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    military capacity, more important in the international power relationships as we could verify in

    the War of Golf episode that served as a clue to the enormous capacity force and intervention

    of the United States.

    In this geography inequality ambit intensified and enlarged by the global capitalism, it

    increases the existence of an expressive group of territories marked by the poverty and for high

    levels of social exclusion, that sometimes looks like a whole country and sometimes as regional

    and local fractions of that. Although reached by the globalization flows, the positioning of thesecountries in the new world (dis)order is precisely as commodities suppliers and manufactured

    importers taking a weak reach to consumption and enormous restrictions about the scientific

    and technological development. Considering among other factors the depreciation process that

    the commodities had tried some decades before in the international market, we can infer the

    enormous fragility situation of these countries in the international economy scenery. The

    exchange terms degradation undoubtedly have operated as an edge force of these States-

    nations in the economy-world. They can be identified most of all in Africa (with prominence for

    Africa Subsaarian's area, where they increase among other cases the ones of Somalia,Rwanda, and Mozambique), Latin America (portions of the South Mexico, territories center and

    South American precarious) and Asia extensions (mainly in the south portion as, for instance,

    Bangladesh and India; and in the southeast, could be mentioned Cambodia, Vietnam etc),

    where they last long and they have been reproducing true social-space enclaves, characterized

    by the lack and even technical and social basic infrastructures deprivation because of the

    poverty generalization as well as for high levels of social-space exclusion. These conditions

    make those territories progressively marginalized in the global economy, more and more

    concentrated and centralized. The ties among globalization hegemonic actors (transnationalcompanies) and the impoverished territorial configurations progressively change on intensity

    and quality, usually in detriment of these. In thisuniverse the exception can be attributed to the

    economical elites of these poor States-nations, practically the only segments of its social

    structures that make possible insert forms in the global economy scenery. The other social

    segments because they live dailyevery kind of privations are most of time marginalized by the

    globalization concentration logic, selective and excluding. Bigger or smaller intensity,

    everywhere of the planet are reached, direct or indirectly by the global dynamics vectors (mainly

    of information and valuesas ideologies, consumption, habits, etc), but not all the social

    segments, mainly in the cases of social-space construct marked by the widespread poverty

    dissemination (for instance, of most of the African countries). According to Milton SANTOS

    (2001: 257),

    In the territory, we can admit the existence of areas in that one we can talk about

    an absolute globalization ' and other where there is just a partialglobalization.

    The first ones are areas of full globalization. In them there are vectors of the

    current modernity concentration with small compensation of what it takes to the

    actors united action global possibilities or what we call globalized. In those areas,the tendency is that production, circulation, distribution and information are

    corporate; it means the principal demand comes from those companies.


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    affecting, among other things, the related factors that of identity and topfly between society and

    lived geographical-space. We understand that this contradictory dynamics presents two

    important implications: the precipitation of affirmative resistance actions of values and local

    identities (localism), what takes to fragmentation, and the alienation levels man/environment

    increase given by the overpowering process of geographical-space fraction/mercantile.

    As a consequence of notable economic activities territorial changeability and dynamic

    and job market that the global process produces, a big workers amount is daily impelled toaccomplish - above all because of the unemployment and of the low wages - a certain frequent

    work place change and home move in numerous geographical-space scales, intensifying the

    migratory flows and carting the formation what we could designate urban nomadic,

    phenomenon that according to what we think it is one more fact among other indicators existent

    of urban crisis worsening what certainly rebounds negatively in the quality life level in the cities,

    especially in the metropolitan geographical-spaces, where the problem generally shows more

    intensity. An useful interpretation in relation to this geographical-space mobility presupposes the

    of the conventional and limited approach suppurate that conceives strictly in statistical-demographic terms that focuses it like flow and displacement (traffic) from a place to another, or

    like population distribution. It is not about neglecting the importance of the numbers, but of

    noticing that by the restricted reach of this cold and abstract perspective we can loose

    something that for us is fundamentally important to analysis: the social agents' identification

    and qualification that participate in that dynamics, aspects that are precisely locate in the social

    drama and its daily lived dimension, agents that are not mere numeric abstraction, but human

    beings belonging to classes or specific social segments that have values and world visions. So

    a it is necessary a treat that recovers in the analysis process aspects that involve a new difficulttransition and adaptation (that not always happens) to the new place/environment of life and

    social reproduction situations when it can happen, according to the case, the compromising and

    even the breaking of a social tissue and social-geographical-space entails in relation to the

    place where the exit is. This fact implicates in several embarrassments, above all for those

    social segments of low purchasing power. We could admit, however, that eventually the

    opposite is true it means the accomplishment of a transition process without pain it being an

    exception in most of the cases that involve these social segments. And it is not by chance that

    many migrants take with themselves, and reproduce in the destiny place (temporary or not),

    cultural and economic lines and practices etc. that they use to develop in their origin places (the

    party, the music, the craft etc.), disclosers of effective adaptation strategies and even of these

    migrants' survival. The giant populations territorial mobility specifically migratory flows is

    evidenced as an important characteristic of the accelerated globalization on the current times,

    as they contribute, among other aspects, for the alteration of the social-cultural view of the

    places, being able even to define again, printing them new social-geographical-space identities.

    Karl MARX recognizes the beginning of the economic globalization from the 2a. English

    Industrial Revolution specifically in the Communist Manifesto, when talking about the capitalist

    development in North America role. In the competition ambit he had identified the structuringvectors of capitalist accumulation process: the capitals concentration and centralization. Marx

    used to say that there was an immovable in Industrial Capitalist Production Way what means


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    that capitalism pursues growing levels of productivity through manpowers intensification above

    all by the technology incorporation in the productive process, predestined to produce

    progressively in larger scales thanks to the competition, leading to the growth of productivity

    levels, increasing the production without increasing your costs. The result of the process is the

    earnings: productivity earning to the capitalist and to the consumer (consume at lower prices).

    However, nor all the capitalists get to reach such won of productivity, just part of them in certain

    places, once the competition is selective and unequal, taking to the concentration and, then, tothe centralization capitals. That empiric result of this movement is the contention of entrance of

    new capitals in varied economical sections (in each one of them), one time that who controls the

    process are the great capitals, competition termsdefinition, example to what happens to the

    profit rate imposing, therefore, a progressive difficulty to the entrance of new competitors in

    market. Here it is the root of monopolies and oligopolies. When that is added by world potencies

    politics, the result is the imperialism: national companies turned transnational that eliminate

    another of the competition horizon around the world, taking to the subordination of national

    savings by great companies.Facing hipermobility and prominence acquired by the financial capital in the global

    economy proportionate for the financial deregulation, we will have the dollars world-wide as well

    as the arising and the development of pension bottoms (from companies, groups, corporations

    and individuals), that way givingan enormous volume of money in the finance market aiming

    valorization. That is the way economical globalization becomes essentially by financial

    sponsorship (CHESNAIS, 1996), it is not only about the companies profit and bank capital, but

    its about a financial capital that is abstract, that is not properly for wealth generation, but for

    speculation. It comes from this movement a form of money that is not capital, but only money,virtual money originated from a brutal saving process in the richest countries. This process

    evolution acquires its maturity mainly starting from the nineties, taking to the telematic revolution

    fact that will allow the money fluidity (financial investments) in real time -, and to the science

    and technology development acceleration -essential factors to the consolidation of a scientific-

    technician-informational capitalism. Taking account that we can reach innovations by the

    technological research ambit (biotechnologies, software, fine chemistry, new materials

    engineering etc), made by the best world researchers located mainly in the rich countries, we

    can say that innovation practically could only be done by a select group of companies in the

    world which, acting in the top technological innovation, are in the capital mega-accumulation

    apex of the planet. It means there is an explicit hierarchy, staying the rich countries in the top,

    one more aspect of the brutal capital centralization. This fact, undoubtedly, imposes enormous

    difficulties to the poor countries in the highly competitive scenery of the world economy, where

    the technological variable figures as a main condition for inserting in more favorable landings.

    By this analysis globalization translates then, as a genuinely capitalist process where

    step by step takes place the capitalist productive chain territorial diffusion in a world scale, given

    by the transnational companies action and the state bureaucracy - the major agents of

    globalization -, above all after Second World War, when at the end of the sixties initiatesfinancial deregulation, and consolidated with the real socialism destruction, an occasion that will

    provide a new pulse to this phenomenon in world ambit, becoming commercial flows increase


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    (mainly among the richest countries and developed) of information and transnational companies

    (global companies) action areaexpansion including its geographical irradiation to the countries

    of the old socialist block. We are talking about a hegemonic geo-historical capitalist way around

    the planetary space, strongly impelled by the economical and technological integration of

    national territories. From that comes a new dynamics of social and productive transformation,

    configuring a wide differentiation and new definition process of work international division in the

    last decades.We can see that way however the coming of emergent forces that have been trying to

    insert in globalization in an independent way concerning to the international economical power

    poles where the State have fundamental importance as an inducting force to the dynamism

    reached by these States-nations (Asian Tigers, China, Brazil, India etc) it means the State role

    in the economy knowledge about politics. Concerning that WALLERSTEIN (1979:72) tells us

    that, the immediate and direct interest of the State as a political machine in the market control

    (intern or international) is larger than in Core States blushes and in the periphery ones, since

    the Practically Periphery States cannot depend on the market to maximize short term itsmarkup (cit. by BECKER, Bertha & EGLER, Cludio, 1994: 28). The regional potencies recent

    eruption leads to an almost peripheryformation in the international geopolitical system defined

    another time the classic model center-periphery configuring a world economy new territorial

    dimension. This intermediate segment or in the WALLERSTEIN terms, this third category

    would play a part of great importance, not as much for the economical aspect, but mainly for the

    politician one, once it would favor the world system stability. He marks: the third category

    existence means precisely that the superior stratum doesn't face the unified opposition to all the

    other ones because the intermediate stratum is explored as much as it is an explorer. Thatswhy the economical role is not so important and it has been changing along the several

    historical apprenticeships of the modern world system (1979: 21/3) (Same). However we have

    to consider the most recent capitalist crisis manifestations related, above all, to the finance

    marketvicissitudes that can affect the bases of this new world geographical-space built. Some

    authors, as the German essayist and sociologist Robert KURZ, affirm that the synchronized

    stocks exchange fall that has been happening along the last times signals to a larger capitalism

    crisis deeper and wider that is still coming...

    Because of this intense dynamics and geographical-space mobility acquired by the

    recent capital came from the transports and communications development and mainly of the

    information technologies treatment (world scale nets creators), as well as the deregulation

    measures adoption about the flow and the financial investments starting from the end of the

    sixties globalization consolidates then with the financial capital prominence as well as a notable

    increase of the international changes volume in superior rhythm to the production growth. Using

    UNCTAD data, Renato BAUMANN (1996: 40) marks that in the three decades between 1950

    and 1980, the annual world trade medium rate growth systematically overcame the production

    growth rhythm between 2 and 3 percentage points, elevating the opening degree of most world

    economies. An globalized economy consolidated, with companies coalitions and associationswith an unprecedented intensity in capitalism history , as well as the existence of independence

    margins to the financial capital movement, results in capital lost of control by the State, paying


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    attention on the fact that the companies capital does not integrate the national capital stock

    anymore, once that it is progressively internationalized. From this movement we can get two

    strongly interlinked aspects: the growing competition on the market and on capitalist integration

    establishment patterns. Supra national (European Union, Naphtha, Apec, Mercosul etc)

    economical blocks formation and proliferation are explicit manifestations of those integration

    strategies in the international geoeconomical scenery, not just indicating a new pattern of

    capitalism organization as well as the fact that globalization takes place markets more regional,without opposition among themas some used to believe -, but a complementary relationship,

    once this regional constitutes the geoeconomical through it moves ahead. We have to take a

    look however that although the formation common markets assists to economical imperatives

    decisions and its constitution process result of a State politic action, strategy that next to others

    provides its internationalization performance.

    Robert KURZ exemplifies the l globalization process of capital with the Japanese

    assembly factories diffusion in Europe and Latin America, whose function is specifically

    surrounded to the assembly of almost readycomponents with minimum local resources. In theinternational trade ambit its operations will be seen as export from Mexico to United States, from

    England to Spain etc. In the globalization accomplishment conditions a producer can be buy his

    raw material in any part of the world where its prices are more attractive, to implant his

    productive unit where the labor is qualified and cheap priority where fiscal and infra-structural

    advantages offered by the governments are compensatory, to later make the merchandising

    commercialization around several parts of the world. This geographical hipermobility acquired

    by the globalized capital constrains and define again the countries intern economic politics

    generating a governmental disorder about the production and the commercialization. In thetransnational companies researches section because of the complex relationships that they

    establish to each other, it is very difficulty to identify who is projecting something, fact that leads

    to the products identity fragmentation as to the own productive process fragmentation. This

    productive fragmentation not only shows by the export or import of consumption goods

    operations or investments among several national savings, but also by a new division of work

    inside the own transnational companies. And when the State intends to impose limits to the wild

    action of these companies in the market game they react frequently with the abandoning

    country threat. Another originated problem to State from the intense globalized capital

    mobility/volatility is the public revenues compromising that can even decrease. However this

    situation contains an important contradiction once the globalized capital contrarily to the

    common sense impressions maintains a dependent relationship to the State. In KURZ terms,

    this capital depends more than ever of a functional infrastructure (ports and airports, highways,

    transport systems and communication, schools, universities etc.), that as before should be

    organized for State initiative. In these conditions, capital removes from the State power the

    indispensable financial means to the own globalization development (Folha de Sao Paulo,

    1995: 5-9).

    It is not necessary to go very far to see that globalization development has rashimplications. The capital logic reproduction determines that its action is guided by the growing

    advantages obtaining in the called profitability zones, which are mutants face to the constant


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    capital oscillations in the geographical space. Because of this logic exporting becomes the word

    of order to the globalized economy. This activity presupposes constant integrations that

    invariably owe to be compensatory, what imposes the selective mark in its own execution. It

    means that those countries, or regional fractions of them, that do not show conditions to make

    possible its own insert in the globalized market like many poor South countries with population

    disarray problems - they are predestined to be at the margin, excluded of the called

    globalization benefits. Geographical-spaces that shows the widespreadunderdevelopment markwhich are deprived or precarious endowed with basic technical and social infrastructures, which

    reveal unfavorable socioeconomic indicators progressively stop being interesting to the

    globalized capitals, whose are avid to establish advantageous and lucrative relationships.

    Presupposing the intensive technology use that this kind of capital is in its essence incompatible

    to the poverty. Then we can consider that in the capitalism hysterical competitive logic limits, the

    social-geographical-space exclusion levels can intensify in alarming proportions for the

    unemployment and poverty worsening levels.

    This reality becomes still gloomier when we bring to the analysis, as before mentioned,the population growth problem and its reflexes on the societies life conditions. Our conception

    about the population growth subject is not based in the neo-Malthusian perspective

    presuppositions that attributes the economical and social crisis existence responsibility to the

    population growth. We refuted this interpretation, although we recognize the negative influence

    that the population growth has on the socioeconomic reality in the environment in the big urban

    centers daily etc. Countries that show high birth rate rates affirm the neo-Malthusians have turn

    out to be dependent what would hinder it and even would disable the development pulse

    becoming an obstacle. We sustained the idea that the population increase problem is not in itsown growth but essentially in the rhythm that it has been having in some countries in

    development, where the preoccupying levels of population growth more the poverty configure a

    social-geographical-space picture potentially explosive and dangerous.

    Paul KENNEDY (l993: 19) observes that the reach that the disparities regional

    consequences can have face to the population growth rhythm now constitutes its more critical

    aspect. The base of that understanding is in the verification that the demographic patterns are

    differentiated, as well as they are differentiated people that concreted those patterns, being

    verified several unevenness where some population are growing quickly, other stagnating, and

    other still in absolute decline. This unbalances has influenced the way which several races of

    globe see each other, at the same time when they affect the international and national politics,

    the social fabric, politics to feed, energetic and migratory.

    Although it has been happening a population growth rates decrease in the world because

    of the general fecundity rates decline For the future we can also see the decrease of the

    family medium size face to the urbanization process intensification and its consequences on the

    birth rate - nevertheless it is verified that the population growth will continue expressive in terms

    of vegetative growth, once the procreation level is superior to the mortality one. So in 2025 the

    Earth population will be approximately of 8,5 billion inhabitants, having other estimates thatpoint 9,4 billion and approximately l0 billion for the same period. It is possible to foresee that if

    the world population comes stabilizing around 10 billion people, there will be a progressive


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    pressure of States about not renovatenatural resources reservations of the planet, however not

    having warranties that the scientists creative reaction' will be enough to compensate that

    additional obligation (SAMUELSON, 1994: 3-7).

    But what could be the population growth such alarming reason that have been seen at

    some countries around the world? Paul KENNEDY answers this subject saying us that in these

    countries of predominantly agrarian societies they try, for the first time in their history, a

    significant mortality rates reduction these countries historically have introduced high rates asmuch on mortality as on fecundity (1993:21). He still shows us an irony aspect in the

    demographic explosion, subject once

    It is mainly the result of Occidental practices of health attendance especially

    vaccination and antibiotics as well as the DDT use to reduce malaria transmitted

    by the mosquito. As the mortality rates have strongly decline after 1960 the

    number of children who survives to the seven years have increased quickly;

    besides, men and women started having larger life expectation thanks to theproduction of victuals improvement. Looking back and especially keeping in our

    minds the Europe experience in the XIX century this demographic explosion was

    totally expectably. The perfectly natural yesterday desire of reducing the infant

    mortality in the in development world has resulted in non intentional consequences

    today this time involving numbers higher than those imagined by Malthus (1993:


    With no doubts that the accelerated population growth have awful affects onenvironment, a great concern appears to the present days and especially to the close future,

    when it is recognized that before the growth preoccupying seen in the poor and in development

    countries, they will not assure the sustainability of this population increase face to the current

    consumption levels practiced at the rich countries, where the per capita consumption indexes

    are invariably higher than we can verify in the South countries. For example expanding our

    visibility to this problem, United States petroleum consumption gets a fourth part of the total

    production having only 4% of the world population. Or still a medium American baby represents

    twice a Swedish child's environmental damage, three times of an Italian, 13 times of a Brazilian,

    35 times of an Indian and 280 (!) Chadiana or Haitian child because their consumption level will

    be bad forever. It is not a tranquilizing statistics for anybody endowed with conscience

    (KENNEDY, 1993: 29).

    The environmental problem therefore, in its multiple nuances, links directly to the

    consumption patterns unbalances between rich and poor countries being in the first ones the

    consume culture almost generalized and strongly impelled by the favorable acquisitive patterns,

    continuous and daily spread by the communication vehicles. At its side we verified that the

    population contingents amplification in South still turns more dramatic the poverty levels

    situation in that part of the world, where we can see like its most important problems the hunger(and also the undernourished) and its consequences, dramatic expressions of the human

    existence whose are not limited only to Ethiopia, Sudan, Sahel, Mozambique and Bangladesh


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    (away in these territories it is chronic), but also in the central areas of great urban centers and in

    its outlying sections. Vacating Human beings scenes along the streets of cities begging and

    looking for food in garbage recipients have been more and more common constituting empiric

    evidences of the levels worsening assumed by the poverty that for many has become misery.

    Related to this dramatic reality there is the serious problem of fundamental nutrients missing to

    the human organism, mainly in the childhood. For instance the iodine and protein lack among

    other evils that can provoke to the health produce irreversible mental disturbances unfortunatelycondemning millions of lives to the not critical of social exclusion for the biological impossibility

    to cerebral potentialities development what represents enormous embarrassments to the

    educational acting. The hunger problem and its implications are mainly important when the

    social exclusion and the poverty levels increase with the process of technological and

    productive restructuring progress requesting urgent and priority treatment in the government

    programs social development and at the same time an urgent and necessary mentality change

    on the economical agents part - especially the big ones -, what should be like taking larger

    responsibilities in the most lacking communities' social promotion. The millions of bodies andbrains seriously committed by nutritional lacks - among other so many lacks that mark the

    poverty universe - is figured on these globalization times like a cash biological impact,

    sketching a gloomy contours and disastrous consequences reality.

    It is estimated that at the present time there are at least 800 million (!) of human beings

    that live the chronic hunger in the planet. United States Wordwatch Institute Report recently

    published foresees a worlds victuals supplies volume fall in for next forty years, what

    unfortunately would lead to a huge hunger problem intensification mainly malnutrition

    (alimentary lack) and malnutrition (proteins, vitamins or mineral salts quantitative deficit). Amongthe responsible factors to that situation we could point the fishing activity decline, the erosive

    processes in the fertile lands thanks to the urbanization intensification and the modern

    technologies exhaustion whose according to the report face to the high population growth levels

    verified at the countries South they will not be able to assure this picture reversion that is

    coming if we consider the fact that as rich countries as the poor ones still practice in wide scale

    the use of ecological condemnable technologies of natural resources exploration. The tropical

    forests deforestation accelerated rhythm the have provoked through the expansion of the

    agricultural activity, firewood crop for energy ends, woodsexploration and extensive livestock,

    uncontrolled and systematically accomplished contains serious social and environment

    damages as the field poverty intensification, rural exodus, soils erosion and exhaustion, climatic

    alterations etc. Face to that situation, it becomes fundamental to create a group of actions

    implement that integrate to the widest fight for citizenship movement where it could stand out

    the agrarian reform (in the places it is necessary) with technical consultant ship and warranty of

    credits to the beneficiaries - not getting confused agrarian reform here with politics

    establishments the incentive to the made by family agriculture; the biotechnology use principally

    in tropical areas, that are rich in biological ingredients; progressive taxation of imposed on

    unproductive lands, especially the latifundium; abusive leases prohibition among others.Paul KENNEDY (1993:31) still convoke us to pay attention on the possible impacts in

    the national safety of those countries that try fecundity and birth decline rates what is verified at


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    several Western Europe countries a thing that along time indeed can implicate in a military

    cashes significant reduction on this countries same ones. The problem is constituted when it

    combines this previous variable to the fact that those countries are coming immigrants' from

    poor countries preferential objectives. Considering instabilities and uncertainties that hover on

    the current world daily economical and geopolitical a possible military contingents retraction

    surely constitutes a reason of great apprehension for the rulers and their safety systems. Some

    areas case around the world that have been trying demographic-population turbulencesituations as the ones we can observe in Central America, Asian Southeast, Afghanistan/

    Cashmere,Middle East, areas close to the Soviet Union, the Africa Horn among other cases. It

    reveals as a preoccupying and lowering reality, to the developed countries once those areas

    shows in common fast growth young populations with social and economical expectations

    repressed. Therefore, the population growth associated to the globalization

    advancement/speed unchains a group formation of potentially conflicts generating situations

    problem that if it is not urgent and appropriately agreement, will make to throw countless

    reasons to believe that the crisis tendency in course is the social-geographical-space barbarismunavoidable. The desperate search for the globalization disinherited by survival conditions in

    several geographical-spaces is already a reality in fast evolution/expansion.

    In that context international migrations have been winning some prominence in the

    governments' of the rich countries great concerns calendar in the middle of which Germany,

    France, England, the United States, Japan, and Australia. If along the 50s and 60s (economical

    growth period) many European countries stimulated the coming of originating foreign manpower

    from Portugal, Mezzogiorno (south Italy), Turkey, ex-Yugoslavia, from north Africa etc, today

    those countries struggle with the disarray problem that those population flows have acquiredonce the great part of workers that had drove that direction had taken their families what along

    time bring about the statistical foreigners contingents formation had grown more than they

    expect creating a significant infra-structural pressure at the receiving countries. Let us still take

    a look at the cultural shocks among the immigrants and receiving countries portions population

    that not rare result in mutual strangeness reactions, discrimination and conflicts, especially

    when they are poor immigrants what most of time does not happen for whom are rich or have

    some kind of social projection. Nevertheless rejection cases happen although in less important

    degree. About that Hans Magnus ENZENSBERGER (1993: 115) tells us that

    The more qualified the immigrants are, the less reservations they find. The Indian

    astrophysicist, the huge Chinese architect, the black African Nobel's Award winner

    are welcome all over the world. The rich ones are also never mentioned in this

    context; nobody questions their movement freedom. For the Hong Kong

    merchants the British passport acquisition does not face any problem. From any

    country immigrants Swiss citizenship is also just about price. No one ever objected

    any to the Brunei sultan's color skin. Where the bank accounts are healthy

    xenophobia disappears as in a sleight of hand. But the foreigners are still moreforeign if they go poor.


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    That is evidence that discrimination and racial intolerance happen most of the time when

    we talk about poor immigrants and ethnic different. Frequently rich foreigners are social columns

    and communication vehicles object, guests for parties, filming and pictures, fashion parades,

    publicity performance (of drink, automobiles, sporting material etc), a lot of times presenting

    certain peculiar tone and even of knock about in their treatment.

    Although discrimination is officially forbidden in the hosts countries it is verified that

    especially in relation to those poor immigrants there is a true native feeling against theircommunities - against Indian and Pakistani in Gr-Britain, Algerians and Moroccans in France,

    Turks in Germany - and in some United States parts against Latin-American and Asian

    immigrants (KENNEDY, 1993: 38-9). ENZENSBERGER (1995:27) however observes that

    xenophobia shows as an universal phenomenon, not being exclusive of Germans, French etc.

    We know Europe as well as other parts of the world (United States, for instance)

    countries have been demonstrating enormous concern on the uncontrolled migrations. However

    that concern is revealed according to KENNEDY (1993: 37-8) as one more history irony once

    in own Europe in particular in the Industrial Revolution context - that provoked pronouncedpopulation increases - it was one of the largest focuses of migratory diffusion to other areas of

    the planet in every time. It still take us to us pay attention on the fact that before migrations were

    guided technologically from more advanced countries to the least advanced ones (exceptions

    done to the enormous black slaves contingents brought to America and to the immigrants -

    Europe coming mainly - that arrived in the United States in second half of the XIX century), in

    the current times the situation comes inverted, when migrations mainly take place from poor

    countries and fewer developed to the capitalist world developed above all Occidental Europe

    and United States (1993: 37-8).In that context the created incentives to the communication vehicles - that grow as never

    before and make possible quickly and efficiency the way of life diffusion from the more

    developed countries to the poorest ones we can hope migrations will continue to have its

    course but now in an intensified way being hard to believe in the politics developed success for

    its effective control. Face to that ENZENSBERGER marks

    it is possible to see the migration preventive politic project seeking to remove the

    causes of the emigration, as a philanthropic variant of this idea. For him to have

    success, would be necessary to eliminate the existent abyss between the rich

    countries and the poor, or at least to reduce him/it considerably. The task is

    besides the economical capacity of the nations industrial, same leaving aside the

    subject of the ecological limits for the growth. Besides, partly some the political will

    is not detected of promoting a global distribution back. Half century of the calls

    development politics they make any hope of such a stocking-turn to seem utopian.

    In 1925, Imre Frenczi, high employee of the League of the Nations, asked like it

    can never have in the Earth an uniform distribution of people whose traditions,

    whose standard of living and whose race differs some of the other ones so much,without putting in danger the peace and the humanity's progress '. Nobody still

    knows how to answer (1993: 13l).


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    In a world where globalization moves forward quickly establishing the market victory and

    the unemployment levels enlargement because of the technological revolution, it happens that

    the conflicts become practically inevitable more and more when the global economy shows

    recession evidences. Among that conflict concrete manifestations for instance we can see the

    quite expressive European case where it is coming up the Extreme Right Groups amplification

    of neo-Nazi inspiration whose frequently promote countless terrorist actions to immigrants andrefugees as for example the lamentable incidents that have been happening in Germany in

    relation to the Turks, besides registration cases of frightening violence with cruelty refinements

    (rapes, beatings etc). In France there is a problem about Algerians; in Italy, conflicts in

    Lombardia; in Belgium, in Valonia etc. The aggressions are many and diversified, oscillating

    from a glance discriminatory getting to cocktail molotov release in the immigrants residences,

    until as we have observed physical violence with mutilations or even deaths, spreading panic

    and terror waves that seem not to have end and sometimes it leads us to think not exactly to the

    end of humanity (as perhaps followers of the ending fashion appreciated) - but it is not that ourperspective... but in the man's progressive not humanize resulting in barbarian territories

    effective configuration. The African continent showing several tension focuses perhaps

    constitute the most contusing evidence of the violence disseminated territorialization around the

    world, a great social-space fragmentation movement indicator of the globalization contradictory

    dynamics or its perverse face.

    When we analyze integration politics between countries we can verify that they are

    essentially about integration among markets and to the market. In become civilizedprocess coin

    and market constitutes its center of gravity. Men are this reduced by the capitalist logic and theinstrumental reason that is its base transformed in its mere instrument. Therefore, the road we

    are talking about and we are longing to see contains explicit and necessarily a human

    physiognomy guided by the humanity true needs satisfaction and not of those artificially maids

    and transmitted in efficient way by publicity vehicles to the capital and market service.

    However nowadays capital seems to be ahead politics challenging the sovereignty like a

    beginning of state authority. We cannot neglect there is a social action collectivized forms

    diversity existence and importance that contribute to intensification this state sovereignty

    weakness tendency. These actions when they bound in many territories around the world they

    make advancing the social and political globalization. It is following our perspective about

    practices consolidation that mark new social-geographical-space tendencies that revitalize and

    affirm the place scale like privileged locus to accomplishment of a non-institutional state

    geopolitical. Therefore the fight for the human rights, the environmentalmovement, the urban

    social movements among other figure as located forms of collective political action whose

    potentialities enlarged by its new relate possibilities are also challenging the State-nation.

    According to Graham SMITH (1996), these social mobilizations are new spatial to the politics

    developed beyond State-nation as political community the ones which progressively acquire

    prominence in the world political-territorial relationships ambit. Its virtual thing incite a reflectionto a gradual construction of a new road to societies and its following territorial organization

    forms, perhaps liners of new more autonomous social-space construct in relation to the State


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    centralizing powers, until now recognized as the world principal political agent in the territorial

    organization. As the history is far away from being a road of one-way, this possibility is launched

    in the horizon.


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