As the world is constantly and rapidly changing, educa- tion is becoming a problem in different countries. As a result, the teaching process needs to be re-adjusted by investing the students with expertise which can help them adapt fast to changes and integrate the society. Independent thinking, va- lues, team work and social awareness should be taught to students nowadays. Social inclusion was identified by the project coordinator as the initial point in develo- ping these delicate and flexi- ble skills. The EU approach has focu- sed their interest to decrease social exclusion by building a more inclusive society. The Eurostat statistics concerning early drop outs in education and training reveal that in 2016 the per- centage in Greece was 6.2%, in Italy , in Turkey 34.3% Turkey and in Romania 2.8%. The present project brings together 4 schools from Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Romania. The cooperation between us started with the analysis and comparison of the data from the SWOT and PEST analyses of our own institutions. Almost every year our schools con- front with recent policies and innovations within their educational systems at the same time with the pheno- menon of decreasing demo- graphic rates of all the invol- ved communities, the paren- tal background which negati- vely influences childrens behaviour and perspective towards learning. With these facts in the back- ground, each school deve- lops recreational areas for their students. In ac- cordance with each institution development plan, each partner school has their priorities in developing programmes which emphasize the studen- tspotential creativity, their skills to foster diversi- ty, integration and social acceptance. Another common issue is the fact all partners work with special needs students which face less opportuni- ties, refugees and immigrants. Some of the partners, namely Greece and Italy have noted that within internatio- nal school projects students have in- creased their learning moti- vation and they are willing to be involved in coopera- tion with other nations. Some partners do not have experience with international projects as it is the case Tur- key and Romania, but in spite of this, they have become aware of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + community programme. The present project supports the values of the EU as they are mentioned in Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union at an international level and the ET 2020 objectives by pro- moting equity, active citi- zenship, social cohesion and enhancing creativity and innovation. About the project 2020 © Dynamic citizens of Europe ID: 2018-1 -EL01 -KA229- 047870 2018-2021 Meengs: 1st project meeting Gymnasio – L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th 2nd project meeting Istituto Comprensivo PaolucciSpataroVasto 1, Vasto (IT), from March 11 th to March 15th 3rd project meeting Scoala Gimnaziala Rachita, Dumbrava commune, from November 4th to November 8th 2019 4th project virtual meeting Ozel Oguzhan Ortaokulu, Izmir (TR), from March 15th to March 19 2021 2020 © Dynamic citizens of Europe About the project Objectives Planned activities First Project Mee- ting — Greece Second Project Meeting — Italy Third Project Mee- ting — Romania Fourth Project Meeting—Turkey Lesson Plan Outputs SUMMARY: 1 2 2 3 5 8 12 17 17 "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors,and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

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Page 1: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

As the world is constantly

and rapidly changing, educa-

tion is becoming a problem

in different countries. As a

result, the teaching process

needs to be re-adjusted by

investing the students with

expertise which can help

them adapt fast to changes

and integrate the society.

Independent thinking, va-


team work and social

awareness should be taught

to students nowadays. Social

inclusion was identified by

the project coordinator as

the initial point in develo-

ping these delicate and flexi-

ble skills.

The EU approach has focu-

sed their interest to decrease

social exclusion by building

a more inclusive society.

The Eurostat statistics

concerning early drop outs

in education and training

reveal that in 2016 the per-

centage in Greece was 6.2%,

in Italy , in Turkey 34.3%

Turkey and in Romania


The present project brings

together 4 schools from

Greece, Italy, Turkey, and

Romania. The cooperation

between us started with the

analysis and comparison of

the data from the SWOT

and PEST analyses of our

own institutions. Almost

every year our schools con-

front with recent policies

and innovations within their

educational systems at the

same time with the pheno-

menon of decreasing demo-

graphic rates of all the invol-

ved communities, the paren-

tal background which negati-

vely influences children’s

behaviour and perspective

towards learning.

With these facts

in the back-


each school deve-

lops recreational

areas for their

students. In ac-

cordance with

each institution


plan, each partner

school has their

priorities in

developing programmes

which emphasize the studen-

ts’ potential creativity,

their skills to foster diversi-

ty, integration and

social acceptance.

Another common

issue is the fact all

partners work with

special needs students

which face less opportuni-

ties, refugees and

immigrants. Some of

the partners, namely

Greece and Italy have

noted that within internatio-

nal school

projects students have in-

creased their learning moti-

vation and they are willing

to be involved in coopera-

tion with other nations.

Some partners do not have

experience with international

projects as it is the case Tur-

key and Romania, but in

spite of this,

they have become aware of

the opportunities offered by

the Erasmus + community


The present project supports

the values of the EU

as they are mentioned in

Article 2 of the Treaty on

the European Union at an

international level and the

ET 2020 objectives by pro-

moting equity, active citi-

zenship, social cohesion and

enhancing creativity and


About the project

2020 © Dynamic

citizens of Europe ID: 2018-1 -EL01 -KA229-




• 1st project meeting

Gymnasio – L.T Magoulas in

Karditsa (GR), from November

26th to November 30th

• 2nd project meeting

Istituto Comprensivo

“PaolucciSpataro” Vasto 1,

Vasto (IT),

from March 11 th to March 15th

• 3rd project meeting

Scoala Gimnaziala Rachita,

Dumbrava commune, from

November 4th to November 8th


• 4th project virtual meeting

Ozel Oguzhan Ortaokulu, Izmir

(TR), from March 15th to

March 19 2021

2020 ©


cit izens of


About the project


Planned activities

First Project Mee-

ting — Greece

Second Project

Meeting — Italy

Third Project Mee-

ting — Romania

Fourth Project


Lesson Plan












"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an

endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors,and the Commission cannot

be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Page 2: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

citizenship. These activities will

result in 4 different multimedia

presentations on the topic “What is

active citizenship?”, 4 videos:

“Cultural values in my country”, 4

seminars held by an invited special


By the development of activities

which use SEL (Social and Emo-

tional Learning), namely group

activities, comics, team building

There have been planned a set of

activities by which the project ob-

jectives will be achieved using a

strategy of social and emotional

learning to help students involve in

the development of the project.

Different strategies such as role

play, group discussion, debates,

simulations, multimedia presenta-

tions, invited speakers will be ap-

plied to boost perception of active

games and stories, our intention is

to foster the students’ abilities,

approach and insight into the acti-

ve citizenship matter of their com-


The following concrete products

will be created within the project

with the aim of enhancing the so-

cial awareness, self-consciousness,

self-management and decision

making of the students: 5 multime-

Planned activities

2020 © Dynamic c i t izens of Europe


The project was designed using a

cross-curricular approach so as the

students should be able to discover

on their own that by being active

citizens makes them be architects of

a better community

for them to live in.

The interaction with

various cultures will

help the participants

in extending their

social networks, ac-

quire new expertise

and appreciate their

talents. The needs

schools have incom-

mon as they were identified are as


-low interest in students to get invol-

ved in community life

-students’ demotivation to learn and

their tendency to give up school

-students’ bias to believe they have

no responsibilities but only rights

-schools’ necessity to establish

stronger and meaningful links with

families and the educational back-

ground of the area.

By means of this project we intend

to make students grasp the idea that

active citizenship represents the ce-

ment of the society which keeps it


The objectives of the present project

are as follows:

-raising awareness about active citi-

zenship for 200 students in 4 Euro-

pean schools during a two-year pro-


-developing 200 students’ insight,

perspective and

abilities needed

to serve as active

citizens within

local community


the concept of

lifestyle active

citizenship within

the students from

4 European

schools from 4 European countries

-creating an e-toolkit for schools

with examples of good practices to

promote active citizenship.

The expected concrete results from

our cooperation are:

-Erasmus+ panels


-project logo

-4 presentations “My school, city,


– garden Erasmus+

-4 videos: “Cultural values in my


-souvenirs and handicrafts

-1 e-magazine

-comics exhibition

-4 seminars (having a special guest

to talk about civic sense and promote

volunteering importance)

-4 multimedia presentations “What

is active citizenship?”

-4 multimedia presentations “Active

citizens and environment”

-project T-shirts

– e-toolkit “Active Citizenship” with

examples of good practices (20 les-

son plans)

-photo album

-common site of the project

-promotional materials: brochures,

notebooks, flyers,

-DVD of the project

For the project success to be assured,

Social and Emotional Learning will

be used, which will foster emotional

intelligence and development of

character. The entire project supports

the concept of social inclusion and

the European cultural heritage hel-

ping students become informed of

their ancestry and understand the

necessity to behave like active citi-



“By means of this project

we intend to make

students grasp the idea

that active citizenship

represents the cement of

the society which keeps it


Page 3: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto


included a visit to the “Mihrab”, in

the Osman Sah

Mosque, an orthodox Church

Saint Kostantinos and the Turkish

Bath which

was formerly a


The day ended

with a walk

around Trikala’s

downtown area

which was followed

by a late lunch

offered by the coor-

dinating partner.

On the second day of

the meeting

(Nov 27th) the dele-

gations met

again at Gymnasio – L.T Magoulas

in Karditsa to describe the guest

partners’ educational systems and

to discuss several topics/issues

pertaining the project implementa-


As regards the first issue

(Educational Systems) the analysis

of the various presentations

showed the differences among the

partners’ systems are more nume-

rous than the analogies: for example

The first transnational meeting of

the Erasmus+ Project “Dynamic

Citizens of Europe” (ID: 2018-1 -

EL01 -KA229-047870) was held at

the Gymnasio – L.T Magoulas in

Karditsa (GR), from November

26th to November 30th.

The meeting unfolded according to

the agenda which the coordinating

partner supplied to the other part-

ners. On Monday 26th all the part-

ners gathered at the abovementioned

school and introduced

themselves by means of Powerpoint

presentations which included

such topics as “My School, my

Town, my Country” as well as

Greece’s educational system presen-

ted by Mrs Efthalia Batavani.

Then a welcoming concert was

held by the local choir conducted

by one of the School teachers, Mrs

Oikonomou Andromachi.

Afterwards, all the partners were

taken to Mouzaki Town Hall where

they met the Mayor and exchanged

some views as regards the meaning

of “active citizenship” and how

to accomplish it.

The meeting’s work were completed

by a sightseeing tour which

not all systems foresee exams

at the end of each stage.

In general

the only common feature is the

curriculum breakdown consisting of

3-stage schooling system (Nursery,

Primary and Secondary Education).

After that the delegations had

a conversation about the exam

systems comparing them.

The next point in the agenda for

27th November was the choice of

the project’s logo. To this purpose,

each delegation showed their own

prototype (either tangible or in pdf

format) and then the coordinator

handed in the material to vote by

First project meeting - Greece

dia presentations on the topic

“Active citizens and envi-

ronment”, comics’ exhibi-

tion, magazine with stu-

dents’ stories, 5 presenta-

tions “My school, city,

country” and a common

garden named Erasmus+.

There will be created 4

Active Citizens Clubs for

the students, in each of the

4 partner schools. These

clubs intend to increase

motivation and involve-

ment of the students in

what regards civic respon-

sibilities for a long time

period. The student mem-

bers of the club will have

a common T-shirt designed. One

type of the club activity will be


the handicraft of souvenirs for

their project partners.

Teachers’ work will also include

the devising of 20 lesson projects

with the help of an

interdisciplinary ap-

proach afterwards

integrated in the e-

toolkit for Active

Citizenship which

promotes active citi-

zenship. Social and

Emotional Learning

will be used for the

participants to achie-

ve skills, attitude and

knowledge to inter-

pret and master their

emotions and fee-

lings, establish per-

sonal objectives,

build positive rela-

tions and increase their empathy


Page 4: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

2020 © Dynamic c i t izens of Europe


ballot. After the voting Mr Chali-

mourdas along with partners trans-

lators Mrs Cristina

Lazarescu, Mrs

Nilay Çırçır and Mr

Di Cintio, procedeeed to counting

the votes which

resulted in the

Greek logo being

the winning one so

all the partners are

going to use it for

each and every


document they

are to produce

during the Pro-

ject’s lifespan.

The next point in

the agenda

was the discus-

sion of the expec-

ted products du-

ring the

project lifespan: this was made

by means of a ppt presentation

by Mrs Maria Tasika. Apart

from the logo (see above), the

partners agreed to produce a

T-shirt for the Active citizens

club members to wear, souvenir

and handicrafts, presentations

(included but not limited

to “Active Citizenship”,

“Environmental Issues”,

“Partners’ Countries cultural

values”) and the organization of

seminars on the theme “The


of Volunteering and Social

Awareness” which local stake-


should also be invited to. Other

products include posters, website,

questionnaires, Erasmus+ Garden,



A comics


and a DVD

will also be


The partners also

agreed on

writing contributions for

the “e-magazine” and a series of 5

lesson plans to be included in the

“Dynamic Citizens e-toolkit” which

as was clarified, will consist of a

collection of best practices, lesson

plan samples and strategies for

teachers to implement the project’s


The activities to be realized by the

Active Citizens’ Clubs were also

duly pinpointed, resulting in the

following threads: increase of social

awareness, self-awareness,self

management, decision-making


During this stage of the day the

partners also addres-

sed the problem of

how to breakdown

the tasks originally

to be undertaken by

the Spanish partner

which withdrew a

few weeks ago.

Partners agreed to

divide such tasks


the remaining partners on the consi-

sting of the Monasteries.

1 The presentation “Active Citizen-

ship and the Environment” is trans-

ferred to the Italian meeting in

March 2019

2 The creation of the magazine is

transferred to the

Romanian meeting

along with the orga-

nization of

the activities which

support the

national cultural

heritage and EU

values and one mo-

re lesson plan

of the “e-toolkit” as

opposed to the

original plan.

The coordinating partner supplied

information as regards the main

deadlines of the project such as

December 2018: creating etwining

account and promoting the Clubs’

activities. For the other deadlines

please refer to the ppt presentation

enclosed therein which is an inte-

gral part of this minute.

Partners agreed on their respective

tasks and duties prior to each mobi-

lity, for this part please refer to

the ppt presentation enclosed the-

rein which is an integral part of this


The last point was the analysis of

the answers to the initial question-

naire which was presented to the

partners by Mr Athanasios Papadi-

mitriou that the partners took prior

to their coming to Greece: the re-

sults were then discussed and

commented by all the partners. Mrs

Angeliki Zachou then showed a

sample of a lesson plan.

In the afternoon the Partners left

the School and were taken to Me-

teora where they could enjoy an

iconic example of World Heritage

consisting of the Monasteries.

On the third day (Nov 28th) part-

ners set out to travel to Vergina

where they spent the whole day

visiting the Ancient Cemetery of

Aegae Royal Tombs in order to

familiarize with another important

example of Greek culture.

On the fourth day (Nov 29), the

Greek partner declared that they

are not interested in increasing the

number of the participants in each

mobility in order to compensate for

the withdrawal of Spain, but they

also stated the other partners can

decide otherwise in order

not to lose a

part of the fund.

Other decisions

included the

opening of

etwinning ac-

counts for both

teachers and

students as

well as the dates

of the Italian

Meeting which

will be held during

March 11 -15 with two extra days

for travelling.

After this discussion session, part-

“the partners agreed

to produce a T-shirt

for the Active citizens

club members to

wear, souvenir and


“All the teachers had a

meeting with Mr

Chalimourdas on how to

use the e-Twinning

platform for exchanging

good practices among


Page 5: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

2018-2021 5

ners were taken around the host

school to let them see a demonstra-

tion about the use of ‘old’ didactic

equipment in the School’s

Museum of Physics. They also

visited the science as well as the

ICT labs; finally they met the stu-

dents in a class and exchanged

some sentences of conversation.

All the teachers had a meeting with

Mr Chalimourdas on how to use

the e-Twinning platform for ex-

changing good practices among

schools. Examples of both e-toolkit

and e-magazine were also shown.

In the afternoon the delegations

visited the archeological museum

of Karditsa where they spent a

couple of hours with their tour gui-


On Friday 30th the delegations met

once more at the host partner’s

School and they had another discus-

sion about some more details.

They visited the Museum of the

nearby village of Magoula. After

that the partners

joined a lesson in

the ICT lab about

how to create an

Android app.

At the end of the

morning session,

delegations exchanged presents

and received the

certificates of attendance.

Finally the partners attended the

Christmas Park.

Second project meeting—Italy

The second transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ Project “Dynamic Citizens of Europe” (ID: 2018-1-EL01-KA229-047870) was held at the Istituto Comprensivo “Paolucci-Spataro” Vasto 1, Vasto (IT), from March 11th to March 15th.

The meeting unfolded according to the agenda, which the hosting part-ner supplied to the other partners. On Monday 11th all the partners gathered at the above-mentioned school, and visited the Secondary school building, asking and recei-ving information about the structure and the organiza-tion of the institu-te. They visited the science lab as well as the ICT labs, the art lab and the gym, and some students described in English the PE activities that they were doing and gave demonstra-tions of them.

After that, a student of class 1st B introduced a short video about Italy. Then a welcoming concert was held by the local choir conducted by one of the school teachers: Mr Ricotta and D’Annunzio.

The meeting went on, and the dele-gations showed their Power Point Presentations: “What is Active Citi-zenship” and “Active Citizens and the Environment”, by means of whom they explained their ideas about the main themes of the pro-ject. In particular, they described the concept of participation as basis of democracy, the importance of discovering the history and tradi-tions of our territory in order to preserve our cultural heritage, and the role of education to increase

awareness towards environmental issues. They also presented the acti-vities they have led with their stu-dents on the themes of Active Citi-zenship.

Finally, the coordinating partner presented the website that the Greek delegation created for the pro-ject: www.dcoe.eu, and illustrated the different sections and functions of it. He also reminded the partners to provide him with some materials to keep the site updated.

After lunch, the partners went to-gether on a sightseeing guided tour of Vasto, which included a visit to the Roman thermal baths (an ar-chaeological site in the center of Vasto), the churches of Santa Filo-mena and Santa Maria Maggiore, the Caldora Castle, and Piazza Ros-setti, a former Roman theatre.

On the second day of the meeting (March 12th) the delegations met at the Town Hall, to meet the deputy Mayor, the Council Member re-

sponsible for Educa-tion, and the students of School Paolucci, members of the Stu-dents’ City Council. After a welcoming speech, the students, guided by Professor Valeria Scavo, respon-sible for this activity, explained how the Students’ City Council

works, and showed why this can be considered an example of active

participation in local political and social life.

Afterwards, the partners were taken for a tour to another building of the school, hosting the primary and nursery school. Here the students, led Professor Spagnuolo, presented

The meeting went on, and

the delegations showed

their Power Point

Presentations: “What is

Active Citizenship” and

“Active Citizens and the


Page 6: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

2020 © Dynamic c i t izens of Europe


both in English and Italian their works on the project “Abitare i Luoghi”, which had the aim to de-velop a sense of local territorial identity, visiting and rediscovering

the region they live in, through an interdisciplinary approach and coo-perative learning.

The meeting ended with a lunch offered by the coordinating partner in the village of Casalbordino, a visit of the Winery “Priori”, and a walk in the countryside.

On the third day (March 13th), part-ners set out to travel to Ercolano and Naples, where they spent the whole day visiting the ancient ar-chaeological site of Ercolano and the city center of Naples, in order to familiarize with other important examples of Italian culture.

On the fourth day (March 14th), the partners met at school and Professor Ciarniello and Professor Lucci in-troduced their activity on the theme of “active citizenship and the envi-ronment”. The students of the clas-ses 1B and 2B presented their po-sters and their works. They explo-red the concept of active citizenship in the ancient Roman society and in the society of the Samnites. The political and social systems of these two civilizations were compared and discussed.

As part of this activity, and to pro-mote the national cultural heritage, the delegates were taken to a trip to Pietrabbondante and Schiavi D’A-bruzzo, to meet the author of the historical novel “Viteliù” and visit the archaeological museum and the ancient sites of the Italic Temples and the Samnite’s Theatre.

In the afternoon, the coordinators of each delegations and the Italian interpreter met to make the point of the situation and discuss several issues, such as the working themes for the next meeting: Climate Chan-

ges and the Environment and Bully-ing, which were chosen among other proposals. The partici-pants agreed to present for the next meeting of November 2019 two lessons plans (in doc. file) on these subjects, and two activities. Moreo-ver, the coordinator of the project reminded the importance to fulfil the form of the Mobility Tools. The partners also discussed about some critic points concerning the partici-pation of the students to the mobili-ty: they are probably suffering from being involved to the project wi-thout having the chance to travel with their teachers and do an ex-change experience abroad.

On the last day of the meeting (March, 15th), the delegations pre-sented other lesson plans and fur-ther activities expected for these steps. The themes developed were different: science as a common language and a way to involve the students (Turkish delegation), acti-ve citizenship and ecological activi-ties in order to increase awareness through these issues (Romanian delegation), cultural heritage and

national and European identity (Greek delegation).

The next point in the agenda for 15th March was the choice of the project’s T-shirt. To this purpose, each delegation showed their own prototype (either tangible or in pic-ture), with a short presentation of the creation process, and then the coordi-nator handed in the material to vote by ballot. After the voting, the coordi-nators proceeded to counting the votes, which resulted in the Italian T-shirt being the winning one, so all the partners are going to use it for every project-related do-cument they are to produce during

the Project’s lifespan.

The next point in the agenda was the discussion of the expected pro-ducts for the next meeting in Roma-nia: this was made by means of a ppt presentation by Mrs Maria Tasi-ka.

The partners agreed:

1. to produce an e-magazine (the contents will be common, whi-le the structure will be realized by the Italian delegation);

2. to produce two lesson

plans (in doc. or word format) on the two themes were cho-sen: climate changes & natural catastrophes, and bullying (the lesson plans will be then inclu-ded in the e- toolkit created by the Romanian delegation);

3. to produce at least two activi-

ties (included but not limited to “Active Citizenship”, “Environmental Issues”, “Partners’ Countries cultural values”) to present the other partners during the next mee-ting.

4. to organize a comics exhibi-tion about active citizenship;

5. to present a video “Cultural Values in My Country”;

6. to do a monitoring of the Era-

smus Club. The partner agreed to shift the

creation of the Era-smus garden to the fourth meeting in Turkey, for technical reasons.

After a short discus-sion, the partners agreed to set the next meeting in Roma-nia from 4th to 8th November 2019.

Then, the coordinator reminded the partners the main steps to take in order to update the Erasmus project

After a short

discussion, the partners

agreed to set the next

meeting in

Romania from 4th to

8th November 2019

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2018-2021 7

site (www.dcoe.eu):

– sending a group picture of each Erasmus delegation;

– sending the 2 presentations rea-lized;

– sending the activities realized;

– sending the lesson plan in doc. file.

He also reminded the instructions for the first step on e-Twinning: registering at least 5 teachers and 50 students.

After that, the partners went to the Art LAB to take part in a handcraft laboratory, led by Professor Silvia Ciccarone. The participants realized some souvenirs made using recy-cled materials.

Finally, the delegations attended the certificate ceremony, and there was a little moment for gifts exchange.

In the evening, the hosting school

offered a goodbye dinner to thank

all the partners for their participa-

tion and involvement into the acti-


First activity


The first activity was held at the

folklore museum of Magoula and

the aim was students to evaluate

their cultural tradition and become

museum tour guides.

Students were divided into small

groups, visited the museum and

explored the exhibitions. They ma-

de observations and records of the

exhibits, visited families in the

area , collected further information

on what they have seen and

then looked for further details by

searching the internet. At the end,

students took the role of tour

guide and welcomed their classma-

tes in the museum presenting

what they can see there.


As a first activity the students of

the Italian club gave life to the

Students’ Municipal Council.

Thanks to this activity they were

able to understand the duties and

rights of the mayor and his munici-

pal council; also during several

meetings within the council hall,

they carried out deliberations and

organized events. For example they

organized a sports day with the

students of our other secondary

schools in our city and created faci-

lities to collect homesteds’ used oil

for the children to dispose of oio

from their own kitchens.

During the Italian mobility these

students also welcomed the delega-

tions in our institute inside the

town council hall accompanied by

some councillors currently inoffice.


In our school, Scoala Gimnaziala

Rachita, the teachers, together with

the students, have concerns about

keeping the folk port, traditions and

folklore in our area, knowing that

folklore is the only school that exi-

sted and continued to exist as a

spring always alive and present.

Maybe no other thing can better

define the spirit of a people than its

ancient traditions and customs. Folk

arts, specifically folk music and

dance, embody fundamental values

of great worth to our culture, our

nation and our children. There is no

better way to share time together as

families and friends.

Throught this activity we preserved

the joyful tunes we've inherited

from our ancestors and to pass them

on to others. A group of students

from our school, called “ Florile

Banatului” is quite dedicated to the

dissemination and preservation of

traditional folk arts. This group is

all about preserving history and

tradition, presenting artistic pro-

grams at school celebrations and

whenever opportunities arise. Ro-

manian folk dance helps keep the

people connected to their ancestry

and their traditions.

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This activity uses a read

aloud to install a positive attitude towards traditions and towards non-traditional families. It helped stu-dents developing an understanding, respect and appreciation for their family and their traditions. Students learned developing the interest in knowing, preserving and transmit-ting the Romanian folk port, the traditions and customs specific to our people and knowing the folklo-re and appreciating it. Another aims were developing pupils' capacities to perform romanian folk songs and dancing popular song, knowledge of the succession of religious feasts and their folkloric manifestations.

Folk dance helps to preserve the cultural unity of the people. People think folk dances are important because they help keep a culture alive. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years, and there is value keeping that tradition alive. Folk dances are important because they preserve the Roma-nian culture and pass it on to the next generation. They are a uniting force to the Romanian people. TURKEY

Cultural values is an important part of our identity.

An active citizen is aware of the

fact that cultural value is a wealth of knowledge that is transmitted through one generation to the next. Also, an active citizen is always responsible for understand and protect the cultural values.

As an active citizen, we visited Izmir Etnography Museum and get informed about our cultural values. Our students observed the ethnographic objects related to folk music, traditional costumes, folk dances and folk music instruments from Turkish history.

Third project meeting—Romania

The third transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ Project “Dynamic Citizens of Europe” (ID: 2018-1-EL01-KA229-047870) was held at the Scoala Gimnaziala Rachita, Dumbrava commune, from No-vember 4th to November 8th 2019.

The meeting unfolded accor-ding to the agenda, which the ho-sting partner supplied to the other partners.

On Monday 4th all the part-ners gathered at the above-mentioned school, and visited the Secondary and Primary school buil-dings, asking and receiving infor-mation about the facility and the organization of the institute. Then a wel-coming concert was held by the local choir conducted by one of the school teachers: Norica Broicea.

The meeting went on, and the dele-gations showed their two lesson plans (in word format) on the two themes were chosen:

climate changes & natural catastro-phes, and bullying (the lesson plans will be then included in the e-toolkit created by the Romanian delegation).

On Tuesday the delegations showed two activities about “Active Citizenship”, “Environmental Is-sues”, and “Partners’ Countries Cultural Values”. The Romanian activites were presented by the stu-dents : Adelin Olasz, Darius Vidoni and Patrick Muntean, representati-ves of Dynamic Citizens Club of the Rachita school.

On Wednesday the visits to the medieval Corvin Castle

(Hunyadi Castle) Hunedoara city and to the medieval Deva Fortress, lo-cated atop a volca-no in the Poiana Ruscă Mountain, took place.

On Thursday each country

showed and disscussed the video “Cultural Values in My Coun-

“The meeting went on,

and the delegations

showed their two lesson


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try” . After that the comics exhibi-tion about active citizenship was held; then the delegations discussed the e-magazine (the contents will be common, while the structure will be realized by the Italian delegation); also monitoring of the Erasmus Club, e-Twinning Twinspace and Mobility Tool platform monitoring of the Erasmus Club were topics of the discussion. On Friday morning the delegations spoke about the next visit in Tur-key and after a short discussion, the partners agreed to set the next meeting from 30th March to 3rd April 2020. The delegations agreed to preparing the following tasks:

• Two lesson plans (freely cho-sen by each partner)

• Two activities for the Dynamic Citizens Clubs (included but not limited to social issues, environmental problems, bully-ing etc.)

• Two activities on the e-twinning platform (one in De-cember and one in February)

• To hold an “Open Day” in January and February in order to let stakeholders know about the project’s implementation

• Seminars with guest personali-

ties to promote active citizen-

ship among students (in March)

• Preparation of the Erasmus+ Garden (Turkish Partner’s task)

• Preparation of the Photo Al-

bum (each partner’s task)

• Guidelines to prepare material for the e-magazine (Italian Partner’s task)

Eventually a few technical aspects were discussed, pertaining the mo-bility tool platform, which every partner is going to solve.

After lunch there was a cultural visit in the Timisoara Village Mu-seum.

At the end of the day, the delega-

tions attended the certificate cere-

mony. In the evening, the hosting

school offered a goodbye dinner to

thank all the partners for their parti-

cipation and involvement into the


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The second activity was to create

a virtual tour of the Fanari Castle.

In the context of knowing and

preserving our cultural heritage,

the students decided to create a

virtual / digital tour of the Fanari

Fortress so that everyone can

have a direct view of its space and


In collaboration with the

Mouzaki Environmental Education

Center, our students took actions

such as visiting the castle, be gui-

ded by the experts, exploring the

castle and taking lots of photos

with cameras and smartphones.

After that, they worked in the

computer lab in order to choose

the best photos, write the relevant

texts, use a new software so as to

reach their goal and create the

final result.


As a second activity, the pupils of

our club dealt with environmental

and sports activities, in fact they

discovered the importance of bicy-

cles not only as a recreational

vehicle but also

as a means of travel.

The pupils first received a

visit from some

law enforcement

officers in the

class, who explained the basic

rules for bike to

circulate on city

roads and the importance of the

helmet and protections in general

when biking. The second step was

carried out by Professor D'Adamo

and a former professional cy-


named Moreno Di Biase, who

showed and explained the basic

parts of the bike; subsequently he

tested the students' skills in terms

of slalom, sudden braking and

poor balance situations, in the

school spaces.

The pupils learned

while having fun becoming familiar

with an ecological and precious

means for adults too. The last step

of this activitiy included the journey

home from school with the

help of their parents, so they had a

chance to put into practice what

they had learned.


This activity is about our visit at the Faget Children’s Hospital. Students from “Dynamic Citizens Club” from our school gave to kids in hospital the things they crave most – the ability to just be a kid. They raised funds and did shopping. Change depends on each of us and our desire is to support our activity and to grow through the contribu-tions of those with a civic spirit. Students from class 8 from our school, not only helped the children in need but also transform the lives of children in the marginalised commu-nity where the spon-sored child lives, by ensuring they impro-ve to quality educa-tion, proper nutrition, healthcare. Together they gave these chil-dren a bright smile and an even brighter future. The children from hospital were extremely grate-ful for donations they accepted that were new and recently purchased.

Sweets, toys, books, art and craft, puzzles, games and other fun stuff help kids to just be kids. There is no end to the smiles you can donate - special gift for the children spen-ding time in hospital. We always need toys, colouring books, colou-ring pencils, small tubs of play dough and bubble pots to help with distraction during a child’s procedu-re or treatment. There are many different ways to offer help.

You may give your friend an idea of what you are able to do. If you’re not sure how to support them, ask them what you can do to help. It is important to remember that the aim is to support the kids in a way that works for them. People can find it difficult to ask for or accept help, so try to provide support in a practical, sensitive way that is easy for them to accept. The activity focused on kids that

are ‘disadvantaged’ in some way

because they are sick and some of

them very poor. Also we wanted to

promote reflective learning amongst

our students, capacity to be fully

active citizens and to be reflective

to their roles as citizens, to help

each other. Our school tried to work

in partnership with parents to bring

the fun, joy and laughter that is

essential to sick kids’ health and

wellbeing. Together, we can tran-

sform the lives

of children in


It starts right

here, right now

when you

sponsor a

child. Our

"Active Citi-

zens Club"

made one step

and it will continue in future with

more actions. Thanks to the ama-

zing, ongoing generosity of our

Second activity

"Change depends on each

of us, and our desire is to

support our activity and to

grow throught the

contributions of those with

a civic spirit".

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community: parets, grandpaents,

children but also teachers. .

TURKEY Preventing Wildfires

Our city İzmir had one of the largest fires in the history of the city and unfortunately an area over 5 thousand hectares has been burnt in this summer...

Many foundations had launched a fundraising campaign for reforestation of the burnt area. However, we know that wildfires are often preventable and many of them originate from human error.As an enviromental active citizens, we took action and went to Manastır Mountain in our city to pick up rubbish that can lead a wildfire like glass bottles, cigarette butts etc.


The aim of the third activity was

to inform students about the climate

change and help them adopt

good practices towards the environ-


The students created a

presentation which they presented

to their classmates and emphasized

on the aspects, causes

and consequences of the climate

change. After that and based on

their presentation, students created

and played a Kahoot game.

They also organized and played a

board game for the climate change

and then filled a related worksheet.

As a next step, students

were asked to collect information

on climate change and natural disa-

sters in their national region and

to create a poster and a leaflet

based on what they have collected

in the previous steps.

As a final step, students and

teachers were

trained by the Red Cross on how

to provide the first aid in case of

earthquakes, fires, floods.


As regards the third activity, the

children of the club staged a theatri-

cal performance together with

Professor Ciarniello. The theme of

the comedy was the relationship

between man and animals and they

did so by placing the human race

under accusation, guilty for animals

of enormous barbarism towards

them. In this comedy staged

at the end of last school year, the

pupils disguised themselves as ani-

mals and told the jury about endless

abuse suffered by animals for

the most futile reasons such as the

removal of fangs to obtain ivory.

In this nice work the pupils learned

to what extent furs, fashion objects or

a games may sometmes.


Hidden in the dense forests of the

Carpathians, Sarmizegetusa Regia

is one of the oldest, most surprising,

and mysterious historical attractions

in Romania.

The capital of ancient Dacia more

than two millenniums ago, this site

was the core of the Dacian defen-

Third activity

sive system before the Roman con-

quest from the 2nd century AD.

Today, it’s one of the six Dacian

fortification systems included on

the UNESCO World Heritage Sites

and a must-see for history enthusi-

asts. Our students observed the

foundations of the city, above all,

which are historically very interest-

ing and allow us to imagine the past

greatness and the remarkable organ-

ization of the citadel. They recog-

nized the College of the Augustals

(whose courtyard hosted the meet-

ings of Dacia's High Council), the

amphitheatre (which could hold

5,000 spectators), the forum and its

columns, villas and temples. Anoth-

er destination was the famous bison

reservation in Hateg National Park,

the first location on the Romanian

territory where the European bison

(zimbru in romanian) has been rein-

troduced, after it disappeared from

the country’s fauna in 1852. Stu-

dents discovered that bison is pro-

tected by law, so that these rare

species do not disappear.

The purpose of this trip was to trav-

el to certain areas to get to know, to

discover, to respect the archaeologi-

cal heritage. Children have learned

that history helps us to know who

we are, where we come from. It

reveals to us the past, it shows us

the course of our forerunners, their

mistakes, the past with good and


At the same time, we followed the

development of the civic spirit

among the students of our school

through their involvement in social

issues and environment such as the

beautification of the school yard.

They learned more about work of

volunteering si social responsibility.

The students painted the school

fence and the doors in the school

yard. In a corner of the school yard,

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Fourth project virtual meeting—Turkey

they painted tires and planted

flower seeds. They made two

swans out of plastic bottles and

made a bench out of old wooden

objects. They wanted a colorful

and cheerful school. Children

like color, feel better, more live-

ly and more optimistic.

The children learned more about

UNESCO and the national herit-

age, they understood how im-

portant the archaeological dis-

coveries are in

order to know

our identity and

the protection

of endangered

animals. Exact

sciences devel-

op children's intelligence, but the

humanities provide information,

culture and help progress and

strengthen optimal education.


Fighting Climate Change

Trees are the anchors for plant and wildlife biodiversity, which creates healthy ecosystems. As an environmental active citizens

we are aware of the climate change and the threat to our planet. We took action and we planted trees in our school garden to fight climate change. Besides, we

mulched the trees that we planted to reduce the effects of climate change.

Mulching is a process of covering the soil and making more favorable conditions for plant growth.

As an effect of climate change, the dry season is getting longer which means the soil loses its moisture. However, mulching prevents the water evaporation in the soil so it maintains soil moisture for longer time.

“They learned more

about work of

volunteering and



held virtually by

Özel İzmir Oğuzhan Özkaya

Ortaokulu from 15th March to

19th March 2021.

Due to the pandemic, the

virtual meeting unfolded

according to the agenda, which

the hosting partner supplied to

the other partners. All the

meetings held via Zoom


On monday, the meeting started

with a welcoming ceremony of

all teachers that have involved

in the project so far and the host

country presented the weekly

schedule. A music performance

has performed by a student

named Dayanç Güvenoğlu and

another student named Doruk

Volkan Duran presented the

history of İzmir from the city


The meeting went on and all


presented their

lesson plans.

All the teachers

had an

opportunity to

exchange good

learning practices and to have an

interesting deliberation.

On tuesday, a school trip held by a

studentnamed Mısra Osmanlı and

Erasmus+ garden presented by the

students named Ecesu Toksöz and

Dayanç Güvenoğlu.

Afterwards, all the

delegations continued to

present their lessons

plans. Finally, all

countries visited

Ephesus, Virgin Mary’s

House and Şirince village with a

virtual tour by guide of a student

named Beril Doğan.

On wednesday, each country

presented their activites the partners

had a discussion to exchange their

experiences from the activities.

Finally, a student named Özge

Gemici presented a presentation

“Finally, all countries

visited Ephesus,

Virgin Mary’s House

and Şirince village”

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about Turkish coffee and everyone

wacthed a short documentary about

Turkish coffee.

On thursday, Romanian delegation

presented the e-toolkit which

includes all the lesson plans

prepared for the project so far.

Then, Italian delegation presented

the e-magazine which includes all

the lesson plans and also the


All countries watched a virtual tour

to Pergamon, Agora and Pagos with

the guide of a student named Tuna

Çamlar and also a virtual tour to

Sığacık and Çeşme with the guide

of students called Ece and Ceren


Finally, all participants completed a

questionnaire about the

implementation of the project.

On friday, the meeting started with

a presentation of the photo album of

the project by Turkish delegation

and a presentation with the resultsof

the final questionnaire by Greece


Then, all partners discussed about

the last steps of the project such as

the dissemination, mobility tool and

the final report.

All partners expressed their

appreciation for the colllaboration

for the project.


















Alessandro D’Adamo

Rosso Mauro

Monica Schiazza

Luisa Lucci

Luigia Primavera Ciarniello

Valentina D’Urbano

Sandra Di Gregorio

Angela Mosca

Antonella Racciatti

Silvia Colantonio

Massimo Cionci












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Our school with the causation of

the injury of a student in a car acci-

dent decided to create an action in

relation to the issue of road safety.

The purpose was to inform the stu-

dents as well as the residents of the


Initially, the children created a

booklet that cleverly reminded them

of the basic rules of the road.

The school admin-

istration invited a

Greek police of-

ficer to come to the


The briefing was

instructive and

lasted for hours as

the students' inter-

est was great. An interactive

knowledge game followed with the

help of kahoot software.

The last part of the action included

distributing the students' leaflets to

local drivers as well as informing

the neighboring primary school.


In the fourth activity, the teachers

D'Adamo and Spagnuolo taught

the students about voluntary service

and specifically the about the

“Ricoclown Project”.

They did so

by going to find the pupils in the

class dressed as clowns, with the

same clothes with which they go

to the hospital and other places to

go and support sick and lonely

people as well as children who

spend a certain amount of time in

these centers for various reasons

hoping to heal.

In this meeting the

teachers first explained to the

pupils what volunteering means

and what they do with their volun-

teering activities inside hospitals,

elderly care centers and wherever

there are people to take care of;

then always playing and entertai-

ning the pupils, they answered

their questions.


Students from our school participated at some les-sons about smoke, alco-hol and drugs, they watched at some presen-

tation about these subjects and bul-lying and discused in small grups. Students spoke about some real situation and shared opinions and after that they created posters. For a most successful initiatives we in-volved the entire school community of teachers, staff, students but also we worked in partenerschip with National Anti-drug Agency based in Timisoara.

Students were asked if they had used tobacco, alcohol or mari-juana in the past 30 days and how often they had been victims of bul-lying by their peers in the previous year. Questions on peer victimiza-tion touched on both physical ag-gression like shoving and kicking as well as emotional taunts like saying

Fourth activity

“The trouble with

bullying is leads to

mental health




























Project Coordinator

School Principal

Gamze Çankal

Günnaz Sözkesen

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Realizing the dimensions of the phenomenon of school bullying and its consequences on the psychosyn-thesis of children and their deve-lopment at school, the Gymnasium

- LT Magoulas organized an action entitled "our school, a school against school bullying". The above action was implemented according the following phases:

a) we discussed about school bully-ing. Students thought and wrote on paper slogans against school bully-ing.

b) we transferred these messages on sticker paper.

c) we stuck the messages on the stairs of the main staircase of the school are called naming them “antibullying steps”.

d) we were photographed with mes-

sages against school bullying and

we realized the value of friendship,

solidarity and cooperation


ARTISTICA...MENTE This activity was started last

year but it continues on this school year. Art is what makes man stand out among animals and makes him free. This is what our students perceived while visiting the “wheat museum” in Jelsi. Art is in making theater: 1- Through the role play, students have become elephant, tigers, chick, etc and have put on trial the men and their crazy behaviour against

Fifth activity

nasty things about them to other kids. It’s also possible that teens who are bullied may later wind up drinking or using drugs because their peer groups include many adolescents who do both of these things, whether on sports teams or among crowds of particularly ag-

gressive kids.

The trouble with bullying that leads to mental health problems is that teens with depression and anxiety are more likely to withdraw from peers and lack interest in most things. Youth with multiple net-works beyond school through sports, music, art, religious activi-ties, volunteering and work are more apt to find friends and others who see their talents, strengths and abilities. These strengths are often established in late elementary school.

Being involved in bullying as a victim or perpetrator could have deleterious health consequenc-es. Even though there is some evi-dence that bullies and victims of bullying have a higher risk for drug use, less is known about bystanders. The purpose of this activity within the project “Dynamic citizens of Europe was to study the association between bullying experience (as victims, bullies, or bystanders) and substance use. Throught this activi-ty students find out that bullies and bully-victims have a high risk for cigarette, alcohol and cannabis use than bystanders.

They presented their work in front of the classroom and adviced each other to develop a close and trusting relationship with their parents from an early age and encourage positive behaviour. They were encourage to a healthy approach to life, including good foods, regular exercise and sports and to have more than one group of friends.


Earthquake Drill

As dynamic citizens, we’re aware

of the fact that we’re living in a

country surrounded by fault lines.

We should know how to protect

ourselves and what to do during

the earthquakes. So, we’ve planned

an earthquake drill to test the

ability of school members to make

the most appropriate decisions to

ensure their safety. All the

students dropped, cover

themselves under a desk, hold on

to their head and neck until the

shaking stops. They followed

school evacuation procedures

according to the school disaster

plan. All students gathered on

the school garden to make sure all

people are safe.

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nature; 2- they have learned to work

with other pupils with disability; through role play in the theater you can acquire a lot of skills. 3- they faced problems such as the mafia, which still afflicts Italy and studied the origin of the problem. During an online meeting they also had the opportunity to talk with the writer of the book on Don Pino Puglisi's life, the Sicilian priest killed by Mafia. 4- the students partecipated in the political life of the city with the election of the municipal council of the children which also concerns the role and the importance of poli-tical commitment for the communi-ty, for civic awareness and for active participation. Art is creation and reworking: this is the way a telephone cover, shoes for museums and t-shirts were born, together with broken watches that came back to life and other crea-tions. Art lived, desecrated and consecra-ted... ARTISTICA...MENTE was and is all.


Although Romania's fauna was (and still is) one of the most varied and interesting on the European conti-nent, thanks to the varied relief and favorable climatic conditions, in the last hundred years there have been major imbalances, accentuated, at present, by the attitude irresponsible of people and authorities who have put above the miracle of nature, economic interests, or who ignore the fact that damaging an ecosystem is almost impossible to repair. The continuous degradation of the envi-ronment, which takes place before our eyes, is a major element of a "crisis of civilization" and is due precisely to human intervention in nature. That is why we must be aware of the need to protect it, to protect life in its most varied forms. The teachers of our school carried out several ecological activities including both primary school stu-dents and middle school students. The children studied about the care of animals and plants and the en-dangered ones, they learned about maintaining the health of the natural environment in which they live. Thus, their civic behavior and envi-ronmental skills were developed. The children realized how im-portant it is to save water, electrici-

ty and wood. During these activities, the chil-dren's curiosity about nature was transformed between a strong desire to understand and protect nature being in the middle of nature, in the forest, at Lake Surduc, Bega River. By planting flowers around our school, they acquired the feeling of

protection and care for beauty and fragility. The children learned to keep clean in parks and gardens, in forests, to maintain the integrity of trees, to maintain green spaces and to plant berries and flowers, contributing to the beautification of the rural land-scape and implicitly to the reduc-tion of nature pollution. Observing the forest, Surduc lake and the Bega river, students learned about the sources of water, air and soil pollu-tion, They learned about the im-portance of the forest for humans, understood the negative effects of human activity on the ecosystem and noticed the behaviors according to protection rules. of it, showing care for its destruction. Water repre-sents the source of life for all the organisms in all the life environ-ments. Without water there`s no life, that is why its pollution threatens all life forms on earth. Through this activi-ty we wanted to signal the negative effects of water streams pollution too, in order to promote active citi-zenship. These effects have reper-cussions on the health of the entire community. Children, as part of the community, should protect the green spaces, they should stand against and try to stop the water

streams pollution. A clean, drinka-ble water shows a clean and healthy environment, as well as a healthy community.


Agriculture, marketing, social responsibility and more…

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the economy and well-being of a society. Many children don’t recog-nize where their food is coming from and just how big a role agri-culture plays not only in our com-munity, but the entire world.

As dynamic citizens, we know that it is important to know how food gets to our plate, and how much the farmer cares that it is safe, nutri-tious, and good tasting.

Our students planted turnips, cauli-flowers, eggplants and even sesame which helped students thought about how things grow, live and die. They also learned to develop skills in leadership, communication and team building..

After harvest, they went to local bazars to sell their products which led them to understand the im-portance of farming to a communi-ty, and learn to work together and also discover how their community provides food to the public.

After selling the products in the local bazars, they decided the do-nate the money they earned by themselves and they bought com-puters to the public schools.

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1. Guided tour of the Magoula Folklore Museum;

2. Anti-bullying;

3. Let’s CHANGE to face CLIMATE CHANGE!!;

4. Digital citizenship & online information;

5. Become a dynamic, active citizen through



1. The concept of active citizenship in the ancient

Rome and in the Samnium: Comparing two civili-


2. Stop using disposable plastic;

3. Stop bullyng;

4. Volunteering at school ;

5. Doping and addictions


1. Active Citizenship;

2. Bullying of People What is the Impact &

How Can We Prevent It?;

3. Climate changes & natural catastrophes

4. Children and students ad Agent of Social


5. Natural resources, reduce, reuse, recycle and

Rot (The “4R’s);


1. chemical reactions;

2. Visiting Etnography Museum;

3. Preventing Wildfires;

4. Agriculture: how does a garden grow;

5. Earthquake emergency plan;

Handicrafts and suvenirs


Page 18: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

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2020 © Dynamic c i t izens of Europe





Page 20: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto




Page 21: citizens of 2020 - HOME - Istituto Comprensivo Vasto 1...• 1st project meeting –L.T Magoulas in Karditsa (GR), from November 26th to November 30th • 2nd project meeting Istituto

2020 © Dynamic c i t izens of Europe


Garden grow

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Gymnasio - L.T. Magoula Karditsa

Ozel Oguzhan Ortaokulu

Istituto Comprensivo 1 Vasto

Scoala Gimnaziala Rachita

Tel.: 555-555 5555

Fax: 555-555 5555

Posta elettronica:

it's time to learn and

share good pratices.

Dynamic c i t i zens

of Europe


"The European Commission's support for the production of

this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the con-

tents, which reflect the views only of the authors,and the Com-

mission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be

made of the information contained therein."