in

large enterprises. In the first part of the article, we attempt to show these adaptations briefly and systematically. In

the second part, we review research on this issue and its results in large Slovenian enterprises, in order to prove the

hypothesis that large Slovenian enterprises have also changed their organisation to adequately develop their creativity

and innovation. We also attempt to prove that creativity and innovation have resulted in improvements of efficiency

and effectiveness.

Keywords: creativity, innovation, organisation, organisational structure, organisational culture, organisational

processes, efficiency, effectiveness


At the beginning of the 20th century and earlier,there was a lack of products and services, and theywere quite expensive. Due to the technical divisionof labour and the standardisation of products, en-terprises became able to increase quantities ofproducts and decrease their costs. Products weregenerally standardised, and customers had to adaptto them. Costs decreases followed the experienceor learning curves. The increase in efficiency wasmainly due to technical efforts. Enterprises com-peted on the basis of cost/low price. Production wassimultaneously a bottleneck and the most promi-

nent business function, as it was not a problem tosell products. Production has been developed,quantities increased, costs and selling prices weredecreasing, while efficiency was increasing. Organ-isations became increasingly larger.

Therefore, it became easier for customers toobtain desired products and services at affordableprices. It became more difficult to find customersand to sell the quantities produced. Becomingaware of this, customers started to increase their re-quirements regarding quality, delivery times, etc.Production had to adapt to requirements of cus-tomers and deliver them more tailor-made, uniqueproducts and services. Sales (not production) be-

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Rudi Rozman, Aleksandra Stjepanović Vračar: Creativity and Innovation in Large Enterprises - Case of


came the bottleneck. The adaptation to differentcustomers required flexibility, creativity and innov-ativeness. This changed business tremendously.Customers displaced products as the focus of enter-prises. Just-in-time production (JIT) instead of classicproduction, team work instead of hierarchical departments, research and development of newproducts and processes instead of constant im-provements leading to efficiency, etc. are just someof the results of this change of focus.

Instead of producing a vast quantity of standardproducts for all customers, enterprises have to pro-duce tailor-made products for individual customersand still remain efficient. They have to develop newproducts and services and be able to produce themefficiently at the same time. How to cope with sucha requirement remains a key issue. It seems that thequantity of products and the size of enterprises nolonger matter. Enterprises have grown to become ef-ficient but not flexible, creative and innovative. Mostlarge corporations have envisaged a crisis at the be-ginning of the second half of the past century. It isnot surprising that many authors wrongly thoughtthat large enterprises were not able to develop cre-ativity and innovation; they are condemned to be-come extinct like dinosaurs in a new environment.

To the surprise of many, large enterprises againgained momentum and success, and have proventhemselves to be not only efficient but also flexible,creative and innovative. What have they done to re-main the pillars of each national economy and thebearers of development?

In this article, which is based on doctoral re-search (Stjepanović Vračar, 2012) conducted by thedoctoral student Aleksandra Stjepanović Vračarunder the mentorship of Prof. Rozman at Faculty ofEconomics, University of Ljubljana, we will prove thatlarge enterprises have changed and adapted to newsituations. We will show the different ways they havesupported and achieved creativity and innovation;these ways will be connected to organisation struc-tures, processes and culture. By changing and devel-oping their organisation, enterprises have been ableto develop new products, services and processes andto remain competitive and successful.

In order to show how large enterprises copewith new challenges and how they maintain their

creativity and innovativeness, we will discuss organ-isational changes and measures to support creativ-ity and innovation in a systematic way. Theemphasis of organisational solutions differs be-tween enterprises; nevertheless, common featuresare quite strong.

First, we briefly discuss the creativity and inno-vation process and the supporting organisational so-lutions. We will develop a model of organisationalphenomena as independent variables influencingcreativity and innovation, and the two influencingefficiency and effectiveness of enterprises. We haveconducted empirical research in large Slovenian en-terprises, and we will review and explain the resultsobtained.


Creativity is the generation of new ideas thatmeet perceived needs or respond to opportunitiesfor the organisation (Daft & Noe, 2001: 116); it is theproduction of novel and useful ideas by an individualor team within organisation (Hellriegel et al., 1998:458). Creativity affects products and services andprocesses in all areas of human activities (Amabile,1997: 40). It is a decision-making process resulting innew useful ideas. Accordingly, organisational innova-tion is the implementation of creative and usefulideas through unplanned and planned organisationalchange (Muller, 1995: 16-19).

Authors define the creativity process in a sim-ilar way. For Schermerhorn and his co-authors,(2000: 362) the process consists of:

• cognition of a problem or an opportunity;

• gathering the additional information on the prob-lem and opportunity;

• searching for ideas to resolve the problem orutilise the opportunity;

• selection of the suitable ideas and their verifica-tion;

• selection of the best idea.

Innovation is widely recognised as one of thecritical problems facing business today. The process

of innovation starts with the best idea produced by

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the creation process. It continues with the design ofa product or service and process (Rozman, 2002:124). A thorough feasibility analysis follows to de-termine whether the solution is feasible (Does thecompany have employees, material and other re-sources? Is a market available, etc.?). The last stepis the verification of success (Will the innovation beprofitable?). Following that, the implementationand control start.

Similarly, Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt (2001: 52) de-termine the process as:

• gathering information on internal and externalenvironments;

• proposing and comparing different solutions;

• selection of best solution, feasibility study andverification of success;

• preparation for production and other activities;

• production.


3.1 Understanding the organisation

New ideas are created by individuals who pos-sess some distinctive traits like open-mindedness,originality, playfulness, curiosity, persistence andcommitment (Vessels, 1982: 196). Many studieshave found that creative people have similar per-sonality traits: independence, openness to experi-ence, lack of interest in social norms and socialacceptance, high value on the activity and notmoney. They are intrinsically motivated. They arenot conforming to demands of others, and they donot adopt the majority opinion. They are a dissent-ing voice. They pursue their ideas despite advice todo the contrary. They know what problem to focuson (Csikzentmihalyi, 1990: 193). Innovative peoplepossess some different characteristics. Especially forcreative people, it can be said that their creativity ispartly inherited. However, their creativity can bestimulated and fostered by removing and overcom-ing blocks to their creativity.

Within organisations, creativity and innovative-ness depend on individuals, but they also dependheavily on the organisation, on their relationshipsto others, especially managers. It depends on organ-

isational culture, structures and processes. Thequestion arises of upon what structures, processesand culture creativity and innovation depend.

In order to examine the influences of organisa-tion on creativity and innovation within formal socialunits in a systematic way, what is understood by theterm 'organisation' has to be determined, as differentunderstandings of this crucial phenomenon exist. Weunderstand 'organisation as a set of relationships be-tween people, who by relationships become mem-bers of a formed and which assures the existence,development and specific characteristics of the socialunit and rational achievement of the social unit’sgoals' (Lipovec, 1987: 35). The first part of this defi-nition looks at the organisation in a static way, as uni-form structures of duties, responsibility, authorityand communication that are adapted in a process ofcoordination. The coordination is conducted withineach uniform structure and between them consider-ing each role or position within the organisation, andtaking contingency variables and dynamics into con-sideration. The second part of the definition exam-ines organisation in a dynamic way, as all structuresdevelop to processes in informal or formal ways. In aformal way, relationships or structures are changesby the governance-management process of planning,actuation and control. A more detailed and system-atic description of organisation can be found in Roz-man (2012: 2-25). Thus, within the organisation, wedistinguish organisational structures and organisa-tional processes; organisational culture can be con-sidered separately as an informal process.

When we describe the influence of organisationon creativity and innovation, we distinguish the in-fluences of organisational structures, organisationalprocesses and organisational culture. In this article,we will discuss only some organisational changes thatare tightly connected to creativity and innovation andwhich have been introduced in order to impact thedevelopment of creativity and innovation.

3.2 Organisational structures

Different organisation structures differently in-fluence creativity and innovation. On the basis oftheir characteristics and the opinions of other au-thors, we believe that the following structural phe-nomena, in particular, are tightly connected to

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creativity and innovation: team organisational struc-tures, research and development departments, in-trapreneurship, organisational learning, andknow ledge management.

3.2.1 Team organisational structures

The organisational structures supporting effi-ciency have been functional organisational structureand to some extent also divisional and matrix struc-tures. Ambidextrous, matrix and team structureshave been developed, supporting the adaptation,creativity and innovation. The move from vertical tohorizontal structures is parallel to the change fromproduct to customer orientation. Hierarchical struc-tures support learning by experience. Innovationcannot be learned directly by experience, but by(abstract) learning process. Hierarchical organisa-tional structures are aimed at increasing efficiency.They are not suitable for influencing creativity andinnovation. As creativity and innovation became anecessity, enterprises developed teams in order tocreate and innovate. Members of teams are sup-posed to be different from efficiency-oriented em-ployees in hierarchical organisations.

Teams can represent part of the project-matrixstructure; they can be also seen as informal teamsin ambidextrous organisations. It is possible to formteams within hierarchical structures, such as qualitycircles. Such part-time, temporary teams and teamsas part of ambidextrous organisation structures areformed to make and develop creative and innova-tive solutions. However, teams can become perma-nent and can be seen as prevailing in teamorganisational structures (Rozman, 2011: 138-139).

Empirical research supports the influence ofteams and team structure on creativity and innova-tion. Some of the authors reflecting this includeHarper and Becker (2004: 15-22), Egan (2005: 207-225), and Kratzer et al. (2006: 96).

3.2.2 Research and development departments

Research and development departments arequite common within large enterprises. They aremainly focused on the production problems of de-veloping new products and new processes. Tidd and

Bessant (2009) claim that these departments haveto cooperate with others, e.g. marketing and pro-duction; however, research and development alsohas to be conducted within other functions like mar-keting, management, etc.

An extensive study conducted by O’Connor andAyers (2005: 22-34) has shown four ways of includ-ing R&D departments within the organisation.Firstly, the R&D departments are part of broadergroups; they interact especially with the depart-ments focusing on changes within the enterprise en-vironment. Secondly, research and developmentactivities are organised within the main R&D depart-ment at the headquarters and R&D departmentswithin organisational units. The most significant in-novations are handled within the central depart-ment. Thirdly, the R&D department within theenterprise is connected to the other departmentsthat define problems to be solved and take part inthe research and development. Fourthly, R&D de-partments submit proposals to organisational units,which will introduce and use the proposed changes.

Many authors talk about the outcomes of R&Ddepartments. Steel and Murray (2004: 316-322)claim that enterprises with successful R&D depart-ments have higher market growth and higher mar-ket value (shares).

3.2.3 Intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship is defined as a process or ac-tivity in which the entrepreneur makes an invest-ment by risking his own money and name. Creativityand innovation and taking risk are also at the coreof intrapreneurship. As already mentioned, largecorporations have to make different changes to re-main entrepreneurial. One of them is internal en-

trepreneurship or intrapreneurship, which is similarto the entrepreneurship at the level of enterprises.Drucker (1992: 177-191) looks at intrapreneurshipas spreading the entrepreneurial spirit within theenterprise thus making the ground for creativity andinnovation.

Via intrapreneurship, motivation and supportare given to creative and innovative employees todevelop ideas and to turn them into products andservices. The existence of intrapreneurship shows

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the inclination of the corporation toward innovation(Rutherford & Holt, 2007: 429-446). Some authorsemphasise the importance of organisational cultureand structures (e.g. Hornsby et al., 2002: 253-273)as well as management (e. g. DeYong & Hartog,2007: 41-64) for the development of intrapreneurialunits. At this point, the discussed organisationalphenomena and their influences on creativity andinnovation are obviously correlated and inter-twined.

Authors who have confirmed the influence ofintrapreneurship on creativity and innovation in-clude Zahra and Covin (1995: 43-58), Chang (2000:99-104) and Dev (2009: 2-3).

3.2.4 Organisational learning

The learning of an individual can be defined asa relatively permanent change in knowledge and be-haviour that results from practice and experience.The social constructionist perspective argues thatthe creation and application of knowledge happenswithin individuals but through social interaction andthat the link between individual and organisationallearning is crucial. Individual learning becomes em-bedded in an organisation’s memory and structure(Kim, 2004: 29). The main question is the following:if social units learn through individuals, what makesthe individuals directed so that they learn in a coor-dinated way to achieve organisational goals? Vari-ous authors have found the answers in the conceptsof shared mental models, shared knowledge struc-ture and common knowledge. Rozman and Sitar(2007) talk about learning by connectivity. The em-ployees are connected by dynamic relationships, i.e.organisational structures and processes. The organ-isational knowledge thus depends on their mem-bers and on their organisation, e.g. mechanisticorganisation will promote learning towards effi-ciency, whereas organic organisation will promotelearning towards creativity and innovation.

Many authors in organisational learning haveproved that especially nowadays creativity and in-novation depend on appropriate organisation struc-tures, processes and culture (Fong (2003: 479-486);Lin (2007: 315-332); Ling & Nasurdin (2010: 105-115); Westerlund & Rajala, (2010: 435-442)).

3.2.5 Knowledge management

According to is characteristics, knowledge man-agement is part of organisational processes and lessso of organisational structures. We included it withinorganisational structures due to its connection to or-ganisational learning. However, the distinction be-tween knowledge processing or organisationallearning and knowledge management is crucial(McElroy, 2003: 10) in order to understand know -ledge management.

Knowledge management is a management ac-tivity that seeks to enhance (or assure) the ration-ality of knowledge processing (McElroy, 2003: 54).According to Rozman and Sitar (2007), knowledgemanagement assures the rationality in organisa-tional learning, which consists of planning organisa-tional learning and knowledge, planning individuallearning within organisation, actuating individuallearning by managing human resources and leadingemployees, control of individual learning and con-trol of organisational learning.

Authors showing the connection betweenknowledge management and creativity and innova-tion include Deyong et al. (2007: 5860-5863), Changand Lee (2008: 3-20), Heffner (2006), as well asMaqsood and Finnegan (2009).

3.3 Organisational processes

The influence of the governance-managementprocess, which consists of business planning, plan-ning organisation, actuating the organisation (con-sisting of HRM and leadership), control oforganisation and business control (Rozman & Kovač,2012) on creativity and innovation has been stud-ied. We examined three issues: managers’ influenceby the process of management on employees, themanagerial style, and the creativity and innovationof managers themselves.

3.3.1 Governance-management process

The functions of managers in our research havebeen proposed differently than usually. The usualmentioned management functions are planning, or-ganising, leading and control. The distinction be-tween organisation as set of dynamic relationships

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and organisation as a social unit enables determin-ing managerial functions connected to business andto organisation separately. The reasons for such adeveloped definition of organisation can be foundin Lipovec (1987: 223-231), Rozman (2012: 12-16),and Rozman and Kovač (2012: 57-60).

Most authors agree that managers influencecreativity and innovation within the enterprises.This is especially connected to their role of influenc-ing the behaviour of all employees. Some studieshave been also done on the direct influence of man-agers on creativity and innovation (Amabile (1998:77-87); Benner & Tushman (2002: 676-706); Coelho& Matias (2010: 324-329); Meissner & Sprengre(2010)).

3.3.2 The managerial style

It could be expected that the managerial stylealso influences creativity and innovation. The basicdistinction between managerial (most authors callit leadership) style is based on task- and employee-centred leadership, which is the basis for distinctionbetween the autocratic and democratic (participa-tive) styles. The following authors (among others)argue that managerial style influences creativity andinnovation: Amabile and Khaire (2008: 1-16), Janussiand Dione (2003: 475-498); Politis (2004: 23-34).

3.3.3 The influence of managers’ creativity on

enterprise’s creativity and innovation

It is the main task of managers to ensure thatemployees are creative and innovative. However,managers themselves should also be creative and in-novative in their managerial roles. They can createand use new ways of planning, leadership, motiva-tion and similar; they can seek to find new ways ofchanging organisational culture, organisational struc-tures, etc. We assumed that creative managers willalso assure the creativity and innovation of employ-ees. Kouzes and Posner (1995) and Greenberg (2002)argue that the aforementioned hypothesis is valid.

3.4 Organisational culture

Within different typologies, authors presentand discuss different types of organisational culture.

We are looking for the types of culture including thevalues supporting creativity and innovation. Hell-riegel, Jackson and Slocum (1999: 530), and Leavy(2005: 39) claim that organisational culture shouldbe designed, adapted and maintained in order tosupport creativity and innovation. According toSchein (2004) and O’Reilly and Tuchman (2004), thevalues supporting creativity and innovation are,above all, the acceptance of new ideas, experimen-tation, trust, taking risk, as well as observing and di-agnosing problems and opportunities.

Acceptance of failures (Brodtrick, 1997: 1-4),acceptance of risk and experimentation (Judge etal., 1997: 72-85), initiatives by employees (Amabile(1988: 123-167); Sternberg et al.(1997: 17-21)), in-clination to changes (Arad et al., 1997: 42-58), opencommunication (Martins & Terblanch, 2003: 64-74),acceptance of conflicts (Filipczak, 1997: 32-40),learning and knowledge development (Smith, 2005:149), knowledge and its dissemination (Amabile,1997: 42) are the most frequently mentioned valuessupporting the creative and innovative organisa-tional culture. Some empirical research has alsoconfirmed the impact of culture on creativity andinnovation (Amabile (1997); Kanter (1997); Chang &Lee(2007); Hamel & Prahalad (1994); McLean(2005); Meissner & Sprenger (2010); Sanz-Valle etal. (2011)).

3.5 The influence of creativity and innovation on

efficiency and effectiveness

We have seen that creativity and innovation arethe result of employees and of the organisation’sstructures, processes and culture. We have also citednumerous authors arguing for the influence of organ-isational phenomena on creativity and innovation.

Creativity and innovation are not developedwithin organisations for their own sake. Their devel-opment should lead to the greater effectiveness ofthe enterprise and to the higher efficiency of itsparts. As we also explored the influence of creativityon efficiency and effectiveness, we added both toour model. Effectiveness was represented by ROE,ROA, ROS and EBITDA. Efficiency was representedby revenues/costs, revenues/employees andchanges in both.

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The theoretical structural model of the devel-opment of creativity and innovation within large en-terprises, which was the basis with which thevalidity of the doctoral dissertation thesis and de-rivative hypotheses was checked (StjepanovićVračar, doctoral dissertation, 2012), consists of cre-ativity and innovation as a dependent variable thatdepends on organisational phenomena, i.e. organi-sational structures, processes and culture, which to-gether form the organisation and keep enterprisesand other social units together. We already dis-cussed the organisational phenomena mostly im-pacting creativity and innovation. We added that

the influence of creativity and innovation on effi-ciency and effectiveness has also been studied. Fur-thermore, we can also argue that mostorganisational factors are mutually correlated andimpact one another or are changed for the samereasons. We examined the connection betweenaforementioned elements and (for the sake of em-pirical research) set hypotheses, such as 'organisa-tion culture is influencing the creativity andinnovation', 'team structures are influencing creativ-ity and innovation' etc. A hypothesis has also beenmade on creativity and innovation influencing theefficiency and effectiveness. The aforementionedorganisational influences on creativity and innova-tion are gathered in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Structural model of the development of creativity and innovation within enterprises

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Rudi Rozman, Aleksandra Stjepanović Vračar: Creativity and Innovation in Large Enterprises - Case of



5.1 The research question and information about


In the research, we were interested in the de-pendence of creativity and innovation in largeSlovenian corporations on organisation, i.e. organi-sational culture, structures and processes. The mainquestion of the research is: To what extent do or-

ganisational phenomena influence creativity and

innovation, and do the creativity and innovation

influence efficiency and effectiveness?

As potential candidates for the research, we se-lected large enterprises, according the Slovenianlegislation (criteria: number of employees, salesvalue and value of assets). The additional more re-strictive criterion was the number of employees(over 100 employees). In 2006, there were 398 suchenterprises: 227 industrial, 109 services, 39 in trade,16 banks and seven insurance companies. Our sam-ple was 200 of the enterprises, which was quite highportion of the entire population. The research wasconducted for 2006-2008 period. In 2011, the sameresearch was repeated in some enterprises to de-tect possible changes. There were some minor andinsignificant differences. Consequently, we mainlyexplained the more extensive research in 2008.

Out of 398 contacted enterprises, we receivedresponses from 200 enterprises. The structure of re-spondents was remarkably close to the structure ofall 398 enterprises.

The questionnaire used a Likert scale and con-sisted of 12 parts. The first was about the processof creation and innovation, the second part con-cerned organisational phenomena, while the thirdpart was on efficiency and effectiveness. Enterpriseshad to evaluate 76 statements. The questionnairewas connected to hypotheses. There were 13 hy-potheses, most of them arguing for the influence ofa specific organisational phenomenon (culture,team structure etc.) on creativity and innovation;the hypotheses on the influence of creativity and in-novation on efficiency and effectiveness have beenincluded, too.

5.2 Statistical analysis

We analysed data and attempted to verify thehypotheses by using following statistical ap-proaches:

• univariate statistics (mean, standard deviation,structure, coefficient of asymmetry, coefficient offlatness),

• bivariate statistics (Pearson’s correlation coeffi-cient),

• multivariate statistics (factor analysis, structuralmodelling).

Statistical analyses have been made with theuse of the SPSS program and the Lisrel program (Jo-ereskog & Soerbom, version 8.54, 1996).

First, we attempted to find those variables oranswers to questions that describe or confirm thephenomenon (e.g. culture) analysed. The conceptof organisational phenomena has been explained bymanifesting variables. We used the exploratory fac-tor analysis (Principal Axis Factoring (PAF)) to deter-mine the value of communalities. By using theKaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Berlett’s test, weproved the fulfilment of conditions of factor analysisto be valid (number of units in research is substan-tially higher than the number of variables) and theanalysed variables are sufficiently connected. Byusing the Cronbach Alpha test, we showed the reli-ability of connection of manifesting variables withinthe analysed phenomena and the latent variable,i.e. the organisational phenomena. The descriptiveanalysis followed. For each valid and sufficientlyconnected manifesting variable (question and an-swers), we calculate the mean, deviation, asymme-try and flatness to study the probability distribution.It appears to be a normal distribution; this guidedour further research. We made the described analy-sis for all influences of organisational variables oncreativity and innovation, as well as for creativityand innovation and efficiency and effectiveness.

5.3 Findings of the research

First, we attempted to find the connection be-tween the described organisational concepts, andcreativity and innovation. Pearson coefficients showthese connections but not their causality. Despite

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this, Pearson coefficients have some descriptivevalue and have been used in the structural model.

We found that organisational culture, teamstructures, intrapreneurship, organisational learn-ing, knowledge management and managers’ sup-port are connected to creativity (Pearsoncoefficients between 0.30 and 0.50). We found thatorganisational culture, team organisational struc-tures, intrapreneurship and the role of managersare tightly connected to innovation (Pearson coeffi-cients over 0.50). We also made the describedanalysis for parts of population, e.g. for all corpora-tions with existing R&D department, etc.

This analysis was followed by multivariateanalysis using our structural model. As already men-tioned, we used the Lisrel program tool. The resultof this analysis is shown in Figure 2.

We can see from the figure that the managerialsupport to subordinates regarding creativity and in-novation, organisational culture, intrapreneurshipand team structures influence creativity and innova-tiveness the most. The influence of organisationalphenomena on efficiency is 58% (quite high) whereason their influence on effectiveness is only 9% (organ-isational phenomena on effectiveness directly or in-directly through efficiency); the percentage isprobably low because the time lag between effi-ciency and effectiveness is not considered; it couldbe also connected to Slovenian culture of followingefficiency criteria more than effectiveness ones.

The final structural model also enables us to de-termine the mutual connections between the con-cepts of organisation culture, team structures,intrapreneurship and managerial support. The co-efficients of connections (parameters fi) are be-

tween 0.40 and 0.78.

We also checked the fitbetween the model and thedata. Different measures asHi square, RMSEA, NCP etc.,according to Diamantopou -lus and Siguaw (2000), showhigh fit between the modeland real data, which provesthe validity and the qualityof our model.

The final structural mo -del is shown in Figure 3.

Organisational culture,team organisational struc-tures, intrapreneurship andmanagement support to creativity and innovation sup-port creativity and innovationof the enterprises. Innovat-eveness, efficiency and effec-tiveness depend especially onsome manifest variables orsurvey questions. Thus, or-

ganisational culture (A) is es-pecially connected toencouragement of new ideas(ZX024), changing ideas insuccessful use (ZX025),

Figure 2: Final structural model - review of manifest variables, their

connections and connections to innovation and efficiency and

effectiveness (n=200)

Comment: All connections except team structures and efficiency and efficiency and

effectiveness are statistically valid (|t| >= 1,65).

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awareness of employees of the importance of creativ-ity and innovation (ZX026), open and relaxed climate(ZX027), and acceptance of risk (ZX028). Team organ-

isational structure (B1) is above all connected to prob-lem teams (ZXD31C), innovation teams (ZXD31D), andformal teams (ZXD32B). Intrapreneurship (B3) istightly connected to enterprise support of intrapre-neurship (ZXU45), existence of active internal entre-preneurs (ZXU46A), and support from the hierarchicalactivities (ZXU47). Management support for creativ-

ity and innovation (C2) is crucial due to encourage-ment of employees to innovate (ZXU66), influencingthe organisational culture supporting creativity and in-novation (ZXU63), supporting employees in creativityand innovation process (ZXU68), and creativity and in-novation supporting leadership style (ZXU64).

Management support for creativity and inno-vation, organisation culture, intrapreneurship and

team structure influence the innovativeness (D2).Its objectives have been realised especially throughbreakthrough improvements (ZXP12C) and in thegeneration of annual income (ZXU21).

Efficiency (E2) has influenced effectiveness andhas been seen as increase in labour productivity(ZPROD.DE), higher efficiency (ZXU72) and lowerinput in labour and other resources (ZXU71).

Increase in effectiveness (E1) has been aboveall shown in the increase of return on equity (ZROE)and gross income (ZKOSM.DO).

We also used another method to determine thevariables influencing the innovation. We used deci-

sion trees as one of data mining techniques. Asmore of dependent variables cannot be used by thismethod (innovation depends on creativity), we onlyanalysed the influences on innovation.

Figure 3: Manifest and latent variables and their inter-standardised connections (final structural model)

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The result of this analysis is that the followinghypotheses have been confirmed:

• the influence of organisation culture on innova-tion;

• the influence of team structures on innovation;

• the influence of intrapreneurship on innovation;

• the influence of individual’s knowledge on inno-vation, and,

• the influence of creativity and innovativeness ofmanagers on innovation.

The results are similar but not identical to re-sults of the structured model. The mentioned or-ganisational variables (organisational culture, teamstructures, intrapreneurship, managers’ supportsfor creativity and innovation) have mostly influ-enced the innovation and creativity. Other variables(R&D departments, organisational learning, knowl-edge management, managerial support and man-agement style) have been found to be less relevantfor creativity and innovation, and corresponding hy-potheses have not been confirmed.

Some of the hypotheses have been analysed byusing the method of correlation coefficients. Onthis basis, the influences of organisation culture, ofintrapreneurship, and of managerial support on in-novation have been confirmed and also the influ-ence of innovation on efficiency. The influences ofteam organisation structures and the influence ofefficiency on effectiveness cannot be confirmed. Forother hypotheses, the connection between each in-fluencing variable and innovation has been con-firmed but not in the case of multivariate analysis.

Some more analyses have been conductedcomparing different groups of enterprises.

5.4 Conclusions from the empirical research

In our research, we attempted to establish therelationships between different organisational phe-nomena: culture, structures and processes as inde-pendent variables, and creativity and innovation asdependent variables. We used different approachesto verify our hypotheses on the validity of men-tioned influences. On the basis of all the methodsused, we can argue that the following hypothesesand corresponding influences can be confirmed.

In large Slovenian corporations, creativity and

innovation are above all the result of:

• organisational culture,

• team organisation structure,

• intrapreneurship,

• knowledge of connected individuals,

• creativity and innovativeness of managers them-selves,

• managerial support of employees for creativity

and innovation.

Via the statistical methods mentioned and usedin the research, some more influences have alsobeen confirmed:

• the influence of organisational knowledge on cre-ativity and innovation,

• the influence of knowledge management on cre-ativity and innovation,

whereas the influences of R&D departments andmanagerial style do not or do less influence innova-tion and creativity.

We also proved that creativity and innovation in-fluence efficiency to a high degree, but effectivenessless so. We also found that many variables have beenrelated or act in a combined way. We can also seefrom the theoretical part of the research in what waylarge corporations manage themselves in order toachieve higher creativity and innovation and, in theempirical part, what ways are most common in largeSlovenian corporations. However, our research re-mained at a large and not-detailed level. For exam-ple, we found that organisation culture influencescreativity and innovation, but we did not analysewhat type of organisational culture and in what cor-porations makes the most impact. It would be advis-able to continue such more detailed analyses.


In our theoretical and empirical research, westarted with the idea that creativity and innovationwithin enterprises depend on individuals and theirtraits as well as on their relationships. We definedorganisation as set of all relationships and deter-mine organisation as consisting of organisational

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structures, organisational processes and organisa-tional culture. In the theoretical part, we attempt toshow (also by quoting different authors) the influ-ences of organisational phenomena on creativityand innovation. We concluded that organisation (re-lations and interactions among employees) influ-ence creativity and innovation.

In the empirical part, we were interested in de-termining which organisational phenomena influ-ence creativity and innovation in large Slovenianenterprises. We found that Slovenian large enter-prises are creative and innovative; these two phe-nomena are mostly influenced by organisationalculture, team structures, intrapreneurship and man-agerial support of employees to act in a creative andinnovative way. The influence of other organisationalphenomena was found to be less weighty or statisti-cally not significant. We also found a strong impactof creativity and innovation on efficiency but less oneffectiveness, which might be due also to the factthat enterprises mainly seek technical changes andimprovements and care less for financial results.


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