Cochamó, Pared de Prof etas, Las Venas Cerradas de America Latina. Escaping from Torres del Paine’s awful weather, German Kevin Bartke and I landed in Valle Cochamó in late February, seeking some dry, sunny granite walls. After repeating some routes in the Anfiteatro, La Zebra, and Valle de Paloma, we teamed up with North American Erik Kinsley to open a new route that Kevin and Erik had seen on the Profetas Wall, up the Valle de Paloma. On our first push we climbed the first three pitches of Otro Dia Otro Largo (AAJ 2009, pp. 197-199), and then turned

Cochamó, Pared de Prof etas, Las Venas Cerradas de America …aac-publications.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/aaj/2011/PDF/... · 2013-06-19 · Cochamó, Pared de Prof etas, Las Venas

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Cochamó, Pared de Prof etas, Las Venas Cerradas de America Latina. Escaping from Torres del Paine’s awful weather, G erm an Kevin Bartke and I landed in Valle Cocham ó in late February, seeking some dry, sunny granite walls. After repeating some routes in the Anfiteatro, La Zebra, and Valle de Paloma, we teamed up with N orth American Erik Kinsley to open a new route that Kevin and Erik had seen on the Profetas Wall, up the Valle de Paloma. On our first push we climbed the first three pitches of Otro Dia O tro Largo (AAJ 2009, pp. 197-199), and then turned

left to the crack system in the center of the wall, just above the characteristic roof. A fter tw o h ig h -q u a lity p itches (the second being the hardest), the wall steepened and the cracks flared, making free clim bing alm ost im possib le. We traversed back right and shared some m e te rs w ith O tro D ia O tro Largo, un til the wall allowed us to re tu rn to our original crack system. In the end, we spent about five full days w orking on the route (Las Venas C erradas de America Latina, 330m, 5.11+), cleaning, freeing, and bolting some of the pitches and the belays. The first two pitches, which we added after our initial push, were rap -bo lted , and we believe they bring an easier and nicer alternative to the C 1 roof of O tro Dia O tro Largo. We would like to thank Daniel Seeliger for his support and his unending kindness.

A l e ja n d r o B o n il l a R a u , Spain