Circular 034

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  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    CIRCUL R 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9

    C I R C U L R



    P r e p a r e d by the Se c r e ta r i a t and pub li shedb y a u t h o r i t y of t h e S e c r e t a r y G e n e r a l

    I N T E R N T I O N LC I V I L V I T I O NO R G N I Z T I O NM O N T R E L C N D

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Th is Publicat ion s issu ed in English, Fr en ch and Spanish.

    Published in Montreal, Canada, by theInternatio nal Civ il Aviation Organization.Correspondence concerning publicationsshould be addre sse d to the Secre tary Gen eralof ICAO, Intern ation al Aviation Building,1080 Unive rsity St ree t, Montre al, Canada.

    O rd e r s for ICAO publications should be se nt, on payment:

    In Canadian curr enc y ( 1, to In Ster l ing or I r i sh currepc y s/d), toSe cr eta ry Gener al, ICAO, Her Majesty s Statione ry Office,Inte rnat ion al Aviation Building, P.O. BOX5 6 91080 Universi ty S tree t , London, S.E . 1,Montreal, Canada. England.(Cable add ress : ICAO MONTREAL) (c ab le add ress :WHOLECORN, SEDIST, LONDON)In French currency f r f , to In Egyptian currency (L. E.), t oICAO Representative, ICAO R epresen tative,r o ean and African Office, Middle Ea st Office,avenue d 16na. Wadie Saad Building ,Pa r i s (16e). France . Sharia Salah e l Dine,(Cable ad dr es s: ICAOREP PARIS) Zama lek, Ca ir o, Egypt.(Cable add re ss : ICAOREP CAIRO)In Peruvia n curr enc y [soles) , to In Th ai cu rr en cy (bahts), t oICAO Repres entative, ICAO Rep rese ntat ive,South Ame ric an Office, F ar Eas t and Pacif ic Office.Apartado 680, Sala Santitham, Rajadamnoen Ave.,Lim a, Per ii. Bangkok, Thailan d.(Cable ad dr ess : ICAOREP LIMA) (Cable ad dr es s: ICAOREP BANGKOKIn Austral ian cur renc y (s/d) , to In Indian cur renc y (Rs. , toRober tson and Mullens,107 Elizabeth Stre et ,Melbo urne, C. 1, Au str ali a.

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  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / Z 9


    oreword 3Introduction 5Reporting of DefectsAnalysis of and Action on Defect Reports 2

    . . Exchange of Information 17Conclusion 19

    igures 21

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  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C ircu la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9


    ForewordIn o r d e r to as si st the Ai r NavigationComm ission of ICAO in a studyrega rdin g the maintenance of continuing airw ort hin ess of ai rc ra ft in se rv ic eContracting State s have been aske d to forwa rd to ICAO inform ation on theprac tices they employ in ma tte rs concerning the methods adopted for report inanalyzing and taking app ropr iate action in ca se s of rec ur rin g fai lu res o r defecon ai rc raf t in service.

    The information received fr o m Contracting States was con sidered to beof general in ter es t to a l l Contracting States . However since the informa tionsubm itted was not orig inally intended for ge ne ra l publication it was cir cu lat edi n 1 953 i n th e f o r m of r af t ICAO C i rc u la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9ith the req uest thatContracting States suggest any am endments o r amplificat ions that they wouldlike to se e inco rpor ated in the final text of an ICAO Ci rcu lar .This Circular contains the m ater ial or iginal ly issued in Draft Circu larNo. 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9ith the suggestions for amendments and amplificationsincorporated

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    Circu la r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9 5


    1. Introductionract ical l y eve ry new type of aeroplane introduced into se rv ic e is subjeto miscellaneous mechanical difficult ies . Thi s is part i cula r ly tr ue of la rg erand mechanically mo re complicated aeroplanes .

    The aeroplan e pre sen ts to the designer a mult itude of pr oble ms regardindependabili ty of i t s various components ac ce ss or ie s and equipment problemthat he cannot always solve with complete confidence. In th i s r esp ec t the ae roplane does not differ f ro m other complicated machines for example the motc a r No ma tter how much c a re s exerc i sed in the in it i al design the r e a rene arl y always some weaknesses that can only be revea led af te r the machine hbeen put into service.

    As a resul t when the aeroplane ente rs serv ice ther e a r e revealedmec hanical difficulties of which som e may cr itic all y affect safe ty of op erat ionsome m ay cause delays in scheduled operat ion s and othe rs may caus e unduewe ar and te ar that s hort en the period between inspections and complicatemaintenance operations.Thus the problem of mechanical dependabil i ty in se rvi ce s not solved bythe initial issue of a ce rtif ica te of airwo rthin ess and adh eren ce to the initialmainte nance code issu ed ea rl y in the life of an aero plan e. In fact the nextand ext rem ely im port ant st ep in making an ae ropl ane Baf e throughout i tsoperating life s the co rre cti on without dela y of-an y developing defe cts andmechanical difficult ies . This proc ess does not end with the f i r s t few yea rs inse rv ic e but extends throughout the total operating life.The gen eral ly accepted proce dure of controlling suc h mec hanical diffi-culti es involves reporting classifying and analyzing th em and taking app ro-pria te corr ectiv e act ion. This act ion s normally closely co-ordinated betweeope rato rs manufacturers and appropr ia te government agencies . The detailedmethods of taking such action mus t of co urs e va ry fr o m State to State accordinto the organization of civi l aviation in each part ic ular State to the many diff eent type s and methods of ope ratio n and to the si ze and sta te of develo pmen t ofthe national aviation industry.The following text sum m ari ze s information fr o m Contracting Statesrega rdin g the ir methods fo r reporting taking app ropr iate action and exchangininformat ion on recurr in g fa i lures or defects on a i rc raf t in serv i ce .

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    6 Circular 34 AN/Z~2. Reporting Methods

    There appear to exist three principal means of collecting informationon defects and fai lures that occur on aircraft during operation. One i s thean aly sis of re po rt s of ac ciden ts and for ced landings. These rep or t s no rmal lya r e required by States on a mandatory basis , for al l accidents of i r c a r r i e rand non-ai r ca r r ie r a i rcr af t . A second means i s the repo rt ing and recordingof defe cts and malfunctioning de tected in flight o r on the ground tha t a r e con-s idered to be hazardous . These repor t s a r e normal ly requi red on a mandatorybas i s f or a l l a i r cra f t engaged in comm ercia l a i r serv ices . In some Statesprovis ions exis t for the collection of such rep ort s for non-c arr ie r aeroplanesalso. The third means co nsists in collecting rep or ts on those incidents ofmech anical malfunctioning tha t may not be individually haz ardo us, but tha tcaused a delay in dep artur e o r otherwise interru pted a f light. The la t t errep or t s a r e normal ly required only for a i rc ra f t engaged in scheduled a i rserv ices .

    The defects and malfunct ionings a r e repo rted in individual let te rs o ron special fo rm s 'es tablished by larg e o pe rat ors o r by the State of Regis t ry ,They provide information such as the following: date and place of occ urr en ce ,ai rc ra ft regis t rat ion, overhaul his tory, responsible m aintenance personnel,desc riptio n of defect o r difficulty, cir cu ms tan ce s under which they oc cu rre dand we re detected, opinions a s to the cau ses, imme diate action taken, sug-gestions a s to the prevention of re cu rr en ce .The detailed proc edu res adopted by the variou s Contracting States forthe subm ission by ai rc ra ft ope ra to rs of defect and malfunctioning rep or ts how-ev er appe ar to va ry widely. They may depend on the numb er of ope rat ors , the

    numbe r and types of a ir cr af t , the maintenance and inspection proc edu res adoptedand on the gen eral organization and development of civil aviation in pa rt ic ula rcountry.In genera l, ope ra tor s ar e requi red to t ran sm i t the defect repo r t s to theappropriate government authori ty as soon s possible a fte r the detection of anincidence. Some States pre scr ibe , for this purpose, spec ific pe rio ds of tim ewithin which a report should be submitted, In addition to the re po rts on eachindividual defect monthly o r three monthly re po rts a u m m ri z in g and class i fyingindiv idual repo r t s a r e requi red . In some S ta t es t hose sum mary repor t s a r ecompiled by the State of Reg istry and in othe rs by the op era tor s. Below a r egiven some specific exam ples of reporting proc edur es.In AUSTRALIA ai rc ra ft defects a r e class i f ied as t lm ajor o r minor .Major defec ts a r e those defe cts which in thems elve s re flect on safe tv andw ar ra nt individual study, while minor defe cts ar e those which a r e rdgardeda s being significant only when a gr e a te r numbe r of the sa m e type of defectoccurs .

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    Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9Major de fects a r e re port ed to departm ental regional offices within 24or 48 hou rs according to the type of operato r). The defect repo rts a r e thenimme diately transm itted onwards to the departm enta l head office. Majordefect repor ts a r e published in a weekly sum ma ry which is circulated to alloperators.Minor defects ar e reporte d on monthly sum ma rie s in a s ta t is t ica l forsee Figure 1) - i e . m e r e ly a s a re co rd of the total number of defec ts ornon-scheduled re mo va ls happening to each ite m of equipment.In EYLON t is mandatory for all a i rc ra f t opera to rs t o re por t de laysdefects, engine failures , ai rc ra ft incidents and accidents as soon as possiblaf te r the detection of s am e to the Di rec tor of Civil Aviation. Imm ediatelyaft er a n accident the operat or o r the owner of the air cr af t involved submitsa notification of the acc iden t to the Di re ctor of C ivil Aviation on the fo rm shin Figure 2. The accident is investigated by the Ai rc ra ft Accident InvestigaBoard and repor ted on the two fo rm s shown in F igu res 3 and 4. On so calleDaily Mechanical and Delay Report fo rm s igu res 5 and 6) any defe ctsand delays a r e notified to the Aeronautical Inspectora te. Major defect s onair fra me and on engines ar e reported on fo rm s shown in Fig ures 7 and 8respectively.The procedure in INDIA requ ires a l l a i r cra f t operators to repo rt defeof ai rc ra ft to the Dire ctor Gen eral of Civil Aviation on the fo rm s shown inFig ure s and 10. Such mu st be co.mpleted in all ca se s of forcedlandings or ac cide nts due or pa rtl y attr ibut able to fa il ur e of any par t of theai rc ra ft or engine. Together with those re po rt s, the defective p ar ts should

    be forward ed to the Cont rol ler of Aeronau tical Inspection of the Are a concerRe por ts of the occ urr enc e of other ma te ri a l defe cts detected on inspection anot resulting in an accident or a forced landing should al so be forwarded to-gether with the defective pa rt s.In addition to the above pro ced ure , India req ui re s that all mechanicaldelays occurring in scheduled airline operations be reported to the Office ofthe Direct or Ge nera l of Civil Aviation, in int eri m re po rt s on a monthly basiIn ca se s where the mechanical delay exceeds 30 min utes , the spe cia l fo rmshown in F igure 11 ha s to be completed in addition to the int eri m rep ort s.In INDONESIA a ll op er at or s subm it on a mandatory ba si s re po rt s onforce d landings, on accid ents and on def ect s o r malfunctionings that dire ctl yaffe ct the airw orthiness of the ai rcr aft .Scheduled a ir ca rr ie rs a lso report mandator i ly each defect and mal-functioning that affected the regularity of the operations.

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    8 Circula r 34 AN/Z~Non-air c ar r i e rs and non-scheduled a i r c a rr ie rs in addi tion submit onpre par ed f orm s monthly r epo rts on mat t er s concerning continuing a i rworthiness .All ope rato rs submit on a non-mandatory ba si s re po rt s on defec ts andmalfunctioning that a r e not covered by the mandatory r ep or ts .In ITALY, the opera tor o r pi lot- in-command i s required to re por timmediately any defect or malfunctioning of civil a ir cr af t to the RegistroAeronautic0 Italiano (RAI). He i s a l so requi red to rep or t a l l occas ions onwhich the a ir cr af t was operated under conditions fo r which that part ic ula rcatego ry of a ir cr af t ha s not been cert ificated .Incident repo rts a r e prep are d by the local office of the RAI on incidentsof malfunctioning that a r e considere d to consti tute potential ha za rd to fl ightsafety. In scheduled air l in e operatio ns, mech anical delays a t take-offexceeding 15 minutes a r e considered a s incidents .For commerc ial t r anspor t a i rc r a f t , t he RAI ha s adopted sy st em offtcontinuous supervision , which co ns ist s in keeping sm a ll staff of R Ipersonne l a t the most impor tant cent res , and par t icu la r ly at air l in e mainte-nance base s . Specia l arra nge me nts and agreem ents between a ir l ine s andthe RAI ensur e that a l l m at te rs affec ting the safe ty of a i r cr af t in s erv ice comeimm edia tely to the knowledge of suc h RAI staff. Any d efe ct o r malfunctioningand any remo val of a pa rt o r unit for rea son s oth er than completion of se rv icet ime m ust be repor ted to the RAI which endorse s the repo rt ,In NEW ZEALAND a defect in rela tion to an ai r c r a ft is defined s anyfailure o r malfunctioning of an ai rc ra ft o r ai rc ra ft component whether in flight

    or on the ground. with& this defini tion defects a r e into two catego;ies.A category A defect is one which is of such char ac ter that the immediatesafety of the air cr af t i s impaired. A category Btrdefect, though not affectingthe immediate safety of the air c ra ft , is one which ne ce ssi tat es change inmaintenance proce dur e, frequency of inspection o r maj or m odification of a na i r c r a f t . The la t te r ca tegory includes a l so such defec ts as might a r i s e f ro mabnormal wear or c i rcumstances .The Air Navigation Regulations req ui re the repo rting of al l def ect s asdefined above and the civil Air wo rthin ess R equire men ts of New Zealand s tat ethat the operator is responsible for ensuring that de fects a r e reported within

    the specified t ime l imit . All catego ry Av defec ts must be repor ted a s soonas possible and in any cas e within 24 hours to the appropriate Regional Ai rc ra ftSurveyor. This original notification i s imm ediately forw arded to Head Office.Category B defects must be rep orte d in writing to the appropriateDis tr ic t A ircra ft Surveyor within seven days. This normal ly takes the fo rmof a completed Defect Report fo r m on which the ope rat or st a te s t$e na tur e of

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    Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9the defect, the re su lt s of his investigation into the caus e, and the rem ed ia laction taken.

    Major air l in es m aintain the ir own defect investigation unit and a r egranted the concession of reporting their categor y B defects i n the fo rmof a monthly summary.

    In NORWAY the Air Navigation Act re qu ir es a ll own ers of a ir c ra ft tore po rt damage which has a n effect on airw orth ines s. This includes al laccidents and serious defects. Commercia l ope ra to rs a l so mus t repo r t allother defects. Accidents a r e reported on a special form . While ther e a r e noofficial for ms for defect rep or ts , some operators have established their ownf o r m s . An example is the one of S S (s ee F igur e 14) which i s used in thehre e Scandinavian cou ntries.In PAKISTAN a notice by the Governm ent re qu ir es that any defec ts

    found on ai rc ra ft , possibly a s a res ult of inspections called for in approvedmaintenance schedules mu st be rep orte d to the Aeronautical Inspection Divisiat the ea rli es t opportunity. A spec ia l fo rm Figure 12) is used for repor tsuch defe cts which include a ls o incidents accidents to aircraft .In SWEDEN all owners of a i rc ra ft ar e requir ed to submit accident re poto the Bo ard of Civil Aviation. In addit ion al l person s engaged i n com me rcia

    air se rv ice s a r e requ i red to repo r t a l l fa i lu res o r de fec ts occur ring on the i rair cr af t to the Board. As f a r a s scheduled a i r se rv ice s a r e concerned theme asu res adopted a r e a l so based on fa i lure s ta t i s t ics compiled every thr eemonths. Specimen fo rm s of the usual re po rts notifying defects a r e reproducein Fig ure s 13 and 14.

    In the UNITED STATES the op er at or s of civil ai rc ra ft s ubm it to theCivil Aeronautics Board or to the Civil Aeronautics Adm inistration:a on a mand atory basis:

    i Accident Reports co vering al l acciden ts that occur toU S Air c ar r i e r and non-a ir ca rr ie r a i rcraf t ; (F igu res 15 and 16

    ii Daily Mechanical Reports covering any failure, mal-functioning o r othe r defect detected in flight or on the ground ina i r ca rr ie r a i rc raf t tha t may reasonably be expected by the a i rca rr ie r to cause a ser ious hazar d in the operat ion of any airc raf t ;iii Flight Interru pt ion Reports covering air cr af t occurr encedue to known o r rsuspec ted malfunctioning o r m ec ha nic al difficul-t ies that res ul t in an interrupt ion to a scheduled fl ight,

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    Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9b on a volunta ry basis :

    Malfunctioning and Defect Reports for other than scheduledair carrier aircraft covering difficulties experienced with air-craf t stru ctu res engines p o p e l le r s and eqLipment of other thanscheduled a i r ca rr i er a i rcra f t see Figure 17 .Air craf t Accident ReportsImmediately afte r an accident the op erator o r owner of the air cr af tved subm its by the mos t expeditious m eans of comm unication availableof the accid ent to the Civil Aeronau tics Board o r Civil Aero -tics Administration. Such notification includes the following inform ationfa r a s immediately available: location, date, time of day, number ofson s involved, inju ries to each, ai rc ra ft identification including reg ist ra -on number, ai rc ra ft make and model, names of cre w me mb ers, operato r,

    Subsequent to th is notification written accident rep ort is prepared byThis rep ort i s made on a rep ort fo rm furnished by theAeronautics Board or Civil Aeronautics Administration se e Figure s 15. The orig ina l and one copy of such a re po rt is then m aTI-d or deliv-ed to the office o r rep rese ntat ive of the Civil Aeronautics Board o r Civilnautics Administration nea res t to hea dqu arte rs of the ope rato r who willran sm it the original copy of the r ep or t direc tly to the appro-iat e office. The rep or t must be made as soon a s possible and in the absencef a good ca use for a delay mu st be submitted within ten days afte r th accidentase of an ai r ca rr ie r air cr aft and within seven dayr in the cas e of allt . Such written accident repo rts a r e normally not required forurre nce s involving min or injuries o r min or damage, o r in the ca se of a i ra r ri e r a ir cr af t if the acciden t was not incident to flight.

    Daily Mechanical ReportsWhenever a fa ilure , malfunctioning o r other defect i s detected in flighton the ground in an ai rc ra ft of a scheduled ai r ca rr ie r that may reasonablyto cause a ser io us hazard in the operation of a n ai rc ra ft , noticereof i s transmitted through the air ca rr ie r s principal maintenance agent

    ivil Aeronautic s Admin istration maintenance agent -in-charge. Theres and malfunctioning or other defects that ar e reported com prisethe following basic items : fire haz ards , stru ctu ral haz ard s, seri ousst em or component xnalfunctioning o r failu re, unsafe pro cedu re s or condi-s, and defects in design or quality of p a rt s and m at er ia ls found installed ono r intended for such installation . The reports cover the 24-hour periodom midnight to midnight of each day. They ar e transm itted to the accident-

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    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9 1maintenance agent of the C ivil Aeron autics Adm inistration before noon on thefollowing working day, except that re po rt s on Fr id ay s, Satu rday s and Sundaym ay be subm itted not la te r than noon of the following Mondays. The re p o rt sa r e t ransmit ted in a manner and on a fo rm convenient to the a i r ca r r ie r ssy st em of communications and proced ures. They norma lly include the fol-lowing information: identification of ai rc ra ft , air l in e and tr ip num ber , em ergency pro ced ure affec ted, na tur e of condition, (f i re ,structura l fai lure, etc .)identification of pa rt and sy st em involved, app aren t cau se of trouble (w ea r,c racks , design , pe r sona l e r ro r , e t c. , disposit ion ( repai red , replaced, a i r -cra ft grounded, etc. , br ief nar ra t ive summary to supply any other p ertinentdata req uired for a more complete identification determination of se r i o u sn esetc .

    Such daily re po rt s a r e not withheld pending presen tatio n of al l specif icdet ails pertaining to the above-mentioned it em s of information. As soon asthe additional information i s obtained, it will be submit ted a s a supplement tothe rep or t .Fl ight Interruption Rep ortsAir c a r r ie rs normal ly pre par e daily summ ar ies on any mechanical malfunction o r su spected malfunction o ccurring in flight or on the ground duringscheduled operation that re su l ts in a change in tFe air cr af t schedule, reg ardlof cau se. Copies of such daily su m m ar ie s of mechanical delays a r e submitteby the scheduled a i r c a r ri e r to the assigned aviation safety age nts of the CiviAeronautics Administration. The per iod covered by each dai ly s um ma ry i sthe preceding 24 hours during which repo rts of per t inent occur ren ces a r e

    received by the a i r c ar r i er Is main base . No such daily summ ar ie s a r e sub-mitt ed for those periods during which no inte rrup tion to schedule we re ex-per ienced. Each summ ary i s identified numerically to maintain continuity.The daily s um m ar ie s include the following data:i) identificatio n of the dail y surn ma ry including a consecutivenum ber of the su m m ar y, name of op era tor and dat e of oc cu rre nc e of thi tems repor ted;

    ii) type of reg ist rat io n of air cr af t to which eac h it em pert ains ;iii brief st at em en t describing o r identifying the difficulty ex-per ienced. Such statem ents identify the pa r t s and sys te m involved andany avai lable related information, where possible, that can reasonablybe expected to add to the v alu e of the re po rt fr om an inform ative o ranalytical standpoint. They may al so include such ite ms as cor rec t iveaction, extr aor dina ry conditions, whether or not difficulty was inducedby personal e r r o r or o ther ext raneous occurrence , and recommenda-t ions.

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    Circular 34 A~/29

    Malfunctioning and Defects R eport of other than a Scheduled A irC a r r i e rIn or de r to provide inform ation that will enable the Civil Aer ona utics

    Ad min istration to take s tep s to prevent the re cu rr en ce of mechan ical diffi-cult ies on other than air ca rr ie r air cr aft the Civil Aeron autics Adm inistrationrequ ests the co-operation of al l own ers, pilots, op era tor s, mechan ics, inspec-tors and investigators in reporting mechanical difficulties experienced withair cr af t str uc tu re s, engines, prop ellers and equipment of non-air c a r r ie r ai r-craft . Such rep orts a r e made on a special fo rm and mailed to the Civil Aero-nautics Adm inistration, Safety Analysis. A copy of such a malfunctioning anddefects rep ort i s reproduced in Fig ure 17.

    3. - Analysis of and Action on Defect ReportsThe c harac teris t ics and causes of defects a r e so numerous as to rend erthe dv ties of catego rization of de tai ls and an aly sis of r ep or ts a highly spe -cialized and skilled technical activity. Airl ines o r government agencies thathave the resp onsib ilities of making such analy sis norm ally have estab lished aspec ial office for th is purpose. The analysis of individual o r daily rep or ts andthe sum ma ry rep ort determ ine the nature of n ece ssa ry rem edial action.In o rd er to facilitate the determ ination of such reme dia l action and toestim ate tren ds in mechanical rel iabil ity of air cr aft , the defect analy sis officesinclude sometimes a statistics unit which classifies the data collected andestablish es fai lure stat is t ics. Classification of defects va ries greatly fro m

    chronolo gical filing of def ect re por ts to the breaking down of the ite m s andfa cto rs of in ter es t by m ean s of punch card s. A pro cedu re between the seex tre m es i s to cl ass ify defects according to the type of ai rc ra ft , the type offailure and t h pa rt of the ai rc ra ft concerned air fra m e, power-plant, brak esystem, hydraul ic system, e tc . .The re su lts obtained fr om the collection and analysis of data concerningdefe cts and mechanical malfunctioning a ce in mo st c as es a cted on through theco-o perative effort of the governmen t agen cies concerned, th manufacturersand the operator,In countries with a l im ited number of m ajo r airl in es that have an aer o-nau tical eng ineering staff approved by the Go vern men t with the autho rity toapprove m ajo r r ep air s and modifications, cor rec tive action is usually d eter-mined dire ctly by the airlin e. In this case, the airl ine norm ally is expectedto consult th manufacturer o r other a i r l ines with s im ilar f light m ater ia l andto nbtify the governm ent of the action taken, fo r approval o r con firmation. TheGov ernmen t may as si st air lin es , if nec es sa ry , in obtaining adequate inform a-tion through the State of origin and may d issem inate ins truction s to other a ir -l ines concerned.

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    Circu la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9 1Rem edial action for potentially rec ur re nt de fects i s taken through theaccomplishment of revised operating o r maintenance o r inspect ion proc edure sthe issuance of Service Bul le t inst1 y manufacturers , op erato rs o r govern-ment, o r in the ca se of urgent o r potentially hazard ous defec ts, the issuanceby the Governm ent of Airworthiness DirectivesI4 o r Notices to Airmen that

    a r e mandatory upon the op era to rs of the a ir cr af t involved. Other action thatsom etimes resu l ts i s revis ions to a i rworthiness requiremdnts o r the specification of special training and educational pr og ram me sThe act ion determined is noti fied to a l l intereste d par t ie s and in part ic-ul ar to the op erat ors and responsible maintenance personnel concerned.F o r the purpose of checking that this ha s been prop er implementationof the act ion determined, mo st governments maintain o r super vise an inspec-t ion organizat ion. Inspe ctors regularly rece ive a l l the Airworthiness Direct ivand check implementation a t appropriate t imes.Som e examples of the action taken on defect rep o rt s by individual Sta tesa r e given in the following pa rag rap hs.In AUSTRALIA m ajo r d efects a r e investigated eith er by Dep artmen talSu rve yo rs, o r by those air l ine engineering sections which have been approvedfo r this purpose. The resul ts of these invest igat ions a r e a lso reported brief lyin weekly su m m ar ie s of m ajo r d efects' togeth er With a cr o ss re fe rence to theinit ial defect rep or t to which they re fe r.Minor defects a r e only investigated in detail wbep the stat is t ical monthlyr e t u r ns ( s e e i gu r e 1) indicate any disturbing trends, The invest igat ions a r e

    the s car r ie d out in the same way a s for major defec ts ,Major defects (see xamples of ma jor defects in Figure 18 a r e c l a s s i fi eaccording to type of a ir cr af t and type of fai lu re and a r e then reco rde d on car d s(examples in Fig ure s 9 and 20) under this appropriate classification.As m ajor defects ar e c losely a ll ied to a i r cra ft incidents and, in fact ,a r e often the subject of incident repor ts , the information result ing fr o m thei rinvestigation is a ls o record ed on Holleri th punch-cards in the accident andincident s ta t is t ic al system ; this faci l i tates the s tudy of t ren ds in ma jor defectsMinor defects a r e not normal ly c lassi f ied o r record ed except whendetailed investigation is made.In CEYLON in or de r to mainta in continuing airw ort hin ess of ai r c ra f tin se rv ice , al l modifications both m ajo r and mino r, whether prop osed by thea i r c ra f t manufac turer o r o pera tor on the bas i s of defec t repo r t s have to beapproved by the Dire ctor of Civil Aviation ( se e F o r m s in Fig ur es 21 and 22).In addition any c on ce ssio n t ha t i s r eq u ir ed b o p er at or i s a pp ro xed on th eF o r m shown in Figure 23.

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    14 Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9In INDONESIA a ir c ra ft acciden t rep or ts a r e drawn up and analyzed by asp ec ial organization in the Dir ec tor ate of Civil Aviation. On the oth er handthe analysis of defect reports is substantially carried out by the operator him-self, if ne ce ss ar y in close co-operation with the Di rec tor ate of C ivil Aviation.In INDIA de fect re po rts a r e examined and analyzed by the Civil AviationDepartment. If th cause of a defect cannot be conclusively estab lish ed, them at te r i s taken up with the ma nufactu rer of the part icul ar p ar t involved. Ince rta in ca se s the defective components a re forwarded to them for investigation.On rec eipt of their rep or t and recommendation, reme dial action is determined.In ITALY th ' lRegistro Aeronautico is respon sible for the examinationof defects and fo r the investiga tion of the ir c au se s. Defect and malfunctioningre po rts filed with local offices a r e routed to the Head Office where they a r eanalyzed. A sample of the coded fo rm used for this purpo se i s attached seeFigure 24 .The NETHERLANDS regulation s re qu ire an owner of a reg is te re d a ir -cr af t to rep ort all majo r defects and re pa irs of an air cra ft to the Departmentof Civil ~ i i a t i o n . ~ h kumber of r eg ist ere d air cra ft in the etherl lands beingsm all and the major pa rt of all transp ort air cra ft being operated by one ai rtra ns po rt ope rato r, the Department of Civil Aviation ha s no spec ific methodsfo r recording and analyzing re curr ing failures o r defects. Fo r a i rc raf t ownedby that a ir tran sp or t ope rato r, the analyzing i s done by the ope rato r. If neces-sa ry, a furth er analysis of the failu res or d efects is performe d by the Depart-m en t of C ivil Aviation in clos e co-operation with that op era tor. Fo r a l l o therair cra f t the fai lures ar e invest igated, more or l es s on an ad hoc ba si s by theDep artmen t of Civil Aviation a s far a s possible i n co-operation with th operator.In N W ZEALAND the responsibility for reporting and investigating ofde fec ts i s placed on the op era tor, while the re cording and analy sis i s done bythe ~ e f e c tn v e s t i ~ a t i o nit a t the head office of th c iv i l Aviation B ran ch ofthe Air Department. This unit studies the repo rts of the op ir at or 's investiga-tions and where nec es sa ry subm its propo sals fo r preventive action.A c ard index i s used for classifying the defect repo rts. The index isdivided into se ctions, each section being allotted to a ma jor pa rt of the ai rc ra ft.The se ctio ns a r e arrang ed alphabetically, e. g.

    Section A - Airf ramesSection B Brake SystemsSection H - Hydraulic System sSection Powerplants

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    Gir cular 3 4 - ~ ~ /9 1Each section is fur ther subdivided nume rically into ai r cra ft types andeach type subdivided numerically into components. Thus Section A-2 i s thesubsection devoted to Airf ram e-L ode star Ai rc raf t and Car d A-3-7 indicatesAir fra m e IIDH Herontt-Ailerons. All the relevant information is sum ma rize don the appropriate c ard and a cr os s refere nce i s made to the detai led re po rt

    held on file.In NORWAY accident and defect rep or ts a r e s ent to the Dir ect ora te ofCivil Aviation which analyzes them and i s re spo nsib le for the appr opri ateaction. The sm all number of a ir cr af t in Norway ma kes i t however im pra cti cto employ s tat ist ica l methods in the ana lysis .In PAKISTAN each defect i s analyzed by m em be r of the technical sta fof the Aeronautical Inspection Division and classified roughly s follows:

    a) Defe cts, inaidents, etc. considere d everyday occ ur ren ce s;b) Defects, incidents, et c. , which may be caused by poor initialdesign, workmanship or maintenance, but a r e considered isolated casec) Defects, incidents, etc . , which will not ser ious ly affect safetbut a r e considered l ikely to re-occur.d) Defects, incidents, etc. , which may ser ious ly affect safety,and/or a r e considered l ikely to re-o ccur .

    In the c as es a) and b) above no fur the r action i s taken by the AeronauticInspection Division, but in the c as es c) and d) ma nuf actu rers a r e notifiedimmediately with a request for necessary remedial action; and in addition, inthe ca se d) the controlling airwo rth ine ss a utho rity of the cou ntry of or ig in ofthe airca aft i s notified.In the UNITED STATES the accident reports, the daily mechanicalre por ts, the daily fl ight interruption re po rt s and the malfunctioning and defe cr e ~ o r t s re ,c ol lec ted at the headcruarters of the Civil Aeronaut ics Board and

    th Civil Aeronautics ~ d m in is tr a ii o n . A Division of the Bur eau of SafetyInvestigation i s conce rned with the over -all evaluation and analy sis of al l Ai r-cra ft Accident Reports and this group pr ep are s th official accident statist icsthat a r e published yearly . In additi-on, the analysis of these sta tis t ic s andrelated m ate ria l leads to special s tudies in the inte rest of increased safety.These stat i s t ics also fo rm the ul t imate yardst ick by which pr og res s in ai rsafety is measu red. Ano ther Division of the Burea:, the Te ch nica l Division ,reviews and evaluates from an engineering vi,ewpoint all accident reportswherein airworth iness m at te rs a r e involved, and recommends corr ect iv eaction a s indicated.

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    16 C ircu la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9The malfunctioning and defect rep or ts submit ted by other than a i rc a r r ie rs a r e co l lec ted and c lass i fied by the Civi l Aeronaut ics Administ ra tion .Thes e r ep or ts a r e analyzed and submit ted to s peci al is t s within the CAA forinitiating appropriate action. The mater ia l in the re po r ts i s then c las s i f ieds o a s to pe rm it a t s hor t not ice the establ ishm ent of the histo ry of a defect ,

    the number of i t s occ ur ren ce , ac t ion a l ready taken , e tc .The dai ly mechanica l r epo r t s submi tt ed by ce rt i fi ca ted a i r c a r r i e r s a r etra nsm it t ed by the assigned maintenance agent by te legraphic m ea ns , on anexpedited ba si s, to the Office of the Ai r C a rr ie r Maintenance Bra nch of theCivi l Aeronau tics Administrat ion where they a r e acted upon dai ly by a spe-cial ized staff . The act ion taken on such re po rt s involves thr ee pr incipalfunct ions a s fol lows:

    a) Per t inen t in format ion f r om the r epo r ts i s ed i ted and d is- -t r ibu ted to a l l a i r c a r r ie rs opera t ing s imi lar types of equipment ino rd er to advise the ope ra to rs of the occu rre nce of specific incidents anda s a me ans of a ler t ing such ope rat ors to the possibi l ity of s im ila r occur-ren ce on their a i rc ra f t . This function i s handled on a d aily expeditedba si s s o that op era tor s may be awa re of hazardous incidents withmi nim um of delay.

    b) Supplementary information refer r in g to each such incident ispublished a s soon s available and includes such information as: appa rentcaus e of the incident , i n te r im correc t ive act ion when nec es sar y, per ma -nent corre ct iv e act ion a s found to be requi red and any other informa tionwhich might be of aid to the op er at or s.c) All information rel ate d to specif ic hazardous incidents isco l lec ted and r e f e r r ed a s necessa ry to app rop ria te spec ia l i s t g roupswithin the C and indust ry for ana lys is , cor rec t ive ac t ion on an imme-dia te o r long-range bas is , and for s tudy with res pe c t to des ign cr i t e r iafor fu ture a i rc raf t . Al l informat ion re la ted to each repor ted inc ident isindexed and rec ord ed in a manner which ens ur es avai labi l ity for futureref ere nce and anal ysis . When found advisable , immed iate cor rec t iv eaction is taken on incidents in the da i ly mechanica l re po r ts in the f or mof te legraphic direct ives , a l er t bul let ins, or by specifying mandato rychanges ,

    The dai ly su mm ar ie s of the fl ight in terrupt ion re po rt s eubrnit ted byecheduled ir ca r r i e r s a r e summar ized and r eco rded in a montfrly r epo r t bythe Civ il Aeronaut ics Adminis t ra t ion . Such sum ma ry re po r t s cover a l l aircr af t occ urr en ces due to known or suspected malfunct ioning o r mec hanicaldiffiyulties that re su lt i n an interrup tion to a scheduled flight or a change ofa i rc ra f t , they a lso reco rd the number of engines removed prem atur e ly becauseof mech anic al troub le, l iste d by mak e and mod el, and the number of prop ellerfeathering6 effec ted for a ny rea so n, indicating the flight stag e a t the t i me of

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    Ci r cu l a r 3 4 - A ~/ 2 9 1feather ing , such as take-of f, c l imb, c ru i se , e tc . These monthly rep or t sprovide a me an s for the de term ina tion of the efficiency of main tenan ce pro-cedu res and frequently a re also used a s a bas is fo r stat ist ical evaluat ion ofce r tai n types of fai l ure s occur r ing in scheduled ai rc ra f t operat ion.

    4. Exch ange of Informa tionA g rea t number of State s operate ai rc ra f t purchased in another State.In ord er to maintain their ai rc ra f t on a level of a irwo rthine ss sim ilar to theone achieved in the State of origin , the purchasing State tr i e s to obtainregu lar ly any informat ion, in par t ic ular , Airwor th iness Direct ives andService Bul le t ins i ss ued by the Sta t e~o f r ig in or by the ma nufa cturer s, thatpe rtai ns t o the continuing air wo rthi ne ss and the prevention and remedying ofrec ur r en t defects on purchased ma ter ia l . On the other hand, some of thepurchasing Governments and operato rs have made it a ru le to submit to the

    State of or igin o r to the manufac turer concerned any information fr o m theirdefect rep or ts that m ay be of in te re st to the State of or igin or to the manufact u r e r . Th is exchange of information i s co nsid ered to constitute the bes t wayof keeping im porte d ai rc ra ft in up-to-date airw orthy condition and it ap p ea r sthat State s that follow this p rac tice a r e sa tisfied with the way this exchange oinformation i s accomplished.The proce dure for the exchange of information is somew hat dependent c i r cumstanc es , in genera l the major a i r l ines r e fe r the i r p rob lems d i r ec t ly tthe manufacturer o r its agencies . The sm al ler a i r l ipe s and pr ivate ope ra tore fe r such ma t te rs normal ly to thei r government, which takes the mat te r up

    with the man ufact urer o r , in som e ca s e s, with the national autho rity of thecountry. conc erned .In INDIA wh enever a defect oc cu rs , the cause of which cannot be r ea dies tabl ished, the mat te r is taken up with the ma nuf act ure r of the engine, a ircra f t or a cce sso r ies involved. Somet imes the defective components a r e for -warded to the m for investigation. On rec eip t of their r ep or t and recomrnendtion, act ion i s taken to inform al l the op era tors of the par t ic ular type of a ir -cra f t , Any information received f r o m the manu facturers regarding defects ofa i lu re s on their products is circula ted through the medium of notices to ai r-cr af t owner s and ground engineer s Technical information is supplied by the

    manufac turers d i rec t ly to the opera tors . A clo se watch i s kept by the G overment technical off icers at the opera to r s base tha t a l l manda to ry me asu res aimm ediate ly complied with.In INDONESIA there is a sp ecial rep res en tati ve of the manufa cturer ofthe pr incipal ai rc ra f t used by the air l in e at tached to the technical departmenof the airlin e to handle the proble ms relatin g to the partic ula r type of a ir cr afThe repres entat ive a ct s a s the l iaison man between the manufacturer and theair l ine , All modificat ions and re pa ir s to the airc ra f t a re executed only af ter

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    18 C ircu lar 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9

    consultation with the manufa cturer 's repre sentativ e . F or se r ious p rob lemscontact is usually made with the manu factur er i rst . In this way the m anufac-tu re r i s a lways kept informed of al l the work that is done to the airc raf t inIndonesia. Beside this channel, the air l ine also re por ts to i t s office in theNethe rlands a ll the experienc e obtained with thi s particu lar type of ai rc ra ft .F o r other types of a ir cr af t the procedur es of exchanging information a r ealmo st the same except that the re i s no perm anen t re pr es en tat iv e of themanufac turer . Information concerning one par ticular Am eri can type doesnot go to the United Sta tes direc tly but goes via the man ufactu rer's rep res enta -t ive in Europe. In addition to the cur re nt bulletins of the manu fac ture rs theairl ine r eceiv es periodical publ ications issu ed by the manu facturer. Thesedocuments a r e used a s a guide for maintenance and operation of the air cr af t .Exchange of inf orm ation with other St at es i s st i l l a t a minimum.In ITALY exchange of inf orm ation between m an uf ac tur er s nd opera to rswhether national or foreign i s norm ally c ar ri ed out through the respect ive

    techn ical and corm ner cia l agenc ies which provide for the sending of tech nicalperso nnel or informative m at er ia l . The Government keeps in touch with tk sexchange, either through direct contact with the technical experts of manufac-t u r e r s o r, hrough official technical authori t ies . It is thus possible to checkwhether t li n n opera tors a r e using foreign equipment in accordance with thetechnic al specifications iss ue d for su ch equipment. Exchange of inform ationbetween Italign manuf acture rs and foreign ope rato rs whenever any modifica-t ions a r e introduced, i s ensured by mea ns of modificat ion for ms , sam plesof which one for ai rc ra ft and one for engines a r e given in Fi gu re s 25 and 26.In the NETHERLANDS it is the prac t ice for opera tors to repo r t a l l major

    defects to the ma nufac turer, in some cas es through a repre sentat iv e, if aforeign manu factur er i s involved. If , i n the opinion of the De partm en t of CivilAviation, cer tain information ma y be of m or e ge neral int er es t , the Civil Avia-tion autho ritie s of the Sta te of orig in involved a r e given full detailed inform a-tion, and it is left to that State to check or complete the information and dis-t r ibute i t to al l Governments concerned.In N W ZEALAND the resp ons ibili ty for the investigation of d efe cts re a tson the oper ator. It i s there fore norm al for h im to take the mat te r up with themanufacturer if the problem cannot be solved locally. When tkere a i e s er io u sdifficult ies, it h as been the pr ac tic e of the Civil Aviation Bra nch in New Zealand

    to notify the C ivil Aviation autho rity of the c ountry of ori gin of the ai rc ra ftinvolved.In NORWAY ne arl y al l air cr af t a r e of foreign manufacture. The Direc-tor at e of Civil Aviation rec eiv es Airw orthine ss Directives or sim ila r publica-t ion s fr om the countries of origin, and in mo st ca se s also manufacturers S erviceBulletin s, and cal ls the attention of the ow ner s to those which m us t be inco r-porated.

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    C irc u la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9 19Def ects which a r e thought to be of i nt er es t to the State of ori gin or themanufac turer a r e genera l ly repor ted to them by le t t e r . Bes ides th i s the re

    is a stead y exchange of inf orm ation between the man ufa ctu rer s and theopera to rs by l e t t e r s v i s i t s t o fac to r i e s and se rv ice rep resen ta tives .In PAKISTAN the Aeronau tical Ins pection Division re ce iv es the ma nufatu re r Is technical bu l le t ins and s teps a r e taken to en sure tha t loca l ope ra tor sconcerned comply with the reco mm enda tions of the ma nuf act ure rs.In SWEDEN national ma nufa cture rs of ai rc ra ft pa rt s and equipment aheld respon sible fo r providing a l l per sons known to be owners of the a ir c ra fboth in Sweden and abroad with their Se rvice Bullet ins establ ished accordinto a pres cr ibe d sys tem. Airworth iness Direc t ives for a i r cra f t manufac turedin Sweden a r e t ran sm it ted to the aeronaut ical authori t ies of the coun tries towhich Swedish a i r cr af t a r e exported .In SWITZERLAND the regis t rat ion of an a ir cr af t i s subject to thepres entatio n by the applicant of sta tem en t cer tifie d by the official autho rityand issue d by the manufacturer of the ai rc ra ft involved stat ing that a l l thepert inent information modificat ion not ices ser vic e bul let ins and eventuallythe revis ion to the bul letins wil l be del ivered by autom atic dist r ibut ion to thetechn ical sectio n of the F e de ra l Air Office. A copy of such a sta tem ent isrep roduced in F igure 2 7The UNITED STATES Government fur nis hes to other Sta tes the informtion on cont inuing airw orthin ess m at er ia l that req ui re s act ion of a mandatorynature: Airworthiness Direc t ives which contain this information a r e circu -

    la ted to mo st fore ign governments through the i r Em bas s ie s in the United S taEm erge ncy information i s supplied by te legr am . Serv ice informat ion and o trem edi al proc edur es not of ma ndato ry natur e a r e supplied by the manufactu re r d i rec t ly to ope ra tor s both domest ic and fore ign .

    5. - ConclusionI t has nat been at temp ted to give in this C irc ula r an account of themethods adopted in som e Contract ing State s. Although the object ives a r e thesa m e and the gen era l princ iples governing the repor t ing and analysis of d efe

    and the subsequent ac tion to not v ary much th ere i s considerable var ia t ion inthe detailed pro ced ure followed. Th i s is inevi table because the n ature andscale of opera t ions and o ther re levant c i rcu ms tance s di f fer f r o m Sta te to S taIt i s hoped that the information that ha s been col lated will give a broadpictur e of p re se nt p ra ct ic es and of how varia tion s in local conditions have betaken into account. More d eta ils of the pra ct ic es adopted can often be found official not ices issue d by the State concerned.

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  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    i r cu l a r3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9FIG


    DOUGLAS DC-4Component

    I Aircraf tA. Ailerons and Wing FlapsAileron Tab and Cont. AssemblyWing FlapB. FuselageCabin DoorsCargo Doors

    Door LocksInspection DoorsNose Wheel DoorsCabin WindowsFuvelage SkinC. WingsWing SkinMain Gear DoorsI1 Air craf t AccessoriesA. De-icer and Anti-icing Sy stemAlcohol Tanks and FilterAnti-icer Pump and Motor

    B Electrical SystemBatteriesInvertersVoltage RegulatorsC Fuel System af t of F/W )Booster Pump and MotorF/W Shut-off ValvesFilter Caps and GasketsD. Hydraulic SystemAccumulatorCowl Flap ActuatorBrake DeBoosterE Landing GearMain Brake Assy.Main Gear Shock Strut

    I11 nstrumentsA. Auto-Pilot Sys temDir. Gyro UnitServo UnitB. Engine Instrum entsFuel Flow Transmitterillanifold Pressurc GaugeThermocouple InstallationOil Temperature Gauge

    Total Defectiveor Changed

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    APPENDIX 100 8 4 1 4C. Flig ht Instr um entsAir Speed IndicatorAltimeterFlux Gate Compass

    Gyro HorizonTurn and Bank IndicatorIV ower PlantA. CowlingAccessory CowlingCarb. ScoopOil Cooler DoorB. EnninescylindersIntake Pipes and GasketsPush Rod Housing and GasketsM isc. Se als a nd ~ i s k e t sOil LinesC. En gin e Acce ssoriesS ta r te rGeneratorHydraulic PumpVacuum PumpFuel PumpD. Engine ControlsBlower ControlsCarb. Mixture ControlsPropelIer Controls

    E. Exhaus t Sys temBall Joint Assy.Collector RingsTail PipesAttach. Brackets

    F Fuel System Fwd. of F/WCarburet torPr imer Sys temMiscellaneousG. Oil SystemOil CoolersOil Temp. RegulatorOil TanksIgnition SystemHigh Tension LeadsIgnition HarnesaMagnetosSparlr Plugs

    I Prapellers and ccessoriesDome AssemblyPropeller AssembfyPropeller Governor

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    ircular3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9 3

    I M M E D I A T E F1g. 2


    M e ss a ge r e c e i v e d f r o mTim e of Rece ipt Date

    Loca l i t yo fAccidcn tName of nearest rai lway stat ion

    Date and Time of Accident

    Nature of Accident

    Type of AircraftIdent i fication Let t er s o r Numbers .. .Owner of Aircrafto rService UnitName of Pilot Kil led, Serio usly or Sl ight ly Injured, Uninjured.Other Occupants of Air cra ft and Nature of Injuri es

    F u r t h e r R e m a r k s

    Pol ice Stat ionin chargeTelephone Number

    Action Taken Give tim e Inspe ctor of Accidents notified)

    Mes sage taken down by SignatureDesignation:

    Pa ss ed on to Inspector of Accidents for fur ther act ion.

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9F i g , 3 A.I .D. No. 32.



    Regis t ra tion Marks ............................Regi stere d Owner .........................................................ype of Airc raf t ............................ype of Engine ............................of A. Number

    P lace , T ime andDate o Occurrence ....................................................... ....,..*............................,........... ....*......................*.....Brief details of Occu rrence ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Was fi re aaaociated with th occur rence? ive detail8 if known ..................................................................................................................DAMAGE TO AIRFRAME: Undamaged: Minor: Serious:DAMAGE TO ENGINE: Undamaged: Minor: Seriouo:AIRCRAFT: Ha s Been: I s Being: Tran spor ted: Flown To: ..........

    NOTE Any additional information ahould be given overleaf:

    Signed ...................................,Designation ..........a,....,........,.....* Cro as out the words which ar e not applicable.

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i rc u la r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9F i g . 4

    Confidential F o r m C.A. 39 ( ~ e v i s e(LR. 292)GOVERNMENT O F CEYLON


    ) Date and time:) Type of Flying:

    d) Object of flight:e) Date and ti m e of re ce ip t ofnotif ication by investigator:f) Date and t ime of a rr iv al ofinves t iga tor at scene:

    2. SUMMARY O F ACCIDENT ( C a t e ~ o r A : -

    3. AIR CR FT NFORMATION:a Regist rat ion Marking:b) Air cra f t type and ma ke r s Se r i a l No:.c ) Engine types , a i r f ra me posi tions andak er s Se r i a l Nos:.

    d) Cer tif icat e of r eg ist ra tio n No. and Validity:e) Ce rti fic at e of ai rw or th ine ss No. and dat e ofex pir y, and Flight Manual No:

    f) Cer tif icat e of safety date and tim e of is su e and peri od of validity:

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Date of construction of airframe:

    h Name and address of owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    i Gr oss Weights:- aximum permitted by C. of A. for this flight,.........................................nd at time of accident:.j Loading:- Centre of gravity limits in C. of A. and centre of gravity.... ......... ......osition at accident and commencement flight:

    .....................k Airframe history:-

    1 Engine history:-

    m Accessory history:-

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9 274 REW INFORMATION:

    a Particulars:

    b Addresses of all crew members:

    c History of crew members concerned with accident:

    d List of injuries:

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    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9e Medical investigation:

    f Details of relevant previous accidents:

    PASSENGERS:-a Particulars:

    b List of injuries:

    F) Medical investigation:

    Addressassenger e Names Nationality

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9 6 WEATHER CONDITIONS:

    a) Ceiling, visibility, wind direction and velocity, t em pe rat ur e,dew point, etc. a t tim e and sce ne of accident:

    b) Weather fo re ca st s and whether pilot was awar e of the se:

    c) Actual weath er conditions over the rout e of the flight:

    d) Conditions which might produce icing:

    7. NAVIGATION AIDS:a Aide available on this flight:

    b) Aide fi tted to a ir cr af t:

    c Aids used and their effectiveness:

    d) R em ar ks of investiga tor:

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT:-a) a s there any fi re ?b) Cause of fire:c) Fi r e fighting equipment used and ts effectiveness:

    WITNESS:a) Names and ad dr es se s of witnesses:

    Name Address Remarks

    b) Witnes s e s l etatements: (to be attached)

    OTHER STATEMENTS:-Other cltatements which it might be necessary to add to those of w itness.EX MIN TIONOF WRECKAGE ND TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION:a 1;ocation of Wreckage:

    c) Condition of wreckage:

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9 3 1d Technical examination of wreckage:

    e Parachute equipment:

    f Specia l technical investigation and teats:

    12. GROUND INSTALLATIONCondition of aerodrome and installation, length of runways used:

    1 3 COMMUNICATIONSData on communications and their functioning:




  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9:

    .................................Signature of the investigating Officer:Designation: ......................



  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Ci rcu l a r 3 4 ~ N / 2 9Fig

    Form ACO


    Daft:... ...... ....... ..................Aim CY.........................................................U No ........................... M i o n ................................... No of P w :.......................

    (Fater hen &tail of any incidents, etc., ather than Delay, or off schedule operotion and Mechanicaldefects''which int Ca@aIn's view should be taken upby the Oprotions hparhnent with the proper authorlth. Tbs word NILshould be writt n acmw whencver th n s nothiq to =port.)


    ?i lo te~lrport PORT Englnmr s Corrective Action PORT

    Signature IEtute DatePORT PORTSignatun 1 signature Date-


  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    34 C i r c u l a r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9Fig. 6



    Type of Aircraft:Registration Marking CY-:Owner:.

    1) Component Reported Defective:a) Typeb) P ar t Numberc) Ser ial Numberd) Hours since O/He) Total Hours

    2) DefectReported:D a t e : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P o r t : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    3) Duration of Delay:4) Mechanic or Engineers Report:.

    Signature:5) Action taken to remedy Defect or prevent recurrence:

    Chief Inspector:On Behalf of):


  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9F i g 7 C.A. 100

    AIRCRAFT DEFEC T REPO RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IRCRAFT TYPE: . . . . . . . . . . . . SERLAL NO:egistration Marks CY:- . . . . . . . . . . . . .ate of Accident or forced Landing:.............................escript ion:*Defect ive Parts: . . . . . . . . . . . . .P a rt Nos. o r component Nos: . . . . . . . . . . . ............ota l t im e the par t or par t s have f lown Hrs : Mins: .......................lying t ime since las t overhaul: Hrs : Mins:

    Date o f . as t inspection: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ircraftEngineerCertifying N a m e :las t inspect ion: ..........icence No:....................................................pinion as to the ca use of fai lure :

    ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Any recommendations to obviate or minim iae the rec ur re nc e of such fai l ure s in the future:-

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ignature:Chief Eng in ee r /~ hi ef nspector : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    A ir li ne O pe ra tin g Go. / ~ i r m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Date*Defective Ai rcra ft p ar t or p art s should be forwarded to the Chief Aeronautical Inspecto r ,togeth er with a copy of thi s for m duly completed.

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    6 Circu la r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9F i g .


    .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ir cr af t Type: Regist ratio n Mar ks CY-:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ate of Accident o r f orc ed landing

    . . . . . . . . . . . .ngine Type: Positi on: . . . . . . . . . . . . Se ri al No: ............fective P art e: Description: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pa rt Nos : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    o tal t ime the pa r t o r pa r t s have run H rs . . ....... Mins . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ........unning t im e since la st complete overhaul: H r s . . Mins. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ate of l as t inspection:

    cra f t Engineer Name ...................................nspect ion Lic enc e No:.

    inion a s to the cau se of the failure:-


    recommendations to obviate or minimize the re cur ren ce of such fa i lures in the fu ture : -

    ..........................ignature:Chief ~ n g i n e e r / ~ h i e fnspector

    ..........................Airl ine Opera t ing Co. /F i r m

    Date: .....................Defective Engine pa rt o r par ts should be for ward ed to the Chief Aeronautical Inspector,togeth er with a copy of th is fo rm duly completed).

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C. A. 31. PRCRAFT DEFECT REPORTAircraft Type Serial NoOwnerRegistration Marks

    Forced lanatng at place)

    Defect { l ~ o t i f i ab l e c c i d e n g n date)was found on inspection by Gmund Engineer name)OF. date)

    Dexr ip ionDefective Parts Part Nos

    Component Nos. if any)iotal time the paxt or parts have flown: Hrs Mins.Flying tim e since last overhaul: Hrs Mins. .Date of last inspecti onG r~ un d ngineer cer-

    tifying last impec- 1 icence NO.Opinion as to the cause of failuretion

    Any recommendation to obvia te or minimize the recurrence of suchfailure in the future

    State how defective parts have been disposed ofRemarksCeaified that the above puticulan are correct in every respect.Date: Signature

    DesignationP. T. 0 for instructions.


    A oopy of this form should be filled in in respect of accidents or forcedland iqs due to failure o any part of the aircraft, aircraft instruments orinstallation. After completion the form should be signed

    a) In the case o aircraft operating companies by the senior memberof their engineering personnel. dire ctly responsible for the mai n-tenance o the aircraft,

    @ In the case o lyiqg Clubs, by t he Secretary of the Club, andc) In the case of aircraft operating under other conditiom, by the

    owner of the peaon in chaxge of the aircraft,whereafter the form should be folwarded to the Civil Aviation Directorate,New Delhi/Simla.

    It is requested that this form should also be beed for mtifying the CivilAviation Direct orate of any serious structur al or mec hani cal fail-, orfailure s of a less serious nature which owing to the frequency of such occur-rencesmay indicate the desirability of taking steps to obviate or minithem.

    In many cases it is considered desirable for the Civil Aviation Director-ate t o inspect the paas responsible for such failures, but the forwarding ofsuch pa m is left in the first imtance to the discretion of the persons submit-ting the forms. When, hawever, such pa are submitted, they should beaddressed to Civ il Aviation Directora te, New Delhi/SimLa.

    E P W Ltd -31-5-48--6502

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034



    AIRCRAFTAircraft Type: Regist ration Marks:

    on (date)ENGINEEngine Type Serial No.

    DescriptionDefective Parts.

    art Nos.Total time the part orparts have run: H I S . ins.


    Rum~ngime since last complet e overhaul: Hrs. Mins.Running time since last top overhaul: Hrs; Mins.Date of last inspection

    r r c e d landing t (place)resulted in Minor Accident

    Notifiable Accident on (date)was found on nspection by GmmdEng ineer(name)

    Ground Engineer certifyinglast inspection. F:C.O,Opinion as to the cause of the fai Ute.:

    Any recommendation t o obviate or minimize the recurrence of such failurein the future:

    State how defective parts have been di sps ed oftRemarks:Celtifizd that the above particulan are corre ct in every respect.Date: Sigriature:

    Desigution:@. T. 0 for instructions.



    A copy of this form hould be filled in in respect of accidents or forcedlandings due to failure of any zt of the engine, engine instruments or instal-lation. After completion tbe form should be signed:

    (a) in the case of aircraft operating companies, by the senibrmember of their engineering pen onecl , directly responsiblefi r the maintenance o the aircraft;

    @ in th e case of Flying Clubs, by the Secretilrytof the C lub, and(c) in the case of ainsrafr operati ng under other conditions, by -

    the owpcr or the person in charge of the ai rcraft,whereafter the form should be forwarded to the Civil Aviation Directora te,New Delhi/Simlr.

    It is requested that this form should also be used for notifying the CivilAviation ctor e of y serious structural or mechan ical failurek orfailures of a less serious nature which owing to the frequelicy of d c h occur-nne es may indicate the desirability of taking s t e p t obviate or minimilethem.

    In many cases it is considered detQ lebcthe Civi lAviationJ3irectorate 1inspect the parts responsible for such failures, but the fomrarding of such partsIs left in the first in st ac e to the discretion of the persons submitting the formsWhen, however, such parts are submitted, they should be addressed to CivilAviation Directorat e, N& Delhi/Sim la,

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    KEPORT ONMECHANICALDELAYS OCCURRNC ON AEUNESAircraft R~@ wtiop Issuing OfficeOwners o Afrcraft Office SerialNo.

    1. Place t which delay originated.

    3. Scheduled date and time

    2. ate and time of d v a l frircnft t d o n

    4. Descriptim c puo affectedP u t No. if pmibh.

    Date. Time.

    Nature of defect

    . pinim as to vlr of defect.

    . Action taken tom de r aimaf t

    d mrrerid s) used or operationsctnicd on.

    1 P.T.O.

    granted or requested in respectof such repais r replacemenfs.

    .O Total delay involved.

    Certified that the abwe entries are correct in every respect.



    E.P. W. Ud, 2300 214 48

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9FIG 12


    P A K I S T A N R E G IS T E R E D A I R C R A F TRegistration MarksRegistered nerT yp e of aircraftT o ta l No. of hours flownT yp e of engineIf engine defect give no. of hours since last major ove~haul

    Place Time and Date of occurrance


    Detai ls of Occ urran ce

    Brief description of damage

    What action is being taken for repair

    NOTE :-Additional informa tion should be given on othe r side of this page


  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 - ~ ~ / 2 9 4FIG. 13

    I 2. .Landing a t3. The defect occurred on the ground a t take-off climb c r u i r i n g m

    Bwcimen a/


    Tothe Royal Board of Civ i l AviationDivision of Ci vi l Aviation Inspec t i o rStockholm 12.Remr t on Fai lu re s a d Defeote.This re r t shal l be eent i n ad Boona~ possg l e a f t e r a fa i l u re h a 00aurred which mceaa ita tea a ahange Ina t li ht pl n or reduces tb a i r -v g rt d lr s . of the a i r cr a f t i m ~ p i o -five of vhetber the defect i s of amechanical or radiotechnical ckrao-t e r or othervise affec ts the equipment rsquired f o r aafety i n flying,

    I 4. The defeot affeotod Ser, No.(type of alraraft engine, pop,, radio- el,-equlp~mnt I

    Alrcraf t SE


    5. Conatruotional d e t a i l NoOperating time t ot al hra. af te r overhaulhrr,; af te r la s t inspeotion hr a

    1 Nature of fl ig h t Pi lo tfrom t o da te 19-

    110t e6. Slmxt description of the oharaoter and probable oaure of the d e f e o L--7. Action token


    3, Suggastiotle for nafety measwee Co prevent re-oaowrenas, oom;;lento-

    f ollara9 Heport from the teohnioal head, boos notfollow

    I date 19I emarks made by the Board

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    4/2 ;ir c u l e r 34-~1 ?/29FIG 4

    S CANDINAVIANA I R L I l I E S SYSTEM Report, on Failures and Defects

    Toakcraftnature of f l ightf sonthcr defect occurred

    n the gro* * att w r c o f t Umb nrising escent andingthe ddeot aff oted

    oes not follow


    aircraft typepilott o

    operatorS Sdatelanding at

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    FIG. 15Budmt B u m o. KROl1.I.ADDIOV~I1~1r- 8-M4.

    sM . OPY

    NON AIR CARRIER AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORTThe Civi l Air Regulationm require t hat a l l a i rc ra ft accidents be reported on the f orm provided. Thi. fo rm (CA B 4 6 8 1 im to

    be ured In rep o r t i n g a l l a cc id en ts ~ n c i d e n t o fl ight involving c~ vi l i rcra ft of Uni ted S ta ter regimtry engaged In non-ai r-carrieroperrtionm wherever they may occur i f much aeeident reru lta in f a t a l or lerious in jury to any perlon .nd/or damage to t he a i m r d tof 100 or more. F i l l out in t r ip l icate immediately an d de lrv er o r ma i l t o t h e n e a m t CA B In v ea t ig a t or . CA A A g en t , o rt h e S t a b A ero nau t lea l In v ea t i p t o r fo r t h e S t a t e i n w h ich t h e acc i d en t o ccu r red .1 LOCATION ND TIME r ACCIDENT:

    1 City or p lace ................................. S t a t e .............................. Date ........................... H o u r ...............2. I f o n a i rp o r t , n ame same .................................

    ................... ...... ............ f off a i rport , g ive d istance (mi les) , d irect ion , and name of the nea reat a i rpo rt ....................................................................................................................................................................If. Fmm, I ~ m u m o n ,n S o u , S T U D ~ N T :

    1 F u l l n ame ............................ ....................................................... Age ..................... Male Female................................................................... In j u r i e r .......................................................... CAA certificate, kind and number

    ..............................................Ratlngm ............................................................ Medical-Date and clann.................. ................ Flying t ime: Total ................... ..... N i g h t I n ~ t r w n e n t................. In type involved6. Now enrol led in approved ~c ho ol? Yer No Approved wh w l graduate ? Yen No O....................................................................................................... If yes, g ive name and locat ion of w hw l8. Name your inmtructor in thim type alrcraft in lamt year .................................... Certlflcate No. .....................

    .............................. Name inmtructor who recommended you tor prerent pllot certificate Hi1 Cert. No. ...............10. Who l ight-tented you for you r prele nt pilot certificate? a) CAA Agent: Na me ................................................

    ( b ) D el i m a t ad ex ami n e r: N ame .............................. No. ............... 0 ) D ate of t e ~ t........................ .111. CPeW OTRP~ HAN Paam (cop il o t, d u a l mt ud en t, o t h e l d e n o b w h ich ) :

    .................................Ful l na m a, addrealem, CAA certi f icate numberr, ra t i np , in juriea . ........................

    IV . PMRENaEns (denote whether revenue or nonrevenue) :1 Names, addnwea in juries .............................

    ........................................................................................................................V. I N J U U YO G RO U N DREW, WCTATORI, TC.:1 N ames , ad d re sse s , ~ n l u r re s ............................................ ...............................................

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- . .VI. PROPERTYAMAGEstru ctur es, power Ilnes, crops, Ilvestock, etc.) :

    1 Deacl be dam age rn detall (dollar estlmate necessary) ...............................................-- . . . . . . . . . --.

    VII. T ~ P r F LY IN G N G A G EDN AT TIME OF ACCIDENTcheck or an swer each i tem uppl icable) :Day X-C t Advanced traln ing Noncommercial

    ...................................ight Studen t dual Pllot check Other speclal program (describe).......... ...........................oeal S tudent so lo Com merc ~al

    Deseklbe purpose of f l i ~ h t . ..................VIII. WEATHFA ONDITIONScheck items applleable) :Cel l~ng feet ) Dew point .................

    V l s l b l l ~ ty m ~ l e s ) Temp era tu re ....................W ~ n d etoclty and d~re ct lon ............................. SleetWere icing cnnditlons encountered? ..................................... Snow


    IX. A I U C H A ~ T . .................................. Trade name Model Ident~fle at ionNo.2 Age of a ~ r c ia ft Mfr s serla l No. .... Total flylng tlme --.3. Present owner (name and address) ...... ....................4. Purchased flom (nam e and address) .............6 E n g ~ n emake Model . . Horsepower . .6. A i rc ra f t d amag e ~ ~

    .........................................................7. Does owner ~ntendo re b u ~ ld ~ r c r a f t ? Yes No


  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    X. COLLISION CCIUENTSif accident involved coll~s~on~ t hther ancraft complete following inioimatian pertarnlng to otheraircraft) :1 CAA number ...........

    6. Attach aketch showing flight paths and pornt of coli~slon . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................XI. MEEAANICAI.AILUUELE am lete if mechanical fail ur e occurred prior to impact with ground or objectr. Completea)n all such eaeea. complete 4,c), or d ) if such item ie dtrectly involved.

    2. Deacribe rpeeiflc pa rt. involved in aumcient detail to ident ify failur e pwitively. (Att ach .Letoh o r photomuphr offailed part if practicable)....................................................................._.____...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    8. Are failed parta held for examination? Yea No If yen, where? ............................................................X I I . C n l s n - I ~ ~ u a um m : To be comuleted by CAB Investinator. CAA Anent, or Stat e Invest imtor,

    8 0 ~ ~ )TOTALIIZ



    a) Aircroltb) Enpine..e) Propeller(d) Acmeariea..........

    ............................................................ . ..........................................


    2. Coroner1 report:I I I I I

    Km-LOCATION:hd-hed, tr-t run k, a - a n n , 1g-leg. TYPE:-prain,fr--fwture, bn-burn, lac--laceration. Dwsa: ml--mi ld, awe ver e , id fa ta l . TllCAT-MZNT: 0-none, 1st-flrst aid, ho bh os pi ta l.XIII. PlIm B DESCRIPCSONP ACCIDENT:Give detailed a c s u n t ineluding flight or maneuvera immediately preceding the accident,nat ure of difficulty, speed, altitude, ek . Draw diagram if necesssry for clarity. If pilot ia incapacitated, owner or oper-ato r .hould complete other items of report and forward pilot's der rip tion of accident a t earliwt pwaible da ta

    , - .1 Mental o r phyaical

    Date of thl8 statement: S~ gn atu re f p~ lo t. . - ..Type or p r~ nt ame.................................... . ......... ...Mailing address for next 30 days . - . .


    O I I l U U LEouu BINCZ





    ............................condition of pilot:

    1. I have read the pilot's statement above and belleve that it ia nubetantially correct.2. I disagree with the pilot s statement and have attached a statement of my own.

    8 Z U L aND P A ~ TO..



    Date of th ~ statement: S~g nat ure f owner or operator. . . - . - . - . Type o r print name ............ ................

    Mailing address fo r next 30 daysXV. DIETRIBUTIONThls space lesewed for Agency or State use).Coplea dlstrlbuted to CAB CAA ] State by . . . . - - . - - .- . t-e- ..Name)

    B T l D C N l lNIVZT su EY)O O D U P U ~ NAY% Pa-0~ZAT ~ pma *at. OAUrna

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    FIG. 16

    BUUEAU OP SAFETY INVEETIaATIfflWASHINGTON D. C This CAB Porn S i s to he used i n re-portina a11 civ i l air cra ft accidentsinvolvina aircraft that exceed 12,500win g m ~ ~ e o r f m t ;helicoptern; and al l A l a ~ l r s nair c u r t e rA I R C R A F T A C C I D E N T REPORT ai rc ra ft regardleas of weight.p u t 6 2 . 3 6 o i the Civ il Air Regulationsreouirm that a11 air cra ft accidents asSubmit in dupl icate) . .defin ed he rep orted on the Porm provided.Pi1 1 out a ll pertin ent i t e m and moil ordeliv er (in duplic ate) to the Civil Aero-n u ti c s ba rd offi ce nearest your corn-pany a headau arters.

    Se c t i on I LOCATION AMJ T I 6 ( 2 4 - b a r c lo c k ) ACCIDBNi1 Nearest city 3 Date

    I2. S ta te 4. HourProximity t~ airport : Check on.)a the air po rt c ithin 1/2 mile e ithin.1 ui l e Within 3 miles i Within 5 milesb Within 1 /4 mile d Within 3 / 4 mile f Within a milea h Within 4 miles j Beyond 5 miles

    8 Eract loc ation of accident

    6. Phase ofoperation

    3. Clas s of Operator: C he ck a p p r o p r i a t e i t a m a )a cheduled c ontract e Business 8 ther Smcifr)b O rregular d ntrastate f ndustrial

    7 Identify airport


    4 . Type of operation this flight c he ck a p p r o p r i a t e i t e r a )a Passenger c Cargo e Charter g Tra ining evenueb O L l a i l d Company 1 0 eat h Other j Nonrevenue


    1 ~ m e f operator

    En route

    2. neadquarters

    I Lis t en route stops i f qy6. Location of l as t takeoff

    5. Origin of flight

    Se c t i on I CONDITIONS OF FLIGHT1 Day 3 IFR 15 Was f l ight plan f i l ed? 16 Type of clearance


    2. Night 4 VFR es NO

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    6 C i r c u l a r 3 4 A N / Z ~S e c t i o a I V CUE1 EIBgRS

    LIST ON SEPARATE SHEET Am ATTACH: Por each member of thecrew. excl usive of cabin attendants , give ti t l e s ,f u l l name, age. address, CM ce r ti fi ca te includ ink type. number. and ra ti ng ) to ta l hours of fly ing time andhours in tme of aircraft involved in the accident.Tot al number i n crew Number in ju re d and Fat alextent of in j ur ies

    ItemHours flown by pil ot , copi lot , and fl ig ht engineer involvedin th i s accident dur ing 24-hour pe riod pr ior t o th i s f l igh t .Houm flown by pi lo t, copi lot , and fl ig ht engineer duringt h i s f l i gh t .Duty time fl ig ht and stand-by) of pi lo t, cop ilo t, and fl ig htengineer in last 4 hours.Rest period s hours) in 24-hour period prior to t h i a f l i gh t .

    serioua uinor

    7 t what poin ten ro ute wascrew change ef fek ted I / any)

    Plight eagineerc )

    Pi lo t8 )

    8. Number of t akeoff s on th i s f li gh tby crew involved i n t h e accident

    Cop 1o tb)

    St at e wording of M physical wniver, i f any, held by following:

    a . Pi lotb. Copilotc. P lig ht engineer

    Section V PMSEW RS1 Number aboard

    a. Ravenue


    2. number injured and extent of injuries:

    S e c t i on V I Mll R PERSON51 Number inju red and exte nt of i nj ur ie s to ot he r persons a s a r esu lt of th is accident , such as svectators, groundcrew, occupants of vehicl es or reside nces, etc.

    N W btema. Revenueb. Nonrevenue

    r inord e n t i f ga.b.C.


    BBr iousatal Minor


    S e c t i on VII EVACUATION W AIRCRAFT1 Assistance received: Check method. us a d )

    a utside persons c li de e adderb Auxiliary lighting d Rope i ther ~ p e c f f r )

    2. Method Of e x i t Stat e approximate lumber of persons using each of the following):


    a. Main door........b. A uxi lia ry door.2 bergency exi td. Other f s p e c ~ f y ) .

    AftAftAft of wing

    PorrardForwardOver wing


  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    Circular 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9 4S e ct io a VII I AIPEMPT DATA

    Nare of owner Address

    2. nake3. Date of nuf facture5 F+~sengerapacity

    S. Describe a ir cr af t d w e

    modelMfg. Serial m.

    M ~dent i f i ca t ion o.Total flying timeCabin seating configuration Attach drawin )

    6. ~ O I N E S


    8 Type of fi r e

    s e c t i o n I X PIIOWBTY DAlUQE1 Describe damage to build ings, power l in es , crops, liv esto ck, etc. Dollar estima te not necessary.)

    4. Tim since l as t i ~ p e ~ t i o ni . W o r b Line ri nt am c

    Sect ioa X WBAIWR COmITIOTIPI1 Describe weather cond itions a t time and scene of accident

    F o r m C A B 4 5 4 3-55) Comm DC 10801





    IW e Uode1

    Date of manutacture mfg. Ser ia l NO. Total timo


    Hours sincelast overhaul

    mke Yodel






    m i . Berial NOate of m uf ac tu re

    extinguishing system Including band types, if f ir e involved)

    Total time Hours since lastoverhaul ot reassembl

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 ~ ~ / 2 9Section XI COLLlSiUN ACCIDENTS

    In the event of a col lisi on with another ai rc ra ft the following Iden tificatio n data u s t be completed for theother aircraft.

    Ito t h i s a imraf t

    W e. lue of pilot

    A Form CAB-454 m a t be mbmitted by tbe appropriate operator of each ai rc ra ft involved.Sectioa X I IALPUNCTIONIWB II IlBCMNlCAL FAIUllg WPQT

    The following is to be cogl eted ONLY if accident involws ulfunctioaing or meahmica1 failure in the aircnftstructure., powerplant, accessories, instruments, et c. This does not include engine stoppages caused by lack offuel or oil. or ig m p e r use of engine controls c crew. I

    Yode 1

    a. Describe specific p u t in sufficient detail to identify i t posit ively. Oive W e , d e l , md mr ia l number;also total hour8 uid hours since werhaul:

    M Identification No

    Nnmq of owner

    b. Describe ci rcum atwes under which fa i l w e occurred:


    c ahat 18 your analy8is of cruw? (Include mch avidonce for your analy sis pomi hle):


    sec t i on X I I I WERATO~ SBTATEIENTIn acmrdmce with c U 61.36. describe circrustancea of the accident and m i d e any additional info rutionwhich may assist in the analysis ot this .ecident and th e prevention of simi ar ones. (Use supplementary sh ee tif additional spwe is repuired.)

    Certif icate

    signature ofr person fi li ngfive orprint naMTitle

    Secti on XIV STAtBIBNtB W PILOT AND OtsIII CREIn accordance with CAR 62.36, pilot and other crew w&er s t a t e m t s must be attached. I n the event that nyof the foregoing are incapacitat ed. statements must be submitted subsequently at the ea rl ie st possible date.

    attachedes NO

    b. Statement(s) will be submitted A p p r o x i u t m d a t e

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    FIG. 17

    MALFUNCTIONING ANDDEFECTS REPORT I INSTRUOTIONS: Fold, ma], a d moil immediately.No postage required.OTHER THAN SCHEDULED AIR OARRIER)The Civil Aeronautics Adminiatr;lrion requests the coop tat ion of all ownen, pilot^ opecaron, mcchaaicc, inrpcctorc, and investigators in reporringon this fonu difficulties expcricnccd with wircmfr rttuc turcr , eng ine*, propellers, and equipment, r d radio, inrtrumcnt~, ire cxtinguirhen, blPke~.instrument panel design, pnmch ute~, n~pri>p xlynanufacrurrd para, etc.Itr)nrpose is ro provide infor~uationwhich will enable the Civil A cr on a~ rb dmlai~ natbn o rakc 8tcp to pnvenr the recurrenee of r imiludifficulties,

    DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM I a r e p o n of the u m e i nc iden t ha s been r e l m ncd o n Y or m CAB-453 Aircral t AccidentR e p a n .I . DIFFICULTY OCCURRED DATEI ( P U C E CUlnlW


    . DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE FAILED PART AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHlCH THE DIFFICULTY OCCURRED.(At rdch photograpl~swhich c learly sh ow the fa i lure , o r ship h i le d an f rucdcrblo, to ascure appro pr ia te co r rec t ive ac t ion;if shipped par t s a re Large s end t he se unde r sepa ra te cove r p roper 1 i d c n t i k u item I a n d 2 above to: Gvil Aeronautics Admin-istration. Aircraft Servicc Analysis Staff, A-297, Wa shin gto n 25 if. C.)



    7. OWNER OF P L A N ~ : P R I ~ A ~ EWNER PmED enss o p r r m A r o ~ IRREGULAR CARRIER OFold and seal, with CAA addroes on the outside. Mail mmediately. No postage required.

    Y. a. UUC M ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 01 1 1 c I 1 6 0 0 4 1 - a

    a ~ i r c r o f tb Engine


    3. SPECIFIC PART W H I C H CAUSED DIFFICUL TY. ( P l e n ~make lreketch showing m n m failure on other side of page.)0NAMe OF PART PART NO SERVICE TIM E ON PART Host )I

    Hourm fllnaOvorhauifd No

    6. STATE PROBAULE CAUSE AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE. @Ill crsu include lnuch ~ l l f 0 ~ ~ ~porrlble co ~nd~catcasis for analytir of caum.)

    TolokTina( t I G U f 4 )

  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c u l a r 3 4 - ~ i ~ / 2 9





  • 8/14/2019 Circular 034


    C i r c d r 4 AN/ 9 51FIG. 18

    C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of D e f e c t sAs a guide to th e classification of defects, examples of major defects a re givenbelow. The list is not to be regarded as exhaustive, and any defect not in the listbut falling wit in the definition given in paragraph 2 of this Section shall be

    treated as a major defect.Power Plant: Engine failureEngine featheredSignificant quantities of water in fuelAcute fuel starvation in flightInadvertant reversing of airscrew pitchFailure to featherOverheatingFire warning (f