Common Essay Errors

Common Essay Errors

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Common Essay Errors. Formatting . italicize or underline book title! indent paragraphs font size (12 pt) spacing comma placement (always inside quotation marks, avoid comma splices) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/. Thesis Statement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Common Essay Errors

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Formatting italicize or underline book title!indent paragraphsfont size (12 pt)spacingcomma placement (always inside quotation

marks, avoid comma splices)


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Thesis StatementCreate a thesis statement that responds to the prompt. It

doesn’t have to be word for word, especially if a word in the prompt, like aesthetically, is in a form that doesn’t agree. Use synonyms. Ex: In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley posits that humans are negatively influenced by society.

Your thesis statement should be arguable


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Word Choice and AnalysisRedundant/repetitive analysis or word choice.

If you don’t have anything else to say about the point you’re making, move on

Avoid using the same word of phrasing in rapid succession


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Word ChoiceAvoid colloquial/informal language and


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Word Flow Read your essays out loud or have someone

read it to you

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Apostrophe UseApostrophes indicate contractions or

possession, not pluralization


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Writing about a novelIntroduce characters- audience as general

reader, not your teacher

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Length Requirement 3-5 pages means three full pages minimum

DO NOT mess with the formatting to meet the

page requirement. It's obvious.

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Integrating QuotesShouldn’t be a stand alone sentence with no

introduction or analysis

Handout: Practice

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Your quotesDirections: Identify four quotes (minimum) that

you would like to use in your essay. Practice how you will integrate them.

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Reflection Do you commonly make any of these errors?

How do you plan to address them in your Frankenstein essay?