Coggins and Bridges Final Unit

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Toy Story 2014

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  • 5/24/2018 Coggins and Bridges Final Unit


    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering toInvestigate Movement in Toys

    Lesson #1-Where Do We Start with Reverse Engineering? At the End, Of Course!Lesson #2- Its Time to Move It, Move It!Lesson #3- Energy in Actionor Not!

    Lesson #4- and Were Back at the Start!

    We are searching for curious students who like to take things apart! Do you everwonder what makes your favorite toys tick? This week, we are going to find out through

    the process of reverse engineering. We will disassemble toys to uncover themechanisms within them that are responsible for their movement. We will also see how

    the reverse engineering process is being used in lots of other exciting fields!

    How can the product lead you to discover the process?How can working backward help you improve upon existing products?

    Joshua Bridges and Emily CogginsSPED 6402 Spring 2014East Carolina University
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    What is Reverse Engineering?

    Reverse engineering is the process by which scientists study the form and

    function of an object by disassembling it. With the goal of understanding how its

    underlying mechanisms work, scientists build objects backward. In the words of

    Samuelson and Scotchmer, reverse engineering is the process of extracting know-how

    or knowledge from a human-made artifact (2001, p. 3).

    The traditional engineering design process includes five important steps.

    Engineers ask, imagine, plan, create, and improve (Schroeder, Zarsky, & Yowell, 2009).

    Engineers begin with a need or an idea and take the steps necessary to create the

    optimal final product. The process of reverse engineering takes an existing product and

    seeks to understand its basic components and structure. Like the traditional engineering

    design process, the reverse engineering process includes five basic steps. These steps

    are general and can be completed in any order needed to reach the end goal of

    understanding the system.

    Reverse engineering begins with determining the original design goal. In the

    case of childrens toys, the design goal may be to create a forward -moving train that

    whistles as it travels. The next step is to observe the object in action and hypothesize

    what parts or mechanisms are at work within it. At this point, students would essentially

    play with the toys and predict what they will find upon disassembly. During the

    disassembly phase, it is important to carefully document the placement of all parts and

    to note how they interact with one another. Once all parts are separated, it is time to

    carefully analyze them with regard to materials chosen and how the parts appear to

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    have been created and assembled. Now is the time for questions such as Why is this

    part made of this material? and Could the toy function the same way without any of

    these parts? The final step of the process involves reporting on findings. The

    documentation should provide enough evidence to serve as a blueprint for an identical

    toy. This documentation could also serve as the basis for suggested improvements to

    the overall design of the toy (Lincoln Interactive, p. 177).

    Who Uses Reverse Engineering?

    Reverse engineering has application in a number of disciplines. Historically, the

    process has been used by military forces to replicate the weaponry of enemy forces.

    One such example occurred as the relationship between the United States and Russia

    deteriorated just prior to the Cold War. A B-29 Bomber nicknamed the Ramp Tramp

    was forced to land in Russian territory. The crew was captured and interrogated white

    the plane itself was disassembled by engineers. The result was the Soviet Unions TU -

    4, the primary bomber used throughout the 1950s. It was a near-perfect replica of the

    B-29 (Soviet Union Impounds and Copies B-29, 2006).

    Companies manufacture mechanical equipment use a form of reverse

    engineering known as Computer Assisted Design, or CAD. Rather than taking apart

    large, often expensive hardware, these businesses create three-dimensional computer

    generated models of their inner workings (Bradley & Currie, 2013). Competing

    companies have been known to reverse engineer products, make minor alterations or

    improvements, and manufacture similar items to market.

    The most common use of the phrase reverse engineering today refers to

    computer hardware and software. Developers use reverse engineering to create

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    technology that is compatible with devices made by other companies. In the mid-1980s,

    a company called Phoenix Technologies, Ltd. reverse engineered a BIOS for PC that

    would be compatible with the one produced by IBM. Scientists at technology company

    Chipworks recently shared their excitement about the release of the iPhone 5s. They

    said, Phone in hand, we did what any self-respecting technology company would do

    destroy it (carefully) (Tanner, 2013).

    Reverse engineering for compatibility purposes is a common practice, but

    developers do have to take steps to avoid charges of copy write infringement (Schwartz,

    2001). Apple and Samsung have been engaged in a very public battle over patent rights

    in the rapidly-growing smart phone industry. With concerns about similarities in software

    systems and case designs, Apple is seeking a judges ruling to impose a $40 per device

    royalty on Samsung products as damages from patent infringement (Mick, 2014).

    How Can Students Observe Energy in Childrens Toys?

    According to Carleigh Samson, editor for, mechanical toys

    are the perfect tools for investigating energy. Energy is the ability to do work. When

    work occurs, there is a change in position, speed, state, or form. Ms. Samson explained

    that students will be able to observe and describe both potential and kinetic energy

    using toys with simple mechanisms. Potential energy exists within the toys when they

    are at rest. It is energy that is ready to go but not yet in action.An object at a high

    elevation waiting to roll down a hill holds the potential energy necessary to change

    position. In a push/pull toy, the potential energy increases as the user pulls the toy

    backward. Kinetic energy is energy that is currently being used. Objects in motion show

    kinetic energy. A wind-up toy walking across the floor is using kinetic energy. In order

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    for stored potential energy to become kinetic energy, a force must act upon it. A force is

    any influence exerted on an object that makes it move (Seimears, 2010).

    What Are Common Types of Movements Made by Childrens Toys?

    The types of toys that the students will investigate in this unit are traditional,

    mostly self-propelled, toys. Students may find that their toys are driven by wind-up,

    rocking, spinning, push/pull, spring, or string mechanisms. There are also some toys

    that are powered by batteries or natural forces such as gravity (V & A Museum of

    Moving Toys, n.d.).

    What Makes Toys Move?

    Four of the most common mechanisms inside toys are cams, gears, levers, and

    pulleys. A cam is a shaped piece of metal or wood that is attached a drive shaft and to a

    rod called a follower. Cams come in a variety of shapes which each produce a unique

    movement for the follower. Gears are responsible for turning movements. They are

    teethed, or grooved, wheels that interlock as they spin. Gear speed depends on the size

    diameter of the gear and the number of teeth that it has. A lever is a platform balanced

    over a fixed pivot point. They are capable of flinging objects in the air. The distance that

    an object can travel is affected by the amount of effort placed on one end of the lever

    and by the length of the platform itself. A pulley is a grooved wheel with a rope around

    it. It can be used to lift heavy objects with minimal force. When combined, the power of

    pulleys to lift heavy objects increases (Price, Moving Toy Mechanisms, n.d.).

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    From the military to software companies, engineers want to know how a rivals

    product works so that they can create a better, and sometimes more profitable, product

    themselves. Reverse engineering is the process these engineers use to determine how

    the product works by disassembling it. They follow the same basic steps of determining

    the original design goal, observing the product, disassembling the product, analyzing

    the product, and drawing conclusions to improve the original product. The procedure

    advanced engineers use to break the code of a software program can also be used to

    find out how a childs toy works. The smaller parts of the toy (cams, gears, levers, and

    pulleys) may not be as sophisticated as computer program code, but the process is the

    same. No matter the level of importance, from matters of national security to a childs

    curiosity, reverse engineering can be used determine how something works.

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    Bradley, C., & Currie, B. (2013). Advances in the field of reverse engineering.

    Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2(5), 697-706. Retrieved January 29,

    2014, from the Taylor and Francis Online database.

    Course Samples. (n.d). Introduction to Engineering: Lesson 7. Retrieved January 24,

    2014, from


    Factsheets : Soviet Union Impounds and Copies B-29. (2006, February 14). National

    Museum of the Air Force. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from

    Mick, J. (2014, March 13). DailyTech - Apple Authorized to Seek $40 Per Device

    Against Samsung. DailyTech -Apple Authorized to Seek $40 Per Device

    Against Samsung. Retrieved March 13, 2014, from


    Moving Toys. (n.d.). V&A Museum of Childhood. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from

    Price, M. (n.d.). Moving toy mechanisms. Moving toy mechanisms. Retrieved January

    29, 2014, from

    Samuelson, P., & Scotchmer, S. (2002). The law and economics of reverse

    engineering. Yale Law Journal, 111. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from

    Schroeder, M., Zarske, M., & Yowell, J. (2014, January 29). Engineering in Reverse! -
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    Activity. Teach Retrieved January 29, 2014, from


    Schwartz, M. (2001, November 1). Reverse-Engineering. Computerworld. Retrieved

    January 27, 2014, from

    Seimears, C. M. (2010). Hey students, that can is full of energy!. Science Activities:

    Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 47(2), 58-62. Retrieved January 24,

    2014, from the Taylor and Francis Online database.

    Tanner, J., Morrison, J., James, D., Fontaine, R., & Gamache, P. (2013, September 20).

    Chipworks. Inside the iPhone 5s. Retrieved March 12, 2014, from

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    Expert Summary

    Carleigh Samson is a civil engineer and an editor at the Teach Engineering

    Digital Library. While searching for resources on reverse engineering with toys, I found

    a lesson on for an investigation very similar to what I had in mind

    for camp. The lesson is called Engineering in Reverse! and involves students

    disassembling push toys. It describes the reverse engineering design process and how

    to guide students to make suggestions for improving the toys. is supported by the Integrated Teaching and Learning

    Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder. I first contacted

    Janet Yowell, Associate Director of K-12 Education at the university. She directed me

    to Ms. Samson. We communicated by email and phone, and she has expressed

    willingness to provide support throughout the unit development process. Ms. Samson

    explained that her job as editor of involves conducting background

    research into the topics of each lesson on the site. The lessons are written by graduate

    engineering students, and it is her job to make sure they are scientifically accurate and

    ready to be shared.

    Ms. Samson holds a Bachelors degree in mathematics from McGill University, a

    Masters degree in Education from The Johns Hopkins University, and a Masters

    degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Colorado at Boulder. She is currently

    a doctoral student studying Environmental Engineering.

    Contact Information:

    Email: [email protected]

    Office Phone: 303-492-6950

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    Annotated BibliographyOnline

    Constructing kids: Learning, playing, and constructing with children. Retrieved from

    A great website where parents and kids can find videos and activities to watch

    and do at home. The videos and activities deal with construction using household

    items, new technology, and reviews of games and books related to engineering.

    Lewis, Kristie (2010, Sept. 1). 100 Awesome engineering projects for kids.

    Retrieved from


    This is a great website for kids to find fun experiments they can do at home. The

    experiments are divided into categories including basics, light and electricity, and

    harnessing nature. Experiment 35 has kids determine how a push toy works.

    The Maker Movement. Retrieved from

    The Maker Faire is a festival that celebrates inventions and creativity. The Maker

    Movement allows people from every community celebrate anyone who has

    created a new invention. The students and their friends can do these festivals in

    their neighborhoods to showcase their new engineering skills.

    Reverse Engineering. Retrieved from


    Khan Academy is a website where students can watch videos to learn about

    different topics. The section on reverse engineering contains numerous videos

    kids can watch to learn how common household items work.
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    Reverse Engineering. Retrieved from


    This website includes a kid friendly encyclopedia where they can search for any

    topic. The article on reverse engineering provides links for students to use to find

    more information on how reverse engineering is used by software companies.


    Arnold, Nick (2011). How machines work: The interactive guide to simple machines and

    mechanisms. Philadelphia: Running Press Kids.

    This book teaches students about the mechanisms and simple machines used

    in toys and other devices. Students can also build the machines described in the

    book using the included kits. The book relates to reverse engineering

    because students learn about the mechanisms inside the toys that they will

    find when they take them apart.

    Greathouse, Lisa (2009). How toys work. Huntington Beach: Teacher Created


    How Toys Workdescribes the design and function of different types of toys. It

    also tells how the toys use physics to work. This book tells students what they

    would find if they used reverse engineering skills on these toys.

    Sobey, E. & Sobey, W. (2008). The way toys work: The science behind the magic 8 ball,

    etch a sketch, boomerang, and more. Chicago: Chicago Review Press.
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    This book profiles 50 popular toys. Kids who read the book will learn the history,

    trivia, and technology used in these toys. Kids can use reverse engineering to

    perform experiments to see the concepts described in the book in action.

    Spihaus, A. & Spihaus, K. (1989). Mechanical toys: How old toys work. Crown

    Publishing Group.

    From power to sound, this book provides its readers with all the information they

    need to understand how old mechanical toys work. The book gives the reader

    information on toys they may not be able to find today.

    Wulffson, D. (2000). Toys!: Amazing stories behind some great inventions. New York:

    Henry Holt and Company.

    This is a book kids can read to learn interesting facts about the most popular

    toys. Some of the toys included in the book are Mr. Potato Head, the slinky, and

    Raggedy Ann. The book gives information about the workings of pinball

    machines and video games.

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    Interactions are actions that are reciprocated between two things. In other words,

    when one object applies a force or action on another object, the second object applies a

    force or action to the first object. These actions occur when two people or objects meet

    and engage with one another. Interactions can happen between two objects no matter

    their size. People can interact with people, people can interact with objects, and objects

    can interact with other objects.

    There is an infinite amount of actions two people or objects can apply to one

    another. These actions can be as simple as two people shaking hands or as difficult as

    a tugboat pulling a barge. Interactions can be both physical and non-physical. Non-

    physical interactions will mostly likely occur between two people. The most common

    non-physical interaction is a conversation. Physical actions happen when the people or

    objects involved touch each other. Examples of physical actions are pushing and

    pulling. Interactions are an integral part of the world. Without them, cars would not run

    and teachers could not teach.

    Interactions occur when two people or objects apply an action or force to one

    another. Our topic of implementing reverse engineering to learn how toys work involves

    multiple different types of interactions. These interactions include person-to-person,

    student-to-toy, student-to-technology, and toy part-to-toy part. All of these interactions

    are woven throughout our lessons.

    The first interaction that will be depicted in our lessons is person-person between

    teachers and students. This interaction will include both non-physical and physical

    actions. To begin with, we, as the teachers, will have conversations with the students

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    about the steps of reverse engineering, how reverse engineering has been used

    throughout history, and how the students think their toys work. The students will also be

    interacting with one another. With a partner, the students will act out the types of

    movements they discover when analyzing the parts of the toy. The last person-to-

    person interaction will occur between the students and their audience. The students will

    show their parents what they did during the lessons and will explain to them how all of

    the parts of the toy make it move. Their sites will be published, so their

    audience extends throughout the world.

    The interaction between the students and their toys is the second type of

    interaction that will occur during our lessons. This interaction will be physical; the

    students will be touching the toys and taking them apart. Also, the students will be

    interacting with the parts of the toys. They will be analyzing the parts of the toy and

    discovering how each part works. The students will have many opportunities to

    manipulate the parts with their hands and play with them in order to determine how the

    working parts interact with one another and whether or not improvements could be


    The third type of interaction that will be depicted in our topic is between the

    students and technology. This interaction will also be physical. The technology the

    students will interact with includes a SMART board, cameras, and computers/Ipads.

    The students will do an interactive activity using the SMART board where they touch the

    screen and move things around to sort different scenarios into categories. The students

    will use cameras to take pictures of their toys, the parts of the toys, and them analyzing

    the toys. Throughout all of the lessons, the students will interact with computers/Ipads to

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    add information to a website including what they are learning about their

    toys and the process of reverse engineering. The students will also be using forms to

    post responses to each days point to ponder. The instructors will also be interacting

    with the technology. We will be using interactive PowerPoints to give students the

    background information they need to be successful during the rest of the lessons. Not

    only will the instructors and the students interact with technology, some of the

    technology will interact together. The cameras will be connected to the computers/Ipads

    so that the pictures the students take can be uploaded to their website.

    The last type of interaction that will be depicted in our topic is between the

    individual parts of the toys. Each part of the toy has a specific purpose and each

    connection between the parts is deliberate in order for the toys to actually work. There

    are many interactions occurring simultaneously in the toy and the students will be

    analyzing these interactions. In terms of reverse engineering, the interactions between

    the parts are the most important because these interactions show the students how the

    toy works.

    Toys present an excellent opportunity to study the interactions of tiny

    mechanisms. Through the process of reverse engineering their toys and publishing their

    findings, students will also experience the interaction between themselves and other

    people and explore technology as a tool for interacting and sharing information with a

    global audience.

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    Students participating in the Toy Story 2014 unit will have many opportunities to

    interact with technology throughout the camp week. A number of technological tools

    have been intentionally incorporated to enhance their understanding of content and to

    provide opportunities to extend that learning in creative ways.

    Beginning on Day 1, students will participate in discussion surrounding a

    PowerPoint for an overview of the steps of the reverse engineering process as well as

    the historical and current uses of reverse engineering. This presentation will be made

    available via Scribd on the unit site, and the teachers will lead an

    exploration of it. PowerPoint was selected as a tool to present this information because

    of its capability to support embedded multimedia and the ease with which presentations

    can be saved, uploaded, and shared.

    Also on Day 1, students will visit a website called

    see animated examples of types of motion. The animations on the site are colorful and

    kid-friendly and will help prepare the students to make predictions about the types of

    mechanisms that they may find when they disassemble their toys. Students will

    complete a research guide to provide a direction for their exploration of this site.

    The reverse engineering process relies heavily on the documentation of findings.

    Each student or pair of students will develop a site within our unit home

    page on which they will document each of the five steps of the reverse engineering

    process. Documenting findings on will allow for a global audience for

    student work, as well as provide valuable experience with website building.
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    has an easily navigable toolbar that will allow students to begin adding content within

    minutes of creating an account.

    Cameras will be utilized throughout the process to document the steps taken and

    the discoveries made. Students will use Dropbox to make photographs available on

    desktops/laptops for uploading onto their websites.

    Beginning on Day 1 of camp, students will be asked to complete a twitter-style

    response to a point to ponder via the blogs feature on our unit site at the

    end of each lesson. Responses will be evaluated using a rubric and the information that

    they provide will help the instructors know if any of the concepts from the days lessons

    need to be revisited later in the week. Blogging is a Web 2.0 practice that allows

    students to post and respond to one anothers thoughts regarding course content. We

    will also encourage students to visit Weebly at home with their families each afternoon

    and to expand the conversation. Each night, there will be home interaction opportunity

    available there.

    As a hook on Day 2, students will view a brief video of a Furby Autopsy. The

    instructors will then lead a discussion of how the process that they observed in the

    video clip compares to the reverse engineering process that they are using this week at

    camp. The home interaction opportunity for day 2 will be a link to view the full autopsy documentation of a Furby

    disassembly. One of our goals is to help students see that the process can be applied in

    a number of disciplines, and this site, although somewhat silly, is a great way to show

    that it can be fun!
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    Students will visit

    Muirhead/website/main.htmto build background knowledge on mechanisms commonly

    found inside toys. Examples include cams, gears, levers, and pulleys. The interactive

    site offers simulations in which students can design machines that will accomplish a

    given goal such as moving a boulder or pushing an object off a cliff. This activity was

    chosen because it allows students to see how the same mechanisms that power

    childrens toys are used on a much larger scale for reasons other than play. Simulations

    are a great option for allowing students to think critically about situations that are not

    practical in a classroom.

    In Days 3 and 4, two videos will be used as hooks. In Day 3, a video of a roller

    coaster in motion will be shown to help students visualize potential and kinetic energy

    on a large scale. The video will be followed by an interactive PowerPoint showing

    situations where potential and kinetic energy are at work. Again, technology is being

    used to expose students to ways that the principles that we are learning in the unit can

    apply in real-world contexts. The Day 4 hook is a well-known Toy Story clip (3:11) called

    Sid Learns a Lesson. In the clip, all of the toys that Sid has dismembered and

    mistreated over the years are rising from the mud and coming to get him. Some of these

    toy characters are combinations of multiple toys. We hope that this will prompt students

    to think about how their toys could be redesigned or even combined with other groups

    toys to form new creations.

    Upon completion of the Toy Story 2014 unit, students will have produced a

    detailed webpage that documents each step of the reverse engineering process.

    Beginning on Day 3 and continuing into Day 4, we will be asking students to consider
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    suggestions for improvement and possible redesigns for their toys. Students will

    complete a planning sheet with guiding questions that ask them to describe and justify

    their plan. Students will attempt to build their redesigned units using available parts.

    They will then photograph and upload their redesigns to and feature them

    during the parent visit.

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    I. What is Reverse EngineeringA. Definition of Reverse Engineering

    1. Process used to determine the form and function of an object

    a. Goal is to understand how underlying mechanisms workb. Object is disassembled and its parts are analyzedB. Process of Reverse Engineering

    1. Five steps of the processa. Askdetermine the original design goalb. Imagineobserve the original product in actionc. Plandecide what changes can be maded. Createdevelop the new producte. Improvefix a flaw, make it more economical

    2. Main step for reverse engineering a toy is disassembling ita. Carefully document the placement of all parts

    i. Note how they interact with each otherb. Analyze the partsi. How they have been createdii. Materials needed

    c. Ask questionsi. Why is this part made of this material?ii. Could the toy function the same way without any of itsparts?

    d. Report on findingsi. Provide evidence to serve as blueprint for an identical toyii. Serve as the basis for suggested improvements

    II. Uses of Reverse EngineeringA. Historical Uses1. Military

    a. Russia replicated a U.S. B-29 bomberb. Created the TU-4, the primary bomber through the 1950s

    B. Todays Uses1. Manufacturing Companies

    a. Use a process called Computer Assisted Designb. 3-D models of the inner workings are used to improve the design

    2. Computer Hardware Companiesa. Phoenix Technologies, Ltd. reversed engineered a BIOS for PC

    b. New BIOS was compatible with ones made by IBM3. Telephone Companiesa. Samsung vs. Apple

    i. Copying design, user interfaceIII. Physics of a Childrens Toy

    A. Energy1. Definition

    a. The ability to do work

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    b. Work occurs when there is a change in position, speed, state orformc. Types: potential and kinetic

    2. Potential Energya. Stored energy in the toy

    i. Exists when the toy is at restb. Examplesi. Slinky at top of stairsii. Woodys string being pulled

    3. Kinetic Energya. Energy being usedb. Force must act upon toy for energy to make it move

    B. Movement1. Self-Propelled

    a. Wind-up, push/pull, spring, string, rocking, spinning2. Electric

    a. Powered by batteries3. Natural Forcesa. Gravity

    4. Typesa. linear- moving in a straight lineb. reciprocating- moving backwards and forwardsc. oscillating- swinging from side to sided. rotary-turning in a circle

    C. Mechanisms1. Cams

    a. Made of metal or wood

    b. Attached to a drive shaft and rod (called the follower)c. Shape determines movement of the followeri. Pearfollower remains motionless for half of the cycleii. Circularcreates a smooth motioniii. Heartfollower rises and falls with uniform velocityiv. DropCreates a sudden fall

    2. Gearsa. Responsible for turning movementsb. Teethed, or grooved, wheels that interlockc. Speed depends on diameter of the gear and the number of teeth

    3. Levers

    a. Platform balanced over a fixed pivot pointb. Capable of flinging objects into the airc. Distance affected by force put on one end and length of theplatform

    4. Pulleysa. Grooved wheel with a ropeb. Used to lift heavy objects with minimal force

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    LESSON #1Where Do We Start with Reverse Engineering? At the End, Of Course!



    Students will demonstrate understanding of the first steps of thereverse engineering process by determining and documenting thepurpose and design goals for movement in their toys.


    Toys are just for fun, so they must be simple!


    How can the product help you understand the process?

    CONTENTOutline the contentyou will teach in

    this lesson.

    What is Reverse Engineering?A. Definition of Reverse Engineering

    1. Process used to determine the form and function

    of an objecta. Goal is to understand how underlyingmechanisms workb. Object is disassembled and its parts areanalyzed

    B. Process of Reverse Engineering1. Five steps of the process

    a. Askdetermine the original design goalb. Imagineobserve the original product inactionc. Plandecide what changes can be made

    d. Createdevelop the new producte. Improvefix a flaw, make it moreeconomical

    2. Main step for reverse engineering a toy isdisassembling it

    a. Carefully document the placement of allparts

    i. Note how they interact with eachother

    b. Analyze the partsi. How they have been created

    ii. Materials needc. Ask questionsi. Why is this part made of thismaterial?ii. Could the toy function the same waywithout any of its parts?

    d. Report on findingsi. Provide evidence to serve as

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    blueprint for an identical toyii. Serve as the basis for suggestedimprovements

    II. Uses of Reverse EngineeringA. Historical Uses

    1. Militarya. Russia replicated a U.S. B-29 bomberb. Created the TU-4, the primary bomberthrough the 1950s

    B. Todays Uses1. Manufacturing Companies

    a. Use a process called Computer AssistedDesignb. 3-D models of the inner workings are usedto improve the design

    2. Computer Hardware Companies

    a. Phoenix Technologies, Ltd. reversedengineered a BIOS for PCb. New BIOS was compatible with ones madeby IBM

    3. Telephone Companiesa. Samsung vs. Apple

    i. Copying design, user interfaceii. Seeking $40 per device in damagesand royalties

    III- Types of movement1. linear- moving in a straight line

    2. reciprocating- moving backwards and forwards3. oscillating- swinging from side to side4. rotary-turning in a circle


    What will studentsUNDERSTAND asa result of thislesson? How doesthis connect to the


    Students will understand that the reverse engineering process canbe used to take an existing product and work backward to discoverthe mechanisms responsible for its movement.

    Additionally, students will recognize specific types of movement.

    The essential question asks how the product can help youunderstand the process. Students will examine their toys, observethem to describe movement, and begin a dialogue about whatcauses their movement.

    What will studentsbe able to DO as aresult of thislesson?

    Students will useappropriate vocabulary to describe types ofmovement.

    Students will describethe steps of the reverse engineering

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    Students will determine the purpose and design goals of their toys.

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    III. PLANNINGHOOKDescribehow youwill grab

    studentsattentionat thebeginningof thelesson.BECREATIVE.

    TIME: 15 minutesStudent pairs will watch three5 minute video to view clips of the reverseengineering process in action. These videos will be linked through our site. Each video will be followed by one discussion question to

    which students will respond via the forms feature. They will be encouragedto interact with their partners through discussion of the questions beforeposting their thoughts.

    1- Taking Stuff Apart- MICROWAVE! question: Have you ever fought the urge to take something apartto see how it worked? Have you ever actually done it? Tell us about it!

    2-Khan Academy- Whats Inside a Tap Light?

    Eng/reverse-engineering/v/what-is-inside-a-tap-lightDiscussion question: Who knew a tap light had so many parts? Which partdo you think is leastimportant? Why?

    3-3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering question: How do you think scientists got accuratemeasurements of objects before 3D scanning was available?


    CTIONExplainStep-by-step whatyou willdo in thislesson.Beexplicitabout tiesto Points

    toPonder,EssentialQuestion,andInteractions here.Include

    TIME:45 minutes total

    1. Introductory PowerPointavailable through slide share on unit website.Slides include:-Introduction and discussion of point to ponder- Toys are just for fun, so theymust be simple! Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not?-Introduction and discussion of essential question- How can the producthelp you understand the process?-Review steps to the traditional engineering design process and compare tothe steps of the reverse engineering process.-Who uses reverse engineering?

    -Discuss historical example of the B-29 bomber that was copied by

    Russia prior to the Cold War.-Computer-Aided Design-Apple vs. Samsung legal battle over patent infringement

    2. Students organize themselves into learning teams for the toyinvestigation. They may opt to work in pairs or independently.

    3. Types of movement investigation and dramatization
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    with yourunit.

    -Overview of types of movement: will visit this site with their partners and view the animations of the4 types of movement. They will complete a brief sort to guide their


    Each group will be assigned a type of movement to act out in 5-10 seconds.These movements can all be shown through simple physical movementssuch as walking in a straight line (linear), swaying back and forth(oscillating). An assortment of interlocking toys will be available for use asoptional props. (KNex) The instructors will video these performances andupload to the unit homepage.

    1. linear- moving in a straight line2. reciprocating- moving backwards and forwards3. oscillating- swinging from side to side

    4. rotary-turning in a circle

    Reverse Engineering Step 1: Determine Purpose and Design Goals4. Students select the toys that they will study for this unit. Preselectedoptions will be provided by the instructors. The following link showsexamples of the types of toys that will be provided. We would like to have atoy from each category provided that they are available.

    5. The reverse engineering process relies heavily on documentation of

    findings. Begin documentation now by having students login and sites linked to the main unit website. This is the first stage ofthe final product in which they will publish a detailed online analysis of theinner workings of their toy. Publishing their findings online allows them tointeract with a global audience.

    6. Demonstrate basic features of such as selecting a theme,adding text boxes, pictures, and video.

    7. Show and discuss the Weebly site rubric so students will know thestandards that will be used to evaluate their work.

    8. Students play with and observe their toys in action to collect data abouttheir design purpose. They may collect data in the form of photographs,videos, sketches, and written notes. An investigation guide will be provided.

    9. After investigation, model the process for transferring photos and videosto Dropbox from the Ipad. Students can use the link to see how to complete this process.
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    10. Students use data from investigation guide, photos, and videos to beginbuilding their sites.

    Career Connection #1- Have you considered a career in Computer-Aided

    Design? One day, you could use CAD to reverse engineer equipment formilitary aircraft!

    Home Interaction Opportunity (accessed under Day 1 of unit Weeblysite):Cantwait until tomorrow to learn more about what makes things tick?Check out this link to learn all about the inner workings of the London Eye.


    (PerformanceTask)What willthestudentsDO todemonstrate thatthey havemastered

    thecontent?Bespecificandincludeactualassessment withunitmaterials.

    TIME: 5 minutes

    Students will complete and submit an exit ticket via the forms feature on theunit page. If time is prohibitive, we will preview these questionsat camp and encourage students to complete them at home.

    Day 1 Exit Ticket:1. Todays point to ponder is Toys are just for fun, so they must be simple!Do you agree with that statement now? Why or why not?

    2. Which of the four types of movement that we investigated can youobserve in your toy?

    3. Describe one job that utilizes reverse engineering.

    4. Which of these lists the steps of the reverse engineering process in thecorrect order?a) plan, imagine, improve, create, askb) ask, imagine, plan, create, improvec) imagine, plan, ask, create, improved) improve, plan, crate, imagine, ask

    To demonstrate understanding of the first step of the reverse engineeringprocess, students begin to document their observations on

    using photographs, videos, and written observation notes.Weebly content will be assessed using a rubric.


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    ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have beensubmitted for this lesson.1. Introductory PowerPoint (available via Scribd on unit webpage)

    2. Research Guide for Types of Movement Investigation (Sort)3. Investigation guide for Step 14. Weebly site rubric5. Rubric for exit ticket

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    Investigation Guide

    Step 1- Determine Purpose and Design Goals

    Check off each task as you complete it.

    o Photograph your toy from all sides.

    o Interactwith your toy through PLAY! Watch it in action.o Record a brief video of your toys movement.

    o Respond to the following questions with as much detail as possible.

    1. What type(s) of movement (rotary, oscillating, linear, or reciprocating) is

    your toy designed to perform?

    2. List and sketch each part of your toy that is visible from the outside.

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    Day 1- Types of Movement Investigation Sort

    Place the definition cards and example cards beneath each type of movement.




    and forwards

    in a straight


    turning round in

    a circle

    is moving in a

    straight line

    swinging from

    side to side

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    Day 1 Exit Ticket Rubric-

    Demonstrates No







    Demonstrates Full



    1. Todays point toponder is Toys are

    just for fun, so theymust be simple!Do you agree withthat statement?Why or why not?2. Which of the fourtypes of movementthat weinvestigated can

    you observe inyour toy?3. Describe one jobthat utilizes reverseengineering.4. Which of theselists the steps ofthe reverseengineeringprocess in thecorrect order?

    a) plan, imagine,improve, create,askb) ask, imagine,plan, create,improvec) imagine, plan,ask, create,improved) improve, plan,crate, imagine, ask

    n/a n/a

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    Reverse Engineering a Toy- Site Rubric







    Step 1-


    Purpose andDesign Goals

    An abundance of

    photographs, notes,

    and videos areprovided. The design

    goal is clearly stated.

    A few


    notes, or videosare provided.

    The design goal

    is stated but may

    be unclear.



    notes, or videosare provided.

    The design goal

    is not stated.

    Step 2- Observe

    and Develop

    Ideas of How it


    Hypothesis is clearly

    stated and supported

    with evidence.

    Hypothesis is

    stated but

    unclear or not

    supported with


    Hypothesis is

    not stated.

    Step 3-

    DisassembleInto Basic


    Documentation of

    disassembly includesnotes, photographs,

    and a detailed

    exploded diagram.

    Another scientist could

    reassemble the toy

    based on information



    of disassemblyincludes some



    and an exploded

    diagram, but

    they may lack

    detail or be



    of disassemblyprovides



    Step 4- Analysis

    of Structure,


    Materials, and


    Documentation of

    analysis of structure,

    function, materials,

    and manufacturing is

    thorough and includes

    detailed and

    thoughtful responses.


    of analysis of



    materials, and

    manufacturing is

    present but may

    lack detail.


    of analysis of



    materials, and


    is minimal or

    not provided.

    Step 5- Use


    Report or


    Student successfully

    reassembles original

    toy and/or completes a

    successful redesign.

    Student justifiesreasoning for redesign.


    reassembles toy

    close to its

    original state but

    may have someleftover parts.


    redesigns toy

    but may not be

    able to explain

    how the toy has


    Student does

    not successfully


    original toy or

    complete aredesign.

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    LESSON #2Its Time to Move It, Move It!



    Students will observe their toys and develop ideas about how they


    Students will disassemble their toys into their basic components.

    Students will carefully document their findings and publish them onthe unit webpage.


    An investigation is only as valuable as the data it produces.


    How are the interact ions of mechanisms within toys responsiblefor their movement?

    CONTENTOutline the contentyou will teach inthis lesson.

    C. Mechanisms1. Cams

    a. Made of metal or woodb. Attached to a drive shaft and rod (called thefollower)c. Shape determines movement of thefollower

    i. Pearfollower remains motionlessfor half of the cycleii. Circularcreates a smooth motioniii. Heartfollower rises and falls with

    uniform velocityiv. DropCreates a sudden fall2. Gears

    a. Responsible for turning movementsb. Teethed, or grooved, wheels that interlockc. Speed depends on diameter of the gearand the number of teeth

    3. Leversa. Platform balanced over a fixed pivot pointb. Capable of flinging objects into the airc. Distance affected by force put on one end

    and length of the platform4. Pulleysa. Grooved wheel with a ropeb. Used to lift heavy objects with minimal force


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    What will studentsUNDERSTAND asa result of thislesson? How doesthis connect to the


    Students will understand how mechanisms within toys interact with one another to cause movement.

    What will studentsbe able to DO as aresult of thislesson?

    Students will observea toy in motion and expressan informedhypothesis about the mechanisms that make it move.

    Students will disassemblea toy into its basic components and usecorrect vocabulary to identify and describe the mechanisms withinit.

    Students continue to documentand keep detailed data for steps 2and 3 in the reverse engineering process as described in the point

    to ponder.

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    III. PLANNINGHOOKDescribe howyou will grabstudents

    attention at thebeginning of thelesson.BE CREATIVE.

    TIME: 5 minutesFurby Autopsy Does the process in this video qualify as reverse engineering?

    Why or why not? Post your thoughts to the blog on Weebly!

    INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what youwill do in thislesson. Beexplicit aboutties to Points to

    Ponder,EssentialQuestion, andInteractionshere. Include

    ALL support andteachingmaterials withyour unit.

    TIME: 50 minutes1. Today, we conduct steps 2 and 3 of the reverse engineeringprocess.

    -Step 2- Observe and develop ideas of how our toys work.What interactionstake place between mechanisms?-Step 3- Disassemble Into Basic ComponentsInteractwith our toys by taking them apart

    Reverse Engineering Step 2: Observe and Develop Ideas of How itWorks:2. Build background knowledge on mechanisms commonly foundinside toys (cams, gears, levers, pulleys) by visiting is an interactive website that allows students to designmachines that will accomplish a given goal. Students complete aresearch guide as they explore the site.

    3. Students add hypotheses to Weebly site about what mechanisms

    they will find when they disassemble their toys in the step 2 section.

    Reverse Engineering Step 3: Disassemble Into Basic Components:

    4. What is an exploded view drawing?-Exploded view drawings areuseful in showing how an object has been assembled. They arecommonly found in manuals for furniture that must be assembledafter purchase. Students view examples of exploded view drawingsto understand assignment expectations and gather inspiration.

    5. Students use provided tools to carefully disassemble their toys.

    They will attempt to do this in a non-destructive way so as to be ableto reassemble the parts into the original functional toy. They willcatalog each component of the toy on the website and create adetailed exploded view drawing to be scanned/photographed anduploaded. Students should note the steps taken during disassemblyto include in final documentation. A disassembly documentationguide will be provided.
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    Career Connection #2- Consider becoming a malware researcher!Software companies are looking for workers with reverseengineering skills to combat those nasty viruses that attack ourcomputer systems.

    Home Interaction Opportunity:Share the full autopsy report for theFurby with your family.IF they can handle the gore!

    ASSESSMENT(PerformanceTask) What willthe students DOto demonstratethat they have

    mastered thecontent? Bespecific andinclude actualassessment withunit materials.

    TIME: 10 minutes

    Day 2 Exit Ticket:1. Can you think of examples of other places where you have seenthe mechanisms that we studied today?

    2. Did you find any parts that surprised you when you disassembledyour toy? Which ones?

    3. In the case of the Furby autopsy, the investigator wasdisassembling the Furby to discover why it had stopped working.Can you think of any jobs that require someone to conduct a similarinvestigation?

    4. Todays point to ponder is An investigation is only as valuable asthe data it produces.What is the purpose of documentation inscience?



    ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have beensubmitted for this lesson.

    1. Moving Toys website research guide2. Example links for exploded view diagrams3. A disassembly documentation guide4. Rubric for exit ticket
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    Day 2

    Moving Toys Website Research Guide



    Description Sketch Where Have You

    Seen Them?





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    Exploded View Diagram Examples
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    Day 2- Disassembly Documentation Guide

    Carefully disassemble your toy and lay the pieces on the table in an organized manner.

    Describe each step taken during disassembly.






    Catalog of Components

    Name (if known) Description Sketch

    Use the back of this paper if you need more space.

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    Day 2 Exit Ticket Rubric-

    Demonstrates No







    Demonstrates Full



    1. Can you think ofexamples of otherplaces where youhave seen themechanisms thatwe studied today?2. Did you find anyparts that surprisedyou when youdisassembled your

    toy? Which ones?3. In the case of theFurby autopsy, theinvestigator wasdisassembling theFurby to discoverwhy it had stoppedworking. Can youthink of any jobsthat requiresomeone to

    conduct a similarinvestigation?4. Todays point toponder is Aninvestigation is onlyas valuable as thedata it produces.What is the purposeof documentation inscience?

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    LESSON #3Energy in Actionor Not!



    Students will understand and identify examples of potential and

    kinetic energy and demonstrate understanding of the interact ions between the parts of their toys.


    We can observe energy in objects even when they are standingstill.


    How do energy and interact ions within toys cause them to move?

    CONTENTOutline the contentyou will teach in

    this lesson.

    2. Main step for reverse engineering a toy is disassembling ita. Carefully document the placement of allparts

    i. Note how they interact with eachother

    b. Analyze the partsi. How they have been createdii. Materials need

    III. Physics of a Childrens ToyA. Energy

    1. Definitiona. The ability to do workb. Work occurs when there is a change in

    position, speed, state or formc. Types: potential and kinetic2. Potential Energy

    a. Stored energy in the toyi. Exists when the toy is at rest

    b. Examplesi. Slinky at top of stairsii. Woodys string being pulled

    3. Kinetic Energya. Energy being usedb. Force must act upon toy for energy to make

    it move

    II. PRE-PLANNINGWhat will studentsUNDERSTAND asa result of thislesson? How does

    Students will understand the differences between potential andkinetic energy.

    Students will understand that the interact ions between

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    this connect to theEssentialQuestion?

    mechanisms inside the toy cause the toy to move.

    The essential question asks students to describe how energy andinteractions inside the toy cause it to move. Students mustunderstand how the movement of one mechanism causes another

    mechanism to move and transfers potential energy into the kineticenergy that moves it.

    What will studentsbe able to DO as aresult of thislesson?

    Students will analyzethe mechanisms they learned about in Day 2to describe the interactions between them.

    Students will observe toys to identifypotential and kinetic energy.

    Students will update their websites to add the information fromStep 4- Analysis of Structure, Function, Materials, andManufacturing.

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    III. PLANNINGHOOKDescribe howyou will grabstudents

    attention at thebeginning of thelesson.BE CREATIVE.

    TIME: 10 minutesStudents will watch a 4 minute video of a rollercoaster. The video isbeing used to demonstrate potential and kinetic energy. Studentswill use the blog feature of our website to answer 3 questions. The

    video will be linked to our website.


    Questions:1. What happens to the rollercoaster as it moves towards andreaches its peak?2. What happens as the rollercoaster starts travelling down the firsthill?3. How does the movement up the hill affect the movement downthe hill?

    INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what you willdo in this lesson.Be explicit aboutties to Points toPonder, EssentialQuestion, andInteractions here.Include ALLsupport andteachingmaterials withyour unit.

    TIME: 40 minutes

    Step 4- Analysis of Structure, Function, Materials, andManufacturing

    1. To recall the information they learned in Day 2, students willupdate their Weebly site to include the mechanism names found intheir toy. They can revisit the following sites from this week forassistance.

    2. Students will use the Analyzing Parts worksheet to analyze howthe mechanisms interact with each other and the materials used tomake each mechanism. They will post the answer to question 1 ontheir Weebly. The worksheet connects the lesson to the essentialquestion because the students have to describe the interactionsbetween the parts of the toy.

    3. View an interactive PowerPoint on potential and kinetic energy.The PowerPoint will be available via the unit website.Slides include:

    -Discussion of the questions in the hook-Examples of potential and kinetic energy-Interactive quiz on potential and kinetic energy

    4. With partners from Days 1 and 2, students will use extra toys toobserve and identify examples of potential and kinetic energy. Theiranswers will be posted on the blog feature of our website. Studentswill use Slinkys, wind-up toys, and electric toys.
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    5. Students will start brainstorming how to improve their toys. Theywill be told they can bring materials from home that they want touse.

    Career Connection #3- Did you know that human limbs can be

    reverse engineered and printed on a 3D printer? How exciting itwould be to work in a field that helps give patients such realistic andfunctional prosthetics!

    Home Interaction Opportunity: Is there something in your homethat you are dying to reverse engineer? Now you know the steps tofollow to learn how it works. With parent permission, bring a toy fromhome tomorrow. We would love to see your next project! We mayeven have time to help you start the process!


    Task) What willthe students DOto demonstratethat they havemastered thecontent? Bespecific andinclude actualassessment withunit materials.

    TIME: 15 minutesStudents will complete and submit an exit ticket via the forms

    feature on the unit page.

    Day 3 Exit Ticket:1. Todays point to ponder said, We can observe energy in objectseven when they are standing still. What type of energy is beingexhibited by an object when it is standing still?2. Describe kinetic energy and how it can be observed in your toy.3. What are 3 interactions that occur inside your toy?4. Describe how these interactions transfer potential energy intokinetic energy.


    ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.1. Instructional video and activity in Energy PowerPoint: Interactive quiz in PowerPoint:

    Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have beensubmitted for this lesson.

    1. Analyzing Parts worksheet2. Energy PowerPoint3. Day 3 Exit Ticket Rubric
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    Engineering in Reverse! ActivityEngineering in Reverse Worksheet

    In the box below, complete a detaileddrawing of the internal components

    of the push-toy after it has been disassembled.Your drawing should include:

    Label for all parts Brief description of the interaction between parts

    After you have completed your drawing, answer the following questions.

    1) What does this device do? What parts make it work this way? How do the parts interact

    with each other?







    2) How would you improve the way this device is made?

    AFTER Disassembly

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    3) How could you change this device to make it more cost effective to produce?







    4) Can you redesign this device to make it function differently? How would you do this?







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    Day 3 Exit Ticket Rubric-

    Demonstrates No







    Demonstrates Full



    1. Todays point toponder said Wecan observeenergy in objectseven when theyare standing still.What type ofenergy is beingexhibited by anobject when it isstanding still?

    2. Describe kineticenergy and how itcan be observed inyour toy.3. What are 3interactions thatoccur inside thetoy?4. Describe howthese interactionscreate kinetic


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    LESSON #4And Were Back at the Start


    LESSONOBJECTIVE Students will use their documentation to report their findings andto develop suggestions for a redesign of the existing product.POINT TOPONDER

    Not all changes are improvements.


    How can knowing how the parts of an object work help to makeimprovements?

    CONTENTOutline the contentyou will teach inthis lesson.

    1. Five steps of the processa. Askdetermine the original design goalb. Imagineobserve the original product inactionc. Plandecide what changes can be made

    d. Createdevelop the new producte. Improvefix a flaw, make it moreeconomical

    d. Report on findingsi. Provide evidence to serve asblueprint for an identical toyii. Serve as the basis for suggestedimprovements


    What will studentsUNDERSTAND asa result of thislesson? How doesthis connect to theEssentialQuestion?

    Students will understand that knowing the interact ions of theparts of the toy can help them to to suggest improvements.

    Students will understand that not all changes will beimprovements.

    The essential question asks students how their knowledge of thestructure and purpose of each part of the toy can be used toimprove it.

    What will studentsbe able to DO as aresult of thislesson?

    Students will be able to reassembletheir toys using theirdocumentation from the first three lessons.

    Students will suggestchanges that could be made to their toys.

    Students will manipulatethe parts of their toys to create newtoys.

    Students will troubleshootproducts by using the reverseengineering process.

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    III. PLANNINGHOOKDescribe how you

    will grab studentsattention at thebeginning of thelesson.BE CREATIVE.

    TIME: 15 minutes

    Students will watch a three minute video from Toy Story entitledSid Learns a Lesson. Students will use the blog feature of Weeblyto post their responses to two questions.


    Discussion Questions:1. Brainstorm a list of movements observed in the clip.

    2. Discuss the ways the toys have been modified for new purposes.INSTRUCTION

    Explain Step-by-step what you willdo in this lesson.Be explicit aboutties to Points toPonder, EssentialQuestion, andInteractions here.Include ALLsupport andteaching materials

    with your unit.

    TIME: 35 minutes

    1. A discussion will be held about the students responses to thequestions in the hook. Hopefully the students will see that thesechanges made to the toys were not necessarily improvements.

    Step 5- Use Documentation: Report or Redesign

    2. Students will complete the Analyzing Parts worksheet. They willpost the answers to the remaining questions on their Weebly sites.

    3. Students will participate in a SCAMPER creativity exercise to

    generate ideas about possible improvements to their toys. Studentswill be given one minute to write down as many improvements theycan think of for the following categories: design, materials, andmovement. They will share their improvements and if students havethe same idea, they can elaborate on each others ideas.

    4. Final Unit Assessment: Students will take on the role of scientistsworking at a return center for a major retailer. Their task will be toanalyze a product that has been returned to figure out what iscausing the product to malfunction. The assessment will beintroduced using the provided PowerPoint. Students will complete

    the Student Sheet as they investigate their products. Theassessment will be scored using a rubric.

    5.As time permits, students have the option of attempting toreassemble their toy to its original state or making modificationsthat they think will improve its function. Students can use thematerials they brought from home.If materials needed foralterations are not readily available, students draw a detailed
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    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering to Investigate Movement in ToysJoshua Bridges and Emily Coggins

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    diagram of their suggestions. Students may also decide to combineparts of two separate toys to make a toy with an entirely newmovement pattern such as the ones seen in the Toy Story clip.

    6. Students will complete their online analyses of their toy by

    including the changes they made to the toy, how these changesaffected the movement of the toy, and why they made thesechanges. Students will also have the opportunity to work on anytasks from Steps 1-4 that they did not complete in preparation forthe parent visit.

    6. If time permits, students may reverse engineer a toy they bringfrom home or share plans with the class.

    Career Connection #4-Would you like to earn a living workingwith toys all day? Toy companies hire researchers to work in the

    area of toy development. They seek to improve existing toys and todevelop new toys. After the investigation that you conducted thisweek, you are well on your way to becoming a qualified applicant!

    Home Interaction Opportunity: Tell your family all about yourexciting week at camp when they visit our session!

    ASSESSMENT(PerformanceTask) What willthe students DO

    to demonstratethat they havemastered thecontent? Bespecific andinclude actualassessment withunit materials.

    TIME: 15 minutes

    Students will complete and submit an exit ticket via the formsfeature on the unit page.

    Day 4 Exit Ticket:

    1. Todays point to ponder said Not all changes areimprovements. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Why?

    2. If you changed your toy, how did these changes affect the toysmovement? If you did not change your toy, describe what you thinkwould happen if you did switch parts around.

    3. How did understanding the interactions between the parts of thetoy help you to decide what changes to make to your toy?


    ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.

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    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering to Investigate Movement in ToysJoshua Bridges and Emily Coggins

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    Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have beensubmitted for this lesson.

    1. Day 4 Exit Ticket Rubric2. SCAMPER guide

    3.Day 4 Assessment PowerPoint4. Day 4 Assessment Student Sheet5. Day 4 Assessment Rubric

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    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering to Investigate Movement in ToysJoshua Bridges and Emily Coggins

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    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering to Investigate Movement in ToysJoshua Bridges and Emily Coggins

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    Day 4 Assessment Student SheetItem Name:

    Steps of the



    Description of Action Observations






    Summary of Findings:

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    Toy Story 2014: Using Reverse Engineering to Investigate Movement in ToysJoshua Bridges and Emily Coggins

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    Day 4 Assessment Rubric

    2 Points 1 Point 0 Points

    Follows steps of

    the reverseengineering


    The student

    accurately follows

    the 5 steps of the

    reverse engineering

    process when

    approaching this


    The student follows

    some, but not all

    steps of the reverse

    engineering process.

    The student does not

    follow any of the

    steps of the reverse

    engineering process.

    Documentation of


    All 5 steps of the

    process are


    documented on the

    student sheet.

    Detaileddescriptions of

    actions taken and

    observations are


    Some steps of the

    process are not

    documented or

    include minimal


    Documentation of

    the process is


    Summary of


    The summary of

    findings is detailed

    enough for another

    person to fully

    understand what

    was done and

    correctlytroubleshoots the

    problem with the


    The summary of

    findings is det