VOL X. IRON ERA t'uui.ifiiiEij KTEBV KAIL'IUMV ET 15J:1N T J. 1I.VOGT. j;ui rou A - ii riiuiiiiiToH. Olllce ou Morris Esioot naai Blackwell, Is j ' l i i v n M u l i t l l H , - - - - - - - 5(; ADVrBTISlHC BATES. HPACK. I 1 Wi:. | 1! WKH. I: WKH. 1 MD. i iiu.il id 7r.;s l an $ i <-.u " 2(H)i ' ' i Ool H (HI io a:. ia r.u jr. im| v.i (io| uy no Ii M<»i. $ 4 fidiiji i; 0!) ,*io ON PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HANCE & Go.'s STORE, .POUT OIIAM, N. .J. F 0 1 //'; 1 1 ^" 1 | - i! ' li ,"' 1 iiiri1 '"'• " f •'-•""••i>ii^ I'v' 3 ^' Al! "' 1)1 ' Al ""- t ' ; "' "N I'l;l-AT lilij J Ai:. VM) IN.LAM). j WOODl'MtT JHHJHIO. THOMAS HICKillT, I'l <>I>I i< t o r . W00DP0J1T. MORRIS Cx, K. J. It. A. lir.lS'NICTT, AI. 1> , >J J A r I 1 riI(,' ESTABLISHED IN 1851. g>ni:F. iHUMH ami MEDICINIIH. I'AINTH, MUIII Itv JAMK'i 'A. auoUAI.K, tli'i 1'iV JJnuTMt of Dover. Htorfi u|n' SUNIUYH J,,v Iii^- "ill- of Mt-.licim-H i.nly from It Io 10 A M-i nml fiinildtr. T. P. M, 4lly I O1IN P 1 . fcTICKLK, Counsellor at Law AND MASTER IK CHANCERY, ROCKAWAY, N. .T. Ounipr of lllackwnU and SUBHGX Hie. DOVER. N. J. I. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Iloma and Carriage* to Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, DOVER, N. J. AMSITKIIS and AgiftjB ctrrfallr ranic. CJolri ftnil Hiivur Oiu»Bonghi in largo or Hmnllqimntitici, MiueralB hottrflit, si>Ul autl oxehniiKutf. \TT I 1 . LEPOUT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHANOEKY, OKim IN tlio S.tlonal UnKm Hank IHlildiiiR 3r,A0F»«tiSr.. DOVER, * T . J. Berkshire Valley Hotel I A 110AD IIODSE near huntinc nml link romii!!, fiood niubleH, HIKHIS, AC. '!lii> hi.i.w Imi umlurgoiio thoro"Bli rcprora, duly from Dover. Sporting inn], piill-us, r.i;d others looking for a Booil ]illtuo to stop Bliouhl bunr in inind tliin hottl w tho cheap- est pl.iei! in the St.ito with (;nod be(ln, IJOUU- tifu! tiibb, 1!AU wt;H Klouked with thy hi*t of I.IQUOKS iu tlio ninrkot. Also FOUTEIt on draft. " DOC." HODGKISH. Hork»liir« Tnlley, Nov. 7tb, 1878. ISlj JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING BALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (\jutWL'uri tiie MANSION HOUriE ami Depot,) DOVETt, N. J. Tim nine's lin» been ontirclv rtllttoil in a nest niamm'i-. LADInH' ami cftlLDKES'fl HAIll CUTTING A Sl'KCIAI.TY. Gor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., 1JOVJ'H,K.,T., Kji-ftii.i j-ini Njifci.-slliri.. OHce Hnun.: 7Io 0 A.M.. 1 |,> 3 n:id 7 en H I 1 . M. FORD, SMITH' &" Co, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, DOVKJl, N, J. ItiKnJie lied si 11 ii)(! to tin; Irn icmcnt under llrn hu"t""i"f <',J REUBEN ROWE. mcufr/,' cic. tU Alf'khi!iV' 1 . l |f' ! Giiti! l " 1 Wlvi.! lt ' t ' ri1 * KickH rintiNR tlniK). Alai-KO usHnvlmMi O.,-»1 H i e o m l - U u d H.-Ting JU<-liii«n, fi ll.W up. Anlm-k i.f muniniil Itirtrumei fiiNirmd Vic. Dover, Ktmm-x Ht.N, J. SEVERAL OTJSE3S p|)l J to C.I!. GAGE. ROOMS TO LET ! A ri'LY TO 60-1 f M. 41. SEARING. DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS HItANOIIEfl AT 5.B. JOHNSTON'S NSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING, 4o. FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL WOIIK WARRANTED. orcr.8(Ttcmticr25!li, 1875. H. P. SANDERSON, loalcr In WA0ON »ml OARilTAOE WOOD 1VORK OPPOSITE DOVER DEPOT. WIEELH.n WJi CO .n(|-7.O0I»«rnct. All Kinds f i d NEIQHBOTO & SMITH, ATTORNEYS'A OOUNSELLOES AT LAW, Cor. BlaeUwMI and SusHex StH. DOVEK. N- J- t. H. NEionnotrn. A. o. nMlin. T."WTTIH UR¥ER, BUrEMNTESDENT OF rOBLIU BOHOOU OF IIOIIMS CODNTY. OIHca over OBO. BICHABDS t OO.'B 6T0BE, DOVEE, N. J. if FiWJi COLOltti for cnrriii(!Q mid wagoi minting. AlsoOILM nml VAitNlSII, liotli "oreign anil Domestic. TuRi-iiSTise, WRITE IEAD, otc. Taint, Oo.oring find Vurnisli nifihCH dint Striping 1'eiidln, n full tituck. All of Om ahnvft guoilH from tlie henl iimk- rs known ty pni«ter«. PIItHT-CLA.SS AUUIAGEam] SLEIGH OliNASIKSTS. H.iviiig hud it tiii-Ho oTiwrifiicu formerly dl , cnrriii^o biildor. from n knnwle.lRa oJ in lave i<Ivnulat;ien ovur -luy olhor denlor. THE OTJD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Blacliwoil Street, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, If tho Ifitea. and most inipniYpd itylcB, foi liot public ami private buiiilin^B. A largo REEO.-tniontof BtovoH, cliesp for cash. C0OE, PARLOR, HEATING STOVES, RANGES, Ac. Alfln a vicioty of A/TOSES BLANCHAED, 1TJ - ATTOUNF.YATI.AW, ISDMASTEHISCHANCEIIY, DOVEK, N, J. OfUco our A. WljIiWa al»»o mil tin Btorl 17-lj Bhiclnvell Hired. ^^ wJAFrTcTFORD, M. D. HomcBopalhio Physician, BOX ICO, DOVER, N. J. 31 -'J KEB0SENE OIL, NTH THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OE DOVER D.>™.,S.J.,*.<«a.-rK»l..l»7«. Thin H»nk liu no" on 1 " n ' 1 ,'?',""„',"5° 1 u rn^otrs^K,si"r»™oi. O. C. JENSEN, IN TUE OLD PBESDYTERIAN CHUIICH, sovmt, jsr. ar. FTJATHERBEDS EENOVATED. BItlTTAKIA WARE, Aful QBgortmont of TIN &JAPAN WARE, 'RUIT CANS, Ac, TIN HOOPING, EAVES, TROUGHS, 1EADEB8, mil til kind* of JobHn* in my lins, ono in tuu bet. manner nud (it the uliorteil Ottco. Htgbc»lprici!« paiU for old Iron. Copper lead anil powtor Ufcen iu tichansf ' rBCI ° dB 'ALEXANDER W1GHT0N. Dcccmboi' 24tli. JS70. 1-1" TRIFLING TH A GOLD 18 ALWAYS DANGEIIOOB. USE WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS, •nr» remony Tor CODOHH, »nil .11 ilisc^nii of I,. TIIBOAT, I.DS0S, O1IEBT and MUCOUS IKMHCANE. VVT Vt OHLY IN JLUE BOIES. 1. K, OIUTTEHTON, 7 Biilh Ave., SonYork. ETOTAL ONIC Tho mud cure «*>r BVSl'EPSIA KEKVODSNESS, WEAKNESS, DE BLL1TY nud oil disorders of tho stomach, bowels, liver nnd kidneys. MALAEIA, and ClUIXS AND I'BVEE are mrcly avoIdciV 1)J' us'ifc Ihta Tonic. It no«r fills to pre- Tent these dreaded diseases. CONSUHPTIVES can rely « for utrongth to combat that oon- i»mliign«Ia<ly. It has glton rosny tbo best health of their llTe* It gl»-cs quick relief In OTCTjIslelt nea, BtrengtfoiB i.nd surtalM ^ tho TIW 6MJBtaM»4 molt b» tried to toow tba perfect health ma •t-rength '•» u * > ' n » llrBg> Fra> from alcohoU* dangw*. It U the bat rtrmgOieBlBg tonle i^ th« roost popular natif o«r«»aO .B KXCITINO BOOK I aj.MO BOIJ) I! Stanley's Own Story "A'OBNTS WANTED I rorllluslrttoJBam- 'li?j]il)Vai> lTiioa.. roll.., riniaddpLU, ri 20,000 pairs of Boots and Shoes of all kinds displayed at BGD- EKBB & HEAGAFS establish merit, Opposite Depot. 261 cases received by express in five weeto direct from the factories, bought early.for cash, made expressly for us of the very best material and notwithstanding an advance of 20 per cent, in all kinds of leather goods, will be sold lower than last years prices. We pledge 'urselves to give every one that avors us this Fall with their atronage a genuine bargain. We espectfully urge tlie public to call ana Mil ourstyles and p es. le won't iqoot you to prcliase unless it's to your L T4?|MM »Miir' I GENTS WANTED FOR A TOUI A ROUND HEWORLD Roderer &> Heagan, Cor. Warron and Dickcrson Sts., PPOSITE DEPOT. LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING EVER DISPLAYED IN MORRISTOWN. CAM. AND MAKE TOUR PURCHASES EAItliV. M. L. FELL, MORRISTOWW, N. J. 0OVEE ffers to bmUois.thn brat oppo rtunities in tlio purclmso of LUMBEK every- gr,«lo and dosoripUon induding LOW PBICES ami the great dvantage of hnving Iiumber Worked to Order machinery at tl.o plac» ,-horo it » puriLaMd, greatly leaning tl.o coKt of building by tho gro.t wving in manual labor. Onr stock slwija includer, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings ,nd LTJMBEB o£ e « . 7 de«ription, and c^ocM pntaa are taken to gira 6atiBl»otion in ovcrj- parliculnr. >u>», Prc.id«nt. I "" ) "• Jo "'"- I. W. 8»iniK(!, Ofu'l Me QSOKSI RI J»a. H. Stxrao., Seo'j unil Trill. 1879. WINTER. 1BBO. 13 E! H. R "S"» S. HARDWARE STORE, i. making special preparations lor Iho coming WJtN TEB AND HOLinAYS W1TB A HI 11 * %1< IT0CI 0F> Skates, Sleds, Sleigh Bolls, Tool Chests, pOtKhTKMAEb, lAm. s ^ sp()0NS CARyERS CHILDREN'S SETS OF KNIVES, FORKS I SPOONS HCT FIOK». TABCT TBAYS, SCISSORS in Handsome Sets Will, •• tnUratil ilor. bi ki aalutal "''^^jF'ri'lE'rill'l.o'cB^'^'-SwnLL 1 8°, "i "' J0BUH* T DliTMl. V I- tho mnnaftelurerii of BOMCWI a iqw ^ piijBiciws nud DniggiBts toDmnl ami Iww1 -?V^S thelT tbey ire n great im^'voment nn tho [ft* Thr h,n Km.} A Ilimi AMI A IIEAIIT. llowIllirwrtoDlhnofcrthj Ustcurt atom ni(iii.r rrnie. Aid Rlayodits prc-tly mirth. I kr>{rr a human )nvo ••(ill] a. loornfal trend { lelireabuvQ, T Itc* cold and dead. Ujtonjbe nld n\tmgruwi, which the dfsrt one came. TluBb.-nrl to atrnnRtli roitorsd ; Now Itrthc dead IOTS-B place, Ye vrha xrano in l),o lwill|[ht, Wilh'bcid bowed ind lioarrj To wlio wich for tha (tarlight, In Ibeieonlifflit nrntoij; To wbn t)taid iu the iimlitftat, TfasnAMUngniaitlorj— Aba^jn is strife, 'nmjid iL«o!ni Li t h m l i f l i u On lU^idSrllns! .Vlmro h-emUr. lii! iu!)#r tl B djing- ' I'd^fit not tlin lislit, Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) f moitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep Old Wi^tTloomiiallbrinBi Our dtlnU- flitven »ht!l t'o to ilfep. And will not wtvki (ill tpring. Tin inn Mne ••? k»'II tarn to gr»r, Tlie b!o|ionii mik« Io fa.ll. Tlion n!i«[l he BE«al then) quila »waf— And we forget tliem nil f Nuj I e m ttw' bii tone!) ilisll brlif Th. ftoil, SBd.obill, »ndHDDW, In memory, Hilt, thoIiinls ihiU ting, iDdBlQt th* flowers blow. TLt porf)»T*i*lei, on* bj on, «h»n lift ttuJU*- frifr«iit heidg, Atta (oolfrt bjraiD, inii hliiiiij b / iau, Tim »«mra.r eon light Mill sbtvll itronm, Tli» r.-;c; ij«*^aif f'*", The warm NillnrtiDtni brigblly biira, And fainlmg br«rici blow. The Tulipi still ah ill plant tbsir Sne, liio* wlntor windi »ro liiKh— VliAt lutltig Uesrt of LtmtJ titoa consequence of the Indian Tensel, laden »r iifr wnen th» merry birds lut« th* coming dntro; I hear bcr wlitu ilie Iwillglit ih»doi Gatboroiidiolawn. hear tbo sound of lionRnliolil words Mako IUUBJO in thoroom, Uu whilo *be combs hvr hoibard With tlio bald end or llio broom. rJcal Error. ihom tlac§ ,>«m olovercr if not better itiL, lmvinglorgotten the Morlitim o ia fermou one flue day, oould tliiuk oi otiiitig bettor to begin witli tliau tin's intSUL-B: "P«M»rlf beloved brethren, io onrih wo live on is round—ronnd ke an egg," an J tlian Im wandereil nil ?«r crefilinn, pronounced the on nnd UisiuinseJ them. Afttr the terTico th» B«ton told liim it ht& nmtlB a Wumlor. 'Your revnr- mce, 1 ba naiJ, 'prfached that the world ronnd lik« inegg. An »g;g isn't round, id OT»I. Ton ibould li»T6 wid that tfa» rartb ii round lika * bullet.' 'Dear me ilearoin*, 1 isid th* wortlij trgjtnan, '10 I elionlil. I Jon't isp- jio IDT ou« WKS milled ; still, to be on e*U iiiic. I will correct tho miitake nay Harmon next Sundftj,' Accordinglj on tbo Hollowing Sunday e sood core bffan : "Dtsrlj beloT«1 ira!hr«n, owicg to n proyoking bfltero- ibamicnl inidtcrtaucn I SHIJ on Sunday it, that this bnbitahle globe ©n wbicb dwell, wrtHronnd like tin egg. Tbat, onrly litioTut brctliren, wno wboro I oletl lujsrlf. An *gff, an jon mny fqiiontlj linro obsprTcil, ii not ronnd, itti«l. Wliatl mcntit to say and b*t I now IBVT—am! I nay it witboat ar of encceseful conlrarliotion—ia this: lie enrtb ii rouud like s—tbe «rth ia nnd like an—abam 1tba t-R-r-t-V—— Here tba witon, psraeiring tbat tbs iro had lost hie timile, oongbrd sign if- anlly lind imitated th« notion oi nim- \g and Iritig off n gnn. :—I know it I 1 i*id tbo At- igbteil cure. 'Tpa, dearly .rethren, tba world •tgi Drift from Hnlf StrownfttRpItiberReB- Aftar ptwing CafO TanBbawe, the ordeaskjold party entered Irtimmo 7l on th» w«ai aide of which they nnd ibalargMt glacier thtjj bad yet an OH BpUberfBD, It ia about ton ill* wtfiv •«<! i>roje«f« into tb» lounfl ith a fjarrtj *re*l Tti« itratlfleation the ie« Ia boriwntsl. AI Bhoal loint, tb» ent/anfl« to Hinlopan Strait, ft* »OB w«oT«rjwberoco«red wilh ai normom moifl or drilt-wood, among ifhiah art fonnd ptocei ot pnmico-itone, birob bark, cork, poles, and floats from e Lofoildet. fliberies. -with other ings which had been carried hither by nrrsoU from tbft nonth. The drift rood formed a broad line along tha Farther up WKI unt.ither line, I shall never foiget Hie flrat visit I p&ii to tbo Brown [iiinily. Fruit Creofc wi a long nnd deep, tlrougU narrow iule nliicb terminated in aflbelvingboot, 01 tbo smooth sand of which a number o wbiile-boatB nud fikiffa rested, like flab out oi water. Tbo creek was named in wreck of a West with pines at ahfiddooH Dear tbe spot where Daddy Brown bad CHtnbliKlicd bis long black boUBD of woll-calked Hmlier. Tbore were •several huts within Bight, bnt Mr. Brown's was by fur the bout and largest ot tbs tenements; its wimlows wero completely giaeed, and it possessed n tolerable garden, fenced from spray and sand by a high wall of solid timber slabs. Tbo inside of tho hmiw wax evm noro comfortable than tlio estcriu promised. Tbo Browns wero evideutl; well off, and, ns Ibey insUtod tbat I should not leave them before aupper, I ind an opportunity of seeing how tbey fared in general, Wfll>bnl6'0ld ;eeu as ahawk's, nnd evinced great craft md vigor. I wns at first rather disposer :o like tbo old man, he talked so wcl ind glibly. Ho alono, of the family jronp, bad been a (reveler ; he had been lo China nnd to Europe, as mute of a essel, and had coastad repeatedly along tbcAtlautio seaboard, from Vora Cruz oHulifttj. There wore throo eons, of whom Japbet was the eldest, and tbrea gcrs, all (nil and well made, with dark complexions nnd bright eyes, Mrs. Brown, onthe other hand, was a soft little woman, with rather atimid look iu bor round blue eyes, and wau, as her husband said, from Pennsylvania. Sbo a notablo housekeeper, and had the northern taste for scrubbing and polish- ing, since the floor was exquisitely clean and the copper and tin upon tho kitchen shelves shone brilliantly. The family received me hospitably enough. The young tnoa eyed my tue,wi and BIDOWI with undisguised soorn, and half-jest- igly challenged me to " wrastls a fall' with Beth or 'Symmaohns, observing that Japhet was too big to make the mnfoh afair one, Bnt they were equally anxious to see nome proof of my pro- flcieooy with the gun, concerning which they had beard marvels from their elder brother. 80 a fowling-piece was taken down from the books over the store, where it usually hang, and half an hour was devoted to shooting at a moving mark, snoh na Seth'B cap, or an old sea- boot belonging to Japhet, which wore niccesaively flung up into tlio air, and 'iddled with swan-ehot, amid general ipplaase. "Too dark for morel too dnrk for more 1" cried old Dnddy Brown ; "wall done, Bir, nil tho snme I I could shoot n bit oncost, hut 'twur with the rifle. Oomo lupper, boja andgals. The old woman's just lit up." The lumps which Mrs. Browu bad just "lit iip," were three tary largo structioiiB of Yfbilo muta!. tho work of Bomo Yuukoo pawtorcc, winch hflld a gro»t deal o( oil,-and g^ea b yellow light. Tho cloth wns laid on a wnluut-woud table, nnd on it smoked a profusion of hot VI'IUJLJH flanked by all aorta of bottles and slono jars. Tlio onnd—like a wbaratbi mwr son BOUIMIT lome mi dntlnj iprinj-tHoa, probabi; oil- j.l.Jbj.r.iiiofoflh.l.nd. Intbi« HD« tba drftt wood wu (ar older and tain* .jamlnint all ahla, lie '"nod inf othar tbinta s »«ll-praierT»(l u of tba Wait Indian plant **U(lt> thbivm. Tbiibmn, irbich ii "P- ward of an {nab and a ball aeroaa, floats •ilb tba OnltStraam " *" " - Atl j ins vriii*. u»&«iiiu ••tie, ii found oot •unw^u>"" i eoaat of Worwmj, and buDs on n blnstoring and durk nututnnal duy, wbgn tho olouJe weio driving fast across tho tluojitoning eiky, and tlio waves rolled in with a Loarnn innnnur, I sad- donly came, in the course of a lonely rnmhlo along the bench, upon two men. Tbey wero nUmilng in n, little iiolltw belwcnn two hillocks oi looso nam gazing out earnestly to KOaward. My eji instinctively followed tbodirection i theirs, nnd I sawa large ship undei double-reefed topjjUa, with but cdursoi brniled up, etnggyriog along the coaf with hor bowa tuinnd soutbwordi Tho wiuii w:!3 uufnvornbln to her, nti eho hadmuch ndo to imike very sloi indoeel, by dint of incossaii tacks. Tbe two men ou the shore, nci noticing aie, as my footsteps fell noise- csfliy OH the soft sand, conversed iu 3»d, unguarded tones: "There Bhi •pas oa the larboard tnok ogaiu. At that ate aboil beat about till dark, and m make t#n cables' Icoglb of way j" mid tlie yonnger anrl tullcr of tbo ti can't fetch Oorncoek Tnint.nrii-li doubt, from Home ship in peril. At lust I CUD Id Bee tl lighthouse, Kcuiliitg, n» usual, itafricm icnma o[ racliaueo far oyer tbo Boa. AH iianal ? No,fcrmy prao ticod eye soon detected u.flbange.Tin red light bai'nt alone ; tn* green Iam( wns GONE I ' "Orait Heaven 1" is some dreadful acoideafeor e!s« vil Inins havo beoB tampering witb tbi ligtttHl ThoBGyonngrutBat.fl—tho sh —tbo invitation—I see it I" Willi groan I set off to run at mj uiott (pond, hoping to arrive in time to ligb ho cxttDguisboa lamp lio&re tbe doom ed Hljip, wlioau signal 'mlmd beard, ibotild be lurod to her file; (or at a glance I had divined the heartless Kcbomeof the wreckers. The red light burning alone would bo taken for that m Uupe Lookout, aud tho capfain nt- ierly deceived, would aoek an imagjn ary obannel where tbs fatal sandbanks lay. tbe witiii where it ia, And lika to fresiien;"' observed tha other, in an oilv, insfnaat* ing voice which I recognised as that of Daddy Brown: "I guesa Tier skipper don't know this cusst, Tbe fool' to bump ashore«E-tinoi) or "A food job if BIIO can- bounds !" exclaimed the younger yg, who was no other thnn Juphot Brown ; deep lailcu its she is, there'll bo piek- jga worth a wet j.ickut( wo haven't bad clutch at such n orilter, nut siuco the" "Hush I" prudently observed, old rown, who had just turned bis head. mil caught A frlimpsc of we—"Hush 1 ere's earn about," Japhet reddened and fiowno3 very ilkily aa I dcBoeuded tbo sandhill ao4 (shed him and hia father "good dny." iut Mr. Brown was very biaud. "Qlad tumble on you again, air 1 Hojh't een yon these two months agone. J^Siy weather 1" Our conversation wns not a long one, and we soon parted. Bat, to my gre^t urprise, when I got scar homo 1 heard Borne ODD panting after mo, nad.up ctuue aphet at a run. "Futbor BOJB," he gospeii out, "yew would 4o him proud if yew'd look in at Fruit Oreek to-night 'he gala have got a party—a frollo to iall corncobs and string 'em—and (here lots of neighbors cumin', both men nd women. Wo'll havs a dance and games, and aBiipperfitfor the president. TVill you conie ?". .; Now if I bad consulted my own incli- nations, I should .have declined, but 1 was anxious to give no offence, and I new tb»> my refusal woald probably bo tttlbotad to ths pride of euperior ata- on and acquirements, so I accepted. "That's right, chap I" anid Japliet, rawiugaluug breath; "I hataofel- w to be nasty proud, I do. Ah, yew id wo might work well together, and jw'd make abetter thing of that than lie state salary, if yew ouly know which ids your bren'3 waBliuttered." "What do you nieau ?" But Japhot turned on hid heel with a luugh, Baying in a loud voice— klt ' plntes wero of coimnrjn delf, but tho 'CsseM ivero most vurioua. Thus, Daddy Brown lmd aBilvertaukard; Jupbct, a tin pnunikiu ; tbo girla, ginss- ia, and tba rest of tbe party oliinn ffiigs. : wns still raoro surprised to see that some of tbe forkB were of massive silver, otbora were two-pronged steal implements of the cheapest fabric. We hud ficarcoly ent down before a remarka- ble incident, happened. I clmnced, leea through inquisitiveness tban obsBDoe of mind, tobe turuiiig round the heavy silver fork assigned to me, wbon I de- cried sooieluvlf effaoed nrmorial bonrings m the handle. Before I oould decipher Mem, however, Seth Brown, tbe yonng- -st son, who sat near mo, and who had watched me, suddenly thrust ont bin broad bony band, wrcstod tbe fork from me, nnd tossed Uncross the tablo, growl- ing oat something about, "a spy." I was really too much aBtoutsbed to resent this mdenoss, but Daddy Brown instnnt- , y ly exclaimed in ti harah votoo : slintne, Beth 1 you're drunk, boy. d " D tlio Btmngor'a pardon, or " Daddy Brown did not fln.BU tbosentence, but hia brown corrngated into on ugly frown and he shook his fist nt hia youngest son, who gave me bncli tbe fork with a Tory bad grace, muttering that ho meant no harm—"'twar a joke." This was odd, and another triviul olrcnniHtance happened ifter. Ono of the girls U)« « w t of Ifotwaj, and otinj oa Horlh 8pilib«r,.n, iff>rfi til. noil ooDTineioi ..iil.nce ih.l llic OuK Strum mohasUiia hijh ltitndf Wben, by oft wetting bis throat. « «n«tomar grows tlnp and io imitff'OatiTO u to m itrctli, boiui ind lamp-pmu " n l o p infernal «• f p™»:.T to ptaTanl \\m lr»o 1W» .ona, tha (<utdl>n a.R.1 Ibw m»aM bia aptMrMW, ri«« I"' wat COODUT- °i fc ».H. IU. Dmaba. f.llo» b n ,i.>ki. wil. all tb. conlMta ol tb« who aat near me, a merry blaok-baired maiden, Hko her uistors, with a merry ..iogb ono! Bnut-brown cheek, wore a very pretty brooch, mounted in gold, nnd delicately executed in ennrne!, in LoniB Qcinze stylo. I happened to the beauty of this costly ornnment to tbe erWont gratification of the wearer until I hatiarded the remark tbat "tbe workmanship WBB probably Freuch. I never paw auoh a brooch in an American •'Tbat'jtell.nFil"nn8wflreatneBlrt,in e"rl i o0fl , Setb &shnrp iouo. younger sons, won 'Phccbe 1" eiclftimrrd her mother in a deprecatory fashion, Hor father gave ono of his oily toughs. "Our island gnH"said lie, "don't unQerHtnnd your town ways. Tho gswgnw glittery thing was honestly curan bj, yoo mny tnko Tour oath of it. And that's all that 'matters tbe mil* of n pinch of gnnpnw- Jer, whether Frnneh or not French." I parted from tbe Browns cordially jnongii, bnt tbo more I thouglit nf them tbo queerer they seemed. Were thi-y really fishermen ? I wondered, fn spite of til tbe nets nnd many-booked liner oitentntionsly displayed mound tbeii dnolling ? Hud tboso abari> wbnlo-bont: no other use than to carry Japhot and to tho bunks n-hero (•nalflsh si onlfish, jewflsh nud HUufisli, wore pleat;? TVrn wore things to bo seen iu that house of Mr. Brown's, which contrasted forcibly with tho oat.cn benches nud clumsy furniture. Silk curtains to tin small-pamtd windows, one or two arm chuira «f frayed vt'Wor, a beautiful liidim cabinet In mro wiwd inlaid with ivory and. above all, n KD*U bnt faa&dnoiu. mirror whose rfdii} catroJ nnd gildci framB jam-d witb tlie con»e colored urinti thnt wero bung on .lie same wall. Very odd, all thin. Io be sure,. lh« •Miwniiv* obJMli mipbt Iw rcliw of i!i "Never yew mind; reckleot yew've romised to come. Folks gather at six. on't-bfl later norjUalf-paat, obnp!" Off be wont. I went home, and, turned my bead in the net of crosninfl HID threshold, I saw the mimefillipstill witbin a mile of tbo shore. The dunk deepening fast into tbo obscurity of night, but I oould ace that she was mak- ing slow progreaa, whilo there wna every indication of n .norm. I went up the Inddur, lipliled m.d arranged my lamps witb my accustomed care, and tli en sat down to read for awhile. At half post five, I made anoli alterations in my dre aa were necessary, throw my mackintosh clonk over my shoulders, nnd after & glance at the beacon, prepared to set int. I bad never before left the lamps to burn in my absence. 1 had a long and disagreeable walk to ?rail Oreek ; the wind had begun to mean and shrink, my clonk flow out nnd tngged tit my shoulders as if to hnld mo back, and my feet Btamblod among the sand-bills. It wns very dark, and win and sleet came driving before thB mile. After my weary trnmp along thfi deso- late shore I thought that Dnddy Brown 'a house, witb a ruddy raJienoe streaming from its principal iipart.dent crowund with men, matrons, girls unJ stripping!*, presented a clioerful ecene. There WHB abundance of fun, laughter awd hearly mirth at tills "frolic." An endless coun- try dancf WM achieved byftscore of s, with nn oblignto nccomimni- of stamping and dapping of bands. Soncs wero sung, games, sneb as bnnttbe-slipper and blind-mnn's- buff, wero played. At another time I should have watched tho scene wilh keen interest; but on this pertlcnin even- ing my Bpiritfl wero low, and my heart was heavy within me. Something like a foreboding weighed mn down, in spite of all my efforts not to ploy the part of kill-joy. Dnildy Brown BBBtned very glad to see me, and so did Japhet, but it Btruck mo tbat Mrs. Brown looked at mo »Uh rather n seared glance. OariouBly enougli, tliotigli tbe three •jerofllldaneintr as o itself (fcpencled on tbuir nnd 'Svmmacbus, the ihscnt. "The boya uro all right," suiil Daddy Brown, iu nnswer to my inquiry ; "they're oat late ; boon over to the nniii ifter diickn. We'll sco 'cm aforo sojiper time, sir." I declined iloncinR, anil for -ouic litno tntenteil mywlf with the part of n spectator. But the flildliPR. laufilitor nnd loml talking jarred on my cars; I beenmo more ami more oppressed b> thegluomttint bud eloiiiU-il my niin.l wby, I know not; and nt lust t winl. 1 bear it no longer. Wiitcbliifr my oppor- tunity, I slipped mil .unobserved, ai itoutnu my lonely hompwnr.l walk. Abnul half way from tlie Itplifboii* .jemciitWillitUfirlicnilsdo they pnsbtHl their wnj npitm and rain, earn* liunyliiB rapi'l'y l'wt l0d cr™sC,l mo without wel-U I'hev were nt ti)»pb llic Jie'e 1 " ftni bnililof S.tliBr<,wu ami his brother •fait rrrei.il CIMIW p-w-iWy linv thrm t>» tin* Ciipc, wbrn tl»-l futfaor bad nrctmiitc'l BO |>lii««fibly f" fnrthi'irndsfiico? A taguo. formlosB mifpivinR COTHP t chill my beart and ilroail. Wli»t erran fonld haie led those two young men t' my desolate dwelling on u night ot olry 1 I uc-l my teeth and strode cm li-r*. Was tliMt llRhtint:. that red I t Hi« Of tj»hUfl-W Oi apon flash, boom after boom, told of (he urgent danger which tba mariuers had perceived when it.-w^Boo Bach report was nearer and nearer, nnd the vessel must be driving fast to the eo sbore. I harried to the bouse. Tuba, my black boy, was asleeji and rjug iu u ournor of tbe kitchen, and negreas, my housekeeper, was rock- lag herself before tbo flro, crooning out mine plantation ditty. Evidently the iltieks knew nothing of what bad been ODD, Irnu tip to tlit* glased chamber, rhere the lumps, Btood. Hastily I re- ighted that wbiolibad been eitioguiab- and then approached the glass, and joked oat. For t while, I saw nothing >ut the flashes oi the minute guns, but iresently a broad, lurid glare arose, and ild see by the ligbc of an enormous flre of Ur barrels und wood, which bad >ypi 1 oil upon the bunch, that' ;be vessel bad already grounded. She id .struck, bowH foremost. Her upper ipars and rigging bad gone overboard, tvering her deck willi n tangled mais : ruin, tbn Tvaras breaking furiously iverher, Hard-Ivy, I oould aoe a nura- of men, their swart figures citmrlj tefloed ID the blood-red lisbt, lightiog ip and down tbe sands. Tbej had ighted the lire—the wreckers. Witbout conaider tbe possible cooie- [nences tomyiu^tbarried down the ladder, callin'jf'.on>7ijba to tcH\<n me; and rushing toward tbu bench, hoped that I might be in time to reach a h«lp- ig hand to some of tho poor perishing; ireatures. When I drew near, I beard great ahout. Tbe vcaaol bad parted Tha whole son, crimson itb firo-Iigbt, was covered all over with [noting beams, bales, boxes, fragments >f wrack, and struggling human forms latter were bnt few, and their cries it help were disregarded by tbe greedy Telcbes on shore, wbo rushed, witli oiul sbonts, waist-deep into tnaaoa, to ,eoure plunder. CbesU, caflfe, nud ither prizHH wero- hatrletllT groiped. id rolled or drogged nbavs tbo roicb >f tbo waves, while tho wrcckera cu- louragod ench other in their iinhallew- >d task. It was a bideons socne, but BTtw'litno of it, fdf in) oju suddenly lighted on somethini like a bundle of slothes, lashed to a bench of light cane- irork, which was floating in an eddy iard-by. Tlio white bundle stirred as was swept past, and the loug golden liair aud tbe pale, pretty face of n cbild srero clearly visible in tbe crimson ight. Innninstnntl was standine; in tbe foaming water, whioh reached above my waist, and 1 hadft firm grasp on the object that bail attracted my notice. The nndbrtow nearly bore mo off my [eet,nudl staggered; but I held, the lild fast, cut tbe cord tbat fastened ir to tbo bench, and bore her in my ma to tbe bonch. Asweet face, Inno- ;eut and beautiful, the face of aBorapb I Jho wns wet and cold, bnt fear bad not ininberi bnr faculties, for she clang my Bhoalder with ono tiny band, 'bilo with the other Bhe pointed totVe md mnrmnrod in i weak voice, "Mnmtnal PlcnBohelp! Oh pray, pray save mamma I" Poor child 1 1 looked on ber with >ity; na doubt was in my mind tbat cr mother bad porislied In the disaster, little girl—she could not have been •e aeTen years old—pointed eagerly , mNof wreck that turned and n-irled in tlm eddy as it drifted past id begged and prayed mo passionately 'to help dear mamma." The child was right; tliero wns a hn- nti figure Insbed to those spera, and lelougbronu hair and the streaming [armenb showed that the apparently iEelessform was a woman's. I laid the telling ring off my coat, plunged into tba MM and with grout difficulty dragged tbe flnatinp mto shore. The little raft, hastily composed of a couple of Btnddinff-fu.il- booms and a hencoop, lashed together, had driftedforont before I reached It, and tbe strong current nearly snaked ) out to sea as I swam back, ptntiog .ml dripping wet: bat I managed I im(t tho poor UJj Iran iho w»TtJ*. " SI raa quite insensible, ber eyes were losijj, nnd but for the very faintest ae- ion ol tba bei.rt I should bav« thought lifeextinrt. A pale, delicately mould- ed fnco, witli snnio resemblance to that nf Hie bountiful child, though tbe com ilexion and colnr of tbo hair wero . very issimilnr. Tbe little girl put bnr orms nn nil hi<r nioihcr'n neck, and kiusoJ hnr . Iiuiidrcd tincR. I iinw lieRiin very st-rionnly to consider bow T stiniilil get tba n sufe slioltor. To Iho wroekora I dnra-l iot npticai. Fortnniitely, tliov had bepn no luisy to notice goings an nt a tiis- iinco of fifty paeon, nud if tbey bad pen mn nt all they probably look me foi mi' of the ping. But T dared not cnl: i) them for help. They wnntnl no Ii' .us; witness nf tbi-ir miaslecil!-, n o ly $ c1.iimat.ta of tbe projicrty wliicb they en 1 liiwlfvnty npprnpriating. AH I swum back witb my second pria ray fnco hml bctn townrd tha wreck, na I l,:i,l ilistitH'tly HCIMI two human bnuli •vc iilii'vr the broken wutpr, nml t«r •iifirr ftrii^piii^biiiuiiii fiui'SKiidtlitHnil itivh-lieJ haudN of two balf-ilri.twno inn. Bo'.h wero hnro-hraded nn benched wMh suit water ; but by thi Bbmpic I cnught of them, I should have said tbat tho t<Mcr wu micamRa, the itbcr, nbii wort- a dark monuUche, tPiitUniiUi. Tlicy hoM out their b^Bnds, mil rrii-1 Fur ai.t, lutt none cntna. Oa* i tnH nut), n II.NP flfptnt wsi like tbut a Inpbut llmwu. rcpulHtl tb«au willi •bild .ightjy °* tuB Han tier not to be afraid, and, thro boat-hook he carried, and puh«d then back into the deep water. »mid tbe yalti of tbo wretches on shore. And so thty mnk, mui-dered for the sake ot gain. X felt tbat my own life hung on » thread. If any wrecker espied me, the TilllnDB would not hesitate at anoth«r crime. But bow oould I go 1 I ooqld eerry th* cbild with esue—but her poor mother t Thank Oud 1 Jutm, fn person I I had >rdered the negro to follow me. I had far outatrippBd him, bnt I looked up ind BSW bis black face. He was dread- fully alarmed at tbe fierce shoaU and ei- ted gostureg of tbe wreckers, and wu a the poiut of making off w^en' I caogbt him by the collar. Between ui, contrived to carry tbe yoang woman >ver tbe drenry Band hills b*tween ns ind the lighthouse, the child being unffi- ;iently recovered to walk. We laid our patient on ay bed, and when Aunt Folly had exhausted ber flrat transports of u> ton.shment.Rbe proved an exosllent inrse, Tbeiiks to the cars and setl of bmAtaftw^w, Km: r«irf«* «-*—»»/ - ' •nvnl. ro-wHB from ber own lips that learned her name and position in if©. She was the young wife qf m gen* leottn of good fortane in North Oaro- linn, and nephew to tbfl QoVefnor ol iliut Btat«. Bat—poor thing I—I oonld ]ot dingnlse from ber that she was » Idow, though I spaiod ber KD addf- ial pimg of knowning that her ba»- id bad been one of tbose who had n inhumanly thrust back into the ie» \o perish, althongh I bad little donbt tbat one of the murdered men bad been Oaptain Fairfax, whose desoriptioa tal- lied with that of the poor victim I had behold. Leafing the widow waeping over her iceut loss, wbilo »be clasped bar resou- 1 cbild as if the feared to loss bor too, went to mak* prapttrations for leafing le island. Most fortunately, I had «•• oyed my leisure iu repairing > dii- finttod bout. The Utter bad no mait, it it was now water-tight and a pair of 1 oari worefitfor uao, itefore I slept Droaghtthe boat frotn tbe cre-sk,and oored it to tba quay, rendy for a start. ,r greftt fear vat that, before wooould tpe, aorao of tbo wreckers might dia- iT*r that I bid bueu an oyu-witncii of >ir criai«K, nod had MVWII f.otna of tha isenffers on board tbe foundered ship, icb I now lea rued was the "AiUrte," Bust on. On tliif, account, shortly Br dftyhreak, I caused saittreiue*. *ad lowi tobe placed in th* boat; and tit Polly, Juba, and I, carried down Fairfax, wbo wii too much ex- •dtu valk. Tin child followod, <1 Aunt Pull; arranged the blanket* itoaks arouml tbe isvulid, wbiU ba wai to Uke one oar, and I the other, black lad was not nholly unuiad to nt, baviog rowed on the river near ilmiugtoa. Incaao of pursuit, whioh, scorned imprubablo, I had iced a liiadod gun in tbo boat, bad f Jan one cullofls u tiller tuy pea-ooat, I coQoeak-daDotbur in tbe rand. Wo re jiiat toady to push off, when I ro- mbnrnil tbat my aketcbes and draw- ls, which I won loth to leave, were II witbin tbe light-bouse. I ran back, ut the portfolio under my arm, and <ns on tbe threshold of my 'ate dwelling, fbon tho figura of a tall man eppear-* " tb3 doorway—Japbet Baown 1 "* His face waa swollen and coarse with nk, and bis flcry eyes dropped as they ; mine. Whither away, chap P Tew seemin )laguy hurry ;" he growled, and ex- jded his hand. 1 nm going ont, I havo no time for >nversation." The young villian burst out into oaths id enrses, 'Conceited hound, who be yaw, to re* le to ahnke an honest man's band f" "Amurderer's hand,yon meant" I led, indignantly, though I repented' words before tbey were well ont. Japbet turned livid with passion. Jon know too mnoh, my gentleman, Btop your jaw, pretty •mart." So saying, bo threw binuolf npon ma, it I was luckily armed, and I drove out of the lighthouse, puwuefng lim.cntlnsi in hand, fora abort distance, ftcn I went back to tbe boat Jubft ad I ware not first-rate rowers, tbs oat was heavy, and oar progress wu ow. Before we were half-way across lie tound, I described a fiwift whftleboat leaving tbe watere, on onr tnok. No oabt tbe wretch Japhet had giventha to bin comrades, mid had we bwn iverUkwn, the secret would bav* been iroaerred by the Baoriflee o( all oar llvea. 3at a sloop pwaing within hail pitted up, nnd carried us to the mainland, efore nishtfali we were able to place Mrs. Fairfax and ber little daughter un- der the safe lata of ber biisbund's rela- I htve little more totell. of the Fairfax family pressed upon ae A Urge pecuniary reward. This I leclined, bat I gladly accepted patron- ,Ke which enabledraato loaye for En- i>pa two ye«» later, wilb—for an «•-• tUt—K pur**»tuonably heayy.. AUni- ted StaU* mmhsi, backed by on irmed 'oroo, wai diipatebed to Cape Hattaraj, Uh^vuznt for tho apflrebeDaion of e guilty.. ,'Bnt some daisy ba*oo«rr-. !, and the Brownit Sad to Texas ia nioh remote region, yeara afwrwaxd, read of the «xeoatiat>, by lyoch law, of Tapbefc and bts father, for Jobbery ud._ nnrdnr. • ' •" It ViM Not AllttUtt-nm. Mr. Oumeron dreamed, when he.wM , boy. that be wunld bo maisaerecV by Indians at tbo sgo ot forty-Beven.^'The vision vran repeated tea yean atnr, and with atiob vivldneu tbat ivory dota-i was left impressed opou hi* nemory. Ho was at a much near Brnel 3ity, Dakota, a short Hnfl igo, when liis fnrly-seventh birthday arrived. The placo was nlive with friendly Indiana : but be recollected bis dream, and their presence made him eioess.Toly nervoui. He wcut to bad iu trHpidation, and, to bin horror, as be afterward declared, be room wns exactly Hkt tbe one of bU Iraim. Ho tell nsluop, and promptly nod that the Indiana wen •caluiog liira. He bnnndrd from tho bed, leap- ing, from a window and fled, tempo* ranly insane. In tho morning he was ruisaed, uu'l n large party of Wbits mea and Indinns went in Hearch of him. H wan three days betoro thoy loond him, fur he hid wbsnuvor he caagbt a%ht of lodUi. and only slowly i i BCMO*. He wu naked, dcflil with hunger. At present the ptening knt*4 of tbit oumrj it b*U«r Wakw's bnwd.

CLOTHINGB djing- ' I'd^fi t no tlin lislit , Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep

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Page 1: CLOTHINGB djing- ' I'd^fi t no tlin lislit , Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep



15J:1NTJ. 1 I . V O G T .j;ui rou A - ii riiuiiiiiToH.

Olllce ou Morris Esioot naai Blackwell,


j ' l i i v n M u l i t l l H , - - - - - - - 5 ( ;


HPACK. I 1 Wi:. | 1! WKH. I: WKH. 1 MD.

i iiu.il id 7r.;s l an $ i <-.u• " 2 (H)i ' '

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F 0 1 / / ' ; 1 1 ^ " 1 | - i ! ' l i , " ' 1i i i r i 1 ' " ' • " f • ' - • " " • • i > i i ^

I ' v ' 3 ^ ' A l ! " ' 1 ) 1 ' A l " " - t ' ; " ' " N I ' l ; l - A T l i l i j J A i : .V M ) I N . L A M ) . j


THOMAS HICKil lT, I'l <>I>I i< t o r .

W00DP0J1T. MORRIS Cx, K. J .

It. A. lir.lS'NICTT, AI. 1> ,

>JJA rI1riI( , '


MUIII Itv JAMK'i 'A. a u o U A I . K , tli'i 1'iVJ J n u T M t of Dover. Htorfi u|n ' SUNIUYHJ,,v Iii^- "ill- of Mt-.licim-H i.nly from It Io 10 AM-i nml f i i n i l d t r . T. P. M, 4 l l y

• I O1IN P1. fcTICKLK,

Counsellor at LawAND


Ounipr of lllackwnU and SUBHGX Hie.

DOVER. N. J.I. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Iloma and Carriage* to Let.


DOVER, N. J.AMSITKIIS and AgiftjB ctrrfallr ranic. CJolri ftnilHiivur Oiu»Bonghi in largo or Hmnllqimntitici,

MiueralB hottrflit, si>Ul autl oxehniiKutf.



OKim IN tlio S.tlonal UnKm Hank IHlildiiiR

3r,A0F»«tiSr.. DOVER, *T. J.

Berkshire Valley Hotel IA 110AD IIODSE near huntinc nml link

romii!!, fiood niubleH, HIKHIS, AC. '!lii> hi.i.wImi umlurgoiio thoro"Bli rcprora, i» duly

from Dover. Sporting inn], piill-us, r.i;dothers looking for a Booil ]illtuo to stopBliouhl bunr in inind tliin hottl w tho cheap-est pl.iei! in the St.ito with (;nod be(ln, IJOUU-tifu! tiibb, 1!AU wt;H Klouked with thy hi*tof I.IQUOKS iu tlio ninrkot. Also FOUTEIton draft. " DOC." HODGKISH.

Hork»liir« Tnlley, Nov. 7tb, 1878. I S l j




SUSSEX STREET,(\jutWL'uri tiie MANSION HOUriE ami Depot,)

DOVETt, N. J .Tim nine's lin» been ontirclv rtllttoil in a nest

niamm'i-. LADInH' ami cftlLDKES'fl HAIllCUTTING A Sl'KCIAI.TY.

Gor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,


Kji-ftii.i j-ini Njifci.-slliri..OHce Hnun . : 7 Io 0 A.M. . 1 |,> 3 n:id 7 en H I1. M.



DOVKJl, N, J.ItiKnJie lied si 11 ii)(! to tin; Irn

icmcnt under llrn hu"t""i"f <',J


mcufr/,' cic. tUAlf'khi!iV'1. l |f ' !Giiti! l"1Wlvi.! l t ' t ' r i1*KickH rintiNR tlniK). A lai-KO usHnvlmMiO.,-»1 Hieoml -Uud H.-Ting JU<-liii«n, fil l . W up. A nlm-k i.f muniniil I t ir trumeifiiNirmd Vic . Dover, Ktmm-x Ht.N, J .



p|)l J to C.I!. GAGE.


A ri 'LY TO

60-1 f

M. 4 1 . SEARING.








WJi CO.n(|-7.O0I»«rnct. All Kindsf i d


LAW,Cor. BlaeUwMI a n d SusHex StH.

DOVEK. N- J-t. H. NEionnotrn. A. o. nMlin.



OIHca over OBO. BICHABDS t OO.'B 6T0BE,D O V E E , N. J.

if FiWJi COLOltti for cnrriii(!Q mid wagoiminting. AlsoOILM nml VAitNlSII, liotli"oreign anil Domestic. TuRi-iiSTise, WRITEIEAD, otc. Taint, Oo.oring find VurnislinifihCH dint Striping 1'eiidln, n full tituck.All of Om ahnvft guoilH from tlie henl iimk-

rs known t y pni«ter«. PIItHT-CLA.SSAUUIAGEam] SLEIGH OliNASIKSTS.H.iviiig hud it tiii-Ho oTiwrifiicu formerly dl

, cnrriii^o biildor. from n knnwle.lRa oJ inlave i<Ivnulat;ien ovur -luy olhor denlor.


UNION HALL BUILDING,Blacliwoil Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,If tho Ifitea. and most inipniYpd itylcB, foi

l iot public ami private buiiilin^B. A largoREEO.-tniontof BtovoH, cliesp for cash.


STOVES, RANGES,Ac. Alfln a vicioty of


DOVEK, N, J.OfUco our A. WljIiWa al»»o mil tin Btorl17-lj Bhiclnvell Hired. ^^


HomcBopalhio Physician,

BOX ICO, DOVER, N. J. 3 1- 'J



D.>™.,S.J.,*.<«a.-rK»l..l»7«.Thin H»nk liu no" on 1"n '1,'?',""„',"5°




s o v m t , jsr. ar.FTJATHERBEDS EENOVATED.


Aful QBgortmont of




1EADEB8, mil til kind* of JobHn* in my lins,ono in tuu bet. manner nud (it the uliorteilOttco. Htgbc»lprici!« paiU for old Iron.Copper lead anil powtor Ufcen iu tichansf

'rBCI°dB 'ALEXANDER W1GHT0N.Dcccmboi' 24tli. JS70. 1-1"




•nr» remony Tor CODOHH, »nil .11 ilisc^nii ofI,. TIIBOAT, I.DS0S, O1IEBT and MUCOUSIKMHCANE.


1. K, OIUTTEHTON, 7 Biilh Ave., Son York.


ONICTho mud cure «*>r BVSl'EPSIAKEKVODSNESS, WEAKNESS, DEBLL1TY nud oil disorders of thostomach, bowels, liver nnd kidneys.

MALAEIA, and ClUIXS ANDI'BVEE are mrcly avoIdciV 1)J' us'ifcIhta Tonic. It no«r fills to pre-Tent these dreaded diseases.

CONSUHPTIVES can rely o« «for utrongth to combat that oon-i»mliign«Ia<ly. It has glton rosnytbo best health of their llTe*

It gl»-cs quick relief In OTCTjIsleltnea, BtrengtfoiB i.nd surtalM ^tho T I W 6MJBtaM»4 molt b» triedto toow tba perfect health m a

•t-rength '•» u*> 'n» l lrBg>

Fra> from alcohoU* dangw*. ItUthe ba t rtrmgOieBlBg tonle i ^th« roost popular natif o«r«»aO


Stanley's Own Story

"A'OBNTS WANTED I rorllluslrttoJBam-

'li?j]il)Vai> lTiioa.. roll.., riniaddpLU, ri

20,000 pairs of Boots and Shoesof all kinds displayed at BGD-EKBB & HEAGAFS establishmerit, Opposite Depot. 261 casesreceived by express in five weetodirect from the factories, boughtearly.for cash, made expresslyfor us of the very best materialand notwithstanding an advanceof 20 per cent, in all kinds ofleather goods, will be sold lowerthan last years prices. We pledge'urselves to give every one thatavors us this Fall with theiratronage a genuine bargain. Weespectfully urge tlie public to call anaM i l our styles and p e s . l e won'tiqoot you to prcliase unless it's to your





Roderer &> Heagan,Cor. Warron and Dickcrson Sts.,






0OVEEffers to bmUois.thn brat opportunities in tlio purclmso of LUMBEK

every- gr,«lo and dosoripUon induding LOW PBICES ami the great

dvantage of hnving

Iiumber Worked to Ordermachinery at tl.o plac» ,-horo it » puriLaMd, greatly l e a n i n g tl.o

coKt of building by tho gro.t wving in manual labor. Onr

stock slwija includer,

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,nd LTJMBEB o£ e « . 7 de«ription, and c^ocM pntaa are taken

to gira 6atiBl»otion in ovcrj- parliculnr.

>u>», Prc.id«nt. I " " ) "• J o " ' " -

I. W. 8»iniK(!, Ofu'l Me

QSOKSI R IJ»a. H. Stxrao. , Seo'j unil T r i l l .

1879. WINTER. 1BBO.13 E! H. R "S"»S .

HARDWARE STORE,i . making special preparations lor Iho coming

W J t NTEB AND HOLinAYSW1TB A H I 1 1 *%1< I T 0 C I 0F>

Skates, Sleds, Sleigh Bolls, Tool Chests,

pOtKhTKMAEb, l A m . s ^ s p ( ) 0 N S C A R y E R S


SCISSORS in Handsome Sets

Will, •• tnUratil ilor. bi k i aalutal "''^^jF'ri'lE'rill'l.o'cB^'^'-SwnLL1 8°,

"i "' J0BUH*TDliTMl. V I-

tho mnnaftelurerii of BOMCWI a iqw piijBiciws nud DniggiBts

toDmnl ami Iww1 -?V^S thelT tbey ire n great im^'voment nn tho

[ft* Thr h,n Km.}A I l i m i AMI A IIEAIIT.

llowIllirwrtoDlhnofcrthjUstcurt atom ni(iii.r rrnie.

Aid Rlayodits prc-tly mirth.I kr>{rr a human )nvo

••(ill] a. loornfal trend {lelireabuvQ,

T Itc* cold and dead.

Ujtonjbe nld n\tm gruwi,which the dfsrt one came.

TluBb.-nrl to atrnnRtli roitorsd ;Now Itrthc dead IOTS-B place,

Ye vrha xrano in l),o lwill|[ht,Wilh'bcid bowed ind lioarrj

To wlio wich for tha (tarlight,In Ibeieonlifflit nrntoij;

To wbn t)taid iu the iimlitftat,TfasnAMUngniaitlorj—

Aba^jn is strife,

'nmjid iL«o!niLi thmlifl iu |»

On lU^idSrllns!.Vlmro h-emUr.

lii! iu!)#r tlB d j ing- '

I'd^fit not tlin lislit,

Biijj J lur tic King is born•Mia ftrit .lull treadI^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da


Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deepOld Wi^tTloomiiallbrinBi

Our dtlnU- flitven »ht!l t'o to ilfep.And will not wtvki (ill tpring.

Tin inn Mne ••? k»'II tarn to gr»r,Tlie b!o|ionii mik« Io fa.ll.

Tlion n!i«[l he BE«al then) quila »waf—And we forget tliem nil f

Nuj I e m ttw' bii tone!) ilisll brlifTh. ftoil, SBd.obill, »nd HDDW,

In memory, Hilt, tho Iiinls ihiU ting,iDdBlQt th* flowers blow.

TLt porf)»T*i*lei, on* bj on ,«h»n lift ttuJU*- frifr«iit heidg,

Atta (oolfrt bjraiD, inii hliiiiij b / iau,

Tim »«mra.r eon light Mill sbtvll itronm,Tli» r.-;c; ij«* aif f'*",

The warm NillnrtiDtni brigblly biira,And fainlmg br«rici blow.

The Tulipi still ah ill plant tbsir Sne,liio* wlntor windi »ro liiKh—

VliAt lutltig Uesrt of LtmtJ titoa

consequence of theIndian Tensel, laden

»r iifr wnen th» merry birdslut« th* coming dntro ;

I hear bcr wlitu ilie Iwillglit ih»doiGatboroiidiolawn.

hear tbo sound of lionRnliolil wordsMako IUUBJO in tho room,Uu whilo *be combs hvr hoibardWith tlio bald end or llio broom .

rJcal Error.

ihom tlac§ ,>«m olovercr if not betteritiL, lmvinglorgotten the Morlitim oia fermou one flue day, oould tliiuk oiotiiitig bettor to begin witli tliau tin'sintSUL-B: "P«M»rlf beloved brethren,io onrih wo live on is round—ronndke an egg," an J tlian Im wandereil nil?«r crefilinn, pronounced theon nnd UisiuinseJ them.Afttr the terTico th» B«ton told liim

it ht& nmtlB a Wumlor. 'Your revnr-mce,1 ba naiJ, 'prfached that the world

ronnd lik« in egg. An »g;g isn'tround, id OT»I. Ton ibould li»T6 widthat tfa» rartb ii round lika * bullet.'

'Dear me ilearoin*,1 isid th* wortlijtrgjtnan, '10 I elionlil. I Jon't isp-jio IDT ou« WKS milled ; still, to be oni« e*U iiiic. I will correct tho miitakenay Harmon next Sundftj,'Accordinglj on tbo Hollowing Sundaye sood core bffan : "Dtsrlj beloT«1

ira!hr«n, owicg to n proyoking bfltero-ibamicnl inidtcrtaucn I SHIJ on Sunday

it, that this bnbitahle globe ©n wbicbr» dwell, wrtH ronnd like tin egg. Tbat,onrly litioTut brctliren, wno wboro Ioletl lujsrlf. An *gff, an jon mnyfqiiontlj linro obsprTcil, ii not ronnd,itti«l. Wliatl mcntit to say andb*t I now IBVT—am! I nay it witboatar of encceseful conlrarliotion—ia this:lie enrtb ii rouud like s—tbe «rth iannd like an—abam 1 tba t-R-r-t-V——Here tba witon, psraeiring tbat tbsiro had lost hie timile, oongbrd sign if-anlly lind imitated th« notion oi nim-\g and Iritig off n gnn.

:—I know it I1 i*id tbo At-igbteil cure. 'Tpa, dearly.rethren, tba world


Drift from Hnlf Strown ftt RpItiberReB-Aftar ptwing CafO TanBbawe, theordeaskjold party entered Irtimmo

S»7l on th» w«ai aide of which theynnd ibalargMt glacier thtjj bad yetan OH BpUberfBD, It ia about tonill* wtfiv •«<! i>roje«f« into tb» lounflith a fjarrtj *re*l Tti« itratlfleationthe ie« Ia boriwntsl. AI Bhoal loint,tb» ent/anfl« to Hinlopan Strait, ft*

»OB w«oT«rjwberoco«red wilh ainormom moifl or drilt-wood, amongifhiah art fonnd ptocei ot pnmico-itone,birob bark, cork, poles, and floats from

e Lofoildet. fliberies. -with otherings which had been carried hither by

nrrsoU from tbft nonth. The driftrood formed a broad line along tha

Farther up WKI unt.ither line,

I shall never foiget Hie flrat visit I p&iito tbo Brown [iiinily. Fruit Creofc wia long nnd deep, tlrougU narrow iulenliicb terminated in a flbelving boot, 01tbo smooth sand of which a number owbiile-boatB nud fikiffa rested, like flabout oi water. Tbo creek was named in

wreck of a Westwith pines at

ahfiddooH Dear tbe spot where DaddyBrown bad CHtnbliKlicd bis long blackboUBD of woll-calked Hmlier. Tbore were•several huts within Bight, bnt Mr.Brown's was by fur the bout and largestot tbs tenements; its wimlows werocompletely giaeed, and it possessed ntolerable garden, fenced from spray andsand by a high wall of solid timberslabs. Tbo inside of tho hmiw wax evmnoro comfortable than tlio estcriu

promised. Tbo Browns wero evideutl;well off, and, ns Ibey insUtod tbat Ishould not leave them before aupper, Iind an opportunity of seeing how tbeyfared in general,


;eeu as a hawk's, nnd evinced great craftmd vigor. I wns at first rather disposer:o like tbo old man, he talked so wclind glibly. Ho alono, of the familyjronp, bad been a (reveler ; he had beenlo China nnd to Europe, as mute of aessel, and had coastad repeatedly along

tbcAtlautio seaboard, from Vora CruzoHulifttj. There wore throo eons, of

whom Japbet was the eldest, and tbreag c r s , all (nil and well made, with

dark complexions nnd bright eyes, Mrs.Brown, on the other hand, was a softlittle woman, with rather a timid look iubor round blue eyes, and wau, as herhusband said, from Pennsylvania. Sbo

a notablo housekeeper, and had thenorthern taste for scrubbing and polish-ing, since the floor was exquisitely cleanand the copper and tin upon tho kitchenshelves shone brilliantly. The familyreceived me hospitably enough. Theyoung tnoa eyed my tue,wi and BIDOWIwith undisguised soorn, and half-jest-

igly challenged me to " wrastls a fall'with Beth or 'Symmaohns, observingthat Japhet was too big to make themnfoh a fair one, Bnt they were equallyanxious to see nome proof of my pro-flcieooy with the gun, concerning whichthey had beard marvels from their elderbrother. 80 a fowling-piece was takendown from the books over the store,where it usually hang, and half an hourwas devoted to shooting at a movingmark, snoh na Seth'B cap, or an old sea-boot belonging to Japhet, which woreniccesaively flung up into tlio air, and'iddled with swan-ehot, amid generalipplaase.

"Too dark for morel too dnrk formore 1" cried old Dnddy Brown ; "walldone, Bir, nil tho snme I I could shoot nbit oncost, hut 'twur with the rifle. Oomo

lupper, boja and gals. The oldwoman's just lit up."

The lumps which Mrs. Browu bad just"lit iip," were three tary largostructioiiB of Yfbilo muta!. tho work ofBomo Yuukoo pawtorcc, winch hflld agro»t deal o( oil,-and g ^ e a byellow light. Tho cloth wns laid on awnluut-woud table, nnd on it smoked aprofusion of hot VI'IUJLJH flanked by allaorta of bottles and slono jars. Tlio

onnd—like a

wbaratbi mwr son BOUIMIT lomem i dntlnj iprinj-tHoa, probabi; oil-j . l . Jb j . r . i i i o fo f lh . l . nd . In tbi«HD« tba drftt wood wu (ar older and

t a i n * .jamlnint all ahla, lie '"nodinf othar tbinta s »«ll-praierT»(lu of tba Wait Indian plant **U(lt>thbivm. Tbiibmn, irbich ii "P-

ward of an {nab and a ball aeroaa, floats•ilb tba OnltStraam " *" " -Atl j ins vriii*. u»&«iiiu

••tie, ii found oot •unw^u>""i eoaat of Worwmj, and buDs

on n blnstoring and durk nututnnal duy,wbgn tho olouJe weio driving fast acrosstho tluojitoning eiky, and tlio wavesrolled in with a Loarnn innnnur, I sad-donly came, in the course of a lonelyrnmhlo along the bench, upon two men.Tbey wero nUmilng in n, little iiolltwbelwcnn two hillocks oi looso namgazing out earnestly to KOaward. My ejiinstinctively followed tbo direction itheirs, nnd I saw a large ship undeidouble-reefed topjjUa, with but cdursoibrniled up, etnggyriog along the coaf

with hor bowa tuinnd soutbwordiTho wiuii w:!3 uufnvornbln to her, ntieho had much ndo to imike very sloi

indoeel, by dint of incossaiitacks. Tbe two men ou the shore, ncinoticing aie, as my footsteps fell noise-csfliy OH the soft sand, conversed iu3»d, unguarded tones: "There Bhi•pas oa the larboard tnok ogaiu. At thatate aboil beat about till dark, and mmake t#n cables' Icoglb of way j " midtlie yonnger anrl tullcr of tbo ti

can't fetch Oorncoek Tnint.nrii-li

doubt, from Home ship in peril.At lust I CUD Id Bee tl

lighthouse, Kcuiliitg, n» usual, itafricmicnma o[ racliaueo far oyer tboBoa. AH iianal ? No, fcr my prao

ticod eye soon detected u. flbange. Tinred light bai'nt alone ; tn* green Iam(wns GONE I '

"Orait Heaven 1"is some dreadful acoideafeor e!s« vilInins havo beoB tampering witb tbiligtttHl ThoBGyonngrutBat.fl—tho sh—tbo invitation—I see it I" Willigroan I set off to run at mj uiott(pond, hoping to arrive in time to ligbho cxttDguisboa lamp lio&re tbe doom

ed Hljip, wlioau signal 'm lmd beard,ibotild be lurod to her file; (or at a

glance I had divined the heartlessKcbomeof the wreckers. The red lightburning alone would bo taken for thatm Uupe Lookout, aud tho capfain nt-

ierly deceived, would aoek an imagjnary obannel where tbs fatal sandbankslay.

tbe witiii where it ia, And lika to fresiien;"'observed tha other, in an oilv, insfnaat*ing voice which I recognised as that ofDaddy Brown: " I guesa Tier skipperdon't know this cusst, Tbe fool'to bump ashore«E-tinoi) or

"A food job if BIIO can-bounds !" exclaimed the youngeryg,

who was no other thnn Juphot Brown ;deep lailcu its she is, there'll bo piek-jga worth a wet j.ickut( wo haven't badclutch at such n orilter, nut siuco the"

"Hush I" prudently observed, oldrown, who had just turned bis head.

mil caught A frlimpsc of we—"Hush 1ere's earn about,"Japhet reddened and fiowno3 very

ilkily aa I dcBoeuded tbo sandhill ao4(shed him and hia father "good dny."iut Mr. Brown was very biaud. "Qlad

tumble on you again, air 1 Hojh'teen yon these two months agone. J^Siy

weather 1"Our conversation wns not a long one,

and we soon parted. Bat, to my gre^turprise, when I got scar homo 1 heard

Borne ODD panting after mo, nad.up ctuueaphet at a run. "Futbor BOJB," he

gospeii out, "yew would 4o him proudif yew'd look in at Fruit Oreek to-night'he gala have got a party—a frollo toiall corncobs and string 'em—and (here

lots of neighbors cumin', both mennd women. Wo'll havs a dance and

games, and aBiipperfitfor the president.TVill you conie ?". .;

Now if I bad consulted my own incli-nations, I should .have declined, but 1was anxious • to give no offence, and Inew tb»> my refusal woald probably botttlbotad to ths pride of euperior ata-on and acquirements, so I accepted."That's right, chap I" anid Japliet,rawiugaluug breath; " I hataofel-w to be nasty proud, I do. Ah, yewid wo might work well together, andjw'd make a better thing of that thanlie state salary, if yew ouly know whichids your bren'3 waBliuttered.""What do you nieau ?"But Japhot turned on hid heel with a

luugh, Baying in a loud voice—k l t '

plntes wero of coimnrjn delf, but tho'CsseM ivero most vurioua.

Thus, Daddy Brown lmd aBilvertaukard;Jupbct, a tin pnunikiu ; tbo girla, ginss-ia, and tba rest of tbe party oliinn ffiigs.: wns still raoro surprised to see that

some of tbe forkB were of massive silver,otbora were two-pronged steal

implements of the cheapest fabric. Wehud ficarcoly ent down before a remarka-ble incident, happened. I clmnced, leeathrough inquisitiveness tban obsBDoe ofmind, to be turuiiig round the heavysilver fork assigned to me, wbon I de-cried sooieluvlf effaoed nrmorial bonringsm the handle. Before I oould decipherMem, however, Seth Brown, tbe yonng--st son, who sat near mo, and who hadwatched me, suddenly thrust ont binbroad bony band, wrcstod tbe fork fromme, nnd tossed Uncross the tablo, growl-ing oat something about, " a spy." Iwas really too much aBtoutsbed to resentthis mdenoss, but Daddy Brown instnnt-

, yly exclaimed in ti harah votoo :slintne, Beth 1 you're drunk, boy.

d " Dtlio Btmngor'a pardon, or " DaddyBrown did not fln.BU tbo sentence, buthia brown corrngated into on ugly frownand he shook his fist nt hia youngestson, who gave me bncli tbe fork with aTory bad grace, muttering that ho meantno harm—"'twar a joke." This wasodd, and another triviul olrcnniHtancehappened ifter. Ono of the girls

U)« « w t of Ifotwaj, andotinj oa Horlh 8pilib«r,.n, iff>rfi til.

noil ooDTineioi ..iil.nce ih.l llic OuKStrum mohasUiia hijh ltitndf

Wben, by oft wetting bis throat. ««n«tomar grows t lnp and io imitff'OatiTOu to m itrctli, b o i u i ind lamp-pmu

" nlop infernal « •fp™»:.T to ptaTanl \\m lr»o 1W».ona, tha (<utdl>n a.R.1 Ibw m»aM

bia aptMrMW, ri«« I" ' wat COODUT-°i fc » . H . IU. Dmaba. f.llo» b n, i . > k i . wil. all tb. conlMta ol tb«

who aat near me, a merry blaok-bairedmaiden, Hko her uistors, with a merry..iogb ono! B nut-brown cheek, wore avery pretty brooch, mounted in gold,nnd delicately executed in ennrne!, inLoniB Qcinze stylo. I happened to

the beauty of this costly ornnmentto tbe erWont gratification of the weareruntil I hatiarded the remark tbat "tbeworkmanship WBB probably Freuch. Inever paw auoh a brooch in an American

•'Tbat'jtell.nFil"nn8wflreatneBlrt,in e"rlio0fl, Setb& shnrp iouo. younger sons, won

'Phccbe 1" eiclftimrrd her mother in adeprecatory fashion, Hor father gaveono of his oily toughs. "Our islandgnH"said lie, "don't unQerHtnnd yourtown ways. Tho gswgnw glittery thingwas honestly curan b j , yoo mny tnkoTour oath of it. And that's all that'matters tbe mil* of n pinch of gnnpnw-Jer, whether Frnneh or not French."

I parted from tbe Browns cordiallyjnongii, bnt tbo more I thouglit nf themtbo queerer they seemed. Were thi-yreally fishermen ? I wondered, fn spiteof til tbe nets nnd many-booked lineroitentntionsly displayed mound tbeiidnolling ? Hud tboso abari> wbnlo-bont:no other use than to carry Japhot and

to tho bunks n-hero (•nalflsh sionlfish, jewflsh nud HUufisli, wore pleat;?TVrn wore things to bo seen iu thathouse of Mr. Brown's, which contrastedforcibly with tho oat.cn benches nudclumsy furniture. Silk curtains to tinsmall-pamtd windows, one or two armchuira «f frayed vt'Wor, a beautiful liidimcabinet In mro wiwd inlaid with ivoryand. above all, n KD*U bnt faa&dnoiu.mirror whose rfdii} catroJ nnd gildciframB jam-d witb tlie con»e coloredurinti thnt wero bung on .lie same wall.Very odd, all thin. I o be sure,. lh«•Miwniiv* obJMli mipbt Iw rcliw of i!i

"Never yew mind; reckleot yew'veromised to come. Folks gather at six.on't-bfl later norjUalf-paat, obnp !"Off be wont. I went home, and,

turned my bead in the net of crosninflHID threshold, I saw the mime fillip stillwitbin a mile of tbo shore. The dunk

deepening fast into tbo obscurity ofnight, but I oould ace that she was mak-ing slow progreaa, whilo there wna everyindication of n .norm. I went up theInddur, lipliled m.d arranged my lampswitb my accustomed care, and tli en satdown to read for awhile. At half postfive, I made anoli alterations in my dreaa were necessary, throw my mackintoshclonk over my shoulders, nnd after &glance at the beacon, prepared to setint. I bad never before left the lamps

to burn in my absence.

1 had a long and disagreeable walk to?rail Oreek ; the wind had begun tomean and shrink, my clonk flow out nndtngged tit my shoulders as if to hnld moback, and my feet Btamblod among thesand-bills. I t wns very dark, and winand sleet came driving before thB mile.After my weary trnmp along thfi deso-late shore I thought that Dnddy Brown 'ahouse, witb a ruddy raJienoe streamingfrom its principal iipart.dent crowundwith men, matrons, girls unJ stripping!*,presented a clioerful ecene. There WHBabundance of fun, laughter awd hearlymirth at tills "frolic." An endless coun-try dancf WM achieved by ft score of

s, with nn oblignto nccomimni-of stamping and dapping of

bands. Soncs wero sung, games, snebas bnnttbe-slipper and blind-mnn's-buff, wero played. At another time Ishould have watched tho scene wilh keeninterest; but on this pertlcnin even-ing my Bpiritfl wero low, and my heartwas heavy within me. Something likea foreboding weighed mn down, in spiteof all my efforts not to ploy the part ofkill-joy. Dnildy Brown BBBtned veryglad to see me, and so did Japhet, butit Btruck mo tbat Mrs. Brown lookedat mo »Uh rather n seared glance.OariouBly enougli, tliotigli tbe three

•jerofllldaneintr aso itself (fcpencled on tbuir

nnd 'Svmmacbus, theihscnt.

"The boya uro all right," suiil DaddyBrown, iu nnswer to my inquiry ;"they're oat late ; boon over to the nniiiifter diickn. We'll sco 'cm aforo sojiper

time, sir."

I declined iloncinR, anil for -ouic litnotntenteil mywlf with the part of n

spectator. But the flildliPR. laufilitornnd loml talking jarred on my cars; Ibeenmo more ami more oppressed b>thegluomttint bud eloiiiU-il my niin.lwby, I know not; and nt lust t winl.1

bear it no longer. Wiitcbliifr my oppor-tunity, I slipped mil .unobserved, ai

itoutnu my lonely hompwnr.l walk.Abnul half way from tlie Itplifboii*

.jemciitWillitUfirlicnilsdothey pnsbtHl their wnj npitmand rain, earn* liunyliiB rapi'l'y l'wtl0d cr™sC,l mo without wel-U ™I'hev were nt ti)»pb l l i c Jie'e1" ftni

bnililof S.tliBr<,wu ami his brother•fait rrrei.il CIMIW p-w-iWy linvthrm t>» tin* Ciipc, wbrn tl»-l

futfaor bad nrctmiitc'l BO |>lii««fibly f"fnrthi'irndsfiico?

A taguo. formlosB mifpivinR COTHP tchill my beart and ilroail. Wli»t erranfonld haie led those two young men t'my desolate dwelling on u night otolry 1 I uc-l my teeth and strode cmli-r*. Was tliMt llRhtint:. that red I

t Hi«

Of tj» hUfl-W Oi

apon flash, boom after boom, told of(he urgent danger which tba mariuershad perceived when it.-w^BooBach report was nearer and nearer, nndthe vessel must be driving fast to theeo sbore. I harried to the bouse.Tuba, my black boy, was asleeji and

rjug iu u ournor of tbe kitchen, andnegreas, my housekeeper, was rock-

lag herself before tbo flro, crooning outmine plantation ditty. Evidently theiltieks knew nothing of what bad beenODD, Irnu tip to tlit* glased chamber,rhere the lumps, Btood. Hastily I re-ighted that wbiolibad been eitioguiab-

and then approached the glass, andjoked oat. For t while, I saw nothing>ut the flashes oi the minute guns, butiresently a broad, lurid glare arose, and

ild see by the ligbc of an enormousflre of Ur barrels und wood, which bad

>y pi 1 oil upon the bunch, that';be vessel bad already grounded. She

id .struck, bowH foremost. Her upperipars and rigging bad gone overboard,

tvering her deck willi n tangled mais: ruin, tbn Tvaras breaking furiously

iverher, Hard-Ivy, I oould aoe a nura-of men, their swart figures citmrlj

tefloed ID the blood-red lisbt, lightiogip and down tbe sands. Tbej hadighted the lire—the wreckers. Witbout

conaider tbe possible cooie-[nences tomyiu^tbarr ied down the

ladder, callin'jf'.on>7ijba to tcH\<n me;and rushing toward tbu bench, hopedthat I might be in time to reach a h«lp-

ig hand to some of tho poor perishing;ireatures. When I drew near, I beardgreat ahout. Tbe vcaaol bad parted

Tha whole son, crimsonitb firo-Iigbt, was covered all over with

[noting beams, bales, boxes, fragments>f wrack, and struggling human forms

latter were bnt few, and their criesit help were disregarded by tbe greedyTelcbes on shore, wbo rushed, witlioiul sbonts, waist-deep into tnaaoa, to,eoure plunder. CbesU, caflfe, nudither prizHH wero- hatrletllT groiped.

id rolled or drogged nbavs tbo roicb>f tbo waves, while tho wrcckera cu-louragod ench other in their iinhallew->d task. I t was a bideons socne, but

BTtw'litno of it, fdf in) oju suddenlylighted on somethini like a bundle ofslothes, lashed to a bench of light cane-irork, which was floating in an eddyiard-by. Tlio white bundle stirred as

was swept past, and the loug goldenliair aud tbe pale, pretty face of n cbildsrero clearly visible in tbe crimsonight. In nninstnntl was standine; intbe foaming water, whioh reached abovemy waist, and 1 had ft firm grasp on theobject that bail attracted my notice.The nndbrtow nearly bore mo off my[eet,nudl staggered; but I held, the

lild fast, cut tbe cord tbat fastenedir to tbo bench, and bore her in myma to tbe bonch. A sweet face, Inno-

;eut and beautiful, the face of a Borapb IJho wns wet and cold, bnt fear bad not

ininberi bnr faculties, for she clangmy Bhoalder with ono tiny band,

'bilo with the other Bhe pointed to tVemd mnrmnrod in i weak voice,

"Mnmtnal PlcnBohelp! Oh pray, praysave mamma I"

Poor child 1 1 looked on ber with>ity; na doubt was in my mind tbatcr mother bad porislied In the disaster,

little girl—she could not have been•e aeTen years old—pointed eagerly, m N of wreck that turned and

n-irled in tlm eddy as it drifted pastid begged and prayed mo passionately

'to help dear mamma."

The child was right; tliero wns a hn-nti figure Insbed to those spera, andlelougbronu hair and the streaming

[armenb showed that the apparentlyiEelessform was a woman's. I laid the

tellingring off

my coat, plunged into tba MM and withgrout difficulty dragged tbe flnatinp

m to shore. The little raft, hastilycomposed of a couple of Btnddinff-fu.il-

booms and a hencoop, lashed together,had drifted for ont before I reached It,and tbe strong current nearly snaked

) out to sea as I swam back, ptntiog.ml dripping wet: bat I managed Iim(t tho poor UJj Iran iho w»TtJ*. " SIraa quite insensible, ber eyes werelosijj, nnd but for the very faintest ae-ion ol tba bei.rt I should bav« thought

lifeextinrt. A pale, delicately mould-ed fnco, witli snnio resemblance to thatnf Hie bountiful child, though tbe comilexion and colnr of tbo hair wero . veryissimilnr. Tbe little girl put bnr ormsnn nil hi<r nioihcr'n neck, and kiusoJ hnr. Iiuiidrcd tincR.

I iinw lieRiin very st-rionnly to considerbow T stiniilil get tba

n sufe slioltor. To Iho wroekora I dnra-liot npticai. Fortnniitely, tliov had bepnno luisy to notice goings an nt a tiis-iinco of fifty paeon, nud if tbey badpen mn nt all they probably look me foimi' of the ping. But T dared not cnl:i) them for help. They wnntnl no Ii'

.us; wi tness nf tbi-ir miaslecil!-, no ly$ c1.iimat.ta of tbe projicrty wliicb theyen1 liiwlfvnty npprnpriating.AH I swum back witb my second pria

ray fnco hml bctn townrd tha wreck, naI l,:i,l ilistitH'tly HCIMI two human bnuli•vc iilii'vr the broken wutpr, nml t«r•iifirr ftrii^piii^biiiuiiii fiui'SKiidtlitHnilitivh-lieJ haudN of two balf-ilri.twnoinn. Bo'.h wero hnro-hraded nnbenched wMh suit water ; but by thiBbmpic I cnught of them, I should havesaid tbat tho t<Mcr wu m icamRa, theitbcr, nbii wort- a dark monuUche,tPiitUniiUi. Tlicy hoM out their b^Bnds,mil rrii-1 Fur ai.t, lutt none cntna. Oa*i tnH nut), n II.NP flfptnt wsi like tbut aInpbut llmwu. rcpulHtl tb«au willi

•bild .ightjy °* t u B Hantier not to be afraid, and, thro

boat-hook he carried, and puh«d thenback into the deep water. »mid tbe yaltiof tbo wretches on shore. And so thtymnk, mui-dered for the sake ot gain. X

felt tbat my own life hung on » thread.If any wrecker espied me, the TilllnDBwould not hesitate at anoth«r crime.But bow oould I go 1 I ooqld eerry th*cbild with esue—but her poor mother t

Thank Oud 1 Jutm, fn person I I had>rdered the negro to follow me. I had

far outatrippBd him, bnt I looked upind BSW bis black face. He was dread-fully alarmed at tbe fierce shoaU and ei-

ted gostureg of tbe wreckers, and w ua the poiut of making off w^en' I

caogbt him by the collar. Between ui,contrived to carry tbe yoang woman

>ver tbe drenry Band hills b*tween nsind the lighthouse, the child being unffi-;iently recovered to walk. We laid ourpatient on ay bed, and when Aunt Follyhad exhausted ber flrat transports of u>ton.shment.Rbe proved an exosllentinrse, Tbeiiks to the cars and setl ofbmAtaftw^w, Km: r«irf«* «-*—»»/ - '•nvnl. ro-wHB from ber own lips thatlearned her name and position in

if©. She was the young wife qf m gen*leottn of good fortane in North Oaro-

linn, and nephew to tbfl QoVefnor oliliut Btat«. Bat—poor thing I—I oonld]ot dingnlse from ber that she was »

Idow, though I spaiod ber KD addf-ial pimg of knowning that her ba»-id bad been one of tbose who hadn inhumanly thrust back into the ie»

\o perish, althongh I bad little donbttbat one of the murdered men bad beenOaptain Fairfax, whose desoriptioa tal-lied with that of the poor victim I hadbehold.

Leafing the widow waeping over hericeut loss, wbilo »be clasped bar resou-1 cbild as if the feared to loss bor too,went to mak* prapttrations for leafingle island. Most fortunately, I had « • •oyed my leisure iu repairing > dii-finttod bout. The Utter bad no mait,it it was now water-tight and a pair of1 oari wore fit for uao, itefore I sleptDroaghtthe boat frotn tbe cre-sk,andoored it to tba quay, rendy for a start.,r greftt fear vat that, before wo oould

tpe, aorao of tbo wreckers might dia-iT*r that I bid bueu an oyu-witncii of>ir criai«K, nod had MVWII f.otna of thaisenffers on board tbe foundered ship,icb I now lea rued was the "AiUrte,"Bust on. On tliif, account, shortly

Br dftyhreak, I caused saittreiue*. *adlowi to be placed in th* boat; andtit Polly, Juba, and I , carried down

Fairfax, wbo wii too much ex-•dtu valk. Tin child followod,

<1 Aunt Pull; arranged the blanket*itoaks arouml tbe isvulid, wbiU

ba wai to Uke one oar, and I the other,black lad was not nholly unuiad tont, baviog rowed on the river near

ilmiugtoa. In caao of pursuit, whioh,scorned imprubablo, I had

iced a liiadod gun in tbo boat, badf Jan one cullofls u tiller tuy pea-ooat,I coQoeak-daDotbur in tbe rand. Wore jiiat toady to push off, when I ro-mbnrnil tbat my aketcbes and draw-ls, which I won loth to leave, wereII witbin tbe l ight -bouse . I ran back,

ut the portfolio under my arm, and<ns on tbe threshold of my 'ate dwelling,fbon tho figura of a tall man eppear-* "

tb3 doorway—Japbet Baown 1 "*His face waa swollen and coarse withnk, and bis flcry eyes dropped as they; mine.Whither away, chap P Tew seem in

)laguy hurry ;" he growled, and ex-jded his hand.

1 nm going ont, I havo no time for>nversation."

The young villian burst out into oathsid enrses,

'Conceited hound, who be yaw, to re*le to ahnke an honest man's band f""Amurderer's hand,yon meant" Iled, indignantly, though I repented'

words before tbey were well ont.Japbet turned livid with passion.Jon know too mnoh, my gentleman,

Btop your jaw, pretty •mart."So saying, bo threw binuolf npon ma,it I was luckily armed, and I drove

out of the lighthouse, puwuefnglim.cntlnsi in hand, fora abort distance,ftcn I went back to tbe boat Jubftad I ware not first-rate rowers, tbsoat was heavy, and oar progress w uow. Before we were half-way acrosslie tound, I described a fiwift whftleboatleaving tbe watere, on onr tnok. Nooabt tbe wretch Japhet had given tha

to bin comrades, mid had we bwniverUkwn, the secret would bav* beeniroaerred by the Baoriflee o( all oar llvea.3at a sloop pwaing within hail pitted

up, nnd carried us to the mainland,efore nishtfali we were able to place

Mrs. Fairfax and ber little daughter un-der the safe lata of ber biisbund's rela-

I htve little more to tell.„ of the Fairfax family pressed upon

ae A Urge pecuniary reward. This Ileclined, bat I gladly accepted patron-,Ke which enabled raa to loaye for En-i>pa two ye«» later, wilb—for an «•-•

tUt—K pur**»tuonably heayy.. A Uni-ted StaU* mmhsi, backed by on irmed'oroo, wai diipatebed to Cape Hattaraj,U h ^ v u z n t for tho apflrebeDaion ofe guilty.. ,'Bnt some daisy ba*oo«rr-.!, and the Brownit Sad to Texas ianioh remote region, yeara afwrwaxd,read of the «xeoatiat>, by lyoch law, of

Tapbefc and bts father, for Jobbery ud._nnrdnr. • ' •"

It ViM Not All tt Utt-nm.Mr. Oumeron dreamed, when he.wM

, boy. that be wunld bo maisaerecV byIndians at tbo sgo ot forty-Beven.^'The

vision vran repeated tea yeanatnr, and with atiob vivldneu tbativory dota-i was left impressed opou hi*nemory. Ho was at a much near Brnel3ity, Dakota, a short Hnfl igo, whenliis fnrly-seventh birthday arrived. Theplaco was nlive with friendly Indiana :but be recollected bis dream, and theirpresence made him eioess.Toly nervoui.He wcut to bad iu trHpidation, and, tobin horror, as be afterward declared,be room wns exactly Hkt tbe one of bUIraim. Ho tell nsluop, and promptly

nod that the Indiana wen •caluiogliira. He bnnndrd from tho bed, leap-ing, from a window and fled, tempo*ranly insane. In tho morning he wasruisaed, uu'l n large party of Wbits meaand Indinns went in Hearch of him. Hwan three days betoro thoy loond him,fur he hid wbsnuvor he caagbt a%ht of

lodUi. and only slowly ii BCMO*. He wu naked,

dcflil with hunger.

At present the ptening knt*4 of tbitoumrj it b*U«r Wakw's bnwd.

Page 2: CLOTHINGB djing- ' I'd^fi t no tlin lislit , Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep


Huiurrta j s Dtu*. *<

iciDB tlio


FLANDERS.Tou :—Sot having ippfiE

PORT MORRIS.Harvey Ctouiwcll |i* tlu- litno h

tlie Tmiwpprtatio!. fv ; irtiuent ill:and ia u ilitic^Bsiuu til m l writing Hboys Ilia oilier ilny, MIUMUOUV was bnig^iuiabout wbitt u good writer "Harvey van, wiwi

' onocf tliaeuadrtctots broke -jilt with "liiuiWftrvuy Cornwallu(food «•*, ?r t Wliy I'vegat I-Jtttrs fumi him mwiy a time iiml Ioonlilu't rcml 'uiu."

PcrlwiM yiiu don't »eo imy fun in 1!«iL butIliad a good laugh over it wlu>u DiniititcuerOani[J.i«]l laid the »LCT)-.

I don'tmse any UKU iu waking BO muchfn«a about what n itreaclier inny my in l)i»own pulpit, no loug n« Ua ilon't bent iiiUuwltn'um tiKi.iiitil.lii)> neighbor.

•; : Ii in u free ooitulr)'. uisil tbov*s i<* u: try to Uud fiwl the urinhWi* ji.»s

bit and bridle,, J.ih'n lti^im. nl'ior tie W M U O u Pr«

• SL.iUu.list, tir.ti(l ID sjiy tlirtl whwi 'bo Iwr.culled in IUUI, to iJi'iich H« would i>n, wordlu Ilia mouth ;lw did not tied tiny linolearning iinr i-ollrge odiirj.t.rm. If (bitt VBn, lluw hlwll Wi- poor kyiiwii flnr« lo critoittQ (bo urt'iu-lier J II tbuywitnt to jiri'tu1

titmj>fiwi«A, |iliiliwi|ili,v. jihyHlolosy. u-(t;rujtliy, H.-.Jiinmtio nr |Miitin l»t lUt-in.

It striken m« Uiat Lho nrtJllt hiu uf ihgre.it Auiuritim iiiilion it jiulilU'B, HII.1 if

• . pnwclnir • iu»y prniu'li iijiniiiMt wliihkt-y 1lilni Iwimuer i.Wnv JII |»<-IHicn If lie wmita I

. I t Wight W e fiOalU' llJtlV.e.lM, I YOU 1(1 11:•• - « wWt kiixt uf iJ'-lhiiw hi- wm i\x, huts • .vftnMViuiffi-...-••. -..U.^I.MIV.- " " • -

•Idohui trth.iitah tli.it John it'U'-TH v

Let nil tho friuuila o* t L 0

o him a donation that

ur troluuiiiH for some tluio imd b a r i n g nit i tem* will tutk a bliort r-pauu.I ho frlcndR ot Rev. P . W. J ' o i , pur tor of» 1 ' r^bylorUu ClmrA, will wuk« hltn

their iwnunl donation on T iusdaytlio nil

ilniuinli' rally ftlli gi'will m.iko b im exceedingly gla^, a n d oi

which they may be jt.sl.y- ptouil .Jlev. Mr. L'lUieH, rf the r r c s b y t e r u i n

Church, fleruinu Valley, dulivflrod ft v r yMacllent M l d r w before tb« Oo«i»l Te iapor -nuce Uutou on I V H O I I V evening. I u aou-KdXneoRe of tlia nevere BHirm on tfabbnthdu« aotU'.o of tho mudi i ig wivs n o t £"<>"•

tfco amli"t;co'waa riinullBr thanit othijrwist: would IIAVO beeu.

An electiou was hukl to fill vtmuieies inH.IV. rnl ef tUo offitws of llio Union, ottsanioiieil

11 loo ted :

Luxemburg.w't bo surpriHed, JBrender* of tho En*,

and fly iway in your imagtuntion, tbickinfabout tu read a iintiuicutioii

frou iit«r frmany.

i uso towitli a

i Ea* correnpoudent acrona thimi tbo ubovn uauieit plu^! <u

Not ho. Wo linvo a L.xomburg iunud if ntUurti had slinpud tho courai

of her land luarka n UtUo difforouUy y «would bnvo cluimed this inusliroom villngi

Kimdolpli. AH it in, our voters aroip.-llnd to sp^-uJ a half day nr more to

exorcise their right of tnffiago at the towneb b«itru tlifc y^M^of tho betvitiful auddiiti.' river Iliit l^g^i tto war our doors. I«l>«iU of ihiH cw a niuBUronni village, for |!6ii.H but yesterday, ns it vroro, wbauH ftiw of tlie lioiiwn that now Btftod ou

suoh no oUivntod ponltinii an to bo almoetetj-lBii "ft tily upon a bill," ware not In «*•

luce,. They fcprfl.ig njiin tUu

(iCni<JI>Cd.l tO

uneU, mm! wenThu ftmrlb prisheo


•Ml fl

A Desperate Leap for UUnrty^hau tbo limited taxAllrowl arrived at VfWnKk w»H* '

South Tliunwlny HKOS Coauly, and tUroe (lopntlaa^,,rJ with itmr convicts. Tlllte,. Una JOIIUBOU, John Sawyer andn Fieileriuks, the uiaakod bnrglhweutly rana»clted the resldenoa ol d&)to.uub, near Dockcrtown. Tiiey iuwl •««»Dockcrtown. h y

fiflean years' lioprlsoiuiteutT iy to Trcutuu prison-

dwr wua un old iimn vbo had.» araou. Bjwyet Miil Frod-

ncroB. andvicinity would «lr>fwly m ^ 0

i b d d h d ro no

when tw.nly st>y r t s iguat iou . Tlm folioPres ided—Wil l iuui RnUuy.I K I Vtee Freoiduul—TV. ti. lluCf.ft? " " •tniiicfli Abl'J.Seoratary—l*. V. Howuis,Oorrospundiiig Secretary—J. n , GruuiT b s VnutttiGH of tlie I I . I i Church

ut t lug d «i> the old trseH Unit Imvc beenl a n d t a g In the clmro!. ynrd, wblcli ,'nj i l iktua will mil I'oushltmii'ly to t)t-nriinoc of thn viwl.

Mndoiue OoHfjin Iw, inaAo bcr nppt

il- Village to tliu di«(;iwt of a l l Rood,y 1.0 inclined iu toiwivt4y in buy and woo.l.if liur opL-mtloiiH. Tho lioiwo of our vo—•

S i r ll-rnry Iti.ltcr, lM Ju


i tiuiH ft day for

citizt-utb- fuliii

O;-Ml.I>4 fur

luva lieIulli 18C0-O1, whwi pnlitiBH v

wi t , I win HVIMR In VewmAt U r , liftrlk'i.Liv term *rf C.iurt, JmlHnlDCM prehiiiing, thi 'ro was ii e^iso wherulmly bnil hri'UL'ut wiit ii^ainM licr htwliftifor luaimll iml U. t l .Tj . Tut' IHIMKHIII WU-HUB buKiug yoniig lu tu doii^' UuHJneHHS e w York aud hleeplng hi Nuwnrli. Jan.T. Brady nud Theoiloro llnnyi-D, iiowOliaoellot, wen. lnwyi T- Utt tlie iliifoiitty. Ontirt-h u d TurlferftU'l thu wcirlil fninoiiKj.wr'ph 1*.Knidloy for lho wrow-nuiloi,. 11or wlint p a ^ o d fur tiiou, whoseon oho!foil 'lay. «t>t drunk nml •l ick" thfilwived, but I oniilfl not couccivu it ji-wsiWithat n man who pussci. in uociT-ty for a pentleuinu, could bo gui l ty of ew>h nu oatnijji

l**rlmps you a m imnKhie hn«-1 fplt wlieithe lady wiw culled to tlio Htatxl nnd tCKtlfloi

• that thiH man. bcr hi.nbi.nd. (lrc«ned iu thi•wight of f<iKhi<>n, nuil who did u»t W i t ililt Uku a brute, used t o como borao r.t nightmill kick b«r nrouiid tbo room, tnko hohll o r nud tiirow lior down ou the floor withnil his atrongtb, pick Lor up (ig:iin nnd Hlam1,LT <1<>n-ii in a obnlr, unt i l f.ho ™finally to run out nf t he hoiiRo nnd Hcek ref-uge in Ibe burn, in tho cold winter nigbt.4,Some of tho neighbors wara lirriiightcorrahorntc her test i iuouj , Bmdy, whi

' then in tbo zenith of bin Iiime—tbo flrel-(triniinal luwjor ia New Ynrk-miide the be«ldefeuso he could nuiler tha ciranmsinncpHut It WIIM ii htmo nnd impoteat dufuuBc. 1fiint thoro can lie' no oxciueo ftir tha mnu wlmlaea hiN Lnud lo alrlkf Uu wife ornny otL<wooiau, except to EHVO bin lifa

Bnt the dcfemler of Dnu fiictlcB wns el,* (juoBtnlwnj-Hand hisHHnimini,' up wns Ii

teiicd to with Iirofttliluss nttentiou. H e begunby paying it high complimi-nl to Ur . Hmdliwho had just Hieppod out, ntul then eaid ho

d not know anythinfr of t h o n i s e o u l y whiHe • ;"waut to the

ttt.il his face blaa ii aflorwarda elected uui! tbe enterprise

Lis client (old him.< M M Imt Ws Wtontlie,, as Uiu eyes uatshei'with liBbttouH indiKnatiiiB, " is I boliovetlioroHperttl. Onriug tho muumor tho cornerthis luitn guilty of tho ciiine charged dgiiinstptone wan laid by tha Itev. 0. 8. Vanclovo,

a the ociloiipio nddi, inducod mu to coian hero to defend him.

: : Tho Bceuo in tbul cnutt bouse rlttuH

ild have

•only yoijtie now nu though It hml o

rthiy, Tl.on frnutoil lumbnud, tUh

of BnnJy, tho tiwulli logic of llnwl.-Ifty, lylto eOBincd to bnild h h argument onted roelt, '«aA tlm only way to upriet tlie BU.liorstrlictnro WILH to hlow up tbo fmm.IalKJii.llow lho jury found the iimu guiltj, and howtbo pond old jiidgo talked to blui like nDntoh Uncle, nnd how liu klutilc oat of oonrllike a whipped t-ur to so ml oue of iiis lawyers—U wna not Jaiues T. liraily—ta trymftko BuitiG surt of a Botllomout with Illswife. I belitvo 1 would i» soou hnvo go,to Btulo prlsou iw t&kuri tlio tangne kahingJudge ]I.UiienfMvot!ii.tuiiui.

If it tnkeH S.,75-1 towels a month to k<the iMiids nud tiii-ns uf the Sou libra of tho

.. VuiUd Slates clcnn, bow mnoh docs itto wiltiU tbctr dirty Uneu? I wamkr itErigLt vrould not give i. ftllow tho cout,to do tbe Henatnrlnl w.Ualiing.

No* tbnt tho L. V. It. R. couiunny fludthey cannot ncll the Jlonia wiinl limy »n

''-prDptirins to do a yood deal of mwHx neoiVlMpairiug on it tliiu winter.

. I am glnd Hdo Jcnso Ap^iegate aronuil. itgaia. I hopa ho wou't Litve uucU a spoil ol

. • alclciicss ngtiin in a good whtlo,G. B. tells i nlnry of n colored mnu lie

' cane kuow who hnd ticcumuiiiLod 25 or $30,000 dallara. Tho Lwt lime he BOW him lu-WAR drmcing for penniea nt Home liotul."Howia H i U r n a t J a B. "J Uianght youwore rich whau I last a.iw yoq ?"

With a big, big O aud n duh tlio coloroigentlemnn anflwcied, "Cteorge I've liveijust ten j w n longer than I calculated to,"

Every n a n may drnw his own rnoi.il. Mr- Caeo, the superintendent of tlio Sussei rail-

road, has a notioo pasted iu tbo Wntorldepot, cniliiie the attention of nil employeof tbut road to tho decided advance of nilniilroi\d rappliCRfind advirtiug them to beTery economical with Uiom, When MojorHalnoy was D!«pntcher horo for that ovemsujornble thirty days bo wrolo to llobokcifor some penholdera. Tho genllemnn inolinrgo of the supplies wrote io-tbe mnjor,

. who vas then doing hm wrltinrr with n fitrolpen tied to a ntlck withn tbrend, tlmt bunmat its more economical with bis penhold-ers. • '

The Major enclosed the holder &ud penhBTO8wdnB,,i»ylng, "ThblH Urn kUA ol

] •, penboltierltnVuMng—and I ilon't ana themfor kindling Wood either,"- T h o U l d o w . * 1 '

Peapack,Wind Is tho nee snhscribing for tbo Uiir-

por's JiubUwtiotiB whan jon emi giLso[a piotoriftl-M t o E R A . Would'nt i t ho ngood iJea for BeaUy to build Dr. Osmnnnohnreh ond pat fu ft big orgnn, "He "•- 'gjTotb to tlie poor lendetb to Ilin Larrl."

The much naaded min hna como at janil tno trtreatoB nre hesinniag to fill np.

TUn trial of Ph.lliower vs. Vandoni is sotdown for thU week, nnfl to jnrlgo fromunbpusaw wo BOO awitt«rod nboiit it will bolonosoiDH abont here wbilo it U na.

Mr. John SfeQulIniQ, wl j LUcly remuvodfrom tills plooo te Habit on villo, wbtro bo intenoblup. haa catabliuliod n delmtliig aociotjt e n o / ,ot that place for Mondaywoek; ulso » PpoHlng ^

K of eachI,t Friday

Mr. Hlohnrd Englemnn. hna rotnrnwl ftUebta^ko, and I* very «iuk »t Ibe housoU i faUier-in-tiiw Mr. Jotwpli Borry.

Thn iieoplo of the St. Ii. Oharob, uro \>making prepanUionB for a grnud «xUihiUtmon ahriRttnafl eve.

Saw then, 1<* us wish you all a merryChilrtniiw. and also wlab overj Mlow to peltha inittan who does not bring lib* «irl to tlie

, Dove

For tlio port week rnftH, In largo number*bilTo pawed down Ibo Duliiwaro river to mnr-

i b l b liet. The lumbermen ath

Christmas ClfU-tloniaiin CbrNt-tBofthiDHS mil-ich «« a pnir nf

o » p « m , f Wa. p>lr of n tJ-S tave Buttans' l i n e n Untidk^robi*r-< jitit upIn onB-htt!f doHin braiw, ft llftUtlfill Hllk,Knndkcrchiof, fanoy Hock*, oto., Uiliiu* mi- j tnru lioms wiih a good tiMtogg,

b / l thing* ]aJl UwU tspenMo,

L'.ip.ciitlly if she ah'U c

uiti of our eiljr.t'iany o the r nom

u p dftuoiiif! partt-K.ioitfi, from JIOIIIn to t h HO uono

a long umuiif!

IH who did not BPftin toao of ainnKoiiiciit. tiot

On noiua ol thwv» cnuM1, no doubt well•mud, tin) hour of niul-


oouu ion n« ninety cents niw been aiuco iand miffiy a wan bavins thus invented binbich wiigen, nru no.v liko tlio man who, ou

vh'K H.jvi>i-fil tell the t*i*o of the wedding•CB UKT pud tbo jmrson, Bftfd, "I poUdoilnr wd^l ia l f ror my wife Mid I wish

I Imd in? nwmrcy bnck."

i>;i» 0110 «loru hore, whioli givtii cou-Ic Tone to the jiluuo iind tbu enterjnMpriotorii nra not noufluod to in-

d l l . but deal quite ei

mblo townmnnn,baon finished by

iico ; so nnxtliinmttot out of tinof those lUiduight

i hoys, (who, per-iling

mtbK of jn-wonn hi rttt<'odmthat BDino of ihulruui

k, to loam Uiu en'bowling-

\' a would ndviso o«ipe, tbiuk tlmiiKfil'mild like otlii-rs io think them cuoh) not

In rliRturh pfiO].lii'h witlllrHV lilinili &t\H poopibroti^hthowi-.ilowjtiit tln> oonipatiy withiu i nr to cltn.no ladioH nlony tbn Biri-etsa'night; or to throw nny more fitonea on theirporobos. ] % H , your iianieH nr.' ltii"wu nudshould vou rejicnt youi* toiuliii't «f tbc ot]evmiing it will in nit prnlml.ility provBiirioiiH affiiir for you. Ptoplo do not luttto bo thus inauHiil. \V.> don't woniler Unityoung lsdi<» rcrtwo Hie romrunj of

Tho nobbii'rt KIJ-ICH of nuiitu1, clotb topnud kill top Inittou and English walkingKUfWH in L-nlf mid grain with London touflEoderer & llongnii's, Dover.

Waterloo.Mu. FPITOH :—In your Uma nf IJLSI WI

tlio eorrftfipondont of Port Morriu gavoiutcrenttng nccount of .he re-opening sviofs of the Wntfritio SI. E. Clmrcb on V<Mb. He wrote of tbe beautiful interior1

iiuproVGim'nte, which bud been mndo ; vttthe COM. had boau aud of tho liberal ilytbo Smith family who had genpronHly pn!dtho billn; Permit tlio writer, who was nintha life uipwber nt tho dedication of tbii"rdiiircb uearlv twenty years ago, to writo nfoir patUeularu reajicctlng the enterpriuu.

I^thftanopth: of j?ehruaiy, 1350, revival'B^ca,^^ioh, eoula were oouvei-ted,were being ibald iu. the then email unpre-tending echijol bouse, ^its iooonvtuiouooEwore aiscnsajJ qu- Thursday evening, Ffb.10thr 18f>9, in the Sniilb ntore... Tho IntoMr. Peter Smith siid ."I will give the Iftad $fi00 if a church can be erected." Theate .TumeH AyrnB, a goncroun boRrted niaiirotaifiod $1(10 ; Bnruiicl T. Smith ftlOO, in

atnckbocBO iSO. TIJCBQ

mini anneiBd wcru prouifitly urittei in a bank [ n Board of Triintocs u-n

id un\fA Mr, YoorlilH for (hunriicd that the bonrin lmd benn

of Morriatot ' ID(lulivvruil an appropriate nud

Hiiblmth nioruiug very neat ChristmasDny, lSIiP, tbo roninins of General JohnSmith wcro iotoiTed in tto ground adjoiningtba iiow'hulldiui,, - „ "...people liHlutied to the imprCDSive funenilHcrvices, held in tho unfinished fldiBoo. ThodooennoAhnA coutribiited $200 ton-ardothaortvtioii, anil in bis will was a, codicil bo-rjiicntbing (?r.no, tho interest of which wanto bo pnid annually to help in HURtalitho preaching of tbe ROBpel at Wuterloo.

February Mb, 18(iO, wua a high diij-, aday long to be rtineinl.^i-ed by hundred- oficisoiut. Tho builiiisig tvna flnished, theiburch wan dodlentoJ, tlirno Rcrmons wereprenelicd. lu tho morning tho llcv. L. 11.Dunn preached from tlio text in Matthew10th clinp. 18th voiue. In the nfloruoou tliItov. J. W. Sernn njuonnced as hia test tliSd verso of tho (Kid Pualii., anil In tho eveningho Rov. Wm. Tnnifiou dihccnrsed upon tho

tut v. of the 111th chnp. of Zucharlnh. Thesei in is torn uro yet liviug; tbuy

were then and they continue to be membif tho Nowark Oonfrronea.

Tho entire cent of llio bull Jin g wasUtUo ovor $2,800. On the dny ol dedicationtha whole HUM was provided for, and niterthis provision was iiindo, DM art appiof tbe putor'a wito, I, 0. Jnckaon, uho wasmarto a Life Wtmbor of the Clmroh by thipresentation of fifty d»llnrs.

and hudto

Uu tblri complaint itu iu-iniunt for embezzlement nud Inrcouy wasml uinbracina four oonutp. Tha ciimo•geJ b)(j niind"e!iieanor-tuxdcf ILo Newaey utntntoH and ia pnniaiabjo by ilne nndiriaoumoDt lu tlie county Jitil. f heictumnl hna uot yet boon presuutod in

open court, but notion has Ijeeu taken npon•Whonitwim found, an offlqor of the

mrl ww sont\to the boun8urT»»; VmirWaito iirruHt lilm, Imt wns tolrt that ho was

German Valley.No meetings Inat Sunday.It begins to look liki> Christmas.Hugh Bnrtloy 1B buildicg a portablo n[igino nail saw mill.If D. J. of Port lIorriB ie not a domitiie

he miaacd hit; calliug.llov. A. Ililler is holding a scrioH of

revival meetings at J-Lo Naughrightvillochapel.

ie vacancy ia the orchestra, caused bytherefllgnntion of one of On niembira, has

oon filled by a bone plnyor.A. *' go an you rtleose" match como oil at

tho oxhlhiUon on Bchooley's Moimtaiu lnslTlnirfidny evening. Jnto Woiflfl, nf thinplace, WOB tho belt; no mo others enmo iunot-many Inps behind. ;

Ienaa Ilorton, oni* wheelwright, i^builjifo» Dr. Farrow, of Middle Valley, a uove ty

the shape of n wagon, It has a limitedresemblance to & photon, hut bcicg onlythe width of a tleigli ami the wheeli onlyabout twpnt/.four Inohoa In dlnmeto

i renorables n dogcurL Tlio pbreton•"ISlllOUtJUJfl OH U J/ltir Uf D n W I BJiiIngn

and on the wholo preseut-i a peculiar appear-nneo. Tho Doctor wants it^to uau in thotime of ft "break up" when bo en n't useeitber n tlelgh orn wido tmoked wagon.

On tbo evening of the fUh inst. whileiwrcnoa limit, of Hchooley's Moantaii

wni vkitEng his brother, only a short diitance from hla hotiHo, ROIUO pernon or jier-sonn prioil off thu slutturg. raised tho win-

iw iind climbed into tho parlor. Theiritout doer) not foem to be plunder an noth-

ing has been miiuieu but evcrvluing wasturned " topsy turry." Carpets, chairs,taMca and every conceivable object of fur-cititru WM turned bottom side up, Tbingn;bat couia bo canily handled were taken out*nd bung in apple treeH. The Ratal were;afeen oil and carried uivay. This ia nottho first time Mr, Hunt haa been troubled

ii-BD mBlluious Moundrel*. Home h'nioin i.ttem|>t was nindo \M burn hir* luild-

Wo hope Mr. Hunt will \wa everyuicims to ferret out tlmso trcacborons rot-

nntl bring ihom to juntico, ftltliou^'lillirrn doesn'l icicm to bo a law to deul j'UliuB

miuh outrngeoiis deviltry an lliis, exceptilga Iiyncii. liurr*LO Biu,.

An irnmenne ntoik nf menu*, boiV nndyouths' rubhor bo U nud shoes at Itodorrr

, oppoulte the depot

e in bl(>b glee uIK the highest it

builder, M.Y. U. Soaiing. of•our city, nud eoaiuitimW n very i»roininont•1.1W, mid i« IIU ornniwia to tbe hill.

Sir. A. Kfl*... your city uurveyor, wltli bin•or])n at nHKiHtnutH, have b«Q» eufinged iurunning out tbo WHBIIingtonForge property.

Tbo old "bob-lmid' of Ow WnshtiigioufOrgU tlllue in ftgn!" MftkiUfi OheisilUCD ttthe IODR timbers wiled "pump rods." aucthrough »H Bndl likfi marement would rath-

arguo ngaiuRt its cfflcloncy, tho pinupsiveu by it are of such hHS^^apaclty w*-

the shaffH nfe ^niparaJiTfl}' soon emu


ltubl r uootB roitnired good an*- Hcafjau. Wn uso thniliug which i« iho Wt*t in tli

a of othfr fnniic;ter will lie


• nf the millt ngita1

nut slojipt-it buying fromrctnh will ue more hut-

:h other, .andH'1,'1 were seoiireu wiih chaiOH. Johnus hntidoinlttd to Uio old lnnn, uud biik-L>ru nk'] Blmelded Tbo train utartednl'ttr tbo priHQuerd imd thoir kuepem

Iuui t ikou tlicir a-'iiiB iu the smoking car f<:t ill ly inik' iliiKh tn Troutou at furty niilm n

ur. V>'lii1e it wua wpeediug through Htui, Siwyt-rimdFredericks wore pnrinllh#u nlone lo the closet, Th»y vrcro g"1

r.,, long that tho Sheriff wont afier them. 1bin iwtouinliiuuut ho (liKOovurod that thoy haJbn.kuti tho window looking ot-t upon therenr {ilnlforin nud climbed out. Thoy nMtill on the platform, evidently weighingchimes fora leap far liberty whilo the trainwas lacing over the rond, Th« uu—"*Hpmug to tho c^r door nnd cnught eimou by the aria, bnt the two iniuifu:Iinujnuflod inoii bmku nway and Bpntho plutforiu. ThoBherift iiolifledttio con-ductor mid ut Kew UruuHwick ibo trainHtoppcd. A.cunuipiink'tl hy tho ugi

wink uud HOMO train hawla 1back,

Tho men b.irl boon budly hurt hy tho fullSnwyer lmd bhlou off im iuoh of Lin tougui

l>lud so cii|»'oits]y tbnt i t Bboiucd tbo would blued lu dentb. The me

llftd ncvorlUc-lttW wnmiged to liobblo tin' iultba country iimuurcU of n place ofoaspt. A fftriner driving along tuarooil w»\v them, compelled them, tolilV'u'iigon and tirovo tbom to tbo oouut' jullnt N..w DriiDBniclt. On their arrival tbeithey vtcro found to bo BO badly injttvcu thatit IH probable they will {li«.

The uext train for Trenton misow bv I S e w B r i " '" l v i e I e flt 2 o'clock, and bhuril

J I Ucuker elect dad to uinvo hi« inon to TrOntiLliat IrMu, They weru nurtbie to walk

audit wan neoosaary to curry themlo thorajlroiul dopiit. They ivoro allow-

ed to I'onmln on tbe Jittora nud pLiL-ed lu thilovodto thsBlnto

yFive bundled hands uro

d I

ji.mlt; licrc.cun wa*> ou liis wny to visit &

imti'-ii' »ii '-imtihiy last whni tbo Wn;{ liollof MK' fi'Uit axli! of bin U'^y broke, audtlift iiwlor V/RB thrown out, injuring hia headfimlkiieo. Tbo aecideut hlld HUch nn effectupon the doctor's bond oa to mnko hirealmost uutOU'-tl'iu-. Mr. Jiunea Darling,iitur whoBc ptiieo tho accident hitppeced,oaiiiu to tin-- dnistor'a imalrtauoo nud to^ltfiu-e of him. The doctor lias rcoovurcd ex-cept in tlio knee, but ho 'is able lo attend

.intii'iitH.The Jltiv. W. II. MoOoi

ictiiroou "A visit to tho

ii..-k will rfioitlyBonlh during tht

war." Ho will relate his own ckprpit IH BitiJ ntnkes tha lecture both inter-

d amusing.

Congressman Voorhls Indicted.I t Wfm nniioiini'ftd aullmritnlivuly Satur-

day thnt'lUa Ikrgcu Coimly Omiifl -Fury lmdfound an Indiattitunt ugaitwt CiinyroKNiiifiiiOLarles JT. Vuorhis Vila IVt-Ni'lout of tliuFirs t Hiiiininil JJ.iuk, nf il.u-kuisaek. Tlie

ctmfift w.ir* bjiswl «|)0n tho romiilnint ofb P . IVciitorvelt, wlitrsaid tiiat wovemliliHiigohodepneited wi lh Mr , Voorbls()n lor tho purulinso ot bonds of- tho.-onmek W.itcr Oompaay, bu t Uiat ho

d (lie bomis nlthoitsh ho

iltsont iu >V,i«hingtou altcnding touBrcBsmnii. 1



ullor Johnson, one of 111given tlit) /oHowjug ol> the-Wofiter-

volt tMiif-autiou: "Tlierc iip|)onrs among tboassets of the First Niilloiml Bmik Bomo

dt) of thin conipnny to lbs nnionnt of;ntl thousand dnHnis. Of IIII-BO bonds

Mr. Westervclt claims $6,m> worlh. HewiBftHnrt nf IHIHIIICCB piirtner with Mr.VoorhiH, nod he would Imve tmstcd 'Oliftr-llo.'ns ho culled him, wilbUnhend. Abouttho time when the Haekensack Wntcr Com-

r'nhnnAi«e» nmdo out, Mr. Venter-volt nays, bo gave 3Ir. Voochis $5,000 to

irclinsu 501) sbiiren a t 910 ench. limtuadof taking the bonds jionjd, Mr". Wtstervclt

iid tlmt he had no placa to keep Ihom soifely iw in tbo big Iron safe iu tha |bnnkulkltng. Tho IHJIHIH were put into the

wifii. When the crash came, and the rusutsifthn imnkwrfl hiohod after, It Boemudtbnl Coiigreaatnnn Voorbls, for nionoy tnlmuTrom tho bank preHumulily for bin own UHC,had partly pnid the bank wiih Mr. Wexter-elt'u SS.OflO worth of Water Compnny'nondfl,"

luiraodiately after the newHof tho huJUit-men it was reported Hint Jfr. Voorbia•hilling nrrcnt, lint a M'uHlilngtnn dis|in Hominy Bays : Co tigress mini Voorhia of

Now Jeracy i8 in Wiujlitiigton. IIo WIIH cou.HiJcrably nstoniKlioil to ma tho nownpapeiBtnlomentB thnt hs lmd run a wny to cswpeirrcttt.

"Hftvo you henid ihatofilcore win to Waxbingtou to arrnst voa ?" asked THEin* cnrrenpondont of Mr. Vaorhis.

, sir, I bitve heard untblng of the"It ie woll known atirt,1' wns tho reply,

my bomo thnt 1 mil goiny tn Kew .TernOongret,a adjonm* for tho lioli

The presout term of court tliero iloon nrplro uutil Jan. 1, nnd I HhonM HHV tliurcplenty of time plenty of tin

tliel91h inst.nudth.i fui my Irlnl he-lnt of Jnnunry.

have no dnubt thrtt HOIEO of my enemies nthome won}d l>e glad tn monnd dragged biok to Nn Jersey, but Idoubt if tho offioinla will do uuyllijoy of tli

Do you expect lo resign your sent in thuIIotifiD before your trial 1" nulcod tha corres.

•I don't think tnoro Is nuy iKicowity fortbnt," replied Mr. Yoorblfl. "IfX rememberright, sonio member of the House—perhniw

WOH Sir. Kinn of Lnnixinna—wan indictedid tried U t year for alleged vinhtfon ofa Inw j 11 bin OuugrcHaianul dislrict, and he

did not rouign."

Ucdercr &. Heagan bnve 1 comploto litioif ladloH' beaver wool-lined balinoralu anddippers at popular prices.

A Bequest Legalized.in Court of Errors lian nfflriupd tbo de-

cision of tbo Sujrnmo Court in tho cue ortbo Eiecutors of tho estate nf David Gory,4oe'd, and tho TniHtees of tlie Sparta Uni-

lUt bbitrch. This action susUina thovalidity of the will and bequest or StO.flooTor tho erection of a churoli building. Atthers 1H no society of that name ut Bpnrtn,and apparently no notd for nny furtheriburcli idittces In thnt plnco, the qnesllon

Htlllrouiaini(Uito what diBinwiiinn will betnaAe of the rnimey, should It bo pfcld totho xnid TmsteoB.

The Siitpeiition of Coal Mining.Mr, S..nuiGl Slum, of tbe Uclawuro, I^oi-

«iona t Wt.Jom llailruad, Hay* that he trillBTtr coDritnt to thepn.poflilflcm that minings totnlly EnniM-nded during the holidays,e bdlisvBr. thnt trital ntHpendon would de-inrnii u the minera. Hit would oanMtit to

put them on two-lhlnlii lima for MB orr-n itiini tho war, and tuooe vrhn hnte I dnyn, bnt th> 0 In r oomiuri a will QOT ran-

•> In reach tlio n arkLt,rc- 'wiiit torniy mmlfimUonof tit) original prop-• o.itiou, *Q thai thj utoject will proUa y Iw

A *

i started


Jjiaictt' button boote In nil wfdtbs aud nilpricca nt Kodurer & Hongau's.

ThflN. J. Midland,The Now Yurt HemW hns pubUiilud

eriil louKtiiy nrlicleB touding to eUow th!Hrtumel J. Tildon fa tixklug aciluii lo«estiiblwhlng a grout railway trunk lino iulirwitlon to the ynudtirbilt rmwls. Mr. Tildun's ]ihiu omhmcos tho pnrchc,no of tho NtJcrKcy Sliillnnil, imd us ho already ban ontrnl rif tlw Kew Turk ami OnVcgo MMlnnwotild uwfco a nvfll ronU ngnirat tho Erfimid CLMiltftl. NothbiK more definite timiiibennsorlionHofHovera! protnhient niwiilndDrl tn prove the truth-of llie iTl.o K. J . Midluud (•. i.avcrtiut)*to bo uol,to-il.iy, but Hon. G. A. Hohurt, one of thineeivew. « W UtB."il» sale will nffiiu Iput off, pui^uaut to uu ordar from lho Chi::llur to mljoutu the nak from tiuw to Ii

until the Court of Enow timl Aiipooh 11 tlio nppenln uikon by tho diSbrevtod partial) iu tleforftclonurD proetii 'Tliero nro live iippcmlB pondingfind Mie re.ul will not bo sold until

present, itlmso hn.%j been decided."

xo nmuy r to the onuaoof Midlnnci seen

titat, but Mr. Hobaitunys he knowa notbiiit them, eioapi tho fnct tbut the road v>ig bought up by aoiHQ porson or porso

wan doarly evident to tijin, bnt \rlio tbeurHODH wcro or wliat llicir ulterior objuolas ho ooiild not tellAuollierrunior.fi to HID (ff.tot thnt tbo

Erie wauln to gobblo up the N. J. Mlillinud mnko ii the great froight ronil betwoou

York and jiiMetnwB;"ns west ofplnoo llie Erio! can Inks euro of Ibiowu fraightwtihout fmlbo); aid. It ia between

ck ana Miflrtlotown thnt Erlo'sjioVatVMth tbb freight trnfflo.^iaV;^' ,430^ tfalnif.f! oortftlu, howevifc, t b a t ^ l i

TUdeft or tbo Brie buys the roila.'lt wlllv

a grcnt ndvnntage to the section thronglt pauteii, nllhonrjli tho second raort-

bondboldom nnd stockholdura mnyrent) liiufili beiiEflt from 11. It oho rumothnt itdBtoii mcu ni6 bnyjug it booausBthoivlsb a through route ti

Examiiio tha elegant patterns of Indie*iml geuta1 Blippont in llio abow windows ol[todercr & Hengan'n.

Newark M. E. Conference.Tbo Newark Annual M. E. Confera:

vbich numbers eoinu two hundred ministerswill meet tuis year, March 24th, at FhllUpfi-

In addition to this large body cfministers there will be tho Laymen's Oon-

trence, composed of about as raany luett-te r s , which meets to elect doleaatoa to thaGeneral Oonferenoe, -which will conveiio iCincinnati in May next, ft was i n n * thiPliillipBburg would not be able toenbrtaii

largo iEaston, criver, hnva volunteered lo aid lu euttrtaiuinjlittch as cannot nhtnin nccoramodittiOiiB InPbilllpriburg. fipecial Interest is

n to tbo Conference that immediatelyprecedes tho General Conference on acoounof the election of delegates, eapecialy tothose who aro Candida ton. Although t|iun.y ho mauy aiudldatci, but (onrdelegntcH can bo elected, and two laymen,Drs. J. P . Huint. K. L. DnaliieU, h I t Dui[>nd Itev. J. N. Fltzger&ld -wete the. mintoriid dulegateH to the Imt General Confionce, nnd Georgo J. Ferry nnd S. B. Hansomtho kviutsn. With nvo additional merabeiin the Conference an additional dolcgaimight be Bent. Tiro ratio of reprcsentatfois ore to forty-five, l l io year thus* far bos

>t been romnrknblo for revlvali '-fc^ fhi'mids of the Conference, though generally

there la a healthy and encouraging Btate olthings. But the time for special effort hinot yot began. With tho Week ot Frnjiiniujy of the putom go In for. revivul work.The only Presiding Eldership expiring iieilSpring is thnt of Her. It. Taahorne, of thiNewark Distriot.

Woousoclcet rubber boots, 93.60 at Rod-rer it Heagnn'a.



Siitiirdiiy s

gassemblage, but tho peop'eof

thooppositeuidaof the Delaware

d SHcing Joantil or

There are rumors of large sties for nextyenr'n delirery at nti ndvanoe on enrrentpriceii. We da not, however, learn any pur.Iculrtffl. Theruisafirtflinlytt vary largo in-luiry, and makers rirgnotanxlDaa to sell atlurrent rntou. Po»ge Iroa ia in Jret.fluent uud tha iudianUonri u a tlmt It will Hell

; high or bighcr thnn No. 1 Foundry.: Thesnu are in fuvor of A greater "boom" Iiou In n very eliort time tk»n we have yet

NiiEfn, nnd it in very doubtful if It can be helloff until after the oud of the year. TVqunto No. 1 Foundry at $28 and |20f S o2 Foundry, S37 and taBt ana forge, »2Taud *28.

, fur tbe week endingIfllh 1879

, weTUumiUy oTenniB, poo. Ifllh, 1879.

ItoukaiwavPort Or*m ,

it-r It. it. (nortom.,Corw!n' i>H>unita, Vftnftttii m a Chai-Jtmctloa Btktlaui,),uvlllo


TlUiB. OWT.. 85118. 8,033 17


805 0012109

8017M M


Tt. a . *n» t ,« gf«pol tomperanM tMttinr.

company, and I was ia-forf. u D d r r f m i w l U b e iranledjU UiO firstif Jfmimry next, and that pr-Uly n tbow

. will be needed bWro mothermlvoiuDntfaa. PortyorfHtjfl'i

jug erected for tho workmiliuH. The proprietor <g Mills, Just bolow tho,ty kindly Hhowed me

.thiiiont. UiB companythirty hand«. Tho atiami

ippeare to bo a veryin Increasing, lie tells mian rapidly us lie con i

orks will prpbftbfy heHo then proneeda tohk> fiituro of the towiluka that "they may yi

Wooraiugdalo or ToiTomptou," he SOJK, "p . Wo tidily OBWCinU•a with the name of Wshhigton, has ti-

inosttiluinbcred^rncetury. Vet romp-ton, or Bloom.uBaalD nte by, Boems t« i ewaking u p , and ia a fe/ years, If tlie Mid-

.Lt trunk shall fiitbi'ro from tho Atmy bo ancouueed-the 01 y of Pom?

ill i t ho?"

A imnposed iooendin ry fire on Friday nlgUtList voek dentroyed a b.irn ooulnining

grain and b*y tad a ucrse belonging to Jas.. Fuller, of Montague, fetuses Connty, io-rfving H lotf of_f 3,000, j/utiOif injured.

* • - - tuville. Warren

byMr, Kuhbough had

„ - l M t

inrin^ taftnp whloU time Jie liyed in Behi-Te. He was fonnd Niispeudeil io a shaft ofa mill. WU-ooti H (wid !&• e'olo^k A- M.WU not known tbnt bo .b»d liny trouble of

iy sort, nud nobody can imagine vby heild have committed this m b not. n "tin a wife nnd four chiMron.

In the IVIiolo tll.latrj- of Jlwlleln

Na.proparfctio.1 ins evtr performed sncli i'olloae euroB, or nin.DlaiuQd so wide a ropa l t -

C U E R I U PsoruBii , , wbich ii


iiMo on the p°»-I Hint Hcotiou and

jljniuko a city

A utory

,—Qeuto1 dlippcw

the recent ooldtinap, which is ot thrill-lR iutsreat, Ju»t anthe ioo was softeninB ' ^ M . Parsons amJohn M, Briant, who liviWiw Mt. Freedom,weut fishing ou a uoodflized laba: Jn tlfivicinity. As the day advouced the Iii,-ould benu and uudiilab nn^er them, bultheir look MOB so gooi ti*t thoy conlinnedto mniuUlii their diwbffous position uutithoy hnd secured l i f t / « siity poundspickerel.

JJiirlng this tirno » wild duck was alsodiBcovcreil on tho fee, umbla to get up fromIt with its wings, and ata of tho moa gaviohaflo nnd Bucaesdad h oapturiug It iu Mhat. Having remn.naf ou the leo iw loujits tlicy dared they Bfarted for the fihoreOn their way they onjn unto red a strip overy weik ioe which {they hail to ero-ibefore reaching laad.' It was too tbiiibear their wufght Btnndng upright, no tliluid down upon Uw io>, and pushing thchfish before them, ewajed the last of oting over if. T^ie-ioe'prtuiked untl nn|turribly, causlnc ,tliarn!;not a little nmietybut did not give ,!wiffi and tiiey fluall;


Laokawanna virsus Lehlgh,No. tl fnruaco, eraua imu cnnipnuy, blown

ju two weoku FIUUO, InfuotorlV, hiwing luaii^lwl w«ek tho uuuricedenledninniiniffT-SOf tnnit, the HCCOUIweek nfter blMt wts iipplied.—Iitos ActNov. 37th.

It is a pity to tnkn the conceit out of ouLehigh ViiUey brethren, bnt realty as to 3DtpiiH heing Mi nuprceodtntoil amount for tbiecoml WBuk'B work ufoiiv furcaoo werotaei Qi (tifjiiiriug at the funmeo af thi

jiokiwnnfia iron anil-' eon) ^ompany wlotirri thkt the thtoe lait iurnti(;oe ' of ib!

i pany kjo^-n In instlp diif lug' their teoomweek FOKpuolivL'Jy 30% 315 aud m tons,Franklin 481 tonn. and'that tho norapnfour furuaooB in blnst nvemged last v

Ions npicee, Try ngain, Lobtgh.—Scnviiton Kepuhllcan.

Wa regret to pnpare ta* /till, ^hlch goesbofora the pride of.out iAokawnuiin' fdenda.

pat up tbo average mado by a farcacoDnThira, over (300 long n wesk; and wouliUke to BOO the kiiok&wauiin .Valloy . skowffrnnoo - • • - - --" ' —

0. O.lBinke, of Dr&iiur, IU.,some celebrity for acouMcy as a weatliealonlntor. * His horoaoopo for tUia montlnnd from tbeiico to Mural, 1680, is as folli

Dooeuber, 1879.—Will be llko Novemberonly more so. It will be, warm, wot ndisagreeable—cold snaps will bo shott nIIOSII.

January, 188O.-WiiJ he tfanr wftrwet and muddy part of .tbe time, Th-will 1)0 aoroo oo]d. weather, but no Btcad;cold, weather.

Februnry, 1880.—WU1 be much like Jiy—a considerable amount of raia

enow aud a moderate amoaut of cold weath-

March, 1880.~WHlbo changeable,', wot,' especially in ' the middle of tin

month, and oniySnodentoly sold.Tho winter of 1870-80'will be warm ai

wet,-with a cold ipop of limited duratio: it wiU be coM« Una tho wintur

1877-T8. I t Will be h ohangeabla, paculiaiand rather disagreeUllo winter.

Or. OBmun'i Appeal.Calvary Church, Orango, was invited

listen to tbe appeal, but Dr. Osmiin pro'tasted. Then the First Church ned, aud a private session was held

d i

1 seleol, Wei

nesdny evening, presided over by EldiVanharna. LRwyer^Ilaneom appeared it

Bowman, The ~ ~o'clock, wiu spent by connsel in ataticg tinKOSQII why defendant could not twonraMr trial ia his own ^hurcb. The teutim.nyis tobe read oior (.grin, and the caawill not be decided tor reveral dnji. Th(

verdict of the chvml. Ii final.

The Price of Wheat.In 1782 wheat was,^worth $Tfi per bushi

in this Stato, la ootUJnontal money. DULing tho war t,l 1812 when moit of our port-were blockaded, ,wh«.t roaohed a very big]figUM, a&d Jaud In .tae vicinity of Germitown Boitable for RTOWIDB the oereaj sold w

Wghaa *ldOOpflpaor^:in lB02and lBOfl,during the dark days of t&e rGbclliau,fathers obtained al inu^h" w ftS.BObushel for this grain, ^"eoat tb«ro muolmore to raiso tho crjfMJmn at prwiQiit, oi

Bconntbf thB»ftarol^r^rf^aold hundi ant

lrnr\ li'*1p 4 4 , ; i-'J&-~-' -' ' '•

Hackstlntown slilppad i}0O hogs on Tliars-dey.

Tbe reoeut revival routings at DroadwajWflm'uOouiilv, r^ollc^iu tlinif nbcut forty porsonB, •'*

Dr. Wm, A. Qonajn,^ Newark, took tinLret premium for omomery butter at tbi

Dairy Fair, Now YortaySls farm.in nciIJdfikettatewn. •} ^ -

It has been «tatqd tbnt Dr. JfivtUBon I:tends pabllahi.ng».hfeh*y-of his doiugB ,Clerk or tha Board of Freehold urn, his one*

loapo and eoavioUbn^'*

TbolroninlereatiBiwdltaningin Vfam.County. Old Brown m ne staitod lost Mon-day morning with* iftii* lon»,«ua is icovering largo bodies ' J o r e -

Tba scarlet fever hdij not for manyye^basn u fatal in PhUlipforg as it bna bwnthe p u t week. Ono dsv lair, weak ^lnde^biker Uagorty had (h'fleen oatf-v. In o u•nmily. Mr. KouwV, Ibrw obi!dr.n diod oft and two oChen boniy ettwp«d deatb. In

every lection of tbo town the doalon report• « ' , altbongh it is tut M had new u I u l


ingtabiimthafnroitnnBtOTeof J. VriUmSon, on Urm.d xlnel, Wothiagton, N . J. \t in attampt lmd meceeded an antU block -bnlldintri woaM U T . b u n dntnryea } M

Mayor Beftlty offurod n rewud of | §0 taj tlioarmrt and conTfotion of the ftni]|j> potMniaud Mnt a toivgran In Plnharlan'i DeiMlin

doing >Ei«at work in Fblllloaburg. O.e,|^,™w,«UB,fo l J.l»«l™ lo b. -n tm h..e .<««.d 0,. pwig, M d w u . , W»bm«t«n> t a w u ^ S u uta.pt to to•enod UIH plolgB

IOO h«re wmiU eotinnloa,

^ , w , lo b. nt „W»bm«.t«n> t a w u ^ S u uta.pt to torn


s tho orld's remwlf fol

ill dnof!het l i roul anJ lungB.•icd nerlc-B of wonderful Ditrci In nil elliBatostmailoitunivi'iaallT known t i a safe tmlh a B m a d o t i j

roliablo agent to otrtploy-h i h Ih f

ordlmrywhich are tho forerannen of more gerl-

3Ui dUordors, il aot* epoedlly uml iurnly,always ruJioviag lutfiilng, aud oftoilife. Tlio protection It nflurila, by il

in tbo throat and chbtt diBonion uf cliil-dren,uiakos it nn invaluableromeily to boilweya on hand in uvoiy homo. No person canafford lobe without it, and thanonoo uicditnovorwill, From theiofitBCunipui.!UuUMi«lc-ffuctB, pbL

tbo Onuini I 'eaojub "eitfDBtvcly iu theiritlcc,and Clergymon reoommend It. Itii

ibaolutclj certain lu'llB remodml i-ffeots, andero curoa are nossiulo.






BNOWI SNOW!Nowlalhetinn to boy an 0TOR0OAT,

$8, »*, S5, SB, to S14>. H- HOFFMAN k Bon,

Morrlstown. N. .

WEATHER INDICATIONS!Colder woflth^r ooinlns prepnre for It b j

uying ouo of those iioavy suiti, ^5, $H, i$10 to ft IS.

P. II. tloFFHAN A; SON,Morristown, N. J,



For sale hy A. JUDSON COK.Dover, H. J.

UtiHms r e i i i a i a i n g ii i ir lniineiu i l ivPoBtOICce a t U o v e r . N . J

Deoember IDth, 1870.Mm. W. \V. narnott, .T.ihn J. Tierry,J. N. Btirchell, Mr. Runnur,RrollV '/.'lllcka, Ann Huff,

ny oftbo above letters Bay "aJ-fftT»d»l8oftbiHU»t.

A. Ul EMEK, P. M.

J M A l t l t l E O .KILLpOBE-NEIGIlBOUB-Deot,..

at the rujidenoO' of tho brldo'B i -llev. W. W. Htllowty, Jr., IIOSKBT,*and Luor, dattfihteruf Jan.ce H. A'<Esq., allol DoyerOSFSJEtfliume of tbornin) b tlR. J

itt lSlh, at Hiits, (tho Itichnnl

,u, uy me iu,-*. ». *. xHchron, HEY- JKB*IOHEM, I Btudcnt at Frincttlon. and MIHH

_ JUIU, jEKKiNfl, daughter of Autbuny and(feral) Jonhlni,

JbARK—APQAR-DDC. lflth. ;at'* tba Iirenldonefl, bv HOP. Iaaao 'liioma.!, SAMUF-ICI.AUK and HATIIE 1,., daughtir of Mr. IMuApgar. of roanicK, N. J>Flcmington papers plcaio copy.

JABDINE-JOHNSON-On the 10th in-thohorao of the brlde'a fnthef, hy Itov,P. Itogers, J u . JAKDINE, of Suocnauuand Mrs. OXHIIIIA JOUNSOK, duugbtciJohn Ilituoe, EBIJ,

PRDDEN-PITTENCIEIl-At Btaulmpe, Nov.lUtli, 1H7U, bv llov. J. J. Urnne, Ihbcrl BrruauD, of Stnnliope, loJulla A., dauof A»rou V. PitluuBur, of Brooklyn.

C00NR0D-DAVI8-At tho PrcBbvturian Pur-KMiaco, Dover, Dncomber 8d, hv Hov, 1" ' "Hullowav, Jr., J. V-1'. Cuunroil, MUI AirDavis, nil uf Dover.

$5 REWARD!15 reward ivijl bo paid to a n ; DDCIWIIO

nmoperflon o r pnrBoiiH wlio take cual fuiinriit. Coil y a r d after d


Che nunual elootloa for Direct ore of tliBunk will bo licld nt tbo Uanbing Itouae, (

TUESDAY, Jauunry 14tb, lSHH.Polls will be open from 10 to 11 o'cloc

A. M. JAY S. TIIEAT, Cnshi.T.


HaiUaFrceforSSCts ,


Agents for Fairbankc' Scales andTe:williger's Safes.



ING 8 U I T L I E S ,

Lffrioiiltarnl ImpltjmfntB, Rceda, Fcrtilie&c. 1'nii.tB, Oilti, Qlusg, e tc .


(EonoE B . voonnKEM, » i « « a B . VOOIMorrtBtown, D e c lBKi, 1878.

GEO MANN'SNew Billiard Parlo:ind SALOON, Blnckwcll St., Dover, Jufitted up with now nn.l elcgnul uppoiBtmeutoficru to tho pleasure e<;eki?r one of HIE yi.otcut and most pleatunt plucei uf UHJUJIUPintqwii, THE I U I J L M U D l'AItLOlt ootalna two fine onroiu titbits nud lu fitted iwith •vfirvtbiiitt m-ccKHJiry for the oujoyine:oftbegdiuo. HUTFEL'S LAOER, Urn fiesi baverftgo drunk, always kept in fr*fpupplitH nud a full Block or German cbccsci

l wntHru, pins Apple Cider, l'roteeliSardines, etc. Georgo will be alwnyg 6band to pltBHe liiv friends, nud will makiand to pltBH



Sussex St., 3d Door fropi CanalBridjo, D0VEE, ST. J.

Tho parlors aiti thoroughly cqnfppoii witl

ill acctinp. anil uvury anpolntmeiit or thn,.lieu )R of tho boit ortur. Tbo Qar It iniipticdwill) Jliillonllno & Go.'s La a" . Hie boit i.•• -jorrn, flnrj dry ommpiRBeii, foraign iik- J"t'o Liqaom wid ifinoi »nd the IICBIbmudanf Bo-ari, H . J T



"Si r.T..'?«'.. ja&niv'al>Ual. HL1, filLUOTKI "a,4Lil aka adll oommaaa la (ho

SB MAKINGi fell »*igUi« !«t«it nn ln , tsdall tin niwtil mwalttaa tn

V F A N G ? G O O D S .

iBOLK AQBVT fa f O1T OhiM•NtlrMhTifl>*B7rtn«.7* _ __...,_



Ho! for the Holidays.SANTA CLADS

has j u t unloaded at Ibo place of

Mrs. S a m ] Trewartlia,SUSSEX STBEET,

Holiday Goods,intluJiiiK Qnii CmtlKTlLiAH CANDIiM, on.•naicai v..ricty of 'J'OVS iuui ri-en.-utu nilkiutltJ «f N U T S , frufih iinO piilnUiblo, choiceFHUIT.4 of uvcry d.writ>Uou, HUI.ID-IJ""" I T E G H A I ' B H , mid hiindrMla of (,tt,,-r

.11 to I,.. « <]<),

ll th.u y Bfboolti l jii;itii

T H E C A N D Y M A N ' SFamous Cough Drops

and Cough Syrup^ frmnd btn1, anil nro guarautccJ





Morris CKr1tj""Ssrrojit:l5 Dice,9

it is ordtirii

lliuir ilohtfl, df-ui mills ami olaiuif npaiUHtsHiiie.uailer oatli.witliinnine tnoathRfrom Ibiada t J, bv BotlinE up a cuiiy ol th<H order, withinMwnty d>j-» lionittDT, in Hvo ot I h o n o i t puli-"" laces in lho county of Martin foi

.tbs.andftlaq witiuu tlio Mid twentybyadvcrtlslnBtheBHtne >n tho'JIwiM fin*,1ono ot t h e n6WB|aaitiQ sp:ioenf t l n i . , . . .Further notice to ho unuucoBHtiry)^ untf if anyucomiary); tnd if a

i eiliiblt hlii nr h«

IllDe'mouriiB, p__.jicmiiil, suuli creilitor

.idttdraiuiHtr.ilorOHA^LEfi A. 01

A line copy from tho inln


•ii "**•",'ml books.

fullyomampnt(iil.raBk(i]i»o liatulMimratid no'piece nf furnllnro, Kiwu for tudlo li'iKl 1 <>i


uicful artidei,

MAKER, P R A T T A CO.,School I'Bml.licra, »rd Dealers In Pirrjiliina; in t

Itouk and fjlalloner)' linr-.HEADQUARTERS FOR AH, SCHOOL Et)r'oUE5,

2-flw *"" _lS^_ °'

$25 Rewardfl will bn pcing Iho

iiirkij " 1871.iclu of wheelJiilo It. 11. CQ

Tweiity-flfor evidenceviction of th jcar wbnol ftbout twenty inwith pir t "f mle nttuchej (i•'L'li" HllppOHtsJ tO lltl Oil intho property of the Ferro MAUo -Jiout 200 fiifit pf iucli(nearly warn out) from Rhopn of H, H. lirowion prDporty of tho Dickerson StickaHiiurMining (!n. "Wherover thtna ftre, will prolnlily bn found nmuy d'olw mid renp iron athn kind thnt naturnlly nccuniulute nboutiniiiu >md railrornl, fis llirtu ''Ktantly being uiiiuca. WillfoimdricH, forgemou and other pluneH kcrp a look-out nnnotify tho iiudarfilmnjd in ciiso artiulea d«ficcibed abovn rtrn Brought' to them ?




at ( rdlrmi l

.lid omitiiB »:», ur,, tr,a, IGO," V V Q . " * ^ , 1

SIDO. 7 «etBVi> lIn«(.tvo.H, rimioB (ISO, tim.7 1-3 do. t i l l ) , (ISO. ii|iwnran. Not. uscil 'manlliH. HlilHlrulHlCDlHlo-'ueH mailcl

IIO11ACE WATEItH, Mannr r ui.ilDui.loi

Estray Notice!Cnmo to tho prcniiHRB of Coluinbu!

Hilnr llookiiwo; TownsUp. ono njitl 'EKiimli.lil?inlll, t.twoye»ri,old ucil BpriiiBblio iBUcLnlnnt Urown, liai > aUr in lie]forehcinl ; L,r left oar lmi two nolobos ith . mil iml o t , ou tUo imaer ilile; »he LiIbrw r jitf lpfis mill ia white on tlio belly

J. WIUOHT BIIDKN, Town Cl.rkDoled Ucc. 61b, 1879. 5! to


ROGKAWAY AXErnillH noted hnnil-nmlo n.J., tliort-pntntin " '

Wliilo onr Rpoculty Is'• lire prciinmu tlsn Lu ni, EcntucliT, nr invr terms and fnrlhnr


SHERIFF'S SALE!e n . IK.tnrn.ulo 10 October « r i , 1' J1"!9. • O n m w . t o n i , Atl'V.Ilj rtrtun or the HUOTD ilitod wrli or am

SSI!»:". M " " " Oo"l=™1"' '• u»'flJ1ONOAV, thi OH, d . , or JAKBAW next

«l»«n P. M.. ll,.l I. to . „ . t Jo'olotk 1* thturmwn of tuH ilij, all tlitt trnot or Dtrn.

s Bb.1Bnsloiung I ; tbo mldJIo of Ibo road l

from lbs rmtdonoa of Uorri* Abar toDon.rl'., to a Urn of lu i l I tu of theor Jobo Awl i then., (1) «irtk{5rtJ




tin.! IHI'riT.Ult or ihti imiht |)()inilnr

I_- A Gr m 3F Si i i inr l i i - t , i m d H E L I Y K K K D t o l to t . ; l a m l, ' l lnon |iri)i)i-i(>t(irs in l iny p a r t iif tfir r n u n t i 1 .

/AMIJATIH SUPLM.,1 KDKsiiiiljlmhrnri.t in lthu-liiv.»ll t i l .

-, Nov. i!lllli. i879. 50-1





!ntB(:»iap1Uioi_tlto best Iti ||1(l „,„.


of tlm ('in muilc17 U, t h <

', Adininlutra'di', Ac v.itl H<>I] nt L'tu ul tlie hotel nf Jfi'-mtiili llukoi

jwtwhip of liDslimy.or27tti day oTUKCliMIil

. . . . , , J l . of ta id day t he ro !i and lot Hltnated in (lie. iuwnitli111 Haul Cuiittty nf Mmlot of 1&[

irakoville, in IlioBATD11DAY, 111

utxt, at aoVlupk

vrl side, nr thn

iy l ands or Diinidi l b l o d A l i

Uncl nurcir m.l» fromth


Dmkovtlunarj l wlin


CaiiiUl tlOliJUi),u.)i,

P 1 U N K L I N u F PniLAl>EW»i j I A (

Oapilnl &r.tftJ.,1i,,|lj

HUDSON OODN'l'Y, j O r « . y C'itv

C'ni'iial t;jii,vi,h-,

PEOPLB'fl. Newark. " ;;,.,„ t,J

UNI'JJ-;i> HHEMHN'H ZNSrilANn: i','(if l'Iii!jif]"lpl.inl AtMcts *<j'n>,(ii)O

Thn Loudim Anhiir,.n(i(' Cr>i-por.,tion .,L o u i n u , cft!iit1il$/i,(

li[H)ii,(|().SliritiBfl..][I J.'iro IiiKurnace Co \ [ , ,,i

uptln, cajiitnl *l,niMi,(IO(i ' " '"

vZ^^xxsr** »•Wralch.mljT 1'iro IuKunu'co foi,,, „ ,

Now York, cai.ihil «r.llll • ' " " I - ' M .

J&i^^yzsr--- »Fire Association or P iiii'a.HHKTS, - - - ,-M - | | | H |



Choice Lots in Dover,


Freeman Wood,

SHERIFF'S SALE!Now Jorwoy Huprumo Coiirl~Moriin (Jounty

Ttiis Orauge National U.mk Vf. InratiJ 1)Condit and Iirntl D. Condi I, Jr. Fl. fa. diIIUD. ut lor. In CUHU. lii!tuninL>li<N(ivcii:'Tiiiin, A. D. 1^74.

DLAKS A PHEKMAN, Att'yHew Jurai-v Hupi-nue Court-UoiTitt Cmnl

Hmniiol \V. Tom-y v.. Inracl 1>. Oou.litlurid D. CrmiHt, Jr. Fi. h. .lo bi.n. etlucHHC. itQtlii^nt^AAfiril lGtli,A. IJ. 187.;


Fucmsiii my bnndn, I slmll oxpnss for u

MONDAi', Uio SSd day of Decumtior no i t ,A. D. lHia, bttwopn tlio houm of ia M.j'eloeL. I1- M., tlist in to say at 3 o'clot-k ... ...ifturmxjh otssid day. all HIP Hifht, titlo annitoiTKt uf tho <li-re.i.ltitil, Ikruul II. Kuridit, Jiin imj tit till (Iml utTtain tract ur imrcni tlam! and in'omiftd, liertinafttr iiarliriihrl

riiwuor'lJiivir, in'tho 'county nl'nforriH an!(Jtato or New Jersey, to-wlt:

Biu-iniiiiik' nt a ntnkn Htitsdin^ in tho iuriv Hide or Dickermm Strett, in niiitl To1

n [mint dhUnt ono tliuusaiid fw.l <m[nun tin- iiurtlHiust corniT or aaid ytr«i......itLTgi'ii Hivvi:,, diiing nlftu thu loutliua^t corm-rf a, tract of lai|d pupvoynl by Ihti pirtica (the HrBt purl to. Alpiitua Ilecmer, by Oecd <lidd Hdptombur UOtb, 1870; tliouco alone «'Btront north cifrliLy-Bovon doEroos caut o

KlrodfunUoutliurlaud of the Orange Nilal Bank ; tlionoo utorii; tlio lino of landsTiijeil (o i(ii<". Dank north tlivco duuret two l,umlr«a nnd novpnty-llvo foot •otw(jll Mreot i thenoo along ninnkwoiiaumlimllj1 laid out and [.iirnllnl vlth tl

„.. .'a woet My f J u o IM"I formerly of ™*BV]MciJoi-d ; ttionco along ttiat lino aoutli tliriGL'rcdd GQHI one hundred feet, tlioi.cn atloiif,' thai line and i-nmllcl with naid Dicki"•» Rtrnot EontU oighty-BOVGU do^i'tn " tIfiy U'ct tn Iruul couroyco us atorcv4i.il to BU



g ny pnntlidred »nd u""HilvflvUK , ,art Ot tli

llionvpvtd lo naid Inrncil U. UuuclH, Jr.', bv OiM. Hindinian nnd wifu, Ly dred dntnl'Ht28th, 1HBH, find icuonk-d in Honk 0 7 of Dew,Tor Morrlu Ciuintv, ou ingoti 3S7, ,188. E8!), A<and mnt-i) iiarllcul(ii-ly eot ff.rlti and tluacribiin Hook utDi>mla E 11 lolio OH in llio Mor;County Clfilt'tiOfflcr..

JESHU HOFFMAN, Former BhcrilTDalr.l Ootolwi- IStb, 187U. ID*

HOLIDAYSITinE Hulidays »ro eomlnc I aoo tho


DAY'S!. cl.ildrtn Hl.ontl How lho (TANTlIi^ *

ny Chriatina* tlniot Good, l'UKK cA.vuiEa

Drops, Ciicoanijt, Ctiocobto CreaniH, i f .

FANCY CAKES.loo, Nr*- Vi'ar'a Cakos, DOURIIHUIS, Orulloi!hoi,in Poland Onko, mado with tlio bui t IIL

•flr: Iipstdo8i.lt tlio QOODTHINGH FOR DINEl t : Tried Oyitori , u n t homo hot, justtime iO.¥itorI '«ttioi,Cliiclieiil>*ilie*, tiiiclnSalad, Loljiter Halad, Oliicliun Oroonottii i c

many otlier good tliiugn at DAV'8.


CREAMilways in ordpr for DISSERT.

i, N.P. H Hu

W. V. DAY, Motav Dohooln sui>uiir

Kriss Kringliwill mnko tlie OLD CURIOSITY RI1Ohondrjunriers thi* htMon, for ho knownveil uu every bod j HIMU iu tlia vifinityChostar kuo*» just vbcro to buy the kii«f stock tlmt pieasei tbo little nuoi KVE


Dolls! DollsS*»jot Cnndv, till ktndd, Inclutfiu.i Chris,

iaa Caudy, dend loads uf it • 0U.VNGE&LBMONB, Ofirn ])alli. A B O lllocks To-Booka, JiUX P A P E T E R I E S , B nico varioty^ascB, Toilet Set i , Ghildmn'g Cuim, and

dlcsa v<rloty of .

•liich VII wi .b to oloin out AT COST

toS(!k0k<"* " a ° ' " ! T °™ "lioloir, n ioj

'ENS, P E N C I L S , DfK,



F R E S H B O A S T E D PEANUTS.Co. and loo. A QUAINT,


Sign of the Old Curiosity Shop,

oliQMteriBoomber l a th , 1879.

JOS. YORK,hM fl largpr Block Of goods for

CHRISTMAS M J E A B St a n aror. (Jooda u> lult c rcrj ouo.


I'or.lp,oiiluaandOliua.n,r« A£Ja gnat aaaortment of










Insurance a Special;,E.&G. H. Ross & Brcese,


Insurance Agents.Office, Old II <>)» IJnuk HtiiBdinf.

Morristown, N. J."• •jirenonty tlio lollowing Btst-cUni) comj^niil2ETNA FIKE INS. Co. of Hartford, ft'. C»!>

iUl and Murplus ovor f 0,700,(00.HAKTFOUD INS. 0 0 . , AsuoU over t2M^AMERTOAN MUTUAL 1NH. Co., of Ki-val,


S. J . OiinUi>l ami Biirplim I.VIT ll.OOD.OHI.SliiUCnAUTH1 MOT-UAL ISH. Co. <-r Kevui,

N. J . Citpilal and Surplue abdut tl.0(H>,W.OEKMANIA MUTUAL INB. Co. vT Nt'w«rl,S.

J . CaptUl and Snrplun ovrr IfflO.WW.MUTUAL BENEFIT L I F E INS. Co. of KfW

ark.W. J.' ABBol*oviirt3a,0CI),flfll).

rnsuranco effected on all dentjijttioni ofpropBrty ia any section of tlie Stale, a! Ml o » nh iB EB t b a rink will warrant. Allloesei 1'AID P R O M P T L Y , and no couipro-

lining fn nettle in not. ,P e r s o n s a t a. Aiaiatiee can flildrfssuity

le t te r nnd rocoivo Uio sumo attentionM«ilioation wero mndc in jiorfloti.

A. JITDSON COE,Surveyor and Unllector. Pofcr, *'•




JOS. H. BEED,xext door io * • BpiBcoinl CbinA-v»d th» public Must !)• «SB,"'"-hat be««n«B ye u < the oulj SWStoro ia t h . pi»o« wo do nut m«

Ut-al*ff J Ibe last >mt J'Wihorbitsai pricM, but tin tlm ">"•

tr»«»T» »n(loai>or to ko»n on !»»»for Mlo t h . LAMJBTIMPKO VXD8 T O T I 9 lor lusting and cm<b«ith«i! of)» bo had ti tho best faf(ln(fl, f t i j mil them st « gooil i»iour»t on MorriBtoim prices.rea rac l iaa i»>l .aH. i i i a onr cii!«n*»iiaataiin kaaaa.a • • era not na.lir urnIpra.e Vila burdnn.on. ranla.

™G invite Iks pBlsho to ffaiJl stifi r-C ii '1»DK l i d wicot ami j i t Jp nhcihtr or uot onri(#Ttioif ¥» tr ia .W« tr> pr»p*iwl at the shirit*. neiict''' ™

JOS. II ..11 hia.. Oat. Ilia, 18W.

»!r7.>~Xm'"w>7"Brfl. Hold b» JirneH'i l i «n# Dwler i a t 35c. and Hi'. M™' s Coitlea, 1(1 o. Be* tbnt t in n i n e of '• "•. Dimftn i t blown in tbe j f lu i of tlio b«iii^'r«no isppl led by Qeorne 0 . <h> u d ^J 1 A c '

wclo a ipp l l e l b

3ENT8 WAHTID for Ibo tlek r U'""1™ rf,..k, a complete and brIIUaal hIM'! of »•teat tear of


*5 r S

Page 3: CLOTHINGB djing- ' I'd^fi t no tlin lislit , Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep


There \fffl1w in eclipse of the moon

t W wue ii at Un6, porer. '

FhHttl ot* well as oruazntjalal,

At iho Btoro of E. Tjlndalejr A Son.

Kxjr GooiiB at DiokerBou'n.

Jli W nnd hoys' snow HIITTOIS at iWryY


'j'o-t-mrrow i» tho ahortefit duy of tho year

'J l,a lovelititt Hinge iu uiuffft-prutty Laud*

'I'lita ir. UIQ last day for tlio payiuout of

Vm li RllVIUlCDlI ( G dollar



e. h



mink ft


. f r . i i

1 to hi.

ii-H at I



+ for


VJJI gfl


i-ry t'li) h'hd i

r-flvc cento will' buy A good aledBerry'* Jjuniwue Htoro.| Hfc PeLer'a Ohumb. Morrirtown, fuir nettedovoi five hundred dollars. *

Thb celebrated Hutchinsorj family ringBocmton on New Year's ETC.

IHMI a full fiuumj Monday nlgJaiHe advertised in the IIION ERA.

Frank WiliitiKDi., nt fiianhopo, hat ttconpU,position in tlio II 1b riiia utoro.

Humirei of tiling Builahle for indies am

co!<iH n


«( Ihrt


•cotarativo»d w porf£

na, fork m

Byrup cures c(sct!y safts to pire

>id rpoon Bctx fo

-y's ; ii hnmk:<>itw Christina

•H Wnlker, of nunnrci Me

Higba aucchildren.

r eblldrci.i present,

ck, in re-.• hundred

. Picr.rm'H to buy yoi

iiil.1i.-M-lir.il cluwtl Yf-il«T.liij' Mr

i ooUmn.; f i,,,, i,mr,,>;; ntar a l I (j ,

HTI (iffy i«-rsoiwn M. K. (11m

ve Joined fho Hack-mi jirobntion within

I I I - JM

H; I Mi•iii 1 in-^aiiifi hi' Indies' unjlii CIOHO out Ktork nt I'icrrfOn'i

idi like it Rrrr-u "iiakcH B f.it kirk >•»

Mr. 1'. Mon-hion, of Mmdlmmr l ; n l . M , - offer weigMnff 1HJ |

ery n

ht:»it.-.l Ilm Win

l-..,ry Alnrf.

Kt-.! tllU

t Hultlmtli ilcj)O]i

oLcndvillc, Col.vation at R. II.of (lie [indloolt.

A hol-.hy imsoi.t to your tnon$H thatwill wniiiid thfin of you (ill the year is a<nliB(T!))tion to liie IRON Km.

Kiiv. ]). 1). Sutphcu IIIIK bocn returned toho. Moirig I'liynfj Anyhint, unr} }ian resigned

Win ju^ioml cliiuR.! fit Nt-w Iltreciit.

AMoimtiou viisit "ill bo glvcii IK'V. G. F.A|>i;iir ni lmiHoptown ou Christina1* night.If fil'irrny, tlion llio licit fnir evening.

Mr. M. lilutii-liurd Iiits been \-ry -ill forS(!V,-rnl wi.kH of nmlfivinl lovi r, Ijut wo are

r toil for (lie

nttuo Union Fimurfry,

Ji« UlLldtT Wl.flt VOl

vill bu to your ndvn,iii(!iil.'y A Soii'ii buftii

A jarly I.y tins nflM-ro^owFi'lnlmfMRrnrpr-mil itHilitin from Hindi

7lw rwt-rtwtio'"*"fli'rHlVhbjti-riau fhnD. W. Fin i) doimlioi)

hny it

, yo

t frl

CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES.The Udiol of Sputa »ill hold » loan

^hibltl during ChriRtm>»<-«k.

H » bert Um o« Orocriei in to b« fdj i iI4iid»!ej'»iilJo»rfo«

; for iBlifcy J. A. 0««U1B.

m*,tii* niooetldndof a holiday present for hdlea, tit

Obarlcs M. Been, of this plan, hid _thumb cut Off while coupling oara the other

The ore ahipnients over ihs High BridgeSrauoh continue to run from fifty to sixty

cant pur day,Mr* Jenkin«, of Bate, Kansas, wido'

wlligiro tmedejiaiii'cQebt ChrUtraw night,• '• MIB' f M ^ l ^ e f l i a Sabbath School ofMorrist«irn»-iU,bfi trraled to a ChrlfiteuB

) lale Richard Jenkins, is vMtlng friendaIn this vioinity.

Uulrbouac, the WSRVB street tukirery flue anBortment of Ohriitmu

ikce and ciadies for the holidays.

C<il. aeorga 11. Font, architect of thearrifllova Lyoenm, hna donated flra bun-d dollars to that institute

Ilio livlioa of tho South Stroat Oiuro]tun-JstowD, have just Bent a bnx of dotbir jlined at Sl7fl, to a Homo MinsionaryNouri.

TLo Hibcruia Mius Itailroad Company iing (o put up an Iron bridge in the plitha old Hoodun otto whore thoir road

When looking for Clirintmas presents y<iuuot forget to call 011 Hairlionee, the

wolur, mid RGQ Lia Inrgo Rtot'k of

irgo numbers of children I J Do(Avray bnvu been Biuk with :uily, but the form lm» lio vorj mild,

nglc donLI

l tra rryiii({ p

(ftwniiim find Wpstkill* il Join: Thcmvilli-, I.IHI wotk. No Ijli

a far

him liufkiimii, i.f TapimII [ :M of iiifidelity tind «

nl ,of Kin;

•(•hhytcrini Cliureli at I

not K .l up n altnllngI

Jr.nnim furnace, Bcrka county, l'a., ban«H»iu cunt! into Wast nfter being idle furtlii' paHt tlircfi yenrs.

Mnj. E. G- Biidd, of J!t: OHvu. him boonoif'Hcd Ooininnniter of 9c*Igwiuk Post, G. A.Ji., cf Haukcftetowa,

AV. F. MiiRbmoro, of BftKltlneridge, soldiv trio of fowls at Iho Newark poultry showfi r Iwi-iify-flvo dollars.

The ennui in drawn off nnd repnirs areIioing inn do nil nlong tho line, giving om-jiloyinijit to many ILCQ. -;'-

O»o yc«r. ngo DUO share pi D., L. A- TV.,tilnck would buy nearly two of N. J. Central, jNow they i»re about equal. J

Thn n.ionton Must fu-nily la (-tart. Next « wade in Hint place for I

; Hi Mitldln ValU-y,

will 1H


if Mr11 htol<

Pntrick Politer?, of iioonton, iillod biihogs lust Saturday and huny-them up Ir

mrii, from wlioli tlioy wcro all stole


d\ndmil, al

p*3!iO upon nny JuBt!cu of Iho Pcliall ninny anybody under ago.An EngliKh lady at Mine Hill says:always pot tho best Saffron at Vought Jt

Killjjoro'a drug ylota in Bovor."AH Cbrlstains comes boron) vo meet our

rendtra again, wo givo them all tho uaunlgreeliuff for that happy oocarion.

Enoth PUillips, cbftf engineer of tlioBfithlchom Iron Company, -will take chargo

"tf the Dnclte'tUtown blns't furimio

may nay tliiil Ortim, ITiinue &, Co. nevor soldmoru f!Ofidn than (it ttio prcHentftiue.

IX, L. &. W. and N. J. Contrni etook Bloodvti <•(]««! taijl'iiif; on Monday for the lln,ttimi1 in j'f'jirs, canh liuin(j quoted at HI j .

Tin. Ed™ jwipcr worlfn at Wbiiipnny nrrvotiiiiig iignin nfttr iin cstpciidituro of uboutJL'O.iiiK) for rcpniw and improvements.

It. in unid tlmt for ninfilfipn ynars it rainedin U»H section on tho 4tli of Dpcombor, buta SHU char day this year broko tho rim.

"Tides in the afftiirB of men," will ha thnp«l)J..-ot c*f Itev, Mr. Oili'n diMi'oarso to.nior.row (J-VUH'UH; hi tliB Second M. E- Otiuroh.

Mrs. Day Ion Martin, of Grorn Villa-P, ariiirnlytii', ngiiil S'_' j'onrH, ilitfd (I few 'd«y«Bincp from the effect of n liitij liy P. pet cat.

1'ha IV-^ucst Fuwirtiio will.bn placed inblast nlimil tho middle of January. A largnforce of workmen aro hudy putting it hi

p fo

thing to do nwiiy

' A now game 1of tlio present to

qaiot hmiso I SanderHouViitlfi Hour I>N .Iho l)e-.t

with all dist-urbanoofl nui

will bo pieecnted to the

to u )i!iRsngo.Tim flcht ptoaiiuiu on Amcriciiti Dom-

iniquu FowlR wiw 11w11nl.1l to Mr. W. F.Wire of Ohiitham, by tho Kow Jersey StatePoultry Soi-ipty.

Tlio coiit!'"CKllli"Iinntl£r'£;u'lB o t K o V ' T

finvlhigF., of Mt. Freedom, will C'*0 h ' j n a

(loimtinii at the imrHOiiftRO on 'Jtoeuday CTMI-ing of nrat wouk.

Hli Tiff HfDMit on Monday loflt tnwlc thofoUowiuR milo: Lnwrcaeo w. Bird; prop-ntty .,11 Earlj street, Slorrifitowu, sold to

DrpositorB in the Dover .Sution will bo paid eighteen por cdoixwiU on and (vftnr tlio 2L»dbunking bantiQ HI Dovor.

JI. II. Diclterson to exten3infT bwbufldinK in tho row OT on additioU.itty fcH which will mnko U)0 wholo binuio""

s Institu-. of theit., at it


ut forty men (ire working ou therrackpttHfowti furniice nfght find day, nwk-inK tho neeewnry ropnirs for putting it inblast next mouth. ., ; , :

You will find a Balcct aBHortrueiit ofino dlnmonde,' nttf*lioiiUy ruoue«pectully defligued for holiday piHairlioiiEo tho jeweler's.

Tho clittMh ot thh Hodoemer, at Morris-towii, bun recdlved tJiroiigli'thB rector a earnot money us n fund for the erection

ig for parish work.tetriblo ice Btotin l»«t Sunday mndo

the attoudiiueo nt all tflJ churohus verylight. At tbo PresbyUjrian Church no ser-vice was hold in tha evening.

Owing to n diaasroenicnt between theCommon Council anil Water Oouopnuy thefire hydrants r.f MorriRtown will be deprived6f their wnter Biipfly after Jnnuary 1st.

Parsippiiny candidtiten tot jflii WMUBBUieinseheH by rilling the school IIOUHB,while

'P f

o tl»i> Ico 11jii

(it loft'tnity.

The Mo WaterSupDiy. %

tmmou Conwil of r lrrJ•Btowll Hcrveilpoll tho MorriN A']undtict UompauyhtHt, thu ufl'fct oi whicli was to elfi8'.>

tho'cjoirtrftft botwtiou tbo couipnuy and fhnuily for the use of nru plugs inul ciBt(!rnH

pr Jan. 1, ISHfl, Xbo object ol this piidiiifj was to procure n reduction in t•npnuy'ri ratos, which waa very oihorbiit. At tho lnnt meeting of (ho C'c

tlio company nignifivid il» intyntions of put.ig nil ond to tUo coutract at the

named date, nnd wilt mnho no reduction.As a oonaoquonco, tbo city, after Jan. 1, wil!bowithpuWater m case of flro. .

Xlefire inBci Aiioe companies hn»Ia^rinkiIn aWltiBtoffC, propose io take notion oon.

irning the withdrawal or ttio Bupply,proper fftoiltiuB are not Ruppliei fornguixbing flro, they will withJntr their

riults from the town.

CcristaiM night there will he appropriateexendiu, and gifta vill ba made -to thechildren.

The ObriitmnB tree exercises of Uie 8*b~bath School of St. John's Church, wuioh malways fine, will be bold on Friday tfter-Boon, tho S60>, s t 4 o'clock.

Christmas entertainmenta will be given inboth tlie Bockaway Sunday Bchnols—thePreibytcrian on ChriBtmas eve and theMtthodiat OP Christmaa n

The annual hop of the Western Uafon(elesraph oppmtore, of the MnrriB &. Essexdivision, will bo held at tuo Warron Bouse,Hackettstowu, during the holidays.

A grand eutfr'"ijment for the oencflt ofths Buuday Subnol will be given in the W.E. Church, Poapuck, on Ghriatiuai Ere,

q Df Ringing, dialogues, reoitotioas,tableaux and Santa Claus.

At the Flrnt II. E. Chtircb ou Christ masIjlit tLero will be Home very handBomi)

things in the way of defloration, while thaex liy flifi cdtMroii will no douht:ntcrt^iniug. Tbo singing will con-iiew CLristiunscurulfijutt isstiLd fromiliishing hoiiBO of 11 iglow & Muiu.OhriftlmaH exerolnuti of tb^ Doveritriuu Sabbath S<:iiool will be htlii oniai DVG, when there will bo appro-excicineH, prominent BIUOII^ whith

fill be a CbnstmnH piece entitled "TheThu Church will bo lmu.lsom.4v.1 «s v.Miial. The crcTC-iwfl will be-o'clock !•. M.

Port flriiru ii! jirowiswl a griiml trtnt on.rititimw nif-lit, whon tbo choir of tiiChurch will gl

it instrumental

'. IS. O.ltirhliebdD. D. Or.iigh;t»eicwly wpcncljirou mine on the aVn.

ami Cooper traot. Tho vein i» tan feet wideand wlihiu two feet <r tho iturfaeo. Thoy

yosriy orOffreed to mlso' 2800 tpny in tWt proporion; or they may canceltho Ieof« by giving «b mouth*,'notice. Tiie

|ora iiof^jocllent quality, said the prospectla flrit-rote,

Tbo Tbouai Iron Compauy ha* leasedtheir oH mine, sear Beattyetown, to JowphWarton, of PhiladclpLia, «ho oommiuioedworklwtmek. Mr. T. Bhtoll* bat threeminoB In operatloa v.i n diBtanne of Uitoe-qoartere ef n mile.

The Hoplar mine, near Cartleyville, has'been leaked by Henry Hann, of Bohodey'aHountait), who will begin w-jtk at once.Mr. Hanu haa also le&saa the Henry Mitohelimine, on Schooley'H M<nintiifo. from whichbe is obtaiaiug block lend.

Ko mistake tiwt Babbitt k Troiell ia sell,jng ciATBma lower thuu Newark Clothiers.





Stereoscopes, Views


FI'.AMi:!} TO (HIDJUl.

nd c urt of v

urch is lo be fouixl all .vhoilLBi

it huliiliiy i-uicrlaitm

sic, ttio Jattwnrols, fintliDiiiH,s. I t if n fu111011 tlio pcr»nd first clnss m

f0 witneKH nts'iit Hhouhi Lu ji

I bo held liy tliu Indies of si

mi I}, O I l t l l R nilii

jil n luiul or Rlmv which lit. wai oaBH overtunu'd in Uiu road.3. II. Ilrfpso hiw jimt taken tbo np•r Um IlcminBton, Sowiug Jfanliin^


all »cl.i«( He

ni of H.Demo-

. WU<J-

bt^fora thiThint whot ft nke prcRenl they niftkc

Fred. BftMvrfn, uf Boon ton, WRB rarried to Tunny Blanchard, of D«

but the Rraom fniWd to seonre'poBiicnloii ofi In id', «.s »)io clninw that HIIB WIIH marriedniuBt her will, nnd remains at her father's.Tho Iron Grown Club, or Brooklyn) has

x«ircliaeed ft aito n*ar tho spot where they•amped lest Humini

•lab house, witli accifive pononB.

ily and frionus of Mrs, D. B.Ovcrton were BcrioUBly alarmed on Thurulaynftcrnoon by tbat lady being attacked by iraillness of Iho hoort Hint for a time waaarea Might provo fatal. "We are fdnd U>

mtfl, hisnow improving.

Tho thron BloruB Ilots of XXCfimphSyrup Jiro Stickle Britoro and I. N. Bench.



p-afLolto nopntcoug,

will am* a bnndscmeiauiodatiDns for twenty

pra at g, thnt It did not, and thiit aho

Roctaway ^luit sellfirmm and 75K OougbRros., Dr. Ayren' tlnig

All nierohintn tuip-

Too rflinatniue slock of noefcai IwinmpH, cut glass bottlofl, vaBoa and luiirbrnwhes will bo sold Tory obeiin ni J&o. A.Gaadole'H Red Front Drug Ktorc. :

A yuuUR mnn nom'"! PMlhower, of Wid-dlo Valley, wciit west ahoul ten weeks agoto buy alicep aud haa not einco booulienrdtram. U is feared he haa boon robb.cd. andkillcil.

i'ba offlclnl mombers of Bt. Paul's M. EOburch, Newark, lave refused to boar (boca?o of Dr. Osman, tind unilor fho disciplinethe Prcsi lug Eld»r eflDBot compel th»mto do so.

The employees of the machine shop aremnkiug onnsiderntilQ orertime, and tho payroll of Iniit BaturiUy was a large one, andVill ciruulnls cti£i*iderab]o luonev In thiscommatiilj".

I>r. P, C. Barker, of MorriBtown, while on- a hnw-Ung exonriion to l'ennsyl*HOia lest

Week, wits thrown from n cturiaga, had oneor tho small bones of his left ,wifet brokentma was quite bidly bruised.

Qeor$a 8. Phillips, o literary oharaoterwell-knowu iu "January BearioB*,". who, wae|generally supposed to have been dead for' ' ; yeaw, h p fee* dfe^oterei la Of.

1 • ' ' - vt!oAsylutt.' f * '

W * »<"« — - 1 taxoB n o * P ' W b r P*b >

l i t tnnit at Ibat tltna be xutnrued to UieOouttty OlerVs offloa, when they will^o

»1 by tho proprietors, Vouf-ht A Killfioro>m'Cr or through their wholesale agency

nt 278-ftroenwlch St., Now Ycrk.

•nnflnff to the utatlsliw pobliHbed bynw Jersey Sanitary AKBocwtiou, PUil-,nr hM tbo lowest death rato of anyl T U 1.™ «o»taW»f owr fi.«0

Inhebitantii. .Morrirtown uvd Jexwy O'ty

hSiwldeath rate of ,ny city in the Stele.To nonS will oW Santa OU«« btin8 moro

SBfltTrttWo gifts ton tcCth^o wboreoc.veWiiHhaiu1 wntohefl. Tbolr beauty, tuochan-ical flniBli, Mid correct time make tbotn a.

,1 joy. Tlie New Jersey huadquar-" \he M!


In theJovoitB Bonds.trm/tun, Mr. ltohert Kilof Vtiught & Killgoro, anil

J. Killgoro, Esij-, of tho HuulenloDuinoiinU, wnsjuiueil ia roarriiigoni'sdaj lust to Miss Lucy, dmifihloi of Jan. II.NuiglilxHir, Efi<j.,or thm pUea, Tho cere-mony took plneo »t noon nt tho xesidonoo ofthe hriiWri pnroutn null wns pfirformed byItev. AV. W. HiIlowfty,J"r. la (haaiioru.llr. and Mrs. Killgoro loft their frioud«

brief trip to No-v York, 1'nlladfllpnln rihpr ciiidB. Upon their return tlioy will

toblish their homo at tho plnunnt plau 18-•utly occnpiod liy Mr- H. 0. Jyjitina, on thi»rner of H.mk and Gold streets. Tho wortl!d MinilinK of tho haabnnJ in this coinunity, nnd tho many upprecUhlo qiialitiet

of tho wife, '.i-ill cull forth tho congratula-of n riBltltodd of friandu, ftttd among

them wo humbly present thu^c of tho Ei

Bishop McQuade.Tbo Bight Ilov. BiBlop UcQnado, ol the

Dioceno of Rochester, accompanied by Ran, of llarrisuurg, Pa., o

the 2 o'clock fast line laBtTuesday afternoon. Xho party changedearn here, nnd while waitinR the BUbop

ide many inquiries about matteTB •pertain-to tiiia pariaL, and th ld NBttanta

partioulariy Mrs. W. B Philh h h hnear the rliareh, whom be would bo glad to

bit had he the time. The BiBhop used toabor in thefeo parts nioro.;than iUM* 7go, whoa ho WMI Vicar General of *bell comprised ib$n diocese, and was the

first tnfo)eu»tflMftasnere, about Uwyew1847. It thepifoxft 8e?med-to give bungratpleeMn \* knew'of the prtgrels ofhiBhuUiintni»B«)Uop. .

TOOordfJ an » fiupon wnioli tl1ey U»« b

Tho nieut^n at the Wolfs S indtf Scnoo'll f idMraie

ie" providing for the pajinfe•a anil another givhig propeiit jurom. will be introdM0<]

8 the com f f ^

Be3ilfc« tbeso will be introducodh i o

tunbill providing

chonfiea i n o u r

l langand another foe the eleoffon ofi

Old | M K B Taylor* of BOJton, w» »slwngu,a («r-»M»6 •»»»• »toain« OB > llll.lop,l,kli m r b o l n l th . »1D«B« lie nttfced sixlitUe Mciodon b6«B balled UUWHDI toil**,

- Accidents at tho Ogden (Hines.Jaa. Ijozior, a minor in tho employ of thi

[usconeteong Iron Company nt tlie Ogdenlinen, was fataUy injured laBt Satu'dayiornlnff. A pioco of timber wWuhwa?

>eing lowered down tho abaft etracfc A plat-I upon which he was working anded H to give way. In tho dencent downjiiaft BOTeral tnoro plutforma wore on-itered and broken, anfl when near tb«am tho nnforfunMo man struck hte

liead ngaiuwtft ntcu.ni pipe, taufliuE a frac.re of tho Bkull Mid conuussio!. of th.-ftio, from tlm effwita -it (tUiuh U" -filed onondoy morning.Nelson Davenport, who reiiiflesnear CBU-tcan, in BufcKex county, was fioing to hiiume from tbo Oe.lpii nno night last week

when ho W into nn ribnndunod itfuift,r(!cti"ed ficverpiiijuricfl nbout tho lion 1 andlace. Hem's fortunate in escaj.


B and famUy.

Five hundred 0VEEOOATweather prices at

BABIKT ft TnoiflLL'B, MorriBtown.

Rewords qffered. . i .ie iMUHUMiOD. Oi i ^ A. 'jQo*rt pt- Madi-

son baa beta stimd to sbob en exteat ihetho han offered a iflWfttd of 125 for the (liteo-tioj of * tbUf who stole a whip from fail wa-rn whfia ho vas'ja okaroh. .Mesars. E. W. and L. H. Hunt, of flohoo-

JT'S Monnlnin offer $100 reward tor iafor-mntion tbat will lead to thn Kirost tnfl eon-Ticlioa of tne'peroQn or person* wfeo OL thoeitning of Dec, 8lb ffntowd Ujo l o u » of L

IL Hunt ni

d on the w n t night oomnlttedi en 1h« proper^ of H. W. Hunt,

ilt f l l U f»n*d who hava been gnilty of slmllir tub no n i i ,prenil8/8 0f thtwe genUunen . i "the Ust thno nontk* '

An Alarm of Plre.. .Th« flrrt p ?

,tBht raonlha m ionnded at »boa» tollp u t three o'clock jrsataMv BOfftins- A

a w yoB^lgWnporei• twoi• two.ioiw

bainsslow, *»* b jthebnUdings lurid, wnieh al-lWi

uroauwa the alarm. Thh BM upptmtmw u ell broaght ont ol Uw. hottta cud theateuser flred before the Utata Us

Special Services.Dr Bacon, of jMbanji ^* /

Church which t um I

i OnUhod i

".boutWe hundwd people i .arpiedffo tndiuore wmi swine flfty i

mnry l«f.

* HL'yiioldH, of KL-ton Hall ihlUyin. Gillan, of Bdicvno Hosbital, wi• owtioiw. Kt. Mary's dn»ir will fuit-a: nuisio JIUII Um Kni«er Brat born

em'oura^uiiK'tit of the merry dancers,iou first evening, 'ir, cents ; tlio fol-evDuingH, 10

Four hundred niuns', youths', boys' andildreu'fl suits.must bo Gold to umko rooir BpriiiR goodn. Kow is Ihe time for bfti

gains. BAHBITT & TBOULL, Slorrietown.

Masonic Election.At tho meeting of Acaola Lodge, A. F .

ndA. if., ot this place, on Wednesdayvening, Iho .following officers were elected

for tho current year mid Installed bj PantMaster Dr. T. B. CilUouden:

W. M.— E. 8. Banco.a W.—Fred. H. Beach.J. W.—W. Ot. Oorroan. | ..S. O.—Jaa. Tonkin.J. D. Jan. Spargo-Secretary—0. L. Loport.Treasurer—E. E. Jackson,M W C.—J. B. WUlinmfl, Nathan Wil-

cox.l^ler-John W- Venncr.Hep. to Grand Lodge—%. H. Lnmbert.Tniitee to fill Taeanoy—Geo. HcCraclten.Tha following were elected by Madiron

Ciiapter, B. A. M., Bt Morriatown:M. E- H, 1'., Sidney W. Stalter.E. B.; E. T.aClerc Vofit.E. 3., J .D. Cameron.Tmu. , Cluu. BuvitlnsBec'j, Jgbn 11. Mooro.0. of H., Jacob O. Arnold.P. H., ClidB. L. Ohovey.R. A. C , Jnmes Dickerson.G. ir. of V'B, 3rd V.. Win. Bflefcflr, Jr.,

2nd, H. n . Tiger, 1st V., Jiunon W. CnrrnlJ.Tyler, Win. JI. Qruaa.SUnding Committee, Jacob 0. Arnold,

nrnGsDickersoD, Wm. Becker, Jr.Aroana Lodge, of Doonton, chose the fol-

W.M.—John Vail.p . W.—A, E. Carpenter.J. W. Thpuiaa Kincald.XMHS.— Enoch Hammonds.Beo'y.—Jamea Brown.8. D.—ThcmnBE. Miller.'J. D.—Joseph Cooper.M. of 0—Thomas Byard.

" John KIrkpatrick..OrgfiniKt—Wm. Prloo. L •Tyler—George VT. HUar,

Winter olothing uelling at. a Baoriaee tomake room for spring «TOtblnK. U o w ^discount to deahra. Oalt and Me nfl.

BABBITT * THOXILL, Morriitown,

A Damaging Error,Lantweek wo copied from' tho Banne

with proper owdit aa article beaded "LabNote.," which elated that Mayor Richards f

bad boon in Moriistown employing. mBn towoik in the minoa at " '""


XX Cough Syrup"I would rocommend.it to all who baye colds."

HENHV ATNO, near !Dover."Its effects are wonderful."

"W, T. LEPOKT. Attorney at Law/Dover."It Bared my life,"


"It curod me of a cold that had settled ou my lungs."JOHN DICKEBSCN, near Bockaway.

"It proved a saccess after other remedies had foiled.'':

D. O. YtrJr; Hauders,"After taking fl few dosoe lier cold disappeared."

ALON^O SEABiNa, Dover.

"Qod hloBe you, it lias cured me of ft cough, cold and losa of voice,Miw. WM. MAltViN, Ionia, Michigan.

"XX gives me more relief for Aatlmia tluin other remedies."OEMCKU FiiANciHCo, Dover Folieo Foroe.

"Two doses cured HIP of an attack of Asthma."


"XX cured mo." S. H. PAUIKH, Franklin.



X I CAMPHOR CREAM."It oured me of uu injury of five vtnu'H shuuling."

Jaus OKEEK, Vmtnstthi iSttttiou.

"It relieved my wifo of exuruciiitiEg pain."


"We find it worthy of tho highest roconunendatioD."

EEV, J)u, HIGOINS, of Hackuttbtuwn.

"It penetrates to the very seat of pain."

A. P. HAIIPEH, Oak Ridge, N. J.

"XX Creuih is the best liniment ever been through this section."

JOSHUA HUMT & Co., Danville. -

"It is proving a success on ray fractured aukle." 1GABRET GAHKABHAMT, Paterson. -

These recommendations could be multipliedby thousands. If you need either of tne aboveremedies try them and you will have oaiaseto rejoice in being freed from your malady.


piERsoars,-DOVER, 2J; £.

THE PRICES SPEAK FOB THEMSELVES:Men's Heavy Overcoats, - . - $3, W and. f S.Men's Fino Boarcr Overcoats, equal to OUSTOBC UABE, $8 .910 and 112.

Boys' Overcoiita, in all colors, - I8tol6.C h i l d r e n ' s O v e r c o a t s , : 1 2 . 6 0 t o H.

l i o n ' s ' W o r k i n g S u i t s , - - - - - - ' H t o » 0 ,

" . " P a n t s , - - . - - . . - -

M e n ' s F i a e D i a g o n a l S u i t s , - - - - - - - -

" U n i o n " " . . . . . - -

H e a \ y X J t t d e r a h i r t s , - - - - - -



WOOL JACKETS, &c, &o.to be foitnrt nnywbere. Everytliing marked in nluin fifprres at thoLOWEST POSSIBLE 1'llIOES nud gaarunteo to be with the money.


$1 to $l.sotu to no

• »7 to no.25u. to 50c.


lover, October Iltli, 1879. DOVER, N. J.


PELOUBET, PELTON & Co.,Standard Organ.

J. HAIRHOUSE,Watchmaker and Jewele

io donra west ot tho Corner Drug Htnro. in-vitt'i Attuntlou tli liia superior stock,and

uniformly low prices or

Gold and Silver Watches,

rutcii in tt«


n governed by Ite!doubt the tmth

V th'o"r7p«^ ^ e »»""•8 i n c e l w m O d tb&i

the urticlB waa nnltue In o«ry pnrttoator--that lit. Bioharda has not been in Morna-toffU employing men-in feot never deeeeoomenally-iindthathedidnot offer $1.50%?Z to mineia. The matter has givenMm comidwablfl annoy-BW, wfl we correctthefctee r.port aa won aa possible. TheBanner believed, however, w we alnoe leurn,(hut it had Its report from good authority.-

• Fort O//!c» War In Boonton.' A ' Interesting story reaetw n« eonoerainge BoonWnlpwt offlw. Th« inonmbent,hoBe tiine li about expired, mwlo a"

Irip recently to Virginia,

which ho obtainad many signatures, on theground that the present nfflolal WM not a

ididate for raapnointment. Bnt the lattertetnroed the other d«y «id eai4 ho WM,whloa hai giwn riae to ft question of T e w

and Bome nnpleoMntneu,. which mighttualcobly- »ttl»d by & mutnat amngeme» t

to bestow .the poatel honors of ttwt oommn-»ity upon onr worthy friend Garriwa, of

) IJnlletin. Sooh H COOIM would R N tu, trouble of eleetiuE him AnUtut 8eore<

A Sw^b l . Woman.

ntnfill* to dtiUrb them or n o w them

•nilJm..ftomlussliiii>to«sor.ii«''iidiioftil b » ith t i b l t ooelTbe B


usli« with

t on Mtrih doyiramMaP"oried M s .Jonos,

I cui't deep at an tot yam fearful groans.Wfiv ruin your lisaltlj, »ad your good wif u

Whan your ™ld may bo ourea with XK?"XI Coogli Syrlip {i a qwrfl COM tar cough*

and oold.; 25 eta. and BO old. per bottle att Ktllgoie'l, .Dom.

TKs Condttlfln of Mr. Staphenl.Btohuil Stopa.au Etq., of Mt Hu|»,

.» toon HI for a louB Umo, bimn l»jroto sooiflwbat reoeiiUy, anil liopw w•nMrUlntd by hln frisnds Ibat ho would re-

. Hot b . hm .Inc. l)«i a damjetom

FU».m"lo will fono*l*

nbpn M i„ „ .ncu liar) bta * . l b »l «ny « » • «onUnot LAW b»aa a .arprUe. Wa baTa notluutwdftnm kin alum anil can onlj bop.fatib.tnlhofUuolduylni that no new.

Clocks! Clocks!from II iipmnli. SltVEK-PLATED WAIIE.

An clcjfint dlspluy nt uoiv dcBtana forwediiLiiB ind CLriutiuaa presents:


anil novoltiea la Fenoll Clianns. L.\DtES'GUAIID CHAINS »n<I NEOKLACIia.

.Qonts' VoBt Olialpa iml Soils.Solid Qold B!ng«; Lochotsand Crossed.Encraitod Amothyat mans.

l P d J l f l iPktedJewolry.r)fQVcry<loBcrii>tioig ihnDUMOND HPECTACLES au

EYH GLASSES.H«p*!ricg of flno watcbcB i spocialtv.


1879. 188O.

A Merry ChristmasANO A




bo finnil In our »•» <oto«lrf s»dLAi Jlil STOCK of

Fancy Goods,



Silk Handkerchiefs,Lace and Embroidered Ties


Jewelry, Perfumery, 4c.

KID GLOVES,HAHRIBBHOS. ihefioedglOTOiatJiarairket-

Underwear! Underwear!Tho only Jtaadqnai tarn lov




The XX remedies are sold by merchantsthroughout the County at S5 ots. and 50 ots.per bottle.


Dover, N . J , December 4th, 1879. ' •









Ac, Ac, £•£., ic.'





'Brilliant" Safety Oil.xso°


ialad, Machinery, Sperm, Whale, Castor,Sewing Machine, Neats-foot ana other Oils.


Turpentine, Oil Tanks, Lamp Chimneys, Fixtures, 4 c , 4c.


l offusfve otlnr anif we Runranlev"RBH.IJANT" SAPETi' OIL ft specialty, rut up In Patent Fawc

•or teuib ™>T^hU, Oil is water white and free fVotn all offonsfve odor,perfecSy «afe and free front all oiplonivc' tuetiHinle. AKK your Orocei.teiypiJaHiifli^-"tcty Oi] ami fliva It a f

the beat iu tho market.

C panif we Run

free fro a t clTiioHivu iimturifilK. AKh your Ornctr for " JlrilIt a fair trial MAI we claim that you will find it rqual, if

k t

ilUant"it sn^tirior,



NEW STYLE CABINET OEGAN WITH POETFOLIO TOPS.TYT& 2. One set of reeds, five octaves, five stops with oot. conpl*

STYLE G. TWO sets of reeds one of fire octavea and one of two andone-half octiwea, seven stops ; price $155.

STI'LE 8. Two sots of reeds of iiyc octeros each, nine stops; price $170.We do uot enter into competition in prices. Every Organ from tha

lowest to tho highest price, is of the same quality, and made in thobefit possible mtumor. I t is boyond eontroverey tho BEST andCHEAPEST OKQAN in the market. — ^ • .THE 6TANPABD IS THE BEST OBGAN FOB AW' w l S S O N S

AND-USES1 NO POOR "WORK! NO HIGH PKIOES.SIIT,K i). Two sots of five octave reeds, nine stops ; price $160.STYLE 10. Three Bots of roods, one of five oettiveB, one of three

octaves and ono oE one octave sub-baBo, witli octave coupler, nineatdus; price $100.

This Orgau is procliiCGtl for tlio use of those who wish a low topChiipol Organ nt a low prico. -Tho tono is loud and full, and the stopsuuiouroiiH and well urrnugud. Tho workmanship is the very best.

I (jtinranltH! tit Btll tlin Btandaril Orcun jnnt an clictt|) as tUcj can be bMl ii) New Ycrk orHuiriD k. You vlU HRVO frci^l.t nxui'tiHe, anil if llio iiiHtrumont nFiouIil ^ot out of order withina vt ui I WEI) rcl>tii' it i£irAii8i lluluru \<>ti liuv cIifL tL^rii. come and Icnru IDT iuduceifltfid toiiurehiuiON. - KEUllEN HOWM, Accnt, Dover, N. J.

DoTcr. N. J. . AUK. mtb. 1670. BITJ-IO HTOltE ON BtJBBBX 8t .

THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER,is ready to meet tlie revival in business with thi> largest and choioeBt

FALL," AND WINTER STOCKof pieco goods to bo seen this t*'ule of Xe"- York City, ivhich is roplotewitb tho loading novelties of tlio sensim, carefully selected from em-iueut makers, and tit pricen viiicli must couuunnd the attention ofpurchasers. First-class workmen employed, and special attention giventhe order depurtumut, with thu intuutiou of outseliing QVCU the teody-mado dealers. Do uot buy trashy rctidy-ruado goods when you cang a first-classREVERSIBLE BEAVER OVERCOAT for from $12 to $15 and $20and evory other kind of garment PBOPOBTIONATELT LOW a



October ICth, 1879. . S U S S E X St., DOVER, N. J




MORRISTOWN, N. J.Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dye Stuff


OILS.7o Ubb p\HM\m iu ihlroducliifi t»* iU twdc ooriv OIIB. Tlictw; goods am mitrnfnctiirwl by UFn tint benefit of our pcrpooni hiipcrvi-iou, ntui (,'i, bolli in quality awl pricfl, or tin '

pnwle1* of umdiinetry ntiil othe

c tlji i» to give jurfci'l witififnt-

McKIRGAN « Co., Wharf foot »f THIRD AVENUE,

l ib. )BTS. ad-nm N * X I J v J± X I C . i l

nn Mrefuih" jirrpnroii. N"nr VliturdtnfT tu lh' Cnltnl Ktiloit I'lismtii«i(t t"( TOItfET A IlTICLEa amuli Ut.lHTS.

HE DIXUOS uinl ol the Wit qnnutr •»-r^.tia. or tin mot »Pliwitcil formnl*.ctythtog wxuM) found in • Dm* atow,


Notice of Setllement! j CHEAPEST BOOK-STORElln.l.lmvl.riOTco Ill.t Ilir .•wutau! IN TIIE WORLD..iii.«.Tci«r. «««»>"[• »' "'';""J":K::\ m.imMM^sn-icsiiTiSitavmniooa'",;!:,.""!.,"i,;.:!!r,!t.":,K,';:!.iiT,! liujnivi'LAMKiiionsooTBooni,Vj.hsn«M'.mii "I ih- Conniv itHLirrU. j an<l OnnJMiiw Jureullv Roukl. llttMt dl*fja|


.D<1 an M-jadg.|ahoolt op ttio alnffauJ in


hirtiociLii-risit. >™~ -1"* | LE00AT BB0THKB8,

ACENTS READ THIS 1 1 " -gg? »'•••«•• "-*0*" »"''

Page 4: CLOTHINGB djing- ' I'd^fi t no tlin lislit , Biijj J lur tic King is born •Mia ftrit .lull tread I^HH) fmoitrE tli# (jG&da FLjlWRItN *P MKMOUT, Tlio drirtij (now, in foldsnjS deep

§ of the North-The Colon*! Wheat taivest .

W« topy trcm the .AAmffo J A K I % alinking p»p« b j * writer vbe b»» re-etjoUj visited some of tho gino* wheat

- farm* of southwestern MinnwoU. Tbe. account wliich b* f i w i of*" » n t in tht NorthWMt ef ft

tgritaltnrt until l»t« y*n ulnott * • -knowi to Antrim, ii aUrtling wfaesa) inm atrwJ wit}i rrf*r»nw to tilt poani-

plctaUtiuDi of toil, twurtj, Toltj andfifty tlioniwnd atres, operated bj «api-UH'HU iu New Turk, Boiton, PhiladtlpbiaaaJ ia Enrope, ia a Terj lignifleMit fait,and a fact which tansot be Tie wedout Krioua il&rm. wlim it» aigoil

It is not nuiittely that the jialJ tadprofits cil the Northwestern wl>»t l eUtare somewitttt fxtifr 'i-iiUxf t* Ibaaeialorettttil in Hitt sulo t.-f '1.1.(1 .iiid Ibp set.tlt?m«nt nf \he cnuu'r.v. Ftpurr.s far-uUlieci In tbo iij;ctri ii'i coinniiwoinf nrilroail cimii'tniL-'i ! ;T"I . lanoi

Tbe ortlituiile!« ben*, f i "<- tuce,bused on an nvcrn^e w d i ! twenty «rtwenty-two biuhole. t<> In.; •.««• -; and ll>*cost of imidiicUirii i* j-n. -• 3S.CS \*eiHere. Tbe laftur HE'IK: c^ixiidei ?erju early with ibn e»liw..*(» mm i tewweeks sgu I>,y uu in ••! Bi', • curreapon-dent ot Tins SUK iii K •-*., His object

of wLieut tliut would rtnult if I tie pn-s»utmuuia for plitoiiDg tbat cereal to tbtexclusion ol others were nut checked.According to bis testimony, twenty ortwenty, two bushels to the acre wouldseem lo be a very liberal entiromte foran QTernge crop,

II ia oat. however, in tue direction ofo very mil u«'mn tbat the real danger Pae.Tlliii is n raster thiit will rcgutfite itnnlf,an surety us tbe IILUB ol dcra&Dd andfiu|)|il; operate. But this newsyetem ofagriculture OD t large settle, tbit com-bination of unlimited capital, labor-inT-it>R tooobinccy, ajicl cheap labor, me»DiBtairntiou to Uio amull Iinner and <]•-bM'iic.ia-i lo Hie fu-ininR iirt-rpit, at nl

ihe writer iu tlie Atlantic sliow th»t,while flip groat ttrm* <>f the mtpiUIistare enroing troia twnu y (o fifty flra parCrinl. a yew "ti tbe itmuttudit, IIIHtm 4.1 J firmjrt. wiirt ere brought int.ncom petit ion vit.] tboni tire, in mostcuHfta. boijele'sl.T iu debi, and fulliut;furthor huhi ml bund with tbe tmrvwtingof overj nroji,

Tbut is ibe Dutuml nod inerit&blaresult of tbe extension of tbe DIW MJ*tern. Tlw email farm will be swallowedup by mortgages; tbe small former willbe oraalied ont. Ha boa a

1M0BIU8 AND E S B U I DITWIOH.)Depot* I D NOW York, fout o f B I M I I J Bt, *n

f t f Chi

enges' A &«zttr hi Coldlj _^.J?

. Hoirientu, and bore' Throat.'

»J Whooping Cough. {j^SSSESM M B.. Mo»«i

ao Qmita t«anllTtJifM of mTchndf«nwar«»uffer!neler.•g 3 TlliTr wilk Whooping Coueh, mil aflti u>ine your3 '£ LM«QEM, according to direction.. 1 un determmedu U WT«r to b e without tham again. Wy cliildren n c i e r§ Q «)Aoop«fi »nc« after uaing *bqiit one large box eich.

^ u lwonla ..rneatlf recommend them to sll parents as a\*. n3 preventive .nd enr. of thia terrible complaint.• S jam. . S. Pal tnon, <S Ueekmar. St., N . Y.> A Aftar s\ aaliafactory trial of Moore'a Throat LorengM.J ! I n , Wiffeout A e a t t a M o n , recommend them'u

M o the best thing ot the) kind I hav« ever used / o r•; •» thmmUt, ReT.-W. H. " - ' -

1 | Chaplain McCabe ^ ' i i ° ;"" unarti, affording me great relief from Ho _. ,

S £ 4Ufnoa^ 4ii#(oj*l€lfWOf »i l/« Thcj* toitc well toofj - g, » h i c h i i t r . m a r k B b l . V u ^ t , m » R L o « ^ . M c C ^

I *^ " Price, It cents Mid a< centi per box. Sent on re-1 •£ g Miptofprica. Sold bj Druggim.? L •?, Jtoor*'$ Boothing or Diarrhea< W " &er», t*ra in all bowel complainli. Dysentery, e t c1 (P f- Sune prica u Loienge., to and 35 cent packages.

D l . C . C. Moore, d &. 70 CortUndt s t ( o w s « )r B>lo bj VOUQU'L' & KILLOOHK. J. k. OUOWALlS aud WILLIAM H . dOODALB.

foot of OhriatDpbiSOUMBB


AtTiWti . M. (ThMDEb Mil) Tr»jp),neotiDR with the BouEtoa Br»Dch %i Vtv,.—tin EuimtoQ ; the Cboiwr Brapcb atDutvr lurSicoainBDB and OhcBter; -lfa» Bnaiax Dallroadit Waltirluu, for Andorar, Nevtot acd all ••*-

iiou.; l hofc | l*J,taA1Wal« aiu**Bi--"'-"* -

Grai l Bond, BiQBhani- "orl l to i !

WooraiihSFB aVd D"o!»»ir« »B4 a ^ t p n toli-onila ; slat) » t I l i t l l ipi l i i irs with t e h l g U Tat-- ]t»ilr«*d and Ls l i idh t u d 8 i»4neb»DD» B,

rt af Onatoary .• Ibowinm d a t s »ha < » t d»I. Iaka l l oSoi

3 writ of Cor 1

tatod e»uac,_ „ tuber, i "

D for Mia t t 1

Agents for Falrtanfefl' Scales ftndTer-williger'B Safes.


tens of tbeTbe great farms are meref machines. The «api

ists who control them bays no atakitbo soil save its animal yield of grain,TLcir enterprises support 00 eomtnaDitjr,DO obarobea, DO schools, DO families.From the statement made by the Atlantitwriter as to tbe wagei of the hand"emplt-jed on theso colossal plantations,some ot them thrioe tba si«e of Uanbttton Island, we cotnpata that the averagedaily receipt of tbe employee wbo ii ocfortunate us to obtain work theround is between sixty and aerenty aacti

, wLUe only five or ten ont of every tvehundred and fifty have work the yeairound. Tbore is no basis bore for tb<

!. development of tbe eommonity.,' ' If the well-beingof thiaeotintrylflrgelj, rostaapon the prosperity of tbe inde-

pendent agrlcalturiet, to wbat end willthis new-erder of things lead ? Up t<

' tbe present time the farming interest hasbeen lee* affeoted, directly, than an?othoi1 by tbe ovila tlint 1ocneolulation of wealth.. Tbe farmermay have been oppressed, but lite Holdhas not been invaded.

Thin is a new and important feature: a problem tbut may have a large pin

in politics uuringthe next few yearac _ X>ntoh .

^Romance or a lifnR.Prnseia at one tii

received a small and antique ring fromher governess fur a present. Abontyear alter Ihe occurrence tbe courtreceived a vitit from the Grand Duk<Nicholas, tbo brother of the. EmperorAlexander, and vTao. at that timenot tba heir-expeetant of the orTIIB grand dnke saw tba prineoss; andwith the quick resolve native to liin diiposition immediately dotermined to askher in marriage. One day, as he WHIleatcd by her aidt at the royal dinnartuble, be 6poko to her of bin fortbtont.ngdoimrtare, adding that it dependtdHpoti her whether or nnt Lit itavBerlin Bbonld he pmlongi'd.

*Tyiiot iball I i\o, then, to iuflauiyour intcntiuiiB ?' WUB tiie rsplj nf tb«

*Xiu must nut refuio to receivemy addressed,' immeiliatelyInrned tbe outspokeo Nicholas.

'Ton ask much.'*I ask even more. Too ought to

give moeomeencoQEagement in 107 en-deavori to please you.'

•That i« atill mor* difflcolt. Beaidet,tho TOomeat 1B not well eboacn for afavor.'

*I beg yonr loval highnut to (iv« tat9 sign that I am sot total!/ indiffextntto you. YonhaTtftlittUrhK OD yoarfinger, tbt pouesiion of wbfob wotUreader sat bappj, I Imaeih 70mgive mt tht ring.'

••What I gifa tbe ring al the H»table, ana la tbt prawn** t t all tkw*pooplt I*

- 'Lot a* t**—frtM n I t itpteoa of brtsd aod girt it ft* • * , '

t kai p m t tbt ztog Ut« a pit** UU J -1» ALA, mmi. a » * It W Ik. #.*«tamperon, Vithohw took • • M I ] /opportunity U IMTS %U kaJL

tomb dltMTUtd t« inatHptioa ec A*Innw tidi {• VnBtk, tad mai.if to

•_tht following affrtt t •LlaapantslM

H« U tai4»j haft v t n la* fttapsakafor lb*jaAirihk Jay, ttttthal fca

; tbaii ro ia l Ut attk, th« ria« IM.too imaLI, ot o>»rac\ for anj if hittwHoatal flaftn. Tha fatvrtiTtitW - - •

Ooaa m Wexu.—Tk«ooowal aidiral pbtaoBtn*7«IM BfttlBMt, U4 Ul« t l-

p b ituta* UMy o C « t t « i to ttinkiat ibo.1 ib.



$6,50, $7,50, $8,50, $9.50, $12-00.Y O U T H ' S S U i T S

$5.00, $6.oo, $7.op,, jR&e-Cr $3:83.

BfiV'S' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS,$2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5,50, $6.50, $7.50,





MORRISTOWU, N. J.October 115th 1879.

i'oi neat fitting,durable BOOTS andS H O E S for thecoining Winter goto Q-.W. DRAKE'SITnioE-Row, SouthSide of the Park,Morristcrwn* N. J.,•who combines largestock with small prices,and demonstratesto every customerthat money can besaved by buying ofhim, Headquartersfor fine goods, andgeneral agency forthose of BTJRT'SFAMOUS MAKE,the best in the mar-ket. When at thecounty seat make acall at DRAKE'Sand inspect his al-ways heavy stock.










Bone Dust, Guano, PoudMtte,


WOOD sawed i s stove lengths.


Ordnra mar tic nflilrejued ttirongh thoPoMintrrLock C o i 9 9 , or loft a t A.Betm«t' iofHceD DUckiTcll St., nctr S n i i o x , or at the jard .

BLACKHUITH'a COALoonKtRntljon hand.

II.FBICI a1 i ». num.

O; S. JENSEN.Oarpet Weaver


Oarpet Wearing, tn all widths, don» inlnMl tM atjla m* lowait nUa. Tba Wat

1 tf warp anJy «*«4. V«T carpoU oaI lor BaJa. Tka hijjbaat prfc* paid for

Fall FashionsMME. DCMOKEST'8



•W. S. BABBITT.CLaltloffMi Hr«* M appUatUu. iUit




Mr. MBUMI TIMWH. 1 gMftrtiM, W. T,a W tot * I N N VJ ftittti

\hif mtt VtrWtir* ml « •

Pf. Dirtd InM«r , *r RMd<Nil, K. I ,w o


SUSSEX St. CROCER,still nontlnuea to keep a full and frtwh quau-

titj of

Groceries and Provisions,


fonign and ilomaBtic, the bett grades ofCanned Qooda, and alt innpllM of tha1 iuiHihnM Iu hl< lin..

Cant will aJvaya ba tiiian ko tMova ((oodtof the baat quality Knd anual palna to aellthtm at tht motl raauonkbla tnnrgiuB COB-•latent with th* portrfcaaiu ptit*. Siuaaitotal, o u r tha efimav of Blftokvall, Hov<

Ootobct Iflh. l*r».


BERGEN St., Dover, N. j . ,b « beoi tipaatd b ; n«u. MfCrtrUa, and !•no* ntAj tut Vutlnvn. tiw-tlu* COAL««n koot*<l and KTt<>n*4 will •l*in>lM<kapi

Ida bast MMttanii lM a»d Wwwt .?/ . '» . u|«Tar and aullir. rtraWlaa*

Bituminous or Blacksmlt Coil(OMtwtl? on hud. Cual tJellnn-4 In t »tMt ol tht town or laiMdlsii 9MtUj.

Cord Wood, h p Wo»d andSawed Wood,




At a-.au A. M. Oawago l l p r t l l .(^»wiDSliuiii. Oaru aMished) ftora B«w Tofk via. PitTBirn and UtoDlua, t u n throuak toWaleilap, atroudaliur*. Soranlon. Or«ai Btmil,

oghiraton, Dale. Haraltion. CwrlltmlT, Sjr»ijuio cud O#»ego; coaneolisf Bt

•* ™ ' B. B.. al WiUfloo withDTtir, Nowtoa and all »••-*tth l l i i r t t — " - -


DOID SB',.iwm

a. B. for Flttatun, Wj-niuluj. KlDarn. P««eugun Ukl«« ItiliYrttk, Pa ten DII infl Uotmton can

&rt»») tiunuuctlug at Waterloo for And*•rirtim aud DraSobvllla, aod >l FbilllMliiliLoMuli Yatlej lUUroad and Lohtghu«nu«li«iiiia I . M.forBoHiloUotn.Alwnti.citlina ind Hsrrialjarg. AlBO with M .

S.JS«ine a t Milbnrn, SummitorriBtown and all l U t l o

pine aMorriBt

a t Milbnrn, Summit , Gbftthain. UIHIIBOH,Btown and all l U t l o n a treat to H»okeU«-

li t W t l o o with tralr "•town and all lUtlona treat to H»

t«wu, coDDecling at Waterloo with tral;Andover and Bctrton.miao P. M., Dotar E i j r o i

(BsrArd.rillo,Ba .kill grid BB taW d b l i n U

.. far Smnmitid all Miotao*1 ) ChatliBm,

,'BtarriBtowB,' Morrii TliinB, DcnvllAJ and Uovw. Oooneclfng at Danvl

will' trnio for Boonton, at Voter with ChesterRailroad for Clioekr and BaccaBnimkandalBu<ri t!i Bxproaa train for Waterloo. H»ck«ttatn»nWjnl.iiwion, Hanuika Chnnti. Water Qip,

uinlabnrg, BarantuD, Binshamton, Otlon,;hflcld HpriDDi, HjraoQaa and OiW«gO, witeptnjz i:sra ittaclied.

.it 0:00 P . M, Oiwogo Eiprei l from arViirk (BleepingoanattaoheU) Tla. Painmoii.lloonlon lliroucti to Water QtP, BlroudMUUi'jiHcrtuifoti, BingbamloiJ, Lfalo, Uarallion, Cort-anJ. Humor, Hyucnae and OBWCRO, onnutot.t Waterloo will. Hnsiei Itallroatl for Anuorer,n<l Nuwlnn ; UDeUwnrewltb Blftiralown By.At BiiiKlmnitoii with train for Oremo,OifoiU,

orwlJli.UticB, 4o . Tills tn inrui i i througb

' A t V i « P .V'pS l i l ip ibur i UpeeUI f«r Clut-hum, Moirintowo, Dover, Hackotl<lowa,Wsdh'IDKIUB, Baiton, Betblohsm. 11 lea town. Bead-ing n d n*rrinHnrg«wiibont okani*. .

Vat Bornnrdtrillt, B*»k!q«rlia«, L y n ">CilUnBlon.auri iB S l f f l11etba,^B t ^u c d | | l j.nd all ataitlant on }&&{• 'and D o l i V a n B .^.-t»;'SVYl™f1L*.'no Ballroitd) » : « A. BC. aa

' A. KBA80NER, BuperlntOD(3ent.

DOVER TIME TABLE.an arriv* and deput frC« thil t

i , x . WBITIOI

•burg 8puu. 4;38

Do»er Aceom.~aBton EiprosB 2.0Easton Eiprcee 0 3H'ktttalowD Dip. 0:2Dover E iprc i i T33O«ncct> Eip.* 7:8'

*Vift. I3oonton Branoli.


7,'wi' CtieatiG.62 HortoG.17 Ifoiiia


.17 0 I

.05 fi.3MeC»iiisvill(Port DramDoror

A.M. r.Me.oe a.u8.07 *.IIB.13 4.GDfl.17 4.*0S.20 [ 4.BB8.28 ' 5.10S.35 8.25

0EKTBAL E. B, 0l I i a i iOKIUGEl i lUNCH.


Htl.ldioViilloy,oormiD vino

Plnndcm,Itpnvil,Port Oram,

noww TBAIMBA. M. P. V.O.SI «.SS

l0.20' S.tll7.43 4.107.S7 4,117.1C 4.00




QUART, 100 or 1,000,Parties, Suppers and Festivals

imiBhed AS cheap as they can bo suppliedin the city.

ho finest restaurant and beet accommoda-tions for Hflrving oyuters in thin twctioD.OYHTEBBinBToryitylo, FHIED.HTEWED,

cr In any manner Qeiired,FINE BEGAB8 AKD CHOICE FRUITS.

Pearls Oytter Crock i w .


DOVER, N . J .

lio Teidm, » | 'tarloi'e Untel, In (tie CUy ofJertey Oltr* ia th* County of HmlBon, andState of How rtraej, an

UATOBOAT, tba 30tli toy of PEOKUBEB.18TB, at the hoor *t 9 o'clock In Ui* enomoon

r i i V r ^ A H the main lino of rail**? uf H«N i * Jwaor Wldlaad Btilwaj Ck»wpaDj, de-ftQdant axtapdiDB fruu ita conwitacomcnt aiW e a t l o d . i a tkotuuatj «F Haddon, at»tt of»*w J O I M J , al tb« poini of eoDn«Uon wilbtt.ureiiro.a *f | b * Ri.tr Jerauj Bailros<l EDil

ipurtatlaa Company, now Ie»u«3 to lha.__ j j lma la lUllroad (Jumpaur. and

t i toc* tbruush tba Count' of Hodatw**t*rlj. croRilnir (lie n i l n i f «f HnF.ric B»il»*f Gumpiuv. »»d now nfTori, Laka Xria *BI! WfBt»rn Bsiiray inj i b j meant of • Irnoins nnrtliwaitaiKTNew Pnrhi

r n o i tn nurlb-


traitarlj fc.f Hie WST of Tylir parkurban, into tfcr C-mntj itf Borgciit b j tlie traj or the town or Hack-- -1 H w P o m » ( c I n » r - - • " — • • " 'r at Dm

. j then puxiiiji thranp>li a f ir..._ J tha panntj (if Morris.and tlience bT tinim7 of Bliominxdalft mid Newfonndhnri \»U

d UsckortowD, and tboncolo tbebnia ilnotDo»l»le of He* Tori, nboni ont-hBlfof

rail* loulti iff tjnlnurilli'. lit-inti nrenljftinii!*»ttld»ii-tentb^ of a miluiu leiiglh, l*r«iutikli, howeTor, in lo tin ilnduotadubnut ouiU»lf ol a mile at or near Franklin, bt-lnc a pur.

n of tta nialu track irftlio Bumoi lltilrouilmpsny, m«d as rarl or tlia Now Jomej

...iltind fi».liT»j, uoclfrin nRroeniPiit bcannRdito His aath linj df Julr, WV1, togiitlnir wimtlifl rations STTltotiti RHUturnout9, Jc inlii amidepot gronndfl, nlnna IIIB H»1I! tniiiii lino, i»r 'alio togothor iritb ihe tr>rnifr*l yanln elttmtiop each rld» of Ike main track, bog Inning 1Weal Bnd afoninld and niniiiug thonco norltreaterly abont 3jM0 feel,

BEGOND-Alon«»-liold interest in the rs:way of tbe Middletown, Dniontilie mid Wa(<Qapltailrokd OompaoT, ninniiig from i luulion witb tbo aroresufd Now Jureoy M1<1IBLRailnaT, »Mbo Keif Tork^pintfl line, tliroufUnion ft Ho. In tbcCoASV-v^ OMIIRO, Sltlc 1New York, to HlddlotoWin Mid County &rHtiite, a dlBttnco of iboot fonrtoau milts, l<jrotber with all tlie emtchcB and turnoalU#potB and d*pot ground", opjJtrtdining lo ttin-ml railway Is tho State uf Sew York.

TniUD-Atl the tiiuijiiuo.ii. rollitig Mock,tSBOiiftur, bargdguand irwgkl CKI-HMIII It

-lotivoi borelororu and at Ilio pronent tiuiad In tba oporation of tha Raid railway, tiliting gcnemlij nl fourtoon locomotlTCB,

' i, combioed our* and baggage cin.ei ic-* ind tbirtj-one freight enra, ninotecu

llOTtlc.F O U i l T n - T h o machine ahopa _._

_tutfou with tho.xnl(trni l ir a 7 l t i tnatodalWur-totiGyko, llorgen County, KowJcrstv , t t Lwitl ial l tbotnacbiiiRrr, nmtcrinis and fliluii.I t r shout theinidBLops.nnduoamictt'd witli

i r tbo >aiu mad.t i t ll bl

tir shoutio oufratiFU'TFI—d tj

-CartBin agreement!, pirlly Torbsljnd partly vrltten, vitb llio PeiinsVlrillftllroad Company, and tbo New York & OB*Midland Jtailro*d Oompany, and tlio Re«ci-sf tho tatt named «tmpao?, it regard to Ur-rnlnil famlitlai at larsaj Oilj a idat Middle

SIXTH—Alao all othot property, ri*I, p«r-•nnal or nixed, of tlie Mid New Jo run}- Midl&ndBivilwav OumpBny.apiicrtilnltiff to or conned-ed with ftsr of (lie aforesaid railtrtj. wbichWBS pnsHiBCd br tlio Haul company on (IIQ lof August, 1870, or wnieli ft altorward»i BIlime acquired, nod wliloli ip neceBearTiumlrial or naofnl, tn onnm-ollou with tlio OITIX•hip, on* or oporation oftboafoaei ' "- - ' ' - ' - ' - - V e n p n


1, OKSoroporstL.. .._. ..'liieli baa ueeu pnroii .tbo ItocoitWs lioraWon appoinl

and fi subject to toe linn anol tha complainaDtt1

vbioli It io BBbjoct,) diircB, tenderi, oara. and

' n d nl ll

.11 'In 1

ily tbit

itock or


^nilo_•. (buti

pWall/situur», tiara, auu nmer rolling si

-_>(a( anil alt maoliiperj, touFa,laoJ, aud natcrlile for cou^tri

oporatlug, MpBlrinROT replacing tlio aftrailway, or »ny; ptlT*li«reor, or of soy ofleouJpniaiiti or appnrloiunccB of HID aforen.railway, or any port thereof, anil all matiliiDu,ol all kmdi, and all and singular tbe otberperaonal properly of auy nature, kind or <TBcription wbataoDver, beluaglitit: to tbu BU .defendant, the New Jenny WdUoa lUilwayCompany, wbereioiTer tlie same may bo mtu-nled, wbich ars an bice t to tha lien and opera-tion of the oompiaminti' mortgage, but oiiljatiohof thase•STPM! tbltica aa are en «ubjcct,and all tolls, JneonoL laiuca and profits to bob^d or deriTOtf'Crant tbo Buino, or any part orportion thereof, or frotn any part or portion of

nd term «r ttrme, or either Ilienmt, sad nilIcht lo receive aud rcco?L-r tlio nnmo. Amilio all fra&afcieea aunnenlcd with or relating1 tha iforeeaid nuJway.ortn Kin oonntrnylloii

Jiintenaiica or n*i)of tbo saine. Toscthcrwith 630 sLarei uf HID cuplln! utuck of thuHiddlelowo, UnfDnTllle ind Witor Gni, li.ul-

" Coraj»D>, parcliRBedand tt^qnircd by theurchRiedand ttiHdir the order

# ior tliia Conrt, ant ippcrOiniiic hi tlm n*iiltruat eitate, lietd by tlio ouuiiilniuiuiti) nudertbefr tnoi-lfiage. Togother will) nil >nd RIURO-arthu toiii'tueiits, Uiirfdllmurrtii and npjtiir-teiiflnccB to tlio (foreaaid railway. InndH RIIJiremiiici, or either tlnrenf, IjclnogiiiK or inuj wiio ippfcrtiiiiiinif, ami Ilia twor-mon orerentiuua, remainder or iDituiiHlurH, tolls,

liorcof. And aU^Jhjljl'" rtttnUt. riiilil, title.'naud vilmtmirii'et.^/ii.li m law aa In tntiiVy,it ttao laid deftUiltfit, tlu.Kuw Jnrripy MiiiliMu!liilwty Uompnny, nf, in end to iim Runic, and

Vow Jerc'cy Jli.lliiiia Itnilnny Tjiisir

Hll) ilroitcdOelnl;orlllh,1873.

yed nlonp ils nf<ir<>sfiid

OSOAIt KCKN,AIaHtt;riri (.'bancerY,oaJ BI., Nc«ari . Nl J.



unco of farnifr« ami (,-arITIIO li.ive heretofore bcoiIhclr plaster from n dietsfortho ncBBnn ol 1870 a m

•cetod \ NEW PLaway for tliuconv)cuo,fl nt lliii BCCI

nee. and willViriiipenor article o

GROUND PLASTER"""""""icftir

JibcrVlillBct ° ..itburn nrjorin* in larno nimntilii'H. The Uipb-otmiiTket price trill bo paid for

ca-a=>C>X3 I 3 O W B W ,

r fcrl'Uacr. A yrcvl Eitinf; in frt'igliti 1



. Proprlctoi

Freeman Wood, O 3 B 0 * 2 — .LAGER BEEK



iirlonltanl Iraplameati, Snd», 1 ertillwra,Ati, Paitti, Oili, OUrt. alt.

A, WOOD'S Celebrated


horrlstotra. I H O . 1 I K J . W I .

GEO. MANN'SNew Billiard Parlorand SALOON, Blaokwcll St., DOTCT, iaatfitted up with now and elegant appointment*,otlaru to tbe ploMura seukur l u o of tlis qtii-et«rt find most plenmnt plaoea of enjoymentia towu. THE BILLtAUI) PAl lLOlt caretatna two flna carom fciblon and In flttcd npwitu tvovy tiling ncMsenrj for tho on jnym*ntofthadftmo. HDPFEL'6 L i O E R , tbr 8n .est bafernga d n n l , nlwajt kept in franhpupplicn, nnd a full stock o f Gorman ohcesei,Mineml WSIOFB, Pine Applo Oidor, Vtdavit,Surdinee, «to. Geor^r will bo alwava onhand to plDoao hiu frionda, *nd will malt*

•j HxrtwgCT foel at t o m e . r>2-Sm




srnrrSussex St., 3d Door from Canal

Bridge, D0VEE, N, J.Thoparloru are tiinrunghlj eqnippod with

llircKorariBitli'BNi'ir T»1J1CI, *ln> HnBit intliiH Htctinn, anil f t r Y appniiitmont of Ilirliliuf IK of tlio hud order, Thr linr in mpplieilwith BUlotitlno * Co.'s JjBBcr, il»o linnl iniho w^rld, flue ilrv OlisinnnRBCs, foroigu-ttiSdomciitie LlniiorB and Wit.ci &1k^ ilia |>t itbrtDdiof Heart. _ - - " tg-iT




(amoiDtnOBUDI * M / l IT0R1.)

I*giHyanlhori iedaf«ntof the following flnt-

rlasi ooraiianiaf—tha bait ID ths world;

LONDON aud IilVEItrOOL and

GLOBE, Oaoltal $30,000,000,


Oapitctl 810,000,000.


Capita! ?10,000,1)00.


Oapilnl 65,000,000.

HUDSON COUNT?, Jorsoj City,

CftpiUl 8300,000.

l'EOPLfi'S, Newtrt. " 800,000.


ol Philadelphia, AMOU »«00,0nhe London Aisunnco Corporotioa of

Jjondoi , capital $r>,/ilJO,(K)O.Springfield I-'iro InNnmnoe Co , Mufl

Rettfi, capital *l,fl()O,((W>.Bt. NicholftR Fire inHumnoo O o m p

Now York, cnjiitnl f3lK),(HH).WeBlchentor Firo Insuranoo Coinpniiy of

N«w Tork, capital $rW>fMW

N c » York City riro Xnnnranae Companyof How Tork, cajiitnl |:!UU,1H){).

Fire Association of P liil'a.



Choice Lots in Dover,for . i la cbrap, &tul


Freeman Wood,J b i H . * nf tha Paana s a l P o l l s . U i latr

DOVER, NT. J.,where the beii inducement ATAoffered to buyorp in lo» flgiiroi forall thick uf inorchandiBO, for tk*reason that no extra margins arenecessary to bo made to cover baddebts. EvKiiYTnrNG EEIJABTJE.

Each department of the store isetoeled with the latoBt and beatgoods.

DRY GOODS.All new deai^us in ladius* fiibrics

are kept, and fl complete aseort-mont of Ooraote, GIOTOS, Hosiery,Ribbons, Buttons, Rucliiugs, Ties,ftiid all other articles for ntilityand fldornmont.

Groceries AVD

Provisions.All k-" iits of liousotoia supplies

of this character are kept, and HUBdepartment embraces everything intho lino for tho table—alwaysFRESH and CHEAP.

BOOTS and SHOES.Tlio lino irrbdes all grades of

goods, for light or henry wear, forall classes of people.

CROCKERY TABLEWAREAhirgoandgood Btock constantly

oil hand, and articles of nil kindsin the way of general merchandifco,too many for montion, all oarofullyselected, reliable and cheap.


ATTEST WARD bomW l» their proBI



| is a Standard Fumily Ik:tol tlio Liver,

. - I t is Purely,[Vegetable-— It ii(

OUR MOTTO: J-»lr de t l lnr ; yrt . , „ll fan i fk i - \ .* «• t b . InwtBV

h s c A. O(lanv nmJj t« rani i t i n e t i.#

c Mfr i i* . at k f3fM»tim«l sl » U r *ilk »Tify I t t i r p o r t r . i m e I* tbrn DM, H I hM* atfi i«tlT 11 k t M rvai


Nebraska ,Kansas, Colorado, Dakota,

(-AI.IJi)ItNU, T H A I , »iu1 til iKiii



MENDHAM, 33. J. i j rat; * M » aar «hBrf«i kal

Watches, Jewelry,THE IIOXBUKV TlOTEM


M fyrm.t, «Ii*r« I t »l J i w t l r j atuta ill Ilia • i t i . and vi tb i

jj ^k tf I l i a WATCH KBD J t W a L H I t i l l lie** • o t W

tilt tUO Jjo i l l , IB T i l t h it |Jrtd 111*)

i l .T .m'S HOTUL,)


. HAST, • - - Preprietor.

>«iTa lia.jM i , I<*a!a<! in n n . . r I } . .


*• kral t>ilr»«4 sf

t iioor to Hi< lp lKon . !tai His irablio ;iu«» UWilt U

Mrs. M. PARK,


fci «»l» th. LATBHT IMPROVEDBTOV1B »>r k.«tirg .ml rooliot,

nfJH««, ar.a o^n ihfm B! m gimd dig-

oa Morrieto

S u m Ii:«-,4 * • • > • ' 104 t*la*><U| Pit**-nkr . - t l , • m * - | r k . Ik* •• #t C(JIMl «t |H»l

McKinnon Bros.H. WHITE,

443 BROAD St., Axes and Edge Tools,ROOKAWAY. N. J.

CARPENTER and BUILDER,>ui-iwr i.i. «i, von*, i. *.

iI « D FOR Clk'ClU.*"

8. T,B,UMSttt, a . l . . « ." . . ' . T.VifOPPOSITE M. 4 K. DEPOT.

Slate Roofing Nollcs oJ Sel!l«meftl. OH 3O DAYS TRIAL





nut ta<MD«4T.








Insurance a Specialty.E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,


Insurance Agents,ooice, Old Iron Bank Building,

Morristown, M. J.Rcprescnti! tho fultoniDi; flret-elaBU cempati l .aliTUX KIHE INS. Co. o f Hartford Co


HAHTFOI1D 1KB. CO., •i fa ,ooo ,»nAME1UOAN MUTUAL INS. Co.. or Howwk

H.J. AaactH over U,4C0,00U.nZUEH'S HDTUAJI, INS. CO.. <.[ Howatl

"•'• O »l.oilS.r|il«ao™r»!,CM),Mo'MEIlCIIiliTS' KUTl'AI. IKS. C«. or N o a r tN. J. Capital tad fiarplua abonl 11,000 too

OEittUNlAHimJAlINS.Co. ofK.wark »J. Capital a«dHnrpla(oTerl200,w>fl.

MUHJAI, DENKFIT LIFE INS. Co. of Ke»-•tk .H.J . AiaoiioTorlM.WO.0011.

nptioTssumaee affooted ou all d pproperly in any aection of tbo BUte Bt utoy rate, u the riU will warrant. AllIowa PAID PItOMl"n,r, and-nieing in anttlemcnt.

Peraonn at a oi«t«nco era „ « „ ! . Da l j*nd rocoiro tho BMUO BtlcntiOQ «s II

Mo in pnnon.

A. JTIDSON COE,yor k»i Oolleotor, D'tTar, ¥ . J.


Wines and Liquors of all Kinds.



BILLIARL/ ROOMS.no v EH, rv. .F.

. MOU..10II

h»« a l ft lnr[{ii n ipen^a p r o e n n .1 rrn

OECHESTEIONliigsaltiim. It ifl tho oi-lrbrnii,] im

h i f d i tl


It is of great power sml In TOITIHIO of toutiml to ft HHAHM HAND OF fid J'lliCEHwill ho on inhibition nn nnd afU'i- llio 4tli

of JULY. All am inrilril to tllouil thiexhibition. Y o u n resi't-olfuliy,

i). MOLI.T:K.


Capital, - $100,000.i ikiTighoarefr imi ft A . M. t o l f . i f . I 'mtiticm jrifen to ili« PMTCIISBO en<! HSII^l i i n r l uthrr Hncuriliea; the coUmJI>iy n (udi i ' j in i iHc p«pur, d r t f t i , clici'kl,

HDDBON nO.\GLAND. I W l .QUO. niUHAllDS,' Vio« J'nsiJonl.

JAY (J. TllEAT, O»«ii<.r.


iluDBOFXIniOIjAWIl, J i B . W.BSOTIIIHTO*A c n a n r A. l l iucm, OoLCHnuu B I I I C H

to T7. HfURTun, I . A I O B . Jor.r.RTltiuiiAKD Gaol) ' ) ] . , J o a n W . J A O S S O KIip.NRiMol'ABii ir i , J c n u n MmtKSD,


Tlio Mlnflra' Savings Bank

or DOVKB, w. .1.*s ; imoi «r t i l S i n o s i L UXIOK Itin

Ifntcreijt ylll ha paid *B APDO.II. made on.

«*- Open dall? from t A'aldflk &. u. U


QEHItT H r f i a u * , Pre*.4ea(r


iDoTcr.Fob. 17.1B73.

who Lad Jnet puraLoBea » irtgrtt I did not BI

Thomas Hay Rakebefore pnreiiMing, M it is n batler j&ke a

«OBt« 1CM ah&n 1 pnioL"



OIL STOVESarc tho beat. We Till f irniah «il for thrSi

nt on honr te ran o&o.

Crxam Freezers,

Cherry Pitters,

Preserving Kettles,

R E F R I G E R A T O R S ,







OAEPETSSWe liara nnf!

NOTI5LJTERKOTEMTEH munlWolnr^l \n ,„ ,„ , , , , 'PIirdHLV PMl ODH IIET.1IL TilAlir"


TLrs INOIlAI ' "

llnj; ;tlTO



W.i nl-it ofT&r (v Inrno Ft.Wli,,ti o r

Turkish, Symrna, and EastIndia EugB ar.a Mats,

Oil-Cloibs, Linoleum, Lignum,


n Van Gaasbeek, Manage

The New Empireilot-Air, (3us k liasr-linn

ing Cooking Slovo.

of C kl i b l k 1HI c Vr

FOR SUMMER A WINTER USE.Alho, R clioico slack ef

Hardware, Cutlery,

Ola i s , W( , Copper. NftluTIN WAKE.

Oil CIoHu. CarpMl, LnmppTdCAKen, FtftUiorit, Prntl'

l D i ) Al


Uooilng, Plumbing ami Joi]WorkpromptWit t tndrd tn.


»-airT»ank> htn'vh at Mnunrnrturer'H pricen;

Old Iron, Coppfir, l)ra«B, Lcul, lUtrt> t,:AQreenbschn t A c n in cxclimiifr !<>.- f;r,(llii.

BltUEN ft l.OSKEt.I...rr.ru of HDNNErj,'S SMF.WIRE BPEING 11KD I

TOM.h i . 1878.


Oknfitf, Otldt, Inflctnis, UoiiaBDose, Cifcl(i»»lilngp and all AffooUonB of the ThTai\,

BranoUkl Tabei, and lungs, leadbgto OonnnpUoii.

TMi hRtHihle remedy is composed nf i!;UcHiV of the plant Ilordiound, in dinn."Minn wit* TAR-BALM, extraticd ficm i..U n PlIKCTTI-K or the forest Irof Aii.BiLSAHFA, or Balm of Gilcnd.

Th« Honey of Horehnund snoring *"MA1T1U »T1 irritattom anil ii,naniiiiatiiiiis,ir-fbflTar-balm a^ANSES AND HF.AU1> HILMIIH.>B< «ir passnges leading lo the lung1;. 1 '•'additional ingredients kerp llic MR:<.^ ^ >ia « s t , tnd tn healthful action. l.u no yu-Jodlte Veep yon from tryinfj this threat n.; >emc of R fatnoan doctor wlio liiis tavt Iltl -s u d s of Kves Iw it in his large private ]«->^-c-

W.B.—Th« Taj-Ealm has no H,UJ i^i'-"MIL


mPtkt1B TootJincho Drops" tiiroIn 1 Minute

Sold by r.!l DrugcM"-

0. N. OIUTTENTOH, Prop., K.T.