Collaboration on Large Datasets using Globus Rachana Ananthakrishnan University of Chicago

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  • Slide 1
  • Collaboration on Large Datasets using Globus Rachana Ananthakrishnan University of Chicago
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  • Data sharing in collaborations Registry Staging Store Ingest Store Analysis Store Community Store ArchiveMirror Ingest Store Analysis Store Community Store ArchiveMirror Registry
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  • Data Management User Stories I need a good place to store / backup / archive my (big) research data I need to easily, quickly, and reliably move or mirror portions of my data to other places. I need a way to easily and securely share my data with my colleagues at other institutions. I want to publish my data. I want to discover published data.
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  • Exemplar: ISI-MIP Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project Framework to collate climate impact data across scales and sectors World-wide collaboration with data assets managed by the collaboration Inputs from various climate models & output forms basis for model evaluation and improvement Credits: Dr. Joshua Elliot, University of Chicago
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  • ISI-MIP Use Cases Share data with researchers across institutions world-wide Restricted sharing Multiple institutions Accept data submissions Restricted writing to archive Publish results Move selected results to other locations Track metadata Discover data
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  • What is Globus? Big data publish*, transfer and sharing with Dropbox-like simplicity directly from your own storage systems * In pilot phase
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  • Collaboration Archive Univ. of Chicago Argonne IIT UIUC Publish walk-through 3. Assemble Dataset (Transfer Data) Curator 2. Describe Submission Scientist 4. Curate Dataset 1. Publish Data
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  • Login with Campus Identity 8
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  • New submission 9
  • Slide 10
  • Assemble the Dataset 10
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  • Move data to publish archive 11
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  • Grant Submission License 12
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  • Submission Complete 13
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  • Curator Logs in 14
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  • Curation Workflow Options 15
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  • Verify Metadata & Files 16
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  • Approve the Submission 17
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  • Submission is now Published with DOI 18
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  • Collaboration Archive Univ. of Chicago Argonne IIT UIUC Discover walk-through 3. Assemble Dataset (Transfer Data) Curator 2. Describe Submission Scientist 4. Curate Dataset 1. Publish Data 6. Download 5. Search
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  • Search Published Datasets 20
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  • Discovering a Published Dataset 21
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  • Download the Published Dataset 22
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  • Select Download Destination 23
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  • Globus Under the Covers Identity, Group, Profile Management Services Sharing Service Transfer Service Globus Toolkit Globus APIs Globus Connect
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  • Reliable, secure, high-performance file transfer and synchronization Fire-and-forget transfers Automatic fault recovery Seamless security integration Powerful GUI and APIs Data Source Data Source Data Destination Data Destination User initiates transfer request 1 1 Globus moves and syncs files 2 2 Globus notifies user 3 3
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  • Simple, secure sharing off existing storage systems Data Source Data Source User A selects file(s) to share, selects user or group, and sets permissions 1 1 Globus tracks shared files; no need to move files to cloud storage! 2 2 User B logs in to Globus and accesses shared file 3 3 Easily share large data with any user or group No cloud storage required
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  • Thank you Signup and use Globus to transfer and share Signup as early adopters of publish Support [email protected]
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  • Thank you to our sponsors! U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY