Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed

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  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    Corrigenda forSolar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.

    J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman


    First Printing

    Page Where Change14 Table1.6.1 The values for were obtained using Eqn 1.6.1a31 Example 1.9.1 Latitude is 45

    119 3rd

    line of Solution kTshould be kT120 Table header KTshould be kT


    line after eqn kTshould be kT

    125 last line 1.58 should be 0.158

    186 Column midshould be 0.416, 0.492, 0.559, 0.627, 0.700, 0.786, 0.885, 1.038, 1.257, 1.750

    191 at midpoint should be 0.42, 0.49, 0.56. 0.63, 0.70, 0.79, 0.89, 1.04, 1.26, 1,75229 Eqn 5.11.1 +Aishould be /Ai

    230 11 lines up from bottom 0.7 should be 0.3

    10 lines up from bottom 1.62 should be 0.70 and 9.18 should be 8.268 lines up from bottom 12.2 should be 10.84

    7 lines up from bottom 8.18/12.2 = 0.75 should be 8.26/10.84 = 0.76

    6 lines up from bottom 75% should be 76%232 2ndline up from bottom Should read: Instantaneous noon-time measured

    233 Line above Solution Add:gis 0.2286 Eqn for h Exponent should be -1.21

    287 Result of pcalculation Change 307 Pa to 30.7 Pa314 Back-insulation thickness 0.007 m should be 0.07 m

    315 15 lines from top Should read: The effective sky temperature

    11 lines from bottom Change 19.75C to 19.75391 Last Eqn on page Second Tishould be Ti-1

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    210 7 lines from top Change 0.003 to 0.002

    213 Line 2 and Eqn for Change 0.003 to 0.002

    218 Second column of table 0.426, 0.508, 0.581, 0.653, 0.732, 0.822, 0.929, 1.080, 1.300, 1.974

    235 Example 5.12.1, line 1 Add radiation on to radiation at solar noon on

    Second equation Change Gto Gb+Gd

    Six lines from bottom Change 0.6058 to 0.5576Five lines from bottom Change 327.8, 440.4, and 768.2 to 377.8, 329.6, and 707.4

    236 Eqn for S/Sref

    329.6 377.8 707.4

    0.9837 0.926 0.998 0.962 0.854 0.2 0.867 0.146 0.6621000 1000 1000




    = + + =

    254 Solution Line 3 and in two places for Ut, change 0.846 to 0.844

    261 First equation Add units to m of 1/m

    282 Eqn for F1 The exponent should be 2.

    284 Equation 6.14.4 22h in denominator should be 2rh

    286 Equation forL/Dh Denominator should be 2 0.01

    287 Equation 6.14.9 The plus sign should be a minus sign

    319 Example 6.24.2 Eqn for Kshould be1

    1 0.161 1cos


    335 Example 7.3.2 Second line change 167.3 to 156.9

    Equation for Qu, change 10.6 to 3.82 and 6335 to 8971

    Equation for T, change 6335 to 8971 and 36.2 to 51.2Next line change 167.3+36.2=203.5 to 156.9+51.2=208.1

    Last equation, change 6335 to 8971 and 14.6 to 17.5

    Next line change (167.3 +203.5)/2+14.6 to (156.9 +208.1)/2+17.5390 Sentence above Eqn 8.5.3 Change term on the right- to term on the left-

    393 Equation for NTU Change 1.204 to 1.006 and thenNTU=68.

    394 Last Eqn on page Second Tishould be Ti-1.417 Example 9.3.1 In the 4thline Change 8.0C to 7.9 C

    Change denominator in first equation from 12 to 11 and yrbecomes 10.60. The DDs for May through August increase by 1.

    Change the total DD from 4095 to 4100 and the yearlyaT to 7.9.

    m =1.72, h=0351 and DD=121

    459 Equation 11.5.1 when i = d, N/(N+1) should beN/(i+1).

    472 Equation 11.8.3 Missing right parentheses in denominator of 3


    line.558 Equation 14.5.5 fNULshould be justfN

    577 7 lines from bottom G. G. Jones should be G. F. Jones

    679 First row in Table Change 10.2 to 10.1.

    681 8 lines from top Change 0.35 to 0.41

    Equation forfL fL=10.8, not 10.7

    682 Equation for Cmin Change last to /.

    688 Line above Solution Change () to ()n.700 Line after Eqn 21.2.2 Reference to Eqn 5.10.5 should be 5.10.4.

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    708 Table Change last entry in last row from 129.2 to 127.1

    709 Last line. Eliminate reference to Equation 21.3.5 and change 21.3.2 to 21.2.4

    710 14 lines up from bottom0.50


    = =

    711 Equation 21.3.11 Change QsttoLS

    711 10 lines from top Eqn 21.4.2 should be 21.3.2753 Eqn 23.2.7 Trefshould be Tc,ref two places.

    754 Eqn 23.2.10b Trefshould be Tc,ref755 Line after Eqn 23.2.12 23.2.10 should be 23.2.7

    756 Ex. 23.2.1, 3rd

    line First word in line, As, should be just A (for amp).









    0.9352 V

    4.549 A

    4.782 10


    0.9666 V at 308.2 K

    2.432 10 A at 308.2 K

    sh ref


    L ref

    o ref

    s ref
















    757 8 lines from top "32.2.8" should be "23.2.8"

    Solution continued

    ( )3 22




    273.15 67.20.9352 1.068 V

    273.15 25

    0.684 4.549 0.00026 67.2 25 3.119 A

    340.35 1.602 10 1.120 1.1074.782 10 exp298.15 1.381 10 298.15 340.35

    2.436 10 A










    += =


    = + =



    = =

    ( )


    The result is 2.69 A, 13.2 V, and 35.5 W.

    The cell efficiency is then 35.5 / 0.633 648.3 0.086, or 8.6%.

    mp mp mpI V P

    = = =


    768 Eqn 23.7.4 ReplaceTI with TG

    771 6 lines from bottom (49 20) should be (46 20)

    4 lines from bottom (8 28) should be (8 25)

    786 Figure 24.2.6 Abscissa caption should be Unot U

    787 Eqn 24.2.11 Replace /2 in exponent by /4

    First line of text Replace With k= 2 with With k= 2 and U= 10 m/s 805 Table for P 2.26 Units forIandIbnshould be W-h/m


    812 Problem 6.4 Plate to cover and cover to cover spacing is 25 mm.

    815 Problem 6.25 Last line should be both English and SI units)?817 Problem 6.33 Change first paragraph to:

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    For February 16th in Madison, WI for the hour 11 to 12 the incident horizontal radiation is

    585 W-hr/m2and the ambient temperature is -4.4 C. Assume the sky temperature is equal to the

    ambient temperature and the inlet temperature is 35 C.

    818 Problem 7.2 0.91 should be 0.31

    Problem 7.5 Add Assumehfi= 3000 W/m2-K.

    820 Problem 7.8b Replace ..." with FRis 0.9, Problem 9.1 Replace building with building maintained at 21C.822 Last line of Prob. 10.6 Replace 0.056 kg/s. with is controlled up to a maximum of

    0.056 kg/s so that the air leaving the LHX never exceeds 55 C.824 Problem 10.10 Add to end The test fluid is water.

    826 End of Problem 11.5 Change 10%. to 10%/year.

    831 Problem 19.1 Add to list of conditions:Ground reflectance = 0.2

    Single cover

    Glass KL=0.0125

    Normal solar absorptance = 0.9

    AfterNotes Delete first sentence and replace can affect with cansignificantly affect

    Add Problem 19.3 Repeat Prob. 19.1 for the first week in July using TMY3 data.832 End of Page Replace 828 with 821

    833 Second line Replace 11.9 with 13.7

    Prob. 20.4 after covers add of high quality glass6thline of Prob.20.5 after covers add with KL= 0.0125

    End of text of Prob. 21.1 Replace andg= 0.2. with g=0.2 and Load = 213 GJ.834 Problem 22.1 Delete 4

    thsentence For the mean.10.8h.

    Problem 22.1a Replace last sentence with Estimate the required auxiliary energy.835 Problem 23.5 Delete the last sentence in brackets and add What is the maximum

    power?843 B.2, definition ofH add ; can also be considered as an average daily rate (J/day-m2)

    Definition ofI add to end (J/h-m2)

    895 Last line RHS Change 360 to 310.

    896 Six lines down on RHS Change 338, 360 to 296, 310.897 Flow rate corrections Change 354 to 307

    FR Change 279, 354, 329 to 264, 280, 290, 329

    First and Second Printings

    Page Where Change

    8 Table 1.3.1b 1st

    row See correction for 3rd

    printing.11 footnote "divide" should be "multiply"

    14 Eqn 1.6.1b is in radians. To convert to degrees multiply RHS by 180/

    also, 0.002679 should be 0.002697

    18 Ex 1.6.3 "angles for a sloped" should be "angles for a 60 sloped"

    19 Equation for s See correction for 3rd


    21 Fig 1.7.1 Replace the figure with the following figure.

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 240






    Time [hr]


    2-hr] N-S


    = 45



    Last line of figure caption replace "lower" with "dotted" and "upper" with "solid"

    Eqn 1.7.3a change the minus sign to a plus sign

    22 Eqn 1.7.5e in C1change sto sand change -1 otherwise to +1 otherwise

    28 Equation forRb See correction for 3rd


    36 First line after Solution See correction for 3rdprinting

    40 Eqn 1.10.4 the first sin should be cos

    62 15 lines from top See correction for 3rd


    66 Second line after Solution See correction for 3rd


    68 Line before Eqn 2.8.1a tbshould be b71 End of Example 2.8.2 Add black square after table.

    74 Eqn 2.9.5 missing left paren. just before the first ,maxTK in numerator.75 Eqn 2.9.c ,maxTK should be ,maxTK

    77 footnote 12 0.75

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    Thus the beam contribution is 0.417 MJ/m2, the diffuse is 0.597

    MJ/m2, and the ground-reflected is 0.156 MJ/m2. The total

    radiation on the surface for the hour is 1.17 MJ/m2.

    93 Example 2.16.1 Solution See correction for 3rdprinting.

    104 Example 2.19.1 See correction for 3rd


    151 Eqn 3.11.2 should be '161 Last line of solution See correction for 3


    177 6th

    line from bottom See correction for 3rd


    206 Eqn 5.1.7 After first equals sign + should be

    207 First equation See correction for 3rd


    210 3 lines from top 0.786 should be 0.768

    210 7 lines from top See correction for 3rd


    211 Eqn 5.3.7 1 +12should be 112in two places.

    213 second line Change 0.003 to 0.002

    Eqn for 0.665 should be 0.655 and 0274 should be 0.274 and 0.003 should

    be 0.002next eqn should be = 0.5(0.948 + 0.518) = 0.733

    eqn after should be = 0.5(0.007 + 0.430) = 0.219

    eqn for should be = 1 0.219 0.733 = 0.048

    232 mid page 3.57 should be 3.59, 6.46 should be 6.50

    and 9.14 should be 9.18 in two places.

    254 Solution See correction for 3rd


    261 First equation See correction for 3rd


    282 Eqn for F1 See correction for 3rd


    284 Equation 6.14.4 See correction for 3rd


    286 5 lines from top See correction for 3rd

    printing.298 Figure caption Eliminate all after the colon and replace colon with period.319 Example 6.24.2 See correction for 3rdprinting.

    334 Eqn 7.3.13 exp r L


    A U F


    should be exp r L


    A U F


    335 Eqn for F "exp(1/24.77)" should be "exp(1/24.77)"

    348 Eqn 7.7.1a DeleteAa

    355 Eqn 7.9.2 sin2should be sin


    359 3 lines from bottom "102 W/m2" should be "102 kW/m2"

    360 4 lines from top "4.41 W/m" should be "4.41 kW/m"373 8 lines from bottom "UREL" should be "NREL"

    393 Equation for NTU See correction for 3rd


    417 Example 9.3.1 See correction for 3rd


    442 7 lines from bottom "0.110 3750" should be "0.110 3750"

    472 Eqn 11.8.3 See correction for 3rd


    642 Eqn 18.2.2 should be ( )/ /g gg a x bP A k = + 687 Eqn 20.5.1 "11.6 1.18Tw" should be "11.6 + 1.18Tw"

    679 First row in Table See correction for 3rdprinting.

  • 8/12/2019 Corrigenda for Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Ed.


    681 Solution to 20.3.2 See correction for 3rd


    682 Equation for Cmin See correction for 3rdprinting.

    688 Line above Solution See correction for 3rd


    700 Line after Eqn 21.2.2 See correction for 3rd

    printing.753 and 754 See correction for 3rdprinting.

    754 Fig 23.2.5 Remove "and maximum power point" from the caption.755 8 lines below Eqn 23.2.12 ref,guessshould be aref,guess

    Above Eqn 23.2.13 second "result" should be "results"

    756 and 757 See corrections for 3rd


    795 Eqn 24.4.5 CPshould be CP,Betzin two places.

    802 Prob 1.13g should read "extraterrestrial horizontal solar"

    Prob 2.4 "12 AM" should be "12 PM"

    804 Prob 2.20 should read "A south facing window is .."

    805 Prob 2.25 should read " the beam and estimate the total radiation "

    Table for P 2.26 See correction for 3rd


    806 Prob 2.26i Change period at end of first sentence to question mark.812 Problem 6.4 See correction for 3rd


    897 Index See correction for 3rd
