Creative Communications Sample

Creative...discuss why you think this particular vice, food or practice is such a temptation for you Communications Creative Sample 14 Temptation In The Garden • Read Genesis 3:1-13

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    Table Of ContentsSession One—Facing Our Sins �������������������������������� 6-11

    Session Two—Facing Temptation ��������������������������� 12-17

    Session Three—Facing Our Fears �������������������������� 18-23

    Session Four —Facing Our Worldliness ������������������ 24-27

    Session Five—Facing One Another ����������������������� 28-31

    Session Six—Facing Suffering ��������������������������������� 32-34

    By Mark Zimmermann and Rev� Jerry Hays� Art and design by Lindsay Galvin� © 2012 by Creative Communications for the Parish, 1564 Fencorp Dr�, Fenton, MO 63026� 800-325-9414� www�creative-communications�com� All rights reserved� Printed in the USA�

    A Lenten Bible Study In Six Sessions

    by Mark Zimmermann and Rev� Jerry Hays







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    This Bible study for Lent explores how we “set our faces” toward the cross of Christ each day of Lent and each day of our lives as followers of Christ� These Bible studies correspond to the wor-ship series Facing The Cross� Learning through Scripture the ways we can face our sins, temptations, fears, worldliness, one another and suffering by facing the cross before us helps us to become more Christlike in our living� Each session focuses on a different aspect of life we face in this world� We come to realize in each session that our reactions to each aspect have not always been in line with the message of the cross� After reflecting on how we have dealt with these aspects we face in the past, we find out what God’s Word has to say about that particular aspect of life we face daily� Then we discuss how dealing with each aspect in a Christlike manner is a way of revealing the face of Christ to others� Each session concludes with a prayer that God might help us to face the many challenges we face in life in light of the glory and salvation found only in the cross�







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    Tips For Using This Study Guide

    1� Always begin each session with a prayer� One is included for each session� You are encouraged to expand each of them with prayer concerns from the group�

    2� Feel free to follow the format of each session as presented here or rearrange and adapt the material to meet the needs of your group�

    3� You will need Bibles to look up the verses listed in each session� Bible verses are printed out in each Assignment For Next Session for convenience�

    4� As you work through the material in this study guide, be sure to write down in the margins any questions that come to mind or any thoughts that arise in the course of the discussion and your contemplation of each session’s Scripture verses�

    5� Throughout each session, think about specific ways you can face these various aspects in life in a Christlike manner this Lenten season� The section entitled “For Discussion/Application” will help you focus your reflections on this� If there is not time to get to that section, it would be ideal for use in your personal devotional time during the week�

    6� If you are using this guide in a group setting, consider assigning printed Bible verses to various people in the class to read aloud at the appropriate time� This will move the session along more efficiently�

    Note that some of the questions ask for facts� Typically, the answers to these questions will come from the Scripture verses just read� Other questions are more subjective, asking for your opinion or an example from your own experience� Since your life experiences are different from anyone else’s, answers to these questions are neither right nor wrong� A Leader’s Guide that accompanies this material is available from Creative Communications for the Parish (Code FZL)�







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    Opening Prayer

    O Lord, we face temptation every day of our lives, and there is no denying that� Adam and Eve learned how easy it is to give in to temptation, and we admit that we can fall victim to temptation so easily at times as well� But you proved when you were in the desert forty days, dear Jesus, that you can face temptation and triumph over the devil� You showed the world and Satan himself that you have the power over temptation, and you give us that power every day of our lives� Help us to model you in our resistance to temptation that we might live lives that are pleasing to you� Amen�







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    Opening Hymn(to the tune of “Glory Be To Jesus,”

    Wem In Leidenstagen 65 65)

    Face the cross of Jesus, who was tempted thrice,But resisted Satan, took our sacrifice�

    When we face temptation from the evil one,Shun the words of Satan; heed God’s only Son�

    Let us face our Savior, he the Holy Lord,Who the Father’s kingdom perfectly restored�

    Introduction of the ThemeWhen we think about Adam and Eve being tempted in the Garden of Eden, we sometimes want to shake our heads and say, “How could they?” “How could they dis-obey their Lord in this wonderful paradise where all their needs were being taken care of and they were living in harmony with God and each other?” We might wish we could have looked Eve straight in the face when she was about ready to take a bite out of that fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that they were forbid-den to eat and say, “Stop it!” But the truth is that we find ourselves in similar situations when we are tempted to do something to disobey God and we have disobeyed him, just as Adam and Eve did� We have disobeyed this God who has so lovingly given us everything we need on this beautiful earth� We are reminded in this Bible study that temptation is not a thing of the past or something that we don’t need to worry about anymore� It is something that is a part of our current sinful existence in the fallen world, and it is something we must face head-on�

    IcebreakerTalk about what things you are giving up for Lent, and discuss why you think this particular vice, food or practice is such a temptation for you�







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    Temptation In The Garden


    1� Why was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so enticing to Eve?

    2� Why do you think Adam ate the fruit?

    3� What tactics do you see at work in Adam and Eve when they are caught by God?

    Temptation In Common


    1� Why is it a comfort to know that Jesus was tempted just as we are?

    2� Why is it comforting to know that temptations are common among us all?

    3� What “ways of escape” has Jesus provided when you have been tempted?

    4� How are temptation and idolatry connected?

    Temptation In The Desert •ReadMatthew4:1-11.

    1� Why you do think the three temptations would have been especially enticing to Jesus?

    2� What tools does Jesus use to resist the devil’s temptations?

    3 Why is it significant that these temptations occur when Jesus has been in the desert for 40 days?







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    4� In what “desert times” have you experienced temptation?

    5� Why is the presence of angels to minister to Jesus important for us to know?

    For Discussion/Application

    1� In any given day, when do you notice you are more susceptible to temptation? What can you do to resist temptation at those times of day?

    2� Who have been your role models, from the Bible or your life, for dealing with temptation effectively?

    3� What can you do to make yourself more ready to escape the devil’s temptations this week?

    Closing Hymn(to the tune of “What A Friend We Have In Jesus,”

    Converse 87 87 D)

    What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!

    What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

    O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,

    All because we do not carryeverything to God in prayer�

    Have we trials and temptations?Is there trouble anywhere?

    We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer�

    Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?

    Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer�







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    Are we weak and heavy laden,cumbered with a load of care?Precious Savior, still our refuge,

    take it to the Lord in prayer�Do your friends despise, forsake you?

    Take it to the Lord in prayer!In His arms He’ll take and shield you;

    you will find a solace there�

    Closing PrayerDear Jesus, thank you for the tools you have given us to fight off the devil when he comes to do battle with us� We thank you for your Word, which tells us of your love� We thank you for our faith, which reminds us that you are in charge, and we thank you for the Holy Spirit, who helps us to stand up without fear to every sling and arrow of Satan that comes our way� Amen�

    Assignment For Next Session

    • ReadMark4:35-41:

    On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side�” And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was� And other boats were with him� And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling� But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion� And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm� He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”







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    Askyourself: 1� How do the disciples deal with their fears when the

    storm hits?

    2� How do I deal with my fears when the storms of life hit me?

    3� How does Jesus respond to this fearful situation?

    4� What does that tell us about how we should respond to fearful situations?







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