CORPORATE SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: SELECTED SOURCES OF INFORMATION Bibliography and Websites Prepared by Renato Alva Pino Prepared for the UNRISD project on Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development Under the Programme area Technology, Business and Society Published in Voluntary Approaches to Corporate Responsibility: Readings and a Resource Guide by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) and UNRISD Geneva, Switzerland, May 2002

corporate social and environmental responsibility - United Nations

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Bibliography and Websites

Prepared by Renato Alva Pino

Prepared for the UNRISD project on Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development

Under the Programme area Technology, Business and Society

Published in Voluntary Approaches to Corporate Responsibility:

Readings and a Resource Guide by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) and UNRISD

Geneva, Switzerland, May 2002

General Addo, M.K. (ed.). 1999. Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. Amnesty International. 2000. Human Rights: Is It Any of Your Business? Amnesty International-UK and The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum: London. Anderson, R. 1998. Mid-Course Correction: Toward a Sustainable Enterprise, The Interface Mode. Atlanta: Peregrinzilla Press. Arnold, M. and Day, R. 1998. The Next Bottom Line: Making Sustainable Development Tangible. World Resources Institute: Washington, DC. Atkinson, J. 1998. Undermined: The Impact of Australian Mining Companies in Developing Countries. Community Aid Abroad: Victoria. Aubert, M., Brama, P. and Blum, R. 1999. Le rôle de compagnies pétrolières dans la politique internationale et son impact social et environnemental. Rapport d�information de l�Assemblée Nationale Française. Assemblée Nationale Française: Paris. Avery, C. 2000. Business and Human Rights in a Time of Change. Amnesty International-UK: London. Barkin, D. 1999. The Greening of Business in Mexico, Discussion Paper No. 110. UNRISD: Geneva. Cairncross, F. 1995. Green Inc.: A Guide to Business and the Environment. Earthscan: London. Capra, F. and Pauli, G. (eds.). 1995. Steering Business Toward Sustainability. United Nations University Press: Tokyo. Clark, A. and Clark, J. 1998. An Integrated Methodology for Assessing the Social and Cultural Impact of Mining. UNCTAD: Geneva. Commission of the European Communities. 2001. Green Paper: Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. Commission of European Communities: Brussels. Conference Board of Canada. 1999. Taking Action on Corporate Social Responsibility. Conference Board of Canada: Ottawa. Council on Economic Priorities. 2000. Shopping for a Better World: The Quick and Easy Guide to All Your Socially Responsible Shopping. CEP: San Francisco. Elkington, J. 2001. Chrysalis: How Citizen CEOs and Their Corporations Are Fusing Values and Value Creation in the New Economy. Capstone Pub: Oxford. Elkington, J. 1997. Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. Capstone: Oxford. European Business Network for Social Cohesion. 1996. Corporate Initiatives: Putting into Practice the European Declaration of Business against Exclusion. EBNSC: Brussels. Foran, T. 2001. Corporate Social Responsibility at Nine Multinational Electronics Firms in Thailand: A Preliminary Analysis. Report to the California Global Corporate Accountability Project. Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development: Berkeley. Garcia-Johnson, R. 2000. Exporting Environmentalism: U.S. Multinational Chemical Corporations in Brazil and Mexico. MIT Press: Cambridge.


Gaudier, M. 1999. Firms of the Future: Economic Efficiency and Social Performance, Bibliographical Series No. 19. International Institute of Labour Studies: Geneva. Goodell, E. 1999. Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility. Social Venture Network: San Francisco. Groenewegen, P., Fischer, K., Jenkins, E. and Schot, J. (eds.). 1996. The Greening of Industry Resource Guide and Bibliography. Island Press: Washington, DC. Hampden-Turner, C. and Trompenaars, A. 1994. The Seven Cultures of Capitalism: Value Systems for Creating Wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden and the Netherlands. Judith Piatkus Publisher: London. Hansen, M. 1999. Cross-Border Environmental Management in Transnational Corporations: An Analytical Approach, Occasional Paper No. 5. UNCTAD: Geneva. Hansen, M. 1999. Environmental Management in Transnational Corporations in Asia: Does Foreign Ownership Make a Difference?, Occasional Paper No. 11. UNCTAD: Geneva. Hawken, P. 1993. The Ecology of Commerce. Harper Collins: New York. Hawken, P., Lovins, A. and Lovins, H. 1999. Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. Earthscan: London. Henderson, D. 2001. Misguided Virtue: False Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility. New Zealand Business Roundtable: Wellington. Hillary, R. (ed.). 2000. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Environment: Business Imperatives. Greenleaf Publishing: Sheffield. Himmelstein, J. 1997. Looking Good and Doing Good: Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Power (Philanthropic Studies). Indiana University Press: Bloomington. Holliday, C. and Pepper, J. 2001. Sustainability through the Market: Seven Keys to Success. World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Geneva. Holme, R. and Watts, P. 2000. Corporate Social Responsibility: Making Good Business Sense. World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Geneva. Hopkins, M. 1998. The Planetary Bargain: Corporate Social Responsibility Comes of Age. Macmillan: London. International Council on Human Rights Policy. 2002. Beyond Voluntarism: Human Rights and the Developing International Legal Obligations of Companies. ICHRP: Versoix. International Institute for Environment and Development, and Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Project. 2002. Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development. Earthscan: London. Jenkins, R. 2000. Industry and Environment in Latin America. Routledge: London. Kemp, M. 2001. Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia: Quixotic Dream or Confident Expectation? Technology, Business and Society, Programme Paper No. 6. UNRISD: Geneva. Klein, N. 2000. No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. Picador: New York.


Kolodner, E. 1994. Transnational Corporations: Impediments or Catalysts of Social Development?, Occasional Paper No. 5. UNRISD: Geneva. Ledgerwood, G. 1997. Greening the Boardroom: Corporate Environmental Governance and Business Sustainability. Greenleaf Publishing: Sheffield. Logan, D., Roy, D. and Regelbrugge, L. 1997. Global Corporate Citizenship: Rationale and Strategies. Hitachi Foundation: Washington, DC. Makower, R. 1995. Beyond the Bottom Line: Putting Social Responsibility to Work for Your Business and the World. Touchstone Books: New York. McInerney, F. and White, S. 1995. The Total Quality Corporation. How 10 Major Companies Turned Quality and Environmental Challenges to Competitive Advantage in the 1990s. Dutton Press: New York. McIntosh, M. (ed.). 1998, 1999, 2000. Visions of Ethical Business. Three volumes. Financial Times Prentice Hall Publishing: London. McIntosh, M. and Andriof, J. (eds.). 2001. Perspectives on Corporate Citizenship. Greenleaf Publishing: Sheffield. McIntosh, M., Leipziger, D., Jones, K. and Coleman, G. 1998. Corporate Citizenship: Successful Strategies for Responsible Companies. Financial Times Prentice Hall Publishing: London. McPhail, K. and Davy, A. 1998. Integrating Social Concerns into Private Sector Decisionmaking, Discussion Paper No. 384. The World Bank: Washington, DC. Moser, T. 2001. �Transnational corporations and sustainable development: The case of the Colombian and Peruvian petroleum industries,� in World Development, 29:2. Nattrass, B. and Altomare, M. 1998. The Natural Step for Business: Wealth, Ecology and the Evolutionary Corporation. New Society Publishers: Gabriola Island. North-South Institute. 1998. Canadian Development Report 1998: Canadian Corporations and Social Responsibility. North-South Institute: Ottawa. Nyberg, M. 1998. Green Capital: A Report on Large Corporations and the Environment. Friends of the Earth Sweden: Gothenburg. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2001. Corporate Responsibility: Private Initiatives and Public Goals. OECD: Paris. Palazzi, M. and Starcher, G. 1997. Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success. The European Baha�i Business Forum: Paris. Perry, M. and Singh, S. 2001. Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Singapore and Malaysia: The Potential and Limits of Voluntary Initiatives. Technology, Business and Society, Programme Paper No. 3. UNRISD: Geneva. Piasecki, B. 1995. Corporate Environmental Strategy: The Avalanche of Change since Bhopal. John Wiley & Sons: New York. Reader, A. 1994. In Pursuit of Principle and Profit: Business Success through Social Responsibility. G.P. Putnam and Sons: New York. Robbins, P. 2001. Greening the Corporations: Management Strategy and the Environmental Challenge. London: Earthscan.


Roome, N. (ed.). 1998. Sustainability Strategies for Industry: The Future of Corporate Practice. Island Press: Washington, DC. Sagawa, S.E., Segal, R. and Kanter, M. 1999. Common Interest, Common Good: Creating Value through Business and Social Sector Partnerships. Harvard Business School: Boston. Santoro, M. 2000. Profits and Principles: Global Capitalism and Human Rights in China. Cornell University Press: Ithaca. Save the Children. 2001. Big Business, Small Hands: Responsible Approaches to Child Labour. Save the Children: London. Schmidheiny, S. 1992. A Global Business Perspective on Development and the Environment. MIT Press: Cambridge. Schmidheiny, S., Chase, R. and DeSimone, L. 1997. Signals of Change: Business Progress towards Sustainable Development. World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Geneva. Schwartz, P. and Gibb, B. 1999. When Good Companies Do Bad Things: Responsibility and Risk in an Age of Globalization. John Wiley: New York. Shrivasta, P. 1996. Greening Business: Profiting the Corporation and the Environment. Thomson Executive Press: Cincinnati. Solagral. 2001. �Enterprises: Quelle responsabilité sociale?� in Courrier de la Planète, 64:IV. Starkey, R. and Welford, R. (eds.). 2001. The Earthscan Reader in Business and Sustainable Development. Earthscan: London. Ten Brink, P. (ed.). 2002. Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Process, Practice and Future Use. Greenleaf Publishing: Sheffield. UK Food Group. 1999. Hungry for Power: The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Food Security. UK Food Group: London. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 1999. World Investment Report: Foreign Direct Investment and the Challenge of Development. United Nations: New York/Geneva. United Nations Environment Programme. 1998. Voluntary Initiatives, Industry and Environment Quarterly Review, 21:1-2. United Nations Environment Programme and Sustainability. 2002. Good News & Bad: The Media, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, Engaging Stakeholders Publications. UNEP: Paris. Utting, P. 2000. Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development, Occasional Paper No. 2. UNRISD: Geneva. Utting, P. 2001. �La responsabilité des entreprises dans la perspective d�un développement durable,� in IUED (ed.), Annuaire Suisse-Tiers Monde 2001. IUED: Geneva. Utting, P. (ed.). 2002. The Greening of Business in Developing Countries: Rhetoric, Reality and Prospects. Zed Books: London. Vasanthakumar, B.V. 1996. The Green Corporation: The Next Competitive Advantage. Quorum Books/Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.: Westport.


Ward, S. and Pratt, L. 1997. La empresa sostenible en América Latina: Estudios de caso. World Resources Institute: Washington, DC. Warhurst, A. (ed.). 1998. Mining and the Environment: Case Studies from the Americas. International Development Research Centre: Ottawa. Warnock, K. 1997. Green or Mean?: Environment and Industry Five Years on from the Earth Summit, Panos Media Briefing No. 24. Panos: London. Wartick, S. and Wood, D. (eds.). 1998. International Business and Society. Blackwell: Malden. Watts, P. and Holme, R. 1999. Corporate Social Responsibility: Meeting Changing Expectations. World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Geneva. Weeden, C. 1995. Corporate Social Investing: The Breakthrough Strategy for Giving and Getting Corporate Contributions. Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco. Wild, A. 1998. A Review of Corporate Citizenship and Social Initiatives: Social Citizenship�What�s Going On�and Why? Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO: Geneva. Willums, J. 1998. The Sustainable Business Challenge: A Briefing for Tomorrow�s Business Leaders. Greenleaf Publishing: Sheffield. Wilsdon, J. (ed.). 2001. Digital Futures: Living in a Dot-Com World. Earthscan: London. Wilson, I. 2000. The New Rules of Corporate Conduct: Rewriting the Social Charter. Quorum Books: Westport. World Bank. 2000. Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets and Governments, World Bank Policy Research Report. Oxford University Press: New York. Zadek, S. 2001. The Civil Corporation: The New Economy of Corporate Citizenships. Earthscan: London. Websites AGORA 21 www.agora21.org Asian Institute of Management www.aim.edu.ph Asian Monitor Resource Center www.amrc.org.hk Best Practices in Dealing with the Social Impact of Hydrocarbon Operations www.worldbank.org/html/fpd/energy/oil&gas/BestPractices/index.html The Biodiversity Economics Site http://biodiversityeconomics.org Business Action for Sustainable Development www.basd-action.net Business in the Community www.bitc.org.uk


Business and Decent Work-ILO http://www.ilo.org/public/english/comp/business Business and Human Rights: A Resource Website www.business-humanrights.org Business Partners for Development www.bpdweb.org Business and Social Initiative Database-International Labour Organization (ILO) http://oracle02.ilo.org:6060/vpi/VpiSearch.Main Business for Social Responsibility www.bsr.org California Global Corporate Accountability Project www.nautilus.org/cap Canadian Center for Business in the Community www2.conferenceboard.ca/ccbc Carnegie Endowment for International Peace www.ceip.org Centre for Social Markets www.csmworld.org Centre français d�information sur les entreprises (CFIE) www.cfie.net Centro de Estudios del Sector Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable (CESPEDES) www.cce.org.mx/cespedes Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI) www.cemefi.org Center for Innovation in Corporate Responsibility (CICR) www.cicr.net Clean Clothes www.cleanclothes.org Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) www.ceres.org Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) www.un.org/esa/sustdev Compliance Advisory Ombudsman (CAO) www.tomoye.com/simplify/cao/ev.php Conference Board www.conference-board.org Consumers International www.consumersinternational.org


Co-opamerica www.coopamerica.org The Copenhagen Centre www.copenhagencentre.org Corporate Accountability Project www.corporacions.org Corporate Europe Observatory www.xs4all.nl/~ceo Corporate Social Responsibility Europe www.csreurope.org Corporate Watch UK www.corporatewatch.org CorpWatch www.corpwatch.org Cutter Information Corporation www.cutter.com Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-Corporate Social Responsibility www.societyandbusiness.gov.uk Eldis Resource Centre: Corporate Responsibility for Development www.ids.ac.uk/eldis/rc/ethbus.htm Empresa www.empresa.org The European Baha�i Business Forum www.ebbf.org Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) www.fairtrade.net Forum for the Future www.forumforthefuture.org.uk Global Alliance for Workers and Communities www.theglobalalliance.org Global Business Responsibility Resource Center www.bsr.org/resourcecenter Global Compact www.unglobalcompact.org Global e-Sustainability Initiative www.gesi.org Global Policy Forum www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/index.htm


Greening of Industry Network www.greeningofindustry.org International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) www.iccwbo.org/sdcharter/basd/basd.asp Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) www.domini.com/ICCR.html International Confederations of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) www.icftu.org Industrial Environmental Forum of Southern Africa www.ief.co.za Instituto ETHOS www.ethos.org.br International Center for Human Rights and Democratic Development www.ichrdd.ca International Centre for Responsible Tourism www.theinternationalcentreforresponsibletourism.org International Corporate Governance Network www.icgn.org International Forum on Globalisation www.ifg.org International Institute for Environment and Development www.iied.org International Institute for Sustainable Development www.iisd.org International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Business and Sustainable Development/Banking and Investment www.bsdglobal.com/banking International Labour Organization (ILO) www.ilo.org International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) www.intrac.org International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE) www.isbee.org International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers� Associations (IUF) www.iuf.org Mallen Baker�s Corporate Social Responsibility Website www.mallenbaker.net/csr/index.html


Management Institute for Environment and Business (MEB) www.wri.org/wri/meb Maquila Solidarity Network www.web.net/~msn/5codes4.htm MHC International www.mhcinternational.com Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Project (MMSD) www.iied.org/mmsd/index.html Mining Policy Research Initiative (MPRI) www.idrc.ca/mpri National Business Initiative www.nbi.org.za New Academy of Business www.new-academy.ac.uk New Economics Foundation www.neweconomics.org The Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED) www.anped.org Novethic www.novethic.fr Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) www.oecd.org Oilwatch www.oilwatch.org.ec Observatoire sur la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (ORSE) www.orse.org Oxfam www.oxfaminternational.org Perú 2021 www.peru2021.org Philanthropy News Network http://pnnonline.org Philippine Business for Environment www.pbe.org.ph Philippine Business for Social Progress www.pbsp.org.ph The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum www.csrforum.com


Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy www.poclad.org Project Underground www.moles.org Public Citizen�s Global Trade Watch www.citizen.org The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice www.rc-sdbp.org Resources for Promoting Global Business Principles and Best Practices www.epa.gov/globalresources Responsible Shopper www.responsibleshopper.org Social Accountability International www.sa-intl.org SustainAbility www.sustainability.co.uk Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR) www.web.net/~tccr Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) www.teriin.org Thailand Environment Institute www.tei.or.th Third World Network www.twnside.org.sg Taskforce on Business and Industry (TOBI) www.isforum.org/tobi Transnational Corporate Center www.cco.net/~trufax/menu/resource.html Transparency International www.transparency.org United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)�Industry Outreach www.uneptie.org/outreach Warwick Business School Corporate Citizenship Unit http://users.wbs.warwick.ac.uk/ccu World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) www.wbcsd.ch Women Working Worldwide www.poptel.org.uk/women-ww


Western Organization for Resource Councils�Corporate Research Database (WORC) www.worc.org/corpfram.html Worker Rights Consortium www.workersrights.org WorldCSR www.worldcsr.com World Development Movement www.wdm.org.uk World Resources Institute www.wri.org Zadek Net www.zadek.net

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Sikkink, K. 1986. �Codes of conduct for transnational corporations: The case of the WHO/UNICEF code,� in International Organization, 40:4. Spicher, P. 1996. Les droits de l�homme dans les chartes d�éthique économique. Commission suisse pour l�UNESCO. Institut interdisciplinaire d�éthique et des droits de l�homme: Fribourg. Trigo de Sousa, I. 2000. Codes of Conduct and Monitoring Systems. Bangladesh People�s Solidarity Centre: Amsterdam. Tsogas, G. and Incomes Data Services. 1998. Corporate Codes of Conduct and Labour Standards in Global Sourcing. Cardiff Business School: Cardiff. United States Department of Labor. 1996. Apparel Industry and Codes of Conduct: A Solution to the International Child Labor Problem? Bureau of International Labor Affairs. Government Printing Office: Washington. Urminsky, M. (ed.). 2001. Self-Regulation in the Workplace: Codes of Conduct, Social Labelling and Socially Responsible Investment, Series on Management Systems and Corporate Citizenship, Working Paper No. 1. Geneva: ILO. Van der Pijl, K. 1993. �The sovereignty of capital impaired: Social forces and codes of conduct for multinational corporations,� in H. Overbeek (ed.), Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy: The Rise of Transnational Neo-liberalism in the 1980s. Routledge: London. Van Liemt, G. 1998. The Social Policy Implications of Codes of Conduct, with Particular Reference to the Relations between Companies Adopting Such Codes and Their Suppliers and Subcontractors. Paper presented at the ILO International Workshop on Global Production and Local Jobs, Geneva (March). Van Liemt, G. 1999. Codes of Conduct and International Subcontracting. A Private Road towards Ensuring Minimum Labour Standards in Export Industries. ILO: Geneva. Varley, P., Mathiansen, C. and Vorhes, M. (eds.). 1998. The Sweatshop Quandary: Corporate Responsibility on the Global Frontier. IRRC: Washington. Webley, S. 1992. Business Ethics and Company Codes: Current Best Practice in the United Kingdom. Institute of Business Ethics: London. Wick, I. 2001. Workers� Tool or PR Ploy? A Guide to Codes of International Labour Practice. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/SUDWIND Institute: Bonn. Williams, F.O. (ed.). 2000. Global Codes of Conduct: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame. Yimprasert, J. and Candland, C. 2000. Can Corporate Codes of Conduct Promote Labor Standards? Evidence from the Thai Footwear and Apparel Industries. Thai Labour Campaign: Hong Kong. Zadek, S., Lingayah, S. and Forstater, M. 1998. Social Labels: Civil Action through the Market. Paper prepared by the New Economics Foundation for the European Commission. New Economics Foundation: London. Websites Asia Monitor Resource Center www.amrc.org.hk Clean Clothes


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Certification and Reporting

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Ethical Investment

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Fair Trade

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Broad, R. and Cavanagh, J. 1999. �The corporate accountability movement: Lessons and opportunities,� in The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 23:2 (Fall). Cohen, R. and Rai, S.M. (eds.). 2000. Global Social Movements. The Athlone Press: London. Deegan, D. 2001. Managing Activism: A Guide to Dealing with Activists and Pressure Groups. Kogan Page Ltd.: London. Edwards, M. and Gaventa, J. (eds.). 2001. Global Citizen Action. Earthscan: London. Elliott, K. and Freeman, R. 2001. White Hats or Don Quixotes? Human Rights Vigilantes in the Global Economy, NBER Working Paper No. 8102. National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge. Gedicks, A. 2001. Resource Rebels: Native Challenges to Mining and Oil Corporations. Southend Press: Cambridge. Graham, E.M. 2001. Fighting the Wrong Enemy: Antiglobal Activists and Multinational Enterprises. Institute for International Economics: London. Hager, N. and Burton, B. 2000. Secrets and Lies: The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign. Common Courage Press: Monroe. Keck, M. and Sikkink, K. 1998. Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Cornell University Press: Ithaca. Martinez-Alier, J. 1999. The Environmentalism of the Poor and the Global Movement for Environmental Justice. Paper presented at EADI 9th General Conference, Paris (22 September). Mitchell, J.V. (ed.). 1998. Companies in a World of Conflict, NGOs, Sanctions and Corporate Responsibility. Royal Institute of International Studies: London. Neal, M. and Davies, C. 1998. The Corporation Under Siege: Exposing the Devices Used by Activists and Regulators in the Non-Risk Society. The Social Affairs Unit: London. O�Neill, K. 1999. Internetworking for Social Change: Keeping the Spotlight on Corporate Responsibility, Discussion Paper No. 111. UNRISD: Geneva. Rowell, A. 1996. Green Backlash: Global Subversion of the Environmental Movement. Routledge: London. Smith, J., Chatfield, C. and Pagnucco, R. (eds.). 1997. Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity Beyond the State. Syracuse University Press: New York. Starr, A. 2000. Naming the Enemy: Anti-Corporate Social Movements Confront Globalisation. Zed Books: London. Taylor, R.B. (ed.). 1995. Ecological Resistance Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular Environmentalism. Albany State University Press: New York. Vander Stichele, M. and Pennartz, P. 1996. Making it our Business: European NGO Campaigns on Transnational Corporations, CIIR Briefing. Catholic Institute for International Relations: London. Winston, M. (forthcoming). �NGO strategies for promoting global corporate social responsibility,� in R. Hodess (ed.), Justice in the World Economy: Globalization, Agents and the Pursuit of Social Good. Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs: New York.


Critical Perspectives and Campaigns

Balanyá, B., Doherty, A., Hoedeman, O., Ma�anit, A. and Wesselius, E. 2000. Europe Inc: Regional and Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power. Pluto Press/Corporate Europe Observatory: London/Sterling. Barnet, R. and Cavanagh, J. 1994. Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order. Simon and Schuster: New York. Beder, S. 1997. Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism. Green Books: Totnes. Bennholdt-Thomsen, V., Faraclas, N. and von Werlhof, C. (eds.). 2001. There is an Alternative: Subsistence and Worldwide Resistance to Corporate Globalization. Zed Books: London. Benson, R. 2000. Challenging Corporate Rule: The Petition to Revoke Unocal�s Charter as a Guide to Citizen Action. Apex Press: Croton-on-Hudson, New York. Bruno, K. 2002. Greenwash +10: The UN�s Global Compact, Corporate Accountability and the Johannesburg Earth Summit. San Francisco: CorpWatch. Carton, B., in collaboration with Lamontagne, P. 2000. Le pétrole en Afrique: Une violence faite aux peuples. GRESEA: Brussels. Centre Europe-Tiers Monde, Association Américaine des Jurists and Foundation FICAT (eds.). 2000. Transnational Corporations and Human Rights. CETIM: Geneva. Chatterjee, P. and Finger, M. 1994. The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics and World Development. Routledge: London. Clarke, T. 1996. Dismantling Corporate Rule. International Forum on Globalization: San Francisco. Clarke, T. 1997. Silent Coup: Confronting the Big Business Takeover of Canada. CCPA/Lorimer: Ottawa. Connor, T. 2001. Still Waiting for Nike to Do It: Nike�s Labor Practices in the Three Years Since CEO Phil Knight�s Speech to the National Press Club. Global Exchange: San Francisco. Corporate Europe Observatory. 2000. Greenhouse Market Mania: UN Climate Talks Corrupted by Corporate Pseudo-Solutions, Briefing Paper. CEO: Amsterdam. Cotrim Pinheiro, F. 2002. The ICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development: Assessing the Charter Before Taking Action, Thesis. Medford: Tufts University. Danaher, K. and Global Exchange (eds.). 1996. Corporations are Gonna Get Your Mama: Globalization and the Downsizing of the American Dream. Common Courage Press: Monroe. Delforge, I. 2000. Nourrir le monde ou l�agrobusiness: Enquête sur Monsanto. Déclaration de Berne, Magasins du Monde-OXFAM, Oxfam Solidarités and Orcades: Brussels. Estes, R. 1996. Tyranny of the Bottom Line: Why the Corporations Make Good People Do Bad Things. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco. Evans, G, Goodman, J. and Lansbury, N. (eds.). 2002. Moving Mountains: Communities Confront Mining and Globalisation. London: Zed Books. Glastra, R. (ed.). 1999. Cut and Run: Illegal Logging and Timber Trade in the Tropics. The International Development Research Centre: Ottawa.


Greer, J. and Bruno, K. 1996. Greenwash: The Reality Behind Corporate Environmentalism. Third World Network/Apex Press: Penang. Heerings, H. and Zeldenrust, I. 1995. Elusive Saviour, Transnational Corporations and Sustainable Development. International Books: Utrecht. Horman, D. 1998. Stratégies des multinationales, résistances sociales. GRESEA: Brussels. Karliner, J. 1997. The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco. Korten, D. 2001. When Corporations Rule the World (second revised edition). Kumarian Press: New York. Madeley, J. 1999. Big Business, Poor Peoples: The Impact of Transnational Corporations on the World�s Poor. Zed Books: London. Les Magasins du Monde-Oxfam. 1998. Chiquita: Révelations sur les pratiques d�une multinationale, une enquête du journal américain �The Cincinnati Enquirer.� Les Magasins du Monde-Oxfam: Brussels. Mander, J. and Goldsmith, E. 1996. The Case against the Global Economy and for a Turn toward the Local. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco. Mokhiber, R. and Weissman R. 1999. Corporate Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy. Common Courage Press: Monroe. Mooney, P. 2001. The ETC Century: Erosion, Technological Transformation and Corporate Concentration in the 21st Century. Winnipeg: RAFI /Uppsala: The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation. Oxfam-Solidarités. 1998. Les Républiques Maquilas, les zones franches en Amérique Centrale. OXFAM-Solidarités: Brussels. Richter, J. 2001. Holding Corporations Accountable: Corporate Conduct, International Codes and Citizen Action. Zed Books: London/New York. Rowell, A. 1996. Green Backlash: Global Subversion of the Environmental Movement. Routledge: London. Shoenberger, K. 2000. Levi�s Children: Coming to Terms with Human Rights in the Global Marketplace. Atlantic Monthly Press: New York. Stauber, J. and Rampton, S. 1995. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry. Common Courage Press: Monroe. Stauber, J. and Rampton, S. 2000. Trust Us, We�re Experts: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future. Putman: Tarcher. Wallach, L. and Sforza, M. 1999. Whose Trade Organisation? Corporate Globalisation and The Erosion of Democracy. Public Citizen�s Global Trade Watch: Washington, DC. Welford, R. 1997. Hijacking Environmentalism: Corporate Responses to Sustainable Development. Earthscan: London. Zagema, B. 1997. Taking Responsibility, Metal Mining, People and the Environment. FOE: Amsterdam.


Websites GENERAL Adbusters www.adbusters.org Agir Ici www.globenet.org/agirici Amazon Watch www.amazonwatch.org Association transnationale www.transnationale.org ATTAC http://attac.org Center for Media and Democracy, PR Watch. www.prwatch.org Centre Europe-Tiers Monde (CETIM) www.cetim.ch Corporate Accountability www.corporate-accountability.org Corporate Accountability Project www.corporations.org Corporate Dirt Archives www.corporations.org/corplist.html Corporate Watch UK www.corporatewatch.org CorpWatch www.corpwatch.org Ethical Consumer www.ethicalconsumer.org Export Credit Agencies www.eca-watch.org Friends of Earth-USA Confronting Companies Using Shareholder Power: A Handbook on Socially Oriented Shareholder Activism www.foe.org/international/shareholder/index.html Genetically Engineered Food Campaign Center www.gefoodalert.org GRESEA www.oneworld.org/gresea Health Action International


www.haiweb.org/index.html Human Rights Watch www.hrw.org IBON Foundation www.ibon.org International Forum on Globalization (IFG) www.ifg.org Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy www.iatp.org Maquiladora Health and Safety Support Group www.igc.org/mhssn Mines and Communities www.minesandcommunities.org Mining Watch www.miningwatch.org Multinational Monitor www.essentiel.org/monitor Multinational Resource Centre www.essentiel.org/mdc Organic Consumers Association http://organicconsumers.org The Pandora Project www.xs4all.nl/~evel/pandora Permanent Peoples� Tribunal www.grisnet.it/filb/tribu%20fre.html Pesticide Action Network www.pan.org Réseau-Solidarité www.globenet.org/reseau-solidarite Rural Advancement Foundation www.rafi.org Tourism Watch www.tourism-watch.de/ Third Work Network www.twnside.org.sg Transnational Institute www.tni.org The World Revolution


www.worldrevolution.org/CatMain.asp?CategoryName=Business ENVIRONMENT Action Network www.actionnetwork.org ASEED Europe www.aseed.net Centre for Science and Environment www.cseindia.org EarthRights International www.earthrights.org Friends of the Earth www.foe.org Global Witness www.globalwitness.org Greenpeace International www.greenpeace.org Indigenous Environmental Network www.alphacdc.com/ien Pesticide Action Network www.pan-international.org/index.html Public Citizen�s Global Trade Watch www.citizen.org/cmep Rainforest Action Network www.ran.org WWF International www.wwf.org LABOUR Asia Monitor Resource Center www.amrc.org.hk Behind the Label www.BehindTheLabel.org Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) www.cafod.org.uk Campaign for Labour Rights www.summersault.com/~agj/clr Christian Aid www.christian-aid.org.uk/main.htm


Global Exchange www.globalexchange.org International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers� Associations (IUF) www.iuf.org National Labour Committee www.nlcnet.org Oxfam International www.oxfam.org Sweatshops Watch www.sweatshopwatch.org UNITE! www.uniteunion.org/index.htm TNCs Australian Mining Companies www.caa.org.au/campaigns/mining/index.html Baby-Milk Action www.babymilkaction.org Bayerwatch www.cbgnetwork.de Boycott Nike www.saigon.com/~nike Boycott Shell www.essentialaction.org/shell/index.html Campaign Exxonmobil and Esso www.campaignexxonmobil.org Cokespotlight www.cokespotlight.org Critical Shareholders Association (Krupp, Siemens, Daimler) http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/critical_shareholders/ whatdowe.htm The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) www.ibfan.org/ International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers� Unions (ICEM) Rio Tinto Cybercampaign www.icemna.org/ecmpgn.htm International Trade Secretariat Campaigns on Multinational Enterprises www.icftu.org Mc Spotlight www.mcspotlight.org


Nikewatch www.caa.org.au/campaigns/nike/index1.html Norwatch www.fivh.no/norwatch Oilwatch www.antenna.nl/aseed/oilwatch Pressure Point www.pressurepoint.org Project Underground www.moles.org UK Food Group www.ukfg.org.uk Wal-Mart www.walmartwatch.org World Economy, Ecology and Development (WEED) www.weedbonn.org REVIEWS AND JOURNALS Alternatives Economiques www.alternatives-economiques.fr Asian Labour Update www.amrc.org.hk/alu.htm BizEthicsBuzz: The Online News Report from Business Ethics magazine www.business-ethics.com/newpage2.htm Business and Society www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/journals/BASR/descript.htm Business and the Environment www.cutter.com/bate Business and the Environment ISO 14000 Update www.cutter.com/iso14000/index.html Business Ethics www.business-ethics.com Business Strategy and the Environment www.interscience.wiley.com/trial/bse China Labour Bulletin www.china-labour.org.hk Corporate Environmental Strategy www.elsevier.com/locate/corpes


Courrier de la Planète www.solagral.org/index.htm CSRwire: The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire www.csrwire.com Earth First! The Radical Environmental Journal www.earthfirstjournal.org/index.html Ethical Performance: The Independent Newsletter for Socially Responsible Business www.ethicalperformance.com Greener Management International: The Journal of Corporate Strategy and Practice www.greenleaf-publishing.com Green Money Journal www.greenmoney.com Harvard Business Review www.hbsp.harvard.edu/products/hbr Impact Entreprises www.cfie.net Industry and Environment www.unepie.org/publi/4rvpubli.html Journal of Environmental Economics and Management www.apnet.com/www/journal/ee.htm Journal of Industrial Ecology http://mitpress.mit.edu/jie Le monde diplomatique www.monde-diplomatique.fr Oxford Analytica and Prince of Wales www.oxan.com/iblf/iblf.html PR Watch www.prwatch.org Social and Environmental Accounting www.dundee.ac.uk/accountancy/csear The Chronicle of Philanthropy www.philanthropy.com The Ecologist www.gn.apc.org/ecologist The Green Business Letter www.greenbiz.com The Journal of Corporate Citizenship http://users.wbs.warwick.ac.uk/ccu/publications


Third World Resurgence www.twnside.org.sg Tomorrow www.tomorrow-web.com


Authors Index

ActionAid 27 Addo, M.K. 2 The Alliance for Environmental Innovation 27 Amnesty International 2 Anderson, R. 2 Angel, D. and Rock, M. 24 Arnold, M. and Day, R. 2 Ascoly, N. and Zeldenrust, I. 12 Ascoly, N., Oldenziel, J. and Zeldenrust, I. 12 Ashman, D. 27 Atkinson, J. 2 Aubert, M., Brama, P. and Blum, R. 2 Avery, C. 2 Balanyá, B., Doherty, A., Hoedeman, O., Ma�anit, A. and Wesselius, E. 32 Barkin, D. 2 Barnet, R. and Cavanagh, J. 32 Barratt Brown, M. 23 Barrientos, S., McClenaghan, S. and Orton, L. 12 Beder, S. 32 Bendell, J. 17,27 Benholdt-Thomsen, V., Faraclas, N. and von Werlhof, C. 32 Bennet, M. and James, P. 17 Benson, R. 32 Bhagwati, J. and Hudec, R.E. 23 Bidwell, R. and Verfaille, H. 17 Bitonio, B. 12 Blanpain, R. 12 Blowfield, M. 23 Blumberg, J., Blum, G., and Korsvols, A. 20 Börkey, P. and Glachant, M. 12 Börkey, P., Glachant, M. and Lévêque, F. 12 Braithwaite, J. and. Drahos, P 25 Brill, H., Brill, J. and Feigenbaum, C. 20 Broad, R. and Cavanagh, J. 31 Bruno, K. 32 Buckley, P.J. and Ghauri, P.N. 25 Burns, M. and Mather, C. 23 Burns, M., Forstater, M., Mong, A., Osgood, D. and Zadek, S. 12 Cairncross, F. 2 Canadian Office of Consumer Affairs 12 Capra, F. and Pauli, G. 2 Carey, A. and Sancto, J. 17 Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs 12 Catholic Agency for Overseas Development 23,25 Carton, B. in collaboration with Lamontagne, P. 32 Centre Europe-Tiers Monde, Association Américaine des Juristes and Foundation FICAT 32 Chatterjee, P. and Finger, M. 32 Claffey, S. 28 Clapham, A. 25 Clapp, J. 17 Clark, A. and Clark, J. 2


Clarke, T. 32 Clean Clothes Campaign 13 Cohen, M., Scott, F. and Naimon, J. 20 Cohen, R. and Rai, S.M. 31 Commission of the European Communities 2 Commission on Sustainable Development 13 Conference Board of Canada 2 Connor, T. 32 Consumers International 23 Coote, B. 23 Corporate Europe Observatory 32 Cotrim Pinheiro, F. 32 Council on Economic Priorities 2,20 Cowe, R. and Williams, S. 23 CSR Europe 17 Cutler, C., Haufler, V. and Portee, T. 25 Cutter Environment 17 Danaher, K. and Global Exchange 32 Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B. and Mamingi, N. 25 Davy, A. 17 Deegan, D. 31 Delforge, I. 32 Dell, S. 28 Dicken, P. 25 Diller, J. 13 Ditz, D., Ranganathan, J. and Banks, R.D. 17 Doane, D. 17 Dryzek, J. and Schlosberg, D. 25 Edwards, M. and Gaventa, J. 31 Elkington, J. 2 Elkington, J. and Hailes, J. 20 Elliott, K. and Freeman, R. 31 Estes, R. 32 European Business Network for Social Cohesion 2 European Commission 13 Evans, G., Goodman, J. and Lansbury, N. 32 Fabig, H. and Boele, R. 28 Ferguson, C. 13 Fitzgerald, E.V.K. 25 Fontana, M. and Joekes, S. 25 Foran, T. 2 Forcese, C. 13 Forest Peoples Programme, Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links and the World Rainforest Movement 25 Franco, V. 25 Gallin, D. 28 Garcia-Johnson, R. 2 Garone, S. 20 Gaudier, M. 3 Gedicks, A. 31 Geltman, E.G. and Skroback, A.E. 20 Gereffi, G. 25 Gibson, R. 13 Glastra, R. 32 Gonella, C., Piling, A., Zadek, S. with Terry, V. 17 Goodell, E. 3 Gordon, K. and Miyake, M. 13


Graham, E.M. 31 Gray, R., Owen, D. and Adams, C. 17 Green, D. and Melamed, C. 25 Greenall, D., Rovere, D. and Centre for Innovation in Corporate Responsibility 28 Greer, J. and Bruno, K. 33 Groenewegen, P., Fischer, K., Jenkins, E. and Schot, J. 3 Hager, N. and Burton, B. 31 Hamilton, G. 13 Hampden-Turner, C. and Trompenaars, A. 3 Hancock, J. 20 Hansen, M. 3 Hastings, M. 17 Haufler, V. 25 Hawken, P. 3 Hawken, P., Lovins, A. and Lovins, H. 3 Health Action International 28 Heap, S. 28 Heerings, H. and Zeldenrust, I. 33 Henderson, D. 3 Henderson, H. 25 Hemmati, M. 28 Hensman, R. and Hale, A. 13 Hertz, N. 25 Hill, J., Federigo, D., and Marshall, I. 20 Hillary, R. 3,17 Hilowitz, J. 13 Himmelstein, J. 3 Hinterberger, F., Bannasch, D., Schegelmilch, K., Stiller, H., Orbach, T. and Mündl, A. 20 Holliday, C. and Pepper, J. 3 Holme, R. and. Watts, P. 3 Hood, N. and Young, S. 25 Hopkins, M. 3 Horman, D. 33 Institut universitaire d�études du développement 23 Institute of Development Studies 28 International Council on Human Rights Policy 3 International Institute for Environment and Development and Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Project 3 International Labour Organization 13,26 Industrial Restructuring and Education Network Europe 26 James, P. 17 Jaap Bouma, J., Jeucken, M. and Klinkers, L. 20 Jeffcott, B. and Yanz, L. 13 Jenkins, R. 3,13 Jones, S. and Bayley, B. 23 Jeucken, M. 20 Joo Kean, Y. and Annelies, A. 13 Justice, D. 14 Kamminga, M. and Zia-Zarifi, S. 26 Karliner, J. 33 Keck, M. and Sikkink, K. 31 Kell, G. and Ruggie, J.G. 28 Kelly, D. 28 Kemp, M. 3


Kerr, R., Cosbey, A. and Yachnin, R. 17 Kinder, P., Domini, A.I. and Lydenberg, S. 20 Kinloch, M.R. 20 Klein, N. 3 Kline, M.J. 26 Kolk, A., Tulder, R. and Welters, C. 14 Kolodner, E. 4 Korten, D.C. 26,33 Kozul-Wright, R. and Rowthorn, R.E. 26 Krie, J.M. 23 Krut, R. 28 Krut, R. and Gleckman, H. 17 Kumar, R., Gessese, N. and Konishi, Y. 26 Lake, R. 23 Ledgerwood, G. 4 Lee, L. 14 Le Jeune, M. and Webley, S. 14 Lewis, D. 23 Littrell, M. and Dickson, M. 23 Liubicic, R.J. 14 Logan, D., Roy, D. and Regelbrugge, L. 4 Long, F. and Arnold, M. 28 Mabey, N. and McNally, R. 26 Mach, A. 28 Madeley, J. 33 Les Magasins du Monde-Oxfam 33 Makower, R. 4 Mander, J. and Goldsmith, E. 33 Manheim, J.B. 14 Mansley, M. 20 Martinez-Alier, J. 31 McClintock, B. 14 McInerney, F. and White, S. 4 McIntosh, M. 4 McIntosh, M. and Andriof, J. 4 McIntosh, M., Leipziger, D., Jones, K. and Coleman, G. 4 McPhail, K. and Davy, A. 4 Messick, D., Tenbrunsel, A. and Ann, D. 14 Milberg, W. 26 Mitchell, J.V. 31 Mokhiber, R. and Weissman, R. 33 Monks, A. 20 Mooney, P. 33 Moser, T. 4 Murphy, D. and Bendell, J. 28 Murray, J. 14 Nattrass, B. and Altomare, M. 4 Neal, M. and Davies, C. 31 Nelson, J. 28 Nelson, J. and Zadek, S. 28 Neumayer, E. 26 North-South Institute 4 Nyberg, M. 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 4,14,18,29 O�Neill, K. 31 O�Rourke, D. 14


Observatoire sur la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises, Entreprises pour l�Environnement, Agence de l�Environnement et de la Mâtrise de l�Energie (ADEME-Utopies) 20 Oxfam-Solidarités 33 Ozinga, S. 18 Palazzi, M. and Starcher, G. 4 Parc, J. and Roome, N. 26 Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. 14 Perry, M. and Singh, S. 4 Peters, G. and Enderle, G. 29 Piasecki, B. 4 Piccioto, S. and Mayne, R. 26 Porges, J. 14 Preston, L.E. 14 The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum 29 Ransom, D. 23 Reader, A. 4 Reed, D. 26 Regelbrugge, L. 29 Repetto, R. and Austin, D. 21 Richter, J. 33 Ritimo and Sologral 23 Robbins, P. 4 Roberts, S. and Robins, N. 23 Robins, N. and Humphrey, L. 23 Roome, N. 5 Rowell, A. 31,33 Ruggie, J. G. 29 Sagawa, S.E., Segal, R. and Kanter, M. 5 Sajhau, J. 14 Santoro, M. 5 Save the Children 5 Schaltegger, S. and Burritt, R. 18 Schmidheiny, S. 5 Schmidheiny, S. and Zorraquin, F.J. 21 Schmidheiny, S., Chase, R. and DeSimone, L. 5 Schwartz, P. and Gibb, B. 5 Seyfang, G. 14 Shoenberger, K. 33 Shrivasta, P. 5 Shubber, S. 14 Sikkink, K. 15 Simpson, A. 21 Smarzynska, B. and Shang-Jin, W. 26 Smith, J., Chatfield, C. and Pagnucco, R. 31 Solagral 5 Spicher, P. 15 Starkey, R. and Welford, R. 5 Starr, A. 31 Stauber, J. and Rampton, S. 33 Tallontire, A., Rentsendorj, E. and Blowfield, M. 23 Taylor, R.B. 31 Ten Brink, P. 5 Tennyson, R. 29 Tesner, S. 29 Transnational Resource and Action Center 29


Trigo de Sousa, I. 15 Tsogas, G. and Incomes Data Services 15 UK Food Group 5 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 5 United Nations Environment Programme 5,21 United Nations Environment Programme and International Institute for Sustainable Development 26 United Nations Environment Programme and SustainAbility 5,18 United States Department of Labor 15 Urminsky, M. 15 Utting, P. 5 Van der Pijl, K. 15 Vander Stichele, M. and Pennartz, P. 31 Van Liemt, G. 15 Varley, P., Mathiansen, C. and Vorhes, M. 15 Vasanthakumar, B.V. 5 Viana, V., Ervin, J., Donovan, R., Elliot, C. and Gholz, H. 18 Vogel, D. 21 von Moltke, K., Kuik, O.J., van der Grijp, N.M., Salazar, C., Banuri, T., Mupimpila, C., Inman, C., Mesa, N., Oleas, R. and de los Santos, Juan José 26 Wallach, L. and Sforza, M. 33 Ward, H. 26 Ward, S. and Pratt, L. 6 Warhurst, A. 6 Warnock, K. 6 Wartick, S. and Wood, D. 6 Watts, P. and Holme, R. 6 Webley, S. 15 Weeden, C. 6 Wehrmeyer, W. and Mulugetta, Y. 18 Welford, R. 18,33 Wheeler, D. and Sillanpaa, M. 18 Whitley, R. 26 Wick, I. 15 Wild, A. 6 Williams, F.O. 15 Willums, J. 6 Wilsdon, J. 6 Wilson, I. 6 Winston, M. 31 Woodward, J. 18 World Bank 6 World Development Movement 27 World Vision 29 Yamamoto, T. and Ashizawa, K.G. 29 Yimprasert, J. and Candland, C. 15 Zadek, S. 6,23 Zadek, S., Evans, R. and Pruzan, P. 18 Zadek, S., Lingayah, S. and Forstater, M. 15 Zagema, B. 33 Zarrilli, S., Jha, V. and Vossenaar, R. 18 Zarsky, L. 27