Competition Details Qirat The participants should adopt fast (Hadar) style of recitation. The recitation time must not exceed 4 minutes (marks will be deducted if the time limit is exceeded). The verses for the competition are: surah Yunus 25- 29 Components Marks Pronunciation (Tajweed) 40 Recitation Style (Lehja) 30 Confidence 20 Overall Presentation 10 TOTAL 100

Competition Details · 2020. 1. 14. · Competition Details Qirat • The participants should adopt fast (Hadar) style of recitation. • The recitation time must not exceed 4 minutes

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  • Competition Details


    • The participants should adopt fast (Hadar) style of recitation.

    • The recitation time must not exceed 4 minutes (marks will be deducted if the time limit

    is exceeded).

    • The verses for the competition are: surah Yunus 25- 29

    Components Marks

    Pronunciation (Tajweed) 40

    Recitation Style (Lehja) 30

    Confidence 20

    Overall Presentation 10

    TOTAL 100

  • رأت


    رآن رکمی یک التوت الزم وہ یگ ۔ امتم رشاکء •

    رپ دحر ںیم ق

    ےس اجتوز یک وصرت ںیم ربمن اکےٹ اجںیئ ےگ (۔ ۴التوت اک وق

    ا اچےیہ )رقمرہ وق

    ٹنم ےس زادئ ںیہن وہن

    ا ۲۵اقمےلب ںیم وسرت ویسن یک آی

    التوت یک اجںیئ یگ۔ ۲۹ن


    Thursday 16th January

    9 am to 12 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)

    راء ربمن



    وجتی د




    د اامتعدیوخ


    ومجمیع ادناز و امنشئ



  • Naat / Patriotic songs Components Marks

    Pronunciation 25

    Content 20

    Body Language/Gestures/Eye contact 20

    Style and Tune 35

    Total 100

    • Contestants are allowed to recite any Urdu Naat/Patriotic song (Any form of Nasheed is

    allowed) but the time must not exceed 4 minutes.

    • Marks will be deducted on exceeding the time limit.

    • All recitations must be delivered by memory.

    • The Selected Naat (Nasheed) should not be song oriented.

    • Participants will be judged on their voice and gestures. No form of musical instruments

    or props etc. are allowed.


    Wednesday 22th January

    9 am to 12 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • English Essay Writing Components Marks


    • A clear understanding and complete analysis of the topic (given the

    length/scope of the essay)

    • An awareness of audience and purpose

    • The use of appropriate quotations (where relevant)

    • Originality of ideas and expression



    • A variety of effective transitions to make the writing ‘flow’

    • Appropriate and logical structure both within the Essay as a whole

    and within the paragraph

    • Good main ideas at the paragraph level

    • Maintenance of ‘purpose’ of the writing

    • An introduction, development and conclusion (paragraphs at the

    essay level; sentences at the paragraph level

    • Effective sentence variety

    • An awareness of audience



    • Spelling; correct and consistent in usage

    • Punctuation; correct, consistent and with appropriate variety

    • Capitalization

    • Legibility


  • Grammar

    • Sentence formation;

    • clauses and phrases appropriately formed and connected

    • Word order and form

    • Verb tense, form, voice (active or passive), and mood (indicative,

    imperative, subjunctive)

    • Subject-verb agreement

    • Appropriate adjective and adverb form

    • Parallelism

    • Appropriate use of modifiers

    • Direct and indirect speech



    • Evidence of stylistic control

    • Writing at the appropriate language level (informal, general, formal)

    • Writing appropriate to content, subject, purpose, and audience

    • Demonstration of effective tone and appropriate vocabulary

    • Evidence of creativity

    • Length and complexity of sentences

    • Maintenance of consistent style


    TOTAL 100

  • • Word Limit: 400 – 600 words for (13 to 16 age group).

    • Word Limit: 700 – 900 words for (17 to 20 age group).

    • Each candidate is expected to complete his essay within 2 hours.

    • Topic of the essay shall be revealed on spot.


    Friday 17th January

    11am to 1pm

    Science lab

    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • اردو ومضمن ونیسی

    راء ربمن




    ( ےک ونعان وک وحلمظ اخرط رانھکوموضع یک واحض میہفت اور لمکم زجتہی )ومضمن •

    واولں اور دصقم ےک ن ارے ںیم •

    دااضحتسر رانھک ۔ڑپنه

    ا )اہجں ہقلعتم( ۔ •

    دانمس ررفیزسن/وحاہل اجت اک اامعتسل رکن

    اتیلص۔ ںیمایخالت اور ااہظر •



    ر ںیم • اہبؤ اور رطب اک ایخل رانھک۔رحتی

    ا •


    ومجمیع وطر رپ اور ریپارگاف ںیم انمس اسخ

    ااضحتسر رانھک۔ےنھکل ےک 'اقمدص' اک •

    ری ریپارگاف اور ااتتخیم ریپارگاف یک حیحص لیکشت )ومضمن یک حطس رپ •

    اعترف، رمک

    ریپارگاف اور ریپارگاف یک حطس رپ ےلمج(

    ا ۔ •

    ر لیکشت رکن

    ولمجں یک ااسقم یک ؤمی

  • 10


    ا •

    ۔وقادع ےک اطمقب وہن

    رمیق •

    ا ۔اک العامِت ی

    رموبط اور انمس اامعتسل رکن

    ا۔طخ اک ڑپےنھ ےک اابتعر ےس •

    واحض وہن



    ا ۔ •

    ولمجں یک حیحص لیکشت رکن

    ا ۔ •

    وقشں اور ےلمج اکانمس رطےقی ےس اقمئ اور کلسنم وہن

    ا۔ •

    اامعتسل رکن

    امس اور لعف اک درس



    ا ۔•

    دومضمن اگنری ےک ادناز رپ وبعر وہن

    ا )ریغ ریمس، اعم، ریمس( ۔•

    دانمس زن ان اک اامعتسل رکن

    رانھک۔ •

    واولں یک راعی

    ر ںیم وماد، وموضع، دصقم، اور ڑپنه ادناز رحتی

    ا ۔ •

    رہ رکن ر اور انمس اافلظ اک اظمہ


    اک وبثت دانی ۔ •

    یقیلخت الصح

    ر • ا۔ لسلسم ای رطز رحتی

    اایتخر رکن

    100 لک

  • داسل ےک رشاکء ےک ےئل(۔ 16ےس 13اافلظ ) 600ےس 400اافلظ یک دح: •

    داسل ےک رشاکء ےک ےئل(۔ 20ےس 17اافلظ ) 700ےس 009اافلظ یک دح: •

    علطم •

    رشاکء وک وموضع ےس ومضمن ونیسی ےک وق

    دایک اجےئ اگ۔ •


    Thursday 16th January

    11 am to 1 pm

    Science lab

    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • کتابۃ املقالۃ العربیۃ

    العنارص الارقام



    توضیح املوضوح ، التفھمی والتحلیل متاما )التوافق بنی العنوان واملادۃ( •

    .اس تحضار الغرض ومراعاۃ القراء •

    .الاس تدالل مع ذکر املراجع •

    .والافاکراصالۃ الاظھار •


    التنس یق

    .سالسۃ الکتابۃ والارتباط •

    .اعتدال ھیئۃ الفقرات •

    .اس تحضار اغراض الکتابۃ •

    .حصۃ ترتیب التعریف وصلب املوضوع والفقرۃ اخلتامیۃ •

    .انتاج امجلل املؤثرۃ •

    مراعاۃ اس تحضار القراء •



    .الکتابۃ وفق قواعد الامالء •

    عالمات الرتقمی.اس تخدام •

    .وضوح وصالح اخلط للقراء •

  • 10

    القواعد النحویۃ

    .حصۃ امجلل •

    کتابۃ امجلل املناس بۃ واملرتبطۃ. •

    .حصہ اس تخدام الافعال •



    .القدرۃ عیل انشاء املقالۃ•

    .اس تخدام اللغۃ املناس بۃ الفصیحہ الراجئۃ•

    .والقراء ضمراعاۃ املادۃ، املوضوع، الغر •

    .اظھار الالفاظ املالمئۃ املؤثرۃ •

    .اظھار املوھبۃ الابداعیۃ •

    .وحدۃ اسلوب الکتابۃ والتسلسل •

    اجملموع 100

    .س نا 16-13لفظا للطالب 600-400حد الالفاظ: •

    .س نا 20-17لفظا للطالب 007-009 حد الالفاظ: •

    .املسابقۃخیرب املشارکون عن موضوع املقالۃ یف بدایۃ •


    Saturday 18th January

    11 am to 1 pm

    Science lab

    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • English Speech

    Components Marks

    Content 20

    Pronunciation/Accent and voice 30

    Language 20

    Body Language & Gestures 20

    Time 10

    TOTAL 100

    • Speech Time: 4 minutes. (warning bell will ring 30 seconds before the final bell)

    • Speakers should use language, which is appropriate to the topic, the audience and the

    formality of the occasion. Avoid off-color jokes, slang expressions and indecent humor.

    • Any form of Plagiarism will result in disqualification.

    • Statements which might be construed as slanderous, embarrassing, or containing

    gender, cultural, or racial stereotypes will result in disqualification.

    • Gestures must be kept to a minimum. It is not necessary for the head and hands to

    remain completely motionless, but gestures must be natural and spontaneous, as

    opposed to dramatic. Examples of unacceptable gesturing; wild arm movements

    (flapping wings), pirouettes, kneeling, turning one’s back to the audience).

    • No props are permitted. This restriction includes things such as T-shirts or other articles

    of clothing which are used as props during the speech.

  • • Speech should be delivered through memory (no material will be allowed on to the


    • A written copy of the speech must be submitted right after the speech by the

    participant to the judges.


    Tuesday 21th January

    9 am to 11:30 am


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • رد اردو رقتی

    راء ربمن


    20 ر اک وماد رقتی

    30 /ظفلت اور آواز ہجحل

    20 اافلظ اک اامعتسل

    20 اروں اک اامعتسل ن اڈی وگنلجی

    اور اش

    10 د


    100 لک

    • :

    ر اک وق ایہ یٹنھگ ،یمتح یٹنھگ 4رقتی

    اجےئ یگ( ڈنکیس ےلہپ اجبیئ ۳۰ےسٹنم۔ )ان

    ازابی وگتفگ ونممع ےہ۔ •

    اہتسئ اور ن


    رقمرنی وک اےسی اافلظ اامعتسل رکےناچےئہ، وج وموضع، اسنیعم اور اس ومعق ےکواقر ےک انمس وہ،ن

    رار دن ا اجےئ اگ۔ •

    االہ ق

    وہےن یک وصرت ںیم رشی وک ن


    لقن یسک یھب لکش ںیم وہ ونممع ےہ اورن

    ا ایلہ اک س وہےگن۔ ےلمج وج دبزن این، ن ا یسک یھب مسق ےک بصعت رپ •

    ینبم وہں ونممع ںیہ اور رشی ےک ن

  • ار •

    اروں وک مک ےس مک رانھک رضوری ےہ،رس اور اہوھتں ےک ےئل رضوری ںیہن ےہ ہک وہ لمکم وطر رپ اسطق وہں ، نکیل اش

    دقریت اور ریغ ومعمیل ےاش

    ا ، ےنٹھگ

    ارہ یک اثمل:ن ازو زیتی ےس الہن

    وبقل اشِ ااقب

    انھٹیب ےک وہےن اچےئہ۔ن لا۔ب

    ، اسنیعم یک رطف رمک رکن

    دانی یھب ونممع ےہ۔ •

    ر وک وقتی ابلس ن ا یسک اور زیچ ےک زرہعی اینپ رقتی

    ا الزیم ےہ۔ )اجیٹس اور وپڈمی رپ وکیئ وماد اجلےن یک ااجزت ںیہن وہیگ( •

    ےس رکن

    ر ن ادداس لمکم رقتی

    ا رض •

    ر ےک دعب شیپ رکن ری اکیپ نیفصنم وک رقتی ر یک ای رحتی وری ےہ۔رقتی


    Friday 17th January

    9 am to 12:00 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • مسابقة اخلطابة

    العنارص منرب

    قوۃ املواد 25

    النرب والأداء الصويت 25

    اختیار اللكامت 20

    لغة اجلسد 20

    ضبط الوقت 10

    مجموع 100

    أأربع دقائق، وسیمت تنبیه امللقي عند ثالث دقائق وثالثنی اثنیة ابجلرس التحذيري، وعند التجاوز عن الوقت احملدد الوقت احملدد للك خطیب -1

    ستنقص ادلرجات حسب الثواين.

    دارۃ -2 ىل أأي خشص معنی أأو ا معینة.ینبغي للمتحدث اختیار اللكامت املناس بة للموضوع وامجلهور واحملل، وجيتنب اللكامت اليت تيسء ا

    لقاء اخلطبة املقتبسة باکملها ممنوع، ولو ثبت اقتباس خطبة أأو نقلها بامتهما من ماکن، فس تلغى مشاركة املتسابق. -3 ا

    جيب أأن ال تتجاوز اال شارات حدها املناسب، كام ینبغي أأن تكون اال شارات طبیعیة خالیة من التلكف واملبالغة. -4

  • ابس تعامل أأي أأداۃ مساعدۃ ممنوع.الاس تعانة يف تعزيز اخلطبة -5

    لقاء اخلطبة عن ظهر القلب، )لن يسمح بأأي حمتوى عیل املرسح واملنصة( -6 جيب ا

    لقاء اخلطبة. -7 ىل جلنة التحكمی بعد ا جيب تقدمي نسخة مكتوبة ا


    Thursday 16th January

    12 pm - 1:30 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Bait Bazi • Bait Bazi competition will have teams of 2 participants from every school.

    • The couplets recited should be of a good standard in order to maintain the quality of the


    • Each team will be given 1 minute to come up with a couplet.

    • Couplets which might be construed as slanderous, embarrassing, or containing gender,

    cultural, or racial stereotypes will not be allowed.

    • Evaluation will be done based on Verses’ Correctness, Quality of Verse, Way of

    Delivery/ Style/ Emotions, Pronunciation, Fluency and accent.

    • The event will consist of knock out rounds, with each round lasting for three to four

    couplets. Each couplet will be judged in each round and teams with the lowest

    cumulative marks will be knocked out.

    • The first couplet will be announced by the host.

    • For the age category (13-16 years) repetition of verses will not be allowed in each

    round (Note: a couplet read in one round cannot be recited in that round).

    • For the age category (17-20 years) repetition of verses will not be allowed for the whole

    competition (Note: a couplet read once cannot be recited in any round again).

    • For the age category (13-16 years) all couplets ending with ڑ ژ will be considered as ر

    and ءwill considered as ا.

    • For the age category (17-20 years) all couplets ending with ڑ will be considered as ر and

    .ا will considered asء

  • Component Marks

    Correctness and Quality of the Verse 10 marks (for each couplet)

    Delivery Style/ Emotions, Pronunciation,

    Fluency & accent

    10 (for each couplet)


    Monday 20th January

    9:00 am – 12:30 pm



    Monday 20th January

    2 pm - 3:30 pm



  • تیب ن ازی

    ر اوکسل ےس • ۔رشاکء یک میٹ وہں یگ ۲تیب ن ازی اقمےلبںیم ہ

    رار رےنھک ےک ےئل ڑپےھ اجےن واےل ااعشر اےھچ ایعمر ےک •

    رق دوہےن اچےئہ۔اقمہلب یک اعیمر وک ی

    ر میٹ وک رعش لمکم رکےن ےک • ٹنم دن ا اجاگیئ۔01ےئل ہ

    اہتسئ •


    ازابی وہں ن ا یسک بصعت رپ ینبم وہں ونممع وہ ےگن۔ ن ادااعشر وج. ن


    / ظفلت اور ن اڈی وگنیلج وک اجےچن ےگ۔ نیفصنم رضحات •ی

    ااعشر یک دریگتس، ایعمر ، آداگئ

    ر ر • ز رپ لمتشم وہ اگ، ہ

    اک اوٹ راؤی

    ے اور سج میٹ ےک ومجمیع ربمن مک اقمہلب نگی

    ن ںیم ربمن دےیئ اج

    ر راؤی ر رعش رپ ہ

    نیت ےس اچر ااعشر اک وہ اگ۔. ہ


    اک آؤٹ وہ اجیئ یگ۔وہےگن وہ

    ےس ن

    اس راؤی

    ادتبایئ رعش زیمن ان یک رطف ےس وہگ۔ •

    اھجمس اجےئ۔ ‘ ا ’ وک ‘ ء’ اجےئ اگ اوراھجمس‘ر ’ رپ وہاگ ان وک‘ ڑ’اور ‘ ژ’اسل ےک رشاکء ےک ےیلااعشر نج اک ااتتخم ۱۶ےس ۱۳ •

    اھجمس اجےئ اگ۔‘ ا ’ وک ‘ ء’ اجےئ اگ اوراھجمس‘ر ’ رپ وہاگ ،ُان وک‘ ڑ’اسل ےک رشاکء ےک ےیل ااعشر نج اک ااتتخم ۲۰ےس ۱۷ •

  • راء ربمن


    ر رعش ےک ےیل۔ 10 ااعشر یک دریگتس اور ایعمر ربمن ہ

    ر رعش ےک ےیل۔ 10 دربمن ہ ادایگیئ / ظفلت اور ن اڈی وگنیلج


    Monday 20th January

    9:00 am – 12:30 pm



    Monday 20th January

    2 pm - 3:30 pm



  • Spelling Bee • Spelling Bee competition shall judge the ability of students to spell out English words


    • A team of two participants will participate from each school.

    • The DAWN Spelling Bee Wordlist shall be used for the competition.

    • Complete lists for juniors (13 – 16 years) is available at the following link:


    • Complete lists for juniors (17 – 20 years) is available at the following link:



    Tuesday 21st January

    11:30 am – 1:30 pm


    2:30 pm - 3:30 pm




  • Scrabble • The Scrabble competition will be organized by the Pakistan Scrabble Association.

    • Complete rules can be viewed at www.olympiad.pk/scrabblerules


    Sunday 19th January

    9 am - 1 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)


  • “Science quiz” • Questions on the Science Quiz will consist of Basic Science questions testing the

    application of key scientific concepts.

    • The test will consist of MCQs from different areas of science including:

    Physics Chemistry Biology

    Kinematics Kinetic particle theory Cell structure and


    Dynamics Atomic structure Diffusion

    Work Ionic and covalent Bonding osmosis

    Energy Formulae and equations Enzymes

    Power Acid and bases Plant nutrition

    Thermal properties of


    The Periodic Table Animal nutrition

    Temperature Reactivity series Transport in flowering plants

    waves Metals (properties


    Transport in humans

    light Atmosphere and



    Electricity Hydrogen Excretion

    Magnetism Nitrogen Co-ordination and response

    Radioactivity Organic chemistry The use and abuse of drugs

  • Timing

    Monday 20th January

    11:00 am - 12:15 pm

    Science Lab


  • Presentation Contest • The theme of this event shall be “Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein”.

    • All presentations are to be developed on Microsoft PowerPoint, with at least 8 slides

    and a maximum of 15 slides.

    • Maximum of 7 minutes in total will be allocated for each team.

    • Knowledge depth will be judged by cross questioning.

    • Participants are required to bring their respective presentation files in a USB to the


    Components Marks

    Content 25

    Design 20

    Knowledge depth 25

    Body Language & Gestures 20

    Time/Time distribution 10

    TOTAL 100


    Saturday 18th January

    9 am - 11:30 am


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Robotics • The event will consist of an obstacle avoidance course and potting of a preloaded ball

    into a bucket.

    • Only Lego based robotic kits are allowed.

    • Details of the event can be viewed on www.olympiad.pk/roboticsrules


    Friday 17th January

    2:30 pm - 5:30 pm




  • “Math’s quiz” • Questions on the Math Quiz will consist of Basic Math questions testing the application

    of key mathematical concepts.

    • The test will consist of MCQs from different areas of mathematics including:

    Number The four operations Money

    Sequences Geometrical constructions Trigonometry

    Set language and notation Estimation Personal and small business


    Variation Similarity and congruence Vectors in two dimensions

    Squares, square roots, cubes

    and cube roots Limits of accuracy

    Algebraic representation and


    Graphs in practical situations Symmetry Matrices

    Directed numbers Ratio, proportion, rate Algebraic manipulation

    Graphs of functions Angles Transformations

    Vulgar and decimal fractions

    and percentages Percentages Indices

    Function notation Loci Probability

    Ordering Use of an electronic


    Solutions of equations and


  • Coordinate geometry Measures Categorical, numerical and

    grouped data

    Standard form Time Graphical representation of


    Geometrical terms Mensuration Statistical diagrams


    Tuesday 21st January

    11:00 am to 12:15 pm

    Science Lab

    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Tug of War • There will be a maximum of 8 players in each team of Tug of War and the total weight

    of the team must not exceed 500 kgs for juniors (13 to 16 years) and 600 kgs for seniors

    (17 to 20 years).

    • If the total weight of the team exceeds the prescribed limits the team shall not be

    allowed to participate in the event. No request for student replacement will be


    • The matches will be held on a knock-out basis, that is, the team that loses any match

    will be out of the race to the final.


    Monday 20th January

    11:00 am to 1:30 pm


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Football • The football teams shall consist of 9 players together with four substitutes bringing the

    total to 13.

    • All standard football rules shall apply.

    • No Pre-game warm-up will be allowed inside the play field before the match starts.

    • Players must dress in proper football attire, kits provided by the organizers are

    compulsory for all players.

    • Boots with molded rubber studs or sports shoes are only allowed; bare foot play or

    metal spikes are prohibited.

    • The Referee or Organizer may at their discretion, postpone/alter the time of a match

    due to unavoidable circumstances. If a game is stopped in the first 10 mins by officials,

    the rescheduled game shall be re-played. If stopped after the first 10 mins of play, score

    at the time of stoppage shall be considered.

    • The decision of the referee will be considered final during the match. No protest will be

    entertained against the referee’s decision.

    • In case of a tie after the allotted time, the match result will be decided by a Penalty

    shootout. Each side will be allowed 5 penalty kicks from the penalty mark. In case of a

    tie in the penalty shootout, sudden death rule shall apply.

    • If a player is found playing rough or using foul language or misbehaving with the

    referees, a yellow card will be shown. If further offence is committed by the same

    player, he will be shown a red card and removed from the match and/or suspended

    from future games (based on the referee’s decision). There will be no replacement

    allowed for this suspension during the match.

  • • One of the teams will be asked to wear bibs which will be based on a toss.

    • Teams must report to the venue 15 mins before the match starts.


    Thursday 16th January to Tuesday 21st January

    8 am – 12 pm (Matches for Juniors)

    2 pm – 5 pm (Matches for Seniors)

  • Flat Race • The race will be 100m in length.

    • Only one participant is allowed from each school.

    • Finishing time of the participants will be noted through video recording by the referees.


    Monday 20th January

    9:30 am – 10:15 am


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Table Tennis

    • The competition will comprise of men’s singles only,

    • Each participating school can be represented by one participant in each category (13-16

    years and 17-20years).

    • Standard table tennis rules shall be followed.

    • Rackets and balls will be provided, (participants can bring their own rackets along).


    Thursday 16th January

    10:30 am – 1:30 pm (Matches for Juniors)

    2:30 pm – 5:30 pm (Matches for Seniors)

    Table Tennis Court

  • Badminton • Only individual players.

    • Standard badminton rules shall be followed.

    • Referee’s verdict will be final and hence cannot be questioned.

    • The game will be played on a concrete court.

    • Players are required to bring their own rackets.


    Friday 17th January

    10:00 am – 1:30 pm (Matches for Juniors)

    2:30 pm – 5:30 pm (Matches for Seniors)

    Badminton Court

  • Volleyball • The volleyball teams shall consist of 6 players.

    • International standard three touch Volleyball rules shall be followed


    Sunday 19th January

    10:00 am – 1:30 pm (Matches (except final) for Juniors)

    2:30 pm – 5:30 pm (Matches (except final) for Seniors)

    Monday 20th January

    11:00 am – 1:30 pm (Final Juniors and Seniors)

    Volleyball Court

  • Physical Fitness • The track will be revealed on the spot.


    Monday 20th January

    10:15 am to 11:00 am


    (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Basketball • The team consist of 10 players, 5 players in the court at any one time

    • All matches will be played on outdoor basketball court.

    • Single elimination system will be followed.

    • The team coaches are entirely responsible to make sure that their players fully

    understand tournament rules and regulations.

    • All games will consist of four 8 minutes quarters.

    • Each team will be given 2 time outs (1 minute) per quarter.

    • FIBA rules will be applicable (fouls-point scoring).

    • All participates; coaches and spectators shall refrain from using profanity or verbal

    abuse towards other players, coaches, spectators, referees and the tournament staff.

    • Team coaches will be responsible for the conduct of their players.


    Saturday 18th January

    10:00 am – 1:30 pm

    Basketball Court (Juniors)

  • Paintball • The paintball teams will consist of 6 players.

    • The theme of the event will be “capture the flag”.

    • Two rival teams will enter the battlefield and one of them will have to capture the flag

    placed in the ring at the center of the field, without being shot with a paintball by the

    opposing team.

    • The team that successfully captures the flag shall be declared winner if the attacker of

    the team is not shot by the paintballs three times In case he does, the other team wins.

    • Only one team member can enter the ring at one instant.

    • The flag must not be thrown, if a participant has carried the flag outside the ring and

    drops the flag and takes cover, the flag shall be returned to the original position.

    • If any participant’s gun is jammed or has any other issue he should yell stop while

    holding his gun above the head.

    • Teams shall be disqualified from the game if any team member:

    o Shoots the other player more than 3 times in a row

    o Is seen wiping a paint splat off and trying to continue to play the game

    o Uses any kind of physical violence – the marshal can eliminate him

    o Tries to pick up an object to be used as a shield

    o Goes outside the boundaries of the playing area during the game

  • o Is shot by one of your own team members or shoot yourself

    o Picks unused paint ammo and refills his gun

    o Breaks any of the safety rules

    • Safety Rules are available at www.olympiad.pk/paintballsafety


    Wednesday 22nd January

    10:00 am – 1:00 pm

    Ground (Juniors)

    Wednesday 22nd January

    2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

    Ground (Seniors)
