DOCUMENT RESUME ED 027 091 24 PS 001 611 By-Miller, James 0. Review of Selected Intervention Research with Young Children. ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, Urbana, ill.; National Lab. on Early Childhood Education, Urbana, Ill. National Coordination Center. Spons Agency-Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C.; Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau No-BR-7-0706 Pub Date 69 Contract OEC -3 -7-070706-3118 Note-24p. EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.30 Descriptors-*Behavioral Science Research, Behavior Change, Compensatory Education Programs, *Early Childhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children, Research Needs, *Research Reviews (Publications) Reviewing of long term and short term intervention research undertaKen by Skeels and Dye (1939), Dawe (1942), Brazziel and Terrell (1962), Carter (1966), Sigel, Roeper, and Hooper (1966), Weikart (1967), Klaus and Gray (1%7), Karnes and others (19b6), Bereiter and Engelmann (196), Blatt and Garfunkel (1965), Nimnicht (1966), and Smilansky (1964 and 1966) suggests that future research should be approached cautiously but with optimism. Short term intervention research has made gains when directed to specific behaviors, but its effects on complex behaviors hz,tve not been established. Massive environmental change produces great improvemen.t in abilities associated with adult social competence and affects intellectual functioning, educational attainment, economic productivity, and family stability. Intervention effort which lies between these extremes is too new to be adequately assessed. While physical environment has received much attention, priority should be given to the behavior of the interpersonal environmental agent interacting with the child and mediating between the child and physical environment: Behavioral requirements of ;.)n effective environmental agent are outlined. Longitudinal intervention research is needed and should be encouraged. (DO)

competence and affects effort which lies between these … · Childhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children, Research

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Page 1: competence and affects effort which lies between these … · Childhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children, Research


ED 027 091 24 PS 001 611

By-Miller, James 0.Review of Selected Intervention Research with Young Children.ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, Urbana, ill.; National Lab. on Early Childhood Education,Urbana, Ill. National Coordination Center.

Spons Agency-Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C.; Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C.

Bureau No-BR-7-0706Pub Date 69Contract OEC -3 -7-070706-3118Note-24p.EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.30Descriptors-*Behavioral Science Research, Behavior Change, Compensatory Education Programs, *EarlyChildhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children,Research Needs, *Research Reviews (Publications)

Reviewing of long term and short term intervention research undertaKen bySkeels and Dye (1939), Dawe (1942), Brazziel and Terrell (1962), Carter (1966), Sigel,Roeper, and Hooper (1966), Weikart (1967), Klaus and Gray (1%7), Karnes and others(19b6), Bereiter and Engelmann (196), Blatt and Garfunkel (1965), Nimnicht (1966),and Smilansky (1964 and 1966) suggests that future research should be approachedcautiously but with optimism. Short term intervention research has made gains whendirected to specific behaviors, but its effects on complex behaviors hz,tve not beenestablished. Massive environmental change produces great improvemen.t in abilitiesassociated with adult social competence and affects intellectual functioning,educational attainment, economic productivity, and family stability. Intervention effortwhich lies between these extremes is too new to be adequately assessed. Whilephysical environment has received much attention, priority should be given to thebehavior of the interpersonal environmental agent interacting with the child andmediating between the child and physical environment: Behavioral requirements of ;.)neffective environmental agent are outlined. Longitudinal intervention research isneeded and should be encouraged. (DO)

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An Occasional PaperEducational Research Information Center

National Laboratory on Early Childhood Education

Page 3: competence and affects effort which lies between these … · Childhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children, Research



Review of Selected Intervention Research

With Young Children

James 0. Miller

National Coordination CenterThe National Laboratory on Early Childhood Education

ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood EducationCollege of Education, University of Illinois

805 W. Pennsylvania AvenueUrbana, Illinois


Page 4: competence and affects effort which lies between these … · Childhood Education, Environmental Influences, Interpersonal Relationship, *Intervention, Preschool Children, Research

The research reported herein was performed pursuant to acontract with the Office of Education, U.S. Department ofHealth, Education, and W elf are. C. .1tractor .:ndertaking suchprojects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to ex-press freely their professional judgment in the conduct of theproject. Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, neces-sarily represent official Office of Education position or policy.Supported in part by a contract with the U.S. Office of Educa-tion (Contract ()EC-3-7-070706-3118) and a grant from theOffice of Economic Opportunity (Grant #CG 9174 and #CG9995).

Distributed by the University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois 61801

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This review of interv mtion research is necessarily selective. It repre-sents what I believe to be landmark studies or examples of particularcrucial problems in the field. Secondly, research until quite recently hasfocused primarily upon special subpopulations of children below tF age

of six. Early work centered primarily around the mentally retarded,more recently around the culturally disadvantaged. The need for com-petent research with children from average environments is sorely

needed. That, perhaps, is one of the great challenges to those in EarlyChildhood Education, to encourage and support good research with allchildren in order to improve their educability and development ofcompetency.

With this caveat expressed, let me begin this review with one of thecritical early studies which has done so much to validate the efficacy of

early intervention. Then I would like to briefly look at some examples

of short-range interventions before reviewing a few long term studies.

Finally, I would like to share some critical thoughts concerning inter-vention research.

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It was out of the day-to-day concerns of working in an orphanagesetting that one of the landmark intervention studies developed. Cer-tainly the observations that Skeels and Dye (1939 ) made upon theirtwo young placements from the orphanage to the institution for thementally retarded have the character of serendipity associated withFleming's petri dishes.

Skeels' (1966) description of these two young children and the ac-count of their progress are poignant indeed. In Skeels' words, "Theyoungsters were pitiful little creatures. They were tearful and had runnynoses and sparse, stringy, and colorless hair they were emaciated, under-sized, and lacked muscle tone or responsiveness. Sad and inactive, thetwo spent their days rocking and whining."

Psychometric examinations indicated serious mental retardation,and the youngsters were considered unplaceable with the resultingrecommendation that they be placed in an institution for the mentallyretarded. They were so committed at the age of fifteen and eighteenmonths, respectively. Six months after transfer, the children gave acompletely normal picture of two young toddlers. Unmistakably, theevidence indicated their mental development was well within normalrange for their ages. Subsequently they were transferred back to theorphanage and placed in adoptive homes soon after.

From this experience, a plan evolved for early placement on a"house guest" basis of an experimental group whose development wasso delayed that adoptive placement seemed out of the question. Tengirls and three boys were so placed, and at the time of transfer they hadan average chronological age of 19.4 months with an I.Q. mean of 64.3.

After placement of the experimental group, a contrast group was


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established from a cottage group at the orphanage. At the time of usual

adoptive placement, the twelve contrast subjects were considered normal

in mental development and placeable ; however, for a variety of reasons,

all twelve had not been so placed. The time of the first testing, the aver-

age chronological age of the group was 16.6 months with a. mean I.Q.

of 86.7.After a period of approximately two years, the experimental group

showed an average gain of 28.5 I.Q. points, while the contrast groupshowed an average loss of 26.2 I.Q. points,

After twenty-one years, Skeels (1966) completed a follow-up study

of the twenty-five subjects. The two groups were found to have main-

tained their divergent patterns of competency into adulthood. Educa-

tionally the experimental group completed a median of twelfth grade,

while the median attainment for the contrast group was less than third

grade. All members of the experimental group were self-supporting,

while in the contrast group of twelve subjects, five remained wards of

institutions, including one who had died during adolescence. The

median income for the experimental group in 1963 was $5,220, and

for the contrast group $1,200. Of the eleven married members of the ex-

perimental group, nine had children for a total of twenty-eight. These

second generation children had a mean I.Q. of 104, with no indication

of mental retardation or abnormality in the group. In the contrast group,

two of the subjects had married. One of these marriages produced four

children, all of average intelligence; the other had one child with marked

mental retardation and possible brain damage.The contrast between the attainment of these two groups is so

striking that it is important to take a look at the dimensions of the early

intervention where the wheels of success were put in motion for the ex-

perimental group. The orphanage environment was characterized as

overcrowded, limited in resources, and understaffed, leading to deper-

sonalization, mass handling, and an affectionless existence. On the other

hand, after transfer to the institution for the mentally retarded and ward



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placement, a patient or attendant emerged as the mother surrogate for

the child, spending great amounts of time playing with the child, talk-

ing to him, and training him in every way. Living quarters were spacious

for indoor play and activity, and the outside playground contained wheel

toys and apparatus for group play. Great pride was taken by the in-

mates in their children, and a mildly competitive climate nurtured direct

teaching of appropriate skills. As soon as the children could walk, they

began to attend a nursery school or kindergarten where new play mP.-

terials and additional language stimulation were provided. Additional

enrichment experiences such as moving pictures, school productions,

and chapel services were a regular part of the regime.Three major points can be made concerning this experimental treat-

ment : (1 ) A stimulating physical environment was provided. Toys and

space to manipulate objects and apparatus both indoors and outdoors

were available. An additional preschool and kindergarten experience

was provided. This stimulating physical environment was continuously

available to the child. (2) A stimulating interpersonal environment was

provided. "Adoption" by one significant other who created an emotional

and motivating relationship was an essential ingredient of the inter-

personal environment. The competitive climate, where interested others

contributed to the physical and cognitive stimulation of the child, created

a continuous mediating interaction. (3 ) The mean chronological age

at the time of placement was 19.4 months with a range from 7.1 to 35.9

months. Placement came at a time of maximum consolidation of intel-

lectual functioning.This study must stand as a landmark. Though severely criticized

at the time, when the concept of fixed intelligence held sway, few today

would question the importance of early intervention with these children.

Let us turn briefly to short term intervention. These studies usually

are directed toward single or a very few variables. Th (:! question of im-

port, however, is the long range effect upon what the investigators as-

sume are important and basic variables.


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Short Term Interventions

An early short term intervention study specifically directed towardimproving the language ability of institutionalized orphans was carriedout by Dawe (1942) Her speech and language training program ex-tended over a seven and one-half month period on weekends and wassupplementary to regular nursery school and kindergarten attendance.Dawe used a matched pairs experimental design. Her experimentalgroup prior to training had a mean I.Q. of 80.6, while her comparison

group had a mean of 81.5. In addition, she matched for such variables

as sex, chronological and mental age, and vocabulary, as well as school

group attended. Her intervention included extensive story and poemreading to the children, picture reading and discussion, and vocabularyand concept development. On post-testing, a significant gain for the ex-perimental group was obtained, a mean of 94.8, while the controlsdropped an average of two points. Growth in vocabulary and in infor-mation test scores was also significantly greater for the experimentalgroup.

In a six-week, short term experimental intervention, Brazziel andTerrell (1962) provided an intensive readiness program for twenty-sixNegro first-grade children. The readiness program was designed to de-velop vocabulary, perceptual ability, increased word reasoning, and theability to follow directions. The classroom intervention program wassupplemented by parent meetings held once a week and a special educa-tional television program which the children watched at home for thirtyminutes.

At the end of the six-week intervention, Metropolitan readiness testswere administered to the experimental class as well as the three othernonexperimental classes in the same school. The nonexperirnental groupshad a mean attainment level of the fifteenth percentile, while the experi-mental children attained a mean placement at the fiftieth percentile, asubstantial, and statistically significant difference.

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In a short term intervention where the treatments were quite ex-plicit, Carter (1966) worked directly on improving language ability.Carter userl a matched pairs design. His thirty-two Negro culturallydisadvantaged pairs were equated for chronological age, sex, Binetmental age, and total language age on the Illinois Test of Psycho-linguistic Ability. An intensive forty-hour program covering ten weekswas instituted with the experimental group using the Peabody LanguageDevelopment Kit, supplemented by stories and additional related ac-tivities. Two special teachers worked with small groups of eight childrenat a time for fifty minutes each day, four .days a wek, under carefulsupervision.

At the end of the intervention, ITPA's, Binets, Ammons, the Califor-nia Test of Mental Maturity, and the Lee-Clark Reading Test were re-administered. Gains in total language age on the ITPA were significantlygreater for the experimental group. Gains of eleven points were postedfor the experimentals, two points for the controls. Similar gains wereobtained on the California Test of Mental Maturity, the Ammons, andthe Binet, but no significant differences were obtained on the Lee-Clark____-Reading Test.-

Since the treatment was focused upon the development of oral lan-guage, it is not surprising that the reading measure failed to show signifi-cant differences. Direct and specific training did get significant resultson criterion measures that would be most likely to reflect change. Follow-up to the study would be valuable to see if the differential positive gainsfor the experimental groups generalized to other areas.

The importance of ordering tasks in appropriate sequence is under-scored by a short term intervention by Sigel, Roeper, and Hooper (1966) .

Using nursery school subjects, they developed a training procedure for.1.4 the acquisition of Piaget's conservation of quantity. Their procedure

included special training on multiple relations, reversibility as a wayrang of inducing a grasp of conservation of quantity, and multiple classifica-

coctionexperiences. In comparison with the control subjects, significantly

higher levels of performance were obtained by the experimental subjects.

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Verbalizations were also more appropriate and sophisticated. Theseinvestigators believe that failure of previous attempts to teach conser-vation was due to the lack of concern for the prerequisite stage relatedoperations.

From these and other short intervention studies, the following gen-eralizations might be proposed: (1) where limited intervention objec-

tives in the psychomotor and cognitive areas are clearly delineated andintervention techniques are specifically designed to accomplish thoseobjectives, significant gains can be obtained over a short interventionperiod; (2) such gains can be obtained over the chronological age rangefrom neonate through early school years; (3 ) little evidence is availableconcerning the longevity of obtained effects or the effect of specific gains

on more complex skills.The Effects of Long Term Intervention. The rationale for long term

intervention lies in the complexity of the problem. Multiple causation,multiple outcomes and the multiple processes involved require a moreextensive involvement. Early intervention efforts were aimed at radicallychanging the environment in which the disadvantag,AI child was devel-

oping and substituting an enriched and stimulating setting for the child'sgrowth (for example, Skeels and Dye, 1939; Kirk, 1958) . Observed

changes in the physical environment were striking, and while the changes

in the interpersonal environment could well be as striking, illuminatingthe relevant characteristics was and is a profoundly difficult task. A "gen-

uinely warm and friendly atmosphere" is a gross oversimplification ofthe relevant dimensions of the interpersonal environment. Relativelylittle descriptive space is given in the reports of these early studies to theexperimental preschool or kindergarten program. In most instances, it is

described in terms of a group free play program designed to develophealthy physical bodies, mature social relationships, and creativity. Such

a program was consistent with the prevailing preschool and kindergartenphilosophy of unfolding maturational abilities of the thirties and forties.

As the converging forces of the fifties began to be felt, a segment of

the population inadequately equipped to fully participate in the afflu-


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77,7 77,

ence of the dominant society was clearly identified. Remedial measures

were sought. One of the dominant themes was early childhood interven-

tion. A means of changing the inadequate physical environment was

placement of the child in a stimulating preschool or kindergarten pro-

gram. Changing the interpersonal environment also became a dimension

of manipulation. Such manipulations have been studied as : changing

the role of the teacher from passive observer to active participant, adding

more adults to the classroom to increase the availability of interpersonal

environmental agents, providing ancillary personnel to bridge the gap

between the stimulating and the inadequate environment and finally

attempting to manipulate the inadequate interpersonal environment of

the home through parental involvement in the education process.

The Perry Preschool Project (Weikart, 1967) is a preschool inter-

vention project which has been in operation since 1962 in Ypsilanti,

Michigan. The preschool program is described as a carefully sequenced

program of activities planned by the teacher according to a specific de-

velopmental theory. The primary goals are for cognitive and language

development. While the materials and activities frequently used are

similar to traditional nursery school materials, they are used by the

teacher to achieve predetermined goals. We kart's program might best

be described as developmental in itself, since over the three years of

reported operation, it has evolved from a language development pro-

gram using verbal bombardment techniques to a Piagetian oriented pro-

gram. An interesting feature of the program has been the weekly

afternoon home visit by the teacher for individual instruction. On these

visits, the mother was actively encouraged to participate in the lessons.

Four groups of children with appropriate controls have been involved

over the three years of operation. Significant differences were consistently

obtained between the experimental and control groups after the first

year of preschool participation. The average increase in Binet I.Q.

scores for the experimental groups was fifteen points, while the mean

increase for the control groups was three points. For the two groups

which had two years of preschool prior to entering kindergarten, a

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statistically significant difference of thirteen points was obtained. Onlyone group had completed first grade at the time of report. Gates ReadingTests and California Achievement Tests results were significantly greaterfor the experimental groups on all subjects.

Weikart points out three consistent findings: (1 ) In each experi-mental group a dramatic spurt in I.Q. scores was obtained after one yearof intervention. (2 ) Control groups make significant gains on enteringkindergarten, but the growth spurt is not as great as that initiallyobtained by the preschoolers. (3 ) After the second intervention year,experimental groups experience a small loss but recover during the nextyear.

One of the outstanding early intervention programs has been Klausand Gray's (1967 ) Early Training Project in Tennessee. It was aparticularly well designed field research which embodied follow-up studyas the children progressed through the primary grades.

A population of sixty-two children was identified in a small Tennesseetown whose families met the housing, parent level of education, andoccupational criteria established as defining the culturally disadvantaged.The children were randomly assigned to one of three groups : a three-year treatment intervention, a two-year treatment intervention, or alocal control group. A fourth comparison group was established in asimilar town some distance away as a distal control group.

Intervention techniques and content were developed based on re-search of differential child-rearing patterns and intellectual and atti-tudinal differences related to social class, and extensive observation indisadvantaged homes. The program consisted of two parts: (1 ) a ten-week preschool classroom experience successively for two or three sum-mers, depending upon the treatment group ; and (2) a home-basedinstructional program, implemented by a staff home visitor between thesummer classroom experiences for the children. The classroom programcentered around two major classes of variables attitudes towardachievement and aptitudes for achievement. Specific experiences weredesigned to foster growth in these areas. The ratio of adults to children


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in the classroom was approximately one to four or five, which maximizedthe amount of adult-to-child interaction, provided effective role models,

and encouraged individualization of instruction. ( See Gray, and others,1966, for a more extensive description of the procedures used in theclassroom.)

A variety of evaluative instruments was used over the experimentalperiod and the follow-up. These included the Binet, PPVT, WISC,ITPA, Metropolitan Readiness and Achievement Tests, and the StanfordAchievement Tests. The significant gains obtained by the experimentalgroups when compared with the control groups had been maintainedthrough June of 1966. As with similar studies, initial gains were dramatic,the gain was held until entry in school, and then a slight decay began toappear. The magnitude of the differences between groups decreased

when the comparison group entered school, but subsequent to their initialbut lesser spurt, the decay began to be evidenced in these groups also.Results on the ITPA, WISC, and PPVT are similar to those obtained onthe Binet. On the Gates and the Metropolitan Readiness Tests, signifi-cant differences in favor of the experimental groups were obtained in ten

of eleven comparisons. Mean score differences on the MetropolitanAchievement Tests were in favor of the experimental groups. Over thetwo years there were significant differences in word knowledge, worddiscrimination (first year only) , and reading. No significant differences

were obtained between experimentals and controls in arithmetic orspelling. On the Stanford Achievement Tests, word reading and para-graph meaning show significant differences in favor of the experimentalgroups but equal achievement in other subject matter areas tapped by

this test.Particularly impressive is the evidence Klaus and Gray have mar-

shaled for diffusion effects within the community as well as withinfamilies. In a number of comparisons between the proximal and distalcontrol groups, significant psychometric differences were found whichsuggest a community diffusion effect. Anecdotal evidence and studies of

the intercommunication patterns between the parents of the three groups

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suggest that a somewhat complicated communication net existed amongthe parents of the community groups. Anecdotal evidence bears witnessto the attempts by the in-community control group parents to augmentthe experiences of their children modeled on the project's intervention.Evidence of within-family diffusion to younger siblings of the experi-mental children is reflected in Binet comparisons with the youngersiblings of the control groups. Here a thirteen point I.Q. difference wasfound in favor of the experimental younger siblings. Further studies ofdiffusion phenomena are being carried on currently (Miller, 1967) .

Klaus and Gray are refreshingly cautious concerning their results ata time of great enthusiasm over the effects of intervention. They pointout that their contact time with the families represents a very smallproportion of the time a child spends in adverse environmental con-ditions before he gets to school. (By my calculations, the maximumamount of contact the investigators could have had with any one childwas six hundred hours. This represents less than 2 percent of theaverage waking hours that a child has from birth to six years of age.)That a minimal contact such as represented here can have the effect thatit apparently has had is indeed optimistic. The question is not whetherintervention, but how can we be more effective. Klaus and Gray's worksuggests some potentially fruitful directions.

Over the past several years, investigators at the University of Illinoishave been studying an approach to preschool education which is quitealien in content and technique to traditional concepts. Formal subjectmatter is taught in a highly structured, direct verbal instruction program.Since language is the area of greatest weakness among disavantagedchildren, language remediation and development form the core of theseprograms. In addition to language, arithmetic, reading, and socialstudies or science are usually emphasized with some additional timebeing devoted to activities which are supportive of the direct instructioncontent. Story reading, music, and directed play with perceptual typetoys are available for free choice. For the formal direct instruction, thelarge group is broken into three smaller groups, each led by a teacher


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in a small room. The facilities seem to have some control over the amountof direct instruction administered.

Because language plays a central role in the instructional program,heavy reliance is placed upon the Illinois Test of PsycholinguisticAbility as a criterion measure as well as a diagnostic instrument. Otherinstruments are used to evaluate progress as well.

Karnes and others (1966) made a comparative study of the effec-

tiveness of a highly structured direct instructional program and a tradi-tional program for culturally disadvantaged children. Their sample metthe usual socioeconomic and home criteria for disadvantaged families.Sixty children were selected for placement in the program and assignedto experimental or comparison classes from three stratified intellectuallevels on a random basis. Adjustments were made in the racial andsexual composition of the classes. Two experimental groups and twocomparison groups of fifteen children each were thus constituted.

This program concentrated on language development, mathematics,and social studies or science in the direct formal instruction. Each teacherkept anecdotal records on each child in her group in order to be able toindividualize her instruction. Subject matter was presented most fre-quently in game format, with a heavy emphasis upon manipulative andmultisensory materials. The investigators held that reduced teacher-pupil ratio promoted immediate feedback and differentiation of in-struction insured success. These factors, they felt, were highly relevantto motivation.

The experimental subjects obtained a fourteen point I.Q. gain on theBinet compared to an eight point gain for the comparison groups, asignificant difference. There were no significant differences in gain onthe ITPA. Both groups achieved mean gains of fourteen months duringthe seven-month program. The mean gain on the PPVT was infavor of the comparison groups, although it did not reach statisticalsignificance.

In a demonstration project, Bereiter (1967 ) explored the limits ofattainment which disadvantaged preschool children might reach, given


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a structured direct instruction program. It was assumed that disadvan-taged children differed from others in what they had not learned pre-viously. Therefore, by more efficient engineering of the teaching processin critical areas of knowledge, rapid progress could be made to catchup with more advantaged peers.

A sample of fifteen four-year-old children was selected on the basisof having older siblings with educational difficulties, homes where cul-tural deprivation was assumed to be the primary contributing factor, andthe ability to produce some intelligible verbal response on the ITPA.No comparison group was used to evaluate the results of the two-yearprogram. Instead, evaluation of the program was based upon its measur-

able effects on achievement and language-test performance where thetest norms provided the base line. The ITPA, the Stanford Binet, andthe Wide-Range Achievement Test were the measures employed for the

evaluation.An extensive description of the methods and procedures used in this

program and subsequent ones has been published by Bereiter andEngelmann (1966) . Language, arithmetic, and reading formed the coreof the formal curriculum during the first year. During the second year,formal language instruction was discontinued and replaced by scienceand verbal reasoning.

Over the two-year intervention period, enough language learning hadtaken place as measured by the ITPA to move the group from a year ormore below average up to an average level of performance for theirchronological age. Similar findings on Binet MA were obtained. On theWide Range Achievement Test at the end of the second year (the kin-dergarten year ) , the mean attainment expressed in grade equivalent

scores in reading was 1.5, in arithmetic, 2.6, and in spelling, 1.7.Bereiter believes the issue with preschool education for the disad-

vantaged is one of studying the task and what it requires versus studyingthe child and how he functions. He does not believe he is putting an arm-chair analysis of content against empirical study of children's learningbut, rather, ordering events which the adult follows in designing pro-


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grams for young children. His approach would seem to imply followingthese steps: (1) identifying, on the basis of empirical evidence, thedeficits of the subgroup in question; (2) identification of teachingobjectives based upon those deficits ; (3) analysis of content andoperations in order to teach the material directly; (4) empirical fieldtrial and testing; and (5) feedback to step 3.

At least two long-term intervention studies have been based on a dif-ferent approach from those which have been reported so far. Blatt andGarfunkel (1965) and Nimnicht (1966) have taken an "emergent"developmental stance and designed their studies on this basis. In each,the objective was to provide an optimal tillrsery school environment.Each also used the "talking typewriter" or responsive environment as acentral instructional device.

Blatt and Garfunkel described their program as "experimental,emergent, child-centered, and adhering to the basic principles of anysound preschool program but over and above this, focused on theintensified development of preacademic skills." Reponsive environmentcubicles were available for the children to use if they so desired. Eachcubicle contained an electric typewriter, a slide projector, a microphoneand amplifier, and a "neutral" booth attendant. The purpose of thebooth attendant was to -,ive feedback as the child used the machine.A responsive environment is defined as one which is attuned to the child'sexploratory activities, informs the child immediately about the con-sequences of his own actions, permits him to make extensive use of hiscapacity for discovering relations, and is so arranged that the child islikely to make a series of interconnected discoveries about some aspectof the physical, cultural, and social world. Thus, this program reliedupon the emerging ability and innate curiosity drive to direct the courseof the child's development in the preschool program.

A number of evaluative instruments were used in assessing the effectsof the program; however, the research hypothesis that the two-year inter-vention would enhance the demonstrated educability of the experimentalchildren when compared to the control group was rejected. The inves-


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tigators concluded that the failure of the interventionwas in part a failure of the instruments to differentimaintain a true experimental design.

Another study now in progress (Nimnicht, and others, 1966 ) , a pro-gram similar to that of Blatt and Garfunkel, reports significant increaseson the PPVT after a year of intervention with Spanish-Americanchildren but no significant differences on the Binet. While these twobits of research evidence are hardly enough to make a case, it is legiti-mate to question the validity of the developmental concept of emergenceas a viable position on which to base intervention techniques andprocedures.

One of the most active groups reporting in the literature from over-seas is located in Israel. In the developing kibbutzim, with their specialchild care arrangement, a natural intervention laboratory is available forextensive study of the effects of early work with children. In 1964, SarahSmilansky made a report on an experimental program for culturally de-prived oriental Jewish children. The program was directed towardpreparation for school requirements and development of specific de-ficiencies. Four experimental and four control kindergarten classes werestudied with a normal class size of approximately thirty-five children.Regular teachers were used, but in the experimental classrooms ad-ditional assistance and materials were provided by specialists. Care-fully detailed objectives in keeping with the program goal were the guideto intervention procedures for the experimental groups. The controlgroups had regular kindergarten instruction.

Follo ing the intervention year, the experimental groups obtained anaverage superiority of six points on the Stanford Binet and ten pointson the WISC contrasted with the regular kindergarten attenders. Whileall of the experimental group children showed some gains on the criterionm asures, the children who scored lower on the initial tests obtained the

as an effective forcete and an inability to

reatest gain over the intervention year (Smilansky, 1964) .A later study by Smilansky (1966 ) on the relative contribution of

different intervention procedures to learning ability and achievement


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progress revealed the following to be significant classroom operations :

( 1 ) active guidance by the teacher in learning the underlying rules for

task success in contrast with learning through general instructions ; (2 )

directed performance of specific task with the aid of a clear frame of

reference; and (3 ) post performance verbalization. A fourth operation,

setting of specific achievement demands adapted to the ability of

the child, was not found to influence improvement in the child'sachievement.

Smilansky's contribution to answering the question of "how?" is as

important as her contribution to the question of "what?" Specification

of the environmental agent as an active participant in the learning pro-.

cess is of major importance to understanding intervention processes.


In all candor, a review of intervention research results leaves us with

a spirit of cautious optimism. Enthusiasm runs high to do something

almost anything for young disadvantaged children. However, the mass

crash programs have failed to produce evidence of their effectiveness.

Part of the difficulty is the service priority and lack of adequate planning

time for sound evaluation. A more serious problem is the traditional

emergent philosophy which undergirds most programs. There is little

or no evidence to support such a theoretical stance, nor is there evidence

to support practices based on this theory. It may take as long to get over

the cure as it did to recognize the disorder.The available intervention research findings indicate that short term

gains can be made on specific behaviors where the intervention is di-

rectly related to such behaviors. At the simplest level, gains have been

obtained with infant psychomotor abilities as well as the more com-plex cognitive abilities of the preschool and school-age child. The effects


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of short-term change in limited domains upon complex behaviors havenot yet been established.

Under conditions of massive environmental change, striking andmassive improvement can be obtained in abilities associated with adultsocial competence. Radical environmental manipulation has been shownto affect intellectual functioning, educational attainment, economicproductivity, and family stability.

Intervention effort which lies somewhere between these extremes is

too new to have the long-term effects adequately assessed. With varyingdegrees of confidence, research evidence suggests that early interventionat a preschool level has marked short-term effect upon children. Sizeableinitial changes in intellectual functioning have been recorded. Thesegains are superior to those obtained by comparison samples. Comparisongroups usually obtain significant gains upon entering school, but they arenot of equal magnitude to those obtained by the intervention groups.There is some evidence showing generalized effects of early interventionto later school achievement. Where such results are observed, parentalinvolvement is usually a part of the intervention program.

Implicit in much of the research which has been reviewed are thebeginning steps to identification of the dimensions of the physical andinterpersonal environments in isolation and interaction which are neces-sary and sufficient for development of competence. While the stimu-lating physical environment could be described at length, I would orderthe priorities in favor of dealing with the stimulating interpersonal en-vironment first, since this has had so little attention. The most importantaspect of the stimulating interpersonal environment is the behavior ofthe interpersonal environmental agent who interacts with the child andmediates between the child and the physical environment. The follow-ing outlines the minimum behavioral requirements for an effective en-vironmental agent : (1 ) An effective environmental agent provides arich verbal climate, describing events and their relationships and en-couraging a high level of verbal productivity and interaction ; ( 2 ) the

effective agent provides direct mediation between the physical environ-6


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ment and the child by (a) ordering the physical and spatial environmentby monitoring and directing attention to the relevant dimensions of thestimulus-informational input ; (b) ordering the temporal environment bymonitoring and directing attention to the sequence of environmentalevents; (c) ordering tasks sequentially in magnitudes of just manageabledifficulty to insure successful accomplishment ; and (d) providing an ap-propriate response model which the child can emulate and imitate in avariety of environmental contexts. (3 ) The effective environmentalagent provides motivational support by (a) creating a reality orientedemotional attachment which matures from dependency to active, in-volved encouragement of independence ; and (b) using a range of rein-forcing techniques which are appropriate to the task. Reinforcementshould move from the concrete to the abstract and from the extrinsicto the intrinsic.

These appear to be a set of minimum behaviors to provide a stimu-lating, interpersonal environment. Such a model may move us some-what beyond the description of "warm, affectionate adults" and leadto productive hypotheses and development.

The state of intervention research has not yet reached the stagewhere tests of the most efficient intervention treatments are appropriate.Yet there is a great hue and cry for testing Montessori approaches versusBereiter approaches. Testing of such questions seems not only prematurebut wasteful when we have not yet answered the vital question of whatvariables are related to productive change.

Since intervention research occurs in a field setting, it is difficult,if not impossible, to maintain optimal management of the variableswhich can introduce a systematic error. Intervention research has beendescribed as dirty research, not without just cause. There is hardly apoint in the research strategy which is not vulnerable to the introductionof unforeseen, unwanted, and uncontrollable error. The problems havebeen well-do( umented by active investigators in the field. (See Blattand Garfunkel, 1965 ; Klaus and Gray, 1967; Hodges, McCandless, andSpicker, 1967. )


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The practical and earthy problems of intervention research areseldom discussed in writing. Yet they exist and may contribut,-; morethan we would like to admit to the relative scarcity of longitudinal inter-vention effort. Field research is costly, not only in money, but in timeand staff commitment. It requires a tenacity which internal and ex-ternal pressures cannot quickly erode. The lure of the quick, clean, andpublishable can measure the mettie of the man. The need for inter-vention of a longitudinal nature, however, is apparent. Encouragementshould be given to young, creative talent to pursue this line of endeavor.


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