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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure & Delivery

Commissioning Consultant Manual

Volume 2

Building Envelope Commissioning Process

and Guidelines

version 1.0

Date of Issue: 2019-03-22

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

Table of Contents Introduction 2

Purpose and Scope 2

Sources 2

Defini�ons 3

Contact Informa�on 6

Commissioning Process 7

Project Communica�on 7

General 7

Commissioning Consultant Services 7

Introduc�on 7

Design Phase 8

Schema�c Design 8

Design Development 12

Working Documents - Progress & Pre-Bid Submissions 12

Bid and Construc�on Documents 14

Bid Phase 14

Bidding Phase 14

Construc�on Phase 15

Pre-Construc�on 15

Construc�on 15

Project Closeout 18

Addi�onal Services 18

Limit of Responsibili�es 20


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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope

.1 This document is intended to be used for the following purposes:

.1 A reference for consultants providing Building envelope commissioning services (herein defined as the Building Envelope Commissioning Authority (BECA) for new building projects, renova�ons to exis�ng facili�es or re-commissioning of exis�ng buildings owned or operated by the City of Edmonton.

.2 A resource for the City of Edmonton when reviewing and evalua�ng the work performed by commissioning firms on City projects.

.2 This document forms part of the Commissioning Manual.

.1 Commissioning Consultant Manual Volume 1 - Whole Building Commissioning Process & Guidelines and,

.2 Commissioning Consultant Manual Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process and Guidelines .

.3 Volume 2 is divided into the following sec�ons:

Section 1 – Introduction:

Establishes the scope of the document and gives general contact informa�on.

Section 2 – Building Envelope Commissioning Process:

Describes the informa�on flow on a typical project, standard deliverables expected at each phase and an overview of minimum document standards to be followed.


.3 Except where otherwise noted, the technical informa�on contained in this document is to be used as a guide only. The Consultant is expected to follow their own professional judgment and best prac�ces as well as all applicable codes and regula�ons. Building projects may have specific requirements that supersede some material presented in this document. These requirements will be communicated to the Consultant at the outset of the project or during design as the need arises. When a devia�on from these guidelines is either required or requested by the Consultant or Owner, it shall be documented in wri�ng.

1.2 Sources

Building Commissioning Associa�on – New Construc�on Building Commissioning Best Prac�ce 2016

LEED v4, Canada Green Building Council

Canada Standards Associa�on Z320-11 Building Commissioning

Natural Resources Canada – 1 st Edi�on Commissioning Guide for New Buildings

ASTM E2947-16a “Standard guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning”

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

Technical Resource- Government of Alberta

NIBS Guideline 3-2012 Building Enclosure Commissioning Process BECx

1.3 Definitions

Acceptance A formal ac�on, taken by a person with appropriate authority to declare that some aspect of the project meets defined requirements, thus permi�ng subsequent ac�vi�es to proceed

Basis of Design (BOD) A document that records the concepts, calcula�ons, decisions, and product selec�ons used to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) and to sa�sfy applicable regulatory requirements, standards, and guidelines. The document includes both narra�ve descrip�ons and lists of individual items that support the design process. (Also known as the Design Criteria).

Functional Program (FP)

A document prepared by the Owner or Architect that describes the facility’s space and func�on requirements.

BECA Building Envelope Commissioning Authority (An en�ty iden�fied by the Owner who leads, plans, schedules, and coordinates the Building Envelope Commissioning Process).

BECx Building Envelope Commissioning

Building Envelope Commissioning Plan (BECx Plan)

A document that outlines the organiza�on, schedule, alloca�on of resources, and documenta�on requirements of the Building Envelope Commissioning Process.

Building Envelope Commissioning Process

A quality focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process focuses upon verifying and documen�ng that the facility assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).

Progress Report A wri�en document that details ac�vi�es completed as part of the Envelope Commissioning Process and significant findings from those ac�vi�es, and is con�nuously updated during the course of a project.

Commissioning Team (Cx Team)

A team comprised of the BECA, Whole Building Commissioning Agent (Cx), Owner, A/E, Construc�on Manager/General Contractor, Contractors, maintenance and opera�ons personnel, and occupants. Individuals, each having the authority to act on behalf of the en�ty he or she represents, explicitly organized to implement the commissioning process through coordinated ac�on.

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Check Sheet Project and element specific check sheets that are developed and used during all phases of the Building Envelope Commissioning Process to verify that the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) are being achieved. This check sheet is used by the Contractor and BECA to verify that appropriate components are onsite, ready for installa�on, correctly installed, and func�onal prior to system Func�onal Performance Tests (FPTs).

Construction Documents

Usually includes the project manual (specifica�ons), plans (drawings), general terms and condi�ons of the contract and suppor�ng documenta�on such as change orders and submi�als.

Construction Manager (CM)

The Owner’s representa�ve managing the construc�on project. O�en the construc�on manager and the general contractor are the same en�ty.

Construction Team A team comprised of Construc�on Manager/General Contractor, subcontractors and equipment vendors and suppliers.

Contractor The general contractor’s or subcontractor’s authorized representa�ve.

Contract Documents The documents binding on par�es involved in the construc�on of the project (drawings, specifica�ons, change orders, amendments, contracts, BCx Plan, etc).

Coordination Drawings Drawings showing the work of all trades to illustrate that equipment can be installed in the space allocated without compromising equipment func�on or access for maintenance or replacement. These drawings graphically illustrate and dimension manufacturers’ recommended maintenance clearances.

Current Facility Requirements (CFR)

A wri�en document that details the current func�onal requirements of an exis�ng facility and the expecta�ons of how it should be used and operated.

Design Checklist A form developed by the Commissioning Team to verify that elements of the design are in compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR). Also see Checklists.

Design Review

(As in Peer Review)

An independent and objec�ve technical review of the design, project or a part thereof, conducted at specified stages of design comple�on by one or more qualified professionals, for the purpose of enhancing the quality of the design.

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

Constructability Review

A review of effec�ve and �mely integra�on of construc�on knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, construc�on, and field opera�on of a project to achieve project objec�ves efficiently and accurately at the most cost-effec�ve levels to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns.

Code Compliance Review

A review of a document conducted by staff or designated en�ty of an authority having jurisdic�on to determine whether the content of the document complies with regula�ons, codes, or other standards administered by the jurisdic�on.

Building Envelope Commissioning Review

A collabora�ve detailed review of design documents for items pertaining to the following: Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR); Basis of Design (BOD); operability and maintainability (O&M) including documenta�on; func�onality; training; energy efficiency, control systems’ sequence of opera�ons including building automa�on system features; commissioning specifica�ons and the ability to func�onally test the systems.

Design Team The professionals (architects, engineers and consultants) responsible for developing the project’s design concepts, interim and final drawings, specifica�ons and Basis of Design (BOD).

Facility Guide A basic building systems descrip�on and opera�ng plan with general procedures and confirmed facility opera�ng condi�ons, set-points, schedules, and opera�ng procedures for use by facility opera�ons to properly operate the facility.

Final building Envelope Commissioning (BECx) Report

A document that records the ac�vi�es and results of the Building Envelope Commissioning Process (BECx Process) and is developed from the final Commissioning Plan (BECx Plan) with all of its a�ached appendices.

Issues & Resolutions Log

A formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns and their resolu�on that have been raised by members of the Commissioning Team during the course of the Commissioning Process.

Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual

A manual to describe key components of each system or piece of equipment and explain how they should be operated and maintained for op�mum performance.

Owner (CoE) City of Edmonton, and or the Building User Group.

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

Owner's Project Requirements (OPR)

A wri�en document that details the func�onal requirements of a project and the expecta�ons of how it will be used and operated. These include project goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considera�ons, benchmarks, success criteria, and suppor�ng informa�on.

PC (Prime Consultant) The design specialist or firm retained to design, provide technical opinions on or advise on the design of the scope of work as requested or required by the Owner. This en�ty is responsible for the validity of the design or components of the design they are designing or advising on.

Project Manager (PM) The contrac�ng and managing authority for the Owner who oversees the design and/or construc�on of the project.

Professional Services Agreement (PSA)

The contract the Consultant enters into with the Owner to perform the Work. This document includes the Agreement Form, Descrip�on of Work, Payment Terms, General Terms, and Addi�onal Terms (if applicable).

Sampling Performing observa�on, review, tes�ng or other verifica�on on only a frac�on of the total number of iden�cal or near iden�cal pieces of equipment, drawings, events, etc. Sampling techniques include random sta�s�cal sampling and less formal professional judgment methods.

Seasonal Testing See ‘Deferred Tes�ng’.

Warranty Period The period of �me in which the contractor is responsible for equipment repairs following turnover to the Owner, as defined in the construc�on contract.

1.4 Contact Information

.1 The latest version of this document may be obtained in electronic format from the Project Manager or by contac�ng the individual below.

.2 Consultant input to the progressive upda�ng of this document is invited. Please direct comments to:

CoE General Building Envelope Commissioning Support ℅ Kris� Olson 12th Floor, Edmonton Tower 10111 104 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0J4

Tel: 780-496-6760 Email: [email protected]

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

.3 All electronic communica�on and submi�als with regards to commissioning ac�vi�es and deliverables shall be sent directly to the Owner Project Manager and shall courtesy copy (cc) the CoE General building envelope Commissioning individual as listed above.

2 Commissioning Process

2.1 Project Communication

2.1.1 General

.1 The City of Edmonton will assign a Project Manager(PM) to be the single point of contact with the City (herein iden�fied as the Owner). Typically the project will be handed over internally from the Facility Planning and Development (FPD) PM to the Facili�es Infrastructure Delivery (FID) PM a�er design development phase.

.2 The BECA Firm is to appoint one person to act as the primary contact and to lead the BECx Process. If the BECA team consists of mul�ple sub-consultants in mul�ple firms, all official correspondence and submissions to the Owner should be through the BECA’s primary contact.

.3 Internal discussions between the BECA and their sub-consultants are to be documented internally. It is the responsibility of the BECA to alert the Owner’s Project Manager of any internal discussions that may affect the project scope, budget, schedule, etc.

.4 Commissioning mee�ng minutes and similar documenta�on are the responsibility of the BECA and should be distributed to the Owner PM, Consultant (including sub-consultants), Owner-iden�fied stakeholders and other par�es as necessary.

.5 Addendums and construc�on documents such as contemplated change orders, site instruc�ons, and shop drawings are to be distributed to the BECA by the Owner’s PM.

2.2 Commissioning Consultant Services

2.2.1 Introduction

.1 This sec�on outlines typical deliverables at key project milestones. It is understood that all projects are different and the contents of this sec�on may not apply to all projects in its en�rety. For example, a larger project may be phased in such a way that more or less is required from the Consultant at each separate phase.

.2 Specific submissions required are iden�fied herein. In addi�on to the deliverables iden�fied herein, it is the responsibility of the Consultant to prepare any submi�als required by external authori�es.

.3 The BECA is responsible for ensuring they are aware of the project deliverables and prepare these submissions on �me, with all required informa�on contained therein. Consultant Deliverables and Milestone schedule will be defined on a project by project basis in the Request for Proposal/Project Call-up.

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.4 All BECA submissions will be reviewed by Owner staff or external consultants associated with the project. This may include PM’s, Architects, Technical Services, Client groups, Building Maintenance, etc. All review comments will be forwarded to the Consultant by the Owner’s PM.

.1 The BECA is to respond to all review comments in wri�ng to the Owner’s Project Manager prior to commencing work on the next submission.

.2 Deliverables submi�ed to the Owner shall follow naming conven�ons as outlined in the Commissioning Consultant Manual Vol 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines, herein.

2.2.2 Design Phase

.1 For all projects requiring Building Envelope Commissioning, the Owner expects that all of these tasks will be completed unless any proposed changes to the task list are clearly iden�fied in the BECA’s proposal and subsequently agreed to, in wri�ng, by the Owner.

.2 Addi�onally, on any projects targe�ng LEED® cer�fica�on; the BECA shall include in their proposal and es�mate all work related to achieving all of the enhanced commission requirement points of LEED.

.3 Whole Building (M&E) Commissioning is not considered to be a component of Building Envelope Commissioning as defined within this document. For Whole Building (M&E) Commissioning requirements, refer to Commissioning Consultant Manual - Volume 1. When coordina�on between the BECA responsible for Building Envelope Commissioning and the CxA responsible for Whole Building (M&E) commissioning occurs, the expecta�on of the Owner is that both par�es will coordinate and collaborate to ensure a seamless development of common deliverables to both scopes of work and, on occasion, provide support and feedback regarding related documenta�on. Each project call-up/Request for Proposal will define who will take lead roles in crea�on of the base document(s), collect and amalgamate data, and who will provide input. Schematic Design

.1 Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR)

1. The OPR is a compila�on of all documenta�on on the owner’s goals, objec�ves, and expecta�ons for the project. The BECA shall assist the owner by recommending any addi�onal informa�on required to create an accurate and project specific OPR. The BECA is also responsible for advising of any updates to the envelope related sec�ons of the OPR, as they become apparent through all phases of the project. Each proposed update must be formally reviewed and approved by the City Project Team (Project manager & Project Architect) prior to acceptance and implementa�on.

2. Addi�onal OPR Support Services:

1. Projects may request addi�onal support for OPR development, and will be defined on a project-by-project basis, at Project Call-up. Services may include, but is not limited to, reviewing exis�ng City documenta�on, par�cipa�ng in focus groups and interviews with City stakeholders as required in developing a comprehensive OPR. The intent of the addi�onal support is to have the BECA

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assist the owner in crea�ng a complete OPR with all necessary references to relevant Owner requirement documents and Codes.

1. The Owner may provide the following documents, when available, to aid the BECA in the development of the OPR:

.1 Project Ini�a�on,

.2 Project Charter,

.3 Facility Design and Construc�on Consultant Manual, Vol 1 and Vol 2,

.4 Commissioning Consultant Manual Vol 1,

.5 Owner Direc�ves/Mandates (relevant to the project),

.6 Func�onal Program,

.7 Other relevant documenta�on and policies

.2 Basis of Design (BOD)

1. BECA shall generate the BOD only if the Prime Consultant(PC) has not provided the record and the document is required by the CaGBC LEED or other regulatory body.

2. Where possible, the BECA’s BOD document shall be coordinated and issued in conjunc�on with the Whole Building Commissioning BOD (Refer to Commissioning Consultant Manual Volume 1)

.3 Building Envelope Commissioning Plan (BECx Plan)

1. The BECA is responsible for the developing the BECx Plan, upda�ng and issuing this record to the Owner for review during each milestone deliverable of the project lifecycle (refer to the project call up for milestones). The BECx Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following informa�on:

.1 Overview of the BECx Process developed specifically for the project.

2. Roles and responsibili�es for the BECx Team throughout the project.

3. Documenta�on of general communica�on channels to be used throughout the project.

4. Detailed descrip�on of the BECx Process ac�vi�es and schedule. The following items to be included:

.1 BECx Team mee�ngs

.2 Verifica�on of the OPR adherence

.3 Advisory on OPR improvements that may be of benefit the project.

.4 Design review process

.5 Commissioning specifica�ons

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5. General descrip�on of BECx Process ac�vi�es that will occur during the Construc�on and Occupancy/Opera�ons Phases.

6. Guidelines and format that will be used during the Design Phase to communicate, track, document and report cri�cal BECx Process informa�on.

7. Project design document verifica�on procedures. Including alerts to coordina�on issues, issue repor�ng and deficiency resolu�on

8. BECx Checksheet use, verifica�on and compila�on procedure.

9. Where possible, the BECx Plan shall be coordinated and issued in conjunc�on with the Whole Building Commissioning Plan (Refer to Commissioning Consultant Manual Volume 1)

.4 Cx Issues & Resolu�ons Log

1. The BECx Issues & Resolu�ons Log is to record all iden�fied BECx related issues and the solu�ons. The BECA is responsible to create and maintain the BECx Issues & Resolu�on Log for the dura�on of the project. A copy of the BECx Issue & Resolu�on log is to be included in the Final Commissioning BECx Report, and shall include all issues that were closed through the Cx process, as well as any remaining outstanding issues.

1. Where possible BECx Issues & Resolu�ons log shall be coordinated and issued in conjunc�on with the Whole Building Commissioning Issues & Resolu�ons log (Refer to Commissioning Consultant Manual Volume 1)

2. The Cx Issues & Resolu�ons Log shall comply with the guidelines set out by template listed in Appendix A and must include the following:

1. Unique numeric iden�fier by which the issues may be tracked

2. Short, descrip�ve �tle of the issue(s)

3. Date and �me of the iden�fica�on of the issue(s)

4. Test number of the test being performed at the �me of the observa�on, if applicable, for cross-reference

5. Iden�fica�on of assembly to which the issue applies

6. Loca�on of the issue

7. Descrip�on of the observed design, installa�on, or performance issue, including any informa�on that may be helpful in diagnosing or evalua�ng the issue(s)

8. Recommended correc�ve ac�on

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9. Iden�fica�on of the Cx Team member responsible for resolu�on of the issue

10. Expected date of correc�on

11. Date of comple�on of resolu�on

12. Descrip�on of correc�ve ac�on taken. Including descrip�on of diagnos�c steps taken to determine the root cause of the issue and the value of resolving the Cx Process issue for the owner, design team, contractor, and/or occupant

13. Iden�fica�on of changes to the OPR or BOD that require ac�on (if any)

14. Statement that the correc�on was completed and the system or assembly is ready for retest, if applicable

15. Name of the person who resolved the issue

.5 Design Phase Kickoff Mee�ng

1. The BECA to schedule and chair an ini�al Kickoff Mee�ng with the City, Design consultant and the Design Phase Whole Building Commissioning Team (Cx Team(when applicable), within fi�een (15) days of appointment to establish the purpose and proposed process for commissioning the design and to review the Design Phase BECx Plan. The Design Phase Kickoff mee�ng is to include the following:

1. Review of the OPR and BECx Plan with the Design Cx Team,

2. Review of the various commissioning ac�vi�es and schedules,

3. Review of the documenta�on requirements,

4. Review of communica�on and repor�ng procedures,

2. Mee�ng minutes to be distributed within 72 hours of each mee�ng.

.6 Design Submission Review

1. Perform commissioning design review of Schema�c Development report and drawings (Refer to 2.2.4 Schema�c Design in the Consultant Manual - Volume 1 -Design Process & Guidelines for Prime Consultant Deliverables), and provide, in wri�ng, formal feedback of issues and concerns.

1. Review suitability of materials selected for intended use, compa�bility and durability.

2. Review occupant comfort requirements, site informa�on and climate condi�ons outlined in the OPR, Func�onal Program and SD report as they relate to the BECx.

3. The Design Submission Review is to be recorded in the BECx Issues & Resolu�ons Log.

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines Design Development

.1 Design Phase Mee�ngs:

.1 Par�cipate in Project design meetings as required to ensure proper integra�on of OPR and iden�fy issues with the envelope that may affect func�onal performance.

.2 Schedule and lead Building Envelope Commissioning Coordination Meetings with the Cx Team, as required but at a minimum of four (4) half-day sessions, to ensure successful coordina�on of the design phase commissioning ac�vi�es and development of the OPR. Scheduling of mee�ng to be coordinated with the Owner Project Manager. Prepare and distribute commissioning mee�ngs minutes to all Cx Team members within 72 hours of each mee�ng.

.3 Exact number of Design Phase Mee�ngs to be determined by the at each proposal submission

.2 Design Submission Review

1. The BECA shall review the Design Development report and drawings (Refer to 2.2.5 Design Development in Consultant Manual - Volume 1 -Design Process & Guidelines for Prime Consultant Deliverables), and provide wri�en summary of issues and concerns.

1. The Design Submission Review is to be recorded in the BECx Issues & Resolu�ons Log.

2. At the request of the City with Project’s Scope of Work, review of energy model, wind and snow analysis etc. to support or confirm proposed building envelope designs will conform with the OPR.

.3 Commissioning Specifica�ons

1. Develop full Building Envelope Commissioning Specifica�ons for all commissioned assemblies and spaces. Coordinate this with the design team and integrate the Commissioning Specifica�ons into the overall project specifica�on bid package. The basis for documents can be acquired from NIBS Guideline 3-2012 . Commissioning Specifica�ons to include:

1. 01 91 13 General Building Envelope Commissioning Requirements

2. 01 91 13.13 Building Envelope Commissioning Plan ( BECx Plan ) Working Documents - Progress & Pre-Bid Submissions

.1 Par�cipate in Design Phase Mee�ngs as required (see sec�on

.2 Design Submission Review

.1 The BECA shall review the Working Documents Progress and PreBid Submissions (Refer to 2.2.6 & 2.2.7 Working Documents in Consultant Manual - Volume 1 -Design Process

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& Guidelines for Prime Consultant Deliverables), and provide wri�en summary of issues and concern for each submission.

.1 The Design Submission Review is to be recorded in the BECx Issues & Resolu�ons Log.

.2 Iden�fy issues and concerns that may compromise the integrity of the envelope.

.3 Verify that the technical specifica�ons include the requirements for submission of samples, technical data, mock-up construc�on expecta�ons , performance tes�ng, Building Envelope Construc�on Commissioning check sheets, as appropriate.

.4 Verify the quan�ty and type of tests in contract for the project and recommend to the owner any addi�onal field performance test(s) that may benefit the project.

.5 Verify details at interface condi�ons provided on the drawings, (including any typical condi�ons which may affect environmental separa�on performance)

.6 Any modifica�ons that have been made by the designer/architect to address previous BECA reviews should be reviewed again and any recommenda�ons not implemented should be documented in a report to the owner indica�ng associated risks

.3 Develope dra� Building Envelope Construc�on Commissioning Check Sheets (BECx Check Sheets)

.1 Refer to NIBS Guideline 3-2012 Annex M: Construc�on Checklists, for sample Commissioning Construc�on Check Sheet.

.2 The check sheets are created by the BECA for incorpora�on into the Project Manual(prior to tender), filled out by the Contractor during construc�on and used by the BECA to verify that appropriate components are onsite, ready for installa�on, correctly installed, and func�onal prior to system Performance Tests.

.3 BECA shall be responsible for compiling contractor performed check sheets for the progress and final commissioning report deliverable.

.4 Develop, update and Issue to the owner a Dra� Project Manual (Specifica�on) Sec�ons for inclusion in the Tender Document, incorpora�ng changes to the project requirements a result of the Schema�c Design submission, or subsequent discussions;

.1 01 91 13 General Building Envelope Commissioning Requirements

.2 01 91 13.13 Building Envelope Commissioning Plan (BECx Plan)

.3 01 91 13.16 Building Envelope Commissioning Construc�on Check Sheets

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines Bid and Construction Documents

.1 Update and Issue to the owner final project Manual (Specifica�on) Sec�ons for inclusion in the Bid and Construc�on documents, incorpora�ng changes to the project requirements a result of the Schema�c Design submission, or subsequent discussions;

.1 01 91 13 General Building Envelope Commissioning Requirements

.2 01 91 13.13 Building Envelope Commissioning Plan (BECx Plan)

.3 01 91 13.16 Building Envelope Commissioning Construc�on Check Sheets

.2 Provide Commissioning (BECx) Progress Report

.1 The Design Phase BECx Progress Report is to include the following:

.2 Intent

.3 Execu�ve Summary

.4 Commissioning Overview

.5 OPR

.6 BOD

.7 BECx Plan

.8 Commissioning Specifica�ons

.9 Summary of the Design Review Process

.10 Issues & Resolu�ons Log (to date)

.11 Issues & Resolu�ons Report (since last review)

.12 Building Envelope Commissioning Construc�on (BECx Check Sheets)

.3 Design Phase Close-out

.4 Design Phase Commissioning is complete when the final design team Contract Documents are complete.

.5 Required Documenta�on from this Phase includes:

.1 Cx Progress Report

2.2.3 Bid Phase Bidding Phase

.1 The BECA should assist with decision making during the bid review process to evaluate the suitability of any proposed product alternates and subs�tutes (if any).

.2 If any value engineering of the design and construc�on of the building takes place, the BECA should be involved in the decision making process of any changes that are proposed.

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.3 If any new materials are being proposed BECA may ask for an off-site tes�ng of the materials to check their durability. By all means BECA will verify that the materials that are being proposed for the project will meet all OPR.

2.2.4 Construction Phase Pre-Construction

.1 At the request of the City Project Manager, the BECA shall review envelope related shop drawings, and product selec�ons and advise the City of errors and concerns to be distributed to the PC and/or GC.

.2 Construc�on Phase Kickoff Commissioning Mee�ng

.1 BECA to schedule and chair an ini�al Kickoff Mee�ng with the Construc�on Phase Commissioning Team, including subcontractors, construc�on team and owner representa�ves, within fi�een (15) days of appointment to establish the purpose and proposed process for commissioning and to review the Construc�on Phase Commissioning Plan. The Construc�on Phase Kickoff mee�ng is to include the following:

.1 Review of Cx Plan with the Construc�on Cx Team

.2 Review of the various commissioning ac�vi�es, tests and schedules

.3 Review of the documenta�on requirements

.4 Review of construc�on sequencing, communica�on and repor�ng procedures

.5 Review mockup installa�ons, preparatory procedures and performance tes�ng

.3 Pre-installa�on Mee�ngs

.1 BECA to schedule with the General Contractor and individual trades to communicate the expecta�ons of each party and the stages along the construc�on process where building envelope commissioning ac�vi�es will take place.

.2 The BECA shall review the general contractor’s quality assurance inspec�on plan developed for the execu�on of installing envelope components, which should include the BECA developed check sheets, and provide feedback where required.

.3 BECA shall provide samples of check sheet/QAQC documents for inclusion into the PC working document “01 91 13.16 Commissioning Forms” specifica�ons, that will need to be filled by various sub-trades and will also explain the process and stages how they will be required to fill. Construction

.1 The intent of building envelope commissioning during the construc�on process is to review construc�on progress and verify installa�on of building envelope components conform to check sheet requirements and meet the owner's requirements

.2 Construc�on Mee�ngs

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.1 A�end selected planning and job-site mee�ngs to obtain informa�on on construc�on progress. Review construc�on mee�ng minutes for revisions/subs�tu�ons rela�ng to the BECx Process. Assist in resolving any discrepancies.

.2 Plan and conduct Commissioning Progress updates at Construc�on Mee�ngs, as required. Exact number of construc�on mee�ngs to be determined by the at each proposal submission.

.3 Field Reviews

.1 Perform field reviews , as necessary to verify that construc�on complies with the Contract Documents and the OPR, and to iden�fy and document and quality issues that may lead to func�onal issues. Provide feedback on the correct installa�on and serviceability of the equipment being installed. Filed Reviews are to be recorded in the Cx Issues & Resolu�ons Log. Exact number of filed reviews to be determined at each proposal submission, and may vary by size and type of construc�on.

.2 Deficiencies and any unique condi�ons not adequately covered in the design, which should result in a change, should be recorded and forwarded to the City PM with copies to the PC, designer/engineer of record as well as the GC in a �mely manner to allow for necessary correc�ve ac�on to take place.

.3 Mock-ups: BECA to review any required mock-ups of envelope assemblies. Mockups should be constructed and used to verify the constructability and performance of the building envelope design. Where feasible, mock-ups should be built onsite in-situ at a loca�on chosen by the BECA. Mock-ups should be built by installers that will be used for the remainder of the job. Mock-up assemblies will be required to undergo field tes�ng to verify that proposed performance requirements can be achieved. Itera�ve changes to the design required to meet performance requirements will become amendments to the construc�on documents. Ensure the mock-up and performance tes�ng requirements are included in the contract documents. The final mock-up that passes performance tes�ng should be kept as a sample for the dura�on of the project, as an onsite record of what is expected. Field review and tes�ng to be performed on mock-up assemblies include:

.1 Visual examina�on of each stage of installa�on and finished assemblies to confirm conformance to project design documents. Take pictures during the process. Review of con�nuity of moisture barrier, air/vapour barrier and thermal insula�on.

.2 Documenta�on of installa�on sequence

.3 Material compa�bility tes�ng and/or documenta�on

.4 As a minimum mock-ups to be created for all typical envelope assemblies and the following interfaces: roof/roof deck, wall/soffit, wall/roof, wall/window, and roof penetra�ons.

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Facility Engineering Services / Facility Planning & Design / Facility Infrastructure Delivery Commissioning Manual - Volume 2 - Building Envelope Commissioning Process & Guidelines

.4 Minimum Tes�ng Func�onal Performance Test Standards:

.1 Water penetra�on resistance tes�ng and documenta�on

.1 Test Standard: ASTM E1105 – Standard test method for field determina�on of water penetra�on of installed exterior windows, skylights, doors and curtain walls by uniform of cyclic sta�c air pressure difference

.2 Minimum Acceptable Test Level: To be Determined by BECA and COE and defined within OPR.

.3 AAMA 501.2 – "Quality Assurance and Diagnos�c Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems"

.4 AAMA 502- field air leakage resistance and water penetra�on resistance tes�ng of operable windows and doors.

.2 Air leakage tes�ng and documenta�on

.1 Test Standard: ASTM E 1186-03(2009) - Standard Prac�ces for Air Leakage Site Detec�on in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems. Test to a minimum 75Pa pressure difference and/or, ASTM Standard E799-87, Test Method for Determining Air Leakage by Fan Pressuriza�on.

.2 Minimum Acceptable Test Level: As defined in the OPR, no significant air

leakage through assembly

.1 Smoke tracer tes�ng with Building Pressure Manipula�on and documenta�on and/or,

.2 Blower Door Tes�ng and documenta�on: To be conducted using calibrated door fans to give a reasonably accurate es�mate of building infiltra�on. Building infiltra�on numbers at 75 Pa and 15 Pa to be included in report. Comment on pressuriza�on, air sealing, weather stripping, exterior door and window frames. Measure actual building pressuriza�on at two doors. Iden�fy in audit any poten�al areas of infiltra�on and smoke test any spots iden�fied. Include in the report infiltra�on values in L/s per m2 of floor area and L/s per m2 of envelope area. Measurements to be performed by a qualified technician with minimum 2 years of experience in blower door tes�ng. Blower door tes�ng to occur during off hours.

.3 Infrared Imaging with Building Pressure Manipula�on and interpreta�on documenta�on

.1 Test Standard:

1. ASTM E 1186-03(2009) - Standard Prac�ces for Air Leakage Site Detec�on in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems

2. ASTM E779 - Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressuriza�on, ASTM C1060 - Standard Prac�ce for

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Thermographic Inspec�on of Insula�on Installa�ons in Envelope Cavi�es of Frame Buildings

.2 Refer to Sec�on Addi�onal Requirements for Infrared Imaging tes�ng requirements, quan��es and interpreta�on documenta�on requirements. Project Closeout

.1 At the final stages of construc�on a final walk through should be done by the BECA, design team and owner to review for deficiencies and conduct final sign off procedures.

.2 Commissioning Closeout Report; to be prepared by BECA. The report should be complete in respect to:

.1 Owner Project Requirements (OPR)

.2 Basis of Design (BOD)

.3 Applicable Third Party/In house Tes�ng Reports

.4 Building Envelope Field Visit and Tes�ng Reports and/or Tes�ng Interpreta�on Reports.

.5 Final BECx Issues & Resolu�ons Log Report

.6 Completed Building Envelope Commissioning Construc�on Checksheets (BECx Check Sheets)

.7 Final Summary Report on Building Envelope Status (benchmarks) including any remedia�on & Retest Reports and/or recommenda�ons for any remaining performance improvements

.8 The Final Commissioning Report shall also contain tab sec�ons for inser�ng the following:

.1 Seasonal Deferred Commissioning Plan (SDCP) results

.2 Near Warranty End Review Report and sugges�ons for opera�ons improvements (if any)

2.2.5 Additional Services

Addi�onal Services will be defined on a project by project basis within the Descrip�on of Work document in the project Call-up and/or Request for proposal. Addi�onal Services may include:

.1 Infrared (IR) Imaging of Buildings Envelope with Building Pressure Manipula�on and Interpreta�on Report:

.1 Thermographic Tes�ng:

Performed by a qualified technician with a minimum cer�fied level 1 thermographer with minimum 2 years of experience in thermal scanning

.1 ASTM E 1186-03(2009) - Standard Prac�ces for Air Leakage Site Detec�on in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems

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.2 Unless indicated otherwise in the project call-up, the consultant shall provide two similar scans, once under posi�ve pressure then again under nega�ve pressure. This is to provide addi�onal clarity and documenta�on on the cause of anomalies (heat loss due to thermal bridging/insula�on vs. air leakage).

.1 Under posi�ve pressure, you will get anomalies that are either heat loss (insula�on/thermal bridging) or air leakage.

.2 Under nega�ve pressure, you shouldn’t get as much air leakage and so if there is a reduc�on in anomalies, it is likely indica�ve of an air leak at those areas.

.3 Survey all exterior building eleva�ons and roof areas, such that each exterior surface is shot from a variety of vantage angles to improve the quality of the interpreta�on and to eliminate the effect of phenomena such as reflec�on from light sources, background radia�on, and corner effects.

.4 Prior to the test, BECA to hold a coordina�on mee�ng with the Owner, Facility Maintenance and/or the General Contractor to explain the process;

.1 any building preparatory work outlined in the scope of the contractor to be completed to ensure proper commissiong results; including sealing of vents, exhausts, plumbing traps, ensuring all systems are working, and in situ pressuriza�on or coordina�on with other air leakage tes�ng that may be required to ensure an accurate evalua�on of barrier performance.

.2 coordina�on required for in scope/third party monitoring of pressuriza�on prior to, during, and following the survey to ensure that accurate results from the exterior could be achieved.

.5 Acceptable Environmental Condi�on for tes�ng:

.1 Mi nimum 20 degree celsius degree differen�al interior to exterior. (Preferred is -10 outside temperature with 20+degree interior temperature)

.2 No direct sunlight (i.e. in the pre-dawn hours or in the evening) in order to reduce the effects that ultraviolet radia�on has on the thermographic survey results.

.3 Under condi�ons when precipita�on (snow or rain) can not influenc e the atmosphere in which the instrument had to operate.

.6 Refer to Sec�on Whole Building Air Leakage and Infrared Thermography minimum tes�ng standards.

.2 Infrared (IR) Imaging of Buildings Envelope with Building Pressure Manipula�on Interpreta�on Report:

.1 Background : Facility name, loca�on, date of facility construc�on,date, �me.

.2 Methodology : Technician name and qualifica�ons, thermal Imaging System type

.3 Survey Condi�ons: Level of pressuriza�on (exterior, interior), w eather, outside air temperature and inside air temperature, environmental condi�ons.

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.4 Observa�ons :

.1 Es�m ated Exterior wall, roof, door and glazing construc�on assemblies and thermal resistance values based on thermal scanning and owner supplied documenta�on.

.2 Thermographic imagery with corresponding photographs/loca�on, thermal scale and annota�ons highligh�ng thermal anomalies and their corresponding source (a ir leakage, moisture intrusion, heat loss, inadequately adhered barriers, missing caulking, thermal bridging, cracks etc.)

.5 Conclusions & Recommenda�ons: Provide analysis of survey findings with a table summarizing observa�ons, reference to images, remedial repair solu�ons, area requiring physical verifica�on, and es�ma�on of the effec�veness of possible repairs.

.3 Infrared (IR) Imaging of Buildings Envelope Report Follow Up:

.1 Provide Infrared (IR) Imaging of Buildings Envelope and Interpreta�on Report to the same standards and condi�ons of ini�al tes�ng and report to provide measurement and verifica�on of the effec�veness of repairs.

.2 LEED - Enhanced Envelope Commissioning

.1 The consultant may also be asked, on an individual project basis, to complete all the tasks associated with the LEED v4 Enhanced and Monitoring-Based Commissioning and Envelope Commissioning.

.2 If required by LEED v4 EA: EC opt2 (BECx), BECA shall review building opera�ons 10 months a�er substan�al comple�on.

.3 Warranty Reviews

.1 BECA should also carry out warranty reviews of envelope assemblies just prior to the expira�on of their specific warran�es.

2.2.6 Limit of Responsibilities

The BECA is not responsible for establishing design concept(s), design criteria, design solu�ons, compliance with Codes, design or general construc�on scheduling, or construc�on management. The BECA may assist with problem-solving or resolving non-conformances or issues, but ul�mately that responsibility resides with the General Contractor and the Prime Consul�ng Design Team. The BECA is not responsible for issuing change orders or other instruc�ons to the field for correc�ve work.

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The following templates and forms are available for reference and use as required. These templates and forms are meant to represent general guidelines and are not meant to be prescriptive or all inclusive and may be modified to suite as appropriate for the application. The templates and forms may relate to both Whole Building Commissioning and Building Envelope Commissioning and can be accessed from the link provided. Templates are subject to continuous improvement development. Commissioning Related Document Templates and Forms are included below. The intent is whenever possible to combine Building Envelope Commissioning and Whole Building Commissioning into one checklist/log/document:

● Stakeholder Questionnaire ● Owner Project Requirements (OPR) ● Commissioning Plan (Cx Plan) ● Commissioning (Cx) Issues and Resolutions Log ● Commissioning Report (Cx Report) ● Final BECx Report checklist

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