COUNCIL INFORMATION PACKAGE July 15, 2016 Table of Contents Item From Subject Page 1 Perth County Council Climate Change File # 160-01 1-2 2 Town of Oakville Ban on Door to Door Sales Activities File # 160-01 3-4 3 City of Quinte West Taxation Impact on Campgrounds File # 160-01 5-6 4 Nick Anastasopoulos Chief Building Official Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Update File: 155-03-10 7-8 5 City of Markham Bill 158 File # 160-01 9-10 6 Mary Lou Tanner Director of Planning & Building Tall Building Design Guidelines File # 155-03-10 11

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July 15, 2016

Table of Contents

Item From Subject Page

1 Perth County Council Climate Change File # 160-01


2 Town of Oakville Ban on Door to Door Sales Activities File # 160-01


3 City of Quinte West Taxation Impact on Campgrounds File # 160-01


4 Nick Anastasopoulos Chief Building Official

Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Update File: 155-03-10


5 City of Markham Bill 158 File # 160-01


6 Mary Lou Tanner Director of Planning & Building

Tall Building Design Guidelines File # 155-03-10


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File: 160-01

Moved by:

Seconded by:

Resolution Perth County Council - Regular Meeting

July 7, 2016

Councillor B h V-- 1'\ ~ Councillor h~ ) he l ro

WHEREAS, the Ontario Provincial Government recently released a five-year Climate Change Action Plan for 2016-2020 which includes a strategy for reducing greenhouse gases and moving to a low-carbon economy;

AND WHEREAS, the Ministry of Energy has identified the need for a balanced mix of clean energy sources, including natural gas, to meet the demand for electricity;

AND WHEREAS the Premier has acknowledged by her remarks at the 2015 OGRA/ROMA conference that "limited access to natural gas is acting as a barrier to growth in too many rural municipalities';

AND WHEREAS, the identified actions in the province's Climate Change Action Plan include a "cap" to limit emissions from natural gas distribution;

AND WHEREAS, Southwestern Ontario is one of Ontario and Canada's most productive agricultural regions;

AND WHEREAS, the production of affordable food from rural Ontario benefits all Ontarians;

AND WHEREAS, access to reliable, affordable energy, including natural gas, is vital for the Ontario agri-food sector and rural communities;

AND WHEREAS, the availability of natural gas is recognized in Ontario as a key component to economic development growth and retention;

AND WHEREAS, municipal governments adopt policies to support the protection, preservation, enhancement and improvement of the natural environment;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Perth requests:

1 . THAT the Ontario government commit to consultations with rural Ontario municipalities, residents, and businesses regarding the design and implementation of the government's Climate Change Action Plan; and

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Resolution Perth County Council - Regular Meeting

July 7, 2016

2. THAT the Premier remain committed to a provincial government that puts a rural lens on its decision-making, and ensure the expansion of natural gas to rural municipalities within the Climate Change Action Plan; and

3. THAT the Ontario government outline in detail how it will financially assist rural Ontario municipalitiest residents, and businesses in order to transition to meet provincial targets for reducing greenhouse gases;

4. AND THAT this resolution be provided to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontariot the Honourable Glen Murray, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Honourable Glenn Thibeault, Minister of Energy, Mr. Randy Pettapiece, MPP Perth-Wellington, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association, the Western Ontario Warden's Caucus and all Ontario municipalities.

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File: 160-01


July 6, 2016

The Honourable Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario Legislative Building, Queens Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1

Mr. Yvan Baker MPP, Etobicoke Centre 4800 Dundas Street West, Suite 106 Toronto ON M9A 1B1

Subject: Ban on Door to Door Sales Activities

At its meeting on June 27, 2016, Oakville Town Council approved the following motion:

WHEREAS, the Provincial Government implemented Bill 55, the Stronger Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2013 to provide more protection for consumers in instances of door-to-door sales; and

WHEREAS, the Provincial Government has implemented a ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts by passing the Strengthening Consumer Protection and Electricity System Oversight Act, 2015; and

WHEREAS, Bi/1193, An Act to Prohibit Door-to-Door Sales of Certain Products, a private members' bill introduced by MPP Yvan Baker has passed first reading; and

WHEREAS, Oakville residents continue to experience unsolicited, aggressive and misleading sales tactics at the door from companies seeking to sell home energy products, despite provincial legislation; and

WHEREAS, agents acting on behalf of these companies misrepresent their purpose and/or identity, often posing as utility inspectors and government agents needing to gain access to the homes of Oakville residents; and

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Council:

1. Urge the Provincial Government to ban all door-to-door sales in the home services sector (more specifically the sale or lease of HVAC equipment, water heaters, water treatment and filtration systems, and other related home energy products and services by door-to-door sales agents) as soon as possible, and before the spring session of the Ontario legislature concludes;

2. Issue an Alert via News Release and other forms of communication to Oakville residents to warn them of ongoing door-to-door sales activities;

3. Encourage other GTA municipalities to join with Oakville in calling on the province to act; and

Town of Oakvi ll e 1225 Trafa lgar Road, Oakvil le, Ontar io L6H OH3 905-845-6601 www.oakvil le.ca

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Page 2 July 6, 2016 Subject: Ban on Door to Door Sales Activities

4. Authorize and direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter or should you require any additional information, please contact Vicki Tytaneck, Town Clerk at 905-845-6601, extension 2003, or email [email protected]

Yours truly,

V~--Vicki Tytaneck Town Clerk

c. All GT A Municipalities

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File: 160-01


Office of the Mayor Jim Harrison

July 14, 2016

The Honourable Bardish Chagger MP Minister Department of Small Business and Tourism CD Howe Building 235 Queen Street Ottawa, ON K1A OH5

Dear Minister Chagger:

RE: Taxation - Impact on Campgrounds

P.O. Box490 Trenton, Ontario, KBV 5R6

TEL: (613) 392-2841 FAX: (613) 392-5608

Please be advised that Council for the City of Quinte West, at its meeting on July 11, 2016 passed the following resolution;

Whereas the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has decided that some campgrounds are too small to qualify for the small business tax deduction;

And Whereas campgrounds in Ontario have begun receiving calls and letters from CRA warning them of reassessments in part because they are deemed not to qualify for the small business tax deduction since they employ fewer than five people;

And Whereas the camping community provides a source of employment of 15,000 jobs across Ontario and supports economic activity by contributing $1 billion to Ontario's economy and generating $294 million in tax revenues;

And Whereas Camping In Ontario, which represents 440 privately-owned campgrounds in Ontario, is working with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business to push the Department of Small Business and Tourism, Finance Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency to implement changes that ensure campgrounds are recognized as small businesses and pay the same taxes as other small businesses;

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Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the City of Quinte West recognizes the benefit and values all campgrounds throughout Ontario and in Canada and supports Camping In Ontario's initiative that changes be implemented to ensure campgrounds are recognized as small businesses and pay the same taxes as other small businesses;

And further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Small Business and Tourism, the local Member of Parliament and all Ontario municipalities for their support. Carried

The City appreciates your consideration in this matter.

Yours truly,

cc: Neil R. Ellis, MP Bay of Quinte All Ontario Municipalities

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File: 155-03-10. ~.

CITYOF ~*> Burlington






Mayor and Members of Council

Nick Anastasopoulos Chief Building Official

Mary Lou Tanner, Angela Morgan

July 8, 2016

Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Update


The purpose of this memo is to provide Council with an update regarding the planning and building approvals for the Joseph Brant Hospital redevelopment project as directed by the Development and Infrastructure Committee at its February 23, 2015 meeting (SD-8-15)

Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Progress

Permits Issued to date

Permits have been issued to date as follows:

2014 - 4 permits issued 2015 - 17 permits issued 2016 - 5 permits issued

The noted permits were issued and relate to the following:

• foundations, • superstructure, • fire protection systems (sprinklers, standpipe), • interior alterations (both in the new tower and within the existing hospital) • and alternative solutions to the OBC.

In 2015, a large number of permits were issued in order to accommodate the phasing of new construction and renovation of different areas within the existing hospital.

426 Brant Street• P.O. Box 5013 • Burlington • Ontario• L?R 3Z6 • www.burlington.ca

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Progress of the Building Construction

The current status of the building construction is as follows:

Parking Structure and associated Administration Offices are fully complete and were granted occupancy as of Q3/Q4 2015

The new 7 storey hospital tower is structurally complete and is undergoing interior alterations such as wall finishes, mechanical work, electrical work and life safety work. Work on All floors is progressing concurrently.

The Existing Hospital is being renovated as existing staff are being relocated to new areas such as the admin offices and renovated areas of the existing hospital

In the coming months, it is anticipated that several additional building permits will be issued to renovate certain sections of the existing hospital structure. The phasing of the renovations will allow continued operation of the hospital and accommodate the relocation of staff.

At this time, there are no known issues which will prevent the ongoing construction progress of this project.

426 Brant Street • P.O. Box 5013 • Burlington • Ontario. L7R 3Z6 • www.burlington.ca

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July 12, 2016

The Honourable Kathleen Wynne

Premier of Ontario

Queen’s Park, Rm. 281

Main Legislative Building

Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Email: [email protected]



Dear Ms. Wynne:

This will confirm that at a meeting held on May 17 & 18, 2016, Council of the City of Markham

adopted the following resolution:

“Whereas human trafficking is a heinous crime that has been referred to as modern day slavery;


Whereas traffickers recruit, transport, harbor and control the girl next door for sexual

exploitation or forced labour; and,

Whereas it is one of the fastest growing crimes that starts and stays in Canada, targeting victims -

90 percent of which are Canadian-born and predominantly female, averaging the age of 14; and,

Whereas Ontario is a major hub of human trafficking in Canada, and victims are lured,

manipulated and coerced, often over the internet from every part of Ontario; and,

Whereas human trafficking is in our neighbourhoods and our communities; and,

Whereas the City of Markham requests that an additional clause be added under Section 6. (1)

(b) of Bill 158 to include a Police Officer to the list of those able to apply for a protection order

for children under 18 years of age;


File: 160-01

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- 2 -

Therefore be it resolved:

1) That the Council of the City of Markham support Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next

Door Act, 2016, support MPP Laurie Scott’s motion for a multi-jurisdictional and

coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges,

victims’ services and frontline agencies; and,

2) That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian

Municipalities (FCM), Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the

Premier of Ontario, all Members of Parliament, all Members of Provincial

Parliament and municipalities.”

Yours sincerely,

Kimberley Kitteringham

City Clerk

Copy to: All MP & MPP’s

Federation of Canada Municipalities (FCM)

Association of Municipalities in Ontario (AMO)

All Ontario Municipalities

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File # 155-03-10

CITY OF ~ Burlington • • .Memo·

Planning and Building Department

To: Mayor and Members of Council

From: Mary Lou Tanner, Director of Planning and Building Department

Date: Thursday, July 14, 2016

Re: Tall Building Design Guidelines

As was evident with regard to the proposed development on Thomas Alton Boulevard last week, and in consideration of the Martha Street proposal, and several recent inquiries for redevelopment in the downtown, the City is beginning to feel the development pressures of intensification. For that reason, I have become convinced of the need for made-in Burlington Design Guidelines. In particular, Tall Building Design Guidelines.

It is important to have a set of design guidelines to support and supplement our new approach to growth - Grow Bold.

These guidelines will help us achieve urban design excellence. They will help us build communities with quality of life and quality of place, and fulfill the part of our new strategy to grow bold by building up, building smart and building beautiful.

This is an important part of the how the City grows and the Planning Department would like to move swiftly in response to this opportunity. In this regard, we will be retaining a reputable planning and urban design firm to immediately prepare draft Tall Building Design Guidelines.

Please contact me should you have any questions.

~-z--~ M Lou Tanner, MCIP, RPP

Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Building