Concept of Transactional Analysis1

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  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Concept of transactional analysis:

    A social transaction occurs when two persons

    interact with each other, analysis of such

    transaction is called transactional analysis(TA)

    thus transactional analysis can be defined as

    the study of social interaction s between

    people. it is a technique of analysing and

    understanding inter-personal behaviour.

  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Dr.Eric Berne believed that everyones

    personality is made up of three parts called

    ego states. An ego state is a pattern ofbehaviour that a person develops as he or she

    grows up ,based on his or her accumulated

    network of feelinga and experiences There are three ego states:

    1. Parent ego state of a person comprises the

    judgemental,value-laden,rule making andmoralising component of is

    expressed by advice,dosand donts.

  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    2. The adult ego State is authentic, direct and reality based. it is

    rational, fact-seeking and problem solving.

    3. The child ego state constitutes ofemotional,creative,spontaneous and impulsive component

    of personality.

    Parent Adult Child

    Rules and laws Rationality Seeing,hearing,touching

    Dos and donts Estimation Wishing

    Truth Evaluation Impulsive

    Teaching Exploring Spontaneous

    demonstrating Testing Experiencing joy

  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Types of transactions:

    Complementary: when the ego states of the senderand receiver in the opening transaction are simply

    reversed in the response.(parallel line) e.g.S:I want u

    to be more careful handling the machine.W: sir if u

    say so I would be careful



    C C



  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Non-complementary: or crossed transaction

    occurs when the stimulus and response lines

    are not parallel e.g. f: I have told u time and

    again that I want those report on time.w: I

    didnot realize the time o.k. I would reorder my




    C C



  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Ulterior transaction: in this the

    communication has double meaning at the

    surface level there is a clear adult message

    where as there is hidden message at the

    psychological one may show his

    hospitality on the surface but may pull the legof the other in the form of jokes

    Gallows transaction: it is signified by

    inappropriate love or smile in a transaction.that is a smile in response to a persons

    misfortune may serve as a gallows transaction.

  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    Life positions In the process of growing up,people make basic

    assumptions about their own self-worth,as well asabout the worth of significant people in theirenvironment . Harris called the combination ofassumptions about oneself and another person a life


    There are four life position held with respect tooneself and others.

    1. I' am OK-youre OK: appears to be an ideal lifeposition people with such kind of feeling tend tohave positive outlook on life. they seems to behappy active people who succeed.

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    2) I' am OK-youre not OK:tend to watch others

    closely because they think no one can be

    trusted to do things as well as they can .3) I am not OK- youre OK:feel that others are

    generally more competent than they are and

    generally have fewer problems.4) I am not OK- youre not OK tend to feel bad

    about themselves and see the whole world

    as miserable. such people tend to give up

    ,they dont trust others and have no

    confidence in themselves.

  • 8/2/2019 Concept of Transactional Analysis1


    I am OK- youre not OK I am OK youre OK

    Im not OK Youre not OK Im not OK-youre OK





    Attribute towards others

    negative positive