I started my adding my main cover image. I then got a text online and used it as my masthead as it’s bold and stands out. I used the blending options to add a small amount of inner shadow and a large amount of stroke to give its style and make it stand out from other text on the cover. I then used a different text to add a sub masthead , which still stands out but not as much as the main masthead. I also added an issue date in a simple text located under the masthead so the reader can easily see which issue it is. I used the pen tool to cut part of the head and added to a new layer to give the effect of the text going behind his head.


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I started my adding my main cover image.

I then got a text online and used it as my masthead as it’s bold and stands out. I used the blending options to add a small amount of inner shadow and a large amount of stroke to give its style and make it stand out from other text on the cover.

I then used a different text to add a sub masthead , which still stands out but not as much as the main masthead.

I also added an issue date in a simple text located under the masthead so the reader can easily see which issue it is.

I used the pen tool to cut part of the head and added to a new layer to give the effect of the text going behind his head.

I used the rectangle tool to add a red box with white text at the bottom of the cover to keep the house style and added a small amount of inner glow . I angled the box to make it more interesting.

I added another text with a background on it with some drop shadow, outer glow and a stroke to make it stand out.

Added 2 photo’s both with an inner glow added and red boarder to give its own place on the cover but still maintaining house style.

Used a strong bold text, but still keeping

Used the circle tool to draw a circle for my puff. I duplicated the circle and used the pen tool to cut a part out to give the sticker effect. I then transformed by flipping and rotating it so it was the right way. I then uses the blending options to create the effect by using a gradient overlay and a drop shadow.