\ ' f r I' MINUTES -+· --' ...,OF Til E--- +- , I NORTH AUBiMA IMHUll CONHR[NC( t c--.@_OF .. : t I colGREGmom liETDOUIST c ncacn lf I Ragland, 7-9, 1895. I REv. J. L.M.A.RBUT, Pres ident. REv. GEo. H. BA t EY, Sec. J l ._ ooo;-;J *00000000000. Samford Univerisity Library

colGREGmom liETDOUIST :ab~:::'TNov~library.samford.edu/digitallibrary/pamphlets/cod-001013.pdf\\\•an:r, J. .\.. Uar·rlen and J. ;\I. On motion con{crcucc udjllurued CuI n•r. 'till

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\ ' f

r ~Oo.¢0000~ I' MINUTES

-+·--' ...,OF TilE---+-



t c--.@_OF THE ----~.......:~ .. : t • I ~:~ colGREGmom liETDOUIST cncacn lf

I Ragland, :ab~:::'TNov~ 7-9, 1895. I

REv. J. L.M.A.RBUT, President.

REv. GEo. H. BA t EY, Sec.

J l._ ooo;-;J ~~~~~ ~OOOOOOOH ~OOOIOOOOOU *00000000000.

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" ...

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}ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo~o~ooooooooooooooooooo o oo oo ooooo~~

I' MINUTES . ., t

·---OF TilE-,.-- -;--


c<:__oF TH J:: - : '


, . - m :w x r - ·, I I' Ragland, Alabama, Nov. 7-9, 1895.


. I HEv, ,J. L. MARBU r, Pre.sido>n t.

R EV GEo . H . BAILEY, ~ec.

M Uo4 0 ~ 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~~ 0 000 0 0 ooo 0 00 0 c 0 0 04 . 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c 0 0 ;0 0 0 0 I

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.,.. .,. _

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- - -n--

Linev ille District:- Geo. If.

, B ailey. \V a rt·ior Distric;t;-.T ames E.

Green. .Antauga Distrii'!:-H.ev. J. \Y.

' Vt-a,·er. E dwar<hviLc Di:stric::-=-);"ot rcp­

rc:;c:lted Central l)i;-.tric·t:-Xot rcprc-

Tlw ,\ nnual ConfercnC'C of I he SP illed. ('onvrc••;•tioual i\I I'tlwclist Church Xt~rth Alabama Di:;trict:-(lf ,., ~

of ~ ort 11 .\.lahama, <'Oil ,·pncd at such remained) not rcJ•rc.~ented. R 1\!inn•l, "'t. Cl 1ir couuty, .\lab:una CoufcrcncP proceeded now to ::\m·ctuhpr 7th , A. l.>., 1895. t'lec~ Jlermanenl offieer::. re.;ultin~r ' ~

Tlw tntr''ductt~ry ""rm!ln \\':tS <IS follow< ,J. L. ~Iarbut, pre.,ident; p r<'al'hCI! l.y ltc,· . • T. \ \' . \\'ea,·cr, of G. H. Bailey, :;ecrctary. The ofl1-..\ n ta• •).!:" di:;tric' , at 11 o'eloek,a. rn . cer;, c·lt>c·l respomlNl to coli .

. ..\l 2 n'<"lo<'l; p. m., tliC ('onfPICIIP<' The prc;-,ident dcli\'ered charge to " a"' ('ailed to ordl·r by P rP;-,idenL coufe,euce and p!t·dged him:;elf to 1(

1••• • ,J. i\L Cul"er , in t ht• •·h;1 ir be·t endt•a,•or to S<·t·\·e ri.;ht. ~u·t·ct:Hy 1{.<>,·. Thtlll1'1' ..;;park.; :::lecretary ttHHlt-s: ly called 111

promptly JC1•airi!d to hi-; p ;we question wi.; lom of C'Ooferen<'e in

Dc,·o~t •nal .. xerc'..,e,-:::lcr pture his election, but cheerful!~- yielded.

rca1ling::;, ..,in~ing and Jll'<l\t•r, lctl by Yi,iting bretlll'en and sister.:; in-tl.c president, was ,)b,CI'\'C•l. ,·ited to st·at', and t11 u,.;efnlue~s with

T h<> f'oli owl ll~ dt·l.·!!;<~lt'" prcscl'tecl 11 ". BP>thPt's Swofford and Box, tiH· i

1 ere.ll'utial:i a:td wt•I'P CtHolled of tlH· town, and ~Ian of Tidmore,

RPa,·c-;\'ille district :-H,.v~. Da~ Blount county, lent their pre,E'ncc

v i•l B H\ZCI', G. L . l louck, ,J. L . and otherwise served. \lall·u•, ,J. A A. Jhnlt•n, Thomas The following co:umittecs were

Spark-, and Brother;; L. :\I. Cnch- appointed: ran anti T . L. P oland. Oo P etititiono.;:-Da\·id Boozer,

\\il l;-,' Valley U nion Distl'id : G . L . H ouck, T . L. Poland . \\ . ,J L'ul vcr :1nd (by voto e>f con - ~ On Churches and Pa:stors:-Re\'~.

t·ncc) t·x Prl:'sidenL J . l\I . Culver. R. ~1. Hanna, T hos. Sparks, J . \r

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\\\•an:r, J. .\.. Uar·rlen and J. ;\I. On motion con{crcucc udjllurued

CuI n•r. 'till 3 o'clock toroorrow m•>rni ng, On l{Pport:-. and H.econb:-Thos. with benl.'dicti•Jil by Lite pr·c~ident.

t)park ... , \\'. J. ('ul\'er, J. E. Green. At 7 o'clcck l{ev. J. i\I. l)ulvcr

On H, t'ct·cnces and Appea 1:;: J. fH't:l?chcd a most loving S<'rrn<~u, t'Oil·

M. C'ul\'cr, J. W. Weaver ami T. str·ainiug us "lo givt• no otfi-nce."

L. Porand. ll't·rday, ~ov. 8.-Confio·r~1ict. con-On :::hbbat h t)d10ols:-G. L. vcncd pnrsuaut tr> adjout·urrlCnt with

1Iou<'k, Da,·iJ .13ouzer, W. J. Cui- devotional :ll)l'vicc bv Lire pre.;id nt.

\·cr, J. W. W ean,• r, ,J. E. Green. I Minute,; of la;t CVPuiug t'C 1 I atd

On Publishirw Iutcrcsts:--J. \V. approved. l<'mtcl'll tl com Hlluit:.t-" \\'ca\·er, D.tvicl Boor.c1·, .J. A . Har- tio n ft·om ltc v. W. ~- Gllwcns,

den aud L )I. Coc' tran. Central ur·;tr·ict, was rc:1d and rc~ On Temperaoct·:--L. F. Cochran, gar·cled as district report. Sa "e

T. L. P .dantl and J. E. Green. ''a~ rccei,·ed and adopted and re-On Public Wor•ltip:-L. .'II ferred to comuritiC'e.

Cochran, r. L Pola t•l, .J. E. Green, ORl>Blt OF lH'~ISJ·;ss. L. (\ Hutton. ( l'h • pr?.-i l·.tl, pa,; Qucs. 1. Ans.-8 di~trict:-. ,.,,._ .J. .\. lLu·l .. 11 llhl_\' be ac!Jcd to Question 2. .\n:-.. - 5 at'(;' hCfl·

lire com oi tt.·c. ) re:wnlt'd, 3 an· 1101..

Re.:;olutioll was now offet·ecl by Que:,. :3. An~.--Lincvillc, Wills l{c,·. Brother, t) 1tton and U1dver, Yalley, Union, \\'arnor and Uo·n­

authvrizing pre~ident in behalf of tral have.

couference to reco5nize and seat Ques. 4. .\ rh. - ~·•rne hav•·, vi;,itor·~ fr·om ti:n;: I() t 11ne, secu. others have not.

<.:11rin;.r thetr voopcration . l{esolu- Ques. 5. A11:-:.-No appl'al,.:.

tion wa<> adopted.


Ques. 6. Art-~.-N o refer Cll<.:c,; . . \t ihi,; inbtance Rev. R. L. \Vii- Ques. 7. Ans -Xo cooJpla i 11t.~.

:;on, P. C .. Ohatchee circuit, Gads- Ques. 8. Ans. -There is one

cleo d i,;trict, Sdrth Alabama coo· we must consider. 13roLht·r· \V o·avl•r

fercncc. M. E. C. S., was introduced fervently prayed lor :\1 issionarics hy Rev .. J. A. Harden, Co-laborer, for out· two southern distrt<:ts. He

was corJially and fraternally re- I touched the k· ynote aud cxcit<'d ceived. He gave proof of his min - missionary irnp11lse. Strong men

istry in pulpit :1nd conference floor. I wept. His teal'f'ul petition-well

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•l _____________________________ ., ______ _ theA••qctel will show. Committee on Mi::;sions-G. ll.

Que::;tiou 9. A-'1::;.-~o applit·a- Bailey, J. A. Hat·den, David lions.

1 Boozer, J. W. Weaver, H.. :\1.

(iue::;. 10.-"ee report. Hanna, ,J. T. ~utton, J. ~I. Culver.

q,11e:-.. 11.-~t'e report. Que~. 19dl.-Ans: We have ::;ec-Q,ucs. 12.-See rt-port. ti<~us dc.'ititule of prtaching. Q,ues. l :3.-Sce n~port. Ques. 20th-Ans: Same a:, U(:-Qul':> 1" .-X o !'u peranual t•::;. fore, one to evet·y fifty. q ,uc- t 5.-~o "o· IPction for ~~~- Que-,, 2lsL--Ans: \Vinu':-.

pcr.cnuateH. Chapel, iu We-st Anniston, H.caves-. q,uco;. I G.-~. lun ch; f.n· .-;nper· ville Distt·ict, the place, 9 o'clock,

:u;uatf'S, a. m., Thur::.da~· ud'ore Thir<i Sun·

({ucs. 17.- ~o recngnizl'd desig- day io Octob~r, 1896, the time. • twtcd tui:-..-ion::; Conference adjourned to await re-

Qul'::.. 1 ~.-Voluntary mts:-.wn port of committees. w•crk dntH', but no formal r~>port Preaching at 11 o'clock by Rev.

prc.-cllt<'d, or c·laims preferred for 1:{ · ..F'. Wilson. Divine approval ::;Pr\'ice re11den'tl. attendt>d the service. The e.xpo~ut·e

On motion <"OIU•IIittee i.; creatt•d to of Pll;~risaical l'"ligion was a mo::.t em phasizt> ou I' home m 1'1-;lon 01• com mendable rcbu ke to superficial •nis.si •lllS, de\·i-;e I'C~!;'dations, an«l rP profes-i••n The self examination

1·ot't 1 o con fercu(·c bef~11·e last ::e.-;. prompted, led 1 o rejoicing ou the

:;icon c-. c!• St'd, that soltH.>thic•g rc.'>o- part of true di:;ciple::;. Finding no lute and u<> lll••re dallyi 11 ~ may cause to Jouht l heir religioa they charactercze us in 1hi,.. field of <'I')'- could well afford to go on their way iu~ IIC!'<l. Aud will uot stop with 1 rejoicing. The prea<'her, and his lwnH' mi~si o11t.. If we are tn have message from Matt. v. 20, under , o t-iClwol.., and college-; of ou1• o, 11 God, C'llltributcd Lo our upbnilding

at p:·c~enl, utu.ler God, we w()uld nut a little. t·~~ay to be iuten:;ely llliS~i,nary .. \.FTERXOOX, FRID.\Y, SOV. ' th . Methodi;;t first, la::.t and all tlw Conference c.tllt:'d to order by timl', Have nol out· Jli'Cae1·ers 1) 'd res1 ent. A ftcr pt·a ,·cr led l>v beeu this all the while? Their ,;elf- ' ' ·

rificing labor::; answet·. The Brother, L. M. Cochran, President isterial failures are the excep- ot·dered minute;; of morniug session

read. Same received and adoptetl.

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~ I

I t Clll ~:2nd-lteport or (!'1111 Ill ittt~ e;; I

011 I ' t•t it ious. Finds uone ot ltct· h.:n Brother Weaver', <!al'IIC:>l pe­

t ition 1\hu.:h j.., receiving attention. D l\·al I.ioozt r, Chairman, re­

ccln·d a nd adopted. On ·1 empt' r ,net•- \Y hcreas the

\\' tn·d uf C+ ,d , and our hook of l) i:;cipline, forbid the use of strong drtnk \\'C would unre out· members ' " to tota l ab.;ti net. c... fro n1 this great and glari n~ c\'il that bring-> woe and mi,:cry to "0 many o out rae. . \\'c a re sorry t•l 1\ now th.1t some who profe:-s reli!;ion, say , it is no harm to dr ink a dram. ;\by God rai::;e

Hccet,·ed a nd ad••p1('tl. On 111 ot ion l{e,;. D. T. I I ann:;.

\\'as :•deled to committee rtn ;\[is­siom;.

On 11\0l in11·Conferene~ adjour11Cd to meet again a1 8 .,'clock tuiiiOITOI\'

morniug. Prcach i 11~ at 7 o'clock p. m, loy

G . II. B-tilt·y. Prcarher l•ad libCI't,· . Trust good \\'a~ done. I n"isl(•d on

complete sc~ f ,:;u rrendcr to Go I, out'

mu.-;t lose hi,; life, bury it, hidt• it with Chri .... t in God i11 order to S .t,·e it. T ex1: St. Lnk" 9, 33, 3-!.

l".\Tt;lW.\Y ~OV . 9th, 1895. Cnn r;. l'l Ill'(! con \'!· ned a n h< JIII'

us au•)\'C t hat, le"el? later bv eumn""' con,;cnt. The L. i\I. C:ochrun, Chainual), re- ~ ltour w ,,::; :-pc• tin eomn1itt\'c work,

ceivcd and adopted . e:c. On H.Ppnrt :-;, RPcord:.;, Churches, At 9 o'clock Rev. G. L. II"uc:k

Pastors-The t\\ O comm 1ltces make opeuecl sc:-;s i•m with devoti .. nal cx ­cousolidaterl repor[s. Thcr W t uld erei~cs.

urgt! more accnracy as to reports Miuute,; of pre,•ious ses,i·>ll rt>ad aiHI rccurds. Of 1he distric1.s repre- and adopted.

,;cutecl WI' can report only, On motion ~6 .00 was vot-::d for Churches 37 i publicalitlll of our llllllutc.~ . l'h1,

~IcmlH'rship 1,75:3 anwunl. was fot·thcomj ug. Ordained :\Iin isters 27 ::3ubiict·iption~; to out· P••[H' I'

Licentiates 8 amountin~ to 85.25 were scc.:ured Church Property 86,300.00 and forwat·dcd . )lemb~:r::>hi p of S . S. 570 Conference adjourned to meet at

F irst Com mittee, Thos. Sparks, 2 o'clock, p. m.

Chairman. Preaching at the 11 o'clock hout· t:iecond Committee, H .. M. Hanna, by R ev. J. W. Weavet"

' Chairman. "Unifot·m Religion."

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. .)

to promote this req u hi te. \\' e en­

dorse OuR WEEKLY, THE Co'>Gl~E ·

GATIONAL l\fETHODJ:,T publ1"h t'd

by Rev L. B. \Vilson, at Eatonton,

"Friend, how earnest thou iu not having on the weddiug garments." That garment or uniform with which saints are a<lomed enables them to repair joyfully to the guest-

1 Geor2:ia and Jllcclgc unr:;el vcs 1 u a chamber-happy-giJouting on t IP. ~ way. What a contt·ast the 1111 • more crel:itablc suppot·t of thi5 our

adorned Sinner~ The prea..:lwr, only church paper. Xorth Alabama

h!?ving on the garment, was not must do b ·ttc1·. And we tru::t our speechless, but cwerflowed wit.h his I ed!tor will enlarge and improve tlw meRSUgJ:l of love. Ancl ~1:; ht> pap~r as we, of out· C. ;\f. denomi,

!.nought us oul on Christ ian parade 11nation, may hcl p t ht·r,•l o.

we enjoyed the right-the Sense of Tho:;. ~parln;, (;hairmau, receive 1

Divine approval. and adopted.

AI<vr'ERNOO.S, SATliRDA Y, :\OV. 9th. On ~Ii~sions-Y our C<)mmit tee Conference con venecl at 2 o'clock. reports that we have much mi ... ~ion

Entered at once into busint>>-S. ary g1·onnd in our conference, and

Su11(iay School Report- We find rec .. mmended that th i., cou fet·encP

a wi<le spread indiffet·t>nce in t hi-; em ploy and sene! out one or t\\'•>

field of labor of love aud w .. ,dcl 1Ui:>sicnarics into tl1c work at once.

urge pastors to concern thPm-;elvE>s And tl1at tile prcsi<!••nt of the cuu­in regard to this ,·ita! intet·e~t. 1 ference l1e empowered to keep the A.n-:1 that they insist on pal'ents one or two mi-; ... ionarit·s in the field


going with their children to Sunday until the next Anuual Conference if School. And lovingly entreat t;hi l- the means arc a\ailable, but when

· Jren and all to avail themselves of 1 the mean, fail to call in said mi ... -the benefits of the auxiliary of the s ionary or missionaries, and that

church. it shall be tlw duty of the miFsion­G. L. Houck, Chairman, received aries to do all they can to bui!d up

and adopted. and advertise this conference. \Ve

On Publish ing Interests-From al<>v recommend that we constitute best information little is doing fur a board or committee to collect this Vltal interest ; but we now ask means to keep mis::.iooaries in the of this conference that we resolve field all the time. We also report

lves into a special committee $135.00 subscribed. We recom-

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~ I


() - -------- ---------------

llll'lld the following names for our be raisP<I befo!'t! the mis;ionat·ies " O ,., llli:-.!'.ionary h0ard: forth-$6.80 of which wa~ paid aL

.T T t:lutwu, Gadsdf.>n, Ala.; J W once. The tr io of servants will ar· \\'c:wl'l', Dunkliu, Ala.; D T Ham-

range busi oe.~s , and within .1 month, ncr, Atta lla, A Ia.; J A A Harden, Boozer·, Ala .; .J M Culver, Sylva- go to their fie ld of labor.

nia, Ala., J E Grern,Tidmore, Ala.; Bros. R. l\I. Ha;:na, G. L. by per· W S Gowens, C~ntral .Ala.; T S H oucl\, and T. Iu. Pola nd

Pitman, Verbena, Ala.; D W D mission left for ho me.

t:ltrain, Wedowee, Ala.; T J A ring- Confertnce gave oppression of

to n, Tecumseh, Ala.; G W Bailey, thanks to church ar1d peupll! of

Chairman, receiv e<l aud adopted. Rag land a nd vicinity fnr unl!ounded

On .ru~tion .it wac; d ecided to elect I hospita lity and k indness, also to two mtsstonarJCS. our Brll., Rev. D. L. Hamner for

On motion Rev. J. L. ~Iarbut 1 efficien t aid in conduct of meeting

was elected. I and business sessi•>ns of confer-

On motiOn G. H. Bailey was I E'nce. elected. Mission::u·ies elect replied- On motio n conference adjonrrwd,

pledging faithfulness. I with prayer, to meet again aL time

Conference confirmed missio·n ary and place aforesaid .

board suggested hy committee. ' It ,J . L. MARBU'.r, Pres ident.

wJ~ the seuse of the board tha t $:20 G. H. BAILEY, :-5ecrctar.'··

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0 0

L. B. WILSON, Editor an!l Publisher, Eatonton, G-a .

. Vle Want t o begin.~the 1\fe"\iv Y 3 ~r with tl1e Largest Circt!­

-} ;) . lation of a11y year i11 tl1e h:s-.'1. t0ry of the Paper. ( - -

0, - -

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