Course: Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts Project: The Crows Crown Author: Alan Pérez Taylor Martínez email: [email protected] LOGLINE (SPINE) As your sibling is deathly injured by a demon, you take on a mythical mission given by the Older Whisper, to collect the cursed pieces and assemble the Crows Crown to save your sibling’s life. SYNOPSIS It’s a gloomy nightfall when you return to the feudal village and find your sibling injured presumably by a black tongue demon and is now close to death in disgrace. Nothing can be done with the exception of assembling the Crows Crown as the Older Whisper will tell you in dreams tonight . So you embark on this mythical mission to roam the Kingdom of Sorrow, fight against each of the Crow guardian’s hordes and recover the pieces for the crown. As you get each piece, you get cursed with his abilities and can reach or uncover more realms but last piece can only be used at last by your sibling as that’s the moment when the crown unleashes it’s power. Each crow guardian represents a challenge in skills and choices that will define your nature. After you finally come back home you must decide between keeping the crown or save your sibling with it End: You naively choose to save your sibling from death but naively condemn him to eternal madness (this was something anyone knew would happen) Alt end (good): You keep the crown for yourself and become mad, run away and die alone. Alt end (bad): You keep the crown for yourself and kill everyone around you, then the crown consumes you into darkness. GENRE AND POTENTIAL MARKET Action Adventure: As the game will focus on player skills to overcome enemies and obstacles, and will have a strong storytelling by character dialogues and items. The game is intended for a T or M rating which covers from 1317 years old and above. And it’s going to have a PC/Steam release as the most cost effective option with a large users base. Will be focused in a dark fantasy and horror storyline so fans of those genres can be attracted to play it, as well of action/adventure game fans. Both fields had proved to be successful in the PC platform. REFERENCE MATERIAL Bastion: Youtube trailer PC players: 1,693,316 since: July 2011 Reference for: Gameplay style Dark Souls: Youtube trailer PC players: 2,119,732 since: August 2012 Reference for: Story example Darkest Dungeon: Youtube trailer PC players: 743,807 since: January 2016 Reference for: Visual style and storytelling Don’t Starve: Youtube trailer PC players: 2,839,966 since: April 2013 Reference for: Visual style Castle Crashers: Youtube video PC players: 2,508,202 since: September 2012 Reference for: Gameplay style Darksiders II: Youtube video PC players: N/A since: November 2015 Reference for: Music style PINTEREST I made a Pinterest board with some more images and videos i’m taking as reference for gameplay, style and mood

Course: Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts ......Course: Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts ... The game is intended for a T or M rating which covers from

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Course: Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts Project: The Crows Crown Author: Alan Pérez Taylor Martínez email: [email protected]   LOGLINE (SPINE) 

As your sibling is deathly injured by a demon, you take on a mythical mission given by the Older Whisper, to collect the cursed pieces and assemble the Crows Crown to save your sibling’s life. 


It’s a gloomy nightfall when you return to the feudal village and find your sibling injured presumably by a black tongue demon and is now close to death in disgrace. Nothing can be done with the exception of assembling the Crows Crown as the Older Whisper will tell you in dreams tonight . So you embark on this mythical mission to roam the Kingdom of Sorrow, fight against each of the Crow guardian’s hordes and recover the pieces for the crown.  As you get each piece, you get cursed with his abilities and can reach or uncover more realms but last piece can only be used at last by your sibling as that’s the moment when the crown unleashes it’s power. Each crow guardian represents a challenge in skills and choices that will define your nature. After you finally come back home you must decide between keeping the crown or save your sibling with it  End: You naively choose to save your sibling from death but naively condemn him to eternal madness (this was something anyone knew would happen)  Alt end (good): You keep the crown for yourself and become mad, run away and die alone. Alt end (bad): You keep the crown for yourself and kill everyone around you, then the crown consumes you into darkness. 


Action Adventure: As the game will focus on player skills to overcome enemies and obstacles, and will have a strong storytelling by character dialogues and items.  The game is intended for a T or M rating which covers from 13­17 years old and above. And it’s going to have a PC/Steam release as the most cost effective option with a large users base. Will be focused in a dark fantasy and horror storyline so fans of those genres can be attracted to play it, as well of action/adventure game fans. Both fields had proved to be successful in the PC platform. 


Bastion: Youtube trailer PC players: 1,693,316 since: July 2011 Reference for: Gameplay style 

Dark Souls: Youtube trailer PC players: 2,119,732 since: August 2012 Reference for: Story example 

Darkest Dungeon: Youtube trailer PC players: 743,807 since: January 2016 Reference for: Visual style and storytelling 

Don’t Starve: Youtube trailer PC players: 2,839,966 since: April 2013 Reference for: Visual style 

Castle Crashers: Youtube video PC players: 2,508,202 since: September 2012 Reference for: Gameplay style 

Darksiders II: Youtube video PC players: N/A since: November 2015 Reference for: Music style 


I made a Pinterest board with some more images and videos i’m taking as reference for gameplay, style and mood 



Reference for world detail and color (Mike Mignola) 


Reference for high contrast and character design (Darkest Dungeon, and unknown artists) 




­ I’m not sure if keep style or change to something more cartoony like “Darkest Dungeon” as petite characters seems to be easier to draw and animate, in that case i would use this type of design for dialogues and/or intros. In the other way, i don’t want this game to look like a clone  ­ Character is supposed to use the hood almost all the time but i draw it aside so it didn’t interfere too much with the body  ­ I would make a model sheet and incorporate color once i get comfortable with general design  ­ I will draw some crow and/or enemy for next week  Any thoughts on this it’s really appreciated =) 




­ Character size and general position is “blue” while enemies are “red” ­ Walkable terrain is surrounded by “pink” line ­ Level arrows intend to represent direction of objects to simulate the parallax effect 



GAME FLOW ­ First “Zombie Crow” must be “Tainted Crow” but i can’t update the chart anymore =(