Corporate Risk Governance Reform 1 Peter J Schild

Corp Risk Gov Reform

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A walk-thru of the evaluation and implementation of risk governance reform.

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Corporate Risk Governance Reform

1 Peter J Schild

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The Broad Steps to Risk Governance Reform

•  Build a case •  Develop a framework •  Perform pilots •  Develop learning strategies •  Implement across the organization

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Change Management

Corporate systems are self-preserving and resistant to change. Only when the need is widely recognized and a solution exists that appears to work does the desire to change exceed the natural tendency to resist it.

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Exploring a Case for Change: Six Questions

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Does the board truly understand the strategic objectives, the top risks the company faces in executing

strategies, and the strength of the processes that keep the board and

senior management informed?

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To evaluate the company’s capacity to achieve objectives, directors need confidence in a system of effective internal controls and the reliability of its maintenance, as well as evidence of widespread attentiveness to risk. They must believe in management’s capacity to stay within the boundaries of established tolerances and to report clearly and concisely when those boundaries are approached.

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Are employees connected to the corporate vision?

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Without the right culture the risk taken can easily exceed the risk intended, regardless of the processes employed to measure and monitor it. The goal is an environment where personal visions connect and employees come to understand and agree with intended outcomes and their individual and team roles in achieving them.

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Are all lines of business that contribute to any given strategic

objective, while likely to be managed separately, evaluated as a complete

set of activities?

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Corporations in their entirety are more than collections of individual activities subject to the separate interests of their components. Operating units work together across the enterprise not in relation to their positions within segments, but according to their relative roles in support of defined strategies.

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Does available capital match the risk appetite?

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Neither capital nor risk can be calculated precisely and confidence in predictable outcomes is necessarily limited; therefore, managing to the measurable alone is insufficient. To provide reasonable assurance that the risk taken is equivalent to the risk intended, enhanced processes of risk evaluation coupled with assessments of human capital must be added to traditional tools of measurement.

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Do all lines of business (particularly support activities) coordinate so that their duties do not overlap and their

reports to the board and senior management are compatible?

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Reliable financial reporting and strict regulatory compliance are unconditional yet costly requirements. Efficient processes that boost coordination and enable leverage across risk, finance, compliance, audit and lines of business are both reasonable expectations and consistent with the imperative of operational effectiveness.

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Does the market perceive corporate governance as a strong point in

evaluating the company’s reputation?

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Disciplined, reliable and comprehensive systems of risk management and corporate governance foster investor confidence in management’s capacity to take and manage risk.

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•  Properly executed, effective risk governance satisfies:   Management’s need for line of business control and supervision   The board’s need for perspective to perform oversight, make

strategic decisions, and evaluate management   Regulatory expectations for effective, observable risk

management practices

•  And leads to:   Efficient processes that enable leverage across finance, risk,

compliance and audit   Market confidence in management’s capacity to take and

manage risk

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•  Enhanced reputation •  Higher P/E multiple •  Increased shareholder value/

market capitalization

If the market’s appraisal of management’s competence is reflected in the amount by which total capitalization exceeds net worth, then enhancing one’s reputation leads to increased shareholder value.

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• Assurance • Facilitation • Verification

Process: Enterprise-wide risk

management principles

• Awareness • Literacy • Accountability

Culture: Employees

who feel connected to the company

Reliable reporting Efficient operations

Compliance with laws

Capital preservation

Clear oversight perspective Observable

governance practices Market & regulatory

confidence Better reputation

Increased shareholder


Essential Principles + Employee Connection Yields Increased Shareholder Value

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An Overview of the Central Framework

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•  The operating framework includes:   Employee Engagement   Core Objectives   Uniform Procedures   Shared Corporate Hierarchy   Management & Board Reporting

•  The roles necessary for the framework’s execution and maintenance are:   Assurance of its Effectiveness   Facilitation of its Performance & Upkeep   Verification of its Reliability

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The Central Framework

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Employee Engagement: “Once you blow the whistle you can’t inhale.”

(Bill Chadwick, former National Hockey League referee)

Unless those who initiate transactions care about and understand their impact on the company’s risk appetite, the outcome may depart from that which was intended.

How people communicate matters as much as how they measure.

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Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is founded on four principles:   Leadership accountability   Education and awareness   Recruitment and hiring   Development and retention

23 Peter J Schild

Accountability plus literacy produces a shared vision.

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Core Objectives

To implement processes that provide for:   Achievable strategies – reasonable

assurance of sustainable results   Reliable financial and non-financial reporting   Effective and efficient operations   Compliance with prevailing laws and

regulations   Preservation of economic and human capital


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Begin with articulating strategic objectives and cycle through identifying, accepting and monitoring risks, determining residual risk, and, based on the results, reaffirming or adjusting risk appetite and strategy.

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Uniform Procedures

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Articulate strategic


Identify inherent


Establish control


Assess and accept

intended risk Monitor


actual vs. expected

Determine actual

residual risk

Escalate and resolve exceptions

Evaluate outcomes/

renew strategy


Recursive evaluation and reaffirmation

Uniform Procedures

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Inherent Risk, Control Activities, Residual Risk

•  Inherent risk is a function of generic and unique determinative factors that give rise to uncertainty – change, volume, complexity and what can go wrong with an entity’s specific activities.

•  The control environment is the set of activities intended to keep things from going wrong or to raise warnings when they start to.

•  Residual risk is determined by combining the relative level of inherent risk with the observed control effectiveness.

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•  How the enterprise is subdivided into levels of assessable parts starting with all segments and ending with the lowest level of separately managed silos (“operating units”).

•  To assure efficient communication and consistency of reporting, a common hierarchy should be shared by the entire enterprise (especially Finance, Risk, Compliance and Audit), at least to the point that they can map their individual procedures to the shared hierarchy.

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Corporate Hierarchy

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Segment 1

Line of Business 1

Operating unit 1

Operating unit 2

Operating unit 3

Line of Business 2

Operating unit 4

Operating unit 5

Corporate Hierarchy

Level I Level II Level III Enterprise

Segments: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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•  Information travels many paths to reach senior management and the board

•  Coordinating the diverse sources of data while respecting their distinct voices requires deliberate structure and dedicated resources

•  Oversight is only as effective as the clarity of knowledge necessary to exercise it

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Senior Management & Board Reporting

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Two innovative groups help to promote senior management literacy and enhance board reporting:   Senior Risk Committee: chaired by CEO, comprised

of Chief Operating Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Audit Executive, Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel, Head of HR...

  Risk Governance Council: chaired by CRO, comprised of CAE, Chief Accounting Officer, Heads of Operational, Credit & Market Risk, Chief Compliance Officer...

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Senior Risk Committee & Risk Governance Council

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•  No formal agenda, meet periodically (e.g., monthly)

•  Review high and emerging risks to strategies, incidents and incident responses; discuss economic and human capital resource allocations; renew commitments to intended risk

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Senior Risk Committee

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•  Provide assurance to senior management and the board that residual risk across the enterprise is continuously monitored

•  Determine that residual risk is based on actual, as opposed to expected, internal control environments

•  Examine identified control weaknesses for potential damage; recommend changes to accepted risk tolerances, both up and down

•  Calibrate risk tolerance by clarifying choices among reducing inherent risk, tightening controls, or allowing greater residual risk, and present analysis to Senior Risk Committee

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Risk Governance Council

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Board of Directors

Senior Risk Committee

Credit Risk Committee

Market Risk Committee

Operational Risk


Internal Audit

Risk Governance


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Senior Committee Organizational Structure

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Apply the Framework

1  In each entity of the hierarchy… 2  execute the uniform procedures… 3  to determine whether the objectives are being


The resulting database includes, by operating unit, inherent risks, control environment evaluations, control exceptions, and residual risks

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Systems Thinking

•  While complete in their silos, operating units – entities of sales and support – work together, not only according to their individual nature, but also according to their relative roles and positions in the system.

•  Inherent delays between actions and outcomes naturally give rise to unintended consequences because actions taken in one part do not affect all related parts at the same time, but do so at the pace of their movement through the system.

•  By delivering consistent assessments of each of the parts and enabling an assembled view of the whole, the framework provides perspective that augments preparation, anticipation, response, and recovery.

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Manage by Segment

Oversee by Strategy





Line of Business 1





an Resources



Line of Business 2

Line of Business 3

Risk M



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

37 Peter J Schild

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Presentation Format: Segment Risk

•  The following slide is a compilation of individual assessments of all operating units within a sample segment: Technology.

•  It displays how control concerns in separate parts affect the entire segment.

•  Risk tolerance can be defined as the intended risk – the inherent risk intentionally taken with the assumption of an acceptable control environment.

•  Comparing actual risk to intended risk presents senior management and the board the opportunity to quickly evaluate the segment capacity to take on additional risk, such as new products, strategies or acquisitions.

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Strategy Inherent Risk

+ Tested Control Environment

= Residual (Actual) Risk

Intended Risk*

A B C D Composite Segment

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Actual vs. Intended Risk: Technology Segment

* Inherent Risk + Acceptable Control Environment = Intended Risk

Risk Control Environment Low Acceptable Medium Marginal High Unacceptable

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Manage by Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Oversee by Strategy





Line of Business 1





an Resources



Line of Business 2

Line of Business 3

Risk M



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Presentation Format: Strategy Risk

•  The following slide is a compilation of individual assessments of interdependent entities engaged in the execution of a particular strategy (a “strategic domain”) .

•  It displays how control concerns in separate parts affect the strategy.

•  Comparing actual risk to intended risk presents senior management and the board the opportunity to quickly evaluate strategies and determine exactly where they need to focus their attention to increase assurance that strategies are most likely to achieve intended objectives.

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Strategic Domain: Operating units

Inherent Risk

+ Tested Control Environment

= Residual (Actual) Risk

Intended Risk*

Line of Business Finance Technology Operations Compliance Human Resources Risk Management

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Actual vs. Intended Risk: Strategy “A”

* Inherent Risk + Acceptable Control Environment = Intended Risk

Risk Control Environment Low Acceptable Medium Marginal High Unacceptable

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Is This What We Want? •  Both inherent and residual risk are important to monitor –

well-managed/high inherent or poorly managed/low inherent can each lead to unacceptable outcomes.

•  In its silo, the line of business may be well-managed; but if other components of the strategy exhibit high residual risk, the overall risk may exceed that which was intended.

•  Decision: resolve the control issues, reduce the inherent risk, or accept the residual risk.

•  Comparing segment and strategy evaluations:   Are any operating units stressed supporting multiple strategies?   Are economic and human capital resources distributed most

favorably? 43 Peter J Schild

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Four Key Roles to Execute and Sustain 1  Monitor employee engagement – a function of human resources. As with

any initiative, employee engagement must be tracked and tested to evaluate the depth of its understanding and fulfillment.

2  Assure effectiveness – to align accountability with ownership, lines of business should be responsible for assurance by attesting to the design and operating effectiveness of their identified controls, and for reporting and resolving exceptions.

3  Facilitate performance and upkeep – a discrete risk management function is desirable to facilitate process execution through focused support units that consult on building, implementing, and maintaining the framework. Risk units serve as a central clearing organization for retaining shared databases, and promote replication of the pattern of evaluation and reporting across the enterprise.

4  Verify continued reliability – internal audit verifies through independent, objective oversight that management’s assurances can be relied upon, internal controls are designed and operating as reported by management, exceptions are appropriately escalated, and practicable resolutions are prescribed and on track.

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Perform Pilots in Selected Business Units

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Develop Learning Strategies

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Implement Across the Organization

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