.. .. r,,,,,,_o_"""''''''--_____ r-___________ -- -. .- .. '. \ .... I _ . - , ." . - -=- -.- , .. --,."... ----...- -- r . . -- __ , L "6:, .... - r - ---,... . :.'1'-".- .- -- . - .. - , f , . . "\.::; .. .', .. ,", . .' " .. _ .. ...,.- -;- ..----_.- -- lP'- ' .J .' 'I. ..... .... . . - •• - """I ---."'- _ . , - The New.paper of Manaaau and Prince William - . ---- -,,--_. . , -:.:...--..::::::..:....=-.:...= . ..:.... . .:.. .. -. - - - -- " . -- - - ... ".-' .... . , . t .- --.. - - -----_._--_.- -" ,.. ., -.- -'--="'" ----'" ---- - - .-- - ,- - ... - _. - -- "- ... -{. LIST Of ll1lEMIUMS----nnxr, Ii\DUN' '.' .... . '," ." . '1 r f'.' ", .. -: I rtliable •. r.. IIMr I Miss (hiM ' Talk o.n. Markctlfor sOWlfRS .-:Z::-,1 C ':.. 1l1\I" 1'\ _ tcount)' .. and. District wr gtmeral work the mlll.-!lHlme!; 10 Gb'ta· 11M i. '.. .• . and -. fffd It MiUtIl-j Co. .. \ !l1.,I. I tc 01 :>2 be ,14arged, ,Boys fSp!!Clallr Inv!t&4.· I _ . .... --.- ' . ,'j'. '.1 I ·pa.rtmerat A AirlcultllraJ . E:dlibita 1 . . . I .]\ir' . .'-iuid- MI\J" T. <':oleQlal1 have'i to tift!'" .'. ".' ",.,'. : QuuticQ. WiU Enttrtaln Next W4Idne*,' '- ". . lWiII be Und;r the 0" A TOtlsi'ng 1)(Jlitical IlH't:tingwas. to . Mis» I anlill .I.:l:.lur ·wn.o, po- '. . .'. V" <Jj,J.h!:rl, .i' day .Evt;,ning 1rI' 0.1 aU .. ',.:' .... '. . .; ML- M. in Jurllli 01 Mr. WII.haru Will: .... .. : turned . > '. ..::. , ....... - .. s residence C _ .. ,,,, , . " mt!ilt III \\ <ltihlllgtOIl. sp.ent . tbe F " . _ . . 'r- " Invitations. had beeR sent 'out by'Mr. Miss Courtney of Wa:m- holidays Ia,-I ,,\.,.k- in Manassalj' yislting ato.tht' ",oliliin s; Allx,IiAry . -'. . _:.. ,: . wt9 all 'lIislrict can'di: . was- a guest l}t her b/:Other-in-. Hl'uthel' + \\dti,h On \\' euerisd'ay July 16,·a ':"-..'<L : I; p. m.MOIlday-, September. [btpubJlc »y !1.1"_'\ ." -::-T":' .. r .'. _ , exhibits mWit -be in place by 6 p. wit\llhe exCeption !>f a few candidates, 'Ior, the week end .. ' Miss Mafl ! ii,ks lef.tMonday for her i.P·. m:, .. flu WI . a ta . mn I QlUrch Ten! 10 rt:tuTf1Ied Qver- :' ,... ,:'-'" ., ... -. c Monday, St!ptember . . for supervisor,. accepteq. tlte Liel)t. Ed war 9 Lynch·retu)'ne.d Tues- home at ru;' i 1,Il'ITo Md. wh'ere'she will II Will tell she can the Seas men. Th!! intention of those hav- < I." .' d'-"""': ted b . I' da t C M'U ' after a' short fur '. and glrh; and boys who ha-ve fresh Vt;g- . .' . h d .... , .. \11 products shown in this depart-HolllOn an . were gree y a arge y 0., amp . I 5 - spend he vacation:. he eX'1 . '. .... . . mg. chatge nit at returne '.nt be 1819 or 19L9 growth. crowd. .' . spent. in visiting his peers: to rttun, in the lall 1lnd frUits, eggs, men s.hallll1chlde bOlh Ihll,llIen who live' . The candidates who made speeches Mrs. P .. H: Lynch. POSltifJlI ;IS. head at. Ml'J"j' t:tc., lind a for thtlr .pm,ducls. _ in Quantico., together with . those 'of the. The judge will not award a priu un- were' Hon. C. J. Meetze and \.Ion. W M.rc . .!:l o. f ..&__ ' , 1 All wumen .of tht counly are cor sllrrQunding "'ountry who have return-' · -s the exhibit Jtas decid8ct merit, , .... -. '.AI ,--.-, ........ ulWll. J.1l ore. . M tm f . >- '. T. Olfiver. candidates ror the .stafe· sen- 'Md., W1!re Mrs '111 baby who .: m '. ...mee !-ail' 'ecf 10. they served '!lUess of competition. . Ch A B b nd R M.W ' tiM' d Mrs' James R 1)0' r .'.. J ,'E.speclally are the cannmg dub glr Ii. h" •. b h- f I ate,. as. " ar .ee a .. elr, gues s 0 r. an. . - "av. vl"llng her [larents', Dr,. and , ., '.' _ In t eo ar.my, navy.or manne. ra.nc 0 \11 exhibits in Department A must candidate,' lor sheriff' O. O. Tyler and reU and-Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bevins. '! '!'" " and IOvlted to. /lltend,.thls meet .... n"n" J.L. "e been grown. by exhibitor 011 his· . ..' . N Mnt. S. S. Slmp§OJl, Idt MQltday . for • ' .-' .. --- - .. --- ..... . ....,........ - U.. mE's sr., ca.l,1didil. tes Ifct coun-. Mr. C. E. BreedQn, of Char,Jotte, . tL-I'r home Clarendon. Tl1ay were mg, equal.'y for. the' ft. turned men who are. . I III Dr in "is garden. C A.s I d t C 10 I f M 'c'ted 1be It" Other numbers on the' program are Q ... ty c.lerk; . . inC alf, emo. cra IC ., rmer y 0 anassas, Vlpl '. by MI'ss L""y' "a.-ri---n, now III the uannc.o barracks. All men' . rhe office" will take every d d f h f ..... 1e t d h f h' b th M J L Breeden "" ''''' Qf interest to all cQunty women. Come h F . . can I ate or., 00"", 0 U'C pea, an orne 0 IS ro er, r.. '. , who willh.€lke' them a shQrt vi.sit. w () .h, av .. e served 10_ Ta!lce .are there- ,11 for the safekeeping· of exhibits al- Robert HutchISOn. from Friday of last. week until Sunday. 1M :..;:- W . d'd.i'te f h iff one, come aliI • Lets fori et cares inVited anti , · r their arrival and arrangementJR the . After the meeting ladies re- Mr; aft4 ...... J. W. E; Bigga and / .... ..,. •.. I t 'do r h!i er '11' of the hot days for a few !lour.!. .. Edward D. Platt, the Marine Illding, but will not ber elmODSibIe t h f b ef't f th C..... dre·" of W'a*hl'ngtAn "re "''''l\1s attfJe has altflOtfl1\;e .HI,' e ec e, e . WI "I b th h" f ,. f ttl r!:,s ,men s. or\ en .' .0 .. e ", " u ," .-_. . 'mor eM Davip, 01 RoacJ.: ' .• w.. e. Ie .. er 0 '. .. ' . r any damage or loss tha*, may occur. drens' Ho.me·SQClety of .. bome. Qf their, son-in-law and daugllter . t gMt- '0" 'It'been .......... IU_"'" runmg. If any man can J.1ut into words, .. '. Exhibits in il1iJ! department, which Manassas was. well represented, Mr. and Corn.well this week. h"l8. y. - 'd f; b AS ',Ai.se.. . the attitude and feeling of, the public I ve been entered with the Secretary '. wllo 'attended from he!!!' 1 being Miss· Haislip haa retr:sc.ned from ly e . ePt ace Y concerning these men, Lieui.. Platt ls.. "',_ . fore 5 p;m .• September . Tbo'-H. Lion, H01I. C .. ,. Meetze. a visit with relatives -at Catharpin and citizens .. fJI.II . e coun 'I... Statementsarl! bein.,· citculati:d committee is' verY hap.- It! which are properly markell with P. and _<;:: c. O. W.Mer- Leesburg. Mi!lS:Haisilp I!as appareatty . Rev, Mrs. L. C. . thr.Qu,twut tile f6urteeftth' Seaatorial py ,ill annouJ'lce' him on .:e may be for- R. L. Gaifher:]ohn Burke', W. f. fully recoyered from her. recent illfless.ed IIJIt Ir?m district toth,feHect that I I"troduced from Manassas and Pred-._ .' :lfded by. prepaid eXpress 1:Iibbs, O. E._Newman, J. LtMoser, H. Sandfrs wasliostesstj) b.iII in the House of having will,be .. the Prince Wimam -Fajr Assoc:hition, --, -. . . . . 0 ad i.. . k t t"'- E: Trusler, E. R CoIIner, O. 0... turniln;.: ',.masstls, Va., al\d will be ta en: 0 .. ,,,,,. afternoon of. (81It week. ante ofa the ....... ,,__ . ,., 'Jil. . h.... Lewis; Q. Ty.ler, d that exhIbIts anlT-t; u".MilnaIl$aS be- A •. Sinclait.':- . , ." Washington.: came 19 Manassas _ . r I urlre-'" .. ...;,' .. 'c' 6 p. fft" Visited Mrs:- .hall nal, bufwhole.-: . . they:' s e deliVered by . . . ___ tMo . Mr""_- .. • E': .. Ak"rs. ·utmrSim.· day 'eve-,, in.... wen.etten.ded' .. ' !lnd..:excel- . - .' .. ,., . . d Th u.. D. C. ELE ..... vorn",8aw.. - ........ , some 'fenowship. . mark the .. _ ·.h:bitor . F __ g.roUR,,_S,. tta' he I' .. . ":.;' _- - -- ::""', lent flimilihedby_the Jazz g's nrogram:' A barrel . c ' .. , -- 'yo' .. r - . '. r A"sochition's ta a musl,.-, a' .c - PJize 0fIered to ChapteJ' ·EaroIIinJ IteMiil& My.rtle Shoemaker, of Tllrtle orcbestr,a. from WashingtOri.- k ver:y be dispensecL.Wi.thciuLmruleyand",· .-: 10 each specin. or item exhizit- . Large.! Creek;. 'is > expected to' 'arrive in enjOyable ·e.e:ning is b)"'fOOse . --.' -, These tags will be._m . ed e-xhlbit- , , .. .' . fora wh. i»b!tlded . . immediately after ve b:en visit as' the' 'of Miss -EJi. Tbe W.'C. T. l!. \viII r of thisliOrt.,QuanticQ .i&,', •. '., ... '" ade. ' '.' " .' .' F ,. . '. ..' . .. .' .. 'c'xl;ibitors wtU) desire t1";- retUrn .i M D l e UI TS. , c'ir exhibits at the. Qf tlte. Pair will be in ... ·.,,"ro ... hp·n,'nI'lr from Den to- :eer'llhE!-' such coilf:!uct would have '. craven . -Slacker' . '. ,Je I'llltendtnt >, . . seeomil : t.lem a lt .most M' R B' , ,. S F LeRoy· yrd; u . '.. . • ' .. . " f M' l--PrOducta of, ingle-c am O. rec,ordbti'Sie£retaty: .,.;' .;; '.' . . . . Miss. Vera..M. Oinn, daughter o. r. -' Fi rst prize, $40; seCond prize, $3Q; L-ouise' Moxl6y:.correspending J. LLuxford-.ofQalla"S, and Mrs. P"H. (jinn .. or .Athens, Ga .. Uooo\lvin. · : rd prize, $20; 'fourth il!ize, $10.' M- W M" Ri h" t .' ,·are.in MuaSsas to spen,d a,poc- . Mr. Paut Lynn Akers, son. of This __ ry'; rs: •.. .. cs, !S. O!tan . . ot-Manassas, _were ' .. \ part adjoining-5 t lltes. . custodian.'. After. T; E. ---- married at. i::iCh and all articles 'of it sill&le farm eJec&n, o{(,officers:.1'drs. -:-. • - ':" .' .:" dna" of 'Alliens .. the p,ilsto.r, :.bit must on' a $ingle the chapter for the hQftOt Mrs.&IIiL'Ynn ratum- fa,Qll,. •• n $hillip's .. -'-.-'-. . -:11 or be produced from crOPS ,grown . .' '. ' traiRing iota.teanear·.Clifton, . the .t:erek1.oI}Y they came.-t? .';.. '. ,;aid single.... farm oT. the hearty cQ9peration of .tIle . < weeks with: )ler a branch .of. Crit'. nassaiS ana =>pent s.eveta1. d ay§V1Sltlflg Goodwin was stricken, with par-. . . \ '. . . . invited tile to,hold- V.ernO!l,·N.· y" wtUIe teston IWme Qf the groom's mother, and alysiR ju'si oiJe Week .llefoiebe.r '4eatb, ". -. ,.'" .. :J1ed goods, c\lre4 etc,. . its nett meding tlti· first Wffdetisday Iier .' . nesday Qn·a:busmes8. trip an the Monday-ibff\lenndria whefe . .' '1IJte-. rte¥er rallied .. . .\ ';ingle farM'shall conSiSt of or Pringle, of :rosand.· Mel . . '. . .. make their future 'home. • was her se<!ond stroJce, the. fil'!lt being . adjoining tracts Qr parcels of . MrS. Flourny;. presideniof flIe Virginia' in Manassas MoncJay· l¥)d ·,Mrs:.Jam. R. LarklR, MISS Mr:. A'ke'rs" .. served in the aviation a slight one in the ':winter of •. 1917. ,l;jhe ,:er .a..slngle -mna!lemem.during .. the divisiQri.-U, I). C., which expia"el1 thattbe day.vlllitfug Larkin; the returned ..vasa native of this baving· .. J1t year. _ Mrs.. Roy McKinley, of Kentuc)cn haa- Sudley TueSday to visit· amf George Larkin. were amQDg. from·..EngI.an.d...i is e.a'!-· bOnj·.at and all; .\ entere.d in this -cl.ass will· . . a lo.viRg cup.tlLthe U. ¥ai. J\t. &. Wilkins.: _ . from ;Mana!lf4Swoo- Jhotor!!dto,.Ftid- _. by the Southern ot her life. he . greater part .otit:". ::Howed !o. -in' cb,p.td . .' . ericlaburg to attend the 4th' of July at ·--'tie bas many . . .'. 52 et . 0'- new' members between . , ..... .' '. ':Jch exhibit '. ,-

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The ~dina New.paper of Manaaau and Prince William C~unty •

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LIST Ofll1lEMIUMS----nnxr, -PO~.~, WA:--Mtt'ftI'tS.H£LD~T Ii\DUN' '.' .... I'C0·.~JI1+:lr.~'~:::i_'I_'_h.~r_rsm.v':tr1J_t.hose:I' . '," ." • R-~ . ~~r=--:-PRIAJ"'Er~lttllMfAI '1 r f'.' ", ~ .. -: I Wartte~8o?d, rtliable •. inltl1li~ent Wl~l:lll~ r.. Ci:l,~~-;;:t IIMr I Miss (hiM ' t~' Talk o.n. Markctlfor ~R[tURN.E.Jf sOWlfRS .-:Z::-,1 C

':.. •

1l1\I" 1'\ _ tcount)' .. and. District Candid~~ M~~,man wr gtmeral work abo~ the mlll.-!lHlme!; 10 Uh'~~i.!1<u:I;,~L:~,· ~ p'~~b Gb'ta· 11M i. • '.. .•

~.' . and E~ 'fheir-,~ -. tMatt~ fffd It MiUtIl-j Co. ,,2l.l.tf--tuu~ .. \ !l1.,I. Itc 01 :>2 ~'ll be ,14arged, ,Boys fSp!!Clallr Inv!t&4.· I _ . ....--.- • ' . ,'j'. '.1

I ·pa.rtmerat A AirlcultllraJ . E:dlibita 1 . . . ."'.~ I .]\ir' . .'-iuid- MI\J" T. <':oleQlal1 have'i to ~di' tift!'" dl'\:n~t:g. .'. ".' ~. ",.,'. : QuuticQ. WiU Enttrtaln Next W4Idne*,' '- ". . lWiII be Und;r the Supe~ieioG 0" ~. A TOtlsi'ng 1)(Jlitical IlH't:tingwas. I~el(f~gujl.e to ~udolln' ~oul\ly,·.,,¥herethey . Mis» I anlill .I.:l:.lur ·wn.o, hul4rl~ ~. po- '. . .'. 'L~lll~~ V" <Jj,J.h!:rl, s~~ .i' day .Evt;,ning 1rI' ~ 0.1 aU Rt..~.' .. ',.:' .... '. . .;

ML- W.~ M. ~~ in Jurllli ~!I th~lilwn: 01 Mr. WII.haru Will: s~!;'.!!SL.!.tle· SUl}~'fl~,~ _~hyr .... ~ l!v"~~~_4rt~ ,.~ ~:1u,~ Allh~n ~hlnn~Of ~l)nn: u~:I1(Jn- .. : turned _~.':.~IIeU ,MeIl;A~~~_~", . > '. ..::.

, -~.:u.e ....... ~~-~:.: -.. ~ s residence l~t T~... C .~~~~ _ .. ,,,, , . " mt!ilt &t'"~" III \\ <ltihlllgtOIl. sp.ent . tbe F ~ " . _ . ~~~ . 'r- :;:--~.::z:::;=..;.~ " Invitations. had beeR sent 'out by'Mr. Miss Courtney Kinctl~I.Or-, of Wa:m- holidays Ia,-I ,,\.,.k- in Manassalj' yislting ~ b~ p'es~nt ato.tht' ",oliliin s; Allx,IiAry • . -'. . _ :.. • ,:

i.r1t~ihts . wt9 all c~tr.ry, ~~Q. 'lIislrict can'di: . was- a guest l}t her b/:Other-in-. h~r Hl'uthel' ~h!" wa~ ~accoJTlP;rI1i~ + ,~,~eti'ig: \\dti,h h:d~,h!~yi,~,th~ ~i;~ On \\' euerisd'ay .t;V~J1ill~, July 16,·a ':"-..'<L _"~._.< : I; p. m.MOIlday-, September. ~ [btpubJlc ofh~ »y !1.1"_'\ ." -::-T":' .. r .'. _ .~ ,

exhibits mWit -be in place by 6 p. wit\llhe exCeption !>f a few candidates, 'Ior, the week end .. ' Miss Mafl ! ii,ks lef.tMonday for her i.P·. m:, .. flu WI . IV~ a ta . ,I~S mn I I~y QlUrch Ten! 10 'Ih~' rt:tuTf1Ied Qver- :' ,... ,:'-'" c· ., ... -. c

Monday, St!ptember ~. . . for supervisor,. ~11 accepteq. tlte <invi~ Liel)t. Edwar9 Lynch·retu)'ne.d Tues- home at ru;' i 1,Il'ITo Md. wh'ere'she will II Will tell ho~ she can ~elp the womeR~ Seas men. Th!! intention of those hav- < I."

.' d'-"""': ted b . I' da t C M'U ' after a' short fur • '. S· and glrh; and boys who ha-ve fresh Vt;g- r· . .' . h d.... , .. \11 products shown in this depart-HolllOn an . were gree y a arge y 0., amp . I 5 • - spend he ,~l1lllm~r vacation:. he eX'1 . '. .... . . mg. chatge nit at returne over~_ '.nt mu~t be 1819 or 19L9 growth. crowd. .' . lou~~. spent. in ~anaSilas visiting his peers: to rttun, in the lall 1lnd t~ume-: et~ble.j;, frUits, butt~r, eggs, po~ltry, men s.hallll1chlde bOlh Ihll,llIen who live'

. The candidates who made speeches mother~ Mrs. P .. H: Lynch. ~ POSltifJlI ;IS. head lriglln~r at. Ml'J"j' t:tc., lind a m~rket for thtlr .pm,ducls. _ in Quantico., together with . those 'of the. The judge will not award a priu un- were' Hon. C. J. Meetze and \.Ion. W M.rc !!mLM_~~j\, . .!:l ~~lIow, o. f • ..&__ ' , 'l'~-"- 1 All wumen .of tht counly are cor sllrrQunding "'ountry who have return-'

· -s the exhibit Jtas decid8ct merit, , .... - . '.AI ,--.-, ........ ulWll. J.1l ~)!,S ore. d~ . ~d M tm f . >-'. T. Olfiver. candidates ror the .stafe· sen- 'Md., W1!re ~ Mrs H~rlll '111 B-~-nne\l-and baby who .: m ~,-atle '. ...mee !-ail' 'ecf 10. ~civilian life~wht'lher they served

'!lUess of competition. . Ch A B b nd R M.W ' tiM' d Mrs' James R 1)0' r ,~ .'.. J ,'E.speclally are the cannmg dub glr Ii. h" •. b h- f I ate,. as. " ar .ee a .. elr, gues s 0 r. an. . - "av. ~ell vl"llng her [larents', Dr,. and , ., • '.' _ In t eo ar.my, navy.or manne. ra.nc 0

\11 exhibits in Department A must candidate,' lor sheriff' O. O. Tyler and reU and-Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bevins. '! '!'" " and bo~s. IOvlted to. /lltend,.thls meet ~"f'V~ ~ .... n"n" J.L. ~IM "e been grown. by exhibitor 011 his· . ..' . N Mnt. S. S. Slmp§OJl, Idt ~ MQltday . for • ' .-' .. --- - .. ---..... . ....,........ '~._"-:-'." -

U .. mE's 8ir~tt, sr., ca.l,1didil. tes Ifct coun-. Mr. C. E. BreedQn, of Char,Jotte, . tL-I'r home ~t Clarendon. Tl1ay were mg, equal.'y for. the' ft. turned men who are. . I III Dr in "is garden. C A.s I d t C 10 I f M 'c'ted a· 1be It" Other numbers on the' program are Q ... ty c.lerk; . . inC alf, emo. cra IC ., rmer y 0 anassas, Vlpl '. by MI'ss L""y' "a.-ri---n, now III the uannc.o barracks. All men' . rhe office" will take every p(ecau~ d d f h ~a f ..... 1e t d h f h' b th M J L Breeden "" ''''' Qf interest to all cQunty women. Come h F . . can I ate or., 00"", 0 U'C pea, an orne 0 IS ro er, r.. '. , who willh.€lke' them a shQrt vi.sit. w () .h, av .. e served 10_ Ta!lce .are there-

,11 for the safekeeping· of exhibits al- Robert HutchISOn. from Friday of last. week until Sunday. 1M :..;:- W . d'd.i'te f h iff one, come aliI • Lets foriet t~ cares inVited anti ex~cted; , · r their arrival and arrangementJR the . After the meeting t~e ladies ~d re- Mr; aft4 ...... J. W. E; Bigga and ~~iI- / .... ..,. •.. detn;:.Cta~f.1 I t 'dor h!i er '11' of the hot J~ly days for a few !lour.!. Li~Ut .. Edward D. Platt, the Marine

Illding, but will not berelmODSibIe t h t· f ~h' b ef't f th C..... dre·" of W'a*hl'ngtAn "re "''''l\1s attfJe has altflOtfl1\;e .HI,' e ec e, e . WI • "I b th h" f ,. f ttl ~- r!:,s ,men s. or\ ~ en .' .0 .. e '~~- ", " u ," .-_. . ~ 'mor eM Davip, 01 RoacJ.: .'u~E·--ftn"''''''''''. s'ff-~ ' .• w.. e. e~c. Ie ~pea .. er 0 '. ,~_·c=",.c.;, .. ' . r any damage or loss tha*, may occur. drens' Ho.me·SQClety of VU~I~,. .. bome. Qf their, son-in-law and daugllter a~l."t . t gMt- '0" 'It'been .......... ~-., IU_"'" runmg. If any man can J.1ut into words, .. '. Exhibits in il1iJ! department, which Manassas was. well represented, Mr. and Mrs.~Harry Corn.well this week. ~.' h"l8. ~ y. - 'd d~' f; &~~ ~. b AS ',Ai.se.. . the attitude and feeling of, the public

I ve been entered with the Secretary '. wllo 'attended from he!!!' 1 being Miss· rr~n. Haislip haa retr:sc.ned from "!~ ly ~;:mm~n e . t~r ePt ace Y concerning these men, Lieui.. Platt ls.. "',_ .~ . fore 5 p;m .• ,Mon~y. September -l~, . Tbo'-H. Lion, H01I. C .. ,. Meetze. a visit with relatives -at Catharpin and citizens .. fJI.II ~ver . e coun 'I... Statementsarl! bein.,· citculati:d tfiarma:n.Th~ committee is' verY hap.-It! which are properly markell with P. and _<;:: c. L~acbm,n, O. W.Mer- Leesburg. Mi!lS:Haisilp I!as appareatty . Rev, ~ Mrs. L. C. . thr.Qu,twut tile f6urteeftth' Seaatorial py ,ill annouJ'lce' him on the~; ."~

.:e As.so.ci.a.ti2t:~ may be for- cha~t, R. L. Gaifher:]ohn Burke', W. f. fully recoyered from her. recent illfless.ed IIJIt .'Pftda~ Ir?m district toth,feHect that I I"troduced .Aspe~er from Manassas and Pred-._ .' :lfded by. prepaid eXpress addr~ssed 1:Iibbs, O. E._Newman, J. LtMoser, W.M~.·Walter H. Sandfrs wasliostesstj) A~"dna, b.iII in the House of Deli:,ate~· having will,be allnouncedl~ter ..

the Prince Wimam -Fajr Assoc:hition, --, -. . . . . 0 ad i.. . k t t"'- E: Trusler, E. R CoIIner, O. 0... turniln;.:

',.masstls, Va., al\d will be ta en: 0 .. ,,,,,. afternoon of. (81It week. Rev~ ante ofa the ....... ,, __

. ,.,

'Jil. . h.... ~.:A' R~v. ~. Lewis; Q. Ty.ler, •

JedtW~.cb~~~a~_R~D~~R~rt~~R~ _a~M~ A.rn~~,.~tU~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~:~=~~~;=~t~~~~t~~~~~~d: d that exhIbIts anlT-t; u".MilnaIl$aS be- A •. Sinclait.':- . , ." Washington.: came 19 Manassas _ . r I f~atUre. urlre-'" .. ...;,' .. 'c' 6 p. fft" Visited Mrs:- Utascoctr-rRotber~ .hall t~eManassasDanc., nal, bufwhole.-: . . 'l~rwise they:' s e deliVered by . . . ~ ___ tMo . Mr""_-.. M· • E': .. Ak"rs. ·utmrSim.· day 'eve-, , in.... wen.etten.ded' .. ' !lnd..:excel- . - .' .. ,., . . d Th u.. D. C. ELE ..... vorn",8aw.. -........, some 'fenowship. . mark the "~!l:-_ .. _ ·.h:bitor . -~ F __ g.roUR,,_S,. tta' he I' .. . ":.;' -'~~~..!.'..- _- --- ~ ~ -~. ::""', lent l1KI6ic.w~~ flimilihedby_the Jazz g's nrogram:' A barrel on~onade--'-:' . c

' .. •

, -- 'yo'

.. r

- . '.

r A"sochition's ta a musl,.-, a' . c - PJize 0fIered to ChapteJ' ·EaroIIinJ IteMiil& My.rtle Shoemaker, of Tllrtle orcbestr,a. from WashingtOri.- k ver:y be dispensecL.Wi.thciuLmruleyand",· .-: 10 each specin. or item exhizit- . Large.! ~\IIIIbet' N.ew~em1)ers.· Creek;. Pa.~ 'is > expected to' 'arrive in enjOyable ·e.e:ning is rep~ried b)"'fOOse .~. . --.' -,

These tags will be._m . ed e-xhlbit- , , .. .' . fora wh. i»b!tlded . ..;~;.; "¥~-' . .iCh~ Quanti~ ~mginlt-- "~'~-";'-.~:;~~ .~ immediately after ~ntrie8 ve b:en visit as' the' gue~t 'of Miss -EJi. Tbe W.'C. T. l!. \viII r of thisliOrt.,QuanticQ .i&,', •. '., .~ ... ~ '" ade. ' '.' • " .' .' meetill~~!I. F ,. . '. ..' . .. .' .. 'c'xl;ibitors wtU) desire t1";- retUrn ~:;n;it;;;G~~t~~r .i M D l e UI TS. ,

c'ir exhibits at the. c;~ose Qf tlte. Pair will be in ... ·.,,"ro ... hp·n,'nI'lr from Den to- B· :eer'llhE!-'

such coilf:!uct I· would have ~been· '. craven . -Slacker' .

'. ,Je I'llltendtnt • >,

. . seeomil : t.lem a lt .most conv~nt.··.: M' R B' , +r.eaS~lr~!~;' ,. S F t5~. LeRoy· yrd; u . '.. . • ' .. . " f M' ~ection l--PrOducta of, ingle-c am O. 'Covingt~n; rec,ordbti'Sie£retaty: .,.;' .;; '.' . . . . Miss. Vera..M. Oinn, daughter o. r.

-' Fi rst prize, $40; seCond prize, $3Q; L-ouise' Moxl6y:.correspending ~Mr.a~c(.Mrs. J. LLuxford-.ofQalla"S, and Mrs. P"H. (jinn .. or .Athens, Ga .. Uooo\lvin. · : rd prize, $20; 'fourth il!ize, $10.' M- W M" Ri h" t .' T-e]Ut.~ ,·are.in MuaSsas to spen,d a,poc- . Mr. Paut Lynn Akers, son. of

This clcu;sj~. ~Q e!.~I!!lto~ __ ry'; rs: •.. ~ .. cs, !S. O!tan . ~of ~lati.th . ot-Manassas, _were ' .. \ part of~irgil1i~or adjoining-5tlltes. . ~incJ\lir, custodian.'. After. ·liw.ddaughte~;\1r.-a~d.MIl!~' T; E. ~-- ---- married at. the-.Ba"tist.p!",!iO.na~~· ~.ij;~~:*~!~~;Jti'!ila~lIrl"n. i::iCh and all articles 'of it sill&le farm eJec&n, o{(,officers:.1'drs. Di~. -:-. • - ':" r"'~ .' .:" dna" ~an~~se~retary of 'Alliens .. ~~sdat,. )~Iy.l, the p,ilsto.r, :.bit must be~Od.IKi:d on' a $ingle the chapter for the hQftOt Mrs.&IIiL'Ynn ratum- fa,Qll,. •• n ~qt,-'1I.\\d $hillip's ~lficiatinll-.~'- :--~ .. -'-.-'-. hPrrrt:i1l1'l!'rmj~ftf

. -:11 or be produced from crOPS ,grown . .' '. ' traiRing ~OOI iota.teanear·.Clifton, ~nd . Af~~r the .t:erek1.oI}Y they came.-t? ,~a.- .';.. '. ,;aid single....farm oT. the hearty cQ9peration of .tIle . < • se~fK1d weeks with: )ler paten~&. at~. a branch .of. ~ Nati~nal 'FIQren~e Crit'. nassaiS ana =>pent s.eveta1.day§V1Sltlflg Goodwin was stricken, with par-. . . \ '. . . :,aiq~.aS . invited tile ~bapter to,hold- V.ernO!l,·N.· y" wtUIe reccwe~~ teston ,M~~"n. ~asln~~assas ~ed- ~tthe IWme Qf the groom's mother, and alysiR ju'si oiJe Week .llefoiebe.r '4eatb, ". -. ,.'"

.. :J1ed goods, c\lre4 mea~ etc,. . its nett meding tlti· first Wffdetisday Iier ~cenbllness. .' . nesday Qn·a:busmes8. trip an the anter~ Monday-ibff\lenndria whefe . . ' '1IJte-. rte¥er rallied .. "Ptti~-'--'.~~-'--' . . \ ';ingle farM'shall conSiSt of ~ or Augu~t_ at.her-hOm~ Carcfread~ ~rew Pringle, of :rosand.· Mel ~tClf"the ~!U~on~.' . . '. . .. make their future 'home. • was her se<!ond stroJce, the. fil'!lt being . ~t: adjoining tracts Qr parcels of . MrS. Flourny;. presideniof flIe Virginia' in Manassas MoncJay· l¥)d ·,Mrs:.Jam. R. LarklR, MISS MarY.l~ar~ Mr:. A'ke'rs" .. served in the aviation a slight one in the ':winter of •. 1917. ,l;jhe •

,:er .a..slngle -mna!lemem.during .. the divisiQri.-U, I). C., which expia"el1 thattbe day.vlllitfug Larkin; '-d~ling the wai'~alf~ returned ..vasa native of this .~ounty. baving· ··~ .. J1t year. _ ,~. Mrs.. Roy McKinley, of Kentuc)cn haa- Sudley TueSday to visit· amf George Larkin. were amQDg. ili~e. from·..EngI.an.d...i Qecembe~.':"_He. is e.a'!-· bOnj·.at ~rentsV'ilfe' and s~ all; .\ ~tides entere.d in this -cl.ass will· . . a lo.viRg cup.tlLthe U. D~'G. ¥ai. J\t. &. Wilkins.: _ . from ;Mana!lf4Swoo- Jhotor!!dto,.Ftid- _. by the Southern ·~ail~.ayCQm- ot her life. he th~ . greater part .otit:".

::Howed !o. ~m~ -in' 2!!!.L?~r cb,p.td . .' . ericlaburg to attend the 4th' of July at Alexandria~ ·--'tie bas many . . .'. 52 et . 0'-new' members between

. , .....

.' '.

':Jch exhibit



Page 2: eServices of Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · .. r,,,,,_o_"""'''''--_____ r-_____ ''''II!!II!'!!I!''!!!I!!~'''~''--~~~····

-'-.- '----.--- ... ----~-~_----::r- - ---- --","-- :-- -- - i----- -- ---

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.. ~ ·-·-:-.:r:~;O· .. ~~,~ ~ T1:D:. . ~AS p.E.M{lo!!:~ -" .•• '~""11!..""'"7 ........ ::. "- .

. .

, '. '

• -(.'r hroke" . .' E><iti&it_ <ill p...-e-brllji calli« ......... kI

· " '(ConfJmtM'fmm-~ ;;~===1===:--; 'in" allY 4uantlty f)f styl~' ... .-.pt"l"tled m ' Ition certif~ate:, to be produced it called

sillille clliry d."",, I"'" "It-(j Iii,·,,· '--.--"" I took Ly-'!~ r Pink Ifurl~ II t"ct h"dd' • d I ,. &UalClUl W& J:,t. • , 'or :-.ta ren an lK"" log one 0-sha~ llor be ll](Jn' thilll 'en \ :H~l "t'~ In I.' , = .. -~ ... - r'-- f .... ·r· .. r . ·L.--'.V.,,'-'-bleCompounci liar pcr head w,lI be charged and musl ap)-"l""!'I, .OUI 0 !It';tL It"'">, J'lUI I, Ik',lj,.,· a&aIU .IV\.A h . d' .

.', _..I 'I be pafd W en entries are rna e. I fout Hf poli1t~Jt'!'t, <11\rJ not III 'Ill' i'ltillj and Wu Cur-=-- " . . f t I ' , I' I If·' ... tn per cvnt 0 arnoun 0 prt:ml-

~ 0 <til\' 1)\ H.:r l ,I ....... '.1 g.11- d d . d I h' ur • • v (' ucte . rom eae wmyer

ducs not Ini.'lmh' h~'-pr'HIII,-l"', , I thi~ department. , .;;0. ,. ,

, . " ,

com. ~·>l· !'>\llgk l~1 ,f~,_.\lJ)11W 1-corn, '$3\ $2, ~la-:-' Tl'rI l'af' rlf whIt!:

, CQt11; $5. S], $1.50. 'f elr.<~to ()of -y.e~w;I" -. 5.orn, > $5, S;i._· ~l.:S().· -. 1-"1 .. \:£ *talk~ .. ensI-

lage ('fJl n, ."'.-~, $3, S1.50 - I, • ' SeC[lUO 3· Sm.;,I} O.f'i'tm."!~ All I ' .' "-

ftlU,S't nol tbt: .rcs~ than 5 ,ndll.:- ill di

CaWe must be in good condltlf)rl,

Cews three yt..·<1rs old over blust be. regul~lf' breeaers J

Read the "rules jlnd,regulatioo8 ,1ft,a ~ hIther information I~. desj~r

cd, wfltf tO'the Sacretary. Make your entries early,~ effort will ~e made

classify cattle by breeds. . •..

-. "

'. , . -

, '. i - ,

, . "".. '. , !!-"- --~--, .

. ' . ---- -----,----

• .. -, . '. •


" -:- , ---

, , ---~-~.--- -~-

I •

, " .

Colden Virginia tobacco; bleilded withjW'ta dru;h

~t,;,.":,;·-"~ ....... .a.....t".- ~ •. .not mere~~_ ~ " ,_

. not ~'''s~ cured"; b.u~:-:-'_ ',_~ , . , . .

• • , . ?

.' -- -~. . - ~

~ , .. , ,.

' . , -llkl,ple-~SU , , .

~. '. , .

•• class.. , ' . ::==:::~~~~~~~~$I" P<ok - --- ----. ",,,", Section \.-Shorthor~, R.glsltred-

52, $1, he.af pi wheat, $2, SI. She~,1 I Bull, 3 years old'and over, $10, $5, $1. of mits, $2; $1, She.f 01 'r),e, .52, S1. i work I. apleaou.e. Bull, 2 years old and under ~iO, $5,

IA this C, ari~:~~1~:~ lor' can I ... ·,-~- -,-,~-~-

.eUgil/le· in 111<'lr I

, Sheal of barley. $2. $1. . ,Who have any. . $2. Bull, 1 y~a't old and under 2, $5, · Section 4.-Furage C")I"-AI~ "'-: Lydia E. Pinkl)~m's ""'Q" S2.50, $2.50,.I~uJl calf. uijder I year old,

exhIbits in bale or ~undll', tr) wClgh I l?a~~I~~~nW{)r me. $.5, $2.5e, $2,50. Cow, 3 years old and ,- -.' not ,Ie,s tHan 2(j poun&.. Allalla hay, I more, Md.' . over, $10, $5, $.5'. Cow~ or heifer, '~I_' __

bale or 'bundle,' $2, $1. AI,ike clover, It is only natural !or any woman to ve,,,s old and under 3, $.5. $2.50; $2,50. -'--tm""'''''''u'''n''''''''"T-st, "Crimson dove(Ldreadthe thougbtoi :::m ' So .

. ' , - , ' huve to I old and.under Z. $5, . bale or bundle, $2, $1. Cow peas, "".. E. d .-~.- .•• "'-','lV',1 . • un er I' year, ;v.J, ~ vine, $2, $1.. Orchard gra~s. bale or

bundle. $2, $1. Reef or Sapling clover. ,a~ operation h bal b dl $2 $1 S h ' WIll pay any woman W 0

· e or un e! .' . oy eans, on 8UCQ ailments to consider Vine, $2, $1.' ,Tllttothy hay, ~Ie or fore .abmitting to such ._

. bundle, $2, $1. Millet, in bundle, $2,

. il,... Vetch.- hale or ·bundle. $2. $1.

~--S.~oo:&--P~ck Tate .va- !r~:~~~;i~i~~:£~~~~~'~ I~t~i~-~~;::~.I'r.:;~r . !iety lri~~'~olatoes, S2,.5(), $2. Peck of :ej early variety Iri~h potatoes, $2_50. $2"., 2",en, six, Pecl< red sweet potaioes, $2, $1. Peck 50<:.. Pumllkins, sweet, ~hree, $1,

'-'-.... ~e--s~oIf>Of>It<R'.;_"$2;'$I:-_J'ecl~' ofj 50c{ 1'tlmjjlffilS; field,' three; $t;--tKI~i~~~,("sf"$: yeOow ..... eet potato •• , ~, $1. Radishes, ten, $1. ·50c. Rhubarb, " SeeHo" 6.-Vegettbles-Beans g ... :enl stalks,$,!, 50<:, .S'!fsi!y, iWt1"'" $1, 5Oc' j telred.-Elull, "n~p, oni!"'tallon, $1, 50", Bea".". Squash, three, $1, 500. S~eet com,


Li~a, one. gallo~, $1,-50£. Beans, navy, [b"adls, $1, 5Oc .. Tomatoes, red, ten, $1,

-. . I


., •


• ,


• •


P "


i ' ..

~, ,

.. _-.. , ..... - .~--.. -.----~-.. --• 0

.. " . '



one gallon, '$.1, 5Oc, Broccoli, six, $1, Tomatoes, one gallon, ~ •. "'"

51k. Bms",ls sprouts, hall. gallon, ·~~~~~:-r;~~~;,:.iit;'sIIeo-.:W'**'-f;~~~~~~~T-~ir.;J~iJirr~---'--;-· :--,;--~:-:~~EiTI . ~-.~-. $1, 50", Cabba~e, melon, $1,

·--i!tree:--liead , .,' , , .~ .. - .. ,- ---' -~ 1~1cEn~~~~ $1, 5Ot: .. Carro.ts;,teR;.$I" 5Oc. :'I-"I111:=+-_~' DI:PARI!Mf!Nt B ,A'l'TLE •. 'j';;;; flowers; thfee· ltoads, $1, ·50c. Cucllm- J .. J. Conner, SaperiRteGdeftt. • Slicing; J"x.Ji!" .50c. Cuc' Ilniri~., to dose at' $U~do~,_Mon"1

. twelv .... $1, 50.. September'la, and all c",ttte ,;,,,, •• 1

$.I, 5Oc;·,.:.ok~a.

Sl, 5Oc, . ~eU()w,. ··',-$1, 5Oc. OnioIJ,s 'wbite, dry,

with staff _ .All elthibite"~ shonl4 be, "halt~



. , .

. -,

.- .

.' .

= --.

'. '

, .. ectjecLIot.CAlCdics we -.e lor .. p d,..,.. ...... idll I . , _ ~C:J!III! ' ' •. Jer!Ie " ... _Ulw. .. ,...' .... 0I1rom .... __ IlL , _. I' ................... _ ..... ays, tuW ... _.,

Ir·t:~;· ........ Moder" riill'8ee1 MIl eq 'f .111. AI: Mf! •• ".. .ail • I 1&' ... ••· -- ~. - ... - .

. . - . --- ,-- . . - - -,~- --_ . How;S-1IIe Ii .... to jnvest .... Iiad • "T ..... ~ ill !be Ldit"".

-""'!'t-. . . . QUANTICO TOWN-LOTS - -, ., -- -- .; , . -' - -

.. aelling fast; bat we stilt-han, many Choice bUlineas and 'Uidence ... for sale. An l1utets..wIao h.ft e~ baikIinD IIere lIMe rudiI, hu. ~ .... tI .... made prolitalllt 1"'_le .... - -The delllaad .., _ •• )' •• snl. yery "eats . U~__ '_ •

~--"Jt,.o..;~""" Q I ... -:1 111 • ."., ... ,....-.0;---- - , . APPLY Tcf' -



rrr~ . Land & Title. CO~, Inc. .. II Vi'st' IJGiI, _ ~ __ -__ :»D ..........

• •

.... --.-~ _.

• . ,

••• . ,

'. .

,- .. "" , , -- " . .

:y::-' .. . . ,


~-- ,

.•. _ ....

-: .'. . " __ f_ • - . . ,

t; -'NlSCO. ~ C.ta.ln 0. .... AIIM_iii.l_ii. fJ =~-....... --

_. , . '" . .




·f ' ' .......

• ! , --... " _. ---.-----"~---~ --~(~-~


- ,


·rUE MANASSAS DEMOCRAT '''lOg her son, W. L. W~It", has

as hr-r horr." in LinrJen.

by Mr, aelnl/- movtd bII£k in

k>t, aoo+l>aJllc b< bu.lt 1\11 the Icc"00".4 HuJfisb .. '( C'1c,rksol1, " .. h:> have

T. I!. HAINES -EdItor and 0.0_ been occupying this buildiolg lor the ~~~~-------------

SU~ON RATI!~ On~ year (i ·ce)~~I.00 Six mQlltb. "-..-__ ' .66

-, ,

past ytiar, have moved back to. the "tOTe at the aej1ot. We would Hke to correc~ \he statement m.~e hist Vieek

. the correspondent th"

"f "'l~""h .Ii. CJark~' it i&_" take, ' .'.. ' .

Mr. aw:J..;Mrs. Sam Bu~lon, of New­irt Nt\ys and MISS Mary Sh3·.\(} of

. '

.. , - -:'-t-;,;=- rd, N. C .. W:T~;k'i~;.~~I.$.~~~ ~. -~ "t-:- 'ri~'~ ~ .

Mi.s N.Uit, Recf9r ~tt~nQed l~e mat­Rector .1,1>_ Mr

;:., , . friends n the·cptllJij.Unity. I"",' .

~-'----:---:-" Elnbliem 1)1 Democracy-:- .. _- Edward a]ld ·Mi";' Martha C"rter ar,e the

OWN YOUR OWN PARM • CHQRCH ANNOuNCEMEN~ At Des Mojnes Iowa, each year, there •

- i& &--baby oItow at the.Rite fair: Bab'ie.·!~_M; e, CIrJm:Iri SoatIr; M_ ' are entered frolh all parts of tM state, :;unday school 9:~~. m. Preachinz and judged by scpre· They a ... at II Cill. and S p. m, every Sunday.

~-~:~~~1r~W:~~~~~:~~f~~~.tPi,r~:a~YI~er~:~m~eeting Wedensday at S m. e. -- af Biadley- lirs't-farms, al 3 p. m, Preaching at Buclt-

And each year the larm -babie'\. both se<;und and IQurth SundaY» at 3 p. boys and lim, no matter wllat all'!,!-m,-'WjIHIUU;,tevens, '1"',alDf, .:c _~ average the Jowest in' health, The town babies beaLthem.every year. Yet All SaInts Calhollc Churc:b. Iowa' is a typical larmini state, - first, third anl( fifth Sundays, mus

f-----;.-.pnlsp<erous . at 7:30 'a. m. &'cond .ad lo'ur!h Sun-F one, ... . An,d at a meeting of the National Ed-l da:)'II at 10':30 a. in., fQlloWl'd. by bene-

ucation Association, Al!ld in PebNary, and the Blessed Sacrarnellf; On '1~19, a chart was. first ~cI'y_ofev~ry ""'nth ~ what pen:entage of seROo! devotion' In fK>no'r of -t1ie SacIIocl

· afflicted with various diseases, . WJI)r ~1{,' fastor.. . ~~", .

ChardL... _

wete· t.o 'be greater sufferers iog at· 1 IJld eve.y. ~nd. 'from of. '1he-'disesats. nre diS9r-I~~~la~.:~ ~lI'''''~ev, Ell-

..; ders listed were .t(lDsil del .. t~: teeth t' ~astor.·

and weak ' .. .II seems almost im:r""itible,<bu!'ifis

SO true that· ex~rts bave been giving 1 ~rty:" the m~tter Oilxi.ous conliide~;'tion, They 1 L,eJi.<''''"

• have : deeided

be leaVi.n." long; he:-is ~Ii t 2 ~ . rn t • a :"" 1>, . 0 posed to improv" . living conditlop_ for I ~?\~~~ and

. '.~ .J!J.e _benefit of tI1<! ""xl ,~nant. .. Bad I! ventilation,. absence of sc ... enl!, insa';"

fI<Qm -;eM 10 , .. ':.rot' mlJce

fee$. lliat tlie next wiU ~ant it t="""-~"""';:o====",=F'i""';= . '.' clone all 'over . C'-· . .. ... ~.. on.. ....

And there art. . ... 'm!IUon ... .., ·',tenant farmers move 'every"lll!ar. . '!in Sun/ner conly .. !n the stale ()~.Kan­

_. ~ .as;. ()ve'. 54 per' cellt of the fanns . ') 'held by. ·!enao"'. . And· there'

·-Iflihoill per'" . county in tile stalle. .. . ~. , '

· . Here· i. a c!)ance for a ronttructive -=.. r.efO~r, with ''Own your 'own fartIW'. for--hIs-~ .\: .. ' _.'_ ." \-

. -+- .. - , ". OREEN'WItH;' •.

r--;--~_ _: -.:.. ! : \ -_ , MisSes Maini';

Juri, .. ~

,umb'relltr - 'WIleD . ~. r8ia8,

but the wiee_ is 1ie''Iri!o cu­rie&-

.• ~ is cml~?1>101l~. Any mao . tIIlDdfoi' a doo­

. tOr .. the wiser. -OIII8-j.,

WiiliiJigron, spe1irllie -wee': eat! . with :11_

iheir:sister ~.L. Mayhugh .. ;'·.... . .• '3. Miss Virginia Lee spe.if tbe- week end ~ (" - ~ •

wltb" Miss ~ Cook~ •• ''''The feels ~wn. tired 'ManSe." - '. J!el"YO~ "~ - 1ir:' and Mrs': W: ·W. Taylor OndlllllllfmllC! ·from-JcoIda;~.~or~=~;t ~ ~ of HemdoD, spent Sur>- haS left day with Mr. taylor's iaotber and sister 'l'1da. Mrs._E. C. and Miss I,ucile. Taylor, a\ in order •.. h- la'tIJ_

,Rey. J. R. C;ooke sPell.! nunday

sister, MissSal­"1'be lIetmit-

Evelyn is vjsKing

,...11~8 ... e" ..... A.- a.. ~~!lIt~. KEEN !!VEL._

.- .. IlAYMUlI!In.. •

.. ~- ._- - -. - '

(Received too late for last wftirr \ Mr ...... M .... J- A. II...,." were

... 1_ ill ~ tile IinIt 01' 1M' .... oe!! .

Eleanor, of Reading, Calif .. are

tablet 'or I !'I>tvre '!' tonic, toDtl -c:l .. ~

llen'es, _~ the '


ing t~e sum_r at Haymarket. .. - '£'.~TElt"C()t.lE~E '. "M ..... s. R. A. Rust. Lawrence Hulfish .

W W Ifutlir' ana Ue,"eliia Teal ~ I ~rs B. ud lumor CoUe~ Course" nlhes ,.

at lut Sunday. Mr. ~'~ham Bakor and chil_ 01

\\ a."'l1J:l~on. ¥,t, spengingJ'!!.. ~u'!10eT in Haymar1:er - --'--- -- -M~

----,-, .

,. •

.. ..-0: ,

" ,-

" ' "


.' .

, "

-=-~-----:-"""- .--'

- ---=--

• ..


, ;....:...:..... ===== .. . .-. '9Se

.-.:....-0- "

. ,

.... ------­. . '-

. .

- .. , ,

in ages 6 to 16,- These Skirts are worth "'$~.5o- ana $2,50,but are soiled. from. . hanging in rack". Not more than 20"

_._,+ __ ~~ •• ,.. lot, so it iSl!- case of hu}:'l'Y __ . ~ .... . '.

_~ _.,; .I.

. , .

.. -.--..-..-

------r-... --'

... , .

$4.1J8 .. ~ ~Voile'"

.' .




~_' .. +_ .. ~:::Y 16 l~t., The~~~ , YQlmI for this ~;P~ . -

, . '. of ,

' . .. -"'., ...

e' " . . ' . 7

....... --

-. -'

.. TheSe dT~ weil'e

. .

Suit girts f~m 4 to).4 years. .....,....-' .... ,~ .. ~ ... , ~ .... . . . .~ -- .:.' l;lwfcy. if . . Allsizes.:16 to 44.. " ,,.

. , ' .' .~ '.


, " ,-


. - ' . r-.\ ~ .......

- -----

: ' .... , •

. .

. ......:~.

7, $l.OO • '.

I--'-.\AI. ~. SMOqT It CQ.,.~,.--~--t~ ALEX ANDRtA.' VIRGIIt1-A


, . - .

WeUwortb Waist$ • . .

$ i-.50; $2.50 . I .

You; large wom-' . en,wlio. Cannot get Waists-~~~-l

'. ••


-.' .' .

, . '-' -"

o· ,

. .



'. ,



Ship :ps.YGUr·Hens ancfV car ·calves-·-

- .. . .,';'

10 -'" Produce

'- . -B. N. HAISUP, Maaa,er. \

• , .

Old s.-.R"..em

r--- .. - .... · '

o •

- .


-04~~ ,-- .; :._

'. '

. .

. ~.

• •


" . . , ),

'. ~ ~ ,"


. '.

.~' .

... ."

. . ' ... , ' ..



~:- -;:: ---, - - ~


- .. '. ~.--

\ .

- . -

, ,


-:~---- ...

-. .'

, /.

. .

. \

Page 3: eServices of Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · .. r,,,,,_o_"""'''''--_____ r-_____ ''''II!!II!'!!I!''!!!I!!~'''~''--~~~····

•• -..

. . ~-- \-----r-:r - ;: ~-' c";-'-~

~---. ,--.~--. -. .. • ------ ~~--

• .. -:~ - • .y- ---'-' _. ----,..-"

-~---, .

~-- --,---.;.w~ ,-.....

-i""O- .• ".- . ----- .. . , · .... __ .: MA"A~~'~


" Good Meat .. . .. .

, ,

___ --:"1 tl!J;",,,-nt Iht.!i'. f "

ef .alarm tC)IH.l'/lUIIJ; 11')1:; l ,m lhll'io ._, .j


We sell it··: · •. .. ~rVlltt Iltu..:h lII'tIlN,Vt'u comrnllllltr :\\r.. Br()";"'S"f h~!i Iv,~t nO,J1t' : to '.. \;.1

re(("lll!\-': ;u'\ dill) lit"' la~t'::\ ha~'\','~,;b:~e;.';l~'~:~~;~~;~~:.:~~~ · I .. ' - , .\li~~ ·Bc .... l'Ilt: ~_, I~iHLrH'd .. : .. ' ,_ ._

Me~'!'ir:il Han'-n" """.' . ~-er:.e i\n1()rrg' 'tho~ from \\' J.tihll1~fl~

. ~ '"'. :WliO:-d.'iil:t,d · end. . .IC~=WIlU'!'i-Jll. ~~:?'-t~UI ~~~.!.!i!.W.\!1);:[..'?lQJ!2n~

Mr.· K Cuntll Pattie ha:!o acc,:~pttd 3 ast", . ,,', . S\I~:; H"rn,p.gtoi1 .. of ,Al~ndna I

position in. Wash=nn. D. Co '! ~ .hu· t M 1 h S · '.. Mr. Hatr" W.· ·Polen .~ .• t lbe 4th "IS leu ~u:..ilu,n , •. f";. O .. P weee!!)':

- ' .-.,. last week. . ." '. ' i ' .... '" .... ·~ ..... ft~~-mngton vi:;itmg IllS hroth-er, Mr, . 1

Meredith Pf)le", ' .Stat,I:!otlcs from ·r~l!able sources p~mt 1

... ...... '-.,-

.. ,

,,-' . '

, ..

.. ..

Mr, Mank- Bruwer of WilmingtQJ!, to a pmd",lction oj beet "ugar, 30 per I ' cem gr~ater-than las-t year. ., . , • •

Del" spent the·w.ek end with "i~ paf- Tne Cub.i!iCs!!l:ar production alollj'i =.;,."===",;"=,.""==e===f='!"""';"",===".,="",=,,,,,,,"T"""


ents, Dr. aud Mrso C. F_ Brower. -4,tJOO,tJOO tons; 6eing the largest I Mrs. Rawlir.g~. who has been a hou~ r. !

guest of Mrs. F, HI iilMiihmt" ffiuoU!d prodw.:uon on record. " Mrs... Mart!ta \Ve1ch, mother of Rt;v. I

to· her hotne in Southern Virginia last Mr, \\~elch, had the misfortune to slip I _ok, . accompanied ·by Mis. Neliio lItfd fall last friday, 'and we- are sorry I Sanders, WRQ will make h~r~ a v-isit. . Mr. John W. Polen spent the 4th. of report her ":S 'v~,y 'lll<tCh iodisposed

at this wrjtiIW' . J'JIY and the week end jvilh his sisters MisS Ada' GaHeher motoredo to Falls Mesdames Efta L~nn and 1,. J. PaUle. la.t Monday with .Mrs. O. C.

__ ,M.aste, Lee Patlie motored 10 Warren- of Haymarket. • Mr. Walt", Aliison and family. l5~~~~~~~~fit;~~;f ton SU,nday after-no~n~--. -.-.-, ... littfe"'Clauiffa- Path.o ·'iitert81nea a _ ......

: . few of her little. friend's on the afternon ".Lewis Boley. was a Nokesville 01 the 4th 01 july; t~" dar being the. visitor last Sunday.

o Mi' .. E.'M. Caye and a party 01 friends

,. .' .LeadiaC 'UepUi'i .... ieli~ Store:' •

'. \

and MisseS'Wa~h ·W~ng· o~Ppard .avemh annivenarf ol...her ~~~!;j ~:~i~~~:~.t;:~;r~.,~b~· . on Monday af-~he. received .lI)a1l,)' WeUy. liU'~ pres •. cnls, '.. • HI··-,·· , . ~':j~;;~~ ~O.II!1. ».:lV, $:'5ii~':W;' $3.!Is:; •

"Lee and i( at-

son of. Rey. McCutcbeon, and "bot~a~lle . of Mrs. McDonald, is daily it will no doubt ·b. 'arrive in 'N&w York them to'know'of hi.

-'. MIs. Etta ·Lynn 'wa:s the dimi&-guest .'- .. -._- . V" . 'of lItr: and 'Mrs, L. .J. Patiie on Su~_~u"" no'me. : . day. ' .. ~ . . .. '. '5IInd11y' Sc:hoor. ~~enlb,. '.

. ~ Mr. T ' is 011' tIM'sick list at

: .I' wPinen'~ Wblte SilliW_.~; each' ~~5q, $lS.(!O;· . ." '. $2~.OO. ,'. ". .;". .

:.' W~en'l Wblte VOile ~ eaCb. $I~:. $2.5D~ . .~. . " $3.98, $4~. . '. "

MJsses'.Mlddy. Skirta, size 8 ~ I~, each. $2,50, $3.5D-! . MisseS' WaI!l'Middy Saib, size· 6 'to bo!hwbl~ .. "' , ,


A number of Sunday scbool co,o., ~ .' ". ~ 1dIiki; each S6.98, $8.50, '"


- .

, . '0 . •• , ,

• " 0 N, 'j .. ~Iste.r . .. ,

.ber" a hll)'band' anlt two. daughters: Interment"" ~as ill Burlington. '. ;h .. e Misses Robb ot Oreenvi!le. Miss.,

a/t:spWinj( .om-,6m. !Yifll flleir cous­ins, "the Misses Bu'ckner~ -, --. -- .

Edward Cm1er pas -'J.!.r'1ln_" bere' pU!,'iitnentlj,

'. be •• ~~;:~i~~~~~~tw~o~w:ee;ks~~~~~ M • .' et!iPloyed by ·the. Ii Clarkson Co, of Haymarket,· ... clerk;. resigned

.. recently' ,,!,d accepted a as time-

CODstmction ·work. '"\. . ".' Mi.... VirgiRia Ca." .... nd •. 'C;trjer spent; seve .. r dalll at ·tlleir '!im.e-.t' · llere ·Iast week.. 0 •

'.Mrs. c. )3. Allen; JoiTS: l{emper and daughter;'Lutie;,~wire visitors at Camp l:!ump....,y .. <over the.-~ ;~"'C"+~~. · Miss Margeret. Baird and Mrs. Eo. A:

.. Bai<d _re .Yl~tfug at.t/!< h~:~~' ~~=;;r. ~lL-.\IIe"for-._.r»ow~ o_..L

$liS. -carve! H.aD h:',s. pu!C~Se9;o

--_.' -_lid Hi,..ond · -.. .--_.- _ .. '

BULK, SOD ;~~~ your '.} for .1 after day, y~ i~~ .

Bow:Xk~~~~~~ ~~ .. -. -, FEED bas been the . Fed in~unctionvAthBIG"Q"I)AIRY. ..

. ~~a high Protem feed and won-" ' .. ratiollliloryears: It has w itscreditm()re derfulifillkprociacer,you11ave a 'World'SCbampion Loilg Distance MiIk whiCh_ be made suitable for, any ~ - than the Other -i1=o...~ .... '*'E Records (as tlw:carbabydmte ~. ill IIfIvllztation omdit*m. "f'be.secret Of •

---,-- ,. .~ ," ~ .. -.1 .' . . . .


- --'





U -•

• \ " if you must, come a.ndsee llS~


.,Our past policy and ampla resources I are our .... ~ 0 -,,~ antee.f{)r the "future. " .,.



• The Peoples N~tionaL B~k .. "

E1eetricWiriQ&, Steam and·

, ~ - . - . ) "

. ~ Car. c.Atn' ~. W' ... ~. ., . \ I,

. '~A»AS. VIO: . ,



. . , .

. ':'InsUrance i"':- ~ • . ' _., f. ~ '. - • t'.



· ,",

· -• -!i."

· ,

. -'-



_. -r ~ ..

. , ~


• -. " .. " . ::c---

THURSDAY, J\;Ly 10, 1919 .....

.' of this

\~ .... -..:,.:,....,.,..,..,.:...-.\l{ f!! know grocerieS. · .. C -_0 -

. For ilJ&tapcf!!,th!;te's the ql!!lSticlll of the m,eJri~ of v.ari~u~ _ .a1\d C. L. Re,a~

:, ... :baking powders ..... 0 .' ~i::~~~~~~~~~~~e~i~H~=~~ F·. · '., We recomrneriii'RYZON . .' ~ '" . 'is repone.. to , .' Not becaqse we make a 10101 1II0ney'by selling RYZPN in yery health "wi~ 10. hei

. butbec~se We have tes.ted" and tried i~ and fOUlld It jl - : .

, i <---JI-


1~~~~!!~~w~:e~C~O~lt~ld~~~;~~~~~~~~:~~~~' . - 'C"'--'C"" .is the chemical or-

'>o~ .;;o·"c .. ..- 'domes-.

lIlr: 'ana . M~.".l)rYille Hudson . ,

,'!. --- ............ -'C __ ._~ . _.

We wiSh.to _unce pointedagelits'for the ·I~<».;· formreI1


• 0 scientists .h~~

_t:-1r::"~'~C~~'~I=';"_":'j~~;r~~'~;;~~M~40~e~f!!~n~ts~a~~~ _. . '_ .thl! alringOBOok, compil-. :. baking . . ,

~ , :, .' ~

by.: .. \ / ~. ure.ments. ... _~.~s

l~E=~r:spe~n.~t FrioIa,. with .

R.A. '",- - -. <

~. ' .. v . . .


'. ltARKEI<o(

t-'. -

• . .

, . • -. --~-. ....

- -~ ?

1NSPf£f 0lJI-' MEW -::IN'. -.. ...,..~'Il ~.

. "

'.:' ~.JIEAT COUNTER. •• . ,,~', - -~-

• '.,


-, _.- -----:.....,

-- .... ~:-.-p.~~~- -.

··lhe.-U"':to-~ie~~~' c;..".. ~ ~ ... '. ~ STORE ~ BE"CLOSED -AT .• P. M. ~Oo ,IlJU' .AND


:.;....:===-:::......:=::.:.:..::c::.::c~ ___ ~1 ~ __ . _.~ ~ .'

Our _~_....c.,. __ . '.

t .,. W .. wallt. yeti to come ill. and fnspect our folllttai.-.nat. our slbr.

-- .• JOII' 8ft -..If Ie lOve. .. :.J .. ..... · Meet 'yQIU' meads ad' ~uain~ces-ar6iit"fli&n~ ---. .

_lir iu.t evcrythin,.is jOIIlpotiruled RIIc1ei sanifar)' eott<!itieu, .. d' by a ~jlistered ~c:isf emir, &IIi! with the ~ and ft~ clruCS ill !he c:ooiatry.' : ..... 12 a ... ""<'$ '---,&,., •

ptOI!lpt ..-Iion is OW' motio: . -' . -- ---,

liae of toilet aud IDCIaI of the

It~:~I~e;Md. ~t. ~ ... ,,:~k~~ Mr. - Cutter Bak6 . 01 y<a$hi"gi

I 'POlo It the wtd< end with .his .aumt, Eo A. Smith.

lIliss Mamie Hampfo'l,. of !\lE'Xa!10

the weel< end witb her

Paul .Reid and Mrso Bla.idte Ioe motored fo Washington TI ... "","

Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Mills and ~ .of Maila$.Sas, Jdsited Mrs; . .. fatfltr th .. ~last of the week. Mr~ Mrs. Mill. and

and Mrs. M. F. and Mr.. Archi& ,\\ilsRad.

I. Mr. jaIMS few day-'ll. • .

Sevoral from W Lohln gllln and .

? "",=felloW~ -0" portion the ration) than all otber feeds '. the exCePtional merit of SEHUMACHER •

. Of 3£ WorMi'& ,Champion ~ FEEo.:-iI in the fact'j'[ "::'-f to 25.: on YEAR-_

profits foe you.

out: M~tI. Fresh and Whole-__ ~ -'I~·. ' . .. -

- .... ---.' \

. ' ( -

. , .'

• •

. ..

", Coc:KE;S PHARMACY.:. ·eeo.-s. eo .. " Pwoprietor . -, '.... . , •

. ,cu._I! ]5:.,-:- . 0pp..Me P:"'O;- - Mrq i, Va.. -..

• , ,




---' ,"

.' . . .. , . , .J .. _. _____ ".' __ •• ______ ~~I>"---. _

· .. -we- WUI.~ insu~ ._your .. I· .

. Hogs.and

" ,

: 1riIice William


\.. , ';" ' '! :

. ~ .

.'-.' .

.'.-.-~~-~. -~- -- .. ..

.' . .'

. .. •

. .~'

; - '-.. - .


, I '.

~' .. ' ~. . .. ."

• 0



• C .... ' , .

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. " •

'. .'


. .


, . -

.. ... -!o. EE' ·tJS-BEFORE - '-~"~'.~ . S .. " . .,. . •

. - .:

• _ ........... - ..-or:-

-', . -'.

• "--

'. ,

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-: ..

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_. "--•

Page 4: eServices of Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · .. r,,,,,_o_"""'''''--_____ r-_____ ''''II!!II!'!!I!''!!!I!!~'''~''--~~~····
Page 5: eServices of Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · .. r,,,,,_o_"""'''''--_____ r-_____ ''''II!!II!'!!I!''!!!I!!~'''~''--~~~····

I: '. : ~ .. F" ',,,.,. ,

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~.".---...--~' .-----:--:--.- ~ -.



1, .•. .~".

.......----.---7,···- , . .. ". , \ .. . "

• '.

" . "

'lp~SbYttrian Ch~rch ~unday ~urlllllg.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q~ ~_~'="~"=' =, ~ .-:-.-~c~,~-'" ____ . __ '_' _-, :--:---:i';~~~ __ =4~anrr~'d;;~~t1PP!!-I.~. pulpit ~,g~m ,n~~)(t=:'H~,Ht-_

'Wl),en you want to make flaky Harry Otis. of tht' U. S, N .• was vi&-



. , itil1K 11;" ~ fliends herf', last 'wt't'k ~-biscui t. delicious 'mufftiiS~uj~ nro..,.-.;1tI' JOYIng a shurtlurluugh. ttl' Itlt for " . Nl'w Yurk Sll.Ilday night to report for 'gems, real doughnuts and cake ~t'a duti' . .

eed- Mr. jnd Mrs, Jamt's Hdlin (nee Miss . of fine texture - then yOU· n . tn"ne KlIll:heloe) of Washingtun, were I . .,. . ..•. , ., '. w~ek t'nrt visiturs at the home of Mrs.

1'. C. C:tsslday, .Mrs, T. .. ,A, Kinchelue

ot).s . ... o. • . ~ rl THE .. B·US'YCORNER·· PENNA.AVE.AT 8 TH.Sl:

. 1-' :

' . ,WASHINGTON. D. C. ~.-- . ", .


• eo"::~' ;~::::~~:~:;~:~':~"~ . Correct l1aterials fOr Summer, frocks --~'"f"a~n~'" t:':~~~:n~f:~~~~;t~;~~:U~Ii~:_ nrr!!!!'!""i' ! .. ! .. !'''!.-!'!'' !!!.!"~'!' !!. !'-!-!-!. !!!!!.e!·!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!·!!=!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!='· iHl--~, ~

;~~:~:~:::::::::;:""-. ..:,, :_;.:. . ..;._~,-,. ':'"~~.,~" ..,."..".-:-,-_-...... __ ~:_::. :"..:,,:, ",:_-.: ... -,,-...... ,":"': ~::::~~::-:-... =~_ ... =:_;=:'-lltiIHti:'·d"" .. ·b·iil~t rl;;n~~~:~~i~f; £o~~a:;.. ·col~.ed_V()U~~ wbit~ V()ilea, P ODg~: Silk a~d Serg~~~

. " . . ~ . .

. .. ~~ t~~"" ;;;;;.;;;."'~" ',.,.,;. ... -;;..,,'~:-::.'-''''''';~J.·:f· .......... .-..... _ .. -..... 111' aM~:·iriJ·I!tJ.ain4le .... g~'~W!N. ~K~invCah~e-ieloef>-:'~' wlH;heeO teIS'it~~" .-.afford.~hter' We8( ~henm~d~ ~p, ~ , . 1 --~~_._ .• U Of the re-lienue, '!las in. HerndDR !itst . ". . •. .. ,""..."', . ." . " .' '..



, ,.

cl aec-da '" I week on bllsiJl1'~s: -. Pr~tty' Frocb, Skim, Blouses or other. Sum-~. '.' . I" Rev. H: ,,,. B~a.dbury, of C.hicago, . '.. . ~

I who has been VI~II:~gh . hIS ,wIfe and d" ' ·m.· er CJothing~ ,_. _ .. ' ___ .~; ! l1loJher at '.',vakota as recuperate., '. . '.' .• . \. i somewhat in health, and has returned to


duties- in the west. :M;~. ir~n~ Speaks)!; 'Slowly" recover:

.. G·. '-RA.· FOPJ9L'. AS·.-. ,1 ". ing from her rel;ent severe illness. n- " Born. to Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Mock

,. ! .' . .'

Th~ .apec.aI item. with reduced priceJ .. will help 'yo~:m your .eteetion of­'. pretty,bUt inexpeuive materiala, which iUm .. rrequirellO"'p~ of~ ..

. . ~ .. t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·Pri~CeI·f.;;m"SzO:OO to S225.00, We Carry'tiM; 'largeStllild m~-~~'fojmer residents of Clifton.

~-- . '... _ ~--"-'. . ~ ~~.--- .......... J . •• •

plete stock of COLUMBIA RECORDS IN WASHINGTON. . Mr: and Mrs. Archie Mathers moto'r- Prettv Prin. ted Voiles, som. e sma. I I chintz patterns, some 1. arge floral d,esigns' .' ' •... '.. . ed 'a~ross country to Palmyra, v"., . ~ ,

500· PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. UPON REQUEST spend the .4th, with Mrs. Mathers' PIl(- ligbtand dark eoloririgs. Regular 00c. 9uality.' Special •• ~.rd .' -. . !lac.

eomPiete stock of Eastman K~ FIlma, and siappnea. . M.IIII yCMIr en ts. '. .

"f/JiU to ,ua',obe·i>eveloped. . ..• ." . ·"Mr.·and Mrs. 'WhitteN, Miss Glady! ._. ___ :: ... _. ____ .. ~._,' .,.._, __ .,_,--.-._ .. _ .. ,-,,,~ .... , .1. w .... ~.~ .. f. •. . -HARRY.:.:.C'I;ROYE..,Jne.. ~c:._' ______ ~'c---JITIuWlnh~' .. tten, returning with them to spend"c-;iHlt-.. ~~ __ __ "'___ __,. [ , . '., ., . weeks., 1210' QST. N. W.· .,' WASHINGTON,- D. Co " Harry Ambler, yo~ng son. of Cli

Ambler, bad. his. shoJllder broken frOm a. f~lt Dr. Ferguson .attendedibe ~ac- .

,C;:LIfTON.' ho~' on account' of -the Seri(}US iJlness tUI'e.. .. , . . . ., •. . of their father, Mr, R' H. 'POindexter, Ten ~finebaSs' t¥et!e. caught' inOc-·T.Jie gre~identJlas . .just ,etarned frn""1whom wearesorry·to report is no coquan on July' 4th "f,y expert .

. . ~incb Sheer ,White VGiles;just tlle'thing, fo*'.daintyrsUmmer blouses,and.

dresses.' ,ltegular39c.,vaIue. ~~aI,.~.rd' -", ,_-.; ':. ~., ... ,- ".' '2Sc. . . . 'i . . " I ~~~.~·l ,... .,~', . iI • " "

. . . . where lie contested every iJlCh WonderilOwm!Jc~ jQYwasb-rollgllt ..... u •• ., ... ' Was-tUible PO~ 'a3.·itiihes Wide; 'for'all'

.' .

',' •


, ,

· .'.

f: .

, ,

ground, arid matched intellect ag4inst:rhe ,Childtens' : Day· ent~rtai!1ment to the 40,000. spectators" who.witnessied •. summer· wear." . :Re~lar $1.00. value~. 'Sp8ef~ a Y~·.: .:. . : .. '.. .'.' ~ .... , '.6$c:. th be5t·tJtaf the Orient produced,- and was given in the Presby~rian 'Church championship battle? Two gladf- .• :,. . . ." ..' . ., · -. made 3-lemarkable showing in bring," S.nday night, a.nd tJWir splen~jd pro-- ators. trained io·th~; miRute.Mr. PubliC .' ['" ,." .':': .'. ·'·I"'aia..s~,·~ !. :i:' ':.:.':,,~. • ". . . • •.•. irig ~boutfhe Lealf\le. of Nations, that gram was 'Well ren~ev. dqy th~ I.iute wh"o pays big prices-;4hey can't come . . . . ,'..' ..t.. "' .. ' """. will make f~ttire wai'Nritpossil:)le, will folks. Many beauhfttl-thouW!fs ani;l back: jQhn L., . Corbett; 1idf, Fitz.·· .' . ". .... ".,. . . ... , . . '.'. '.' .. , " " "" .

_find· c,ppositiol( strong' against him. . . d~eds are instilled 'in 'theiryoun' il)g dOwl) .. i The morel·<am . ',' aii,',nch ,A_' . ,n.:-w .... 00 ... 1,.',. N. ~VY. lB. lu,e.Se .. · .. rg.,e;, wi.H. rna .. ,k.e. good. .1 .. 00.' kin ... ·.i ..,.·s .... }tit., ' .• ta ... · al . . .' Europe· kne,w he. was there, aJ11J rec~- mln_d~_-",hile sin~ing_~r<t,isel>_ J!!~ . . . was ngl]:t~,.· , . .,.


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,,~i:t·i~~~~r::~~.~,;~.. . Pr~:o T~~~~~~:':'e,:rs;:~~~rll1~rifiOri' f;~~~ jtd CNe:,¥l~~:s~~J6::e~a~~th'he~-lU~y ,cost~ '~ .• ~~~. ~,,~~~< ',' :.~ '~":/''' .. :'' . '.~':-~~, ~'.. '~-:"'-~' ~::, '.~, ~':?--,~~-.; .. ~ . .:.:.... ". ,~L'J tlJKl . "S'qoiJ.rba~ .iioqtes are-1n Much credit~wasto R. H," 'will ;take .tip a telDilorary, +:~.,...:-"~-.--...,......::..c.---:-"-:---c~--,-,--"-.,,,,,-=~:""'t n.. .. -.. ... ,.. .... ..;.a~+-'-___ -"-:" .. ""-_ '.' .... , .. '. ',. .

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-i}\\~a~thi.e~rs~.~. w~e~ ... tw~e~I~~o,,~m~e~.~gO~O=d~~~~i~~;~, :~~a~~.~.g1~··.~~e~n~' ::t:-n.fa.w.~i~~.:~s~;~:;sS~joj·~~ti::.~t~o~;~~IT!;~~f1=.~o~r,..~=~·.t.~.-.· ~ .. ~ ,.'.," . ~ : J S~· ':;;':~, .: '.' to Q'ilr' COffln1,IAliG':"-' . - - York ana_has'Ian(feda "Ira.:~.m.' - " ,,-'" -. -, ,t -~ai1hi.::'-."::'. Jr.. ~.~1. '.i.'LOOr-: ~ -' -'," .1'

.' . -~r!:'~a~~~~r- Mr:·' __ ~fifmjsh-;tJIe:...lO.em!Y'ent.~. tittlh~1ttt,:~::.;:,,;:,~;·::,,,,:· ='~":~~..,: .,,' ":-~'-. ',-_.--. . -'" ~-.,;:.--,.~"",. ..... . _.,.. !-__ ~~.-par~y .on My 4th, whe(tempting vi~nds less masts" . .' .' . ~. . . . .:"i ...'

were spread: ~ri' their' beautiful laWn. . . -Mrs: I,JIJiauj{idwen .()fW"'ningtaitll!I~~~~g§g~~~~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~§~~§~§~~~~~~~:7~ and were--P!irtakeiQLb~y ,.ofJh.eiJ:.Jl,teI19uSegul!ft;ofhercousin. Mrs .. 'f. ;::~ __ --='_.,,,, friends. Out df town gU~~s. who l'e- W: ,-Mac:.kl~y. ". .. '.' . a e·:;:· ===;,;C'tGl't:;; .tl=====U)J.a :. _' mained over Sunday were isses .ndMrs. Earl Mathers had as .&-4 I'" .;.. . . i\t .Mrller~ Mary M. C:Der ott, Edna . Rev. Dr. their' gUests ov.er SundaY~4 'and,-Mts: - ~! .. - .'.. . •. . " .• : ". .. :... . • . •. :~ .. "', -l. " .' .'

.. '

J,\ .. Ryan, Mr. and ·Mrs .. ae.orgeRae. dueted, the·,fu.nual services. '. . ..... J. R.Carson.Mrs: R. D; y~n~, Mi$S'~"'~··' .~.' ',....': . -" ." . . _""" •. a'nd daughter, Miss'Margaret, of'Wash-- ·M..essrs. ·Lewis Quigg and . Rufus. Gladys Van~'-arid·~. W@am ,Wor- '. .• '. . ~., ._\.... > ingt~ft, "";: ~"" .:- ·.MathersspentSunday.\.¥ith'friends.in ,deU; of Mi..Salon, Va; / ....... '''.. '. ,'r ._'- ,/" .- ' .. ': .. ~ ,_. ,.

'" .-: . ', .,

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, J Mrs. ,Rena Craig.·.of. Gastrina. N. G" frede~cksburg'-. . "A' .. t:hurch repre~ the permanent . '.,' . ; .. '. . r.

is the guest ·of.her, cousin-A-Mrs. . Will Buckley apd family of Washing'- spirlt~fide~. Jtemood!esthe'loUfest ". "-1' . . .' .

l'\antlply. .. , .... spent Sundaywit.h his mather~ Mrs, human. ~ns; .anationsexp~es-, Leo PcUndexter, '01' the V. S, ~a ... y, . Lucy SlIckley.·. '. . ". sioR ,oj its religioussenfiment repre-and Everet Poindexter. of the U. S.·A., Rev. ·Dr. T. H.'·Mcleod. :'of .the 'Pres-seaM t.t. lIaiiou' at its best." life viSiting their hom.ein Cru}on. call:td I bytery of Washington. preached in .the .. '.; . .... .'. ,

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"bReeCBJ'ft ---­taiIUng the desirable '1x»dy." Camels

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blend bringi __ to the limit tile . quality .... tile raN 'en.ljoy1~~_ : refl_hine fIuop.and delightful meI- • they provide.' ......:..-.---

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