Church Chimes Zwingli United Church of Christ, Monticello, Wisconsin Rev. Jeannie Douglas, Interim Pastor Charles G. Workman, Pastor Emeritus Carolyn Hilliard, Coordinator of Caring Ministries “Inviting all to follow Jesus through faith & action.” September, 2015

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Church ChimesZwingli United Church of Christ,

Monticello, WisconsinRev. Jeannie Douglas, Interim Pastor

Charles G. Workman, Pastor EmeritusCarolyn Hilliard, Coordinator of Caring Ministries

“Inviting all to follow Jesus through faith & action.”

September, 2015


READING For September

Take Hold of the Hope

And Grow in God’s Wisdom

1 Ecclesiastes 1:12--2:262 Ecclesiastes 3:1-153 Ecclesiastes 3:16--4:164 Ecclesiastes 5:1-205 Ecclesiastes 9:13--10:20

Sunday6 Proverbs 1:1-337 Proverbs 2:1-228 Proverbs 3:1-359 Proverbs 8:1-3610 Proverbs 22:17--23:3511 Proverbs 24:1-3412 Proverbs 25:1-28

Sunday13 Psalm 1141 Corinthians 1:18-3115 1 Corinthians 2:1-1616 1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Zwingli’s Income from pledges & offerings $15,358Actual expenses through July $16,926

Bible Study for September As it is written in Psalm 134 (NRSV):

“Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord!

Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord.

May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth,bless you from Zion.”

Remember to give praise to God all the days of your life!

Blessings or burdens? Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritation or opportunities for service, as moments lost or experience gained, as time wasted or horizons widened. They can annoy us or enrich us, get under our skin or give us a shot in the arm, monopolize our minutes or spice our schedules — depending on our attitude toward them. William Arthur Ward

Journeying With JeannieDear Friends and Members,

17 1 Kings 3:1-1518 1 Kings 3:16-2819 Job 28:1-28

Sunday20 James 1:1-11 21 James 1:12-2722 James 2:1-1323 James 2:14-2624 James 3:1-1825 James 4:1-1726 James 5:1-6

Sunday27 Psalm 1928 Psalm 3229 Psalm 4930 Psalm 139

The end of summer is quickly approaching, and fall is just around the corner. In addition to all the changes taking place outside, changes are also taking place inside the church.

On Sunday, September 13, we will be having our Rally Sunday kick-off. This means we are beginning yet another church school year. It means that those who took the summer off from church will be joining us again. And it means that we will once again have more children in church. The beginning of the church school year is always an exciting time.

Sometimes, though, I wonder, if we are not attending church regularly during the summer, what do we do about our spiritual life and our church connections during the summer? I do know some folks go away for the summer and still attend other churches, and some folks are too busy to fit church in during the summer. Even others feel like Sundays are the only time they have with their families and so they choose not to come to church.

All of these are good excuses as long as you are still taking care of yourself spiritually and taking care of your relationship with God. Could you imagine if God decided to take a vacation? Or what if God decided to put us on hold for three months?

I guess what I am trying to say is that our spiritual life and our relationship with God does not just happen because we know there is a God. We need to work at developing our spiritual lives and our relationship with God. One way we do this is by being around people who have an understanding and love for God and the Bible. And that’s where church comes in.

Sometimes we like to take a break from church, but in order for us to grow, we need to be around other Christians, our church family members. We need to be talking about what God is doing in our lives. We need to be talking about what we think of the scripture lessons we are hearing. We need to be listening to the songs of worship as we sing them and lift them to God, not just singing them for our own benefit.

There is so much we have that we should be offering to God. Sometimes we think we need only look to God when we need or want something. But God wants to be a part of our daily lives, and to do that we need to pay attention to our own lives. We need to remember that all we have belongs to God and the best we can do is to give back to God what God has already given to us, whether that is time, talents, or treasure.

God wants a relationship with us, individually and as a church. In order to have that relationship, we need to constantly keep our eyes open to all God offers us and be aware of all we can offer God. Relationships are not one-sided, even a relationship with God.

We do have some exciting things in the works for the next few months. But to pull off all we have planned, we need everyone to realize that they have something to offer. And we all need to realize we are not just offering our time, talents, and treasure to the church, but rather, we are really offering them to God.

God has blessed us more than we can even imagine. May this year be a year when we offer to God, more than we ever dreamed was possible.

Shalom to all,

Rev. Jeannie

Essential prayer Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life; and to say a man lives a life of faith and yet lives a prayerless life is every whit as inconsistent and incredible as to say that a man lives without breathing. He that lives a prayerless life lives without God in the world. How can you expect to dwell with God forever if you so neglect and forsake him here? Jonathan Edwards

From the caring ministry:


We all are given advice that we really need, we are given advice we really need but don’t want and then we are given advice that isn’t really needed and may not be correct. I’m sure all three of these have happened to all of us. We hear so much good and bad advice these days through the media, newspapers, TV, computers, Facebook, etc. We have to be really discerning about which is correct, and which may apply to us.

The “Walk-it-With a Book” group is discussing “The Vinedresser’s Notebook” by Judith Sutera. She is giving us some advice about growing grapevines, but the real advice is the comparison of growing grapevines to our spiritual lives. At the harvest times, her advice is, “You have to look very hard and frequently change your point of views to find all the fruit.” I thought this was a great comparison to churches. Our church is not sure of our next minister, who will direct the senior choir, or how many people will be in Sunday School or church. We can never be sure of what the harvest will be until it has happened. (All Wisconsin farmers know this!) Sometimes the greatest gifts or most powerful lessons we receive spiritually aren’t the ones we initially thought they would be. Or what they would look like. Sometimes as gifts come our way we don’t recognize them. Sometimes we have to look under the leaves to find the grapes. Or, the harvest isn’t good, we are set for grapes, but well…… Life is full of learning and advice. We don’t always see quick results, but our spirituality will keep growing if we cultivate, prune, wait and harvest. Harvest season will soon be here in Wisconsin. What will you harvest?

Carolyn Hilliard Coordinator of Caring Ministries

From Zwingli’s President

Over a year has passed since we started our search for a new pastor. The Search Committee has been busy looking over profiles. The Committee has been very tight lipped about how the process is going, but that is how it works. I am sure that some members of the congregation are thinking that by now they should have someone in mind. Yes, it would be nice to have our permanent pastor in place, but it doesn’t hurt to be choosy too. Think of it this way, have you ever gone into a store and walked by something and just made that impulse purchase? You get home and then you have that thought of “Why did I do that?” Or you wished that you would have taken the time to look over the item just a little bit closer. If you would have, you would have seen that flaw that wasn’t noticed right away. Instead, now you have buyer’s remorse. Hopefully you kept the receipt. I know finding a new pastor is not the same (there is no receipt), but the Search Committee needs to take their time and have the right fit, both for the prospective candidate and the congregation. You don’t want a year to pass and think “Why did we decide that?” Because you surely don’t want to start this whole process all over again, not this soon anyway. Have patience and faith in the Search Committee, as they are doing what they can with what they receive. Speaking of doing things with what we receive, the Sunday School program is starting up again. Zwingli is looking to receive kids and adults who want to get involved with teaching and/or learning.


Barb Pluss, Zwingli Church President

Zwingli United Church of Christ

Consistory MeetingJuly 8, 2015

Present: James Arnett, Michelle Arnett, Cyndi Foley, Joe Janisch, Barb Pluss, Jonathon Rupp, Paul Rieder, Sue Sinnett, Judy Weichmann, and Kris Zanoya.

Absent: Tim Kolasch and Chris Meier.

Staff Present: Rev. Jeannie Douglas, Carolyn Hilliard and Roann Austin.

Barb Pluss called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Rev. Douglas led the Consistory in a prayer.

Treasurer’s Report: Barb Pluss presented the June Financial Report. After some discussion, Cyndi Foley made a motion to accept the June Financial Report with the exception to line 83, which there are questions about. 2nd by Joe Janisch. Motion carried.

June 2015 Year to DateActual Income $13,512.70 $70,779.68Actual Expense $22,178.17 $109,369.77Current Income – Actual Expense

$(8,665.47) $(38,590.09)

Secretary’s Report: Sue Sinnett made a motion to accept the minutes. Kris Zanoya 2nd. Motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: Rev. Douglas stated in her report that there was a great turn out for the Wisconsin Conference Annual Meeting. Judy Weichmann and Jonathon Rupp attended the meeting. In June, Pat Soddy officiated at a wedding held at Zwingli. Rev. Douglas has been doing visitations and is working on setting up Safe Sanctuary background checks. Sunday, July 12th is the Ecumenical Worship Service at Montesian Gardens. Mary Gafner and some members of Washington Church will assist with the service.

Coordinator of Caring Ministries: Carolyn Hilliard reported she has been visiting our people in caring centers and those who are homebound. It is good to keep the connection from Zwingli Church to our members who aren’t able to be as active as they once were. On July 30th, the We Care Friends will host a Root Beer Float day at the New Glarus Home and then will travel up the hill to Glarner Lodge. They do this as a “treat” from our congregation. We Care Friends will also be serving Root Beer Floats at St. Clare Friedensheim in Monroe sometime this summer. “Walk-it-with-a-Book” will start on Wednesday, August 12th. The book selected is “The Vinedressers Notebook” by Judith Suter. Watch for further updates in the “Chimes” or bulletins.

Staff Suggestions: It was suggested that the financial information listed in the “Chimes” each month be revised so it is less confusing.


Administration: Revisions have been made to the Wedding Handbook. The Administration Committee and other members of the Consistory will review the Constitution and Bylaws.

Building & Grounds: Jonathon Rupp reported the paint for the lines in the parking lot is here. Concerning the parsonage, Tim Kolasch will obtain a pressure washer to remove wasp nests. Members of the congregation have been mentioning that several areas in and around the church need maintenance. At this time, we do have funds to make some needed repairs. An article will be placed in the “Chimes” that will ask the congregation for their help in deciding which projects should be completed and in what order. Areas mentioned were: black top and paint lines in the parking lot, basement – install drain tile, basement - install drain tile and refurbish walls, repair and refurbish downstairs bathrooms (in Sunday School wing).

Christian Education: No Report.

Evangelism, Fellowship and Growth: Root Beer Floats were served on Father’s Day. The Packer Party will be held in October.

Finance: Financial information in the “Chimes” was addressed.

Memorials: The “Memorial Gift List” has been revised to include a line for Projection System maintenance.

Mission: The committee is on vacation at this time. The Crossroads Campus Ministry meal is scheduled for September 27th.

Publicity: The Consistory discussed our line ad which appears in the Saturday religion page of the Monroe Times. Due to lack of donations, the paper is now charging for the church advertisements. Our charge would be $75 for an entire year. Sue Sinnett made a motion to pay $75 to the Monroe Times for the Saturday advertisements. Judy Weichmann 2nd. Motion Carried. Cyndi Foley said the committee has started to revamp our webpage to give it an exciting new look and supply more up to date information. People will go to the same link as always. The new webpage will replace the old one. More volunteers are need for projections for Sunday mornings. The computer currently used for projections is old and unreliable and will need replacing. The Consistory will determine if, with the new projection system, the computer should be replaced and what type might be needed.

(Continued on next page.)

Search Committee: The committee is moving forward in their search. They have conducted interviews, are reading profiles and are still seeking the right person for Zwingli. It does take time if it is to be done correctly.

Stewardship & Membership: The committee will meet in August.

Worship & Music: Our aged organ in the Sanctuary was mentioned. Replacing it would be expensive and a keyboard would be an option. We continue to look for a new Choir Director.

Auxiliary Organizations: No Report.

Old Business:

Projection for services. The new system should be in place the end of July.

July 12th, Monticello’s Ecumenical Worship Service in Montesian Gardens by Zwingli UCC.

Brotherhood speaker for Saturday evening of Homecoming weekend – Jonathon Rupp.

Safe Sanctuary. Rev. Douglas will check with our insurance company about background checks for anyone working directly with children.

New Business:

Wedding Handbook revision. The Consistory members were given copies of the revised Wedding Handbook to study. The new form is easier to understand. More revisions may be made.

Church property line. Placement of the Confirmand’s Community Garden caused the Monticello Public Library and Zwingli to review their property lines. Sharon Briggs (Library Director) and Ann Schultz (Library President) were guest speakers at the Consistory meeting. According to Sharon, the Library did use the area where the garden was placed for their summer activities. The Library obtained the legal description of their property from the Green County Register of Deeds. A survey would define the property lines. Cyndi Foley will contact a surveyor and investigate the costs. It was suggested that, at this time, we hold on the survey and move the Confirmand’s Community Garden after harvest time to a sloped area on the north side of the church. The Library will reseed the area by the blue shed. Both parties will continue to maintain their properties as they have in the past.

Communion Ushers for Sunday, August 2nd. Preparing the Elements for the Walk-up Communion: Jonathon Rupp. Ushers:

Barb Pluss, Jonathon Rupp, Paul Rieder, Sue Sinnett and Joe Janisch.

Scripture Readers for July: 19th – Barb Pluss, 26th – Sue Sinnett. Readers for August: 2nd – Paul Rieder, 9th – Kris Zanoya, 16th –

Sue Sinnett, 23rd – Judy Weichmann, 30th – Paul Rieder. Next Consistory Meeting – Wednesday, August 5, 2015.

Paul Rieder made a motion to adjourn. Cyndi Foley 2nd. Motion carried.Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.Roann Austin, Church Secretary

The Bunch to Lunch Sunday, September 6th

we will travel to Monroe to eat at Vince’s. We have eaten before at Vince’s. The menu is varied, there is something for everyone. We meet immediately after church at 10:30 at the East Entrance to carpool and count the number of people joining this fellowship of people and food.

Campital Campaign ReminderThe Stewardship & Membership Committee is asking everyoneto review the Campital Fund envelope that you received in the mail in May. Please remember to return your pledge cards to the church office. If you feel you cannot afford anything at this time or you do not plan to give to the campaign, please returnthe pledge card with a notation. Thank you for your help.

September 6, 2015Audio Recording: Derek SchwoererAcolytes: Karl Schwoerer & Garrett GrossenScripture Reader: Chris MeierNo Child CareGreeters: Greg & Diane Bettin

Bill Dehn & Jan KrupkeSpecial Music: Denise Pinnow & Brenna MeierHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Harvey Kubly, Ernie Laeser, Caleb Laeser, Linn

Lederman, Jim Marty, Nathan MartyNo Refreshment TableBulletin Sponsor

September 13, 2015Rally Day!

Audio Recording: Dean FergusonAcolytes: Veronica Blumer & Sarah BlumerScripture Reader: Judy WeichmannChild Care: Chris & Brenna MeierGreeters: Darlene Broughton & Karen Brugger

Ron & Jenny BlumerSpecial Music: Jon Quade & BandHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Barb Pluss, Elizabeth Pendergrass, Lynn Pendergrass,

Don Roe, Paul & Sue RiederRefreshment Table: Potluck Picnic and outdoor concertBulletin Sponsor

September 20, 2015Audio Recording: Sue Sinnett Acolytes: Jakoya Janisch & Alexandria Risley Scripture Reader: Tim KolaschChild Care: Paul & Sue Rieder Greeters: Judy Disrud & Sally Disrud

Nancy Briggs & Janet Jones

Special Music: Sugar Ridge TrioHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Bob, Chris, & Daniel Meier, Ken Risley, Ken

Schlapbach, Leroy SpringRefreshment Table: Tim & Sheri WichserBulletin Sponsor

September 27, 2015Audio Recording: Derek SchwoererAcolytes: Daniel Meier & Brenna Meier Scripture Reader: Sue SinnettChild Care: Carol Schultz & Carol Moser Greeters: Fred & JoAnn Cruse

Ken & Linda ChristenHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Glen Spring, Alton Sherman, Dustin Trumpy, Sandy

Trumpy, Hans Sulzer, Henry Waelchli Refreshment Table: Eileen Althaus & Joan FloodBulletin sponsored in memory of Karen Gilbertson Berryhill

by her family.

October 4, 2015World Communion Sunday

Audio Recording Acolytes Scripture Reader: Jonathon RuppChild Care: Heidi & Haidyn Wing Greeters: Gary & Anna Marie Davison

May Burgy & Glenn BurgyHead Usher: Clarence PlussUshers: Consistory Persons Refreshment Table: John Baebler familyBulletin sponsored in memory of

Helen Loveland by her family.

From Our Church RecordsDeaths:

Daniel Jay KarlenNovember 13, 1959 – July 31, 2015

Weddings:Katie Sutherland & Phillip Ziegman

August 8, 2015

Designated Memorials: Given in memory of Daniel Karlen,

for Projection System by Dave & Shirley Long,Donna Ruch, Donna Douglas, Harold & Wanda Babler, Kathryn Grenzow, Helen Stauffer, Millie Stauffer,Forrest & Alice Ladwig, Anna Burkhalter, Colletta Wuetrich, Herman & Eileen Pongratz

Undesignated Memorials: Given in memory of Daniel Karlen,

by Barb Pluss

Job description for a Christian

As a follower of Jesus, you’ll share his love and gospel with everyone. Kindness and humility are vital as you speak about your hope in him. To battle evil, you’ll receive a complete set of armor. Use it to defend against attacks by a prowling lion or the temptation to place self above others.

Preferred qualifications:• complete surrender to God • a desire to follow his commandments• a servant heart• courage to face fiery furnaces or shipwrecks

Everyone’s welcome, and training and support are provided. Though you can expect persecution and adversity, the rewards are life-changing — and eternal! MaryAnn Sundby

Senior Choir Director needed

Zwingli has now been searching for a new Choir Director for the past 16 months and in that time, postings have been sent to 4 colleges, posted in Monroe Evening Times, Zwingli’s website, Zwingli’s Facebook page, on the Association of Christian Musician’s website, with Rhapsody Arts Center in Verona and by word of mouth.

Many of our church members have said how much they miss the choir during the summer months and we certainly hope to keep the choir going, however we need your help to find someone who is interested in leading our group.

We are seeking an energetic and motivated person of faith to lead our choir. The position involves selecting music, conducting rehearsals, attending committee meetings and worship services. We desire someone willing to be flexible in selecting music from traditional to contemporary Christian.

The desired qualifications include experience in reading and directing church choral music, knowledge of various musical styles, and excellent communication, organizational and relationship skills. The ability to work jointly with the Pastor and accompanist toward excellence in worship is a must.

Sue Sinnett, Administration CommitteeWorship and Music Committee

“Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenlycleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.”

Langston Hughes

Dear Zwingli Family,

One month ago, I informed you that I would again be participating in the 2015 JDRF One Walk. As I am writing this note to you, I am 42 days away from the walk on September 27th. My goal for this year is $4,200 which is $100 for every year I have lived with T1D (Type 1 Diabetes). I am presently at $1,732 which is 41% of the way to my goal. You at Zwingli have already donated $532 of that total. Thank you so much for your generous gifts to JDRF One Walk on my behalf. Your donation helps fund life-changing research that will create a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D). Every dollar JDRF directs toward research comes from donors like you. Your gift to JDRF, the leading global organization funding T1D research, will impact the lives of millions of children, adults, and families challenged by this disease every day.

If you have not made your donation and still would like to, you still have time.

To Donate online go tohttp://www2.jdrf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=walk_homepage

Go to: Donate and enter

First Name: Susan Last Name: Sinnett Click the search tab

Once it brings up my name, select And it will take you to my Participant page where you can do an

online donation.

Or, if you prefer to write a check, please make your check out to: JDRF One Walk.

My mailing address is: Sue Sinnett567 N Monroe St.

Monticello WI 53570

Thank you for your donations.Sincerely,

Sue SinnettSue Sinnett

Your Church Needs You!Do you want to feel like a kid again, well at least confirmand age? Here is your chance. We are seeking interested persons to sign up to be acolytes. Training is available.

If lighting altar candles isn’t your thing, there are other opportunities where you can take an active part in the Worship service. Consider being a scripture reader or running the projection system. If interested or if you have questions regarding this, please contact the church office.

An Acolyte/Scripture Reader Sign-up sheet is now posted at the East Entrance!

The available Sundays are listed on the sheet. Take a look and decide which Sunday you are able to light candles or help during worship by reading scriptures.

Zwingli’s Recording Ministry

Zwingli began our Recording Ministry about 45 years ago when Rev. Workman approached my father and asked how we could record the service to get it out to our shut-in members and also provide a recording to be played on WEKZ. From the first reel to reel Wollensak and several cassette recorders lined up on the recording bench linked together with cables to record on each machine to today’s technology where we can record onto 1 CD and put it in a duplicator and make 5 copies in about 3 ½ minutes, we have progressed to provide our worship services beyond the limits of Sunday morning. Today, Dean Ferguson, Derek Schwoerer and I do the recording and sound for our Sunday Services. If you are not able to be at church and would like to hear the service, please give me a call at 938-4306 or call the church office and Roann will let us know if we need to make an extra copy. We hate to make more copies than what are being used since the CDs cannot be used again so it is once and throw it away. We do keep a master CD, so if you are looking for a past service, I can also do that for you. If you know someone who would like a CD, let us know and we will get the CD to them. We are also willing to do recordings of Memorial Services and Weddings for those who desire these services. These services do need to be arranged beforehand.

Sue Sinnett, Recording Ministry Coordinator

Pleasant View Party Thank you to everyone on the Women’s Guild August party list who gave monetary donations for the party and to those who helped at the Pleasant View August Birthday Party. A fun time of bingo and prizes; and birthday cake was enjoyed by 60 residents, family and friends. The great piano music by Lois Hopkins was certainly enjoyed too. The afternoon was a special time for everyone.

Thank you all so much!Lois Hopkins Carol Schultz Alice Voegeli

A SPECIAL THANK YOU! I want to thank everyone who remembered

me on my birthday. The beautiful cardshelped to make it a very special day.

Florinda Wittwer

Thank You!Dear We Care Friends,

I want to thank you so much for providing root beer floats for our residents. They looked forward to it, and enjoyed them so much!

Thank you for blessing us in such a delicious way.Pat, Activity Dept.New Glarus Home

 Your Input Matters!

On June 28th, a Special Congregational Meeting was held to discuss a new projection system for the sanctuary. Questions arose about funds, not only funding the projection system, but also concerns about ongoing issues regarding other areas of the church. At the July 8th Consistory Meeting, this was discussed and it was decided that we want the input of the congregation. The Consistory came up with a list of four top concerns.

Blacktop & paint lines on the church parking lot.

Install drain tile in basement to help alleviate water issues.

Install drain tile in basement as well as refurbish the basement walls.

Repair/refurbish downstairs bathrooms in Sunday School wing.


Now we want to hear from you, the congregation. Whichever concern has the most “votes” the Consistory will go out and receive bids and report back to the congregation. Drop off this slip with your choice by September 8, 2015, either in the church office or the collection plate. None of the projects will be an easy fix or inexpensive. Funds are available; it is just that we are typically conservative when it comes to spending. Let us work together and see what we can come up with. The Consistory hears you.

Sincerely,Zwingli Consistory

September 13th is Rally Sunday at Zwingli UCCChurch starts at 9:15 – Sunday School starts at 10:30

Come and JOIN US to renew participation in church and Sunday School with an energized worship service followed by an outdoor potluck picnic and concert!

Jon Quade, a Monticello alumni,and his band will be performing during the service and then moving the party outside to put on a concert with contemporary music for us.

Come together to renew friendships after the summer season! Come meet Sunday School teachers and check out the curriculum schedule. Kids get to pick up a dog tag necklaceto keep. As you come to Sunday School throughout the schoolyear, you can earn additional dog tags to add to your necklace. Please invite your friends of all ages who would like to attend.

Everyone is welcome to join us! Having a child in Sunday School is not a requirement. We are all children of God! Zwingli’s Christian Education Committee will be supplying hot dogs and drinks. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to pass. We hope to see you on Rally Sunday!

“If you lack knowledge, go to school. If you lack wisdom, get on your knees!Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is

the proper use of knowledge.”Vance Havner

Zwingli UCC – Brotherhood Meeting MinutesApril 14, 2015North Room

The April meeting of The Zwingli Brotherhood was called to order by Vice President John Baebler at 6:30 P.M. April 14, 2015. Members present were John Baebler, J.R. Baebler, Urs Gafner, Paul Rieder, Jonathon Rupp, Leroy Spring, Hans Sulzer, and Bruce Workman.

Paul Rieder led us in prayer.

Scribe report was read. A motion was made to approve by Paul R. and seconded by Bruce W. Minutes were approved.

Treasurers report was read by Bruce W. We have $2324.40 in our checking account. A motion was made by Paul R. to approve and seconded by Jonathon R. Treasurers report was approved.

OLD BUSINESS: We talked about the challenge we set forth to the men of the congregation to get involved with the Brotherhood. We received no response. Easter morning breakfast was discussed. We made $223.00. It was noted that we were short on help and wondered if we could keep this tradition going if we don’t receive more help. Bruce W. bought dishwasher soap. Paul R. reported that Valet Parking was still a work in progress. The new Zwingli U.C.C. signs are ready to be put up. Paul R. and Leroy S. volunteered to do the work. Thank you Paul and Leroy. We donated a tool basket for the Kalberwurst supper raffle.

NEW BUSINESS: We had a request from Beth Collins to help assemble playground equipment at the school on 04-19-15 if anyone was able to help. Paul R. has set 04-25-15 as Adopt-A- Highway pick-up day. Jonathon R. expressed interest in being this year’s Brotherhood speaker at the church for Homecoming. Jonathon will talk about Civil War Vets from his family. Thank you Jonathon.

Bruce W. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 P.M. and Paul R. seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by John Baebler, Brotherhood Scribe.


On Rally Day, Sept. 13th, the Adult Bible Study Class will begin a study of the Old Testament book, Exodus. Why a Bible study on Exodus? The short and best answer is that if we want to come to know God, the God of Abraham and Sarah, of Moses and Miriam, of Mary and Paul and of Jesus, and the God who is today still speaking, then diving deeply into the Book of Exodus is among the very best ways to do that. The God we encounter there takes risks, is both powerful and vulnerable, and works in surprising ways to fulfill His purposes. We study this book, as we study all Scripture, to hear God, the still speaking God, speak to us in our own time and place.

If you want to join us in this study, be sure to come to our classroom after worship services on the 13th to pick up your study materials. We meet in room B-2 downstairs in the Sunday School wing. If you have additional questions about our study, feel free to call me. My phone number is 325-4692.

Kathleen Sulzer, discussion leader

Teacher appreciation

What is a teacher, if not a mirror in which we perceive the divine image hidden in the soul? What is a teacher, if not a sower of seed and a cultivator of young gardens? What is a teacher, if not a shaper of souls and a guide who gently shows the right path for the journey? What is a teacher, if not the most hopeful of dreamers, who plants and nurtures and sees the bright destiny and harvest of the work even when the student cannot? What is a teacher, if not a shepherd watching over the flock and leading it to abundant pastures?

Dreamers and sharers of dreams, sowers of seed and guides who chart the way, mirrors of goodness and shepherds of grace — it is for these teachers and this ministry that we give abundant thanks to God. —Author unknown