Church Chimes Zwingli United Church of Christ, Monticello, Wisconsin Lance Smith, Pastor Carolyn Hilliard, Coordinator of Caring Ministries “Inviting ALL to Follow Jesus Through Faith & Action.” September, 2016

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Church ChimesZwingli United Church of Christ,

Monticello, Wisconsin

Lance Smith, Pastor Carolyn Hilliard, Coordinator of Caring Ministries

“Inviting ALL to Follow Jesus Through Faith & Action.”

September, 2016


READING For September

God’s Word:Rooted in Christ and

Growing in God’s Wisdom

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1 Matthew 5:1-122 Matthew 5:13-263 Matthew 5:27-48

Sunday4 Matthew 6:19-345 Matthew 7:1-146 Matthew 7:15-297 Matthew 13:1-238 Matthew 13:24-439 Matthew 13:44-5810 Matthew 25:1-13

Sunday11 Psalm 1 12 Psalm 1913 Psalm 37141 Corinthians 1:18-31151 Corinthians 2:1-16161 Corinthians 3:1-23

Genesis 1:14-19 - And God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the

earth.” And it was so. 16 God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. Autumn has always been my most favorite time of year. When I was in middle and high school, my family lived on a hillside farm in Southeastern Ohio. When I say hillside, that is sort of an understatement, most of the 110 acres were steep sloping sides of “Hollers”. We had a few pastures on the tops of the hills but our “farm” was mostly steep sloping Woodlands. We lived about 2 miles from our nearest neighbor, and I was about 5 miles from someone my age. The coming fall meant school and I welcomed school not because of classes, schedules, clothes or even those cool lunch boxes with super heroes on them. I was excited because I would have time to spend with people my age. The county fair ran the first week of September and then there were football games, dances, oh the dances. September meant cooler temperatures and the start of square dancing at the community house that had been the old Gibisonville School. Where feet skipped and danced across old maple floors of the basketball court. I remember hotdog roasts and bond fires. It seemed as the days were shortening there was so much more to do. As an adult, I also found there was so much more to do in the fall, firewood, canning, freezing, brush hogging, putting up hay. It meant it was time to make sure everything was winterized and ready for the cold that was sure to be coming and usually when you least expect it. Our church family is in fall mode as well. Rally Day marks the beginning of Christian Education season. Sunday discussion classes for all ages will soon begin. Families in the groove again after summer vacations, camps and family trips. School schedules will dominate the lives of parents and grandparents who interact regularly with children and youth. Sports teams, band, dramas all seem to be gearing up. What a wonderful time.

17 1 Corinthians 6:1-20

Sunday18 Psalm 119:1-2419 Psalm 119:25-4820 Psalm 119:49-7221 Psalm 119:73-9622 Psalm 119:97-12023 Psalm 119:121-14424 Psalm 119:145-176

Sunday25 Proverbs 3:1-3526 Proverbs 4:1-2727 Proverbs 8:1-3628 Proverbs 14:1-3529 Proverbs 16:1-3330 Ecclesiastes 2:12--3:15

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They say busy hands are happy hands and the fall is a happy time of year. It seems nature is saving the best for last, the juiciest tomatoes, the tastiest grapes and the most beautiful of the summer wildflowers are part of the experience. As the days shorten, their beauty increases. As day light decreases, perhaps we should trim our inner lamps, perhaps think on the harvest of love from our families. My prayer for us as we transform with this season is that we will take the time to just be in the presence of God and God’s creation and let the glory of the seasons seep into our being.

From the caring ministry:Awesome!!! “Our God is an awesome God” is a quote from a familiar hymn which is taken from one of the Psalms. Recently I was up north at our usual family vacation spot. I could sit out on our deck every morning and “listen” to the quietness of the creation. The birds start to sing, the squirrels are running around on the tall stately pine trees. The eagles will fly later in the day. The water is still and quiet. This is a beautiful time of day to sit and reflect and think about the beauty of our earth and thank our God for the day ahead. Slowly the resort starts to stir, fishermen are

slowly moving on the lake. Someone is taking waterskiing lessons and the workman is getting the pool area ready. Same routine every morning. I wonder about the other families that are here for the week. Has the year been full of blessings, are they meeting relatives for the first time, are there additional family members? Then recently, I was on Lake Wisconsin watching the sun set. It was pink and the pink color reflected in the water, and slowly, the color grew more intense as the sun went lower in sky. And the color of the water in its reflection grew more intense to an orange color. It was beautiful, majestic, and made me thankful for the beauty and completeness of the creation. We don’t have to be on vacation at special destinations to see the beauty. It is around us every day. There isn’t only the beauty of nature, but also of people’s actions and words. Every day, we can make some one’s day better, by smiling, taking an interest in their lives, being a friend. The “Book-it” group has been meeting and reading “I’m Proud of You” by Tim Madigan. This is a book about friendship, showing love to other people, and “being there” when people need us. This is also a part of an awesome God, sending Jesus to earth showing us how to live. We can awaken to a “brand-new day” in our minds and hearts. We can walk and talk with the Lord all day long as He gives wondrous possibilities to explore with Him.

Carolyn Hilliard Coordinator of Caring Ministries Consistory Message

See you in September. I hope we will be seeing you in church on Sunday mornings and participating in the many, many events that happen at Zwingli each month. Past history shows summer attendance drops off in most churches. Here at Zwingli it is no different. September means summer is coming to an end and school once again begins. We transition our lives back to the school year schedule. This also means that Sunday School, Confirmation, Sr. and Chime Choirs begin again. I hope you will choose to make time and put Zwingli into your schedule. Come and get to know Pastor Lance Smith and his family.

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This note also gives me an opportunity to do a little explaining to the folks who have noticed that on the Sunday mornings when I am doing the recording you often see me running around barefoot. Well, I remember as a child being told that I walk normally barefoot but not when I am in shoes. I’m thinking maybe I grew out of that so it isn’t my reason for running around barefoot. When I take my shoes off in church a song immediately pops into my mind. It is a song written by Jim Manley, the same person who wrote “Spirit of Gentleness” that so many here like to sing. The Jim Manley song I think about at the moment I take off my shoes is of course, “Take Off Your Shoes”. Now maybe after this note, Tiff will have the choir sing this song some Sunday since he has shared that he likes Jim Manley’s songs. I learned this song back in my days of counseling at church camps with Rev. Michal Bausch. Mike was actually one of my counselors at church camp when I was in Jr. High. So by taking off my shoes, I remember this song and the wonderful memories and friendships made with so many over the years I spent involved in the church camp program. So for you, I will share the chorus of this song and when you see me running around in the church without shoes, think of this song and take off your shoes and join me. Take, take off your shoes you’re standing on holy ground. Take, take off your shoes you’re standing on holy ground. The earth is our God’s and the fullness thereof, from the waters beneath to the heavens above, So take, take off your shoes you’re standing on holy ground.

See you in church!With greatest of hope,Sue Sinnett, Consistory Member

Zwingli United Church of ChristConsistory Meeting

July 13, 2016

Present: Jim Field, Cyndi Foley, Dave Gietzel, Kathleen Grossen, Lois Hopkins, Chris Meier, Paul Rieder, Jonathon Rupp, Sue Sinnett, Judy Weichmann, and Kris Zanoya.

Absent: Joe Janisch.

Staff Present: Pastor Dan Yeazel and Roann Austin.

Cyndi Foley called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Pastor Dan Yeazel led a short discussion connecting prayer with current happenings in the news and then led the Consistory in a prayer.

Treasurer’s Report/ Finance: Denise Pinnow presented the Financial Report for June. There are now two separate accounts for the parsonage – a Renovation Account and a Repair and Maintenance Account. Paul Rieder made a motion to accept the Financial Report as written. 2nd by Kathleen Grossen. Motion carried.

June 2016 Year to DateActual Income $11,696.56 $79,435.07Actual Expense $18,474.76 $96,711.07Current Income – Actual Expense

$(6,778.20) $(17,276.00)

Secretary’s Report: Kris Zanoya made a motion to accept the minutes with changes. Kathleen Grossen 2nd. Motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: This was Pastor Dan’s last Consistory Meeting. He was happy with the Homecoming outdoor service and said Zwingli was a very welcoming church. He did invite Pastor Lance Smith and family to the July 24th worship service. A note

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from Pastor Lance was read. Pastor Lance is looking forward to coming to Zwingli and he was grateful for the prayers we have been sending to the entire Smith family.

Coordinator of Caring Ministries: Cyndi Foley read a report from Carolyn Hilliard. Carolyn continues to visit members of the congregation in caring facilities and who are homebound. Root Beer Float days have been planned for the New Glarus Home and Glarner Lodge on August 11th and at St. Clare Friedensheim on August 18th. Walk-it-With a Book starts on July 20th.The book is “I’m Proud of You” by Tim Madigan. It is a series of thoughts and letters between Madigan, a journalist, and Fred Rogers “Mr. Rogers”. Meet at the home of Lois Hopkins at 7:00 a.m. to walk with discussion following at 7:30 a.m. Dan Yeazel will lead the first discussion.

Staff Suggestions: Plans were discussed concerning a “Thank You” reception for Kathleen Sulzer for all her years as Financial Director. The reception will be August 14th after worship. Chris Meier made a motion that Paul Rieder should get a gift certificate from Franklin Grove for Kathleen Sulzer. Kathleen Grossen 2nd. Motion carried.

Calendars: October 1st – AA Mini-Conference in Fellowship Hall. Sunday, August 7th - reception hosted by the Ruth Circle in honor of Pastor Lance Smith’s first Sunday as our called Pastor.


Administration: Discussion concerning having Zwingli’s payroll processed from an outside source instead of from the Treasurer. Paul Rieder made a motion that we take the payroll processing out of the Treasurer position and assign the job to Harvey Kubly and reduce the Treasurer position by $585.00. Lois Hopkins 2nd. Motion carried. Administration decided to meet following Consistory to review the Treasurer’s job description.

Building & Grounds: The bollards are in place and the parking lot wheel stops will be removed. Concerning Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Mt. Pleasant and Zwingli, we received a thank you and donation for allowing Mt. Pleasant to use Zwingli as a voting place. Lois Hopkins read the Parsonage Committee report. In the upstairs area, the bedrooms are all painted and the bathroom is complete. Most of the new windows are installed. Buck Walls and Dennis Tomczyk refinished and repaired all the large bay windows. The committee asked that a line item amount be placed in the next budget for the parsonage to cover yearly maintenance, repair, and upkeep. A time capsule was placed under the stairs. Thanks were extended to Cindy Lederman, Kay and Bill Dickson, Bob Voss, Sheri Wichser, Carol Strause, the Gietzels, Al Blum, Anna Marie and Gary Davison, Sally Stenbroten, Tiff Bates, Dennis Tomczyk, Don Roe, Norb Mendleski and his son Peyton for all the hard work they did in getting the parsonage cleaned and ready. They thanked Brian Grossen for keeping the church dumpster cleared.

Christian Education: Chris Meier will talk to Pastor Lance about Sunday School curriculum. Washington Church and Zwingli might join together to offer “Messy Church” - a nontraditional event that offers crafts, activities, and more to children and families in the community. This will not replace Sunday School, but could be an occasional, added activity.

Evangelism, Fellowship and Growth: Root Beer Floats were given out after worship on Father’s Day. Strawberry Sundaes will be served July 31st, Pastor Dan’s last Sunday at Zwingli.

Memorials: No Report.

Mission: No meetings until September. Family Promise week at Washington Church, July 24th-31st.

Publicity: More volunteers are needed for advertising. The committee hopes to repair the sandwich boards and get new plastic sheeting. They would like a volunteer to maintain the front sign and one to take over the facebook page.

Pastoral Relations Committee: Members of the congregation who have comments, issues, or concerns, should go to the Pastoral Relations Committee. Likewise, any concerns that the Pastor might have will also go to the committee. Suggestion Boxes could be placed at the entrances to the sanctuary. These boxes are for compliments or concerns that the congregation might have. The committee will review all comments and report to the Consistory. Moving help will be needed when Pastor Lance and family arrive July 22nd.

Stewardship & Membership: Anna Marie Davison and Lois Hopkins sent out letters.

Worship & Music: All Special Music is in place.

Auxiliary Organizations: The Time & Talent Committee has worked on a three page spreadsheet that lists each committee, what each committee does, and what areas volunteers can sign up for. The Brotherhood’s speaker for Homecoming, Chris Pederson, gave a presentation on Schuetzenvereins (Schuetzen rifles). Forty people attended the event. Thanks were extended to Sue Sinnett for Sound and to Projectionist, Joe Janisch. The Brotherhood hopes to have an August and an October highway clean-up.

Old Business:

AED and CPR training. Cyndi Foley has contacted the New Glarus EMS about obtaining an AED Machine. Training will be discussed with Pastor Lance.

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Weird Church, Welcome to the Twenty-first Century. Consistory members are reading and studying this book.

Is your church prepared? Concerns about what our congregation would do if confronted with a violent situation. An informative conversation with the congregation was recommended.

Constitution & Bylaws – brief discussion. New Business:

Camp Scholarships. Kathleen Grossen made a motion to provide Camp Scholarships again this year. Sue Sinnett 2nd. Motion carried.

Church Photo Directory. Kathleen Grossen brought the new Washington Church Photo Directory to the meeting. Informal photographs were taken throughout the year and put together into a very nice book. Is this something Zwingli would like to do? Idea tabled until next month.

Advertising line in the Saturday Monroe Times church page is up for renewal for $75 a year. Sue Sinnett made a motion to continue with our advertising in the paper. Chris Meier 2nd. Motion carried.

Cracks have appeared at the base of the communion plates. Cyndi Foley will contact Anna Marie Davison to find out if these can be repaired or replaced.

The Consistory took time to thank Pastor Dan for his leadership and for his uplifting, joyful services each Sunday. We were a very blessed congregation to have Pastor Dan with us these last few months.

Next Consistory Meeting – Wednesday, August 10, 2016 – 6:30 p.m.

Kathleen Grossen made a motion to adjourn. Kris Zanoya 2nd. Motion carried.Meeting adjourned 8:46 p.m.Roann Austin, Church Secretary

The brisk fall air sparks my anticipation: What do you have in store for me today, Lord? I put my hand in yours and move forward with you.

The Bunch to Lunch

Sunday, September 4th We will travel to Verona to

Gray’s Tied House. We have been to this restaurant several times. It has become a favorite of the Lunch Bunch.There is soup, salads, and sandwiches. It is a nice varied menu with something for everyone. This is always an enjoyable drive. We will meet at the East Entrance to carpool, immediately after church. Bring a friend and enjoy the fellowship.

Our first event in the Women’s Guild Yearbook was held August 9th at Pleasant View in Monroe. Lois Hopkins played the piano and Urs Gafner played the guitar. The residents that attended played Name That Tune and answered trivia questions. Brenna Meier called the numbers for Bingo. The August birthdays were recognized. Everyone was treated to a cupcake and a beverage. Residents in the nursing homes look forward to a change of pace and new faces and activities. Thank you to all who helped with a monetary donation or helped the residents the day of the event. You made the event run smoothly. Many hands made for light work. The “Challenge Letter” will be sent to all women members the end of September. Just a reminder – if you write a check for any Women’s Guild event, make the check payable to Zwingli Women’s Guild. Our funds are separate from the church funds.

“We must never allow September 11th to become a time for protest and division. Instead, this day must remain a time for promoting peace and mutual respect.”

Archbishop Timothy DolanHave you ever thought about taking a

vacation with your church family?

On July 7th of this year, the Ark Encounter opened in Williamstown, Kentucky. Seeing the news about this drew my attention and created a desire to take a trip to Kentucky to visit

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the Ark Encounter. While investigating the Ark Encounter, I also discovered that the Creation Museum was also in that area and both sound like wonderfully amazing, educational and fun for people of all ages. Being a single person, I am not one to do things alone and I miss out a lot. Many years ago, my radio station, WNWC, was doing a cruise to the Caribbean and I just happened to mention it to Robin Janisch and she joined me on the cruise. It was wonderful. Some time later, the Bank of Monticello offered a bus trip to Branson, MO, and Sally Disrud, Marjorie Waelchli, and Alice Voegeli joined me on that trip. Both were wonderful times with members of our Zwingli family. Both of these were pre-planned by another organization. This time I am hopeful that members of Zwingli would be interested in taking a Zwingli Vacation to the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum, and possibly the Newport Aquarium either in 2017 or 2018. This is an open invitation to everyone (families, couples, singles). We are all members of the same family, the family of GOD at Zwingli. This could be a totally amazing adventure for us all.My current thinking is to leave on a Monday morning and return on Friday or Saturday evening. Current costs for tickets to these facilities are: 1 day at the Ark Adventure and 2 days at the Creation Museum - Adult (age 13-59) $60, Senior (60+) $45, Children (5-12) $34 and Children under 5 free. The Newport Aquarium current prices are - Adults (13+) $23.99, Children (2-12) $15.99 [no senior pricing].

For your convenience you may do your own research on these places at: ArkEncounter.com

Creation Museum.org newportaquarium.com

Before I do any further investigating on hotels and bus lines, I would like to have a head count on the number of folks who are interested in going on vacation with their Zwingli Family so please let me know or give a message to the church office and the message will be passed on to me.

Sue Sinnett

Thank you to all who sent cards, called or gave me a hug.

Also, Susan and Carolyn who took me out to lunch.God bless for another year.

Florinda Wittwer

Our thanks to Buck and his Search Committee for the many hours they spent finding the right Pastor for us. Know they had many disappointments along the way. Now we welcome Pastor Lance and his family to our Zwingli Family. Another big thank you to Margie, Buck, Lois, and Cindy Lederman for heading the renovation of the parsonage. There were many who came to tear out old cabinets, dispose of clutter, clean, paint, and to do all the much needed work. There were even some helpers from other churches – you know who you are and we thank you so much. The parsonage looks great and it is so nice to have a family in it. We hope the Smith Family enjoys living there. Again, thanks to all of you who worked so hard in that hot, humid weather. God Bless each one of you.

Bob & Barb GetmanSeptember 4, 2016

Audio Recording: Dean FergusonAcolyte: Peyton Mendleski Projectionist: Joe Janisch Scripture Reader: Dave GietzelGreeters: Tim & DeeDee Bruns

John & Kathy Baebler Special Music: Hymn SingHead Usher: Clarence Pluss

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Ushers: Gary Gilbertson, Dwayne & Gloria Godfrey, Suzy & Don Halvorsen, Steve Holcomb

Soul Food Café is closed. Why not join the Bunch to Lunch Group. Meet at the East Entrance at 10:30 am.

Bulletin Sponsor

September 11 , 2016 Rally Day!

Audio Recording: Derek SchwoererAcolyte: Alyssa Holcomb Projectionist: Chris MeierScripture Reader: Roxie KolaschGreeters: John & Stephanie Beckwith

Chris & Robin BergSpecial Music: Kay FrietagHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Kerry Karlen, Nancy Karlen, Kendra Klassy, Allen Hefty,

Harvey Kubly, Ernie LaeserRally Day Potluck and fellowship!Bulletin Sponsor

September 18 , 2016 Audio Recording: Zeke Smith Acolyte: Allen Hauser Projectionist: Kathleen GrossenChild Care: Chris Meier & FamilyScripture ReaderGreeters: Greg & Diane Bettin

Bill Dehn & Jan KrupkeSpecial Music: Men of Note

Head Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Linn Lederman, Jim Meier, Jim Marty, Barb Pluss, Lynn

Pendergrass, Elizabeth PendergrassSoul Food Café: “Cheese Days Preview” by May Burgy &

Carolyn HilliardBulletin Sponsor

September 25 , 2016 Audio Recording: Sue Sinnett Acolyte: Tristin KlassyChild Care: Paul & Sue Rieder Projectionist: Cyndi FoleyScripture ReaderGreeters: Darlene Broughton & Karen Brugger

Nancy Briggs & Janet JonesHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Bob Meier, Chris Meier, Daniel Meier, Ken Risley,

Don Roe, Ken SchlapbachSoul Food Café Bulletin sponsored in memory of Karen Gilbertson Berryhill

by her family.

October 2 , 2016 Audio Recording: Dean FergusonAcolyte: Peyton MendleskiChild Care: Carol Schultz & Carol Moser Projectionist: Joe JanischScripture Reader: Kathleen SulzerGreeters: Judy Disrud & Sally Disrud

Ron & Jenny Blumer Head Usher: Clarence Pluss

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Ushers: Leroy Spring, Glen Spring, Alton Sherman, Dustin Trumpy, Sandy Trumpy, Hans Sulzer

Soul Food CaféBulletin sponsored in celebration of Nancy Karlen’s Birthday by Maxen.


I announced our new Bible Study in the August “Church Chimes” as a video lecture course. We've used this kind of material in the past. The lectures last 30 minutes, after which we share what we understand about what has been presented. This course is about the New Testament book, Revelation. So much misinformation has been written based on misinterpreting what the book says, that it is refreshing to get a look at what an accurate interpretation says. The professor who gives the lectures is a well-known expert on the New Testament and teaches at the Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. The first lecture which we will view on Rally Day, Sept. 11th, is titled Revelation and the Apocalyptic Tradition. It introduces the course, explaining what will be included. If you have never joined us for a Bible Study and want to explore what happens in our classroom, join us for this preview of the study in room B-2 downstairs in the Sunday School wing at 10:30 am on the 11 th. You can call me if you have questions about our class,phone 325-4692. Kathleen Sulzer, discussion leader

Sally, Mary & I wish to thank all the volunteers who helped in making the birthday party at the Pleasant View Nursing Home on

August 9th a fun and successful day. The party was complete with music provided by Lois Hopkins and Urs Gafner. I have a special thank you that goes to Brenna Meier for her help with the bingo. She was a real asset with a lilt in her clear voice and a beautiful smile on her face. Thank you to everyone for your help!

Judy Weichmann, Sally Stenbroten, & Mary Blum

Thank you to Chuck Anderson for donating two new Sharp calculators to the church. Zwingli Church and the people making out the Sunday deposits arevery grateful.

Dear Rev. Smith & members of the Church, Thank you so much for providing our residents with delicious Root Beer Floats! What a wonderful treat, it was greatly enjoyed. We wish God’s continued blessing on your ministry together! Thank again, Pat, Activity Director

BOOKS TO READ The Women's Guild Library Committee has added 40 new books to our library for you to borrow.  These are books that have been donated to us in the past and are prepared with book cards to use when you borrow them.   

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All these new books are now on the top two shelves of one side of the book cart that is located in the Narthex next to the Kiosk.  Instructions on how to check out the books are attached to the cart.  Of special interest to those who have completed the "Walk-It" study of I'm Proud of You   by Tim Madigan, may be several books by Henri Nouven who was mentioned in that book. Copies of books that have been used by study groups in the past are on the other side of the cart and may be taken to read and keep or to give to a friend.  As always, there are many, many other interesting books in the Library-Lounge for you to use.  We put no time limit onyour borrowing of a book as long as you check it out.


From Our Church Records Weddings:

John Wild & Krystal Werren

August 6, 2016 Gifts: Bequest from the Estate of Lillian Hefty, $10,000.00

The Providence of God

The seed was sown long months ago, And through the winter’s cold and snow, We trusted that God’s care would bring The green and tender blade in spring, Which cherished by the sun and rain Of summer, now has yielded grain In autumn, when the reaper leaves His cot to cut and bind the sheaves.

So God’s great mercies thus abound; His love still brings the seasons round; His blessings fill our happy fields, And all our land its increase yields: So if we serve him as we should, Our Lord will give us all things good; And he who doth the ravens feed Much more will give us all we need! Author unknown

RUTH CIRCLE MEETS AGAIN Our Ruth Circle begins to meet again on September 21st.  If you haven't been a part of the Circle in the past but would like to

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join us, come that day at 1:30 pm for our program "God's Garden: The Tall Grass Prairie" and a short meeting afterwards to get a 2016-2017 booklet which lists our schedule for the year to come.  We meet in the Library-Lounge and our program that day will feature a video about the beautiful prairies that still exist in this area and the efforts thatare being made to protect them. All are always welcome to attend our meetings.

At the center of it all Psalm 118:8, the verse that falls in the middle of the Protestant Bible, reads, “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans” (NIV). The center of God’s Word reminds us to make God the center of our lives! No other person or possession can fulfill or save us. Only God is a safe, certain refuge, and we grow closer to him by grounding ourselves in his Word and his will.

Bible Quiz

Which of the following sports does Paul use metaphorically to describe the Christian life?

A. Fishing B. Running a

race C. BoxingD. Both B and CE. All of the above

(Answer - See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.)

Sunday, September 11th

Come to our 9:15 am worship service and meet our Sunday School Teachers. After

worship, stay for a Potluck lunch, fellowship, scavenger hunt, and games for all ages.

Everyone is welcome!

Bring a dish to pass!

Bring a friend!

YOUTH GATHERINGYouth grades 6-12 are invited to a gathering. Join Pastor Lance as we explore what is possible for youth in the up-coming year. Please come and join the fun. We will do a couple of games, have pizza and sodas, and talk about youth at Zwingli and in Green County! We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6 pm Sunday, September 25. Please feel free to contact Pastor Lance with questions or concerns at mtpreach.59@gmail or call the church office 938-4369.

Receiving new textbooks, one student to another: “Psst. How do you turn this thing on?”

Parent: “What did you learn today?” Kindergartner: “Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow.”

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The Smith family is very thankful for the Parsonage Committee and the most gracious people of Zwingli UCC. The parsonage and the welcome committee were just incredible! Below we have each written something that we love about our new home. Thank you all for making our home so comfortable.

LanceI absolutely love being able to spend morning time on the front porch watching the neighbors go by while I pay a little guitar. I really enjoy hearing the chimes when I am home for lunch. Both of those things are very new in my life, chimes and being able to go home for lunch. Nice new bathrooms with wonderful hot showers and soft water that rolls off your skin has been a very pleasant addition to my life. The food, the tasty treats and the gifts were wonderful, it made us feel very welcome!

HeatherSome things that really stand out to me about living in the parsonage:  beautiful spacious kitchen, lots of storage space, having a bathroom on two levels, having space for everyone/everything to be able to spread out, having a mud room to put our shoes and the room colors are very comforting.

IsaacI love having the big basement to practice my tuba and not bother the rest of the family as they watch TV, read or work on projects. I am also thankful for my bedroom. I have never had a room so big all to myself.

ZekeIt is so nice to be able to spread out a bit in a large bedroom! I am really enjoying living in a town and being able to ride my scooter to the store or the pool. It is great meeting new friends.

The Smith family would like to thank all the folks who worked so hard to make the parsonage a wonderful home for us. The members of Zwingli have been very helpful in making us feel at home. The help with our moving was incredible, and the folks who have helped us haul furniture from all over southern

Wisconsin have been a godsend. Slowly we are getting things put away and finding homes for our belongings. We hope very soon to invite everyone over for an open house. Thank youall so much!

Do SomethingGod wants our work to be meaningful and satisfying. No

matter what we do, it should provide a reason to get up each day and use the talents God has given us. As Benjamin Franklin said, “The man who achieves makes many mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all: doing nothing.”

I’m excited about getting the Sr. Choir singing for the new program year. The choir adds an additional spiritual lift to the worship experience. We would like to expand the choir to include Sr. High Youth and adults who love to sing. The Sr. Choir practices on Wednesday

nights in the church sanctuary. We usually practice from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 or 8:15 p.m. If we can get enough Sr. High Youth we might have them sing in worship as a group every now and then. Please accept this invitation to join the choir and enjoy the fellowship, build new relationships, and sing a joyful noise unto the Lord. I will be completing my ministry at St. John’s at the end of September with my last Sunday being September 25th. The Sr. Choir will begin singing at Zwingli on October 2nd. Our first rehearsal will be on Wednesday, September 14th, at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 897-4728 (home) 325-2165 (office) or at [email protected] I look forward to seeing everyone again and preparing some wonderful anthems for the worship services this fall.

Page 13: Church Chimes - Home - Welcome to TDSpersonalpages.tds.net/~zwingli/documents/Chimes 9, 2016.doc · Web viewWeird Church, Welcome to the Twenty-first Century. Consistory members are