AMERICAN 50¢ City's Efforts Fall Short For Water Improvement Grant Despite a plea by..the City Council to the South Plains Association of Govttnr'nent (SPAG) for a grant to tmproveh city water system, Center was way down the list tO,r a· grant. The City Council among the 36 area towns asking for a grant. City fathers were asking for a grant in the amount of $250,000 for a new well and stand pipe storage facplly. Of the ae Clt{es applying, Hale Centenanlutd 27, well out of the race f6r a grant. All the cities applylngtoSP.AG for a'Qrantwere asklf\9fqr Unpmvernents1orwater and sewer improvements. Coming out on top were the cities of New Deal, Hockley County, Slaton, Spur and Anton. New Deal posted a score of 331.714 compared to Hale Centefstotalof287.571. As many as 15 cities could receive help in the way · of grants for improvements. City fathers made a sound presentation to the SPAG board, stating that well production was do.wnandthatthedowntownwater tower needed to be replaced. The dQ.wntown abQve ground tower was built fn · 1927. Falling on deaf ears ofthe SPAG board, a question that appeared to be a determining factor in grading was the low water/sewer rates compared to other cities. Locally rates, $14 for residential minimums, are among the lowest if not the lowest of the area towns applying for the grants. In reply to the question, Mayor Russell commented that 68 percent of the city pc)pulation was on fixed or low Income, and that the low rates were made avaiidbltt to keep the · water and sewer charges from being a burden on continued to page 2 W ins · State ward For Efforts f - _, . ... ,... ' '

City's Efforts Fall Short For Water Improvement Grantunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1999/1999-07-09.pdf · City's Efforts Fall Short For Water Improvement Grant ... !.teps f()

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    City's Efforts Fall Short For Water Improvement Grant

    Despite a plea by..the City Council to the South Plains Association of Govttnr'nent (SPAG) for a grant to tmproveh city water system, H~ Center was way down the list tO,r agrant.

    The City Council ~6 among the 36 area towns asking for a grant. City fathers were asking for a grant in the amount of $250,000 for a new well and stand pipe storage facplly.

    Of the ae Clt{es applying, Hale Centenanlutd 27, well out of the race f6r a grant. All the cities applylngtoSP.AG for a'Qrantwere asklf\9fqrUnpmvernents1orwater

    and sewer improvements. Coming out on top were the

    cities of New Deal, Hockley County, Slaton, Spur and Anton. New Deal posted a score of 331.714 compared to Hale Centefstotalof287.571. As many as 15 cities could receive help in the way of grants for improvements.

    City fathers made a sound presentation to the SPAG board, stating that well production was do.wnandthatthedowntownwater tower needed to be replaced. The dQ.wntown abQve ground tower was built fn 1927.

    Falling on deaf ears ofthe SPAG board, a question that appeared to be a determining factor in grading was the low water/sewer rates compared to other cities. Locally rates, $14 for residential minimums, are among the lowest if not the lowest of the area towns applying for the grants.

    In reply to the question, Mayor Russell commented that 68 percent of the city pc)pulation was on fixed or low Income, and that the low rates were made avaiidbltt to keep the water and sewer charges from being a burden on

    continued to page 2

    Wins State Award For Efforts f - _, . ... ,... ' '

  • f

    f j.


    GRANT reeldents.

    City 1 NewOeat 2 Hoc:JdeY Cty 3 Staton u;IJ'jr s Allton

    . o J.:qflnao _:( Alnh.,st a Smyer . 9.DicPn5.

    10 oeover City 11 Tahoka 12 MuleSh'Oe 13 O'OoMell 14- Abenlat.hy 15 Sudan

    .. 18 Ralls 17 LeveUand 18 UUtefield 19 Idalou 20 Petersburg

    . 21 CrosbYton ~t~ey 2B Wilson 24 Ropesville 25 Spdnglake 26 Wellman 27 Hale Center 28 Morton 29 Olton 30 Whiteface 31 Brownfillld 32 Post 33 Plains . 34 Floydada 35. Mea~ow

    . 36 Sundown ..

    111e fOllowing chart shows c11e1 applying tor the grant and their rnlng.

    Activity RRCScore state MaiCIJ Water main/Slaton 331.71. $25~ 100.00. . $387,77$.00 wetUstorage lank 327.714 $250,000.00 $15,250.00 lift statloniStJWer line 32-4.167 $250,000.00 $71,780.00 water.ttne 323.429 $174,850.00 $17,500.00 .

    .water lines 315.~ $232,51)0.00 $23,250.00. lift siatlonlwaSer line 313J87 ~ '$2so.oao.oo $37,274.20

    ' wells/ water tines 31it.4lt . S2o~.i)Qo.Qo $10~100.0o weuntnes ' 31lot57 '$2.50;000.00 $;12,5oo:QO 0 .

    sewer ltnestvaiVes. 31J~t43 $2$0,000.00 $12,5'40.00 waterline 3t0.429 $2$0,000.00 sso~.oo watMJine 3tO.QQo $241,800.00 S38l$s.oo waterHnes 3o&:t43 $246,935.00' $37,041,00 sewer lines/manholes 307.429 $250,000.00 125.000,00 SlO ... tank 298.288 $250.000.00 149,8$0.00 wcttJsl.water lines 298.1-43 5249,600.90 52s.cqo.o~ sewer linelreconnects 29'h57 $225.000.()0 $33,7$.00 water liries 291.167 $250,000.00 $50,000.00 water-tin 296.167 5250.000.00 $56,800.00 'fkSJ time Sewer 29&.143 $201,500.00 530.225.90 well 291.;'1-t USO,OOQ.OO $25,COQ.OO. -waterline$ 291.511 $238,065.00 . $35.415.00 water 1in81Aiken 290.857' 5250,000.00 $48,750.00 water llnelilorage tank 289.143 $250,000~(10 $12,500.00 water tower 288.429 5250,000.00 $12,600.00 ground storagltllines 288.286 $249;200.00 $12,460.00 storage t;nkllil;les 281.857 $250,000.()0 $3!,350.00 Wellfground storage 287.571 $250,000.00 $95,750.00 weii/Unes 284.286 $250,000.00 $41,-800.00 welisl water lines 282;857 $243;460.00 S38.~0:oo .sewer systern 282.571 $190,000.00. S9.500;0Q. lift station/sewer line 278.333 $1SO,Oo0.00 $31,025.00 sewtrllne 277.286 $132,065.00 $19,81.0.00 waterline iT$.500 $194,850.(10 $21),000.00 lilt slatlonlsewer line 274.1)00 $236,065.00 $35,415.00 wefl/lln~ ... , .. 213.8$7 $2~0,000.~0 $t9,580.QO

    . ~ witer Jfrie ,~. ' .

    273:o00 $222,200.00 $33.5%Q.~ . ~ ..

    .. . . I '

    LGcalltorts Etect'Offioerg . . . . ' . _- ~ . . . . - . . . . . . - ~. .

    School Board Meets ' ' ~~: PRICES EFFECTIVE


    111'11111 moeN, 110111 010111, Cllf;l CAIIIING, Dr!IIW IIDII;O, WIC AD IAIIU R'U CUDII

    .. il ACCIPI'ID "unrn



    Rum.- Roast

    99' . . . 1:.8.

    Senior Citizens "In The Limeligh~"

    416 W. 2nd839-2428 r.By 9{pveffa Sneeti

    Monday, July 12 Brisket, Scalloped Potatoes, Fried Okra, Pickles, Apricot Cobbler,

    Wheat Roll Tuesday, July 13

    Fish, Lima Beane. Carrots, Coleslaw, Oranges & Bananas, Corn Bread

    Weclnelday, July 14 Baked Chicken w/Mushroom Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, 13roccoll,

    Lemon Cake, Wheat Roll Thurlday, July 15

    Lasagna, Italian Vegetables. Tossed Salad, Banana Pudding, Garlic Bread

    Friday, July 16 Fried Chicken, Com, Spinach, Tossed Salad, Frosted Cake, Hot Roll

    The Hale Center Senior Citizens are still enjoying delicious meals and good visiting at noon each day. We also had a real nice 4th of July weekend. Old you enjoy the parade? It was real nice from Golden Oldies (Class of '36) to lovely restored "'ld" cars, to twirlers and Miss Hale Center. Also tractors and motorcycles and fire trucks and police cars and even the little kids on bicycles. There was a.good crowd at the paif( too. I saw several "old timers" back here visiting.

    The Senior Cltiien booth did real . good. We appreciate everybC)cJy,the ones that brought

    for Burgess Oil for 18 years; for the City yyears and the County 18 years.

    Margaret was born,in Hubbard City, Texas and graduated from CoHon Center. After they moved to hale Center she worked lor Burgess Oil Company for 22 years and was Hale Center city Secr9tary for 18 years. Both of them are charter members of the Senior Citizen Organization. We enjoy them when they can come.

    Monday noon Is our business meeting. Monday night Is Pot Luck for July birthdays and anniversaries.

    The . following memo_rials have been given ~o the Cel'lt.er:

    In me-mory . of .Velm~ D()rman . . . tr6,1Jl Notma Pi~ree. . . . _ . . !ri f!1emary of Carolyn Rogers

    . trailer' and from Marie :Lewis. .. . . shad&. and the . salesmen who worked during the 'day.

    Robert Rawls from Lubbock_ called the other day and said he enjoyiKI the report In the paper every week, . We're glad.

    Bernice Dutton, now from lubboCk, .ls In the hospital there. Our t>est Wishes to her. l.JJdY OWensl$1ntfle'hospitalhere. Our best wishes to her. too.



  • 4

    Owl-s Are Tabbed To Make Playoffs

    Hale CemerOwls are tabbed to make it back lmo the playoff picture again next season, according to the Texas high school football authorhy, Dave Campbell's Texas FootbaH. The publication has the OwlS pegged at the number three hole In District 4-AA.

    Last year's publtcatlonwas rtQht on target In the forecast for the 4 AAdlstrlctas ltpnKictedSundown, Farwell. and Hale Cer~ter all to

    Protect Peanuts from Leafspot Problems

    Excessive rain&ll can lligger fimg;d diseases like leafspor, which can

    . seriously damage the yield porenlial of the peanut crop. Univenity studies show that alempor epidemic before harvesling can reduce pod yidds by 500 pounds or more per acre.

    Symptoms of eary and late JeaSpor appear on !he leaf surface as

    small yeUow t1> broWn circular spots. Severe leafspol can cause peanut defoliation weD before harvesc, which

  • . Mondayivenlngwehadflv8teamaouttoplayll'ltheScramble. After ptaytng nine we hacUhree tean'l& tied for fltst place . . The teams were: Don Barrlok, Troy.-hni.On -~-nda Borchardt~. Dennis Mooney, ROy Stone and Zane EUis: and Tommie Rogers and Bill Kirby.

    TaklngoneholelnaptayofftodeCfdeflrstplace,theteamofMooney, Stone and Ellis won the prize. The other teams played one more hole to determine second place. The second place winner was Barrick, Johnson and Borchardt. . Be aute to m&ke ~n8 ne_xt week to play tn the Monday SctBmble. Betty Black

    Local Boys Selected To All Star Team

    Bryant hOldS tb.elley to -ilh-r

    The Owls Cafe Now Open Tuesday and

    Thursday Evenings untn 9:00 p.m .

    Monday_ Saturday 6:30 a.m. -.2:00 p.m.

    eos Main The Owls. {(aft 839-1016

    ea4-c.,tl'~ ............ CiaWda a.clYLIPd.fiiiiOr 819-2301 ~ ' . Sllllday Scbaol9:5 a.m. MorniQjW . l&.5h.m. B..,.'W'-~:OOpJiL W~y~l:30p.m.

    Hale Center Cfturcbes Fint .... Cii ... ~~.PIIb)r 305 W, 6.dl ~:z.10S Sy~9:~a.m. ~fl~)IO:SS e.fn .J!owtltiio .\VF"-i'i;;; 7"" . wMf~"T:O~ . .n. ;

    ' '. ~-{\~' ' .

    Cleveland Street SelfStoraare

    Monthly a annual rates Smalll:lArae prage liH Contact Riot Blac;k

    889-lost ' 80817'14'1985

    . S&EDS FROM THE.SOWER Miehael A. Guido

    Navy scientists are working . on ways of changing the direction of storms to send them to the enfiJIY. .

    But God has been using storms since the beginning. . One day. He said to Jonah. "Go to Nineveh.

    "No, he answered,"l'm going to Tarshlst:~: Did he get there? No. No one can run away from God. .

    Goc;isant a storm to stop him and a fish to swallow t:trrn . Than he went to Nineveh.

    No (?il-lS Safe in his sinning. God's arsenal of wind and weather will be used to deal with the disobedl.ent..

    When the Lqrd calls you, ob$y Him. It's dangerous to be .disobedient.

    lfOl'IC:. TO ALL PIUONi lllon.J .ci.ulls AOADIS'l' \'liS UTA'h or JAIIU UDIUOif

    lf0t1ee 1a hereby given that origina~ Lettere Teatalllentary for

    the Batat of JAM8S ANDBitSON, Deeeae~, re iesued on the ~llJL day o~ ,,;. lt!i,, in cause No. (acct. pending in the County Cou~ of H.ale County, Texas, to:

    All pe%'!101111 . !lav-ing elatu agai~t this hta.t whteh ia

    c:uri:ently beta9 adlliniatend are requinll to pnnni them within ;

    tl!it ti ad _in the ~r prescribed' -~. law to aud! Independent

    beelltrix in eare of the attorney or aa~d trictependent sxeeutrix:

    H. M . t.aPtmt . t.aFONT, TUIIIIBLL, POIIMBY, i.al'CliiT c. IWCil.TON, l.. L. P. P. 0. Box 1510 Plainview, TelUis 7'07:!11510

    Equal BouiDI OPPOBTUNI'l't The Housing Authority of Bale Center, also

    operating VilJaaeApartments, receives applications for housing during working hoursMonday- Friday at 702 Main St. All qualifications must be met including size of family, total family income, and other circumetanee-.. QIIIJ38o.2281 Rick...._, Executive Director

    ad;obQumv Fancher Archer Ktlth Beilden DannyB~aln Jo.iene B-dsoe Sky8lzZe11 . Sennte oowntna

    ' I~ t=t{Qili,On . H-- , hds

  • DON'T WAIT TILL YOU Friends Convenience . Store Is . NEED THEM 'looking for full-time associates.

    SmaH engines, t~ned up or Shlfts~V~a~~o. 1o-a. Applywlthllt I NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX HELP WANTED

    repaired, such as lawnm0wers Weifall1 for5days, no experelnce ==~~;;;;~;;===--===:=.:;,;:::::;;::::=;:==::=::=z=:=:=:=:t~~~ weted-.aters, tranifer . pum~ necessary. enDf'- ~ Call8392002 w ---~.,..._ __ _

    HELP WANTED . FOR SALE no answer 1iave '"-~; 'in .. HEL.P WANTED Resumes are now being Countryhornelessthanayears retum . Y~,ur call. Plt:lq..p .and 'PI'IMMACYTE~NICIAN

    accepted tor the position of Part old on pavement: 322 briCk, delivery avlllable or lfave Items . Challenging. job, wlthchance to Time Director and Part Time tlreplaqf, ~erofnt, 'ftncti:IY.ard. at Waller's ~~ge. Leave name. leam a marketable skill. Must Assistant Director. Experience In Call for a Cloflll' look. pJ:Ione numf)fr and nature of haVe CGqiJUter skills, telephone yoUt~ rnlnlsJry pntfet'red. Mall to 83$-28 probtem. . :skills, ability to work with public, Power House, c/o David , \ i . ~. basic math Skills. ~=z,Box581,HaleCenter, WhiteSp_ac:e Does ~ncrease HOPhGnaC8111,P

    . . B.eaders~iJJ Of Ads .. SU:.: =.,:,:::acyto Border CoUJe Pups for sale HALE CENTER ISO ls.currently

    6 wks old taking applications for the 1999 525 W. CleYeland 2000.sch0ol year for teacher aide

    839-2814 position. Experlencelntechnology applk:atlon and bilingual preferred.

    .JUSTM A~s,. may be faxed, to~ Painting & wallcovertngs. 8392195. Applications available FREE Estimates. Sti'llbr II . 103 W. Cleveland: FO; Discounts. QuQJnyWork. lnfOtl'h!ltlon call 808/8392451.

    Reasonable Pdees. :,.fi&lf.'i,Center ISD-World Claas 839-2945 or 83tf2780 ... . Schb012002. MaryHenc:tersont!Stack -~-------

    Over 35.~8~ expelflnce GARAGE SALE . 319 w. Stevenson

    HOUSE FOR SALE Friday 8 8 . 3 Bftdl09m, 2 Bath.. N.-wly Leatherrec,ner,oakofflcech*. rernodeled~n. OJ~Nitlocatfon. ~ ciOihei, tub, monitor; toys,

    202 SUnsat tn HO boGies. & ~more\ Ladles clothing ,J 8394122 shoes. Nice rnen'ssults (slz38>

    A~11s. Q,ecoratlveltems . . Mucf\, 719pd

    .CAAPC)fiT-E ' 4Qa.W.11th

    . (In the back) . . Frtday the 9th & $at the 1oth

    nid1 "~" '

    II:\\.., '-I \II \\11>1 (I \'-'-llll ll \D\ 1 IUhl'\;(. '\ I i\\