Constitution Day September 17 th Advisory September, 2013

Constitution Day September 17 th Advisory September, 2013

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Constitution DaySeptember 17th AdvisorySeptember, 2013

What is the US Constitution?

• Signed on Sept 17th, 1787.

• Establishes America’s national government and fundamental laws.

• Bill of Rights (guarantees basic individual protections) was added in 1791.

• To date there have been 27 constitutional amendments.

Bill of Rights

• I. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

• II. Right to keep and bear arms

• III. Quartering of soldiers

• IV. Right of search and seizure regulated

• V. Rights in criminal cases

• VI. Right to fair trial

• VII. Rights in civil cases

• VIII. Bail, fines, punishment

• IX. Rights retained by the People

• X. States’ rights

• http://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm

Interested in discussing democracy?

• There is a contest for a 3-5 minute essay recorded on a tape or CD.

• Topic – “Why I’m Optimistic About our Nation’s Future”

• Open to students in grades 9-12

• You could win prizes and scholarships and state winners get an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C in March.

• http://www.vfw.org/Community/Voice-of-Democracy/

Parent ConferencesWednesday, September 18, 2013

Reminder - WEDNESDAY

• Wednesday, September 18th from 4:00-7:00 PM

• Parents and have the opportunity to meet with teachers

• This will take place in the gym – similar to registration night

Strive for 5

• Distribute a Parent Conference Participation ticket to every student.

• Each student should now write their class schedule on their ticket. (Return this ticket to your advisor when you are done.)

• Your advisor will have this for you on Wednesday evening when you visit her/his table in the gym.

• If you visit at least 5 of your teachers that evening – you will be qualified for one of 5 prizes.

Prize Buckets

• With signatures from five teachers, you can choose which raffle to enter your ticket.

• Each student may only place his/her ticket in one prize bucket.

• The prizes are -• FREE Yearbook

• FREE Senior Ball Ticket

• FREE Prom Ticket

• FREE Season Sports Pass

• $40 gift certificate to the Timberwolf Booster Store

Wednesday @ 4:00 – 7:00


• Visit at least five of your teachers, collect their signature, and enter your ticket into a raffle for one of five fabulous prizes.