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Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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Page 1: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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Ok' {',\jlt'l'liW l'/1 (:II('rglt

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326, bouI. ~'flt'IOf,tpl'l Est. bura ... tOO Mo .. tte~ (Qut~) C~ll.Id.I H1T til

Telephone (51-4) 849 7900 Telko~ur : (514)&496)57


Muskrat Falls Review Exhibit - G- IS K.:iJ,- I Filed : Fe..b .$13. !!, Ol'a Board SecretarY 'V C/A-.


Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference

Presentation to the Public Utilities Board of Newfoundland and Labrador

Philip Raphals

For Grand Riverkeeper Labrador Inc.

February 23, 2012


Page 2: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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326, bo~t Sl,1nt,-f01eph bt. b~u tOO M<)fllreJI (Qu~be<:1 wruoda H2T 112

Te~pt1on. :(51<1)849 ~ nl«o~lK (51<4) 849 6)57

Itc@C .... lflth~'OlOfl

.... II r \1' 't ~,o

www. centrehelios.org


• « How did you ensure that ... you were dealing with the optimal scenario under each one? » > Technical optimization vs. planning processes

> Iterative process seeking robust solutions

> Real time (evolutive) versus planning exercise

> Avoiding irrevocable choices that would turn out badly in certain possible futures

> Scenario versus plan


Page 3: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

'ii'E LI ~ 011' l'.\"/",'rtiw (,I~ t"'l'rgit' WWW. centrehelios.org

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)16.boul S3,int·loleph bt.~" 100 MO<Itre.li fOu~bec:) WNd.a HlT 112

Telephone: (51<4) 849 ;r,oo T,rlecopoeu.' : (51<4) 849 6)51


"" II lr' II "

PPA payment options

• "Does the 2035 ratepayer have to pay more so that the 2017 ratepayer can pay less?" > Nominal LUECs vs. escalating prices

> Same present value, but different reality

> Consumers unlikely to prefer escalating prices


Page 4: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

~ELI~ (:"l' t'x/>t'tli,tt' c·,~ c;II.'ry:i.' WWW. centrehelios.org

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316. bout Wnt'IOHph £,t,burtlt,l 100 MQntr.~IIQ~bec) C~n"ck H1T 112

Tt:lephone(SI <4) 84' 7900 Te'Kopie...- (51 -4 ) 149 6)57


PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat

Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years

> Drastically lower in later years

• Prices post 2067 > PPA: maintaining 2067 price levels

($400/MWh) ~ windfall profits

> COS: continue to decline « $20/MWh)


Page 5: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

~ELI~ l ,'//(, l'l/Jt'rt;.h' l'III:/JI·~i.

tilt ,tl'rI'in: ,k I'fll'('lIir www. centrehelios.org


, I _ MHI

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)]6. boul. Saint-louph [st. burtal,l 100 HQf'jue;t1 (Ou~bec:) Una .... HlT til

Telephone: (51-4) 84' 7900 Tel«op!eur : (5 t") 849 6157


> model COM like generation

> End-use modelling

_ Nalcor's approach > Integrate into load forecast through technological change


> No mesure-by-mesure or program-by-program analysis

_ Objectives to date not met

_ Sensitivities > Far less than Marbek scenarios

> At low demand (= high COM) scenarios, CPW preference for Muskrat drastically reduced


Page 6: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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116.boul ~nt'IQUph [1t.bYre~o; 100 MOnlre.aJ IQuebec) Canada HlT 112

Telephon. :(514)84' 7900 Te1«op'tUf' : (51<1) &49 6)57


www. centrehelios.org

Fuel price forecasts Figm'e A-9: "Vorlc1 Oil PIices: History and Forecast

1'40.00 II __ HisllllY

___ low

120.00 tI M dI -+- e 0

~ -If- MedilDl III 100.00 -If- Medhi

:: __ High .., OJ 80.00 ... III

T J' ................ 11. I t ... 60.00 ) " 7 :::::. ...... '"' cD .... _, 0

0 N




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NWPPC fuel forecast 2009 6

Page 7: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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Page 8: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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)26. bout. S31int·IQMph (u. bureau 100 Montreal IQ~~) C.u\l41 MlT 112

Telephon., (SI~J 849 7900 TtltCOp4Uf' : (5 14) 849 6lS1


Yo « \!, l ' , 0

www. centrehelios.org

Wind power assessment

• 2004 NLH study > Sole source for Strategist inputs

> 80 MW limits primarily economic • Based on minimizing spill

• Fails to take into account cost of wind, net of curtailment or spills

> « preliminary »

> Government RFP shows that higher penetration remains an objective


Page 9: Comments on the Muskrat Falls Reference · PPA vs cos • Simulate annual costs for Muskrat Falls under COS > Higher than PPA in early years > Drastically lower in later years •

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326. bout Salnt-JOHp/'1 (,t, bl,/f"~~" 100

www. centrehelios.org

Conclusions \

• Reference question > Verify that the costs attributed to each scenario are


> Verify that each scenario makes sense?

• Analyses of MHI and others > Results highly dependent on assumptions

> Great uncertainties

> Little confidence that the Isolated Island scenario would play out as defined

• If M uskrat Falls does not go forward > planning process will continue

> May lead to solutions very different from liS

M~;,;::~;~:I~;: 'J2 • Thus Reference Question largely academic 9 'I!'('@ClHluehfl '01.0fl

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