I nte rna t i o na l J o urna l o f Em erg i ng Tre nd s& Te ch no l o gy i nCompute r S cie nc e (I J ETT CS) We b Site : ww w.ij e ttcs .org Em ail: e ditor@ij ettcs .org, e ditorij e ttcs @gm ail.com Volum e 2, I s s ue 1 , J anua ry – F e bruary 20 1 3 I SSN 22 78 -685 6  Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 57 ABSTRACT-  Trans fo rma t io n o f d ig it a l im ag e b e c o mes a major method of communication in the modern age, but the image obtained after transmission the data tends to get noisy and thereby the further processing does not lead to good results. Hence, Pre processing of an image is very essential.  Th e pre proce s s ing b e ing work e d upon is th e d enoising of imag es. The rece ive d imag e ne ed s processing before it can be use d in app lications. I mage de noising involve s the manipulation of the image data to produce a high quality image and w ave let transforms have be en ap plied . F or denoising the image different noise models including Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise and speckle noise. Selection of the denoising algorithm is application dependent. I n this p aper, a com parative a nalys is of diffe rent combinations of the suggested threshold values and thresholding techniques has been carried out very efficiently.  Th is h a s been d on e in order to find more p o s sible combinations that can lead to the best denoising technique and compare the results in term of PSNR and MSE. K e yw o r ds  wavelet thresholding, Sure Shrink, Bivariate Shrink, Bays Shrink and Block Shrink 1.  I NTRODUCTION I n the pas t two deca de s, many noi se reduction technique s have be en de veloped for removing noise and reta ining ed ge details. Most of the s tanda rd algorithms use a defined filter window to estimate the local noise variance of a noise image and perform the individual unique filtering process. The result is generally a greatly reduced noise level in areas tha t are hom oge neo us. But the ima ge is e ither blurred or over smo othed due to losse s in detail in non-homogenous areas like edges or lines. This creates a barrier for sensing images to classify, interpret and analyze the image accurately especially in sensitive applications like medical field.  Th e p rim a ry g o a l o f no is e re d uc t io n is to re mo v e t h e noise without losing much de tail conta ine d in an im ag e .  To ac h ie v e t h is g oa l, w e m a k e us e o f a ma t h ema t ic a l functi on known as the wa ve le t trans form to loca lize an ima ge into different fre que ncy com pone nts or useful sub ba nds and e ffec tively re duce the noise in the sub ba nds according to the local statistics within the bands. The ma in advantag e o f the wa velet transform is that the ima ge fidelity after reconstruction is visually lossless. The wave let de -noising schem e thresholds the wave let coefficients arising from the wavelet transform. The wave let transform yie lds a large numb er of sm al l coefficients and a small number of large coefficients. Wavelets are especially well suited for studying non- stationary signals and the most successful applications of  wave lets have be en in compres sion, de tecti on and denoising. The method consists of applying the DWT to the original data, thresholding the detailed wavelet coefficients and inverse transforming the set of  thresholded coefficients to obtain the denoised signal. Gi ve n a no isy s igna l y = x + n; whe re x is the de sire d signal and n is independent and identically distributed ( i.i.d) Gaussian noise N (0, σ 2 ), y is first decomposed into a s et o f wavel e t coe fficients w = W [y] consisting of the desired coefficient θ and noise coefficient n. By applying a suitable thresho ld value T to the w ave le t coe fficients, the desired Coefficient θ=T[w] can be obtained ; lastly an inverse transform on the desired coefficient θ will generate the de noise signal x =W  T [θ]. Figure 1: Block Diagram for DWT based denoising framework  In the experime nts, soft thres holding has b ee n use d ove r hard thresholding because it gives more visually pleasant im age s as co mp ared to ha rd thres holding; rea son be ing the latter is discontinuous and yields abrupt artifacts in the recove red ima ge s e spe cial ly when the noise e nergy is significant.  Fl ow cha rt for I m a ge Deno ising Algo ri thm using Wavelet Transform is shown in figure 2. 1.1 SURE SHRI NK Comparison of Wavelet thresholding for image denoising using different shrinkage Namrata Dewang an 1 , Devanand Bhonsle 2  1 M.E. Scholar Shri Sha nka ra Cha rya Group of Ins titut ion , J un wa ni, Bhilai, 2 Sr. Assistant Professor Shri Sha nka ra Chary a Grou p of I ns titut ion , J un wa ni, Bhilai

Comparison of Wavelet thresholding for image denoising using different shrinkage

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Page 1: Comparison of Wavelet thresholding for image  denoising using different shrinkage

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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 1, J anuary – February 2013 ISSN 2278-6856 

Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 57

ABSTRACT- Transformation of digital image becomes a

major method of communication in the modern age, but theimage obtained after transmission the data tends to get noisy

and thereby the further processing does not lead to good

results. Hence, Pre processing of an image is very essential.

 The pre processing being worked upon is the denoising of 

images. The received image needs processing before it can be

used in applications. Image denoising involves the

manipulation of the image data to produce a high quality

image and wavelet transforms have been applied. For

denoising the image different noise models including

Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise and speckle noise.

Selection of the denoising algorithm is application dependent.

In this paper, a comparative analysis of different

combinations of the suggested threshold values and

thresholding techniques has been carried out very efficiently.

 This has been done in order to find more possible

combinations that can lead to the best denoising technique

and compare the results in term of PSNR and MSE.

Keywords—  wavelet thresholding, Sure Shrink, BivariateShrink, Bays Shrink and Block Shrink


In the past two decades, many noise reduction techniqueshave been developed for removing noise and retainingedge details. Most of the standard algorithms use a

defined filter window to estimate the local noise varianceof a noise image and perform the individual uniquefiltering process. The result is generally a greatly reducednoise level in areas that are homogeneous. But the imageis either blurred or over smoothed due to losses in detailin non-homogenous areas like edges or lines. This createsa barrier for sensing images to classify, interpret andanalyze the image accurately especially in sensitiveapplications like medical field. The primary goal of noise reduction is to remove thenoise without losing much detail contained in an image. To achieve this goal, we make use of a mathematical

function known as the wavelet transform to localize animage into different frequency components or useful subbands and effectively reduce the noise in the sub bandsaccording to the local statistics within the bands. The

main advantage of the wavelet transform is that the image

fidelity after reconstruction is visually lossless. Thewavelet de-noising scheme thresholds the waveletcoefficients arising from the wavelet transform. Thewavelet transform yields a large number of smallcoefficients and a small number of large coefficients.Wavelets are especially well suited for studying non-stationary signals and the most successful applications of wavelets have been in compression, detection anddenoising. The method consists of applying the DWT tothe original data, thresholding the detailed waveletcoefficients and inverse transforming the set of thresholded coefficients to obtain the denoised signal.

Given a noisy signal y =x +n; where x is the desiredsignal and n is independent and identically distributed(i.i.d) Gaussian noiseN (0, σ2), y is first decomposed intoa set of wavelet coefficients w =W[y] consisting of the

desired coefficient θ and noise coefficient n. By applyinga suitable threshold value T to the wavelet coefficients,the desired Coefficient θ=T[w] can be obtained; lastly aninverse transform on the desired coefficient θ will

generate the denoise signal x =W T[θ].

Figure 1: Block Diagram for DWT based denoisingframework 

In the experiments, soft thresholding has been used overhard thresholding because it gives more visually pleasantimages as compared to hard thresholding; reason beingthe latter is discontinuous and yields abrupt artifacts in

the recovered images especially when the noise energy issignificant.  Flowchart for Image Denoising Algorithmusing Wavelet Transform is shown in figure 2.


Comparison of Wavelet thresholding for image

denoising using different shrinkageNamrata Dewangan1, Devanand Bhonsle2 

1M.E. ScholarShri Shankara Charya Group of Institution, Junwani, Bhilai,

2Sr. Assistant ProfessorShri Shankara Charya Group of Institution, J unwani, Bhilai

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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 1, J anuary – February 2013 ISSN 2278-6856 

Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 58

A threshold chooser based on Stein’s Unbiased RiskEstimator (SURE) was proposed by Donoho and Johnstone and is called as Sure Shrink. This method

specifies a threshold value for each resolution level j inthe wavelet transform which is referred to as leveldependent threshold. The goal of Sure Shrink is tominimize the mean squared error, defined as,


Where Z(X,Y ) is the estimate of the signal, S(X,Y ) is theoriginal signal without noise and n is the size of thesignal. The Sure Shrink threshold t* is defined as


Where t denotes the value that minimizes Stein’sUnbiased Risk Estimator, σ is the noise variance and an

estimate of the noise level σ was defined based on the

median absolute deviation given by


and n is the size of the image.

Figure 2: Flowchart for Image Denoising Algorithmusing Wavelet Transform 

It is smoothness adaptive, which means that if theunknown function contains abrupt changes or boundariesin the image, the reconstructed image also does.[5,11]

1.2 BAY ES SHRINK  The goal of this method is to minimize the Bayesian risk,and hence its name, Bayes Shrink. The Bayes threshold,tB, is defined as


Where is the noise variance and is the signal

variance without noise. From the definition of additivenoise we haveW(x, y) =s(x, y) +n(x, y). Since the noiseand the signal are independent of each other, it can bestated that


Can be computed as shown below


 The variance of the signal, is computed as


With and , the Bayes threshold is computed from

Equation (4). Using this threshold the wavelet coefficients

are threshold at each band.[17]


New shrinkage function which depends on bothcoefficient and its parent yield improved results forwavelet based image denoising. Here, we modify theBayesian estimation problem as to take into account thestatistical dependency between a coefficient and itsparent. Let w2 represent the parent of w1 (w2 is thewavelet coefficient at the same position as w1, but at thenext coarser scale.) [20]

 Theny1=w1+n1 y2=w2+n2 (8)


Where y1 and y2 are noisy observations of w1 and w2 andn1 and n2 are noise samples. Then we can write

 Y =w +ny=(y1, y2)w=(w1, w2)n=(n1, n2) (9)

Standard MAP estimator for w given corrupted y is


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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 1, J anuary – February 2013 ISSN 2278-6856 

Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 59

 This equation can be written as



According to bays rule allows estimation of coefficientcan be found by probability densities of noise and priordensity of wavelet coefficient.We assume noise is Gaussian then we can write noise as


 Joint of wavelet coefficients


We know from equation (9)

(15)Let us define f (w) =log (pw (w))

 Then using equation (13) and (14)

(16) This equation is equivalent to solving followingequations



Where and represents the derivatives of 

with respect to w1 and w2 respectively. We know

can be written a


From this



From equations (18), (19), (20) and (21) MAP estimator

can be written as



Block Shrink is a completely data-driven blockthresholding approach and is also easy to implement. Itcan decide the optimal block size and threshold for everywavelet subband by minimizing Stein’s unbiased riskestimate (SURE). The block thresholding simultaneouslykeeps or kills all the coefficients in groups rather thanindividually, enjoys a number of advantages over theconventional term-by-term thresholding. The blockthresholding increases the estimation precision byutilizing the information about the neighbor waveletcoefficients. The local block thresholding methods allhave the fixed block size and threshold and samethresholding rule is applied to all resolution levelsregardless of the distribution of the waveletcoefficients.[21]

Figure 3: 2×2 Block partition for a Wavelet subband

As shown in Figure 3, there is a number of subbandproduced when we perform wavelet decomposition on animage. For every subband, we need to divide it into a lotof square blocks. Block Shrink  can select the optimalblock size and threshold for the given subband byminimizing Stein’s unbiased risk estimate. Experimentalresults show that Block Shrink outperforms significantlythe classic Sure Shrink by the term-by-term thresholdingand Neigh Shrink with the fixed overlapping block sizeand threshold proposed by Chen et al. Experimentalresults showed that the PSNRs which Block Shrink 

yielded were substantially higher than those that SureShrink and Neigh Shrink did. As a matter of fact, BlockShrink enjoys the advantages of Sure Shrink and NeighShrink and gets rid of there.

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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 1, J anuary – February 2013 ISSN 2278-6856 

Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 60

2. RESULT This paper presents a comparative analysis of differentshrinkage for image denoising techniques using wavelettransforms. We have experimented with four different

thresholding methods (Bays Shrink, Sure shrink,Bivariate shrink, Block Shrink) using the different noise(Gaussian noise, salt and paper noise and speckle noise)and report the results  for the 512×512 standard testimages Figure 4. Our results are measured by the PSNRand MSE. Result for an image shown below affected bygaussian noise having different variances are given in the Table 1 and 2.

Figure 4: Standard Test Image

 Table 1: Gaussian noise, PSNR 













σ= 0.01 27.41 24.35 68.44 30.48

σ= 0.02 28.32 24.93 68.46 29.46

σ= 0.03 29.48 25.62 68.48 28.00

σ= 0.04 30.47 26.22 68.56 26.60

σ= 0.05 31.64 27.07 68.59 25.18

 Table 2: Gaussian noise, MSE 











Variance (σ) 

σ= 0.01 117.9 238.7 0.009 58.16

σ= 0.02 95.52 208.4 0.009 73.62

σ= 0.03 73.27 177.8 0.0092 107.8

σ=0.04 58.28 154.9 0.009 142.0

σ= 0.05 44.54 127.5


0.0089 196.8


3. CONCLUSIONImage denoising, using wavelet techniques are effectivebecause of its ability to capture the energy of signal in afew high transform values, when natural image iscorrupted by Gaussian noise. Wavelet thresholding is anidea in which is removed by killing coefficient relative tosome threshold. Out of various thresholding techniquessoft-thresholding is most popular. This paper presents acomparative analysis of various image denoisingthresholding techniques (Sure Shrink, Bays Shrink,

Bivariate Shrinkage, Block Shrink) using wavelettransforms. A lot of combinations have been applied inorder to find the best method that can be followed fordenoising intensity images. From the PSNR and MSEvalues as shown in tables, it is clear that BivariateShrinkage giving better results under different noisevariance conditions for all of the images. TheComparative graph for PSNR and MSE are given below

Figure 5: Comparative Graph for PSNR for thresholding

techniques for Gaussian noise having different variances 

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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 1, J anuary – February 2013 ISSN 2278-6856 

Volume 2, Issue 1 January - February 2013 Page 61

Figure 6: Comparative Graph for MSE for thresholding

techniques for Gaussian noise having different variances


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