Cooking Merit Badge Class 1

Cooking Merit Badge Class 1. OUR OBJECTIVE: 1. To offer the Scouts in Troop 998 a formal class to review and discuss the following requirements for the

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OUR OBJECTIVE: 1. To offer the Scouts in Troop 998 a formal class to review and discuss the following requirements for the Cooking Merit Badge: Requirement 1a, 1b, and 1c Requirement 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, and 2f Requirement 3a

Menu Planning Only No pricing or meal sizes

Requirement 5a Menu Planning Only

No pricing or meal sizes Requirement 8 Requirement 7 (TIME PERMITTING) 2

Requirement 1: 1. Do the following:1a. Review with your counselor the injuries that might arise from cooking, including burns and scalds, and the proper treatment.:



When storing and handling food, keep yourself and others safe from food-related illness; keeping food free from bacteria requires planning. * Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot.* For camping, make sure cold food is kept cold on ice in a cooler.* Refrigerate any leftovers as soon as possible. * Keep all refrigerated food tightly wrapped. * When buying food in jars, be sure the safety seal on the lid is intact.* Freeze poultry or meat that will not be used within two days. Follow label instructions for storage.* Use smaller containers to cool leftovers quickly; slow cooling encourages bacteria growth. * Keep from cutting yourself when using a knife.* Eat small portions to keep from choking* Be aware of foods that may cause allergic reactions.* When cooking, use pot holders to keep from getting burned.


Requirement 1b: 1b. Describe how meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and fresh vegetables should be stored, transported, and properly prepared for cooking.



Meats must be kept cold before use. Meat removed from wrapper must be kept separate. Meat should be cooked before it is no longer cool. Store raw meat in clean sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so it wont touch or drip onto other food. Always clean your plates, utensils, surfaces and hands before and after to stop bacteria.



Fish must be kept cold before use. Fish removed from wrapper must be kept separate. It should be cooked before it is no longer cool. always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands after they have touched raw or thawing meat to stop bacteria from spreading



Chicken must be kept cold before use. Chicken removed from wrapper must be kept separate. Always cook it before eating it. Storing raw poultry in clean sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so it wont touch or drip onto other food. Always clean your plates, utensils, surfaces and hands before and after to stop bacteria.



Eggs must be kept cold before use. Always cook it before eating it. Store it in the egg shell before using. Always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands before and after touching the raw egg to keep bacteria from spreading.



Dairy products must be kept cold before use. Observe expiration dates of the product. Do not consume it if smells or taste sour. Cheese may have hold on it. Always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands before and after to keep bacteria from spreading



Vegetables must be kept cold before use. Do not consume if vegetables begin to turn brown or dark colors appear, look or smell like rot. Always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands before and after touching to keep bacteria from spreading

Requirement 1c:

1c. Describe the following food-related illnesses and tell what you can do to help prevent each from happening:




There are two types, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium are the most common in the US. If present in food, it does not usually affect the taste, smell, or appearance of the food. The bacteria live in the intestinal tracts of infected animals and humans.

PREVENTION:* Wash Hands and Surfaces Often* Don't Cross-contaminate* Cook to Safe Temperatures



It is a form of food poisoning, which is an inflammation caused by eating or drinking substances contaminated by staph enterotoxin, causing diarrhea.

PREVENTION:* Wash hands thoroughly before and after eating. * Make sure to eat and drink only clean food and drink. * Wash your hands for 20 seconds with an antibacterial soap.* Wear gloves when handling food.



Is a bacteria that live in the intestines of animals and people. Most strains of E. Some types are harmless to people, but others can make people very sick and most affect the elderly and very young. It can cause diarrhea, respiratory illness, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and other illnesses.



PREVENTION:* Cook ground meat until the meat reaches 160F. * Poultry should reach 165° F (74° C) at the thickest part.* Avoid runny eggs or raw fish & shellfish that have not been properly stored.* Never cross-contaminate raw meat with other food.* Wash all produce thoroughly.* Store food and drinks properly & follow appropriate personal hygiene.



There are five kinds of botulism. Foodborne botulism is caused by eating foods that contain the botulinum toxin. All forms of botulism can be fatal and are considered medical emergencies.

Foodborne botulism is a public health emergency because people can be poisoned by eating a contaminated food.



PREVENTION:* Don't eat preserved food if its container is bulging or if the food smells spoiled. However, taste and smell won't always give away the presence of C. botulinus. Some strains don't make food smell bad or taste unusual.* If you wrap potatoes in foil before baking them, eat them hot or store them in the refrigerator not at room temperature. * Store oils infused with garlic or herbs in the refrigerator



Trichinosis is the infestation of the larvae of a parasitical worm species. You can contract trichinosis by eating animal flesh that is infected by T. Undercooked pork is a common trichinosis cause that causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever, and stomach cramps.



PREVENTION:Be sure you cook all meats until they are safely done. Stomach infections can be uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous, but simple steps such as washing your hands and thoroughly cooking foods can keep those infections away. Follow the tips in this article to keep your innards infection- and infestation-free.



Hepatitis means injury to the liver with inflammation of the liver cells.

PREVENTION:* Get the vaccines for hepatitis A and hepatitis B (there is currently no vaccine available for hepatitis C).* Practice good personal hygiene such as thorough handwashing.* Don't use an infected person's personal items, such as razors or toothbrushes and take precaution when traveling to areas of the world with poor sanitation.


CONGRATULATIONS!!You have just completed Requirement 1

(Provided you wrote the Answers in your Worksheet)


Requirement 2: 2a. Do the following:a. Illustrate for your counselor the food pyramid that fits you. Label the following food groups in the pyramid and howmuch of each you should eat each day.

Food Pyramid

2B. Explain why you should limit your intake of oils and sugars.:


Consuming too much sugar can increase health risks.

Too many sweets, fried foods, & fatty foods can cause immediate weight problems. Sweets are often high in calories and fat. Eating poorly can cause serious health complications including heart disease, weight problems, diabetes, and depression.


2c. Explain the number of servings recommended per day from each group.


2d. Give your counselor examples from each food group.

GrainsVegetablesFruitsMilk, yogurt, cheeseMeats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nutsOils (fats) and sugars



e. Describe for your counselor the measurements of servings for each food group.

GrainsVegetablesFruitsMilk, yogurt, cheeseMeats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nutsOils (fats) and sugars



f. Describe to your counselor food preparation techniques that result in more healthful and nutritious meals.

The nutrients in some vegetables are located in or near the skin - like the potato. Don’t remove the skin, just scrub it and leave it on.

A baked potato with butter, sour cream, and shredded cheese is loaded with fat and calories; substitute steamed vegetables for all the toppings.

Vegetables are more nutritious and retain more flavor if they are briefly steamed instead of being boiled.

Grilled chicken is healthier for you than fried chicken.

Experiment with spices and herbs to enhance the flavor of foods. Marinate meats to add flavor and tenderness.


CONGRATULATIONS!!You have just completed Requirement 2

(Provided you wrote the Answers in your Worksheet)


Requirement 3: 3. Plan a menu for two straight days (six meals) of camping. Include the following:a. A camp dinner with soup; meat, fish, poultry, or an appropriate substitute; two fresh vegetables; drink; and dessert.All are to be properly prepared. When preparing your menu, follow the nutritional guidelines set by the food pyramid.b. A one-pot dinner. Use foods other than canned.


Requirement 3a&b: SAMPLE


Requirement 3c: 3c. Using the menu planned for requirement 3, make a food list showing cost and amount needed to feed three or moreboys.•Do this on your own•Have your parents help you•Bring this completed section, completed, to the Cooking Event to be reviewed and receive credit.


Requirement 3d: 3d. List the utensils needed to cook and serve these meals.


Requirement 5: 5. Plan a menu for one day (three meals) or for four meals over a two-day period of trail hiking or backpacking. Include thefollowing:a. A breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a trail or backpacking trip where light weight is important. You should be able to store all foods used for several days without refrigeration. When preparing your menu, follow the nutritional guidelines set by the food pyramid.


Requirement 5a: SAMPLE


Requirement 5a: SAMPLE






SCOUT EXERCISE for Requirements 5: Plan a menu for two straight days (six meals) of camping. Include the following:

Using your Merit Badge Worksheet, Plan your meals.

When completed, turn them into your Merit Badge Counselor.


CONGRATULATIONS!!You have just completed:• Requirement 3a, 3b, & 3d •Requirement 5a, 5c,

(IF you wrote the Answers in your Worksheet)•REMEMBER, you need to completed on your

own:•Requirement 3c

• Requirements 5b and 5d


REQUIREMENT 3Cc. Using the menu planned for requirement 3, make a food list showing cost and amount needed to feed three or more boys.

SCOUT EXERCISE: Complete this section and bring it to the Cooking Event on August 2.

NOTE: This must be completed or you will not be able to participate.


Requirement 8: Presented by Mrs. Manning

8. Find out about three career opportunities in cooking.

Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession.•Education•Training•Experience

Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.


Requirement 7: 7. Plan a menu for three full days of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) to be cooked at home.a. When preparing your menu, follow the nutritional guidelines set by the food pyramid. All meals are to be cooked orproperly prepared.

b. Using the menu planned for requirement 7, make a food list, showing cost and amount needed to feed yourself andat least one adult (parent, family member, guardian, or other responsible adult).Breakfast Day 1 Lunch

c. Tell what utensils were needed to cook and serve these meals.

Congratulations!! You have completed, and will receive credit for the following requirements: (Provided you wrote the Answers in your Worksheet)

• Requirement 1 (ALL)• Requirement 2 (ALL)• Requirement 3a & 3b (IF THE MENUs ARE COMPLETED!)

Requirement 3c & 3d are to be completed by the Scouts on their own

• Requirement 5a & 5c (IF THE MENUs ARE COMPLETED!)Requirement 5b & 5d are to be completed by the Scouts on their own

• Requirement 8 (ALL)• Requirement 7a (TIME PERMITTING)


FOR THE COOKING EVNETS!!Requirements 4 & 6


Requirement 4 Using the menu planned and approved for Requirement 3, do the following and discuss the process with your merit badge counselor:

a) Prepare and serve for yourself and two others:• 1 Breakfast• 1 Lunch• 2 Dinners

A one-pot dinner. Use foods other than canned


Requirement 6 Prepare and serve for yourself and two others, the trail breakfast and dinner. (Requirement 5) Time your cooking so that each course will be ready to serve at the proper time.

The meals for this requirement may be prepared for different trips. They need not be prepared consecutively. Use an approved trail stove (with proper supervision) or charcoal to prepare your meals.

a) Prepare and serve for yourself and two others:• 1 Breakfast• 1 Dinners


For Requirement 4: Saturday, August 2 @ 09:00 hrs - Noon

1.We will meet at the entrance Bull Bluff Battlefield2.We will hike the perimeter of the Park, approved in advance by the Park Manager for Loudoun County.3.We will use our Camping Stove and cook Trail Meals:

• 1 Breakfast • Hike to the next location

• 1 Lunch• Hike to the next location

• 2 Dinners• Hike to the next location for each meal

For Requirement 6: Saturday, August 9 @ 09:00 hrs - Noon1.We will meet at Ida Lee Park Pavilion, near the Library2.We will hike the perimeter of the Park3.We will use the Pavilion’s Bar-B-Q pits to cook,

• 1 Breakfast • 1 Dinner (All in One)