The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide How to market your crafts. For beginners or pros. Insider tips, tricks, resources. Where to go. How to sell. Al Bullington SoapBizKit.com [email protected]

Craft Marketing Report

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How to market your crafts. For beginners or pros. Insider tips, tricks, resources. Where to go. How to sell.

Al Bullington


[email protected]

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Table Of Contents 1. Introduction.……………………………………………………………………. 5

Getting Started……………………………………………….…..……...…..….…6

2. Lots of Ways To Market Crafts…………………………………………… 9

3. Why Shows???………………………………………………………………… 12

4. Follow Up For Easy Sales……………………….………………………… 13

5. Why Not Market Every Way?………………….………………………… 15

6. Craft Shows……………………………………….……………………………. 16

The Business of Crafts……………………………….……..………...…..……17

Potential Income…………….………………………….…………...… .….…..18

Craft Shows as a Marketing Tool…….………………… .….…..…….…..20

Choosing a Craft…………………………………………….….……...………..20

Types of Craft Shows………………………………..…….…….…...………..21

Pick Shows to Enter……………………………………………....……………24

Learn About Shows………………………………………………..……………24

Count the Cost……………………………………………………..….………….29

Art & Craft Lifestyle………………………………………………..…..………31

What to Expect at Craft Shows………………………………..…..…….…32

Shelter at a Show………………………………………………………….……..33


General Principles of Sales Displays…………………………..…………37

Product Arrangement………………………………………………………….38



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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809






Other Merchandising Observations………………………….…….……43

Accepting Payment – Credit Cards………………………………………45

Accepting Payments – Without Credit Cards……………………..…46

Licenses and Taxes………………………………………………………….…48

Record Keeping……………………………………………………………...…48


7. Easy Sales To Customers………………………………………………...50


Business Cards……………………………………………………………..……51

Mail Order…………………………………………………………………..……52


How Do You Write the Text of a Catalog?………………………....…55


Internet Marketing………………………………………………………..…..60

8. Sell More Than Soap………………………………………………...….. 62

9. Summary and Conclusions……………………………………………. 64

10. Resources………………………………………………………………….. 65

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809




Al and Kathleen Bullington here…

We started a part-time soap business several years ago. We sold 35,000 bars

of soap that we made in the kitchen sink. That’s about $4 a bar sales price

and 50 cents to a dollar cost per bar… This was done over about 4 years

working about 15 hours a week. We approached this like any other business,

not just like it was a hobby.

This small scale soap business was started to make a profit fast. And that’s

just exactly what it did.

This book outlines a business plan that is basically what we did.

See, even though the book is about selling natural soap, the principles apply

to selling most any kind of craft. It applies to selling many other products too.

But then, everybody’s situation is different too. So, you will have to deal with

your exact situation.

Here’s the other thing. Making a business go is quite simple. What you have

to do is follow some fairly simple steps. That surely doesn’t mean it’s easy

though. Not easy at all. Most people won’t do what it takes. That’s a fact.

Starting and running a business, even a little micro-size business, takes

action. Having a proven plan and the right resources makes it a whole lot

easier, but action is the key…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Getting started

Here’s the plan for the book:

• Outline of ways to sell crafts, soap in particular.

• Why worry about follow-up sales?

• Why selling at shows works.

• Why not market every way?

• Details of working shows or markets.

• How to get more sales.

• More than soap?

• Resources to make it easier.

This plan will work for selling lots of different things.

You can sell a few products fairly easily, but this plan is about how to build a

small scale business rather than just selling a few items.

Somebody asked me not long ago if it was possible to build a big business

selling soap and personal care items. Sure, it’s possible, but building a little

home-based business is a common way to get a big business started. That’s

what this book outlines – how to start a small scale home-based marketing

business – natural soap marketing.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


HeHeHeHere’s where we’re going…re’s where we’re going…re’s where we’re going…re’s where we’re going…

Marketing at shows (that includes craft shows, festivals, farmers markets and

the like) is the fastest and easiest way to get a craft marketing business going.

That doesn’t mean other ways aren’t valuable. It just means shows are the

fastest and best.

Here’s the key… You aren’t after just a sale… No sireee… You are after

satisfied customers. Why??? They’ll buy again, you see. Getting a new

customer is the hardest thing you will do.

Marketing to your existing customer base is the easiest way to increase sales

and grow your business.

Did you know that craft marketing is big business???

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Marketing of arts and crafts is a huge industry. There are opportunities to

market as a hobby or as a full-time business. It’s up to you! The principles

apply to either!

No get-rich-quick schemes here, but a real opportunity to build a small

business while you do enjoyable work providing products in demand by


Most of our sales were at art and craft shows and follow-up marketing from

those show sales.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Lots of Ways To Market Crafts

You can market crafts many different ways.

However you do it, here’s the general idea.

1. You find a prospect or potential customer.

2. You make a presentation to that prospect.

3. They buy or they don’t.

4. Then you follow up with that prospect or you don’t.

Some methods of marketing crafts are better than others. What does “better” mean? Well, some ways of marketing take less time, some make it easier to follow up with a prospect, some get more sales. OK?

So, how do you find potential customers for crafts?

How about these ideas?

• Home parties

• Door to door

• Website

• Phone calls

• A brick and mortar store

• Word of mouth

• Ads

• A rented mailing list

• Craft Shows

• Current customers Can’t you think of several others??? How does each one work??? Let’s look…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Home parties. How will you schedule the appointments? Count on friends and families? Yikes? How many people will show up? See, it’s going to be really tough to generate much volume this way. This is a way to get customers, but works better for really high-ticket items – like cookware!!! Door to door. Not necessarily selling soap door-to-door, but calling on people and making direct presentations. That could include calling on bed and breakfast places, spas, stores, and gift shops. You get the idea. This involves travel and often selling at wholesale too. Maybe a great way to sell, but may be better combined with other methods. You still have to have some way to make appointments or you’re just making calls to strangers, cold calls, which is not very productive and a tough life… Website. All you have to do is just sell on the Internet, right… You just need a nice website… If it were only that easy. See, you can pay big money for a website and make no sales. Why? Traffic is the key to success on a site. Do you know how to get traffic to a website? If you don’t, your site will remain hidden. Which is where most craft sites are… hidden. There’s a great way to use a site, but it isn’t for getting new customers. Phone calls. How about calling customers? Telemarketing works… But that’s a tough way to go. Not very well suited to soap, I’m afraid. A brick and mortar store. Open a soap shop. Many folks do, but then you have rent, utilities, hours of operation and that entire burden. Then again, maybe you can sell through a gift shop, maybe a coop store. That might work. If you can get the traffic in your store, if you can stand staying in a store for long hours, and so forth. Freedom isn’t minding a store to my way of looking at things. Look at all the ways you can’t market if you’re stuck in a store. Word of mouth. Friends, family and customers will pass the word and that’s a really great way to build a business. Just depends on how big the network is that your friends and family contact. You can do this one no matter what other methods you use to get customers.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Ads. Ads can be all over the place. Radio. Magazines. Newspaper. Free shopper papers. Internet Newsletters. Lots of places will put in an ad for you. Might work and might not and some of them will really cost you. A rented mailing list. You can even try direct mail campaigns using a rented list. This is high risk especially for small items with low profit margins. Craft Shows. Shows include gatherings of people who are looking to buy crafts. Think art and craft shows, festivals, street fairs, even farmers markets. Here’s the plus. You get groups of people gathered to at least look at crafts. In some cases these are large groups, even huge groups. So, potentially you can sell a lot of product in just a short period time. That’s efficient selling. Related are trade shows or gift shows. Here’s another way to see a lot of buyers in a short time. This isn’t for beginners though, since you must commit to larger volumes at discounted prices. The price is another problem. It will be a wholesale price… At many shows by making a lot of presentations you have a CHANCE to make a lot of sales. There’s more too. Current customers. A show is one place you can make lots of contacts. Convert contacts to customers and you start to build a business. That’s because it’s much easier to sell to customers than to strangers. The follow-up marketing to customers is far easier than selling to strangers. Now how about more on using SHOWS to build a business?

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Why Shows???

Craft shows can help you build a soap business even if you want to use another type of marketing as your main way to sell. Here are some of the advantages of craft shows for a soap business…

• See lots of customers in a short time.

• Potential customers are there to look at crafts.

• Put marketing materials in the hands of even those who don’t buy.

• Little overhead required.

• Cost to enter is low.

• Follow up with customers to build a business from home.

• Repeat business at shows you regularly attend.

• Meet lots of interesting people.

• See new places.

Here are some negatives though…

• Requires travel.

• Expenses of staying away from home.

• Can’t make product while you’re gone to shows.

• Risks of travel.

• Meet lots of interesting people!!!

• Must pay entry fees up front.

• Your vehicle may not work for transporting stuff. In short, craft shows, along with festivals and even farmers markets, are a fast way to present your products to many potential customers in a short period of time.

Get there. Make presentations. Collect your money. Go home. Follow up with contacts. If you are fortunate to make a good number of sales then you then have customers that may buy more from you. And sometimes all you have to do to make those sales is ask. Every other form of marketing soap can still work along with selling at shows.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Follow Up For Easy Sales

Here’s how the craft show marketing works…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Let me explain…Let me explain…Let me explain…Let me explain…

Let’s say you make a sale to a customer at a show…

You can get some marketing materials in the customer’s hands…

Those materials may include:

• Order info on the product label – your name, address, phone, email,


• A brochure -- your name, address, phone, website, order form,

product info.

There’s more…

If you can get some contact information from your customer, or

anybody you talk toanybody you talk toanybody you talk toanybody you talk to for that matter, you can follow up with them.

What’s follow-up?

• Mail them a brochure.

• Mail them a catalog and sales letter.

• Call them. Yikes!!!

• Email them…

• Market with your website which they now have the address for…

• And more…

This followThis followThis followThis follow----up is key to building a business.up is key to building a business.up is key to building a business.up is key to building a business.

Plus, it’s cheap, easy and works.Plus, it’s cheap, easy and works.Plus, it’s cheap, easy and works.Plus, it’s cheap, easy and works.

Plus, nearly nobody takes the time to do these simple steps…Plus, nearly nobody takes the time to do these simple steps…Plus, nearly nobody takes the time to do these simple steps…Plus, nearly nobody takes the time to do these simple steps…


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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Why Not Market Every Way?

Why not just do a little of everything???

Of course you should… BUT…

Focus is the key to success though.

See, the craft show business can help you with every other way you try to sell

your soap.

That’s why it makes sense to try to build a craft show business even if you

don’t want to.

Here’s the other thing. The follow-up work is the easy part and that part you

can do with many other types of marketing. For example, even if you sell in a

store, you want your contact information and product literature in the hands

of as many people as you can get it in.

The problem with selling to people who you don’t see, like people who buy

your stuff from a store, is you have developed no personal relationship with

that person. People who see you at a show and talk to you are relating to you

on a completely different level. See?

What follows is a lot of details about selling crafts. It’s geared to craft show

selling, but there are lots more. There are merchandising tips along with the

best way to get your marketing materials and why you should…

Read on for more…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Craft Shows – The Details Let’s just say I’ve convinced you to take a careful look at craft shows as a way

to get started with a craft marketing business.

Understand that a craft marketing business is what you should see a soap

business as. See, it can and should be more than just a soap business.

If I’ve convinced you, the following section of the book is about how to use the

craft show route to start a business.

If you want nothing to do with craft shows and you want to try another route

to success, much of what a craft show marketer does applies to you too. For

example, display design is even more important for gift shop displays than for

craft shows!!! Why???

Because you’re not standing there in a gift shop making a presentation. Your

display must do all the selling. At least your display and your package design

must make the sale. See??

Every way of selling soap will have common elements with running a craft

show business.

Plus, it’s really the follow-up activity that builds a craft business. That follow-

up activity may be all you want to do to build your business. It can work, if

you can find the potential customers and make contact with them.

More about craft marketing in detail follows…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


The Business of Crafts

Millions of hobby crafters purchase a steady stream of supplies, information,

training and equipment. Many sell their craft production to eager buyers.

Think of all the craft support businesses. Untold numbers of people provide

craft supplies and materials.

Any craft you choose is an industry within an industry. Every craft has people

involved who are “into it “ in a big way. They eat, sleep, and breathe it.

Most crafts have organizations, shows, magazines, newsletters and books

devoted just to that craft or even some small niche of that general craft.

Crafting is big business with lots of opportunities for you to get involved!

Why would anyone choose to start a craft business?

For starters there are lots of advantages to being your own boss. You make

the decisions. Succeed or fail, it’s up to you…nobody telling you what to do.

There’s a sense of freedom and independence when you call the

shots…nothing like working for somebody else.

Don’ t quit your day job to start a craft business! But in this time of

downsizing and pensions disappearing, it makes sense for everyone to have

multiple streams of income. From a financial standpoint, having more than

one source of income always makes sense.

Other advantages to craft marketing: You can practice your business

skills…including sales, production, accounting, graphic design, writing,

merchandising, etc.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


These skills are transferable and can enhance your other career, whatever it


While you practice your skills, you have opportunities to go to beautiful

places, make friends, and meet interesting people. This is especially true if

you market on the craft show circuit.

Potential Income

To start a craft business to get rich is probably not a good idea. But there are

lots of folks who make good incomes and many others make a nice part-time

income or retirement supplement.

Many people have no desire to build a big business…too much trouble! Some

participate in only a couple of festivals a year and still bring home a nice wad

of cash! Most of your receipts will be CASH too. Maybe sales are just a way to

get paid for doing what you enjoy…to get some recognition for your skill.

But some craft businesses have grown into multi-million dollar sales

organizations. I was involved in soap crafting and personal care items.

Would you believe there are multi-million dollars sales enterprises that grew

out of personal care products crafting?

Ever heard of Burt’s Bees? Burt’s Bees is a very successful

personal care business that grew from a kitchen-scale home

business to a very large company and then sold out…! There are

many other examples! Badger Balm is another… And on and on…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


What about soap income???

How much does it cost to make a bar of soap??? Well, the cost is all over the map. See, you can use nearly free animal fats to make soap. You can make unscented soap. Do those and you can make a nice bar of soap for a nickel… But… That’s not realistic. Here’s what I just did. This is what you must do too before you even think about making soap for money. I went the Rainbow Meadow website to look at some prices, because I know they sell lye, base soap oils and essential oils. I also know I can buy all those cheaper somewhere else, but it gives me something to work with… I looked up the price for a 5 gallon pail of palm oil, a 50 pound bag of lye and a 16 ounce bottle of lavender oil. If I were doing this for real, I would look at the actual oils for a recipe and I would look at the actual price from the source I would use. I would carefully look at shipping too. But this is just rough estimate… OK I look at one of my recipes to get the amount of soap oils, lye and scent oils. I see how much those cost for the batch of soap. That gives me the cost for a bar. I get about 50 cents for the cost of a bar of soap… That’s typical…. Maybe a little less… Maybe more… Depending on how much you spend on the smells… Now how much can YOU sell a bar of soap for???

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Sell then really cheap, like at $1 per bar, and you can sell a bunch… Sell them really high, like at $8 per bar, and you move not very many… Say you sell a bar of soap that cost you 50 cents for 4 dollars???? You’re going to get rich, right??? Hardly… You have all kinds of other costs… Show entrance fees, stamps, paper, labels, paper towels, gas, motel bills, ink cartridges, taxes, permits, software, and so forth… A 50 cents cost and a 4-dollar sales price will work, but you need to sell a bunch of bars and watch your other costs like a hawk… This is the thought process you must go through to decide what to do and how to price your stuff… If your competition gives away their product and does not value their time and expertise, you have serious trouble… That’s because you must price to meet the competition no matter what your cost is… This is reality…

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Craft Shows As A Marketing Tool

What’s the best way to market? I think the best way to start a craft business is

to sell at craft shows. There are thousands of events you can enter across the

country. Shows vary from events at local schools to major events promoted

by professional promoters drawing crafters from across the nation. And

everything in between.

Craft shows are an amazing marketing tool! A show promoter’s job is to get

the crowd. Your job is to present your product and sell! Crowds vary from a

few hundred to literally a few hundred thousand depending on the show! You

have a built-in market ready to buy your stuff!

It doesn’t necessarily take months and years to make a profit, just a short

time. If you already do a craft hobby, you have the tools and equipment

needed. Little additional investment is needed to start selling, to start a


Additionally, many craft businesses require very little start-up capital and low

investment. Because of that, it’s possible to have a profitable business very

quickly too.

Production, pricing, marketing, distribution, accounting…everything involved

in any other type of production and distribution business must be dealt with.

Add on banking, receiving payment, shipping, etc. and it gets interesting.

That’s part of the challenge and the fun of being in charge and building a


Choosing a Craft

If you already craft something that is an easy question to answer. Maybe you

know exactly what you wish to do and are already doing it.

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The Soapmaker’s Marketing Guide

Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


You could be interested in several pursuits and must choose something. Why

don’t you visit craft marketing outlets and see if you see something that

appeals to you. What’s selling well? Anything obviously hot?

At craft shows or festivals you have a chance to interact with crafters and

show-goers and choose a craft that appeals to you. Sure is fun to begin selling

what people want to buy. Consider what’s selling as you make your decision

on what to sell.

Do you process your craft in a special way? Do you have a unique approach or

story? Point out those differences! This can hardly be overemphasized.

What is unique about your product or how you make it or where you make it?

Tell that story.

We didn’t just make soap. We made milk soap. And it wasn’t just milk soap;

it was milk from a cow we milked. And the cow had a name. Now there’s a

story…a difference that can be emphasized.

Types of Craft Shows

Some shows are for fine arts. Some are for traditional crafts…high-end…low

end. Some combine arts and crafts. Different locations have different

economic conditions. Many events are part of festivals. The festivity may be

the focus …music…a theme…a historic period… The festivity may enhance the

arts and crafts or it may distract from it. Each event is different.

Some events have themes. You may be asked to be in period costume or to

decorate in a certain way. Ask questions of promoters. Pay attention to the

guides. If you do a show the first time, judge how your business fits the


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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Events may attract crafters and artists from different areas. Many shows have

only local participants. Some attract vendors from a larger region. Some

attract participants from across the nation. Better shows with vendors from

far away places, challenge you to do your best. That’s good for your business.

It seems best to put together a mix of these shows. Do some local, some

regional, some national if you can.

What does it cost to get in these events to sell your products? Usually a

standard space is about 10 feet by 10 feet. That varies of course. Small local

shows may only charge $30 - $50. More typical for better local and regional

shows is $100 - $300. Bigger events go higher, typically $500. Though some

events are much higher and some charge a percentage of sales. But those are

common ranges.

Getting accepted to the better shows is competitive. You must submit an

application with pictures of your craft product and your display. Your

application is compared with that of others. The same uniqueness and quality

of your product and display that will help you make good sales will get you in


Usually there is a “working your way up” process. Start at local shows; build

to bigger shows as you have success.

Shows can be juried or non-juried. A juried show will evaluate your

application and will choose a percentage of applicants to participate in the

show. Usually there are published requirements to appear in the show. You

may even have to pay a fee to be considered.

The better shows are usually juried to insure the quality of the show. This

type of show will typically have a good balance of different arts and crafts.

Generally quality is higher at juried shows.

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Many times non-juried shows will contain booths of purchased things being

resold. This is called buy/sell. This is certainly a legitimate way to do

business. However crafters certainly don’t wish to compete for customers’

funds with imported goods.

The juried shows may have some of the buy/sell, but usually not as much as

non-juried shows.

Most juried shows require photos or slides showing the crafted items to be

sold. Usually photos of the display are required too. Sometimes you’ll be

asked what other shows you’ve participated in.

You certainly wouldn’t have all this to start. But very quickly you can get

these pictures and build a list of shows you’ve participated in. Again a story

and a unique approach will get you in shows.

Within juried or non-juried shows, there are many other variations. Some

shows may have only a few hundred potential customers, others hundreds of


What will work best for you? Only time and experimentation will tell. You

would think that huge shows with masses of people would be best. But if the

people are there for the festival events: music, rides, food, etc., there may be

little interest in crafts.

On the other hand, those masses of folks may be ready to haul off masses of

crafts…who can tell?

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Pick Shows to Enter

Let’s pick good shows and get started. Remember that you must plan ahead.

Good shows fill early. You cannot just show up and expect to get in good

events. People do that sometimes-just show up!

Marketing your art and crafts through shows is a great way to start. It’s a

great way to promote your business, no matter how you choose to market as

your business grows. Choice of shows is critical to your success.

With the right information and some experience, you can quickly put together

a show schedule that will speed you on your way to success in your art or craft

marketing adventure.

Learn About Shows

I recommend that newcomers to selling at art and craft shows use Event

Guides. But even seasoned pros follow the guides. Everybody always looks

for possible new shows.

You may buy print guides or there are on-line guides too. Some of the print

guides have print updates too. Others have on-line updates during the year.

Many are very comprehensive; others are more basic. Some charge a

membership fee. Others are free.

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


The beauty of the best guides is they give the basic information needed to

evaluate a show.

Included information may be:

� Dates of show

� Promoter or sponsor

� Location of show

� Types of craft or art

� Attendance numbers

� Contact information

� Fees

� Jury requirements

� Deadline for application

� Feedback from crafters

� Outside / inside / mall

� Show history

Some guides include audit results from polling crafters and artists. Audit

results include critical comments by participants, reported sales amounts, and

types of items sold. You really need this information for choosing shows.

Annual audits like the one from Sunshine Artist include ratings of shows.

Sunshine Artist rates top 100 nationwide shows in several art and craft

categories. These are widely viewed as the best shows in the nation.

With this encouragement and praise for craft guides, use caution. Everyone’s

situation is different. What may work great for some may not be best for you.

Also if you, with your traditional craft, participate in a highly rated show with

fine art, you will be out of place and probably not do well. Don’t blindly

follow the guides, but they are a great place to start.

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


As you see from the accompanying resource list, there are guides that cover all

regions of the country. The national guides cover the larger shows.

My favorite way to choose shows is to look at your past shows, assuming you

have done shows before. Looking at past shows gives a good idea how you’ll

do next time. Whatever you need to know about how a show is conducted, the

type of buyers, location…you already know. Of course every show’s different,

but you certainly know a lot if you’ve done a show before.

Many times you can pre-register for the next show, if you’ve done a show in

the past. That’s easier than starting from scratch with a new show.

So if you’ve been to shows before, you’ve got the inside track. That’s the best

and easiest way to select shows. Choose what you know.

Another means of learning about shows is from promoters. Very commonly

promoters for future shows will approach you at a show and invite you to be

at their upcoming show. Why do they do that? Should you be flattered that

they want you and your special craft at their show?

Probably not. They probably are new to this and just getting started. Or they

have a less than desirable show and have a hard time filling all the slots. May

be a good opportunity, but not likely.

Once you start doing shows, you get on mailing lists and will regularly receive

applications to shows in the mail. This is another way to learn about shows.

Realize that the best shows fill quickly.

Maybe you need a show to fill an open weekend, but it’s much better to plan

in advance than to just randomly apply to shows because someone mailed you

an application. Lots of local events show up in local papers. Check those out.

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Last and potentially worst, you can get your craft show information from

other crafters. After you have experience, you learn whom you can trust. You

will make friends who will understand what you do and can make a good

recommendation. This is very valuable to you. On the other hand, beware of

advice initially about “good shows”.

Realize that everyone’s situation is different. Expectations are different.

What may be “great” for one crafter may be a complete “disaster” for another.

A hobby crafter with the desire to make a little bit to help pay for their hobby

and enjoy socializing in the park is one thing. Someone trying to make a

living is entirely different.

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I emphasize that doing art or craft events takes lots of time and energy. You

cannot go to show after show and just barely cover your expenses. This will

wear you down in every way…physically, mentally, emotionally. You will

quickly tire of this and quit.

� Find shows with better chance to make some profit.

� Go back to good shows.

� Dump the duds quickly.

� Use the guides.

� Ask questions of promoters.

� Ask crafters whose judgment you trust.

� Find good shows before you waste too much time on crummy ones.

� Find what works for you as fast as you can.

As you evaluate shows, there are other considerations.

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Count the Costs

One very important factor is the cost to do a show. Cost is more than just the

entry fee. You will learn by experience. Or you can think ahead and heed the

voice of experience…mine, to be exact!!

If you’re at home you can eat at home, leave your vehicle parked and sleep in

your own bed. Plus whatever stuff you need (like aspirin, tooth brushes, and

so forth) you already have. Think you might forget something when you hit

the trail?

When you hit the road, money starts to disappear. You’ll likely eat out. You

will certainly drive or fly. And you’ll have to sleep somewhere. Then you’ll

buy stuff you forgot. Usually you need souvenirs or just “comfort” purchases.

You know you’ll have spare time at least at night. That’s a temptation to go

spend money. Those many little expenses can rapidly eat up your profits.

Another consideration is inventory costs. You must “invest” in inventory for

every show. Especially in the busy season, you must build ahead. Especially

if you have several big shows back-to back.

You must finance that inventory to have it ready to sell. What is the cost of

your product? To start with that investment should come from savings. As

you grow, the inventory can be financed with earnings. The principle is get

started with savings and get bigger with earnings.

Vehicle cost is a biggie. Of course there’s the obvious fuel cost for your

vehicle. But also there’s wear and tear, which eventually will force

replacement of your vehicle. Also consider the cost in time. The further you

travel, the more time you spend.

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Also there’s a risk factor. Don’t forget that the more you travel, the more risk

you will have an accident. Especially when you drive at night and you’re dead

tired. Again the further you travel, the higher the travel cost. How much

extra do you have to sell to offset the added cost of long distance travel? This

doesn’t address travel by air…but the same principles apply.

A final factor I’ll mention is entrance fees. Far in advance, you must apply

and send in entrance fees to most shows. Again, it’s an investment, but your

money may be tied up for months or as much as a year. For more expensive

shows, this may be a substantial outlay of cash, not available for other

purposes. Something to consider.

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Art & Craft Lifestyle

Do you realize that being an artist or crafter and selling at shows is a lifestyle?

It actually is very much like a circus or carnival.

This is the way it goes:

Make stuff, travel, set up, do the show, tear down, travel, make stuff, travel,

set up, do the show, tear down…

Years ago, my 2 young sons went with me to set up at a local craft event. After

we completed the set up, the lady promoter dropped by to chat. She asked my

youngest son, Isaac, who was 6 years old at the time, if he helped make our

products. He looked at her and said, ”No ma’am, I just set up and tear

down.” Such is the life of a crafter!!

Of course, if you’re doing only a few shows, the show routine can be a great

recreation and fun. But for a full-time venture, it’s work. Full time artists and

crafters typically eat, sleep, and breathe their work. Just like anyone else

successful in any venture. It isn’t easy!

A possible route to take is to work hard…pay attention…figure out what works

for you…then eliminate all but the best shows. That’s the way to be most

efficient in producing income from your art or craft.

Use shows as just one stream of several in your art and craft business. Use as

many sales methods as you can. Use those best shows as income generators

and as promotional tools for your other methods of moving your product and

pulling in the big bucks.

Keep a good log with show notes to help in choosing shows for next year. If

you don’t write it down, events just run together in your mind.

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Follow up with your contacts at shows. Do some shows produce more follow-

up business than others? Wholesale contacts, mail order, website. Keep

records of follow-up sales from shows.

What to Expect at Craft Shows

Travel and transport of your stuff is a big thing. Will your craft equipment

and stuff fit in the back of your van, truck or car or do you need a cargo

trailer? Do you have anything to pull a trailer with? That could be a big

consideration if this is a potential moneymaking proposition. Best to make do

with what you have to start with, if money is a factor. And sometimes it

obviously isn’t.

One of my craft friends travels in a late model Blue Bird custom bus pulling a

color-coordinated full-size late model GM van. Their craft…puppets!

Everyone’s situation is different.

Maybe money is a factor for you, or maybe as my puppet friends, fun is the

goal. Either one’s O.K. of course. And hey, even if money is a factor, fun

should still be part of the goal!

Now you have a way to get your wares and equipment to the display location.

At the location you must set up a display. Sizes of your display area vary.

You’ll usually know the size of what you have to work with before you get


Inside or outside makes a big difference. Lots fewer problems inside. No rain

to contend with, no dust, no wind, no sun, no mud, etc. But outside the

atmosphere is a great plus. Bad weather is tough when you’re outside though.

But great weather is a real morale booster for outside shows. What

could be nicer that a beautiful spring or fall Saturday with moderate

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temperatures, balmy breezes and beautiful skies? Sometimes you

think “It can’t get any better that this.”

Shelter at a Show

One of the keys to success at selling at outdoor craft shows is

your shelter.

That’s the focus of this section. What is the best craft show shelter? What

should you get and what do you need to know?

People make do with all sorts of shelters: umbrellas, portable carports, and

homemade tents.

But most people choose a regular 10 x 10 foot craft tent. The tent is a shelter

from wind, sun and rain. Very difficult to do without one even in mild

weather. Even light breezes and sunshine draw the moisture and energy out

of you over time. You need a shelter.

OK then, what are the real options? There are three major tent brands:

� E-ZUP.

� Light-Dome.

� Trimline.

Let’s review each of these and list advantages and disadvantages.

The E-ZUP is a very innovative accordion-like design widely used and


Several grades are available. The Express II at about $250 is the lightest duty

model that I would recommend you consider. Expect to pay about $400 for

the tent with four sides and a carrying bag. Sometimes you find specials on

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these at Sam’s or other discount outlets at about $250 with walls and carrying


Next grade is the Enterprise II, a commercial model, heavier in every way,

with a better top. The top is heavier, more weather resistant. Cost is about

$350 for the base tent or $500 with sides.

The heaviest duty is the Eclipse II with a heavier frame and the same top as

the Enterprise. Cost is about $700 with the sides.

Generally the E-ZUPs, especially in the lighter weights, are not recommended

in wind. Also, the tops are prone to catch water during rain and if water pools

this can collapse and destroy the tent.

To deal with this, some people put hula-hoops between the tent frame and the

top to hold the top tight (I’m not kidding!). Similarly spring clamps holding

the tent top to the frame keep the top tight and prevent water pools.

Consider using tent waterproofing on your E-ZUP top before it rains on you.

It will help shed water, but probably will turn the top yellow. Oh well!

Attachment of sides on the cheaper tents is with Velcro strips. Better sides

with full zippered closure are available. The zipper sides are about $300


E-ZUP Advantages

• Frame folds into a compact package.

• Easy to set up and easy to transport.

• Self-contained package… nothing to forget or lose.

• One person set up or takes down in a few minutes.

• Relatively cheap in the lighter grades.

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E-ZUP Disadvantages

• Tops may leak in lower grades.

• Tops collect water and can be destroyed if water pools.

• Especially subject to wind damage.

Next is the Light-Dome or Extend Dome, two slightly different versions of the

same tent. This is a very popular tent with tubing pole frame and an arched

or dome shaped roof. Price is about $800.

Light-Dome Advantages

o They are lightweight at 40 pounds.

o Guaranteed not to leak and not to pool water on the top.

o Includes carrying bag and anchor hardware.

Light-Dome Disadvantages

o Several pieces, mostly poles that snap together. Easy to leave

something at home.

o One person can erect, but not for the faint hearted.

o Higher cost than low end E-ZUP.


Final choice is the Trimline. This tent has an arch top with waterproof, rip-

stop material. The frame is steel with PVC rafters. Built-in vents and skylight.

Cost a little over $800 or about $1,000 with options and delivery.

Trimline Advantages

� Waterproof top.

� Good in wind.

� Good ventilation.

� Standard skylight to showcase goods.

Trimline Disadvantages

� More difficult set up than E-ZUP.

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� Several pieces to keep up with.

� Harder to set up for one person.

My Recommendation

Consider starting out with an inexpensive E-ZUP, but beware of wind and

rain. Consider the Light-Dome or Trimline for long-term success especially in

high wind and rain areas.

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Maybe your goods will sell themselves, but probably they won’t. That means

you’re going to have to present your stuff well and you’re going to

have to sell it.

In any market, your product display is a vital marketing tool.

Use your unique creativity to design and build a show booth that will help you

have your best sales ever.

There are many sights, sounds and attractions at craft events. Your job as a

marketer of crafts is to attract buyers to your display. Then make them

comfortable to stay awhile and look at what you have. Then you can sell!

General Principles of Sales Displays

Are there general principles that apply to designing and putting together sales

displays? Yes! I will mention several, some of which are often overlooked.

Remember your booth is in fact your retail store, set up temporarily in its

current location.

The purpose of that “store” is to sell products to customers. We can learn

from retail merchants much about how to sell.

The overall appearance of the booth should be neat and attractive. Of course

the product will determine the general layout to some degree. Paintings for

example require walls, easels, or stands of some kind for display. Jewelry in a

retail setting would be in cases at multiple levels.

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Place smaller cases on top of main cases. So you have product at many

heights. Also salespersons are behind cases to assist. Generally think how an

upscale retail establishment displays this product.

When you attract customers to your booth, make them feel comfortable. My

observation is that many people, me included, are uncomfortable when boxed

in, especially in a crowd. Avoid boxing people in when possible.

Use as much of your space as you can but still have room for good traffic flow.

I suggest a layout with displays on three or four sides with the salesperson

inside. Or have a layout with display on four sides and the salesperson, that’s

you, outside the display. This would be like many mall kiosks.

Go look at some mall kiosks! This is very important! Maybe

the best hint in the book!!

There’s a reason kiosks of that design are used in malls. They work. I have

seen this layout used very effectively at craft shows. I have used this type

layout very successfully!

It’s unusual…yes, but effective.

Product Arrangement

Don’t just stack things on tables. This is too common. Please do not do that!

Use variation in height and depth to catch buyers’ eyes. Use shelving,

backdrops, pedestals, racks and stands.

Make heights of displays and reach distances convenient. If in doubt, check

counter and display measurements in retail stores!

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Combine displayed items in sets when possible. That will encourage purchase

of multiple pieces. We might call this “bundling”. Sell items in sets to boost


For example we bundled three of our standard items in a three for one price

deal. Almost everyone bought in sets of three or in multiples of three! With

mail order sales, we bundled 10 for one price and almost everyone bought 10

or multiples of 10…amazing!

Think. How this could work for you? An artist selling prints would offer

frames with prints for a combo price. A potter would offer mixing bowl sets

for a special price. This applies to almost anybody.

Display items to suggest possible uses. Have showpiece items that attract

attention and invite conversation. Showcase large and unusual pieces.

Keep displays well stocked and neat at all times. Bare displays look “picked

over”. Have a neat place for stock and a plan for restocking. You’re going to

be so busy selling that you need an easy restock system!!!


Of course shelving units can be purchased. Or build your own shelving with

many kinds of ordinary items. Walk through Hobby Lobby and Home Depot

looking for ideas.

We make shelves using olive oil cans with Italian scenes on them supporting

solid cherry boards that we already had. Very attractive, cheap and unusual.

Worked great…looked classy…lots of positive comments. Be creative.

Anything covered with neat cloth drapes can make nice shelves.

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Do something different! Use your imagination. You can do it!

Same with tables. You can buy custom table covers or modify bed sheets or

standard tablecloths. Decorate tabletops with quilt pieces, lace, or colorful

cloth squares.

The theme of the booth can change by simply changing the trim used on top

of the table.

If you need tables, I recommend the plastic folding utility tables by Lifetime.

They come in different sizes. They are light, tough and stackable.


Sometimes you have a choice of where your booth will be. If so, choose a

location with a favorable traffic pattern. Of course that will be a guess! In any

case make best use of your display to fit traffic patterns.

Sometimes you may have traffic on only one side or it could be on two, three

or four sides. You may not know until you arrive for set-up. Use creativity

and flexibility to deal with the situation. It’s challenging and fun to deal with

whatever you’re faced with.


Choose a theme for your display if you can. The theme can be

seasonal: spring, fall, etc. The theme could vary with the type of

show: pioneer, agricultural, renaissance, etc. Or the focus might

be on the craft: quilting, woodcraft, painting, etc.

Colors can alter a theme in many ways. Colors can completely change the

look of a display from one show to the next. Props can alter themes.

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Remember one of the functions of a display is to attract attention.

Demonstrating your craft always attracts attention. That attention can spark

conversation, which can generate sales.

If demonstration isn’t appropriate, can you show a video of crafting activities

and explain what is being demonstrated. Another idea is to assemble a

collage of pictures of your craft process or related activities…an amazing


Make a picture collage a prominent part of your display. Have

an album of pictures available to illustrate what you do. Tell

your story… in pictures as well as in words!

We put together such a collage in a 22 x 18 inch picture

frame. Nine pictures told our story…an amazing attention-

getter. Most people who paid any attention to our display

looked at the picture collage. Almost no exhibitor does a

picture display like that…big opportunity for you! Promoters

love it too!


Cost is certainly a factor in both design and construction. You could spend

thousands on a display and that might be appropriate for some. Certainly

wouldn’t do that to start off though. Use creativity and think cheap. You can

build a professional quality display for very little.

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Observe major retail stores for design ideas for your craft booth. Try

something new. See what happens. Remember to think about your customer

in whatever you do. Have fun!! Act enthusiastic! Enthusiasm is contagious!


Employ signs whenever possible. A craft show set-up is like a small, temporary

store. Tell your story and make it easy to buy using signs when you can. Use

banners. Keep it professional and appropriate, but tell your story with signs.

That includes your pricing labels. Can you include contact information with

your price labels? Mark those prices clearly to eliminate confusion. Describe

features and benefits in signs! Use pictures and illustration where possible.

Have a portfolio of pictures in a three ring binder. It takes energy to tell your

story and answer questions. Repeating yourself wears you down. Use signs

and pictures to tell your story and save your energy.

Maybe your product sells itself… I doubt it!!

So many ways to promote your business. Use as many as you can.

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Other Merchandising Observations

Neatness counts. Clutter is distracting and confusing. Layout of your displays

adds to neatness and can help prospective customers see what you have and be

drawn to it.

The best example I saw of merchandising was by a husband and wife team

selling candles. Both were ex-Zales diamond store sales people. He was a

trainer. They sold candles like crazy. Their faces were smiling. They actively

invited people to look and smell their product. They were always up and


The display was accessible from the outside on all four sides.

No one had to come into the display. That is intimidating. He told me that’s a

key, let people stay outside your display. Don’t make them come into a


Make browsing easy and be friendly! If you can get their attention,

show them what you have and ask for the sale. Always be friendly…no thin


Remember, it’s all in fun! Hey, some people enjoy being sold on something.

Entertain people if you can. Wow…this is tough for introverted engineers and

such, but hey, you can get better at it and even enjoy it a little in time.

Some people enjoy more banter than others. React to people. Treat them

with courtesy and consideration. Trash the big director’s chair.

Stay on your feet as much as possible interacting with people. Talk to people.

Tell them what you have.

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Read some books on selling! Selling can be fun too. Especially if you value

what you have and believe in it. Boy it’s tough to deal with rejection when so

much of your time and life are wrapped up in this effort. But…hey, get over it.

Everybody doesn’t want what you have…you don’t have enough for everybody

anyway. I’ve “sold out” before. It’s a cool feeling!

Packaging can help sell your products. Do you need boxes, labels, jars,

wrapping paper? If you can develop sources of these, you may gain an

advantage in your marketing. We have a local box plant, which is a good source

of inexpensive boxes and packing materials.

If you need labels, you can readily develop those on your computer. We chose

to have custom labels developed and printed at an outside source. They looked

very professional and were quite economical. Think about the shape and

design of your displays whether it is racks, shelves, etc. Make it easy to pack.

Make it inviting and attractive for shoppers.

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Accepting Payment – Credit Cards

People expect that you will accept credit cards. Shop around at

your bank or on the Internet for merchant accounts. Requirements

vary, as do fees charged. Charge card equipment is a field of its own. You can

still use the paper imprint swipe machines. Or you can use a cell phone based

system and an electronic scanner which has the advantage of on-site approval

of the transaction. On-site approval would be a big plus on high-ticket items.

To accept credit cards, you must put together several different parts.

Those parts are:

� A bank that issues you a merchant credit card account

� A transaction clearinghouse that works with the bank

� A hardware or software gate to the clearinghouse

� A merchant credit card broker (optional)

The easiest way to put this together is to work with your bank, but you should

do some shopping. Fees vary widely. Do an Internet search, which will show

there are many brokers who will put the pieces together for you. Be very

careful of fees and hardware costs. That’s where the brokers make their

money. If your bank is not satisfactory, try another local bank.

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Accepting Payment – Without Credit Cards

To start, go with some change and take cash and checks.

A normal requirement to qualify for a merchant account is your business has

existed for some period, often a year or two. Obviously if you just started a

business you can’t meet that requirement.

Until you get a feel for whether your venture will succeed, you may not want a

merchant account anyway. If you’re starting with a small amount of capital, the

fees and on-going expenses of accepting credit cards are best avoided anyway.

But what can a starting businessperson do? Consumers expect businesses to

accept credit cards…especially for telephone sales. And telephone sales can be

a big part of many businesses. When we started our small business, we quickly

saw this problem and searched for some solution to this problem.

What we found was check-printing software. We purchased and used

CheckMAN software. CheckMAN is Windows-based software that allows you

to print what are legally called “Demand Drafts” which for all practical purposes

is the same as a check

Your customer provides you with information so you can create a check like

they would write. Their original is their record. You print out the check and

deposit it…simple as that. All legal. Your customer provides no more

information than they would if writing a check.

So even though you can’t accept credit cards you have a way to accept payment

by phone. In the same manner you can accept payment by fax or by email. The

customers can fax a copy of a filled out check to you. You create a draft using

that information and deposit just as you normally would. Same for email.

Obtain the information and create the check.

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Plus, customers who have no credit cards can pay you by phone, fax or email.

There are actually several advantages to accepting checks over credit cards:

� It costs the merchant about 3% of each sale for credit card fees. Cost of

checks is only about 5 cents per check.

� Equipment for processing credit cards is expensive to buy or to lease and

there are fixed monthly fees. Software for printing checks is a one-time

nominal expense.

� Qualifying for a merchant account to accept credit cards is much like

qualifying for a bank loan. Many merchants can’t qualify. Anyone can

accept checks.

� Many people don’t have a major credit card. But most of your potential

customers have a checking account.

There are other advantages, but you get the idea.

The software keeps a database of checks written. For reorders, just update the

information with the new check number, date and amount. There is no need to

obtain all the information. Even after we started accepting credit cards, some

of our customers on the CheckMAN system still preferred using it. It was

easier for them!

Requires a laser or inkjet printer and blank check paper. The paper can be

purchased from CheckMAN. Cost of the software is $39.95 one time. There are no

additional fees. The only on-going expense is the check paper.

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Another option to consider for taking payments without a merchant account is

PayPal’s new “virtual terminal”. This is very new but could be a terrific option for

you. Check it out at www.paypal.com.

Licenses and Taxes

Certainly you want to obtain the necessary licenses and pay your taxes. But

don’t become too focused on that. You might not get anything else done. Look,

you’re just a hobby at first. Be reasonable. If you ask licensing authorities what

to do, they will tell you!!!

Having proper resale licenses will allow access to wholesale supplies. As you

begin to do business, you will find many opportunities to deduct expenses from

income that might not have been deductible on personal tax returns. Examples

include business related publications.

Record Keeping

From the start it’s best to keep track of income and expenses. If you can, set up

a separate bank or credit union account for your business. As you run income

and expenses through this account, you can see how you’re doing.

Another helpful exercise is to obtain a notebook and write down all your

income and expenses. Keep receipts.

Keep a logbook in your car and record business-related travel. Where you

went, mileage, purpose, date.

Don’t let record keeping stall you, but keep basic information.

Just keep receipts and you can do the tax stuff at the end of the year.

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You probably don’t need any kind of accounting software unless you have

employees, then QuickBooks software is what you may want. That’s coming

from an ex-CPA too… me. Instead of software why not get a Dome Simplified

Monthly Bookkeeping Record from Office Max or on the Internet? It’s cheaper

and easier too.


Just a word on banks. If you use a bank for business, watch for fees. Banks

often charge a fee per item. That can mean you pay an amount for every item

you deposit. So for every check, every bill you deposit, you pay a fee. Sounds

ridiculous, better watch it. That can be a killer.

Some credit unions are small business friendly. We found one that was, and

pay no fees at all. And get first-rate service. I like credit unions!

Your bank or credit union probably will electronically receive credit card

payments when you accept them. Maybe check on that too before you sign up.

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Easy Sales To Customers

Once you have a customer that likes dealing with you, you’ve made a friend

who will want more of what you have, most likely. Your customers are much

easier to sell to than complete strangers. That’s why much of your marketing

efforts should be directed to caring for your customers and asking them for

orders. Here are tools and ideas for getting that done…


A simple three-panel brochure serves several purposes for you. Pass them out

to all comers and some will return to your booth after having read your info at

the show site.

Others take it home and order from it. Pass them out to purchasers and the

percentage goes way up. Some of those purchasers will save that brochure and

use it to reorder.

Maybe one of the strongest features of the brochure is to drive traffic to a

website. Point your customers to a website with a simple 10 cent brochure.

You can quickly build your brochure using Microsoft Word or similar software.

Tell your story. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What’s unique about

your work? How long have you been doing it? How can potential buyers

contact you?

Brochures can be a powerful tool to promote your business. When you’re face-

face-to-face with buyers, samples can also be powerful selling tools. Who can

resist cashew samples or chocolate samples…obvious applications. But other

products can benefit from samples as a marketing tool. Use your imagination.

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On-line Sources of Brochures

Try www.vistaprint.com and get 25 full color three panel brochures for $39.95

plus a small set-up fee.

Business Cards

Use business cards to tell who you are and what you do. Make the cards

memorable! Available locally or create them with your computer and

software. Also try www.vistaprint.com for free cards in 42 designs or

premium cards at $14.99 for 250 in hundreds of designs!

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Mail Order

Mail order can of course be a stand-alone business. As part of a craft show or

festival follow-up, it’s especially powerful.

Your contacts at shows and festivals are prime candidates for your marketing

efforts. Those brochures you provide to customers will provide follow-up


Those three panel brochures remind those who hang on to them, where they

got that item. Many will mail in an order or phone to get that refill or another

of whatever you have. Make your brochure easy to use. Make it easy to order

and pay.

Classified ads, especially in specialty publications can attract sales. We used a

statewide farmers and consumers bulletin and a statewide environmental

magazine. The possibilities are endless.

If you take your craft public and if it is unusual, you will be noticed. Newspaper

reporters and TV reporters are looking for stories. Our story was different

enough that we had stories about our family and craft in the local newspaper

and in a statewide newspaper. Both gave us about 1 1/2 pages in the lifestyle


That was not from a press release, just from being at a craft show. From what

I’ve observed, that’s very common. Papers need articles. Then if you have

contact information, in the article, you’ll get calls. Specialty magazines are full

of articles like this promoting people’s home-based businesses.

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If you have a craft business, your own craft catalog is a powerful

marketing tool.

Use your catalog to reach new customers and to communicate with existing


You can fairly easily produce your own catalog. I wish to show you the

advantages of creating your own catalog and the basics of how to do it.

Maybe most of your existing sales are through craft fairs or through shops.

Use the catalog as a follow-up to the buyers at those markets. They already

know you and your product. What a waste to fail to follow up with those


Another use for the catalog is to promote your on-line business. A catalog can

point toward a website and generate Internet sales. That catalog can be a

great web sales promotional tool.

With the sales catalog there is no limit to what you can offer. Items that

complement your products are especially good. But since it’s your business,

whatever you decide on is O.K.

Anyone who may be interested in your type of products is a potential

customer. You can reach these people through a direct mailing to them.

You can rent mailing lists, place classified ads or do a cooperative mailing

with others.

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The more productive way to do mailings is to mail to your current and past

customers. Your order rate is usually much higher if you’re targeting those

who’ve ordered from you before.

Now how do you actually create a catalog?

Of course, give thought about who your customer is and exactly how you will

reach them.

For example, you normally would not give away a large glossy catalog to

anyone who would pick one up. Maybe an inexpensive three-panel brochure

would be better. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want the

reader of your material to call in an order, go to a website, get in the car and

go somewhere or what?

Now to the mechanics of putting this project together. If you are going to

create your own catalog you will need equipment. I use a PC with Microsoft

Publisher. Publisher makes booklet production easier than most standard

word processing programs.

Most word processing software will let you print in booklet format. You will

need a printer and access to a copier. For a stapled booklet, you’ll

need access to a long-reach stapler. That’s about it!

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How Do You Write The Text Of A Catalog?

When approaching any writing assignment, first organize your thoughts on

paper. Build an outline. You could start with recording your thoughts on

audiotape to help with the outline process.

Another way to organize is to list questions a reader would ask. Answer those

questions and organize your presentation.

Example questions are as follows:

� Who are you?

� Why should someone buy from you?

� What do you have to offer?

� What are the features and benefits of your products?

� How can I contact you?

� How can I order?

Consider throughout the project who your target market is. Consider the

needs of the customer at every step. Tailor the presentation to the customer.

Of course content is more important than form, but appearance and form do


Form can vary as much as do the catalogs you receive in the mail…all kinds of

shapes and sizes. I suggest you start with a folded 8 ½” x 11” paper size. Fold

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an 8 ½” x 11” sheet and you get a 5 ½” x 8 ½” booklet. You’ll be printing 4

pages per sheet, 2 front and 2 back.

First consider your cover sheet. Front outside cover can communicate who

you are and some information to encourage opening the catalog. Inside front

cover can be a sales letter.

If the catalog is to be mailed, the outside rear cover may be set up ready for

mailing. Inside rear cover could be an order form. That describes the cover

sheet. Arrange other sheets in logical sequence with major items to the front.

So gather your information. Include the sales letter and ordering information

on the cover sheet. Logically organize your description of the product in the

main body of pages.

Don’t think about writing everything at one time. Write in sections. Then put

everything together and revise.

Consult a graphic design book for helpful layout and type ideas.

Add artwork or graphics after you have the words you want. Your software

will have pictures available or use your own. Use product pictures if available.

Use plenty of white space.

A very helpful book for building pages that look better is The Non-Designer’s

Design Book by Robin Williams. The book is designed for those who need to

design pages, but have no background or formal training in design. That

includes me…how about you? I’m still studying…

Now how do we get the finished catalog printed? To start, print a master copy

on high-quality white paper.

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For just a few copies you can, of course, print those copies on your printer. If

you need quite a few copies, take your master copy to a copy shop and have

copies made.

Savings from using a copy shop are as much as 50 percent depending on your

equipment and the copy shop cost.

This assumes you’re making a black and white publication.

Using color paper for the outside sheet adds a lot of visual appeal.

Using color paper is eye catching yet much cheaper than using

color printing. You can change the color periodically to keep it

fresh and interesting.

If you wish to print in color, you of course can use your color printer. Cost-

wise you’re probably better off to use a commercial printer if you need color.

Now that you have a finished catalog, here are some suggestions for


� Include it with all products you ship out.

� Mail periodically to your customer list.

� Mail to a rented list.

� Mail to previous mail order customers.

� Hand out at every festival to everybody.

� Mail out in response to classified adds.

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� Mail as part of a co-op mailing.

� Mail as follow-up to media coverage.

� Mail to requests from your website.

� Mail to a select group of your customers.

Those are thought starters, I’m sure you can think of other ways yourself. A

catalog of your own can boost your business. It is a great promotional tool!

You can make money with your own craft catalog.


The telephone is a vital part of your marketing follow-up to all your other

efforts. Especially to craft shows. Follow-up orders after marketing efforts will

come by phone or web. The response to classified ads, brochures, and catalogs

can be by phone.

Someone must answer that phone or an answering machine of some sort.

Everybody’s situation is different, but you need the right person answering the


Maybe that someone should be a person knowledgeable of the product. Maybe

sometimes an order-taker should answer the phone, someone with no

knowledge of the product. Just depends!

Of course, if you tie up the crafter/artist/producer on the phone all the time

when can they generate income by producing whatever is for sale. So the right

person must handle the phone.

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Toll-free numbers are pretty easy to come by. You probably can get one with

your existing phone service. Of course in many cases, private personal lines are

not to be used for business, but you can check into that.

If you take phone orders, you need some way to take payments.

This may include:

� Ship the product before payment. Send invoice with payment.

� Credit or debit cards over the phone.

� Checks over the phone.

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Internet Marketing

Another marketing tool is an Internet site. Look at the website as one part of a

marketing strategy. All your other craft marketing efforts can point potential

customers to your website. All your written promotional material can point to

your site.

Of course once you get a visitor to your site, that website must be properly

designed to sell. But your promotional efforts can point customers there. The

website has the advantage over the brochure or catalog in that it’s not so easy to


But it doesn’t seem to me that in a craft show type business the website is a

substitute for brochures, catalogs. It’s an additional tool, that’s all.

You can hire someone to put up a website for you, and that’s probably the best

way to go. See, building a website is quite easy but building a professional

looking site isn’t quite so easy.

Here’s the real thing about websites.

You must get traffic or a site is a waste of time and money.

Do you know how to get traffic???

I can tell you one way. Your brochures and catalogs can point the way to the

web site.

If you think you can get traffic just off the Internet while you sit at home… good

luck!!! It can be done but it’s hard work.

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The Internet is not the place for easy riches… especially in a crowded niche like

the soap niche…

With those discouraging words, here are two ways you can use a web presence

to move soap:

1. Use the site as an on-line brochure. That way you can tell about what

you do and what you have and how to get your products. That can be as

simple as just showing your phone number or your address. That works

perfectly OK for your craft show customers who just want an easy way to

find you. A Google search can find you in a minute if your site is

designed properly. This type site is easy and cheap to put up and works

just right for follow-up from other marketing…

2. A full-blown ecommerce site with on-line ordering is the other way to go.

This is much harder to implement and much more expensive as well.

This is only for after you’re going well and making money. Do this first

and put lots of money and time into it and you are probably sunk. The

time you spend on a website could be better spent on almost any other

marketing effort. Guarantee it…

A website is a great tool for marketing many things.


Never forget…

It’s only a tool.

It can be a distraction that will sink a fledgling business…

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Sell More Than Just Soap As long as you’re marketing, why not include other items that complement

the soap you have.

Think like this:

People who are interested in

buying soap might also be

interested in _________________.

Then get those items and see if they work. As long as you’re talking to people

or going to all the trouble of getting somewhere to sell, have lots of related


For example, here are the items we sold, some at shows and some just from


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What We Sold Bar soap -- 4 ounce bar -- 25 varieties Bar soap -- 2 ounce bars -- in gift packs of 3 bars Bar soap -- 1 ounce bars -- in 5 packs in a crafted drawstring bag Bar shampoo -- 4 ounce bars -- sort of different Liquid shampoo -- bottles -- homemade, all “natural” Shaving soap -- round bars -- 2 varieties Lotion stick -- salve in a large tube Lotion bar -- salve in a larger deodorant tube Salve in jars -- 2 sizes Whipped soap with clay -- in floral colored tubs Shea butter salve Soap dishes -- ceramic Soap dishes – wooden Crocheted cloths Herbal sachets Herbal bath tea bags Herbal sleep pillows Gift assortments -- 3 to choose from, custom made Essential oils Moisturizing oil blend, our design Aromatherapy oil blends -- our blends Soap wrapped with a crocheted cloth Lotion -- purchased then scented. See how these items complement each other. You can see lots of other items that normally go with soap. Stuff like bath salts and all kinds of soap related items -- like highly colored melt and pour soap for example…. This is what we wanted to do, but you could go in all kinds of different directions. You could go the soap and candles route or just about anywhere. The point is that you can sell lots of other things besides soap. As long as you’re going to the trouble of finding customers and making presentations, you MAY want to offer other items… Then again, maybe not. It’s up to you…

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Summary And Conclusions

Marketing arts and crafts at shows and festivals is a great opportunity to start a

business and make a substantial income. It’s possible to make this income

while doing work you enjoy and providing products people want.

There are many ways to market arts and crafts. Selling at shows and festivals is

one of the best ways especially when you’re starting.

Selling at shows is a great way to promote sales by other methods including

Internet sales and catalog sales.

Selling at shows is not only potentially profitable; it’s fun and challenging too!

Best wishes for all your art and craft marketing adventures!

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Copyright © 2009 by Alan Bullington. All rights reserved. Revised 070809


Resources To Get You Started!

Searching for arts and crafts events or festivals to participate in?

This resource list will speed you to those events! Listed first are

resources that publish printed guides. Many of these guides also

include on-line resources. Check these out.

The second group includes on-line resources to locate events. Some are free.

Some are by subscription. I suggest you consult a mixture of print and on-

line guides.

Realize that many, many shows are NOT shown in the free guides on-line.

Don’t think that the free on-line guides cover them all. They don’t!

Several other helpful resources are listed after the guides!

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Print Guides

ACE National Edition

Annual book by Mary Reed. Also on-line versions and state-by-state e-books.

1500 events.


AmericanStyle Magazine

AmericanStyle Magazine, 300 Chestnut Avenue, Suite 304, Baltimore, MD


Monthly magazine informs craft enthusiasts and art collectors about the

significance of handmade objects of art. 250 arts festivals, gallery exhibitions

and museum events listed in each issue


Where the Shows Are!! Arts and Crafts Show Guide

Where the Shows Are!!, P. O. Box 453, Edgewater, FL One guide for Florida,

includes South Georgia and part of Alabama. Another guide for VA, MA, PA

and NY. Each edition 4 times per year.


The Crafts Fair Guide

The Crafts Fair Guide, P. O. Box 688, Corte Madera, CA 94976, 415-225-


Over 1000 shows listed in CA, OR, WA, NE and AZ. Includes evaluations

from 10,000 artists and crafters on the previous shows. Four issues per year.

Includes on-line list of regional shows.


Craftmaster News

Craftmaster News, P.O. Box 39429, Downey, CA 90239, 562-869-5882.

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Magazine is published bi-monthly. Includes free on-line listings. Covers AZ,

CA, CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA and WY.


The Crafts Report

The Crafts Report, P.O. Box 1992, Wilmington, DE 19899-1992, 800-777-


The only business monthly for craft professionals. How-to articles on craft

business management. Industry news. Current issues and trends. On-line

show listings.


The Ronay Guide: Arts and Crafts Shows in Georgia

The Ronay Guide: Arts and Crafts in the Carolinas

The Ronay Guide: Arts and Crafts in Virginia

Around the South

A Step Ahead, Ltd., 2090 Shadow Lake Drive, Buckhead, GA 30625, 706-


State guides cover 3-400 events each. Around the South covers 900 larger

events. Also email updates are available.


EC Publishing Newspapers


Bi-monthly newspaper. An on-line addition available. Separate editions for

NC, SC, TN, VA and KY.


The Craft and Art Show Calendar

A twice-yearly publication by Rose Brein Finkel. Covers PA, NJ, DE, MD, VA,

WV, OH, NY and CT. Includes resource list.


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The Michigan Crafter Magazine

The Midwest Crafter Magazine

Net Promotions, 7234 Berne Road. Pigeon, MI 48755, 989-453-2426.

Covers 600 shows.


Midwest/USA Arts & Crafts Events Guide

Guides USA, 4251Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223, 800-


Over 3300 events listed. Covers OH, IN, MI, IL, KY, WI, TN, GA and FL.


Sunshine Artist

Sunshine Artist, 4075 L. B. McLeod Rd., Suite E, Orlando, FL 32811, 407-


Monthly magazine with show listings each month, reviews of shows each

month. Annual show ranking issue included. Annual audit book available.


Craft Register

The Craft Register, 12568 SE 160 Avenue, Norwich, KS 67118, 620-478-

2857, lists 2-3000 events in 25 states. An annual publication that gives

complete show information plus has a city directory and a crafter/artisan and

concession section.


Where It’s At Arts and Crafts Magazine

Where It’s At, 3005 S. Lamar Blvd. D109-407, Austin, TX 78704, 512-926-


Print publication covering 17 Sunbelt states. Contains information on craft

events that will enable subscribers to decide whether to investigate further

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On-Line Guides

Craft fair listings for 16 states.


Show listings by Sunshine Artist magazine.


All kinds of craft information. Excellent links to resources including craft



Lists 18,000 events. Free search with basic information. Subscription fee for

full information. Updated daily.


New England and mid Atlantic art and craft show “yellow pages”. By



Free listings in NC, FL, SC, GA, TX and VA.


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Helpful Books

500 Tips for Marketing Your Crafts by A. B. Petrow, CraftMasters, Sebastopol,


Crafts and Craft Shows by Phil Kadubec, Allworth Press, New York, NY.

Creative Cash by Barbara Brabec, Prima Publishing, Roseville, CA.

The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams, Peachpit Press,

Berkeley, CA.

Small Time Operator by Bernard Kamoroff, C.P.A., Bell Springs Publishing,

Laytonville, CA.

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